i 4 4G G THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY NOVEMBER 4 1906 THE WASHINGTON HERALD HERALDPaUnhW HERALDPuWKLd HERALDPuusIwtI PaUnhW Every Evcr Manual M miat in ii the Ye eat r by byTHE by7HE iyTIlE THE WASHINGTON HERALD COMPANY COMPANYPaUkatlenOffce COMPANYPublication COMPANYS S PaUkatlenOffce Publication PuUicztioaO O 734 734FWTEENTM FIFTEENTH STREET NORTHWEST NORTHWESTEntered NORTHWES1utrml NORThWESTS S S Entered tcrtd ae ewetticJaea t vIa matter October OctobQ S Ws at atthe itthe t tthe the pot poetoftke fice at Washington D C c coder ude act et el elCesme elCeaftI Cesme of Man Marek 3 3 ISiS 1S8SCOTT ISiSSCOTT SCOTT C BONE Editor EditorErnest Editornest Ernest nest H AI Menick wrick Treasurer T rusurer and nd Basinets M Manaier ManaierWilliam Manages nfer nferWffiiam William P Spartcon Mu Manat1a ia Editor EditorGarcnce EditorChrcDC E4itoclaftnc Garcnce C ArcwbtW i Advertbinf Mantf Mlater MlaterJ er erJ J Harry Clllla CuuMBjbim DChl l 4 Anditfr AnditfrQwkf AudittrCharles Charles 9rI C C ThwMiea Mechaak MchznkjSupccnIcnt MchznkjSupccnIcntTciepen4iin33OO J Superintendent SuperintendentTelephone SuperintendentT Tciepen4iin33OO T Telephone Mua Wa 3300 Private Branch Erduafe ErduafeTh EuJaasfcTH EIcUngeBrJd Th TH WaahioctoB w Herald te daiteerai dIir hr carrier cUTlifthe W Wthe iatM the District ot Cetewbta and at Alexandria Alca clrla Va Vaat Vaat at 35 eeota tz per p met ua omtk dilly tkD ad ifcndajr SIIRde or at atS atI atcenti S cenu per woath without the SwMkjr sckrSINaipticta SIMqSebicnpiia teeoe teeoeSaWcrfpuoa SaWcrfpuoa Rates by M MaIl MaIlDan MHDuly 8 8Daily Daily Dan and am Send snIaJ36 36 Otate tti 9r ps racnth racnthDaUy mo zoMhbily U1 U1Dail DaUy Dail and u mdi day Jt I P pee r year yearDatir earDai17 ar arDilly Dilly wftbuut Sundcy nIckS SB eeutt oi per mesita mesitaI RMMkail isat isatwjtboat I ail > aily wiOHnat Seoday D 8u iy SSW 3 per PCNo jwr jwrNo No 0 attention ttmtIo vHaterer wilt be riM to a acontribPtioes iswioi1 Bajra s soontrib contribPtioes oontrib itthbtios tio s and a s oaaHBimieflUom te the Miter edttersrill Mitermll i srill be printed eawpt fie Ute mate c eC e UM writer writerMatmtxrripU wrIWrlIanuerripta wriI wriIManuciipti MatmtxrripU ofiesed for pobneanoa will be re returned fto ftotumrd riturned ¬ turned if nnareiiafcte nnan k but etaasps de ahraM be Hat Hat1Iith settriti s t ttriUt triUt triti the usuneript tllCript for that purpose pnrpoaeAH parJIOIeAn purposeAll AH waotmteaUoM tetaDded for this papa papairbether paporIIether fGT fGTwtaetbft irbether for the dub or the Soafey iseaoe ahocrld ahocrldb 8IIoaIdbe illoSitibe b be a4dfe aizeM ed to THK m WASHIVGTOX W AS INGTON IIEKALD IIEKALDSUNDAY JlXULlJSUNDAY UKRALDSUNDAY SUNDAY NOVBMBBB 4 16 16A 11OGllan 1106A A 3Inn of thc Name of Smith SmithA A man in Washington is i tired of bis bisname bisname hi hinftme I name He belong beo to the almost alm t innumer innumerable innumerable ianumerable ¬ able Smith family He H has ha counted over ov ovc 3000 c Smiths m 12 the city director directory and andthere andthere andthere there are a score or more whose who e baptis baptismal b ptlsn81 beptlsmal ¬ mal names are identical with his iI own ownThe ownThe awnThe The situation oppresses O PIMHa him He wants wantsto waatsto wanUto to break away from the environment of ofhis o ohis ohie his name and shake the whole Smith Smithfamily Smith Smithfamily Smitham1Iy family familyWe familyWe am1IyWe We cannot allow this th insult to the Smith Smithfamily SRtftbfamily family to puss without an indignant t pro protest protest protest ¬ S test It is no fault of the Smiths that thatthey tbatthey thaiS they are numerous 1 roua On the contrary eontrar they theyought the theought Ui Uiought S ought to be proud of it It In the early days daysof daysof daysof of civilization when names names first began to toattach tohttach tcittach attach themselves thtm el > indlvidoals the theSmiths theSmtba thtSmtha Smiths were a stren < us us industriott folk folksplendid foUesplendid fohkS splendid factors i 1 > he worlds OIId develop development deveJoprnent ¬ S ment They were ck cbmlt mltha 6 and gold goldsmiths tcldsmiths gc1dsmiths ¬ S smiths and coppersmiths co l2miths and tinsmiths tinsmithsworking tba5mlth5working tinainithsworking working with hammer r and anvil among amongboth amongboth amon amonboth both the precious r ious and the baser metals metalsThey metalsThey metaleThey They had a noble calling and they did it itJustice ItjustlQe 11 Justice A As the years progressed IX the theSmiths theSmiths theSmiths t Smiths wandered off into other walks of oflife otUf ol ollife life Uf with some of their number always alwayscasting aJwaysCc18ting alwayscasting casting luster upon tbe family familyThus name nameThus Thus we find today a Smith who is tins tinspresident tbepresideDt t president of an important Western rail railroad raQroad railroad ¬ S road a Smith who is a bishop in the theMethodist tileMethodist theethodiet Methodist ethodiet Church South and a Smith who whohas whohas wiseI has explored unknown countries and andwears andwe antiwetrs I wears we rs the medal of the t e Royal Geographi Geographical ¬ cal Society We must not forget Francis FrancisHopkinson FranclHopkln FrancisHopklnnon Hopkinson on Smith who wrote the charm charming eharming charmIng ¬ ing story about Col Carter of Carters Cartersville Ca Cartersvile n nviIle vile or Charles Emory Smith the editor editorstatesman edltorstatesman editorittatesman statesman or the inimitable Hoko HokoSmith HokeSmith Hok HokSmith Smith who has just won the guberna gubernatorial gubematoIial gubernatonal ¬ tonal race in Georgia Then there is isGoldwin IsGoldwin h S SGoidwin Goldwin Smith whose writings are as nu numerous DUmerous numerous ¬ merous as the sands of the th sea and Mar Marcus Marcus Marcus ¬ cus Aureiius Smith who has fought the thebattle tbebJlttJe thebttle battle for Ariaonas a Statehood until his hisname hieDame I Iname name has earned a tablet in the niche of ofhistory ofhistory ol olhuistory history There are thousands tbousaadsof of other otherSmiths otherSmiths othesSmiths Smiths who have done things to make makethem makethem t tthem them more or Jess famous until at last lastthe lutthe healthe the climax is reached in that paragon of ofpulchritude ofpulchritude 01 01pulchritude pulchritude and sibylllc statesman the theHon theHon theHon Hon William Alden Smith of Grand GrandRapids GrandRdplds Gran I IRapIds Rapids Mich Like Abou Ben Adhem Adhemhis AcJlIeHIhis Admhis his name leads all the rest restIt restIt restIt It pains us to think that any y one ie should shouldvoluntarily sbouldVoluntarily I Ivoluntarily voluntarily desire to withdraw from this thisdistinguished t isdistingulsbed S Sdistinguished distinguished and most excellent company companyFor companrFor companyFor For us Uil tbe name of Smith has a convinc convincing convincIng con1ncIng ¬ ing and impressive sound stirring us to toreverential torenrenUal t treverential reverential awe It represent repreelltamell such a large largeand largeand C Cand and commanding army of people If all allthe allthe a I Ithe the Smiths should stand together tD tJIer instead insteadof Jn tdof I Iof of trying to change eha their identities they theycould theycould r reould could move the world wt > rkl And yet if any anySmith uySmith an r rSmith Smith wants ants to seek some other cogno cognomen COIDODltn eognon1n ¬ men let him go the whole hog bo or none noneLet nonet noneLet Let > t him caD himself Jones or Williams or orSptegelbauMn orSptfgelbaU8e o oSplegeihanoen SptegelbauMn We have no sympathy sympathywith qpathTUh sympathwith with Uh the affected person who changes chan the theplain theplain the theplain5 plain oldfashioned old uhJoned Smith into Smfthe or orSmyth 01Smth o L Smyth or Smythe This T transposition ht iiifraud a afraud i iftaud L LL fraud a travesty a a hollow mockery It Itis Itis I Iis is neither flesh nor r fowl nor good red redherring Jedherrin re reherring herring herrin i Secretary BeAapute part likens II IIbig tlte tnIeWJ to tobig big fat hogs The ordinary cttfxea cttbeabe may sy I Ibe be classed as a rasor hack hackPersonality hAekP Personality P rsonalit Not ot Brains BrainsSome BrainsSrlme BrainsS5me Some speculative philosopher has con conceived COfteeled ¬ ceived the fascinating faciaa theory that the theIrrain tlaebrain brain is not the Mat t of the mind bat batmerely bulmerply butiier merely iier ly the instrument upon which some someoocult eomeoult oocult power operates and produces those thosepi eph pi ph nomena which we call thoughts At Athise Ath hise h e of this thIstheoi theory y is the contention tbat thatthe tbath the h brain neither originates orIia es a a word nor norforms norfrms forms a notion The mysterious force is ist IslIlf t tailed Billed d personality 1Jr oy the exponent t of ofthe orlhe the theory and ttt list personality is i as asseparate Up3rat assparate separate p3rat from as different from the thebrain thehraln thebrain brain as the irioUittet t from the violin violinIn VIolinIn In further exploitation of the theory it itis Iti Itis is i argued that if a a human personality en entered eater ¬ tered ter > d a young chimpanzees brain brain where whereit it would find all of tile cerebral convolu convolutions convolutions convohstioris ¬ tions that characterise the human brain braintho brain braint braint tho t he anthropoid could then grow w into a atrue atrue atrue true inventor or philosopher pbUo opber that the theape thea ape a pe could then think and dream and rea reason reason ¬ son just as man does doesIn dueLIn In the New York Herald of Gfyeeterc1aY Gfyeeterc1aYwe yesterday yesterdaywe we find a communication from a man JINUIwho manwho manwho who gives his age a as a twentyseven years yearsand Yrsand yesraand and who says rs this of himself By B a adot adot atIot dot of blood on my brain I was from fromearly rromtuly fF001carly early childhood an Imbecile and I was wasreared wasreared wasreared reared carefully until a few years age agewhen aSOwhen agowhen when my mind wa WU restored tItS toM normal normalcondition DCKmaJcondition normalcondition condition by a clever operation of Bur surgery Burgery ¬ gery He goes on to say that at the theage theagE age of twentyfive he was mentally as a ababy abab ababy baby bab Now he thinks and reasons as asclearly 3dfarly asclearly clearly as other normal isormal human Ja n beings beingsIn belnpIn In the experience of the man here herequoted 1Mrequoted herequoted quoted it would seem the theory of per personality pecnaJit persenahity ¬ sonality naJit and not the actual operations operationsund operatlonaand operationsand and automatic autODIU tic at that that5 of the brain as asbeing asbeing asbeing being the real thinking pewec Is nega negatived necaUed na natived ¬ tived Yet this thu probably is too empirical empiricalfor emplrlef empiricalfor for f r the scientists interested intere ted in the sub subject aubj subject ¬ ject j t to give e heed to There is 1 so much muchdeductive muchdeductive muchdeductive deductive instead of inductive reasoning reasoningin re80nt re80ntin in all attempts made by 1 the scientists to toget togft toget get at the real center of the riddle of the theuniverse theuniverse theuniverse universe which is the human mind that thatnaturally thatna thatnaturaily naturally na t urajly their dicta ta confuse the ordinary ordinaryIntellect ordinaryIntellect r7 r7Jntlllect Intellect Through the centuries that thatnave thathave thathave have nave swept on since Plato the mightiest mightiestof of the deductive philosophers turned the thegreat thegreat thegreat great light of his h mind upon the dark darkmystery darkmystery darkmystery mystery of the soul nothing has been beenadded beeRudded beenadded added to the sum total of knowledge he hededuced hededuced hededuced deduced With all of our advancements advancementsin in the purely physical phY 1 science we are arestill arestill arestill still groping helplessly and almost hope hopelessly hopelessly hopelessly ¬ lessly in the dark as to what rosily dif differentiate dltterentiate differentlates ¬ ferentiate man from the lower order of ofanimal Gtanimal ofanimal animal life Ufefrom from those orders that ac according ae aetordlnc according ¬ cording to our generally accepted con conclusion condusionfl concluotont ¬ clusion do not think According to t the thesynthetic tbe8ynthetic thepyntbetlc synthetic process of seioctlnc reasoning reasoningbrought rsonlnglJroucbt reasoningbrought brought to bear upon human skulls de declared de declared deriared ¬ clared to be prehistoric to have ha havelonged ve be belonged belonled ¬ longed to sentient beings eons before < I Huxleys longheaded Aryan from the thej theBlndu j Hindu Koosh stalked aimlessly through throughthe throughthe the mists of antiquity there tl1 re was at the theearly theearly early period of this planets life Ut a race raceof raceof raceof of men that could not think that was wasnot wunot not much removed from the crustacean crustaceanIn In i n the th matter of mind From this root roothss roothas has come the human race rac of today The Theprimal Theprimal Theprimal primal man whoso skull has boon dug dugfrom dugfrom du from f rom beneath hundreds of feet fe t of earth earthwho oorthwho who could not think but who had all of ofthe ofthe the t he physical perfections and defects ec of ofhis ofhis ofhis his progeny J of this day had no per personality persona1tty ¬ sonality s The brain was there the thethinking thethinking thinking t machine was there the violin violinwas vltilnwas was there there but the occult force that tha sets setaIts setsIts setsts Its I ts convolutions in motion the deft deftfingers deftfingers fingers that harmonize the vibrations of ofthe otthe the violins strings were absent Per Personality PerBOOO1lty ¬ sonality then is the essential element elementof elementof of evolution evo ution It Is 1 the power that has haslifted baslUted lifted l man up from the abysmal dark darkness darknellS ¬ ness of the brute creation to the light lightwhich lightwhich which shimmers about him now no But Butwhat Butwhat what is this personality personalityV Whence Whencecomes Whencecomes comes it Where does it reside Religion Religionhas Religionhas has an answer answQr ready but not science sciencePlato sciencePlato sclsncePlato Plato groped his way as far as either eitherthe eitherthe nithorthe the religion or the science of our day dayhas dayhas 1 has gone Tho German school of phi philosophy phlle phiosophy ¬ losophy le l ophy bottomed upon the Platonic sys system 88tem l ltemP ¬ tem temP strives to make an advance but not notyot notot notyot yot ot has it moved forward a hairs hairsbreadth balrsbreadth haIrsbreadth breadth and in its failures hag ba come pes pessimism pesslmlem pessimlorn ¬ simism that borders on despair despairAnd despairAnd despairAnd And so we welcome this uJilrIOn1ltytneery persensJItytheory personality personalitythiry theory It gives us something new te tethink tethink think about anyhow but it sheds no nolight nolight light upon POI the real riddle riddleThat rIddleThat riddleThat That English writer rfter who came over to tostudy toatudy tostudy study our school systems and then went wenthome wenthome wonthome home to write about beut the the ujoylestJAJlterl ujoylestJAJlterlcan Joyleee Amen American Amencan ¬ can face fae ought to have timed his visit visitso vltlltso so as to strike s srIk rJke here about commence commencetlme CfntIReaeetime commencetime time time tlm instead Inst ctd oC f at the beginning beginningof of the session sessionA seil lon lonA A Ttefcat for forThat Radicalism RadicalismThat RadicriUsm RadicriUsmThat That unrestrained radicalism radlcaU m cannot cannothold cannothokl cannotheM hold its own among Englishspeaking Englishspeakingpeople EftSIIsbspeaklngpeople Englishspeakingpeople people is freshly illustrated by the over overwhelming overwhelming overwheinsing ¬ whelming victory of the Moderate lIodera party partyin MIrtIn partyIn in the elections for members of the Lea Leadon L LendO n ndon don dO borough councils These councils councilshave counctlahave have for several years been controlled by bythe bythe bythe the socalled Progressive Prl1res lvo party which whichhas whichlies illeh illehhas has stood for government ownership of ofpublic oCpublic nipublic public utilities and has freely used Its Itspower 1t8power IUpower power to extend municipal enterprises in inall Isafl all 11 directions In carrying out its policy policyimmense polleyImmense policyImmense immense sums of money mo y have been bor borrowed borrowed herrowed ¬ rowed and the tax rate has been greatly greatlyaugmented rreatJyausmented greatlyaugmented augmented The taxpayers taxpay r have checked checkedthis cbeckedthis I Ithis this extravagance and have stamped with withtheir wtUlthetr witstheir their disapproval the Progressive p pro programme PtOmme programme ¬ gramme mme for the extension of municipal municipalactivities mumctpaJHth1UeEI I Iactivities activities activitiesThe Hth1UeEIThe The antiradical reaction in London hM hMbeen hasbeen ha habeen I been paralleled ever and ever again a n ht htthis IIIthis Isr this country oWIIo Who will par the bills of ofsocialism ofocIa1Jeiwt olsocialism r socialism was as the Question UMUolt asked eel hjr hjrona 0ODt bjOfl ona ODt Ofl of f our most thoughtful political es essayists e esaYists e enayists ¬ sayists dome years age a Assuredly not notthe DOtthe nolthe the taxpayers nor even homeless voters votersas YOterg YOtergas votersas as the London election elee shows wa O 01 01niclp r mu municipalities ¬ nicipalities niclp HUes have trouble enough eaou h now to tofind tD1Ind isfind S find money moPe for needed public improve improvements ImJNOvements ¬ ments like sewers sewers street paving vms water watersupply watersupply walessupply S supply school buildings and andwithout bridges bridgeswithout bridgeswithout without going afield for public luxuries luxuriesupon luxurleaupon I Iupon upon which to spend the public fund fundThe funds v vTbe S SThe The demand demand for public improvements improvementsreally Impronmenbreelh I IreaII really reaII outruns in Ii moat cae cases the willing willingness wt wtneU willingof ¬ ness neU of the people to provide the acres necessary necaary acresnary ¬ nary funds either hy borrowing borrowtn or by bytaxation bytattIoB b btcatIon taxation Not long I ago in the city pre presided prersided presided ¬ sided over by that very progressive progressivemayor plo progreesivimayor nve nvelMyOr mayor Tom Johnson proposals propo als to borrow borrowmoney borl01money money for a new bridge and a new city cityhall elt7ban r hall were defeated by popular vote vote the thefeeling tlMCHUng thefeelIng S feeling being strong that the municipal municipaldebt municipaldebt I Idebt debt should not b be increased increasedThe IncreeaedThe IncreasedThe The stress of some imperious public ne neoesslty Jae Jaeo6Sslty oesslty is required in our American cities citiesto cttIMto cltleito I to secure popular approbation of the ex expenditure x xpen ¬ penditure pen lture of large sums of money on onmunicipal Oftmunicipal Os I Osr municipal enterprises Profligate use ef eftbe ettbe oi oitho r tbe borrowing power is as quickly check checked cbeckeel checkhere ¬ ed here as it has been in London and as assoon asIOGft iii iiisoon soon as radicalism gains a foothold In Inlocal 1 1Jocal Is local administration it Is ousted if It costs coststoo eoutoo p too ° ° much or tells In the redemption of Hs Hspromises ItaIt Iti Itidoes I promises It does not look as If mould municipal m l lNil ¬ pal kiteflying could retain popularity popularitylong popuiarttJO popuIar1tlong r long JO g on either side of the Atlantic AtlanticOn lIc lIcOft On the theether ether hand if Mr Hughes EI EIaalmateci Is Isan b I bI an animated feather duster t what sort sortof nof earof I of a streetsweepimj machine is Col J JHam JHam JRain Ham Lewis LewisJapanese Lewi LewisJapanese Japanese npancse Treaty Rights RightsAttorney RiJhtsAttonley RightsAttorney Attorney General Moodys instruction te teM teUte t tthe Ute M d5 district attorney at San Francisco to t o lead his aid to the Japanese In their theirInjunction UteirmjuaetJon Injunction li pr proceeding cecGtnrw brought to toco compel compelthe apelthe com comhe the t local board of education to admit admitJapanese Mlt MltJa tJ Japanese Ja J apanese ne children el hiren to schools is attended by hywhite bywAtte bywhite white children da clren may be taken as aa ear earnest earnNt earest ¬ nest n est of the administrations purpose to tocarry toCftT toarry carry c out the promise made by Secretary SecretaryRoot SecretarYR SecretaryRoot Root la his dispatch dl te the American Am Ambassador Amat Amassador ¬ bassador b at Tokyo that this thin government governmentwould goverDJDelttwould governmentould would w ould take steps to maintain all treaty treatyrights treatyrlsbts treatyights rights r of Japanese subjects su jeets The pro proceedings JMOceM1ngs proeedings ¬ ceedings c will be watched with much in interest 18tenetter Inerest ¬ tenetter t terest fOr a decision m III favor of the theJapanese tbeJapaneae theapanese Japanese J apanese contentions would raise serious seriousquestions rlousquaUo seriousuestions questions quaUo q uestions as to the respective powers were of ofFederal ofFederal ofFederal Federal and State governments to deal dealwith dealwtth dealwith with matters heretofore considered to lie lieentirely lieentirely lientirely entirely e within State jurisdiction jurisdictionThis jurlidlctlGftThb jurisdictionThis This aspect of the case has failed failedto faJledto failedo to t o escape e the t attention of those who whodread whodd whoread dread d read any further encroachment of the theFederal th thFederal thFederal Federal power upon the reserved re erved rights rightsof rightsof rightsof of the States It Itis Is pointed out that the thecontrol thecontrol thecontrol control of public education belongs wholly whollyto to t o the States Sn tes and that if the power of ofthe oCthe ofies the t ies Stales to deal with educational mat matters malters matOts ¬ t ters Ots can be set aside by treaty there is isnothing 151IOt1dn Isnothing nothing < to stand in the way of setting settingaside settlD settlDu6de settingaside aside other State functions by treaty and andso aadthe andso so the whole Federal compact oomp et might go goto goto goto to pieces The fear is expressed by the theSouthern theSoutllent theSouthern Southern press JK that if the Federal gay government gayernment v vemmeftt ¬ ernment can force a State to accept acceptJapanese acceptTap acceptJapanese Japanese Tap Be pupils in all public schools it itmight Itml Itmight might ml ht through treaties with nations hay having avI hayug ¬ ing I ug a black population compel the t e open opening opeai openug ¬ ing l ug of Southern white schools to the chil children children chitdren ¬ dren of black aliens While W Whtl lle such a con contingency oontJency eontIngency ¬ tingency would seem remote and fanciful fancifulIt It i t is a legitimate deduction from the doc doctrine doc doctrlDe doetrine ¬ trine a a belief in which is attributed to toSecretary toSecrewy toSecretary Secretary Root that the Federal gov government govemmet gorernment ¬ ernment has constitutional rn qonstitutional UtuUonal power to tocompel tocompel tocompel compel a State Stateto Ao to respect the proviekme proviekmeof pr prof prowIeionof of treaties with foreign powers poWers At the theother theother theother other extreme is the absurd notion of a anot anot anot not too wellbalanced contemporary that thatthe thatthe thatthe the Federal government overnmont should hand over overan oyeran overan an offending State to the tender mercies merciesof merciesof merciesof of any foreign power having 1m vlng a grievance grievanceagainst grievanceut grievanceagainst against ut it which it refused to redress redressat redressat at II t the behest of the Federal government governmentTh I governmentThat QYCrDnteIILThat Th That t any anyone one could imagine the possi possibility sfbRlty peas peasWitty ¬ Witty of such heartless rtJeas recreancy to tQ Its Itstrust Its Itstrust Itstrust trust on the part p rt or of the Federal govern government gofern gofernment gofernmeat ¬ ment is almost past belief We Ve would wouldhave wouldhave wouldhaYe have to be very far gone on the down downward down1ltrd downward ¬ ward path of national degradation be before De Defore before ¬ fore we could bo brought to ask a foreign foreignpower foreignpower foreignpower power to undertake police duty on Ameri American American Amencan ¬ can soil soilIt OIllt soilIt It should not be forgotten fGTg Uen in this th die dteoosslon dlsuMlon dieousslon oosslon that the Japanese contention has hashot hILsDot hasnot hot yet been established In the courts courtsThe courtsThe courtsThe The real question at issue is not one oneof on onor oneof of Federal powers and State rights but batof butof butof of treaty interpretation Does our 011 treaty treatywith treatywith treatywith with Japan secure to the children of Jap Japanese JapaDeae Jopanese anese parents the right to be educated in inour Inour Inour our public schools and is that right con ¬ travened t by a a State law requiring requIting that thatJapanese thatJaptln thatepenese Japanese Japtln J epenese sQ shall attend certain schools schools3ct schools3ctapart sot sotapart setpart apart a part for their own own use These aje re cue cueions < jues juestlons e eUons ions t for the courts to settle and we wedo wedo weo do d o not believe lIeve the administration has hasattempted h 8 8attempted attempted a to prejudge preju ge them The treaty treatywith treatywith with w ith Japan te silent as to the specific specificmatter speaJ c cmatter matter of education so that t at the right of oftho oftho tho t he Japanese to entrance trance to our public publicschools publichoohl schools s hoohl may be a matter of comity after afterall attera atterMoreover all a ll S Moreover the second section of the thetreaty thetreaty thereaty treaty t of 1SW provides that the stipula stipulations stipulations stipulaiuns ¬ tions t of this treaty supposed 8t1PPo od to secure secureto secureto secureo to t o the Japanese Ja Ane e the right of education educationdo edu tlon tlondo do not In any way affect the laws ordl ordlnuncss ordln1 nuncss n1 n nc nd regulations with regard to totrade totradeand tored trade tradeand t red and the immigration Imml rat1on of laborers laborerspolice hborerspolice police p olice and public security which are in inforce inforce Inorce force f orce or or r may hereafter be enacted in ineither InIth Inither either e Ith r of p of te tie n two countries eountrl So it Is s not notas notas as a s clear as some have Imagined that the theSan theScln San S en Francisco school authorities have vio violated vIolated yb ¬ lated l bur our treaty with Japan nor Is it yet yetclear ot otcloor clear c lear that the Japanese havefcny bave haveny ny substan substantial substantial ¬ tial t hai ground for complaint other than that thatgrowing thatgrowing S growing out ef C pardonable racial pride prideMr prIdeIr Mr Ir Roosevelt Is simply an onlooker onlookernotes onlookernotes onlookernotes notes a New York contemporary Mr MrRoeeevalt 1lrROH4t MrRoosevelt Roeeevalt ROH4t lt watches while Judge Parker Parkerprays Park Parkerprs r rprays prays Vardamans Vnrdaman Lost Opportunity OpportunityIt It Is to be regretted that Gov Varda Vardaman Vardaman VardaSean man was necessarily a aport part P rt and parcel parcelof pAreelof pareo I Iof of the dedicatory exercises at Vlcksburg Vlcksburgthe V1ck1iburgthe V1cksbur V1cksburhe the t he other day when Illinois unveiled her hersplendid hersplendid hotplendid splendid s monument to ber heroic sons It Itwac itwu II IIwas was a foregone conclusion that he would wouldsay wouldsa I Isay say sa something calculated to throw cold coldwater coldwattr colewater water upon the gathering and bring some somemeasure sorpe sorpeIIISUnt r rmeasure measure of censure upon his State Just Justwhy Justwky Jusiwhy why he seems unable to hold back Isis hiespleen Idlsplltn Isispleen spleen s and venom vm < upon such occasions occasionsthis occasionsthis I Ias as this is I hard to understand understandThe 1IftderstandThe understandThe The truth of the matter is Vardaman Vardamandoes Vardamandoes 1 1does does not not by D any manner of means repre represent represent reproP ¬ sent the real feelings and dispositions dlpo ltlona of ofthe ofthe ot otthe P the people of Mississippi He is a acreature aereature i L Lcreature creature of the rabble and an exponent exponentof t tof of violence vfol nee of language and and bluster of ofwords ofwer oi f fwords words s He delights in nothing so much muchbaking as asbasking a I basking la the limelight lIme ht His idea is to toget toget ti tiget I II get the papers to toSfq say something methlng ef him himif himIf hissf if I f not good then bad Anything rather ratherthan ratherthan rathathait than nothing nothingThe ftotblAgThe nothingThe The dedication of o IlHnote monument to toher toher ti I Iher her dead heroes was an event calling for forthe fOrthe foi r rthe the greatest glel Mt consideration and the most mostchfvalrfe motchtvahic mos I Ichivalric chivalric treatment possible upon the jjart jjartof J4lrtof jar t tof of MIssIssIppIans npp If ever true Southern Southernhospitality SouthernbospCta1It I IhoepltalitythM hospitality hoepltalitythM that splendid thing thmgwas was call called caJteel callott ¬ ed upon to assert itself this occasion was wasthe wasthe WL I Ithe the time No word that could in the re remotest re reJDOtt remotest ¬ motest way wound or offend the North Northern Northera ¬ era visitors should have been said saklor saklorefta sakloeven or oreven r even thought It was a time for the meet meetdelicate tdelicate moo t tI delicate display of th U the true tru brotherhood brotherhoodof I of man It was the finest opportunity of ofGov ofGov o f fcoy Gov Vardamans life The pity pit is that thatinstead thatbaatMd thatinstead instead of seining upon it he b rambled rambledaround rambledabout ramblesaround around about the race problem and that thatin thatIn tha t tIn in its vilest t and most offensive offen fn form he hetalked heI h S Stalked talked of the t e horrors of reconstruction reconstructionand reeoMlruetJonI reeoMlruetJonaa4 reconstructionand I and an of that he emphaaiaed the ant animosities anlJDCMIitte antmoulties ¬ I mosities of the war and omitted mention mentionof S Sof of the reuniting < of the sections and the thecommunity thecormaual17 the C Ccommunity community of interests Inter and fraternal fraternalpatriotism 1 1patriotism I patriotism patriot m under e1er th the old nag kg kgIt lagIt nagIt It waa waai too bad that tbe man did not notgrasp ROtpup no I Igiaep grasp the opportunity for a display of ofordinary oConUDl7 o f fordinary ordinary common commonThe i iThe sense senseThe The Novo Vremya our esteemed eeDMd RIM Russian RIMn Ruesian ¬ sian n contemporary net mi Inclined to as assume II IISUllIe assum ¬ sume sum a sort of ItoWyou90 air in fact facttbe fact factthe fadII the Novoe says things we 1 cannot at an anunderstand aUUACientud al alAnd II understand understandAnd UACientudAnd And now one of these iconoclastic In Individuals IadlYldnaIs InItelduaha ¬ dividuals comes forward mod says that thatCroesus tbatCroe the t tCroesus Croesus u was not worth more titan ttCMM ttCMMia Ei10 I Iin ia real money y Perhaps that is the real realreason reaSItUOII rca 4 4reason reason the count and dukes of oftlN that day dayand r rand and time seem He to have entirely ttrely over overlooked overIeoked overisoked ¬ looked the Croesus Croe 1lli girls girteMr PrILr girls1r Mr 1r r Hearst nt refers to Mr Hughes H1I H1IanbnaUld as ii n nanimated a aanimated animated feather duster Perhaps thats thatswhy that thatwhy I Iwhy why the Haghedtee are willing to bet bettD 4 4to I Ito to l that he win clean up Mr Hearst HeawtNaturally HeantNaturall HearstNaturIIy Naturally Naturall an oW railroader raf1re8 u lIe George GeorgeGould Geor GeorGo1lW e eGould Gould got ot tired of seeing 1IMi so much freight freightpaid fretptpakI It paid out ef the family exchequer and andthat adtbat am amIs g Itg that to why Count Be BtNIII de Casteilane CasteilanewOl CUelIa CUelIawIU S Swili wOl hare to leave n Ms hi seven an or eight hap happy happy happyhomes ¬ py pyhomes pyhomesThe home homeThe pyTIle The gam game at Pine Knot KBot of course ceunea hi hia I I Ia a good deal smaller II than that of Colo Colorado Coiorado Cob Cobredo ¬ rado says 7 ya the Indianapolis News 11 Still Stillwhat SdUwbat I Iwhat what matters ttel the else of the game so solong oloa e 0 0long long as the deal dealSblapUfted is I souare souareSimplified Simplified spelling em senna to be onjeying onjeyinganything ooj7t ooj7tythlDa onJey1nanything g anything ythlDa hot the sh simple p4c life The Chicago Tribune speak b of Sects Secretary seeretar7 ¬ tary t ary Taft an flitting from town to town townbut townbat townbut but that te Just a night of the Tribunes Tribunesfancy TrllMtMsCaIIc S fancy fancyOne f anc CaIIcOne One swallow does not make a sum summer stItnOUt L ¬ men but one Swallow seems to be stir stirring atlrriDe stltring ¬ S ring up a hot time over In Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRoosevelt PllUlS3h PismoylvasdaRoosevelt uIL uILRo Roosevelt te fer me said Mr Hearst HearstAnd l lnc1 L LLI And to prove that he Is Is the President at atonce atonce i ionce LI once sent Mr Root gunning for him himJust blmJut hissJust Just now the people of Pennsylvania are arevery artvery sr srvery very much interested in the t e story of AH AHPerniypacker AUlIIIYpacker A APemsypacker Perniypacker lIIIYpacker and the Forty Capitol Con Contractors ContractorL 1 1That ¬ tractors tractorsThat tractorLTbat That Ohio judge who ftned the Standard StandardOH a 011 6000 8000 OO0 when he might have fined it it9660MM itG Itjust 9660MM G just couldnt make up life mind mindto mindto mis d dto to hit a roan when he is down downThe downThe downThe The Kaiser has been talking into Iowa a pho phonograph phonosraPh phcnograph ¬ nograph but but unlike young von Hohenlohe Hohenlohethe HoIMaJobethe Hohenlohethe the phonograph p lQIt can talk back at the theKaiser theKatr theKaiser Kaiser alt it wants to without the fear of ofarrest of1IITNt ofarrest arrest arrestAnd 1IITNtAnd arrestAnd And Just think of the aftermathBea aftermathBeatrice attermathBotrice aftermathBoatnice ¬ trice Fairfax SHa Wheeler WIlcox and andall andall andall all the other expert Cpert analysers analysersA A Connecticut baker baa produced the thoUncle thQUncle theUncle Uncle Joe Cannon custard pie A little littlocrusty IIttloeru littlecrusty crusty to outside appearance perhaps but butall butaU butall all to the good so far as the heart of it to toconcerned f8coneerned isconcerned concerned concernedTexas coneernedTexa concernedTexas Texas o claims the biggest turkey crop in inits InIts InIts its history And a big turkey crop will willcertainly w wilicertainty l lcertainly certainly come In handy JMIy jut now nowWhy nowWhT nowWhy Why not go back of such elderly gen gentlemen gentlemen genUomen ¬ tlemen as Abraham A ralaAm Hammur and the thelllce thelike thelike like and acknowledge aelcnow e that graft has ex existed exateel oxtoted ¬ toted ever since the days d of Adam Wasnt Wasnthe Wasnthe Vsnthe he informed that those apples were re not notto notto notto to be considered eon ldered a nart of his hi salary salaryOver sala171Over salaryOver Over 900 people have been expelled from fromOdessa fromOdeca fromOdessa Odessa as dangerous characters We Weshould Weshould Ve should think the chief aim of a mans m S life lifein fCeIn lifeIn in Odessa o would be to get himself classed classedas as a dangerous due ous character characterThat c cbarpcterThat cter cterThat That man who was sent to Jail for an hour for exclaiming < To hades with the President Pre ldeat II should spend c1lt it reflecting upon uponwhat uponwbat uponwhat what will happen to him if he ever seeks seeksto seek seekto seeksto to consign the President to Philadelphia PhiladelphiaBeth PhUadQlpblaBoth PhiladelphIaBoth Both the New York candidates are seei mgiy JDglyreprding regarding we the floating vote ote as some something aometblng something ¬ thing in the nature of a floating ftoet1ngmlne ftoet1ngmlneTIte mine mineThe mineThe The Punxsutawney Fa Pa Spirit Is after aftorits attorJts afterIts its delinquent subscribers with a sharp sharpslck sharpstick stick A lot of past due d1lesu subscriptions subscriptionsseem si4senlptlonsaseni sariptions sariptionsseem seem to have dampened the ardor of Spirit Spiritsomewhat SpirItsOmewhat Spiritsomewhat somewhat J JA f fA IA A Missouri man Dulled a mules tail the theother theOther theother other day just to see how It felt accord accordIng acCrdIng aecprdlog Ing to an innocent bystander Up to data he hasnt been able to tell tellCount tellCount tellCount Count Bon is certainly one of the th great greatexponents greatexponents greatexponents exponents of o the French nobility A LAY SERMON SERMONDY BY A LAYMAN LAYMANAt LA Y1UAN Y1UANt At t first Jrawan batons Und In a astate state S tate of heUiriMB lietairlers The vases Y by nature neblcr neblcrand neblerand and e nd more MesUire than tha the aw were at last dia dhPttecJ ewted g with this lift and under Ute impulse of a aItme atrong strae Itme s rdtgfewi aspiration l oembteed to j JOt t an end endto tc to t o betaMaa aM h mt1lldtteld > ti d ecd aarriase uTiJ They ano anocecdrf JlUecmlld 5U cecdrf c tdsl and cataMWird aememnr bat not without wit t tan an a n anml to for I lureaichcfse uBachoC Bacbcf < w IB isStudies MeLeaaans MeLeaaansStadlea IcLtnnan s sStool Studies Stool IB Asckat A History IIIMGl1According According to thl this writer women are arethe arethe the authors of the institution l of marriage marriageWa marriageVe Wa Ve are not prepared to go Into a dls dlscuBsjon dlsoU8Jlon cuBsjon o uBIon of this question but submit that thataccount thataccount oa account a of the institution of marriage marriagewhich marriagewblob which is received by the Christian world worldas wordAS as a s authentic authentic In the second chapter of ofGeneeli ofGentsl GenesIs we find the following foliowingAnd fono lng lngd And d Ad 6da tdsa gar taTe mmm to alt H catttt QI and te the thefowl th thfowl fowl f eet 0f UM the air MM and te I flftJ rvsr WT Iw bust t sf f the field fieldbut fioldbat but l ot fat Ada Adam UMM wa wu Mt fated as a helpmeet helpmeetfar helpmeetfer far 1 st him himAJMI bInAed Aad UM it Lord God tOIl mused a deep sleep to fall taUP Hpen s P Afctt awl be slept ak and he took ewe of his hisrib hisrIbI j rib rIbI r ibs M4 dss ta NO the flea tortead thereof tJwreefAnd tJferMfA And A d Use rib 1t wbfc winds UM the Ixml Los Ged bad aken from fromman frommall fromUau man l taM he a wmaau and ad ferwstit her unto the theman man Awl Adam dam Mid hi This k torn bane bo of my belief beliefand bonalalHl and fteeh of mr ieehi i she stall MS 11 be called weroaa weroaaIwetnwf wenwlIhe Iwetnwf beosw5 ate was taken eat of f HM niL JRHTheel niLThiretre Theel Therefore sfcuU U a man leave 1M his father and hU bilmetlMr matter awl than afl date unto his Id wile awl they theysteU disH 0 be OM fie fieWe desk JJtIkVe We Ve will not not however dispute dl puto with him himthe the nobility of women but insist upon the thegenerally generally received account of the institu Institution tion of marriage marriageMarriage marriageMarrla marriageMarriage Marriage Marrla e is a subject which has been beenvariously beenvariously variously treated Perhaps the writers writersor writersor or most of them viewed it not from a ageneral noneral general oneral but from a particular standpoint standpointHere Here is I a picture plct1rean en EfhgHsh one onao onaomarriage oneOf of marriage among the rural classes cvi ovldently Ov Ovdently dently drawn by a a cynic eynleSir Sir Philip de Somerville of Whlche Whlchenofre news nofre in the County of Stafford England Englandheld Englandhold held his manors with Ute th condition that thatbe thathe he should Ind maintain and sustain one onebacon onebsCiQft bacon flitch hanging in his ball at atWhicnenovre atWhlebeDovre atWhichenovre Whicnenovre ready arranged all times ot otthe otthe the year except in Lent to bs D given to toevery toery every ery man or 0 ot woman married after the theday theday theday day and the th year of C their marriage be bepast bepast past on these condition That whenso whensoever wheasoever ¬ ever any one euch before named shall shallcome shancome I come to inquire alr for U Ute e bacon in proper properperson properpenon propexperson person be h or aIM h shall come to the thebailiff thebAUI theS bailiff < or porter of the lordship of Which YblchellCvre S enovre and say Y a U follows Bailiff or orPOrter os osporter porter I do you U to 1 know k OW that I am come comefor cometor com S for fo myself to demand emalKI one bacenfiitch bacenfiitchhangini ba n itch itchJtansl Jtansl hanging in the ball of the Lord of ofWhlcbenovre ofWhlcbcmovre 01 Whlcbenovre after the form there thereunto thereunto unto belon hel belonging tog The bailiff or por porter porter ¬ ter Uten assigned Mm a a day on onwhich onYhlelt I which be was a to return and bring two of his neighbors who were free freenolden rae raeholden holders of the lordship and all tbrae tbraeatiould thr e euN S should uN go to the manor of Rudlew be lonjKtoa I to Robert ert Knlghtfeye and sum sumI mon him or his hi bailiff to be ready at ai Whlehenovre on the t day da appointed with witha I Ihorse a horse and saddle to convey the bacon baconand I Iand and corn out of the county of o Stafford Staffordat at hi h his ootUffea And then the bailiff bailiffanould balllashwl btIIHIshould should < summon ulu Oa the th tenants tena of the manor to be ready cb on the day and at the place placeappointed placeaptJOlnted I Iappointed appointed appointedOn aptJOlntedOD On the appointed day OH lb applicant and I Ma hi two neighbors nefcb wen Met by Ute ten tenant teoanu tenante ¬ ant ante and conducted c0 with trumps and ta berets and other manner of mtoetretey natutrel y to tothe U I the le hall door The two neighbors were then required to swear if the applicant I bad been a a married man for a year and anda aDda sK I a way past and if he be a a freeman or a avillein villein This being tnZ done the bacon was brought out and laid upon one quarter quarteref quarterof r rof of wheat and one quarter of rye ryeThe ryeThe ryeThe The applicant then kneeling and placing pIsdn bis hi right hand on the book book made oath oathas oathail I Ias as follows Hear ye y Sir Philip de S Sm Samenifle m mervflle ervflle lord of WWchenovre maintainer maintalnerand nsalntalneand and giver of this U bacon that I A A since thci I wedded ecIcIed B my wife and since I bad her hei r in my keeping and at my will by b a year yearand yea r razsd and a day after our marriage I would not noi t have changed her for none other fairer fairernor r rnor nor fooler to richer nor poorer nor foe none Wiser tter descended Mcened 6 tit greater ter lineage e sleep lug mg or waking waId at ne > time and if the tnesaid the theeald said B here sele 1e as lid I sole I would oUW I tke her to be my Wife before all tne tnew Ut S Swon w won nten of the world ef what condition so soever 110r soever ¬ ever r they be good or evil ml as belp me mi S Ood God and his saints and this flesh and all al I IThen ftcfrhes ftcfrhesThen fte6betlThen Then the neighbors were required r ed to tomake te tecmth make oath that they t tbs bu behave > he taw spoken spokentbe potc a athe the truth Then if he be a freeman freemanthere I i there shall ball be delivered d tivered to him hi a quarter quarterof r rof of wheat and cheese eh and If he be a vii 11 ¬ lefts he gets half a quarter of rye with without without Without ¬ out cheeee The lord of Rudlow then thenorders thenonIen S Sorders orders the corn laid upon a horse and andthe ass I Ithe the bacon above it It and the applicant applicantmounts apttl1caatJDOl8t t tmounts mounts his horse carrying his cheese be be fore him h and be is conducted to his home homewith hoRltswltb horn S SwIth with the sound of trumpets taborete and andether andatbel ans I Ietbis ether minstrelsy minstrelsyThe mlutrelsyTIle miastrelayTb The Tb register r of Wmchenovre Hall shows a that the flrst applicant was w Aubrey de d dFalstaff Fatetan son of Sir John FaJstaff knight knightwith knightwith with Dame Jpaude ands ade his wife He bad uis bribed his neighbors to swear falselynd falsely falselyand uisr r and a nd ha received the bacon but he and his hiswife hi hiwLe wife fte failing Call1ll < into a dispute about how howthe bowt hoc the t he bacon should uld be dressed it I t was by b V order or of the judges taken from him and am ti hung up again in the hall hallAlteon hallAllt11Oa baliAllison Allison the wife iCe of Stephen en Freckle brought her husband hU with her and set so forth the good conditions and behavior or 0 If her consort and said that she doubted doubtednot doubtedDOt 1 1flOt not he was u ready ady to attest au the Hke of her he hi h his wife ile Whereupon Stephen shook S his hi head and and declined to speak when she eb e turned turn upon him and gave him a a box boxen boxcn ho n nCu en tho ear earRichard carRichard earRichard Richard de oe Loveless Loftl who was a courtier courtierand courtleand and a wellbred man being befn an applicant applicantwas applicant1fU apphtcaniwas was observed to hesitate before the words wordsafter word S Safter after tter our marriage and was asked to toexplain toexPlaIn ti 0 0explain explain He replied by saying sayln he was al always always a acomobaisant ways complaisant when a alover lover and that the thehad he had not disobeyed his wife Ue before beforemarriage 0 marriage i which he booed was the same samething samething sam 0 0thing thing His application was rejected rejectedJoceryne rejeetedTocetyne Joceryne Jolly Esq made proof that he h A and his wife Ife J preserved ed full affection for forone forone forone one month after marriage or during the honeymoon on which the Judges award awarded awarded awarded ¬ ed him one rasher ra er of bacon A couple who whoapplied whoapplied whoapplied applied were rejected on the ground that thatat thatat at 1 a dining on Sunday the demandants demandantswife demandantswife wife who sat below the wife of the squire squiresaid squiresaid said that she thought thou ht her husband ought to be knighted knlShtedto to which the husband re returned rcturned returned ¬ turned a passionate IU Pishr PIsh The claim claimwas claimwu claimwas was rejected on the ground of unwarrant ¬ ambition of the wife and unnecessary unnecessaryanger unneces unnecessaryanger ary aryaAser anger of the husband husbandOne huebaneLOne husbandOne One application was rejected because It Itappeared ItaP Itappeared appeared aP that the wife Ire in speaking of her husband on a certain occasion was hoard heardto hoardto hoardto to say God forgive him and nd another anotherwas anotherwas anotherwas was rejected because the husband when whenthe whenthe whenthe the wife told him it was wa Her duty to obey oooy111m him replied Oh Oh my dear you are never neverin neverIn neverin in the wrong The record shows the re rejection rejectlon rejectios ¬ jection of applications on various rioue grounds groundsAmong groundsmonc groundsAmong Among monc others may be mentioned the th pas passion passion peeslon ¬ sion of a 0 lady for her lapdog the turn turning turning turnbig ¬ ing away way of a servant a tavernbill torn by the wife a tailors by the husband a aquarrel uQuarrel aquarrel quarrel about a kisslngcrust kJs8I Scrullt spoiling of ofdinners ofdlnnen ofdinners dinners and coming in late of nights nightsThe nightsThe nightsThe The aplteation of one Gervais Poacher Poacherwas Poachorwas Poacherwas was rejected by the Judges with tho re remark remark remark ¬ mark that he might have bad bacon and andeggs andoggs andeggs eggs if he had not Hitherto scolded his hiswife hiswife hiswife wife when they were overboiled Dorothy Doroth DorothDooHtUe Dociittie met with a refusal because she shehad sbeWId soc sochad had so far usurped the dominion dGmlnl n of the thecoal thecoal thecoal coal lire the stirring whereof the husband husbandclaimed husbandclaimed husbandclaimed claimed for himself that by her good will willshe wllJshe cviiihe she he would suffer the poker out of her herhand herhand hand The record shows but two couples in the tbefirst thefirst thefirst first century who were ere successful The Thefirst Therat Thefret first rat was a sea captain and his wife who whosince whosince whosince since the day of their marriage had not notseen notleen notseen seen each other otheruatU until the day of the theclaim theclf theclaim claim clf m The second was an honest pair of oftbe ort ofthe the neighborhood The husband was a aman i1 i1man aman man of plain good sense and a peaceable peaceabletemper pQ8oetlblet peaceabletnmper temper t m r and the woman was dumb dumbIt dumbI dumbIt I It is in this strain that the cynical have havewritten haveWrltten havewritten written of and depicted depict marriage ma e but not notso n ntso t so with those thoHwho who have entered Into it itwith Itwith itwith with their hearts minde and conscience conscienceas as an institution of Gods creation in para paradise parnd porndIne ¬ dIne d To these it IR the holiest and most mostsacred mosteacred mostsacred sacred of all earthly institutions and the thegreatest thegreate thegreatest greatest greate t clvilizer of the world PEOPLE OF NOTE NOTEJames NOTEDnd NOTEavia Dnd D avia Old S Seryant SeryantJames rJant rJantJames James H H Johnson the colored man who whodrove whodrove whorove d drove d rove the Davis family carriage at the thefuneral thefuneral theuneral l funeral f of Mrs Jefferson Davis in Rich Richmond RIohmond Richend ¬ r mond m end performed similar service at the thefunerals thefunerals theunerals f funerals of his old master and his young youngmistress youngmIstress youngistress l mistress m istress Miss Winnie Davis Vjohnson Vjohnsonwas Johnson John8uwas Johnsonas was w as one of Jefferson Davis slaves slav S before beforethe beforethe beforehe tth t the he war and was his valet all through throughthe throughthe throughe the th e Confederate chieftains strenuous four fouryears four1ears fourears years y ears of war and strife He was with Mr Mravis MrDavIs Mravs DavIs b avis avs when the fleeing President of the thecrumbling thecrumbling therumbling crumbling c Confederacy was captured ptured by byUnion b bUnion bynion Union U nion soldiers and noitody resents with withmore wIthi110re withore more p ore fervor the story that Mr Davis Davisrjad had a rjad nd disguised himself in womans clothes clothesn clothosIn i In i n order to evade capture Johnson who whofor whofor whoor for f or years y ars has held a position po ltlon In the United UnitodStates UnJtodStates Unitedtates States S tates Senate stationery room declares declaresthat deolnr deolnrthat declareshat that t hat this false report was due to the thefact thefaat i fact f act that he threw over his masters mastersshoulders mastersshoulders I s shoulders a heavy shawl belonging to Mrs MrsDavis MrsDo1s Davis D avis and that had he not done this thisJefferson thisJefferson thisefferson Jefferson J Davis always extremely sensi sensitive 80nlSltlve sensdive ¬ t tive t ive to cold air would have been made madesick madesIck madeick sick c s ick by the chilly atmosphere of the theearly th thoarly thearly early e arly hour of the morning at which he hewas hewas heas i was w as aroused from bed by the the news that thata thatdetachment j a detachment of Union soldiers had sur surrounded surrounded surounded ¬ rounded r him Johnson speaks with gen genuine genuine ¬ uD uine u ine affection of evdry member of the theDavis theDavh S I D Davis avis family He le is one of the most intel intelligent Intelligent ¬ ligent li I gent negroes In Washington respectful respeotfulpolite respeotruJpolite polite p 1 olite and attentive to his duties He is isnew Isnow Iiow new n ow about seventy years ear8 old oldAn okLAn oldn An A n Indian Railroad PresidentThat presidentTht President PresidentThat That lo the poor Indian Is not what he heused heused lie liesed i used u sed to be be is abundantly demonstrated de nstrated by bythe bythb bIhe f the t he career and achievements of Plaas Plaasanton Pl Ploasnton as asanton j anton a nton Porter He won the rank of brig brigadier brigadier brigdler ¬ i adier a aa dler general enElr eneraj l In the Confederate army armyand armyand I Ind J and a nd for many m ny years was chief of the theCreaks theCreaks S Sreeks Creaks C reeks In the Indian Territory under und r the theold theold tinld old o ld tribal system which is just being beingabolished beingaboUshed beln abolished a His l tall figure and swarthy swarthycomplexion swarthYCGmplexion swarth swarthomplexion P complexion c < are familiar famlU r In Washington Washingtonas i as he has visited the Capital once or ortwice ortIco oi oiwico twice t a year for a long time Gen GenPorter GenPorter GetsPorter Porter speaks all the languages of the thevarious thevarious thuarious various v tribes in the Indian Territory and andIs andIs ant I Is Is I s about as influential among the other otherfour otherlour r rour four f our tribes as his own He Is now pro promoting promoting prOSmeting ¬ moting a new railroad enterprise In the theSouthwest theuthwest the thecuthwestwhlch f Southwest cuthwestwhlch uthwest which Is called U6d the Indian Cen Central Central Conriol ¬ i tral t riol and is capitalized at ns000DOQ When Whencompleted WIlencompleted I Iompleted completed c Its length will be 468 mile miles and andIt andIt ass I Ii It I i will penetrate the new State of Okla Qkiaorns ¬ homa l1 orns ma through Its center The road be begins begIns ¬ gins g ins at Poses City Ind T and runs south southeast southcut southast ¬ east c ast to Paris Part T Tex x with a branch extend extendng ¬ ing i ng from the Red River to Oklahoma L City Gen Porter will WI be its president presidentand presidentand t tnd and a nd manager The only other representa rcpre enta ¬ tive t ive of the original Americans Amerlpms who has hasshown hs shown s the same capacity cap clty as Gen Porter Porters J is I s the Hon Charles B Curtis Curt of Kansas Kansaswho Kansaswho Kansaswho who is now leading in the race for the ta Senate to succeed the disgraced J Ralph S i Burton Mr Curtis ie I a Shawnee and ens I E has been in Congress CORgr twelve years yearsWont yearsont Hrl HrlYont Wont 1 Yont ont Sign Hi ills Name XameThe NameThe NameThe The HOB John James Jenkins JO of Chip Chippewa Clltppewa Chippewa pewa Falls Wis Vis chairman c ef the tb great greatCommittee greAtCommittee gre t Committee on Judiciary of the th House Ho Hou of ofRepresentatives oCRopresentaUve8 o oRopresentaUves 5 f Representatives ta 1 as far as known the theonly theonly th C Conly 1 only Member of Congress Coagr who w o never neverwrites neverwrites news iT iTwrites r writes his signature guture to any of the mass massof m mae a aof B soC of letters that are sent t out t over his hisname hisname hi 5 sname name Ju Just t why Ju Judge Jeqkins Jeqkh has hasadopted ha 5 5uluptsd s adopted r this peculiar custom eut Is not known knownHe knownH I IHe He H even does do not employ the rubber rubberstamp rubDertamp I Istamp stamp with which so many MaR ether eminent eminentstatesmen cmlne1tstatesmen it itstatesmen 1 statesmen manage to satisfy their ad admiring atlJnlrlng ao I Imiring ¬ miring constituents con in the important mat matter mstter insttsr ¬ ter of answering their letters Judge JudgeJenkins J1KIgeJenkins Judg e 0Jenkin5 Jenkins has his name signed to all his hi s letters by typewriter Another of his bispeculiarities hispeeuliarltiu hi I peculiarities aliriUes is his aversion to the tele telephone tel telphone 5 5j ¬ phone If I f there is any R possible JM ble way to toavoid toavoid t 0 0avoid 9 avoid its Use he will never answer a a call ca II by phone He H has one In his hI committee committeeroom eommt eommtroom conimittirooms room and the clerks there have e learned learnednot hoarsestat i not to answer liSwer tbat he is in until they th the y y flrat learn whether 1i uer the business is of ofsuch ofsuch C Sf Sfsuch f such nature that it can be b attended to t 0 0y by y one ee of theta tit at t the direction of thlr thlrchief thai Ir Irchief r chief In using the typewriter to sign sig a his name Judge Jenkins J enkiBs completely oompletelyer re reverses rs ¬ verses er the rule so long adhered to rsl by byonner Is Isformer l former onner Senator Cockrell who is now nowmember a amember amember member of the Interstate Commerce Com Commission Commlon 5 5mission t ¬ mission The Missouri statesman Utte RNm through throughell throughen It Itall h ell of his hi unbroken service of thirty years yearsIn yearsIn yeai ra raIa s In the Senate nate never permitted permit ec1 the letter letterof letteror letti in inof r of a constituent to be answered in type typewriting typewriting 5 5writing ¬ writing He laboriously Jabol1ou ly replied by hand handto handto bass 54 54to II to every communication received from fromMtoeouri tromnwom fros frosMSaounI Mtoeouri It used to be said kl that this thispartially thispartially tis tispartially J partially accounted for the Senators Senatorsgreat SaatorsrrMt s Sgreat great popularity in hie State SCate as n Mta Mtasourians Mb Us UssouriMs I IsourIans r sourians want their great men to knew knewthat knewthat kcie W Wthat v that thy Scan can read wrltln wrltlnWhy writinVh wnltinWhy Why Vh Tnft Went West WestThe WestThe VestThe The criticisms of Secretary Taft for He Heing be beJng Is a aleg leg la Idaho at the crisis of the exciting excitingcampaign exdUAgeulgn excitle Ig Igcampaign campaign in that State do not take note noteof IIOeof no is isof of the fact that he e had planned the trip tripnearly tripneuly tr Ip Ipnearly p nearly five months ago Fully two tv weeks weeksbefore wee eka8Core is isbefore before 8Core Congress adjourned the Secretary Secretaryannounced Secretaryanaounced Secretaz 7 7announced y announced to several Members of the theSenate theSeDate U ic icSenate Senate from the far West that he ex expected expected es espected ¬ pected to be In their States about the themiddle tlMmiddle ti I Imieldi middle of October en n a tour ef f inapeetton inapeettonof nof n of army posts It is recalled how this thisannouncement thisnnouncentent th is isannouncement s announcement was at the time taken as asevidence ASevldenee is isevidence s evidence that Mr Taft had made up his hismind bJsmind ii Is Ismind 5 mind to decline the appointment apJ batment to the theSupreme theSupreme U cc ccSupreme e Supreme Court which had been offered offeredhim offeretl111m offers wl wlhim il him by the President Pre iclent and how by y the thesame th thame U Sc Scsame e same ame token It excited in Senatorial cir circles elrdes ci r rvies ¬ des much speculation touching the Re Republican Republican R e ¬ publican leadership in 1W8 It was as well wellunderstood wellunderstood we weunderstood ill eill II understood then that while he was in the theWest theVest U so soWest e West the Secretary would make several severalpolitical severalpolitIcal sever aI aIhe il political speeches s ocbes though It Is of possible possiblepolitical posstblepolItical possib possibpolItIcal he e political significance that none of the theRepublican theRepubllean tI se seRepublican e Republican Senators whom he told of his hisintention 1IIsIntention Ii Is Isir is intention to pass through or visit their theirStates UtelrStltes the theStates ir ir States asked him to make a speech A Woman Stump Speaker SpeakerIt It turns out that Mrs J Ellen Foster Fosterhaa FosterhWi Post Cr r has not retired from public life ur which whichreport whichrCI whk whkrecent k report rCI = ort was inspired a year or more ago agoby agob a 0 0by by b reason of the fact that she had drop dropped dropfrom l ¬ ped from the public p lbJfc gaze AH the time timewhile timehlle tin cc cccvhile 6 while hlle people thought she was keeping keepinghouse keepinghouie keepir ig ighouse g house or doing something like that that she shehas shebas ci 10 10has e has been connected with Itb the Department Departmentof it itof t of Justice in a confidential capacity by I my y direction of the President Mrs Irs Foster Is Isgenerally Isgenerally Isgenerally s generally accounted the ablest of the thenumerous thenumorous U he henumerous e numerous host of women stumpspeakers stumpspeakersproduced stumpspcakersproduced re reproduced s produced by the rage of Populism several severalyear severalYeftr sever ci ciycer Ll year ago Not even Mrs Mary ary E Lease Lea so e is in her class Mrs Foster performed performedvaliant performedvaliant id idvaliant j valiant service for the Republicans In Inthe Inthe Inthe n the last campaign She was sent into in to 0 Colorado Wyoming Utah and Idaho Idahowhere Idahowhere Ida Idawhere 0 tt where woman suffrage prevails and andwhC as Id Idwhere d j where whC also Mormonism curiously curiously1Hnough curiouslypnough curious ly lysnough y Hnough is a factor In politics poJJ tI os It is said sa d that she saved stw d the day for tho Republi Republicans Republicans Ropubicans ¬ cans In Idaho where the Issue was wholly whol1 who ly y Mormonism by convincing the woman womanvotors womi ma mavoters n voters 10 tors that the Democrats Ilf if entrusted entrustedwjth entrusts entrU6twith id idwith < j with power In that State would do no nomore nomora o omore more than the Republicans to put a stop etc P to polygamy polygamyMHcxian pOlygamyUleJllnn polygamy3llIesfan MHcxian Mix of Metaphor MetaphorFrom Jletl1phorrom MetaphorFrom From rom don Punch PunchSportsman PuacSportsmanI PunchSportsmanI Sportsman SportsmanI I wonder what became of ofMike ofMike ofMike Mike I told him to meat me here hereDriver hereDriverAch hereDniverAch Driver DriverAch Ach its no usa tellln him any an y ¬ thing Sure sorr ut just goes In it at wan wancar wan wancar cvi In Incar n car and out at the other like watner off offa orfa c Ste Stea ff a ducks back backAnswer backAnswer backAnswer Answer to a Correspondent CorrespondentThe The Th correct form of the quotation asked Mked k ed d for by a correspondent is isThe IsThe IsThe The Devil was afektae Devil a m meek nk WINk be The Did was well welltbe the devil a sneak mon was vuIt fee feeIt I IIt It occurs curs In Rabelais Works Book Book IV IVchapter I v vchapter rr chapter 24 S Not ot n Good Rule RuleIn RuleIn J JIn In Judging a mans piety pIct laeasxrea of space Are r alt out ef place placeA placeJJttSOUs placeA A persons ersoosa religiOn k Mt n t te be gauged puagc puagcijy lijr the length of lib facts factsCatholic facoCathoU faceCatholIc CathoU Catholic Standard and Times = A j LITTLE LITTLENONSENSE NONSENSE NONSENSESOME SOME SO IE PUNKINS PCNKISSI I cannot be a gallant chief chiefUnterrlfled chle chleUnt chiefUnt Unterrlfled Unt rrlfted and bold boldI boldAnd I And fetch a a hapless crew relief reliefAmid Te1lerAmkl Amid the arctic cold coldI co1dI I cannot be a statesman great greatIm greatIm Im but of common clay clayAnd clayAnd And cannot guide the ship of state stateUpon Upon Its stormy way wayI wayI I cannot be a magnate shrewd shrewdAt shrewdAt At whom the rabble gape gapeI gapeI I cannot keep my eyeballs glued gluedUpon gluedUpon gluedUpon Upon the tickers tape tapeBut tapeBut But Buti I at least at home can be beA beA A kind and gentle man manAnd manAnd And thats a thing apparently apparentlyThat apparentlyThat apparentlyThat That very ury few chaps can canThe canThe The Worm Tarns TarnsSir TarnsSlr Sir do you mind giving me a light lightSir lIgbt1Slr Slr I do I seriously object to havjng havjngmy h vng vngmy my cigar handled by a man with fingers fingersof tinger tingerot of o f doubtful cleanliness However How ver I know knowIt knowIt It I t to bo the custom I cant help myself myselfHere m3 eJr eJrHere Here It Is Take It ItAnd itAnd And cd the other oth r fellow took it itThe It ItThe The Modern Way WayThe WayThe The not called the kettle black blackPoor blnckPoor Poor nollUcs declared the kettle kettleI I guest gu youre youre right responded the theabashed thoabashed abashed a pot Upon second thought and andall andall all a ll things considered I must admit that thatfor thatfor thator for f or a New York kettle you are remarkably remarkablyfree remarkablyfree free f ree from discoloration discolorationEASILY dlsooloratlonEASILY EASILY PLEASED PLEASEDHis PIIEASEDHis His wife is green at cooking cookingA A A cook they cant afford affordBut litrordBut But hubby does no kicking kickingFor kfckfnSFor For hubby used to board boardHer boardI1er boar Her Trend of ofTbouJllt ofTbouJlltDo Thought Do you think we will wear halos in inheaven heaven Dr Fifthly FlCthlyUndoubtedlY Undoubtedly my m dear Mrs De Style StyleI I am olaased Dle sed to find you interested Oh I am Have you any Idee Idi as to tohow tohow how they will be trimmed trImmedThatll Thatll What WhatThe WhatThe Vl1atThe The man who would stake his life en enyour enyour your election remarked shrewd old oldUncle oldUncle Uncle Gashnll Hemlock may believe that thatyour thataf your chattels chane s air aJr good g Od but its the feller felleras felleras as puts up four dollars that gins confi con condCJiCo denies i ic a candidate IlndidateOne One Theory TheoryKeep Keep your our eye on the waiter He has 1Mstried I tried to work off that steak en at least leastthree three men Ita ItaDevo Devoted Devo to his omployers inter interests intoreets intereats ¬ eats eh ehI eAr eAroor oor I j rather imagine If no patron will stand standfor stalldCor I for it hell have to eat it himself himselfTHE hhMelCTHE THE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER BYSTANDERA A CHAT WITH THE TURKEY TURKEYTIte The turkey lurke with a careless air airWent Went gobblegobble here and there thereOb Ob turkey turkey nice and plump plumpI I said youd oud better plan to jump jumpTe T Te skip to flee to run to hide hid hidAntI AntI likewise get away awa beside besldoFor For soon Thanksgiving Day will come cemeAJICI And you may ma then be roasted some some someUnlels Unless you skip klp I toll you 00 true trueThanksgivIng Thanksgiving Day Ill feast east on you youTht The turkey winked his knowing eye e eAnd And clucked or gobbled uDontOu Dont you sigh sighFOt i Pet what you ou think will be my fate fateYoull fateYouU fateYoull Youll not eat me at any rate rateThe rateThe The turk with which you will give thanks thanksHas S Has hung nun for years among amon the ranks ranksOf ranksthose Of those in some coldstorage place placeYes Yes sir youll say Thanksgiving grace graceAbove graceA1H Above ve a bird thats frozen blue bhf8nce Since nce Htf 1SIDIRY DIARY OF AN UNCLE TOMMER TOMMERNovember TOJUIERNOYem November NOYem r S 10 We are now the Worlds WorldsCombined S Combined Colossal Megatherium Maui Iam Iammoth moth Quadruple Uncle Toms Cabin Com Compan party pan Tuesday afternoon while we were 1crcwalking wer I walking the ties from Hlllvilla to Valley Valley1ItIls Va1le r Mills where we were booked for for Wednes Wednesday day night we were were stopped by a a danger nger ngerslgDal r signal held in the hand of a man who whocame whocame whs a acame came running around a curve toward us usTlte The man was evidently aId tJy a Lawyer Marks Markscomedian Markscomedian S comedian and he flagged us with his red redbandaa re f bandanna bandaa a Handkerchief We Va pulled up upD4 u I and D4 the th other company walked around the thocune th C curve cuneWhere curveWhere Where are you OU bound 1 aSked the themaes Us a amanager manager maes of the other company companyValley pany panyValle Valley Valle Mills ltII tore are ye yea going ftg1 ftg1amvtlle Hillville amvtlleTc The two managers te laughed g ed solemnly at ateh a t tSCh each eh other otborTIten otherThen Then each told the other he would tld be besaCe Is C safe saCe as all the eggs rgs in those towns had hadbeen BadbeeR ha a been thrown at the stageThey stageMy stage They Mt t together on the trunk contain containing colJtajnIlIg I lag the drops S for the panorama of Uncle UncleTom CncleToaa Unci 0 0Tom Tom going to heaven and anclarter after much con confab I fab concluded to combine Instead of go goiag 5 i lag s either to Valley Vane Mills or 1 HlilviUe we wepulled cv e pulled ahead to a branch line which runs runsdown run Is down to CoaJton and there we will open openwith pe a with four Topsloe three Eves four tou Unole UnoleTGms Unol UnolTome e Toms four Markses two Lagreos one onebl on e bloodhound bl houJM1 one bulldog one shepherd shepherddog d dog one mole mol and one Oft donke donkeI donkey donkoyam I am beginning to wonder if 1 after all I Iknew Iknew knew my own heart when I decided that thatI tin Lt t I loved the Thespian art It is difficult to toholt I 0 9 hold the mirror up to nature when a can cantankerous I Itankerous tankerous mule wants to kick you 00 through throughtIN th tIN walls of o the theater every time your yourback yourback yet yetback back Is turned And why wh do the people peoplerejoice peoplerejQiee peopi Ic IcI e rejoice to see the donkey kick me An Another I ether thing The bloodhound has been beenlaboring bee n j laboring under und > r the delusion that I am his hiseonlmfssary hi is 3 commissary department I told the man manager hiI I ager yesterday that if he expected Marks Marh Marhto 3 3 I to feed the dog he would have to f fed fedlMarks fee ed d dIC I Alarks iarks or else get a fatter man for the thep tim timpert IC 8 lMarks part p rt Much as I love to tread the boards boardsI t I I cannot afford to contribute four hsardC or five fiveinches 1IvQInclle8 fly C j flyI inches I of cuticle and an occasional mouth mouthCui I fist of my flesh fI h to the savage Siberian SiberianbIoodbound a j bloodhound every now and then thenLJttle thenLittle Little Eva is full of professional jeal jealousy jealomy L ousy today toda That Is the littlest Eva Evathe E8the the one we W had originally original I heard l1e rd her hertelling hertelling he in r telling t her daughter who plays Eliza to todAy teif day that as far as she was concerned If Ifshe I if r she could get back home all the ap applause applausse 5 plauae she ever wanted to hear again agalewtJuld agal r rwuuld would be somebody somobod asking for a second secondorder secon d I order of her flapjacks flapiacksThems apjacksThems Thems the only encores that comes comesfront a 5 from the heart she said Its all good goodenough gee d ad 5 enough to die slngin on the stage geeii and andbave an anhave ii 1 have the audience cryln and a d holleric for foryou fc in you to die again but give me the old oldgreased oh ind d I greased griddle and the boarders yellin yell otun otunfor 1 for more flapjacks Besides Bosld s even If you yn ou oudo U i do run a lunch counter you can eat once onceIn one onen e in I n a while yoursolf yoursolfMust Must close now as we have rested long longenough Ion Ionenough g enough and a light snow is falling falUngDY DY HER LITTLE DROTHER DROTHERSince Since sister married him why he heDont heDont Dont ever take me on his knee kneeAn An A say at Im a splendid lad JadAn An boys ts full o fun aint bad badAn An he dont say Sit Frank heres a dime dimeLike Like he would say most every time timeHe timeHe timeHo He come here an dont pat my head headAnd headAnd And say to not send me to bed bedSince bedSlncl Since sister married him why vh he heVont lieWont Wont have a thing to do with me meOld meOld meOld Old stingy Frecklefaced Fr ldenced an slim sUmhy filmWhy Why hy did sis ever marry him hImWILBTR himWILBIR WILBUR NESBIT NESBITOpjFriBfct NESBITt NESBITICegist OpjFriBfct t 1936 1916 by 1 W D NcsbitJ NcsbitJFeet Yesblt YesbltFeet tlSblt tlSbltFcet Feet FcetPre FeetPren Pre the Nw York SitU SsnThe SitUThe SunThe S The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe Shoeexplained Shoee Slu ie ieexplained e explained explainedLook e explainedLook < pl lnod lnodLook Look how big Abraham Lincolns LincoIn shoes she es esare sare s are for politicians she protested protestedHerewith protost protestedHerwIth d dHCr Herewith HCr wlth we at once realized real 1 zed she s sh was no nofairy notry i 10 10fIry o fairy try tale taleReform taleReform taleRetorts Reform In Snn Francisco FranciscoFran FrnnclscoFen FranciscoPrem Fran the Indianapolis Star StarInstead StarInstoad StarInstead Instead of sitting sl g on San Franciscos lid I id Heney Henc will try to pull off its Rucf Rue HEARD AT HOTELS HOTELSAmong HOTELSAmong HOTELSmong Among A Ame mong highclaw hlghclasamen men of culture and andmeans andmeans andans means me ans who having their business inter interests Jnterests Inters ¬ ests eat s elsewhere love to spend the win winter winter winseason ¬ ter season in Washington Is Mr Augus Augustus Augustus AtigusEddy ¬ tus Eddy of Chicago father of o Spencer SpencerEddy SpencerBddy Spencerdy Eddy Ed dy first secretary of toe United States StatesEmbassy S Statesbassy ttH ttHEmbassy Embassy Em bassy at Borlin Mr Eddy who was wasgeen waaseen wasn seen see n at the New Willard last evening te tean Ian 15Indlanian an Indlanian by birth and he heand and the thelate tbelato thee late lat e Secretary John Hay were born within withina withinciv a few civ miles of each other otherI I love this fine old town said he lie for forit CorIt foewas it was once the home of my nt father Rev RevThomas ne neThomas Revomas Thomas Th omas M Eddy who was pastor of the theMetropolitan theletropoUtan thetropolitan Metropolitan Me tropolitan Chureh daring the th second secondadministration eoAdadministration secondministration administration ad adwa of Gen Grant My ofyather ofyatherwas father fatherwas fathers was wa s an original abolitionist and the Inti Intimate mtlmate lot lotte ¬ mate ma te friend and ally of Henry Wilson WilsonMr WobMr WftsonColfax Mr Colfax and mon of their polities politicalhool I Ischool Ischool school sc hool But about Washington to my mymind MYmind mynd mind mi nd it is plain that its manifest destinj dentlo dentloto is to become the most ornate the 11 th meat meatattractive JRe8tattraotive est esttractive attractive at tractive the most brilliant seat e t of ofgovernment ofgovernment ofvernment government SO vernment of any power on earth A Aa Aa Aaa AsWinter a winter capital and rendezvous for forwealthy forwealthy forealthy wealthy w ealthy and refined re nod Americans it t wilt wiltlave willhave Wiltve have ha lave ve a development that people scarcely coarselyeam dream dr eam of provided nothing is dent don to re re3ol repel Tc pel pc 3ol i the settlement here of the tb element elementwhose aleMentwhose whose w hos0 presence is essential to Its future futuregreatness futuregroatnesfJ futureoatnes greatness greatnessMy groatnesfJ groatnesfJMy gr oatnes oatnesMy My meaning Is that I think it t a great greatmistake greatmIstake mistake m istake to try to make ef Washington WuhlDgWncommercIal a acommercial ammercial commercial co coW market Jftflrk t or a factory fact Q town tOwne We W Ve e have plenty of dUes nearby such aa asaltImore B Baltimore and Richmond where all that thatneeded Is needed In the way of trade and Indus Indusy ¬ try tr y can be found L Let t tie keep this beau ¬ tiful ti ful Capital free of this let it be reserved reservedperpetuity in Ing perpetuity for art and learning and andgracious andgracious andracious g gracious social commingling let l t it be bept o j izept ke kebo pt distinct and unique unlet aa it has ever everonone b been beonone bo onone one cit yamong ten thoueand tsou where wherethe wlMrethe wheree tl the th e sordid affairs of business are a asecondary asecondary acondary S secondary se condary consideration The real destiny destinyof dNtJnyot p of Washington i Is along these lInes Un and It Is 5 wisest friends friend are those who advocate advocatethe ad advocatee e etho tjci tj the th e retention of its ancient and charming charmingcharacteristics cba cbacharacteristics charmingaracteristics ci characteristics characteristicsI ch aracteristicsI I do not believe you will fid d ten tenwoman ienvomaa testoman woman w oman teacher In the public schools of ofParis ofParis ofaris Paris P aris remarked Prof P l Paul Cozette Co tte at atthe atthe ate the th e Shorcham Prof Cozette Is a a gradu graduate grMuate gredue ¬ a ate at e of the University of Parts and is isvisiting IvI issitIng v visiting vI sUing the United States to examine into intoe intothe J Jthe the th e workings of our leading Je Institutions inotltntfonsof IuU Institutionslearning lttou lttouof o of learning He is 1 a young 3 1 man ma of high highattainments JIghaUalnments hightainments a attainments at and has made a study of ofeconomic oreconomic ofonomic e economic ec onomic questions having been attachedto attllehedto attached sttghedthe t to < the office of the minister mh1f tr of commerce commerceWe COfIUIIteteeWe commerceWe We employ man teachers almost exclu exclusively exd exdeively exobuvely ¬ sively si vely for primary ln instruction ho con continued eGntinued eonneed ¬ tinued ti need These men get but scanty scantysalaries scantylaries ty tylarles salaries sa sash larles as compared with the pay of ofmale ofmak ofale male sh ale teachers in the United States Gmt J Jteacher A Ataacher Aacher teacher te teIn acher after Cter five or six years y service serviceIn HM1ceIn serviceParis In Paris will get about it 69 9 a month m th but hutthat butthat buthat that t will go a great deal further with us usthan WItbltn usan t than th an over here Since binding in Amen America AaMrlea Amena ¬ j ica lea le a I have visited Harvard and Yale YaJe and andseveral andseeral andeveral a several other noted schools Th The first firstgreat JirstJTetlt liratreat g great g reat contrast between the student stU ent bodies bodiesthere 1tocIIetbere bodieshere t there and in France is the difference dUf8lWlOemthe dUf8lWlOem in inthe t the he time devoted to scholastic work A Alet Alet At j let le t of your young Harvard men scarcely scarcelyput scarcelyput scarcelyut j put p ut in over two hours a day on their theirbooks tlaelrOookti theirooks t books b ooks They are too busy thinking about aboutfootball aboutfootbJ1 aboutootball j football fi f and other athletics to get deeply deeplyinterested tle8p1yInteresl deeplynterested i interested Interesl d in their studies Not so in inFrance InFrance inrance j France F rance With our youth university life is totaken istakeR isken t taken ta ken much more seriously and they theyaig thes theyllg aig s at their tasks from S in I the morn morning morning morng ¬ ing lo g till 9 at night as hard as men who wholabor wlwlabor whoabor j labor in the fields fieldsI fieldsI 001 I think that a compromise between betweenth 1IetWHftthe t th the t he two would be better Our OarOVag OarOVagFr young youngFrenchmen youngrenchmen Frenchmen Fr F nchmen by ignoring 19 physical exer exercise exercise axeslse ¬ cise cise e lse hardly do justice to their bodies and andfail andfall andail J fh fail f ail to build up vigorous health Neither Neitherhave N Neitherase lUaer lUaerblle have h ase they the initiative or selfconfi selfconfidence mce4Htftdence selftendence ¬ dence d ence of American boys The Yankee Yankeelade YukeeladE Yankeeade j lade ade would likewise do better if they theytolled tMytoU theyolled t tolled toU d a little longer at their work workThe workThe workThe The greatest difference in favor of ofthe ofthe cChe t the he Americans is this Over here I find ftndthat ftn ftntht findhat that t hat any young fellow who iIO is Js1l dtfeply ePlY bent benton Hoton bentn c on n getting gettJ S higher hI her education can And an anopportunity anopportunity anpportunity opportunity ° of pursuing a college lege or nil university nileraity 1 1eIt ¬ versity v eIt eraity course even if he baa to work w his hisway hisway histhrough way through school by performing the thetasks thetasks theasks t tasks of a servant In France such a acourse aC aourse course C c urlC Is impossible 1 bIe No matter mat hq nQW am ambitious amblUeus assiticus ¬ t bitious b a French boy hi to acquire laura Jonrning JetmaIns lauraug i Ins ug unless his parents have bavethe the money to topay toP topry I pay P V his way liter there ie no earthly chance chancefor chanceor nee neefor for f or him to get the benefit neAt of university universitytraining erstty ersttytraining J training trainingDr trainingDr trainingDr Dr ITwnnan v zzirc Plea p who is president of ofUw orUw ofhe t tK Uw Washbura University at Topaka TopakaKfta TepoknaoelsagestoftheEaklgb ka I 3 Kfta Kaas K aoelsagestoftheEaklgb aoelsagestoftheEaklgbAll is a guest of the Bajefgh BajefghAll HAil All the collegiate instttattoas a of Ken Kansas Kenmm ¬ f fas I t sas said Dr Plane anI are in a most mostflouriEhhig JII08tI mostourishing I j flouriEhhig fl condition eoa ltton Oar university has hasmore hasi hasore i more m ore than 3N students a number that thatputs ttaati thatuts i puts p uts a severe ere strata on our educational educationalequipment edacaU8aa1i educationalquipment i equipment e yet we are taking very good goodears Odeare goodof ears of them The State University at atLawrence atLawre atawrence j Lawrence L awrence ce has about 2990 students and andthe ADdt andhe t t the t he Agricultural College at Manhattan Manhattansomething MaRllattaftsomethIng ManhattanomethIng s something s like lIk 8M With the development devotopoMntof d4w t tof of o < f her resources Kansas is not neglect neglecting anglectug het hetIng ¬ i ing ug the things of the spirit and the p HO HOpIn peoin o oplo 1 plo p in of no State in the Union put a greater greaterpremium greaterremium ter tervrfmlum 1 premium p remium on the importance of education educationthan ed educationhan en enthan than t do the Kansans KansansHon KansansHon Hon John H Bankhead for twenty tWItRtYronsecutlve twentyonsecutive consecutive c < years Alabamas honored haIIoredJutd haIIoredJutdetticlel1t and andfficIent f efficient e representative ht CongniB Coegr is In hiWashington Inrahhlngton Inyaahiag i Washington yaahiag and yesterday heM Jeek1u an in informal JRfonnftl litormal formal f levee in his old rooms at t the theRlggK theRlg5 Riggs House scores of his Washington Washingtonfriends Washingtonriends Vashtngtonfriends friends f calling to pay pa their regards and andcengratulAUnr antiongratulating congratulating c him on being elected al 8 8t elernate ternate t r At Senator to succeed Mr Morgan or orsa Gtn G sa Pettus shcuid s either drop out of the tHeenate Senate S enate As Col Bankhead got th the high htghest highnumber est number of votes of all the caadMates eaadklat8wbo wbe w ho ran an for the Senatorial l aucceseloft Ieft he hewill Ihwill hewill will be the first to get a toga t en the theoccurrence theccurrence occurrence o of a a vacancy He was ica evident evidentr 1 ly h r deeply gratified at the cordial onIlaI expres U1Iesslnns slmis 5 151115 of goodwfll g dwfll on the part of his friends f here and to a HeraJd reporter reportersaid reporterWhom said sa1 saidWhen When I was wa beaten for the House by Copt < Richmond P Hobson in our hu huprimary ate ateprImary haterimary 1 primary p election the world did not tIe preent re l eent s ent a very en alluring spectacle In fact the t he sky was dark in every direction direc It Itgoes Itgoes ItOCS goes OCS rather hard with a man maa to be down downeven wJ even by such a brilliant orator as asapt Capt C apt Hobson but In this hour of disaster dl aatermy disastermy my friends from all over the State stattt stattttruest Ststotlsruest tii j truest t ruest and best a man ever hadsaid Bnnkhead has lost out in the House Houseand Hoosennd Housenow and now we will show that we think thinkI thinkmotake a mistake WHO ft1 made by promoting him Jaimnd himnd nd they did by giving me the th biggest higgestote Sgest Sgestvoto voto V ote given any of the candidates running mtfac 1 to t o succeed su ceeei our present grand oM men menwho nt ntwho incawho who deserve decer to stay in the th Senate as long longas IOIt IOItas longs s as a s they thc live liveWe 11 11We itjt itjtWe We are actually actuall going 01 sjMffd faster fasterIn 4sterin fastern i In I > n the old city eft of o New Orleans than our ourpeople OIIrpooplofover oureople l people pooplofover p eople ever dreamed of said Mr MrtRve Gus Gustavo Gusave ¬ t tavo t ave Lemle Lomb a talented and successful successfullawyer sueeesstullawyer sneesoafulawyer lawyer l awyer of the Southern metropolis at attnc attne atflo 1 tnc t flo Shoreham ShorehamIn In old times New Orleans used eel to have haveIts havets ts stagnant season when Itn eemmeroo eemmerooeame e cesumoroccame lWMMO lWMMOGarno > came < to a dead halt but that t time is isgone 18gone isgone j gone and our merchants are now no busy bunytha bulcyth tha th t he year ear round There ie not a vacant vacantstore vacantstore vacantstore store the entire length of Canal street streetand streetand re u uand i and were one to be for rent a aapplicants hundrd hundrdapplicants JnIII Nd NdappUeants applicants would try to get t IL It Real Realestate Realestate Realestate i estate has jumped to enormous figures figuresand jguIreind flgusoaand and nd the boom in balldtngls building Is M great eat that thatthero Utthern thatthere there Is not nearly enough mechanic to tomeet tomQst tomoot meet the demand demandForearmed demandForcnrmcl dencaudPorcrtrmcd Forearmed ForearmedFrets ForcnrmclFrom PorcrtrmcdFrom From Pack PWcHiram PackHiram Hiram WblffleHaw Haw What in intarnation I ItarnaUon hitarnation tarnation are yft delis with the flftfc Afdwh lIftiswheel wheel wh wl < to yer ar wagon Square ImiUtJu ImiUtJuthem Imltatathom Imitatissthem them there autynwWle fetters enSqulro faltersSquire Squire LongheadWope LOAD eadL ope antWpatin antWpatinGood AfttleipaUncm cm I Good Good Betting Advice AdviceFrom AdfceFromU AdviceFrOnthe From FromU the e Indintrtpoifc New NYwThe New NewTb The T Tb 1 best bestbot bet on the election is the on onyou one oneou oneyou you ou dont dontmnke make