Rev Johnson J Holds King KingEesponsiMevfor KingRcsonsiblefol ltiiigResponsillefor
EesponsiMevfor Murder MurderCALLS MurderCALLs XiirderCALLS
A At1rnIt limits llmltCJ However lie Has 1I1I Never YIN Visited YINIted 18 18itctl ¬
ited Congo Staie Stnt StateBaion Bnron Monchcur MonchcurMinister JIoncJlcurUnhltcr MonclicurMinister
Minister from rom Belgium ncl lum Does Do Not XotBelieve NotncHcc SotfleiIev
Believe Story Consul General GeneralVhiteley GenernlJIU GencralWIiit1c
WIiit1c Vhiteley JIU lcT Utterly Refutes Charges ChargesDr OhargcsDr CharciDr
Dr Herbert Johnson on yesterday brand branded branded branded ¬
ed King Ri g Leopold of Belgium and sover sovereign sovereign overegn ¬
eign egn of o the Congo Free State a human humanmonster humKJImonsterr humanmonster
monsterr monster and directly accused him of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the most unspeakable atrocities trocIde and mur murders murders murders ¬
ders committed not only with his knowl knowledge knowledg knowledg ¬
edge edg but by his b command in the re reglens re regions reglons ¬
glens of the vast t stretch of country placed placedunder placedun1tr placedunder
under his hL protection and guidance with withthe withthe vlthtbe
the consent nnt of all th the powers powersRev powerRe powersRev
Rev Re Mr Johnson was formerly a s Dos Boston Boton Doston ¬
ton clergyman but IP b now tia traveling lIBg and andspeaking andlpeaking andspeaking
speaking in the Interests of the Congo CongoReform CongoHelena CongoRefOr1
Reform Association A iattoa it wu at the ui yes vesper V Vper yesper ¬
per service held hei in Andrew Rankin HankinChapel RankinChapel flankinChapel
Chapel Howard University yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdayaftensoou eeterdayaftenaooa
afternoon before an audience of about about3e
300 students of the institution and a ascore asco18 ascore
score of white T people > eopie that lie te made his hischarges hischarges I Icha11les
charges against nat Leopold LeopoldDr LeopeHiDr LeopsklDr
Dr Johnson in terms of seriousness seriousnesscalled seriousnesscallei seriousnesscallesi
called upon each of the audience to send senda sendletter
a letter to Secretary Root and request requesthim requesthim requeSthim
him to use the influence of the United UnitedStates UltedSta1M Uylted UyltedStata
States and his own influence ee with other othercountries thercouatrles othercoutres
countries to bring about a cassation ce ceesatl ° a of ofconditions otoondltioas ofconditions
conditions as they now exist t in the Congo CongoFree CongoFree CongoFree
Free State StateHits StateUK SlateIIas
Hits Sever eer Visited Country CountryThe CountryThe CountryThe
The speaker ker admitted 1tte4 that he bad based basedhis basedh18 basedhis
his ppmioits and arguments a leading to his hisconviction hiscODVIedoft hisconrcttoit
conviction as to the state te of affairs in inthe Inthe Inthe
the Congo on the testimony of others othersthat othersthat othersV
V that be himself htmeii had never visited ltIIted the thescene theseeM thOscene
scene ot o the atrocities as described by byhim byhim bybbs
him himSome
Some people thought I was crazy era said saidthe saidthe saidthe
the speaker when wk I first started out on onthis onthis onthis
this crusade My iy stories of what actually actuallyhappened actuallyhappeaed actuallyhappened
happened to the Congo sounded so o la lacredible 10redibIe IncredIIe
credible as to t9 stagger 5aer r the imagination and andthey aadthey antithey
they were wer aunost past ieat belief Dr Jolm Jolmson J Json Joksson ¬
son exhwtted a heavy leather strip whip whipwhich whipwh1ch whipwhich
which he bew said had been used ueed not only on onthe onthe onthe
the backs of m men n but women and chil children eIdJdrea ehfldies ¬
dies drea by the Kings < s soldiers soldiersWhat OIdiftILW1Iat soldiersWbat
What has been the attitude e of LeopoW LeopoWtoward Leopok1t01fall Leopoldtoward
toward the evildoers asked ked the speaker speakerHas speak speakBaa speakHas
Has he ever e ev brought them to th tbtabar tha bar eC eCjusttee cCiusUee f fjustice
justice I ean n only say that Hagstrora Hagstrorathe tromthe Hastrointhe
the King X Kings commandant in the Free State Statewho Sbtewho Statewho
who had charge of the Kings interests intereststhere Interatathere Intereststhere
there has been promoted since the report reportwhich reportwhlcb reportwhich
which charged him with the most revolt revolting reYOItjug reyoltlug ¬
jug crimes was made by a commW commWskna COIIIIIIWsion cosmWsion
sion appointed by King Leopold to inves investigate InvelUgate htvectigate ¬
tigate matters mattersBillctM mattersBlIctJi mattersICitIcts
BillctM Itot nt Compulsory CompulsorySince CompulsorySIDee CompulsorySIuce
Since the 1 carrying out of the Kings Kingsedict KlftAsedict Kingsedict
edict is in the hands of men who have havecommitted havecommitted havecommitted
committed murders in the past and aadtbe sine sinethe since sincethe
the edict is not compulsory but left to totheir totheir totheir
their own discretion we cannot expect expectany 8Xpectany expectany
any good results therefrom therefromWe theretnNnWe therefro4nWe
We would surely become interested in inthe Inthe inthe
the treatment t those unfortunate people peopleare peopleare peopleare
are subjected to and protest against t it if ifthey ifthe ifthey
they were friends or relatives of of our DU ours or oreven oreven orecen
even if we had money invested in the theland theland theland
land Shame on you and we ad all allAmerieaas allArnerIcau allAmerlosas
Amerieaas for standing by idly Shame Shameon Shameon
on you aadm aadmeaad melaaMI aad all AmeHef mertf as for not nottrying aott nottryI
trying t tryI to help Jor not even protesting protestingagainst proteatlftlagainst protestingagainst
against the greatest wrongs that history historyever historytver
ever knew i
The Old man who who was wa ever pu puin NIIIshed NIIIshedin
in connection with Congo affairs a ailS < was the themissionary thenUssioDaJJ themissionary
missionary Stannard who had the cour courage courage courage ¬
age to speajc spc out against the King K1n who whohad whohad whohad
had the courage to tell the truth about aboutOie aboute abouttie
tie e Congo CongoPrttU CoqoPrwI CongoPrktblts
PrttU Prktblts IlK DiscussIon Disem sIon of Action ActionSince ActIonS ActionSince
Since S ICe Stannard spoke Jeopold has haspassed bupassed haspassed
passed a as edict which makes akes it a crime crimepunishable erimepUJda crimepuisbabIe
punishable pUJda with five years yea imprisonment imprisonmentfor
for any person to discuss in an unfavor unfavorable 1I unfavorable favor favorable ¬
able light matters pertaining to his Afri African Africa Aftean ¬
can ca n possessions II Dell IIi ons The effect of this law lawwill In lawwill w wwill
will be that we wont hear any more cries criesof crl criesof II IIof
of wrongs committed in that dark region regionthe reciothe regionthe
the voice of the missionary will be hush hushed bWlbed limbed ¬
ed forever unless less we do something to do doaway doaWdY doaway
away with that injustice injusticeJames luJUBticeJames injusticeJames
James Gustavus WhKeley of Balti Baltimore BaJtJmore Baltimore ¬
more will tell the press of the schools schoolschurches IIChoolschurches schoolschurches
churches hospitals and other beneficial beneficialinstitutions be beneficialInstitutbus ftea1 ftea1instltatlons
institutions erected in the Congo by King KingLeopold KingLeopold KingLeopold
Leopold and the great t benefit he has hasthereby baathereby hasthereby
thereby bestowed on humanity in the thename thename thename
name of Christianity I say these th storiesare stories storiesare torte8are
are golden dreams of delusion delusionWHITELEY delusionWHITELEY delusionWITELEY
Sy S Says I Storlos Are re Based 011 Fnlirlcn Fnlirlcntiuiis Fnlrlcations
tiuiis 1 OIIS of if JIisslonarleHJ Missionaries MissionariesJarne MissionariesJamesWbiteiey
Jarne J JamesWbiteiey Wbitefey consul general of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Congo Free State State ha baa been in the thecity thecity thecity
city for aeveral days making maJ Jlg an inves investigation mvesgatlGn Investigation ¬
tigation gatlGn of the stories which Wre have been beencirculated beenirculatecl beenciculated
circulated generally auxin among members of ofCongress ofCOtICftSII ofCongress
Congress In connection with the work of oftrying ottomc oftrylug
trying to create a reform movement in inthe Inthe Inthe
the Congo Free State StateIt StateIt SlateIt
It te I claimed that the state of affairs affairsin afra1rsin affaIrsin
in the Congo Free State are in a serious seriouscondtdon eriou erioucondlloa seriouscondIloa
condtdon and that a state of barbarism barbarismexists I Iexists i iexiSts
exists there tbere and stories ator hare ha Ye been cir circulated circulated circulated ¬
culated concerning co ce the severe laws imposed impose im hoposed ¬
posed upon the natives nativesMr D8UveaMr nativ nativMr
Mr WMteley denies these stance rles and andsays iDdsa andsays
says sa that there is no foundation for their theirbeing theirbe1n theirbeing
being started and a be is here to refute refutethem refutethem refutethem
them themThe themThe
The Congo question
has entered ente upon upona
a new nhaae nba he said Id The conditions conditionsprevailing coadltlon8pre conditosprevailing
pre prevailing In Uae the Free State have been in investigated InvestJsated InveetIgated ¬
vestigated by a commission whose e hones honesty honesty honesty ¬
ty and integrity have been acknowledged acknowledgedeven acknow acknoweven
even by the bitterest enemies of the th Con Congo Congo Congo ¬
go government governmentThe ROven govefllfllOfltThe Dent DentTIle
The of the
opinion commissioners was wasThat wasThat a8 a8That
That the charges against the Congo ad administration administration administration ¬
ministration had been greatly Uy exagger exaggerated eXB exaggerated < er eratOO ¬
ated that in certain instances the Congo Congogovernment Consogovernment Congogovernment
government had been beenJUUty guilty uIlty of negligence negligencebut neglisencebut negligencebut
but that that taking it aU in all I the adminis administration adtninlatration adinjnistiation ¬
tration compared co favorably with the gov government BOVemmeDt governmest ¬
ernment of the colonies of other powers powersin powersIn pow powIn
in Africa and that a number of adminis administrative adQllnlstrative admInistrative ¬
trative reforms should be put in operation operationas
as soon as possible posstblee posslbleeapeclally especially peclaUy that thattbe the la labortax labortax Iabortax ¬
bortax should be more strictly super supervised supervlsect supervised ¬
vised and equitably levied and that the theuse theuse theuse
use Of capitas armed native overseers overseersshould OeNeelllsbould overseersshould >
should be prohibted to concessionary com companies COIDpaaJes coinpastes ¬
pastes These were the two defects in the theCongo tileConco theCongo
Congo administration which had given givenrise givenrise givenrise
rise to most of o the criticisms against the thegovernment thegovernment thegovernment
government governmentOn
On the 3d of June June X90tKin JJOI I01 Kln King Leopold Leopoldissued Leopoldl Leopoldissued
issued l twentyfive decrees dec carrying out outtte outthe outte
the recommendations of the commission commissionof
of inquiry inquiryThe illQuiltiThe InquiryThe
tiThe The accusations against the Congo are arechiefly arechiefty arechiefly
chiefly based upon four kinds of evidence evidenceThese evidenceThese evidenceThese
These include includeStories includeStories IncludeStories
Stories partly true and partly false fal of ofa ofa ofa
a few isolated incidents which occurred occurredmany occurredmany occurreimany
many years ago during the period when whenall whenall whenall
all the energies of King Leopolds govern government 8Overnment governrnent ¬
ment were engaged enp in putting down the theArab theArab theArab
Arab slave raids and andln in the days when whenthe whenthe whenthe
the state was jut ju t beginning to set its itshand itshand Itshand
hand to the task of 1 administering this im imi imDle Imiienae
Dle iienae i ense 8e territory in Darkest Africa AfricaEndless AfricaEndIess I IEndless
Endless exaggeration and multiplica multiplications multiplications ¬ i itions
tions cf those stories reminding one of ofFal ofFal ofFaIztfN
Fal FaIztfN tuff a fr eleven cl < ven men in buckram suits suitsgrovr j jgrovn jgrown
grown out tt of two twoknciful i iiinciful
iinciful stories told by b natives and I
accepted by missionaries as gospel truth truthwithout truthwithout truthwithout
without the slightest attempt at verifi verification verl verlen verifientlon ¬
cation cationFlat en entlonFlat tion tionFl8t
Flat libels libelsSome libelsSome libelsSome
Some of the proofs against the Congo Congoarc Congoare Congoarc
arc go o ridiculous that they can hardly be beconsidered beconsidered beconsidered
considered seriously serlou ly For example eXAm pIc the thesecretary thesecretary thesecretary
secretary of the Boston Congo Con o Reform ReformAssociation ReCormAaoclatlon ReformAesoefatlon
Association in a recent publication se seriously se seIlotSlJ soriously ¬
riously asserts that as the exports from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the Congo exceed exc d the imports by some somefi8WOOe so someLOO e
fi8WOOe LOO a year it follows that King Leo Leopold Leopold Leopold ¬
pold according to his own figures is islooting Islooting Islooting
looting the country to the extent of ofabout ofabout ofabout
about 6600690 GGOO eooe a year It sounds rather ratherlike mtherlike ratherlike
like an argument from Alice in inVonder inVonderland Wonder Wonderland Wonderland ¬
land One could as well say that be because 00cauae because ¬
cause the exports of India exceed the im imports Imports haports ¬
ports by 100060080 a year r England Is Islooting IsJooUng Islooting
looting India to the extent of 100601000 flUOOLOOOor 100601000or
or that she Is robblng robblngthe the Transvaal of ofI5o
15000081 I5o annually and the Malay States Statesof Statesof Statesof
of a like amount amountThese amountThese amountTheee
These stories are only a fow of the themany themany themany
many absurd ones which have been goln golnaround going goingaround goingaround
around among the churches and it is isnatural isnatural Isnatural
natural that people will believe a lie liewhen 1Iewhfn liewhen
when there is no contradiction to it itThe itThe It ItThe
The time will come very soon when whenthe whenthe whenthe
the truth of o the present condition of the theFree UteFree theFree
Free State will be known knownMONCHEUR knownMONOHEUR knownMONOHEUR
Belgian Minister Considers Accusa Accusation Accmmtlon AccusatIon ¬
tion an Calumnies CnlnmnicKBaron CulnUlnlejlBaron CalumniesBaron
Baron Moncheur the Belgian Minister Ministerwhen lIlnfsterwhen Ministerwhen
when seen about Dr Johnsons John ons state statements statements
ments last night made the following followingstatement followingstatement followingstatement
statement I desire only to say sa that I Iconsider Ie Iconsider
consider e n tder these tll f18 accusations as flS ts calumnies calumniesagainst calumniesasafn calumniesagainst
against asafn t the administration of o the Congo CongoI
I await with full confidence the report of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the consul of the United States who has hasjust hasju hasjust
just t arrived in the Congo CongoThe CongoThe CongoThe
The report referred to by the Belgian BelgianMinister Be1 BelgianMinister l8n l8nnnlater
Minister is that of Clarence Rice Slocum Slocumconsul Slocumconsul Slocumconsul
consul general of the United States to tothe tothe tothe
the Congo who has been instructed by bythe bythe bythe
the State Department to Investigate Investigateall
all matters pertaining to the administra administration administration administration ¬
tion of that muchtalkedof country countryMr countryMr countryMr
Mr Slocum has just arrived at a this his des destination destlndon destInatIon ¬
tination Borne Boma his official residence and andit aDdit andit
it is expected that he will set out at atonce atOftCe atonce
once on lila tour gathering the edata neeesnary neeesnarydata necessarydata
data for the report which is awaited in inthis jnthis Inthis
this and other countries with a great deal dealof dealof dealof
of interest interestARRESTED interestARRESTED InterestARRESTED
Dr Thomas Aeronaut Captured by byPolice byPolloe byI byPolioe
Police on Broadway BroadwayRmis BroadwayRniis
Rmis RUII His Winged In el Screw on Wheelsfor Wheels Wheelsfor hcels hcelsfor
for Five l hc Blocks and IN Cheered Cheeredl Cheeredby
l by y Great Crowd CrovrdNew OrowdNew CrowdNew
New York Dec DeeIloI1owed Si LFoliswed Followed by a shout shouting houtBlOb shoutbig ¬
big mob Dr Julian P Thomas ran his hisnew hisaew hissew
new wind wagon from SevenCyOrst SeveRtyllrstto street streetto streetto
to Seventysixth street an Broadway Broadwaythis BnNwIW1I7this Itradwaythis
this afternoon until a policemen threat threatened tbreateaed threatseed ¬
seed to arrest him for ru running IIID a motor motorvehicle motorveldcle motorvehicle
vehicle without a license licenseDr JtceaeDr licenseDr
Dr Thomas calls his machine a belt heKcopetere heItC beltcopetereor
C petereor copetereor copetere or winged screw It is gray hi hicolor litcolor hicolor
color and looks like an overgrown O WR tri tricycle triCYcle tn tncycle ¬
cycle with a big fan on the forward end endThis eMThIa eadThis
This fan is really a propeller or puller pullerand pullerand pullerand
and is driven by an Shonepower gaso gasoline 8UOline gasoline ¬
line motor The operator sits on a a bicycle bicyclesaddle bicycleaddle bicyclesaddle
saddle so that his head misses the shaft shafting Hatti shaftbig ¬
big above it by about an inch inchDr tachDr inchDr
Dr Thomas Tho says his helicopetere is an anexperiment auexperiment anexperiment
experiment to determine the lb relation be between be betweoen between ¬
tween horsepower fans taDs mting power powerand powerand poweratd
and a few other things It te easier he hesays heto hesays
says to work out these tb things on the theground thepva theground
ground than in in the air airThe aIrThe airThe
The machine moved down Broadway at ata ata ata
a good rate of speed Several tunes the thetfe thev thevqiI4JhDwed
v vqiI4JhDwed ld tfe showed wed signs fit u skMdtac and wd It Itwed Itr itfollowed
r followed D > wed a rather devious path This Thisprompted Thisprompted
prompted the doctor to throw off the
clutch a a moment But i ifrosen the clutch had had101IeI1 hadroses
frosen roses and it was found necessary n to tostop tostop tostop
stop the engine engineAt engineAt engineAt
At this point Policeman Dobby appear appeared appeared appeared ¬
ed and demanded his license He said be behad 1Mbad liebad
bad none none and the police stopped the ex ¬
periment perimentTWO penmentTWO perhnentTWO
Rejected SnltorJ Sulto and Ills II he Companion ConipnnionAccused Compnrilon Compnriloncemied CompanionAccused
Accused of Double Murder MurderWashington MurderWashIngton UurllcrWashlDon
Washington Mo Io Dec 8 ITwo Two men are aredead aredead aredead
dead frtflp fni > bullet wounds as a result of oftheir ortheir oftheir
their active actne interest in the rivalry of a afriend afriend afriend
friend for the hand of Miss b Ida Stetz who whote whoIs
te said to be one of the prettiest girls in inthe Inthe inthe
the State The double tragedy was q a a se sequel eequel soquel ¬
quel to an entertainment from which Miss MI MIStetz MbaStats
Stetz hurriedly hu ly departed when she was wasinformed wuInformed wasInformed
informed that I a disappointed sweetheart sweethearthad sweetheartbad sweethearthad
had arrived from St St Louis determined on onan onan onan
an interview interviewThe InterviewTbe InterviewThe
The dead men are Walter E Eo Robertson Robertsonand R Robertsonand berl80nand
and Otto Henry Buddmeyer members of oftwo oftwo oftwo
two of the leading families of the city cityIt cityIt cityIt
It is charged that the shooting wqs wzz done doneby doneby doneby
by Charles Warren and that Charles Si Simoon SImoon SImoon ¬
moon a a St Louis merchant and the un unsuccessful unSUCCflI8ful unsuccessful ¬
successful suitor for Miss ln Stetzs hand handwas handwaa handwas
was an accessory There was a fight after afterthe arterthe afterthe
the girl baa departedLabor departedIaltor departed deportedLabor
Labor Man Assaults Mayor MayorColumbus MayorColumbus InyorColumbus
Columbus Ohio Dec 9 IPresumably Presumably be because hecau because ¬
cause cau e of the measures taken by him to torepress torepre torepresa
repress s riots growing owlng out of the strike of ofIron ofiron ofIrot
Iron molders here several months ago agoMayor qoMayor agoMayor
Mayor Dewitt C Badger of this city was wasth wasthe IUS IUSth
th the victim of an assault on the part of ofCharles ofCharles ofCharles
Charles Miller chairman of the strike strikecommittee trikeeommtttee strikecommittee >
committee Mayor ayor Badger was painfully painfullyinjured painfullyinjured nfuny nfunyinjured
injured in the affray whicn whic took place in inthe Inthe Inthe
the corridors of the courthouse Miller Millerwa lnnerwd Millerwag
wa wd arrested on affidavits of citizens who whowitnessed whowitneuecl whowitnessed
witnessed the attack attackNoted attackNotecl attackSoled
Noted Horse General Dead Denc1Middletown DeadMkblletown Den l lMiddletown
Middletown N Y Dec 8 IGeneral General Is Isdead Isdead Isdead
dead at Sussex aged thirtythree thtrtthr years yearsGeneral yearsGeneral yearsGeneral
General was a horse of much beauty high highspirit highspirit highspirit
spirit great energy ene and fine poise He Hewas Hewas Hewas
was the last horse owned by the late lateGen lateGen lateGen
Gen Kllpatrick and was AS presented to tohim tobim tohim
him by the Kite Garret A Hobart after afterward afterYooard afterward ¬
ward Vice President When rben Gen n Kilpat Kilpatrlck Kilpatrick Kilpatrick
rick became Minister to Chile he sold o1d the theGeneral theGeneral theGenoiaI
General to B P Walling Wa1Un of Sussex The Thehorse Tbehorse Thehorse
horse broke one of its legs and had to be bekilled beJdJe bekilled
killed killedFireman JdJeFiremnn killedPiremaxi
Fireman Killetl in Kansas Wreck WreckPittsburg VreelcPittsbargr reel reelPlttsburg
Pittsbargr Kans Dec 9 Ione One per person person person ¬
son was killed and several injured this thisafternoon thisafternoon thisafternoon
afternoon in a collision between a aMissouri aMtaourl aMissouri
Missouri Pacific passenger and a a Frisco Friscofreight Friscofre Friscofreight
freight fre ht train at thp crossing near this thiscity thIscity thiscity
city T F Freeman fireman of the thepassenger theJUHltpr thepassenger
passenger was instantly killed Engin Engineer Engineer Bnglneer ¬
eer John A A Page was badly hurt hurt and andMrs and1tnI andrS
Mrs rS Anna Steel a passenger pu sustained sustainedinjuries u sustainedinjuries tlned tlnedInjuria
injuries by being thrown against a aseat 8ea aeat
seat ea eat t
Woman omnn Dies from Gnu GnuNewark GUllNewark GasNewgrk
Newark N J Dec LMrs Mrs frs E J
Dinks a widow aged 82 G of S SO Wake Wakeman Wakeman Yakemaa
man avenue avenue was asphyxiated by gas gastoday gastoday
today day
Ocean StemnHliIps StemnHliIpsNew
New tK Ycrt Yc Utc 1Airiwd I rriwd St StalMhlps miHips Nwr W Yeric
from Sonthunpfm Soitkn < Jft December 1 Ilbein from Broacn i
La Breugw nret from Havrr HavrrPHONE 1IU11SW1ct Ihnvr4
r4 PHONE WINE CO 614 614M 614M998
M M998 998 < 14U I4WST I4WSTCHuISTMAS St Stt
Sweet CaUwte atawba SUB per perSwet gallon gallonHw aIJonHWftt
Hw HWftt t Muscatel JLW 188 per perper gallon gallonA
i r A Aro 1GO 15 per gallon Stterrr
1 1il 0 l1Pr plon 1 UXI per al altil
til il ilT04ALON CIcIm 1 per gauim gauimTOXALON pOuR pOuRTOKALON
614 61414th 14th St st N W Phone M 898 89Ci
Riders at Madison Square SquareGarden SqnareGarden SquareGarddll
Garden Cheered by 12000 12000OLD 12000OLD 1OQOOLD
Blue million Event In Cycling Cyelin World WorldAcrnin WorldAgain VorlelAgnln
Again On OnJlettllng Mettlingr of Canadian CanadianTeam CanuUanTeam CanadianTeam
Team Lends at End Ex ofVFirst o FlrHt Five FiveMile l FiveMilesSixteen lvc lvclneMSlxtccnLlnecl
Mile MilesSixteen lneMSlxtccnLlnecl Sixteen Lined Up nt Midnight Midnightfor Midnightfor l1clnlghtlor
for the Flash of the Pistol PistolMadison lltolUuelblon IIstolMadlnon
Madison Square Garden New York YorlcDec YorkDec YorkJ
Dec J c 10 10A At t the cud of the lie second hour hourtli llonrthe hourthe
tli the score core tva U Was H 40 miles 2 laps with all nilof allor allof
of the tennis tied tiedMadison tlcllfadllOn tiedMadison
Madison Square Garden New York YorkDec YorkDee YorkDec
Dec 9 9In In the presence of 12000 cheering cheeringpeople cheorIngpeople cheeringpeople
people sixteen teams included in whose whoseranks wh whOseranks se seranks
ranks are tho best longdistance cy cyclists cycItata cydlists ¬
clists in the th United States started in the theannual theannual theannual
annual sixday race for the blue rib ribbon ribbon ribboa ¬
bon of the indoor cycle world of the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States The Themes men got away awa at one oneminute unemInute oneminute
minute after midnight and the paca 8CO hit hitup hitup hitup
up was a a hot one from the start it plain plainly plolnIy plainI ¬
ly I being beln the intention of the oldtimers oldtimersto
to kill off the newcomers as quickly as aspossible aspossible aspossible
possible possibleIn possibleIn
In the sixteen teams that began the therace therace therace
race almost t on the stroke of IS I are 5Ic 5IcFarland Mc McFarland McFanland
Farland Wakbour MncLean Moran Moranand MoranaM Moranand
and Downing who competed in many manya
a hardfought race raceThe raceThe I IThe
The rkro scheduled acbe uled to begin the race racefor me8for racefor
for their teams wore announced Just ju t be before be before before ¬
fore midnight They are as follows followsVamleratuyft folIo folIoYanderatllYCt followsVanderstuyft
Vamleratuyft for or Vander Yandel8tuCt tuyft and andStol andStol endSIni
Stol Vanoni anonl for Breton and Vanonl VanoniLeon VanonlLeon VanonlLeon
Leon Georget for Georget brothers brothersClarke brothelllClarke brothersClarke
Clarke for Pye and Clarke McFarland McFarlandfor McFarlandfor McFarlandfor
for Rutt and McFarland AlacLean for forWaltbour forWaltbom forWaithour
Waltbour and MacLean Root for Root Rootand Rootand Rootand
and Fogler Moran for Downey and snJMoran anJMoran andMoran
Moran McDonald for McDonald and Cof Coffcy Coffey Cotfey
fey Santuelson for Samuelson and Hul Hullister HulU Hulhater
hater U ter Dawning for Hopper and Down Downing Doniog Downlug ¬
lug Menus enU8 Bedell for th the Bedell broth brothers brothera ulh ulhen ¬
ers Krebs Krebs for Knobs and Ruppecht RuppechtSchlee RUP RuppechtSchlee eCht eChtSchlee
Schlee for Schtee and McDonald llaMa Gatvlnfor llaMafor lalvinfor
for Galvin and Wltey and MettHns lIettU for forMettllng forMettling r rMettJln
Mettllng < and Logan LoganAll LocaaAll LogosAll
All got away all right except Frank FrankGalrta FraJlkGaJTJft FrankGaivIn
Galrta who tell and then waited Ited until untilthe vqUIthe untilthe
the bunch came around again n but this thismade thisno thismade
made no difference u a all were scored on oneven oneven oneven
even terra at the end of the tint miletcFanIand mile mileMcFarland 11e 11eMcFarland
McFarland led the first time around aroundand aroundaDd aroundand
and Moran was in front at the end endof ea4of sadoC
of the ant lap after the real racing < be began be besaD begun ¬
saD Moran was still in the lead at the theend theencI theend
end of the first mile for which his time timewas tImewas Urnswas
was 2 minutes Inutec 27 seconds Vanderstuyft8tarted Vanderstuyft Vanderstuyftstarted Vanderatnyftstarted
started the first sprint of th tM contest eont just Jostbefore justbelen Jzsstbefore
before the end nd of the second mite mile but butWalter butWaJter hutWaiter
Walter Rutt Rutlo the blond German whose whosepictures wllMepictures whosepictures
pictures are generally ae taken for Frank FrankKramer FrankKramer FrankKramer
Kramer chased after the ambitious boy boyand boyaN boyand
and overhauled overhauledSooR him himSoon himSoon
Soon after Vanderttuyffg sprint one of ofhis ofh1a ofida
his tires was punctured and he was w re relieved relieved nolieved ¬
lieved by his team mate mate Stol McFar McFarland XcFar1aDCI McFarland ¬
land Vanoni Moran and Stol took tookturns tonktutD8 tookujres
turns at leading the Ion and keep keeprag keep11I keepIng
rag 11I the pace a lively one Mottling of ofCanada ofCaaada ofConada
Canada led at the end of the fifth mile milehis milehis milehis
his time being 12 minutes 21 secondINDIANS IIeCOnda IIeCOndaINDIANS second secondsINDIANS
Inspector of Pive Civilized Tribes TribesThrows TribesThrows TribesThrows
Throws Light on Situation SituationPlenty SituationPIen SituationPlenty
Plenty PIen of Excuses to Keep Children Chllilrcnnt
nt Home HomCnelctJil CndetH Offer Services ServicesA ScrleeKAgnlnllt ServicesAgainst
Against A ninKt Snake Indians
The TI eighth annual report of the Unit UnitStates United UnitedSta UnitedStates
States Sta Indian I Inspector for the India IndiaTerritory IadlaaTwrttorT IndianTerritory
Territory treats interestingly IDterNttn y of the Five FiveCivUtaed FIveCtvtlhled FiveCivilised
CivUtaed Tribes and their conditions The Thereport Tbereport TherepelI
report brings out some Interesting Interu phases phasesof pbuesot phasesof
of Indian life lifeThe liteThe lifeThe
The Five Civilized Tribes consisting of ofSendnoies orSemInoles ofSeminoles
SemInoles Choctaws Chickasaws Creeks Creeksand CreekUICI Creeksand
and Cherokees have an aggregate popu popuJatfcm popuatSon popslotion
lotion of about S89W while only 5 5beludl MQi MQiincluding Itiiincluding
including beludl minors are fullblood Indians IndiansThe IndfeuThe IndiansThe
The superintendent of schools states statesthat statesthat tes testhat
that 881 l day and 31 boarding schools were weremaintained weremaintained weremaintained
maintained during the past year More Morethan Mo Mothan Monathan
than 10008 11 Indian children attended attend during duringthe durinthe duringthe <
the year These pupils associated a soclated with withwhite withwhite 1th 1thwblte
white and negro children In a a few in instances Instances instances ¬
stances mainly among the fullbloods fullbloodsthe fullbloodsthe fullbloodsthe
the Indian children objected to uniting unitingwith unlUrcwith unitingwith
with the whites whitesThe wbltesThe whitenThe
The subject of agriculture has been in introduced introduced Intraduced ¬
troduced in the schools as a regular regularstudy recuiactudY regularstudy
study tudY Many of the Indian pupils are arelandowners areJJMlownersancI arelandownersand
landowners JJMlownersancI and it is believed the idea of ofteaching ofteeehln ofteaching
teaching teeehln them the value Talu of tillin tilling the thesoil themil thesoil
soil will aid materially in their taking up upthe upthe upthe
the work when hen they finish nlsh school schoolThe schoolThe schooLThe
The greatest difficulty the teachers in inthe Inthe Inthe
the Territory have to contend with In Inbuilding Inbulldtng Inbuilding
building up the schools is the matter of ofabsence ofab ofabsence
absence ab of pupils The parents do not ap appreciate ap appreciate appredate ¬
preciate the necessity nece slt of sending their theirchildren theirchildren theirchildren
children to school regularly but keep keepthem keepthem keepthem
them out for days and weeks at a time timeBad ttmiBad timeBad
Bad roads bridgeless streams and un uncomfortable uncomfortable nflcomfortable ¬
comfortable schoolhouses frequently cause causeplausible CI8eplausible causeplausible
plausible excuses e cuaea for or keeping the children childrenat
at home homeIn homeIn homeIn
In years gone by so many inducement inducementhad Inducementh inducementshad
had h d to be offered to fullblood Indians Indiansto
to persuade them to send their children childrento
to school that manyof nMut r them yet et seem to tothink tothink tothink
think that they are conferring n favor favorupon faorupon favorupon
upon the teachers and officials by b consent consentIng CO consentlug 8ent 8entlng
lug to enroll their children There are no nocompulsory nocompulsory nocompulsory
compulsory school laws in the Territory TerritoryAcademies Territor TerritorAcademies TerritoryAcademies
Academies and ncl manual training schools schoolsare schoolsare schoolsare
are maintained The Indian boys take a anatural anatural anatural
natural interest in the drills and rifle riflepractices rlftepraetlces riflepractices
practices and make excellent scholars scholarsSeveral scholarsSeveral scholarsSeveral
Several years ears > ago when the disaffected disaffectedSnake diwarreetfldSnake disaffectedSnake
Snake Indians threatened to make trouble troublein troublein troublein
in the Choctaw nation the soldier a ldier boys boysof boySof boysof
of the Jones Academy promptly tendered tenderedtheir tenderedtheir tenderedtheir
their services to the chief of their nation nationIn nationIn nationin
In defense of If law and order orderUnder ortlerUnder orderUnder
Under the existing law oil gas and andother andother antiother
other mineral leases in the Creek and andCherokee andCherokee andCherokee
Cherokee nations can only be made by byallottees byaJlottees byallottees
allottees with ith the approval of the Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
tary of the Interior In the rapid devel development development development ¬
opment of o the resources resources of the Indian IndianTerritory IndaltTerritory IndianTerritory
Territory the rich soil deposits have at atttracted 8ttracted attiacted
ttracted tracted from every part of the United UnitedStates UnItedStat UnitedState3
States Stat 3 those interested in the industry industryThe IndustryThe IndustryThe
The oil development has resulted In Inbringing InbrJncI Inbringing
bringing brJncI large Incomes to many of the theIndians theIndlaJlS timIndians
Indians the th records showing that some sonvhave sornhave somehave
have received as high as 1260 or m we wea > re rea ea
a month on account of oil royalty rO lt Oth Others Others 0thens ¬
ers get from 53CO O to 4M a month monthMncon monthIaeon monthMacon
Macon Department Store Burns DornJilMacon BurnsMacon BnrnnMacon
Macon Ga Dec 9 DThe The Empire store storethe storethe storethe
the largest Ja est department store In the city citywas citrwas citywas
was completely destroyed by b Ore tonight tonightcausing tonightcausln tonightcausing
causing causln a toss of JICOCW lfOCi eeo The business businesssection buainCliRiMetiOla businesssection
section of the city WAS s threatened thrcatE t1 for a atime at1Jne atime
time but the firemen succeeded in con confining conftalng conlining ¬
fining the fire to the structure slru ture in init which
it originated The loss is covered by In Insuran in inAniGmoTilIe Insurance
suran surance
Automobile Tvitli Runner RunnerBrussels RunnerHBruNela RunnersBrussels
Brussels Dec 9 9Henryk Henryk Aretow Arctowsky Aretowsky Aretowsky
sky of antarctic fame has invented an anautomobile anutomobl1e anatitomoblie
automobile with skate runners for use
In arctic exploration IOl8tlon It is of very per
light construction and nd It Is the inven Inv Invtons ¬
tors belief that it can cover the ice ¬
fields between the pole and the open opensea opeDs openso
sea s so much faster than dogsleds dogsl ds The Thecontrivance Thecolttrlvan Thecontnivanre
contrivance colttrlvan e is being built at Brescoux Brescouxner BrescouxJlear Brescouxnear
near Liege
Craze Bent South Sea Bubble in inXnmbcr InXUIbcr InNumber
Number of Inventors InventorsChicago InctorllChicago InvestorsChicago
Chicago Dec 9 nThe The extent of the thepresent thepresent thepresent
present mine craze in the United UnitedStates UnitedStntos UnitedStates
States equals If it does not surpass surpa s the thespeculation thespeculatloq thepecu1tiofl
speculation nf ten or more years yo rs ago agoin agoIn agoIn
in South Africa mines and leaves the theJohn theJohn theJohn
John Liv South Sea Bubble in the theprimary thQprImary theprimary
primary department departmentThis departmentThis departmentThis
This is the statement of George R RCaldwel RCaldwel IL ILCaidwel
Caldwel manager of thd the bond depart department dopartnumt departmont ¬
mont of the American Trust and Say Savings Sa SaJngs Sayings ¬
ings Bnk BnkA nnkA BnkA
A conservative estimate of tha sum sumcontributed sumoontrJbuted sumoontrlbuted
contributed he said Is 150000000 160000000All 150000000AU 150000000All
All classes cla es from the laundress s to the thelawyer th thlawoer thelawyer
lawyer the merchant to the clergy clergyman clorgyman clergyman ¬
man have caught the speculative fever feverOne loverOne oor oorOne
One Philadelphia banker recently recentlyestimated recontIyestimated recentlyestimated
estimated that fully 50600000 of Phil Philadelphia PhlIadelphl PhIladeiphia ¬
adelphia money had been taken out of ofthe o othe ofthe
the banks for Investment In mining miningshares miningshue miningshares
shares In the last year He estimated estimatedPittsburg1 estimatel1Plttsburg estimatedPlttsburg
Plttsburg was committed to 75000000 75000000and 5OOOOOOand 50000OOand
and other large Jar e cities at from 5000000 ilOOOOOOto 5000000to 5000000to
to 10000000 each Many bankers In InNew InXew InNew
New York St Louis Loul Chicago and else elsewhere elsowhere elsewhere ¬
where can give similar testimony In InChicago InChicago InChicago
Chicago fully 50000000 Is in speoula speculative speoulatIe speoulatire ¬
tIe mining minln stocks stocksThe stocksThe tocksThe
The strain upon manufacturing manufacturingmercantile manuacturlngmerCAntile manufnctunlngmercantile
mercantile and other business inter interests IntorHts Intereats ¬
eats because of Insufficient funds and anddear anddear anddear
dear money is everywhere apparent apparentBanks npparentBaJlkIJ apparentBanks
Banks will not lend on these stocks stockshence stocksheAce stockshence
hence they must be bought outright outrightWhen outrightWhen outrightWhen
When the decline comes as it did a few fewyears feweATS fewyears
years eATS ago In England there will be a agreat agreat agreat
great disturbance in our financial cen centers centers ecutern ¬
ters tersFIFTEEN
British Trading Vessel hits lIlt Hocks HocksOJT UOCJi1IOff Itocksoff
Off the Belgian Coast CoastBrussels CoafftDIUReI8 CoastBrussels
Brussels Belgium Dec ItA A British Britishtrading BritishtradtRg Britishtrading
trading vessel whose ho name has not yet yetb yetbeen yetbeen
b been en learned < went on the l e rocks near nearKnocke noorKnoeke nearKnoeke
Knoeke on the Belgium coast eoaat Sunday Sundayand Sundayancl Sundayand
and fifteen persons were drowned drownedNo drowUdNo drownedNo
No particular of the disaster are yet yetavailable yetavailable yetavailable
available availableRESENT availableRESENT availableRESENT
Friends of Walter Evans of Federal FederalBench FederalBench FederalBench
Bench Angry at President PresidentReference PresidentUcferencc Presidentitcfercnce
Reference Made in Mcnnngre to Con Conrre OongresR Congross
gross rre n to Decision Which rbleh Is IsCalled IiiCullucl IsCalled
Called an Absurdity Absurdityancfcl Absurditysssi blmrdlt blmrdltI >
ancfcl to U UK WahisRiM w malL HmULouisville u uLoaMvlUe malLLouisville
Louisville Ky Dec HIJBb tLlWet short shorta oC oClIaIatio cCa
a sensatioH has been created here by the thestrictures theatrletun thestrictures
strictures east upon Federal Judge JudgeWalter J JWalter JudgeWalter
Walter Evans of the Western Kentucky Kentuckydistrict XeatvekJdi8trict KentuckydIatrict
district by the President m bt his message messageto
to Congress C and by the Attorney General Generalin
in 1 his annual ual report Judfce Ju4M Ju e Evans Eva re recently re recently nocently ¬
cently rendered a decision the effect of ofwhich ofwhleJa ofwhich
which te to hold unconstitutional a atIoa a see seetion ec ectkm
tkm of the act approved June 1 1wbleb let IMSwhich letwhich
which provides for the amicable settle settlement settleaeaf settlemeat ¬
meat of controversies between 1 carriers carriersand carriersand carriersand
and their employes and andmaklng making Ito ft penal penaloffense peDaloffense penaloUenae
offense for carriers to discriminate discriminateagainst d discriminateagainst mtaate mtaateapIut
against employee emP07 oa account of member membership membership membership ¬
ship In labor organisations or to attempt attemptto
to prevent their obtaining employment employmentafter employmentafter employmentafter
after discharge dischargeUnder 4i8cbu1JeCoder dIschargeUnder
Under the law the government t baa no noappeal Mappeal neappeal
appeal ha the case and the President kIeItt m murging sthat hiurging
urging that a law giving an appeal be bewltUe en enacted enaet ¬
acted aet while not mentioning UGtdIIa J JIt Judge Bva Bvaname waas waasimme
name sU it seemed an aos absurdity nMcy to toallow toaDow toallow
allow a aJtIde judge to take that course courseJudge coaneJudae courseJudge
Judge Evans served several terms In InCongress 111and InCongress
Congress and was for four years a mem member 1IteI1her mcciher ¬
her of the Ways and Means M4lfn Committee CommitteeHe CommItteelie
He has always been a stalwart sft wart Repub RepnbHcan RepubIIcaa Repubfleas
fleas vThat That he should be so severely verel criti criticised eniticlued rltl rltlcted ¬
clued by the administration causes ca a
surprise in political circles circlesJudge drcleJadse circlesJudge
Judge Evans declines to disease dlsc the thecase tbecue thecase
case cue but some of his friends whjo wWo think thinkthe thbakthe thinkthe
the judge baa been badly treated by the theadministration tileadaaIaIRraUon theadministration
administration are not maintaining the thesame theame thesame
same degree of judicial secretiveness secretivenesswhich secretivenesswhich retmneea retmneeawbich
which characterizes the judge judgeCol jucICot judgeCot
Cot Henry L L L Stone one of the most mostprominent moetpromI mootprominent
prominent promI ent members of the Louisville bar barsaid bareaId brsaid
said today todayThere tCHlayThere todayThere
There are many JD members of otHthe the legal legalprofession JesaIprofealoa legalesslon
profession esslon throughout this country C who whowould whowould whowould
would justly characterise such covert at attacks a attacks t ttacks ¬
tacks as the President has made upon the thedecisions thedectaIoaa thedecisions
decisions of able and conservative eon ative ativeera Fed Federal Federal ¬
eral judges Jud < a by some other name than thanbravery tIuu1braery thanbravery
bravery braveryI
I i do not believe that in asking Con Congress ConJPes8 Congross ¬
gross to pass legislation I tlon allowing the gov government tOVemment goveminent ¬
eminent to appeal In criminal or penal penalcases penalcuee penalcases
cases the President should have gene out outof outor outof
of his h way to reflect even Indirectly upon upona
a Federal judge who under oath has ha de decided de del1ded doelded ¬
cided a Congressional Co statute unconstitu unconstitutional uneonaUtutIoaaI uncoustItutional ¬
tional tionalXlcnrnttun tIoaaIXlcnrn tionalSicaragun
Xlcnrnttun Xlcnrn = un Laborer Seek WorkMobile Work WorkMobile VorkMobile
Mobile Ala Dec 9 1Passengers Passengers arriv arriving cmivlag ¬
lag here from Blueaelde Nicaragua bring bringa
a gloomy report of the effect of the hurri hurricane hurricane hurticane ¬
cane on the coast of Nicaragua in de depriving de depriving doprtvlng ¬
priving laborers of their livelihood and andforcing adforclng endforcing
forcing them to leave the country Every Everyvessel Everive Everyvessel
vessel sel they say that leaves Blueftekla Blueftekbno Bluefiekinow Bluefteklanow
now no is crowded with passengers who are areeager areeaGer areeager
eager to seek any place where work will vrillbe willbe willbe
be given en them themFailed themFaIlccl themFailed
Failed to Practice What hat lie Read ReadFrost Rady Readflea
Frost TKBttaJames TKBtta lttBJames litBilLJames
James dear will you bring me up a ascuttle acuttle ascuttle
scuttle of coal from the cellar celtarr said a abusy abusy abusy
busy wife wifeThats wifeThats wifeThats
Thats just the way with you said saidJames SAidJamea saidJames
James with 1th a frown as a he put down his htebook hisbook hisbook
book and rose from the armchair armchairJust armchairJust armchairJust
Just the way with me meYes mer merYes meYes
Yes be snapped sonp As soon as you so some sos soeme sosme
me enjoying myself you have something somethingor
or other for me to do Didnt you see I Iwas Iwas Iwas
was absorbed in my reading readingWell readln readlnWell readingWell
Well dear I will do it myself myselfYes myselfYe myselfand
Yes and tell everybody evertbodYOurrnother evertbodYOurrnotherespeciallythat everybodyyour your mother motherespecially motherespeciallythat
especially especiallythat that you have to carry your yourown yourown our ourOWII
own coal up from the cellar No Ill Vu do doit doIt doIt
it It Let me mark my place placeSo plac placSo placeSo
So he marked the place In the book at atwhleh athleb atwhich
which hleb he had ceased reading and when whenhe whenhe whenhe
he went down in the cellar grumbling all allthe aUthe allthe
the way wa she picked up the volume and andfound andfound andfound
found It was a love story and that the thepassage theaaaae thepassage
passage he had been absorbed in was KS as asfollows RSfollows asfollows
follows followsMy followsIT followsMy
My IT darling when you Ou are my wife I Iwill Iwill Iwill
will shield and protect you 00 from every everycare eerycare everycare
care The winds of heaven shall not notvteit notvisit notvisit
visit your face too roughly those pretty prettyhands prettybancis prettyhnds
hands shall never be sorted by menial mentaltasks menialtaak8 menialtasks
tasks your wish 18h shall heft be my law your yourhappiness yourhapptnesa yourhappiness
happiness happinessJust happtnesa happtnesaJust happinessJust
Just then he reappeared and dropping droppingthe droppingthe droppingthe
the scuttle on the floor said saidTheres saidTheres saidTheres
Theres your coal Give m me my book bookAVE bookHA hookrAVE
rAVE AVE VE you realized that thatyour th thatyour t tyour
HA your printed matter mattercan n1attercan mattercan
can be greatly greatlyimprov greatlyimproved improv improved improved ¬
ed by the use of our service serviceGet serviceGet serviceGet
Get in touch with us today todayregarding tpd todayregarding y yregarding
regarding your immediate immediaterequirements immediaterequirements immediaterequirements
requirements requirementsThe
The Law Reporter Printing Co
518 Fifth Street Northwest NorthwestM
M W Moors oor Manager ManagerPhone ManagerPhone anager anagerPhone
Phone Main M 828
CRAMPS TO P ID PELL PELLMillionaire PELLMillionaire PELLMillionaire
Millionaire Shipbuilder Sl lJbuilder De Defends Defends Dcfends ¬
fends Soninlaw SoninlawREPUDIATES SoninlaREPUDIATES SoninlawREPUDIATES
Prefer Publicity of Suit to < o Payment Paymentof Pn mcnt mcntof
of Any Money to hush Mtttt Mztttr MztttrWonien r rWomen rVomcn
Women Said to Annoy Anno Business BusinessMen D BusinessMen HneH HneHtlcn
Men and Many Deny Them Tlac l1 Ad Adntittnncc AdnlUnnce td tdmittance
ntittnncc to Their QlDces QlDcesPhiladelphia OIDeeI OIDeePhUadelphla OiflccnPhiiadelphi
Philadelphia Pa Dec 9 9It It was s by bythe lJythe bythe
the advice of his wife and his fathbrhv fathbrhvlaw fatlltsrmlaw lathhrhtlaw
law Edwin S Cramp that Theodore TheodoreRoosevelt Theod TheodoreRoosevelt re reRoosevclt
Roosevelt PeH P l of o New York decided to toaccept toaccept toaccept
accept the publicity connected with the thecase thecuo theease
case and openly contest the claim for
515000 16900 damages for breach of promise promisebrought promlaebrought promisebrought
brought against a in him by Alma Roberts Robertsthe Rober Roberthe Robertsthe
the New York actress actressA aetrMlA actremA
A family council was held upon the thecase tJaeCAse thecase
case Mr Cramp went over from Phila Philadelphia PbfJadelphia Plum Plumdelphia ¬
delphia and instated that not one cent centbe ceAtbe centbe
be offered to keep the proceedings from fromgoing fromgoinS frontgoing
going to the courts In this tit course Mr MrCramps 11 MrCramps r rCramps
Cramps daughter concurred taking the theview UI8view theview
view held by all the family that the facts factsIn factsIn factsIn
In the caae entirely freed Mr Pall PellXot PallNot Pallot
Not ot Worried l liy y Suit SnltNone SuitNone SuitNone
None of the family is I bothered about aboutthis abouttbhl aboutthis
this preposterous pre 1OU8 suit lt said lei Mr r Cramp Crampthis CrampthJ Crampthis
this evening It is simply one of those thoseaffairs eatfatn thoseaffairs
affairs in which any an young y man of good goodfamily SOOdfamily goodfamily
family in any large city is K YtJlIy iiy y to have havesome llave llave80me havesome
some woman attempt to make him a vic victim vlc vlctim vietim ¬
tim tim
The woman claims damages because of
an alleged promise prom of marriage yet al almost aIm08t almost ¬
most the first ftr question she asked Mr MrPell JrPell MrPSI
Pell the first time she came to his office officeon oftIceOIJ oce oceeli
on eli business bust was whether he was not the theyoung tileoung theyoung
young oung man who had married my ifly dough daughter eta etatet doughtel ¬
tel On ln n the face of It the suit t is not what whatit whatit hat hatt
it t purports to to leslie leslieIinagtne be beImagine beImastne
Imagine a woman thirtyfive or forty fortyyears tortyyean fortyyears
years of age e who has been a chorus chorusgirl choru5irl chorusgirt
girl and who keeps a boarding house for formen t tjn farmen
men in New York betas the victim of a ayoung ayoung ayoung
young man of twentythree He to the theyoungest theYOUAgelit theyoungest
youngest of three brothers and they all allagree anrH altagree
agree that the case hi one that should be bemade bep bemade
made plain plainDeny p plainDeny n nDen
Deny Den Women omcn Admittance AdmittanceI Adiui I t tunce tunceII
II I know hundreds b of prominent pnMI nent men in inthe 111tJae inthe
the large cities who will never visit a awoman aWOIDaII awoman
woman on business nor allow one to toeater todletr tosaint
eater their office But hi some businesses businessesthis bumeerule businessesthis
this rule cannot hokl h I understand U1I unrstan that thatthis tbattIaIs thatthis
this woman called at my 1 soninlaWs soninlaWsoffice 8ODIDlaWad sonIn4awitimci
timci office and professed to be looking looId for a ahouse ah ahouse
house h He went with her to show how how6taI soy several soyoral ¬
oral 6taI and on the trip she asked iked him hIaIQ1JeMIoa many manyquestions manyonL
questions Q1JeMIoaHe questionsHe onL onLHe
He did not see anything nore more of her heruntil heruntil heruntil
until one day he received a note asking
him to calL He thought It was waseonaeeted some somebusiness somebusIne
busIne business connected with the house boue bat batshe batabe butshe
she told him she was in a delicate condi condition eoadltion condition ¬
tion tion and asked him to write the theof address addressof addrmeof
of some physician he knew He was wuIUIWIed wasainased wasamased
amased and declined to do so soWhen 80When soWhen
When ne heard of the case he asked askedme uk ukme askedme
me M to 0 > come to New York He had told toldhis toldha toldhis
his wife of it it and we all advised that thatno tbatDO thatno
no attention be paid to the proposals to tosettle toeeUIe tosettle
settle the case ca but use all the money moneynecessary JDODeJDeceaar moneynecessary
necessary to fight it openly openlyEXCAVATING openlyEXCAVATING openlyEXCAVATING
Pompeii Finds of o Small Importance Importancein
in Comparison ComparisonOne CO Conuparinontin lIHlriHoJi lIHlriHoJif
f tin ew fw 1t ntil limuhi r rI Ps PsOne
I One cannot doubt that the foresga fGnIpacboIaIw foresgascholars oea oeascholars
scholars who have labored to make this thtogreat tIdacnat thisgreat
great arrhaetogtcal enterprise possible pitblewill possiblewill
will 111 have a favored position P8IIUotaelates as ama associates amaelates ¬
elates In the work and as investigators IDYeII of ofthe oftJae ofthe
the flute For m layman it te IDIeuIt dheuitto U cnlt cnltU
to U > reattae the importance of this t project
so far have the sensational r discoveries discoveriesat
at Pompeii dazzled the popularnat1oa popular imagi imagination Imagination ¬
nation nationever nat1oaProm nationFrom
Prom the point oC View Of art art how however bowever
ever all that ha baa been found at Pom Pompeii Pompeii Pornpelt ¬
peii is of slight importance compared comparedwith comparedwith comparedwith
with the results re of casual excavations excavationsat
at Herenlaneum The remarkable Greek Greekand Greeklid Greekand
and GrecoRoman G Roman bronses that are are the thepride tlMpride thepride
pride of the Naples museum came from froma
a stogie villa at Herculaneum The few fewscraps fewacraJ5 fewscraps
scraps of wall painting that gave a hint hintof ll atot hintof
of the dignity of Grecian Gn ctaD painting have havethe havethe
the same origin but are relatively obsoured obICUI ob ohicured
soured by b the showier examples of ofplasterers ofplasterers
plasterers work from Pompeii The Theruins Theruiu Theruins
ruins of the latter city have not furnish furnished furn furned furnishCd ¬
ed a a single manuscript Herculaneum Herculaneumpractically HerculaDeumpractically Herculaneumpractically
practically unstarched baa already given givenup Idvenup givenup
up a a large library 1Ibcarymediad medical and scion ncientine JlClentiftc sciontthc
tine tiftc to be sure further Inveetiptionmay Investigationmay investigation investigationmay
may bring us substantial atantlal additions to toclassical toclauical toclassical
classical literature Iit ture In abort when we welook welook welook
look at GrecoRoman antiquity through throughI throughPompeii
I Pompeii it Is as if some thirteenthcen thirteenthcentury thlrteeftthcentury thirteenthcontury ¬
tury archaeologist should judge Ameri American American Amencan ¬
can cftvtllzaiton from the remains of ofSaratoga orSaratoa ofSaratoga
Saratoga or Long Branch whereas whereasHerculaneum whereasHerculaneum whereasHereulaneunt
Herculaneum will represent the polite politetastes politeta politetastes
tastes ta of early imperial Rome Further Furthermore Furthermore Furfhermore ¬
more Pompeii had been greatly 81t1y dam damaged damaged damaged ¬
aged by earthquake and flimsily rebuilt rebuiltin rebuiltIn
in the taste of the decadence before it itwas Itwaa Itwas
was overwhelmed ecI by the falling fall cinders cindersbut cindersbut cindersbut
but Herculaneum when the mud rotted rottedover rolledover roiledover
over J It It still tIIl kept intact the treasures treasuresof treasuresof
of the most J cultured Romans Rontanslielien RontanslielienIvers Helten Heltenfeers lielleftbiers
biers of the generations of o Lucretius and andCicero andCIcero andtIcero
Cicero CiceroThe CIceroThe tIceroThe
The value of these iridAen treasures the thewildest thewtklCiJt timwildest
wildest Imagination lma natiOIl is not likely to exag exaggerate exaggerate exeggerate ¬
gerate The history of archaeology hard hardly hanIJy hardly ¬
ly affords a a parallel The excavator e cavator of oftoday oftoclay oftoday
today breaks into an unknown Pharaoh Pharaohtomb Phahtomb Pharaohtomb
tomb only to find that a sneak thief j
had preceded bun by a a thousand years yearsThe yearsThe ears earsThe
The Greek marbles of ancient Rome are aremostly aremomb aremostly
mostly in the mortar of the medieval medievalcity medievalelt medievalcity
city elt but here are the summer homes of ofcultured ofeultured ofcultured
cultured Rome of the Augustan period periodand peJ10dand periodand
and earlier only awaiting the careful carefuluse carerlMe carefiluse
use of the pick and spade spadeAs sPftdeAs spadeAs
As if to provide n against such a prize prisebeing prizebeing prizebeing
being enjoyed too cheaply nature has haslocked baslocked haslocked
locked up In Herculaneum under about abouteighty abouteighty abouteight
eighty eight feet of volcanic concrete and fate fatehas fatehas fatehas
has willed that some iIO twenty thousand thousandNeapolitans thpOAadNeapollt1ans thpuaanfNeepolitians
Neapolitans should swarm above the thevillas thevinas thevillas
villas were Roman patricians dwelt in Inspecious inspacious j
spacious ease To uncover Hercula Herculaneum HerculaMourn Herculaneum ¬
neum will be an expensive ex nstve business in involving Involving Inveining ¬
volving the condemnation of much land laneland landand j jand
and then the most mo t cautious methods methodsof
of excavation The nature of the work workdictates workdictates workdictates
dictates patience all around No one oneshould oneshould oneshould
should expect e pect quick results at the COBof COlior COB conof
of irreparaole damage to the beautiful beautifulobjects Qe5uUtulobjects beautifulobjects
objects imbedded In the stiffened mud mudOn mudOn muadOn
On the other hand we can imagine no noInvestment noInvestment noInvestment
Investment of capital by an art lover loverthat loverthat j
that is more certain to bring handsome handsomereturns hanclsomereturns handsomereturns
returns The uncovering uncoverin of o a single villa villaUke villalike j
like that which contained the large largebronzes Ia largebronzes e ebronzftl
bronzes of the Naples museum would wouldamply wouldAmply woiddamply
amply Justify jU8UC any expenditure likely to tobe tobe tobe
be made m de We discern a peculiar appro appropriateness approprJateneas apprapriatenens ¬
priateness too in fact that this great greatproject greatproject < reat reatplOjeet
project is I to be international in its scope scopeA 8COpftleal
A 4 Practical tleal Application ApplicationProm A1pJlcntIonFN APplicationebkau
Prom U the ebkau XkaM 1ceonIIler R cwrdII nIIHe cL cLHe rakL rakLHe
He was a little North Side lad who had hadJust hadjust hadjust
Just started in to attend the Francis Par Parker Parker Parker ¬
ker School where little folks are taught taughtto
to keep accounts They had company to todinner todbmer todimier
dinner one evening evenln recently when he hor horrified horrl herritifid ¬
rified rl d the family by remarking at tile tlietable tiletable thetable
table tableOne
One chop M cents That is what I Ipaid Ip Ipaid
paid p for the chop that grandma sent me mefor mefor mefOt
for when you telephoned tel phoned that you were werecoming wereeomfng worecoming
coming Uncle Frank FrankA
A frown from grandma and a discreet discreetsmile dlgereetmiJe discreetsmile
smile from other members of the family familywas famftywa5 familywas
was the only onl reply repl replj
been promisnff to marry me m for a long longtime tong111M longUrn
time Urn and has assured n me that he would wouldoh
011 01 so many times timesKnotvn timesInoun timesKnown
Known n UK 3Ir Mrs Brown BrovrnFor llronFox BrownFor
For the last seven years I have boon boonknown boon boonknown boonknown
known as Mrs A A M Brown When peo people people peopie ¬
ple have been addressing addres lns me here afe a Mrs AirsBradley MrsBradley MrsBradley
Bradley I Illt1e Imve had to think whether they theymeant theymeant theymeant
meant me or some ono else elseAirs elselrs elseMrs
Airs lrs Thornburgh who has been a police policematron policematron
I matron for many years believed that thatI thatMrs
I Ialrs Mrs Bradley is mentally unbalanced Oc Occasionally o oeatonally th thcaslonally ¬
casionally during th the night she had a aj nvacant avacant
j vacant stare in hor eyes which led the thematron thei thematron
i matron to believe that her mind was af affeeted atreeted affeeted
feeted feetedMrs reetedMrs feetedMia
Mrs Bardley has never mentioned any anyother anyother anyother
other woman In the th case nor has she In Intimated IntJmated intimoted ¬
timated in any way y she was jealous jealousof
of Brownj BrowlLate Brown BrownLate
Late Saturday night two men who said saidthey sakithey saidthey
they were representing repr tt a a labor paper papercalled plpercaUed papercalled
called on Mrs Bradley and gave her herShe herbe W WShe
She refused but they insisted and the themoney tbemoney themoney
money was left at the station It hag hagbeen haabeen hasbeen
been credited to her account at the House Houseof Houseof Houseof
of Detention DetentionIt
It develops that Bartich I Bagley BagleySalt BqleySalt BagleySalt
Salt Lake attorneys > who requested A AL AE AE
E E L L Leckie to handle the matter here herewere herewere herewere
were notified at the request of Mrs MrsBradley JtlnsBradley MrsBmadloy
Bradley by a representative of a Utah Utahpaper Utahpaper Utahpaper
paper She a utekod ktd ked them to have hut pa paper patter paper ¬
per inform Judge Bartich of the shoot shootIng shootIfttr shootlag
lag IngActing
Acting upon orders from her attorneys attorneysand attorneysanel attorneysand
and police headquarters no one is per permitted permitted r rndtted ¬
mitted to visit Mrs Bradley She oc occupies occupies ccespies ¬
cupies a room to herself and night nl ht and andday nndday andday
day is under the surveillance of a ma matron atrota matree ¬
tree tronSenators tree3enator
Senators George Sutherland of Utah Utahfor Utahfor Utahfor
for whom Mrs Bradley sent as soon as asshe aame asshe
she was arrested declared today tfH that thatshe thatahe thatshe
she was wa mentally 1D taJl irresponsible for her heract heract heract
act The TheMltce police are inclined to agree agreewith 3g 3gwith agreewith
with this a view
Brown Injured Recently Recentlylai ReoentlyI
lai I addition to hi h his bullet wounds ex exSenator exSe enSenator
Senator Brown is just recovering from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the effects of srSroken leg suffered sever several aeveraI ¬
al 1 months ago The accident occurred on onthe onthe onthe
the streets of Salt Lake City It was wasduring wasdu wasduring
du during the afternoon and the Senator bad badjust badJeft hadjust
just left his office While crossing cro a astreet ameet astreet
street the driver of fa j II coal wagon wa n backed backedMs backedhis backedhis
his load Jo d against the u curbing curbln and almost almoststruck almostatrack almoststruck
struck Senator Brown BrownThe BrownTbe BrownThe
The incident angered him for a second secondand seeondand secondand
and be kicked at the wagon wheel His Hisfoot Hisfoot Hisfoot
foot was caught between the spokes spokesthrowing epokeatbrowr spokesthroning
throwing tbrowr him to the pavement and re resulting re reIJ1IlU resuiting ¬
suiting IJ1IlU in a fracture of his right leg
Owing to the accident he was confined to toa toa toa
a a hospital tal in Salt Lake some me time timeNo ti tiNo timeNo
No person claiming relationship rela oastalp with withthe Withthe withthe
the wounded man has Inquired at the hoe hospital hoepUtl hoeiiUal ¬
pital except ex one a woman who bo came caineearly cameearly cameearly
early yesterday morning and left her ad address add address ¬
dress d in Washington saying she was an anaant anaulut n nt
aant aulut t She asked th the hospital authorities authoritiesnot authorItiesDOt authoritiesnet
not to divulge her name nameMr name3Ir1f nameMrs
Mr Mrs Ilriullcy IIrncll JJrniIe 1f Pant PnsfMr PalttMI PantMrs
Mr MI Bradley before her marriage was wasMlse wasM wasMiss
Miss M Annie M Maddison She Sb was wasbrought wasbrought wasbrought
brought up in Kansas K City and moved movedto
to the Utah metropolis when quite young youngI JOUJ1Wilen youngWhen
I When she met Bradley he was employed employedas
as a a clerk In a railroad oStee at Salt SaltLake SaltLake SaltLake
Lake Five or six years ago be left there thereland thereaDd thenoaad
land aDd moved to Nevada It is believed that thatbe thatbe thatbe
be is I still there tben as be had a position 08ItIoRclerk as asclerk asclerk
clerk with the Southern Pacific PacificMrs PacI4eM PnciIicMrs
Mrs M Bradley has a married sister living
in Salt Lake She has an unmarried unmarriedter sis sinIcr sister ¬
ter who formerly resided there but butmoved butmoved butmoved
moved away some time ago 8Q She te also alsobelieved alsobelieved alsobelieved
believed to have relatives living JIvID in Call Calif Callfornia
iferoia f lda
Lawrence Jerome Had Revenue RCen e for forIleintr forDelnr forlJein
Ileintr lJein Called ns a Witness Witnessthe VItnensfiem IUlclI IUlclItbe
fiem the X ew w Y Yii k Tribes lriIIae lriIIaeLawrence TribesLawrence e eLawrence
Lawrence Jerome J rome the father er of District DistrictAttorney DtIItrictAttorDe DistrictAttorney
Attorney William Travers Jerome Jerome was wasnoted wasnoted wasnoted
noted in his day as a wit and a Joker He Hewas Hewas Hewas
was once called on to testify In a suit suithi suitIn uft uftIn
I In which be believed that he had no evi evidence evldeuce cvideuce ¬
deuce of any value to offer oer He tried to topersuade topersuade topersuade
persuade the lawyer to save him hi MW the thebother thebother thebother
bother of hanging around the courtroom courtroombut courtroombut courtroombut
but m in vain On the day set for the trial trialLarry trialLarry trialLaniy
Larry as be was known to every ery one onewas onen onewas
was in n court early y but his name was not notcalled notcal1ecl notcalled
called all 11 morning When m Ia the middle middleof middleof middleof
of the afternoon he was finally asked to totake totake totake
take the witness stand he was in inpleasant no nopleasant nopleasent
pleasant humor but his face wore a aplacid aplacill aplacid
placid anile anileWhat smileWhat mallsWhaL
What to your name namer asked the law lawyer lawyer lawyen ¬
yer yerThe
The witness wJt looked at him in apparent apparentamasement apparentamuement apparentamazement
amazement What l bat to your name the therepetition thenpetltioa therepetition
repetition came ea a bit sharply llllarpl7WIQ sharplyWhy
Why you know It my name me replied Mr MrJerome MrJerome MrJer
Jerome JeromeYes JeromeYea Jer
Yes I know I do hut I want you to totell toten totell
tell It to the court waving his hand handtoward handtoward handtoward
toward the Judge JudgeWhy j1JdleWhy judgeWhy
Why the th Judge knows me as well as asyon asyou asyou
you do doYour doYour doYour
Your honor turning toward the thebench thebench thebench
bench will m you kindly direct the witness witnessto
to answer the question questionThe questionThe questionThe
The witness 8 will answer the question questioncame que questionesme tlon tloncame
came back sternly sternlyWhy steralyYhj sternlyWhy
Why Judge jud e said Sir Jerome plain plaintively plaintively plaintlvely ¬
tively you know my name as well as asMr asMr asMr
Mr does Didnt we three have a adrink adrink adrink
drink together at recess recessThe recessr recessrThe recess4 recess4The
The judge jud e rapped down the audible audiblesmiles audiblesmiles
smiles which arose all over the court courtroom courtroom courtroom ¬
room room and meekly meekl directed the stenogra stenographer stenographer stenogmapher ¬
pher to enter the witness name as Law Lawrence Lawmeson
rence Jerome JeromeWhnllnjET JeromeVlanJlng JeromeWhaling
Whaling as n Modern Business Businesslnm BusinesslN
lnm lN Harpers Jl pccs W W7 W7Whaling WiebtyWhaling eMy eMyWhaling
Whaling is a small enterprise compared comparedwith comPfUedwith comparedWith
with the great eat Industry of long ago The Theold Theold
old lure oil is scarcely thought of to today to toI today ¬
I day the vegetable e etable world having havl so o com completely cernplotely ¬
I pletely supplanted the leviathan in the thearts theI thearts
arts The bones the thing It has never neverbeen nevtrbeen neverbeen
been higher hl her in price some it M a pound poundtoday poundtoday
today toda and a right whale will average averagevmore averagemore veJftlemore
I vmore more than 36000 pounds of bone Two Twowhales TwoWhaleS I
whales whales will yield Ield a ship a dividend five fiveare ftvei fiveare
i are i the average catch It costs co ts about aboutI aboutl5
15800 l5 15800 including advances to the per personnel per8Ot1uel persotutel ¬
I sonnel later deducted from their catch catchpercentage catchpercentage catchpercentage
percentage to outfit a ship for a summer summerin summerin
I in the arctic Often the catch is worth worthiiti
i 8 iiti OM of which about 2M 25100 goes oes to the theskipper thei theskipper
i skipper Theres money ia whaling often oftenmore oCtenI oftenmore
more than in mining and salmon canning canningthe canningthe
I the North admits ad mi Ls and so even greater greaterlawlessness greaterJalessne greater1awiesone
lawlessness 1awiesone exists than In those pursuits pursuitsStnilicK pursuftsI pursuitsStuilies
I StnilicK of the Vernacular VernacularFrom YernaeularI Vernacularibas
I From the Ctoatgo Cb Trttnae TrttnaeHullo Tr Thinuehub laDe laDeHullo
Hullo HulloHullo HulloHullo hub hubHuhlo
Hullo Oozat OozatSmee OoatSmee OozatSmeeMeyme
Smee Smee SmeeMeyme Mayme UIDe Thatchoo Moll MollYen 10111 10111Yeh MollYeh
Yeh tsmee e Wotsup otsup Maymer MaymerSaymoll Hay MaymoSaymoil me meSaymoll
Saymoll wsjja mean by y telifaiatnbout telifaiatnboutcan teI nbout nboutcan
can yeer me Moll MollYen MoUYeh Moltrob
Yen I heerja TelHner wet wotCore wetCore wetCore
Core shoo dunno dunnoCore dunnoCore dunnoCore
Core si dont Oozbinstufim yuh yuhNunna ynluNunna uk ukNunna
Nunna yer Ms Betchacant gnome guossoBettacan gtlO gnomeDettecan iQ iQBettacan
Bettacan Fantole FantoleAwgit FAntole FAntoleAwglt FantoleAwgit
Awgit out Haintseenersince HaintseenersinceYeah HalntseenerslnceYesh HalntseezuerslnceYesh
Yesh av Yoon her wuz wtizAw wuzA wuzAw
Aw A W frewin sake cancheo lemm3tlLookeer lemmy lemmyLookeer lemmyLookeer <
Lookeer Mayme Owftout Biltan B u you youcummlnover youcuinatinover Ou Oucummlnover
cummlnover cummlnoverNuthlndoon cummlnoverNuthlndoon cuinatinoverNuthindoon
Nuthlndoon Gee Ge I gotastoppen jo jjobackstore jobaekstore 0 0lJaekstore
backstore Goo by byAwfulsorrygooby b bA byAwfulsorrygooby
Awfulsorrygooby AwfulsorrygoobySend A AwfulsorrygoobySend wtulsomgoobrSend
Send for a Bottle BottleILVERBROOK BottleS BottleILVERBRQOK
75c 75caquart 75caquart4Ocaplnt a quart quart40c quart40c
40c 4Ocaplnt 4OcaplntYou a pint pintYou pintYou
You Cant Beat It for the Money MoneyCatifornfe Moneycahfssuh oncy oncyCalifonta
Catifornfe Wines Wioo Port Sbwrj and CaUwba matt mAtS mAtSt00 winessico
t00 100 a piles and op or 35 eta a wtart art and npwaul npwaulEUGENE upwaIc1EUGENE upuaniEUGENE
525 5258thStSE 8th St S E E
7Vti1 VJ
k k1ri
1ri 5 5Morris
Morris Chair Chaircomplete Chaircomplete
1J114 50
complete for tJ tJOne ri riOne P POne
One of the most popular Mor Morris Mors ¬
ei ris s Chairs weve shown and its itsan itsII
4 an exceptional value In golden goldenoak goldenoak goldenoak
II oak mahogany finish and weath weathered weathered weathered ¬
ered oak Reversible cushions cushionsthe cushions cushionsthe cushionsthe
the kind that sell at 6 a set setW sett setw
t lIne lIneF Inc IncF
4 F Street Cor 11th llthmg 11thIIrlr 11thI
I IIrlr tid i t F FWhat S C mtnt Imtr < L LWhat
What Are Y Your YourBanking cur curBanking
Banking mg mgF Needs NeedsIF NeedsF
F YOU demand the best bestI bestprotection bestI
IF I I protection and the best bestservice bestservice bestservice
service this bank will meet meetyour meetyour meetyour
your requirements most satisfac satisfactorily satisfactorily satisfactorily ¬
torily Under government super supervision supervision supervision ¬
vision same as national banks
3 per cent Interest paid on say savinpp Ha Hain saylags
lags in < account giccoan ts CemiHcrelal ac account aecount1f necounts ¬
count invited invitedE7Opcn InYltteJUOpeu invitedEYOpen
E7Opcn on Saturday from 0 to toOillO
c Bank 1 f Cor7jhand
Savings awngs iants c Streets StreetsA t
Is but one of the advantages advantagesenjoyed advantagesenjoyed advantagesenjoyed
enjoyed by depositors in this thiscompanys thiscompans thiscompanys
companys banking depart department department departnient ¬
ment mentAll nientAll
All accounts draw t 2 per per
cent per aanum interest rest ad adare aadare
are subj subject t to check at will wiDUnion willUnion
Union Trust Co
GEOR HEORca < EE E I KLKMINU KLKMINUEDSOX JoJtu ILEIIIMirusox Secrrt ttrv ttrvtDSO ry ryTreasure
EDSOX tDSO B OLDS OLDSder444dasli Treasure TRaiUrtS r rGrater
S der444dasli 4 Nt e <
Grater taUstartion i I asmrrd 1 > ctlJu and a aItaDtiaJ sob sobUntfel mbManual
Manual rnnne Y irg rffeci ftrtt < i vrUn Isn Coke e iafltcad of ofC lC ofCml
C Cml < i ia toed tor cooking coIin Well snpUj yon yonCoke y i
Coke CokeS Cob5111u1s cna
4 S 5111u1s Bushels Lore Coke delivered dchnTedSIt S2SO S2SON
V Y s nssi ls La iAITge v E Mti tehrrrd tTd 70
o o Rnmd5 Large entt ot dtI dellierni3553 HI1 JJ
9 nillfb Cn1 Cniihed lKd eke e delirfftd JtJ JtJnslwh
tii tj N Rnshch nslwh Cnlbtd Tmh l Ioke dflmred deirremetiiO HM J JBushels
j 6 eJ > Bushels CVaabeti tr Ccke delirered del Teftd50 delnenediiOWASHINOTON Teftd50i HU
5 5ktj
q4 4 f4 <
00 j The Th e recognition which w hch 1 is u ac accorded accorded accorded ¬
corded Electric c Light as a asuccessful aw1
t w1 successful advertising medium is isso isso
31 so general that th t the merchant who whodoes whodoes whoc
c does doesnotmakeuseofitislooked doesnotmakeuseofitislookedupon not make use e of it is looked lookedupon lookedupon
upon as being behind the times timesPOTOMAC timesPOTOMAC timesPOTOMAC
Contract Dapt 213 14ft St St N W WDoz WQ
Q Doz Do for 12 Cabinet Fotos FotosFABER FotosI
I tJ C Special Offer for 30 Days DaysFABER DaysFABER
FABER 802 7th Street StreetFormerly StreetF StreetFonnerly
Formerly F rmefly 430 Seventh Street StreetSPECIAL StftetSPECIAL SiavetSPECIAL
At this season of the year when men menand menand menand
and women are wearing warmer clothing clothingand clothtngand clothingand
and sitting in heated rooms or if th theY thtyCo theYgo < > y ygo
go out out putting on overcoats and furs it itis itis itis
is the custom with certain thoughtless thoughtlesspersons tbou thoughthopersons tes tespersons
persons to cut from om their horses tho tl1 tl1longer
longer warmer coats which nature pro provides pro1des ¬
vides in winter winterThe winterThe winterThe
The Humane Society will do what it itcan itcan itirna
can for the protection of thee outraged
denuded horses A blanket is a poor po sub substitute suhstltute substitute ¬
stitute for the natural coat It affords no noprotection noprotection noprotection
protection for the neck throat rd legs
Those who clip their horses anti substi substitute sibstitote 1Ibstitute ¬
tute blankets would better buy very very good
blankets this winter and use them all the thetime
deM de 1u1s3l3t 4313t 313t President Humane Society SocietyCONSTANTLY SocietyCOr SocietyCONSTANTLY
CONSTANTLY COr STANTLY Growing Growjn GrowjnThe
The steady increase in our ourBOOKBINDING ourBOOKBINDING ourBOOKBINDING
BOOKBINDING business is isconvincing isconvincing isconvincing
convincing evidence evidenceLet
Lo1 the tlsfae oD oar work and prteea 11 give giveLit
Let us haft your next order Phone ltaaaeGeo slit laSfGeo slitGeo
Geo E Howard 714 12th St StPKIXTEK StPItlSTEU StlItINTEIt
IEKTI1 WITHOUT PLAT PLATSSComer riarBsConser 5 5Comu
Comer D and a 7th 7th st at
Then e Mate 4an Uiif nulWindow 11WOpaqs
Window y 1RLLOW J Opaqs ti tiShad Ji1 Opaque Opaqueeq = 8lidea tea teaRDNDLETTS =
Shad eq Kin Sasdi da Hunall HunallRUNDLm Hullaul
jitrtucs tinny free WIU mil with maples
jofntJOI jo1nt1o mltln mathig Kttc up Pi w meal al 35c gad him
lefr8BC for flc 1w the KLlgEe roI aurtIe pples all 5 Liter
5 feet Iea c KLd58IATTS 11th ad 1I 1IP 1IU I ta at atJiiit
U JIne Jiiit JUCe CArPS
732 73 7th St N W Phone PIion 31 3200 3 o