I 2 THE K WASHINGTON WASHIl WASHINGTONHERALD GTON HERALD TUESDAY TUESDAYUNE25I19O7 JUNE 25 1907 TH THIEVES EVES WORK ORK HERE HEREJIore IIEREMoie More Crimes Follow Robbery Robberyof of Pullman Passengers PassengersBANK PasscngersBANK PassengersBANK BANK RUNNER LOSES 1052 1052Pocket 1052Poclet 1052Pocket Pocket Picked PfckCIl by Clever Gang of ofRush ofIRUllh ofRu1L Rush Workers orlerll on Street Car CarHoKcoe CnrItofllcoe Car1tocOe HoKcoe C Bangs the lIi Victim VictimReal VictimRealEstate Real RealEstate Estate Agents Employe Snnd Snndbnggeil 5nl1llImgcIICJgnr nid nidbaggeilCigur bnggeil ImgcIICJgnr Clgnr Store Snfe Robbed HoblicitWashington nobbedWuhln RobbedWashington Wuhln Washington ton apparentlf Is being in invaded tnaded Invaded ¬ vaded aded by members of a band of of profes professional JHOC JHOClional prieiona1 ¬ sional thieves thlev indwltaff IneIIdIH among the num number Dumbf number ¬ ber pickpockets as a clever MB any ny who whoever wboenr whoever ever worked In an American city Sey Several Seyral SeYeral ¬ eral ral robberies rob ries including the opening of ofa f fa a safe by the combination and the pick pickins pickIng picklag ins of the pocket of a bank runner were werereported werereported wer werreported reported to the th police yesterday In addi addition addllion eddiS ¬ S lion a holdup during durl the afternoon was wasalso W8811so wa wa1eo also 1eo reported to the detectives detectivesThe aet4ICufSThe detectivesThe The police believe thAt UM culprits CUI r1t8 are arestopping afestopplrl arestopping stopping off hero only onl temporarily tetnpor rUy on ontheir ontheir ontheir their way ay to and from the Jamestown JamestownExposition Jalll8townExposition JamestownExpoitIoa Exposition Several robberies similar to tothat totlat totiat that accomplished on the Washington WashingtonLink WuhioltonIJ1nk Washingtonbink Link runner yesterday are reported from fromBaltimore fromBaltimore fromBaltimore Baltimore Yesterday mornings Balti Baltimore Baltimore Baldmore ¬ more papers gave considerable publicity publicityto to the work of several systematic pick pickpocket pickpocket pickpocket ¬ pocket cases and it II possible po the thl thieves thlee8Were thieveswere vea veawere were scared out of that city elt and came on onto onto onto to Washington WashingtonOn Wahl ton On a New X ew W York avenue car yesterday yesterdayprofessional yesterdayprofessional e terday terdayprofumonal I professional pickpockets worked the therush therush theruh rush act on Roacoe C Bangs a bank bankcirrk bankcierk I cirrk Erk and extracted from his pocket a awallet at atwallet awallet wallet containing bills amounting to to14E2 to1o2 1052 a receipt from the United States StatesTreasury StateTreasury SlatesTreasury Treasury for mutilated money for 2133 2133checks 1133hecks 2133checks checks made out for something like 100 100and 160 160and ltOand and other valuable notes no and papers papersBnncft papenDnn papersBangs Bangs Dnn H n Young Man ManBnnjrs 3rnnDans ManBangs Bangs Is not yet y t nineteen years of oCHis ofIlls y yHis His home Is at 1768 l 1iS Willard street ifi ik J1 J1est jti jtiwest n nwest west est Fred Bailey Bal y the boy who fe the theregular UseTf theregular regular Tf > runner for or the concern COll rn was not noton noton noton on duty yesterday and Bangs assumed assumedhis aMlmedhis asesinied1ls his duties Shortly after noon he started startedaround atartMaround Martedaround around town attending atteMI the usual duties dutiesand dutiesand dutiesand and making the regular lar collections for forthe forthe forthe the bank Among Amon the places visited by byBangs byBangs byBangs Bangs was as the United States Treasury Treasurythe TrNsufTthe Trsasur Trsasurthe the Metropolitan Bank in Fifteenth Fifteenthstreet FifteenthstrPt ttteeathstrptt street and several other otb r institutions institutionsBangs iDlUtuUonaBangs institutionsBa Bangs Ba ngs rode a bicycle in covering his ter territory territory territory ¬ ritory and when btm he made collections collectionsphced collectionsphc collectionspliced phced phc them m 1ft a large leather wallet walletwhich waUtwhich valtwhlrh which he carried in the inside pocket of ofhis of1Jis of1U5 his coat coatWhen coatWhen oat oatWhfn When Bangs visited vi ited toe Metropolitan MetropolitanBank MetropolitanBank tropoUtan tropoUtanBank Bank he left his bicycle standing against againstthe a88ill8tt againstthe the t e curbing He transacted his business businesswithin bUllbwssithln businesswithin within ithln the space I ce of a few minutes time timeand UIand timearid and added add d several sever hundred dollars to his hisacimulations hi8aMlmulntions hisacrnulations acimulations When he came out he hefound hefllrd hefnird found his hl wheel missing miat lie thought lit little litl ¬ tle 1 of the matter except exce > t to wonder w r who whoLad whohad whobad Lad taken It it and believed some one on had hadFlayed hadrlayed hadilayed Flayed a practical Joke on him himHoards himlloardM Hoards n nCar nCarI Car CarTii Carthcn Tii I th thcn < n decided to catch a ear on the theJCew the1CW thew JCew w York avenue line line going < east e8 t He Helook Hetook Hetook took his seat t in the car at Fifteenth Fifteenthetrcet Ftrteentbftreet Fifteenthtrcet etrcet During Duri the short trip he noticed noticedthat notleMthat noticedthat that several men men all of them well welldressed wetIdraaed n ndrplfd dressed boarded the car and remained remainediTose remainedlnle remainedtoe iTose toe to him With the arrival of the thepassengers theIl thepangers passengers Il nffrs at Seventh street Bangs made madei maderort madeffrt i effort rort to reach the street In a hurry hurryIhs hurryIii Ihs Iii 11 is way a was blocked however by a large targeman Iar8J1n largenvrn man J1n who hl pretended tended to be protecting protecth a avoman ayman aWThian voman the usual game and in the mean meanwhile meaDtll meanwhfI ¬ while whfI tll he was surrounded by the other othermen o othermen r rmen men who pretended that they were in a aLurry aIi aI Lurry Ii I Jrrr to leave the car carAt carAt carAt At this thu Juncture h t is assumed thai the therush then therh rush n sh was as brought brou brou ht into play Bangs Bangsstood Banpood hangsOOd stood ood on the platform and his attention attentionvns attentions vns s drawn to the big bi flow In front frontwho frontW1fJ frontSvhr who vhr purposely angered the young vou man manit manIt manIt it Is I believed l lIeved to o as to attract his atten attention attenti attentVn ¬ tion ti n At the th same time four fouror or five fiveother fiveotheriapn other otherm othermPIJ m mPIJ n evidently idfntly the companions of the big bigirrn biKrrn bigrnn irrn elbowed the bank runner right and andft andf andft ft f and a nil pushed him from tileif d > to side sideIn sideJ In J tliis thi manner the police believe belieYe the thepickpockets tberl therikpokets pickpockets rl kpo kpts got In their work workFinds workPlnlb workP1mb Finds Money lonc 31lsHlnpr 31lsHlnprSeveral JIIslnASnral l1IaslitSvpral Several seconds later Bangs reached reachedthe reachedtho th the pavement pa > ment and after taking < a few fewsteps Cewstpps fewatPpa steps reached for his wallet In his coat coatwhfrh whi whlh h was buttoned To the boys boyatonlhmfnt as astonishment astonishment ¬ tonishment It was gone He glanced glancedaround glancedaround lan d daround around for the men who had sat near nearhim nearhim nearIirn him hut only one was in sight Bangs Bangsovertook Banpowrtook Bangsovertook overtook the one he recognized took him himby himby himby by the arm and toW him of his mister misfortune mlafortun mistertunc ¬ tune tun I would ould like to search you just to tosntiffy tol1t totlfy sntiffy l1t tlfy fy myself that yon are not the man manBangs manBa manBangs Bangs Ba ngs told the stranger strangerCertainly etnaDIJeICfrtainb strangerCcrtainly Certainly replied th the man and 1Id to together together togthr ¬ gether the pair went enl into Hahns shoe shoestore shoestllre shoeatore store where in the presence of a clerk clerkBings cMrkBngs clerkB Bings B ngs felt through the mans pockets pocketswithout pockeuwithout pocketswithout without finding the money The man then thenwent thenwent thenwent went on his way and Bangs Ban did not learn learnhis learnhis learnHa his name He is described as being btl of ofsmall ofmall ofrnai1 small mall build was 88 smooth shaven with 1th a asallow asallow a asallow sallow complexion complexionBnngs complexionBmgs complexionThngs Bnngs then informed his employers of ofhis ofhis ofhis his loss and later went to the office of ofInspector oCInsfPctor oflnsgctor Inspector Boardman where here he told the thedetectives thedptftiel thedtctives detectives his troubles Detectives Horn Hornend Hornnd hornand end nd Barbee were detailed on the case caseEangg caseB case1ongs Eangg B > ng looked over the pictures of the theprofessional tbeprnfssllnal theprcfssiona1 professional criminals oC the country at atpolire atJlolire atolIre polire olIre headquarters last night but was wasiiwbl wuIMbl wasinabi iiwbl to identify any as having been bfnamong beenamong n namong among the men who were ere on the th car at atthe atthe atthe the time the robbery was brought about aboutThat aboutTh aboutThat That Th t the theft was well ell planned and andthU andtht andthit thU th the movements mom of the victim had hadlien hatllen badloen lien figured out by the pickpockets is isevidenced isfyidnced Iscvidenced evidenced by the fact that the runners runnersbicycle runnerslllc runnersbicyrle bicycle lllc de was taken so as to compel him himhrldf himtiride j 1 hrldf 1 ride on a street car giving the confed confederates eonf eonfra confedorates ¬ orates ra tes a chance to accomplish accompli their pur purpose purpose purlose ¬ pose j jCollector Collector Sandbagged SandbaggedMysterious SnnclhngeclIrstprioUi SniidlngetIMyaterlota Mysterious in more ways than one is istlr Isth istlr tlr th case of George C Biker 2131 l3 K street streeta a oollector for Westcott A Wilcox real realcstate realuta realestate estate uta tl agents ta who reported to Capt CaptDoyle CaptDorl Captrioyle Doyle of the Eighth precinct yesterday yesterdaythat yesterdaythat yesterdaythat that he had been sandbagged during the theafternoon therternoon theafternoon afternoon in a vacant house at 1006 S Sstreet Satrltt Sstroet I street and the sum of US IIS belonging beIon ng to tothe totht tothe the firm firm taken from his pockets ElkEr Eikerhad ElkErhad Elkerhad I had 38 and a watch on his person which whichhe whichh whichhe he h did not loose loosePoliceman loosePoliceman ePollcman I Policeman U W Hall was patrolling patrollingHa j his lt heat lest than a block away aa when whenKkor whenEklr whenEkr I Kkor approached It htd and informed him of ofthe ofthe I I the robbery rob rr Bikers story is to the ef effect efIect ¬ i fect that he entered the house which is isfor Isfor Isfor for rent by Westeott W tcott Wilcox and that thatjjst thAtjst thatjust just as he opened a door d leading ding to the thebasement thelacmtnt thebasement basement he was struck etru k on the back of ofthe oftht ofth the th head by a sandbag and knocked to tothe tothe tothe the floor floorHe ftoorHe floorHe He was evidently confused when telling tellingthe tellingt tellingthe the t he police of his hi experience One story storywas storyRII storywas was RII to the effect that Biker saw the thejobber th thJIbbfr thenbir jobber and after being robbed chased chasedthe chaedthe chasedthe the man through the buck door and out outinto outiuto outInto into the eUeyway eUeywayUnable e aileywayVnable way waylnnble I Unable to Tell Color ColorLast ColorL3st ColorLast I Last night he was unable to tell whether whetherthe whetherthe whetherthe I the man was white or Mack MackAfter blArkArter blackAfter After reporting the matter to the po police policE police ¬ I lice the collector was taken to a drug drugstore drubftore drugetore store where he received medical atten attention attention attention ¬ tion He appeared exceedingly nervous nervousand nenoulIand nervousand and evidently evide 7 suffered considerable pain painLast painLast painLast Last night his physicians said that the theyoung theoung theyoung young oung man hat halt ha not completely recovered recoveredI I himself and they would oUld allow allow no one to tosee tosee tosee see him Elker has worked for the real realestate realestate realestate estate dealers several years yearsDetectives yearsDetectives cars carsDetecties Detectives Hartigan and Evans were as assigned assJgntd assigned ¬ signed by Inspector Boardman to solve solvethe soletbe solvethe the mystery m ster Last night in company companywith companywith companywith with Capt Doyle and a1 Bicycle Policeman PolicemanGurratt PolicemanGrett PolicemanGarrett Garrett who was called shortly sl1ortl after the therobbery therobber therobbery robbery robber wns reported they visited visit ell the thevacant thevaeant thevacant vacant house hou e and made an investigation investigationwith ImesUgntionwith investigationwith with the hope of gaining some information informationthat informationthnt informationthat that would throw Ono somo light on the case caseNothing caseNothing caseNothing Nothing of Importance was discovered discoveredSnfe dI8COcredSnfc discoveredSafe Safe Robbed of 500 500By oo ooD OOBh By D working the combination of the big bigsteel lJl lJlsteel bigsteel steel safe In tho store of the United UnitedCigar UnitedCIgar UnitedCigar Cigar Company Co mpan at Fifteenth and New NewYork NewYork NewYork York avenue enue a thief took nearly tSOO OO In Incurrency Incurrenc Incurrency currency currenc from the money mone drawers at an anearly snear anearly early ear hour yesterday morning inornln The Thethieves Thethl4nM Thethieves thieves gained an entrance entlli ce to the shop shopby Ihopbr shopby by means of a skeleton key Ita The robbery robberywas robber robberw wbberywas was w s reported to police headquarters and andDetectives andDetectives andDetectives Detectives Weedon and Bnrllngame were wereput werepul wereput put at work on the burglary burglaryIt It Is not known whether the safe was wasopened WASopeMd wasopened opened by b some one who knew tke com combination combination cornbhiation ¬ bination or if it was accomplished by b a aprofessional nprofeulonal aprofessional professional safe ftt opener who committed committedhis committedbis committedhis his robberies by cleverly working worklD the thecombination tooeomblnaUon thecombination combination combinationIt It is said however that one of the firm firmrecently firmreceutlr firmrecently recently lost the combination which was wason WRIiIon wason on a piece of paper but it te not ex explained exJllaioed cxplained ¬ plained just how any finder would know knowthat knowthat knewthat that the figures were those used for open opening openI openleg ¬ leg I the memy chest hotlt of the cigar com company compsny cornpany ¬ pany J Io o tools of any lin kind were used usedA uNdA usedA A time lock on the door shows that the thesafe theflt thesafe safe flt was opened about 1 1 oclock yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning etlte1daymorning morning It is l believed > some one familiar familiarwith familiarwith familiarwith with the place turnedthe trick The com company company cornpany ¬ pany holds the manager lnan ger responsible for forthe forthe forthe the money moneyThere moneyThere moneyThere There were no important developments developmentsin in the robbery robber of the Pullman car early earlySunday earlySunda earlySunday Sunday Sunda morning when nearly JSOO 300 were weretaken weretakn weretaken taken from the trousers of several veral Wash Washingtoniane Washingtoniana ingtoniane Jn tonlaJU Several local detectives as aswell aswell aswell well as those of the Pennsylvania are areworking areworking areworking working on the robbery robberyPRESIDENT robberyPRESIDENT robberyPRESIDENT PRESIDENT TAKES A HAND BANDRoosevelt HANDRoosevelt HANDRoosevelt Roosevelt Orders Milk Inquiry in inthe inthe inthe the District DistrictUC8ult DistrictResult Result ot Investigation to Lie Scat Scattered Senttered heattered ¬ tered Broadcast DronllcnKtUl Will Aid AidWhole Aidhole AidWhole Whole hole Country CountryPresident Countr CountrPre CountryPresident C President Pre Roosevelt wants to lower the thedeath thedeeth thedeath death rat rate among the babies in cities citieslie clt cltlie citiesHe lie Is convinced of the importance of ofthe oCthe ofthe the puremilk question queetiousnd and he has written writtento to Surgeorn General Wyimn man of the Pub Publie Publie Publie lie Health and Marine arine Hospital Service Servicedirecting Senicdirecting Servicedirecting directing that an inquiry be made into intoevery Intoevery Intoevery every sanitary phase of the milk supply supplyof of the District The purpose e is to have a areport areport areport report prepared with the th stamp of highest highestofficial hlgbe8toillclal highestotficial official authority which bleb will afford in information Intormatlon Information ¬ formation and guidance for every city and andcommunity andcommunity andcommunity community in the country in the regula regulation regulaLion ula ulaUon ¬ Lion of its milk supply supplyDr supplyDr supplyDr Dr Wyman has put Assistant A nt Surgeon SurgeonGen SargtOftGen SurgeonGen Gen John W Kerr In charge of the work workThe workThe Ork OrkThe The plan is to make a minute study of ofthe oflbe ofthe the milk furnished the District Dl trlct the thesource theJOurce thesource source of supply the conditions sur surrounding surrounding suerounding ¬ rounding the cows on the dairy farms farmstransportation tar tarlraneporlatlon farmtransportation transportation of milk whether bether it is de delivered de deItveretl tielivered ¬ livered with lth proper pro r sanitary care or l by byearel bycareleaa y ycareless careless earel and diseased ditle8 ed employes condi condition condition conditlon ¬ tion of milk bottles bottl and a great number numberof numberoC numberof of other phases pba es of the question questionDr qu questionDr tlon tlonDr Dr Wy Wyman mans investigation will 111 be sup supplemented 11I1plemented suppiemented ¬ plemented to the investigation already alreadymade alreadymacM alreadymade made In the District by the Washington Washingtonmilk Washingtonmilk Washingtonmilk milk commission composed of officiate of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Department of Agriculture of the thePublic tlMPublic thePublic Public Health and Marine Hospital Serv Service Storvice Seryice ¬ ice and of reputable physicians veteri veterinarians vet veterinsrians rl rlMr1an ¬ narians milkmen and others This corn commission cornmon cornmieslon ¬ mission mon made a report of a comprehensive comprehensivecharacter compreMnlvecbaract comprehensivecharacter character cbaract r disclosing dlll < lo8tng grave rave conditions conditionsPresident condltlOf1lPresident conditionsPresident President Roosevelt is deeply d ph interested interestedand Intere interestedand ted tedand and In a letter to Dr Wyman YIIUln not made madepublic madepublic ndepublic public strongly urged u c1 the investigation investigationand and report to benefit other communities communitiesIt communlt communltIt It is understood the President was par particularly putlcularly particularly ¬ ticularly moved by b what he learned of ofthe ofthe ofthe the high death rate among amon babies due to toimpure toImpure toImpure impure and improper milk supply supplyAlthough supplyAlthough supplyAlthough Although the Investigation Is to be con confined conftned eonfined ¬ fined to Washington experts from other othercities otherclUel othercities cities will ill be called upon for advice adviceBOY adviceBOY adviceBOY BOY LOST ON EXCURSION EXCURSIONHenry EXCURSIONhenry 0 0IIcnr Henry IIcnr Volker Goes to Cljinoiit lnioit a nllll nllllXothl nuilNothlii nil nilotlilnp Xothl otlilnp but Ills III Clothes Found FoundIn IounelIn FoundIn In company with several eral companions companionsHenry companionHeRry companionsHenry Henry Volker of 112 1m K street tr t northeast northeastsixteen northeut8Ixt northeastalxteed sixteen 8Ixt ri years ears of age a e went to Glymont Glymontyesterday Glymontye8t Glymontyesterday yesterday ye8t rday morning with Ith an excursion and andnothing andnothing andnothing nothing has been wen of him since Dur During DurIng Durlag ¬ ing the day 8 the boy 00 went bathing and andleft andleft andleft left his clothes on the bank nk Later he hewandered bewandered hewsndered wandered through the woods When Wh n It Uwas ItWIle Itwas was time to come home last night his hiscomrades htaeomradetl hiscomrades comrades looked for their friend but butwere butere butwere were ere unable to find him Ills clothes clotheswere cl clotheswere thes theswert were Just where he had left them themThe tbemTb themThe The Tb police were notified of his hl disap disappearance disappearance disappearance ¬ pearance last night and requested to tomake tomake tomake make an effort to locate him It is be believed belieed beIleved ¬ lieved that young oung Volker either became becamelost becamelost me meI lost I t in the woods or was as drowned Early Earlyin EtlrlIn Earlyin in the evening it was thought he would wouldprobably wouldprobably wouldprobably probably return to the city on the Jane JaneMoseley JaneIoteler JaneMoseley Moseley the last steamer of the night nightbut nightbut sulghtbut but when it arrived the boy bo was u not notaboard notaboard notaboard aboard aboardREQUEST REQUEST IS REFUSED REFUSEDLliilertnkcrji REFUSEDCnllerncrft REFUSEDtnutertnkcrs Lliilertnkcrji Firm Asks Alii Rl Right Iit of ofWar ofn ofWay War n for AinbtilanccN AinbtilanccNStating AunliulancesStating mhuJnncc mhuJnnccStaUn Stating StaUn that they are operators o ratoJtll of a aprivate aJ11tvate aprivate private ambulance for the conveyance of ofsick oCJdrk ofnick sick and wounded to the hospitals and andother antIother andother other places for treatment tre tment in the District DistrictHlndle DlstrtctHindle DistrictHlndle Hlndle ft Baylies undertakers have re requested re requHd ccquested ¬ quested the Fight of way W8 therefore The Therquest Ther Therqueat rquest r uest is indorsed by the following followingpracticing followln followlnpra followingpracticing practicing pra ticing physicians of the District D DOlin DOlin DOlin Olin Leech F O Roman H H Barker BarkerJames BarkerJames BarkerJames James F Mitchell F J Kemp and Odin OdinR OdinR OdinR R R Snider SniderH H H lioardnum acting superintendent superintendentof Jupertnt ndent ndentof of police to whom the request was re referred refernMlr referreult ¬ ferred fernMlr stated that he coukl not recom recommend recomnwnd recommend ¬ mend that the th permit be granted ranted because becauseof beea beeao of o the section in the police regulations regulationswhich regulationwhich regulationswhich which limits the right of way W8 upon the thestrets thestre thestreets streets stre ts and avenues to hospital ambu ambulances ambulancH ambulances ¬ lances In Informing the writers in ac accordance accordance accor4lance ¬ cordance with this indorsement the Com Commissioners Commlssionfrs Cornmtesloners ¬ missioners state that they tht will receive receiveany receiveany any arguments which may be submitted submittedIn In favor aor of amending the polic regula regulations regulations regulations ¬ tions so as to apply appl to this case caseSafe casfSafe caseSafe Safe Deposit DepositI 0131 P50XES s fli fc lilT S J Rented Rentediii iii VAEi 55 5 Year YearEFORE YearBE YearBEFORE EFORE FOR E leaving for foryour foryour BE BEFORE your summer outing outingwould outingwould Outingwould would it not be an ex excellent excellent cxcellent ¬ cellent plan to secure protec protection protection protection ¬ tion fijr fr your valuables valuablesOur valuablesOur valuablesOur Our Safe Deposit Boxes af afford afford ¬ ford absolute protection for forvaluable forvaluable I valuable papers jewels c cRented cRented Rented 5 year yearCTTIils yearflThis Ycar CTTIils company ComtaOY accepts accerits all OOM OOMot oi1 Iof ciSceaof of trotacu as cemnl agent Ac AcNational c e eNational National Savings and andTrust andTrust nd ndTrust Trust Company CompanyCor Cor 15th and New York Avj AvjFORTYFIRST Av AvFORTYFIRST AvFORTYFIRST FORTYFIRST YEAR CITIZENS IN I DISPUTE DISPUTENorth DISPUTErth DISPUTENOitli North rth Washiugtoniaiis Dif Differ Diffcr Diffei ¬ fer as to Credit for Work WorkMATTER WorkMATTER 1 or1 or1rrATTER MATTER VENTED IN MEETING MEETINGMember rIEETING1lemher MEETINGMeinluers Member of North Washington Citi Citizens Cltlzcn Cliizcna ¬ zens zcn Association It In I Alleged At Attempt Attcmltt Attempt ¬ tempt to Capture Glory Glor for Certain CertainImprovement CertainI1I111rOellu CertainInuprosements Improvement ntH IlecommoinlntloAw IlecommoinlntloAwfor Itlcommcllin Uo Uofor for Street St rct ISxtciinioni Ext cnltloll 31ntle 31ntleThat 31 Indc IndcThat n tic ticThat That the North orth Washington 8I1binton Citizens CitizensAssociation cttletUIAIS4e1atlon 1tIZ985Association Association is stealing the thunder of the theNorth theNorth theNorth North Capitol awl Kcklngton CWaens1 CWaens1Association CltlaenA CltiseusAssocIation A Association > by claiming claimlB credit for toe toemany t tmany themany many public Improvements directly due dueto dueto dueto to the efforts of the latter organization organizationwag wag tho statement vigorously and em emphatically emphatically eatphatically ¬ phatically made at a meeting meetln of the lat latter latter Itter ¬ ter association in St Martins Hall last lastnight laslnight lastnight night nightThe nightTbe nightThe The discussion arose upon a motion to tothank totbAnk tothank thank the Commissioners for Uwlr action actionlu aetlonIn actionin In transferring tho sits U of the District Dfetrkststables Diatrlotstables Districtstables stables from Bryant street and the local localpapers localpapers localpapers papers for the publicity given to the pro protests protestA proteta ¬ tests of the th numerous Interested cittsens cittsensShot citiacnsShot 8 8Shot Shot from P l 31 H I F Ferris FerrhrF rrln rrlnF F M Ferris Ferri of the membership com committee committee cornmittee ¬ mittee was the first to voice Yo his b send sentiments MnUmenta sendmenti ¬ ments regarding r rdlng the alleged ed claims of the theNorth lbeNorth theNorth North Washington Ctttaens Association Associationwhose AModaUonwho Associationwhose whose territory adjoins that of the North NorthCapitol NorthCapitol orth orthCapitol Capitol and Eckington EckingtonThe Ecktn EcktngtonThe < ton tonThe The North Washington Association Associationsaid AuoctatiOllaatd Associationsaid said he rnis is claiming blmln the entire csdtt for forthe forthe forthe the transfer of site of the stains not notwithstanding notwltb notwithstanding ¬ withstanding wltb tandlng the members of this tb asso association IUIIIOclatlon assoclatlon ¬ clatlon have labored faithfully and ear earnestly earn earneatly ¬ neatly n tb toward tl anl that end end sad to them themshould tMmshould themshould should be given ven a portion of the credit creditNot creditot creditNot Not ot only onl in this tb instance but ih many manyothers manyothers manyothers others has this association assumed that thatto tbatto thatto to its efforts alone are due the many pub public pUblic publie ¬ lic improvements in this tbi section Whenas When WhenM hell hellat M a member of the membership commit committee committee committee ¬ tee tee I have approached a citixen with Uh an anInvitation aninyitatlon n nInvitAtlo inyitatlon Invitation to become a member ef r this tblltlon as association assedation ¬ sedation tlon I have ba ve been informed that the theorganisation UteorganlUon theorganization organization devotes its J attention only to toEcklagton toEckl tollckington Ecklagton Eckl Pon and that the improvements in inNorth InXorth inNorth North Washington are due to the North XorthWashington NorthWuhln NorthWashington Washington Wuhln < t n Association This statement statementIs Is not founded upon fact I am In favor favorof taOrof favorof of harmony if harmony Is possible but I Ido Id Ido do not consider fair the action of the theNorth theNorth theNorth North Washington Wurbin ton Association in claim claiming claimIne claiming ¬ ing an the credit creditNew creditNew t tXc Xc New Member Think lies UlUU nit Count CountMr Countir CountMr Mr Ferris was U reenforo renfo reenforo4 f in his state statements statements statemeats ¬ ments by Herman E BKu chairman of ofthe oftbe ofthe the committee on streets sidewalks and andlights andll andlights ll lights who ho stated that the North Wash Washington Washington ¬ wallhI ington teton Association had claimed credit for formany forman1 formany many of the street Improvements which whichwere whichwere were due alone to theefforts of the North NorthCapitol NorthCapitol orth orthCapItol I Capitol and Ecklngton organizations organizationsIn In response IIpon e to the suggestion un of a new newmember newmember I Imember member that results were rere what bat counted countedthe coentedthe I Itbe the credit being < a minor consideration considerationA con A O Ttngtey secretary lle rttary JderaUon1 took up the thecudgels therudwfll thecudgels cudgels in defense of his association aallO iatlon < stat stating atatillK statlog ¬ log that Its members had labored l early earlyand earl earlanti earlyand and late In the Interests of the public and andshould anftlhouht andshould should be entitled to its It thanks As for forthe torthe forthe the claims of the North orth Washington CHl CHlaens Cftltens Citiseas tens Association A latlon said fee I was wasrecently wasr wasrecently recently r ntly Informed by a member whose whosename whosename hOle hOlename name I will 11I not mention that it had not notbeen notbeen notbeen been successful sucee ful In a single Instance dur during 4urI 4urtbe durlog ¬ I log the past year In securing improve improvements improvemntll Improvements ¬ ments in its section sectionThe sectionThe sectionThe The discussion was w closed by the adop ad0ption adoptlon adoption ¬ tion of the resolutions of thanks t te the theCommissioners theCommlulonfrs theCommissioners Commissioners and press pressImprovement prftlSImllrlefllenlll presshtniuroveuuients Improvement Hccninnienilcil HccninnienilcilThe The report of the executive committee committeerecommending committeerecommendlnl committeerecommending recommending that the Commissioner Commissionerbe be asked ked to provide a public park in the thespace thespace thespace space south of T street to Randolph Randolphplace Randolphplaee Randolphplace place was adopted If this Is not regard regarded regarded prd prdM ed as practicable it is recommended that thatS thatS S street be extended from Lincoln road roadto roadSeeond roadto to Second street In alignment with ith the thepresent theprewnt thepresent present line of S street t and that the land landon landon landon on each side between First F1r t and Second Secondstreet 8ecotulatnet Secondstreet street be made into a nark narkIt park parkIt parkIt It is recommended re Oll1tMndecl11O also that First t street streetbe streetbe streetbe be extended from it Its present pre8e t terminus terminusnorth terminusnorth terminusnorth north of R street to T street and that thatthe thatthe thatthe the streets east of First street be ex exended exended cxended ended endedThe endedThe endedThe The attention of the Commissioners Comml3tlon rs will willaim willaiM willalso aim be directed to the sidewalk on R Rstreet Rstreet Rstreet street east of Eckington Eckln ton place pine and the theneed theneed theneed need of arc lights on North Capitol street streetThe ItrwtTbe streetThe The association adjourned to meet in inSeptember InSeptem InSeptember September SeptemberINSPECTS Septem SeptemberINSPECTS r rINSPECTS INSPECTS DISTRICT FARM FARMCommissioner F FARMCoiuuuuissiotier AR I ICOllUI1Ilol1lr Commissioner Mncfnrlnml Visits In Institution InIUtuUon Inat ¬ stitution at I tut louts nt Illiic Plains PlainsCommissioner PIn hi hiCommlNlonfr Ins InsCommissioner Commissioner Macfarland on Saturday Saturdayinspected Saturdayinspectftt Saturdayinspected inspected the District farm at Blue IU Plains PlainsD D C the Home for the Aged and In Inflrra InRrm Infirm firm and the Industrial Home School for forColored forColored frColored Colored Children Dr Percy Smith su superintendent superintendent superintendent ¬ perintendent for the Home for the Aged Agedand A Aand Agedand and Prof George W Cook superinten superintendent luperintendent supertntendent ¬ dent of the Industrial Indu trll Home I School ac accompanied Arcompenled accompenled ¬ compenled Mr Maefarland MaefarlandCommissioner MacfarlamlCommiuloner MacfarlandCommissioner Commissioner Macfarland said yester yesterday yeaterdRy yesterday ¬ day that the Home for the Aged A d and In Inflrm Inftrm Infirm firm and the portion of o the farm ann which whichis wblchI whichIs is I being cultivated in connection with n nwere nwere Itwere were both in fintcla firstclass condition He Hestated Hestatal Hestated stated that he was w much pleased with the theresults ther8Ults theresults results of the work of the superintendent superintendentDr Dr Smith especially as the appropria appropriations approJtriatlons approjulationa ¬ tions were not entirely sufficient Addi Additional Addltlonal AfithItional ¬ tional laborers will 111 have to be provided providedhe he said as the aged men antI women are arenot arenot arenot not competent to do the hard work ork of the thefarm thefarm thefarm farm With these h he stated the farm farmmight farmmight farmmight might be made almost selfsupporting selfsupportingIn In reference to the Industrial Home HomeSchool lIom lIomSchool HomeSchool School for Colored Children which blch is issoon Issoon issoon soon to be opened Commissioner Mac Macfarland Macfariand Iac Iacfarlnd ¬ farland said The appropriations for the thebuildings thebulldl thebuildings buildings bulldl ge were not sufficient so that in inall Inall all respects they are severely severel simple in inconstruction Inconstruction Inconstruction construction and additional buildings bulldin iI will willsoon willsoon 111 111soon soon be necessary I feel however bow ver that thatProf thAtProf thatProf Prof Cook will be able to make a success successful successful g gful ¬ ful start in the coming fiscal ft cal year ear which whichif whichIf whichif if followed up will make the institution institutionentirely intltutlonenUrel institutionentirely entirely enUrel successful successfulSURPLUS sttCCelIrulSURPLUS succesamniSURPLUS SURPLUS STILL GROWING GROWINGTrenimry GROWINGTrenftur GROWINGTreasury Treasury Trenftur Figures FI llrf Yesterday Yclterdn Show ShimSIOrini7 ShowtO3t ShowSiO5I81I SIOrini7 tO3t for Year YearThe YearThe learThe The Treasury surplus for the year yearreached yearreached ear earreadied reached 3tl9231T 1062317 1CIi Sli yesterday esterda At this time timelast timelast timelast last year It was 17Wl4U The receipts receiptsfor rt receIptsfur elptaJ elptaJfor for th the current fiscal ftst > al year hare already alreadyaggregated alreadyagg alreadyaggregated aggregated agg gated f648786OZ6 18 and five mere busi business bU8lness busiaces ¬ ness days remain before the accounts for forthe forthe forthe the present pr e t fiscal year ear will be closed The TJheexpenditures Tbeexpenditures Theexpenditurea expenditures this year to date were G1 G1iSI 567 733740 733740The iSI 73370The iot iotThe The receipts for yesterday were eN ISUi ISUiand a 0SSlt 0SSltand < KS 16 16and and the expenditures aggregated g repted 51571000 51571000leaving 15tOOOJealng liNOO0leavIng leaving a surplus for the day of J1 tSIrf tSI 14LZ16Mrs U1 U13Ir 3Ir Mrs rf Sclircincrn Funeral FuneralThe PunernlTboP FuneralThe The last rites over the remains of Mrs MrsSusan oJ18Su MrsSusan Susan Su n Schrelner who died Sunday were wereheld w wereheld rel held yesterday at the residence sldeaee of her herson herson herson son MaJ laJ Herman tlln Schrelner U S A Aretired Aretired retired at Forest Glen Md Rev Charles CharlesII II Butler pastor of the Keller Ken r Memorial MemorialLutheran MemorialLutheran i Lutheran Church of this city clt conducted conductedthe j I the services servicesThe lervlceeThe servicesThe The interment will take place in Fred Fredcrick Frederick Fredcrick crick Md Mrs Schretner was eighty eightyyears elhtyears eightyyears years ears of age and 1141 J Sa survived by three threechildren threechildren threechIldren children Mis Miss 1If1 Helen Schrelner Edmund EdmundE E SchreIner and MaJ IaJ Schreiner Schreinerf f RIVER RIVER SCHEDULES FIXED FIXEDDntcs FIXEDDntee I IDRtCI Dntcs of Steamer Sailings to Lower Loweriotomnc LoVrrioomne Loveerlotoznnc iotomnc lotoznnc Arc Set SetUnder Setnder Sd SdUnder Under nder the new Bummer schedule of oftho oftho otthe tho Washington and Potomac Steam Steambout SteambOlLt Steamboat bout Company which will go into effect offocton effecton on June 30 a number of changes In the therunning therunning therunning running time of the boats will ha hamade b bmde bemade made The steamers Harry Harr Randall Randalland Ranc1aUand Randalland and WakcfloId will make six trips trIp oach oachweek oachweul eachseelt week between this city and the thewharves thewharvos thewharvos wharvos along alon tho river The Randall Randallwill RandaUwllJ Randallwill will leave hero Monday Monda and Wednesday Wednesdayafternoons WedneI41 WedneI41aftornoons Wednesdayafternoons afternoons at 4 oclock for the landings landingsbetween lnnllln landingsbetween 1J 1Jbetween between Dills wharf and those in the tholower thelowor thelower lower Machodoo Creek and will go gointo goInto gointo into the Wleoralco River and the theKomlnl theNomlnl theNomiuui Komlnl Creek CreekSaturday Creekturd CreekSaturday Saturday turd Y mornings the Randall will willleave willJeftve willleave leave here at 7 oclock and will make makeall makean makeall all stops between Glymont and Nominl NominlThe NomlnlThe NomIniThe The sailing mng days of the Wakefleld Wakefleldwill WakeftehlwIU Wakefieldwill will be Sunday SUndR Tuesday TIICsdQ and Thurs Thursday Thurlday Thursday ¬ day at 7 In tho morning mornln and she will willmake willmake willmake make all landings between this city cityand elt eltant cItyand and WIrts wharf in Maddox Creek Tho Thoreturn Thoreturn Thereturn return trip of these tbo e steamers will be beon beon beon on the day after leaving 10tlln here hereNEGRO liNeNEGRO lucreNEGRO NEGRO SLASHED WITH RAZOR RAZORAdnm RAZORAdnm RAZORtdntn Adnm Lawson Pntnlly Irntnll Cut During DuringFight UurlngJhtht IJurluugFight Fight in LOBIIII 1f IUl Place PlaceAdam IlnceAdam PlaceAdam Adam Lawson colored of IS Logan Loganplace IoganplAce Loganplace place was fatally injured shortly be before beor before ¬ fore or midnight during a fight with an another KIIUtr another ¬ other Utr negro near n r his home Lawaona Lawaonajugular LawaoJlJugular Iaawaonnjugular jugular vein was severed and he died diedat diedat diedat at tho Homeopathic Hospital early title titlemorning thlvmornl thismorning morning mornl g A love affair aalr caused ue4t the fight flghtThe fightThe ght ghtThe The man who did the cutting accord according accordIng accordlag ¬ ing to tho police lives In Brooks court courtand courtand courtand and ho made mad mad1 his disappearance Imme Immediately Immediately barnsdiately ¬ diately after using his razor on Law Lawon lAwOil Lawson Oil on He is I described as being of light lightskin lI lightakin ht htakin akin wears a mustache and had on ondark ORclark ondark dark clothes The police in all parts df dfth ef efth dfthe th the city It were notified to keep a lookout lookoutfor lookoutfor lockoutfor for him himFEDERAL blmFEDERALGENSUSISORDERED himFEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERALGENSUSISORDERED FEDERALGENSUSISORDEREDEnumeration CENSUS IS ORDERED1 ORDERED1Enumeration ORDERED ORDEREDEnumeration Enumeration of Oklahoma and In Indian Indian Indian ¬ dian Territory to Be Made MadePresident 1radelrtIIlclcl1t Madelrtuuideuut President Issues Instructions in 01 Order 01cJcr 01tier ¬ tier to Prevent n Gerrymander Gerrymanderby GcrrmnnclerII by II the Democrat DemocratIn DemocrntlIn In order to prevent a gerrymander of ofthe ofthe ofthe the proposed new De State of Oklahoma by bythe byDemocraia bythe the Democrat President Roosevelt RooMftItlrec has hasdirectMl hasdirected directed lrec that a a Federal census of o Okla Oklahoma Oklahoma Oklahema ¬ homa and the Indian Territory Territor be taken takenthis takenthis takenthis this summer The fact was announced announcedin anno annoin in the following statement etatement from fro the De Department De Departmt Dcpartment partment of Justice yesterday Ylllt y afternoon afternoonUpon afternoontpoa afternoonUpon Upon the advice adY of the Attorney Attorne Gen General General Ooneral ¬ eral the President Pr8Id t has Instructed the theSecretary theaeeretary theSecretary Secretary of Commerce Commelftand and Labor to have havethe havethe havethe the Census ee Bureau make a special enumer enumeration enumeration enumeration ¬ ation of the inhabitants of the proposed proposedState proposedState proposedState State of Oklahoma including Ineludln both th thpresent tM tMprneDt thepresent present Territory of Oklahoma and the theIndian tbeIndian theIndian Indian Territory Territor to determine the pops population JIOPUlaUon popslatlon ¬ lation of the proposed new State and its itsdistribution It Itdhrtrlbutlon Itsdistribution distribution among the several Territorial Territorialsubdivisions Territorialsubdivisions subdivisions into which the State Stat win be bedivided bedivIded divided should the constitution CO etltuUou confirmed confirmedby eondrmedby by the convention lately Iatl sitting tUft < there be beapproved beapproved approved at the polls pollsMembers poJlsembfts pollsMembers Members embfts of the administration have havebeen bavebHu haveheen been led to believe bel that the constitution constitutionrecently conetltuUoar constitutionrecently recently r nU adopted by the constitutional constitutionalconvention eoutltuUoaalcon constitutionalconvention convention con nUon of Okalohoina so rearranged rearrangedthe the boundaries of certain counties in the theproposed theproJJOlfd theproposed proposed new State as a practically to nul nullify nulue nullUg ¬ lUg ue that part of the enabling enabll act which whichdescribed WhicbdNCribed whichdescribed described the boundaries of the MW Con Congressional Conereional Congreasional ¬ gressional districts As a first ft t step to toward toward toward ¬ ward preventing a Democratic Dem ra gerryman gerrymander gerrymandee fI1man fI1mancIer ¬ dee a census eensu will be taken with withrerence special specialreference specialreference reference rerence to the distribution trtbuUon of the pres present preent pee peeeat ¬ eat nt population among < the several divi divisions dlvllions dlvisions ¬ sions of the territory territoryThe terrltorrThe territoryThe The enumeration will be made under underthe undtrthe underthe the authority of law la given to the secre secrei 1eC 1eCtar aecretary i tary of that department authority to tomake tomake tomake > make such special lal investigations In tlons and re re report ccports 1 ports port as the President may deem nec necessary neceaarr necessazy ¬ essary and urgent ur t The Tboork work will com commence comnce cornmence ¬ mence nce as soon M th tbf < preliminary ar arrangements arrantfementJ arrangements ¬ rangements can be perfected rfettecl and the thenecessary then thenecessary necessary n ry printing prlnU done probably on or orabout orabout about the first day of July The Direc Director Director Director ¬ I tor of the Census has designated William WilliamC C Hunt chief statistician for popula population population popuiation ¬ tion to take the immediate supervision supervisionof of the work in the field neldPHILIP fieldPhILIP Id IdPIllLIP PHILIP INDICTED FOR MURDER MURDERJuilK MURDERJudi MURDERJudge Judge Judi Gould Rejects It JeetII Applications Applicationsfur fur Administration of o Hxtnte HxtnteAn UtnteAn ItsinteAn An indictment Indidm t for first degree de < ree murder murderagainst murderapinst murderagainst against Gaston P Philip in connection connectionwith conntCtlonwith connectionwith with the death of Frank B Macaboy MacaboyMay Iacaboylay MacahoyMay May IS last wag returned r turnd to Justice Stat Stafford StaCford Statford ¬ ford by the grand rand Jury yesterday yesterdayEdward yesterdayEdward ftterdayEd Edward Ed rd W Opdlke a chauffeur who whodrove whodrove whodrove drove the ear In which hlch Philip and Mac Macaboy Xacabo Macahoy ahoy abo are said ltl to have ridden shortly be before before before ¬ fore the tragedy i Is < named as a witness witnessOthers witnetl witnetlOthers witnessOthers Others named as witnesses are William WilliamA A Grisset et James A Brest and John A AHeath AHeath AHeath Heath employes of the hotel Detective DetectiveSergeant DetecUnSergeant DetectiveSergeant Sergeant Helan and Police PoIJc Officer John JohnU JohnIt JohnIt U It Evans and Martin Rdlly George orge W WTaylor WTaylor WTaylor Taylor Haxei Davis D is and Hugh F Tag Taggart Tagprt Taggart gart the latter an assistant United States Statesattorney StateKAttorney Statesattorney attorney who took the antemortem antemortemstatement antemortemstatement antemortemstatement statement of o Macaboy at the tb Emergency EmergencyHospital EmergencyIIOIIpltA1 EmergencyHospital Hospital It is 1 probable INOb ble that Philip will willbe willbe ill illbe be arraigned next Friday FridayJustice FridA FridAJustice FridayJustice Justice Gould yesterday decided that thaton 1haton thaton on application applicaton by b the next friend of the theinfant theinCat theInfant infant inCat son sn of Frank Frk Macaboy laCbot after due duenotice duenotc duenotion notice notc to all al relatives relatee he would name namesome namescnne namesome some person prs to act at as administrator of ofthe ofthe ofthe the estate t8tf which according acoring to statements statementsin I in court curt by 1 b counsel counl consists cni 1 largely largei in a aproposed aproposed I proposed propse action actoft for damages dlmage against againstGaston againstGaston Gaston Philip Phip who killed kle Macaboy 18Cb Two Twopetitions T Tpttons Twapetitions petitions pttons for letters leteJ of administration administrationwere aministraton aministratonwere I were before the court curt on one by b the th father fathorof fatherof thlr of the deceased dttaS asking aking that he be b ap appointed ape apepinted appointed ¬ I pointed pinted administrator admlnlstnlor and the tle other otwr by I I1lacOys Macaboys 1lacOys divorced wife wie to whom the thechilds thechilds childs custody custoy was awarded aadf by the thf de decree decre decree ¬ I cree cre of divorce dhort praying prln the appointment appointmentof of Attorney Atorc w Preston Prel ton Williamson WilliamsonJustice Wilamsn WilamsnJuetle WIlliamsonJustice I Justice Gould refused reCuse both bth petitions petitionsBONAPARTES pettons pettonsBONA petitionsBONAPARTESBUGGY BONAPARTES BONA BONAPARTESBUGGY ATEJS BUGGY DAMAGED DAMAGEDAttorney DAAGED DAMAGEDAttorney I Itornlr Attorney tornlr Generals Gen Team Collides Colliilpntritli Collidesivltit tritli lt Another at Depot DepotThe nII10 nII10The IcpotThe The carriage of Attorney Atornty General GeneralBonapatte Gen GeneralBonapette ral ralInapl Bonapatte Inapl te which whlh was occupied ocupied at the thetime thetm thetime time tm by b his uls secretary sretar was damaged damagedyesterday dama damagedyesterday El Eleaterda yesterday eaterda Doming hor ing in front of the Bal Baltimore Bl Bltmore Baltlmore ¬ timore tmore sn1 s t Ohio station staton by colliding collidingwith colding coldingwih collidingwith with wih a vehicle eJlele driven by b William W1Iam Hill HillMr Hl HillMr Mr r Bonaparte nsIrte was not in his carriage carriagewhen carlagp carlagpwien carriagewhen when wien the tle accident occurred occurredIliclinrd oeurrd oeurrdIlchnrtl occurredlticlnrtl Iliclinrd Ilchnrtl Owens OWfnMt Body DOII In Fnnnil FnnnilThe lonnc Foundrhe The body bd of Richard Owens of ofLangdon ofIngllon ofLangdon Langdon the first frst bather bther of the season seasonto seasonto Ealon Ealonto to lose los Ills life lCe in the vicinity Iclnir of Wash Washington Wah WahIngton Washington ¬ ington and who was AS drowned In the theEastern th thE theEastern < Eastern E trn Branch Sunday Sunda afternoon arfrnoon was wasrecovered WI wasrecovered recovered reoTered yesterday efterda The funeral Cun ral will willtake wi willlake take place placl at the former home of the theyoung theounS thefflJflg young ounS fflJflg man mAn In the suburb suburbhristian Iuburb IuburbChristan suburbshi hi hristian Christan Xanders X XandersI nders 5 7 Standards SUndnnliof SUndAr I of Carets Cr include iolul 4 Virginia Virgini Clarets ClarelsThfjrre Claret ClaretsThere I Ir There r mona T05 ditntabfc diulablf and andwonomiad andeennomie5lown I wonomiad Hieln eennomie5lown own prwwine prwwineMe lrin presingtic Me Sc 36c He t qt qtQuality t tQ Q Quality lt 909 flflfl 7th 1 + 1 St 4 Pbn Phone u Tt 2t 2thouse I house O 7 f 0 lunc banth hoqu OIJ HEROES GET MEDALS MEDALSCharles MEDALSCharles Charles Arms ltlmS and Edgar E EGeorge EGeorge E EGeorge George Decorated DecoratedRISK DecoratedRISK DecoratedRISK RISK LIVES LIVES TO SAVE OTHERS OTHERSFcrrjmnn OTHERSFcrryznnn THRS THRSFerrmnn Fcrrjmnn Leaven lcncI Sick Bed and Put PutForth Put PutForth Puts PutsForth Forth Alone Ionc In Boat 10nt to Rescue RescueThree nelCl1e nelCl1eThree RescueThree Three Men Icn from tron Mail rll Car CurPenn CurPennThnnlnn CurPennnylinninu Ponn PonnnjTrnnlnn njTrnnlnn Holrtn Holt1 nOT Ilo from Death DeathPresident DenthIrclllcnt OcathIresident President Irclllcnt Order Aivimls AivimlsFor A AvarulaFor nlrlls nlrllsI nlrllsFor I For saving wing the lives 1 of two mall ml clerks clerksand clrk clrkand clerksand and u baggageman bsgge n in a wreck wrek on 01 the theLoutovllte theLoule theLouisville Louisville Loule and Nashville Nuln11e Railroad Rairod Sep September sp sptembr September ¬ tembr tember 29 2 19N Charles Crl Arms Art of Clarks Ciarksvllle Clrkl ClrklvUe Clarksv1lie ¬ vllle vUe Tens TeR has b been ben awarded awared a railroad railroadlifesaving rir railroadlifesaving lifesaving medal meal by y President Ir nt fleece Roosevelt ficO fleecevelt ¬ velt VfI A medal mel for heroic 1rolc service le in I the thesaving t thesaving saving Mvng of lives Jy was W8 also a awarded ared to Ed Edgar Edgar Edgar ¬ gar EL E George Gerge of Parsons PA ms Pa PaThe l PaThe a aTh The Th exploit explll for which Mr Ir Arms Arm re receives recelves ¬ ceives eelve recognition regniton was particularly prteularl heroic heroicHe her heroicIre He le saved lve the t lives Ilo of Mail lal Clerks J G GMartin Grtn GMartIn Martin rtn and an Thomas Thor A 1 Frazler Faz r and u bag baggageman b beggageman ¬ gageman gemn Robert Robrt L Morris Jorn victims vlUm of th thwreck the thewrek thewreck wreck wrek of Louisville Ll le anti An Nashville Nuhvle train trainNo traInNo traInNo No 102 10 at Ciarksvllle Clark8le Tenn September SeptemberItt Sptembr Itt 1 1304 The train trn ran through the open opendraw opn opndraw opendraw draw of the bridge bidge over oer the Cumberland CumberlandRiver Cumberlnd CumberlndRiver CumberhandRiver River at Ciarksvllle CarslJ and the locomotive locomotivemail lotv locomotivemail mail ml and an baggage 1ggage cars crs were eo thrown tlrown into intothe Intothe intothe the river fifty fry feet fet below It I was WA about aboutS abut abutS S oclock odok at night and very dark darkWhen darkWhen darkWhen When the tram tri crashed into the river riverMall riverMan riverMail Mall Clerks C rl Martin artn and Frazier Fraaer and andBaggageman andDa andBaggageman Baggageman Da tan Morris 2lorl although althugh terribly terriblybruised terrby terriblybruised I Ihruil bruised hruil and Ati shaken shken managed maled to break breaktheir bak bakthflr brashtheir their thflr way out ot of the cars and get gt on Otp Otpwb top topwhere topwhre where wb re they clung with wih all their ter remaining remainingstrength rmlnln rmlnlnstrenKth remainingstrength < strength all the th time tm shouting IhuUn for aid aidwhtleube aidhU aidwhllM whtleube whllM hU the partially prtlaJI submerged sub rge cars car were werebeing werealngrapdly werebeIng being alngrapdly rapidly swept down the river by brlhe brlhewitt the theswift theswift swift witt current curnt A number numbr of persons prnswere prnswereItandnl were werestanding werestanding standing Itandnl on 0 the th river bank bnk near n the ferry ferrylanding ferr ferryhanding landing lndi when Ih th the accident aiet happened happne They Theysaw Thty ThtyBW Theylaw saw BW the th cars e plunge pluD into Int the river and andbeard anllhr andbeard beard hr the despairing delring cries e of the mail mailclerks mal mallclerks clerks clk and at the baggageman bggF n for Co help but butnone butB butnone none B dared d go to their tr aid aidllUea ad adJUsel aidltlaes llUea JUsel from Sick lieu IJeilArms led ledArm lieuArms Arms Arm lives lYN near n the th ferry tery landing landin lansIng on onthe ont onthe the t bank bk of the river rlYe and an at the Oe time tJm ot otthe ofthe the t accident acidft was confined cfa to his bi bed b with withmalarial withmalarial Ith Ithnl malarial nl fever fe He had hd been bn sick ak nearly nearlyfour nery nerytour nearlyfour four weeks W k and a doctor doto had bd visited YllIe him himand himand and an given e him hi treatment trt t for his b malady maladyleas maladyless leas I than La an hoar bar previous pvU to the t acci accident ad addnt acetdent ¬ dent dnt He heard her the ti crash erh of the te train trainas trai trainas as it I plunged plu and an a moment molt later his hislittle hislittle little littl daughter cter e came into iut his sick rk chamber chamberand chbr chbran chamberand and an told him bm what b had h happened He HeImmediately Heimmeditely HeImmediately Immediately immeditely arose a f and a without 1tbt waiting waitingto to t fully tun clothe coh himself bmf be b made mde his h way wayas w wayU as rapidly raply as possible pble to the th ferry ferr land landing landIns landlag ¬ Ins minus minu coat ct cost hat bat and a shoes a His Hisbelief HisI HISbelIef belief I C at the time tm was that t the th entire entiretrain enU enUtrn entiretrain train trn had hd plunged pu into It the t river rive and an he hethought hethought thought thoqt there might mlPt be scores rN of people peopleIn ple pleIn In need of assistance assistanceArriving a aAn1vn5 istanee istaneeArriving Arriving An1vn5 at the ferry ter landing Jndn he jump jumped Jup Jupe jumpad ¬ ed into skiff and the by bystanders byslanders e a an appealed apl to t b ¬ standers lndrs for 113 offering ofering HO 10 all a 11 the themoney themor themoney money mor he had hd to any person pr who wo would wouldgo wouldP wouldgo go with Itb him in the th boat bt His HI appeal appealfor appealfor for aid was M met mt by the statement lttetllt that It Itwould I ItWould would be b madness m for ro nay ny person to t go goout goout out with a boat bt to attempt atept a rescue 1D the thehelper tMh thehelper helper h lpr at the ferry rr landing li telling tel him himthat himthat himthat that if I the drift drif dont dot swamp mp you u the thepeople theple thepeople people ple In those to cars ca will wl jump In and andswamp andswamp swamp sp you U sure surePut lurePUlA sureIuts Put PUlA Forth Alone in Hoot HootNotwithstanding 10nt 10ntNoh1tbb IlontNotwithstanding Notwithstanding Noh1tbb the attempt tep to din dissuade dinauntie ¬ auntie lue him Arms Ar pushed Jb off o in the th boat boatalone boatalone t talo alone alo and with 1th cries of encouragement to tothe tot tothe aD e o enermt the t imperiled iprie persons P be l finally Anly reached reachedthe reched reachedthe the cars car and succeeded In taking takln off the theinjured theinjured aD ee o injured iur mall mal clerks c1 and u baggageman bagasgemanafterward baggagemanafterward tmu afterward safely sfel landing J them th on o the thebank thebank bank bk of the ti river riverThe rivr rivrT riverThe The T Louisville LulUe and an Nashville Nashvle Railroad RailroadCompany Rair RailroadCompany Company Compy presented pnte Arms An with ih 160 In Inrecognition iu1tUo inrecognition recognition 1tUo of his bi heroism hel and the Post Postohce PMtobt Postolhce ohce obt Department Drmnt took tok the matter maier up and andmade Mdmade andmade made application applltl for a medal for him himunler himunlfr himunder under unlfr the act at of February Flr S HC6 l lI which whichprovides WhichprodN whichprovide provides for or the award n of o medals lis of honor honorfor honorfor for the saving 1 of life lCe upon Uf railways ni ay or 0 as asthe 1 asthe the result reul of railway rla disasters disastersThe der disasterThe The case cu was carefully e taIY inquired Inuir Into by bythe b1the bythe the officers Clrs of o the government pnrmnt and an the themedal themfdal themedal medal mfdal was w forwarded forar yesterday yete with wb a aletter aleUf aletter letter leUf of transmittal tranital from President PresidentRoosevelt Prt PrtRovU PresidentRoosevelt Roosevelt RovU himself himselfGeorge bllt himselfGeorge George Gcor c Save Boys Life LifeGeorge IireGer LifeGeorge George Ger was WI granted grte a medal ml for ro saving savingthe savingthe v the th life le of 0 a Polish PIih lad ld about abt twelve twelveyears twee tweeYfa twelveyears years Yfa of age a whose h foot tt had become bme fee fastened fa fatenf feetoned ¬ toned tenf in a frog f froron on o the th Delaware D lwre and ad Hod Hodson Ha Hodson son sn Railway Hlhay track at Parsons Iu > M Pa PaGeorge PLGe8 PaGeorge George Ge8 and a number num r of other persons personswere prf prfwere personswere were on o the station 1ttl platform ptform waiting aUi the theapproach theaprch theapproach approach aprch of a fast passenger D r train trn when whenthe whenthe hen hentl the tl screams rel of the lad ld attracted atrte their at attention attento attendon ¬ tendon tentionGeorge tento tendonGeorge George Ger immediately immlte started strte on o a run runfor runfor runfor for the boy by hoping hopng to extricate extrlcte him from fromhis tromhla fromhis his perilous prlou predicament prelcamt before roe the train trainreached trainrch trainreached reached him He made one or two un unsuccessful unluccful onsuccessful ¬ rch me successful luccful attempts attept to release the te foot fot and andfinding andfinding finding fining it i Impossible impsble to do so 8 before bfor the thetrain thetrin thetrain train trin reached rche him he seized alH the boys boysbody by byb buy buybody body b and bending bnding it down outside outde the therail therail rail rai forced rorc the imprisoned Inpr8nel leg IeI under uner the theengine tbetglne theengine engine tglne cylinders oil 01 boxes bxe and ad steps step of ofthe oCthe ofthe the cars caN which scraped srap their bodies h as asthey asthey they ty came cme along alongThe alongTh alongThe I The Th engineer applied l the emergency emergencybrakes emrgec emrgecbrke emergencybrakes engnr app brakes brke but did di not succeed aucc In stopping stoppinguntil atoPng atopnguntil I until unt the locomotive 100mothe and one car had hadpassed hadpasE hadpassed passed pasE over Mr 11 George GErge and the boy 0 The i White House Bread BreadIs I Is the best blt bread bred for the home hometable hometable hometable table Best for sandwiches sndwIche and andmake andmale andmakes make male the criepest Cri8 st toast toat i i Breads That Are Gratifying Gratifyingi i i I i and of Nutritive Value ValueWhite ValueWhite i iWhite White House Br BrThe Bread BreadThe The Bread of Quality QualityWhite Qualty QualtyVhite QualityWhite White House HouseThe Rolls Rollsi i The Newest Ting Thing in Rolls RollsWith Rols RolsWith RollsWith With genius and skill skil at our command commandand commandand and the facilities faciities of a modernly equipped equippedBakery equippedBakery equippedBakery I I Bakery we have achieved greater results resultsin resuts resutsin resultsin in Bread making Success has crowned crownedour i our efforts efortssucces effortssuccess success in greater measures measuresthan measure measurethan Ii Iithan of ofOur i iOur than we vc ever thought I Our new White Souse Bread and andWhite andWhite andWhite I White House Rolls Rols are the most worthy worthyBreads worthyBreads worthyBreads Breads of the period perod They are absolutely absolutelypure absolutelypure absolutelypure pure palate pleasing and very ver nutritious nutritiousWhite nutritiousWhie nutritiousWhite White Whie House Bread and White House HouseRolls Housei HouseRolls i Rolls Rols are are different diferent in shape and appear appearance appearance appearance ¬ ance from other breads breadsSold breadsSold breadsSold Sold Wherever Bread Is Sold SoldFirst SoldBoston i iBoston Boston Baking COe9 COe9First First and B Streets Southwest SouthwestIn In front of U S Capitol Capiol back bk side and right arm a of Mr r Georges Gerge Gergect Georgescost j jcoat coat ct were w besmeared ear with Wth iron irn rust and andoil andoil I oil from fr the engine eM and an car r and a his hi right righthand rl righthand ht hthand bruised Be Beyond Bed Beyond hand was slightly cut ct and ad bruie ¬ yond d a badly bul7 sprained srained foot and leg the theboy theboy theboy boy was uninjured uninjuredHad uninjuredHad uninjuredlied Had it not been lot Georges rlf4fs nerve and andpresence anl1pre andpresence presence pre presence rce of mind he would ould undoubtedly undoubtedlyhave undoubt undoubtedlyhave dlr dlrbave have lost his life and under the circum circumstances clrcumstaneee circurnstances ¬ stances it was something of a miracle miraclethat miracletht mIraclethat that both of them were not killed killedNO kll kllNO hilledNO NO DAMAGES AWARDED AWARDEDCoiHinlHilon A AWARDEDConauuluslon VARDED VARDEDConul1llnn CoiHinlHilon Holds Union Station Off Offnet OfTIIctll OtTsets net sets All Claims Clnhl1The ClaimsThe j i The Union Railroad station grade grpdeclaims gr gradeclaims de declaims claims commission composed of Charl Chaq ChaqA har1 har1A < s sA A A Baker George W Moss and G Gerg GergSpransy rg rgSpranny rgp rgpSprallllr Spranny yesterday reported to the Is Istrict r rtrict Ttrlct trict Supreme Court its ft appraisements appr m n t f fthe fthe fthe the damages alleged to have resulted re u1t 1 to tothe tothe t tthe the real estate e on the tb south side of Parker Parkerstreet Parkffatawl Farkrstreet street street the east side of second street the thowest t thewest lP lPW8t west side of third street sad the tb n north northside northside > rth rthside side of I street northeast In square ua re retroII1 TTn 7 7from j jfrom from change of grade in connection with withj withthe withthe j the Union station project projectI peesetThe t tThe I The commission found that the dam damages dAmretndUIl damages ¬ ages resulting < to the property JIOJ1er from the thegrade thecha thegrade grade changes cha 18 were offset by the benefits benefitsconferred ben benefitsconferred ftts fttseonf conferred eonf rre4 upon the property of the claim claimants elaimaa1l claimants ¬ ants by the Union nton station I UOn improvements improvementsand and nd awarded no damages to any of the theproperty theproperty theproperty property owners owaersThe 0 0The ownersThe The property considered nslMred by the com commission comnUHIon cornmission ¬ mission is owned by Lauretta F Boyd BoydLeonids BoydLeonid BoydLeonidas Leonids Trtplett Jr George Oeor E Hamil Hamilton Hamnton Hamliton ¬ ton Martin > F Morris Bedford Walker WalkerWilliam WalkerWilliam albr albrWl11larn William II Walker Mary Xar Talty Fennell FennellMargaret Fenn FennellMargaret lI lIarpnt Margaret > arpnt K I Tally Talt Tobin Helen S Tally TallyAbWe TallyAbbie TatlyAbble AbWe R R Talty John J Hill and Mary MaryIE iaryE MaryK IE E K Qwtnga QwtngaGIVE Oy1npGIVE QwlngaGIVE GIVE PASSES WITH STOCK STOCKPennsylvania SrrOCK SrrOCKIennlhnnln STOCKPennsylvania Pennsylvania Ilallroatl Offer 10 10Ihlemnt Induicetuteuat ilncenient to Shareholder ShareholderAccording SII ShareliohulersAccording < tchohlcr tchohlcrAC4Ordi According AC4Ordi to information received by bythe brthe bythe the Interstate Commerce Commission Commissionevery Cooamllfllonevery Commissionevery every man mau woman and child who buys a ashare asbare ashare share of stock In the Kishocoquillas Val Valley Yal1y Valicy ¬ icy Railroad Company of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniawill lenulvaniayiU will be given a trip pan over the line lineThe IIDeThe lineThe The Ktehoooqulllas KitI Ulllag road is nine mites miteslong mlletilon mileslong long lon It run MUlti between Ml ween Belleville ynle and andReedsville andRHd8v1I andBeedssille Reedsville Pa The Th general manager mug of ofthe ofthe ofthe the Kisbocoquillas wrote a a letter ttK to the theInterstate tlMIntertate theInterstate Interstate Commerce C mm rce Commission In Inwhich Inblrh Inwhich which blrh he said that the road roe had never neverdeclared neyerdeclared newerdeclared declared a dividend It had been decided decidedtherefore decidedtherefore decidedtherefore therefore to give trip passes with 1th every everyshare kerr kerrbare dvryshare share of stock t k issued issuedThe IueelThe issuedThe The general Be1 ral manager wanted to know If Ifpasses Ifpuee Ifp5555 passes so issued were m In violation vtolttJonof > of law lawThe Ia IaThe lawThe The commission replied that If the road roadwas roedWas readwas was wholly within ithin the 5ta Stafe of Pennsyl PenMJlvanta Penusylvnia j jvania vania vanta it had no Jurisdiction If It was an aninterstate anInterstate aninterstate interstate road payees L could not be le legally leplly Icgaily ¬ gaily issued to shareholders unless they theywere theyere theywere were ere employee It costs eighteen eigbt n cents to tomake tomake tomake make a trip over the t b Kishocoqulllas KishocoqulllasIt It is expected x ted that its business will be beboomed beboomfd beboomed boomed to the th limit with the pare prem premium premIum promium ¬ ium offered with every share of stock The iiiLe Boy Is Father FatherTotheMA I 1 To TotheMA TotheMAThe till Mil Millearns I ITit Tit The e yo youngstcr un gster who early carlyIearps earlylearns learns to save savcand and deposit his hismoney i M S Sl Slmoney money in the bank is truly trulythe hisIf s sthe If 7 7the the father of his family familyNo familyNo M MNo > No one habit so encourages and fosters fo t the good quali qualities qualitics qualitics ¬ tics of young minds as that of saving savingWealth savingVealth savingWealth Wealth is not all that results from saving savinggood good char charactcr chalacter charactcr actcr is one of the byproducts byproductsWe We VI e open accounts as low as one dollar dollarHome dollarHome dollarHome Home Savings gs Bank Bank7th 7th and Mass Ave N W WBRANCHES WBRANCHES WBRANCHES BRANCHES BRANCHES7th BRANCHES7th BRANCHES7th 7th and H Sts N E 436 7th St S W WDeposits W1ar I IDeposits 1ar Deposits more than n a million and a half I I White House Rolls RollsIf tI tIWhite If you would wou enjoy perfect hot hotbread 00 hotbread I bread for breakffcst put these theseRolls thfs thfsRolla theseRolls i Rolls utes in the oven for a few fe min mlnutes minutES mm mmutes 1M 1ixinPailltuyand 1ixinPailltuyandrrcri from untesied materials materialss i llP s an expensive and andsome some one nust pay for forflsii Theingree flsii I every CCrygeI gatlono gatlonoare 0 0 0 0are are tested chemically then ground groundand groundandcorbinedperfecliy and andcorbinedperfecliy combined perfectly by specially speciallydevised speciaflydvi5eo devised machinery A Certificate Certificateof of Purity wilh every gallon can canW canwkntlde wkntlde 0f5rgtsS 0f5rgtsSFOR FOR SALE eyaW eyaWw W H BUTLER CO 607609 C ST W W WInvisible WInvisible Invisible Bifocals BifocalsThe The reading and distance distancelenses dl diatancelenses an anIfnfll8 lenses are joined join so perfectly perfectlythat Jlfrfectlthat perfectlythat that there h no noticeable line lineof lI1eof lineof of division divisionQlad divisionGlad 1on 1onGlad Glad to show you you 00 their supe superkMrtty su suI supeiloetty rkMrtty over the old style Mfo bltQeaJlI I cals eaJlIEDWIN cisEDWIN EDWIN E ET T f Z OPTIGUH OPTIGUHB o 0TICIALH TlCtUH B ran O 9 < a c ST H j 1s 1 g j jOn Si SiOn On G St Opp Uest UestDIED fission lteB JIftI Ilnase t tDIED I IDIED DIED DIEDALMANOn DIEDAL1LXOII DIEDALLANOn ALMANOn Monday Jwe 24 2 IW li at t 3d3 a n nMISSOURI IIXlfIIOlTRI aXIRSOYE MISSOURI brVrod wife of Jam J Atsnn Jr JrIa yrha T Tth Ia th thP t totrtfctth f tr < tUtJa rrar Jft nr rf her tie tieFttMMl altwiD usFisstsl FttMMl Mrvto ersi wfll I loP held at t her Me mMenc mMencIX ieidencl IJ IJS IX l H sears aorthewt Wedne W Wedney Ms Ieee Is t tJI rtB 133 > JI p m ttrfead rf the futujr TtspMtfttllr in inTtttd IIIritfod insited Ttttd to MtCB MtCBBMlTTOa attest MteBdJlltlft attestIgaLTro BMlTTOa Jlltlft 011 Motxfcj Am n BT st 1 1KAXMK lX a m mFX mFAXOX KAXMK FX IX JL L I wife of feme S Ihirt Ihirtt JIrIttnnI IkiltFiussil nnI Fiussil flea bra laW ItIIideCt nece et t Jijattniiip JijattniiipJM Nyattsri Nyattsritt JM tt WfdmdBT taw B at t f3lt pi m Intr IntrMeat InttrIDftIt Intkrsent Meat prit pritat pritatCOLOII prWatPcoLgOs t tfttr COLOII hac111 Jene Do 1IIf at IJ 1211 p m meftn inset eftn set fttr a Itomiim i4ee fflae fflaejroonfMt tUnes KDITH kthrcd and andeais an suidyoment l lOIUIP jroonfMt di diCrte kssbter d Scessu H Ii and BII UDbrt 33imbetiOsle 11 11cIP Crte atcd d twcotrCoor twftIi7 yoTs eais one atari ib and ax axPnneial 1 1L 1Fw c cSari Sari SariFuneral L Funeral htm her pmitf snets t mfckw 91 R Twelfth Twelfthtrert TftIlt1arrm 4 4arvt trert Mdthemirt on Tuesday Ttwd Jnoe J F at I p m mIstenwnt In InIflt alatsucent Istenwnt Iflt at Gknwcod Ccawteijr Cnaft Ccartn Kdatlm dadyr and andfrfendi andf andfrimM frfendi totted UUcatm nntm prpert glees copy copyPlrrjILD ropyDlFP1ELD oqpyi oqpyilwTvIgLD PlrrjILD PlrrjILDMIUTART DlFP1ELDlILlTART lwTvIgLDBitnAar MIUTART URDU oaD OF THE LOYAL UCGION LllGIOXOF LR0NOF UCGIONOF OF THB TH UNITED II ITI STATES STATESCcaMumdar BTAT18C OTATISCesndet CcaMumdar C cf the Platelet of CobsBbis CobsBbisCRT tolbbCky biJ biJCM1 CRT cf WtAkwton Jane J l fl > 1907 1907w l lThe 11 The w dc dakth th rf CoRtanfcM WILLIAM WARD AIID DUF DUFFIKLP DlPnELII DUFflELI FIKLP Colonel I U S S Vctantotn to thfe CIty oa oah oQh on1M h 2Zd 2 < t instant ta anmoaffd to tbe Canavodcrv CanavodcrvFniKTil C C11llfral CnsmndreFuneral Funeral 11llfral iKTrlm L uivuiui at taw the traduce tt Coot Ccotmfons CuIanlonll Cootaniont Ianlonll mfons is nqweitfd will te held at kb late rrsi rrsiUn roat1uiP < Un 1uiP p KB I Q Btntt X W at 1 oclock ode V I M Mthis 1i IIthu this day dayThe datThe i The Insignia lpia of the Older Oi r wffl be liefommanll aces vcnBv Bv 14 command cf cfDrorrt dDrCtlt efllretct Drorrt BriftQcnL n 041Il X VZ z WOODHCU IT S S Vol VolCoSMModer VoLCader 01 01Cder CoSMModer CoSMModerV W V I P HlXFORD HlXFORDRrcrratr lItxroaDRrttrdtt hltXFORDIteerrdr Rrcrratr RrcrratrFITZ RrttrdttnTZtERLIJOe IteerrdrFITZElULDOa nTZtERLIJOe FITZ < EKALDOB m JIricIIr Jaw Jss n 11 Mr 17 DAVID DAVIDA Dn D DA A wn of the late lat Oartd aid J JFuneral Joe I Eitz z zIlft1 Ilft1 Ilft1o1Or31 55 01 01Funeral Funeral on ai Tuesday ThHda J JBII Mt B IS ftoaa his late resi residence fl5idenlt reuidoors ¬ doors 113 K strrrt northeast at 3ft 30 a m MaM MaMat 1h Miiiat s sat at St AlcrwW Af Cbma Ch Intrnwut at t Mount MountHENDERSON JountUlhlt Mountousot Ulhlt nnri nnriJlE emoetr emoetrl1ENDEllSOtht HENDERSON JlE l1ENDEllSOtht IJR On U Wednesday Jane J B OK I at t the thernidiire terlitl therosAt rnidiire rlitl soe rt her 1w nteee ntne Mr 1IIn Whine V Van VanTa an anT aaTacetl T Tacetl Ta eM n S 9 ftiflimt 1 m1 sense Weft Oraaay X J JMton JIm 1 1Miss Miss Im ANNA AZX XKLLE NKXDKRSOX H spud spuduintnie aer aerentvnin Ilfrntrnine entvnin rntrnine ymrs and eleven sootha CStha die beloved belovedaurt 1Ir1 1Ir1InrI kbSTdiipt aurt iipt of Mr Bra S S H Aannr of UdI Ih city cityIit sityhu Iit hu < intent w SRi > in Uw famfly bethel borytefriltwow OIIIId It It11Itlt atlfltstnu riltwow 11Itlt IV I on Friday June ZL ZLSUPER nSUPERO1 21 21SUPER SUPER SUPERO1 On Sunlit hare J ft S WT ll at I a i iLtUlE la laLILttE LtUlE belmtd wife wif of A F Super and dMfll dMflltrr dICItrr trr of Manii 111111 t l U acd tw t htr lat J W Oden OdentTinrral 0IImJlnrral 4Jdunnrral tTinrral nnrral bern the th rrwkccv Cl of t t her brother brotheratr 13s 13sItatra > 1 1latra latra atr street trf iHrtbwr Wednesday Jane t S at atC30 at3I at5YJ C30 3I a in thvncr t > St t AJoxwna AJ Alojissa1o Alojissa1otFrd LlMrfh LlMrfhirVdrWt lJhtr l lJord irVdrWt Jord rlt Mil Neva Mu and Haltfcacre Aswrtaui AswrtauiFONERAL iatrIcaurln AserkanIIes rln epui epuiFUNEHAL JW JWFUNERAL FUNERAL DIRECTORS DIRECTORSTHOS DlRECiORTROS DIHEGJORI DIHEGJORITHOS THOS S SERGEON SEKGEONSCCCESSOK SERGEON6CCCESSOlt SERGEON5LCCESSOii SCCCESSOK TO K tt S S CAlV CJt CJtJill etlRh Jill Rh ilk th it sw T T Telephone > trboB Mate MM MMGEORGE 1GEORGE liiGEORGE GEORGE P ZURHOSST ZURHOSSTt01 t01 titist Capitol Street StreetFUNERAL StrllrFUNERAL StreetFUNERAL FUNERAL DESIGNS DESIGNSPUNERAL DESl6tBFUNERAL BESIOtJSFUNERAL FUNERAL FLOWERS PLOWERSOt Ot Kttir UacriptwoJJodenUdJ U IrtetA IrtetAGttDE ltkt1GUDE tdeatGIJDE GttDE GttDEtni tni m F I ST NORTUWUiA > InOXE tnO li U CT Q iLlS S