I I i
Reported Opposition to Him HimFails Hima himFd1s
Fails a ls to Appear AppearWORD AppelllWORD AppcaiWORD
Rumor tlmt lint A Few Democratic Sam Senatom SculLtor Samatari
atom Would Woul Tell 5lr r Bryan I1AJI to tuftlu1rnw toVIthraw
Withdraw ftlu1rnw from Ireiflcitttal ItJtue ItJtueot nHceot Itxceot
ot Confirmed onfir1l1ellDherH Dinner at Senator SenatorUlvlHiidH SmRtCucnIRlIll Senatores1aiitls
UlvlHiidH cnIRlIll ItoDlilenae lto > hlenott Ifiml Tnle TnleViiiiam PnIeVU1i4m Inlulliam
Viiiiam lliam Jennings Bryan at the conclu conclusion CCMduilOH cosscluLutl ¬
sion Lutl of the Senatorial supper given by bySenator bySenator bySenutor
Senator Newtenos New at t Nevada to the theNttniHka theraikl theXtrska
NttniHka raikl leader and id the Senators wbo whonappen wboIapp wboappen
nappen Iapp n to come upon the latter Iat 1atte half Jf ef of the theiuhalwiical thej theHthahfti4a1
j iuhalwiical roll found himself still itt Ult the themust tlfti ttepopuar
i must l t popular popuar man man ao far as a the Demo Demoul DemoaU Demoatt
> aU ul Presidential nomination is i con conrned 00 00rned conmed
rned that has bU yet been mentioned mentionedAlthough mentionedAlthough mentionedAlthough
Although it ha baa been asserted and re rerated reattd rerated
rated that Mr Bryan was to be told toldlile toldIilf toldili
lile ili > he ii was in Washington and told toldjvohahly toldI
jvohahly I ohahly at one of the two dinners which whichiavrt whichaI whIcha
iavrt aI a v been given by Senator Newlands Newlandsiiiat Newlandai
i iiiat imt nt h 11 must give place to some other otherDemocrat otherIlfmfWrat otherI
Democrat I nocrat m th u Presidential contest contestrje oontelltre
rje re is but little question that the word wordas wordi
i as t mt n t been given ven to him himThe bimTh himTilE
The Th very fact tcttbat that no one could be befound MIiund bef
f found wnd to at as the spokesman n of the few fewfYiiators fewI
fYiiators 1 I ainrs who apparently aPtwre tty do not with witht
t > 1N cf l Mr Bryan lead the party once onceIK 0GeeIgIn e eIs
IK IgIn in Is taken to mean n that any defte deftei deIoiln delbeir
i iln ir < n if any there tber was Is lsoa of OCtur a passing passingHH l1Mfl l1Mfltur
HH UKJI Pnia Uttle AttontloH AttontloHMr ttOH tlm tlmIr
Mr Ir Bryan himself has seemingly emIIy 1 1Ii psjd psjdKttle psMlttIE
Kttle Ii tUft attention to the report that he heto Htn heti
to be bt nottfted notified that he must withdraw withdrawH
v iiI 1j H here but there is no 10 doubt that be bed
a t prepared at any ny time to do so 80 if ifv ifr 11guardIans
r h v guardians of the party party really reallyM
M 11 id 1 nave 1a made such a demand demandAny demandny
Any 1 ny y mutterings mutt m rlnp among certain South Southin
in ri Democratic D moerat1o Senators concerning Mr MrBryan MrBryan MrHryan
Bryan failed to come ne forth in his b pres presn JJNInI
n nI < v last night as they had fatted to tecoiee tecoieetrti come comertn eoIReOr
Or trti < > rtn 11 the night before The dinner It ItndfrRtood is isndfrstood isnthrUod
ndfrstood was devoted to the discussion discussionf UhlOft UhlOftIt
It f th partys party chances but not a a word wordwas wordas wordwas
was as authoritatively spoken about Mr MrHryms Mrryms MrTryths
Hryms ryms withdrawal withdrawalThp withdrawalTht withdrawalTh
Thp Th > guests uest8 at the second dinner that of oft ofnight
t night nl ht in addition to Mr Bryan were wereSenators wereSnators wereSnatirs
Senators McEnery McLaurin Martin MartinMoney artiaIonf MartinIoney
Money Ionf Overman Owen Paynter Ray Rayiitr Rayntr Raynr
iitr Simmons Stone Tallmerro Taylor TaylorTJllman TaYlorTHlman Taylorri1lmn
TJllman and Whyte Senator Teller Tenerot was wasot aa aact
ot present presentMr presentr presentMr
Mr r Bryan spent a a part of yesterday at athe atht athe
he Capitol apitol where he again discussed discussedih
ih l M situation with Democratic members membersu
u r both the House and ani Senate SenateMr Senater SenateMr
Mr r Bryan was wa almost constantly the theenter theenter theenter
enter of a group of Congressmen CoD ntmen He Hespent Heipent Hespent
spent a large portion of his b time In the thecommittee Ulemmlttee thekmmittee
committee mmlttee room of the House Committee Committeeon
on Appropriations AppropriationsMr Approprlatlor
Mr r Bryan Br an will visit his hI daughter who whois whoI
is I In school at Roanoke Va today to toda ar and andwill andwlII andwill
will probably return to Washington Wuhln a to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow His plans beyond his b Arrival Arrivalhero IUTlvalLHi ardvalLer
hero Ler > tomorrow are not definitely deftl tely settled settledl settlediut tOed
l Lut > ut it is possible that he will be here for fort
i short time after that date dateBRYAN dateBRYAN dateBRYAN
chraskim Is Scheduled Sc ednleil for Two TwoSpeeches TwoSpeecJacII TwoSpeeches
Speeches In Metropolis MetropolisNew JlctropolbXew MetropolisNew
New York Jan 28 28W1Utam William J 7 Bryan Bryanwill Bryanwil Bryanvij
will speak twice in h this city next week weeklit weekIiI weekIii
IiI will Ilt address the Civic Forum in Car Carnegi Carnege Carnegle
negi nege negle Hall on Tuesday night nJ t and his hist
t heme his press p agents here ber said today todaywould todaywuId todaywould
would be Thou shall not steal On the thefollowing theolnwing theoflowing
following night he will be present at a aii al a ainner
ii inner nntr given by the Economic Club and andvii andwi andii
vii wi ii then th n make m e a a speech on Finance FinanceAs FinancepS FinanceAs
As pS a sort of antidote to the preachings preachingsf
f Mr Ir Bryan the National Democratic Democraticriub Democratictub
riub I tub whose members think that with Mr MrHryan Mrryan r rryan
Hryan ryan as a candidate there is no chance chancef chaneflf
flf f the Democrats carrying c this State will willjive willle willIve
jive le a dinner February 12 1 to provide providemore providemore providemore
more literature on conservative Demo Demoratic Demoratic Demoratic
ratic doctrines for distribution through throughout throu throughnit h hnut ¬
out the country The principal speaker will willt wUlLA willIR
t LA D Cady Herrick who will take for forus foris fori
us is i topic The essentials euen w of Democracy DemocracyNEW DemocracyNEW DemocracyNEW
Arranged to Strike Ships Below Deln the theWater theVatcr theWater
Water Line LineWord LlncWord LineWord
Word was received here last night from fromNewport tromX fromNewport
Newport X port that a trial made there yes yesterday y yttrday ysetrday ¬
terday of a new high explosive torpedo torpedoshi11 torpedoshtI torpedohdI
shi11 hdI Invented by Lieut Commander CammanderCle Cle Cle Clelwd
1 lwd tnd nd Davis of the navy had bwm en sue successful wccf5stul suere5sful ¬
cessful to a high degree degreeThe deareeThe dreeThe
The ordinary torpedo tot is detonated when whenPiercing whenTIItfC whenplrcing
Piercing TIItfC ng variety and is attached to a adirigible aUtigtle adicigie
dirigible < torpedo like the Whitehead WhiteheadThe WbiteheadTLe WhiteheadTLe
TLe ordinary torpelo is detonated when whenit whentrikes
it strikes the target and explodes its itsforce Itafllret Itsitre
force on the exterior The Davis tor torpedo torp torpd ¬
pedo p pd do shell is so designed that when it itstrikes Ittrlhs Ittriks
strikes a vessel the shell hell is 1 propelled for forward forward forward ¬
ward into the ship hlp and by b a time fuse fusenrrangement tuieIrrangfment tilerrangment
nrrangement explodes des Inside Insideit
it I t is claimed that the test demon demonstrated demontrlted demontrtted ¬
strated that a high explosive shell can canbe caftlJ canbe
be lJ placed in the vitals of a a battl battle ship
beneath the water line and that It will willcompel wlJlomJp willcmnp
compel cmnp omJp l a change in battleship eonstrac eonstraction eetIIttruetim onestruetim
tim so st as to provide for armor on the theindorwater tIM1ukr therdrwater
indorwater 1ukr ater bulL kulLCHURCH hulLCHURCH I ICHURCH
Account eIOuRt of Work Tork of St Johns Pnr PnrIsh PnrIsh Parlalt
Ish Given tMve in Detail DetailA Detaf1year Detailyear
A year book has been published by St StJohns StJohns St StJoin
Join Johns s Church of this thl city giving jivin v1nc v1ncmplete a acomplete amplete
complete mplete account of t the work of the theparish theIJ thejiirish
parish IJ rsh for the year ending December 1 1 1ltIi
1907 1911 A A complete history of St St Johns Johnsorphanage Jobn JobnIIrphRnage Johnsrphanage
orphanage under the th direction of otSara Miss MissSarah Missara
Sarah Sara ara Huntington is also liVen jiVenDuring liVenDuring gfenIuring
During the year there were fortysix fortysixbaptisms tortyxI
baptisms b I pilsms fiftysix confirmations eon rmatIoI twenty twentyon
on oni marriages maT and thirtytwo two burials burialsTho burlaJafh burialsiI
Tho fh iI report of the treasurer Gen B a aCard CCard C CCard
Card shows the finances of the parish parishto
to t he in a healthy condition conditionThe CODdtttoaThe conditionThe
The officers of the parish are a Rev Revroland Revdland RevIand
roland dland Iand Cotton Smith rector Rev Ed Edward Edward Edward ¬
ward Slater Dunlap and Rev Frank Fra H HBigcow H HHlgcow Hlidow
Bigcow assistant 8 ministers Rev Oscar 08carJ
1 Mitchell lIteh ll vicar H H H Freeman and andErnest aJldErnest andErnest
Ernest Amos Amos choirmasters choirmastersThA cboltma8 choIrsnaterThA en enTh
ThA Th wardens arden are Hon A B Hagner Hagnerand lIapernnd Hagnernnd
nnd Hon Melville W Fuller uulor The vestry vestrymen vatrymen vestryItlen ¬
men are > Dr Robert ReYburn Gen George GeorgeL
L Cllespie C Jle le Mr Edward McCauley Rear
Admiral Cbarlea Cbar Cbarle H It Stockton Gen B C CCard CCard CCard
Card Mr Henry E Pettew Pelle ellew Snrg 8urpou ou
General Rixey and Hon A A B Hagner HagnerInfceieil HqnerInlcotetl HansrInfetel
Infceieil by b Bovine BovineDr nincDr BovineDr
Dr Earnest C Schroeder Sch Otder addressed a arecent are arepent
recent re ent meeting of the thf Committee on the thePrevention thpPrf thePrevention
Prevention Prf > t > ntlon of Consumption COPtlon and said it ithad fthad I
had been proved that man may be In Infected Inf Infe4ted ¬
fected f ted by bovine tubercle bacilli and andthat andthat I
that this bacillus has
been proven more morevirulent morerulent morevirulent
virulent rulent than the human tubercle bach ¬
lus lu < He also stated atfod he had found d t
per percent ptTi percent
i cent of the milk specimens s imena which he ex examined examln e eamined ¬
amined amln > from the District of Columbia to tocontain toccntaln torcntaln
contain tubercle bacilli and that a larger largerpercentage largerpercentage I
percentage of butter made from milk was W5 W5found
found to be Infected Several new mem members memlxrs memhers ¬
hers were admitted admittedCOLDS admittedcOI admittedCOLDS
LAXATIVE RKOMO QVI jLIMNE UININE I E remorci remnv th thUied tlw tlwUeed tl tlUed
Uied the world onr fc > Cure a Cold C1 la i One OneGtores Dt D Dt
t t W Gtores arom atsKtere lll o 011 bat So It J f
Inti IntltrfUtte In t orata > rftnte I e Commerce ef C ComialxMian ComialxMianDteiilOH COlluaJHlunDlctlcllH Coni nibo ion ionDecides
Decides Mil n IlatqpftiKN 1lat gXKH ItntoK ItntoKAq UutOHAQ ItatosAn
Aq Important ruling involving i1lvotvtU i1lvotvtUut tut usllegtd usllegtdunjust alleged allegedunjust
unjust ut discrimination in freight rates ratesagainst rat ratIn ratesaaina
aaina against In domestic shlnnera n of plate pl Jb JbIn htss htssIn Ia Iain
In favor of import shipments was and hsmled anded handed
ed down yesterday by the Interstate InterstateCommerce ItateConnnerce IUtmrstteCommerce
Commerce commWeJoh K7ummission The ruling was wasbrought wa wabrought wabrougnt
brought cut by cctnplalnts m nwde de by the theJittsburg tIMPittabUTg thePittsburg
Jittsburg Plate Glass Gla Co against the thePittaburg tlMPitubu tiitPlLtsburg
Pittaburg Pitubu Cincinnati Chlcapa hbcae and 8t 8tLoute ItLoul StLouis
Louis Railway Company and the Illinois IllinoisCentral I1JtpoiaCentral 1114I01Central
Central Railroad Company CompanyThe CompnyThe CompanyThe
j The complaints alleged gt that unjust dis discrimination db dbttlmlnatlon discrlmlnation ¬
crimination in rates against Int domesticshippers domestic domesticshippers domUc8btIJpei1
shippers of plate glass In favor of Im Iraport Import import
port shipments l was made because the Iherates tberatt therate5
rates ratt > on the > former are re relatively higher higherthan h htban higherthan
than the inland rail proportion of the thetotal tiletow thetotal
total tow 1 charge from rein the point iDt of origin in ina lita ina
a foreign country The Commission Commissionholds CommlutDwathat CommIsiinheidi
holds wathat that under < the law I as interpreted interpretedby Iltte Iltteby
by the Supreme Court of the United UnitedStates UnltMStates UnitedStates
States in the Import rate ra rat cue the Com Commission ComIr Cornmission ¬
mission Ir cannot consider eensider such b disparity disparityin dtp rJty rJtyIn
in rates alone as constituting < unjust din discrimination dIs dIser1mhaUon dinerinilnatlon ¬
crimination The complaints in I these pro proceedings plIOInaa proceedinge ¬
ceedings Inaa were dismissed without pre prejudice pftJudice peeJudice ¬
judice The Commission denied also alsothat aWothat aipothat
that it was Its duty to look at the cir circumstances cJrcUlnfiances clicumatanceg ¬
cumstances and conditions affecting afte Uq the themarten themattAn thematters
marten involved not only oal in this country countrybut fOuntrybut countrybut
but in the entire Held of commerce here hereand hereand hereand
and abroad abroadTHORP abroadTHORP abroadPIIORP
THORP FAILS TO GET iuuuu iuuuuCourt 10000 10000O 1OaUoOturt
Court O l1rt Ovormlea Ovcrrnl Writers Demurrer DemurrerAgainst DemurrerAgainst Demurrerginst
Against ginst Gortelyou Gortelyoulrt OortelyoulrfJfumor aortelyoulrofour
lrt lrfJfumor > fos or Xo ow r Mnat Await ConK ConKHie CongrQh CongrQh18anl Congrusniosat
18anl Hie al Dcuisloji for torPnment torPnmentlor Payment Paymentfor PaTnientInc
for ItlniHHscript ItlniHHscriptJustice MauzcrIptJustice InttturlptJuaUee
Justice Wright in I Circuit Court No 1 1yesterday 1JMterdq 1yesterday
yesterday overruled a demurrer filed by byAttorneys byAlterM byAttorneys
Attorneys AlterM Hamilton Colbert and Yerkes YerkesThe YerkesThe a aTbeact1cm
The Tbeact1cm action was in behalf of Prof Fran Francis Francie Lienci ¬
cis ci N Thorp of Mt Holly N J a mem member member messher ¬
ber rtJ r the t faculty of the University LnIVel8lt of ofPenn ofPeMalvan ofPennsIvane
Penn PeMalvan yivan a a in th the petition filed ft by him himfor bimfor himfor
for a writ of mandamus Jluua4a to compel the theSecretary theSecretary theSecretary
Secretary of the th Treasury to pay him himJW069 flft flftfor
JW069 for a manuscript of Laws Char Charters Charten Chartori ¬
ters ten and Constitutions of the States and andTerritories andTerrltcrles andTerrltcrles
Terrltcrles compiled by b the prof profand professor proeMlOtand professorand
and furnished the Public Printer PrinterThe PrtnmThe PrinterThe
The demurrer was filed to answer er the tbxgovernment tbevetlUHltt thegovernment
government governmentThe governmentThe vetlUHltt vetlUHlttThe
The book in question is one originally originallycompiled orI originallycompiled y ycompiled
compiled by Ben Parley Poore and a aprovision aPIO1IIOII aprovision
provision in M 31 act of JUDe tt 10 IK 1OI ap appropriating ap approprIaUDI appropriatlag ¬
propriating the sum UID of e 0 to be paid paidto patto psidto
to Prof Prof Thorp to bring brI It up to todate todate todate
date In his petition for a writ of man mandamus mandamus mandamns ¬
damus be stated that he had furnish furnishthe turnlDe4 turnlDe4lbe furnlab4the
the manuscript to the Public Printer but butnotwithstanding but butMtwlth butiSOtWlthatandIIj
notwithstanding Mtwlth i this w Secretary Secr Cortel Cortelyou Cortelyou ortel ortelyou
you declined to pay him the money JDOA7I giv giving glybig ¬
big I as a reason that it was wa not com complete COIDplete cornplate ¬
plete pleteProf pleteProf plateProf
Prof Thorp stated that the manu manuscript manuscript menuscript ¬
script was complete and that Secretary SecretaryCortelyous SecretaryCortelyou SecretaryCortelyous
Cortelyous duties m m the premises pr were werepurely werepurely re rePUrelY
purely ministerial and he was with withholding Wlthholdln withholding ¬
holding holdln the money without warrant of oflaw tflaw Oflaw
law lawDistrict
District Attorney Baker Bak and AuIIICa AsustatDistrict Assistant AssistantDistrict
District Attorney A ttomey McNiunara filed an n an answer answer answer ¬
swer to this Uti petition In the course of ofwhich ofwbleb ofwhich
which thvy th th set up that the Secretary had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been advised by certain members of Con Congress ConN Congreen ¬
green N thai the manuscript was as not in all alldetails alldetails 11 11details
details the manuscript manu pt agreed eed to be pur purchased purchased purchased
chased and that the act ajct ct of Congress pro providing provldllllf providing ¬
viding for its I purchase was a legislative legislativecontract I legislativecontract ve veOOftUact
contract and that Prof Thorp had not notcompiled ROtCOIRpited netcomplied
compiled with the terms of the contract contractIn
In that he had not delivered the Identical Identicalspecific Identical8Jecl Identicalspecmc
specific thing which Ide Congress agreed to tobuy tobuy tobuy
buy buyProf
Prof Thorps attorneys demurred to tothis tothis tothis
this answer on the ground that the Secre Secretarys Secretary Secretarya ¬
tarys tary answer was not a sufficient defense defenseto
to his claim and that It was immaterial immaterialwhat lJDmaterialwhat immaterialwhat
what certain members of Congress Congressthought Co Cotboqht Congromthought
thought of the completeness COIIIlMte of the com compilation eompilatlon cornpilation ¬
pilation The case will now be heard on onits onIUt onha
its merits men and testimony taken takenThe takenThe takenThe
The Committee on Appropriations baa haaincorporated hui baaincorporated
incorporated i orporatd in the urgency deficiency de bill Mila billa billa
a clause which provides that t hltt the money moneyshall 1IIOIMt 1IIOIMtmall moneyshall
shall not be paid to Prof Thorp until the themanuscript tbemancr1pt themanuscript
manuscript has ha been approved by the theJoint tbejoint thejoint
Joint committee on the library libraryARRESTED l1brQARRESTED libraryARRESTED
CnliiiR Police ollcu Xotify Xotlf Wniliin VnshlnJton ton of ofArrest orArrcJilt ofArrest
Arrest of George Whitfielil WhitfielilThe WlaitflcidThe VJaltfiuItIThe
The police authorities yesterday received receiveda
a telegram from Chief Jares of the secret secretpolice IleCretpollee secretpolice
police of Havana Cuba Cub4 tellhts telling of the tbearrest thelIrftt thearrest
arrest of George Geor e Whitfield Wblt ld alias l1a Moore Moorealias MoonoaUu MooresUns
alias Spencer an Englishman En Ii8hmaa who i iwanted Ip Ipwantfil Iswanted
wanted in l this city elt on charges of making makingfalse Mklncfala makingfl
false fl pretences pretencesIn
In May 1901 901 Wbitneid is alleged aJl to have havevisited ha havevisited ve veV
visited V Washington steamship offices to teprocure toprocure toprocure
procure round trip tickets to Europe giv giving slvlag glvtog ¬
lag as payment check of from 40 405 te teIn teIn toIn
In each case he h received from fromto IS ISto ast0
to 150 O change changeTbe cbaqeThe changeThe
The cheeks are alleged to have been beenforgeries beenforprtea beenforgeries
forgeries A reply was sent to Havana Havanastating HavanAatattq Havanastating
stating that If ifthe the authorities at that thatplace th3tplaee thatplace
place would hold the man an otncer with withthe wtt wttthe withthe
the necessary papers would be sent for forhim torbim forhim
him bim1tIllRIED
ailss MI ainry JJnr OBrlon Becomes Bride of ofDuitlel ofDunfel ofDaniel
Daniel Courtney CourtneyDaniel CourtneyDaniel CourtneyDaniel
Daniel A A Courtney who Is connected connectedwith connectedwith connectedwith
with the business bpal department of The TheWashington TbeWubIDton TheWashington
Washington Herald and Miss Mary A AOBrien AOBrIen AOBrien
OBrien were married at St St Theresas TheresasChurch T1IereasChurcb TheresasChurch
Church Anacostis last evening eveu by the theRev theRev theRev
Rev M P Kagan KaganThe JapnThe EaganThe
The bride wore a blue traveling gown gownwith 10 10with gownwith
with a pitcure hat to match and carried carrieda
a bouquet bouqu t of white roses Miss > Iu Helen HelenOBrien HelMOBt1en HelenOBrien
OBrien a sister of the bride was Maid naidof MaidoC rtawof
of honor and M W Finn of The Wash Washington WashltDn Washiiigton ¬
ington Herald was best man manAfter mallAfter manAfter
After the ceremony a wedding weddft < supper supperwas MapperWU supperwas
was served at the home oC the bridVs bridVsaunt br1d brldbsaunt iI iIunt
aunt unt Mrs Albert Soper 112 Washington Washingtonstreet WuhlDtonfinet WaahingtonErect I
street Anacostla AnacostlaMr AnaeoRlaMr AnacostieMr
Mr and Mrs IL Courtney will tll make theft thUhome thefttome theithome
home city at 715 North Capitol street Itreet in this thiscity lb lbcity thiscity I
Col Iiipplncoit Dies DiesCol DietlCol DiesCol
Col Henry HeIU A Lippincatt U S A A i re retired re rettred o otIred ¬
tired ttred died in New York Saturday last lastHe JutHe lastHe
He was a native of Nova Scotia Scotlahavift Scotlahaviftbeen having havingbeen havingb
been b en born there th September 22 181 1 and andin an4In andin
in 18K 1 entered the army as an assistant assistantsurgeon au18taatIUqeon assistantsurgeon
surgeon and retired September Septemberwith S Igtt Igttwith iioiwith
with the grade of colonel colonelOnly colonelOnly colonelOnly
Only ton cents cent n week cJe delivered at atyour atyou atyour
your you door doorthe the dally datI Issues of The TheWashington TbeWuhlngton TheWashington
Washington Herald Phone Main 1300 1300FIREPROOF JIOFIREPROOF 23OrTIatI
rTIatI rTIatIJ
FP Fp > pirate pt rate locked rooms roomsfrom roomsfrom roomsfrom
from J 2 Z month up Ex Expert Expert Expert ¬
pert handlers Estimates Estimatesluraished Estlm EstimatesLurnished tes tesi
luraished luraishedMerchants i LurnishedMerchanti urJ Sbed SbedMerc11anh
Merchants Transfer S Storage Stof fc fcfOm Q QBW23 CoO22
A F Bloomer Printer Suc Sucuraks Sucunlbs Suctiiiubs
uraks to Long Jlln Illness IllnessWAS illnessWAS SS SSWAS
Iroflolont In HI IIIH Trade lie AVan AVanRatiOKiiizuMl MnsRuungiilncil UN UNRocogulzorl
RatiOKiiizuMl iw n One Oui of the Mont Jlo t Vnl Vnluahla Vnlltable Valtsablo
uahla Bmnloycx of the Government GovernmentPrinting Goormnclltlrntl Cotcriiilieiitlriiitian
Printing lrntl Otttce OlUclAIl An IGilitor of Con ConKTiONwional ConglloHHolullUI Congosalunxil
KTiONwional Iteeord < l sand Able Writer WriterArthur StrIcrArthur rHur rHurArUaur
Arthur Ftnley FInIe Bloomer OM or the old oldest oldami oldeat ¬
est and certainty cert eertainlYne OM ite of the bestknown bestknownprinters bknownprtDten boatknownprinters
printers In the District Dlltnct of Columbia died diedat diedat diedat
at IM oclock yestei 7eriJiy ay morning mora in the theSlWey theSible theSibley
SlWey Sible Hospital of inverak poisoning poisoningMr poI8oRlnir po1aosinMr
Mr Bloomer had been to fjII i the hospital hoaptUlalmost hoIpttalalm hospitalalmost
almost 8t continuously since sine nee last November Novemberbut NovtHnberbut Noviimberbut
but bad Improved steadily aU until a few fewdays fewday fewdays
days day ago agoLast agoLast 0 0Lut
Last Wednesday We4 eaCkT he was W so much better betterthat betterthat betterthat
that he believed himself able to GO o back backto backto backto
to his duties in the Government Printing PrintingOffice PrintingOfttce Printing015cc
Office He left the hospital and proceed proceeded proceedpcd ¬
ed to his h home at t MS Second street north northcast northeast northeast
east Before he could make all his hi ar arrangements arraft arrangetnents ¬
rangements raft to go 0 back to take up hit litework hitwork hiswork
work at the pyenuMt guy eminent shop be was wasacain WMtaken wasagain
again taken violently ill and had to be biremoved belWROYei beremoved
removed hurriedly to the hospital m mcarrisftr t tcafllap In a acarries
carries carrisftrSince cafllap8JR carriesSince
Since e that time his condition had been beenunfavorable beenuafvorabIe beenunfavorable
unfavorable although his hi friends frte had hadcontinued badooat1nued hadcontinued
continued to hope until shortly before his hisdeath talatleath hisdeath
death His II HI wife and his one daughter Kn KnInMunicb an anin r rin
in InMunicb Munich Bavaria where the latter is iscompieUnc Iscompte Iscompleting
completing compte her musical education educationA
A Axtlvw Ul of Indiana IndianaMr hUunRlr IndianaMr
Mr Bloomer was u born near Terr TerrHaute T THaute Terre TerreHaute
Haute Ind in January 1851 1IS1 but when whenhe whehe whenhe
he was wa about six years old he was taken takenby takenby takenby
by his bl father with the rest of the family familyto f fto
to the then virgin Territory of Kansas KansasFrom KauaaFrom KansasFrom
From six until fourteen years of age ageyoung apYOUDI ageyoung
young Bloomer spent his b time In school schoolbut ecboolbut schoolbut
but when MII he reached the latter age be beentered bemtered hentered
entered mtered a newspaper office in Topeka Topekaand Topekaand Topekaand
and negsii it to learn the printers trade tradeFrom tradeProm tradeFrom
From that tb t time until he came to this thiscity tJdaclty tidecity
city with wit the exception of the few fewyears Cwyears fewyears
years spent continuously In Topeka Mr MrBloomer MrBloomer MrBloomer
Bloomer wandered about the country eounLrytypl a atypical atypical
typical al Journeyman printer He had hadworked hadwor hadworked
worked wor tecl in almost every State in the theUnion ueUnion theUnion
Union east of the Mississippi and not JIOtfew a afew afew
few west of that great stream streamIn 8treamIn streamIn
In 1878 1m when hen he was twentytwo tftattwojians years yearsold yearsold
old Mr Bloomer came to Washington Washingtonwhere WaablnJtoawhere Washingtonwhere
where he took a position as compositor compositoron
on the Congressional Co ional Record Reco which wblcbto he heresigned heresigned
resigned to become assistant foreman on onthe onthe onthe
the otd o d National Republican In 1 18 18made liwas ho howas
was made foreman of IB The composing composingroom oom oomroo composingroom
room roo of that paper paperIn paperIn paperIn
In IMS I Mr Bloomer again entered the thegovernment theJOV8Iftment thegovernment
government service rvlce in the Government GovernmentPrinting OovemmentPrla GovernmentPrintiny
Printing Prla Dlf Office He was w one of the most mostvaluable moRvaluable mostvaluable
valuable employee of that institution as aswell asweU aswell
well as one of the oldest He was an ed editor edItor sOltoi ¬
itor of the Congressional Record RecDId and was wasregarded wur wasregarded
regarded r ed as on one of the best men at t this thiswork uuwork thiswork
work in the government service ervieeeU eervleeWell serviceWell
Well eU KIIOVTH UOnHKoI 5S i Writer WriterIn 1rH WrllcrIn cr crIn
In addition to his b work at the Govern Government Oovernment Governmoot ¬
ment Printing Prlntomee Ogee Mr Bloomer was wasa wua weaa
a writer known to a large circle of ofreaders ofreade ofreaders
readers reade particularly fellowMasons He Hewas Uewaa liewas
was almost a regular contributor eon tributor to the thelabor thelabor thelabor
labor journals and to the American AmericanTylerKeystone AmerIeanT1erKeatoae AmericanTylerKeystone
TylerKeystone a Masonic uoale publication publicationHis pubUcatloDHia publicationEli
His articles artlc in both the labor journals journalsand aI8an4 Journalsand
and the Masonic organ were widely com commented COIftoDMAted cornmeeted
mented upon and highly esteemed esteemedMr emedir esteemedMr
Mr Bloomer had an exceptionally large largeacquaintance larweacquaintance largeacquaintance
acquaintance among printers and Ma Masons A80M Masons ¬
sons of the District He was possessed possessedof
of a quaint humor aad a kindly 1tbad1 spirit spiritwhich spiritwhlcb Spiritwhich
which made him hundreds of friends friendsHe trtendaHe friendsHe
He war w was a member of Harmony Hrmon Lodge LodgeNo eJo LodgeNo
No 17 Columbia Chapter No No1 1 Orient OrientCommandery OrientCommandelY OrIentCoinmandery
Commandery No 5 Washington Waahi on Council CouncilNo CoundlNo1 CountliNo
No No1 1 Royal and nd Select Masters and andAlmas andA andAknas
Almas A Temple of the Order of the Mystic MysticShrine MysticShrine yatlc yatlcSbrlne
Shrine SbrlneArran
Arrange Arran u for the 1nncral 1nncralThe IfuncrnJhe IfuncralThe
The funeral services will be held at t S Soclock tocI Soclock
oclock ocI k O1I1O 0morrow W from Speares under undertaking ua4ertaklq undertaking ¬
taking establishment ntablln ent and nd will be in incharge lacbarp Incharge
charge of Harmony Harmon Lodge and Orient OrientCommandery OrtemCommandery QilealCommandery
Commandery with the other Masonic or onganixattons orpnlsatlOfta orgenlzatloia
ganixattons of which Mr Bloomer was a amember amember amember
member parUcpetbMr participating participatingMr
Mr A W Johnston grand secretary of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the Masons Wuo of the District cabled the news newsof De Deor newsof
of Mr Bloomers death to his wife and anddaughter ndauabter anddaughter
daughter yesterday but last night had hadreceived ha4recelvfd hadreceived
received no reply repl Tntil some 80 80JoiVH message is isreceived Isreceived
received from Bavaria Ba Baveril variL no disposition dispositionwill dlsposJtlonwill dispositionwill
will be made of the body It Is possible possibleIt
It will be interred in the Masonic lot in inGienwood InGlenwood inGlenwood
Glenwood Cemetery CemeteryNEW Cem CemeteryNEVT terl terlNEVl
XflccHltecfl X ceR hec hold Hall in Temple in inHonor in1I0nor inhonor
Honor of o Ifiront IfirontMount I Ihventtount ln t t1iOUftt
1iOUftt Mount tount Vernon Hive Ladies of the theMaccabees theMatt theMacesbees
Maccabees Matt I bees installed newly elected efil efildata emcia offidais
data cia in office last night knd gave a ball ballin ballIn bailin
in honor of the event ev nt in Pythian Temple TempleNinth TempleNinth TempleNinth
Ninth street near Massachusetts avenue avenuePast aveftuePut avehuePast
Past Commander Mrs > rs Mary Van Ness Xesawas NeaWII Nesswas
was presented with a diamond pin and andseveral udveral endseveral
several veral pieces of cut glass and nd lowers by bythe bythe bythe
the members of the order as she retired retiredfrom retiredCmm retiredfront
from office Mrs Van Va Ness was com commander commander cornmander ¬
mander of the Mount Vernon Hive for forfour torfour forfour
four years and nd Is I also deputy State com commander eommaDder cornmender ¬
maDder of the District of Columbia and andMaryland andXaryland an anMaryland
Maryland MarylandMany XarylandMany MarylandMany
Many members of the Mount Vernon VernonHive YernonlJJve V rnon rnonHive
Hive drill team the champion cham team of ofthe otthe ofthe
the District were present and gave an anexhibition anexhlbln anexhibthon
exhibition exhibitionThe exhlblnThe exhibthonThe
The officers Installed In lled last night were wereCommander wereCitlUftaftder wareCpmnder
Commander Mrs r Martina artlna L L Sassy Semtylieutenant Sen Sassylieutenant y yutenant
lieutenant utenant commander Mrs Margaret MargaretGriffin MA1ssretGrUItn MargaretGrililu
Griffin record keeper ke r Miss Edith Van VanNess VanNea VanNess
Ness finance auditor Miss Lillian Grey Greysergeant GreyIe Greysergeant
sergeant Ie ant Mrs C I I Wflley mistress at atarms atarm atarms
arms arm Mrs Theresa Tber Pardo Pa do chaplain chaplainMrs chaplainMrs chaplainMrs
Mrs Anna Grtffln official prompter prompt r Mrs MrsM MrsII MrshE
M Cattier sentinel Mrs Hannah Smith Smithpicket Smithpicket
picket Mrs Robert captain ptatn of the theguards theI theguards
guards Miss M Francis Robert banner bannerbearers bannerbearers bannerbearers
I bearers Mrs Mary ary Cahill Mrs A Perry Perryand PerrrI Perryand
and Mrs Olive Perry PerryDeath PerryDcnth PerryDeath
Death of nn Old Resilient ResilientMrs flosidhutIre ClIlc1bntMn
Mrs Ire Mary Doty Collamer who died In Inthis IntblS inthis
this tblS city on O January 25 la h her seventy seventynfth sevjyftfth evmttYfttth
nfth year was the widow of Kdt Kdtwin EtIwin E Ewin
win 3 So Ooilamer who ho died here July Julya
a 3 IMS in his seventyeighth year 1 They Theyhat Theyhad bey beyhad
had lived ved la Washington since MM and andare andare aridare
are survived by a son Newton L L and anda anca antia
a daughter H H Lenore Mr Collamer was wasbarn wallborn wasborn
born In Shplborne Vt and Mrs CoIls Collamer CollctIII CoIlsmet
mer in i Whitehall Whlt balt N Y where wb re they were weremarried weremarried
married in 185S 1f16 I ad a their golden wedding weddingwas weddingwas weddingwas
was celebrated in Washington In MCI t1The ilItItThe i iThe I
The funeral of Mrs rs Collamer occurred occurredlast occurredInst
last Monday at Gienwood Cemetery Rev RevDr R RevDr v vDr <
Dr Charles Alvin Smith pastor of the thePeck thePeck thePeck I
Peck Memorial Church officiating oftlchtln oftlchtlnRend officiatingRends I IRcn
Rcn Rend Rends i Paper oil Schools SchoolsAt ScJaoo ScbooAt I
At a meeting me Ung of th t rupees trut of the theLutheran L1eLutheran theLutheran
Lutheran Industrial Educational Asso Association Aesoelation IO IOelation ¬
elation at the residence of Judge < 1 Seth SethShepard SethShtpard SethShepard
Shepard 1 1m 7 Massachusetts avenue Mrs MrsMartha MnMartha MrsMartha
Martha Gtetow GtCk > w r read d a report of her in inspection 10s inspectlon ¬
spection s tlon of the mission schools ia of North NorthCarolina NorthCarolina NorthCarolina
Carolina She Hald the he State Stat had failed failedto CaUedto failedto
to provide > schools in the mountain dis districts dltttricta districts ¬
tricts tricta hut the churches ch urcl s had established establishedthem estabUab estabUabthem establzhethem
them and nd tit tilt > work was wa growing growingTO growingTO growingTO
11m The4 M only lID QM e JHtOMO ao QUININE Loot f for forsicnaure r rsignators
signators sirra ure 0 < rf E W V GROVE So
Gomncra anti Low Present Ilcaolu Ilcaolutions UCIolutlons Renolutions
tions on Trusts TrustsSeth rruaUSeth rrumtsSeth
Seth Low of New York Samuel Gomp Comport Gompara Gompore ¬
ort president of the American Federsv Federsvtkm Fed FedUon Pederathin
thin of Labor and James OConnetfi QCo ael eallad ealladupon ealladUpon ealiodUpon
upon the President PN yesterday to present presentcopy prssenta
a copy OOP of the resolutions adopted at the thewUlonHl thenatfoJ1ll theiwtlonsl
wUlonHl conference CCHlr leOCe on combinations and andtrusts andtnlts andmists
trusts at Chicago last October The Theresolutions There8 ThereSOlUtiOns
resolutions re8 luU make m k general gen ral recommenda recommendations recom recomUonl recoiflitliSdations ¬
tions in rrd to trust and railway leg legislation logIsiation ¬
islation islationI 181 IsiationMr tlon tlonnIr
I Mr Gomners said Id after leaving 1IaYIn the theWhlto t1eWhfto theWhite
White House that he did not care to todiscuss todlacU86 todlcuss
discuss the decision of the Supreme Court Coitrlin CourtIn CottrtIn
in the case affecting arr tln discrimination discriminationagainst 1acrllD1natJon8plut dIJCrIUhIIUOUagainst
against union labor laborSIGN laborSIGN I ISIGN
Employe of IeHwIoii Office Request RequestHclcnse UequeHtJtclcnJIc Itequoitflclezis0
Hclcnse of Kcntncklnn KcntncklnnUSIght IcntucldnnBislit iCcitucklnuBight
Bight hundred bun red employes of the Pension PensionOfflee PftNdonO PensionOffice
Office O Iee tope signed a petition to the thepardoning tbePAllloftlrw thepardoning
pardoning commission comwIasio of Kentucky ask asking askInE asklog ¬
log that Caleb Powers who has been beentried HefttrIad beentried
tried four times for the assassination UOn of ofGov oCGo ofGov
Gov Go 1VUUa William l Goebel be liberated liberatedIt
It took only three th days to get et the eigna eignatures dpatm cignatune
tune tm of almost every employe In the theottiee theofflee theofliec
ottiee Two so hundred bUA4 and fifty signatures signatureswere IlpuUUlNw sIgniureawere
were w secured urt on the first day The e peti petition peUtlon petlthin ¬
thin states 1t < the signers are convinced convincedPowers convlnPowers convincedPowers
Powers Is I innocent innocentHATDRE InnocentNATURE InnocentNATURE
Audubon Society Approves of Work Workof Workof Workof
of John Burroughs BurroughsPresident Burroughsrn6hlcnt BurroughsIrasldeiit
President Roosevelt ainrto n Vice VicePresident Vlee1e8hluJlt Vicelresidont
President of Organization OrJII hKtIOft fit fitLaat ntLR14t atLast
Last MKhtM afI1t iJ Meeting aicutinffJohn Jlc MeetingJohn tfug tfugJoha
John Burroughs who b has been deli delicately deUG dolleately ¬
cately G ely called O a nature faker and Presi President PrelClettt PrealOeM ¬
dent Theodore Roosevelt who commented commentedon
on the authenticity of the books written writtenby wrttteDbJ writtenby
by Mr Burroughs B1JITOD < u were both elected electedhonorary electedhonolUJ electedhonorary
honorary vice presidents jwel ents of the Audubon AudubonSociety AUcluboSocIel7 AudubonSociety
Society of the District of Columbia last lastnight Jutmallt lastnljhL
night It was the eleventh annual an meet meeting meetaDd ¬
ing and WM held at the George Wash Washington W WIton WashIngton ¬
ington University UniversityPresident UnlftnitTlrt8I4mt UniversityPresident
President Roosevelt Rooe elt probably bI does not notknow notkMW notknow
know he was elected last night as the thepositions 11MtIOaI thepositions
positions tIOaI are purely honorary but no nodoubt DOdoII nodoubt
doubt doII t he will be chagrined to find Mr MrBurroughs MrB MrBurroughs
B Burroughs Jh8 was elected to an equal equaltlon pail position pailtie ¬
tion tlonHow tie
How they both came to be placed on onthe Oftthe onthe
the same ticket Is not known kaowa but it Itvert Is Isvery Isvery
very likely Ilk Mr B Burroughs does not reHsft reHsftbetas relllhJIaced relishbeing
betas placed in the light of running on onthe onthe onthe
the same ticket ss the President of the theUnited theUatted theUnited
United States after the Presidents ertti ertticiems ertUctuIa criticluins
ciems of his books booksEdward boobEdward booksEdward
Edward Avis Avt of New York City Citymimic bird 1JIrdmimic birdmimic
mimic whistler and violinist vIoU gave an anEvening anbent anEvening
Evening bent in Bird Land one of his own ownproductions OW1lprod ownproductions
productions prod tio Mr Avis Avl is known in the thefield tbefteW theSold
field of nature study as the bird mimic mimicHis mlllltcIi mimicma
His Ii whistling b Is a natural gift ft but his hisbird hi hibird hisbird
bird songs are the result of constant constantstudy eoutaDtItuclr constantstudy
study and close companionship with birds birdsMr birdsMt birdsMr
Mr Avis vIa adopts a standard In his study studyof aad aado studyofblrdmusk
of o ofblrdmusk bird hintuk musk As be hears hearesbirds a birds blrdahe song songhe songhe
he writes it down whistles wh n it repeatedly repeatedlyperfects repeatedlyperfects peatedl peatedlperfecta
perfects it by study and practice and andthe aDdthe aridthe
the results ta are his wonderful won rtul little mel melodiesv JDelmelodle me meedles
odiesv edles These melodies were a feature of ofhis oflecture ofhis
his lecture last night nightWhile nlPtWbt1e8tereopUcott nightWhile
While Wbt1e8tereopUcott stereopticon pictures were thrown thrownen
en the screen Mr Avis A vt8 would whistle whistlebird wbIstIebIrct whistlebird
bird songs and one could almost Imagine ImagineU
It was summer summerTbe un unThe summerThe
The society elected the tot following of officers otcaw ofOcrs ¬
ficers ficersPnattMt OcrsPndeet
PnattMt M > Baraai vise inillnH s Charts J JMO JI Jnell
I MO JteU Mra Jtony T Bloom owa Uea imaa F FMm rJeIae I IJmn
Mm nssm Bmwjaeh Dr Tamdnn moOs Gill Gtn Xn ira Araoal AraoalHa JdIIeIiIDr hzesMHum
Ha Hum Dr T IA O Bonrt lira Oaritoar 0 OBenuo4 Hob HobbanL Nubisr
banL isr Baraaid snd T 1 Janner Janne Mm Wilfeai Bran BnaeDr Sse lies KtagDr liesDr
Dr C Hart Ueniaax Mra Orars ow Oes CWu CekGD Majraarf MajraarfCrosby Ka1Mrdlrolllr NsjrnrdCro
Crosby Cro S Xojr Noses s B B C Obcrhobrr tinny nwyOUn IS IS0Idn dOldyL
OUn Mra John Jab D FMtcn PttaUeat ImideatJIoGIieftIt Prr dent Theodora TheoduveItoisewit TheodoraXooancit
Xooancit Robert oirt Ridmr Mi 11 Alto I L LBilbop Blsp BlspBubop RsBI
Bubop BI Henry Y I Set riee ROT Pmuk fewaQ Mill MfcwOttw Mill0Ihe in incNi
Ottw cNi Mafer Rick Seward Tbovaa Thom W HtdweU A T TStuart TStrut
Stuart Mai Rfcfaavd Sylvester 8J1 Hon Mary U UWatt LII L LWea
Watt II Has 11 Jaawa I Wilton and 5 W WoodwanL WoodwanLSMMUUT Woodnntstur WedWmiSeosiscy
SMMUUT Miat 11 Ml Hdaa P CbOdI 0d traasam Mra MraWattaes MnWaIIiMt NraWaline
Wattaes Rsdrlt Bedrilfe bfe neatly coauatttcr Mm Ctai CtaiM L1Irn lee leeom
M om A AMnwaB n Mia FlnntxM M 1WIt haley au > y Maw MawKnsftbMk MillDaIIIttt Mi Minumisth
KnsftbMk V Brown rosn Miv 11 N1 Maria Boyntas WBhssi WBhssiM WIIIiaIIw WW WWIL
M w Dooaal Henry liou 8 8 OleIn Mdya C R L Hlmiaatai KIll MJaiXB KIllGhen Ninilk
ilk XB tthtn Arthur H Howell Mr In James J T Yrill Mr Mrt Me Metin
rill tin Dr t T a Paine pt pt H I L Prime and tile thaof tileat thesi
of the theTELLS aocaatjr aocaatjrTILLS IDt IItfTELLS
3Ir Jlollyday Uolb < lRT Gives Lecture Iect re in Odd OddPellotvM OddIo1lowa
PellotvM 110110 Hall HallMr IIRIl1lr HallMr
Mr John W Hollyday who spent but butsummer JutAlIImer lastsummer
summer In Ireland delivered an illus illustrated Ill Illtrated hllustrated ¬
trated lecture on his bl travels but night in inOdd inOdd InOdd
Odd Fellows FeUO Hall More members membersfriends membersfriends n nfriada
friends and invited guest of Golden GoldenRule GoldenRule GoldenRule
Rule Lodge No 21 to I O O F FHe FHe FHe
He said that although many of the tIaeU na natives astires ¬
tires U of Ireland are povertyatrieken poverty rtcken < yet yetthe rattbe yetthe
the land fc rich in scenery IJ He shewed shewedstereopticon 8bOwMKereopUcoa ahowdstercoptlcon
stereopticon views to corroborate his hisstatement bi8litatement hisstatement
statement of dilapidated huts hut and scenes scenesIn eneeIn scenesin
In the towns and aDd In contrast eoa views of ofbeautiful ofbeautiful j jbeautiful
beautiful mountains woods streams and andlakes andJakeL andlakes
lakes lakesMr JakeLMr lakesMr
Mr James A Crew representative rePft in inthe Inthe Inthe
the Sovereign Grand Lodge made de an in introductory Intr intrkictorY ¬
troductory tr to address cId before the lecture tel followed tollowed tellowed ¬
lowed by b an address add by Mr E H Easter Easterlint Euter1In Easterling
lint < grand master of the Grand Lodge Lodgeof LOOpof Lodgeof
of the District Mr Eaaterllng spoke of ofthe 0the ofthe
the work ark of ot Golden Rule Lodge during duringthe dw1n dw1ntbe duringthe
the last few months monthsA
A recitation was given ven by Mrs rs Alfred AlfredWood A1tredWood AlfredWood
Wood and a vocal solo by Miss 11 Mattie MattieGibson lattleGtb MattleGibson
Gibson on accompanied by her sister ter Miss MissBelle Mi8aBelle MissBelle
Belle Gibson Miss MI McCormIck sang lltr ac accompanied ac accompanied ascompanied ¬
companied by Miss Mattie Schmidt SchmidtISSUE SchmidtISSUE SchmidtISSUE
Security Storage Company Comment Commemorates Commcmorntc Commentorates ¬
orates Completion of Warehouse WarehouseThe VnrchouscThe VarchouscThe
The Security Storage Company has busued is issued issued ¬
sued a neat booklet commemorating colllmemorati the thecompletion tMcompletion thecompletion
completion of its warehouse at 1141 U 114 Fif Fifteenth Blfteenth LWteenth ¬
teenth street northwest northwestThte northwntwareb northwestThis
This warehouse wareb u was wa planned and the thefirst theftrst thefirst
first section built seventeen years ago It Itis Itaid ItIs
is said to be the third largest t in the theworkTi thewOllc theworId
workTi worId arid in equipment and construction constructionis
is considered con lered a model structure structureThe etructureThe structureThe
The officers oalee of o the company are Albert AlbertM kJbertii AlbertM
M Road president C A A Acptowall vice vicepresident vieent vicepresident
president nt and treasurer Charles P H Hvenburg Ra Rawmbu Rrenburg
wmbu venburg secretary secretaryBurial cretaryBurIal secretaryliurlat
Burial of Mrs Onost OnostFuneral GltOHtPuneral GuwitPuneral
Puneral services for Mrs K Anna Jose Josephine JOHpphlne Jomphine ¬
phine Guest were held at St Pauls PaulsChurch PuIsChufeh PauIsChurch
Church ifteenth lo and V streets north northvrett lIOthw northWertatlO
vrett w WertatlO t at 10 oclock oelockyestrday yestefdav morning morningFew 11IOmtn morningFcw
or orFew
Few Individuate Individuate8svs IndividualsRli adividuasathe
Rli 8svs athe t tire Syste SysteThe Systimrhe ystii ystiirue
The experience the appliances appliancesfor
for the prudent prudelltand and economical economicalmanagement economicalmanagement economicalmanagement
management of estates the ad administering administering adIlhiflistering ¬
ministering of trusts possessed possessedby
by the theJtltCAN theAAERCAN 1
Northwest = Corner of ofFifteenth ofFJf ofFl1tonth
Fifteenth FJf th and Pennsylvania Avenue
POLICE STILL AT SEA SEAWithout SEAWitlioal I IYitllont
Without a Single Clew to toileid tol toReid
Reid l eidM Murder MurderSUSPECTS MurderSUSPEOTS llrd r rSUSPEOTS
Pour Days Work ork Ile Rcultnnt ultniit In Xotli Xotliinj Sofhin Nolliing
inj in Hut ISxploiIcil TlieorieN ne neHevc DcU Relicte
Hevc U c Saloon Keeper nec Wits VUlt the Vic Victint Ic IctIm
tint of a AVclllniil Plot to Take III ills IUHUfeTwo illsLifeTwo j jLifeTwo
LifeTwo M iIeuAre inAre < Held HeldA 1IcMbloodtalMc1 ileitIt
A t MooOnitalned oyster knife an old oldwhite oldwhite oh ohwhite
white fait hat to the description of a gold goldwvtch goldwten goldwatch
watch tlttt it missing and numerous ex exploded exPiKed exploded ¬
ploded theories was everything venrtbJ that t1Ia t the thepolico thepollco thepo1Ic
polico had to show last night labt as the re resuit result resuit
suit of thsir the four days of diligent search searchf erchCOr searchOr
f COr Or r a dew to the murder of Henry W WReid WReid WReid
Reid ReidThey
They confessed that they were as much muchat muchat mitchat
at lose l 18 concerning the Identity Identlt of the themonlerer themurderer themurdrer
murderer of C the former saloon Ioon keeper as asthey uthey asthey
they were re when Seat summoned to the thehouse theho thehouse
house ho a F II street treet northwest early Satur Saturday Saturday Saturday ¬
day morning to find the mutilated body bodylying body1lnl bodylying
lying in bank bankTboorlOll bankTheories
a a snow j
I Iportant
Theories which at first indicated im importent Ireportent
portent developments when followed out outhave otthave
have proftted nothing Hours Hou have been beenspent beenpent beenspent I
spent by the detectives dt etJws investigating even eventhe 8venthe eventhe
the slightest IlI tHt thht thing that might lead to a aclew aclew
clew c w Persons who have let fall remarks remarkswhich remark5which remarkswhich
which might seem the least bit suspicious auspicioushave j jhave i ihave
have been detained questioned and then thenreleased j jreleased IreJeued
released lenving the detectives just where wherethey h8r1 j
they wen when fheftthey they started startedWhen startedWheit I IWhen
When Arthur Montgomery and Rich RlehI Richaid j jard
aid Brightheart confessed early earl yesterday yesterdaymorning j jning
morning ning 11 following toUowla their arrest that they theygone theyhad I
bad gone to the establishment eeta llahment of W M MKeys IK f flte
Keys K lte ys at ft H street northwest t to have havean havean havean
an oyster o r knife sharpened abarJWn the police p Uce be believed believed beileved ¬
lieved that they had at last struck a clew clewwhich clewwhlcb clewwhich
which might prove important Yesterday Yesterdayhowever Yeflterda Yeflterdahowever Yesterdayhowever
however it was shown ihOW without a doubt doubtthat doubtthat doubtthat
that the knife which had been be n in th thpossession tbJloetcm the theposseselon
possession of the two negroes on that thatwas thatWlf thatdcc
dcc was not the one with which Reid Reidkilled nldkilled ReidwOe
wOe killed Accordingly the two men menwere m mw menwere
were w released releasedHold rdeUIdHollI
Hold Two SiiHitectn SiiHitectnThe SUHllcctllTbe SiaiaeclaThe
The police now have la custody but two twoprisoners two twoprWoaelL twoprisoners
prisoners One is Charles Cbarl hariss Philips Pbm a acolored acoord acolorsd
colored porter employed employe4by by Reid who whowas i iwas iwu
was arrested on the night of th murder munleru4 murdersad j jaad
sad James Parker colored who was ar arrested arI arIreated anrested ¬
rested at a late hour last night pending pendingthe pendjnuae pendingtie
the InvesUgatkNi bI UOa of the Ui case He is be be beIn being j jing
ing In held III t the Fourth precinct W lnct station stationTb j jThe I ITIM
The Tb only oaa arrest which has profited the thepolice theoIIce thecs
police cs anything is that of Theodore o OBumbreJ 0Bumbrey j jBumbrey
Bumbrey colored Bumbrey was ar arrested
rested by the authorities of the Balti BaltI1 BaltI1IIIGIe Baltimore j jmore
more and Ohio railroad on suspicion of ofbeing ofbeing I Ibet
being bet implicated iiplIcat d in the mJteId Reid murder He Hewas Hewas
was turned over OV to the Baltimore police policeaad police8DcI polleeend j
end yesterday y Detective n Vermililon went wentto wentto
to thai city to have a look at him himAlthough himAWao himAlthOugh I
AWao Although Bumbrey showed owed that he had hadno hadno
no connection with the Reid murder he hewas henevertbel hewig I
was nevertheless nevertbel brought back to this thisdtr thl thldtT thisdty
dtr as be Is wanted here on the charge chargeof j jof 1 1of
of forging the name of O 0 D Morris col colored coiored ¬
ored of MK Id Eleventh street northwest northwestto nonhwMtto
to cheeks amounting to It 1 The he negro negrois ne nefa negroIs
is said 11 te have ve confessed having Wac prepared preparedthe preparedie i ithe
the ie hocus checks He H will probably be begiven beva begivesi
given va a beartn beaJ1 bearing within a a few days daysThat day dayThat daysThat
That Henry Reid was murdered as the theresult theresult theresult
result of a welllaid plot is daily becom becoming becomlag ¬
lag mere and more apparent in the minds mindsof JDiDdaof mindsof
of the police policeHISTOHIANS polleeHISTORIANS policeHISTORIANS
Local Society to Observe Birthday Birthdayof
of William UHaln McKinley JIcKinleyFollowing JleIHnle JleIHnleFoUowtnS McKinleyFollowing
Following its annual custom the United UnitedStates CnttedStat UnitedStaten
States Stat Historical l Society of the District Districtof Dlatrtctot Districtof
of Columbia will celebrate the aunt anniversary auntversary nnl nnlvenary ¬
versary of f the birth bIr of the late President PresidentWilliam PresidentWilliam t twUUatn
William McKlnler McKIs c at t the Metropolitan MetropolitanMethodist MetrvpoHtanlIIedaodi MetropolitanMethodist
Methodist Episcopal Church tonight at atS atI ittS
S oclock ocleclLIt oclockIt oclockIt
It has h been arranged anan that each person personin penGDI personin
in I attendance shall 1 wear a a red carna carnattonthe eanaatJonthe caniatkmthe
ttonthe McKinley McKinley1 cKtnJe7 nowerand that a asection aectkm asection
section of the Marine Band will furnish furnishmusic fumlaor fufldsbsnide
music for or the occasion playing a num number number rumbet ¬
ber of selections between 7JI 7 and S Soclock So Soclock
oclock o clock while Je the assembly is gathering gatheringHarry gatheringHarry
Harry A Coleman president of the tbedety so society soclety ¬
ciety win 111 preside and a asranune special pro programme progrvnme ¬
gramme of addresses act music and recita recitations nettat resitaUona ¬
tions has ha been prepared preparedThe PNIIUfCIThe preparedThe
The programme will be substantially substantiallyas t1a1t7 t1a1t7folio
as follows followsCa folio
I Ioa
Ca oa to crier nd and srtrf IIrWfill addsu ar las juiiMisI juiiMisIat jwesmtif
at the t1 t1lnnrnthe Mdcty MdctyInuxtaw vtJ1JNtDt
Inuxtaw tor Her ftc W T limes ef FlttaVwg FlttaVwgFa PIttdoi PIttdoiF PIttdoiWm
Fa FaWesmt 1W F
Wesmt W IC f tk tM slabe ixtew WCSMUI w ReUsf Coq of oftto IU sithe
the Dfctiict lang fonatd fonatddMR f Sw tile paa to tile tilewID thecp
dMR cp perion L wffl sun IUIft into tae tileJaabeIko wJitartan sudhaininhisOrd wJitartanfended
fended tar IwbeQe W Han IMJI District of etieddeat CllasrtiU CllasrtiUorcskkat iUae
orcskkat to tae ctnio of a am asa pb9 plajed d 1v tb tbMario the theMactm
i Mario Macd Isu Ksc Kadt reem wMs of the theIQ puIrn will nflmay
may a tic aDII renerotattses tt el tI the thesin JIeIIIf 08Ipa 08IpaU
1 sin IQ U place the McKMer tec on lbs altar ma maReeteHMi J IReeitadIa allRec5ad
ReeteHMi Rec5ad My N flu and Your y GIll Ftog Fk bj OIl MtsiBoptno OIl0Idr0r MbaIcsrpbe
Icsrpbe 0Idr0r Tlceinitbakr TlceinitbakrScOrinG Iu Iu8ogruo
ScOrinG tolo toIo Strate of law bjr b M hi Iaz IazSeym I IJileDoaM Ia IaSeymoe
Seym McDonnell MeDeaMlLAAinsa JileDoaMXcKiDJeJ McDonnelli
AAinsa i Iron McKinley TIM Man Xu Ssliiar sad sadbr aMby endby
by W K K Audtem Avtfttsr A sf the tileIIediaa TNaswy TNaswygatartlBii Thi ThiSskctioui
gatartlBii far tk the Marine lined BasaVSato BuiSolo linedSilo
Sato Star finassM 8sJuIWGlUt Masaar by nr 2bs Arab ArabOrant Aa AaIreat
GlUt Fdajtt FdajttV4snaa JnIittlcKhIIt7 YnslUt4ai
V4snaa McKtal lcKhIIt7 f ts lbs Mao In InJ Iel5i IniSlir sad awiAw sadShitemeL
ShitemeL J b nsetw JoIIc oia I N IIIII aAM TbesLi TbesLiini
Aw Mart 11 br MM IretM MeDesswB MeDesswBor ewras ewrasthe
or the Jiartne Hand HandSfazfax IsiidSIsin
Sfazfax SIsin of Amerim Aser ig sy the lb eascieaatias tIoa M Mhr ftIIts heis
hr the Maria Band BandA uLA headA
A number = r of the members of Congress Congresssome Co srwe80me congresssome
some of the United States Sta Supreme SU Court Courtand CourtaDe Courtand
and other otb members of the Judiciary and andprominent adptOmtnent andprominent
prominent officials of the government governmenthave pvernmenthave governmenthave
have accepted invitations to be present presentBEIDAL MeMDtBRIDAL presentBRIDAL
Count and Coe COUllte Countess < css lI Szechenyi Have IhncNot haveNot HaveXot
Not Arrived in Xcwport XcwportNewport XCWIOrtNewport NeitlOrtNewport
Newport R It I Jan SS 2SWhile While Count Countand Countand Countand
and Countess Counte Ssechenyl are generally generallysupposed pneraUyuppolNd generallysupposed
supposed to be spending their honeymoon honeymoonin
in Newport up to this evening evenin they had hadnot hadnot hadnot
not arrived There is only one of the theYanderbilt theVanderb theVanderbilt
Vanderbilt t places here where they could couldstay rouIdy couldstay
stay y This is Oakland Farm the Ports Portsmouth portsmouth Perthmouth ¬
mouth home of Mr and Mrs Alfred G GVanderbilt GVaDClerblit GVanderbilt
Vanderbilt Vanderbiltthe VanderbiltThe
the Breakers the home of the brides bridesmother brdesntOt1le1 btfldesmother
mother is closed for the winter the Its living 11 11aartment Itslug ¬
lug apartments of Sandy Sand Point Farm the thehome thehoIQe thehotne
home of Mr and Mrs IS Reginald C Van Vanderbfit Vanderbilt Vanderbht
derbfit are are also ctossd c and assurances assurancestonight auranCe8tonltt assurancestonight
tonight are that the count and his bride brideare brideaN brideare
are net n t at Oakland with Mrs rr Alfred AlfredG AlfredG Alfreda
G Vanderbilt who returned from the thewedding thewed4lng thewedding
wedding this morning morningB mornln mornlnlWeI morningNvory
B lWeI ery train tral and d boat that has arrived arrivedIn
In Newport since the wedding has been beenwatchsd beenwatcbw beenwatched
watched by curious crowds crowdsMay romwda3h crowdsMn
May 3h 7 Be a Hansc7jrcalcr Hansc7jrcalcrJesse JlouRcllrctlterJe kIonaebrculerJesse
Jesse e Lewis colored eighteen elghte years old oldof oltlof iIdof
of 4 1 C street southwest was arrested arrestedlast arr8St arrestedlast d dlaat
last night on a charge of housebreaking housebreakingby
by Detectives Parham and u 1 OBrIen of llfthe ofthe
the Central office The police say sayIs Lewb Lewbis LelYQIs
is responsible re for a a number of showcase allowen allowenrobberIes showeaserobberies
robberies in the last two months monthsGive monthsGIc monthsGive
Give nn Annnnl Bull DnllThe BallThe BullThe
The fourth annual ball will b be given by bytho bylho bythe
the crew of the U S S S Mayflower a aNavy ai aiNavY atNavy
Navy Yard Hall Monday evening Vocal Vocalsoldctlons VOcaIsalcttops ocaI ocaIlol
soldctlons lol iops will be rendered by the Metro Metropolitan iIetropoltan Metropofitan ¬
politan Quartet Dancing commences at
815 oclock
Nearly Half Usual Prices PricesPitcher I IPitcher
Pitcher and Bowls uSe to 248 248Tea 24S 24STea
Tea and Coffee Pots 22 to toNut IW IWNut
Nut Bowltl 108 to 300 300Bread 3OOBread
Bread Tr6yl nU8 to 4JJ8 4JJ8Cake 4O8 4O8Cake
Cake Baskets Baskets5lS InS to tHn8 tHn8Chocolte 4O8 4O8Chocolate
Chocolate Pou PotsiOS t 5108 to 3D8 3D8Sbavlng 308Shaving
Shaving Cups iOa to 408 408ilaby JJ8 JJ8Dtlby
Dtlby Cups 30c 10 81JJS 81JJSSoup 5188Soup
Soup Tunen Tureens408 40S to OOO OOOWator 000Wator
Wator Sets50o to 51950 51950Fern 100 100Fern
Fern DIsh Dishes5198 10S to 498 4984Sonognn DS DSCandlesticks
4Sonognn Candlesticks OSe to 5108 51081iIIEr U S
525 525Ed698 525Ed698i and 698 698For10
i For10 and 15 Sets SetsThe Setsd4
d4 j jgv
gv eS 9 riv The famous maker is is in introducing in introducing
troducing new styles and andthese andrb
rb these are to be discontinued discontinuedw
w 525 and 6g8 68 instead of
1 10 and Ijguaranteed 15guaranteedthe
1 the same as if fun prices priceswere priceswere
were asked askedGood askedGood
Good and Best Bestksth BestI
I i iprices
I Z maket maketprices ksth A
prices prices that occur occurbut occurbut
but once oncea
a year
C Teaspoons best i4c i4cDinner 4e 4eI
6 I Dinner Forks beat e5t ns nsC OSe OSea
5 Tablespoons beat best DSc
6 Coffee Spoons best bestS mc mcTeaspoons
6 Teaspoons good 1 hOc c
Kill Knights Klit of Columbus ColumbnshiLte Have an Even Bvenine EhcnInJft Evenlags
ine lags Entertainment BntcrtuinmentAn
An entertainment wa was given veD at a meet meeting meetin meeting ¬
ing in of the Washington Council Councilor of the theKnights tbeKntahtl theKnights
Knights of Columbus in K K of C Hall HallCM Halla HallE
CM E street northwest test night This Thisas Thisthe Thiswas
was as the opening meeeting meeetin for this tbiaIIOD sea seathls seaion
ion under the new staff of cdceI o1floet fw fwthIa forthis
this year yearThose yearThoM yearThose
Those who contributed to the enter entertainment entertainment ter tertatnmeat ¬
tainment were Melville Henley tenor tenorWilliam tellOIWilliam tenorWilliam
William A A Morsell seagate fLeroy fLeroymagician 1Leto7mastclaD Lerymagician
magician Afthur Mlddleton baas and andthe udthe sadthe
the Alexandria Ideal Mandolin Club Le Laroy Leroy Leroy
roy allowed himself to be handcuffed baadCUedand handcuffedand Meed MeedaM
and bound and tied in a bag aad ad put in ina 1fta ina
a box box from which he liberated Ubenke himself IdmaellThe btmaetLThe himselfThe
The council voted a testimonial te to1M to1Mretrlns ta taretiring tJte tJteretring
retiring grand knight James S S Basby BasbySmlih Buby8m1lI ZasbySmith
Smith Dr Wilson presided presidedYOTJTHFITL prealdfodYOUTHFUL presidedYOUTIF1JL
Lawrence Barry D rr Asreil Six Taken In InCIi InCJur InCharge
CIi CJur Charge a rye c l 11 by y the Police PoliceOn IollceOn IohiceOn
On a charge char of vagrancy Lawrence LawrenceBarry LawrenceBarry LawrenceBarry
Barry six years old living at 138 Pnrdys PnrdysCourt Purdy PurdyCeurt PurdyiCourt
Court northwest nortb was arrested last night nightby 1 nightby pt ptby
by the police of the First precinct For Forseveral Foraenral Forseveral
several weeks the prisoner is said Id to tohave toJu tohave
have Ju lived almost entirely Urel in the streets streetsand Jtr treetgand ts tsan
and an to have made it a habit of begging beggingIn beb beb1ft
In office buildings buildingsThe dIDpThe buildingsThe
The matter was w brought to the attest attention aUentIon attesttion ¬
tion of Judge De Lacy of the Juvenile JuvenileCourt JuvenileCourt e eCourt
Court who took steps te to have the little littlefellow Jlttlefellow tittiefellow
fellow arrested artecl in order that efforts may maybe maybe mybe
be made to secure him a more suitable saitabtehome AitAblehome suitablehome
home homeOnly homeOnly
Only ton cents n vrcek delivered at atyour atyour atyour
your door doorthe the daily issues of The TheWashington ThsWa TheWashington
Washington Wa hln on Herald Phone Main as8 as8Ys 5100fEN44EL5Jf SW SWYes
Yes snid ald Mrs Prim the th fur furniture furniture furnture ¬
niture and floors in my house do doalways doalways doalways
always look spick and span spanHeres spanHeres 1
Heres the secret sectfta a can of ofAcme oflme ofAcme
Acme lme Quality paints oils stains stainsor staInor stainsor
or varnishes and a brush I Iwouldnt Iwouldnt Iwouldnt
wouldnt know what to do without withoutthem withoutthem withoutthem
them themW themW themi
i W wp H H1 BUTLE BUTLER CO COAgents COAgents
Agents 607609 C C St t K W WO Wf J
f ° ldest California CaliforniaI CaliforniaTokay Californiaarsr I
O Tokay Tokaya
arsr a a tweet eet deMert vise tN tNis that thatIs
is dcJ dc1icu3u3 Ious with C askSc
I Iqt
Sc qt rc pt ptChristian pt ptChristian
Christian Xanders XandersQUtl
QUtl 909 flf 7th 7 St t4 ihO 1Ioue MbiR iiI iiIBout 3lHoase
Bout u i ss j t o branch neh ssse
ai aiTODAY fia fiaTODAY
iIL 1 1Tiffany
Tiffany Room the Palais Royal Royalroom Royalroom Royalroom
room with the ceiling of mirrors and andwalls andwalls andwalls
walls of rosewood cases filled with withSlverware withSitverware withSilverware
Silverware A 15000 rooo collection is ishere ishere ishere
here and every best maker is rep represented represented represented ¬
resented Bargain time tOjday todaya todayasae toclayasale a asale
sale sae of old year styles at fractional fractionalprices ir fractionalprices ctional
prices pnces
6 Tablespoons good goodI S8C S8CDinner
C I Dinner Forks good goodGravy s JUc JUcGray c cGravy
Gravy Ladles Ladl each 2le 2leSalad 21eSalad lc lcSalad
Salad Spoons each IDe iicCold IDeCold IDeCold
Cold Meat eat Forks Forks each to Ire
AXDEBSOXOn T Tuesday dar wd yr J Jry r ag Mat 1 ig at T38 T38Fnaerel T
wr I l EnNttt Er It It MIll Carrie Eo A Msdsaos a
three a aFonasi
Fnaerel FaenI private pri OB Wednesday Jaoaai l 8 at 3 3BECKS0
BECKS0 Montajr Jassny J P s MR i at t I a a M
JIB MATILDA 31 MiTlLD TILDA HICKS ISCKS FVUntli YTteath i iMrtatS and andlUests CIIIIIba
MrtatS KRtBWGBt KRtBWGBtR DOrtIIwuItPuent mctbwtFaiwesi
Puent i lane I Xe Be heptbe l
R atnet t t iMcikmcat at S p p SL a oa Wa W Weiay
JarBOSWBLIO JsswyM JsswyM3OSBLi4Oe Jar at atHospital
BOSWBLIO 11 Monday Jansey 21 at Panel
dons Hospital JOHN If HOSWELLi tile be be be80ft
land eon to of Sank s J sad ta last Jess J H HOJHMK H BFvrst
oRoeIL oRoeILt
Fvrst t sill au 1st pIee fasas Ilk basthsrs JWi miIlium
OJHMK 1 18 Halt Mart aiiit am sent SB Weaawssy WeaawssyDrSTBRICHSodoeab
J Iaaizi tf K 3 = p p a 1WIIM sad wd
IMtted to ateDII ateDIIDrKTBRICIIsIde8Ir afteadDLgTERICHSeII
DrSTBRICHSodoeab OR a Masdai Mad Madhoi Ynimij 2T 2Tat
JOOS hoi at 11 a i a CHRISTIAN BUttBltlCH BUttBltlCHa DIC1tiCHad
ad teftIItrf teftIItrf1uI8J a y4ssr nan sad asaa s
Ptoefal iiiiratr from fiu Mi late lateDUDLBYDnart = M D
Mimi NUtbeut at S p p a a ci Wilsy Y
J lary laryDUDLRYDted I IDUDLBneated
DUDLBYDnart d this life OB MesSes X Jwwry Jaemryat
9 f nW at bit uihimu Otl 15 K atnct Ms wstb wstbaaeC 11c authsat
sat JOSEPH tfc the behead Isii belaud belaudFaneal < sf ASBM ASBMKM
PIIIIemI f ma I Isle zedd en Wadsy
1 Juisaiyatlaa at I a KM NuNattMIaO NuNattMIaOthe at tba CtaRk of < rf
the Holy Comforter at ataDd Ml oatoek RsbKke RsbKkeand heindiciand
and friend indieS tornrfFLAXAOAXOa IDriWPLANAOAXo indieSFLAXaOANo
FLAXAOAXOa Tmarlij mat mattttt Jo
tttt at 131 I oclock edo AX AXstMet die dieof bsixeed n nof
of Thonne F1aaq at her ± G
stMet Ma nartacaat nartacaatKottea nortIanItXotb nthassedas
Kottea edas tS ftwnai lieiaafUr lieiaafUrQALTOn IsereeforRALTOH Ie IeOALTOA
QALTOn Tar aunatac Jaanwr 3t M woe 96 at
1299 lt octock ocloc NORMAN OALT ta t tin Tortr heir
birth year af Us IdsPMal ag sst sstPause
Pause from r St St Tho l lCJIwd1 Palsatant epsJ
CJIwd1 OIl lhun4ar Thisa Jamesy SI at
231 2J odook odo Interne MDtllitate MDtllitateGlBSOSoa pjfat pjfatOIBSOXOn imte imteGHISONOn
OIBSOXOn Sunday Jawawy Ja X Hf Nii s4 u L aM a aa
lea GtbsoB asad dghtr years jtunMHml yearsFonaraL
JlWNnI MHml from h Iter r late realism Ml NI B street streetoatawMt aUeetaauthwast
oatawMt Ua VVtdaaasajr W Jansaty 1 at J p a
Vitoafo sad idaUrea Ures Incited iaHtedGLKASOX tIn1tedGLKAS02i IncitedGlNASON
GLKASOX CnO cnowTIw TfTfca bsrfal af CARRY V
will fll take B phft pine M a on WadaaaHay W JMHMC Jq at
3 IK z m At Meant I ONrcC Ilekttw It a HIlI i fiIID Hand
incited to atl atlOXEILI ationd ationdONEILLOn thl thlOXEILIOn
JKANXBTTB 0XWIL O BUL Mend wife el t lee leeoNeln
ONeill ONeillKuiKral OXeinunmtI oNelnFuneral
Funeral from lll her tale jtaMtsea mo 0 0IOtJthnt stnct stnctjwafbeart aieetaGotbeart
jwafbeart on Wednesday W January J a at J to p m
Relatives and 1Id friends ladled to attend attendSIMOXDSOa at atI
SIMOXDSOa Monday loada Jannarr Januar V HSJ at t S Sa SJI SJIA
I a m ANNA Y SIMONDS asrf aftyair Ii IiF11I 1Lt7 yaats yaatsFnmral yesetFuneral
Funeral F11I nl from Rtkys undertaking undeitskbi otabtfeksMat IltaW oo ooY en55Mnedey
t WfdM9day Y diM day Jannaiy 2 21 at t 1 p pFUNERAL p pFUNERAL a aFUNERAL
001 Ol East Capitol Street StreetFUNERAL StJc StreetFUNERAL t tFUNERAL
Of Every Em DeicriptionModmtaly D iptlOl1lodcratel1 Priced PricedGTTDE PriCtdG PikedGUDE
i When Your Servant ServantLeaves ServantI ServantLeaves
Leaves Dont Don t Worry WorryTELEPHONE W WorryTELEPHONEAN orry orryTELEPHONE
The Herald Office OfficeONE OfficeONE OfficeONE
Herald Want VlantAds Ads Fill Your Wants