OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 29, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-01-29/ed-1/seq-3/

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Artillery Officer Probably ProbablyNot Pro ProbablyNot ba bly blyNot
Not to Be e Retired RetiredlESTIMONY RetJledrESTIMONY J1et1eI1ESTIMQNY
Fox Ipo Terrier Illley nnC n Firstclass FirstclassCniiinc INrHtelu4MI PIrNtchlMCanijie
Cniiinc When len Frlcniln Are Telling Tellingthe Te11In Te11Intilt elllng elllngthe
the Story Stor l hut ut n Common Cur Vlicn VhenJ VlicnIfincmlcs TheILJI1CIUION
Ifincmlcs J cmlcM of the Colonel Arc Testi Testifying TegUtlngInllUlr Testlb ¬
fying tlngInllUlr Iniiuiry nt ntrni jin n End EndNew ThudNew 1I 1INew
New York Jan Jans Lieut OUL Clarence ClarenceDeemtTW etannceD ClarenceIeemhi
DeemtTW D Ieemhi command ef o c the tJ artillery PIer dis district 1 1trict dlitrict ¬
trict of Or Baltimore returned to Ws pest at atFort atFort atPort
Fort Howard today after expressing expressingconfidence JI zpreelngconfldence
confidence COft in the result oC the inquiry inquiryconcluded 1lryconduc1ed Inquiryconcluded
concluded st t Governors Island on Mon Monday Monday on onday
day as a to his mental and physical physicalcapacity p physicalvapaclty ical icalc8paely
capacity to hold his hi job jobTh jobThe jobThe i
The Th testimony of o the physician who whoexamined wboexamined whomnhlned
examined Coi Deem JnI was wa so decidedly decidedlyin deeMIdI deeMIdIIn
in his favor thai it will be practically practicallyimpossible practleaUyImpoalble practicallyImposslbI
impossible for the retiring board of the theDepartment theDepartment theDepartwent
Department of the Bast ait to report any anyother anyother anyother
other way than favorably on his iiI cue caseThere cueThere cueThere
There is l a tendency tende cy on the part of some someof IIOmeOf someof
of tfe Ute officers who have taken no fides tide in inthe Inthe Inthe
the trovbto at Fort Howard that resulted resultedin
in the courtmartialing of Capt Chase Chaseand Cha Chaand Chaseand
and his reduction three files to regard regardthe regardthe regardthe
the cue against CoL Deero eelqil as somewhat somewhatseriocomic somewhataerIocsidc mewhat mewhatHriocomic
seriocomic The board will not make makeits makeft makeIts
its ft decision public but It is understood understoodthat und Understoodthat too4 too4that
that it will be u unanimously y for him himHinged himJUngccl hintHinged
Hinged on Dogs Dog Conduct ConductThe ConelnetThe ConductThe
The chief reason for having Col dol Deems Deemsup Deemup Deemsup
up for examination hinged on the con conduct canduct n nduet ¬
duct of his fox terrior Riley There wag wagtestimony WAtestimony wastestimony
testimony indicating Indlea ft1r thai Riley slept with withthe wtt wttt Withthe
the t e colonel and that he often ot n barked at atthe atthe atthe
the troops also that he had fleas tie Col ColDeems ColDeem ColDeems
Deems admitted In a talk with friends friendsafter friendsattet friendsafter
after the inquiry was over that Riley Riteymay Rflqmay Rileymay
may have lt ve had fleas which were eommoft eommoftin eontmoIn common commonin
in most m t garrisons bat that he the thecolonel thecolonel thecolonel
colonel never neve bad b tI caught any from tb tbterrtar the theterrlor theterrier
terrier which never ever had slept with him himbut hilltbut
I but had slept on oft oh a blanket at t the foot footof footof
of his bed bedIn bedIn bedIn
In regard to the charge that Riley Rileybarked Rileybarked Rileybarked
barked at the troops counsel u leI for the thecolonel thecolonel thecolonel
colonel think they would be able to prove provethat provethat provethat
that Rileyi Riley barking was not of an aninimical aulnin anInimical
inimical cal sort IIOrt but rather in the nature of ofapplause ofpp1aU88 ofapplause
applause There is nothing that Riley de delights de deJtghtJ dolights ¬
lights in more than to see th the soldiers soldierson
on parade and he expresses his approba approbation approbation approbation ¬
tion in the only way a dog can using his histail histall histall
tall as a wiggling point of exclamation exclamationRiley exclaJftatiOftRiley exclamationRiley
Riley never had bitten an officer o or sol soldier iOldler so sodier ¬
dier In fact tact he was as gentle as a s child chiklHe chlklHe childHe
He was wu wonderfully W rtully well trained too th thcolonel the thecolonel thecolonel
colonel having vine taught him to do many of ofthe ofthe ofp
p the stunts of educated vaudeville udeville dogs dogsincluding dogsIncluding
JnciUdI including walking on his b hind legs If Ifthere Ittbere Ifthere
there was one thing thl that he might m ht be becensured beceMured becensured
censured for it was his friendliness and
his military spirit spiritTells IphtfeUs spiritTells
Tells Same Story Severn Times TimesOne TlmeOne flmlIOne
One of the officers in the group up that thatdoes thatdoes thatdoes
does not like Col
Deems said that an anevidence anevi anevidence
evidence evi of his commanders eccentricity eccentricitywas
was that he told the same story tory several severaltimes H soeral soeraltimes eral eraltimes
times The colonel did not deny this thisbut this thisBUt thisbut
but said kI there were some stories torte that thatwould thatwould thatwould
would bear repetition and most new newstories newstories newstories
stories were old anyhow anyhowThe anyhowTbe anyhowThe
The colonel pointed to his flawless 1Iaw rec record record roeoni ¬
ord of thirtyseven years ears in the he servta servtaof 1Ier 1Ierof aervIcof
of his bIIIieo eooHiry U as an IlI4 indication of ate atetight hfa11ght bleght I
tight ght f m tt the companionship of Riley >
Mis son Capt CaJt Clarence Ctann C1anmceDoetns tDfJ > Deems IM jr is on onuty onftuty ondot3
ftuty < uty m la Oklahoma ia and aaCh1 hta 1t J daughter au tet Is Iswith Iawithher Iswith
with withher her husband an a army officer at atSitka atSitka atSitka
Sitka Alaska AlaskaThe aThe AlaakLThe
The colonel said he felt lonesome as ashis ashis ashis
his wife Is dead and that he adopted adoptedRiley adoptedRiley adoptedRiley
Riley four f ur years ago and found him himquite himtluite himquite
quite as companionable as some human
beings AM n that he lacked was the power powerof
of 01 speech and if he had it he would wouldmake wouldmake wouldmake
make a pretty good witness for the de defens de
fens fellle th the colonel eG 1 said saidWEATHER saidWEATHER saidWEATHER
0 S s Dept of AcrioMltaK WWOHT Weth C Bmu BmuTb uHb IlmasWaisteii
Waisteii Hb IItGD D DC c Ia Jas 181 Po p a
Tb The Xorthcut tIItIMaH norm has ha disappeared and an another aDfltMr anfither ¬
other u Ueuk wgk of o deprewfon hu moved JIIOIreIIlOUtheutwvd eootbeutward eootbeutwardextending aoutheaatwseiextending
extending tonight onbt from the West Gntf Gm States to tothe
the St St Lawrenoe IAElm VaDer It fe attended by general feneralruns aaaera1rains generalrams
runs rains and aoowg orer the dfeirioU covered and mow ino
in the Upper Lake region and fa followed by a de decided lie 4ecidel ¬
cided cold ware ate with Wrong high h pram the tem temtxratures tealuatUlel ternititurea
txratures ranting from RIO to 3 degrees below be
In the Atlantic and West Gulf States the weather
JUI j has bern generally fair and wanter while in the
ATtt W Vst tber t there were local ben rain rains aM aMTh snows snowsThe usowsTbe
The Th Northwest cold wave and high h pressure will willrmtinw wiUflnti11m willri
rmtinw ri flflfltj eastward and southeastward during Wed AAediwsday WedJltday Wedneelay
iwsday and andW Wedneadajr night reaching ftUh the Atlantic Atlanticroast AUaatieJaiJt Atlanticcoag
roast JaiJt by Thnrsday morning acndn Temperatures will begin begint
ta t > rise Tl5 Wednesday in the far Northwest f ruweet and OB
Thnrsday in the West generally the Upper Mfav Mu Muateipl
isrippi Ii ippi Valley and the Upper Lake region regionThen regiosThere
There will be anew and rats nit Wednesday W WedMeU4I in the tbeAUantte
AUantte SUtea and mow in the Lower Lake region NIion
followed by generally fair weather Thonday West AVeetft WestIt
ft the Rocky Mountains OIIDbt unaettled weather will con continue ¬
tinue with local rains and snow snowTh go goThe mowsThe
Th The winds along s1o theNew Kwriand ED JJd coast will be
fresh to britfc Iwi aanthweat IOQUnr to northwest t on the Mid ¬
die Atlantic coast fresh to brisk west to northwest northweston BOrth BOrthCJll
on the South Atlantic coast light to fresh and andtariable andTlrabIe andsriable
tariable becoming northwesterly daring duri Wednesday AVednesdayJiitfit WednndayJugtJt Wednesdaynight
night on the East Gal coast variable ftriablenorth becoming becomingnorthwest becomingnorthwest
northwest north to north and fresh on the West Gulf Gulfcoast Gulfrout Gulfcoast
coast light to fresh and variable becoming north northto JWthto northto
to northeast and on Lake Michigan n brisk north northwwt DCJrthIIIt northwest
west IIIt to north becoming variable YUtabIeF bjr Thursday
Steamers F departing Wednesday WedneIda for Knrop EaropeaR a ports portswill portAlwill portswill
will nave haft fresh to brtak bti southwest to wwrt winds windsrain whnhPain
rain or anew Wednesday We eedar j fair coUer Thursday to toUM
Cold ware warnings are displayed throHcheut the
Atlantic States except along tile Savth coast ftOUt near
the entire tire Lake region the > OWe Miariesippi f and andS andoui
liIIoari S oui L valleys mB78 > Nebraska Kansas K Oklahoma oMa
Korthwesten Arkansas Arb the Terns PantaiMle Pa But Bastera Butera Bustera
era WyoBrfnt W and Eastern Coiondo CoiondoLocnl CAlIendoLocal CoiessdnLoent
Local Tcuipcrnture TcuipcrntureMidBiaht lcU1JCrnt lcInpernrMI re re1It
MidBiaht MI nIgitL 21 2 a L a a 21 4 a S S a a M
1 Ii a a 21 1lt a a a J111 31 12 J1OOB X 2 Po p a OJ 4
p a L9 I p m 31gp > 8 P p a a 31 Jt 1 p Po M Mua
loaxfanim alniania alnianiaaa74Sp ua So Retatirt tamioHyam tamioHya
4 a aa74Sp 14 S p a m36Sp s 1 JR RaWU 1tuhuIlp I p
m to i p Po mt trace hours of eansUiie is r rcent Per
cent of possible smshine laP m iggdate Tanent TanentTemperatures
date last ypMaalau Xutala 31 aiuine aiuinePcrniernturein 11
Temperatures in Otli Other r Cities CitiesTaapentarea OltleaT CitiesTwsaintes
Taapentarea T in ataer dtfce etUe dUs together with the theum theamoust
el rekiinII wu r the
amoust 1M tw sed at 8 8p 8p
p p a yesIssdaj us as follows
n 11am 11am4aL
kx MIS > Ia I lp Po fall faUAsbefIUe fallMhed1IiC
Asfaefflte Mhed1IiC um v N C CAtlanta 41 T Tt1aata TAtlanta
Atlanta t1aata Oft OftAtiMtfa 41 41it fl 4 4Atlantis t ttialatJa
Atlantis tialatJa City K i J JBtaraank it itS It l 41 41BIaru usBhaai
Btaraank BIaru K f Drt DrtItoeton S t 4 > I tCalmtca IlJa i1inetonM
ton lJa 1inetonM MUM MUMIluftklo J1l J1lJlmfalo jf1ttialo
Iluftklo N Y YChicago 1 JJ tJi tJiChicalO s shnmgo
Chicago hnmgo IB IBCincinnati SI 11 T TCinclJmati TCincinnati
Cincinnati Ohio OhfeCheyenne 45 a ft ftbt itheyrnue
Cheyenne bt yetaae > Wy Wjro WjroDavfuport Ja a ft inrheenpost 1M 1MDaynqlOrt
Davfuport DavfuportIVnver I IDtnf Ims a a a aDonv
IVnver Dtnf Colo CoIo4I 41 a aDeaMoiaeIeswia iii iiiDft
Dft DeaMoiaeIeswia Kobwa I JI JItaJt5toa 1 1a1vst
Calmtca a1vst ter 1 > i iHelnta ft ft11111II a a allelrnaMout
Helnta 11111II llelrnaMout Moot MootIndhuupolia 1Iaa It S SIndiaDapoUlt IS1ndMnap
Indhuupolia 1ndMnap Ind IndJackacwTin 1I8L 1I8LJackanilW S S1aaontiUsPIs
JackacwTin 1aaontiUsPIs Pla PlaKBSM M MKanas II IIKanIIIr
KBSM City Uo UoLittle 0 II I 1 11 11LittJe 51Little
Little Rock 1toc c Ark ArkMarqwtte a oil i Ii Iifarqte aMarquette
Marquette Mich MichMemphia XicIaI MI I I Ilemplaia SMemphlaTems
Memphia MemphlaTems Tem TemXew 1M 4 41 41X 4 1 1NewOrleujisLg
Xew X NewOrleujisLg OrkM LA LAXew tI a II T TNtw TNew
New York If Y YNorth yorth X nt ntworth
North orth 1 Platte > MUC we Xefcr XefcrOmaha a I 5 aOniaba 8 8OInaba I
Omaha Nehr NehrPittsbur X Ii N 8I 8IIittatirg t tIittsburr
Pittsbur Iittsburr Pa PaSalt L Jt 002 002Salt 02 02Salt
Salt Lake Gttf c UU UUSt Utah 45 a II i 001 001at 001St1laMs
St St1laMs Loeia IAJUia He HeSt I 3f 3fSt 3 3St
St Paul 3Itam 3ItamS 1 lii t 4 I ISIIIiD 4 48eingieiiU
S SIIIiD 8eingieiiU ingi kl ID IDVkftBtatg 41 16 16I 56Vletulrg
VkftBtatg Miat MiatPortland I Liog N 4 4I j jIJrtJaud
Portland I ¼ wtlami Mf MfCountry M 3 It JI JII JICountry g gI gCountry
Country Bank Closes Doom DoomBentoo DoorBentotJ DoorsBenton
Benton Ark rk Jan S IT The tt Peoples PeoplesBank PeoplesBank PeoplcsBank
Bank ef this Oti n city dosed its It doors to today today today ¬
day by order of 0 J K Bell the president presidentDiseeiwien presidentThsseLlson
Diseeiwien Dtl8elHii n among amon the officers of tho bank bankIs bankIs I
Is reported re orted to be the CRuse causeC
Suit to Recover 000000 on Chinese CliinicHeHallway ChlncHeRnlIwny ChineseI
I Hallway Venture Xear lttrEncl lttrEnclew eur End Endsw Endew
sw ew York Jan SJu SJuetlee tl e Davia of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Supreme Court dented today the themotion themotion themotion
motion to dismiss di mhili the complaint of Thur Thurlow fhurlow rbiirlow
low Weed Barnes in the suit brought brought by byhim b bhim byhIrnto
him hIrnto to recover ree er 860000 OflO from the Ameri AmericanChina Amen AmencanCidna
canChina canCIdna Devtlopment Company Co mlJny and the theChinese UKChine theChlueso
Chinese e Railways Syndicate Synt1l te as cominto comintoi coman cwmniialone it itlions
lions kms for Hi l Itis s services in obtaining for the thesyndicate theIyndjcate thesyndlumte
syndicate valuable concession from Chi ChiI China Chitan
na in UKJustice UK 1Justke 1NJustice
Justice Duvis ruled out out Barnes arnes claims claimsfor ClailMfor comafor
for compensation for obtaining obt1nln banking bankingconcessions bankiDKconcealons bankingconcessions
concessions declaring aecJarift that the proof was wastoo walltoo wastoo
too vague But on the tbiPmalft thitoaift niain point of the theplaintiff theplaintiff theplaintiff
plaintiff the coal concerns the court courtruled t courtruled urt urtmle
ruled < l that the jury would have to pass passThe PRI5 PRI5The passThe
The jury itself which has been listen listenteg IWtenm listenlug
lug m for several days to the details of the thefinancing theftlUlncln thetinanclug
financing of Chinese undertakings includ including lneludhtc Includlug ¬
lug Barnes Baln ll negotiations with Minister MinisterWu MinIsterWu Unl8lerWu
Wu Tingfang has got ot pretty tired tiredJuror tiredJuror tiredJuror
Juror No No4 4 Timothy C Callahan failed failedto failedto failedto
to appear today t day and he was fined IO IOCttUlllel 104 104Counsel 09 09Counsel
Counsel for both sides kIOd consented C nentetl to go goon gOn goOfl
on with eleven jurors It will probably probablyturn probablytm probablyturn
turn out that Juror CAllahan was 88 ill illi mThe illThe
The case will go to the jury tomorrow tomorrowRELIGIOUS tomorrowRELIGIOUS tomorrowRBLIGIOUS
Cardinal Gibbons Deplores Tendency TendencyManifest TendencyManifest TendencyManifest
Manifest in Public life lifeAttributes lifeAttributes f fAttrlhute4
Attributes Condition to Burly Train TrainIn rlrulnlng rllrtlnlIg
In lng BT Which hlch Is Often Ofte Devoid Devoidof Deolclor Deooidof
of Religion nc1J lonH Education EducationBfwton EducntletllR
Bfwton B itau R Jan SCartlnal Gibbon WM WMaakad w wuked wasasked
asked today to Iay < whether with his tog expe experience experleaee experienee ¬
rience as a priest bishop and cardinal cardinalh ca eatdinahi na1 na1he
he h believed the people of America were weregrowing wen1T0wtnK weregrowing
growing betttr beUarfrom from a religrioua re toua point of ofview ofview ofview
view After moments thought be re replied re replied nopiled ¬
plied pliedIt piledIt 1 m mIt
It is hard TO answer that question on ondefinite ondeftnlte ondeflnlte
definite Un lines lit their respect for reli religion reUgkm ieUglen ¬
glen I am afraid thapeople of America Americaare Americaattt Americaare
are not what hat they were w ro flfty ny or sixty sixtyyears sixtyyears xt xtyears
years ago For instance our statesmen utateemenof tate men menof
of America flfty or sixty years yea ago a show showed sbowed showed ¬
ed a familiarity with with and a regard for forthe torthe forthe
the Holy Scripture and the word of God Godwhich Godwhich Godwhich
which I am sorry to say y does not present presentitself praentitMlt presentitself
itself today todayI t day dayI
I remember reading d1nl one speech speeebDAniel of ofDaniel ofDaniel
Daniel Webster which hleb quoted fourteen fourteenquotations fourteenquotations fourteenquotatIons
quotations from Holy Scripture which whichshowed whIchshowed hb hbshowed
showed Mr Websters study of the Holy HolyWord lImyWord Ho4yWord
Word and iid his II respect for its spirit In Indeed Indeed Indeed ¬
deed Webster Ve llter dovetailed his hi speeches speecheswith speecbe8lth speecheswith
with lth appropriate quotations from Scrip Scripture Scriptune rlp rlpture ¬
ture showing showl his innate respect for the theword theword theword
word of God This practice I repeat is isneglected I In Isneglected
neglected n lected by the public speaker of the thepresent thepretient thepresent
present day dayAsked dayAsked
Asked aked as a to what he attributed this de decline de decUne dodine ¬
cline of interest in religious matters the thecardinal thecardinal thecardinal
cardinal answered answeredThat aJl8weredThat answeredThat
That also al lso is a hard question to an answer an8wer anawer ¬
swer I attribute it first of all U however howeverto
to their early training which is Is devoid of ofreligious oCreUglous ofreligious
religious education educationMITCHELLS educationMITCHELLS educationMITCHELLS
Mine Miners s Vote to Pay Retiring Presi President President President ¬
dent for Six Months M onths longer longerSocialists Longeri LongerSocIn11slo
Socialists SnctnIhtl Efforts nrtR to < o Introduce Poll Pollties Jollr IolItics
ties tic Into Int Organization Defeated Defeatedby Dcfeuteclby Defeatedby
by Substantial Majority MajorityIndianapolis JlnJorltIlMllanapolls MajorityIndianapolis
Indianapolis Jan 28 SoThe The problem of oftaking oftaking oftaking
taking care of President John Mitchell Mitchelltill l Mitchelltill tcbeJl tcbeJltill
till his health was restored was solved solvedthe by bythe bythe
the convention n of United Mine Mm Workers Workerstoday Workerstoday Workerstoday
today when ben a resolution was Was unani unanimously unanilIIouly unnimoody ¬
moody adopted eulogizing eulo hdng his services to tothe tothe tothe
the organisation o tkm and voting voUn him his hispresent hispreaent hispresent
present salary as president Jre klent for six months monthsafter monUasafter monthsafter
after April prH 1 1 when his connection with withthe withthe 1tb 1tbthe
the organization organlza tton will cease A proposition propositionto proP lfllon lfllonto
to raise a gift ft of 30000 30000 3000 by a per capita capitatax capitatax capitatax
tax of ten cents was abandoned by his hisfriends hisfrinds hisfriends
friends when it was wa < learned that he hewould h hwould hewould
would not accept it it and 1t11 th the six months monthssalary J OlttUJary monthssalary
salary Jary proposition was substituted substitutedA
A resolution favoring political activity activityon
on the part of the miners organization organizationto
to the end that an industrial republic republicmay re reblicmay blie bliemay
may be established e tablished wherein all will b be as assured usurecl assured ¬
sured of the right to work ork and to reap reapthe reapthe reapthe
the full benefit of their labor came from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the Socialist element in the th organization organisationtoday orpnlutlontoday organizationtoday
today todayIt I
It charged that the present pre ent political politicalmachinery poUt1ea1machinery politicalmachinery
machinery is all n in the hands of the thecapitalistic tlMcapltaUtIc thecapitalistic
capitalistic classes es and several eral Socialist Socialistmembers Soclallatmember Socialistmembers
members made dory speeches in support supportof
of it It The resolution was defeated by a asubstantial asubitanUal asubstantial
substantial majority majorityA majorityA
A number of large la 9 local l operators ar arrived arrived arrived ¬
rived today toda but they are not sure that thatconference thata
8 conference with the miners will be held heldor heldor heldor
or that an agreement will be entered enteredinto enteredinto enteredinto
into If they do they say sa they want wantpeace wantpeace wantpeace
peace The evident determination of the theminers theminers theminers
miners to demand an increase in the thescale thescaJo thescais
scale may ma preclude preeludeits its possibility possibilitySTEEL po8 possibilitySTEEL lbnu lbnuSTEEL
STEEL EARNINGS FALL OFF OFFCorporation OFFC01IJOrntioll OPPCorporation
Corporation Declare Regular Dlvl Dlvldcnd Divleleml Dlvidend
dcnd on Common arid Preferred PreferredNew PreferreelNew PreferredNew
New York Jan 2S 2SThe The United States StatesSteel StateSteel StatesSteel
Steel Corporation reported today earn earnmsgof earnin8fH earningeof
msgof > f 32553995 32 3 for the quarter ended endedDecember endedDecember endedDecember
December 31 The earnings compare wlt wltUrot wItI4ZSO4 with withJtt8WJS6
Urot Jtt8WJS6 4ZSO4 in the September quarter an anl55037CIi an4 an44i57OS
l55037CIi 41593705 in the June quarter which wits witsthe wutho wasthe
the largest on record For the corre corresponding correspond correspondrng ¬
sponding spond g quarter of 1006 the earnings earningswere earnlnglre earningswre
were re 41744ttlt 41744ttltr1nftlled 41744Sfrl 4114iit31nfihled 41744SfrlUnfilled
Unfilled nfihled orders were reported at 4824563 4824563tons 4024552tons 3 3tons
tons as compared with 64SS G45 08 in Sep September September September ¬
tember 78 7878 S7S in June S041 sOtIS5S 58 in March Marchand Marchand Marchand
and S48071S 84 71S in December 1S06 The un unfilled unfilled unfilled ¬
filled orders at the end qf f the lastnamed lastnamedquarter Jutnamedquarter lastnamedquarter
quarter were the largest in the history of ofthe oftho ofthe
the corporation corporationThe corporationThe corporationThe
The statement submitted today to 1ay < was the themost theffi08t themoot
most remarkable in the history of the thecompany thecompany thecompany
company intts showing of a rapid change changein
in business conditions Tho earnings for forOctober forOctober forOctober
October were 17O 17082311 2l1 ife De e greatest t on onrecord onrecord onrecord
record for any month In November earn earnings earnIngs earnlags ¬
ings dropped to UO4G 10467258 U and in Decem December Decem1Jfl Decemher ¬
her To 5094581 014511 452l The company declared declaredthe declaredtte i ithe
the regular dividends dhlden B on the common and andpreferred anapreferred andpreferred
preferred stock stockSir stoc stocSIr stockSir
Sir William S Rolison n luwn Earned EarnedLondon NnmldLondon anied aniedLonden
London Jan 58 ttSlr Sir William imlam S Rob Robson RobSOI Robson
son the solicitor general has been ap appointed appointed appointed ¬
pointed attorney general in place of Sir SirJohn SirJohn SirJohn
John L Walton who died lately Samuel SamuelThomas S SamuelThomas rnuel rnuelThomas
Thomas Evans M 11 P for the middle middledivision middledivision middledtvIslon
division of Glamorganshire becomes so solicitor solicitor soileitor ¬
licitor general genf > ral in succession to Sir Wil William Wil11am 11 11liam ¬
liam Robson RobsonI Robson9rKALroN
PHONE WINE WIN E CO 614 614M938 614M 64M998
M938 M 998 ariwi4WT ariwi4WTT l4BSTi l4BSTiKj J4 sr srAn
T Kj > An Af Afterdinner Cordial for forAfternoon forAftornoon forAftornoon
Aftornoon Teas Teasr TeasOalifomlA Teast5
t5 r California Apricot CordiaL A wee wwI weehit weeJ1
J1 I hit satfeitea It mesa a kwBfeU 1CMIgfeitwant longfeltwant
j want for a mild oonlkl OIII onn1iclequiolte onn1iclequiolteI iAl 5nHMtte 5nHMtteiii ui lte lteiu
I tile iii HC flatgr a awl most seething to to tferf tferfBCTrea tlnidnerTe tIrsdtI
tI BCTrea BCTreafet nerTeer iwrrcJ
J fet > er bottle bet JL 1 i
Cash Refused He Is Held Heldfor Heldfor lleliS llelifor
for Assault AssaultMOB AssaultMOB AssaultMOB
Police in Maryland Town Pear for forSafety forSuret forSafety
Safety Suret of Prisoner Charged wIth AvlthHnvIiiK willhaving wIthI1nlnft
having Coinmltteil llrutal Crlnio at atDlount 3t1luunt atMuir
Dlount Muir Ilarinony JlnrmoJlYJothn Violini Too rui 111 to toIdentify toIclentlh tolileirtify
Identify Her Assailant AssailantStowM AssniJnllt8sJeda1 AssailantSgeelaI
StowM to TU on W We4ington koa i HmM II IIPrbtoe lIosuidPrison HmMPr
Pr Prison e Fredericktown P lcktown Md Jan JanJohn S SJo1an 3 3John
John Jones colored wanted for assault assaulton nullon assaulton
on Mrs ll 11117 ry Buggy Bu at Mount lIar Harinonyv Uarlnony lIarnony
inonyv lnony Prince Oeorge GNr County today todaywas todlJwas todaywas
was landed in Jail here tonight It Is Isfeared J JfeRred Isfeared
feared that tbatlae lie will be lynched before the thenight thenight thenIght
night Is over overThe overthe overThe
The authorities want t to rush the man manto manto manto
to Baltimore for safekeeping bat ba Judge JudgeBriscoe JudgeBrlooe JudgeBrlseoe
Briscoe is absent It hi planned to take takethe takethe takethe
the negro before Mrs Buggy tomorrow tomorrowfor tomorrowfor tomorrowfor
for Identification if the Jail is not stormed stormedin
in the meantime as a posse from Mount MountHarmony MountHarmony Mountliarmony
Harmony is 1 Deported ported on route to the jail jailThe JailThe JailThe
The negro had been employed by Mrs MrsBuggy M MBuI MrsBuggy
Buggy At t 2 oclock yesterday morning morninghe Jn rnln rnlnbe <
he went witrf witi a a gun and an ax to the theroom theroom theroom
room occupied by the woman womanThe womanTte womanThe
The negro n ro left the room and ant went out outbut out outbut omitbut
but returned before 1 Mrs Buggy could get getout getout getout
out of the house He then forced her to togo togo togo
go to her room and nd threatening to mur murder murder murden ¬
der her he again assailed Oed her The negro negrodemanded nesredemanded negrodemanded
demanded ajjheck a check for KTwhich she had hadand hadaDd hindAnd
and all the cash in the hoUie houseMrs hoUieI houieMrs
Mrs I Buggy u gave ve up the cheek and an andcentsall IS IScents lieent
cents eent t all l the money she had He then thenI theneut thenwest
I went eut to the stable saddled a a bay mare mareand mare mareand mareand
and made his escape e Shortly before bet ore S Soclock Ioclock Soclock
oclock tonight Jones rode up to the thestore thetore thestore
store tore of William H Robinson RobhuIon at Bar Barstow Bartow liarstow
stow tow sixteen xteen miles from the scene of the theassault theauault theassault
assault auaultCllceJi
Check Gave Him 111mHe Away AwayHe Awaylie
He asked ked Robinson to cash the check checkwhich ebeekwhich checkwhich
which Mrs nL Buggy had given him which whichwas whichas whichwas
was as on a Washington < D C bank The Thedescription ThedeecrtpUon Thedescription
description of the negro had been phoned phonedto
to all points poIn of the thecounty rounty ount Robinson on roe recognised fIJCosn roeognlaed ¬
ognised osn the check and Mrs BURY horse horseand boneand horseand
and arrested the negro He H was as turned turnedover turMd turMdover tunedover
over to States Attorney J Frank Par Parran Parran Parran
ran in Prince Fredericktown antI locked lockedin lockedIn lockedIn
in jail Every effort was w made to keep keepthe keepthe keepthe
the arrest a a secret The States State attorneysays attorney attorneysays attorneyy
says y he is convinced that he baa tas the right rightFearing rightman pt ptman
man manFearlntt manFearing
Fearing mob violence it was planned to torush torulh torush
rush the negro n to Baltimore tonight A Atelephone Atelephone Atelephone
telephone message e was sent to Mount MountHarmony 1IouotHarmony MountHarmony
Harmony asking that Mrs IIL Buggy Bu come cometo cometo cometo
to Prince Fredericktown and identify the thenegro tbenearo thenegro
negro but she is critically 111 and WI unable unableto unableto Ie Ieto
to leave her bed She underwent an oper operation operation operation ¬
ation in a hospital only a week ago 10 for a atumor atumor atumor
tumor It was also found that Judge JudfBriscoe JudpBr1 JudgeBriscoc
Briscoe Br1 coe who has to make out the legal legalpapers Jecalpar legalpapers
papers necessary necN 8ry is at Annapolis In the themeantime tbemeantime themeantime
meantime lynching is feared and the jail jailis Jaili Jailis
is i not able to resist an attack attackPOLIGEMAM attackPOLICEMAM attackPOLIGEMAM
New York Patrolman Faces Charges ChargesAlter ChargesAfter ChargesAfter
After Crooks Make Confession ConfessionGcnrgre ConfessionGcnr ConfessionGeorge
George Gcnr c Dawlilnsi nwldn Once an Amateur AmateurPugilist AmateurPugilist muteur muteurPII
Pugilist PII nIHtJ Believed to Have Pointed PointedOut lolutecIOut lolittedOut
Out Stores to lie Houhcd HouhcdNew nohheclNew itoblicilNew
New York Jan 28 IGeorge George Dawking Dawkinga
a young rather goodlooking podlookt pollcema pollcemaattached poliee polieeattacwd pollcemdnattached
attached to th the Adams t1aIM street station in inBrooklyn InBrooklyn inBrooklyn
Brooklyn was w arraigned before Magis Magistrate Mugiatiate Iagi Iagitrate ¬
trate Dooley this evening charged wicn wicnrobbery W1trobbery wlcurobbery
robbery Capt Max Stelnbruck wno wnowith woowith wnowith
with Inspector In peetDr Flood worked up the thecase thecue thecase
case against the policeman told the theIItrate meg magistrate megistrate ¬
istrate that Dawkins had been standing standingIn standl standlIn
In with crooks and pointing out stores storesfor stor storfor storesfor
for them to rob robThey robThey robThey
They got after Dawkins last Wednes Wednesday Wedneday VednNday ¬
day alter Policeman Fred Wendeberg on onpost onpocit onpost
post near Myrtle yrlJe avenue and Dufltetd Dufltetdstreet DufteJdstreet Duultekistreet
street early Wednesday morning mornln had hadnailed htldnailed hadnailed
nailed a pair of burglars who had broken brokeninto brokenInto brokenInto
into a hardware store and were trying tryingto
to get away a tay with a beg full of penknives penknivesrazors pfnknivelrazors penkulvesrazors
razors and other valuable articles artl < lea that thatcould tbatcould thatcould
could be disposed ed of easily etU1n Wendeberg Wendeberggot Wendeberggot Vend ber bergot
got his men after a a hard fight He whO whistled whitledaad whOtled5and ¬
tled tledaad tled5and and rapped for Dawkins on whose whosepost wla088poIt whosepost
post the burglary was committed but butDawking butDawklni butDawkins
Dawking didnt show up Wendeberg Wende rg had hadgone htdgone hadgone
gone off his own beat to get ge the crooks crooksThat crooiclThat crooksThat
That circumstance made Capt Steln Stelnbruck Stelnbruck8U8p1cioH Steinbruck
bruck8U8p1cioH bruck suspicious because he knew Daw Dawkins Da Dawkins w wklns
kins should have been on the spot and andhe Andhe andhe
he placed the facts before the inspector inspectorThey inspactorThey inspoctorThey
They did a lot of sleuthing examining examiningDawkins oxamlnlnsDawkins examiningDawklna
Dawkins record recor among other things and andfinally andfinally nd ndfinally
finally put the captured burglars Scott ScottRyan ScottRyan ScottRyan
Ryan and Harry Boyd through a varia variation varIAtion varlation ¬
tion of the third degreo The men finally finallydeclared finallydeclared finallydeclared
declared that Dwwkins had put them up upto ullto upto
to tho job of robbing the store storeMagistrate storeXqlltrate storeMagistrate
Magistrate Dooley remanded Dawkina Dawkinato Dawltlnto
to the custody of Captain Stelnbruck un until unm nfltil ¬
til tomorrow morning when tho police policeman policeman policeman ¬
man will be examined Dawkins is about aboutthirty aboutthirty aboutthirty
thirty years old powerfully built and andhas andhas andhas
has been a driver an amateur wnateurpugiltst wnateurpugiltsta pugilist pugilista
a a special officer ana S bouncer at a aConey aConey aConey
Coney Island resort resortDEMOCRATS resortDEMOORATS renor renorDEMOCRATS
Prominent Members of the Party to toAffnemule toHlelllblc toAssemble
Assemble Hlelllblc Next Wcelr WcelrChicago WeelcChicago VcecChicago
Chicago Jan 2S 2SChlcag Chicago will become becomethe becomethe becomethe
the national center of Democratic Inter Interest Interest interest ¬
est next week weekWith weekWith weekWith
With national headquarters in the An Annex Annex Annex ¬
nex State headquarters in the Sherman ShermanHouse ShennanHoule ShermanHouse
House and am county headquarters occupy occupying occuplog occupylug ¬
log two floors at 91 l Clark street there therewill therewUl therewill
will be more Democratic activity acUIt than thanthe thanthe thanthe
the city has known In more than a dec decade decade dccado ¬
ade adeChairman
Chairman Thomas Taggart and Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
tary Urey Woodson ToOO80n of the National Com Committee Committee Cornmittee ¬
mittee arrive Friday FridA to open the Annex Annexheadquarters Annecheadquarters Annexheadquarters
headquarters where arrangements arrangem nts for the theconvention theconvention theconvention
convention in Denver will be completed completedSTOEM completedSTOR completedSTORM
Several Landslides and Great Dam Damage Damnge Dataage ¬
age to o Tobacco Crops CropsSan CropSAn CropsSn
San Juan Jan 2S 2SThe The storms which whichhave whichhave whichhave
have prevailed during the past week have haveseriously haveerlouslr haveseriously
seriously damaged the tobacco crops cropsThere cropsThere cropsThere
There have been several landslides lan slldes and anda
a number of bridges have been damaged damagedLands dJmngedLands dmaged dmagedLands
Lands owned by the American Tobacco TobaccoCompany tobacco tobaccoCompany tobaccoCompany
Company have suffered from the storms stormsDr stormsDr stormsDr
Dr Vingratc Supports It ItDr ItDr ItDr
Dr D M 11 Wingate of 825 Fourteenth Fourteenthstreet Fourteenthstreet Fourteenthstreet
street northwest In a letter to the Com Commissioners Commis8loners Cornrnissloners ¬
missioners yesterday ye torda speaks in favor of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the chiropractic bill now before Con Congress Congreu Congross ¬
gross and declares if those who have tie tiepower thepow c cpoWfr
power pow r to pass on the bill had received receivedthe receIvedthe receivedtime
the benefit he has they the would not best hesltato hesitate besttale
tate to vote it into favor favorOcean CavorOeenn favorOcean
Ocean Steamships SteamshipsNew Stenm8blpXmr
New Tart Jan a 23AnivosI Arrived ant Kroupriazcatn KroupriazcatnCecilte Jrou JrouC ICrotipniazeseteCidftte
Cecilte C at Bremen Ctocebcr at llambure
Step Steps Taken Tnl en to Obtain Site on Snu Snuincrsred 501JJuerfted Suhimerged
merged Land Near San Francisco FranciscoSan FrunefseoSan FranciscoSen
San Francisco Franci co Jan 2S 2Slt U 1 ill announced announcedtoday announcedtoday announcedtolay
today that the Federal authorities have havetaken havotaken havetaken
taken definite steps to obtain a site hero herofor horefor herefor
for the th biggest bl est United States army depot depotIn depotIn depotIn
In the country The institution Is i to t he helocated holoeated helocated
located on part of the th existing exlsUn army armyreservation armyrOSerYaUo1 armyreeerrntion
reservation at t Fort Mason ana then run runforth runforth runforth
forth on land at present pre nt submerged submergedThis submergedThis IbmergedThIa
This submerged land is owned by tho thoDare thoDare theDare
Dare family of this tha city and Mrs Her Herman Horman Herman ¬
man Oelricha and her sister Mrs Wil William William Wil11am ¬
liam K Vanderbllt Y nc1frbllt of New York The Theland rrheIaUl riseIail
land is I to be condemned in the United UnitedStates UnitedState UnitedStates
States Circuit Court Assistant A tant United UnitedStates UnitlState8 ljiiltodStates
States District Attorney Clark has hasplanned hWiplanned hasplanned
planned A < t suit ult for that purpose purposeCongress purJOHCon purposeCongress
Congress Con reu lisa appropriated 1500000 to topay topay topay
pay for the site and All in the submerged submergedsection submergedseetlon nhmergedecUon
section Outside the price rlce of the tl con condemned condemned condemnod ¬
demned land the the depot with its many manybuildings manybufhllngli manybulldhigs
buildings nd wharves > s is to cost eo t 2000000 2000000The 2000000rbe 2000OUIrh
The rh site te to be b condemned lies between betweenLa betweenLa betweenLa
La Guaa Guu and Lewis streets and Van Ness Noasavenue N01tSayenue Nessavenue
ayenue avenue and is now a small nail shallow arm armof armor armof
of the bay on which the headquarters of ofGen ofGen ofCon
Gen Funston overlooks overlooksIt
It is 1 also announced that Port Barry Barryis
is to be occupied at once by United States Statestroops StateatnH ttes ttestroops
troops troopsMDI1L tnH troopsCARDINAL p pCARDINAL
Oldest Member of Sacred College CollegePasses CollegePasses CollegePasses
Passes Away in Paris ParisGentrnl ParisI ParisOentrnl ParisCentral
Central leisure In inGreat Great Demonstra Demonstration neJ1lollstrnHun temoistnzthen ¬
Hun a Year Ago o TVhun hen He WHH WHHForced VUJil VUJiltPorceel VztsForced
Forced Out of Ills JlJrtIlomc JlJrtIlomcPart Home HomeParis homeParis
Paris Part Jan 21 3Fraacols Francois Mart taai Benja DeItJami flitjmis Benjamin ¬
min mi Rtchar RtcluIrt i Cardinal awl Archbishop p of ofParis oCParIa ofParis
Paris Paris died here to today of congestion of ofthe ofI ofthe
I the lungs u after a a short illnessCardinal illness n nCantlnat fusesCardinal
Cardinal Richard was bern at Nantes NaRt NaRtOlt NastesOR Nanteson
on March b 1 1 Utt and WM a cardinal since JtaceTIle sinceThe
The body of the late Cardinal follow followIns followlag ollewtas
Ins the old custom wW b be exposed to tae taeview theview timeview
view of the public at the thetomorrow arehbtahoprto arehbtahoprtotomorrow arebbisboprietomorrow
tomorrow The funeral services will willtafce willtake wiltI
I take place at the Notre Dams Cathedral Cathedralon
I on Saturday SaturdayA SaturdayAmea
A Amea message of condolence from 1OIIt President PresidentTailieres Prelicleat1IalUern PresidentFallieres
Tailieres has been received at the a Ufb Ufbi a rh rhbisbofMlc h hbishopric
i bishopric bl boprllI
I Pope Deeply nOCII Affected Affected4om AffcoteclI AffectedRome
I Rome Jan MAltlaouP Although be had been beeninformed bHtai beenInformed
i informed that the end was earning comm the thenews theI thenews
news 0 it k the death in Paris of Ordinal OrdinalRichard CudinaIlUcbard CardinalItichard
I Richard deeply affected Pope Plus PI He Heknelt HeI Heknelt
I knelt in prayer for a few moments and andwhen andwhen
I when h ht arose he exclaimed He was wasnot wasI wasnot
I not even allowed to dose his eyes in his hisown hlalown hisown
lown own house This was an allusion toa to the thefact theI thefact
I fact that in Itti U 111 at the height t of ofI th thchurch thchurch
I church separation troubles in France ranee Car Cardinal CarI Cardinah ¬
I dinal Richard Rlcha rd was ordered by the French Frenchauthorities PreachI iPrenchaUthorities
I authorities to vacate the archleptscopal arcbl arrhiepiscopalpalace archleptscopalpalace 1 1i
i palace in Paris ParisCardinal Parilli ParisCarliual
Cardinal Glblion Grieved GrievedBoston GriCellBoaton GrievedBoston
Boston Mass X J Jtn n ft acardlaal Cardinal Gib Gibbons OIbi Qibhens ¬
i hens who is t in this city today t received receivedword receivedword
I word of the death of Cardinal Richard Richardat
at Parts Cardinal Gibbons said saidCardinal 814CanISn1 uidCardinal
Cardinal Richard was the oldest of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the College of Cardinals He was wa a v very veryI verystrong ry rystrong
I strong man and hi hii death mean meena a d dUact dIaL dIaLtinet t tUnct
Unct loss to the church churchCardinal churchCardinal churchCardinal
Cardinal Gibbons said that his last lastmeeting lotmeeting lastmeeting1
meeting with Cardinal Rkhard was at atthe atthe atthe
the election of Pope Pius X X in Rome RomeCardinal RomeCant1 RomeCardinal
Cardinal Richard for a loop u ties Un t wa was a astudent astudent astudent
student in Part ParIa with the late Archbisnofi AmobbisbepWilliams ArchbisnofiWilliams JCIabIMepWill
Will Williams of Boston TIM deaUfe 4est of th thaged the theaaed theaged
aged prelate was wa not unexpected Car Cardinal Cardinal Carditial ¬
dinal Gibbons saM on account of olldll has ad advanced advancec1 advancemi ¬
vanced years yearsJlettisied yeanItcKIHec1 yearsitesisteil
Jlettisied Separation Law LavrCardinal Inwcanltnal Lawjardthal
Cardinal Richard was in the public eye eyein flyeIn eyein
in the latter part of Taw when the French Frenchseparation FNIlchaeparatton Frenchseparation
separation law went into effect and in inthe Inthe Inthe
the early part of MW The French Freaehemment gov government goveminent ¬
eminent ordered that churches and other otherinstitutions othertnstit1ltJons otherIfltItuiiOni
institutions owned by the Catholic church churchbe churehbe churchbe
be evacuated it being the intention of ofthe ofI ofthe
I the state to seine the property rty Officials Officialswere O Officialswere lclala lclalaI
I were sent by the government emment to take in inventories InI inventonles ¬
I ventories of o what the institutions con contained eoata1 eontaijied ¬
tained ta1 ed but in score scores of instances J they theywere theywere theywere
were denied admittance admittanceCardinal admittanceCardInal admittanceCardinal
Cardinal Richard who wag the Arch Archbishop Archbishop Archbishop ¬
bishop of Paris Pari doctored that he wouldnot wouldnot would wouldnot
not leave the arcbkpiacopal a blcpleeopat residence ex except except cxcept ¬
cept by force and many many other prelates prelatesfollowed prelateafollowed prelatesfollowed
followed his example The Tb result was wasthat wasthat wasthat
that a a number of clashes cluh occurred be between beteen hetween ¬
tween the government authorities and andthe andthe andthe
the Catholic populace in various parts of ofFrance ofFraRce ofFrance
France and for a time the situation waa waaserious w wserloUB wa wasenloni
serious seriousCRANE serloUBCRANE senloniGRNE
ExCongressman Powers Will Prob Probably Probably Probably ¬
ably Bring Senator Senat9f Into Fold FoldActive FoldActhc FoldActse
Active Work ork of Securing the Manna MannachnacttM Mnssnchuselts nIUIR nIUIRCbU
chnacttM CbU cttH Delegation Dele a Jou for the War WarSecretary WarSecretary Vnr VnrSecretaI
Secretary SecretaI Begins BeginsBoston DeliurJBosten BeginsBoston
Boston Jan 88 SExCongressm ExCongressman n Sam Samuel Stuuuel Samtiel ¬
uel L L Powers of Newton today con confirmed confirmed confirmed ¬
firmed the story from Washington that thathe thathe thathe
he is to be Secretary Tafts Massachu Massachusetts MunchusettJI Mamsehusetts ¬
setts manager in the contest for delegates delegatesto del ates atesto
to the Republican national convention conventionTwo conventionTwo conventionTwo
Two weeks ago Mr Powers made a atrip Jltrip atrip
trip to Washington and while at the theCapital theCapital theCapital
Capital had a a long talk with tha thj Secre Secretary Secretary ¬
tary of War It was said at Wat tllat time timethat timethat
that Mr Powers had been called to toWashington toWashington
Washington for a conference on the Re Republican Republican ¬
publican situation and that he had been beenchosen beenchosen beenchosen
chosen as Mr Tafts manager managerMany managerMany
Many believe that Mr Powers was waschosen waschosen waschosen
chosen for the purpose e of giving Senator SenatorCrane SenatorCrane
Crane an opportunity to climb upon the theTaft theTaft
Taft band wagon Indeed signs arc not notwanting notwanting
wanting indicating that Senator Crane Cranewinked Cranewinked Cranewinked
winked at the Powers appointment appointmentSenator appointmentSenator
Senator Crane Is a big man in the tale telephone talephone ¬
phone business Mr Powers is counsel counselfor counselfor
for the New England Telephone Com Company Companj Cornpany ¬
pany panyIt panjIt panyIt
It would not surprise some of Senator SenatorCranes SenatorCrane SenatorCrones
Cranes Crane friends hereabouts to hear of a aboom aboom aboom
boom being launched for a Presidential Presidentialticket PresidentIalticket Presidentialticket
ticket that will read Taft and Crane CraneBut CraneBut CraneBut
But others close to the junior Senator Senatorsay Senatorsay
say 58 that he would be satisfied to see th thticket tht thtticket thrticket
ticket Taft and Hughes HughesEditors HughetlEcUtors HughesEditors
Editors Call ou O Officials OfficialsThe Omc OfficialsThe ah ahThe
The executive committee of the Nation National National Nationat ¬
al Editorial Association called on Speak Speaker ¬
er Cannon and Vice President President Fairbanks Fairbanksat Fnlrbankat
at the Capitol They were introduced by byRepresentative byRepresentative byRepresentative
Representative Landis of Indiana IndianaPresident IndianaPresident IndianaPresident
President Varney of North Carolina Is Ispresident ispresident Ispresident
president of the association and Con Congressman Congressmnn Congrossman ¬
grossman Ashbrook of Ohio is an ex exvice exvice oxvice
vice president A visit was also paid to toPresident toPresident toPresident
President Roosevelt by some of the mem members members inembers ¬
bers of the association associationSnyders associationSnyders associationSnyders
Snyders Discount Sale SaleEnables SaleEnables SaleEnables
Enables you to save 10 to 25 25on 251ft
1ft on a numbe of highly desirable de irnble WIN WINTER WINTElt WINTElL ¬
An opixMTtuaity you abmild investigate i AT ATOXCB ArOXCB ATONCU
E HSnyderCoTaiors H Snyder 1 Co CoTailors Tailors TailorsUl1
1111 iEXK AVE N W Wa
Chamber of Commerce De Defends Tiefends ¬
fends School System SystemADOPTS SystemADOPTS SystemADOPTS
1 1Lh
Lively Lh DiKctiHflion of Popular Rcpre Rcprenciitiiilon RCprlwntntlou Reprenciitttl1rn
nciitiiilon A Against ninut Oiieinnn Power Porrerin PowerIn 1
in AdiiiiniNtrntioii of Public Edu Educitiion Edricat
citiion cnl cat 10 IIJlr nPresilear Prvnidciit lclent t AniioiinccM tiiiiis nucmneeH rices Clinir Clinirincn Chnlrmen Chin ir iranon
men nnil thin Vice Chairmen Chnirmcnneagbed ChairmenIIaeIMI ClixtirnienResoked
neagbed Vv On t WasWnKifcR CfcamWr CII el 1 Com ComBMm C ComThat IR IRTIIIt
BMm That in 1 to assiilm af Mr easeful iMpartial iMpartialand 114tialand al alUte
and thorough Isaptu y hrt Isie Uw eneMMtlons new exist existiuf qMt1iC rindn
iuf n in the pwWte le sraoois sb of tb tile Dhtriet of Coma CohonMa CohuaWa Comalila
Ma the provMbns sw of Use prssnit sdwol law and andthe ancltile andthe
the effect et f its opemfcm mm Uw stfcooto it is isW isW IshSklJ
W W My deaimbte ttefw thgt no dsusge bI ma4e mud at the theprekent theu thuaomrig
prekent tiw in Uw system Mt of aAnfaaatration i tatiesi tim of the thepubHc thebUe theablIc
pubHc bUe schools or ta UM U law under which they are ateeoMtocted areCIOttCIucWd areJtohd
eoMtocted eoMtoctedItcaoifcd CIOttCIucWd1110I
Itcaoifcd 1110I That whatever chances da may be JUde watteat JUdeat madeat
at any USM hereafter < the best Interests of the thepupils thepupiJa thepupils
pupils and of the public require the permanent pennanentpreserraUon peqaaneDtIIeIeIYa permanentpteservatlcn
preserraUon of the feature of hwal representation representationin
in the adnMatratioa desinIstratbi a of school srbo goronasent in the theDktrkt theDiltrtet theDIstrict
DIstrict of CohMaWa and U that t we eonnwad the theprorisioM theprorisloes
prorisioM of th tile present law pf jwesrt4idisg a eeribimt the t tbCdhur tbCdhurMier ea iarM4cr r ra
a M4cr tcr el f awl netlwg the power wwer af afipoeitUaent of ofprme 01die orthe
die I el eratIis 1a tM ledges 01 Ute 11 11tile Sniwem
prme Court of 4i Uw District of Cohwabii as being beingweB 1IdRcweD beingwell
weB eaieaJatsJ to iwsn t hi Uw meLlon of a athoromdOy aI atbiweskb
thoromdOy repratuatatty I it baard free f hen an IIIeIa1 age special agedii ¬
cial Mbeafias MbeafiasThe
The foregoing resolutions embody the theprincipal theprbtclpal theprincipal
principal action a tIon taken at a special meet meeting meetIDg meetleg ¬
leg of the board of directors of the Cham Chamber Chamber Chaiutr ¬
ber of Commerce yesterday called to together tother togother ¬
gether ther to pass upon the report of the thespcia thePClal thespelal
spcia committee on public school Twen Twenty Tenty Twenty ¬
ty members of the board were present presentmost presentmost nt ntmolt
most of whom took part in the discus discussion dlclcufilon discussion ¬
sion which followed the reading of the thereport thereporL thereport
report Meeting Jfteed8 with the board were the thechairman tbeII thechairman
chairman and several members JD mben of the thecommittee thecoumaUtee thecommittee
committee on schools who had taken ac active aeI asthre ¬
I tive part in the preparation of the re report re reI report ¬
I port portI
Mr Bronit Rends Report ReportPerdval HCIJOrtPercival IteportPercival
I Percival M Brown chairman of the thecommittee theeommlttee thecommIttee
committee submitted bmttted the report After its itsroadinc I I1JOdt itsmuding
roadinc it was discussed d at t length by Mr MrBrown KrDIOWIIPuauter MrBrown
Brown DIOWIIPuauter Paymaster Barnes Bar Arthur rthur C CMoaes CMMH CMoles
Moles D J Callahaa B F Guy and andothers andotherL andothers
others A motion to refer the report t tthe tthe tthe °
the Chamber of Commerce at a special specialmeeting eclatmeeUD specialmeeting
meeting meeUD to be called next Friday night nightresulted nightresulted ht htresulted
resulted in a tie vote of the directors and andPresident antiPreBiclent andPresident
President Harper decided it in the nega negative neptJve negatire ¬
tire stating that It seemed necessary necessarythat neceassiTthat ry rythat
that the committee CO QI ttee shou a ouo1 take immediate immediatesteps immedlatste immediatesteps
steps ste to give force and effect elt t to the action actionof acUoaof actionof
of the body without waiting for the call callof callof callof
of a nwetina of the general body bodyA bodyA bodyA
A motion offered by Arthur C Moses Moseswas MORBwas Moseswas
was adopted providing for the appoint appointment appolntmeat appointmeat ¬
meat of a special committee to work InconJuaetioa inconjunction in inconjunction
conjunction with the commIttee on onschools onacboola onschools
schools in visiting vlsttln the committees of the theSenate tbeSenate theSonata
Senate and House of Representatives and andin aooIn andin
in taking active steps tepa at once to defeat defeatthe deteatthe defeatthe
the Dolliver bill In the Senate and the theBurteson theBurJe80n theBurleson
Burteson bill in the House which have havefor ha hafor havefor
for their object another revolution of the theschool theIChool theschool
school system The committee appointed appointedis
is composed of P M M E Brown John Joy JoyEdson JoyEdson JoyEdsoim
Edson Cuno H l i Rudolph D J 7 Callahan CallahanJ
J H Ralston F G Coklren and Chapin ChapinBrown ChapinBroW1 ChopinBrown
Brown Brown3Ir BroW1Ir BrownMr
3Ir Ir Bd RdHOU oii Deplores Legislation LegislationPoint legiJoIJutlonPoint legislatlonPoint
Point and enthusiasm was w given to the theaction theactloll theaction
action of the directors by a speech made madeby ma4e1Qr madeby
by John Joy Edson Jd He stated that he hehad bebad hehad
had read with some anaxement and a agood apod adeal
good deal of Indignation in the evening eveningpapers evenl evenlNaPef1I eveningpapers
papers of the action of the tim subcommittee subcommitteeof IVbcoaunit t tof
of the Senate Sena in determining determtl og to report reportfavorably reportra90rabI reportfavorably
favorably ra90rabI the Dolliver bill for approval approvalto
to the full committee Mr Edson dson said saidhe adhe saidhe
he had hurried to the meeting alter read reading readInc readlug ¬
Inc this th statement to aid if possible possiblein P lbIeIn
in a movement to preserve to the people peopleof JpIeof peopleof
of this th District same me semblance of con control control contioh ¬
trol over their th lr public schools schoolsMr IiCbooIKMr schoolsMr
Mr Edson declared declarecltbat that the propositions propositionscontained propoettiORlcontabted prepositionscontained
contained in the Dolllver bill were per pernicious pernJdoua perniclou ¬
nicious in principle that they would wouldplace wouldplace wouldplace
place control of public education in the thehands tbebands thehands
hands of one man who might be a tyrant tyrantor
or a shining Ihlnl success according aceordln to the theman theman theman
man Mr Edson said it was a a serious seriousmatter Hrlousmatter seriousmatter
matter and one which should call 11 forth forththe forththe forththe
the protest of every citisen of the lYe District rnstrlct lYetrIct ¬
trict against this invasion of the rights rightsof nghtof rightsof
of the people who pay p the taxes tax and andsupport andsupport andsupport
support the schools placing them at the themercy themercy themercy
mercy of a oneman power responsible responsibleto
to nobody and in a a position to wield wieldabsolute wieldah wieldabsolute
absolute ah power powerOther JOerOtber powerOther
Other speeches were made in the th same sameline sameline sameline
line and the action of the board was waspractically waspracU waspractically
practically pracU aUy unanimous that the proposed proposedlegislation propoledlegislation proposedlegislation
legislation should b be defeated if possi possible pouIble posalble ¬
ble and the present law 1a wand and system of ofadministration 0admlnl8trat1on ofadministration
administration of the schools preserved preservedCnpt pre8eedCnpt preserre preserreCapt
Cnpt Oyster Defends System SystemAn 5YHteJJ1An SystemAn
An Incident of the meeting meetln was a an In Interesting Interesting interesting ¬
teresting speech made by Capt Oyster Oysterpresident OnterprfSident Oysterpresident
president of the board of education in inwhich inwhich Inwhich
which he gave his views freely as to the thelaw thelaw thelaw
law and its U administration stating many manyfacts manyfaet4l manyfct
facts fct In favor f vor of the present regime regimeIn reslmeIa regimeIn
In presenting pre enUng his report Chairman ChairmanBrown ChairmanBroWR ChairmanBrown
Brown BroWR stated that the committee had hadgone hadgone hadgone
gone exhaustively e thely into In the condition of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the schools taking testimony from the thepresent theprMent thepresent
present superintendent from the aastat aastatant fIItant ass1s ass1sant
ant superintendents from rom the supervising supervisingprincipals sUjervl81ngpnnclpalfi supervisingprincipals
principals and from representative representativeteachers repreaentaUvet representativeteachera
teachers t of the high schools and the thegraded th thblRded thegraded
graded schools Dr Chancellor had been beeninvited beenInvited beenInvited
invited to appear before fore the committee committeebut committeebut committeebut
but had not availed ava11 d himself of the op opportunity opportunity opportunity ¬
portunity to do so soMr 80r soMr
Mr r Brown said tl the testimony fully ac acquits acquls noquits ¬
quits all the officers and teachers in the theschool the8Cbool theschool
school system of any An suspicion of die dieloyalty d dJoyalt dOloyalty
loyalty or opposition to the late superin superintendent superintendent superintendent ¬
tendent or of any lack on their part to tocooperate toeooperate tocooperate
cooperate with ith him in creating and main maintaining mAlntalnln maintaming ¬
taming talnln the best class of educational educationalwork educationalwork educationalwork
work in the schools schoolsReport schoolsReport schoolsReport
Report Summed Up UpThe UpThe TipThe
The report summed up the testimony testimonywhich teltlmonrwhich testimonywhich
which had taken several weeks to gather gatherin
in the following propositions propositionsThere propositionThere propositionsThere
There was a general feenag of relief among the theteaebers eteaelMrs thetesebirs
teaebers following tansediateh upon the recent recentchange tC recentthaien
change of stThriw mperhuendenis mperhuendenisThere 1lU rinteudents rinteudentsThent
There had been a general ral desire on the part of ofall ofall ofall
all subordinate of the mperntiendewt M1per to perform performtheir tCrl performtheir n ntheir
their duties to the best of their ability in accord accordance accordaMe aceonianon ¬
anon with what wa was desired by him himThe hhnThe bierThe
The general belief among the eehool officers o5ee and andte andteai1ers andteahers
te teai1ers < hers is that the present law is an efficient and andsatsfactoiy andsutatctery 1Id 1Idtafactory
satsfactoiy one and that that while cone minor iDOl amend amendments aJMDCImenta amsgms amsgmsmerits ¬
merits mar prove sooner or later to be bede d ra rait desirable desirableit frbl frblit
it is not TWW desirable to hare any new legislation legislationHut qWa qWaltut leglehatlenikit
Hut the present ft6ent lw without change e of any kind kindshould kindMiould kindskouki
should be given a further trial trialThe a aThe aThe
The general opinion throughout tb t the Washington Wsshinclonschool WMIIlntoe1CIIo1 Washingtonschool
school system te that what is now needed above aboveevery aboveerery choreevery
every other consideration in the interest ef UK UKpurHte the1JQri th thpupils
pupils 1JQri s to sbsohue quiet and a peaceful tracking trackingoat w rkbtgOItt workingnit
oat of the present few fewThere loawThere heThere
There has been no friction whatever at ata atanj any time tiaebetween timebetween tinehelMsen
between the presen board of education the saper saperTi IlUperTi anperyjeing
Ti yjeing tt rug principals and the teachers teachersThe teIMraTho teachersThe
The retention in the administration of the schools schoolsof sejinohaof
of tb the feature of local representation tJon M s safe safeguard SAfegtlAtd ae aepiard ¬
guard against aai political dUtwrbanee favorttisa m and andautocratic aadautocratic antautocratic
autocratic rate is highly desirable desirableAny desira1He1f desirabloAny
Any 1f such law as that tbatlJOllJiltd proposed by the two bills bllbknown bUhkBown billsknown
known as the Bmkeon 11rl on and DeWver bills bill now nowpending RfMpencllng m mpending
pending before the District enwraUtees of the Home Homeand IIOttMand lion lionand
and Senate would be extremely disastrous in Its ItsetTeet itseffect Haeffect
effect upon the schools schookWowld sch90kVould schoolsVould
Wowld Vould Fight for Local Control ControlCommenting Controlecmmenting ControlCommenting
Commenting ecmmenting upon the work of the cortD cortDmittee co comlttee coi coimittee
mittee Mr Brown pointed out the fre frequency frequency Irequency ¬
quency with which the system of oduca education oducatlon oducation ¬
tion in Washington had been tampered tamperedwith tampered tamperedwith tamperedwith
with in the last few years resulting reeulUn each eachtime eaelltime eachtime
time in a period of uncertainty and un unrest unrest uarest ¬
rest He said this had now become a asort a50rt asort
sort of a habit with Congress and Mr MrBrown MrBrown MrBrown
Brown advocated putting forth extra ef
Fil1 1
39c 39cFor 39cen
en enFor
For Mens 69c and and75c andl5cSnirts
75c l5cSnirts l5cSnirtsr Shirts ShirtsWe ShirtsVe
We Ve r have placed on sale a most fortunate fortunatepurchase fortunatppurchase fortunatepurchase
purchase of Mens Icns Renowned Anchor brand brandSoftbosom brandSoftbosom branISoftbosom <
Softbosom Shirts in all the newest and latest latestspring latetspring 1atetspring
spring spring styles some plain iaiii white some in ill stripe stripeand stripeand stripeand
and figure styles plain bosoms and pleated pleatedbosoms pleatedbosoms pleatedlOSOI11S
bosoms these shirts are known as seconds secondsfrom secondsfrom secondsfrom
from being slightly creased in laundering launderingan launderinganuneven an anuneven antlflCVCfl
uneven seam in sewing s wing or a roughness in the theweave theweaveall theI Ltr
I weave weaveall all imperceptible and not affecting the thewear thewear tilewear
wear of the shirts in the least All these 6gc 6gcand 6c 6cand xjc xjcand
and 75C 5c shirts in a big sale today at at39CgICE
fort to save the existing system and stop stopuseless stopu stopuseless
useless u and disturbing dt turblng action tion at the Cap Capitol CapItol Capitol ¬
itol ItolSpeadn
Speaking of the be bills now pending In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the Senate and House Mr Brown said saidtheir saidtlMtr saidtheir
their passage would amount to taking takingaway takingaway takingaway
away the control of the schools from the thepeople thepeoJ1e thepeople
people and lodging it in the United States Statesgovernment StatesI Statesgovernment
government under the commissioner of ofeducation ofeducation ofeducation
I education with its attendant subservi subservience ub8ervence subservience ¬
ence to powerful political influences a aprinciple aprlnclple aprinciple
principle pernicious in every way wayThe wayThe wayThe
The directors took action upon the thedeath thedeath thedeath
death of Norman Gait one of the promi prominent rOmlnent promineat ¬
nent members of the chamber President PresidentHarper PresidentlIarper PresidentHarper
Harper appointed John L Weaver as the therepresentative therepre therepresentative
representative repre of the chamber to act ct as aspallbearer aspallbearer aspallbearer
pallbearer at the funeral A special com committee committee cornanittee ¬
mittee was appointed consulting of ofChapin ofChapin ofChopin
Chapin Brown Scott C Bone and Arthur ArthurD
D Marks to draft and report to the theboard theboard theboard
board suitable resolutions of respect upon uponthe uponlhe Uponthe
the life IiC and services of Mr Gait GaitCommittee GaltCommittee GaitCommittee
Committee Appointment AppointmentPresident AplolntmentPre pioliitnieitxiPresident
President Pre ient Harper announced and the theboard theboard theboard
board approved the chairmen and vice vicechairmen vicechairmen rjee rjeechairmen
chairmen of the standing commjttees of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the chamber cham er for the ensuing year year as fol follows follows Id Idtown ¬
lows lowsJtoe towngiecud
Jtoe Jt giecud o > e JtiaeJaMeI Mai ltii8Ja F Gjsler Oi I MIll Ghapta GhaptaBrown a aBlown fsginBrnw
Brown BrownMambmlitp Brnw Brnwlaabesip
BlownxbenIdp Mambmlitp asomlUseAIlse UP aiaa Mtr t AUatt D Albeit A and andbeet Br Brant r rJIeIt ¬
ant II DanieL DafcLBofldtag DuIeLB1dIdtIIg DanieLlinibliug
Bofldtag coiteschernd coasarittM Oatte J Ml art A Lfc Lfcner JMDeI LbneT
neT nerManatieura Manatieura eaaaattioc IIDI trdRIr Arutef C Mews awl awlJobn aaJoba asiJobix
Jobn L 1 Wetter WetterWbofaaate WramWbolesmie afti
Wbofaaate aftiF trad tarneF F P far sad B n B BanKbaw BanKbawLaw laussiawiaw w wLaw
Law and hxfatatls Jeriif ingiekdsaJ J U ItdaUm and a Conrad ConradSjrae 0IIarIMIl1Uddpa ConradSe
Sjrae Sjraej SeMuaiisi
j MuBtdpal lesWadwCfcapfa CIIa Drown sat A A B BBronx BBIwDe Bockl
Bronx BronxfnsnmttlDi
BIwDeo fnsnmttlDi an fetaeisP P M BMWB sad a Aft Albert A1MctHe AlbertIhasse rt rtSttmheis
Sttmheis SttmheisHnte
Hnte eaUIttSeJOhs eBMashtaa 11 11 titlleoJ Jeha L L Wsawr a am d Aiitar rUIIIr a aXf CX CotUM C CMeson
Xf X Meson MesonoxItt A
Oowrtte AOowrtte t BMkMCiMriw ciIr G Otagttt MIll toAAlbert MIllAlben sedAlbert
Albert Scteaefc ScteaefcOuKcnUoM SMeinOxaceatiom
OuKcnUoM 0 MMMittMH IUte II a C C Co ties u4 B4 B4gtr BelptD EdPr
gtr ptD ptDJaIIl D Stew StewJ ShawJaIIissoai
J JaIIl ilr < w l awTMnitarfeiMThMM aIIII a C XefM egei aai aaiSoott allliScot andScot
Scot C ItowrJ ItowrJAaMMtfe IIeIIiIIA DJAnesostla
AaMMtfe A sttsBdflK D Slaw aw aid 11II Afcert ert Sekiti Sekititcfc SeiIIIIu Selteis
tcfc u
tcfcEBVkVC EBVkVC 5 aisslsD MfaD D S S Barter M and Coon II IIPresident IIPresident 11President
President Harper said he bad not yet yetappointed yetappointed et etappointed
appointed the chairman and vice chair chairman chaJrmaR chairmilan ¬
man of the retail trade committee owing owingto
to the fact that the prospective pro peettve appointee appointeefor appointeefor appointeefor
for the chairmanship of the committee committeewas committeewu committeewas
was absent from the city and it was de desirable derable desbable ¬
sirable rable to wait until his return to settle settlethe settlethe settlethe
the question of the vice Ice chairmanship chairmanshipPRESIDENT chairmanshipPRESIDENT chairmanshipPRESIDENT
It Will UI Investigate Commitment and andCare nnelCure andCare
Care of Insane in the District DistrictTo DistrictTo DistrictTo
To carry out the recommendation of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the committee on public health unani unanimously unanlJ11OU8ty unaniinously ¬
mously adopted at the Board of Trade Trademeeting TrademeeUnl Trademeeting
meeting on January Januar H 2 that a committee committeebe
be appointed to investigate the commit commitment commltnt commitmeat ¬
meat nt and care of the insane and the theprevalence theprevalence theprevalence
prevalence and cause of insanity ln the fol following following lotlowing ¬
lowing committee has been appointed appointedDr
Dr D Percy Htekllng chairman Mr MrFrederick MrFrederlck MrFrederick
Frederick A Fanning Dr Richard Kings Kingsman Klngsman Kingsman
man man Mr Corcoran Thorn and Dr Will William WiUtam Willlam ¬
tam C Woodward WoodwardFurther WoodwardFurther VoodwardFurther
Further recommendations by same samecommittee sameeommlttee samecommittee
committee adopted at same meeting of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the board recommending that the Board Boardof Boardof Boardof
of Trade take steps to properly codify codifythe codifythe codIfythe
the laws 15 relating relatln to public health and andsanitation andanltatJon andsanitation
sanitation in the District of Columbia Columbiawill CoJumblaill Columbianill
will ill be taken up by the special legal legalcodification legalcodlftcatlon legalcodification
codification committee of which Mr Aldis AldisB AldisB AldisB
B B Browne is chairman chairmanActing chairmanAeUng chairmanActing
Acting Chairman Herbert F K L Allen Allenhas Allenbu Allenhas
has called a meeting of the committee on onpublic onpublic onpublic
public schools for Saturday SRturda February 1 1at 1at 1at
at S oclock p m in the board rooms roomsThis roomsThis roomsThis
This will 00 DO an important meeting and a alarge 9large alarge
large attendance is expected expectedLAST expectedLAST expectedLAST
Publishers Have Hook in Type TypeWaitinj TIHRltlng TypeWaiting
Waiting Rltlng for Final Revision RevisionLondon RevlNlonLondon RevisionLondon
London Jan 2S SThe The Macmlllans the thepublishers thepublishers thepublishers
publishers modify the statement that thatthat thatthat thatthat
that firm was in possession of part of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the manuscript of a new novel by byOuida byOuld byOukia
Ouida Ould which statement they say sa was wasdue wasdue wasdue
due to a misconstruction They The have the theentire theeRtire theentire
entire manuscript of the novel which is iscalled fscalled Iscalled
called Hcllanthus and it has been in intype intype i
type for months awaiting tho authors authorsfinal authorsIlnal I IAnal
final revision revisionA
A dispatch dls fltch > from Florence says that thatafter thAtafter thatafter
after Ouhlas funeral yesterday ye terdRY an anAmerican anAmerlc anAmerican
American n woman who went to Lucca Luccafrom Luccafrom Luccafrom
from Florence to place flowers on her hergrave herve hergrave
grave ve told a remarkable story of the thedead thedead thedead
dead authors parentage She said her herhusband herhusband herhusband
husband Col George Roy Gliddon who whofought whofought whofought
fought on the Confederate side in the thecivil theCyl1 thecivil
civil war and who died twentysix years yearsago yearsago ears earsao
ago told her that he was a brother of ofOuida ofOulda ofOuida
Ouida who went to England from fromAmerica fromAmerica fromAmerica
America at a tender ago under the care careof careof careof
of a woman who had adopted her herShe herShe herShe
She the American woman went to toItaly toIta toItaly
Italy Ita to help Ouida She had written writtenhusband writtento
to her fut ut had racelved no rcpl reply Her Herhusband Herhusband
husband never mentioned Ouida with without without without ¬
out weeping Ouidas father made and andlost andlost andlost
lost two fortunes displaying the same samefinancial sameftmmclal samefinancial
financial weakness as the novelist novelistThe novelistThe novelistThe
The woman showed her husbands por portrait portrait pertrait ¬
trait trait which markedly marl edb resembles the nov novelist novelist novelist ¬
elist in the high forehead and other fea features fe1tures featurns ¬
Moroccan Policy PoUe Is Upheld UpheldParis UpheJelParfs lJpheliIParis
Paris Jan 28 2STho The debate on the theFrench theFrench theFrench
French policy in Morocco was concluded concludedthis concludedthis concludedthis
this evening Ferdinand Dublefs Grder orderof Grderof Grderof
of the day dn pledging tho government to toapply toapply toapply
apply the Algerciras convention and to todefend todefend todefend
defend Frances rights and interests Interestsin InterestsinMorocco InterestsinMorocco in inMorocco
Morocco without interfering in the in internal InternBI internal ¬
ternal afTalrs B alrs of the country was car carried CRrried cartied ¬
ried by a vote of 486 to 52 5
Continued from Page One Onesend Onesend Onesend
send of 2131 m Massachusetts avenue AS ASIngtoa Was WasI Vms VmsIngton
Ingtoa I ton D C Mrs Isabella Ma MaIMS May Ia Ia1J5
IMS K street Washington D C V Valt ValtB alt altB tHB <
B Lawrence LaVre of Flushing Long hIm IsLtriRtehara hImRlebart IsLtiRkhaxd
Rtehara Worthington of Baltinior BaitirnrSamuel MJ MJSamuel 1 1Samuel
Samuel P Langley LL D MIs1im1gt MIs1im1gtD Wa hngu hnguD llfl t tD
D C and Prof Brasbear of Pittsiurg PittsiurgA PIttsIu PIttsIuA
A like sum was bequeathed to t t tPaasavant CPassavant i I IPvant
Paasavant Memorial emortaJ Home for fortics Kji Kjitics EI1Uc
tics at Rochester tcr Pa and to the th > Pas Pasvant Pasnnt lsiant
vant ant Hospital Ho pUal of Pittsburg Th Thfof jai jaiof JlaJ JlaJor
of Mm M Arthur Paget of Londor Kiw Kiwland En Enkutd EnInnel
land was originally included in ii iiof Hi iiof J Jof
of ro 600 legatees tees but was wu for some ivv ivvson J it itson t tIOn
son scratched out outMrs outMrs outMrs
Mrs Belle Gebhardt Nettson is the thfter theter Pi Piter ¬
ter of Frederick Gebhardt Mrs Art ArtPaget Artr ArtrfJa ArtPaget
Paget fJa et is the daughter of Mrs Mr r8 Para ParaStevens hUi IartxStevens
Stevens Steens and now Jives in London wi wiher W wher j jber
her husband Cot Paget of the tn Lir LirGuards Li L LGuards j jGrcIL
Guards William 6 fltnrges has hasbeen hasbeen 1 1been >
been a close friend of Mr and Mrs Mr jTa jTaThaw lLn lLnThaw J Ta > rr rrThaw >
Thaw and is th the man to whom Kv Ej EjNMbtt l v vNeabit iyi iyiNesWt
NesWt Thaw tesUned te ttfted that she <
ga ga1XM gav < 10 10tm t tu0
u0 1XM pearl ornament ornament which Siufa SiufaWhite j jWhite
White had given giv her as a Christ Chrtj Chrtjpreaent Chrstmpresent in inpresent
present in ISM Samuel P LangUv j jlong L i ilong x xlong
long b been en the secretary of th thf < > > Sniit Sniitsonlan Smfrj Smfrjsonlan SrtrSonlan
sonlan Institution and has come int intl intlimelight T Tlimelight iIttnellgbt
limelight recently by reason of f fxri fxriments EXfH EXfHmentJ sxpmeats
meats with air ships Prof John A Bi Bishear Brl Brlshear Brshear
shear was as once acting actln chancellor cbanceUoro of c ti tiWestern tit titostem t tVestern
Western ostem University of Pennsylvania an anis ld ldIII i 1 1is
is an astronomer of note noteSirs noteJIII noteMin
Sirs Thaw Xot Recalled RecalledThe IlccalledThe ItecalledTime
The defense efen rests said Mr Litt Littton Lttton Ittiton
ton when he Mad finished reading t twill tilt twill
will ilt There was a good deal of siirpr siirprat suprat surprm surprmat
at this for it had been supposed anposejIn tl t tIn
in view of the admission 18Ion of the Hum HunriSidavit Humnj Humnjaflidavit n1 n1fildavlt
iSidavit the defense would surely surel ci ciEvelyn rLL rLLEvelyn tL tLEelyn
Evelyn Nesbit btt Thaw to testify at kns knsregarding Ingregarding l lresardl
regarding resardl that disputed document t in inrebuttal inrebuttal i irebuttal
rebuttal rebuttalJustice rebuttalJUIiJUce rebuttalJustice
Justice Bowling < then address addr addres1 addres1Jury Ill 1 th thjury ii iiJury
jury briefly saying tag that in view rf f ti tiimportance t tImportance timportance
importance of the matter adjourn adjou1nI1ht adjou1nI1htould adjournmwould m mwouid
would ould be taken at that point l unti t tnext f fnext tnext
next morning Wednesday needay or such sti h r rof I Iof Iof
of it as might be required would V 11 1 1voted i ivoted i ivoted
voted to the defense for the pur puq purjsumming > p psumming r rsumming
summing up u Thursday was assign assi assignthe iIif iIifthe t tthe
the prosecution for the same purp purpJustice IurptJustice JurpJustice
Justice Dowling said be would charge dH rge t tjury tJury tjury
jury as to the law either on Thirst Thurslaevening Thirstevening hlnb hlnbevening
evening or FrWay morning according t tthe h hthe tthe
the state of 0 the case caseThe cueThe caseThe
The case c will be in your hands haiidslater r rlater t tlater
later than Friday morning gentlemen gentlemensaid gf genternensaid > Iltlemf I Isaid
said he heE het heI heE
t =
reproduced true to nature by bythe bythe bythe
the Victor Talking Machine MachineLet 1tlachineLet MachineLet
Let us show you youDR
DR inwur 00 PS fJ 9 Music Musicinwur House
923925 Pa Ave AveSPECIAL AveSPECIAL >
Printing Pri ting for Lawyers LawyersLawyers J4a wyers wyersLaWYml
Lawyers will find it to their adrantage ti tibare t tbare tbare
bare Briefs and Motions printed here We di dithe d dthe dthe
the work quickly and es elfertly elfertlyJudd empertlyJudd pertly pertlyJudd
Judd Detweiler Inc IncThe IncThe IncThe
The Big j Print Shop O2 nth nthBenJ 11lhBenJ 11thllenj
BenJ R Cobs tt Co Upholstering ol olall 01all ofcli
all kinds Slip ewers 969 9th uw M 11 bait 6516A 1i baitA 16 16A
Just ust receivedwill be sold very cheap
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light Company January 16 1908 19081h 19081hnnnual liWSTheannual Tha Thaannual =
annual meeting meetln5 meetin of the Stockholders of tla tlaelection HtWashington tb tbWrashjngton
Washington casl1ght asllght Company for u uelection tie tieelection
election of directors and for such ueh other otherbusiness etherbusln ther therbusiness
business busln ss as may ma properly come before beforsaid befONsaid beforesaid
said meeting will be held at the office r fr frthe f fthe fthe
the company 415 4l Tenth street northwest northwrstMONDAY northwfstMONDAY northwestMONDAY
MONDAY February 3 3 1888 1 at 12 oclock oclockm odo < k km
m The polls will be open from 12 o clock clocknoon c1oc c1ocnoon clocknoon
noon to 1 oclock1 ocloc p m ja616texS ja616texSOnly jal616tex1Onh ja1616textOnly
Only ten cents a week delivered > d at atyour t atyour t tour
your our door doorthe the daily issues of The TheWashington TheWashington TheWashington
Washington Herald Phone Main 230u 230uBEST 3301BEST 130tmBEST
BINDING work thats nota notaiy notab liotaiy
b iy y superior Hard and flex flexible flexible flexibie ¬
ible binding indexing c cGeo cGeo cGeo
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