Jockey Jocke Carries Off Honors by bySome bJSOll18 bySome
Some Excellent Riding Eldingi EldingOUTPINISHES RithugOUTPISHES
Although Jnergrler Jugrtl r Was Easily Burill the theBest theDest titeBest
Best In the FeatUre BTent Notter XotterCaptures NotterCnlaturcH Notternitureu
Captures Honors with Cnrtlmge by byOutriding b bOntrJcllng byOntri
Outriding Ontri ding UIcDniilel l1IcDnnlelFnorltc8 Favorites and andSeeoitd nlttlSc andSecodd
Seeoitd Sc ortd Choices Successful SuccessfulNew SucceHHulew SucceMsiulNew
New ew Orleans Orl Jan St 31Jockey Jockey Jockey Jo Joe Not Notttrs Nottrs Nottrs
trs riding was wa tb tbe U feature at the Us City CityPark CityPark CityPark
Park today He had four of the seven sevenwinners HIeftwinners evoi evoiwinnera
winners to his credit at the end of o the thecard thecard theeard
card and in two instances outflniihed his hisfellowjockies 1118fellowjocki biseI1owjoekIee
fellowjockiThe fellowjockies fellowjockiesThe eI1owjoekIeeThe
The star ar event was a handicap at a amile amile amile
mile and onesixteenth Thte Th J wa won wonby wonby wonby
by Carthage with Notter in the saddle saddleJuggler aaddleJuggler saddleJuggler
Juggler the B O gelding was ws easily easilybest lOuttyIJtst eaitybest
best of the pair but Notter outgeneraled outgeneraledMofranlel ou outgneraledMtLanIeL qeraled qeraledMdanlel
Mofranlel when the finish came cameXotter cameXott cameNotter
Xotter Xott > r a also l o outftnished Flynn on Rebel RebelQueen RebelQueen BebIQueen
Queen in the fifth and d that alone waa waaresponsible WUlesponalbJe weaesponafbIe
responsible for the Dunne gelding being beingthe bei beitile beingthe
the winner Favorites and second choices choiceswere cbotceawere choiceswere
were successful excepting in thtf last lastevent luttVtnt Ietevent
event when hen Notter landed Knight Kn of ofI ofhanhoe ofIvanhoe
I hanhoe van hoe a 10 to 1 chance winner winnerSummitries win winSlllJul1arlcn winnerSuiuiiiurlcn
Summitries SummitriesKIRST SlllJul1arlcnIR SuiuiiiurlcnFIRST
FIRST IR RACKThm hrriooaja ftirIoe Pete F te W IXat IXattr X Not Notttr t tttr
ttr 1 j to 5 won Lntto 141t1 low Mo Iou V 11 1C t C Kowner Koma1to S Sto StO
to 1 second OPIIOIM tncie lriM 1M 1 t S Hefefel 1 T to 1 third thirdTim thirdfin thbdTm
Tim fin u3724 usl u U Ba Borage e MrXally 1I Nuy Swiftly Iwtftl Gvanial Gvanialleeti G GletII GsaI1eti
leeti Nellie eliill Free and Tony ToI S 8 afco ran ranSEOOND JaILSED inhEL
SEOOND RACRStaspiecfaaee that cow DrLc Dr DrLocal DrL
Local L Lc n Ill Sobeli 2 to I 1 1 won wo Onyx On II a Jfaff Jfaffman U UJI1IHJI Uintrj
man > S It to 1 second tld St t Vote YO oIIu 1 151 Archibald A Afi
6 to 5 third t ird Tire Thtt 306 3C 24L 2 BhiXer Dad Black BlackLady BIaLady B1 B1LdY
Lady lucattan Herein Revel ftn Vcberfrid Weber1ield and Buctanaa BuctanaaaUo Bucbaaal
THIRD RACESix furloags ttn4on Jim Hill HOI lie lie G GKocrger CoI QKoerger
I Kocrger 4 to 1 1 won Muratef 1irs Lteht J 111 DJer Dm Dv
15 1 to t 1 Becood Jerry Sharp barp J Lee IS to 1 1thirl 1thirl 1thin
thirl Time 115 3i 3 3 Man 1arIIa rah Bedon Kojal Boo BooUffhtbnm Boo4 Boo4lightbum 1kMtIAghtburn
Uffhtbnm Edith M GMM Bid TUMI Ta McAfee McAfeeLlaine kAfeelai McAfeepaine
paine lai Maid Iaid Militant Rose Marion arion o Entra Vow VowPrrfaue VouaPrnra VcuaPtTaUe
Prrfaue Prnra and The Ccmpoeer UDpoeer abo ran ranFOURTH ranOIkTU ranFOCItTIt
FOURTH RACE ItJCOne One and ooeiixUienui m mia mialarthagp mteearthag ee eeCarthage
Carthage arthag 110 Xottw IS to 5 5 woo Jualer Mi MiMrDauiel 121I 3 3MIOIe1
I MrDauiel IDaui lJ 13 1 to 5 wound eeod Pedro I W8 1S fC C Koer Koeri KoerJr
Jr i IT ri 16 to 5 third Tins Thne 131 1135 14 Old Haneaty HaneatyUoldnute HOMItJtkldruate HonNtyoithuue
Uoldnute Maxnar and Tokaton also bo ran ranriTH raDlhTH ru ruF1FIi
riTH RACESU forkmsa Land Rreeae IV 111Ifwenl V Vrwera VIweti
rwera 15 1 to 1 won Irinoe 1ro Hohentabe 1W 1N41 1N41ter Notr Notrten NGterl
ten 7 to to2 2 e erond old Et Gild Mf ii McDanid 9 to totbirl 2 2third 2thint
third Time IUt 103 Ananias raDias Gaabrimis uiaLriuu Clara e Rwsell Rw JtuI1
sell I1 Jr1k Jwjfc Ju Brattou King Onto tole Pintrail Bndeo BndeoDie BradeDllie 1t4sa1te
Die BoJ Loring and Western Duke alao ran ranSIXTEI JaILSIX rans1xqi
SIXTEI SIX s1xqi I RACEvSe RAtE8een en furlongs Sewnta SeftnllIi SeftnllIiten IK S Not Nottei Notin
tei ten in t o J 2 won 1ron on Rebel Queen MS S S Than 7 to
1 1 itfennd Ketctensik Ket IK 1 J L Lee e S to 1 third tbMTint cia ciaTinl thirdTtn
Tint Ttn 1825 118 z 2 Saiwsaw E T ghfep Mhi Rtutte Bit Bitter BItter 1t 1ttcz ¬
ter air Javotto Mua Iw Mad Variety Iadreae Iadreaeel l llt 1uonek1wI
lt k1wI el Car V r Bucket Bo et Brigade aDd od Eatella C atoo no noflfcVEXTH JR1EXTH an4vENTH
flfcVEXTH RACZOne and andKniit ttmerixteoMba tiatettoKiiJt aflee afleeKnight
Knight of Iranhoe UB 1 Xotter Xott 12 to 1 1 vw Lovfee LovfeeMarFartau rfaflrlan LouirsMaFrIau
MarFartau 1M C KoerMr Koern C to 5 acoond osid osidflod TenTa TenTallod en enlW
llod 97 C Henry 8 to 1 1 tfcM Ttae t 214 214Iaul H HPaul Wlaul
Paul MUahora BM Dtal I OtoU Aihuao Staler siu ItoHy ItoHytreusde ltoll7jreuadf lbIljreuade
treusde reuade John McBride MoHr cBrtde Daring Drk and Sarofc FaiR VUnalso FaiRal60 Fairselse
also ran ranSAtf ranSAN ranSANS
FIRST KAOB3ix MOB 1LO SIx forlorn Bal Heed HeedKirrbtmum DeedIKirchba herdKirrbbuni
IKirchba Kirrbtmum m 11 to 5 50 won Distributor Dat irtcu MT 40o Coe
7 to I second Dr Sherman W If Wright I to L Lthird 1third I Ithird
third Time 1 iJL 1L Qrindaro Pfattad Xk lala lalaand 1air 1airand to toand
and Em Bertie A Jack Ja Kwritevflfe at St OrtoK OrtoKKekersall OJWYckersall OdotEtersa1
Kekersall Ten Oaks Kodniai Rc ini and a OMU 0rIItadM ddc aIM aIMrn sireIan feo feoKin
SECOND SECn D KACEThne tariongL asI Mmhn Modeasady > MS MSHandy
I Handy Ll ady y 4 to 1 woo FU FaIre Nun 1m IK 5 Keo K Keogir > B ttra ttrasecond ImI ImIHOOnd esenond
second ond Hazlet M6 Rfldgtaaod 4 to 1 third thfadTime thirdTimt thb thbTrne
Time 037 Who Rouku and J JF F D Dal7 y also ho ML MLTHIRD JIlLTIlIRD amru
THIRD ru Inn RAOEOne and amuiatanth esixt aitk de UJ m 8b 8beD 8beDandnah Obenandnh n nandnah
andnah l 1CB Kecefc S to 2 2 won w Tnsnm Sedwr BNbrM SoeTloT
loT iMc tICC1ain < ain > 12 to 1 Hcmd dId 198 1StFWb tFiscb Fiwb Fiwbcr
cr 1 G tn 1 1 third thI TIme 1 13t 12Fairy 32 The KneiMuuui KneiMuuuiFairy mgIiamnFairy
Fairy Street 8tnet Import Staadofcr Harry Barn Sot and andRed aDdRed
Red Ball also nuk nukFOURTH JaFOnUTII anFOURTH
FOURTH RACB LUz tx x furlc furtaop fnrloni s Phil I 1 Deenaris 1e1ktir oe W WDavis
Davis 35 to 1 L Mm Chf 0Ipt ItotmeU IuraeI Itt tOM tOlllwtDJ Mn MnIS
IS 3 5 to 1 second IfatwtottH 1M OIcLaIl MoLtia tt 1 to 1 1third 1 1third 1third
third Tim Time 1MM 111 1 U 44 Mar Aweik aOvw So u Cboft CboftHedrick JacAHedrick boiktedrek
Hedrick Emma G MMtan Lairs BaaoBkB aiaIExchrquer 1iaaomi and andExcheqner andExthtciner
Excheqner also ala ran ranFIFTH 11m 11mFJItWfH ranFIFTh
FIFTH KACKOae RA mile WolffiUA tt Il IltfCl Meatkrtoci lleaUMr lleaUMrtoui
toui li to 1 won Oocnua II r BoUer 15 to L Lsemcd Lterord I Irecord
record OiOieriDB F IN 4 JIa H nfa I to 1 1 third turdTime thirdTime UdIdTune
Time 147 1 4 Bffly WatUoa SitJrtly Bimaam BimaamWarden Bra BraWardtn rsanre rsanreWarlen
Warden Veil Ban Ixad Hand Xe e Dora Don M My b HOI HOIlYystjtl JMII JMIIlv Ifl Iflt
lv t lYystjtl stti > tl WaTt Vare > and TrOut ai allo o ran ranSIXTH ranSI ransixTh
SIXTH SI xm RACBPlT RACB and oeeIaalf oaeb K fnriuxp farkaplotlciS St StFrai StFrci
Frci Frai lotlciS ia 104 Kcogh 7 to 2 t won OMwado OraIollaes HI HIHayes IIIllayt
Hayes 5 to 2 1 Mcond CJoodHght t UK 1 < D De Drir tK 13 13to Dto flto
to 2 third Time 1 1I S4 Green Goods GoocJaDannn Heimm HeuieBamioek HeimmBannock
Bannock Bob and Pleiad also ran ranIOS ranLOS ranlos
MUST KACSSiz fnrlonfa Konfe Lueffie IoItmartn IauetIIeHarm M5 M5CHanyi
Harm ertn enu won Ain VK G Bnraa fiw I to I Isoond 1 14nd
soond 4nd 00 niidapeft Bud Ml C Row t 31 to tTtmf 1 third tfcMTime third11tne
Time 118 Lady Ktttj x Kofoaflaay K Laura K KTransmute xTraNmue LTraraintite
Transmute Barooiett BuraoIette Myrtle IrtI H IL and LySia LySiaVroii rHaWrflll L LVrrima
Wrflll Vroii Vrrima fmaii also ran ranSEroXU rallSEOXD run4ECuXI
SEroXU RACEThraa KACE fnrionejL furIouILf fnrka Bbwdeav BbwdeaviV Wrl IN INIsv
iV f Milter illforl ere efi won Joe Gatt 1M 111crttl USgrtr M Mgnvei
gnvei grtr 11 to 5 5 accord Horace H 11 1M 1 OC tM JC Pnaton PnatonC Prant Prantt
C t 101 I third Ttae TIIDeJZ SX M 16 U I Paladin ft Fred FredIliir PiedMMr d dUlpr
MMr Ulpr Blight Semprr FireS Harry Staabope and aadTtirlma ud11dma andTtima
Ttirlma Thompaun cD mire ran raaTHIKH JIUL JIULTN ranT14IRI
THIKH TN IIUI ItACKSix farfencL fakn koacm cmIS cmISTUtI Ml Staa Staaerarei Mes1TarepIto2wonAbanbaaINGns
erarei 1TarepIto2wonAbanbaaINGns TUtI 9 to 2 won AbnOuun Ml O Born 1 Ito to toI
1 1 seoorf iCt Jd Dr toarall 8imraD m Troxkr I to 1 L third tkWTim tWnLTim thirdTir
Tim > LIT 2 25 Charlie Puns Moaabatk Mo Sprklea SpldIeaSTlittaww SprkleaSri SmrkIreSr
Sri STlittaww Sr tthtnwr > ThUwiy Flcreaa Miss Cloud Kteran George Georgetin rrtu Gtinebuur
tin buur am m and Pontcx also ran ranFiiLRTH ranFllrRlH ranFLRTL
FiiLRTH RACEStt nirlona Iura Tone g I Mi J JaUlmci 1a 7 7taiaJkan
aUlmci a JmCI 10 to 1 1 won OiUrtte Ml N Nsreu 2 on I to toj toI
1 sxnd 1n nd 1 V1rgin Virginia Lcrrainc M2 1 fC C Ro BoM S ta L Ltbird 1 1thinl IthtiI
thinl Time Id 111 W Nettle Hiefca I Ialr Pepper tep and andhalt sodtat
halt alr < h oldea > lden Wave Maos Nu Vetting Vsi1hi Wasetetjag WasetetjagS W W8pinlh W4U5Sintrt
S 8pinlh Sintrt > ii rfss r Hirtle and 1Id Eat rn atoo ak ran ranTil JIULFIFTH in
Til FIFTH 11 ITI1 TH RACEOee and onee oseeWitb hth ndtea tIan CWp CWpIKI Cbip103 dp
IKI 103 E E Martini tartto T to 0 1 2 won Kip Rap MS MSiVlMgravO 115I 156l1raTe
iVlMgravO I hqTt 7 to 1 second Hi Jj Caal Cap p Mt W WM115 Wlllkrl WtIilr
M115 lllkrl ri P to 1 bird w ore 2JI f Wu Baron Eabw EabwAznv JCabftAzm CthOTAz
Aznv Az ra and Billy Tajrlor alto I o ran ranSIXTH raaSIXTH vanIT1t
SIXTH RAUKi Jl ltAcxstx x fBrtaoff fsriro C3 CIaeItDat eatmK 113 113ilxikoun lDi Ini1tkman
ilxikoun i tlkmanl I to L 1 won Im Joe J US G linens i Tto it Ii
to t < i tI > second Reaattfal aDd Beat Ueat US J Gabion 1aban
2 to 1 third Time rn 111 1J124 W Only three atarters atartersABIONS ItUteDA1UONS tart tartARIONS
Hull Club Want rAnt Came with h Outof Outoftown Olttoftown OKtoftown
town TeamThe TenJn4ThE Team 1en1n44Tle
The Anon Social lal club Club held a aMcuday meeting meetingMonday meed meedcllday
Monday cllday Highland n nIgtaud rad etectedthe elected the following followingo foIlowIacIlIfIS follow1j follow1jC
o C Hirers fl ers AlaWt Aturt Buefaler preaMeat PrNe tu Mr MrBuehlcr r r1uehli
Buehlcr u hl > r la mao preefdent lanSdSttt t of the Colum Columbia Cohaaba ohsa ohsaba ¬
ba Turn yen of this city Qua Denring Den Jeitring Dabring
ring vice president pr Chauneey Oraiiam GnJuuatfltar Grairsasertary OraiiamReor
Reor tfltar tarjS and nd Henry pattI pattII Pail treasurer treasurerDaniel treasurerI
Daniel I Ja anlcl ni l S Rent < was again elected electedaglr man maniigr waitagr
iigr and George W Shedd cata LTlw eaaln eaalnTht y q qTht
Tht Arions would like to arrange afl ached achedL1t1 schednlfti ICbecIut
nlfti ut > d games ames for holidays sad Saturdays laUmlapwith Saturdayswith tLurdaymWi
with Wi t it nines in Winchester r rLtWUT Maxtiaaborg MaxtiaaborgLftsburg MartlaaburgLtinburg
Lftsburg bnltimorc Ba I timOR and other t towns lo loilic atip IntiI
tip tiI inunthK of May Jane J July Aagast Aagastan1 A A1n1 Aairdnl
an1 nl September SeptemberThe SeptemherThe Septemberlte
The club is is l oompojsa lOIn of some of the thehost theht theot
host ot known amateurs in i the city the themost themost theOSt
most OSt prominent of whom are Silk Car Carel CarII r rJr
Jr el II who played In the Virginia State StateLeague StateLague StateLeegue
League last I t reason Jim Tierney and andNorman andorman nd ndNorimn
Norman orman Kraft formerly of the postof postoftiie IOIItoftilf postoftrC
tiie team Harry and Gus Zanelli kwlIJ Fre3 Fre3Rider Fre1tUder FjeiItider
Rider George rge Shedd Milton Wooden WoadenWill WoedenWill WoodenWill
Will WyniMop Harry Webb and DUier DUierGnllaher DUJerGallaher DiflerGnllaher
Gnllaher of the champion Bethany BethanyChurch BetbanyChunh Uethayhurh
Church hurh tat year Oordun and RoUnaon RoUnaoni
a i well known battery Ray Kteindenst Kteindenstformerly Kletndell8tformfrly Kietudenetformerly
formerly of the Metropolitan police team teamand ttNUftand tseittand
and Fulcher Smith and the comedian comedianNeumann comedianXeumann comedianNeumann
Neumann of the Treasury team team who whowere wbo1ere whowere
were also champions c hamplon of their league leagueThis leagueThis leagueThis
This year the Arions will open the theseason tbef theafiJn
season f SftJn with Mr Grays team t m the Alex Alexandria Alexandria Je Jeandria ¬
andria Athletic Club Club at Alexandria Alexandriaweather Alexa Alexawfatht Alexandrfaweather
weather > r permitting The Arions will give giveimmediate atve1mmdlate giveImmediate
immediate attention attentlo t t8 all cornmuntca cornmuntcatiors communlcatiots
tiots received rec htd in regard to tho aboveAddess above aboveAddress aboveAdJIE
Address AdJIE 8 Manager Mana Daniel S Relit Treas Treasury Troaury TreasUVY ¬
ury Department or Capt George W WShedd WShedd V VShedd
Shedd US 14 T street northwest
Knrpf Wants nnts Old JobCincinnati Job JobCincinnati JolCln
Cincinnati Cln lnnU Jan 2S3am 2S am Sam Karpf the theDayton theDayton theIayton
Dayton Ohio bowler may foon be back backin backin bac3tin
in the limelight of A B B C bowling bowlmaf bowlmaffales af affairs atfairs ¬
fairs Friends of the Dayton man who whorerved WhoTed vitoerved
rerved Ted years want to see him him regain regainthe nplnth regainthc
the th office of secretary of the A AB B C Cand Cand Cand
and and Abe I Langtry angtry of Milwaukee Mllwa atee will willhave wmhae willhave
have a light on 01 hiS hands to retain his hispresent hlaIre5ent binjresent
present office Langtry 1 Is at present presentco I6entnellng presentrt1ng
co nellng ting as secretary of the Cincinnati CincinnatiBowling ClncinnnUBowling CincinnatiBowling
Bowling Association AseoclaUonIi
Load in Sunday School Lcngrnc LcngrncBiHhop IcngucDIHllop I4engueBishop
Bishop Heads Individuals IndividnalMUnion IndhiclunlsUnIon IndividualsUnion
Union team team Janus the Ut Sunday School SchoolBowling SchoolBowUnr SchoolBowllng
Bowling League by a comfortable mar margin margin margin ¬
gin having won twenty and lost only onlyfnur oldyfnvr onlyrnur
fnur gamae gam moi giving IJlg It a percentage of ofBishop ofBt S SBishop
Bishop Bt of Ninth leads the individuate individuatewith IndlvtduaJlJwith lndlVlduR3SWith
with an average of U7 J Fowler silo aieoof aJ80of siloof
of Ninth boWs holds highgame record recoldTm recordTant 38 38Team
Team standings staJuUn and individual I averages averagesfallow averagl8 averagl8follow averasi3follow
follow followMLL
WJ VL IL w L Pet PetIf PetHi
= If JI I tIt a Hi HipTyilIs 7 4 I IJI 2 > = Ja JaPIYBKS
0 0 m a I ll > te AT Sv T HWk HWkHbkep H HN 111 1111ita
1ita Hbkep Ntotk N xt St St tl UK UKurn U 1 IN INlflhsrYtothSt
1 urn lflhsrYtothSt NMb iIIt1a at < IUJdoD aa M MI MIMeAett INedistt
MeAett edistt Union a 1413 1413AAsr IN III III1U ZNI1hee
AAsr iit itt Itwwat 1 H Hse s SIN 1M 1MVI IN INWhile
VI se IM thus 4 f fItobfHSw III IIIItGItIRwtI IN INflobiraonN1utuSL
ItobfHSw flobiraonN1utuSL XWk St st I IMt iii 11 111 11 111It IIIlianil I
lianil Mt t PhMMt A AHanwer I IJI 7 7flmnm
JI Hanwer Untie U SI IIl 1 1CMdwdl 3IN 1 ZN ZNtldwell
CMdwdl l Oaten St 3W 3WCMy s sO IN 4 4tdy
CMy Ninth 8t S 14 14J ua uaJ 4 4
J f JwIIr < Mrtir wiee Ninth St S 3 1 3561 M MSn HI II IIJUS
Sn 4 k Qkhwy QkhwyH 10 JUS IN WI WIH INH
H H stIIt 51 S H IMlnmr 1 U 13 13lit 2Jft JIB lit J9IIL litShedsIli
ShedsIli lit IL Weaawt l tt ttUaiom IIU IN 15 115 115Uoo4msa
Uoo4msa Uaiom U 12 LW LWTffley 18ItTIDeJ < W IN INI1fley
Tffley Cabin u 1 1Sherwood 1Sf If IfIIMrwood 1 3 3eswood
Sherwood eswood Mt Mt t lleanat 1 St UX 3J15Uoe I W WHoake m mJfOllle
Hoake CWwa N 1J 1 1155 1 1StaOey ur ur8te IN INStanley
Stanley We WeIlL W Wrth A AllflUn It JM If II ID IDIrnt INhilt
llflUn hilt Unten 18 JIItGt XW XWlUm 115 lii liiCalvary
lUm ItGt Calvary st ISO UOJ 3 1 4
8 J 3 Biker Unioa U Uilo 1 1 1Bhraod 15S 1 III 1 JI1 JI1SIwod 4lilwod
Bhraod Ninth St St 16 1W 1WBaker JIlt 5 m meahu7 USHun
Baker OaHaiy ksry I MR MRJeeatM laJ 115 lii liiJaeI4iraay
JeeatM J JaeI4iraay IKetkany 1MIaa1QI IS UH I G IN
Would ouItl Meet Blither Rith l Sutton or orSclmefer orSchnefer orSchaefer
Schaefer for ClituitpionsihinNew Clituitpionsihin ChtU111alonlthllNew CluunplonshipNew
New York Jan 2SThe billiard chain chamtrionship ahAmponahlp chainplonship
trionship divided a 8 it la I in two cleans elassetrenwina ellt9Hlnomaln cleansremains I
remains unchanged Jake Schaefer by byvirtue byvirtue byvirtue
virtue of his defeat of A J G Cutler In InPhiladelphia InPhiladelphia InPhiladelphia
Philadelphia retajna the HI balkline balklinecharaptonahip balkllDechamptobtp balklInechampionship
championship while wdkt George Geor Suttens easy eaeyvictory easyvietor easyvictory
victory vietor over Ora Moraingatar Iornln r in the bat battie battie battie
tie for 1B 2 supremacy in this th city l Jut Jutnl lastnight t tnight
night nl bt leav leave him in poaMtsion on of the titlehe title titlehe title1M
he was defending defendingWillie defendtD defendtDVIlUe defendingWillie
Willie Hoppe the former for champion U Uout Saout inout
out to win both title tlije8 ttU and with this thisobject thti thtiobject thisobleet
object in view baa challenged both bothSchaefer bothScbaefer bothSchaefer
Schaefer and Sutton for the 1S1 and 112 12balkline 112balkUne 112balkline
balkline championship Hoppe in recog recognition reoocnlUon recognitloit ¬
nition of the rule governing pta for the theemWems theemblems theemblems
emblems whkh wbl b go with the title has hasmade humade baamade
made forfeit torf 1t deposit t in each case caseSutton CNeSUU caseSutton
Sutton n beat Mornlngstar 9 GO to M last lastnight IutniSht lastnight
night and thus retained the title won wonfrom wonfrom wonfrom
from George F Slosson over a a year ear ago agoThe agoThe 0 0The
The contest t88t was played a at the Lenox LenoxLyceum LenoxLyceum I
Lyceum the coldness coMne of which chilled chilledthe cbUledthe chilledthe
the spectator and interfered with the thesensitive thesensitive thesensitive
sensitive ivory balls ba High runs were werefew werefew werefew
few and far between betweenMISS betweenMISS betweenMISS
IftlKX IKH Stark COCK Limit In Handicap HandicapWrestling lIancIlonpYrclitIln handicapWrestling
Wrestling YrclitIln Bout floutCora BoutCora IInutCora
Cora Livingston the champion female femalewrestler femalewrMtler femalewrestler
wrestler who is meeting all comers at atKernans atKernans atKernans
Kernans Lyceum this week struck an another aDother another ¬
other snag last night t when hea she took onBertha on onBertha ODBerth
Bertha Stark S rlt Miss Mia Livingston not only
did not throw Miss M Stark but but in
five minutes the advantage advanta was all with withthe withtbe withthe
the latter lat r and it was only 001 by bard work workthat workthat workthat
that the challenger saved veet herself from a afail ataU afail
fail failThe The bout attraeted wide 1 interest and andwhen andwhen andwhen
when Referee Stanley Karp declared Miss MissLivingston 11MLlviton MissUvingaton
Livingston bad gained a fall after ten tenminutes tenminutes tortminutes
minutes although Miss Starks shoulders shoulderswere Mouldenwere shoulderswere
were far from the mat mat the protests were wereso wereso wereso
so violent that the management continuedthe continued continuedthe continuedthe
the bout Miss K Stark also showed her herdisapproval herdisapproval herdisapproval
disapproval by making a vicious pass at atthe atthe atthe
the referee who saved his I face ice ee by a quick quicksidestep quickaltk1ltep quicksidestep
sidestep When they tlte got together again againMiss AptraIl agitoMiss
Miss Il Stark starttwbo who was somewhat toe Its heav heavier hevter heavicr ¬
ier bounced Miss Livingston around arouadlhe an onthe anthe
the mat The champion was twice forced forcedInto forcedInto forcedbite
Into a bridge and once onCe saved ved herself by bycrawling byraw bycrawng
crawling raw nl off the mat mt where here a fall would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not count countYesterday countYNterdaY countYesterday
Yesterday afternoon Miss 11iI Livingston Livingstonthrew Uvl Livingstonthrewtay ton tonthrew
threw threwtay May Colbert in five minutes In an anuLLh
Tonight Ton bt the champion goes against the theUnknown th thUnknown thrtnkaown
Unknown and Manager aaacer Rothm has In Invited Invited Invtted ¬
vited Rob Roy Mackey Joe Turney Joe JoeGrant JoeGrant JoeGrant
Grant or any of the other Washington Washingtonwrestlers WubinatonwreatJen Washingtonwrestlers
wrestlers to referee Instead of Stanley StanleyKarp 3tanleyKarp Iey IeyKarp
Karp whose decisions nearly created a ariot ariot ariot
riot on Monday night and andlast last night nightG nlPtG nighta
will ill Play PIn Virginia at Convention ConventionHnll ConentlonUnll ConventionHall
Hall Fel Felrnnr February rnnry 7 7The 7Tbe 7The
The George aeor Washington University Universitybasketball lJnivr8UybuketbaU Universitybasketbali
basketball team is working worklu steadily Inthe In Inthe Inthe
the Y M C A A gymnasium with a view viewof viewor viewof
of perfecting its team work In prepar preparation preparation properatlon ¬
ation for the next game which hleh will be beplayed beplayed beplayed
played with Virginia at Convention Halt HailOtt HaUon Halton
on FrIday Pebrttary J bruary 7 7This tThl 7This
This Thl game will be the first of a series serieswhich IerIewbleh seriesWhich
which will be played between the two twocollegeK twoeoUe8 twocolleges
colleges to decide the chamntonshtp clwn loubllJ of theSouth the theSouth tbfJSouth
South which George Washington so soeasily 10eu1Ir soemily
easily won last year yearManager yerMDqer yearManager
Manager fiddle 11 MS added another anotherto
to the schedule hedule which hleh will 111 be played with withthe withthe withthe
the Baltimore Medical College o1lege at Balti Baltimore Balttmo BsJtImore ¬
more mo February 8 8 and will be the last lastgame lutgame lastgame
game played In this section until the thereturn thereturn thereturn
return of the team from its northern northerntrip northerntr1pwh1ch northerntrip
trip tr1pwh1ch which will commence on tbe 14th 14thand 14tband 14thand
and conclude on the 2Sd of February Februaryplaying Februaryplaying Februaryplaying
playing some morn of the strongest tJtron t teams in inPennsylvania inPPDnsylvanla InPennsylvania
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaOn
On the teams team return Ute xaaon uoa wiX wiXeod wUwith wIIeud
eod with such tefims as Qettysburg Col College CoII Colloge ¬
loge I Virginia VI and Washteston and wl Le LeUatversitles Lee LeeCDlYenltt LeeLuieindtIes
Uatversitles UatversitlesJEFFORDS CDlYenltt CDlYenlttJEFFORDS LuieindtIesYEFFORDS
Jito Jean TcHauio TCR1I1H not > tCe C e PulN Put CitIIf Ci1lfrainjr Ci1lfrainjrAv3 rnlnit rnlnitAvtL rnlnnAw
AvtL Aw Av3 In Vvm r1 Itouiuls ItouiulsNew ltounclHNew itnuntisNew
New York Jan StJh JIm Jim Jeffords the theCaliforRls theCallforala theCalifornia
California heavyweight TJt tried to oome oomebark coiuabeckt
bark tat a slxroutMi reuDd bout at the Oe OeeoUdated eo eolIOIidated 4oo 4oosolidated
eoUdated Athletic Club last night L but butfailed butfall butfelled
failed fall His opponent was Joe Jeaanette Jeaanettea
a negro re who did not have much uclI troubleIn trouble troubleta
ta paW putting his man away la less than thantwo thantwe thantwo
two rounds roundsJeffords rouadLJeftorda
Jeffords was not hi oanvltkm c to fight IghtIn fightIn ftbtIn
In the first round Jemnnette was lenient lenientwith lnlentwith lent
with Jeffords Jeir < da but In the second hepum hepummeled he he pam pammeled primmeted
meled the Californians Callfon an stomach mach and the thelatter thelatter thelatter
latter was w soon In distress A dip on onthe Oftthe onthe
the ear made Jeffords Je < onIa groggy and two twomore twomore twomore
more punches a left l tt to the wind and aftClrI a aright aright
right rI < bt to the Jaw put Jeffords out The Theetcmiwindup TheIICmtwlDdvp Theseedwindup
etcmiwindup of six rounds was more cxcitIng cx cxcitrag excittn
citIng cittn and brought together Griff Jones Jonesand JOnetland Jonesand
and Young Dixon Griff used a hard left leftjab leftjab leftjab
jab that bothered his opponent from start startto atartto startto
to finish aicl he had matters hit own ownway ownway
way 1 throughout
Rude Ulan UlanFrom iUanProIa ManProc
From the PhaadrtpMa MaiII Pren PrenI PrelLr Pie PieI
I understand said Mrs Nayborthat Naybor Nayborthat Nayborthat
that that your minister preached a pretty prettystrong prettylrOttg prettystrong
strong sermon last Sunday against decol decollete decOllete iee i itote ¬
lete gowns gownsYes auW1l auW1ly gownsYeL
Yes y replied Mrs Locutte oeutte and nd It Itwas Itwaa Itwas
was positively p vulgar he said such suchshockingly suchbOcklnsl suchshockingly
shockingly bOcklnsl immodest things thingsOnly thlnpnb thingiOn
Only On nb ten < en cents ents n week delivered at
your door doorthe the daily issues of The TheWashin TheWa rijeWashington
Washin Wa Washington hin tnn herald Phono Main Mrti 33 33TYSSOWSKI nJAEGERS 3OO 3OOJAEGERS
726 26 15th Street N W WEala wWn Wflain
Eala Coats Reduced Deimel Linen Mesh
SIM WALTON ALTO TO GO 60Washington GOWashington GOWasJiiiigton
Washington Jockey Club to toHaye toHave toHave
Have New N 8V Secretary SecretarySUCCESSOR SecretarySUCOESSOR SecretarySUCCESSOR
Ben lichen mid Plonilon Mickey Arc Arcaicn ArcIC11 AreUcii
aicn IC11 Sunken ns Most i1lo t Likely Candi Candidates CnmllelnteH Candidates ¬
dates for Position IositionClub Clnb Realizes Realizesthat RenllzeRthnt Renlizesthat
that Changes Must Be Made If Rnc Raclug Rncliiff RncIng
lug at BeunluK IH to Continue ContinueHaving ContinueI ContinueHaving
Having finally awaken to the fact that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the continuance In office of certain men menwho monwho menwho
who have been In power for or tho post row fowyears rowyearl fewyears
years will 111 mean the weedy closing of tho thoDenning thoBennlQf theDonning
Donning race track the Washington WashingtonJockey WashingtonJockey FuhlngtonJockey
Jockey Club II expected e pected to make some someradical somoradleal someradtcaI
radical changes at the tile meeting m on Fob Fabniary Fobruary Fobrusty
rusty 11 11To 11To 11To
To say that sows JiIOPI of the officer of the theclub theclub theclub
club are unpopular with race followers is isputting IsputUn isputting
putting It mildly Fortunately for the or organization orpnlzaUoB organizatlon ¬
ganization there are several > members memberswho momberswho memberswho
who realize the absolute necessity of ofchanges orcban ofchanges
cban changes and that changes chan es will be made madeat madeat madeat
at the Mutual meeting Is practically pr cUettlh as assured asaured assured ¬
Although officials offielalsof of the club decline todiscuss to todiscuss todae
discuss dae any an feature of the case it is un understood underatood UndetaIned ¬
detaIned that Sim Walton who has hasserved hasMlVed hasserved
served as secretary for four years 8t8 will willnot willnot willnot
not continue in office after next month monthIt monthIt monthIt
It has been rumored several times that thatWalton thatI thatWalton
Walton was to go This time however howeverIt however howeotIt
It Is said that the officials have decided decidedthat decidedthat decidedthat
that a change cha e must be made and onlit onlitthe one on Of Ofthe of ofthe
the principal matters to come com before the thenext thenext thenext
next meeting will be the selection of a asuccessor a8ueoeaeor asucoeasor
successor to Walton WaltonWho WaltonWho WaltonWho
Who this will be has not t been decidedbut decided decidedbut deeldedbut
but It was learned yesterday that the thechoice thocbolee thechoice
choice lies between belw n Ben Hellen and Plou Ploudon Ploudon Plotidon
don IHckey Brtten was elected to the theposition thepoeitlon theposition
position at the time of the reorganization reorganizationof
of the club several veral years 7ea ago He is well wellknown wenknown wellknown
known and made an an excellent official officialHickey o olliclelilickey 1clalHickey
Hickey has been mentioned several veral times timesas timesas thuesas
as Waltons probable successor He 1118 te a aWashington aWaehlqton aWashington
Washington man and his hi selection by theclub the theclub theclub
club would be a popular move moveflowlaxd movelIonlRMel moveYlowlanud
flowlaxd In Town TownWhat TownWhat TownWhat
What other changes are contemplated contemplatedare
are not known President PrtJ S S S Rowland Howlaadhas Hewlandbas Rowlandbaa
has been in this city this week k but when whenapproached whenapproached hell hellapproached
approached by a represent ittve of The TheWashington TbeWlqtOn TheWaahlngUn
Washington WlqtOn Herald gave an abrupt an answer anwer ansane ¬
sane wer and refused tmied to even discuss di8c theonat theonatter tb4untter thnmnttoy
ter terIt It Is l said that the story which appeared appearedIn
In The Herald last summer exposing a acertain acerUbl acertln
certain wellknown racln radar authoritystirred authority authoritystirred authorttyaUrftcl
stirred up considerable consid rable excitement clteIDeDt among amonglocal amonglocal amonglocal
local officials 08lda ana It is said that a search searching IIUlChIq neichlag ¬
lag investigation was carried on which whichdeveloped wblchdeveJo whichdeveloped
developed deveJo that the details were all true trueand trueaa4 trueand
and that the particular incident r nrfe1Tef1 nrfe1Tef1to reterre reterreto ferre ferreto
to was iot ot the only game in which the theguilty th41plUy th thguilty
guilty party had been detected making makingup maJdncvp makingup
up hands from the discard d and obtaining obtainingmoney obta obtainingmoney nIAs nIAsmouey
money by this his means mea from the men whit whfiJoined whitjoined 11 11joine4
Joined him In a friendy fneRd game gsa in a mutual mutualfriends mutualfrWnda mutualfriends
friends apartment apartmentThis apartmentThill apartmentThis
This expose e of one who was high In the theaffairs tMdain theaffairs
affairs of the turf has caused the local localclub Malclub localclub
club to go stow in making a selection Mleetiono Mleetionoocera of ofofficers ofodicera
officers ocera for the coming year yearRACING yearRAOING yearRAOING
New cw Orleans OrleansFIRST OrIc OrlunipTinny J11 J11naT
FIRST RACK RA hAd HefflBg OM and osedaiseath osedaiseatha osedaiseathMamin MM attUgat attUgatMaena
1cItM IteuM IteuMx
Maena x V Mr y Lo LoJaaasfe L Lore LoreMnaie
Ml Sflw dllver CaW CaWSped Cup Cups
Jaaasfe Mtf
s Sped = Marvel J 4 = Wit wa CoofarV CoofarVBitter Coolu CooluWilier c cJlJUa
Bitter ban KB Matey Mead MeadCmt 1 1Laar ead eadCar
HBOOND lUCKStepfehaae IU fp1eebue abort MMM e eate seemMest MMMMMto
ate > cIo 1 I Uttle Wafly WaflyCreola I ICreoua
Creoua l IX 1 DKWMB Da1l Da1lIIa DawnaBank I IBank
Bank HoHdty 1 141 Kffldcw KiD40eVow KilIdeepet aIJJI j
Vow pet VtatcarU Vlnigar 1411 Ml i Peter 0eeher < 1
RIp m j Bookman BookmanTHIRD BukaTU1D
THIRD fRI RACBIUadieap sir iertoiiii iertoiiiiAraebe isrlos isrlosAradi
Araebe M Jew Jeviey Lady LadyMJMDelSBcy
MJMDelSBcy 111 De If AlHidler AI huller MulIerONeIlL hullerIrna J I
EUa ont 15 Coeacdien Ccdlenos1ka ill illM6
1ka M6 lilLian lilLianCcil Leaa LeaaIff
Ccil iuy Iff Gtarifter GtarifterFOUKT8 laI1 laI1FOUITK Ell EllPOUJtTH
FOUKT8 RACKThe National 8Utea 8ta111ai tatceLflUam three tie tieay
LflUam IIpLiIUaa 1 Raj ay Ill UdyChah UdyChahBUattwtt Lady 4iltos 4iltosi 4iltosSliwbith
Pore lJII1AcIr 111 111Pore i UI t ° l llJi
BUattwtt Rcnrooa 1 Vt I Aem A AFIFTH AlIIcC MeUirssFiFTH Iee IeenPTB
FIFTH RACXOaw JULSoreIPt ma maJhttf ails ailsl2rcami
Jhttf reIPt S V Mt t Utrto Utrtoitaa
11 itaa M I Lad of oftnee Use UseAhnnd j
tnee Ahnnd MT Cartfaas
lota 1 l2rcami CarrolL Ml Hyperio R II IIHUCTH 11s1XTH it itsiXTH
siXTH RACESeUiw RACEaIdIiDcII one and eMH eMHSylvia sessiutemlir sessiutemlirnIna
II II811m
Sylvia G 15 I I Bolktoad BolktoadStonesHUt Bulibred8tuomaa
StonesHUt 8 Ml Merrtp MerrlID MerrlIDAbIupI MenlgoilFktdIeru i
Abrnut Ml B d w J JWale iqrw iqrwUaie
Wale ilFktdIeru FMdwr JIll M5 The O 0t el elJesaiei
Jesaiei Rwn Jg MMMMV MMMMVLotn pem pemsavitlR
Lotn Bnudi MS Peorta Peorta8BVBXTH >
8BVBXTH 8 RACElcan CE OM and 4 seusbiir seusbiirSeam mi miufet IPIII
Seam La 1 15 Iz IzCase Dat DatGt
Gt Case thai15 G14 G14LoriI 0 0btes56
LoriI LoM
Oakland OnUlnndFlWrT OultlumlIM OaklandFiitnr
FlWrT IM R LCstx LCstxI VCKSb fwioaft fwioaftDkk faIosieDieb
Dkk Wilma 0 112 I CwrtnuwAsiMttoaa Cwrtnuw c CunirnmosAinbitloes
AsiMttoaa Ml I I Mattto II IIBmawtt JtICaJ IT4
ICaJ Bmawtt t Ml i Jodwy Movaea MovaeaoC I II Mosanle 1
I Belle le oC o Iroquois I Ml 8al 8alElMUfe HJIoact Sahem SahemRoui4
JIoact M Mm MManel 5am lkOltbOS I IZiadsis
ElMUfe m Ml I Sent sa Batter BatterMarfei IN INanel
Marfei anel I MF Billy Mjer MjerSBCOKD Mr U II IIKtGCOND SIttWoNI
SBCOKD RACBWI R C1ir6Ia furlosaZdMd farionga fariongaIchatn furlallpAc
Ac Ichatn W i M 1IateI IABU1 tcbt U UBin
Bin Baton MSiBI ICI Paco PacoKUd r1m r1mOr
KUd ZdMd Or mda m Madrita MadritaNovmrad Me4ril Me4rilN
Novmrad Nm N ud MS t Sarrata farratotbJDio SarrataTHIRD laratoTififtU 1
= tbJDio tbJDioIKIaD
THIRD RACBOw mile seed maty JMB JMBPaWek J IIIDoIra ynsisnos
DoIra nos PaWek r st4 W j J Jot fdoa fltMi fltMil IT ITr SIfisseibla
r fisseibla l ft I i Wist iIIiIIr TtoKi TtoKiFOURTH The TheFOPMTff ti tiJlUUInK
FOURTH RACKOM RACKOManU JUC o ails IdelJIl ailsmoM >
moM anU Water IS 111 Clonw ClonwClttt c cIEKw
IEKw Lr lJIl 4 i J anr NunwilyCia anrc II
Clttt c N Just JtartUczMiUa JIeatUti JustL4upto
UczMiUa Ill IllPITTH nil Utir nilFiFilt
PITTH r JK KACKUM 1t4CWoJ ails U awl anmty jnmK jnmKMl ynl ynlJans4
J Jans4 Ui Mta > bf lfoMItIII lfoMItIIIe Ilmrd Ilmrdan
Ml I Gocyhn Gocyhnm t
e an m M Plow BoaarM BourM Plowhar
har M I II gwy 07 UskU UskUtsa J Jm LiSirtmss
mss tsa SJ m Ko atno atnokumehsi D Doi
kumehsi > oi W I Contribute ContributeSIXTH C C81rrR CoedieSiXTh
SIXTH RACKON Mite MiteRtr a1JeIel alad
= Iel > nHllal 1fJ 1fJFj
Fj Rtr i en 11 11JIIr 05 05of Q6
of d OokL kId MS SnphM Sept SeptIos K KION MIoft
ION AngelcM AngelcMn lugelesFflteT ngelcllnlWl
n nlWl ar ntclislz RAC CJHIU CJHIUlei X farioatja furlosgeI farioatjaMl
lei j Ml I Rw Rwiwt SiD Silk1teat
iwt 1teat Poftr 1 jg f attot attotSir l lfonte M
Sir Sir Kama I Ml Wisteria wistertoIsyHslrllIm M MLrtjSrHawII
LrtjSrHawII II n g Part Clifford ° 1 1111db 1 1III m mDnuj
IsyHslrllIm Dnuj Mt Prolific Prolificvtoa 16 i
IJhIrioa vtoa M4 WIeamdn RfcaMadto XIeaJHcIdoIoaise i iIxwisa m IN INLeslie
Leslie Fitajibbon FitllibboD > 1M > Lord Xenon cIaa lit litSECOND 1 1SECOND 11 11riECOND
SECOND RACJfrThtte ItC lIme and oMtelf f fttrioagi fttrioagifWte fsrlosgret cJOllIe
fWte ret Wad 1 Vnmttom Pnnw Pnnwlierthe 1M 1JIJIrrtba 1MMertfea
Mertfea Mt Aw A AftIIJr Afje 5Ie 5Ieitenpet ft ftSenior
Senior PTdelto IK May May DiSHdowM 1W 1WArk 1 1Am J JArki
Ark Ar lUn lift UIaArise Arise me Itf ItfLucky 1i7JackrYtt 1571ucky
Lucky JackrYtt Mate 1ate 1M 1 > I Tbetaa Tkaffliwii ftam 1W HffOrphan 1W0qJhaD 1WOrphan
Orphan Boy 1M 1MTHIRD 111THIRD 110TRIRL
THIRD RAfEiiix and onehalf l1alf fwtoaesrhtef fwtoaes fttrIaetiBflUtof fvriosgbkf
rhtef bkf Denondl m I Eariy This US USaVnite utJoBlte UISnaite
aVnite 11 r > i t Itnwaey nra Lad TAdCoMAther Lad311 Lad311lotifather Ji1 Ji1odfUier
odfUier miTtralws Ie 1 TaraJaIll 701 701u 91 91Ors 91Dreams
Ors u 1lAeours 1 ABOUT 91 91atnr 9tIJr 9 9tresatm
tresatm atnr tIJr lliitoam JWk1a flerthia N IG I tWIt iJJ Bowlegj 1I Ill IllSen l lneb 1lien
neb Sen BtcM W 115 > Laketie LakeeLola 99 99ote
10 Lola ote caqb uugb Wl WlForRTH 5 5repRyx I IFOVRTH
ForRTH RACESIx frtrl f1tr fnrloii fnrloiiair n nSL 4 44ir
SL Kdward 1 1m j Don Dawo m mLkfbt lULilJt illLIgrt
Lkfbt Wed 115 I I i rne ae Itwsrll 1C 1CMAKtcr 19Mari4er
MAKtcr mi 111 Inffaaat Jngh Jnghirgazne lie lieMwucinc U UI
> Mwucinc I 111 U BoUrJat BotayigFWIII 113 113FIFTH USFIFTlI
FIFTH UACF UCFOae One atd tbiMHtisteeatba tuH taeixu isteatba mfbe mfberri iBftL iBftLI rnii rniibrlstIne
rri brlstIne Us A MS I roirifan C8flIi C8flIicauIor m mI j9iii
iii I Guador Mi Ten RowYenosuta Row S SoncaM 9
F Yenosuta oncaM W6 Kastoso 91 giHPT 91Bun 91Burn
Bun MC LuAy LacLsd LacLsdBeflemna Lad 1 6GentJe 6 6ReBoiMMa
ReBoiMMa K 1 Gentle Han 1Wrs 10G 10GSIXTH 100SIXTH 1117SIXTh
SIXTH RAC RACEOue ne mik mikAwssate miltt mik7teaaia
Awssate M8I 105 I Prom PromDndpir reen > > reeii H HDrtHBcr 100
DrtHBcr t II JBBnroppo t Thiroppo roppo IDS IDSFnstcKt ID ID4ttiQU
AdaIitioD 18 I Coonel W1Kie WbiteFastest lW lWFnjltet
Fastest Trromllo Hollcrsfcntcr HollcrsfcntcrPittsburg RoUcrkntcrPlttlbut RolIeraknterPlttsburg
Pittsburg Pa Jan 28 2gLeo Leo Jones of ofSt ofat ofSt
St Lbuir Mo won the grand gTandtlntr Thsrtlin Thsrtlinthe flnal in inthe Inthe
the twomile event of the tournament tournamentbeing tournamentbeing tournamentbeing
being held here hr > for the worlds reller relleraKating rol rolskating
skating championship The finish was wassensational waspensntlonal wa waeStttiOflal
sensational Jones Jo defeating CHJe Moore Moorethe lIoorthe Moorethe
the champion of the onemile event by a avery nverY avery
very small margin in rgfn The Tb < time was
61025 610 25 i
Field and nne Trnck Stars to Have Tryout Try Tryout Tr Trout
out for Olympic OlympicSpokane 01mplcSpokane OlympicsSpokane
Spokane Wash Jan 23 2SAtblotos Athlotas on onthe onthe onthe
the Pacific const desiring to compete in intha Inthe Inthe
the Olympic games In London will vlll begiven be begiven begiven
given an opportunity to provo their worth worthin worthIn worthIn
in May when a tryout will vill take placo at atPortland atPortland atPortland
Portland San Francisco or Spokane A Acommittee Acommittee Acommittee
committee consisting of C C C Hplzel HJlzol of ofSpokane orSpoknno ofSpokane
Spokane A S Goldsmith of Seattle and andB andE andB
B B Morgan of Portland has been ap appointed appointed uppointed ¬
pointed to look out for the Northwest and andof ondor andof
of the moot with S S Plexotto Herbert HorbortHauser HerbertHauser H rbert rbertHauser
Hauser and R R LHommediau taking takingcare takIngcare takingcare
care care of the Pacific Coast CoastAmons CoutAmong CoastAmong
Among the likely candidates are Forest ForestSmlthson ForestSmithson ForestSmithson
Smithson Portland and Gordon Moorea MooreaOregon MooresOregon MacranOregon
Oregon hurdlers Joe Malcolmsan Spo Spakane Spokane Spokane ¬
kane sprinter and hurdler Harry Mc McKlnnary Me1lnner McKinnory
Klnnary 1lnner Baker City Ore shotputter shotputtermark shotputtermark shotputtermark
mark 461 feet Roy Zacharlas Oregon Oregonhammor Orogonhammor Oregonhammor
hammor thrower mark 118 1 feet andWelch and nndYeleh andWelch
Welch coon and John Pullman Wash Washdistance WashdistAnce Washdistance
distance runnons runnonsBAffi runnotlSB runnotisBMIK
Pine1 Fine I Rolling Places Them Second Secondin Secondin Secondin
in City Bowling Tourney TourneySmith TourneySmith TourneySmith
Smith and Parker Jump to Lead in inDoubles InDouhles inDoubles
Doubles in Cln Class M A While ODon ODonncll ODonnell OI1oirnell
nell Heads the lIe Individuals
How They Stand StandGLASS StniulOIiSS StandabsS
1 llsnk nki CltrkL6111 Cheeky rtll fdi I s 5tss 5tssDOU8LIN 1641 1641DOUBLE
SmtUt t ft =
n k sF PItW 1Ut 1 ltY ltYWitlfl
Witlfl BWI IlII un 1 i W WaIter Oox ue ueSlNGLBS 1153SINGLIIS
ODodBen QD qDeetuil S it CeillM CGUIaI1 Coiftes1uWr M MBitter
Bitter I lIS 8 Mlfter MlfterMafiJMH MWeeMesiStit =
MesiStit MafiJMH Its lISIts BTOWB 4lf 4lfUormai 411Uannaa 415tiolinas
Uormai M tibafler l lGLASS 4H 4HOLASS 171OILtSS
Y M C A 1IM I War Var M MDODBLflC 1111 1111DOUI1L1I tt ttDOUBLJDIC
hated II R HI utx sx U96 U I Slosh > 1 HaAwt I et etUL MS MSSINOLBB 56 56fisLessas
fisLessas UL aa SIIhII 1m61 W WLINOLItS
CMke oke isliem Ml JOBM JOBMuwtHMB J It ItnartlMlI it itflartiaso
uwtHMB mil g j J wuiiMM wuiiMMGLASS WUUa 4ft 4ftSS 41 41CLASS
BTMtt m I J rYMMMB rYMMMBSxceilent I ICllfk Ir 415 415asrk
Cllfk a I lid lidJCxoeUent Fruasa IN INxeeIlent
Sxceilent scores were made in the sac sscond eond sacond <
ond night of the tir City C1t Bowling B wllDc Associa A8iIoclaU Association Association ¬
tion tournament on the Palace alleys last lastnight Jutlebt lastnight
night nightBank nightBauk lebt
Bank clerke eIerk made mad the best showing of ofth ottt ofthe
th the fivemen teams knocking down a a to total to totat ¬
tat of 5 Z 5 pins for three thz james a and andthereby aaclthereby cudthereby
thereby reaching second plee in I the thestanding tUanc1Iac thestanding
standing anc1Iac of the teams t the Royals drop dropping dropplnl droirping ¬
ping from the first four fourSmith tourSmith fourSmith
Smith and Parker rolled the Highest to total total total ¬
tal In the doubles event getting a a tetal tetalof tetalof totalof
of LIST for the three games and assumed assumedthe naedthe assumedthe
the lead Campbell and Tolboldt are the theonly theonl theonly
only onl pair who rolled Monday oQ y Bight tat in inClass inCIaaI InfIam
Class A who are still Ill In the money the theother theother Ut Utother
other teams t having been supplanted by bythe b btbe bythe
the excellent rolling of teams in that thatclass thatdas thatdam
class last night nightODennell n nightODonnell t tOD
ODennell OD n attained BO 0 pins in three threegames tbreewhich threeames
games which is the best perform performthat peI peIthat performance performancethat
that has been put up in tire singte 1 1far u utar timetar
tar Scores ScoresH
Ilre D CIeOINI laOIIee AWur A
Wur IN 4 4 4ltorrrt
ltorrrt H m ML MLm MLLusniBiiV7r7 IleecIIaa IN INGA
eecIIaa GA IN 4 151 151lirr
lirr lirrCue m Jii4 Jii4I
I A AlittJOr
littJOr littJOrr wra1Ae a aIN
r r < IN IN IN INLemitul
LusniBiiV7r7 1 4 n U 1 iii I tti ttiaawwtt 1tiI fl7dst
dst I m m III1tIot m mKtat 4mee
Ktat tfl W Wm UIlimb
limb limbt
o t 11 a A AOumsi
0 0JI m ni INlilian or orm
JI lilian IN m vt 111I
I 1 It Itas 1154 1154DVI JD JDD
pm m motfst 4 4rir
71 71tuV rir a aosiuisaiefisa
osiuisaiefisa tuV a a0ItIt A Aci
otfst ci 19 19aAwnwO
aAwnwO aAwnwOJtimm 0ItItu 4it ill illIJI
Jtimm Jtimm0DeHMB 444 444crn IJI IJIO IJI1IIIIer
0DeHMB 0DeHMBIkSdt O crn 4 4 11 1111Stur
1IIIIer it IN
IkSdt IkSdtY ftiIdIfYI 4 4 4yi
fYI > Y yi M 14 C A AGesM tc JIII II IIoM itOsald
QHfce 4e 4eOsidos
Osidos 4 4 4INeMm
INeMm JII 1 4 1M itItsase
1 Itsase 444 444Wbr4am
miw miwrOlMi tft tftWza
Wza rOlMi It BIAc 1
IAc IN Mr WL Wlit it itflasad
L flasadQam
Qam QamSt 04 JIjIj JIjIj1fIIII
1fIIII St MI m MB MBItataft 415aia
Itataft 15aia A AIMftM 1M 4 4Thh
OOWBUBB OOWBUBBam DO DOc DOsIiIa oimn oimnc oimnSeeltik
am c A A5MHh
5MHh m it 4 4PElts
1 PElts 4 4 4A 4naba It Itiii
iii iii iiiCIa Ml J 1JK 1JKGh
Gh A AIMriricfct
IMriricfct AIIIIdi nabaThIals A J JpfcM
pfcM IIIIdi m w m miMafe
iMafe MI m rnw rnwCksi 381lIti 1014156liA
i Cksi CIa1 CIa1Vtilel AP APVrttx
Vrttx A u uretail 1 1itoww 4 151 IN INIleansu
itoww Ileansu m m mIMato itThIck
retail ThIckaesA Ml m 4KMI 4KMIttas 1t 1tCIIwB
ttas aesA A J JReWwUe jRUe
RUe m MS 356D K3 K3rw US1ft
D 4 101 4 4Thials
Thials Thialsciase rw i m 1ftCk m mum mumCfoM
CfoM Ck A A1bx
WMtar AWMtar AOitx mm mmv
v O Oitx x HI MB MI IIITta 111Tatals MIT
T Tta Tatals 4ak i M MClMSA 41153 41153Cinr 1
AMMH m mKiawL 156 1S 1SI INIraem
KiawL I IK IKTotafc tit fltToish II IIT
Totafc T m m 155SICLtS MtlJM MtlJMSIXGLro 1 1SIXGLBS
M Nurse nw sad cln claM taC M M M Tata TataODwmeti TGt TGtODJtWIIIt TozQDeanI
ODwmeti A M MS 539 m 589 589HwtWiW 58QIf 551lfesIs
If HwtWiW B M H 1ti i Mi W 1 S SBarber 11M 11Mnl1r 154Barr
nl1r Barber A 151 1 W Ml SM SMantw 53J t tJesse
Jesse J u m 174 KT 17H sa saMHniMH d dMadsdI
MHniMH H A m in inGonna inGwssa it itG
Gonna G A Ml Ml lit lalOpHtM litOIIKHI 4 4OetbisA
OpHtM OetbisA A m 7 W 1 MS I Iim IiI5 IiI5ll1Itr lii3lliler
3lliler im ll1Itr r A w m iii iiin i iBrew 455 455Breri
I Brew n A i TSK M jU 141 fit 41iJ iiiJ
J Willing 1l111M B M HS 130 Ii p115 1 4T 4Tu 4i 4iIMd 472tdA
u IMd tdA d A 1 1tt m i UI UIIIwant w wHewanl 410Ilewnrd
Hewanl C 1U 1 Ut Iii IiiSchcdulc 435 435Schedule 5 5Schcdnle
Schedule for Tonight TonightPIVBMAN Tonight Tonightp1Jin Ton Ight IghtFiV11AN
PIVBMAN TRAM i t P M MJrfmnfefrGlaM MJbuidesthseeOtAEer U UJCJb
JrfmnfefrGlaM JbuidesthseeOtAEer JbuidesthseeOtAEerBnetiloosUaa nIesOIa a AH ADtIS ADtISn j jB
B BnetiloosUaa B BooftOM C C Alter 1 1QsbcIaa 1 1Qnl 1QII1IJ15C
Qnl QII1IJ15C CtafS I8 C C Ahoy t tDB 1SM 2 2ShetsoukevaGlain
SM lMkeaC1u C Alley r 4 4DUCI 4DcstksC1ee
DB DUCI fc Cli 9 C C Altef AltefIn AllefS AllefSIIIIeCtIOuI Ailet1nieetstaa
DODBf DOUDIBS K 935 P M MWilliam KWUlhuu MWilliunu
William and WebbOtawB Wah bOi u Alloy AJIeJXerbtelt 6 6Xerbr 6orbck
Xerbr Xerbtelt orbck c and cCulkfClMi JJ t Altar 1 Ut 3 3SiMth 3 3gpeth 3S55b
SiMth and nd Oa O JIlOJaai sroyC3 myQaa S8 A Alley A er 4 4RaWtwr c cRedeker 4ReIekor
RaWtwr aDd ud BcfcsifteCw a A AM Atq jr 5 52iQbr 5 5iliilur
2iQbr 11 and BronvClMc A AH Alley r L LTnlbert LTalbert 1 1ThIbt
Tnlbert and AHBtHtdus B Altar AnSlNOLBS AHt AHtSINOLii 2 2SINGLES
SINGLES 11 iase P PCtAmttChM JL JLOancttCteiB t tGanettOlaie
OancttCteiB A AAMe7 Alley fc fcHBriewOI iI1Rd S SliarlowtIna
HBriewOI I1Rd liarlowtIna wJuI A Alley AU 1 IUkeCb 1nl 11tClaa
UkeCb nl t A Alter Afle 1Iet 4 4cWtJ I Infw l lltcb4ncUstain
nfw ltcb4ncUstain cWtJ 4 CI aM M A Attey 5MyeisCJurs 5 5IIa 5ilfellCla
MyeisCJurs ilfellCla A Allay I I I11sstMtase
6 lI IIa 11sstMtase adCte CJa611 B 1MOJ Altar l4 2 2BssexCfaM 2 2SI 2SlyGLUCit
SI SlyGLUCit JL l1IS li I P U 311bsexcina UIiMt
BssexCfaM IiMt B AUer 1e7 1 1LooCJ 1 1LWis 1LOOL1ass
LooCJ LOOL1ass LWis ss a C AUer AUfILemmonCl 4 4LemmonClsss 4LemmmiClaa
LemmonClsss i A ABey Jtes 6 6Best 6 6UOIItclallS 6IloteClaa
Best UOIItclallS CUs8 A Alley A AlleyLedcieChsa i iA i iL
L LedcieChsa O Afle AfleA J1 JA
A OoetaileCteM C Alley X XFred 3Fred 3 3Fred
Fred Duelow Gets G t8 in Dad DadDetroit BathDetroIt nel nelDetrolt
Detroit Midi Jan 3t 2SFred Fred Buelow Buelowthe Buelowtile Iluelowthe
the wellknown baseball catcher was wasCned waffnet waslned
Cned 5i i with an anaI alt altdruatlve JrWl roatlve e of thirty thirtydays UlJItYdays tiihtydays
days in police court today Buelow Bu low had a adifference adtrferenco adifference
difference of opinion with a street car carconductor carconductor carconductor
conductor last night and hit him la the theos theose
os ose oseS
Three Hundred Members at atfourth atourtl1 atFourth
fourth ourtl1 Annual nnl1alM Meeting Meetingr MeetingDISCUSSION MeetingDISCUSSION eetint eetintDISOUSSION
Many In Intcrc Interestluir < ercntinr tJllJf Papcru Are ire Ucnd Itendon Ucndon Heue1on
on the Technical Features of the theBusincHH tileDuslnc thefluslncssAdjoirn
BusincHH Duslnc fluslncssAdjoirn ltAeljot1rn Adjoaru to Have Group GroupPhotograph Gro GroupPhotograph p pP
Photograph P ot grnplt Taken Meeting lleetlll Will WillBe WillBe Vfll VfllDe
Be Resumed in Armory AlIUOr Today TodayThe Tot1nyThe TodayThe
The fourth annual meeting of theAmerfmn the theAmerican theAmerJe
American nBrqeders Brooders Association was wasopened wasopnod I Iopened
opened yoatardny terday In National aUonal Rifles Ar Armory Armory Armary ¬
mory and Carroll Hall More than JM JMmembers 1Mmembers 06 06members
members were present and all are enthuslasts en enthusiasts enthuslast ¬
thusiasts about breeding and perfecting perfectingthe
the various breeds of animals in which whichthey whichthey hleh hlehthey
they are Interested InterestedTlie InterstedThe interestedThe
The members assemble overy year andbenefit and andbenefit andbenel1t
benefit financially and otherwise by b the tbereports thereports thereports
reports of the specially appointed com committees eotnmttteel cornmittees ¬
mittees on tho science and art of breed breeding breedIng breedIng ¬
ing which are prepared after months ofInvestigation of ofinvestigation ofInnattgatlon
investigation and research researchHon reefMUehHon researchlion
Hon Charles Willis Ward of Queens QueensN Queeas QueeasN
N Y chairman of the plant seetton seettonpresided ouoa
After the opening report by It
Mr David Da ld G l aiwhlW chairman of the thecommittee thei thecommittee
i committee on animal and plant Intro Introduction In InuetJon IntrOdriction ¬
duction an Illustrated llIu tratOd address dd on animal animalhybridizing ull1t1hbrkUzlng aislursihybrIdizing
hybridizing was given by W F J Spill Spttlman Spillman SpUlmQ
Methods of Breeding BreedingC Dreecllll DreecllllC
C M Winslow Winslow of Brandon Vt Vt gave gavean aTean gavean
an interesting address on the methods methodsUMd IMthodsUHd methodsused
used by the Ayrshire Breeders Assocla AaoetaUon ksoelation j jtk
tk Uon n followed by an equally Interesting Interestingaddress Interlngaddr Interestingddroea
address addr on the methods employed by the theHoisteinFrieslaa thelIol theHoistehiFrieslan
HoisteinFrieslaa lIol Association by H H H HDexter IL ILDexter ILDexter
Dexter of the Department of Agriculture AgricultureTbe AgricultureThe AgricultureThe
The morning session closed d with a re report re report report ¬
port on cooperative work in animal animali aatma1breedtng animalbrooding
i breeding by the Hon W M JtL Hays sec secretary IIeC IIeCrfUtry seerqtry ¬
retary of the a association and a report reporton reporton
on cooperative coopera tlTe work In plant breeding breedingby 1acb breedingbyAFWoods
by byAFWoods byAFWoodsUendeFs A A F WoodsMendeTs Woods WODdILJeadeIs
MendeTs law considered the most im 1wportant important im important ¬
portant discussion ton in regard to breeding breedingI breedIwu breedingwas
I was the main topic in the afternoon attwnooaal sea session seasloe ¬
sloe al n This law was discovered by an anAustrian anAuatrIaft anAustrian
Austrian monk about ftfty years ago but butwas butWU butwas
was forgotten fOJ tteft at the time of his death deathAbout cJthAbout deathAbout
About five years ago It was rediscovered rediscoveredby
by fir live dUCerent investigators working workingseparately worldnlJae workingseparately
separately and since sine has been taken up upby upb upliy
b by the Breeders Association for further furtherreaaearch turtlaerrrda furtherreasearcir
reaaearch and investigation InveMJpUoeW 1 1W
W J SplUman of this city read a pa paper paper paper ¬
per dealing < with this law His subject subjectwas IUbjecta subjectwas
was a Jtfendettan flflfl Phenomena Phitoiit it and Discon Discontinuous toftUauoua Discontlnuous ¬
tinuous Variation of Color Factors in tbe tbeMammalia tbeMammalta theMammaIta
Mammalia MammaItaPreceding MammaliaPreceding
Preceding Mr Spllhnans paper was a areport areport areport
report on theoretical research to heredity heredityby bendtybr heredityb3
by H H J Weber followed by a paper en encorralated McorraJaed socorrelated
correlated tariatlooa by b E M East Eut ot otNew otNew ofNew
New Haven Conn and a paper on color cototoriations COIoIyartatJoM coloryartattons
yartatJoM oriations in domesticated animals by byF bJW bysiT
W F E E Castle of Cambridge C e MassThe Mass JIULThe MassThe
The meeting me tlng adjourned before fore the set settime NtUma settitui
time in otder to allow the delegates to as assembie ansesabi
sembie on the steps of the Patent Office Officefor Icefor OINcefor
for a group up photograph pbo before dark darkTnllc darltTnn darkTalk
Talk on Human Race RaceProf HaccProl RaceProf
Prof Alexander Graham Bell will make makethe JUkethe makethe
the principal address add today t when Ilea the thepublic theabtlc thepublic
public is invited to attend His subject subjectwill MlbJeetwfUbe subjectwill
will wfUbe be Eugenics BuS ugen1ca and he will tell bow bowthe bowfJM howffie
the human race may be improved He HewHi HeWUI Hewill
will take a conservative stand and in intentfe In Inle Intends
tends to use 1t the opportunity to refute the tbereport theieport theort
report ort that bat he favors the radical methods methodsfor uaodIfor neetbodsfor
for improving the human btng that thatvlled are areonetimes amsometimes
sometimes usedwiUt used iwith 1th animals animalsTbe an animalsThe
The 8 day wfll be taken up with reports reportsby reportaW reportsby
by committees of the animal section of ofbe ofUae ofthe
the be association and the origin orfIIntraJnlM breeding breedingtraining breedingtraining
training and nd the value of bones b in title titlecountry rldaco1m thiscountry
country co1m ry will be given especial attention attentionThe atteaUoaTbe atteistlonThe
The officers of the association are Hon HonJames HonJames
James 1 Wilson W Wilson n Secretary S Secretaryof re ry of f Agriculture APeu1t
ent w j jSecretary
Secretary ar7 of Agriculture secretary Prof ProfOscar ProfOecar ProfOscar
Oscar Erf rf of Columbus Ohio treasurer treasurerHon t1euurerfon treasurerHon
Hon A P Grout of Winchester ill 111chairman utchairman illchairman
chairman of the animal section Dr C B BDavenport BDavenport BDeveaport
Davenport of C4d Spring Harbor N Y Ysecretary YeecretarY Ysecretary
secretary animal 1 section Hon Charles CharletWllMs Charl CharlwUUa CharlesWillis
Willis Ward of Queens N Y chairman chairmanplant chairmanplant halllllAllplut
plant section and ProC N E Hansen of otBrooking ofBrookllJKS ofBroukings
Brooking S Dak secretary plant sec seeun section secUoII ¬
tion UoIIrrANY
About n Dozen Races Scheduled for forFedernl forFeclernl forFederal
Federal Indoor Meet MeetTbe JlcctTIle MeetThe
TIle classification of relay teams which whichwill whichwill whichwill
will compete In the Federal Indoor games gamesla l8JDtSIn
la 11 ConventiOn Hall on February IS Ji will willbe will willbe willbe
be completed on Saturday Right lbhL Ap Applications AI AIpUaatJoM Appilnatlons ¬
plications already received indicate t that thatthere thatttMre thatthere
ttMre there will be at least forty teams in the themrtows Ole11OaS the1ih1oita
mrtows races s bat theM will be be1NnclIed so sobunched sobunched
bunched there will 111 be not more than ten teaor tenor tenor
or a dosen races racesThere racesThere N NThere
There are live championship ebatpI Mhlp races oa onthe oathe oaUte
the programme pro e which are already fairly fairlymied fairlyfttled fairlyfilled
filled These are for grade schools for lorSunday torSa1H1ay forSunday
Sunday schools for junior dub du teams teamswith teunI teunIwtth teamswith
with an age a limit of seventeen yearsfor years yearsfor yearsfor
for midget teams tea with a height limit It of offour oCfour offour
four feet nine inches and nd an intermediate intermediatedub lelarJlMdialeclub Intermediateclub
club championship tp with IM R ag age limit of ofnineteen ofnineteen ofnineteen
nineteen yearsTrIals years yearsTrials yeaTSTrilL
Trials TrilL for the toam which will represent representWashington repreeAtWuhlngton representVashtngtou
Washington in the IntercIty race against againstBaltimore againstBaltimore pI pII
I Baltimore will probably be held on Feb February Februan Fobruary ¬
ruary S or 14L 10 The runners rua who make this thisteam thisteam thisteam
team will also be eligible to represent representtheir repreeonttMtr representtheir
their clubs colleges ooUe or schools in the theen theOpen tireOpen
en Open n events eventsMartin eventsMartin eventsMartlfl
Martin Sheridan the worlds champion championwho championwho championwho
who will compete against Mat McGrath McGraththe ZtlcGIIththe McGraththe
the American champion hammer thrower throwerin
in the flftysix pound weight throw th w for forheight forheight r
height will also be in a a special a lal three threerunning threerunning
running broad pumps Against him inthis in inthis Inthis
this event will be Thrall of the Tech Technical Technlcal ¬
nical High School who has done clOse to tothirty tothirty tothIrty
thirty feet probably Cartmell the Penn Pennsylvania PtftbsylvanlQ P nn nnsylvania ¬
sylvania champion sprinter and one o ortwo or ortwo ort1fO
two other local men menEntries menEntrlos menEntries
Entries for the individual events in the theFederal theFederal tileFederal
Federal games will close on February
7 7 with W G Stuart 7W Fourteenth Fourteenthstreet FOUrle Fourteenthstreet ntb ntbstreet
Ra Raters Plni m mlItuLui
bt lItuLui tL W IlL inIdhi M as aspfin
pfin IS I Iii I i iIbsiu
nan 1M lf3 us loW1t 1
14 Ibsiu IN 115 11 y Meier Ii IN INStmfl II m mHI
ii Stmfl HI 14 1M l 11MJde I Ledde iii j hi hir hiConer
Coner arTU r IH 193 ttf NYatefleU W deW deWT H6 Hi HI HIetak HITtnls
T Ttnls etak air mm ii i itt I TOtal is f3t f3toUlHRCI i ioOlIMliRClatL m mOOSI3IHRCIAL
Halin Co WB w B Mom k Co Coiiae Jo Jor
r ana I CasmbeiL C CfCII OS MS 91
fCII iiae iiaeGksc SersM er 84 tt St SnyrferT n a SI 78 78IB 71t
Gksc IB t M 83 touts Mi 1 71 1 B Bm 56lle
lle m II S1 4115Po56 us PO PolL Ii e sR s sDISTRICT 11 119D
9D U4 Ii I LIIt 15 1510 1510Totshs R
Totshs 1 4 m fOO 430 415 TOM Totals 4 m mDJSrIlIar 410 10 10DSTRICF
SfuUtM l1 D DW
W tb Slii 51 I n ns 111 111T
T Il > 1Jt 9 00 Ii IiaU1
aU1 1 ue 55 1 aaaV a it 9 isItrtrntt 1m 1mu
Itrtrntt u EE t I 15 V lit I N ffer sa 111 111ois JI1 118 118BtE 4 4BaR
BtE BaR IN 11k1lllL 11k1lllLIII Itosu 06 115 IN INTotsh
Totsh ois 4 Bl ii 4H I Totals 4M 4565 4565V m 0 0i 1Y
Carson I Boss TloeaIff RCMTiller BossTiller
Tiller lit Iff 1 174 Jlace 1 Iate 1ST lit 1812tt J8tuUfDn 10 10Ciditsin
tuUfDn m 2tt 2 K3 Itemll Jt nU < UC m Kfi KfiN7 KCiCaIfMD XiCameo
Cameo 1U N7 1 4 T Koss U III IIIIbta1L ai 183 05 05Totals ILlTotals
Totals 415 5 HI 4 Totals Tot SM 15I5IIJ 15I5IIJOnly SB lISOnl 3K 3KOnly
Only ten cents n week delivered at atyour atyour atyour
your door doorthe the daily Issues of Tho ThoWashington ThoWashington Thowashington
Washington Herald Phone Main Mal 3300 3300f 3300q
f q
Rube Telia Pc1I Southerner that lie HeWants lieVnns lieWants
Wants to Play South SouthPhiladelphia SouthPhll SouthPhiladelphia
Philadelphia Phll delphla January Jsnuftr 28 28uRube Rube Wad Waddall Waddoll Waddoll
doll the famed southpaw is spending spendingthe spendingthe spendingthe
the off season at Mobile Every now andthen and andthen andthen
then just to jolly the natives Waddell Waddellsprings Waddellprlngstl1 Waddeltsprings
springs prlngstl1 the crack that hes gorj golOg to ar arrangewith arranp errnngewlth ¬
rangewith ranp with ConnIe Slack for his trans transfer transfer trunsfar ¬
fer t1 tb awn some Southern league town townThe town1he townThe
The URube Rubes stunt tunt In Mobile chiefly chieflyconsists chlefiyI chieflyconsists
I consists of tending teqdlng bar A pal of bis bisthere ls lsUteri Isthere
there owns a wettery and nd Waddell Ms Msfrequently Js Jsfrequently isfrequently
frequently soon aen on duty dut The other day dayso dayso dayso
so a story going the rounds runs a abgosh abg08h abgosh
bgosh boy entered and palled Ied for some somewhisky some1hlakl seinewhisky
whisky He helped he1 himself to an un unusually nnu unusually ¬
usually u big bunch He faked over the themerry t tmerry themerry
merry dime In payment The Rube Ruberung Ruberung Ruberung
rung up p three cents and shoved him back backseven bactlIetVeft backseven
seven sevenWhats Whats What this for asked the native nativeIsnt nativeIsnt nativeJsnt
Isnt booze ten a throw throwSere throwuSure throwSure
uSure Sere replied George Edward but it itcomes Itcomu Itcomes
comes cheaper when we sell if It whole wholesale wh01 wh01Ie wholesale ¬
DEPARTMENTAL OPENS MAY 4i 4iEightyfour 4 4Eightyfour 4Eightyfour
Eightyfour Games Will Be Played PlayedDuring PlayedDuring PlayedDuring
During the Season SeasonISlght SeasonUlght I IDlgItt
ISlght Each Week eel with Double DonhleIieadcrK DonllebendcrH Doubleheaders
headers on Tuesdays Ved0eM Weilnesdays Ved0eMdayN VecIn H Hdn
days dn and Thursdays
The season of thepepartmental Baseball BaHbAtJLtque BenebaftLgue i iLeagv
Leagv win 1Jt open 0 on May 4 and a a series seriesof 6I1 6I1of seriesof
of eightyfour games will 11 be played playedtwentyone playedtwty playedtwentycue
twentyone twty by each of the eight clubs hi hithe mUte InUt
the league leagueThis
This was determined at a a meeting meetl of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the directors in the office of e President PresidentChance Pre8k1entChance PresidentChance
Chance Inthe in the Postofttoe Department last lastnight lastII1ght lastnight
night It was also < decided that games gamesshall p pahaIl gamesshall
shall be called at S oclock and authority authoritywas authoritYWU authoritywas
was vested led In th the umpire to forfeit f the thegame thecame thagame
game should either team fail to put nine nineuniformed nineuniformed 1M 1Munttornsed
uniformed players on the Held by 515 515oclock 511ociock 515oclock
oclock ociockChalnllft oclockChairman i iChairman
Chairman John H Anderson of the theeommittee theeom theeommtttee
eommittee eom appointed to revise the by bylaws bylaws ¬
laws 1 made several recommendations recommendationswhich r8OlDmendationawbleb recommendatIonswhich
which were acted upon It was agreed agreedthat agreedthat sreedthat
that no player transferred from one de department cJe cJepartment dopartment ¬
partment ta ttJ another aaotb8r provided ed both de departments de deputnientl dopartmentz ¬
partments were were represented in the league leagueshould equeebouJd leagueshould
should be eligible to represent ppans tij the de department de departmeat dopartanent ¬
partment to which he wtui w transferred if ifthe Iftile ifthe
the change is made later than January IS ISof 15of 35of
of each year yearBach yearBacb yeareach
Bach club will be allowed to carry carrythirty eArryI carrythirty
I thirty players OB o its roster ro ter who most Wlt be becertified becertlAecl becertifled
certified to by the thief clerk of the de department de deJI dopsetment ¬
partment No pen will be allowed to towitness toI towitness
I witness the games within the inclosure inclosureof
of ropes except odtoors of the league leagueplayers leagueplayers pe peplayen
players in uniform and specially s invited invitedguests blvttedu
guests guestsA u
A 1 total of eight lIrbt games will be played playedeach playedNeh playedeeh
each week one each on Mondays o andFridays and andFridays aJNIFridaYS
Fridays and a a doubleheader dou on Tuesdays TuesdaysWednesdays TqNdaSWeclDe8daya TuesdaysWednesdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays Th 1n4aJL The busi business busIDelIla bustnees ¬
ness of draughting d1au < a a schedule will not be betaken bettaken betaken
taken up until a future meeting meetingPASTORS m mPASTORS meetIngPASTORS
Gotham Clergymen Protest Protest Against AgainstPresidents AgainstPresidents AgainstPresidents
Presidents Naval Policy PolicyfCoinniujtioatlon PolioyConmnulloatlon PolicyCoznmunioatlon
fCoinniujtioatlon Sent to Senntorllalc SenntorllalcAppeal 5enntorJInleAVlCal 5enntorllalcAppeal
Appeal Made in Behalf of W Venker VenkerXatlons nker nkerXntlouN nlerntlOI1H
XntlouN ntlOI1H Bspccinlly Cliiiin CliiiinNew OblnnNew ChinaNew
New York Jan H aTwentythree Twentythree promt promtnent NOIIIIMAt proudsent
MAt clergymen cle6J Presbyterians Pre Congreg Congregtional CoItl1egaUo cugregstonal
tonal Uo a1 and Heformod have hey sent a tetteto
to Senator Hale HaN chairman of the Senate SenateCommittee SenaCommittee SonataCommittee
Committee on Naval N Affairs
against a the naval programme outlined in inPresident InPrNIdeat InPresident
President Roosevelts last message messageThese me messageTtseee eale ealeTheM
These gentlemen do not look kindly on onthe 011the onthe
the idea of continued large expenditures expendituresfor
for the navy and aacl while most of them themare themare themare
are willing wtW to admit that the United UnitedStates UntedStats UnitedStates
States should have something of the sort sortthey IOrt IOrtthq sortthey
they count over the number of ships In Incommission IncommlalllOa hrcommission
commission and building buldla and wish some somebody somebod7 somebody ¬
body would call a bait some me time timeThe timeThe timeThe
The letter which has he been sent to Seas Senator Seaator Seastor ¬
tor Hale is as follows followsWe foDowsWe followsWe
We We whose names JUt are naderatgnod naderatgnodvoicing U8dwsl U8dwslvoIc1ns Uodmstgudvoicing
voicing as we believe the sentiment of ofmany ofmaD7 ofmany
many thousands t of f American dttsens re respectfully TO TOspecttQ1I respectfully ¬
spectfully express eXprai to you oar earnest hope hopethat hopetllat hopethat I
that the present Congress will can a halt haltin haJt1ft baitin
in what seems to ns the nuiloat and hazardous bar Jeazantoua barerdous ¬
ardous enlargement of the United States Statesnavy a anavy Statesnavy
navy navyI
Believing BeIleT that America should JcI be b the theIea4er theleader tbeleader
I leader among the peacemakers of Usa thoearth tJaeI Usaearth
I earth we cannot but look with th regret regretand retfttand regretand
and alarm on the further multiplication multiplicationof
of battle ships not only because of the thedisastrous UsedlautnMM thedisastrous
disastrous influence which this Is likely to tohave tobave tohave
have upon the temper and fortunes of our ourown ourown owOwn
own people but because it is well nigh nighcertain BlJbcertaia nighcertain
certain to retard that reduction re ucdon in the thearmaments thearmameaw thearmaments
armaments of nations for which a sorely sorelyburdened orelyburdened sorelyburdened
burdened world has song been waiting waitingThe waitingThe IU IUThe
The letter l trr was u signed Saturday night nightat nightat t tat
at a meeting meet1 of a group up of ministers ministerswho ministerswho ministerswho
who get together regularly at the Fifth FifthAvenue PUthATea FifthAvenue
Avenue ATea Hotel to talk over things The Thesigners Thepen Thesigners
signers presumably saw orr or at least leasttheir leuttheir leasttheir
their action was inspired by a paper read readby readby readby
by Rev Dr Jefferson of Broadway Tab Tabernacle Tabernacle Tabarnacle ¬
ernacle at the meeting the preceding ng Sat Saturday Saturday Satunlay ¬
urday In this paper Dr Jefferson ad advanced drneetl adanced ¬
vanced anced four arguments against a con continued continued continned ¬
tinued increase of the navy These argumonte argu arguments arcumenta ¬
monte were we In brief briefThe briefTbe briefThe
The extravagance of such a course its itspushing iUipHhin itspushing
1 pushing < other nations many m JlY of them air airready ltl ltlrady already
I ready poor Into further debt the in increase Inre Increase ¬
crease re in the risk of war which he be believes belIeves beIleves ¬
I lieves a large 1a e navy makes liaole when we wehave wehave wehave
have an inflammable In people a Congress Congresssometimes CongreslOmeUme Congresssometbnes
sometimes reckless s and 20000 news newspapers ne nepper newspapers ¬
papers and finally ftnall that it would force forceChina forceChina forceChina
China to have a navy to match ours oursand ours oursand oursend
and help to precipitate the conflict be between between between ¬
tween Occident and Orient OrientARTHUE OrientARTHUR OrientARTHUR
Famous Player anti Mnnnger Will WillDevelop WifiDevelop 111 111Declop
Develop Quaker Xlnc XlncPhiladelphia XlncPhfiadelpbla NinePhiladelphia
Philadelphia Jan SArthur 2S Arthur A win frwlnone I Irwinon winone
one on of the bestknown belJtJmownmen men hi h the profes profesatonal Prof profeosloisal
atonal baseball world flxep ftx 11xe his signature signatureto
to a contract CO calling for f r him to coach coachthe CCNlchthe co cothe
the baseball team of of the University Unhemt of ofPennsylvania otPmntlvanl3 ofPennrsIvanIa
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaMr
Mr Irwin has been a playing member memberof
I of the Philadelphia Boston and Provi Providence Providence Provideuce ¬
dence teams and later a manager of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Philadelphia Montreal Atlantic City Cityand GIQIUJd Cityand
and Toronto teams tea s He is familiar familiarwith famlliarwith fathiltarwith
with every detail of the game and andonly Andonly andonly
only the approval of the faculty com committee CODmlttefl cornmitten ¬
mitten is necessary to complete the deal dealAs delAs
JAs As Mr Irwin has coached Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniateams Penns Penneylyaninteams lvanl lvanlteam
teams before and 1Ut was highly stW aatlaeictory aatlaeictorythere 8EItlsgctorythere ctory ctoryi
i there is I no doubt that the faculty facult com committee committee cornmittee ¬
mittee will pass on his selection favorably favor favorably faoorably ¬
ably ablyThe
The assistance of several 3 eral graduates graduatesnotably graduatesnotably graduatesnotably
notably John Blakely Blake1 wflLbe tendered to tothe tothe tothe
the new coach td t aid him in the dvek chveJom dveoirnnt > p pmc
mc m irnnt nt of tie e e players playersFc playersFcnlnine
Fc Fcnlnine cnlniJ1t jul mm Pinnnce PinnnceFrom FinnnccPrcJm Financemn
From mn the IHrttaow American AmericanNell J8MricaaNe1IWJlat tsiericsuNellWhat
Nell Ne1IWJlat What is call money dear dearBeite dearBel1eI C CBelIeSI
Beite Bel1eI I guess its the kind you oU call c ccl ll up upyour upyour upyour
your husband on the he telephone for to totell totcll totell
tell him you must have it right 1ght away awn
American Association Opens OpensSessions Op OpensSessjons ns nsSess
Sessions Sess oIls Here Today TodayCONVENE TodayCONVENE TodayCONVENE
IIotiKc Committee on AgricultureGIveS Agriculture AgricultureGives lgricultureGhCff
Gives Hearing Tomorrow and Fri Friday Frleln Friclay ¬
day eln on AitpalachinnWliite Noun Mountain Nounlain Iouutnln ¬
lain National Forest Bill DillThe The Two TwoEvent TwoEvcnb S SEvents
Event Arc Very Vcr ery Important ImportantThe lInportnntThe importantTile
The American Ame1f n Forechry Association be begins begln begrs ¬
gins grs its twentyseventh tWln 8eenth annual melting mastingat m ttng ttnglit
at the New Willard Hotel this morning at
10 oclock There will w l be three sessions sessionsTomorrow sesei0R8Tomorrow seislousTomorrow
Tomorrow and Friday public hearing hearingwill helltrtngwill hearingwill
will be given by the House Committee on onAgriculture onAgrleulture onAgriculture
Agriculture on the Appalachian Appa1achianWhlte Appa1achianWhlteMouRtaln AppalachianWhiteMountain White WhiteMountain
Mountain national forest bill The two twoevents twoevents twoevents
events will bring together the largestnumber largest largestnumber tIlleatnumber
number of friends of f forestry that have havegathered hgvegathered ve vegathered
gathered in this city since the meeting meetingof
of the th forest COr 1ilt congress three years yea age sgeNew ageXcw agerew
New England Delegation DelegationA
A delegation deleg tJon of about fifty Is In tile city cityfrom cityrom cityfrom
from rom Now England headed by Gov GovFloyd Govmoyd CoyFloyd
Floyd of New Hampshire namp ltlre and Lieut LieutGov LteutGov LISUt0ev
Gov Lake of Connecticut and con ¬
slats of many of the th prominent men of ofNew ofN ofNw
New N w England The delegates del l will repre represent repret reprosent ¬
sent t the various r1ons associations interested interestedIn
In helping the work and especially in tinpromotIon the thepromotion th thpromotion
promotion of the AppalachianWhit AppalachianWhitMountain AppaJchWhlteMountain AppsIachIanWhItoMountain
Mountain national forest bilL bilLFrom bUtProm bilLFrom
From the South Sout representatives re tat1Yes are in inthe Inthe Inthe
the city from each of the nine States at affected atteeted atfected ¬
fected by the proposed A Appalachian Appalachiannational Appalachian Appalachiannational lan lannational
national forests The governor goerft9r of each eachState eachState eachStta
State has appointed a a dele dItIOIt delegation OR of oftwenty ofteftt oftwenty
twenty teftt and in addition many m y orsantaa ergautsations orsantaaUons rpIIhaUons
Uons such as chambers of commerce and andboards andboarCM andboards
boards boarCM of trade tI8de are arereprOlMltted represented The Thelargest The1a Thelargest
largest 1a est repr representation fleRtatton is from the Ap Appalachian AppaJaehJan Appaisehian ¬
palachian National Forest Association ASIOdItIOnwith Associationwith As oeIa on onwith
with headquarters at Atlanta AtlantaAt AtlantaAt AtlantaAt
At the morning session the president of oflbaa8ociaUon otUteusodatlon ofUsaassociation
lbaa8ociaUon Secretary Wilson cm of the theDepartment theDepartment theDepartment
Department of Agriculture will pre preside JKewe pieside ¬
side and give his annual address addressFollowing nHFollowing adikessFollowing
Following this win be read the annual amQlre amQlrel re report report ¬
l port of the board of directors together togetherwith tDg therwtth togetherwith
with other reports lUll Mri M Clifford CliffordPincnoU ClIftonPtDdwt CliffOrdPlirchot
PincnoU chief of the Forest Service en1Dt will willspeak will8PMk willspeak
speak on the situation regarding r our ournatural ouraawral ournatural
natural resources resourcesIt re resourcesILls o ree8 ree8It
It ILls is the practice of the Forestry Asso Association aOelatIOn AssoelatiOn ¬
elatIOn to give In the opening session sessiontime Jontime aomlontime
time for a number of nvemtattte ad addresses adre addresses ¬
dresses re by prominent pl aataeRt members of the theassociation theaa theassociation
association aa and visitors visitorsSenator vf8ItorsSenntor visitorsScualor
Senator Gallinger Speaks 511calmAt SpeaksAt SpeaksAt
At the afternoon session Senator Gal Gallinger GalIt Gellinger
It linger will speak on Forestry as a a Na National National ¬ t ttIoaal
tional and State Problem f Governor GovernorHake OoMrnorHoke GovernorHoke
Hoke Smith of Georgia on the Interest merestor Interestof Interestof
of th tM South in Appalachian National National1orals NationalPorests
1 Forests Prof George F Swain of the theMassachusetts theMasuehu theMassachusetts
Massachusetts etts Institute of t Technology Technologyon
on tbe Need of the th White Mountains Mountainsfor JIIouAtalnfot Mountainsfor
for Protection Mark Packard of Buf Buffalo Butfalo Buffain ¬
falo on Cooperation between tire Gov Government Go Goernment Ccvernmaert ¬
ernment and Timberiand Owners and J JHorace JHorace JHorace
Horace McFarland of Harrisburg Pa Papresident Papreeldeat Papresident
president of the American Civic Associa Association Amoclaton Ia IatiOD ¬
ton tiOD on Forests and the Health of tho thoNation thoNA theNation
Nation NationS NationThe NA NationThe OIl OIlThe x
The evening session will rJU consist of a adiscussion 3d adiscussIon
discussion d of the important phases of pro proposed propcMIed proposed ¬
posed national forests in tbe White WhiteMountains WhIteXouRtailUi WhiteMountains
Mountains and the Southern Appalach Appalachians AIIJlacbJus Appejachlass ¬
lass with E J Watson an of South Caro Carolina CaroBaa ¬
Baa Prof L C Glenn of Tennessee TennesseeW TennesseeW
W S Lee Le8 of North Carolina Caroll and H N NSbepard NSb NSheperil
Sbepard Sb pant of Be Boston < ston as the principal principalspeakers principalJpeAkera principalspeakem
speakers speakemToinorrew speakersTomorrow JpeAkeraT
Tomorrow T lDOIT W all of f the various organize organizettons 8I3IUIIzat1eM orgszdzatioris
ttons will be represented at a a hearing heart to tobe tobet tobe
be given by the tb House Committee on onAgriculture onArrIculture onAgriculture
Agriculture on the AppalachianWhite AppalachianWhiteMountain Appalacblaa AppalachIanWhIteMountain V lte lteMountain
Mountain national forest bill billIntroduced bill billIntr bill1n110duccd
Introduced Intr duced in House
This bill has been introduced to the thaHouse th thHouse theHouse
House by Representatives nepre entatlYes Carrier of ofNew otNew ofNew
New Hampshire and Lever of South SouthCarolina SouthCarolina SouthCaroline
Carolina and provides for the establish establishment establIshwent Ish Ishmeat ¬
meat of national forests U in the WhIte WhitsMountains Whlt Whltouatal WhIteMountains
Mountains ouatal in New Hampshire and Maine Maineand Jllaineaad Maineand
and on the principal watersheds v In the theSouthern theSoutbern theSouthern
Southern Appalachians A I Ia from r Pennsylva Pennsylvania P PanasylvanI va vanIa ¬
nia nI to Alabama and aadThe Georgia GeorgiaThe GeorgIaThe
The bill carries an appropriate of ofMMT4 S Sem SZNUOL
MMT4 The hearing is likely llke1 to t be eve e ofthe of ofthe t tthe
the most impressive pubHe hearings ever everheld ew ewThe everheld
held The friends of the bill Iai are anxious anxiousto
to urge upon the committee commJtt tillit tillitOC t the necessity necessityof v vof
of this legislation and the great Impor Importance Impr ImprI Importance ¬
tance of passing the Mil at this session of ofCongress orCoapea ofCongress
Congress CoapeaOFFICERS CongressOFFICERS CongressOFFICERS
Argentine r cntlnc Authorities Take TRJ e Anterl Anterlcnii Amen Amencuria merl merlcnn
cnn curia Out for Automobile Drives DrivesBuenos DrhosBueIaofi DrivesBuenos
Buenos Ayres Jaa 9 10The The officers of ofthe oftM ofthe
the American flotilla of torpedo boat de dostroyerL destroyers de detroen ¬
stroyers which are re visiting vI this port porttoday porttoda7 porttoday
today visited the tir suburbs m In aniomo aniomobiles MHomebUe8 autowohues
hues They were entertained tallied at break braaklast 1InIIktaat breakCast
last at the Palmenno Park PavilIon Tonight To Tonight 10 10Jd ¬
night Jd t a banquet was M given hi their honor honorat bonorat honorat
at the Naval Club and very cordial cordialspeeches conIialapeedaea cordialspeeches
speeches were made ft The Tb men of the theftotilla theotilia theflotilla
flotilla were also entertained eawr at a dinner dinnerTomorrow owner ownerTomorrow ner nerTomolTow
Tomorrow there win win be a a1lMeball a1lMeballpme baseball baseballgame baseballgame
game between a local 1 nine and nnds a nine ninefrom ninefrom gluefront
from the destroyer de Stewart StewartMembers SleW1IrtMembeni StewartMembers
Members of the American colony will willentertain wtllent8taln willentertain
entertain the visitors visitorsCallao visitorsCalIno 1sttOffiCalJao
Callao Peru Jan 3S 33The The United States Statescruiser Stat Statescruiser s scruleer
cruiser Chicago arrived here this morn morning MomI mornlug ¬
lug I After ceallrig NlIngahe she Win proceed to toValparaiso tGVaJp t tValparalso
Valparaiso VaJp raiso to meet the flotilla ot of torpedo torpedoboat t torpedoboat lJedo lJedobOAt
boat destroyers d roymg which hIe Is now at Buenos BuenosAyres BuenoAyrM BuenosAyres
Ayres AyresUnited AyrMUnited AyresUnited
United State Stat Minister Wilson at Bue Buenos Buenos fluefloe ¬
nos Ayres yesterday reported to the State StateDepartment Stat StatDep StateDepartment
Department Dep rtmnt the arrival of the Amelcan Ameicantorpedo Amelcanlorpedo Amelcantorpedo
torpedo flotilla at that place He trans transmitted tfMmltted tracemitted ¬
mitted the expressions ns of tin Argentinegovernment Argentine Argentinegovernment Argentinegovernment
government of friendship with tht > United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnItedStates
States and their appreciation of the cour courtesy courtesy courtesy
tesy in sending the flotilla to visit Buenos BuenosAyres Bu BuenosAyres n09 n09Ayres
Ayres Great preparations have ha been beenmade beenmade beenmade
made Minister Wilson added for the en entertainment entertalnment entertafnment ¬
tertainment of the officers of the eftotllla eftotllladuring ntallla ntallladuring Sotilladuring
during their stay in I the the Argentine rgen ne capital capitalBobby cpttnlBobby pUftl pUftlDob1Lowe
Bobby Dob1Lowe Lowe May Jln Conch IV U PPlttsburg P PPlUsburg PPlttsbur
PlUsburg Plttsbur Jan 3 SIt It is reported to tonight tonight tonight ¬
night that th t a deal has been een seen practically practicallycompleted practicallycompleted Hy Hycompleted
completed which will eliminate Robert I ILowe 14 14Lovc ILowe
Lowe Lovc the Infielder of the Detroit Amenen Amen American AJDfriIln ¬
can League team t from the major leagues leaguesIf le ues uesIt < aues auesIf
If the athletic committee of the Western Westerntives W VtsternUniversity f ern ernUnivorsity
University of pennsylvania apprqn tives s of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the terms agreed ag upon it It IP ip said Id Lowe Lowowill Low6wtll Lowewill
will wtll coach Coacil the W U P team during the thecoming thecoming tecoming
coming season Contingent ConUng nt upon this tniscontract thiscontrftct tillScontract
contract being closed Lowers to become becomemanager beeon8manft beeonemanager
manager manft er of the team representing his hishome hIshome hIshome
home town New Castle Ca t1f Pa in the Ohioand Ohio Ohioand Ohivand
and Pennsylvania P nns lvania League LeagueYoull LeagueI LeagueYoull
I Youll Derive Benefit as asWell asWell
Well as Pleasuro From FromThis FromLD FromLOY
This superior dark beer r unites unitesall unUsall unltsall
all tbe tonic virtues of highgrad highgradmalt highgrtdmalt hlghgradmalt
malt and hops Pure delicious delicioussatisfying dOlItfusatisfying dellcteusatisfying
satisfying Phone W 43 43AbnerDrury 4 4AbnerDrury 43Q 43QAbnerDrury
AbnerDrury Brewing Co co7t z p