OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 30, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-01-30/ed-1/seq-7/

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Claims Against the Government GoyernmentI
In a a big brown bfo fiaNgingr liutl lnc on Pennsyl Pennsylvania Pennsylvania PennSyIanI ¬
vania anI avenue vernie In Washington n opposite oppositethe oppositethe oppositethe
the State Slate War and Nary building sits sitsfor sitsfor sitsfor
for nine uIn months of the year the greatest greatestmoneyJudgment great8iltmoneyjuclgatent greatestmoneyjgjt
moneyJudgment court in the world worldtbe worldtbeCourt worldtheCourt the theCourt
Court of Claims Here are presented and andadjudicated andadjudleated andadjudicated
adjudicated all disputed claims against againstthe alIn8tth againstthe
the th government cov gov rnment rnznent of the United States Al Although Although Although ¬
though claims against the government governmentstarted fJOvelumenttarted governmentstarte4
started as soon as Its Treasury began ex existence exItence oxIitenc ¬
istence it was sixtysix years before before an aninstitution aninatltutJon anInititution
institution expresaly expa b for their settlement settlementwas setUmeatwu settlementwa
was wa put into alteration For much more morethan moreth4n morethan
than half a century private claims had hadbeen badbeen hadbeen
been accumulating ac u1atlng and worrying Sen Senators Senators Senators ¬
ators and Representatives almost to dIg distraction diaI diatraction dIgtraction ¬
traction Claimants bad been begging beggingand bestlngand beggingand
and demanding at t the doors of Congress Congressfrom Coogreurom Cuarces1tom
from rom its first session in the first Presi Presidents Presidents Presidents ¬
dents administration Something SOmethl it was wasdetermined WIUItermlntd wasdetermined
determined termlntd had to be done to give force forceund folt41nnd forcelLnd
und effect to the constitutional eon guaranty guarantyof gdarantyof UAnty UAntyof
of the right of petition At last setting settingtheir settingtheir tttng tttngthdr
their heads together t ifetber and realigns roaUa that thatit t1atit thatii
it was beyond the power of Congress Con reas to tothoroughly tot tozhoroughly
thoroughly t examine all claims and justly justlyto juatlyto justlyto
to act upon the myriads of prayers for forrelief tor1eUef forrelief
relief presented at every session they theycreated Ute UtecrMlted thyerated
created the Court of Claims ClaimsThe ClaimsThe ClaimsThe
The first definite step for justice to toclaimants todalmniB tolairnanis
claimants and relief to Congress was not nottaken nottakt nottaken
taken takt > n until the second nd session of the theThirtythird theIhlrtythird theihirtythird
Thirtythird Congress in ISM 1S604 when Sen Senator Sentor Sentor ¬
ator tor Richard Ri hard Brodhead of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaintroduced Pf11n Pennsylvaniaintroduced lvaJtla lvaJtlajntrod
introduced jntrod ed a bill to establish a commit commission eot8lft eot8lftsion commitsion ¬
sion for the examination and adjustment adjustmentof
of o r private claims The bill was acknowl acknowledged aeknowlfdgM acknowldged ¬
edged to be meritorious but it was u urged urgedby ul1edby urgedby
by Senator Robert M T Hunter of Vir Virginia Virginia Ir Irglnia ¬
ginia that something more dignified dlcnl ed and andenduring andtnduring andindurIng
enduring than a mere commission sub subject subjct subJect ¬
ject to political changes was desirable desirableThereupon del1rab1eTherflupon desirableThereupon
Thereupon a a select committee eonmltt consisting consistingof con8l Ung Ungof
of Senators Brodhead of Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaJunes PenuylvanlaJones PennsylvaniaJones
Jones of Tennessee rtnn Hunter of Virginia VirginiaClayton YirglnlaClayton Virginiatiayton
Clayton of Delaware and Clay Cia of Ala Alabams Alabnns Alabms
bams was appointed and reported a asubstitute Atlub z zsubetttute
tlub substitute tltute which called for the establish establishment establishfl1nt tb1Ih tb1Ihmtnt ¬
ment of a a court for the Investigation of ofrlalms otrlalms ofrlalms
rlalms against the United States The TheSenate TIwSfnata Th ThSenate
Senate unanimously passed the bill and andin andin andIn
in February 15 it was passed by th thHouse thv thvHouse thHouse
House and President P en Pierce made it Itlaw a alaw alaw
law n1th fth th his signature signatureIt s1 ature atureIt
It provided for the appointment of three threejudges reejud theejudges
judges jud and nd a solicitor The presiding presidingjudge I8Ift1gjude presidingjudge
judge was John J Oilchrist of New NewHampshire NewHampolhtre NewHampshire
Hampshire and the associate Judges were wereIsaac wereIsaae wereIsaac
Isaac Blackford of Indiana IJtdI and George GeorgeP OsoegP
P Scarbursh of Virginia TIM solicitor settettorwas MtldterWall solicitorwas
was Montgomery tCOlINrJ Blair of the District Districtof DhJtrietor Districtof
of Columbia who afterward became Post Postmaster Poetmaster Postmaster ¬
master General in President Lincolns Lincolnsflrst Iiftoolnfirat Llneolnafirst
first Cabinet CabinetSome CabinetSome CabinetSome
Some idea of the mass and variety of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the business of the court pertinent to toit tftit toit
it as it is today ted was even in the first firstreport firstrfport llrstreport
report of Judge Gllchrist after a year yearof yearr yearof
of work He iI said that no one without withoutpersonal wttboutpersonal withoutpersonal
personal experience e rlen could have any ay cor correct cor correct correct ¬
rect idea of the diversity intricacy per perplexity perplexlt perplexity ¬
plexity and exhausting exhau Unl labor necessary necessaryfor neeeuaryfor necessaryfor
for the investigation of claims much muchIMS muchIMS muchless
IMS than of the sum of money mo involved involvedIt
It ifas 1 Iu astonishing loalhin said th the judge judgethat judgthat judgethat
that among 8 80c0 8OW inhabiting the al almost aIm08t 1 1most ¬
most boundless territory trrlt ry comprehended comprehendedby
by the Union innumerable questions of ofthe ofthe ofth
the th most difficult and delicate nature naturemust naturel1 naturefliUSt
must l1 uSt have tave arisen delays in the decision decisionof
of r which were alike discreditable dl to the themoral thelral theiiral
moral sense Me of the people and the public publicfaith pubUcfaltb publicfaith
faith of the government of which hlch the thepeople thepAople thepeople
people are founders The judge declared declaredlegislative declAredlpgfslatlve declaredlglslatlve
legislative bodies unfit for a a judicial judicialinvestigation judicialInyp judicialInvestigation
investigation Inyp tlpUon into private rights claims claimshaving dalmha1ng claimshaving
having accumulated until all desire to toinvestigate toInveeUate toinvestigate
investigate them bad become bf repressed repressedThe repreeeedThe repressedThe
The court got on very well until Con Congress Congrtu Congreas ¬
gress began to complain again It had hadrequired hadrequired hadrequired
required the laying before it of all rec records recorda roeorda ¬
orda of cases and at41 in order to be re relieved reIieed relieved ¬
lieved from this burden amended the law lawMarch JAWJIarch laWMareb
March i tttt giving the court five judges judgesand jud judgesand e5 e5Rnd
and where the amount exceeded SOOO SOOOa 3000 3000allowing 3 3aIlo4ng
allowing a Jlo ng an appeal to the United States StatesSupreme StatesSupreme StatesSupreme
Supreme Court by either party Interest Interestwas Inter Interestwas 6t 6twas
was allowed on judgments in certain certaincases certaincues certaincues
cues in favor of claimants when on onappeal onappeal onappeal
appeal the Supreme Court should affirm affirmOther affirmOther 111cm 111cmOther
Other amendments have from time to totime totime totime
time broadened the jurisdiction jurIs4lletl ft of the theCourt theCourt theCourt
Court of Claims and of course imposed imposedadditional I Iadditional lmiosed lmiosedadditional
additional labor upon the judges and at attorneys attorneys attorneys ¬
torneys representing the government governmentWhen government governmentThen governmentWhen
When the court waa created it was for fora forn fora
a a population of 26060000 15 Since that time
1 1865 16 > an enormous civil war strife with withIndians withIndians 1th 1thIndl
Indians Indl ns and war with a foreign country countryhave countryhave countryhave
have occurred and now it serves a a popu population population populatlon ¬
lation of nearly S7OQ 8700000 7OOU OOd Had there been beensuch beensuch beensuch
such A court from the beginning of the thegovernment thegovernment thegovernment
government Its records to date would wouldgive wouldslve wouldgive
give more completely the grand narrative narrativeof
of the American people than it would be bepossible bepossible bepossible
possible for all historians to tell and andwould aOOwould andwould
would impart to it a fascination of inti intimate Intimate lntlmate ¬
mate interest beyond beyo the dreams of ro romance romance romance ¬
mance and poetry poetryThe poetryThe poetryThe
The court held its first rat session in July July1W July1a6
1W in the room in the Capitol now used usedfor use usefor
9 for the Law library of oCC ofCongress Congress ngross It re remained remained ¬
mained in the Capitol until Ui lIiI when It Itremoved Itremoved itremoved
removed to the Department of Justice Justicebuilding Justicebuilding Justicebuilding
building opposite the north front of the theTreasury tbeTreasury theTreasury
Treasury on Pennsylvania avenue enue con continuing contlnulng continuing ¬
tinuing there until the government bought boughtthe boughtthe boughtthe
the old Corcoran Art Gallery building to towhich towhieh towhich
which it was removed and where it now nowsits nowsits nowsits
sits The term lasts 1a usually from the thethird thethird thethird
third Monday in October until about bout the themiddle themiddle themiddle
middle of June The office of the clerk clerkis clerkIs clerkIs
is open the year round for the filing of ofpapers ofpapers ofpapers
papers and the transaction of necessary necessarybusiness neeessarybU8ln necessarybusiness
business businessThere bU8ln bU8lnThere businessThere
There Is no jury In this court All Allquestions AllQueaUons Allquestions
questions of law and fact are submitted submittedto ubmlttedto
to the five judges who read the record recordso
so that there is no necessity for oral ar arguments arf ¬
F f guments as in common law courts The Theceurt Theceurt Theceurt
ceurt must find the facts as a well as asapply asAPplY asapply
apply the law but in cases ea case involving involvinglarge Involvinglar Involvinglarge
large lar e amounts or important questions of oflaw oflaw oflaw
law especially e pociaJly those of test cases th thevidence the thef1denee theevidence
evidence is submitted in the form of ofdepositions ofdepoalUolI ofdepositions
depositions Nothing is decided on ex exparte expar cxparte
parte par e affidavits Counsel for the govern government government governmeat ¬
ment crossexamine or0S6e amlne witnesses There is isR IIa Isa
a special office or division of the Depart Department Department Department ¬
ment of Justice under an Assistant Attor Attorney Attorne Attorney ¬
ney ne General who baa the aid of a num number number fluesher ¬
ber of subordinate attorneys whose duty dutyit dutIt dutyIt
it is i carefully to guard the Interests Int ts of ofthe ofth o oth
the th government governmentThe IovernmentThe
The first fir claims against the government governmentwere gGvarnmentwere governmentwere
were for services In the war of the Revo Revolution RevQlutlon Revoliitlon ¬
lution Congress early rly turned over to the thestates theStat theStates
states Stat the selection of pensioners and andthe andthe andthe
the statement of the amounts to which whichthey whlohtl1 whichthey
tl1 they > y were entitled under a Federal law lawproviding lAWproviding lawproviding
providing for their payment Among the theearliest theearlle8t theearliest
earliest Indian depredation claims was wasone wasone wasone
one for the value of twentythree tw ntythree negro negrolaves negroIavu negroslaves
laves Cherokee Indians In lans on the Ten Tennessee Tennessee Tenneasee ¬
nessee River in 1W killed three white whitemen whitemenWilliam whitemenWilliam
men menWilliam William Scott ott and John and James JamesPettigrew JamesPettigrew JamesPettlgrew
Pettigrew of South Carolina CaroUnnand and car carried carried carned ¬
ried oft their slaves Heirs asked pay payment payment payItient ¬
ment for these from the government governmentAn governmentAnintereslng
An Anintereslng interesting Interes lng claim of the early days daysi daysIRS daystINSLOWS1
SOOTHING SYRUP SYRUPbh1 SYRUPO13bcenusedbyflWonsof
O13bcenusedbyflWonsof bh1 used by llWons of Mothers 3iothersfor for their
Ol chu1d wnoI4thW W yjj Teething for over F1ttJ Years
1 it soo soothes wnoI4th cs the UOQ chUd child softens the gums guxn allays
j aU nal1 Ctiea vlnil col1c COUc and la is the best bestS
i remedy fordlarriieoa tor d1Arrbcoa
w wa web j that of John Platt of Ohio for or sup supplies supplies supplies ¬
plies furnished ftlrnlsh d the army arm during the war warof wa waof var varof
of ISIS Thq Platt claim was not settled settleduntil sottleduntil settleduntil
until long nifter after tho establishment of the theCourt theCourt theCourt
Court of Claims anfl the original orI lnal claim claimant clalnant claimant ¬
ant had died in a debtors prison Con Concerned Concarned Concorned ¬
corned in tills claim was Nicholas Long Longworth Longworth Longworth
worth afterward noted SB a a Cincinnati Cincinnatiwine CIncinnatiwIne Cincinnatiwine
wine merchant He was an ancestor of ofPresident ofPresident ofPresident
President Roosevelts soninlaw of the thesame theame thesame
same name The pnice of an elegant elegantpair olegantpair elegantpair
pair of blunderbue pistols pt p1stolsGGws toI8IGwu 26Kwas a aclaim Itclaim aclaim
claim presented by a a sufferer from the thewhisky tbewhisky thewhisky
whisky insurrection in Pennsylvania dur during durIng durlag ¬
ing Washingtons administration administrationOf admlnl tration trationor
Of the scores of interesting Inter SUng stories that thatfloat that110at thatfloat
float around the Court of Claims there thoreis thereIs thereIs
is Is one of Gen G n Benjamin F Butler and andhis andhis andhis
his claim for the cost oost of a band organ organWhat organWhat organWhat
What the captor of New Orleans could couldpossibly eouldpossibly couldpossibly
possibly want with a hand organ is 18plalnM ex explalnad oxplalned
plalnad He had bought it as part of the thepicturesque thepicturesque thepicturesque
picturesque makeup of a spy whom be bewished bewished howished
wished to send into Baltimore to get in information Information Information ¬
formation about th thm enemy and a dila dilatory dUIltor dilatory ¬
tory tor government gave him many anxious anxiousmoments anxtoulmoments anxiousmoments
moments before the validity of his claim claimwas claimwas claimwas
was finally allowed and he obtained a afinding 8ftncUng alinding
finding for the coat of the organ organThe orpQThe orgaaThe
The personnel personn l of the court since its itscreation Itscreation ItsCreation
creation has 1 been of R high h h order of ofability orabfllty ofability
ability and learning I Among the most mostdistinguished moBtdiatinlUlabed mostdistinguished
distinguished judges of long lon service was wasCharles WIt WItCurIes wasCharles
Charles C Nott who was appointed by byPresident byPrsdnt byPresident
President Lincoln a little more than a amonth amonth amonth
month before Ids assassination Judge JudgeNott JudgeNott JudgeNott
Nott was practicing law in Now York Yorkwhen YorkhM Yorkwhen
when hM he induced Mr Lincoln to make his hisfamous hisfamous hisfamous
famous Cooper Union address which led ledto ledto ledto
to his nomination for President in n tttt ttttJudge 1aJ 1 1Judge
Judge J e Nott retired in 19N 1to1 after more morethan morethan I
than forty years years service and now lives livesat livesat
at Princeton N J Another eminent eminentjudge eminentjude eminetjudge
judge of the court was wa Chief Justice JusticeDrake JuatleeDrake JUStICIDraice
Drake who had represented the State of ofMissouri orlltuourl ofMIori
Missouri in the United States Senate SenateWilliam SenatellIIam SenateWilliam
William llIIam A Richardson of Massachusetts Mas tlchuseU j
We w sat in ii tit t the Wgi dim Hbrary watch watchIns w watchleg tck tckng
Ins ng Ute gray JIi day 8l coma to its gray end endDusk enclDu endDusk
Dusk Du k had 1I d made de us confidential Phillip Ph PhUhipahad Philliphud llp llphad
had thrice ask asked if I didnt want w nt a light lightaad Ugktad lightand
ad had thdee received recl ed the same nega negative nlGAth negative ¬
th tive answer I was loath to spoil potl th thconfidences the theeonftdences thecon
confidences eonftdencesNow con confidencesNow dences dencesNow
Now honestly hone tly Ted said Phillip PhUUPKt PhUUPKtwasnt Phillipswasnt Phillipwasnt
wasnt there ever a girl in your life who whowas whowas whowas
was different different from the rest r stwasnt restwasntthere stwasntthere wasnt wasntthere
there one who mada mad you ou think and feel feeland feelaJMI feeland
and plan as you had never thought or orfelt orfelt orfelt
felt or planned l before > e ore In short Ted Tedat Tedat Tedat
at some me time in your life hasnt The TheGirl riteGirl TheGIrl
Girl put in an appearance appearanceI appearaneer appearaneerI
I leaned < l forward eagerly eagerlyAly eagerlXy eagerlydy
Aly dy deAr PhilHpa Phflfti you OU certainly certainlyknow certainlylino certslnhyBosh
know knowBoth lino w wllBoIb
Both snapped ppe4 she III I know j jest jestthe jtthe st stthe
the silly speech you were He going to make makeI makeI
I dont mean that boy bo and girl affair ffar of ofours ofours ofours
ours you are always pleased to be so sofacetious 80taeeltous sofacetious
facetious about I mean hasnt there therebeen tMrebHft therebeets
been a real bit of romance romanceI romRcI
I pretended to thing thin portentously Then ThenI
I sighed sighedConfession MgheclConfeMlon sighedConfession
Confession is good for the se soul lN saM saMI
I Therefore Ill confess eonU6 Yes Phil Phillipa PhIllipa Phillips
lipa there w wu one oneI oneI oneI
I knew it ItI I knew K said Phillips MlI1HPftgleefully Phillipsgleefully PhflHpegleefully
gleefully And youve You never told < me meabout meabout mcabout
about it in all these years she went on onchWtngly onchldlngly onchidingly
chidingly Well sir open your Our heart heartnow heartnow Art Artnow
now and disgorge the whole romance romanceI romaneolt romaneoltI
I laid my myalfoo halfconsumed flUmad cigar in an anash 11sh anash
ash sh tray tra and settled myself comfort comfortably c comfortably mfort mfortably ¬
ably ablyI
I think it was 5 something like eight eightyears eightyrs eightyears
years ago I first met her I beganEight began beganBight egan i imsht
Bight years ago echoed Phillips PhilHpaAnd PhnttpaAnd PhillipsAnd
And not nota a word of it to me in all this thistime tillatllfte thistitus
time timeShe
She was very 17 young then As I say sayI sayI
I met her and fell in love with her herWhat herWhat herWhat
What was was she Hke demanded Phil Phillipa Phillip Philllp
lip lipaShe llp
She was very beautiful and she was wasdressed wasdreMed wasdressed
dressed in blue bluePhilllpa bluePhnUpa bluePhillips
Philllpa laughed The first is very verydefinite varydeftnlte verydefinite
definite and the second is very impor important important Important ¬
tant she observed mockingly mockinglyShe mockinglySbe mockinglyShe
She was dressed in blue I repeated repeatedsternly repoatedIternly repeatedsternly
sternly It is important I shall carry carrythat carrythat carrythat
that color to my grave graveHow gmoHow graveHow
How romantic roman tie said she sheI sheI
I fell in love with her herSo herSo herSo
So you said she remarked rQJ arkod impa impatiently ImpUently Impatiently ¬
tiently but what made you fall in love lovewith lovewltb lovewith
with herr herrThe hr hrThe herrThe
The blue dress and her smile am II e said saidI
I It was a a most wonderful smile It Itopened Itopened Itopened
opened up worlds youd oud never dreamed dreamedof
0 of I remember when I first saw her hershe hershe hershe
she seemed different from all the other othergirig othergirls othergirls
girls Id ever seen My Iy heart slipped its itsmoorings itsmoorlnC8 Itsmoorings
moorings then and there I could never nevercall nevercaH nevercall
call it my own afterward It was hors horsDid horsDid horsDid
Did she know it asked Phillipa PhillipaI
I cant say said I L Sometimes I Ithink Itblnk Ithink
think she did and again I think she shedidnt shedidnt shedidnt
didnt didntWhy didntWh I Ifrhy
frhy Why Wh didnt you find out she de demanded demanded domanded ¬
manded mandedI
I intended to in time but I only knew knewlior knewhor knewher
her a year ear when I paused pausadWhen peu5odWhen pausedWhen
When what said ftlt1 Philllpa with fth a afine 3fine afine
fine disregard of grammar grammarShe grammarShe grammurShe
She died I said vary softly softlyOh softlyOh softlyOh
Oh said Phillips and then for a atime atime atime
time we Were rere ero silent silentI
I was very very lonely after that thatNothing thatNothing thatNothing
Nothing was the same There was a agroat agJQat agroat
groat aching void in life that nothing nothingcould nothingcould nothingcould
could nil nilWhy ftllVhY fillWily
Why havent you OU ever mentioned her herbefore herbofore herbefore
before she asked askedWell askedven askedrell
Well rell its rather painful painfulOf palnfulI painfulOf
Of course she said Id quickly IIF For Forgive Forgive r rgive ¬
give me meIf meIf meIf
I If the little girl in blue had lived llveJPhilHpa Jfv JfvPhUlipn livedPhillipa
PhilHpa said I I think my life would wouldhave wouldhave wouldhave
have been very ery different dltrot nt I know it itwould itwould itwould
would have been far happier She was wassuch wassuch wassuch
such a quiet trusting little soul She Sheknow Sheknow Sheknow
know nothing of the world nor of ofmoney ormonep ofmoney
money nor of ambition She I think thinkwas thinkwas thinkwas
was quite content with me me and I was wasmore wasmore wsmore
more than content with hor horAnd horAnd herAnd
And youll always be loyal to heror herorto her herorto or orto
to her memory asked she sheAlways sheAlways sheAlways
Always said I emphatically emphaticallyWe f
We were silent again for a time timeDear timeDear timeDear
Dear little girl in blue I murmured murmuredPm murmurqdImIm
PmIm Pm Im awfully sorry Tod she shesaid shesaid he hesaid
said simply simplyPerhaps simp simpPerb simplyPerhaps
Perhaps Perb ips Id better explain that she shedidnt shedidnt shedidnt
didnt really die said I To other peo people people peopie ¬
ple she simply changedgrew In mind mindand mindand mindand
and in worldly knowledge but to me she shedied shedied altodied
died diedOh
Oh said Philllpa meaningly
She wanted more worlds to conquer conquerwhen conquerwhen conquerwhen
when she grew I wont on She was wasno wasno wasno
no longer content with me Instead of ofmy otmy ofmy
my simple little girl in blue there came camea cameproud
a proud ambitious woman who demand demanded demanded demandad ¬
ed all the world couid give givemoney money posi position position position ¬
tion power powerDid powerDid powerDid
Did she get them asked Phillipa PhillipaThey PhlllipaThey
They were offered to her herWhy herV1IY herThy
Why didnt she take them then th8n1 she shesaid shesaid shesaid
said saidThat
That I dont know said I IPerhaps IPerhaps IPerhaps
Perhaps she grew tired of pride and andambition nndambition andambition
ambition said Phillipa Perhaps perhttpt there therewere Uterewere therewere
were times when sho wanted to be just justthe justthe justthe
the little girl in blue again againI S
I wonder said I musingly
Lets have a light said Philllpa PhIllipaDont j I
Dont said I 1 I wonder if she did1 dd
went from President Grants Cabinet to totho totho tothe
tho hood of the court J C Bancroft BancroftDavis Bnncroctavis BancroftDavis
Davis avis who represented thin country countr be before before before ¬
fore the Geneva tribunal of arbitration arbitrationwas arbltrationWK arbitrationwas
was WK also a Judge jud William IT Hunt of ofLouisiana ofLouhltana ofLouisiana
Louisiana resigned from the claims claimsbench cJalmsbeneh claimsbench
bench to become Secretary of the Navy Navyunder NtW NtWunder Navyunder
under President QarnVkl Garft ld Lawrence Web Waldqn Webdon Vol Vold
don d n of Illinois who practiced law with withPresident withPre withPresident
President Pre fdent Lincoln was wa onoof this tl ablest ablest8a4 ablestan1 ablesttd
8a4 td most beloved of the jude and diod dioda dJoI dIoda
a few fey yoara ears ago in Washington WashingtonTim Wuhtn WasldngtonThe n nTh
Tim Th court a nD now constituted consists consistsof consistor consistsof
of SUnton tantoJI J Penile of Indiana the Ut oldest oldestJudge oldestjudge t tjulge
Judge in point of servIce He had boon be on U Umember 1member itmember
member of Congress and was practicing practicinglaw practicingJaw practicinglaw
law at Indianapolis when appointed by byPresident byPresldent byPresident
President Harrlsen President Roosevelt Roosoveltmade Roosovcltmadl Rooseveltmade
made him 1dm chief Justice on the retirement retirementIn
In 100 1006 of Chief Justice Nott Charles B BHowry BHowry 13Howry
Howry of Mississippi next longest serv serving servIng servlug ¬
ing was an Assistant A Attorney General Generalof GenomloC Generalof
of the United State Stat when he was ap appointed appointad appointed ¬
pointed by President Pr 5ildent Cleveland Fenton FentonW FentonW Fentonv
W v Booth of Illinois the youngest morn member Inember mornbet ¬
ber of the bench was appointed about aboutthree aboutthree aboutthree
three years ago by President Roosevelt RooseveltSamuel ROOS6eltSamuel RooseveltSamuel
Samuel S S Barney Bame of Wisconsin former formermember formermember formermember
member of Congress CoDCf U and George W V At Atkinson AtklMOn Atkinson ¬
kinson who had been governor of West WestVirginia WestVirginia etlt etltVirginia
Virginia are the latest to be appointed appointedas
as s Judgesboth by President Roosevelt RooseveltThe Rooiie RooseveltThe eJt eJtThe
The aggregate offlndlng of findings by the Court Courtof Courtot Courtof
of Claims has been considerably over oert1OOOCO overOoj00oco
5300000000 t1OOOCO which whl h represents r about one oneseventh oneennUI on onseventh
seventh > of the total of amounts claimed claimedJudgments claimedJudgmnts claimedJudgments
Judgments have all been n paid but Con Congrew Congr Congeese
grew gr sometime falte to make or often oftendelays oftEmdlan oftandelays
delays payment upon court Jtading JtadingSome findings findlnS80Som findingsSome
Some Som of the cue are of great magnitude magnitudethat magnltl1dothat mdijnltmlethat
that of the recent Cherokee award awardamounting ftwardamounting awardamounting
amounting In principal and Interest to toover toUVfr toover
over f 1609006 1609006One 15OIliOOn I IOne
One On of the greatest of American law lawyer law7e lawyore
yer 7e yore Charles Chari OConnor said of the Court Courtof Courtot Courtof
of Claims The court itself is the first flrstborn tirstborn firstborn
born of a new Judicial era As a it judicial judicialtribunal jut1lclaltribunal judicialtribunal
tribunal It Is not only new In the In Instance Intance Instance ¬
stance it is also 1 o new n v in the principle principleSo prlnclplSo
So tar as concerns the power of the courts courtsto courtsto courtsto
to afford redreea redre it ha hu heretofore been beenfundamental Iliumfundamental beenfundamental
fundamental that the sovereign can do dono 10no dono <
no wrong long This court was erected as aspraetJeal a apractical a apractical
practical negative nga1 upon that vicious viciousmaxim viciousmaxim Iclous11Ulttm
maxim Henceforth our OU government g ernment re repudiates re repudlat8li yepudiates ¬
pudiates the arrogant assumption and andconsents AndCOMtftts andconsents
consents to meet at the bar of enlight enlightened enlightcoed tt ht htened ¬
ened Justice every rightful claimant lalftA t how howlowly howlowly howlowly
lowly soever his h condition may be beTomorrOTt bTomorrowFedoral beTomorrowFederal
TomorrOTt TomorrowFedoral Ieilornl Liquor Lepfln Lepflnlation leJdlutlon Leglaladen
ever er want to be Ute lb HUU HW girl glrl1 1 Uhj UhjYe 1JttIea lj ljshe I IAKa
Ye y she AM s said M sM flatly flfttfrI U7
I sprang rallC to my feet and ban to pace paceup Db Dbup paceup
up and do doTbtan downThen down downThen
Then why wasnt she I demanded demandedWell tlmandedWell damandedWell
Well it was hard she began beganDoes beGllnDoEtt hoganDoes
Does she want to be now I cried criedLets oriedLts criedLets
Lets have a light U t said she Ihe weakly weaklyI
I ignored the suggestion suggestionDoes sugsetIonDoes t1on t1onD08I
Does she want to now POwr I said stop stopping mapping atopping ¬
ping directly before her herDont herDont herDont
Dont Tod she said You mustnt mustntShe mustntShe mustntShe
She shall be It she want to be 1 I Ideclared IcteeJarecl Ideclared
declared declaredThink cteeJareclThInk declaredThink
Think of all th the plans pIa that have been beenmade heenmade beentoad
made toad for me Tbd I mustnt nt I IDrat IDrat IBrat
Drat the plane x lNi You shall be just justwhat justwhat justwhat
what you OU want wantJu Just t what yon yourself yourselfwajit yourselfwant ourHlCwant
want said I II II II
I felt her hand on my sleeve Then Thenshe Thendrew Thenshe
she drew me toward her herI herI
I want to b be a little girl in blue blueyour blue blueOUr blueyour
your little girl in blue she said with withsomething with6tethlng withsoiaethlng
something 6tethlng like a sob sobIn 1IobIn sobIn
In a minute mqt she WM w in mjr arms armsShe armsUShe armsShe
UShe She didnt die after all I fi said 1 l exult exultantly t exultanti lt ltuU ¬
uU uUNo antly antlyNo
No No Too dear They tried to kill her horb lorbelt herbut
b belt t they couldnt she whispered Now Nownow NowNtW Nowflow
now please lets let have a a light lightLaughing IIghtAUbtRg lightLaibisg
Laughing I released her herAll h hnAl herA1
nAl All A1 right Lets It have a light Rid W I IAnd IAnd IAnd
And after weve got the light lets call callin canIn callin
in the family Theres Th rell bound to be a abig abig abig
big row over this Phillips so lets getj get getIt getit
it over as a noon as we can canGtMTtsM ean1UJ6 cantreyfdi4
GtMTtsM KQd 1UJ6 tar HMW n Sprawe SpraweFROM SfJfll1leFROM 8jraseFROM
A man of taste and excellent memory memorywonders memorywollder memorywonders
wonders why wb the fashion of broad gir girdles girdles girdies ¬
dles does not suggest to some bright brightwoman brightwon brIghtwoman
woman the revival of a becoming old oldstyle oldstyle oldstyle
style the Swiss waist at As I understand understandit
it this consists of a loose white bodice bodicelike bodiceUke bodicelike
like our lingerie waists with a colored coloredskirt colaredskirt coloredskirt
skirt and a tight fitting girdle coming comingwell comlnewell comingwell
well up to Ute bust endjng at the hips hipsand hipsalHl hipsand
and laced together ether in front with a cord cordand cordand cordand
and tassels tasselsThe ta taTh
The Th man remembered the fashion fashion as asone asone asone
one to admire for its beauty b and general generalbecomingnees generalbeeomlnlltftMand generalbecomlugnese
becomingnees beeomlnlltftMand and as the girdle Is an anImportant dn dnImportant n nImportant
Important feature of uptodate dressing dressingit
it hi rather remarkable that the Swiss Swisswaist Swisswaist Swisswaist
waist has escaped sharp eyes Fashion FashionII j jIs
Is kind to us this thl year OAr since sho permits permitsuti j
us to wear about what we please and andchange nndchange andchange
change our old clothes Into apparently apparentlynew apparentlynew apparentlynew
new ones by little touches which hich are not notnovel notnovel notnovel
novel and so are always aJ 1ays in danger of ofbeing ofbeing ofbeing
being swept away awayPossibly awaye awayP
Possibly P nlbl w art a1tf getting g tting bold enough to torehse to torefjse torefmsa
refjse to be led in paths that drain our ourpurses ourpurnM ourpurses
purses At all events cv nta we simply cannot cannotget cannotget cannotget
get out of fashion fa hlon this year and the thoonl thoonldemand only onlydemand onlydemand
demand made of us Is that of freshness freshnessin
in appearance Shabbiness Is unpopular unpopularas
as 5 it deserves to be since only a small smallamount smallamount smallamount
amount of care is necessary necessar to keep a awoman awoman awoman
woman in a presentable condition conditionWhen conditione conditionWhon
e 5s S S SWThon
When is a woman supposed to aban abandon abandon abandon ¬
don her summer hats asked a young youngwife youngwife youngwife
wife of the husband who faced her across acrossthe ac1OSSthe acrossthe
the table On September 15 ho an answered anWored answored ¬
swered when men en are officially notified notifiedthat notifiedtoot notifiedthat
that fall has arrived and straw hats are arem arcnQ areno
m nQ > longer permissible In good society
How about winter hats she persisted persistedWhen persistedWhen persistedWhen
When are ar they called in That is a amatter amatter j jmatter
matter of individual taste he said saidWeather saldVeathor saidWeather
Weather sometimes takes a hand in
forcing felt hats Into retirement He Hehas Hebas liehas
has the right of it It By September sum summer summer summer ¬
mer hats are too shabby to be tolerated
They spoil the effect of the prettiest prettiestgown prettiestgown prettiestgown
gown ever built There should never be bea bea
a shabby season because a very little
furbishing will give a woman ono pre presentable presentable prosentable ¬
sentable costume which will tide her herever herever herover
ever to the next season seasonVery 36UonVery
5 5 5Very
Very few women realize the value alue of ofa ofa ofa
a a reliable dyeing house where shabby
black fabrics can be dipped and restored restoredto
to their original beauty and faded fab fabrics fabrles tabrica ¬
rica turned into richly colored cloths that thatdefy nmtdeb thatdefy
defy detection Well VehI made garments lrmen J of ofgood ofgood ofgood
good material are worth transforming transformingyet
yet most women either olU er wear them after
they begin to show age or discard them
before they have done full service The Theservices Theaerviccs Theservices
services of a tailor are as necessary n cessa to
the smart woman as to the welldressed welldressedman
man but women are hard to convince
They are used to dressmakers who lack
the strength and skill of o men In cleans
Ing and pressing wearing apparel and
they cannot yet see why they should
change It is money well invested my
friends to make yourselves as attrac attr c ¬
tive as possible and It Is to your our advan dva dv ¬
tage to use whatever
means meanspresent meanspresent meanspresent
present themselves uarpy wry BHADEEJf BHADEEJfColored DUDEiESColored B1LtnEColored
Colored Lace Gowns GovrnsThe GownsThe GownaThe
The lace gown of the season Is us usually usually usually ¬
ually white but it also appears in rose roseand roseand roseand
and green gr n shades and other tones One of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the colored lace robes seen this week weekwa weekwa
was wa of mole brown with an ivory hOf brown brownsatin brownIaUu brownsatin
satin lining Unln
At the Belasco this morning Costs eat will willgo willeo willgo
go on sale for the engagement of Mrs MrsPiske MrsFisJe MrsFisk
Piske FisJe and the Manhattan Company who whowill whowill whowIll
will appear r at t the playhouse next nx week weekin wQCkIn weekin
in Ibsens Ibn > Jlottnersholm Roesn hol Tide is s Mrs MrsFlakes MrsFtlke MrsPickss
Flakes Ftlke newest offering andtreporU frotq frotqNow tr1qNow frau frauNow
Now York where she produced it only re recently TeconUy tocently ¬
cently say that she has has never given a aliner aliner aliner
liner performance The role of f Rebecca RebeccaWest nebfCeA nebfCeAWettt Itebc ItebcVet
West Is one for which hJclt Mrs Flake F I Is Ideal Ideally Idlly hfally
ly fitted and she he is I said to excel in Jt Jther JthEr ither
her former tonn r triumphs triUlnphs as Teas Becky BeckySharps DocleySharpe BeckySharpe
Sharpe and Hedda The T e play pIa is modern modernintensely modernIntenaely modernIntensely
intensely Interesting and without an anequal nnequal anequal
equal for sheer dramatic powor By many manyit manyIt manyit
it Is considered Ibsens Ibsen masterpiece The Themain rhemain fhemain
main theme is I the love of Rebecca Itebecc West Wastand W Westand lt ltand
and John Reamer and its final expiation expiationAlso oxpftttlonAlII expiationAlso
Also Involved i Sa the political and religious religiousstrif reUglou9strl religioussUit
sUit strl between radical and conservative conservativeforces con conservativeforces enaUvt enaUvttor
forces tor which like Uk the other elements of ofthe otthe ofthe
the story tory la I true to huamn u n nature the thecivilized tbecivUlztd thecivilized
civilized world over Every character in inthe Inthe Inthe
the play is an important one and aa aausual a aUiRlal asusual
usual with the offerings under the man management manalement managernent ¬
agement of Harrison on Oray Flake the cat catto costIs Mt
to of exceptional merit From its former formerAppearances formfl1ippearances formerAppearances
Appearances here h re we know the Manhattan ManhattanCompany ManhattanCom ManhattanCompsny
Company Com ny to be the representative dra dramatic dramAtic dramatte ¬
matic company on our stpe stap stse This sea season sea80n season ¬
son however It has the best of material materialto
to work with and there results a per performance perCorlnance performnanee ¬
formance that i said to be practically practicallyperfect practiCKlIyprfect practlcaliyperfect
perfect In the t he cast are Bruce Mac Crae CraeGeorge CraeGoorgo CcittGeorge
George Milt Arhist Fuller Melllsh Albert AlbertBruning AlbertBrunlnr AlbertBruning
Bruning and Florence Montgomery As Asusual Asu8ual Asusual
usual Mrs Flakes Flak engagement eng ment will vIII be betho betJto bethe
the signal gnal for large and brilliant b audi audiences audioncos ¬
ences at the Belasco BelascoIn DelucoIn Tl3elascoIn
In The Right of my which Klaw KlawErlanger Klaw1rlangftr IClawErlanger
Erlanger present pre at the Columbia Thea Theater ThQater Theatee ¬
ter next week Sir Gilbert Parker the theauthor theauthor theauthor
author of the novel wrote wro a a story of in intense IntfJU18 Intense ¬
tense dramatic force for There is t no scene sceneIn sceneIn sceneIn
In contemporary fiction of more convinc convincing con1neInr convincing ¬
ing appeal than the scene in Steeles Steelesden Steele Steeleden Steelesden
den at the beginning of the story ar anI anIpia amsiplay l lplay
play pia In the story are depleted deplot d two of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the most natural feminine characters charact that thatcould thatcould thatcould
could possibly be staged Kathleen is iswoman IaWOJ a awoman
woman WOJ who will scrtttoe the love of a alife a aI1te alife
life for the impulse ImpuJ of a moment momentprompted momentprompted momentprompted
prompted by b social and Intellectual ambi ambition nlbSUon ambiticu ¬
tion Too moral to seek release Jp I p di divorce dlVOfft diverce ¬
vorce she endures en urea coldly and wuh in intense Int Inttstse ¬
tense t reserve the situation brought about aboutby abauth aboutby
by her h own pride Had Steele continued continuedto
to gratify Kathleens ambition it Is Isdoubtful Isdoubtful Isdoubtful
doubtful If she would have hRv ever found foundtime foundtlmeo founttime
time tlmeo no to think of the other man The Theother Theother Theother
other woman Rosalie is the th usual ideal idealwoman IdealwomanHMnttaUy Idealwomaneasontlahly
woman womanHMnttaUy essentially a heroine not eases essentially esentkll easestilly ¬
tially tkll reaL She is of the religious type typenot typenot typenot
not blindly but Intellectually and her ef effect effoct cifeet ¬
feet on the groping man is a foregone foregoneconclurion fortJOfteeoaelUtJlon foregoneconclusion
conclusion The unusually Y strong < com company compuy cornpeal ¬
peal i Sa headed by Guy Standing and andTheodore an4Theodore andTheodore
Theodore Roberta who are specially eetll lea featured leatured teatured ¬
tured aa Joint stars ra In J the respective respectiveroles r rroln resqiedtlvroles
roles of Charley Charle Steeie St le and Joe Portu Portugal PortuC PortuW Portsguls ¬
gal C guls
Washington W playgoer who are lovers of ofBalzacs ofIk1zac ofikizacs
Balzacs Ik1zac novels ItOn have v hi store tore for them themaa th thIt thema
aa a unexpected treat tre tre in the production at atthe atthe atthe
the New National Theater Th wr next week by byOtis byOtis byOtis
Otis Skinner of his play The Honor of ofthe DCUe ofthe
the Family Famfl adapted by Paul M Potter Potterfrom Potterfrom Potterfront
from one of Balxacs Justly famous famousromance famc famcromanc 1amissromances
romance Everything Everytbl that Mr Skinner Skinnerproduces Sk1uecproducea Skinnerproduces
produces hi of extreme interest Intense Intensedevotion Intensedevotion
devotion to his art art aa excellent habit of ofthinking ofthinking
thinking for himself and so Imparting ImJNrtlncoristnallt ImpartingorIginality Impartingoriginality
originality into every part he creates createshave createshave createshave
have been the secret of his success TheHonor The TheHonor TheHonor
Honor of the Family FlUJ ly is a strong daring daringdrama dartn dartndrama datingdrama
drama with an essentially Hnt1a1l romantic en environment eavJroftlnfnt envirenment ¬
vironment Mr Skinner Skinn r will assume the thecharacter thecharattn thecharacter
character of Philippe Bridau one of the thefaithful tbftfaithful thefaithful
faithful Bonapartists BonapartUlACter after the Emperors Emperorsdownfall EmperorsdOWJIfall Emperorsdownfall
downfall who vowed in good earnest a amortal amortal amortal
mortal enmity to the Bourbons and even evenrefused evenretued evenrefused
refused the opportunities which were we of offered offered Ofzered ¬
fered to him for employment in the infan infantry Inhlatr infantry ¬
try with Ms III rank of lieutenant colonel colonelTne colonelJbe colonelrho
Tne character hi one on in which reckless recklesoe8 reekJeMsae recklesssessfmnblushng
oe8 sae sessfmnblushng tinblushtng tanblu hlnK effrontery and cool OUr courage OUrage costage ¬
age are ar blended in a moet mo t fascinating fascinatingway fuctnatmKway fascinatingway
way A true artist like Otis Sklnrer Sklnrerwho Stdnrerwho Sklnrerwho
who is I a favorite in the affection of the thelocal u uload thelocal
local public Is I sure ur to make The Honor Honorof Honoror Ilonoro
of o the Family a play well worth seeing seeingIt s seth sethit J
It will receive elve a careful and thorough thoroughproduction thoroughproduction thoroughproduction
production a as Mr r Skinner is under the thedirection thedlrecUoft thedirection
direction of Charles Cbrl Frohman Froh n and every everyproduction everyproduction ver verproduction
production made by Mr Frohman is In Invariably Invariably Invariably ¬
variably representative of good taste re research re ret1e1 research ¬
search and lavish outlay outlayTht outlayTh outlayTht
Tht Th company Is srong on In wellknown wellknownnames wellknownnames wellknownnames
names Miss U Percy Hacweil who for formerly formerly formerly ¬
merly starred in 4A A Royal Family The TheDarling TheDarling Th ThDarling
Darling of the Gods and other epoch epochmaking epochmakbag apochmaking
making plays is Mr Ir Skinners leading leadingwoman 141lngWomII leadingwoman
woman Miss Haawell is unquestionably unquestionablyone
one of the most gifted emotional actresses actressesamong actres actressesamong es esamoRg
among the th younger women of the stage stageChases stageCha stageChases
Chases Cha es next week will 111 compel atten attention atumlion attention ¬
tion with itJt a polite vaudeville andvlll bill fairly fairlyoverflowing fairlyoverflowing fairlyoverflowing
overflowing with diversions dtvet including includingJames IneludlnrJames IncludingJames
James J Morton Henry Horton and com company conv contpony
pony pan the Five Madcaps Frank Byron Byronand nronand Byronand
and Louise Langdon Bebkers Whirlwind WhirlwindArabs WhirlwindArabi WhirlwindArabs
Arabs Dora Ronca Clement De Lion Lionand Lionand Lionand
and the outing motion pictures of ofIslt A AVisit AVleU
Visit Islt to the London Zoo ZooJames ZooJame ZooJames
James J Morton the big bluff buoyant buoyantbully buoyantbully buoyantbully
bully yarnspinner will be a number numberfrm numoorfrwn numberfrmn
frm which the Chase patrons will be beloath beloath beloath
loath to part for they th are as s fond of the thefellow thefollow thefohi
fellow fohi w of infinite Jest je t as the Italian of ofhis ofbls ofhis
his beloved spaghetti Henry Horton is isthe Istbe isthe
the wellknown character comedian who whowag wJHwa whowas >
wag wa called upon up n to follow In W H HCranes HCrones HCranes
Cranes footsteps footste and star in the formers formersplace formersplace formersplace
place in Eben Holden making a hit hitMr hitMr hitMr
Mr Horton will present Uncle Lems LemsDilemma LemsDllemm LemsDilemms
Dilemma Dilemms said to be The Old Home Homestead Homestood Homestead ¬
stead of vaudeville The Five Madcaps Madcapsfrom Madcapsfrom Madcapsfrom
from London will be another extraordi extraordinary extraordinary extreordinary ¬
nary feature and nd their vivacity vocalics vocalicsand vocalJesand vocahicsand
and terpelchorean divesities dlv 1tIe > will In coca occasion O Oslon cocaaba ¬
aba flattering appreciation Mr Byron Byronand Bronand Byronand
and MIss lIf Langdon will be first in the van vanof vanof vanof
of farcical folly toll and their Dude De Detective De Detoctlve Dotoctive ¬
tective is said to be one of the greatest greatestlaughwinners greatestlaughwlnners greatestlaughwinners
laughwinners of the th year The other fea featuros features teatunis
tunis will make the bill a memorable one oneThe on onThe oneThe
The advanced sale of reserved 5 seats seat Is in inprogress Inprosress Inprogress
progress progressWashington prosressashtngton progressWashIngton
Washington ashtngton playgoers pla en who like to weep weepand WHPand weepand
and laugh in turn are assured ORO of the thebest thebeet thebeet
beet plays of the season next week at atthe atthe atthe
the Majestic when Mr tr Lew Welch elch the thenoted thenoted thenoted
noted comedian and character actor ctor ap appears appears appears ¬
pears in The Shoemaker written ex expressly exprQfly axpreachy ¬
preachy for him by Hal Reid As Morris MorrisGoldberg MorrisGoldberg MorrIsGoldberg
Goldberg the East Side Hebrew shoe shoemaker shoemaker hoo hoomaker ¬
maker Mr Welch ha has ample opportunity opportunityfor
for character acting The play is realis realistically realistically reallsticahly ¬
tically staged and tells an interfstlng interfstlngstory Interstingstory interpatingstory
story full of laughter and tears that molds iQldsthe loldsthe moldsthe
the attention of the audience from the therise therlR therise
rise to the fail of the curtain Papular Papularprices POPu Popuarprices lr lrprIces
prices will prevail and the usual mitlnces mitlnceswill m1Utueswill mttiseeswill
will be given on Monday Wednesday Wednesdayand Wednesdayand Wednesdayand
and Saturday SaturdayThe Saturda SaturdaThe SaturdayThe
The fourth act of His Last Dollar Dollarracing DollarMraelng Dollarracing
racing play is one of the th kind that thQ t has hasa htisa haa
a tendency to rouse the audience to the thehighest thehighest tImehighest
highest pitch of enthusiasm In it wg wgsee W Wsee wesee
see the Kentucky girl Eleanor Downs Downsinterpreted DownsInterpreted DownsInterpreted
interpreted by Miss MIB8Mary Mary Servoss 8 who whohas whohas whoha5
has striven so hard to see her horse run runthe runthe runthe
the great Futurity the winning of which whichmeans whichtneftns whichmoans
means so much to her Then we hear her hertaunted hertaunted hertaunted
taunted by a villain whom she has re repulsed repul repulod ¬
pulsed pul ed and 5unmasked unmasked see her jockey jockeydisabled jockeydisabled jockeydIsabled
disabled and hopes dashed to the ground groundThen groundThen groundThen
Then comes Joe Braxton the onetime onetimejockey onotimeJacko onetimejockey
jockey Jacko who throws himself into the thebreach thebreach thebreach
breach taking the colors to ride and andwith antIwith andwith
with them gives a promise to Tide the thehearts thehearts thehearts
hearts out of the th others For this scene scenethoroughbred scenethoroughbred scenethoroughbred
thoroughbred running horses are carried carriedHis oorrledHis earriodHis
His Last Dollar WIth David Higgins Higginsat
at its head supported by a strong com company oompanp cornparty ¬
party will 111 come to the New Acaflemy Acaflemynext Acaoemynext Acamynext
next Monday night nightTho nightThe nightThe
The attraction at the Lyceum Theater Theaternext Theaterntxt Theaternext
next week will be a burlesque show showcnljed ahowcfl1ed tthovjclIed
cnljed The California Girls present presenting presenting presentIng
ing two burlesque an ang ani < l a vaudeville olio olioby oUeb olicby
by b wellknown performers performersAt pertonn rs rsAt
At the Gayety Theater next week the theattraction theattraction theattraction
attraction will be a burlesque company companycalled companycalled companycalled
called Rose Sydells Company In ad addition addition addillon ¬
dition to the two musical burlesques burlesquestbers burlJ burlesquesthere quc qucthere
there will be two tW viudevllle numbers
I ItA ItAA9 A9 Q
o J THE BUSY CORNER CORNERStylish j jStylish
Stylish i suits suitsat suitsat
at about half halfEvery
Every suit a good style the kinds that have been popular this thiswinter thiswinter
winter It is only because ecause we make sure of not carrying over a asuit
suit from one season to another that these low prices are quoted
COAT SUITS of cheviot cheviotbroadcloth cheviotbroadcloth cheviotbroadcloth
broadcloth fancy mixtures and andstriped andstriped andstriped
striped effects all with Prince PrinceChap PrinceChap PrinceChap
Chap jackets nicely made and andperfect andperfect andperfect
perfect fitting Were 1975 1975Reduced I9 xg7 xg7Reduced 5 5Reduced
Reduced to choice
11 995 J9
If women are vain and of course they theyare theyar8 theyare
are man domineering dominating man manis manIs manis
is the chief cause and the very last Ia one oneto ODeto oneto
to find fault because women take such suchextreme suchextreme ueh uehextreme
extreme means to attain that quality qualitywhkfh qualitywhl qualitywhich
which whl h will prove pleasing in his eyes is isthe Isthe Isthe
the one whose hOie flattery admiration and andpraise andpraSse andpraise
praise is directly responsible re pop lble Men think thinkso thinkM thinkso
so very vo much more of beauty be uty than they theydo theydo theydo
do of brains so far as women are con concerned concerned concorned ¬
cerned and woman realizing it It will go goto goto goto
to almost t any extreme to attain attaI that thatwhich thatwbteh thatwhich
which will help her find favor aYOr in his eyes eyesThe 8e1TIM eyesS
S S S S SThe
The desire for admiration is born In laevery Inev8IY Inevery
every woman wesna and under the fostering fosteringeffect tOtteringelteet fosteringeffect
effect of mans flattery ftat 17 it grows until untilMilady uadlla4y untilftiady
Milady reaches the point where she is iswlllte ismlttg Iswilling
wlllte willing mlttg to endure excruciating pain and andgo aD41ID andSo
go to endless MNI trouble l1eub If she e can acquire acquirethereby acquirethereby ulr ulrlbereb7
thereby a a little more JItOr of the attractiveness attractivenessthat ttnaetlvenMtbat attractivenessthat
that will appeal a peal to him She will sit sitquietly eltquttl Mtquietly
quietly quttl while wh e the beauty beaut doctor removes removeslayer remonlarer removeslayer
layer after layer Ia of the skin n of her face facein facetn faceIn
in order to provide her in the tit course of ofa ofa ofa
a few abort t week with a new one that thatin tJaatIu thatin
in taxture is like that ef a aJabe aJabee aJabeSIll a babes babesStoe
SIll is not told of course CIIU1 that in a afew afe afew
few fe months tb at moat It aha would retain retainthi retal retaltbbJ retainthis
this thi wonderfully woacJerfuU soft tt skin she must mustagain matap1a mustagain
again undergo unt the pain and expense taX She Sheis SbeI Sb SbIs
is I not told that winds will deal harshly harshlywith 1aarsblr1Ua harshlywith
with 1Ua it It that tha the skin of a chaw te not JtOtlUtaraI notnatural notnatural
natural to the woman who ta 3 out In all allkinos al1kln allkinds
kinds s of weather and that it will willbe nih soon soonbe aeonbe
be even more unlovely than it was 8 before beforeShe betoreShe beforeS
S S S SShe
She will permit a surgeon rgeoa to cut tiny tinydents UaYdeats tinydents
dents in cheek and chin that when 1Itenannes she shesmiles slitsmiles
smiles her h face mar mar he wreathed with withJUST withI
From Grot H8IIIeke ilswmekeeerHew tJlllz tJlllzHew
Hew can one acquire good taste by bythemselvf bytbenaeelftI bythemselves
themselves themselvfBy tbenaeelftIBp themselvesBy
By constant consideration of the un unconsidered UDconstclered usconsidered
considered trifles trtaeby by disregarding the thestifling thetllllng thestifling
stifling > cruelties of fashion fashlonmakng makng per personal perBOnal personal ¬
sonal all Intimate surroundings SUrroVndRgs1ry by study studying atudyIng studybig ¬
ing our likes and dislikes tilt we v under uaderstana qaderstanJ understara
stana their relation to universal prin principles prlndtlleL principles ¬
ciples dtlleLlit ciplesTa ciplesIn
In time tI this will bring underatandin understanding of ofself ofEel ofself
self with 1th ctfnftdanee cm in HIt Tfcen it will willbe willbe 1I1 1I1be
be impossible fttle when we MUtt a grew grewchar StHftcba greenehar
char cba r for any shopkeeper to jra4e ns nsto Wito usto
to buy bu a red one oneDont 0ItDont oneDont
Dont be afraid of making JdDg mistakes in inupward Inupward inupward
upward growth growthVulgarity growthVulgarity growthVulgarity
Vulgarity is the cxpraedoa ex of f tie active activebut activebut
but uncultured unculturedIt
It contains far mere promise tuna nags negative nagstive > 8ga 8gatlve ¬
tive refinement refinementThe refinementThe mflnemgfltThe
The road is narrow and a straight straJgfctFashion aUaSIIItFasblon straightFashion
Fashion and popularity way waft feathers feihento
to allure allureBargains allureBargains allureBargains
Bargains bristle on every bueb buebYou UIIYou buMiYou
You will be bated by clerk for wanting rwaatgwhat wantingwhat wantingwhat
what you OU want wantScoffed wantScotted wantScoffed
Scoffed by the jealous JeakmeLoved jeaJouLoved jealousLoved
Loved by friends friendsRespected friendsRespected friendsRespected
Respected by yourself yourselfIn yoursetfIn
In time you will feel yo yen hav ItaVI a real realself realselt realself
self and are not merely me one 0f these t pup puppets pttppets poppets ¬
pets manufacturers change their webs websfour weIMfour websfour
four times a year to entice enticeCLOTHING enUctI enticeI
Do not let the theeblidwear child wear clothing so soflne sofine sofine
fine that he dares not play freely nor n r so soelaborate 50e soelaborate
elaborate e borate that it excites e cltes the jealousy of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the ether children childrenDress childrenDress childrenDress
Dress the Infant in the fewest fWlSt garments garmentspossible nrm8ntspossible garmentspossible
possible thAt shall be soft and warm warmThrough war warThrough warMThrough
Through childhood chlldho d u 1M e weep woolnext Oel next the thebody thebod1 thebody
body bodyDo bod1Do bodyDo
Do not use tight bands More children childrenhave children18e childrenhave
have been injured by tight bands than thanever thaneer thanever
ever were helped helpedWHen helpedWllen helpedWhen
WHen When the child childgrows grows into short dresses dreseesuse dressesuse es esusa
use few few pins and strings to mar the soft softflesh softOesb softfleah
flesh fleshLet OesbLet fleahLet
Let the dress be short enough to be out outof outot outof
of the way of the uncertain little feet feetand feet feetand feetand
and thus save the baby many a fall fallDo faUDo fallDo
Do not impede the circulation with withbands withbands withbands
bands about limbs and body bodyLet bodyI bodyLet bodyLet I
Let the weight of all 11 the clothing even eventho eventho eventhe
tho stockings hang from the shoulder shoulderNever shoulderNonr shoulderNever
Never allow the child to wear clothing clothingtoo clothingtoo clothingtoo
too small l Qr shoes too short shortWhile shortWblle shortWhile
While the clothing should be subordi subordinate Sllhordlnate sidiordinate ¬
nate to many manyotber other things do not let l t the thechildren thechild thechildren
children child ran acquire the idea that It is of no noaccount noaccount noaccount
account accountTeach accountTeach accountTeach
Teach them it is a duty they owe them themselves them themaelos themselves ¬
selves and others to be careful car ful ul of their theirclothing theirolothJng theirolothng
clothing and what hat is suitable to the occa occasion occasion occasion ¬
The day da of the lady cop had arrived arrivedHalt ftrrivIHalt arrivdHalt
Halt exclaimed one of the gentler gentlerguardians gentlerguardfans gentlerguardians
guardians as she he stepped ste d In frpnt of the thespeeding thtspeeding thespeeding
speeding automobile automobileWill automobileWill automobileVIhl
Will you fOU take my name name misst miss asked askedthe askodthe askedthe
the courteous young man In the bi big ma machine mRchine machine ¬
chine chineShe chinesho chineShe
She sho blushed to the roots cfjter hair hairi hairTalui
i Take Talui your our name she chirped Wh Whwhy Why Whywhy b bwhy >
why this is so sudden suddeneiv suddeniNew C Cew
New eiv Veil Dos DOITSIn DosIn flowsrn
In some of the shops a new wrinkle is isnotable isnotable isnotable
notable namely the tying of chiffon and andeven andeven andeven
even lace veils into huge bows for the thesolo thesolo thesole
solo adornment of bewitching hats These Theseveil Theseveil Theseveil
veil bows are tied while you wait and andso andso andso
so thoroughly wired and twisted that thatthey thatthey thatthey
they keep their shape under all provo provocations provocations proverations ¬
cations of dampness and knocks They Theyare Theyare Theyare
are decidedly new and fetching
COAT SUITS of fine broad broadcloth broadc1oth broadcloth ¬
cloth cheviot and some in instriped instriped instriped
striped effects many Prince PrinceChap PrinceChap PrinceChap
Chap jacket style some have havevelvet havevehet havevelvet
velvet collars full pleated skirts skirtsWere skirtsVere 5kirtsWere
Were 2500 and 3000 Choice
dimples she will JU cover her arm with an anadhesive anadhestve anadhesive
adhesive plaster and tear it off so quickly quicklythat qUfcklthat quicklythat
that she causes herself cruel cruel pain be because becaue because ¬
cause by that means she can remove the theI theahort theshort
I short and almost invisible Im invible ble hairs that she shehas shehu shehas
has considered disfiguring disfiguringTo
5 e S STh
To remove freckles she will lave her herface herrace herface
face with acids cHIs so strong that her eye eyesight ee eesight eyesight ¬
sight is almost t ruined she will suffer sufferi Qutrcrheatl8ebes augerheadaches
i headaches severest tortures that her hercoiffure hprceUfUJe hercoiffure
coiffure may m be built mountain high by bythe bytM bythe
the use of a rat she will squeeze a awalat 26 26waist 26waist
waist into > a 19 corset a aNo No 6 foot into a aNo aNo i iNo
No 4 shoe a No 7 hand Into a No 6 6glove 6don 6glove
glove in fact she will undergo any phy phyI physleal physteal
I steal torture t recommended If she thinks thinksthat thinksthat thinksthat
that thereby she can add to bar h l attrac attractiveness attraettv attractivenets ¬
tiveness tivenessi ttv
i ttvIt
If in her drew dre she Is Quakerish and the theC thefjicy j jfancy
fancy of C one man runs to the bizarre bizarrewf11 bizarreshe j jshe
she will go tar ar In her desire to achieve achievethe achl4vethe achievethe
the novel if she Is of the tall tallnelte tallsvelte j
svelte type of e gilding movements DOomentsaael movementsand J Jand
and low velvety velvet voice and hears hearshim hearshim i ihim
him express Qxpr admiration for her plump plumpcousin plumpCCMMIn plumpcousin
CCMMIn cousin she wUl Immedlat immediately ly lay aside asideher asideher asideher
her French heels flatten her pomp pompadour POIDPa40ur pompa4our ¬
adour in a low wave that she may not notl notaJ notappear
l appear too tall and then by fearful and andI andwonderful andwonderful
I wonderful means not intended Intend d for the theknowledge thekM theknowledge
knowledge kM e of man 0 proceed to make her herself herMlC herself ¬
self aa artistically plump and nd rounded roundedperson roundedperIIOD roundedperson
person personOh perIIODOb
Oh its funny fanny tunn funny but Its Itsnly Itsenl1 itsonly
only nly tee to dreadfully true that there is ishardly isJanJb ishardly
hardly a member of the sex who to toplease topi topIaa
please pi the eaprldousnase of the th man she shewould shewould
would fascinate is I not willing to be mad madover madaever madeover
over done over fir plastered carved burn burner burner burnor ¬
er and allnrl tortured torturedTHE torturedI
Some linen sheets for a bride wore Wf weredaintily > re i i4aJntily
daintily marked Jmrked with the initials in tiny tinycroesatiteh tinycTossstltch
croesatiteh the weave of the sheet being beingused beinguHd beingused
used for a guide as crossstitching is isdone 15done Isdone
done on canvas Below was the date dateand dateand
and the tb whole marking occupied not more morethan moretkaB morethan I
than half ui1 an inch square squareThe squareThe squareTb
The Tb fIrst thing one girl does to her herhtghn btfbI herhighneck
bI highneck htghn neek ck winter woolens is to rip the theshoulder theshCMl1der theshoulder
shoulder seam and finish it with tiny but buttons buttons buttons ¬
tons and loops making the wearing of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the garment under a dross with trans transparent transparent transpsrent ¬
parent yoke easily easll possible possibleInstead possibleInstead
Instead of cutting the morning mornln orange orangein orangeIn
in half many prefer merely terel to cut a aslice dalee aslice I
slice off the top and from that point of ofvantage
vantage attacking the pulp with the therange theorange
orange wangeHfre range spoon spoonHere
Here are two Idees for booby prizes at ata ata
a card party A tiny tin dolls chair labeled labeleda
a back seat Hat and a pair of dolls rub rubbers rubbers rubbore ¬
bers marked For de feet feetAn teetAn feetAn
An old oh Oriental vug ug will wear much muchlonger muchlon8er muchlonger
longer if mounted on a soft pad to keep
It from rubbing on the hardwood floor floorVALUEOF floorI floorI
A healthy health skin bright eyes abundant abundantand abundantan abundantand
and flne fin hair white teeth a symmetrical s3mmetricalA symmetricalgure i ifigure
figure A gure r with lth an upright graceful carriage carrIageand carriageand j jand
and tasteful dress dro go to make up an at attractive attractive attraettve ¬
tractive personality and an aau are passports to tofavor tofavor tofavor
favor and distlnctionwhich receive prompt promptrecognition promptrecognition promptrecognition
recognition recognitionIf
If added to totheae these is I a wellInformed wellInformedmind wellInformedmind wellInformedmind
mind a cheerful disposition an unselfish unselfishand unselfishand unselfishand
and helpful spirit the individual is l a a wel welcome welcame welcome ¬
come addition to any gathering gatheringIn atherlngIn
In the first place it is impossible to tolook tolook tolook
look weH wetiwlthout without a good skin The skIn eklnshould skInshould skinshould
should lie e free from blotches and pimples pimpleg3d pimplesa pimplesaed
a aed 3d smooth slftO th and shiny shln like satin and andIMft as assoft assoft
soft as uvelvct velvet If one does not bathe batheproperly batheproperl batheproperly
properly the skin announces the fact factThere factThte factThere
There are general directions which ap apply apply apply ¬
ply to all cases of inquiry in regard to tothe tothe tothe
the skin In the first place the skin skinmust skinmmt skinmust
must be kept perfectly clean Not only onlymust onbmust onlymust
must all visible Isible dirt be b removed but the themicroscopic themtcroseopic themicroscopic
microscopic as well wellClean wel1Cle1ft wellClein
Clean sponges and washcloths and andfree andfree andfree
free them th m from the remains of decayed decayedsoapsuds d decayedIn a cd cdsoapsuds
soapsuds soapsudsIn soapsudsIn
In order to have these clean so that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the use of them will not result in pimples pimplesand pimplesand pimplesarni
and a k muddy akin ktn they the ahould be scalded scaldedevery scaldedenr scaldedevery
every enr day and dried in tho air and sun sunWhat 5unWhat sunWhat
What Makes a Home HomeSidney HomeSidney HomeSidney
Sidney Lanler Lanlerthe the poet said fire wandniusie wand apdlWJ1s1eo andupMe
niusieAn lWJ1s1eo lWJ1s1eoAn niusie upMeAn
An open fire ra is certainly a happy tea feature teature teaturo ¬
ture in it itChairs ItChairs ItChairs
Chairs that can be sat upon are a more morenecessary morene morenecessary
necessary ne ery essential than some housewives housewivesthink 11Ousewhcstblnk housewivesthink
think thinkIn tblnkIn thinkIn
In the Hvlhg Ulh room there must be a soft softly softIy softly ¬
ly shaded shac1 light placed pla ed low for reading and andsewing nnllsewing andsewing
sewing sewingReadable sewingReadable sewingReadable
Readable booKS and magazines lying lyingaround lyingaround lyingaround
around loose are one of the important importantthings Importantthings Importantthings
things thingsA
A carpet that can be walked on by the thefamily theflJUlly thefamily
family Is much better etter than one preserved preservedfor preSerodfor proservOdfor
for the sacred feet of o strangers strangersStilted strangersStUted strangersStilted
Stilted suits of furniture are a good goodthing goOdthing goodthing
thing to avoid also loud papers papers and high highly highly lmighly ¬
ly colored pictures picturesAs picturC3As picturesAs
As to tobacco smoke and dust dustweIl dustweIltbere dustwellthere well wellthere
there have been homes with them and andplaces andpJaces andplaces
places without them that utterly failed failedto failedto failedto
to be homes homesCheerfulness homesClJoeruJnes homesCimoerfulnees
Cheerfulness and love and mutual no accommodation nocommodation nocommodation ¬
commodation as to tastes go further to tomake tomnke tomake
make a real re l home than overzealous spot spotlessness spotlessness spotlessness
lessness and everlasting oversight oversightOnly oversightOnly oversightOnly
Only ten cents cent a week delivered at atyour atour atyour
your our door doorthe the daily ally Issues of The TheWashington TheWashington I
Washington WashIngton Herald Phone Main 3300
New Victor Victorand v vand
and andColumbia andColumbia andColumbia
Columbia Records RecordsFor RecordsFor i I
k For February FebruaryNo ebruaryNow
No Now won on Sale SaleSanders SAlcAMUSEMENTS SaleSanders
> Sanders Slayman StaymanCo L
batTy VaiI Mat Mata fitll 25c aid > t En t > f a 2 50r and Tic TicJOSEPHINE TkoJOSEPHINE TS TSJOSEPHINE
In the V 1I st t Funny Funn u1ny on Tl r r of hr Tune TuneIB TtmnU IUIItma
IB HHI UJtS N iJItAMt rpJH > PMA TRIO TRIOSuperbly TRIOSuperbl Ta Tahaperbly
Superbly ArMtir Ar1 ilat in 8cenc fr f1 m II Trofatorr
EWE riUISK jrIfH William A Ihilon Teriey Irte Max Ju
Yorks York s Fez F x Tlr Twrifr fR ihc Jh j DiHMiBe Di DtotiiBearsr kneur rr thrill thrilling thnllw thrillag ¬
ing w ag ik1 Motion J picture pictureNEXT JiireNEXT
Tonlgbt g OLD 11 BIA A Hat ToUiy ToUiyat Tsda Tsdaat Tadayat
at 815 U ift at 215 215Henry 215Henry 215Henry
Henry W Savage Offers OffersRAYMOND OffersRAYMOND OffersRAYMOND
Offering an 0f11y the leading l adtng American Sn and foreign foreignattraction fOf foiefgualtrietions n nattract
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ErtfiKS t 25c c ti tJ > IK > Mat 2Sc to 1W 1WAnd 100EDDIE 1OSEDDIE
Arid 96 Others In k he Musical lrn i121 Hit of the Decide DecideTHE DteadeTHE DecadeTHE
Extra MIjifl id5 id5Added
Added Add Feature etlre ADELAIDE MUHIU Grratwt Grtl rt Dancer DancerLively LJaecerLlvelyflressyGirly sBtef sBtefLI
Lively LI LlvelyflressyGirly LlvelyflressyGirlyNEXT clDr Dressy JlllyGJrl JlllyGJrlEXT GIrly GIrlySEXT
115 SIT SITOnly
i Only local Inca theater offwirc offnlr t selumely n hllYel AMericae AMericaeand AaerteuADd Aeflcasand
and fonlgii stars of the first rack rackAND nnkLEW maakLEW
CARL tRL ponu I conductor conductorTUESDAY C 1rlU < nditcr nditcrTrESDAY tM tMTlESDAY
POHLIGH PlJlibl BYMIHGNK RDtlH syi lItti SW i IOfiM IOfiMSoloi lO lLEMSt Y Y8oJoo
Soloi St s KJIEI KREIJFH hRulI IKH It V Yhl1rjt Yhl1rjtTirklts Vi ViTirlcets hni t tTirtefs
Tirtefs at T 1 nr r srwrVs I lir Hi t F J bt t t N W Wtsnal V Vtsnil S SItLl
tsnil Matinees 23c Evenings 25c Sc to Jc JcMortimer 5c3iortiiner
Mortimer 31 1 Thieae Presents PresentsThe PresentsW IresentsThe
The Successful Musical Satire SatireNext SatireWiNE
W WiNE NJ6Q WOMAN WOMANoskLeWsIthinTheSheemkg g gNext
Next WeakLit oskLeWsIthinTheSheemkg oskLeWsIthinTheSheemkgLfl5U1 Wilch in Thi Sheemiktr SheemiktrI ShOmatuNE
Lfl5U1 g f I Mats Tuesday TuesdayThursday Tuesda TuesdaThursday TheadnPJIWfl
NE PJIWfl VACADE 11I1IMY ynt Thursday Tliursdayand TliursdayandIlLJ and andmi andSnturday
IlLJ IIUflULIII mi i I Saturday SaturdayALL SnturdayALL SaturdayALL
Aa Onsfaal Of f8 and lp trtoDate ttnflteMelnda < vDtte Melodrama of
Life in California CaliforniaVith l1jomiaWith tsifommaWith
With Vith PAUL BURNS fltRNSudanEaedient and n SsccJIent Ca Cast CllfD CastD t tThis
This Coupon Q111 upoo aDd loc will entitle mUtie any an i
D lady or child to best retcrred Hat for forIatinee
U Matinee Iatinee Today TodayNext TcrdayNut TodayNext
Next WeekDavid Higgins Ji iD in His Last Dollar DollarPopular DoIluP DollarI
I Popular P the 11 People 0 0r with bN I Ithe I NEW i iMATINEE EVI LYCEUM LYCEUMTIXEE
Yankee Doodle oodIe Girls GirlsEXTJUGnA GirlsEXTRAGRAND
I5orx Livingston rhsraripn Lady Wrestler of the thaWorld theWwld theWorld
World who bl will forfeit f rf it S S to any a TOBUR abe be foils foilst IUsis kitsto
t to > throw is fiftara minutes H Open leG t to all Lady LadyNocf 14d1at Ladyreztetm
reztetm reztetmezt
j Near F FALL
The Parisian Widows WidowsISIIWDlmSG
And Hit Fimoax Famm1I8gJo Kegro QuarUi Sceibgrn Stodss Shlf15llld s aid d Stags SonjiMasonic SOllpMasonio StagsMasonic
Masonic Temple 9th and F Sis SisSaturday StsSaturday SisSaturday
Saturday Evening Fobruary 1 1PRICES 1PIUCES 1PRICES
Tickets on sale begioniiy begiDDi Wednesday at T Arthur ArthurSmiUi3 ArthurSmith ArthurSmiths
Smiths Smith 1411 F 6l 6tr steset t nortbwftt nortbwfttSKATING DOrtbwntSKATING msstbaestSKATING
Millar Band Aft and Err Races Than Nights Nightsa ibll
3 Sessions Se cms MOT Jor 15r < Aft and Night 1bf Sa scJ 5e 5el
4 l Prize Tonight Te > niiht let 8 BQmo < 3ne Gniplo

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