F J y I
The ff Mans Store Official weather report reportRainor Rain or snow snowNow snoWReady snonReady
Ready for the Busiest BusiestSaturday BusiestSaturday
Saturday of the Year YearHundreds
0 Hundreds of ofr ofSuits
r Suits and andn andD4L
n D4L 6 Overcoats at atHalf t tl tt
l Half Price PriceNow
Now is t the e time me to save money I Y Yclothes on onclothes onclothes
clothes Itll pay you to buy two two or orthree orthree orthree
three suits and overcoats vcrconts when you vou can canget canget canget
get them at honest half price priceOvercoats priceOvercoats priceOvercoats
Overcoats Half Price Suits Half Price
1500 Overcoats 750 1285 Suits 645
2000 Overcoats Overcoats1000 1000 1500 Suits 750
2500 Overcoats Overcoats1250 1250 1850 Suits 925
3000 Overcoats Overcoats1500 1500 52000 2000 Suits 1000
3500 Overcoats Overcoats1750 1750 2500 Suits 1250
4000 Overcoats Overcoats2000 2000 3000 Suits 1500
4500 Overcoats 5 2250 3500 Suits 1750 1750Moneys 1750tMoneys
Moneys Worth or Money Back BackD BackD
10057 Pa Ave AveBoois AveRUBBERSBoots AveR
RUBBERSBoots R Boois Overshoes and nd Arctics in n the moit reliable reliablemakesit reliablem re1ib1emtkest
makesit m kest lowest loweitMens prices pricesWinter prlces prlcesMens
Mens 3050 Winter Shoes ShoesCut
Cut Cutto to toThe
74 I 265 265The
f The kind you need now nowgood nowgoodsolid noivgoodLU good goodsolid
LU J j solid well made thoroughly thoroughlyRELIABLE thorougllljRELIABLE thoroughlyJ thoroughlyRELIABLE
J RELIABLE kinds thatll keep keepyour keepjour keepS
S j J l your feet warm and dry dryarzd dryarzdcomfortable dryandi and andcomfortable
i comfortable as well wellTan wellTan wellTan
Tan or Black Waterproof IVaterproofCalf IVaterproofCalfI Calf CalfBox CalfBox
Box Calf > Gun Metal Calf and andVici andVici andVici
I Vici Kid single or doubled soled soledlaced soledlaced
laced and andbluchors andbluchorsAlso bluchers bluchersAlso blucllersAlso
Also a few f ftivpairs 1l1 pairs of ofbroken broken sizes sizesin sizesin sizesin
in 350 and 4 Patent Colt ColtDress ColtDress ColtDress
Dress Shoes ShoesTwo ShoesTwo Shoest ShoesTwo
Two Sixtyfive SixtyfiveThree SixtyfiveW SixtyfiveAT
AT l p C I Cor 7th and K Sti Stivv
W H h C
m gaALn a n 0
vv J 19 i91416PnAveNW i91416PnAveNWThree 1914l 141 6 Pa PaAveNW PaAveNWThree Ave N W
Three Reliable Relia hIe Shoe Houses L233 233 Pa Ave S E EOn Eh EE
h m =
1500 15 Reduction ReductionOn
On all Oil and Gas Heaters Gas Logs LogsFenders LogsFenders I IFenders
Fenders and Fireplace Goods GoodsWe i
We Ve have a large stock of Oil and Gas Heaters Gas Logs LogsAndirons LogsAndirons LogsAndirons
Andirons Fenders c ca a stock thats made up of all the leading leadingmake leadingmak leadingmaket i
make There are all sizes in all styles so it is ispossible possible for you youto youto youto 1
to get just the heater you need for your your ujme lome or office Prices Pricesrange Pricesrange I Irange
range from 100 up with a discount of 15per if per cent centConsult centConsult centConsult i
Consult us about repairing Furnaces Latrobes LatrObes Ranges c cand cand cand i i
and making the necessary plumbing and tinning repairs A per permanent permanent permanent ¬
manent force of experts always on call here herePLUMBINQREHODaiHB hereS hereS i
Purity I PurityCl u rl t CleimlincsH c I en eanllnciiiiExcelleuee n IlneslIExcell Excellence ExcellenceIs eD rr
50000 Barrels BarrelsIF
Is the capacity of HeurKVhs HeurKVhsHtorage Heuri ITurihstorage hs hsHforage
Htorage torage Hous The combli combtrd combtrdfadlitits d dfacilities dtcI1it
facilities tcI1it ies of local competitors competitorsare < < mpetit < ili iliare
are not t iqua1 qual ual to this DemahdHeurichs Dmaid Dmaidfleurichs DemaJid DemaJidIf
Heurichs Beers BeersIf
If f you ou want ant PROPERLY AGED AGEDBeer AGEDBEfOr AGEDBe
Beer Be r the kind that never nevercauses nevereaUMS ver vercauses
causes biliousness On draught draughtand draughtand draughtand
and in bottles bottlesS bottleloz
S = iloz II OJ Mncrzen or Senate 175 17
2 inx Injrer 9150 lJ 150 O bottle rebate SOc SOcDeliT riOcDelietd Oe OeDelinttd
Delinttd DeliT ttd in unlettered wagon wago if ifCHR dwtrcd dwtrcdCHR deMndCHR
i20 20 Suits and Over Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats ¬
coats to Order OrderItct
OIIr Clt Ckri t Sale oS ffcu ffcuCu l 2 5
meA Cu apkMMi pk oppiMt8 paflvsi M J Jtie
tie Itct to kcve d detJle < he nude nudeto Je Jeo 14
to o order bel below w tef ntIar ntIarpllert tegulagInKU lr lrpiKM
pllertSchwartz InKUSchwartz piKM piKMSchwartz
Schwartz Pelzman
505507 Seventh St N W WMr WIr WMr
Mr Ir Merchant MerchantHave Merchanthave IerchantHavc
Have you had our Free FreeElectric FreeElectric FreeElectric
Electric Sign proposition ex explained explained cxplailled ¬
plained to you Call Main Iail1 Iail1j260
7260 or writePotomac writePotomac write writePotomac
Potomac Electric ElectricPower Power Co CoJi3
Ji3 3 14th St N W VVti WTue
ti 44 4 C t + 4
n u uThe
The Fnmouit Fnmon FnmonSHOOMAKER FnrnouHOOMAKER J JTen
a Ten years yeah old JUS 13 Order by phone phoneH pboiietIo it
H Also 150 TENNESSEE TE ESSEE 5100 Bottle BottleThe Dottlg lottIeThe
g The Shoomaker Co CoU CoI33IEStNW a
U 1331 I33IEStNW I33IEStNWEtaUtsbcd E ESt St N W WFJtaWIlied Wr
FJtaWIlied r tabllihed MB Phone Main 115So ll32I E Ennmuu
nnmuu + ummnmnn1 ummnmnn1I
I i
To Fort Monrcr Korfidk nrfi1k Newport News e and all allpoints allpoints alljiut
points South Southorfolk Norfolk and Waihtnetoe Wubi cWR stamen stamentrery atKmersff1 Mozirict17
trery ff1 ct17 eteiilng in the year at 636 636To 630To 6flTo
To Rock R ek Cwek Cr Bridge RrId rid Zoologiml Part Cfcerr CfcerrCbM CIte CIteChufo Cbev CbevCba
CbM Cba and KeiutatooCat9 irom m Fifteenth Kreet Kreetand MrstaM r rand
and X Now w York Y rtt amine every W 17 Ween Minnl laal laalTo hue hueTo e eTo
To Atexandm AJuaDClrialerry Kerry steamer iMkaweBM ciery cieryhour eTlryhcIar CTTyhouraDdabhtfvML
hour houraDdabhtfvML and a baK fro froM L a m to tOIIi I IXOllrl4ilblnJ p pXoiirlohinK M Mourlhing
XoiirlohinK Food Like Schneider SoluiciilersMalt SchneiderH SchneiderMitIt
H Malt lnlt Urcnil Is the Best BestSafeguard IJelltSafe BestSafeguard
Safeguard Safe 8rd of health Give It to your our chil children children chitdren ¬
dren at at every meal and an they will 11I grow up upstrong upslrong upstrong
strong rosy and well Purest materials materialsonly mat8nalsonly matorthisonly
only are uaed in Malt fsIt Bread nr lUl and nd the themixing themixing themixing
mixing process develops highest food foodproperties foodproperties foodpropertleL
properties At your grocers grocer 5c e loaf loafPnrifislma lOAfInrlllllima loafPurtaIms
Pnrifislma n Superior eye Vulslcy WlilikyRipe VulslcyRipe hIAJcy hIAJcyRipe
Ripe with fj age and of the mellowest de development deyolopment dovelopment ¬
velopment A whisky of medicinal value valueWm valueWm valueWin
Wm Cannon Call n 1228 12 7th st Phone N 528 528Ordered 58Ortlercll 628Ordered
Ordered to Pay Alimony AlimonyJustice Allmon AllmonJustice AlimonyJustice
Justice Gould yesterday ordered Frank FrankE
E Prince to pay to Mrs Irs Louise Prince Princehis Princehi Princehis
his hi wife who is suing him for divorce divorcethe divorcethe divorcethe
the sum of 25 a month alimony allmon He also alsosigned alsosigned alsosigned
signed an order restraining Prince from fromdisposing fromdl fromdisposing
disposing dl poslng of his interest Inter t In the estate of ofMary ofary ofMary
Mary ary E Prince amounting to 5715 715 15 pend pending pendIng pondlog ¬
ing the settlement of the suit suitFcjjans suitFeJ1n suitFcgana
Fcjjans FeJ1n Grnnvlllc Rye Ryela nyeIs RyeI
la I the purest and best medicinal whisky whiskyen
en the market Physicians recommend It ItPhone ItPhone itPhone
Phone Main 2062 2Joseph Joseph P Fegan egan 406 406Tnrge 406th 4 4th
th tit nfor a full qt U 1 delIvered delIveredTnrg deilvoretiLnrge
Tnrge Hnnjw luc Smnll Hams 12 1 1Callies 14 = c cCallies
Callies 9Vic 1J ½ c best flour 6 barrel 3ScTsack 3S 3Sc < r sack
7 7 pounds buckwheat 2Sc 2 c 914 11th st 5t se seand Se Seand e eand
and J T D Pyles 10 other stores storesTable storesTable storeTable
Table dHote Dinner 75ci 75c Punches LuncbeIa a ala aJa
la carte Park Hotel HoteVInter Winter Garden N Y Ynve Yave 7 7ave
nve ave and llth at Hungarian Hungarian Qrehcstr Qrehcstrd Orchestra OrchestradurIn Orchestraduring
d urine durIn lunch lunchdlnner dinner and supper supperTho supperfh supperri
Tho fh ri LnrReflt Morning Circulation CirculationTUB ClrculntlonL ClrculntlonTUE CirculalfonTUE
B a thoroughly thoroughlygood thoroUfhlygood thoroughlygtiod
good whisky whisky Smooth Smoothof Smoothof 5moothof
of exquisite bouquet bouquetand bouquetand bouquetand
and pleasing taste tasteBottle tasteBottle tasteBMtle
Bottle Bottlecalis BMtleAtItt 75c 75ci
AtItt viriro i 7357thStNW 7357thStNWifty 7357thtNWugJM h
calis KRAEr ER 3h 3ht =
ugJM nnMrnn ifty Phone M 2738 273 273at
at t
Regulation and allPenaltieS Penalties Are AreProvided AreJ AreP1OViletl
Provided J by Bill BillPRESENT BillPRESENT BillPRESENT
Nu xt o Iowcr Given Commissioners Un Under Lnder Undci ¬
der If to it ISnforcc l ntorce Provisions IrfnIJlflonsXcw IrfnIJlflonsXcwJlenllurc LrtvisfonsNewMeasure New NewMeasure
Measure Drafted by It Hcnlth Officer OtlicerIilccnac omeCl1lccmlc OfficerLicense
License Required nCflulrel1 for Private luau Institutions InlltltntlonRUmler luaulutionaUnder ¬
tutions tntlonRUmler Under District Supervision SupervisionA
A bill has be beet n drafted drafted by b Health1 IIealt Offi Officer Officer Offiter ¬
cer Woodward WO dwa i rguHUing the establish establishment ept establishmont b1lsh b1lshmcnt ¬
mont and maintenance of It private hos hospitals hospitals ho hopitals ¬
pitals and asylums slulWS in the District of ofColumbia orColumbia ofColumbia
Columbia ColumbiaThis ColumbiaThis ColumbiaThis
This bill purposes to license and to tosubject tosubject tosubject
subject private hospitals ho pttale and asylums as lump to tothe tothe tothe
the supervision and control of the Dis District District DisItict ¬
trict Conimtesfonors Comrn 8IonQrs it has s received the theapproval theapproval theapproval
approval of the th District Commissioners Commissionersami ComintSkJiontrs ComintSkJiontrsand
and will b be submitted to the corporation corporationcounsel corpornU9counsel eorporatIncounsel
counsel for hi his consideration oonsldcrat iOn If ho ap approves approe approve ¬
proves it the bill is I to be transmitted to toCongress toCongress toCongre
Congress Congre with 1th a recommendation rfC mmendaUon for its itsenactment Jtsenactment itsenactment
enactment If it Ita enactment be deemed deemednot deomoonot deemednot
not advisable to Congress Con then It is isrecommended i8recommended threcommended
recommended to Congress to repas repe rep the theproviso theproviso theproviso
proviso in the present nl law Ill which the bill billIK butl billIs
IK l I designed to remedy remedyItCKtilutioiiH remedYUenlntldll remedyilegulnilons
ItCKtilutioiiH mid Penalties PenaltiesTlte PenaltieaThe ennUlclIIThe
The bill provide that no person shall shallin shallIn shallin
in the District of Columbia establish labUsh or ormaintain ormaintAin ormaintain
maintain any An private hospital or aeylum aeylumeither UylumeUh rylumeither
either eUh r for the reception rec pUon of human beings beingsor
or of domestic dom Uc animals unless or until untillicensed untilUcenaed untilIcenaed
licensed by the Commissioners of the Dis District DI DItlict Dltrict ¬
trict of Columbia so o to do that it shall shallb shallbfo shallbe
b bfo the duty of the health officer of the theDirtrict theDI theDistrict
District DI rict of Columbia and his agents g nt to toenforce totnro toenforte
enforce tnro e the provMon wro rovtptons of this tb act that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the health officer and his agent are areauthorised AreauthonHd itreauthorthed
authorised to enter Hud Inspect during dunn all allreuonable all allreasonable allreasonable
reasonable hours alj Ill private hospitals and andasylums and5lums andasylums
asylums 5lums in the District that no poram poramshall porlOnshall porsoiishall
shall interfere IntrC re with the enforcement of ofthis ofthis ofthis
this or hinder hinder or refuse to permit any anyinspection anyIn anyInspection
inspection In peetJon authorised by the bill billThe billThe lVIiIThe
The punishment for the violation of the theprovisions tbeprovialonM theprovisions
provisions of the act ct or for aiding Ilidtn in the theviolation thevlolaUon theviolation
violation thereof te fixed at t a fine not notexceeding nolexceedln sotexceeding
exceeding exceedln sroJ 00 or imprisonment Impr1 onmeat for not notmore notmore notmore
more than thirty days or both fine ftP and andImprisonment AndIlIIprIsonment andlmprleonment
Imprisonment in the discretion d lcretlon of the Otecourt tbeoooct thecourt
court courtThe oooctTbe courtThe
The District Commissioners Common sro ro author authorized autwwtMod authorthed ¬
ized by the th bill to promulgate from time timeto thneto Urn Urnto
to time such regulations UIaUOlUl ss in their judg judgment JudtIIMMIt Judgmeet ¬
meet public interests require to govern governthe governtM governthe
the establishment and maintenance of ofprivate oCprivate ofprlyate
private hoaplUl and nd asylums ylunUl and to toregulate tuTefulate toregulate
regulate the issue re suspension and revo revocation revoea revocation ¬
cation ea don of licenses required requir by h the bill billThe billThe billThe
The Commissioners are further author authorized authorlzetl authorized ¬
ized to allix to such uch regulations such pen penalties penalt ptialtIe ¬
alties alt as s may be necessary in order to toinsure toIure toisoure
insure compliance complianceIlcnenlN compUltaceI1cllenlH complianceRcienls
IlcnenlN Present I InTf InTfAll InwAll ntv ntvAll
All prosecutions of cases of violations violationsof
of thia act come under undf th the jurisdiction jurisdictionof jurthdictionthe
of the Police Court of the District of ofColumbia otColumbia ofColumbia
Columbia subject to information furnish furmheel furnihed furnished ¬
ed and nd signed ed by the corporation counsel counselAH coUftMlAll enunielAll
All acts aet and parts of o acts eti inconsistent inconsistentwith lneoalstent1th iueoMstentwith
with 1th the provisions provt lona of this th act are to be berepealed ber berepealed
repealed r peal by the bill billAn bOlAn billAn
An act making tnkln appropriations approprtat to pro provide plOvide prolde ¬
vide lde for the expenses oxpera es of the government governmentof
of the District of Columbia approved approvedMarch approvedIallh approvedMareh
March 2 1S J provides for the regulation regulationof r refpJIatlonof Ulation Ulationof
of these tbelJ private hospitals hoWta1 and asylums asylumsbut urlumbut Aiylumbut
but no rN means are provided t carry out outits outIts outIt
its It provision provisionBy provtstOMy provisionBy
By y the fegtefetlon 1 tJOft of March 2 Z 13K l the theCommissioners theCommiMIoneti theCommionieners
Commissioners Mrs or directed to require all allprivate aUprivate allprlvte
private hospitals in the District of Co Columbia CoIlumbla Ceiunbia ¬
Ilumbla lumbia to obtain permits yet no power poweris
I is provided to enable the Commissioners Commissionersto Com Jl8llopen Jl8llopenI
I to do so nor are any conditions specified specifiedas
as necessarily precedent to the issue of a apermit armlt apermit
permit permitIn rmlt rmltIn
In the opinion of Dr Woodward oodwart1 of the theDistrict theIIstrlct
District health office this former tegisla Jeststalion legislation
lion as it stands fails to accomplish any an anrood angood
good purpose and therefore thfr fore should be berepealed berepeaJed berepealed
repealed or so amended amend as to make it ItaccompUsh ftaccomplish
accomplish the purposes for which the thepresent thepresent
present bill is I designed dal designedCHILDRENS ed edC
I T V Would onhl Enroll Pupil of ofSchools ofSchool t tSchool
School In Temperance TUlIf rnnee CauSe CntU CauSeWith e eWith
With prohibition for the District of Co Columbia C0lumbia Columbla
lumbia as Its subject of consideration consldenltlonsupenntendents considerationsuperintendents
superintendents of branches of the Loyal LoyalTemperance LoyalTemperanCe
Temperance Legion met t at 136 1381 Third Thirdstreet Third8tr ThirdStreet
street 8tr t northwest t last night nl t and planned a n ncour acourse
course cour e of action In the endeavor to bring bringschool bringBebool bringschool
school children together in the t e fight for fortemperance CortemperaBCe fortemperance
temperance temperanceMrs temperaBCers temperanceMrs
Mrs rs Carrie Fernandes organizer of the theJuvenile theJuvenile theJuvenile
Juvenile Society of the W C T U is isconducting IsconducUnr I Iconducting
conducting the crusade among the chil children children chlldren ¬
dren She presided at the meeting last lastnight laltnight lastnight
night nightThe nightThe i iThe
The plan is to get 5009 coe children into line linefor Unefor linefor
for the cause So far more than MOO are areregistered areregistered areregistered
registered at the various societies > > in this thiscity thiselt thiscity
city cityThirteen elt
Thirteen juvenile societies have been or organized oranlzetl organlzeel ¬
ganized anlzetl here so far and of these nine are arenew arenew arenow
new this fiscal year teRr Another will be beformed beformed beformed i
formed at the Dumbarton Church on Sun Sunday Sunda Sunday ¬
day da afternoon afternoonAt
At the conference of officers last night nightplans nightplans nightplans
plans for a monster mass ms 1StI meeting were werediscussed weretscu worediscussed
discussed tscu and nd during the month of Feb February Ftbnltuy February ¬
ruary several of these are booked A Aschool Aschool Aschool
school of methods occupied most of the theevening theevening theevening
Condemned Murderer nrl1ercr to Apply ApII for forWrit forlrlt forWrit
Writ of CertiorarI CcrtlorarlAttorneys CertiorarIAttornes CertiorariAttorneys
Attorneys Thomas Taylor and Rudolph RudolphYeatman RudophYeatman RudolphYeatman
Yeatman will on Monday apply to tho thoSupreme thoSupreme thoSupreme
Supreme Court of the United States for fora fora
a 8 writ of certiorari in the case of Joseph JosephPaoluccl JosephPaolucel JosephPsolucci
Paoluccl the Italian now in the District DistrictJail DIstrIctjail Districtjail
Jail under sentence ntence of death for the mur murder murder murder ¬
der of sixteenyearold Elizabeth EUz beth Dodge DodgeIn
in September Sept mber DOG 1SOCPaoluccis 1006Paoluccls DOGPaoluceis
Paoluccis execution has several times timesbeen timesbeen tImesbeen
been postponed the last time until Fob Fobruary Fobruarr Fobruary II
ruary 20 next nextHe nextHe nextHe
He Is said to be fast wasting away from fromconsumption fromconsumption fromconsumption i
consumption and from the offects of a abullet abullet abullet I
bullet wound which he inflicted upon him himself hlm8ftlf 1dmself ¬
self at the time he killed the girl in a fit fitof fItoC fitof
of jealous rage rageDIES rageDIES rageDIES
John Henry lIenr Anderson An tleraou Colored ColoredPassed Coloret1Pmuccd ColoredPassed
Passed Away JTfny nt 100 Yearn of Age ABCJohn AgeJohn AgeJohn
John Henry Henl Anderson colored ICO years yearsold yearsold C8rs C8rsold
old is dead Uncle Henry as he was wasknown wasknown wasknown
known to many residents of the Mount MountPleasant MountPleasant Io nt ntPleasant
Pleasant secUon of tho citjr cft was wasp1oyed em employed m mployed ¬
ployed by b H G Thyson jr of 1759 U ITstreet Ustreet Ustreet
street He had been in the the service of ofthe ofI oftho ofthe I
the family for ninetythree nlnettpree years yearsHe Y yearsHe rs rsHe
He reached his hundredth hundrdth birthday an anniversary anniersar anniversary ¬
niversary niersar last October and shortly short1 after afterwas afterwas afterwas
was stricken with paralysis Although Althoughgiven Althoughgiven lthoughghen
given every care by b the family he had hadso hadso
so long served he gradually grew rew worse worseBrief worseBriel worseBrief
Brief services were held yesterday aft afternoon aftI at t ternoon ¬
I ernoon at 2 oclock at the grave in Mount MountOlivet MountOllvct MountOlivet
Olivet Cemetery Cometor where interment was wasmade wnsmade wasmade
Fraternity Frntern1t House Jlon c Is Burned BurnedMr DurnedMr Burnedfr
Mr fr G D Ellsworth of 1248 1 4 GIrard GIrardstreet Girardstreet Girardstreet
street received a telegram from his son sonGoodwin sonGoodwin sonGoodwin
Goodwin Ellsworth a member of the thejunior thejunior thejunior
junior class cass at Cornell stating that the theAlpha theAlpha theAlpha
Alpha Tau fraternity house to which he hebelonged hebelonged hebelonged
belonged was destroyed dC troYed by fire at noon noonThursday noonTbur noonThursday
Thursday Tbur day The loss was J35 WO QOOt <
mu1 mu1money
TS not how much muchmoney
ITS I money you spend spendin spe spendin d I
in furnishing furnis hing the thehome thehome thehome
home but its where whereyou whereyou whereyou
you spend it That a adollar adollar adollar
dollar here buys a full fulldollars fulldollars fulldollars
dollars worth is attest attested attested attested ¬
ed by byour our ever increas increasing increasiqg increasiI ¬
ing iI patronage of thrifty thriftyand thriftyand thriftyand
and discriminating discriminatingshoppers discriminatingshoppers discriminatingshoppers
shoppers Credit if ifyou ifyou ifyou
you desire desireWhen desireVhcn desireWhen
When in Doubt Buy of ofHouse ofHouse ofHouse
House Herrmann Herrmann7thandEyeStsNW Herrmannand I
7thandEyeStsNW 7thandEyeStsNWTAILORS Ih and Eye Sts N Nu W WTAILORS
Delegates Adjourn to Meet in To Toronto Toronto Toronto ¬
ronto Ontario in 1909 1909I 1909UI1101lln 1909fiidoiina
I Diplomas Avrnrilod nrded to the ISxIilhitiinx DXhlhI ThXlIt1itbviWho ISxIilhitiinxWho t tho
Who ho Mndc Inlle IercciitHjco 1lrCuntR u of ofHijjhty otJlIht ofligliyor +
Hijjhty JlIht ligliyor or More MoreThe IorcfJhe ioreThe
The twentyeighth 1 ftty th annual ann ual convention conventionof
of the Custom Cutters Association which wWchhss whichhaa whichhas
has lx been n in session wn at the Arlington tGa Ho Hotel Hotel 110frt ¬
tel since aInc Tuesday y last adjourned yester yesterday yfJllterday yesterdy ¬
day if aft aftereson tenMoa 1IMIOII at t 6 oclock until the last lastweek Iutweek Itweek
week In I January 106 when th the meeting meetinswill meednawill meetingwill
will be held in Toronto Canada CanadaJohn CaudaJohn CeasdaJOhN
John T Berry BelT president of the asso association uocIAU01I assoeitfon ¬
ciation opened the U morning moml session A Ashort Aabort Ashort
short business meeting t1nI was tfbUowed f IIowed by bythe bythe bythe
the annual installation of ottcer by b1a b bDvfd
David a vld Sherman of Milwaukee former formerpresident formerprealdent formerpresident
president of Un u association associationThe UIIOclaUonTIM assoc4stlonThe
The committee eomift in charge claal of the gar garment p plD8 grmost ¬
most lD8 t exhibition composed of L 1 A D IM IMnero Dn Dnnor n nner
nero chairman Fred A Be Bold Sand and John JohnJanason JohnJa JohnJausson
Janason Ja reported that the exhibition had hadbeen badbeett hadbeen
been the most complete from every everyUndpotat everystandnt BY BYtaDdpoJat
Undpotat ever ver ver held by the association assoclatkmThe uoeIat1ooThe associationThe
The exhibitors were congraivlated on th thexcellence the theekeUence lbeceIknce
excellence of quality cut and aniah of oftheir oftheir oftheir
their garments in which many innova innovations laaoYatJoM IaaovaU ¬
tions U Iu tailoring t were disiriayed disiriayedThis dienlayedThIs n4 n4Ib
This Ib exhibition is I considered sJeftd the indi indicator ADdIcator mdicat ¬
cator cat of the Sashlofis for spring wing and andsummer an4ummer andsummer
summer and only members ef the aaao aaaocUUkm assoelation 0 0ciatlo
elation are a allowed to view the display displayCoats displayCoaL y yCoaa
Coats are to be of medium length and andtrousers aDdtrouHn andtrouser
trousers will 01 be smaller I r at the knees than thanfor tbaator tba tbafor
for several vera seasons seasonsA 8e8 8e8A seasonA
A new color in mens suits ulta never before beforeshown WoreaJ1o1I befomahowu
shown wa w was the elephant shade which whichhas wbk wbkh whichha
has h recently ntl been put on the market by byan bylfah byan
an English lfah Arm It Its is thought this will willi willbe
be the most popular of all the HJoud loudcolor loud loudcolors I IeoIon
colors which will be worn this thIaThe summer summerThe summerThe
The judges Jud of the exhibit F D Ilutton Iluttonund HaU HaUE i Iuttos Iuttosd
und d K 1 H Snyder of Washington and andMatthew andMatthew I IattbeW
Matthew attbeW Keifer of Baltimore BaI reported reportedthat reportedthat I IUaat
that diplomas had been awarded nIeId to ex exhibitors exblbttors cxhibitori ¬
hibitors wbe > made a percentage ff it j jor W Wor
or 01 over as follows followsJote loIow8J foiioweJobs
Jobs J UMKOO Psalm III IDtGI IlL wmwHUg WIud WMbaw Ws Wsten
tan I > ti Mm W Pitt at JoMoa Js MA Ie A A II IIr uu 11U
u r Twodo orortoi H A T Taylor irlar Tnroet J fend fendWMhtaftUin CMadIIIII GeadWMtthtu1
WMhtaftUin IIIII JJIItGD D I P rtel Im Oattu Mtna T hIIdo tedo JaM 0IaIeK W WK wK
K StMetNTT I fAlldlJrOIP itorfll Kr W C HolKft 1 IIeJa PhiU PhiUdetphi Pbi1aia PhUaddp
ddp detphi ia Pft I land id MMman MUwMSin tihra ft Wfr A AX AX A3m
X Mfirt t1iie l t o ilL lii F O M Kfft Mwee m lUmMHofe lUmMHofeMian MismspouIaiiwt I IXhuJ
Mian I fA L H Hriak JIri IndiMitn bad F A AIMd AM AMeld
M Meld d St laId Mkm claD Ghwta an l e Hcckct H MisMkp MisMkpOOB Misampohi
OOB 011 ohi Ibm CM s4 Highfleld H tIeid Ohiaco tuk IH J K KKaj XKaJe F FXaye
Kaj KaJe Gram mo B Bay y Wh A H Proud mid apnnffleM apnnffleMMa 81 H5it5oidMo 111e1d
Ma 0 O w IXrtrtwnc I Iehber Kwm It Otty Sty Frank J JXeadow IKaMal 1 1ludew
Xeadow KMUM dtj l1t C 1 A VftgltUt rfehtt KUMM KUMMIty Ku Kuelty Kiamscity
city Ity F 0 UduUm Kux City Qw MM MMKMMM lIMa lIMaCltJ HimKaams
KMMM City L L A Duuwr 8prta th5eki lWd HL J JJMMMB IJ 1 1Jsm
J JMMMB tl l1Jno > irt WO o Sm s ItackMnm CUos 0Iaicqe i5e Edwmni EdwmniV EdwaldR
V R I TW mid WMhin W Wutos tflB D C W t F Cboncr CW CWns CWJolaa QdJn
ns John Saint StIlI Msdaaa Win B F Jtwn JtwnKMMW JIo MeomKIUM n nK
KMMW K city Aitter 50 S Wrintrt Wd i K Xsam BM CitJ ty I L P PHruBdl I I1trwIeIl 1tirusell
HruBdl WtaBtiiefr W O 8 McK eK r OduMbu Q4umI J 1 A AScott ASmU ASot
Scott GaebA Guwii Oat Path Petanoo CUesaa U L i M MUnridtoi HJebru KIAWIIe
Unridtoi JetuMovn p 1 Pa Tbeotfora Ue DeC LH LHChlflMD Le Lebiss
ChlflMD C G J 8uMdL IIuIie Ckioao OIID JL L l Btokuft
St Ixmii 1A Lm U Id H Dowwr WaAtaatoa W D C J IO
0 MeXaucatoa lX Ckntead CIt Ckvela OUo ow sad J 1 W For Forsvtbe PorQtbe Fortb
svtbe tb KMUM K City CityThe CItyThe CityThe
The afternoon tfternoon temoon session was poorly at attended attended attended ¬
tended as nearly all the delegates delep bad hadgone badgone badgone
gone to Fort Myer lyer to witness wltJae a a special specialcavalry specialcavalry pedaICIl
cavalry CIl vaJry drilL John McLean of Toronto TorontoCanada TorontoCanada TorontoCesada
Canada gave an exhibition and illus illustrated 81 81tMlted filmtrated ¬
trated The Th manipulation of the block blockpattern blockpnltern blockpattern
pattern patternUse pnlternUN patternUse
Use of proportions In practice was the thesubject tilesubject thesubject
subject of a paper by Joeeph Turner of ofPhiladelphia oCPhlladelpbla ofPhiladelphia
Philadelphia He said the highest aim aimof aimoC aimof
of the tailor should be to correct every everyImperfection eel eelImJMrCecUon everyimperfection
Imperfection of the human form and andmake aadmake andmake
make it as perfect as possible OIIIIIt > > Ie by the aid aidof aidof aidof
of clothing A general discussion by bymember bymembeR bymenibera
member preceded the adjournment adjournmentKlein adjournmentliilJln adjournmentBigin
Klein Produces No o Finer Ilutter IlutterThan IIlltttrThan Butterrhan
Than Four Leaf at Clover Creamery
Fresh pure and delicious 5lb boxes a aspecialty as aspecialty
specialty s ty All other noted brands of print printbutter printbulter printbutter
butter James F Oyster O ttr 9th th and Pa ave >
Mr Ir Pincliot Describes Reck Reckless neckJess Reckless ¬
less Waste y astc of Resources Resourcesi ResourcesMAY ResourcesMAY
A morion iuiti itja Xu Mure Heyond Operation Operationof Icrntollof
of Xnturul Nil zLtui til ril Imvx Ill rhnn a a Were Older OlderNation OlderNnHulIl1 011cru
NnHulIl1 Nation u I lou Situli UN Greece rcfoe anil ti nti Spain Spainand SpnlllnllliTtIIl Spa I it itIt
nllliTtIIl It and ii ii May rita y lie Uellnrccd fl IN Ip reed to I 0 ISndnro IStitlut ru tlic tlicSame OicSome t ii C CSn
Same Sn inc IJHprlitlnpr JU ighting Hcftulis Hcftulislion ItclCu1fHon ItesultalIon
lion Gilford OilordPlnchot Pinthot chief of the theUnited 11Mnlll theIiitted
United nlll States tatft tte Forest Service was wa the theprincipal tileprincipal th thprincipal
principal speaker at a meeting of the theNational theNaUou1 theNatIonsi
National Geographic G rapbJe Society S etet h bit held W at att
t lie h National Rifles RIll Armory last even evenIng evenInl evenlag
lag IngMr
Mr fr Piochotft Jtnchot address embodies an ur urgent urIfnt urgent ¬
gent appealed to the government and andpeople andpeople andpeople
people of the United States SUa for the con conservation consrvatlon onusrvatlon ¬
srvatlon of our natural resources resourcesThe IfJ8Od1CeIThe resourcesThe
The speaker ker described the reckless recklesswaste recttl recl ieae ieaewaste f88 f88waste
waste of forests the iron lro coal isis and otH otDer otDernatural otiaernatural r rnatural
natural resources that have made e this thiscountry tb tbfountry thisountry
country the riches rich portion JOrtk not of tIN earth earthMr eartbMr earthMr
Mr Pinchot l > said The waste W of our ourresources ourretIOwcea ourresources
resources means that the United States Statesshall SCatsball Slatesshall
shall ball repeat the conditions we now nowI see seeIn so soIn
In I Northern Africa In Ctreees in I Spain Spainand Spel Speland Speipiand
and in Palestine PalestineThe Pale8t1JtelJhu
The Natural ntllrol I LnIf Lansfoe > nvrs nvrsFor
For 01 we are no more e bejwnd tb the oj ojenttton op operat ojoration >
enttton erat D of natural tU1l laws w than tI the older okfcrnations okfernadomI oldernations
nations were and the same me neglect of ofthe DCtbe ofthe
the fundamental fu ntat basis baSIs1INI land and water waterwill waterwlU waterwill
will Ian bring upon us or upon our descend descendants d descendants n4 n4ant ¬
ants ant the same blighting results that have havecome haveCOlIN havecom
come com to those countries countriesAlthough OOWMrIMAltllogh countriesAlthough
Although Altllogh Mr Pinchot deplored the thepresent tbepre thepresent
present pre ot state tate of our natural natu natube resources resourceshe resourcehe
he also called attention attu to the fact that thatthe tJlatthe thatthe
the President Dt has seen lit to start rt a amovement amove amovement
movement move t for their conservation conservationOur eo eoOur
Our country continued the speaker speakeris JlPMIr JlPMIrbowI svekrIs
Is is snowing bowI a commendable moral con conscience eonlICIeace conscience ¬
science with regard to the methods of ofindustry ofIMuy oflndttry
industry Along A with this Is I coming COIDIn < < an anawakening anaw anawakening
awakening aw eD as to the urgent need of con conservmg conUaOM consorviag
servmg those natural uf resources leIOfreea on which whichAmerican wldebIDeriea whichAmerican
American IDeriea industries will have ve to toIn depend dependin
in the future futureIn tut tutIa futureI
In I the course of his discussIon IIft Mr MrPinchot hrPinchot ir irPleebot
Pinchot also made mentfo mndoi4 n of the move movement JIIOftment movewent ¬
ment begun begu with the creation of the theUnited tbeUDlted theUnited
United State Slates Inland Waterwafs W Com Commtesoa CoIalut Coinmission
mission last March MarchThis MarehTb MatchThIs
This Tb commission romm toa added the speaker speakerIs apeakerIntruatH
Is intrusted not only with > the improve improvement improvement Improveinent ¬
ment and development deveJop wat of our rivers for forevery forevery or
every possible ble use but also with that thatquestion thatquestion
question which In its tt broad scone can cannot ennot cm cmsot ¬
not possibly be separated rated from rom the im improvement Improvement lmprovement ¬
provement of cwr tr waterways namely lIIDel the theconservation tbeCOMervatton thecoeervation
conservation of our natural resources resourcesIfipocliiiiiikiiiKT 1MOtI 1MOtIJIIHwhmnJdnJ resourcesBpt
IfipocliiiiiikiiiKT Bpt ltiuzsJdtg Movement MovementIn ttocuutntIn
In conclusion Mr Pinchot said sd This listsepochmaking Thisepochmaking IJdaepocbmakiq
epochmaking movement for the conserva conservation eoDIIerVaOII corvalion ¬
lion OII and wise w use of our natural wealth wealthmeans wMltbthe wealthmesas
means the assurance of prosperity in the thepresent theprWnt theprnt
present and greater prosperity in the fu future totore ¬
ture for this great reat country countr which we all alllove alllow sithive
love and nd that to I an object worth the beat beatthought Mfitbouabt bestthought
thought und the best effort e < < on of the t tlMrlcana th best bestAmericans bestAmericans
Americans AmericansA lMrlcanaIal1fe
A large crowd was present to bear Mr MrPlnchets MrPinchets fr frPlnchet
Plnchets address addressHEID addresREID addressREID
Court Appoint Administrator Over OverMurdered OcrUurderCfl OverM
Murdered M ii ni ereti Sliinx Jlnn Property PropertyAttorney IrJIH Pro jert rt rtAttorney y yAttorney
Attorney George O F HavHl yesterday yesterdaywas yesterdaywas y ywee
was appointed app lated administrator of the estate estateof atateof esoiteof
of Henry W Reid saloonkeeper 100D1E who was wasfound wasfound wasfound
found murdeqed lDunte Sunday morning JIIomb in front frontof fJOlltof rent rentof
of a 1 F 1 sireet northwest northwestThe northwestThe northwestThe
The appointment was made upon the thepetition thepetltlon thepetition
petition ef John U L Reid an uncle who whostated whoRated whostated
stated that th4t himself and Mrs Fannie FannieWindsor JlaanleWindlor laanleWindsor
Windsor an aunt of the dead man were werethe we wethe werethe
the next of km kmThe JdnThe kinThe
The petition states tea that Reid owned 0WMdabares Ill Illshaze 8 8shares
shares shaze of stock of the Plans PIa Hotel Com Company Company Cornpatsy ¬
pany which was w to be erected on the site siteof siteof e
of 0 the saloon 100 owned by him valued at atJ40M
J40M 4 an account ace wrt hi the National City CityBank CityBank CityHank
Bank and real estate in Prince William WilliamCounty WIUIamCounty WilliamCounty
County Va valued at 03096 ste O besides 1JeacIeshOUliehoid bemldeshousehold besideshousehold I
household furniture and personal effects effectsJustice e effectsJustice < < ectL ectLrUce
Justice Gould fixed the bond of the adnlnhstrator ad administrator ¬ i
ministrator at KOOO KOOOLODGE 080 080LODGE 000LODGE
KnlRlitH of Pythias Have Their Au Aninml Aununl Auuuuint
inml Lathes Lndif Night XI ht Affair AffairRathbone AnulrRathbone AffairRathbone
Rathbone Superior Lodge Lod No a aKnights 31KDt 3 3Knight
KDt Knights h of Pythias 17tb held its annual annualladies IUlnyat IUlnyat1adJea annyalladles
ladies night nl < < ht at Pythian Temple list JKevenm Jutevening listevening
evenm evening A musical programme programmgivep was wasgiven WM WMvet
given givenAmong givepAmong vet
Among the features were the chalk chalkdrawings eb jk jkdrawings lk lkdrawlD
drawlD drawings by Mr J N Baker comic comicsongs COMIcPo comicnong
songs Po by Mr Arthur B Pierce and a asoprano aoprJIo asoprano
soprano solo by Miss Carrie Smith SmithThe SmIthThe SmithThe
The following followl had charge of 0 the exyr exyrclses eX exprcisea r rclIew
clses H L Thompson J Warren Warr n Coffin CoffinN Co CoillsN Iin IinN
N Percy Daniel Wallace Soud Sender r L H HTroutman HTroutman 11Troutman
Troutman J W Thompson S H Bas Bassett Bast BaaeU
sett eU t B W V Andrews A B Simons and andD andD andD
D N Hoover
Death of o wllllnm lVhlln n II IlcynpldK on onDny onDn onDay
Day Dn of HIM lii Retirement RetirementThe UctireIRcntThel ItetlreinentThe1
The Thel funeral un r1 of Policeman William R RReynolds RReynold8 BReynold
Reynolds Reynold8 who died suddenly yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning
morning at t his home 1101 East Capitol Capitolstreet capitolstreet capItolstreet
street will take place Monday morning morningat momln momlnat
at 10 oclock with services At the Church Churchof ChunhDC Churchof
of the th Holy Comforter Thirteenth and andKast 1100East s d dEast
East Capitol streets Interment will 111 be beat beat heat
at Mount Olivet Cemetery CemeteryPoliceman CemeteryPol CemeteryPoliceman
Policeman Pol u Reynolds death occurred oeeur on onthe onthe ontIe
the day when l his hi ls name was W8 to have been beenentered bef heenentered > n nentered
entered entered on the retired r tlre list 6n n August AUguMtZ
2 ISM he was appointed to a portion pojt1on on onthe onthe onthe
the force and although he suffered sut ered a astroke atroke aitrOke
stroke of paralysis p nlys about three years ago agohad agot agohad
t had served almost continuously eonUnHou ty until th thtime thUme thtime <
time of his h death deathHe deathHe deathlie
He was formerly formerly detailed dl detaIled ned as a a deter deteUve deterfive 1etpp 1etppUVe
Uve at the Baltimore ll < < IUmore and tlnd Ohio Railroad Railroadbut Railroadbut Railroadbuui
but for the tfe last I t few years had been en engaged pnp engsd ¬
gaged p in clerical work at police head headquarters healqututfra headquarters ¬
quarters About ten days d y ago the retir retiring retirIn retlrlng ¬
ing In board deckled to retire him on a apension apenn apension
pension of M 0 a month monthThe mon monthThe Ul UlThe
The decease policeman who was a anative anative anative
native of Wisconsin f toonsln was born May S SIMS I
IMS 181 Much of his early life was wa spent in inthe inthe inthe
the West He is i survived by his wife and andson and110ft andsop
son Bowen Reynolds who ho is employed employedat
at the District Building BuildingENGINE BuildingENGINE BuildingENGINE
I IChief
Chief Belt Conducts Inquiry Into IntoVeerhoffs IntoVeerhoffs I
Veerhoffs Art Store Fire PirePractlfjnlly Fireiractlijally
I IPlftttl9nl1
Practlfjnlly All the Data Dalalini JtA IIn liven livenCollected DeenCollcctetlJln BeejiCollectedMay
Collected CollcctetlJln May Send It Before Beforeu
u Trial Hoard HoardChief HoardChief BoardChief
Chief Belt of the Are department is isinvestigating isinvestigating I
investigating the methods m IOda adopted adopt by bymembers b bulembers
I Imembers
members of No K 1 Engine E Company in inhandling iiihandling i ibaDdHu
handling baDdHu the recent Are at Vterhoffs V erbolt II art artstore artstore I Istore
store 12t7 lit F I Street northwest He has hascollected hascollected I
collected practically all of the data con connected consorted ¬
I Iaeeled
sorted with the case caseAlthough cueAlthougb easeAlthough
Although not ready to give tv a Una aaI opin opinion opinIon opinbit ¬
ion of the charges against apin t the members membersof
of the engine oomnan com be states Itateltbe the facts factsfurnished lactsturect factsfurnished
furnished to him bll show there has been a uneglect ane aneglect
neglect ne eet of 0 duty dotyThe dutyThe dutyThe
The charges e contained in a report to the thechief thechl thechief
chief chl f by Deputy Chief Wagner W JMr who was a awitness awttMa awitness
witness of the lire blame Capt Harper Harperof HarI Harperof r
I Iof
of No 11 Knglne Company for failure to tocarry tocarry
carry ea out the orders order of the fire officials officialsWagners ollletabWagners otHclaLsWagners
Wagners report points out that Capt CaptHarper CaptHarper CaptHarper
Harper when his engine No M M arrived arrivedat
at the are failed to connect his hI engine enginewith eD1newith engineWith
with water hydrant and depended too toomuch toomucb toomuch
much upon his chemical apparatus which whichwas whichwas hleh hlehwu
was wholly inadequate to cope with a afire aftre afire
fire of that stee h Capt Harper is also alsocensured a alsocensured o ocfr
censured cfr for ha having failed to turn in a ageneral salarm ageneral
general alarm alarmChief alarmCltlef alarmchief
Chief Belt elt also Massey the poUeeman poUeemanwho poUeemanwb policemanwho
who wb turned to the alarm over ver a a tele telephone teIepboae telee teleUe ¬
phone phoneHe pboaeUe e
Ue should have turned in a regularlire regular regularfire r rare
fire alarm Laid the chief eI f and 4 if t the thereports therltMJIU thereports
reports are ar true the t policeman pollee aa who whowasted whowute4 whowasted
wasted time by b calling up the First pre precinct preetact prechic ¬
chic station is i likewise UkeW le reprehensible reprehensibleOther reprehensIb1Other naIWe naIWeOther
Other negligence II In carryms earryb out orders ordersIs ordP ordPcbAr ordersis
Is charged cbAr By a blunder water was sent sentthrough 8e sentthrough t tthroup
through a line of hose while it was being beingcarried beingcarried I Icarried
carried to the roof of the burning burnln build building building ¬
ing In by some me of the firemen firpmen The extra extraweight extrawe extraweight
weight we ht and ad force of the water prevented preventedthe preventpdtbe preventedthe
the firemen from property carrying out outorders outorders I Iorwrs
orders ordersMfejudgment orwrsltsJ ordersMIsjudgment
MIsjudgment ltsJ t is also Mid akt Id to be charged chargedagainst chargedagainst
against t the firemen ftr flreme ma responsible for trying tryingto trytnpto I
to earry aM a line U of hose up a stairway
Paul F Grove secretary aeeret ry of a local fire fireinsurance firehmurance r rIM1Ir1KP
insurance company has sent eftt to Chief ChiefBelt Chif ChiefBelt > C
Belt a communication in which he gives giveshte J giveshis v vhhP I
his version of the flre and its Itstrem progress progressfrom progressIrma
from the th standpoint of a witness witnessThe 1ltJIHLI witnessThe
I The proprietor of the building bDlIdJD Otto T TVeerhoftt Teerho L LVeetholt
Veerhoftt eerho < < has h also censured the firemen firemenHe aremeuHe
He 14 accuses aeciIaea them tbe of 1S1I 1S1IChIef negligenceChief negligence negligenceChief
Chief Belt it is said may ma call 811 a trial trialboard tria11 trialbord
board to invetlti investigate te the charges c and andgive andFVe andgive
give each of the accused a chance to ex explain explaiD cxplain ¬
i I iI
Mr Miller Desires Modification Jlolll ention of ofInsurance ofIuurnnce ofInsurance
Insurance Licence Lnvr Ln LavCaleb i iCaleb iCaleb
Caleb S Miller of the Mutual ttutua1 utual Benefit BenefitLife BenefitLife net1t net1tLife
Life Insurance Company has sent to the theDistrict > j jDistrict I IDttrIct
District insurance commissioner a letter letltrin letterIn i iin
in which hieb he points out certain alleged allegedinjustices alJe allegedinjustices ed
injustices of the present law in its pro provisions proiatollll provisions ¬ II
visions as to licensing Iceln agents or solid solicitors solidtoes oUcltoni ¬
toni and requests that the present insur insurance IIl8urance Inauranee ¬
ance law la be modified modifiedMr mocllftedMr modifiedMr
Mr Miller remarks that th the present presentlaw presentlaw Ie8ent Ie8entJaw
law requires that solicitors take out a abrokers abrokers abroker
brokers license for which they have to topay topay topay
pay 45 4 in addition to the th 55 they the are aretaxed aretaxed aretaxed
taxed for a solicitors license licenseDavis l lDzn1II licenseDavis
Davis Gets Get the Contract ContractEngineer ContrnctED ContractEngineer
Engineer ED r Commissioner Morrow orrow has hasrecommended hasrecommended baarecommended
recommended to the building bundln inspector inspectorthat Inspectorthat inspectorthat
that the contract for the construction of ofan ofan ofan
an addition to the Eastern Market be beawarded beganIed beawarded
awarded to Milton C Davis of Balti Baltimore Bttltimore Baltimore ¬
more who ho was the lowest bidder at
jltttttditt r n 1 1Established I IEstablished
Established 1864 1864Watches 1864REDUCTION 1864RED
Watches w atches9 Clocks Jewelry and Silverware SilverwareOn
On February 15th we mil begin making extensive alterations alterationsIn
In order to reduce stock and make room for the t e workmen we weoffer weoffer
offer these special prices
15 Per Cent Reduction ReductionBronzes ReductionOn
On Clocks Bronzes Watches and Opera Glasses GlassesAll All to Be BeSold BeSold BeSold
Sold at This Special Discount
10 Per Cent Reduction ReductionOn x xOn I
On All AllOur Our Sterling Silver Silver Plated Ware Cut Glass GlassToilet GlassI r rToilet
I Toilet Sets and nd Manicure GoodsTHEJEW Goods GoodsTHE GoodsTHE
Schmedtie Bros 704 Seventh StN W I
I IfJll
IIIiHtJlf Ii4 JJmJ
Ii r 1Y r l Io IoWI
I make and sell more men7 mens
350 shoes than any other othermanufacturer othermanufacturer othermanufacturer
manufacturer in the world worldIf
If I could take takeyou you into my mylarge large facto factories factories factorice ¬
ries at Brockton Mass and show you youhow youhow youhow
how carefully W L 1 L Douglas shoes arc aremade arcmade arcmade
made you would then understand why whythey wbythey whythey
they hold their shape fit better and andwear andwear andwear
wear longer than any other 350shoes 350shoesW 350shocsW 35OzhoerWi
WLDouglas Boys Boy Shoes hoca 1752 17B32UnU 1752CAUTION 1752w4u
w r I > on lau1fie aM pn ipt iptor1
CAUTION UnU w4u I lull iUlI on bottom Tsike Jnkin Iak Xo o SHltitltuie SHhatituteFad SuhatituteFeat SHltitltuieFast
Fast Color Kuelett Vd Kirrlu RreZeiatrfiy RreZeiatrfiyCatalog I lKi irtiif irtiifCaulog r rCe
Catalog Ce g Free W L L L Dot DOt D4IGltS G LA fS S Brockton rocktoD Maw MawW XaasW HaMw
W L Douglas Shoe Store
905 Pennsjlrania Avenue N I W Washington WashiagloftALL WashingtonCLOTHES
= = CLOTHES = =
50 5000 Off Marked Prices PricesIncIiiilhiK Pricesu PricesInlludhJJ PricesIneluttling
IncIiiilhiK Fulllire Iriiirc Al AlliiTl 41 41bert 1 1hlrf
bert Tuxedo and Staple Black Blarkninl DlatknJlel Blackand
and Him Suit SuitMens SuitsMens Suits SuitsMens
Mens Suits Half Price PriceMails PriceSuit Price1u
Mails 1u s S 10 I ttIt < Stilts Suit SuitsNtis 500 500Mens 00 00PJi
Mens PJi S14UO 1400 Suits IWO 700Mens ittOMfns IWOMen
Mens Men s IJtjFiO Suits Sult SultMn SuitsMn S25 S25M
M Mn ns 19 9rO = 1 Suits SuitsMtuis SST SSTMens 41 41MtJ
Mens MtJ I 2500 500 Suits SuitsChildrens 1250 1250Childrens lOChildrens
Childrens Suits Half HalfPrice HalfPrice HalfPrice
Price and Less LesshilJr LesslllIJrns Less1ui1Jrn I
hilJr lllIJrns 1ui1Jrn s Ji S iti tI t Suits RlJit 5I2 5I2hildnns 151 151hiIrirr 12 12hiIdrns =
hildnns hiIrirr 3 I Suits 171 171liil 1i1lilclrens 17 17Iti1irens
liil lilclrens < lrens UII 4n lJti i Suits Ruitshildlens 231 231riiildrens 221iiidzens
riiildrens Jo 5 50 t Suits Suitsmt Si SiOm S75 S75Om
Om mt lot of Childrens Jim JUIIll JUIIllRllits JuvnlSuits nil nilSuits
Suits siz tiiZf sizs > H 3 to 8 sold up upIt C1 Ql OC OCto3vj 25
to3vj to It L J Sale price pricent A 0 0One
One Jrw nt I it t of Childrens Renters Rp4 > fr ami amirist allt alltljtrs tni1iI4e
rist ljtrs rs r siz sizes iZt > s 3 to S sold 8OId125 sldUI 61 OC OCup
up U UI P t K 11 > Sale price priceYoung > 1 3 3Young
Young Mens Suits and Over Overcoats Overcoats Overcoats ¬
coats at HalfPries and Less LessOns LessOne LessOne
One Lot of Mens Ulsters Ulsterswith Ulsterst ilisterswith
with t I storm ir collar values Ct 650 650tnl Cfi Cfiir
ir 1 to u is l lIr 03U 03UMn
Mn tnl Ir s < Chinchilla and Belfast BelfastFri BdL B a t tFrizo tFruz
Fri Frizo Z R Rhtr > ffrt at It 1ss > than tllI I hazi hall hallpriit halfIr lid 1 1prit
priit Ir ft to t sell tli them out at tt mrt mrtOn lnnOn iit iitfl
On fl k lot > t of f Mens f ns Worst Vrt1 Vrt1inN nt < l C1 SO SOPants
C1 89
Pants liint Som nm urne > sold Id tip t tll 1Furnishings > Vv f fFurnishings Oy OyFurnishings
Furnishings Almost Given GivenAway GivenAway I IAway
Away AwayCORNER AwayFRIEDLANDER AwayVisiting
CORNER NINTH and andE andUJa
Bnft UJa E STREETS H W WVisiting Wmu
mu muVisiting
can be accomplished accomplishedas
as well in in bad badwcath badweather bad badwcatlier
weather wcath r as asin asin S Sin
in in fair fairITTAKES fai faiIT fairIT
weather the and andis andis ands
in n any weather we a r
is s frequently frequentlyMORE frequentlyMORE frequentlyMORE
The C P Telephone Co
722 12th St N W
1407 R St N W Wgout V Vof
Fuel Fuelof
of exceptional merit I
3 01 i ii IIn oI1U1lJlt tiunttI l 11111 a thrut I IKJlilt r rpI
gout furl lit IJives iin > > nr rl1 titIltnt llent llentusol lit TVllT IIT when whenit wh411ill Wili9ust
usol in the hr ranin Tall Maki Makipxvt Iak it a 1 qtiifk anl anlsupply an1jlrq a i i igntl
pxvt fin > for ru tJClkillj < iiiK WU Yi s supply iiPIY > U < J Jliurnl IUI1twls
2 3 ItndirU Tars lar Coke ntl iMiv iMivItnshik 1 liurnl tjt tjtJO 50 50liTr
JO Itnshik Urge 4A nkt H 4 < I liTr IT In 1T70 1T70nrn1 iT70J
8 J HushH HII hl I I3rKt ante 1otIr < < Irlnr IrlnrS klntn kInirl nrn1 nrn1lilivrml 3iJ
S 5 Hiishfs nll lttIt IIf rmsliwl n pn ± dt > 1 IVe ukp dili lilivrml kllHrt 3 3lelivtrwt 111I1 >
40 Husliels nll bd rmshed Coke C uit del dellit lelivtrwt de1hreeta S450 S450W 50 50jI
W a jI Bish HII Htsiit < htl l5 Cnishfd Cnl hoi Joke okto ott ddircml dtItcerrdWASHINGTON JS50 JS50WASHINGTON jQ jQWASHINGTON
413 Tenth Street N VV VVTHATS Wf5IB1 ViTHATS
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