PaHiihe4 Every Mernint Memi f h i the tc Year bv bvTHE bvTHE
Pubfetlfon Oe
Eatmd EDt u mnwVcfeM mdck mtter sttar u Oetatar 0 I KM IO at atth atIta
the th p Oetotl rt ftr at t WnthtofftOM W D a C Mtttr va n at t ef efrpnjf atrrnns
rpnjf rrnns 10 at March S 1 1SCOT MH MHSCOTT
SCOTT C BONE E ltticer ltticerT EdiirTaJeLRe tor torTeef
Teef T TaJeLRe dephe Be e Main MOO ple PtK ie Br Bruch a h Exthtnf R1wnce R1wncebtcriptien Ex hing c cSubKripticn
SubKripticn btcriptien Ratei by Carrier mt MaiL MiSOn M I
On 0 and after afle Dee D Debac b r 3 38 19K 19KDtlly J9iWDaU 9f
Dtlly DaU and Sawtay Au Jl e eet p per r mwtth mwtthPuity iZb iZbtity h hPaily
Puity and 8uad 6UDdaJ r MM jw ac acsiy Jear JearltiJ ar arIfailr
Ifailr ltiJ siy without ftmUy aday ee as ti par EMNKa EMNKaDully uUail1 ssA ssADuly
Dully withetit itticAlt aoodky 5aD4IaSU J4 lit tc yer yerVo 1MrX
X Vo Vo atttntion will k w MM re t tttumifmous tttumifmouscontributions 4oVIsow3tttrbuteeI3 0 0CMltrihttoNJ
contributions and NO u oemtwvNfeaMetu o omuwnfi flMttIICHI to to1h tocth
1h tthe editor toW lH b printed priMt except cu t ewer th thname titnarne turn
name of 0 the writer writerManuscript 1Oriter1facrfp
Manuscript offered for or JH lUo psbUo4Iton iHo tfcm lf < m wW uz
If returned if IIttowaUftIJIe QWMt bto but bii atempa atempashould at atdowld
should be tent mtt vaith the tu wuwMwHpt pt for forthat fort1w or
that t1w ho purpose purposeAll purp purposeAU ff ffA
All A II communication OOHuttwt t8llou intended JCt afl for Ibis tkitntirgpaper t ttttV3papBf
ntirgpaper whether for or the rfatiy nUy or the tMlItlda1
Funrfaw lItlda1 nda iatue should be addressed to
SPECIAL AGENCY Tritoww IMMfac IMMfacCbiraca IktIIIUIChiraco IIeMks
Cbiraca Rmfesentatire R t ltiTe CUAULBS A ISAONARU ISAONARUBojos llAllNlItvDo
Bojos Do BuiUinc BuiUincSUNDAY BuildiDcINDAY Buil4ia
The Schools SchoolsAinond Amend 1DQnd the Dollivor I oJJfer Bill BillThe DillTh
The Th Washington Wuhtn < ton Herald stands for forpeace forpeace
peace and harmony in the public DUbllc8Choobi DUbllc8Choobiot schools schoolsof
of Washington Wa6hin It stand for that sys system 1It 1Ittf11l ay ¬
tem of direction direction and nd control which will willbe willbe
be most likely to produce prod and maintain maintainP nNtJnta1apeMC
P peMC 54C4 HC and harmony harmonyIt
It is interested in no cliques It has hasfto buno
fto friend to vindicate or enemy to pun punislw punisl punisl
isl islw It desires de l a simply and solely to tothp see seethe e
the th schools put it upon a peaceful Pre practical Pretical ¬
tical intelligent working basisfreed b latree4lfrom basisfreedfrom
from the unseemly bickerings the semi semiriotous semlriotous
riotous contentions and the petty quar quarrels quarlpIs ¬
rels that have brought t the Capital into intodisrepute Intodl
disrepute dl rppute with 1th respect to the UteThis schools schoolsThis
This is the position t1on of The Washington WashingtonHerald WashingtonIerald ton tonHerald
Herald Ierald and it wishes it to be seen and andunderstood and1II1dtl
understood 1II1dtl tood clearly by allUa reader It is isopposed wopposfd
opposed to the board system because It Udoes ItdoES
does not work successfully It baa not notworked notworkfrl
worked 8u successfully tuny In years And if ifthe itthe
the entire ntlre ire community W1lty were ciantcring for fora fora
a perpetuation of the present system Iyat and andregime andeglmt
regime egtniewhkh > which hieh the community is not notdoing notdoinglhis
doing doinglhis this paper would stIU advocate advocatethe advocatethe
the abolition of it to t By its It results only onlycan onlyan
can an such a system be appraised ad the theresults theTsult
results in this tb case caae as Mlverybody everybody knows knowsHave IIOWII IIOWII11an
Have > filled the community with shame and and1ilmiliatlon andimiiiation
1ilmiliatlon 1 imiliation Congress Is no more weary wearyof wearyf
of f tho Iw distressing di i turmoil than are the thetaxpayers tltetaxpa
taxpayers taxpa rs of Washington The advis advisability advisabilityea ¬
ability abilityea yes the Imperative necessity ne UityIt necessltyo of ofu
It clunge e1Jn e is obvious to all unprejudiced unprejudicedpeople UDPftJudicedpepl
people peopleOur peplOur
Our schools are ueaU all right The trouble troubleis
is and haa been with 1th the controlling controllingforces eoDtrolUn eoDtrolUnfcrlf
forces due to divided authority and lack lackt lackDr
t Dr > f concentration Con > ntraUon in the system systemBut QatrmBut
But there to no wisdom or Justice j in inthe Inthe
the measure which hleh the Senate committee committeeproposes eommltteeT1ropo5
proposes T1ropo5 It hi an a impracticable plan to todivorce todhar
divorce dhar the schools from the District gov government ov ovHnPtnt ¬
ernment The District Commissioners CommissionersMiould CommtMt6IWt
Miould t muld have the appointing power and be behold beu1d
hold u1d strictly responsible for or the resultsIf results resultsIf
If they cannot handle the school de department de del ¬
partment l llrtrnent as they tb y are handling the other otherdepartments athelIeparlmfnl oth
departments then there should be b a aF ard s L
F rd of Commissioners Com who can eaDt eaDDolliver han hant hanDoiliver Pm
> Doiliver bill should by b ail aimended 11 meansmended means p
mended to place the power of ap aping ap aping ¬
ing in the superintendent or director directorc
c it j belongs and where where it has be bed Md
d all the timein the bands of the thelet thelet
let Commissioners Any other ad adlent adIent
lent will not oply pIy be locally JocaU unfair unfairn
n experiment that hi bound to prove provestake provetake
stake stakereport takert
report rt > port that Congress C costs HS9 110 a atft at i ilr L
tft t lr Is I one of those things that would wouldissed W 81d138ed I
issed highly important If true trueUseful It Itrseful
Useful but Vanishing 8ni61t nK Time Timethe Timethe
3 the London Mall Mallit
I it ever r otcw to people that tap sear searal1y tmy tmywrallr i
wrallr TaIly doe doeI tourt t their pocft pocWa pocWa1IT po 4s a ptmeiiUyf ptmeiiUyfTteemcn I
1IT wrJem Tteemcn who bo an paid emy Fridar Pi ar ary IIr11ft a
y y mitter atr 11ft wMaag nothio bacmae tbej tlNJliar tbe wv paid tor torv in
v 5 day OMS th ham hat to 1 ove dnrinc gbidi tha 0I JMT Itok Itokreceipt S I
< receipt recei of aaeoily tItb r enaiu 5unllVty b ckceka dtedJaIre far farire So Soire r
ire duniaat d1ev to i ttr laae the payswat far farday to ar ara r
a darfc day wu wutcytn WIIIL WIIILllel
llel tcytn an mtmOf tunfly lwM at BM Bttte Bttteand littlej Sttl
j and aapieata piares at s aat aattiiey a a r rt lsd a atile
tiiey t tile t might be be if we weay way jadse ham the t fact int ttet ttetvhrn tJIathn eM t tPun
vhrn hn engactuMrta er an a atcml iato sad sadadc oaatiacta oaatiactansdf GIIItunadt
nsdf adc f tnr r a tenD i iiliat eI years DO io Ie tak fIl fIlI a
that I hat extra daj Ita y te 1 Imp year yearA rnry
A very adroit statement that that but butIlhl not notabsolutely no t
Ilhl at absolutely I solutely lutely accurate We should be Just Justthough Juatthough justiliough
though the heavens fall ta11 And apropos of ofthat Ofthat o t tthat
that arises rlem a very 7 pretty question q so far faras tarI fa r rAv
as Av I those wage we earners who ho are paid by bytho bJt b r
tho t hi week are concerned Our Lxmdoit Lxmdoiti IoncIhltmporary LondOitmporary I rI
i ltmporary temporary admits that weekly wage wageearner w warMrf wag t
earner paid on Friday or Saturday suf sufIr suf1r
Ir nothing because they are paid for the theextra thetxtra th a t
txtra day they have had to live during duringth durinilIif
th t lIif hf < > > year ar We do donot not know what calendar calendartiie calendart r
the t he fa Hail it reckons this from fromour ours show showing sbowing showing ¬
ing only fiftytwo Fridays or Saturday Saturdayor Satu Satuor C
or lS l 1but but certainly therewill 11 be fifty fiftythree fty ftythrtt
three Wednesdays and Thursdays in the theturrfnt tMturffnt tb tbt a
turrfnt t urr nt year ear and employes paid on onthose ont oi n nttosc
those t IOSf days will receive rec lve pay fiftythree fiftythreetimes fttltbrntim e
times tim tirne 3 during durtnctbe the year instead of fifty fiftytwo ftttyt flftjtW
two t tW WI times as is usual L But does the theail theail tb e eYaiI
YaiI ail Kate the cane fairly when it con cone conee
< e ee ies s merely mt > re1y that such wage ace earners are aret arem ar
t inpensated m naatM for the extra day worked workedind workednl workevn4i I
ind nl no more 1 Aa a matter of cold fart fartIM tartII tad
II IM rot such ucb employes emploNeelve receive an extra extravet e1ftraWNk extr a aWeu 1
vet WNk Weu s pay pa for a week weeks work never neverjTf neverJTffmed ieve I r
jTf JTffmed JTffmedSuppose rmed rmedSuppose
Suppose a man is paM IS per week w k per perjnnum pernnunl pe r rI r
jnnum I nnunl His J1I salary Iary last year it paid on onWednesdays onWednt a It ItWedncsdays 1
Wednesdays Wednt days or Thursdays would have haveb haveexatI hay a aFfl B
b Ffl fn exactly exatI UJtt tI I3 whereas his bl salary salarythis aslar lal7 lal7tii I ItijI r
this tii year would be H42B U In 1 other words wordsf worelafor I Ifr
f for > r the two years be would receive a arand arand aiand 1
rand rand total of Pcs 2 or twice his sup supvoaoltobe supsejtobe au auI
voaoltobe I sejtobe yearly yearl salary plus pi one weeks weeksJill week a all
Jill 11 ll pay 18 Therefore what batT He Ii would wouldrot wouldJ1Qt ci ciiot
rot iot only have been paid for tb tha one on extra extraday extr I Iiiay 1
day 011 he has had to live Jlvou as the London LondonMail Londontall 0 0M 1
Mail M tall somewhat gloomily U puts pu it ItDut but for forun torI o oth
un I th entire extra week eelt that never occurred occurredVouidn occurredouidnt I IVouldnt
Vouidn ouidnt t he then be one oi weeks week salary salaryhead anlar lal7 7 7aiead r
head 1 of the game anyway you figure figureu U U2t 8
u He > can ca never have leas Ie than fh fiftytwo fiftytwopay ftf17twolir 0 0pay 9
pay lir days in any year this th year be will willhave winha wi 11 11have 1
have ha fiftythree tUtytbneuummc assuming that his pay payday NQja pa 7 7ay r
day ja ay is either Wednesday or Thursday Not Notr NotrliW Nt 1 trew
r rliW < iW nor fitter flftr years from now will that thatextra thattxtra ths it ittxtra 1
txtra pay P day be caught up by the em employer emJJo I Iployer ¬
ployer JJo r he is simply > 11 out that much not notwithstanding notwithstandinc nolwithctanding
withstanding the abrolut failure of eon eonB eonlldH I Iidration
lldH B id idration ration tion upon the part of the employe employeBut employeBu a aIhit
But Bu t that isnt tbe wont Ont of it or the thel th 0 0I
I r t oi it according to whether you are arepayer a apaye ar C Cpaycr B
payer or payee There re were fiftythroe fiftythroeTuesdays ftttythr ftttythrTIfsdaY3 0 0lufsdya f
Tuesdays in 1907 there will be fiftythree fiftythreeThursday ftttythreeThurtda8 0 0hursdays B
Thursday in 1S08 isg Suppose H some me frenzied frenziedrnanmr fren1edtnanciir d dtnancier 1
rnanmr had l M O o > manipulated things that thatlip tbtliP thi Lt Ltlip t
lip might have been paid off on Tuesdays TuesdaysIst TU da7SI 5 5year s
Ist I t year y r and Thursdays this year yearVouM yearoult yeniVoul4
VouM oult he not be able on January 1 1 ISfli ISflito 1 1to Bl I
to look back and 1 nd figure that he had been beenrw4 beenJk4 bee a ar4 t
rw4 fiftythree times In 19d7 lQ i and fifty fiftyihr fiftythr
ihr t hr times in 190 or r upon the priaury priauryliypotheie primciry1ypothtlIl prAa4r 3 3Iipotlele t
liypotheie a grand total of 2650 10 in iniasii Inng I a aU3Sj t
iasii ng U3Sj for f f 1 a period of service rvce calling eaUIn for f r r
only On ly 5210 pay pa for two week w6llka of lime limetlaat
that th thtr at vanish Into thin air ovary tints Unte101I Unte101Itry > yOR OM
try tr y to locate them themIt thornt
If I Ira t thftro is I any legerdemain In the U ai airaying B B1Ylng ar aryIn
raying ra yIn of these the figures we leave it to tothe tothe
the th e blgwlga of the Norfolk Landmark Landmarkthe
the th e Houston Hou ton Post Post the Atlanta Georgian Georgianthe GeorghUithe Georgiane
the th e New York Mail the Richmond Times TimesDispatch TlmesDispatch Timedspatch
Dispatch Di spatch the Louisville Courier CeurllrJourJtal CeurllrJourJtalet Journal Journalet
et aL al to dig It out For the present pre nt we westud VO
stand st and pat on our logical deductions deduc nl and andeonehttdon
conelusionK conelusionKWell eonehttdonW co
Well W l well wellJohn eU John Bull have It your Our way wa3Geer
George Geer Ge Gelf orge Washington Washlton was descended from fromEdward
Edward lf dward I We dont think any leas of ofeorge
George O eorge for It and ud nd beeMas ha couldnt ooulclnthelp
help he lp it it
Whet hot the llcs5 Message ge Represent RepresentTen ReDrescntlTen
Ten years eara ago American politics would wouldhave Wouldhave
have ha hasa ve been thought upside up hle down if a a message rotSRge rotS
sage sa ge from a a R Republican publiean President had hadMen
been be en greeted with 1th a chorus of approval approvalfrom approvalfrom approvalom
from fr om Democratic Dlm newspapers nespR rs and Demo Democratic Democratic
cratic cr atlc statesmen Yet Y t It appears to be a ancrmal armal
normal no rmal thing nowadays Ten thousand thous nd ndcopIM
copies co are re ordered printed for distribution
I on motion of a Democratic Senator and andIn
In in the Hous Ho Houq Democratic cheers punctu punctuate
ate at e it Ita reading Mr Bryan warmly warml com commends
mends m ends the U 8 tneseago aa s bravo and timely timelyI
joins jo joar ins with the President In his call to toarlM
I arms ar ms and urges ur that the Democrnta in inCon
Congress Con Co ngress ally themselves tb m lves with the ROOM ROOMI
nit vo lt Republicans R ub1leA in an effort to pass pa at atlh
this lh thby is session the measures recommended recommendedby
by Mr tr Roosevelt There Is I of course coursemethod eoUIHtmethod
method m mae ethod and purpose la all this tbJ since It ItserVes ItI16fvN
serVes ae ° ves a political end by driving drl1 the thewedge tbewedce
wedge w wra edge farther Into the split ptlt between the tberadtoal
radical ra dical and conservative wings 1ngs of the tbeRepublican
Republican R party So also all1O does it ac accentuate
centuate ce ntuate the differences of opinion in the tMD8moeraUc tbeemocratIc
Democratic D emocratIc r ranks nks but it gives Iv Mr Bryan Bryanopportunity Bryanopportunity Bryanportunity
opportunity op to say to the conservatives of ofhta
his hi s own party Am I as a dangerous an anInnovator annovator ut utInnovator
Innovator in novator aa you think me when heft a Re Republican Re Republican
publican pu blican President PrtWldent occupies the same sameplatform rkzne rkzneatform me meplatform I
pl platform atform on which I have been standing standingfor standingfor
for fo r twelve years JeAlSr If Roosevelt Roo volt Is right rightU1edIo
assuredly as U1edIo Bryan has not been wrong all allthese aUth
these th ese years year And the Republican party is Iunder I
under u nder the political necessity nece8 of Indorsing Indo IndoRooeevelt ineIoriIn
Roosevelt R oosevelt It Is a hard saying MYg for the theoldline tlteoldliae thedline
oldline ol dline Republican RepublicanThere RepublicanThere RepublicanThere
There is more than a merely partisan partisansignificance part partRlftca t
significance sl Rlftca ce in the essential identity I nUty of ofthe
the th e reforms for which Mr Roosevelt and aadMr
Mr M r Bryan stand The Democratic tJe party partyis artyt psrt
is no more responsible than the RepuWI RepuWIcainor RepublfcaJrfOr flepubliirtor
cainor ca irtor bringing them to the front ronL Demo Democratic Democratic Demoatic ¬
cratic cr atic leaders with tin exception of Mr MrBryan irBoan tr
Bryan B ryan and his friends have hav havelong Jong DI dodged dodgedthe do4gfdthe
the th e issues that are now no foremost and andsome andIOme an I
some so me of them the are trying to dodge c1od e them themnow L
now n ow No longer ago than MM the Demo moo mooera
cratic era e tic party nominated and voted for a aPrealdeaUal a L
Presidential P residential candidate antipathetic to toeverything toeveryth t tverything I
everything everyth e for which wl ch Roosevelt and Bryan Bryanstand Bryanland Bryacand
stand st and He was overwhelmed by the rising risingradical rtsbwradical
radical ra dical tide which even vn t tesi en was at attracted atUacttd
tracted tz aeted to the Rough Rider The last lastfew Iutfew lanw I
few fe w years yea have witnessed wit a moral and andpeDUeal an I
political p olitical awakening e affecting ff Uq men of all allparties aJlpuUes si
parties p arties and all creeds Long years of ofagitation oCalltatioD a agitation t
agitation a brought to a head by startling startlingrevelations tartlt tartltrenlaUoq r
revelations re of political corruption and andfinancial sadanaoctal ant antnancial I
financial fi nancial and industrial crimes crlmea crlmeatheir produced I
their t natural I fruition la what Mr iIr Taft Tafthu
has h as called a quickening of the nubile publiccoucleDCt
conscience c a demand demaJM for the remedy of ofabuses oCahU11e8 a abuses
abuses a and for a higher bl < her standard of bual business bualneM buale ¬
ness Th e Integrity As the public conscience COIUIdencek C
knows k nows no party flats It nor do crime cri and s Cl Clcorruption I i
corruption c the demand ck for reform has hasnot h hnot ha U
not n ot taken on a partisan aspect It comes eom eomup I
up u p from th tM mosses m of tl the people pe and aadnot andnot an anot ii
not n ot from the ignorant uorant masses but from froman froman free 0
an a n intelligent electorate It represents repraeA8matured representsmatured representatured a
matured m atured convictions and settled purposes purposesnot IHIC108Nnot I Iot
not n ot the clamor of the hour This ex explains explatftl
plains p lains the great and undirnlHtahed UIWII popu popularity JtOPUlarity ¬
larity l of both Roosevelt and Bryan DryaDtwo DryaDtworeformers two tworeformers 0
reformers r who though widely differing differingIn dUferIn r
In I n temperament and in many of their theirpolitical theirpoUdcaJ the r
political p olIdcai Ideals Ideal have strangely 8tran < ety reached reacheda reachedCO Li
a common CO ground of opposition opp to the theforces theforeM th thorces a
forces f orces of predatory wealth w IUt and corrupt corruptpolitics corruptpoIltIca cserui t
politics p olitics with the bulk of the American Americanpeople Amerteanpeop AmerIeaeepis It
people peop p back of them themNeither tbe theMparty L LNeither
Neither party can hope to win by stand standing IltaJadtng ¬
ing ft g out against apl iJt the reform movement It Itis ItIa 1 1obvious t
is Ise obvious enough that the Roosevelt poll policies poIIdes I ¬
des e lsa will be forced down do tA the throat of the theRepublican theelMlblkaa th a e
Republican R party and swallowed a11owri with withsincerity witha wit 1 1incIty h
sincerity a ncfttty i or hypocrisy aa die ease eae may maybe maybe ma y ye f
be be b e As to the Democrats they would ould do 4 0 E >
well w ell 11 to ponder r Mr Bryans advice that thatthe thattbe tim t te
the th e conservative cannot afford to reject rejectthe tJeetthe rejee t th
the t h overtures that are made by those thosewhom thou thouhom hOMwbom
whom w hom they denounce as a reformers lest lestthe 1eattbe lea leahe
the t he dam be buiided too high h and gtv gtvway gt C Cay
way w ay y with great t oamage 0 amae under tile vresr vresrsure pies I Iure
sure s ure of the radical tide tideAs tideA tideAs
As A the investigation proceeds doubtless doubtlessPennsylvania ttou doubtle n nPennsylvania
Pennsylvania is more and more inclined inclinedto 4
to t o thank Its lucky 1 7 stars It got any an old oldcaoltol 01 01apitol ii
capitol c at all for its JHJOO and not a alog aog
log l og cabin cantoThe cabinThe
The Navy a avy and Its Troubles TroublesIt TroubleIt
It is I quite evident that those who are areIntrusted AreJnlrulecI a a aiitruated
Intrusted I with the destinies of the ad administration admnrtraUon a I Iministration
ministration have hv determined that the theless thftlea Ui a aees
less l ees kmfwn concerning coneernln the rumpus in Inthe 1 n nhe
the t he navy na the better for these in authority authorityand authorttyand authortt y ynd
and a nd aU responsible re It hi known that tho thoSecretary th thSecretary U 10 10oC
Secretary o of the Navy has been urged urgedrecently urgedtly urge d decently
recently r tly to take such steps as will ill af afford atford at atan
ford an Impartial and thorough invest investigation Inveatltlon I
gation g atlon tlon of the various charges cha ti which have havebeen havebeen hM hMeen re
been b een made concerning eoncemh the inefficiency inefficiencyof Inellicienc iy iythe
of the personnel the deficiency of tram tramIng tralllInc I Iand
Inc and the mistakes of o design n con construction construction a ¬
struction s and a equipment of the ships shipswar of ofwar ofwar af f
war It Is now understood that those thosewho tboeewho th m mwho
who have been anxious for the inquiry inquiryhave Inquiryhave laqul y yhave
have approached the President with Ub their theirimportunities t e1rImportuntttea Ir Irmportunities
importunities i Their effort should meet meetwith nteetwith met et etwith
with success as a a laudable purpose cal calculated calculaled en I Iulated
culated c to establish facts and ud arrest left lefttional seaastinual
astinual a tional conjecture It is a good ood time timeIn the ie
in I n the development deY IopmeJ1t of the affairs concern concerning lOncernInc concuriug 1 ¬
Inc l ug the th navy to discourage the charges of ofna If Ifflagrant
flagrant na rant Inefficiency which have been beenbroutmt bee it itbrought
brought in hi various rIoaa forma against different dUferentbra it itbranches
branches bra cbes of the service There is I nothing nothingto nothin nothinbe
to be gained from from the covert exchange of ofpersonality orpersonality i ipersonality
personality There is no profit to t be de de derived di i ifrom
rived from innuendo innuendoIt InnuendoIt
It is time that definite allegations shall shallbe shallbe she ill illbe
be submitted and nd conclusively CGDCluahely refuted or orconvincingly oreonvIDclnclY it itvonvlnclngjy
convincingly established It must be a 8question aquestion
question what sort of a aboarI board of lava InYeiItlgatioD I Itigatlon
tigation would be advantageous A Con Congressional ConIrelonal Coigreaslonal
gressional committee mmtttee might serve the thepurpose UMjJUrpo ti tipurpose
purpose e but there ought to be repre repreaentecl a aseated
seated on the board members of the naval navalservice navi al alservice
service who ar are able to pass PIt on the tech teehnieal ted t tnical
nical questions and who can render this thtpro th is isprofessIonal
professional pro feuJon a I servicesfree of prejudice preJudiceIf preJudiceIfweh if Ifsuch
such officers may be found The naval navalper nay al alpersonnel
personnel per is now no tortured by b all sorts IOr of ofreckJeu
reckless assertions which have brought broughtthe broughtthe brougi brougithe t
the personnel to a spirit of insubordl insubordlnation insubordlaaaUon Li Lination
nation We do net t apprehend that this thisamountas Ui is
to toenough enough to Interfere with the theilghtJng U Ic Icfighting
qualities of the tb navy It there thereshould thereshould the re reshould
should be a war because the th activities activitiesB actlvtUi is
hostilities would permit ooers to for rotget to t
the relations questions involved In Inmlatak
mlatak in design and in extending to tostat
officers the titles of their associates associatest associst is isf
f the th line UneWe
We t are not sure that an investigation n
stop the squabbling within th the theIce serv ser C Cee
ee itself because D eaU98 on technical qtioa quWlUou quo a
Uoos created largely by theory and to tobe
settled JllUid only by b practical experience experiencet 0 0will
will be a cage of those tho who arc con COnin cci C
in td against their will m However the ti e envestigation
if conducted without preju Li I
ft dlea lilU ili co and relentlessly searching TQhtr1l will do domuch dolnach douch
n much m uch to reestablish publlo confidence confidenceIn ocnlldoncethe
1 In the navy navyAa MYA3
Aa for Mr Secretary Seertn Shaw ho had a ItlOOd aood
5 good g ood homo and he h left it itThe it itThe itThe
The Thaw Verdict crdlct crdlctTbe
The best that can be said about the ac acquittal 8J 8JqUilt ¬
qUilt a quittal ilttt I of Harry Thaw is 1 that It removes romovostrom romovoom
f from fr om the th8arena arena of public observation one oneof oneoC onethe
of ° the most offensive otton lve criminal rimI il causes causesover caUSOIoyer causeser
over ov er brought to trial in this country oountr and andreduces andreduces
r reduces r to obscurity obllCUrlt obscuritylet let iia 11 hopetwo hopstwomiserable hopetwomIHrable hopetwoiserable
r miserable m iserable creatures cr tutN more deserving dssersin Of Qrcontempt
c contempt co ntempt than of sympathy The Tb worSt wortthat worStIIIt worhtat
t that th then at can be said kt of the verdict ie that It Itencourages Itencouracas Itcourages
c encourages en courages homicide and pleaches p eacheo a dan dangerous dugerouli ¬
gerous g erous lesson of the inability of our courts courtsto courtwto courtspunish
to punish murder in CUM where sen sentiment sentiment ranment ¬
timent ti ment can be so exaggerated as to ob obscure obseure ohure ¬
scure se ure the difference between right rl ht and andwrong nndwron
wrong wrongIf wron wronIf w v rong rongIf
If it be admitted that the removal rt moval of ofsuch oCsueh ofch
such su sua ch an offender aa Stanford White was wasa
a rough approximation to justice can as asmuch 1 1much itsuch
n much m uch be affirmed of the acquittal of the theman tb tbman thean
n man m an responsible for his death Did the themurder themurder tliaurder
n murder m urder of a useful and talented though thoughmorally thoughDraUy
n morally m orally defective human being truly trul bal balance
a ance nte the Ut alleged n 1 wrongs suffered by lJ b3 the thedepressive thedepreu1n r
d depressive maniac Thaw la the social socialorder socialrder
o order rder made more secure by freeing a amoral amoral
n moral m oral degenoraU d nUat and tawtlng Ing hill pert pertCOMOrt pertonsort
c consort to a a fleeting eminence as a a a hero heroine heroIne herowhom ¬
ii ine in whose frail boner has been vindi vindicated vindited hdl hdlcated1 ¬
c cated catedThis cated1This to ted
This verdict with 1th others rendered In Inaccordance Inaeordance
accordance a with unwritten law w reveal reveala rtrosiitopsyturvy I
a topsyturvy popular notion of Justice Justicein
1 in which the redress of a a certain order of ofprivate otprivate
P private p rivate grievances reVtnCOS by violence vt appears appearsmore appianore PlI PlImore I
B more m ore Important than the punishment of ofhomicide othomlelde ofomicide
h homicide homicideMurder homleldeMurdaJ omicideMurder
Murder blood money great sinis sinister IIIn IIInter alnisat ¬
t ter at offenders envenomed bitterness bitternessunscrupulous bitter bitterunllerupuloua bitteruossunserupulous
unscrupulous craft raft Vaaen braneit protests tJIOlMtafraneblM protestsfranchise protestsfranchise
franchise traitleker tn Deker purveyor of vice viceblackmailer ViMblackm viesbiaekinaIIsr
blackmailer blackm puppet hired bully bulbmankttler
mankiller web of corruption hypo hypocritical hyperitical YPO YPOcrltlccl
f critical c baseness bu hideous wrong bri bribery brIbery tailery ¬
bery b ery blackmailing ward boas evil evilenemies mlen I Inemies
enemies en e mtea of infamy mammon of un unrighteousness un unrtpleoIIIIMU
righteousness r No wonder Senator DftVh DftVhthrew DAYt8threW Dvkhrew
t threw up his 11 hat and yelled yelledWhile yelledWhile
While there may be some doubt shout alHHitMr alltMr shoutr L
Mr M MT r Clays C lays wlinngneas to t support PP rt GoY GovHoke GoYHok Goyioke
1 Hoke Hok T Smith In a a Senatorial Sf nato al race Jwtt now nowU ftOWIt V Vt
I U t may 1 be set down d wn as a certainty tJnu tJnuhe ttIIthe t
he h e will support the governor heartily for foranother cranotbr tai r rnother
another a term as governor governorThose pvvwnorTh08e
Those who would be wise will take takewith takewllh I
with w ith a a gram grain of salt t a good many things thingssaid lhanlPlsaid thIn thInM a
said a M to be occurring In politics just now nowsays 110 110ys
says s ays ys the ClarkevlUe Tenn LeafChron LeafChronIcle LealCbroDJete LetifChronda
i Icle Ig da Yes indeed contemporary con temporar and a agood AJOOd
l good g ood many things thi said to have occurred occurredin occurree
i in n the past or that thate are scheduled to tooccur tooccur ti tithe a
occur In the future futureThe tulureThe futureThe
The recognition r Ujon of pure air as a curs curative eUJtlUn curslve ¬
tive t ngetwy is spreading with great rapid rapidity ¬
ity It i tT 1 says th the Chicago o RecordHerald RecordHeraldAnd RecordHeraldthe e Herald HeraldADd
t And the recognition of hot air as a aturbiD dh dhturbing diaurbhig >
t turbiD t agency la 1Ipre spreading likewise likewiseThe lUIew lUIewThe
The United States Senate is now full fullsays tuU1Iaa failVs
says Vs the Savannah News He Now that thata hi hia I I
a spiteful tefuI and cattish remark mark and show showa sbo11a S
J a mean 4Iapo disposition UOIL We know mhwry m1ur 17
J loves l oves company but the News has no right rightto nigh t tto
to t o seek to thrust prohibition upon Wash Washington WaahlqtoQ ¬
j ington by b any such tactics tacticsThe tae tacticsThe ea eaThe
The Hon Jen Davis te now so utterly utterlyand ul rlJ rlJall4 V
a and a nd enthusiastically unanimous for the thePre8ident tb a
J President that he may confidently eonl eatl look lookforward lookforward led k
forward f to an early art invitation to lunch at attbe attM a It
j tbe t he White House H UM and discuss the out outlook ou oulook p pook
look l
uj 1 If r the Democratic party were as much muchdisposed muchd mac macdisposed h
disposed to resent oneman rule as a the theRepublican tlM1caJt tb a
Republican 1caJt party J Is to reseat It the theDemocracy theDemocraey Ui 0 0DOIflOCTC7
Democracy would be far 1 better off ottthe says saysthe say S She
the t he Norfolk Landmark La whereupon the theRochester tJaeRoebellter Ui UiHereld
Rochester Herald remarks that this thisshould thI8bould thi
should s give Uncle Joe Cannon an acute acuteattack aeulea cut cutttack thia a
attack a ttack k of the giggles Seems to us that thatshot tJaatIhot the t
shot a tot rang the bell bellLet bellLet
Let the women talk says 5 Mr Henry Hear HearWatteiaon pr f
Watterson a gentleman who isnt t given givenas vea veaa I
as a 1 a rule rul to uttering platitudes plaUtudnSUMmed platitudesSummed
Summed up Senator Tilimans Id idea a te tethat IIItbat I Ihat B
that t hat Mr lr r Rockefeller Rockefel r would ouId have made madean madean mad e B
an Ideal Jacktheriantkilter ler had he not notcarelessly JIOCeareJely at It Itarelessly t
carelessly c permitted tled himself lt to grow yow Into Intothe 1st 0 i
the t he biggest giant of them alL allOkf alLOld
Old King Meneiik mnat be a fecMedty Heldedl HeldedltnconvenJent I Inconvenient f
i inconvenient I friend to have He EI has just juatpretIeftect jui it itiireeened t
presented two Mv tve lions to tbe Pope for formtauee ft r rhiatance
Instance InstanceProhibition mtaueeProhtblUon hiatanceProhibition
Prohibition in the therk South te Isdeetined destined to toabolish toaboHah I A Aabolish D
abolish the bonnie blue jag says the theNew tbNew tb a aNew t
New York Mall Mayhap but will it itabolish ItalI8h Itabolish t
abolish the t dark rk brown taste tasteA tatephysician tasteA
A physician says ya It Is not proper to tocall towi I ocall o
call grip anything anythtft but lnftuenzath18 influenza InihiennaDoubtless influenzaDoubtless
Doubtless this te true but people suffer suffering mlterJ r rfront ¬
ing J c from the grip are not likely to be beEspecially beIY 1 Ia Iaparticular e
Especially IY particular about the t propernesB propernesBof properneeof B
of their language languageA
A scientist has ha discovered a way to totransplant totransplant I Itransplant n
transplant arteries from an 0 animal to It ahuman Itbuman Ithuman
human being but Uncle Ephraim says If Iftheyll Iftheyll f
theyll discover a way to transplant a fat fatpig fatpig fi it itpig t
pig from the white folks pen to his fry frying ffJiD fr N Njug
jug iD pan hell be more thankful says the theMontgomery theMont80mery ti 10 10Montgomery e
Montgomery Advertiser Uncle Ephralm Ephralmnever Ephraimnevu I Inever
never said any such nch thing thin and you know knowhe knowhe kno w we v
he e didnt He has that business down to toan toan toexact o
an exact science scienceTbat scienceThat dencThat
That Pittsburg woman who fell down downthe downthe dan n nthe
the steps and split her tongue te I the only onlyone onlyone oni ly lyone V
one we would be willing to back against againstthe again pinsttbe it itthe t
the one whose e tongue ton ue te hung in the thomiddle themiddle ti a amiddle
middle middleThe middleThe middleThe
The new governor fttftOr of Miesfasippi is bald baldheaded baJdhued bali ii iiheaded
headed This la I fiytagrfretn fl7l fta eeit one e extreme extremeto e extran < treme tremeto ie ieto
to the other otherUndoubtedly oUi oUiVndou otherUndoubtedly
Undoubtedly Vndou tedty The Th Washington aablngton Herald HeraldIs ILera Id IdIs a
Is I conducting condoctin a guerrilla warfare rtare against againstthe ItPlnstthe again nt ntthe
the Para Fsretrapbere raphers Union t nlon says ys the At Atlanta Atlanta A t thints l ¬
lanta Georgian Nothing of the kind we weare weare v P Pare
are regular enough but we arc opposed opposedto oppose opposeto
to sticklers for etiquette or a narrow narrowconstruction nnrrowconstruction narro w wconstructIon
construction of the rules and regulations regulationswhich regulationswhJch ragutatloiwhich
which seek k to make any old standby standbypersona tandlJ standiperaoua tandlJpeIlOn J
persona no n < grata at headquarters headquartersMedicine headquartersI beadquartersMedicine
Medicine tdJeIH Hat just now Is enjoying Its Itsannual itslUtftual I t tannual
I annual outing in the limelight limelightA
A California court has decided that a aman aman aneed
man need not dodge an automobile Since Sincethe Sincethe Sin ce cethe
the recent ruling in the Ruef Rue and Schmltz Schmltzcaaes Schmitzhown Schm tz tzcaae
caaes caae however hown r one ceases to wonder at atany ata3Y atdecision lt
any decision decl out there thereGeorge thereGeorge thereGeorge
George M Cohan says 1 Terry McGovern McGoverncould McGoverncould McGovei rn rncould n
could lick Ick the whole French army If Ifyou Ityou 1 1set
you set out to be a jingo be a jingo jln right rightdont rightdont righ righjo
dont jo be a mollycoddle mollycoddleAnother mollycoddleAnother mollycoddleAnother
Another thing that makes King Ed Edward Edward B t tward S ¬
ward popular with Parliament is the thefact tbetact ti in infact
fact that he throws one message at his hislords hSslords Ii its itslords Is
lords and gentlemen and lets it gn at atthat atth atUuit it
that thatAn th t tAn
An automoWlUt has been fined 1300 1300for 1aJfor U Ufor E 9
for running over and an killing a a pedestrian pedestrianThat pedeltrlanThat fl flThat
That te I something IOm thlnC of an Improvement Improvementover ll t tover
over the old Idea of rewarding such rack recklessness rackIM5ness roe roelesenese ¬
lessness with a silver service anyhow anyhoweven anyhowoven anyhoieven l
even though the rider was shown to have havebeen havebeen ha V VIn
been in a a state of beastly beuU > intoxication intoxicationat intoxicati intoxicatiat
at the time of the slaughter slaughterThere IhwghterThera slaughterThere
There are at least 191 places outside outsidethe outsidethe outs outsthe
the express f prHS offices orne whVe wh re a mans man life may ma maM me mebe
be saved Wd In this town town says the Birming Birmin g ¬
ham AgeHerald We dont know whether whetherthis whotherthis wliotb or orthis
this te a joke j ke or an advertisement advertisementIt aaY elUortIserflntIs rtlsement rtlsementIt
It te denied that the price of anthracite anthraciteeoal anthraciteeoal anthraci to tocoal
eoal will be reduced which te interesting intorastli g
Inasmuch as it indicates Indlcat that at least leastone loastone lea et etfoolish t
one foolish person in this world must mu st t
have imagined imaFlned it itto
1 If I could writ write like Wordsworth it 1 1could
could write like Moore I IOr
Or turn U rn R lay layLike 11Like
Like gentle Gray GrayThctt Ora OraThat ry
ij That T hrtt famous bard of yore yoreIf yoreI yoreIt
I If I could writ writs like Shelley SlleIleylf if I could ceuhlwrlto
wrlto like Pop PopQr Pope PopeQr PopeOr
Qr genius show how howLIke
Like brilliant Pee 1oeWith
With W ith whom but few efwlfi ceul oopa cepitIt
i iIf
i If I could writ write like Ilk M1U0I14 itltltonlt if I could couldwrit CoUldwrtte
writ wrtte like Ke XtIt XtItolk itsE t tLike
Like olk thaw weak aId X XNo l lNo iNo
No doubt doubtte be ta shy shyQuite 7 7Quite
Quite Q uito often of ton on the fottWI fottWIUemlnbc mts
ItemlnixceiiccH ItemlnixceiiccHI Uemlnbc cnccH
I remember r you used to 1tot Ii bo nd 0nd of a acartaln
certain c pretty coed coedYea eoIdYM
Yea YMAJld
And she lib used to beat yw y hi mn an argu argumant arpmanto arguont
r mant mantShe mantoSlto m ont
She still dose do Were W Wei married 11100 now nowOn nowOu
On the ilieltiullo Illulto IllultoMy
My 1 word old chap youre lookln looking tr trrlbly tIIrrlbly
r rlbly ni ldy seedy Ned NedStr
Sir are you aware that I wear the UtemanU
r mantle m anU of f ICamblft tomblarY
Yen Y yea dear boy hat why by not gat it itrenovated Itranotc4 Itenovated
r renovated and pressed pressedThere 04 04lh
There lh re Was OH a Hush HushI ItuIhI
I any sa a girl rl close rIG the doer on a attest tMt tMtoar
ear ni r today todayWhy tadlL tadlLWIQ
Why dWnt you propose pposeT
J wu too far front She be WM W5 engaged engagedlong taPpdkMt
kMt lo long ng before I could get in a wont wortThe wontThe
The Joke aiill aiillIts JUlIItg
Its lucky for th the IM funny funD funDThat men menThat
That jokes jokestorver forever last IMtTIM
The mill can always grind again againWUh aplllWith agateWith
With humor that U I past pastIt paLIt putIi
It In to Ic < < Guffaw
I I ae see the counts MQnt relative did not bring brtaftJMtr bdl
i their t heir fabulously fbutoual valuable presents to UM tJMwed4Iac
wadding w tw odd These TIt await the bride at U the i iGOuata
i moats old baronial estate late lateS7
Say Jinks Jmu dont make m me laugh b My Myfalse jJr Nyalse
false f teeth at are liable 1Ia to fly out outOuuupiod outuuuIJlor1
Ouuupiod OuuupiodHow tuuu uuuIJlor1Uow plod
How U it he doesnt t get akmg better HUerlIea hetteer hetteerties r rHea
ties unfortunate in Ida friends friendsMa trteIMILAa
Ma Aa Ass to howr bow bows
s So 5 many a7 of them are succeeding that thatR tIIatit thait
R I t keep him busy explaining X that their theirtriumphs tiMtrtrI
triumphs trI are a string atrln of nukes nukesOn ft t tOn
On III Jib Dignity DignityNow I Iinit IinitNow In It ItNo
Now No take your nice medicine tdM Waldo Waldowill WaldoI
I will l take the doee responded the tfceBeaton theoston I
Beaton B oston baby but please pi do not insult tQattmy ttMl
my intelligence Intt > Uence by calling nice what I IJcnOW
know k now to be nauseous DU8eouHOW
Western estern Publisher liibllshprsliows Show It Itt Bxno BxnotloiiK xncj xncjtIoIUI
lions from XelJRlI10rfll eivMnai Lvsiairs > erN erNFn I Ia
Fn P am a Speech 8 IT tUimenUtire nwntat Hitchcock Wttdr Wttdrrf IItae r i iu
e < rf UM lii Osaka Wortd Wolt4Uftald U W ta th the thelhea ti HoMt HoMtWhen
When this thl tariff < was first laid the paper papermttte paper1IIs papamills r
mttte 1IIs of the United State Stat were Wftepeadftat tod todpendent mdendant
pendent p endant of each other were we in competi competition ¬ i ittoa
tion d on with each other and every sawn aewspaper waj wajpaper
paper p aper man of any considerable Impor Importance por porUIaee ¬
tance t anem received periodic > visits from < agents agentsof MD MDOC C
of o f various mflte tendering < him paper on onaample ODaample oi I
aample s and quoting quoth him price delivered deUyetfMtat I i iat
at a t hIs b place puce When WIle I went into the news new newtit1 i ipaiter
paiter p aper business MIll In UK 1 each nch warn still the tileaad thu thur I j jcase
case c ase and for many yean one agent t after alteraDOlllr r j janother
another s visited my office and received my m monIen i iorders
orders o T placed pla my orders with various variousmills TarlowIJI I
mills at various prices and during many tMD71MJI manyyears man r
years the tendency t of the price by com competition COMpetlUola ¬
petition p etiti u new machinery and cheaper cheaperooaC cMaJIK0fM L
ooaC 0fM o at was 11 gradually downward cIownwa until untilfinally tit titd7 1
finally naIly the great International IatematloDlltcny Paper PaperCompany r
Company of the Beat was formed When Whenthat Whendial Whetoccurred I
that occurred the rt great e company prac practically practteaUy ¬
tically t took posseaion of all this Eastern JtutentOOtIIttry aateri I
country c And after art ftir it had held pass pomsssloi pomsssloiof JlII JlIIt Barton Bartonof a
of t this Kaatere Bute country for some time timethere tI tIthere Urn S Sbea
there t bea became apparent a gradual work workInl workag
ing l ag agreement between the In International Internationalof matlOftI matlOftIoC I Iof
of the East and the Wisconsin mills of ofthe oCthe o C
tt the t ue West and they t y gradually divided up upthe upthe ui p
tI the t he country until in a short time the theInternatJonat tb tbt uiS S
International I Paper Company never n sent sen at atIta t
Its I ts agents into the Western States be beyoad
yond a cmtain line and the Western WeaWmmlUs WestariillS I
mills m illS never et sent their agents qen into the theEastern UseEa th a aEsstra
Ea Eastern t States Stat beyond bfoOftCI a certain rtaln ttne ttneSome MSome 1saSome
Some time after that the national national com combbaatlon cornbinatlon
btaation was we made more complete compl le by byUae l V Vtb
the tb organisation in the Weet of the great gre lMt lMtGeDeral C CGn0ral
General Paper Company of Wisconsin Wisconsinwhich WI8eouinwhkb I Iwhich
which bound together t thr Into one immense immenseselling ImmeueseWnX e
selling agency elSe all the Western mills and andmade an anmade ci eci
made them for practical purposes NIPOHtJmac as a I Imuck
much mac of a a trust in their territory as the theInternational tb a aInternational
International Paper Company was in tbe tbeISastern tbeEL Ui a aBastarit
ISastern EL territory About two years r ago agohowever 10 10hover
however the General G aeral Paper Company waa W Wb1ken C Cbiben
bitoken up by prosecution by the Federal Federalgovernment FederalgOvernment d dgovernment
government At once nn the price of paper paperin paperIn papa r rin
in the West began to fall and for a a year yearor yea z zor
or more Western flttern papers were able to buy buyp bu 7 7paper
paper p at less than J2 2 a hundred pounds poundsGradually potJnGradually I IGradually
Gradually however and secretly rftly because becausepublicity beea beeapublicity a apublicity
publicity was wa dangerous the Western Weeternmills a amiii
mills miii have ba ve come into an operating agree a M MIDtnt I Imeat
inent meat not only between themselves but butwith be It Itwith
with the International Paper Company Companyuntil r runtil
until it came to pass during the year year1M7 yea ear earIH1 r rlie
1M7 lie that the sudden clamp was put upon uponthe upo a athe
the newspaper interests of this country countryand oot6ntryand countr countrand
and arbitrarily almost in the twinkling twinklingv twlnklln twlnkllnof
of an eye the price of paper r was raised raise 4 4per
X per cent nt And today I am paying for forpaper forPltper ft r rpaper
paper at the th city of Omaha just ju t exactly axartl y yper
2S per cent more mo than I paid last year yearTbat r rThat
That is an enormous increase e On my mypaper m y ypaper
paper alone it amounts to 16000 16 per perear pa er erThat
year ear That is the case not only with 1th my mynewspaper mynewsPAper m y ynewspaper
newspaper but It is the case with thou thousands tbousands I Isands ¬
sands of newspapers throughout the theUnited theUnited Ui a aUnited
United States Stat North and South East and andWest andW an 41 41Vest
West WestAnd W Vest VestAnd t tAnI
And now the gentleman asks me how howthe howtM ho 5 5the
the tariff has anything to do with wl b this thisI UdaI tin a aI
I will te tell > I him If it were not for the thetarlfr Ui e etariff
tariff of 36 cents a hundred hun < Ired we would wouldhave wouldhave woul d
have foreign competition to hold the Utepritoc Lb a aprice
price down I would be aWe to buy Ca Canadian Canadian Ca I Inadlan
nadian paper per which sells today in inCanada inCanftda I In InCanada
Canada at lees than U 2 per r hundred hundredpounds hundalM1pounds el elpounds
pounds The quotation on Canadian Canad2a pa paper paper pa paper
per in Omaha ie just a little more than thanthe thu thuthe 1
the price quoted by the paper trust in inOmaha inOmaha I a aOmaha
Omaha just sufficient sume t to keep me from frombuying frombuying Iroi ii iibuying
buying the Canadian paper Take off the thetariff tbetArtrt U Utariff i
tariff of 90 cents a hundred hund 1 on Imported ImportetlpPfr import importpaper Importedpaper I
paper and the American trust would bo boforced boforeed i to Q
forced to lower its price at least 90 cents centsa ceni s shundred i
a hundred or tC a ton and I use over over16QO ovr1JOO eve r rtone
16QO tone a year How great the enor eoormmtl r rmove
mow move robbery r rY is in the aggregate Mr Ir l r
Chairman I am unable unab to say 1 but I Iknow Iknow Iknow
know personally It is costing me at least leaf it ita 1
0000 8009 a year ear in my business businessThe bu bu01neaT1e l lThe
The RooNcveltinn Wny WnyPram Wn WnFrom nr nrFrom
From the rhtiMttpMfc p h i RmnL RmnLi
i President Roosevelt has the faculty facull of orsayllC f rsaying
saying undisputed thing in such an et etfasperating etaspersUng e I Issperating
asperating way as a to make e men doubt doubtwho doul it t twho
who before believed He would lay down dos n
the Golden Rule so that It should seem seemIntolerable seemIntolerablr seat m mintolerable n
Intolerable IntolerablrIllcntJiina intolerable1lcnlifyinjr
Identifying a Democrat DemocratFrom DemocratFrGt1 DeniocratFran
From UM Batten Boat CM GloM GloMNoUng listNoting
Noting the announcement that David DIlkl DIlklB 1av1 kI kIHill A
B Hill will not attend the convention at atDenver atuenver it it1enver
Denver this year ear the Atlanta Journal Journalasks Jotnilaskli Jourm j l lasks
asks Who Is David B Hill BUn Darid B BHill J1
Hill Is the th man who said W he was weeDomoerat a aDemocrat aDomocrat
Hardened io ItFrom HFrem It IiFmxn
From the IwtkmpoMs 1t1C1IaMs iseIMua News IfewgDont NewtfD Newsapc1oIze
Dont D t apologize Mr Taft Weve really r real aUy Ly Y
become quite caltoue eall calleusud utHd d to being a world worldpower wQrldpower won Id Idpower
Feelings Fc1Ins Hurt HurtFrom hurtFrani
From the Baltimore ortf Snn So SoTht SenThe
The BIg Stick has feelings and they theyseem theyseem thi ty tyseeni jr
seem to have been hurt
U ha has leakOd out that Senator Gal GalHnger GalURger Calger
u Hnger lin ger of New ew Hampshire is to dine din soon s oo oowith
v with w ith Justice Harlan of the Supreme SupremeCourt SupremCourt Supremeurt
Co Court urt and tills nows coming so shortly shortlyalter
after af ter tho Senators discovery that the Utehonomble
honorable ho hodi norable justice bas reached reaeh 1 years of ofdiscretion orllferotlon
a discretion di scretion without making the acquaint acquaintanco 8cqUaJRtanao
anco au co of l the grand old American game gameOf pmeor
Q Of draw dWpokr poker has started an amount amountof amountor
0 of speculation which jny t ig be likened to tothat
t that th thw at which centers c nte18 around the problem problemwhothor
whether w hothozi the present occupant of the UteVhlt
White W Vhlt hit House really does not intend to torun
run r un for a third term termThe termThe
The Senator maintains an attitude of oruncommuntcaUven
u un uncommunicattvcneM on the subject but butrap
gossips go saipi down at the Capitol gay that theywould they
would w ould not bft b at all surprised to learn learntJaa
tl that tJaa th at t the forthcoming dinner Is to ba the theSenator therorerunner thererunner
1 rorerunner fo rerunner Or a quiet pm with the theSntor
S Senator Se Sen nator as cicerone and the tb Justice as a anovIce
novice novIceAJl n ovice
All efforts to discover whether the Sen SenatOr
ator tit or Is an adept at the game me have failed falledbut
but bu buan t the gossips JOYI argue rgue that being both bothan bothan
an excellent doctor and a distinguished dtetingutehedSenator d distinguishednatOr hed hedena
Senator ena se natOr to r lie ought to be a a pretty good goodker goodpoker goodker
poker po ker player also and if the justice te teo I Ito
t to o be Initiated into the game they say sayled Y Yhed
j led I5 Ol better not set et too reckless r kleM with his hisbete hisbot
fc bete beteSenator be ts
Senator nstor tor Tfltmafl of 0 South Carettna be bete 1M ¬
1 It te in publicity under all circum circumstances dreumDuring ¬
stances E nees During an Important political politicalmeeting political11IM
n meeting 11IM m eeting hi one of the cities of his h State Statesome Statetime tata
some se en time thu ago 0 a proposition propo tion was U made madehat madel1aat I
t hat th at the newspaper be excluded but the theSenator theSenator
Senator S sat would not h hear ar of such action actionLet acttoaHLet
HLet Let them all in in he said and Ox up uptables uptaII
tables taII ta bles for their use Whether they write writefor wrttetor
for to t or against us M they are the theJiJOUree theJiJOUreetJarough seam oure ourethrough
c through th rough which the people get et their infer information InCrmaUoII ¬
mation m atlon and they have a right to be here hereSenator hereSenator herea
a a a
Senator Jeff Davis has found that thatfrock thattntetc
f frock fr ock coat a trifle tl1 uncomfortable and he heha heu hegene C
I ha u h gone back to the original gray walk walkng walklair
i lair h ng is suit which has become familiar in the theSenate tbeSenatE I Ienate
f Senate S enate It te the general DecR1 opinion that Che Chegray meIt
g gray g ray suit It te more becoming beeoml to his hi hiJtlItXJoa com compJtxipji
pJtxipji JtlItXJoa pI ic than te the newer and darker darkersat darkerSlt
sat g gto et and the Senator certainly seems seemsto I
to And more freedom and comfort in the theold I
old ol doee one oneHe OMHe
He waa more like himself than he has hasbeen hastor I
J b been een tor some time when yesterday yesterdayafter YNerdayafter
after a fter the reading rtt tnK of the Presidents men mesaage Sap
aage s he beat a a number of other Senators Senatorsin enatori menI I
in firing to hte h hi feet and demanded de the tbeattention theattenllou thu thutteutlon a
attention s sa of the Vice President in a a loud loudsnd loudInd I
snd a nd sonorous voice voiceThe YokeThe
The Senator from Arkansas Arb said the the thehair
Chair ChairI C hair hairJ
I move Mr President said 141 Mr MrDmvto MrDaYle
1 Dmvto D Di tvis that hat ten thousand copies of that thatmessage tbatprbated the thebe
i message he printed for distribution It Itte Itthe I t
I te the best Democratic document umeat I ever everheard nerheard vei r tr
heard h eard emanate from r a Republican Republicansource Bepubltcanource Rapublicasurco I
source sourceThere ourceThere se urco
There was a rumor in the press gal galleries 1 1terles ¬
leries la ntern after the Senators lor remark had hadbeen badbeea bee
been b een noised abroad that he warn himself himselfthe himHlttbe
the t b author of the message p but the hhnsetS soured souredof aounttof S
of o f the rumor could not be traced smartI and andneither andreltber ant I
neither n the Senator nor the President At antI has hasyet baayet ha I
yet y et confirmed co ftnoed it itSome ItSoaIe it
a a a
Some rather droll things were welteI said about aboutthe bout boutthe t t
the t he massage after adjournment yesterday yesterdayA r rwandering
A wandering scribe found Champ dark darkof CIaI1t CIaI1tot cist L
of o f Missouri rI on the floor of the House Houseand HOMea I
and a nd asked bins what be thought of the thePresidents tilePrnhtent Ui UiTLAetit5 a Ia 1
Presidents P latest latestWeeU latMt latMtWen
Wen said the Mlanourtaa it it1Iu1tDc lt Hi Hiholm 1
1Iu1tDc a holm hottuns aO aORev aUBev
a a aRev
Rev Henry N Couden the Mind char ehaplahi eIaaplain charain
lain l ef the House H who sever several days ago agostartled appartled ag 0 0tartled
startled s the Representatives ta vea and the pee peopl NOpie peeie
pl pie P ie in the galleries by his hi prayer vagnrd vagnrding NPInl I
ing l ug bigots Ac told a story at a meeting meetingof I If r
of o f the Michigan Ilcb State Association iatJon recent recently Tf8DtIy reeenfy ¬
ly l y that shows be also knows a cess cessword c cword cussword
word when be hears one oneThere onenee oemThem
There wall a certain obstreperous obstreperousreb oatr oatrwho S
reb who was w captured C81 by Gen Butlers Butlersmen BuU BuUmea Butlr a ames
men mea he said This rob had the pro provoking 1190v peaoking ¬
voking v habit of addressing every Union Unionsoldier Union801d1er ITato a aseidler
soldier whom he met with the cheering cheeringremark eheerin eheerinremark IIB1 IIB1reJMlk f
remark reJMlk Didnt we rebs r tab give you Yankah Yank Yanks Yanksh a ah s
h h at Chickamauga ChlckamaugaAt l lAt
At first this th remark was passed over overlightly OytTItptly ova 1 1thtIY
lightly 1 but aa the prisoner instead of ofceasing ofI f feasing
ceasing c I to make it rather increased hill hteuse hilluse hi is isuse
use of it our men at last grew very tired tiredof Ureelof tire d df
of o f It But they the could not n stop tnp that fobs fobstongue rebltOft8Ue rob a aonUe
tongue t onUe He kept on making that remark remarkDidnt remarkDldnt reman I IDldnt
Dldnt we robs give you Yanks h at atChickamaugar atCbkkanaaupr a U UChlckemauga
Chickamaugar ChickamaugarFinally CbkkanaauprUy ChlckemaugaFinally
Finally Uy it reached the ears fla of o Gen GenButler GenButler I IButler
Butler and he sent nt for the captured sol soldier auld so sodier ¬
dier d The general eraJ told him that be musi musieither muatellbH mae it iteither
either take the oath of allegiance e and andbecome andbecou an d dbecome
become an American citisen or go o North Northto Northto Nort ii iio
to t o some prison pen The soldier debated debatedfor debatedtor d dfor
for some tiro JD4It and then said that he hewould hewould Ii ie cewould
would take the oath oathAfter oathAfter oathAfter
After he had taken it It Gen Butler Butlerlooked But1ftlookfd Buth r rin
looked l at him sternly t and Informed formed him himtbat himtbat hli hlithat in
tbat he was now a cttlaen of the United UnitedStates UaUec1StatH Unite UniteStateS °
States and as a such waa responsible for forall forall ft ftall
all his hi acts actsThe utaThe actsThe
The nab took It all hi turned and as ashe uhe a Is Ishe
he wa warn leaving vIII the tent of the general generalsaid g8MlalRId gmats i isaid I
said Yea Y Im r a ejtfean of the United UnitedStates TInltMta1 Unite eel eelStates A
States ta1 now no Didnt the r robe give us h hat h hat Iiat
at Chlckamsuga ChlckamsugaAnother CbIkaJaI CbIkaJaIAnother Chickameugaa
a a a aAnother
Another newspaper man approached approachedSenator app OacheclI ed edo rt
Senator o William W1n 9IIISn Aldan JcIu Smith of Michi Michigan ilkblPD I ¬
gan and naked his opinion of the theI theits mes message 1 ¬
I sage sageIts 3tIt
Its It a remarkable rfmarka le document ument said the theSenator tbeSenator ti Ce CeSetltOtp e
Senator as all u JaW productions are areSenator are areSenator areSenator
Senator DolUver ef Iowa came un unabout WItabout e Ip Ipshout p
about that time tifli and was also lso asked about aboutthe a abet out1 at atthe it
the message messageWhat massageWhat
What did Smith say r he queried queriedHe queriedHe queriedlIe
He warn told and he laughed laughedOn kughedQ
uOn On Q second thought said the senator senate at
from Michigan I think youd better betterstrike betti at atstrike
strike out the second clause e of tbat re remark re reanark r 0 0mark ¬
mark markThat anarkThat markThat
That leaves It simply It la 1 a ainarkable a le r a amarkable
inarkable document reported the thescribe Ii a ascribe
scribe scribeWhile
While wore wpre discussing this measure measureadded msaauradded i It ItI
I added Senator Deliver 1 move that you youalso yt ytalso
I also bo eliminate the th word remarkable am ammake and at id idmake d
make It read It Is a document documentThen dO < ment mentTben
Then they all laughed laub and the t Senators Senatorsproceeded SenatorajJ Senate ra raproceeded t
proceeded jJ H to give e their real opinions oplnionGOV opinionsGOV
What hat the Press lbs I1a Jo 0 Say at n Hi 11111 11111lntionaI 11 Ill IllNational
National Platform P1ntformFre PlatformFree
Free the Xew ec Yoric Tribnue Ti4MuseCoy eGov
Gov Hughes address before the Repub RepubIlean b bhem
lican hem Club declaring his position upon na natlonal national a I Ithins
thins questions Is clear well reasoned reasonedand rean reannd d dand 1
and nd definitive like all biB public utterances utteranceaTbough Is IsThough i
Though he bas before
never attempted a acomprchfnslve acomprehensive
comprehensive exposition expo fUon of his views he hehas hehas I Is Ishas e
has so often in his speeches 5pe6C11 s indorsed the thevarious thevarlous ti lie lievarious
various policies of the present national nationaladministration nationaladmlnlalntUfl nation at atadmInistration il
administration and his own policies on oncognate onco Ut Utcognate n
cognate co te questions in this State are arewell so powell
well known that nothing in the speech speechwill speechwill spee speewill I
will occasion surprise Mr Ir Hughes is a arobust arobust
robust Republican and an ardent party partymon par ty tyman y
man firmV firm convinced of the t th necessity neeesEift of orparty ofparty
party government Ho adheres to the ti ie e
historic principles of Republicanism but b iet t
he is a a firm advocate In particular partJ ular of its itsrecent Itsreent I s srecant
recent progressive tendencies under Mr I f
Roosevelts guidance guidanceA guldaneeFnIHl
Fram the New York WwW WerldThe WeddThe
The World orld finds wholly admirable Gov Go GoHughes V VHughes >
Hughes stron Strong preference Plfere C8 for the Im Imprisonment ImprltiOnrnent In II IIprisonment i
prisonment of corporation officials guilty guiltyoC gI ty tyof v
of wrongdoing rather than lining of the thestockholders theslaekholdars ti re restockholders e
stockholders necessarily as this may maysomeUmes me Lb Lbsometimes
sometimes be beFran beFrem beFran
Fran the Philadelphia lhUad 1plila Record ReemLIt fliatriit
It Is a great gr 8t speech a fair speech Pl cb and andin andIn a id idIn
in fine contrast In point of temper and a id
teaching with the concurrent outburst outbur it
from mom the White House HouseFrem HouseYrem HouseFrom
From the Xew ew York Sun SunIt SinIt
It Is not a a brilliant or striking speech speechnor speechnor speec ha hanor
nor perhaps was It meant to be be beJ
Vide 1de Approval ApprovnlOf of Content Con tcntlt with withSonic withSoiito 1t11 1t11Some
Sonic Deprecation of Tone TonePMM TonelJGIII
p PMM ma Uw N New w York Son SonWe SuWe
We nuy may only remark rem rk that thVt In respect respectof respect8f
ol of tone of substance and of intention intentionthe IntenUottthe
y the th e message delivered to Congress yes yesterday yuterday yarnrdily ¬
terday ta rdily by the Chief Magistrate of the theUnited theUnlt941 th
U United nited States Stat is I absolutely AbsOluu abeq1utey y without cyithout prece precedent preeedent ¬
dent de nt or parallel in our documentary doa mentary his history hlltory ¬
tory to ry Comment on It Its contents is un unnecessary Uftneceuary ¬
n necessary ne cessary it te I the method m thod the manner mannerthe Inannerthe
y the th e aura that are most disturbing Can Canany Canany
a any an y person skilled in the psychologic In Indications Indlcatlona Incatlons ¬
g dications di catlons read this portentous diatribe diatribewithout di trlbe trlbewithout
without w Ithout perceiving that its legitimate legitimateplace hacltlmatplaee
n place pl ace is I rather in the inwards In rdl of a care carefully carefuny ¬
t fully fu lly framed f1am hypothetical qu < tustion Uon ad addrNeelto d ddressed
d dressed drNeelto dr eseedto to experts than in any respectable respectablecollection respectableeolteetlon respectablellection
c collection co < llection of state papers papersIt papersIt
It te an even more disturbing reflection reflectionthat reflectionUIt
that th at the hand which penned this massage massagete
I te the same me hand which directs fho the Amer American Amerkan ¬
I ican le an navy now on its mission toward towardunknown towardunknown
u L unknown possibilities po God send ond our ourships ourhlptl
s ships sh hlptl ips and all of us good luck luckFrom luekFraa luckam
From Pr am th tM New Yerk Then TtaeIt MLIt
It is our belief that Mr 11 Roosevelt has hast baaat
at t last gone where w re the people will 111 not foj fojow fotlow 1
low lo ow w It te not that the measures He ad advocates advocatea ¬
vocates v are beyond the range of candid candidand candidand candidnd
and a nd reasonable discussion They are as aswe uwe
we w e have said arguable argmd Ie but he does not notargue notargue
argue a rgue either with wit candor or with reason reasonThe reaMaThe reasone
The Th e passion the excitement and tbe in intemperance latemperance ¬
temperance te mperance of speech with which he ap appeals appealli ¬
peals P eale to Congress Congr and to the country are areso f
so lamentably out of keeping with the tbedignity thedignity thegnity
dignity di gnity of his great office and his delu delusion delulion ¬
lion ii sion on that those who disagree with him himind himandwho
andwho a ind who oppoce him are criminals banded bandedtogether bandedtOKeth
together tOKeth to gether < in a conspiracy Is so palpable palpablethat palpablethat palpableat
that th at even among his sympathetic admit admirers admlren ¬
ers there must be engendered en ndered the grav gravesf graysidoubti
esf e sidoubti doubts of the prudence of further turtter sub submission lIubmINIon ¬
mission m ms ission to the leadership of a man with withsuch wt wtsucb
such s uch a temperament with a mind thus thusorganised thINOr thusrganized
organised organisedTin Or nf1ledt o
Tin y the t Xev X Y YOlk fc J WM of CMNMM CMNMMThe e eThe
The sentiments and purposes expressed expressedand exprNNdand
and a nd the ends desired Ireet are in the main con conmendable com1IMftdabIe cornendabie
mendable m hut the Idea tat practical ef effect e etet ¬
fect fr et II to be given to them by legisla legislation legialion ¬
lion ti tan and administration by the exercise exerciseof1 exe iIe iIeo
of1 of1public o t public authority te I carried to an ex extreme x xtreDle ¬
treme t reme that te visionary not to say y ab absurd abauId sburd ¬
surd s urd Agitation for higher standards and andbetter andbetter I
better b bp etter methods and legislation for the theprotection theprotection I Irotection
protection p of definite deftnl e rights and the pun punishment po ¬
ishment is of specific ic wrongs are nees necessary ry
instrument I of progress but the tb regen regeneration regenftaUon regenand ¬
eration and elevation of mankind is not notto notto no
to t o be accomplished plwd by Congressional ac action actton
tion t or the fulmination of official mea message mealaP ¬
sage sageFms laP laPr
Fms F ernat the Xew Xe Y Yest fNIr k JCveBfcw i Fwt FwtSome lwtrterauI l lgolD
Some golD overanxious people JIM have ha feared fearedthat fearedtbat I Ihat
that t the President would fall below that thathigh UwLthicb I
high h igh dignity dI with which he has hitherto hithertoinvested hithertoInTeateci
invested i his office that he would be gar garrulous grrulGu8 ¬
rulous r repetitious repettt impatient cocksure cockauiquerulous eoeUUftqueruloua cocksureuerulous
querulous q uerulous hotheaded and Impracti Impracticable JmpraeUcable hnpractiable ¬
cable c But w we now see that all these an anticipatory anticipatory ¬
ticipatory t complaints were unfounded unfoundedif T
if I f not actually malicious Let doubters doubtersread doubtersrelet
read r ead the t message itself 1 lt and aa they doubtert cannot cannotfail eaNIOttan canes canesail t
fail f ail to be delighted with its it calmness ea1 ea1Ita t
It Ita I ts poise its tolerance and HI It terM tenewriting terMwrItInc tare C
writing wrItIncrr writingrnsi
rnsi J am OM Itliamiil XOT Lender UsserWe LIeMWe LenderWe
We believe this message p win 111 make tIM tIMPre8l tb S SPresIdent
President stronger than be was before beforeIt befOlLIt I It
It I t will clear away all the mfet and smoke smokethat e
that t have been blown over the situ situation sttuaUoa situion ¬
ion L bring the real facts aets and anetvlvtd1y issue tesuesvividly S
vividly into the public mind harden the thedetermination tbedetennlnatlon Lb e
determination to go on in spite of panics panicsand peaIHud I Iand
and depressions JWM8Ioas and tile laying off of ofworking oCwork 0 if ifworking
work working people to expose and 114 punish the theambushed tileamba th a
ambushed a hed detent N8e rascals who have hav made DI4Iean mas e eall
all the trouble and nd have corrupted our ourfinancial OWftIIanelal on a aflnanclal
financial and commercial system systemFrwa SIKenLtlw
Frwa the HoMoa HaltoaW Tranter TranterWe
We W believe the country stands back of ofth ofthe o f
th the t he great Roceevett policies and that thatpublic thatpublic the t
public sentiment will ratify the further furthersteps tvrtMrIt C Cit
steps It which hleh he proposes He does not notgive ot otlive nc nccredit it
give credit enough for what hat the lalaeez 1aJeezfalre lalasefaire
faire system tem has accomplished in dive dftoeIoptD8 I Ioping
oping the best talents of men Probably Probablywe PrObbI PrObbIwe
we can go as far as the President HOW HOWasks ROWaaIuI aoi aoiasks
asks with entire safety rely but the general generaldirection geJMtrldtnctlon pencri Li Lidirection
direction In which his teachings lead Is Isoae I s sone sone
one that all human experience warns us usto s a atake
to take with som BODIe deliberation deliberationFran c deliberationpn lIberatton lIberattonen
Fran pn d the Xcw Yotk k HsnU HsnUTaking JItraJdTkIftK irabi irabiTaking
Taking the views fXprNHd xprejiB d by the ac actual ac actual astusi ¬
tual President and the possible lle candidate candidateand candWateand 0 0comparing
and comparing comrtn them with the declara declarations declaratloRII L Ltioni ¬
tions of the platforms adopted by both boththe boththe hot hotthe
the great political parties JUt In 1SH one gets getssome setsIIOfttCIO gee geeiem
some iem measure of 01 the progress rMII made in inpublic fapublk I a apublic
public sentiment aentlmmtto to which the platforms platformsalways plattorlMalwa C Calways
always alwa cater ealerin In the direction of o author r rIsheg
hung 8 government supervision pervIRoa over bald business baldBellI busness ¬
ness affairs a atn and the regulation 18 tIoa of great JnatcorponUo gras grascorporations
corporations corporationsFMM corponUotile corporationsNew
FMM tt tile New York Y YcebThese d Tribasc TribascThese TriIIacThftIe
These views may not find expression ex hi hilegislation taIctsIatl I a alegislation
legislation n this tit year or next year or even evenin ewaIn ova a aIn
in the year after They are the legacy epeyof logic 7 7of
of Mr Roosevelts administration to the thea Ui to toadminIstrations
administration a which are to follow But Butthey Butthe Be it itthey
they the contain seed which blcb te bound to come cometo cometo cots ie ieto
to fruitage and from that point of view viewthey viewthe vie a athey
they the are of general neral and permanent hu ImlaDce hi a apeetance ¬
portance laDce and deserve the searching and andsober and8Obet a Id Idsober
sober consideration df the American pee peoPie pe 5 5plc
Pie pI plcFmutte
zrtM zrtMTJi aishthas Uendaas Uendaasrita
The style of the message JMIB e is quite un unusual unusual ui a ausual ¬
usual when it la considered aa state statepeper ste to topaper
paper maveying the views vie of the Chief ChleCtxfullve Cliii cC cCIXedUUva
Executive to a coordinate branch of the thegovernment thegovernment tt l lgovernment
government But if regarded as a a bit bitogenstye of ofoffensive oCO
offensive O euin and defensive oratory ora oratorynd oratoryndwhen tarweI well wellwhen I IwheD
when considered in that light perhaps perha it itwilt Itwill I Iwill
will go far to justify those who hive 1Jave ex expressed expre888d a C Cpressed
pressed the opinion that Mr Roosevelt Rooseveltis ROO eveit eveitIs 4t 4tthe I
is the ablest politician of his generation generationFMM generatloaF generutlouFeet
Feet F the Nor 1 Yert OWx OWxIt mohoIt met metLsit
It Isnt worth while to hammer away awayat awayat ins Ly Lyat y
at a man ef strawthat he ft assailed id idbecause j
because he has ha attacked Intrenched ehed dte dtehonesty di S Shonesty
honesty bon t He H would OUHI n never ver hav have been beenealMd bee en entailed n
called the Man on the Barrel n l if his of offense oCfen 0 C Cfense ¬
fense fen had merely been that of standing standir ig 5
for decency and cleanness clean in business businessIt 5 5It s
It Is the evidence vtde of tbe presence prfll f1ce of H Hdisorderly KdMorderty itdipurderiy
disorderly mind in a place of great gri t re responsibility r rspoftsiblUty a asponsibility > ¬
sponsibility that has bred tile scar scarFran leue leueF ure ureFma
Fran F the ItiflMMfttim l Name HenrrfThe MawdThe NameThe
The Presidents Pr ldeqtlI moral earnestness s is isinspiring IsIplring IsInspiring 6
inspiring Much ucb of the legislation he heasks heuJca I a aasks
asks for is good and it could be obtained obtainedwithout edwithout eel eelfomenting d
without fomenting in the minds of myr myrlads 1ft7rlads my r rlads
lads who are not much given to totlon role 0 0tion
tion the idea that wealth is generally ob obtAllMd ci ii
tamed by oppression oppr8S ft and n4 dishonesty and aadwltoout ax axwithout A 1
without giving hn the impression Impr ston that eor eorporatlon to r rporatlons
porations are to a large extent managed managedby managedb7 manags managscriminals I
by criminals of the deepest d 8t dye dyePrOM dyeFiun
From th tile PblladfkAift Prtw PrTbese PrenThese
These great reforms ronns President Roes Roosevelt ROOIeI e evelt
velt can urge because no man doubts his hi hisincerity Ii il ilsincerity 8
sincerity He has done a great work workHe woe Ic IcH c
He H has quickened the moral consoious consoiousness conscloUIn88 1 1ness
ness of the nation He is hated by men menand mu in inand
and corporations who profited by b them tbeJnand the n nand
and their hatred is the highest praise praiseF praiseFrom
From F the BaMmora S cR cRTbe LisaThe K KThe
The recent panic p nle had no substantial substantialreason substantialreason nubstanti a areason u I
reason In physical conditions It came camefrom CAmefrom con e efrom
from that subtle elusive indefinable con condltion condition co codltlon
dltion known as want of confidence And Andthe Ax id idthe a
the President ignores the fact that this Uti Utiuntortun8t8 Ui us usunfortunate bt
unfortunate condition may have b ben benbrought bee en n nbrought
brought about by what ho said more morethan morethan mo re rethan e
than by what bat he did didFrera didFr8111 didPram
Pram Uw N iw r York World WorURoosevelt WCIriIIRoosevelt WorldRoosevelt
Roosevelt is intemperate abusive hasty hastyHis hutEt8 ltat 7
His messwgs is moro like ILk a stump speech speechthan spoedtUlan spoat spoatUnit ut h
than a state papor It Is i leas an n argu argumentthan argument Org U Umont >
mentthan mont than a shriek shriekJonpr shriekJonA shrlok1onff
Jonpr nnd Short of orlt orltJiJeM It ItFrom ItPros
From the Ik notOft < m Globe GlobeThe G Jobe JobeTh
The Th days are getting noticeably longer longernow longernow long longnow er T
now unless your note is cominjr due
Japan Japanls is not old enough to have estab established eKblIahed estbshod ¬
lished li shod financial credit for herself in I the themoney themoneY theoney
money m oney centers centers of the world said Edwin EdwinLord SelwinLQrd edwinard
Lord L ard banker b nker and broker of New Y YIk YIkat YMitthe > rk rkat
at the Arlington rfngton yesterday yesterdayJapan YNtentayJap yesterdayJapan
Japan Jap n could not raise any money moDe now nowwith nowwith nowith
with w ith which to conduct a war She ee is isnearly Isnoarl7 Isearly
nearly n early if not altogether bankrupt Look Lookat Lookat Lookreporte
at report r por of the tb various bourses bou and andyou andyOU andou
you y ou will 111 see liar bonds bon and securities curtu are arelow arelow arew
low lo w never so low before hi the history historyof AIItor AIItorof historythat
of that country countryThe count countTbe countryThe
The administration of the affairs alCal aalr of ofthe ofthe ofe
the th e island empire is in the band bends of ex experienced experienced axerleneed ¬
p perienced and wise 1M statesmen te who real realize reelus 1 1lze ¬
ize l us that a a war with the United Statewould 3latHwould State ntataould
would w ould be suicidal to Japan Ja Bven BY It ifthey Itthey itey
they th ey might win in or gain GILl some advantage advantagein actftlltqIn
in the beginning nnlag this country eou would wouldnever wouldneYer wouldever
never n ever rest until Japan 1 was not only van vanquished saniduhed an anquahad ¬
quished q iduhed but placed pIa in such a condition conditionthat eoMttlontht Conditionat
that th at she MI would not amount t to anything anythingafterward anythingfterward thin thinafterward
afterward afterwardJapan afterwardJap a fterwardJapan
Japan Jap n has b enough en ii her hands with withth withthe withe
th the e burdensome ome Russian war debt debt her herunruly h h1tftzW7 hernruly
unruly u Korean subjects and her twubi twubiseme ubi ubide b bthe
seme no the de emigration question tea in nearer ev evtry evtryuntry ry torycountry rycountry
country countryProf countryProto co untry untryProf
Prof Xiate B JL Hansen Ira flan of BraoWnga BraoWngaa BreoldngeDolt
a 2 Dak an authority on plant His in the thearctics th6Ilretlcs therctics
arctics a is at the New N w Willard WillardProf WillardProto WillardProf
Prof Hansen en has visited almost every everyclimate everyimate torY torYclimate
climate cl imate on the globe in the service rYtee of the theAgricultural th thAgricultural thogricultural
Agricultural A Department in search for forplants torplants forants
plants pl ants grasses and other vegetation vegetationwhich TesetaUonwbich vegetatlunhich
which w hich is not to be found la 1 this country countryand coantr coantrand countrynd
and a nd which could be acclimated and ex exploited uploUed cxolted ¬
ploited pl olted for or practical purposes purposesMr pUIpOlJe8Mr purposesMr
Mr Hansen has been to Russia Turkes Turkestan Tmetan Turkean ¬
tan tan ta tac n and other faraway lands to And a acertain acertain aanals
c certain species specl of alfalfa which will willthrive Yintbrtve Wiltrive
thrive th rive in the colder regions of this thiscountry thisCOUBtry thisountry
country countrySpeaking COUBtrypeaktn c ountrylipeaking
Speaking peaktn of his travels In Russia Prof ProfHansen ProtHauen Profansen
Ho Hansen H ansen was 8M full of praise for t < Russian Russianofiicials Danomcl1 RussianlIIcllrn
ofiicials o and the people who 1110 be said saidtreated IN saideated d dtreated
treated tr eated him with aUt the greatest possible possibleconsideration JOAIbleeonakIeralion possibleonsIderatIon
consideration c in every respect respectOf reapector respectOf
Of political I conditions e ndldonl in the Curs Cursdominions Cur Curdomfnlo Cuarsominions
dominions domfnlo d Prof Hansen did not care to tobe tt ttbe toe
be b e quoted He said however that Ameri Americans 1nttrie Amr1ans ¬
cans e ans could not very well grasp the enor enormous enorourn or orJftOUS ¬
mous m ourn difficulties dluIU under which the Bus Russian RU8sian Busan ¬
sian Si an government is working hi order ord to tobring tobrtn toring
bring brtn b ring contentment and prosperity to th thmany the theny themany
many ny race subjects of f the Car CaarI
I believe there are more than 139 lan languages 13ngM Ianauges ¬
guages g auges gM spoken apok n in th thedemlnio the dominions of th thCzar the th8Car thesar
Czar C sar said Prof Hansen It ie not an aneasy anMaY ansy
easy et sy matter to bring brIn about almost aim over overnight ovrntSItt overight
night n ight a government which whk > h is entirely entirelysatisfactory eaU1e1IIltlllfaclory entirelystIfactory
satisfactory s to all these peoples through throughthe outhe throughhe
the t he means of the Douma where w hereto heretofore heIeotore heretoore ¬
fore f ore they were governed by b the Czar Czarwithout Czarwithout CzarWithout
without first consulting the people peopleThen peopleTben peopleThen
Then again a am there are radicals and andreactionaries andreactionaat andeactionaries
reactionaries r in the Douma both ex extremes extrelDfa axremea ¬
ta tremes t remea To T 10 expect u any legislation latJon from froma frontParliament
a Parliament of this nature hi almost almostexpecting almostxpecting t texp
expecting exp e U an Impossibility ImpossibilityTee Im lmpomlbtlltyYes bUltJ bUltJYes
Yes Tee indeed we have some Queer lit little 1fttie litie ¬
tie t ie incidents happen to us said Robert RobertD RobertD rt rtD
D Xtean osa of Portland Oreg Oresaa an old oldUme oldtime oldime
time t locomotive engineer who is visit visiting vlmtUte Visitnc ¬
ing I nc Ute Capital at the National yester yesterday ymteray tlter tlterclay ¬
day clayHQuMr d ay
dayQueer ayQueer
dt Queer things thI happened to me about abouttwo abouttwo aboutwo
two t wo years 7 ago Youd Yoo think it queer for fora fora forrough
a rough man ma like me to cry for ten min minutes mlnuta mm mmutSa ¬
utes and nobody hurt either wouldn wou1dnt wou1dntJll wouldutyou t tyu
yu Jll u Well I did And I can almost cry cryevery cryevery cryvery
every e time I think of it now nowI
I waa pulling a passenger train on onthe onthe onhe
the t he Canadian Pacific over OT < in British Co Columbia Columbia Coumbla ¬
lumbia l when it happened I was run running runaloRr rutniag ¬
ning along < OD ODe afternoon pretty lively livelywhen UnlYwhen livelywhen
when I i approached KamloopK l unlQOpli where the thetrack thetrKk therack
track t is I laid through the principal street streetof nrettof streetof
of the town townT 100r townr
T r slackened up a ttttle hut was U still stillmaking 81111makIAK Millmaking
making good speed when suddenly about abouttwenty aboutwenty t trods
twenty t rods ahead of pie a little girl girlnot girlnot rl rlnot
not more than three years old toddled toddledon toddbtn > d don
on o n to the track You cant cantheagie imagine my myeelings
feelings feelingsThere tHIiRpTbe f eelingsThere
Tbe There was no way to save ft her H I was waaimpossible wsImpo wasmpossIble
impossible Impo I lble to stop or even newt e + en slacken much muchat uch uchat uchat
at that dtataiiee d a se 8 the tram tral was heavy heavyand 1aea 1aeaand beayand
and the grade snd descending d ee In ten seconds secondsit
it would have been all allover alloverlfter over overAfter overAfter
After reversing < and applying appb1 the air airbrakes airbraJIes airbrakes ¬
brakes I i shut hut my eyes e M I didnt want to tosee tote toany
see ° any more moreAs monA moreAS
As A we e slowed down my fireman fir stuck stuckhis atuckb stuckhis
his b he head 4 out of the cab window to sea seawhat seawhat f fwhat
what Fd r d stopped for Then he laughed laughedand Jauchtdaad laughedand
and shouted to me Jack look here hereI
I looked Then was a big black New Newfoundland Ke KetoundtaDd Newfoundiand ¬
foundland dog d holding tbe little girl in inhis 11his liihis
his mouth leisurely walking wali toward tho tiiohouse thohOU8C thohouse
house where she be evidently belonged Ionsed Sho Showas 8hf1wu Showan
was kicking and crying so that I knew knewshe knewshe knewwaint
she wasnt hurt The dog had saved ed her herMy hrdromaai
My 1 fireman thought U funny and kept keptlaughing keptIauPtn keptlaughing
laughing But I cried like a a woman I IJust IjU8t Ijust
Just couldnt held ft It I 1 bad a littto girl girlof girlot gutmy
of my own at home in Vancouver VancouverDr V VDr VancouverDr
Dr Harry Pratt PrsttJudsoo Judaon president of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Chicago Cbl University who attended the thabanquet thebaaquet thebanquet
banquet of the alumni of C the institution institutionat I Iat
at the Shoreballt1ut Sboreham last night in speaking speakingof ltIn II IIDf
of the idea of a national university at atthe atthe atthe
the Capital of the United States Stat said he hewas hewu hewag
was heartily in favor of the project but butthat butthat butthat
that the institution should confine its itsefforts It1etforta itsefforts
efforts strictly trlcU to research work workrne workrnethinK worksomething some something ¬
thing on the line ne of the Carnegie Carn Institu Institution lntitttutIon Institujo ¬
tion jo only more extended clecl more compre comprehensive tOIDprhenldve comprehetislve ¬
hensive on broader lines and in all de departments de departmenUi dopartinints ¬
partments of science scienceAmbassador adefteeAmbuRdor scienceAmbassador
Ambassador Reid recently advocated adftCatedthat advocatedthat advocatedthat
that religion and morals be taught tau t to the thepublic thepublic thepublic
public schools as it is the practice in inEngland InEnaiand inEngland
England Should religion on be taught In Inthe Inthe inthe
the public schools of this country countryDecidedly countryDecidedly T TDecidedly
Decidedly no replied Dr Judaon I Iam ram Iam
am not at all itrfavor of e the idea It Itsions Itould Itwould
would ould create untold trouble and en enston8 dissensions
sions and would do more harm than good goodthe ood oodIn
in the long lon run runWe runWe runwe
We h have v been served rved very well by th thhome the thebome thehome
home and church as far aa religious ftI teach teaching teachIn teachlag ¬
lag In is concerned I think the moral stand standIng standmg
big of the people of the United States Staleswin StatesWill
will bear me out en that point pointHow potmHoW pointHow
How about secret HC t societies and fra fraternlttes rraternltJes frateralties
ternlttes in high hi h schools seboolThey schoolsThey
They should be abolished by all means meansThey meanTh meansThey
They Th are harmful in many ways and dp dfltrctfve destniective
Rtntctive not only of discipline but of orthe ofthe
the spirit of democracy dt > mocraty inasmuch uth aa 2fIIthey asthey
they teach class distinction to the young youngmind youngmind youngmind
mind In many eases ea the morals of the themembers themembers themembers
members have suffered by their connec connection eoan eoantlon connecLion ¬
Lion with fraternities and secret mole socleties soeletIes moleties
ties tIesIt
It Is quite different with the oollega oollegaand QOUesand eoI1gapd
and university fraternities f atemlt Their mem members messhers
bers are of maturer mind mind and are able abletherefore ablethereforf abletherefore
therefore to discriminate discriminateDr
Dr Oft hi in favor of o athletics Th Thonly The Thsonl Theonly
only onl fault he has to Lad with the Amer AmerICAn Amenlean
lean system of athletics as practiced In Incolleges Incolleges Incolleges
colleges and universities unlver ld is i that not notmore notmore
more of the th students participated In them themThe ttaemThe themThe
The professor said that athletics at atEnglish atEnsllsh atBngllsb
English universities was wa indulged Indul in by byabout byabout byabout
about 3D per r cent of the students studentsDr tudentaDr studentsDr
Dr Judson also a said Mid It was a mistaken mistakenidea mistakenides kn knIdea
idea to think that only onl rich mens sons JIOtIBptronlzed seempatronized
patronized our American universities UDlverstt He lItaid liethat
said that fully full If per cent of the enrolled enrolledstudents earollclstudents enrollodstudents
students were sons and daughters daulhl of the thegroat thegroat themIddle
groat middle class classSolomon clauI classSolomon
Solomon Luna of Los Luna Iua N Mex Mexa
I a a Republican national committeeman Is Isat isthe
at th the New WIHard He H is i here et in the theinterest theII theInterest
interest of Statehood for New Newwhich Mexico Mexicowhich MuleowhIch
II which he says has 101600 inhabitant tnhahttaatsi 1uhibttantand a
i and 1 hs as increased during the last twenty twentymonths
I months at the rat rate of 5500ft bona fide M MhOMesteaders lidshomesteaders
homesteaders homesteaderse
air Luna said that by next fall New NewMexico NewMexieo NewAlexleo
Mexico Territory would have 500961 In Inhabitants InhAbitants InhabItants ¬
habitants and that the Congressional Congreononalcommittee Con Congressionalcommittee eulonal eulonalcommittee
committee which would nay y a visit to tothe toth tothe
the th Territory could convince itself of the thecJtulnenC5S thegenuineness
genuineness of the claim of New Mexico Mexicoto Mexicoto Mexicoto
to Statehood StatehoodMr StatehoodMr StatehoodMr
Mr Luna said that about fortyrflve fortyrflvenational fDrtyftvltnational forty41snational
national banks were doing a good ood busi business buslncss busiflees ¬
ness in New Mexico and that about th thsame thsante the thesame
same number of country weeklies were wtrekffplng sarakeeping
keeping the population in touch with withnews withnews Withnews
news of the world