OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, February 28, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-02-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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Alexandria Trolley Turned TurnedOver TurnedOyer TurnedOver
Over by Locomotive LocomotivePANIC L tive tivePANIC
Smashup Occurs at Southern SouthernHallway SouthernHailway
Hallway Crossing CrossingWnsulngioii CrossingVnshlngton
Wnsulngioii Alexandria and Mount lUountcrnon
Ycrnon crnon Cars Crew Cre Said to Have HaveFailed I1aeJnlled
Failed to Watch for Approaching ApproachingLocomotive App oncblng oncblngLocom S
Locomotive Locom LocomtheInjurei1 UTcInJurel Injured Include Many Jlan JlanrsoBlI S
a Persons rsoBlI from Viutl1lntouJlotor Whshlnjrtou Viutl1lntouJlotorman Motor
man of orCar Car Seriously Serlousl Injured InjuredBehocn
Between fifteen and twonty persons personsmany personsmany personsflftfly
many from Washington were injured injuredIn InJpredIn
In Alexandria AlexandiJallflt last night whon a abound north northbound northboUnd
bound Southern Hallway Rullwa engine crashed crashedInto crashedinto crashetlntp
Into into lntp a Washington ashlngton Alexandria and Mount lIountYarnon
Vernon electric car bound for Washing Washington Washington WnsIngtoIt ¬
tonThe ton
The smashup smn hup was at the corner of ofCameron ofCameron 01 01Canieron r
Cameron and Henry II nry streets Nearly Noar every everyoccupant oeryocuupant ovor ovorocaupant
occupant IR the motor car of the electric electrictrain eloctrlctrain
train which was the one on struck by b the thelocomotive thelocomoUe th thlocomotive
locomotive was n8 Injured InjuredTlio InjuredTJlo InjuredTito
Tlio motor car was as turned over O r to an anan zu I
angle an lo of about fortylive degrees AU the thepassengers thessongcrs tlu I
passengers ssongcrs were thrown to the floor or oragainst orug1dnet o r
against the windowC windowCWhen window windowVhn
When Vhn the crash came there was vas a mad madrush madrush ma I
rush foe an n exit Among the passengers passengerswere paSS6 gers gerswore S Swore
wore a number of women and children childrenseveral childrenseQral childrenseveral
several of whom fainted faintedA faintedA
A partial list of the Injured is as fol tollows to
lows 3ow
Partial List of Injured InJ rcd rcdtias
WM liM FOe IMMU W wsth1std Vsbtast W Wact < saSerfas MI ft ftJKBMS e 1
an act 1ntMI alwt alwtJaMeS MIL
JaMeS S S Dengia D SMMiTttfe S foaQW8JOO1S jtara of age IMS IMSIMcfcth 1008Hlcr 1 1B Is 3
IMcfcth Hlcr B ¼ btk th Mi MMthwK M8Ut tk
it WfesWagien at sufferiag lt f tntm tntmad fri m mahook mm i
ahook shc ad bnrtMS bnrtMSif 1r8Ises1f kN4MM
if T Dwyer D Alexandria yafefelir wHr iajmwl in inbaek Inbade I In 4
bade badeIt
It It Srspte and jw JlMg g 35 L toet wdbwost wdbwostWMelttctM IIIKLhW IIIKLhWWwlthtgtH t
WI WMelttctM injured l j about bauds Jla and l fee fue fueIL
IL H 1 LaaaMsa AVaaMagtaa W ogt ujt abort Inad HrdI
Ofsditctar deet U I L U BlaB art abe a1MlL t taad J Bd and aim aimMetonaaa armlrMnnMR
Metonaaa ptnnue C c H H Rdbtr Eabe eat OIl m head ead aad arm armDr armDr annDr
Dr Peter HnHBaa VaaMatUw krs and clboir clboirCOt oJlxnrNt elba elbavt
COt vt
Jehn II Tjfatwr Braddock Hrfghte HeIg1I Alexaadtia AlexaadtiaCwmty AtexlUldrbUllDtJ Ia
Cwmty 1 Jec lafsred 1n14u ed and aufierias from ihedc ihedcAHaac IMclcreMlrk
AHaac A MaMorfe reMlrk Btojt Mjw a aufferiaz lWfedlt from fII stock 5 k
Thirty PaKsengerM on Car CarThere CnrThere CarThere
There were about thirty passengers ia iathe Inthe I In Inthe n
the front Ont car r Many before giving their theirnames the Ir Irnam r
names nam went to the offices of nearby nearbypfeysjktfans nearbyDp nearb y
pfeysjktfans Dp tas S Practically P ctlc ly even passenger 1 passeng Ssenger SsengerIn ir r rIn
In tna oar was more or loss injured injuredTho JnjurodThltSo
Tho ThltSo Southern Suthr thorn Hallway PaIlW locomotive In Incharge Incharge I n
charge of o Engineer John Harrington HarrIuton and andIreman an d
Fireman Commer was moving at ordinary ordinaryfrooed ordl ordland ordinaT y
frooed and the electric train t ln was making makinga makmltaboutten mek mekabout
a aboutten about bout ten miles when they came cazn together togetherTbe togetherThe rThe r
The angt engine tngne which was 88 on its way ay to tothe tothe i toIt Q
the Potomac POt na8C yards is a heavy h te7 vy one 0fl It Itwas Itwas
was vs backing b cktng and tho tender struck the themotor U UJnoor me e
motor ear Had the locomotive been beentraveling beentra be n
traveling tra ve1ln rapidly the result re ult would have havebeen havebeen hai haibeen ne e
been much more serious seriousMetorman seriouslletormaD
Metorman Robey was Imprisoned Imprl8onoohis in
2 his oar ar and a d had to be dragged out outHe o tt t <
He is perhaps the most seriously in injured I a j
Jured ef o any an The other members of the thecrew V ie
crew were Qre L L H Bean conductor and andNorroan andNorman ai aiNortuan Vmd 1j
Norman Dove trolleyman trolleymaniXone trolle1manne trolleymanone
iXone one ne Hurt Jf rt In Rear Car CarNone CnrNono CarNone
None of r the passengers pns ongQrs in the tl1orear rear ear earwas carwas
was wa Injured All immediately jumped jumpedfrom jumpedfrom jump jumpfront
from tho car and attd lent assistance to the theinjured theInju V he heInjurid
injured injuredIt Inju d dIt
It is said e1d that the crews or all electric eloetrtetraJns electi electitrains Ic
trains have hllvt standing Mtsndt g Instructions InstruoUon to stop t op opat p
at all 11 railroad crossings and flag the thetrain t ho
train before passing Tonight however howeverthe bowovertlie Iwwevt r
the tlie train it Is claimed proceeded without withoutstopping withoutstopping witho t
stopping and was wa caught It Is sold by b bsome I Iseats
some that tho tender of the Southern en engino e
gino had ItI no light on it It The bell how howetr ho hoever v
ever etr was wa ringing at the time of the thecrash thecmsk t ho
crash cmskAs crushAs
As a result re 1U1t of the accident which hap happiod ha Iap Iapp p
piod p noo at 1185 885 traffic over the road roa was w as asdelated pits
delayed about an hour all northbound northboundtrains norUlbouudtrnlns norUibou norUiboutrains tid
trains using the King Klngstreot street track trackTho trackTho
Tho work of moving the wrecked recked car carrequired carrequIred c crequired ar
required several hours hoursMAY hoursMAY
Coni Commissioner tulsa loner Sarjjent Snrgen Says Wonu Woman WomanHas omnn omnnI1n n
Has I1n Forfeited odeItecl All Her J er Right RhhtGhtCDgO RightChicago
Chicago Feb 27 27Preparations Preparations for forpeeJal a aspecial aspecial
special and an unexpected un > xpectod reception to toHrnmu toJimmn toEmma
Emma A A Goldman the anarchist when whenshe whensh wh en enshe
she sh comes to Chicago expecting to speak speakon spc3kOft ape ak enk k
on March 6 at at the German Hod Carriers CarriersHall CarrlorsHaU Carrie re rzIalI
Hall IalI were ordered today toda by b Frank P PSorgant Psrirgo PS
Sorgant srirgo S ront t United States tats Commissioner CommissionerGeneral CommIssIonerGeneral Commissior mar er
S General of O Immigration in orders from fromtmhlngton In im
Washington Washingtonlie tmhlngtonliet
lie lT directed that the Chicago Federal Federalauthorities Federalauthorities Fade rat al
authorities at once take steps to place placeher plac placllcr pk Lee ce I
t her under arrest for the purpose of de deporting deporting e
porting her to Russia RussiaIt RussinIt
It was vas explained that a a = an avowed avowedanarchist avoWJdanarchist avo ed edanrehlst e <
anarchist who has never been boe
naturaliz naturalized naturaIlzd natural iz z ¬
< ed d as an American citizen Emma Gold Goldman GoldInan Go Id Idman id ¬
man comes within the immigration law lawbarring lawbarring 1 iw awS
S barring anarchists from this tliI country count iy
When hcnsho she left the United States
recently recent recentshe recon tly Ljv
she forfeited It is said even the shadow shadowof shad ow w
of a legal fight to reside here hereDENT II ere ereDENY
Pnrln Police Not Askctl to Arrest ArrestSinn ArrCJlltUnn mat matMan
Sinn Who ho Shot hot Brotherinlaw BrotherinlawParis BrotherInlaonParis
Paris Fob 27No request either direct director director dir cc ccor ct t
or through diplomatic channels has hasreached hasreached I ins insreached 03
reached the police hero from America to toproceed toproceed toproceed
proceed against agaln t Roy Roys brother de denies de denies donics Ie ¬
nies that thatCarklns Carkins was shot In the back backsaying ha ck cksaing jj
saying 88 1ng tile wound was as In his loft side sideWhen sideVhon SI de deWhen le
When Roy returned to Now ow York after at tar cr crf
the tragedy traged ho continued continued to exchange at f ¬
fectionate correspondence with his wife w ifo fo
Ho wanted her to tb rejolri rejoiv rejoi him and come comewith co me meiSItlI c
with JUI him to France FrancePlot FrancePlot FrancePlot
Plot Against Alfonso AlfonsoParis AlfonsoPaps AifonaoS
S Paris Feb 27 27The The Matin says sa1 ads that tim t a aplot aplot aplot
plot against the life of King Alfonso has hasbeen h 1 ifts mftsbean sbeon
been discovered In Madrid Two men mensuspected mensuspected n ina inasuspected on
suspected of complicity In the conspiracy conspiracywere conp1n 3
were arrested arrestedat jit at Caramanchel while the th he Ul C
King was rrviewing the troops troopsHave troopsJlne troopshave 1
Have an Intcrrstearainr Bank
Account Accountbecome become identified J ntitlcdwlth with wlththe the bank ba uk ¬
ing dept of Union Trust Co 15th and and I H
sts Interest paid on all accounts de 10 ¬
posits subject subje t to check ch ck Govt control controlI
I p
For the District of Columbia ColumbiaMaryland ColunlbialrarylaJ1d Columbiaarv1apd
Maryland M arv1apd and Virginia VirginiaFair Fair to today today toay ¬
dli day d ay fair and warmer tomorrow tomorrowlight tomorrowght j jlight
light li lico ght to fresh fresh westerly winds be becoming b bcoming beming ¬
coming co ming variable variableHERALD variqbteHERALD
1 IJoalous Jealous Man Kills Bride BridelQov BrideGov
1 lQov Gov Harris to Succeed Ferakor ForakorIM1ssourJ
1 IM1ssourJ Missouri Instructs for Taf Taft Taftl Taftcore t
1 Score core Hurt In Alexandria Alo andrlQ Wreck Wrec1c30IDcers WreckOfficers
3 30IDcers Officers of Fleet at Gordon GnrdonPalb GnrdonPalb3Removal Party
3 3Removal Removal of Jerome Asked Ask AskOdJudge d d3Judge
3 3Judge Judge Rhea Is Confirmed ConfirmedS Confinnoa9Purdue ConfirmedPurdue
S 9Purdue Purdue Students in Riots RiotsLOCAL RiotsLOOAL RiotsLO
1 Conspiracy Found ound in Patent Office OfficeBody QilIceBody
1 Body of Crosby Noyes NO NOy M Arrives2Clrcus Arrives ArrivesClrcus
2Clrcus Clrcus Given by b Y M C C A A
2 2111135 Miss G H IL Bell in Auto Smashup Smashup7Educators
7 7Educators < j Educators Convention Con8 tioll Adjourns Adjourns4Nows
4 4Nows News of Day Da In Congress Congress9VImsatt
2 9 9VImsatt WImsatt Extradited to Washington Washington12Schoolhouse WashingtonSchoolhouse
12 12Schoolhouse Schoolhouse Commission Reports ReportsMAN ReportsMAN
Black B n lacli lackiland Hand Believed to Have HaveSlain HaveSlain
Slain Virginia Italians 1 1LEAVE
L Labor La bor Agent Go Goes to Xn York Attcr AttcrGetting
Getting G ctting Threatening rJllcatcnln Letters lcttcrHliaIlH lcttcrHliaIlHto Fails Failsto I
to t o Retnrn RetnrnUrll ZUra Spartl Span Her IIcrI IIcrFnncl8 I Fnnds FnndsGettlnjr Fnncl8Gcttlnll
Gettlnjr G Loir Lo Follovrx FollonxShct FollowaShe She Too Is IsMlaslnpr IsU1 I IllsaingPolice I t
U1 3 Mlaslnpr llsaingPolice lnA Police o1fee Suspect Murder MurderRichmond IurderRichmond
Richmond Va Va Feb 27 TArter After receiv receiving reeehing ¬
ln ing g several Jotters signed with a black blackhand blncJehand bled c
hand hand ba nd and threatening him with tth death un unless unless ¬
1 less les s ha b agreed to pay Ime the sender a certain certainamount 1
amount am ount of ofmoney money mDno Andra AndraSpartl SpartA an Ital talIan
Ian Ia n labor agent has Ias m mysteriously sterlously disap dls V VpeRred
peared pearedTte peRredTbe pe areci
The man is believed Heved to have been done doneto don e 3
l to death d th by U Ute e Society of the Black BlackHand BlackHand Blac Ic f
Hand H and In New York whither WJtlthes He t want woott woottlOok tb tblook a j
look lo i ok into tli the matter ttor of the titJ renewal of ofhie othie o f
j hie k M licence leaving Ms Virginia business businessin s
in charge of 3d life wife wifeSome fe feSomo
Some wetka later when Mrs rr SparU had hadnot hadnot ha 3
j not no t hoard from her husband lw d and her herfinances herfinances he heances r
fin finances ances were running low 10 she also loft loftfor Ioltfor loi t
f for fo r New York since which time nothing nothinghas nothtnJhas nothin g tg
has ha s been heard from rem her herIrs S j
Mrs Irs Spartl waited for her husband for lorfieeral C ir r j
f several veral weeks Her funds finally got so solow s 0w 0
low lo w that thatsbe site found herself pofeessed JOl po essedot essedotonly essed of c 1 t
Q only enough money mono to pay her board She S Si 0 obOJV 0I j
bourftwed bOJV bo uvwod < w d U UfAmQn mQn to to p P4lic 1h har mtI mtIrood iIfare i Hi HiToad I
Tl Toad 70 faro to New York York where abe bo be belIoved j
Moved lio ved she Nwould h be able to t locate her herhUHbund hernu be ir P
nu h hUHbund lid She disappeared as completely co pIotely pIotelyas I y
as had her u r husband huebandQ
It is probable that Spartl who did not notfoar nc ll
fear fe ar the society socIet was as don done to de deatil Ui as assoon a s
s soon SO Oft as he arrived arrIv in New York and andMrs an d
Mrs Spartl upon her arrival was wa also alsodllposed als alsepoSd o
disposed d < epoSd of by the society societyThe soelet soeletThe societyThe
The story of the double dou le dfaappearancft dfaappearancftin
a and nd the presence of the Black Hand let letters Ia
t ters ta rs and the tragic story to be drawn drawntheretrom drav dravherefrom
t therefrom came ame to light today tod when whenSparUs who whopartis
E Spartfs S partis office was forcibly entered by byofficers l ly
officers ° to satisfy a distress warrant warrantI warrantTROUBnE warrantTROUBLE
DlMitcnNloii D in Crew Results in the theCJmiisre thcG11ntlc ti IC
Change en Auto Itaecr ItaecrChicago ItaccrChicago
Chicago Fob 27 27Dlssenston Dissension in the crow crowof crowof cre w
o of f the French car in the Now w York to toParis toParis
I Paris P aris race resulted in the announcement announcementthis announcementthis announconme announconmeis nt
t this ti is afternoon that CapU Hansen would wouldnot wouldnot won wonot
not n ot accompany the car c r any an further His Hisa Hisplaee B
r plaee p lace will wil be taken b b3 Emauel Lascaroo Lascarooa
a a native born Frenchman now a member memberof memberor rnemb
c of o f the th Chicago Motor Iotor Club ClubThe ClubThc
The German contestant contc tant will arrive hero herosome herosome he rim J
s some s ome time tomorrow tomorrowThe tomorrowThe
The American car will start tomorrow tomorrowmorning tomorrowmorning tomorra w
T morning m orning at S oclock heading for San SanFrancteco SanFranctsco Si Sirancisco in n
Francteco FranctecoThe F
The French and Italian cars will wait waithere walthere w iB lt I
here h ere until Saturday SaturdayDenial Sn1urdoyDenial
Denial was made today that thatthe the route routeof ron t
of o f th the race would be changed cutting cuttingout cuttingout cuttit cuttitut m r II
out o ut Alaska altogether and shipping by byboat bybout byre y
boat b oat from San Francisco to Japrfn n there theretaking theretaking the thetaking re
taking another boat to Vladivostok then thenrunning tilenrunning tim en
running r over the Russian postroads to toParis toParIs toaris
Paris P aris
Hend h ead of the IInncliaklit Moat Int Serve SerTeTImc Ser rc ccTime
Time for Attempted tte lPh ll Kxioriion
New cw York Feb 27 27IAont Levont M Mar Martoogcssl3n M Lr r
toogesslan t the Armenian priest who has Imsbeen It as
i been b een regarded as the head of the th Huncha Hunchakist Hunchnkist Huncl La g
kist k ist in this country for a number of 0 ofyears
years y ears was convicted In General Sessions Sesslo ns
tills t his evening of attempted extortion Thfc Thbjury T TU1V tfc
Jury U1V which has been hearing the th case casefor casefor an se seto
for f or three thr e days da 5 took eighteen minutes minutesgree to toagree toagree
agree a gree upon a verdict erdlct erdlctJudge
Judge Malone sentenced Martoogessian Martoogessianz in
to t o not less than two years ears and two twomonthS t tmonths vo
months at hard labor In Sing Sing The ThemaxImum I he
maximum penalty is two years cars and five fivemonths ve e
months monthslIartoogcssian months1artoogsian
Martoogessian was tried trl d for trying to 10u toettort toextort
extort 100000 from Miram G Karagheu Karagheusian K3ragheusian Karagh u uian
sian s ian a rug dealer It was brought out outalso outalso c Ut Utalso
also that Martoogessian had attempted attemptedto attempi 63 edo
to t o blackmail b1ackmall several other rich Armenian Armenianrug Armenianrug Armoni anrug an
rug dealers dealersKeifcr dealersheifer
heifer clter I Ii Renomlnntcd RenomlnntcdSpringfield RenomlnntedSpringfield RenominatedSpringfield
Springfield Ohio Fob 27Gen J J War W3rran 5W 5Wren
ren Kelfer was renominated for Congress Congressby Congp Congpby
by Republicans of the Seventh district In ineononUon Inconvention
convention hero today Gen Keller and andtormer s Lnd Lndarmor nd
former armor Senator W P Orr of PIqua PIquawere PIq on onwere ia
were elected delegates to the national nationalconvention nationalconvention natloi rmal rmalonventien Jal
convention and Instructed to vote for forTart forTaft
Taft for President PresidentTenth PresidentTcntlt
Tenth Michigan for Tnft TnftGrand TaftGrand
Grand Rapids Mich Feb 27 2iTho The tenth tenthdistrict tet flh flhdistrict tlj
district convention was held at Bay City Citytoday Citytoday C Ity Itytoday itv
today and elected lectcd E B B Foss of Bay BayCity BayCIQ lay layCity ay
City and Nelson Sharp of WeSt Branch Branchdelegates Brauchdolegates Bran cii ciidelegates
delegates to the
Republican national con conve ci an anction n
veritlon ve ction Uon The resolution adopted Indorsed Indon med ed
Boosevelt and Instructed for or Taft There Therewere Tb ore orewere rc
were 14 postmasters In the convention comentlonSweet conventionSweet
Sweet Violet TloIetll 25e 2i Buach
Kramer Kramer the Florist 916 F at sLBaltimore atBaltimore atBaltimore
Baltimore and Return ReturnBaltimore 9125 1 1
Baltimore end Ohio R It R fl
Every Ever Saturday and Sunday Sunda All trains tral In1 na >
both ways both days except Royal Uni L tam ¬
Ited City Cft Offices 1417 G st and 613 Pa
Republicans Re publicans Select Delegates Delegatesto
to Chicago Convention ConventionEEATEK
Charles Oh a1es Nagel Is Elected a Na National National National ¬
tional Committeeman CominitteemanSenator JoIDlnitteenlanSenntor Committeemanator
Senator Sen ator Warner at Head of Delega Delegation Del DelegaonAttorucy a atlonAttorney ¬
tion tlonAttorney ti Attorney General G ncrni Hadlcy Ia ImIndorsed IaJndorlfcd Iandoracd
Indorsed J for Governor Go GovernozVoimita erno Iolnta of ofDissension ofDlstiJenllllon ofiasension
Dissension D Thrashed Out nnd the theConvcntio theConcntiop theonventlo
Convcntio Concntiop C i Is 1 liarnionionaWar liarnionionaWarcr Harmonious War Warner Vnr VnrDCI ¬
ner n cr Li Made UndcPermnncnt Perm Permanent an cut Chairman ChairmanSt
St S t Louis Mo Feb 27 iThe Tho Republican RepublicanStato Republicante
State Sta te convention cO cntlon here today indorsed indorsedTaft In Indorsedt o ed edTaft
Taft Tafgov t for President Herbert IL U Adley for forgovernor torgOcrnor forernor
governor gov govLo ernor elected Cnarlt Nagel ngeJ of St StLouis StLouis St Stuis
Louis Lo uis national committeema commttteemai elected olectedfour olectcdtour electedr
four fou r delegntesatIurge and nd four alter alternates alternates alteres
na natlo nates nat es to the Ropubltcan national nsUonnln conven convention cO en entlon ¬
tlo tion tioele n and nominated eighteen Presidential Presidentialelectors PrMfdenUalelectors Preeldentiatctors
electors electorsMost electorsMost ele ctors ctorsast
Most M ast all of the tli points of dissension dl senslon ex except 6 6copt cxt ¬
copt cap capsOn t the choice between bctwo n candidates C8lI dlites pro presented proaonted proted ¬
sented sOn sOntea ted were thrashed out in the commit commlttees committ088 commits
tees tea s so that wtjn 1I1un the convention set to towqrk tow tok
wqrk w wo k everything ovor tthlng moved mO ed with the precision precisionof precisionof prcolsl n nclockworlcT
of clockwork Senator WHMam Warner Warnerpermanent arnor arnorwas
was permanent chairman chnlrmltnTuru
Turn Down Dou Resolution ResolutionThe Retoiutionhe I IThe
The T he committee on rofiolutlcna In a long longseselon longscs longelon
seselon scs ses sesfri elon lon adopted s resolution offered o by byft1ends
friends fri ends of T K Nledringhaus us who was wasfeated
defeated de feated for national committeeman in infavor Invor i iCavor
favor fe vor of the sMbmtedlon or a prohibition prohibitionamendment prohibitionendment j jAmendment
amendment am endment to the State constitution constitutione I ITho
The Th e prohibition resolution was directed directedat directedat
at the brewery Interests which Niedring NledrlngI NledrlngIJlaus Niedringans
hus h ans friends claimed W ware re backing Na Nagel Nel ¬
gel ge l It was offered by C M S Snartel Sbertelrmer artelformer
former fo rmer Congreeamajt of the Fifteenth I
district dk ttrlct
One of the moves planned by the Xagel NaSelHowo I
Howe H owe forces forc and EarlyTaft men was to tohave tol tove
have ha ve the lour 8elegal Welesaa i bleeted CtSgI by the theowe I
Howe H owe factite act1 from the Eleventh and andTwelfth andTwelfth andwelfth
Twelfth T welfth CoMgreeefeiMil districts declared djClIIredthe diiclerede
the th e regular deJegates deleat delegateeThe I
The DeleKutesntlnrcet DeleKutesntlnrce
The delegatesatlarge dele tesRtJargQ to national con j jvenUon
vention vW ltlon are WilHam fUtam Warner rner Kansas KansasClt
City Clt Ci ty Herbert S S Hadley Kansas K n s City CIt CItJohn
John Jo hn H Botbalol Sedalla and John R R RHolnws
Holmes H ohatas Joplin JoplinAlternatos
Altarnatos Nelson CL C Crews Crews Kansas KansasCIt3
City Ci ty J T R A A Crosiand St Joseph Jos ph C C CRoblnsCJ4A
K Roblostini RobipspSt St t Louis and H BG G Phil PhilsSedalFa
JlpsSed JIp sSedalFa lra T 5
Attorney General Hadley virtually vlrtU an
i ndunced n unced his candidacy candldnc for governor before beforee
the th e convention this afternoon following
the th e election of himself blm elC and Senator War Warner
ner ne r as delegatesatlarge Warner Intro
duced du ced Hadley Hadle aa the next governor In I Irepllng
replying re plying Mr Hadley said he hoped that thatarn thatarner
Wamer W arn arner r was not only onl a great statesman
but b ut a true prophet prophetKILLS prophetKILLS
Jealous f ealous Husband Attempts Suicide Suicidebut Suicidebut Snicidebut
but Is Prevented and Arrested Arrestedm ArrestedRefusal ArrestedRcfmml
Refusal R efuani of Bride to Leave LIjRc Parents ParentsHontc l nrcnts nrcntsIIome
Hontc IlOfli Cause of Tragedy TrnigedYJlnr TrnigedYJlnrdCIcr TragedyMardarer Mnr Mnrdcrcr
dCIcr darer Caught After Chase ChasePhiladolpnla C1ln8ePll1Jadolpbta
Philadelphia Fob 27 TDeUbe flDeflbemzty Dellbemtely teh mur murdorJng
doring d oming His his wife Lillian then attemptlag attemptlagto attemptfDto
to t kill her father and mother Inothbr and finally finaJl3tring
toing t to take his own life lite Jacob Koeblcr Koeblertw
twentyfive tw t ntYfhe years er old attempted att mpted to es escape escape esape
cape c ape today and wa was not caught until he hehad h
had h ad been chased a mile le and a half
I His jj twentyfouryearold wife died al almost 1
most m ost instantly from a wound behind the thoright thi a
right r ight oarj on the bullet penetrating her brain brainI 1
I Rudolph R udolph Faber aged sixtyone years oars hor ho r
lather f received injuries from rom a a bullet bullotgmzln bulb bulb1ng rt t
grazing gmzln 1ng his nose and cheek and Mrs 1IrsI Mr I
Fabers F abers right hand was as badly badl shattered shatteredShe shatteredShe L IL
I She S he is fiftyseven years old oldKoebler
Koebler attempted to take his own life lifeby lit U 1
by b bt y shooting In the right temple but the thetwo tb C CVo J
two t Vo shots only lacerated his scalp and andhis ani I
his h is condition is not serious ie1lousKoebler S
Koebler had lnd been married only onJ eight eightmontl1s eigh eighmonths t t
months and in that time Urn had manyl many manyquarrels man YS r
quarrels q uarrels with his wife wJ e because of his Illsjcalous Iii S YSS 5
jealousy j of her parents For two weeks weekstho 5 J
the t fio refusal ofMiis wife to tp remove with wIthhim wltl h
him h im to New Jers Is
Jersey regarded by the thepoUce tim e >
police p to have an anpored anored ored him so bitterly blttcrlythat bitten 1 S
that t hat he committed the crime crimeReturning crimeReturning
Returning from a barber shop this aft afternoon aftrnoon
crnoon e rnoon Koebler joined his wlfo and her hermother hermothor ho homother f
mother in their home where the two twofamilies tw 0
families f lived together He asked his wife wifefor wif 0e e
for f or her final answer whether she would wouldmove woul d j
move away a with him She emphatically emphaticallyrefused y f
refused r and Kaebler drew a revolver revolverfrom revolverCrom revolverom r P
from f rom his pocket and began b an shooting ShootIngCOLD shootingCOLDWAVE
Prof Henry Declares 1VC Ve Trill ill Have UneStin hay e eMore e
Still More Winter WinterAccording WinterAccording VlnterAccordIng
According to Proto Pro Henry Ionr1 of the theWeather th9Woather Q iv ivWeather
Weather Bureau the coM wave from fromthe fromthe trot a athe n
the West which has Been ecD predicted is isslowly Isslowl Isslowly s
slowly slowl r but surely surel
approaching Thus Thusfar TImi is isfar s
far no change In the weather is in sight sightPrllt sightPrt
Prof Prt Henry HQn predicts the temperature temperaturewind 0 0wind
wind and rain by methods of science sciencebut a abut 5
but the river men on the Potomac P > tomac River Riveruse Riveruso Riv mr mrthe ir
use the signs handed down from tro father fatherto Cathcrto lath mt mtto t
to son since the days da s of John Smith The Theboatmen Theboatmen Ti e eboatmen
boatmen are usually usual accurate In their theirprOgnostications the lr lrprognostications
prognostications which is no reflection reflectIonon refiectl n
on the professor professoray
As 5 the weather Is today so o will It Itbe It6e Itduring
be 6e during twothirds of the days of the thenext V lie lienext ie
next four weeks they said yesterday yesterdayThey csterdayThey
They forecast the weather weeks ahead aheadby ahe mc mcby id
by the moon Its shape and the way it itHes itlies Itlies
lies in the th heavens The Thursday before beforethe beCreth bate re rethe
the th new moon Is conceded by b them to be bean bean 1 e ean
an example of twothirds of the days of ofthe oCthe oftime
the following olIo jng four weeks
was wasthe wasthe w as asthe
the proper Thursday for or the ne new rVoon moon moonIs moi n nscheduled
Is scheduled for Monday MondayA
A Is Carte Luck Laac Serred Dally
At Ecksteins from 13 1 to 3 3 1112 W Y ave av a aJ
k Ti If IfCoflrIGHrHiqqszwNG
CoflrIGHrHiqqszwNG CoflrIGHrHiqqszwNGickrQN
Taft T m aft Leaders Arrange for forForakers
Forakers Successor SnCCeSEOlOHIO
A Attorney At torney General Ellin to Be Pro Promoted Pronoted
s moted to Lieutenant Governor oTe nor So Solie SolIe
lie l ie Can Step Into Executive Chair ChAirhen
When hen Harris Coca to United States StnteSennteCox
Senate SennteCox Cox Is In Good Grace GrQce GrQceCottunbu
Columbus Ohio Feb 2 iTtte The latest In InOhio inOhio
O Ohio hio politics Is that Gov Andrew Lv L Har Harris Hartis
ris rt s is the choice of the Taft leaders for forthe torthe fore
tl the th e Senate seat now held by Joseph Ben BenS
st son S so n Foraker This information came to todao
di day da daw y when it was admitted that the men menwho menwho amenho
w who ho will control the State convention conventionnext conventionnext conventionxt
ni next ne xt TuesOaj Tuesa and Wednesday Y dne ijad iiad de decided de deoded doed ¬
oJ cided ed on Wad Wade fad H Elite M z4jv v attorney
general if e ernJ raI tui n the State caSd4i6 c caldMfor for for Itau Itautonaht 1Wt 1Wtton lIaia
t tonaht ton io a rit governor govmorlhls
This selection from ronm a field of ten n among amongthem amonGthorn amongem
them th em Francis Fran ls w V Treadway of Cleveland C1evtlanurged
urged u rged by Congressman Theodore EL B Bur Burton BUtton Bu ¬
l ton to n a Taft leader was made at the de demand
mand m and of Walter Brown Brown boss of Lucas LucasCounty LucasCounty Lucasounty
County C ounty and by virtue of his position sltlon as asState asState
SIn State S tate chairman in control of the party partyIn part partIn partOjabo
In InB Ohio at at this time Brown favored favoredEllis favoredEllis favoredlus
Ellis B lus because the attorney general Is isbest Is
L bst best b est fitted from the Brown standpoint to tostep tostep toep
step st stH ep into the governorship when Gov GovHarris GO GOHams Govarris
Harris H arris shall be elevated to the Senate Senatenext Senatenext Senatoext
next n ext year
Slate IN Made Up UpThe lPThe tpThe
The slate s1 t for other nominations for foreach toroooh foxach
each e ach of which at least three men are arecontesting arecontesting arcontesting
contesting c and will go Into the conven convention conVQftUon ¬
tion ti on with delegates is made up convonS as fol follows folws S
lows lowsAttorney lowsAttorney lo ws wsAttorney
Attorney general U O Denman To Toledo Toledo Todo ¬
leM ledo le do p L Brown Hexitenaat auditor E EM E Elf BWlilingt
M leH TVHHngtbn Wlilingt n Union County treasury tre tncaiurq tncaiurqerman urqr
Herman H erman C Baehr Cuyahoga County Countyclerk CounQclerk Countylerk
I clerk c lerk of Supreme Court John S Mc McNatt Ic IcNutt
Natt N utt Columbia County members of oCboud 01 01oard r
I board b bD oard of public works orks William Klrtley IdrtleyDefiancc
Defiance D efiance and B W Baldwin Lake LakoCounty Lak Lakounty m
County CountyFor CountyFor C ounty
For the other offices offiea except State school schoolcommissioner 1
commissioner c there is no contest In the thefight thoght Us m
fight fi ght for the commissionership a definite definitodecision Usa a
decision d has not I1otbeon been reached J W WSnyder 1Vnyder V VSnyder
Snyder S nyder and F B Parson both of Colum Columbus Columbus ¬
1 bus b us being the favorites f8Orlt06Tbe
The slatemaking conference was par particlpated
ticlpated t in b by A I Yor Vorys S Bro Brown t1 t1Farshuer
II Farslmer organizer of the Taft forces torcOiSEllis
Ellis E llis and by b expression of his hi views 168 by b bGeorge beorge
George G eorge B Cox boss of Cincinnati Cln InnaU in inveighed inI Ineiglied ¬
I veighed v against by b Secretary Secretar Taft throe threei thre a
i years y enis ago agoThat agoThat
That Cox Co once o ce more Is Jn Itt the good goodbraces gao ci
i graces g races of the party pBrt was proved in the themakeup themakeup th e
makeup of the Taft list of State dele delegates ddeates i
J gates g ates from tromH Hamilton Hmilton mlton Comity Courlt BesIde BesIdethe C
the name or Charles Chnrie lUlrlCs P Taf T Taft n t brother broth Cr r ror
of o f the Secretary of War as asadelegatc adelegate adelegateappeared a del gute guteappeared S
I appeared a that of r George G orgo B Cox Near Nearthat Nea r
that t hat was the name ofc o of Rud Hjnicka Cox Coxlieutenant Coxlieutenant Ca c
l lieutenant and boss of Cincinnati noml nomlnally nominally nonVIn
J nally In the stead of his chief who has haspublicly haspublicJy ha S
publicly p ublicly retired to the thepursult pursuit of bank bankIng 5 5ng
4 4Browlt S
ing l ng
Brorra Gets Two Places PlacesBrown
Brown who framed the convention conventionwhich onentionwhIch n
1 which will 1mlnd Indorse < rse Taffs candidacy candidacy in insisted Insisted iiilated
J sisted s on naming naml g Ellis and Denman his hislieutenant hi is
lieutenant l fMgiF g time th others t rs the the choice choiceot choic 0
of o < f the other otherj fjobs obs bs Vorys held out for torsome i iome 0r r
some s ome time fcf forState of State SenatOr Senat r West of ofLogan otLogan c f
Logan County Co hty for the lieutenant gov govornorshlp gmornorshlp go gornorship
ornorshlp ornorshlpWest ornorshlpWest e S
West entered the th race Mpnday pnday on a astraight astraIght a astraight
straight tip > that t thatl1e 1the he could have the job joband jol b band
and may make a fight in the convention conventionEllis conenUonEms i
Ellis has hitherto refused to make the therace therace tb tbrace te ite
race or permit perntltthe nrtltthe the use of o his name nameBurton nameBurton nameBurton
Burton urged into tie tb Cleveland CJ elandma elandmacralb may mi miorally
orally fight to aid Taft In L t backing Tread TreadwaY Treacway
way This will force that candidate into Intotile InI InIthe
the convention unless he relents when he hearrives hearrhes Le Learrives
arrives in Ohio tomorrow His delega delegation delegtion ml mltion
tion Is for Baehr however for the treas treasurership treas treasurersblp 5 5urership
urership and will desert Burton If he heobstinate I II IIobstinate T
obstinate obstinateThe obstinateThe obstinateThe
The national convention delegation the theTaft ti tiTaft
Taft men picked Is m made le up of Goy Go GoHarris ft
Harris former Gov Myron T Herrick Herrickflayed Hcrnic k kflayed c
flayed by b Taft once A I Vorys and andCharles andChnrlcs am id idCharles d
Charles P Taft There are five c other otheraspirants otherpirants otis r raspirants
aspirants aspirantsMormons aspirantstMormona pirants pirantslXormoBs
Mormons Banished by Svrlm Swl SwiesGeneva
Geneva denca Feb 27 27Tbe JTho o American Mor Mormons Mo r rmuons r
mons who were arrested recently at atChur atChur atChar it
Chur capital of the Canton of Grisons Grisonshave Orison 5have s
have been sentenced to to8crve serve three days daysIn da v9 v9In
in prison and afterward to be expelled expelledfrom expelledfrom expell ed
from 1 ° m Switzerland for preaching polygamy polygamyJ y yj
J H Small A SOM SJWrI See Fiarlc TLed t ta
Washington Washlngtonand and New ew York YorkTo YorkTo YorkTo
To Atlantic City VItheHt CiumKC CiumKCThrough CJtageThroush CkagcThrough
Through parlor car via Ia Pennsylvania in
Railroad beginning b gInnlng Monday March 2 2
Leaves Washington 1230 p m m weekdays weekdaysarrives s sarrives s
arrives Atlantic City 535 p IB 1LCensult Consult Coast lIt It
ticket agents
Alexander Al AlTr exander Troup Believes Sew Eng Entfland England England
land Should Instruct InstructNew InstrnetNew Instructew
New N ew Haven Conn Fob 27 1Alexander 1AlexanderTroup Alexander AlexanderTroup AIexaaderoup
T Troup Tr oup former Connecticut member of the theDemocratic theDemocratic
Democratic De mocratic National Committee said to tonight to tonight toght ¬
n night ni nistr ght that ho h was strengly strengl In favor of In Instructing I IstrucUng Iuctixig ¬
Bl structing str strEn uctixig every delegation from New NewEngland Now NowEngta Newgland
E England En Ento gland d and every other State favorable favorableto favorableBryan
to Bryan to vote for Bryan He said he hehad hehad
had ha haIn d heard that some Democratic leaders leadersin 1 adersIn leadersConnecticut
in InSt Connecticut ware in favor of o uata uatastrucied uatostrueted
st strucied nIICtOd delegates delegatesHe delesalossa
He jeM 1d These men say that Jrnn JrnnCBt Bryan Bryanoant
C oant ca nt ala v In They are the people who de defeelod d dfooted dealed
f footed fo aled Bryan in 1S96 and 1901 1001 iec and ia my myjudgment m mju mydgment
i judgment ju Isment would not vote ote fOr him new nowI newI newcant
I cant sy whether the antiBryan antiBryanmovement antfBIJ8nmeV8I1I6Rt antiBryanovement
movement m ovement in Connecticut is promoted promotedfrom promotedtrom promotedom
from fr om New Ne ow York but I have no doubt the theparticular theparticaIar therticular
particular pa rticular movement in Connecticut in
19W 12 G4 was engineered from rota New York YorkIn YorkIn
In Troups opinion 7i per cent of the
D Democratic emocratic voters of Connecticut are for forBryan forryan
Q Bryan BryanIA ryan
State i tat t aIe Gontriil O i1traLeo trICommlttca Cottiaiitiee nnUtCC Approves Approvest
t o of > t the Senator SenatorSpedsl enLtor enLtors
s Spedsl cial to Tie 1 WasldsstaQ Va5ld tfteiW
r raniwaukee r3nIvukee I IMilwaukee
Milwaukee WIs Fob 27 2fS 2iSenator Senator nator Lfc LfcFollett IJlI S Solbette
I p Follett Pollette P olbette
was given the Republican
State Statecentral Statecentral Statentral
c central ce < ntral committee
for the thePresidential t e eProstdcnUal S Sresidential
Presidential P nomination today toda todaHe
He is indorsed together with Gov Dav S
j idson J son on and Lieut Gov Go Connor ConnorTARHEELS
j Hew N ew York Banqueters Decline to toEnthuse toEnthuse I i
Enthuse for Roosevelt EooseveltDr
I Dr D r Kligo Declares South Ix
Victim Victimof Ict1m Ict1mof I
of Decayed DccaY d Morals UoralAPleads UoralAPleadstor Pleads Pleadsfor
for Reform ReformNew ReformNew
New Yoriit York Feb ST North ortlt Gareltotas Gareltotaswho Oal llDaDS llDaDSwho 3
v who w ho live hereabouts had some folks from fromdown 1
I d down own homo to dine with them tonight tonig t at atthe atI a t
I l the th e Hotel Astor AstorThe AstorThe
The TarJ Tarbeeis la started right rlbkt off by being beingpolitical belogpolitical belni IS
F political olitical because when hen the President
Walter W aiter H Page proposed a toast to the theOther theotber tim
0 Other thor President Theodore Roosevelt there therewas tberewas then thenas e
was w as a most profound I found silence sneneThat V VThat
That it was explained was because becausemost becausemost Em 1
r most m ost of the persons present were In Insympathy InSmp t a aympathy 1
s sympathy Smp thy or affiliated with the American a X
I Tobacco T obacco Company which apparently apparentlyI apparentlyobsnt
I c doesnt dS d obsnt like tho President of the United Unitedi Unite a i
i J States S tates
j jThe
I The The treatment that toast received recefvclI f I was wasall wasall wa wail S s
s all n il tho more pronounced when
nw compared comparedwith comparedI compare d dith j
I with w ith the greeting that Uncle Joe Can Cannons I Ions ¬
I i nons n ons name got Uncle Joe is a North NorthCarolinian Nort NortCarolinian im imaroliniah a
Carolinian C < by b descent and that explains explainsft St s
i it ft t There Tht > re was rapturous applause for him 1 u
Dr D John C C Kilgo president of Trinity Tninit I f
College C ollege In Durham N C to which in instltuUon In IS
stluiUon s James B Duke gave 1000000 l000000shl 1000000sluiply lOOO 0 l l1tapI
sluiply shl s 1tapI pl because be
ause likes Dr KIlgo got up u uo
to t o tell about the growth of prohibition U
In i n the South and what hat it means Dr D r
Kilgo pitched into the South good and andplenty andplont an 1
plenty plont p lenty He sale flil the temperance move movemoht m
moht wasnt due to the W V C T F t or c in r
the t he churches but was a natural naturaljnov move movement moem m
ment m nt of Southern Sou thorn citizens to break out outof outor ot
of o < f their civic unrighteousness He char characterized cnar cnaracterized chatcterized
acterized a the strength of prohibition as n Is
due to the desire of
Southerners to show sho tv v
that t hat they had
an opinion of their own onuncontrolled ox a auncontrolled i
uncontrolled by b parties as a mass m massThe s sThe
The South has allowed its civic morals morn is iso s
to t o decay said Dr Kilgo The citizens citizer ms s
have been forced to act as a mass In Ii ¬
dividualism d < thus was lost and conscience IQ
died There was no Interest that was wasnot wasnot wm wmnot s
not capitalized In behalf of some unholy unhol 13 y
ambition The South now Is casting an anunfettered anu s LU LUunflittered n
unfettered u 1f ttered vote ote and every cer movement mO nt tha thawill thnt thntwill thx it Ltwill
will press home to the South a sense se e o ocivic of ofcine i if ifcivic > t
civic righteousness rh hteousnesg will be a t benefit nefit be beyond be berond b C Cyond ¬
yond economic calculation calculationWilliam calculationWIlliam calculationWilliam
William L Hall of the United States Stat ms is
Forestry Service showed
steroptlcon steropticonpictures rn rnpictures n
pictures of the work of preserving the ti ie ie
Appalachian forests to res ts a a subject In which whic h
the North Carolinians are much inter interested fnterste late r rested L ¬
ested ste
Hushes Boomer in Kentucky Kentn kr krLoutsyllle
Louisville Feb 27 2iA A B Humphries of ofNew 0 0New C
New York who Is
enlisted In the cam earnpalgn car a apaign
palgn of Gov Go Hughes for
the Republican RepublicanPresidential RopubUcanPresiJcntla1 Rpublict isa isaPresidential j
Presidential nomination came to Louis Louisville Louisville Lout s srule ¬
ville today toda He met a a number num r of local localand bc al j
and an State workers w rkers at the Gait House Houseanl ifoum
an anl 4i machinery machIne was sot In motion for 1 1gaining
gaining as S many State delegates as pos po 5 5sible 1
American Drops Dead DeadNice DeadNice DeadNice
Nice Feb 27Durins 2iDurin the Battle of tho thoFlowers thoFlowers t be beFlowers Q
Flowers here today an American of the thename thcname hI lie liename I
name of De Jx rAng > ngr dropped dead In the thestreet th thstreet ti he hestreet
125 l2 to Baltimore and Return
Every Saturday and Sunday via Pennsyl Penns 1
vanla Railroad Tickets good returning returat rig
until Sunday njght AU regular trains ex e ix ¬
cept the Conpreaslonal Limited
Many M any Pay Honor to Memory Memoryof Memor 7
of Crosby S Noyes NoyesFUNERAL NoyesFUNERAL
Official Of ficial Governmental and an Com Commercial ¬
mercial i Representatives Take Part Partin PnrtIn Par t
in i n Cortege from Railroad Station StationMet StntlonUct StatlomMet I
Met in Baltimore by b Special Train TrainBody TrnlnBody TraitBody
Body Lies In State Today TodayAfter Tod1yAttar
After a trip of nearly 3tW mBec the thebody Utebody Ii e edy a
body bo dy of o one of WaefctesiMts W SGIIIOIIt SGIIIOIItSODS feremoat feremoatsons snemoi it
sons se lls Crosby Stuart S Ktyee e oiMe4ack Mts > taehie taehieof cIdet cIdetot tf
of the Eveflfeis E rEtlll Star who tied te Pasa Pasadena a aeaa I L ¬
dena a CaL a a vfeek eek ago a today arrived te teWfcahtegum sayesterdq I B
Wfcahtegum W yesterfay yesterfayThrongs yesterdqof yesterd7Throflgs
Throngs of cStteae d oC tile t District fa faeluding JReladtog it
14 eluding cl eding mex ea te lBd attvwltes 0 IKa W Wprasnt wat watpnasant
pnasant pr seat to Sff t tf tl M mry may m iy eC eCm C Ctw
tw ii wan m Jt v4m wisJ im te Jrfgtet g4e r reimpe roipeet roipeetAs et etndgmiva st
841 ndgmiva ndgmivaAs T p S SAs
As the nea beaJMIMed tieet s passed dtraeefc the thestreets 11Mstreets ti e ee
streets streets en e rottfe to the home of Theodore TheodoreW TIeINIoreN r
W Noyes N a a son men and an women wile whsrecognized wileIOCODbed w1
r recognized the significance 1IICIe oC the preese preesestoa pre es essIoIi a
s stoa sl oe stood with bowed bewedTbeod hands handsTheodore
Theodore Tbeod Theodor W v and Frank B Noses Ney ac accompanttd ac acCOIItPlUled a C
companttd e tile body of their ftUber across acrosstbe stAe acre 55
tAe th thth e continent while Thome C C Noyea Noyeatbe Nsyo e ethetWrd
tbe thetWrd th thh e third son remained fat Pasadena Pae a with withMs wttltbIB wi 1k
Ms h mother Mrs Nojres I who v is m with wttltgrJp wi tb
grip g rip
Funeral Services Tomorrow TomorrovrFuneral TomorrowFUHntI TomorrowFuneral
Funeral services 8 serke w0 will be e held it t SM SMoclock
oclock O clock tomorrow afternoon at from fre St StThomas StIJI I It
Thomas T homas Protestant Pl PrtOOt Sptccopnl Eille g pAl pi5i Clt1ftekt Checch Ckarc h
Eighteenth E Ihttaeatk t street near Deposit Circia CirciaRev CkdaiRe Cite Citeev a
Rev Re R ev C C Ernest Smith SmIth the rector wfll nil of offichUe oCclRto IC
flE fichUe fl ciste assisted by Rev Dr Edward EdwardEverett EdwardEerott Bd td tdverett
Everett E verett Hale chaplain c of the Senate SenateThe SMateThe I
The Gridiron Chub Quartet consisting consistingof CODslstID CODslstIDor eg
of o f Messrs Herndon oR Morsell Alexander AlexanderMosher Alexend aDde aDdeMosher let letosher
Mosher M osher J Henry Kaiser and John 8 H HNolan HNolan Hoan
Nolan N oan will 111 render appropriate hymns hymnsThe hymi hymihe
The T he honorary pallbearers p Jbeawa were selected selectedfrom aeIectetIfrom select selectroni
from f roni among prominent men m representing representinggovernmental re en engoernmeDtal ag agovernmental
governmental g commercial C81Dm6ret1 and profes professional pcet m mona ¬
sional Stonal M ona walks of life as follows followsUiyRaat followsTics o oSice
ice Pr Prldent FaJriIuIb Fakbsas Speeb caa tson Soa Soabry So
UiyRaat bry t Uoot boO SeeaUir Sea4ix Taft T J
ai7 t Jaetfc 1w Hariaa H HioBer Owaafc t I Ioee
sfeaer s1 oee Mftcfufaad AattManear J Takahfea Hhafefear MilliMeQb 3tisj i iGee
Qaaaifa GeL Johm 1 M L L VHs ViIIMHt Veu s CaL R Jl J J Hexfc BOde Ha cia
J Joita im J JftIS f Bas EAINa R R Koa P P PfC R > F FUIIam X 1 Rkhaidsaa RkhaidsaaVHnara fllthsrth en enWithasi
VHnara K It Smith Jaw 1 Ja 50 5 Hamj II Jena Je K K itean Me 31 31Lean
Lean L LB ean Seott seOtt a C OOM Rank A A Massey Chades I J JBeU 1BtIU Jell
BeU B ell Victor Knaffmtna Ka Batrani BftanlI J Stallnagca 1RrIG B B BH BWam
H H Warner Wam Sloan Wait till S W Weatfwanl W OeMra Ga rs rsqyter
SL I Ojster qyter JBter aad C c B B damh damhMessrs CIIIadaMeS
Messrs tSo Rudolph Kaaffraann Beale R R RHoward
Howard George W V Harries G A A Lyon Lyons Lyt en
J jr j J T Whit lierron Hermes Richard A A McLean McLeanu McLa n nO
j N CX o Messenger and John P Miller will wRtbe dii diie
be b e the active pallbearers pa1lbOr rs Interment IDtVmeeat will willbe wUlbe m clii cliie
1 be b e in Rock Creek Cemetery cemetelFrlcnds CemeteryFriends
Friends to View Icw Body Bod BodTho BodyThe
Tho body will 111 remain until tit tile funeral funeralat f Lime ml mlt l lat
at a t the home of Theodore WJ J Noyes YN T3J l73Icv I r3sNew
New cv Hampshire avenue Today the per personal pcrson p Cr Cronal
sonal son s l friends of tbe veteran ve t1lft editor wftl wfttbe s viii viiibe
be given an opportunity oPPOt1 Dfty to view for the thelast thelast thetime
last i time the earthly remains of Mr MrNoyes YrXoyesJ 2 LT LTXoyesj
Noyes NoyesTbe XoyesJ XoyesJThe XoyesjThe
The train which whl h h brought t the body to toWashington toWashington
Washington drew into the Union Station StttloDat Stat Ion Ionat
i at A 440 4Q oclock yesterday In addition to tothe tothe tothe
the large concourse gathered at the sta sta statJon s t tton
ton wore more than 100 representative npresentat1Yecitizens repementat ire irecitizens
citizens and delegates from the various van Brlouscl Gus Guscivic
civic cl 1c and patriotic organizations with n iltim iltimwhich th thwhich
which Mr Noyes oJes was W S affiliated who w ho had hadgone I d dgone
gone to Baltimore on a special train to toaccomp toaccompztny
accompany n the remains to this city cityparty The Theparty
party included lncluaed lncluaedSpeciAl IncludedSpecial
Special Funeral Party PartyPraridcnt Part PartPRidcnt PartyFme4dcnt
Praridcnt Cuno H n UBdoipb ltadol Sacretur GtOKK H n
Ham cad B IL H Wanaer of the Baud at Tnde Trad Tm TmB
SecrctaiT B W Boles n and J Edward Lftbjr of 0 the tb
Oldest t InbaWUats Accodatioa Prerfdest lames lamesHenr a s
Henry and Secretary John S S ShriTer Shrlt of th Ute Odd Oddiron C ldd
iron Club James F Hood of th the Anwrieaa SeeM Sc csr
Hy and Trwt TnstCenmuiy Cempany of oL4ick f rhtch Mr t Kara Nsrss ms as asdlrtcor a adircetofi
director Tftliam V Cox William Ti iam F Cede W V 1 1sn
Van sn Wickle and Dr FrankHn T Hawc or f 11M UI bt btAlcssndcr
Alcssndcr taander It Shepherd mofivmeat coBHitttee ClHlBtUeePnnidcnt ccattteePrtnldent Yfc
Pnnident Wlllkm M r Chaster ef th titelIeaM tbe haavd or tiw tiwGalfaadet tnMtees I 1mmtees
tees or the Reform School rw Boss Dr B B 31 1
Galfaadet K It Ross Pmr and P L L Harrey Ihrre ef efBpedal a aaD acecazuittec
Bpedal cocuoiUae c o 1 the WaaUaKtea B Mosaffieat toeee S S se S4 S4cktm
dety Praetdent Ire d Dt A B Banner Sawctotr W V B n
Bryan Brr D and John B B Larsen ef th tile C llu htmat Wa UMV llIeStonical
tarlcal S Soch c to aol I 1 r H HtnmUl naaB af 1 the Koyes KoyesBetween OJ c
UbraQ Rcmb Kcne6gtee d dBetween dBetween
Between two long lines of citizens ex ettending entending
tending from the train to tile gates lead leading lea4t 1 a alug ¬
lug t g to the station concourse the casket casketwas ca ket ketwas f
was was carried by eight pallbearers pl l
rers repre representing representing rei reiseating TC TCtBe ¬
senting the different Hepartments of ofestablishment the theestablishment
establishment of whlcn Mr Noyes Noy S was wasGontfnned mvasContinued g
Continued on o Page 2 Column 4 4Go 4Go 1 S SCo
Go to Florida and Carolina Resorts fles Irta
Via Seaboard Air Line Three dally d ally ly
trains elegantly equipped with Pullmans Pubint Inns M
and dining cars Office 1421 Pa Pa Ave AveCarnations AveCnrnnUon AveCarnations
Carnations COc Oc per doz do
Blackistonc lita and H Hsts sts nw
flssisfant Assistant Examiner Lawyer Lawyerand LaWyeralldInven Lawyerand
and alldInven Inventjor Inventor or Arrested ArrestedWD1CTMENTS ArrestedINDIOTMENTS Arrested1ND1OTMENTS
WD1CTMENTS RETURNED EETQENEDMegedDesfructionof RETURNEDAllegedDestrnction BFJTURNEDAilegedDestructionofpapers
AilegedDestructionofpapers MegedDesfructionof of Papers to toConceal toOoncealEvidences toConceal
Conceal OoncealEvidences Evidences of Fraud FraudStrong FraudStronl FraudStrong
Strong Case Declares District At Atiorner Atlorucy t ttome
iorner tome Aflkins Adkl AdktisBurton snurton Durton Said to toCave toIIave tohave
Cave Attended to Inside Work Ad Adfiftlnc AdTblnl Advising
fiftlnc Another Inventor WhoseIdea Whose WhoseIdea YhoaftIden
Idea Was Appropriated that It ItWas itWns itWas
Was Covered by tteany Jean Claim ClaimTbe ClaimT1te ClaimTh
Tbe Th grand Jury jimry5yestrday yesterday yester ey returned in indictmeHts Indlctwle IndictMe5nts
dictmeHts dlctwle ts agatast an asefstant examIner esammerof caminerat
of Ute Patent Office O ke a pronteent t PUJla PUJladaipete PaJJadiilphla Philadelpbk
daipete patent lawyer l wyC and a wealthy in inventor intor inveaton ¬
ventor tor ec C Tark Pa charging them with withconsplraey WIthCOD5p1rae withoonspraey
consplraey to destroy d85tr y government gvvec t records recordsin recordsft recordsifl
in ft order ord to defraud inventors whose whosenames whoseJl8m6 whosenames
names are araD nranet net t given g1 of patent rights said saidto saidto sat4to
to be valued at several mitUone of dollars dollarsTbe dol1arshe dOllarsThe
The he indicted men mrn are Ned ed W Barton Bartonassistant Bartonassiatazat Bartonassistant
assistant examiner la the Patent Office OfficeHenry OtnceHsuy 0111ccHenry
Henry E Bverdtng of Philadelphia pat patent patent patet ¬
ent lawyer and John A A Heaay Boan of York YorkPa YorkPa Yorkinventor
Pa Paca Inventor of appliances used on In Incandescent tneaooesceat Inndescent ¬
candescent ca caar ndescent and arc lights AU are under underarrest underarrest underrek
arrest arrestDetails arrestDetaUs ar rek rekDetails
Details of Alleged Conspiracy ConspiracyIn
In I n sub the th charge of coaspirrcy coaspirrcyconeiets OO spIrrcycoa eo sprrcy sprrcynsists
coneiets co nsists of atfegfed Ikg attenn atteMpts ts to obtain Tor TorHeany ior iorHeIQ brany
Heany He Heea any natent rights to which he was not notentitled nateatItW nuttkie
entitled ea tkie by deaCncffon d of f a certain certainamendment certainte certaineadmeat
amendment am amhe eadmeat to an aBaMcadori a doIi for patent patentbe patentIe patentmade
be made ia January T 1005 ad substituting subetltutinJIea substitutinglieu subetltutinsin
in lieu thereef an amendment aaeat Alec by byso bysome byum
some so um ne other ot teve Ia Mvesea tor Barton it i icharged is isdIRrged isanged
charged di dila anged attended aU to all 11 the inside work workinchMttng work work1DcI workclndMg
inchMttng 1DcI la clndMg mtvisiBS tto tM krrwitor whoso wbwas whosoes
idea id es was aypropdated proiiastea that it was coy covered CO COered coyed ¬
ered r ed by the cteiat of Hay awaiting awaitinsaction awaitingAssistant attiDE attiDEaeue
action actionAsflfetnat aeueA
Assistant A District Attorney A Jesse Ad AdHas AdkIas Adas
Has ki kiw kiag as who eandneted the investigation hiTestigtionwhich investigationhich on onwhich
which w hich led to the andhnj of the tedictnenC tedictnenCneahntt In Icuaen IcuaenUte Md1CZmeIaIt
neahntt ag aIt the men timed its rttnrn by tbe tbe5nUId theinn
grand J J1D7 inn ry to a moment whoa the Penn Pennsyhranlane Plonwere Penn1v4
syhranlane sy 1v4 were hi tbe city Yesterday Yesterdaywhen Ye Yesterdayhen terda terdawhfta
when w hen apprised by Detectives HeJan and andGnat andrant
Grant G rant that Everding Everdlll and Heany were in inWMb inasiutgtoui
Waahington WMb W asiutgtoui the Indictment lodkt Be was report reportIa d db dCriminal
b Ia 1 Criminal Court No Oc L LAbout LAbout 1 1About
About the sane tin u west was sent to tothe totIae tothese
the th th ue ee nwa that thay tlMrWfIlIIt reem wanted at atHn ats
Hn lb s tmm 1 > Hahfrrr < L k Ntejapartantybaateesc 1W As Asendk AsM Asee
endk n ee tt hte s aa jipaarae teerai a be was placed pIaeOOMt idacednrr
ader ftrraet nrr Mt and held bar deputy mar marHeany msrIrcaDT marlIeany
IrcaDT S Sends nd for CQn Congressman CongressmaneaflY eSllmaD eSllmaD18IIuiII
Heany eaflY nmaedtetety tejoynnnoifl to Rep ReprrnMBtatiyc R4 RepWe > p pr
rrnMBtatiyc r We Lafean at the Capitol who whorepreeents wholellrillats whoeiesenIn
r repreeents eiesenIn the 8trict diacriet in which whi b Heany HeanyUvea HeanyIk Heanvves
Ik li Uvea ves requesting him to come at once on to tothe tothe toe
the th e courthoaefc When Representative La Lafean Lareau Laean
fean l ean reached the district atcorneys office officehe oftkllie officee
he h e was toM by his hI constHahent consth eat of his pre predtcament preaDd prebcamettt
d dtcament aDd the charges ebarg against him htmConsiderably himCa himonsiderably
Considerably Ca C < surprised Bepresentative BepresentativeLafean DepreHQtaU6IAteau flopresentatirefe
Lafean L fe at once left the building in an ef effort e efort efort ¬
k fort f ort to secure bondsmen bnnrtnmcnTbe 11 bondsmenThe OIiI H H HTbe
Tbe ntdietnent redtee r tbatXHi that Oa ou January Januaryi JanuaryJoito
i Btt Jaha J A A Bean Bonny DIed an appika appikai appIkatioa
i tioa li on toe hollers patent t eoveftog eoVemt the inven invention inentIoD invenof ¬
tion of filaments and electrodes for elec electric electrie ebecnc ¬
i tric i nc hweanoeacet and arc lamps Among Amongthese AmODIthe Amongl
these t l papers was a specification tP filed with withthe withue withthe
the application and made med a a part of it it and anda anda andcertain
a a certain letter addreoocd to Heany by the thethat thetbeIt theComndndoner
that Comminohmer ef Patents F I Allen Allenwhich Allenwlddt Allenhich
which w hich bore tile signature e of other officials officialsof officialsot olflciaIst5be
of the Patent Office OfficeOn OOleeoJuIy OluiseJuly
On oJuIy Jury S HK 115 IS an aaeadmeat 5dfltt to this thisapplication thisappIIcatloR thiSfor
application for f < the patent was Sled SledPapers filedPapers ifiedPapers
Papers Destroyed DestroyedIt DestroedIt Destroyedcharged
It Is charged e that this amendment and andother andother amidpapers
other papers were abstracted ab by the three threemen threemea threemoo
men and destroyed de hi order to conceal concealevidence c concealvidence nceal ncealof
evidence e of their wrongdoing gdolng and coverup COe COe1IP cover covenP
up P then tracks tracksThe tlaekThe tracksThe
The attention of the district attorneys attorneysoffice attorneysoatee attorneysmee
office o mee was called to the matter about ten tendays tende7s feltiaye
days ago so by Secretary GarfefcL Assistant AssistantDistrict AssistantDlstrkt AssistantDistrict
District Attorney Jesse Adktas was at atonce atonce atassigned
once assigned to the case and instructed instructedto Instructedmake
to make a thorough investigation investigationMr mve tisatlOn tisatlOnMr
Mr Adktas yesterday declined to give givefarther gieturtber giveurther
farther f details concerning the matter than thantheee thantIMee thanhese
theee t contained hi the indictment but butstated butstatecl huttated
stated s that in his opinion tbe ease against againsttbe asalnsttile agaInsthe
tile t he men was strong strongHe stronGHe strongHe
He also declined to state whether there therewere therewere Thereother
were other hwe investigations tigatioa pending con concerning conconspiracies oneerJdRt ¬
cerning conspiracies iM to defraud Inventors Inventorsby InentoI11by Inventoraby
1 by employes ent smpIoi working workia in collusion with withpatent withPIWUt withpotent
patent lawyers and others oUt < It was ru rumored u umonel amorel
morel at the canrthonse following trie triearrest t tmeof O Oan
arrest an of the men that other indictintnts indictintntswould bH lndictmexflswel4 lc nts ntswow4d
would follow followSixteen followSixtecn followSixteen
Sixteen WitnessesSixteen Witnesses WitnessesSixteen VitDes8e8teeR
Sixteen teeR witnesses appeared before the thegrand thelIaIMI thejury
grand jury in connection with the indict indictment inditmeat indfrtmeat ¬
meat mostly employes of the Patent PatentOffice PatentO PatentOle
Office O lce They were Morrison W Clark ClarkAlice ClrkAJIce ClarkAlice
Alice Almuth AJmUth Aim th Amy K E Wallace Clifton CliftonJohnson CltrtonJohu CliftonSidney
Johnson Sidney Slcl ey E E Whitney John C CEckioff CEcIdoCt CEckIotf
Eckioff L L Day Samuel L L Poole James JamesW Jam JamsW 3 3W
W Head Alexander L LPope Pope William A ACowles A ACowles AAmos
Cowles Amos Hadley Frank C Skinner SkinnerClara SkinnerClara SkinnerClara
Clara V Quigg and Lydia L 1 Parker ParkerAt PukerAt ParkerAt
At a late boor this morning the threa threamen tlITQmea tilTeafl
men ° fl under Indictment had ba failed to ob obtain obtain ohbond ¬
tain bond Accompanied by b United States Statesmarshals StattsDI8tShaJs Statesmarshals
marshals they were w < e registered for the thenight theBight thenight
night at a local hotel hotelCommissioner hotelCommissioner hotelCommissioner
Commissioner Moore Ioore Explains ExplainsEdward Expl1ln100wanl Explainsl11ilwaM
Edward B B Moore Commission Comml56tonflPatents CommissionPatents r rPatents <
Patents made this statement last ixig ixigIn Ligin jg jgIn
In explanation of Ute indictments indictmentsBui IndictmentsBuiJ indictmentsdy
Bui BuiJ dy ia PebnHiT ri4mce sd4ie TTU kid bcfro bcfroStcretMT befraof
StcretMT of tk tM laterior tt tee4jeg 4Jes to shew shewaa abcrfaudekia U Ufondalcnt
fondalcnt Jmt acts ct5 tad bees cnaadtted td ta the thotiea prae praetiaa taneem
tiaa sad iprocareBMnt of a al8tftat jwiest atent The Thee Theimaedhtelr JiwrtU JiwrtUkaaMdMdr
kaaMdMdr e broockt tae mstfer a Ucr u t te the attccton atf tttnthnthe JJIU JJIUUte t ttke
Ute CdHBBfarioBW C Ier ef eft Palest who o thrrcpcn ai aipateted ap app ap apted
pateted p ted a CBSBBtUee CIDII of iawttOLtieB and iid criaid cred it ltawk itIe Itaske <
Ie awk aske a temieUus taqtirj ry late the clrnnrsrjw clrnnrsrjwteasbtg f eirmtzthe 1n 1nMIIIBg
teasbtg tIP to the gtatA af 1M th patent in 10reiectIkereaidia CCS 0 SB SBaad
aad 2 noort reiectIkereaidia UM Ute > reMlts to 10I1Ie bin AJBLThe binTin
The report of tile roniailuea it BCMT no in inteMioB aw rrs rrsseaatea ra rathe
seaatea of ta tIN oomTriarionar It Aftds nda m subttiKce subttiKceOfflcr 5U 5Uhat ntazeet
hat bI tM ecJIIIIIe eosznaee of as eatilcee of thl th Jartokr Part Parteatter
Offlcr antter that was a aot ia the tppliratKn tppliratKndace pI Jr JrpMeat r rps4eiit
pMeat at tIMa i to t Illes was ualawfulh uabifiiJyinbJsnsnt ur urcWee4 >
dace cWee4 inbJsnsnt MheaiHMaUr donas its yassecatkm essseetion tIo liwrttr liwrttrlajteg 11tlflrUae icmerctylaying
laying the faaadaUna tee dais dI ci to Ira toan invention not notdfeetoed IWtdIdNe8 notthe
dfeetoed fet the appficadaK s ap 5catiee w n it ma filed tlledFalPle SlelFalse
False Date of Invention InvcntJonDte InventionThe
The effect ect ef SB nick aa act to ta establish a to aof laJsa a1scble
data el iaTCDtitB laendeeth TeD natch artier than u tile true data datathcreaf datatItcn8t dataThucef
thcreaf sad thee enable the patoa J1tcako atmsemi ce to dcmliata domlaataConHnned donitaContinued
Continued on Page C Column 6 6Thonh 6Through
Through Parlor Car to Atlantic City Citya
Via a Pennsylvania Railroad beginning
Monday Mon ay March 2 Z Leaves Washington
1230 p m weekdays w kdaYs arrives Atlantis
City 535 p m In via fa Delaware River Bridge Bridgeroute BndalOute Bridgeroute

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