F iii i fl
The Th Mans Store StoreOfficial StoreOfficiallVeather StOr StOrOfficial
I Official OfficiallVeather Weather Report ReportIncreasing ReportIncreasingcloudiness ReportIncreasingcloudiness Increasing Increasingcloudiness
cloudiness and slightly warmer Jvarmer
V V VGretest
Greatest Sale in Years YearsEmery YearsEmery YearsEmery
Emery Shirts Shirtsthat Shirtsfhatsold Shirtsthat
that fhatsold sold soldup soldtIp
up p to t 200 200going 2OOgoing 69
going golng at atCrowds atCrowds atCrowds
Crowds of men around aroun the tables tablesyesterday tablesycstcrday tablesycstcrday
ycstcrday buying the manufac manufacturers manuiacturer manufacturers ¬
turers turer g balance of Emery Shirts Shirtsthat Shirtsthat Shirtsthat
that sold up to 2 2 at 69c 69cSale 69cSale 69cSalcwont
Sale Salcwont wont last long Get in be before before before ¬
fore your size is gone goneMoneys goneMoneys goneMoneys
Moneys Worth or Money Back BackD BackD BackD
10057 Pa Ave Aver
= = =
I r a month spent spentfor spentfor nt ntI
4 for o residence residencetelephone residencetelephone e c
I telephone telephonei telephoneservice
I I Iservice
i i service serviceSaves serviceSaves serviceSaves
Saves Savesmany 1 1many
many times that amount amountin amountin I Iin
in time trouble and andenergy andenergy I
energy energyUnlimited cnc energyUnlimited I IUnlimited
Unlimited LocalScrvicc LocalScrviccCheaper Local LocalServiceDont Service I
I 1 I IDo
Do Dont t Cheaper Cheaperto I
1Yrltl 1YrltlTelfo to Talk Talkthan
Telfo than thanTravel I
phon phonI Travel TravelRANDLE
I I IItandlf
Handle Highlands lIigh1 1l1 is i is the th same distance di tAnC9 from from1h tromthe fromth
1h the Capitol a a5 Ihipont Qnt > fireie rce The U B BRealty tiUe 8Jtelty
Realty Ue Ity Company bn broke > kr all records in selling ee1Iin ee1Iinlath
Iota and rill ilIA sites itel tei in 1906 and broko its own ownr omrtt ownrtrd
rtt rtrd r < ml in 198T l Thi Tbii Th year r we ie expect to Mi Mimore sell sellJDOre eH eHmor
more mor property then we did in in the ih two pwrious pwriousyears J1UTioula3 prniouears
years a3 rmnbiiKd llany 31an Iany purchasers wrchasen made mad madepT W Wp Heptf
p ptf t cent M vm6t Jfit la 1ut ast t y JtarKter rcr ter onportuniUM onportuniUMthis oportnnitkthi
this thi hi yenrJots STB Th to lMton liBon sroau sma i monthlr monthlrpa motJyrarnents
pa rarnents > niem lfUt Snd for plat at and prices and free freeautomobile tnealltomoblle frreklltomobfle
automobile to see et property iruert Go out and gee geeREALTY Hetbe ee eethe
the dl fJlNOd fJlNOdU spra
I tentrI entral Xattoml aUona Bank k BnHdins BnHdinsoiHces BuHdia BuHdiaI ofldIn ofldInI
U I I S oiHces rx fonnrly 1r occupied pt by Ceo c caTf
1I I I tral National Bank 7th Pa Pai Paate
ate 11 11zHrrr iaw iawCOKE
zHrrr OoHr OoHrt
i t i COKE CO KE is reliable reliableas I + f fas
V Vas
as well as inexpensive inexpensiveJ
J Ix rAm w prices wk make liiely Ji el1 buying If It not + I Ilow
04 > low price prtee alone that causes uts the Ut te demand for forlag foret fotedge
et Coke Its u the moat satWactory a well as asthe asie
the ie most e noIItka1 twI to Ue for cook cookIng
ing Well aupply pp1y you yout yiS
S t 25 Bwhefe Large Larg Le Cok Coke okf delivered d lInredZ5 lInredZ5IJoIbek J250
4 18 Ikxeift I Liruge orge Coke C ke < dellrercd delirend3 delivered3ito S370 O
fI 0 Bowls nu Large Coke deliTertd doilveredS30 doilveredS30Rothels KM KMS JO f
S littthrls Crwiied Coke delirered tleUnrffi300 delirered300t OOO f
t 40 lloftheU hel Cnuhed Coke Col delirered deltTeredSt50 deltTeredSt50f t50
f i 60 Bushels usht15 Crushed < Ceke deUTcrtd deliTttedG50 deliTttedG50Washington delirered1L5OE 6 0 0Washington
E Washington Gaslight Co 4 + +
413 Tenth Street N W WELL Wt 4
4 +
t rr + rr rrWELL
ELL OPEN A ASavings ASavings ASavings
Savings Account Acco nt for You YouWell YouWpl1 YouWe11
Well give you ou a Check Checkfor Checkfor Cheekfor
for 1 upon receipt of 20 20Golden OGolden 20Golden
Golden Rod Sausage Cou Coupons Coupons Coupens ¬
pons This check Is to be beused beused beused
used to open a Savings Ac Account Account Account ¬
count with the United UnitedStates UnitedStatfs UnitedStates
928 La Ave N W WTit wFit WFit
Fit or No Pay PayYou Payf PayfYou
You take no risk The clothes clotheswe clothesve clotheswe
we tailor must fit fitmust must be right rightor rightor rightor
or you ou dont pay for them Every
Suiting and Overcoating in the thehouse thehouse thehouse
house at Removal Sale Prices PricesJ PricesJ PricesJ
Now at 1305 F Street StreetWill StreetWill StreetWill
Will Move to 920 14th St StPotomac StPotomac StPotomac
Potomac Electric ElectricService ElectricService ElectricService
Service Serviceenables Serviceenables Serviceenables
enables the business businessman man and andthe andthe andthe
the housewife to take take advan advantage advantag advantage ¬
tage tag of many many time and labor laborsaving Iaborsavng laborsaving
saving saving devices devicesASK deVIcesSK
213 14th St N W Wfj Wwuuu WPhe
wuuu + mmmmmuumuum mmmmmuumuumlhe
fj The FainoDn FainoDnHOOMAKER Famou Famouii PamonHOOMAKER
S Ttn TDntS years eara old old JL25 Order by phora phoraAlso n nAlso
i Also TENNESSEE 10O Bottle BottleThe H fiThe
if The Shoomaker Co CoK Co1331EstNw
K 1331 1331EstNw 1331EstNwEstablhhcd E ESt St N W WS WltllbUsbcd
S Established ISO Phone Male llSm llSmsay l ii3osaytthebarman m mummunummmZZIrlr11
ummunummmZZIrlr11 i rii riisay
say saytthebarman saytthebarmana to the barman barmana barmanUa
Ua a little mark rogers please pleaseyoull pleaseyoull pleaseyoull
youll get an anold anold anold
old Mellow eHow How whisky that refined tastes tastescan tastescan tastescan
can appreciate
Rossiter Gives Assurance He HeWill Heill Heill
MHNM 31 of Figures lU Regnrd1iig ttiMlIiip Opera Operation Operntlo Operation ¬
tion tlo of Ilii 1111 lrlntcry l rlnter have Been BeenCompiled IJeenCOJUplIcl1 BeenCompiled
Compiled nn n Inrt of the Rc Records < jorrtn or1N of ofthe orthe ofthe
the InvcHtlfcntlon In eU Rtlon and Will Ill Be Sub Submitted Sn1mlttclI Submitteil ¬
mitted to the President PresidentThe PrchlentThe Pre1dcntThe
The muchdiscussed mUChdl cussea Rossiter R lter report on onconditions onconditions
conditions in tho Government Printing PrintingOffice Printingomct PrintingOffice
Office it is l expected will Ill be in the Presi Presidents PreSldents Presidents ¬
dents hands han < ls by noon today todayWhat todIUWlmt todayWhat
What will follow is a matter of conjec conjecture conjecture C Clurc ¬
ture in many man ways 118 It may mll be taken for forgranted forgmnted forgranted
granted however that the th deposed Pub Public Public Publie ¬
lic Printer Charles A Stillings and am the theinteresting theIntcresUng theInteresting
interesting Audit udlt System Sstem of New York YorkCity YorkClt YorkCity
City Clt will stay sta put out out and that recom recommendations recommendations recommendatlons ¬
mendations for or an immediate reduction of ofrunning ofrunning ofrunning
running expenses at the G P PO O in or order order order ¬
der to minimize the deficit assuredly fac facing facIng faclog ¬
ing that institution for the fiscal year yearending yearending oor oorending
ending net June will be b bt < included Inclu ed In the thereport thcreport thereport
Four Weckn cekH Job r01 Over OverFor OcrFor OverFor
For nearly m nrb four weeks William S S Hos Hossiter nossUer Rosslier
slier and his assistant investigators have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been plying their probes with ith the skill skilland skilland skilland
and zeal of vivisectlonlsts If the th G P O Oand Oand 0and
and The Audit System still contain con ln hid hidden l1dden hidden ¬
den diseases dlscns < J it is not through hick oC oCenergy oCn ofenergy
energy n rg or or o conscienttoUBnese on the th part of ofthe ofth ofthe
the th Presidential surgeons surgeonsHuge aurgt urgeonaHuge > OnB OnBHuge
Huge columns of figures and masses ma5S m S of ofdata ofdata ofdata
data have been been collected sorted over overand oerand overand
and compiled into statistics Something Somethinglike SomthlngUkI Somothtnglike
like 15000 l OOO words of typewritten explana explanation frplnnAtJon explanation ¬
tion will accompany the statistics 5tlU UCS on ontheir ontheir ontheir
their journey to the White HOUR for forPresidential forPrC8ll1enthll forPrcklential
Presidential consumption consumptionAHRuraiice consumptionuranc consumptionAiiszrnnee
AHRuraiice uranc of Report Today TortnyRossiters Toln TolnRosslters TodayRossiters
Rossiters personal investigations were werecompleted warecompllteel werecompleted
completed several days da 5 ago His H time timehas Umohas thnohas
has been since then mainly occupied in incojnplllng jne n ncOjflplling
cojnplllng e cOjflplling npUins Information into presentable presentableform presentableform presentsbloform
form for his report port The report of the thethree Utethree thethree
three experts on the purchase of supplies suppliesunder suppliesunder suppliesunder
under the Stillings and Audit System Systemregime 51stemre Systemreimc
regime re 1mc was finished ftnl 5bed < yesterday and turned turnedover turnodovO turnedover
over to Rossiter in the evening eveningRossiter eenln eenlnRossiter eveningRossiter
Rossiter and his assistants stuck to totheir tothltr totheir
their posts until late last night They Theyhad TIUYhall Theyhad
had determined d lormlned to finish their UicIr work by bythe bjtho bythe
the end of tho month At a late hour last lastnight lastnhht lastnight
night it was announced announcel the report would wouldassuredly woulda woulda2suredly
assuredly a ureb be finished and AII submitted to the thePresident thePro thePreeldent
President Pro ldent today todayA t day dayA
A summary of the complete report will willalso willalso ill illalso
also be sent Copies of o this this it Is ex expected exptCtcd cxpeeted ¬
pected will be bemade made public by b the Presi President Presld President ¬
dent d > nt tonight tonightIt
It now seems certain although no oft official onIrial oftelal ¬
cial confirmation can be b obtained that thatRossltors thatRossltors thatRossiters
Rossltors report will not close the in investigations Investigations Investigations ¬
vestigations To whatever extent Stillings Stillingsmay SUlUngsmn Stillingsmay
may mn be personally exonerated it to the thegeneral Utegeneral thegeneral
general belief that The Audit System will willfind willfind 111 111find
find itself under the probe of a u special specialcommission specialcommission specialcommission
commission or in communication with the theoffice theom theoffice
office om > of the United Gnfte States district attor attorney attorney attorney ¬
ney neyHEEMEN neyFIR
VnterTrnKon Pledpre Recommended RecommendedChief RecomnlcnrlcrlI Ii ecommen dod
I Fire Chief ChletChief ChiefChief
Chief Belt of tho local fire department departmenthas
has called to the attention of the Com Commlssionorp Commlssioner Cornmissioneri
mlssionorp the increasing number of cases casesof casesof casesof
of overindulgence In Intoxicating liquors liquorsby liquorsb liquorsby
by b members of the fire department departmentIn
In view Iew of the inadeciuacy Inadequac of present presentregulations presentregulations presentregulations
regulations Chief Belt recommends that thathereafter thathcroottcr thathereafter
hereafter all applicants for or employment employmentin
in th the > fire department be required to tomake tomake tomake
make affidavit they have not indulged in inspirituous InspirItuous inspirltuou8
spirituous or intoxicating liquors for at atleast atlenst atleast
least six months prior to the flllng of ap applications IppJlcations applications ¬
plications for or appointment and to sign a apledge apledge apledge
pledge promising to totally abstain from fromintoxicating fromIntoxicating fromintoxicating
intoxicating liquors lI 1uors < for a period of five flvayears fivecnrs fiveyears
years cnrs from the date of appointment with withthe withthe withthe
the understanding that any violation will willresult willresult willresult
result In immediate dismissal d mls ol without withouttrial withouttrial withouttrial
trial trialThese trialThese trialThese
These recommendations recommen ations met with 1th the thehearty theheArty thehearty
hearty approval of Commissioner Macfar Macfarland Macfarlana Macfarland
Will Succeed Col IJrunh IJrunhCol DrUJebCot BruMhCol
Col William Paulding formerly a lieu lieutenant lieutenant lieutenant ¬
tenant colonel of the th Eighteenth EI htcenth Infan Infantry InfantIT Infantry ¬
try will succeed Col Daniel H Brush as ascolonel 8Scolonol aseolonol
colonel of the Twentyfourth Twent rourth Infantry Infantrywhich In Infantrywhich rM tn tnwhich
which Is now on its W8 wy v y from the Philip Philippine PhlUpphe Philippie ¬
pine Islands to the United States Col ColBrush CotBrush ColBrush
Brush was recently promoted romoted to the rank rankof rankof rankof
of brigadier general and will probably probablybe probablbe probablyb
be b assigned to the command comman of the De Department Department Dopartment ¬
partment of the Columbia The Twenty Twentyfourth Twcn Twcnfourth Twentyfourth
fourth Infantry Intantr Is one of the negro regi regiments regiments regimeats ¬
ments in the army arm and will be assigned assignedto nsslshedto
to Fort Ontario near Oswego and Madi Madison Madison Iadl Iadlson ¬
son Barracks near Watertown N Y YI YHnult YIIauIt
I Haupt LOKCH Io HIM Cane CaneJustice CnllcJustice CaseJustice
Justice Gould yesterday rendered an anopinion anopInion anopinion
opinion dismissing the bill filed by Lewis LewisM AwlsI LewisM
M I Haupt for an Injunction against Sec Secretary Sccretn Seeretary ¬
retary retn of War Taft and Goo Mackenzie Mackenziechief lrnckenzlechief Mackenziechief
chief of engineers U S A to prevent preventthem proventthem preventthem
them from prosecuting certain river and andharbor andharbor andharbor
harbor Improvements at Aransas Pass PassTex PassTex PassTax
Tex Haupt alleged that the War Var Depart Departments Dcpartmenes Departments ¬
ments plan contemplated the use or a asystem asstem asystem
system of jottles on which hleh he held a apatent apatent apatent
patent and before they tho could use It Itlegally Itlegally Itlegally
legally he contended he should be com compensated compensated cornpensated ¬
Body nod Sent to Xcrarl Scnrl7The XcrarlThe cwark cwarkThe
The remains of Rev Re Fdther F ther Peter Cata Catallni Catalini Catalid
llni lid who died dlc yesterday yesterda morning at the theEmergency theEmergenc theEmergency
Emergency Hospital were sent to his hisformer histormer hisformer
former home In East Newark N J yes yesterday yesterdllY yesterday ¬
terday afternoon Father Catalinl was wason wason wason
on a trip through the South In the Inter Interest Interest Interest ¬
est of his church and stopped over at atWashington atT3Shlngton atWashIngton
Washington for sightseeing He was wastaken vastaken wastaken
taken 111 at the Raleigh Hotel Satur Saturday Saturdar Saturday ¬
day last and was as removed remove to the hos hospital hosplt11 lionpital ¬
pital where he died of cerebral hemor hemorrhage Jlemorrhage Itemorrhage ¬
EftcapeM a U Paupers Grave GraveThe GrnTefhe Gracefhe
fhe body boa of Peter Stohl the Nor Norwegian Norwegian Norwegfan ¬
wegian wegian who committed suicide at the theHomeward theHomeward theHomeward
Homeward Bound Mission 119 Pennsyl Pennsylvania PennsylvanIa Pennsylvanla ¬
vania avenue is still at the th morgue S SH SH SH
H Hines in order to prevent prev nt the body bodygoing bodjgoing bodygoIng
going to a paupers grave has advised advisedthe advisedthe advisedthe
the commander of the mission Mrs Jen Jennie Jennie Jennb ¬
nie nb Haslnm that he will provldo the thegrave thegrave thegrave
grave The mission workers are endeav endeavoring cndeaoring endeavoring ¬
oring to collect 20 to purchase a coffin coffinDependable 1otflnDtunfln1p coffinfle11cniaiile
Dependable Rubber Goods at Lowest
1 Prices The Rubber Store 933 F at at nw nwAVonld nWouId nwWould
Would ouId Erect Steel Shed SbednIn ShedIn SbedcIn
In order to provide convenience to tofarmers tolarmers tofarmers
farmers and customers an Item of 40000 40000will 40000will 40000 40000will
will be Included in the estimates of the theDistrict theDistrict theDistrict
District to Congress to be used In the theerection theerecUon theerection
erection of steel portable market sheds In InHaymarket 1nHamarket inHaymarket
Haymarket Square from Tenth street to toTwelfth toTw toTwelfth
Twelfth Tw 1tth street and from B street to Lit Little Little Littie ¬
tle B street northwest northwestTaft northwestTart northwestTaft
Taft COCK to New England EnglandSecretary EnglandSecretary EnglandSecretary
Secretary Taft will leave eae here this aft afternoon afternoon at t ternoonfor ¬
ernoon ernoonfor for New York York where he will II make makean makean makean
an address before the bar association to tonight tonlsht tonight ¬
night He goes 0 5 from New ew York to New NewEngland NewEn6land NowEngland
England He will speak in Springfield and andFitchburg andFitchburg andFitchburg
Fitchburg Mass on Monday and will willaddress wl1laddress willaddress
address the Republican R publlcan Club of Boston BostonTuesday BostonTuesdl BostonTuesday
Tuesday Tuesdl evening inG
SaturdaysOffering SaturdaysOffering Saturdays SaturdaysOffering
Offering OfferingWith
With ith today ends our Feb February Fbrunry February ¬
ruary WindUp Vindl1 Sale We e are areoffering areotrfring areoffering
offering a Massive Golden Oak OakExtension OakExtN1Rlon OakExtension
Extension Table 6foot size sizewith slzpwith sizewith
with heavy carved legs Spe Special Sp Specia ¬
cial cia ial price only I
785 785When
I When in Doubt Buy of ofHouse ofHouse olHouse
House Herrmann Herrmann7lh
7th and Eye Streets StreetsNorthwest StreetsNorthwest StreetsOFFICERS
Northwest NorthwestOFFICERS NorthwestOFFICERS
Joint Installation of ofG Q A II IIand It Itand ILand
and W V K ii C CME Ca CHR
School of IntrlotiKin IK His IIi Xnme Xnmefor Xnmetor nuic nuicfor
for Meetings Jleetln of Veteran OrffniilKtt OrffniilKttHOIIN OrJnlllzu1JolI OrgniiizailoiisJohn
HOIIN 1JolI iloiisJohn John S Vnlkrr mid Emma EmJllnJ Emmaty4jt
1 < 5 Xevr e1hln < ui Ness Xe Commander ConnnnndcrEn ConnnnndcrEnthu4inlIt ContinandcrsEnIliusinpirn 12n 12ntliuMintm
tliuMintm nnd nUl Flower In Profusion ProfusionCheer ProtulClonCkeetS IrofusionCkeers
Cheer CkeetS Hags i1ag waving vinS and flowers in inprofusion InprofuSIon Inprotuglon
profusion characterized the t e installation installationlost InstaUationIMt InstallationIMI
lost nlgJit at G A R Hall oC the recently recentlyelected rec recentlyelected ftUJ ftUJelccted
elected officers of tJto tie Jto Departments D Jlu1JDents of the thePotomac UlePotomac thePotowac
Potomac Grand Gntn Army of the Republic Republicand Rpu Republicand lie lieana
and Womans onuuas Relief Corps CorpsThe CorpsThe CorpsThe
The ceremonies were conducted before beforegathering berm a agathering a agathering
gathering that filled the hall and over overflowed ocrfiowed overflowed ¬
flowed the corridor There were present presentmembers prM4fttmembers presentmembers
members of almost all 11 the military and andauxiliary UK1auxiliary andauxiliary
auxiliary societies in the District DistrictOn DlstrletOn DiStrictOn
On the stage were w many leaders past pastand HI8tand pastand
and present of both organizations The Thenwin Theziialat fltenudlt
nwin address was delivered by Repre RepresenUUive RepresentaUve Reprosentative
senUUive Hull of Iowa who served in the thesame thesame thesame
same regiment with John S So Walker the thenew Utenew thenew
new department commander commanderDrexMed colBlDJUlerDreeel commanderDressed
DrexMed In White AVhlteAn WhiteAn VhJteAn
An open Opt space was reserved In front of ofthe orthe ofthe
the stage guarded by members of the theWomans tileWomnns theWomans
Womans Relief Corps dressed fat white whiteand iv1i1teand ialte ialteand
and bearing lags On a platform in the themain tilemain themain
main aisle sat th t tho senior seniorvice vice eotnmaftdere eotnmaftdereof comnaaderaof erc ercor
of the two organizations organtzaUon Between them themand themand themand
and the stage Ra was the table hearing beart S the theBible theDible theBible
Bible on which each of the new officers officerstook omcentook olliceretook
took the oath of allegiance allegianceCot ntlgtalleeCol allegianceCot
Cot Cot George H IL Slayboygh SII bOJSb > and Mrs MrsMatilda Mrsj1IaUlda MrsMatilda
Matilda R R ILSprsguo Sprague past department com commanders coatmanders co coinanders ¬
manders of their respective organizations organizationsofficiated orsaalza orsaalzaofl1eJated orgaidsatienaofficiated
officiated as installing ofilcera ofilceraRepresentative ofllcenUepr05entaUve oflicotsitepreisentUve
Representative Hulls address was wa a aeulogy aeulogy aeulogy
eulogy of Commander Walker Talkr and a atribute atI1bute atribute
tribute to the Grany GraD Army of the Re Republic Re Republic Republic ¬
public and theN the theVomans Vomans Relief Corps CorpsThe C CThe CorpsThe
The speaker said such meetings were wereschools wereschools ere ereschools
schools of patriotism pat oU8m These e organisa organisations organtaalions organisalions ¬
lions and others of similar character he hesaid bestUd hesaid
said were educating the nation tlen in inpatriotic InpatriOtic Inpatriotic
patriotic devotion and giving assurance assurancethat assurancethat asenrancethat
that every evcr star would remain a fixture in inthe 1 1the Inthe
the flag
Would ou1 Extend Iowa Law LjtwThe Lnwlbe LawThe
The speaker comme cqmnlosied mI1leHIed > ded the proposed proposedbill pro probill proposedbill
bill appropriating WJM 60 6O for the Soldiers Soldiersand Soldiersnnd Soldiersand
and Sailors Home He wished that a law lawof lawof lawof
of the th State tate of Iowa which provides that thatno thatno thatno
no old soldier shall sb tll be seat to the poor poorhouse poorhDuso poorhouse
house of a paupers p paqpers pers grave e could be made madea
a Federal statpte statpteDelegates stat1teDelegates statjiteDelegates
Delegates from the various branches branchesof
of the G A R R Woman s Relief Corps CorpsSons COI1SSons CorpsSons
Sons and Daughters of Veterans Spanish SpanishWar SpanishWar Dlsn Dlsnar
War ar Veterans and similar organizations organizationspresented organfzstJonsp organizationspresented
presented p nted the new ne officers of with bouquets bouttuetsMrs bfMHttMtslIrs bouquetsMrs
Mrs Ball retiring commander of the theWomans UleTornnns theWomans
Womans Relief Corps was presented as asis asIs asis
is the custom with a i a gold service medal medalIn medalIn medalIn
In addition the members of o her council councilgave COuncilgave uneII uneIIgave
gave her a cut glass punch bowl with withglasses v1tbsIassos withglasses
glasses and silver ladle ladleOfficer lalileOrfIcerC ladleOfficers
Officer Installed InstalledThe IUltnllcflThe InstalledThe
The officers Installed were as follows followsGra followsGm followsOrsed
Gra Orsed d d Army of the RepUeJolm S S Walker WalkerdejMTtmcnt Watk Watkdt1M1rlment WaPkndepsrtment <
dejMTtmcnt commander B R l H HolhrooJc lIo1 senior eMTtre seniorttce eMoerice <
rice commander II A Johnson junior rice immauler com comn commalute
n mauler u ler Iter C W V Galkgb GalJa Gallagher ller r dupUn paiu Dr A K KJolmfoo HJolmFOO EJoItnon
Jolmfoo rawiicil director 0 II Oklrofd snidest atsistantadjutant ueYtaDtadj snidestadpitant
adjutant adj ant general Francis I McKenna McKtm assistant assistantquartcrmaitter anOtastquartermaster lbat lbatq
quartermaster q rttrtDUter general I George G P Dark jade de adto adtocat lchoeat adrorate
cat eat K l1Jeral neral John G 3ajmard eynsd rd chief daleloWeer imutrrinc imutrrincofflcxr sesterki sesterkioflicer
offlcxr E E L C Doagberty Iwpeeter Jllle A S Perfeun Perfeunpatriotic PnMm1JI PeeMznpatriotic
patriotic 1JI trlotic instructor instructorWonmns lnetraetnrWomells loMrsctorWomans
Wonmns Relief CotfeEmma Emma L L Xerrteo twist president JIftIIdent twistdent ¬
dent Gertrude Morgan Meter vie IC prsid presidest ttld Bt t EmMa BnataKibta EmMaKn BassaKIbb
Kibta Kn Junior rice iee President Nera cn B Atkinson Atkinsontreasurer AtttoeoDtreasurer Atkissoatreasurer
treasurer Edith S Emerson chaplaIn Hester HeMerWIIIan N NWyroaii NWjznan
Wyroaii Same C Mfller I ler Emily Emil FrisMe FriIIeUorlaD41t Xettte XettteUortawly NetUeltorkn4lt
Uortawly and fld Martha 3lcKthk MeKlnky eKlnl executive ex tlnt board boardJulia boardJulia boerdJnlia
Julia Mason awn layton secretary ecr t217 rr Jan Jane Bridobam in inspector I Ispector Isapaser ¬
spector Margaret R T Tow w connsetor J Emma EmmaEran EmmaErana
Eran patriotic instrnctnr instrn a Ida Gcxxlbeart inspect inspectinff 1nsJCCti inspectlog I
log i and installation officer ocer Margaret J Gallaber Gallaberpress GallaherVresli Gatlahirpress
press correspondent correspondentDemnndx COl11lPOndcntDemnnd cornspondcntDemanda
Demnndx 9 > > OOO Damages Dnmn DamagesJames Dnmnarc1James e eJames
James A Anderson yesterday instituted institutedsuit Instlt instItttedsuit ted tedsuit
suit to recover from the Anacostla and Po Potomac Potomac P0tomac ¬
tomac River Railroad Company 5000 3080 0t0 dam damages damages darnages ¬
ages for or an assault which he alleges was wascommitted wnscommitted wascommitted
committed on hlfh by b a conductor and andmotorman lndmotorman andmotorman
motorman employed by the company on onFebruary onFebruary
0 February IS at Ninth and G streets An Anderson Andorson Andemon ¬
demon sots forth that just before reaching reachingNinth ToochlngNInth reachingNinth
Ninth and O streets he repeated a request requestfor requCBtfor requestfor
for a transfer The conductor he states statescalled stntesoa1led statescalled
called the motorman and they seized ize An Anderson Anderson Artdemon ¬
derson and ejected him himThe him11It himrue
The Bc Best ct of Everything ETe tJllu In Rubber RubberGoods Ruh1erGoods RubberGoods
Goods at The Rubber RubberStore Store 933 F nw nwTo nwTo nwTo
To Tenets MnihcnmttCR nt Annapolis AnnapolisAsaph AnnnpolblAsaph AnnapolisAsaph
Asaph Hall son of the late Prof Asaph AsaphHall ASaphHalt AsaphHall
Hall formerly formerlo a professor of mathemat mathematics mathematIcs mathematics ¬
ics at the United States Naval a31 Academy Academyhas Acaaem Acaaemhas Academyhas
has been b n appointed a professor of mathe mathematics mathematics mathematles ¬
matics at the Naval aal Academy Academ at Annapo Annapolis Annapolis Annapo11g ¬
lis vice Ice E K Rawson who was as retired retiredon retiredon
on February 2L 21 Prof Hall Is professor professorof
of mathematics at the University or orMichigan orMichJgan orMichigan
Michigan MichiganTo MichJganro
ro Command nt League Island IslandCapt blnndCapt IslandCapt
Capt Bradley A Fiske has been de detached detache detaehed ¬
tached from duty du In charge of the naval navalrecruiting naalrecruiting navalrecruiting
recruiting station at New York City and andordered andordered andordered
ordered to the League Island Navy NaVYard NaVYardCor Yard Yardfor Yardfor
for duty as captain of that yard yar He will willbe willb willbe
be b succeeded m > n charge of the th recruiting recruitingstation recruitingstation recruitingstation
station by Commander J C Gilmore GllmoreWatch Gl1moreVatch GilmoreWatch
Watch for or a cityHandle Highlands HighlandsI HighlandsPurest HighlandsPurest HighlandsPurest
Purest and Best BestLIVE BestLIVE
The Th Olive ou > Oil WE offer oer Is Ismade ismade ismade
V made in Glen Olive 011 > Cali California California Callfornia ¬
fornia It Is recognized as asthe asthe asthe
the best Olive Oil made madeBottle madeettle madeott1e
Bottle ettle 1 iCMS 1CHAS 1tuA
vI Co 7357th3tnW 7357th3tnWPhono 7357tftAWau
au flRH pPhesoM273 Phono M 273S
R Has as No No o Chance of Passage PassageSenators PassageSenators PassageSenators
Senators Declare DeclareOPPONENTS DeclareOPFONENTS DeclareOPPONENTS
1I Have e Enough Strength They IheSn IheSnto Say Snyto Sayto
to Relegate ReJe ate It Finally 1lnaU to the Scrap ScrapHeap Sera SeraI1eaPScnntc ScrapheapSenate >
Heap I1eaPScnntc Scnnic District Committee CommitteeFavors CommitteeFnor5 ConimitteeFayors
Favors Alloirlnsr Allowi ng TaUonia Inrk InrkTraction InrkTraction IitrkTraction
Traction Line to Enter District DistrictThe DlJltrfcThe DistrictThe
The Dolllver sehool bill proposing to toreorganize toreorganIze toreorganize
reorganize the administration of tho pub public public publie ¬
lic schools sc ools of the District will prob probably probably probably ¬
ably be called up for consideration dur during durInb during ¬
ing the coming week by Senator Burkett Burkettwho Burkettwho Burkettwho
who la in charge of the bill but the con consensus consensus consensus ¬
sensus of opinion among Senators is isthat Isthat isthat
that while a vote on the th thb1l1 bill may t > o se secured se secured necured ¬
cured It will be simply through the de desire de desIre desire ¬
sire of thos those who oppose the bill to give giveit 110it giveit
it a permanent p rmanent quietus which tney tne have haveno hacno haveno
no doubt they are sufficient in numbers numbersto
to do doWhile doWhile doWhile
While it has been discovered that the theChair U1eChair theChair
Chair erred in sustaining Senator Nel Nelsons Nelsons NdsoR ¬
sons soR s point of order against the bill on onThursday onTllursda onThursday
Thursday Tllursda and that therefore there is isnothing IsDOUting isnothing
nothing to deter det r Senator Burkett from fromsecuring fromsecurIng fromsecuring
securing a vote ote on on tho question of taking takingup taklngup takingup
up the UJ bill for consideration con ldcraUon the Sena Senators Senntors Senatorn ¬
tors who are most violently opposed oppm ed to tothe tothe tothe
the measure mea8ur declar that to take ad advantage adIIDtngt advantage ¬
vantage of Otis right will simply be to toInvito toInvite
Ute defeat del at of the th bML till It is the theopinion thoopinion theopinion
opinion of many mRn Senators who sro not notpersDnatt notpersonaliy
personally favoring or opposing the bill billthat bllithat billthat
that It has absolutely absolute no chance ch nce of pass paesIng passing
Ing the th present Congress CongressIleport CongressJtcltort CongressReport
Report Two District Bill BillTho DIUThe BIlls BIllsThe
The Senm Committee on tjie District of ofColumbia orI ofColumbia
I Columbia yesterday Yosterd at its regular r gular weekly weeklymeeting1 wo weeklymeeting kJJ kJJmeeting
meeting voted ot to fornbl1 favorably report two twobills tobWa
bills which have been pending before that thatcommittee thateomlbUte thatcommittee
committee and to reter another bill to a asubcommittee asubconmllUee asubconmiittee
subcommittee for investigation investigationAs
As A n result of the mooting Senator SenatorWfcyto SU8torfJt SenatorWityte
Wfcyto fJt te later in the day 1 reported to the theSenate theSenate theSenate
Senate with a recommendation tat It Upass ItJJII Itpass
pass JJII his bill proposing to authorize the theBaltimore theBaltimore theBaltimore
Baltimore and Washington Transit Com Company ComJ8 CornIany ¬
pany J8 to enter th tbto District of o Columbia ColumbiaThe ColumbiaTIle Columbiarhe
The report accompanying the Mil states auteethat statestb8t statesthat
that a a similar measure moo aura passed e the House HouseIn HOUfeIn Housein
In the Flftjrnlnih Congress Had that It Itis ItLq Itis
is considered of importance Import o that th u bill billbe billI billbe
I be Anally tmn acted upon Tho proposed pre posed cx cxtension x xI
I tension te SI it to stated will not only on secure securejnore CftIUmere seencemore
jnore mere direct communication with 1th Takoam TakoamPark Takomabut TakonsaPrk
Park but it will band up and 04 improve improvethe Improvethe prove provethe
the section through which it will pose poseTile pansThe
Tile bill has the Indorsement of the thomls61onon torn tJommteeitonors tornmisslonors
mteeitonors and also of oCtlte the TakomS Park ParkBrlghtwood ParkBrtJhtwood ParkBrlghtwood
Brlghtwood and Woodburn Citizens as associations 8I assoclatlons ¬
I sociations Uo I ITo ITo
To Dt Define ne Cord of Wood WoodSenator WoodSenator ooel ooelI
Senator Galllnger reported with a asimilar atmllar asimilar
similar recomn r reeomwendaton meBd1km ndatton th the House bill hillproposing billproposing billproposing
proposing to deftne Ute legal size ze of a acord Ilcord acord
cord of wood In the District the proposed proposedlogal JkGpoeeclJogal proposedlegal
legal size to be 113 cubic feet which w lch the thereport tAereport thereport
report states is the standard recognized recognizedIn rceo ed edIn
In most of the States This bill has passed passedthe pusedtbe passedthe
the House HouseThe HouseTbQ HouseThe
The bill proposing to authorize the Dis District District District ¬
trict Commissioners to issue duplicates duplicatesof
of official papers which hav have boon b a lost lostor lostor lastor
or destroyed was referred to a subeom subcommittee subeommltto subeommittee ¬
mittee composed eomp i of C Senators Gamble OtuD la and andBurkett aAdBurkett andBurkett
Burkett for Investigation and import importLimits reportLimits port portlhnlt4
Limits Price I > rlce of Gas GnnRepresentative Gn GnItepre GasRepresentative
Representative Itepre entatlye Cajy yesterday y tft ltJ Intro Introduced latroduecd Introduced
duced a a bill In the House providing
the Ut price of gas m the District ef Colum Columbia Columbia ColumNa
bia shall not exceed SO cents per thou thousand thoosnd thousand
sand cubic feet The bill provides
this provision is to take effect on and andafter aDdafter andafter
after May lay 1 IMS IMSA BOSA
A bill to amend the act relating to
erection of lire escapes P08 on buildings
the District was ias Introduced by b Repre Representative Reprcse Reproaentativo ¬
sentative se taUo Caulflold CauJ oId by 1J request It pro provides provides provides ¬
vides that each elevator shaft and stair stairway stalrW8 stairway
way W8 extending xt ndln6 to the basement ba ement of
building mentioned in section live of
present law shall terminate in a fire fireproof ft ftproof Oreproof
proof compartment or lndosur < sep separating soparating fp fparatlng
arating the elevator shaft and the
from the other thor parts of the building
no opening shall be made in I such svehpartment com compartment cornpartment ¬
partment unless it be provided with self selfclosing seltcloslns selfclosing
closing fireproof doors and that the ole elevator ole1Ltor olevator
vator shaft shall extend to and
the roof and terminate with the sky skylight s s1fght sk sklight
light xindow doors ar r means of o ven ventilation ventunUon vestfilatlon
tilation filatlonExcept I IExcept IEccpt
Except stores and warehouses wa reltO uses
buildings bull lnss which are ure denned efined under und r
building regulations r < of the District to
fireproof are exempt exempt5 from the requirements
ments of this act as to t 1 fire escapes
signs lights and alarm gongs gongsThief gongsThier gongsThief
Thief Uses Knife Knff 10 < o Steal Bag DaeAn DUJAn BagAn
An unidentified negro cut a
from the wrist of of1lrs Sirs J R Cogran
119 Fifteenth street southeast while
was shopping In a crowded
store early yesterday morning Mrs MrsCogran MrsCogran Irs IrsCogran
Cogran did not learn of her loss until untilsome untilsome untilsome
some minutes after the thief had
his escape Tho purse contained 4
cash a quantity quantlt of car tickets keys ke s
I calling cards The bag itself was
ut A 13 13A 1 1A A AA
A life of the < he Int late acGov exGo Daniel H HChamberlain llChamberlain IIChamberlain
Chamberlain of South Carolina being
preparation his son will be indebted
any 11 persons possessing letters of
from him It they will kindly kind send them
Paul C Chamberlain 10
Square London W V C England
utmost discretion will be exercised
their use and care In returning them
soon as copies can n be made madeLOCAL madeLOCAL madeLOCAL
To Fort Monroe onroe Norfolk Newport Xe t News and all tilpoints aUpofnu allpoints
points South SouiliSorfolk Norfolk aid Washiastoa rtsamen rtsamenerery mnmenCTeIY etraineriCTeIT
erery exenlcj CC2J in the year at 630 630To 631To 6 6To
To Roc Rock Creek Bridge Bri Zoological Park CbetJ CbetJChase CheY1Chu hey heyChase
Chase and KrnJinirton KtlUinrtotlCars Can tram Fifteenth street streetand atrectand streetand
and New ew York amine every fifteen minutes minutesTo minutesTo mlzmteaTo
To Alexandria A1exmdrbFeny Feny steamer Lackairanna cray ereryhour tTer1hour crayhour
hour and a half from 6 a m m to 6 p V m mTo m mTo mTo
To Fort Hy Myer r Arlington National Cmcl Cemetery Cemefff1alls CemeteryFails ry ryFalls
Falls alls Church and Fairfax Court House llouseCars Can from fromTwelfth
Twelfth street and Pennsylvania avenue and Aauedact Sqneduct
duct Bridce BridceOne nrlktOnc BddgrOne
One Loaf of or f Schneiders Malt JInItDreac1 MaltBread Inlt InltDrend
Bread Will VII1 CoaTiace You YonThat YouThat YouThat
That It deserves a permanent place
your table No other bread combines such sucha
a measure of deliciousness and nourish nourishment nourlshI nourishment
ment Made with modern factiltli > s
I insure purity purlt and cleanliness Ask
grocer for Schneiders uMal1 Malt Bread 5c 5c35c 5c 5cr 5cJ c c3e
35c J e Golden GoJd s Cro Crown m Coffee Co < e 21c 21cSOc 21eSOc le leZOc
SOc coffee 19c 25c Z c coffee lie 20c coffee coffee13c corree13Yc coffee13c
13c lOc cocoa Sc 25 nutmegs nutme 5c 5c J T TD tD i iD
D Pyles P les 11 Stores Including 214 H st stmv stn stSentenced stnw
mv n
Sentenced to Penitentiary PenitentiaryJustice Penltel1t1nr1JusU PenitentiaryJustice
Justice JusU Stafford yesterday sentenced sentencedDaniel sontenced sontencedDaniel eontencedDaniel
Daniel Abbott a negro to serve twelve twelveyears tweheyears twelveyearn
years In the penitentiary Abbott was wasconvicted wnscomicted wasconvicted
convicted of manslaughter in causing the thedeath thedeath thedeath
death of James Brown a negro negroParlHBiraa negroParlJJBh negroPartasima
ParlHBiraa ParlJJBh a Superior Rye Whisky WI1IAtyRipe WhiskyRipe VhInUyBIpe
Ripe with age and of the mellowest de deWm deelopment development
elopment A whisk whisky or medIcInal value valueWm valueWm
Wm Cannon 1225 7th at sL Phone N 62S 62SFearaHn 521FeJraII 523Fegaas
FearaHn Granvlllc Gr l1le Rye RyeIs RyeIs RyeIs
Is the purest and best medicinal whisky whiskyen whisk whiskGn
en the th market Physicians recommend It ItPhone It ItPhone ItPhone
Phone Main 082Joseph P Pe Fean an 405 4059th 4059th 405th
9th th fit at nw nwor nwfor for a full uJ1 Qt Jl delivered deliveredGreat deliveredGreat eliveredGrat
Great Bear Spring Sr1 Water 4 Gal G Gals 5fc Wc
Offices 704 Oi nth st st Phont P11on Slain 3SW 3Zi
Library of Congress Co CongressOpen Open 9 a m to 10 1 p m IlL on onsecular C Csecular I Isecular
secular days da from rota 2 p Po m m to 10 p m m on Sondsyi Sondsyiccd bUm51ILtd I
Ltd nd on certain aoUdiys aoUdiysPublic coildaysPublic
Public Litany Libru1opm Open 9 a a m to 9 p p m m holidays hoUd bOU1U310am i
10 10am > m m to tol3pmSmdaye2to10p 13 p V m i Sundays 1l1 2 to 10 p m mExecjtire IlL mExecjtive I
Execjtire Jlinsion 311rWon1u Opu 10 i EI to 2 p p m mDnlted mUnited I
United States Capitol Caplto1Open Open 9 a m In to 430 C p Po m mUnited tn tnUnltrd 15United
United States Treasury I TrecanryOpen Open 9 2 a m m to 2 p V m mState m mState mState
State War Var and Nary DeparUnent DepartmentlOpen Opcn 9 a a m mo m mto
to o 2 r i m IlL The The original Declaration of Tndcpend Tndcpendenc lndcpcndenca
m enca enc is in the library of the State Department DspartmentUnited DllPllrtmentUnited DepartmentUnited
United States Patent Office OIDceOpen Open 9 a m m to topm topm 2 2p
p pm pmUnited pmUnited m mUnited
United States Pension Bureau BuresuOpen Open 9 a a c Co to i iP ip 4p
P m mUnited mUnited inUnited
United States PoitofficeOpen POltom Open 9 a a m m to 2 p Po m mWashington m mWUhfnltOD inathjngton
Washington athjngton City PostofflcsOpen Postofttc Open = all hours The TheD TheDud TheDad
D Dud d Letter OlOee Q5J it > In tfc ho city postoffice postofficeNational poitO5treNational
National Botanic GaideaOpcn S SL 1 m In to 5 51 p m mPish mFIsh inFish
FIsh CGmmW1ozopen Commizstco Commis ica0pen 9 a m m to 120 p a aAnay mArm inAnsr
Anay Arm Medical MuseumOpen 9 a m to to 430 < D p Po m mNational m mNational isNational
National Museum 31useumOpen Open 9 a m m miO to 420 30 p m m in inclndtojj IDcll1 Inc1ndth
cll1 c1ndth clndtojj lDlt holiday holidayfSmithsonian
Smithsonian insritntira InstitutionOpen Open 9 a a n c to 130 I p pm p pm pin
m m including iadud1D holidays holidaysAgricultural h helidaysAriniltural
Agricultural Department DepartmentOpen Open 9 a m m to 430 i n V p m mBureau m mBureau inDurcau
Bureau of Ensuring and ilintlncOpen l > 9 a m mto m mto into
to 230 3 p m mWashington mW inWashington
Washington W on Menomcnt fWtt feet In heightOpen beightOpens
830 s a n m > to 130 I > p p m m Elcrator runs tram 9 9m a am
m until 1 p V m mCorcoran mConoraa inCoreoran
Corcoran Gallery of ArtOpen 850 I a m m to 4 p pm V Vm Pin
m m in in winter winteri 9 a m to 4 p p m m In rammer Sun Sundays SandaTl30 Sundaya130 ¬
days daTl30 130 p ra m to S p Po m tn excepting exce in midturn midturnmer midawnmEP inid4iflflme
mer me Admission free on Tueday Thursday Thur ThUId2 Sat Satnrdays hoturdays t tnrda1s
nrdays and Sundays ether days 2Sc 5c admission admissionGoreniment adcI adcIGOtnlment adinisSiOnGorerument
Goreniment Printing Printin Office OJllieOpen Open 10 a II m m to t 2 2p 2p 2p
p m mNary m mNa7 inNaryYardipe9a
Nary NaryYardipe9a YardOpen 9 a m m to o 530 p Po pm pmSauthworui la laSoulhworth m mSouthworth
Soulhworth Cottage 26th th at at and Prospect Proc areIN areIN are ntIN
Zoological Zool l ParkOpen all day dareRock
Rock Creec Bridge and Park ParkChcty PukeChCTJ ParkChery
Chcty Chase Kensington and Chesapeake Beach BeachNaval nt3clJNanl BeachNaral
Naval Observatory Ob5cnlLtorrpen Open I a m m to 3 p V m mMount m mMOUDt inMonnt
Mount Vernou the heme and tomb c d Wa WatonopsD WashingtonOpsn Washing Washington ¬
ton tonopsD Optn 11 a m m to 4 p m mArlington m mArlfnton inArlington
Arlington Natfoad CemeterrOptn etuTOpm all day dayFbrt dayFort dayFort
Fort Myer Military Post PostFalls 1 IstFalls > 1JSt 1JStVaUs
Falls Church and Fainax Court House UouseUnited IlmieUuited
United States Soldiers Hwae HamoO HoneOpen Open D 0 a m m mwDlet to toearner toeunice
earner wDletCath euniceCathtdral
Cuthtdral Cath ral Ground TennallyUnra road r coedOpen dOpen dOpena Open a aa 5amto6pm
a a amto6pm amto6pmCabin m to t06vm t06vmCabin S p m mCabin
Cabin John Bridgr B id = idgr Catholic University and andAlexandria aJdA1euudri2 andAlexandria
Alexandria AlexandriaOrtat A1euudri2Urnt Alexandriadent
dent Falls la cf the Poturac PoturacASK PotaracASK PotasracASK
ASK AN EXTENSION OF HE HEEailroads TIMERailroads Tll1BRailroads
Railroads Unable to Comply with withTelegraphers withTelegraphers withTelegraphers
Telegraphers Ninehour Law LawSome LawoUle LawSome
Some oUle Sny Sn They Tbe Are Unnl Bauble l to near nearthe Denrthe Beartue
the Expense EXICnCJccqmmoll ErpenscAecommothttions ErpenscAecommothttionsNot Accommodations AccommodationsXot tJon tJonSot
Sot Available AvailableHearing AnlInlleHe kvnllableHearing
Hearing He rtng was vns continued yesterday before beforethe 1Jeorethe beforethe
the Interstate Commerce Commission eot oteft on onthe 01tbo onthe
the matter of the application ef various variousrailroads varIou5rn variousrailroads
railroads rn for an extension of time within withinwhich withinwhich thift thiftwblel
which to comply with the ninehour Dtne1t Ut tale telegraphers tl tlph talegraphers ¬
graphers ph l8 law towExSecretary lawExSoeretary lawExSoertary
ExSecretary of the Navy Nv Hltery HUa A AHerbert A AHerltert AHerbert
Herbert representing r preH t1ng the Seaboard Air AirLin AirLine AirLine
Lin Line pleaded for an extension of o time timeon t tOft timeon
on the grounds of the inability of the thecompany tb tbOOIDUty theoompany >
company by reason of its financial con condition conUIon condition ¬
dition to meet the requirements requ waeAts of th thlaw thJaw the thelaw
law It could not afford he said to in incw Incur incur
cur additional addlti nal operating expense Reply Replying ReplYIng Replylag ¬
ing to a a statement made Thursday by Mr MrDIUnrd MrDillard MrDillard
Dillard representing represeat the Union Pacific PacificIL PadlkFL PacificH
IL H B Parham chief e of tb the Railway Tel Telegrapbrrs TelegrapMn Telegraplatra
egrapbrrs Union said he had received recohoo1B0MlllLtton receivedtnforsnatlon
information front points along aJ g the tlt Union UnionPacific UnionPadk UnionPacific
Pacific at which Mr Dillard had said It Itwas Itwas
was 18 impossible to accommodate additional additionalmen addtUOftalmen additionalmen
men to the effect that accommodations accommodationswere
were available le He placed on the stand standB standL
B L L Stump to corroborate his state statcru statentnt statemint
ru mint ntntF mintF nL nLi
i F A A Delano representing the Wabash Wabashmade Wabashmade ab sh shmde
made an appeal for an extension exten D on the thoground thftlMtDdtlI thegroenot
ground of financial inability t6 t meet the therequirements t1krcqrelWnts therequirements
requirements of the tow Lactan 4oeke 4oekeof < ocke ockeof ke keor
of the Norfolk and Western made a aplea apleA aplea
plea similar to t that made by Mr lr Her Herbert Herbert Herbert ¬
bert for the t e Seaboard Air Line His Hisroad HisroM Hisroad
road he said was not asking favors of ofthe orthe ofthe
the commission bat in view 1e of the fact factthat factthat factthat
that Congress had b d vested the power In the thecommission thecommiMIon thecommission
commission to deal with Ute tk subject he hewas h h1I hwas
was 1I presenting preeaU the railroads side of th thcase tM tMause therase
case N D Maher managing JJHl 1lgto g vice pres president presIdent prosSliest ¬
ident of the road was placed on the thestand theatand thestand
stand and testified to the financial in inability InabllttY Inability ¬
ability of the company to me meet t the re requirements requlrements requirements ¬
quirements quirementsW
W V M f Duncan representing the Wheel Wheeling Wh08IU Wheellag ¬
lag and Lake Erie and G W Krotzteger Krotztegerrepresenting1 KrotztDCrre KrotzlngerreresentIng
representing1 re e nllDg the Grand Trunk the Chi Chicago CIdC1UO Cliieago ¬
cago Indianapolis and Southern and aadCentral the theCentral theCentral
Central of Vermont were also beard m mbehalf III IIIbehalf hebehalf
behalf ef an extension extensionNEWS extensionNEVS extensionNEWS
Charles Sawyer a a deafmute was fined linedand
9 and Id ordered onhr to Mkc ahe e r rasdttttfte tt miles art artete sail aJtIeJe saileke
ete eke hr b JwiM J Jude KlnkaH fa the P Pills Hw let Oartte jw jwtetdHj psy psMrs
tetdHj tetdHjMrs y
Mrs rs Julia Ann Hines widow of Ed Edward EdaM 1dward ¬
ward Hints died ed nkMmly ywterf y88tenkr r aor 1IIOnIIaI tej at the theMrs tINr thebOMO
bOMO of r JMr datlllll6 Mrs Irs Ctarfes HMdle K3 K3For eIellllrlftDia 75rekas
IellllrlftDia rekas aT atene MCtlnre setbwntFor t tFor
For stealing a nickel lamp from tileJ1UIItk thepuh
patpfc of SL St Johns Baptist Ctwrtb G GHe K lt Mat Matthem t ttbtnv
them ooknd was soateMtd to sixty Mx dajs te Inw jti jti1If > i4 i4tV
tV Judge Kimball in the Police Onrt o oThe ytsUtdajr ytsUtdajrThe yntenisyThe
The funeral of J W Robertson eighty eightytwo elshtytlO eightytao
two yeses of aca a Hw 1mg a citiceR of the District Dkt wae waed wM wMcIkd abedies
dies d TJHMtAqr at the reaU rmldseco Ke c of c11I Me hi shin ncrTkty4rnrth
TWrtyfourth 11I street will ke Itelct H W at 19 19dock eciock dodc ttwfar ttwfarFire HIa HIaFire toayFire
Fire In the dairy dah of J W Greg Gregg at
61 615 0 street Derthwwt at 515 edodt fa Jut 1II sight sightinasel gbt gbtcatisad 1IC 1ICcuwd
catisad SIOO HO ttemast dame Tb The origin el t the flames es was wasnot wunot wasnot
not learned br the firtmea um The toes is Weld V hrForrest
iMWt iBeua1lef iBeua1lefForrest > e eForrest
Forrest C Shelton of HyattsvlHe aid aidwas jdmK Mdwas
was arrested yesterdajr J terda afUrneon br t Deteesives DeteesivesOBriea Deteeti1esOBriea DeitetirsaOBrien
OBriea and Parhara Parhll ef the central oSea oCiea oCieawU oce ckaialwith
with coU coUectIJr aiUectIa ctl r s abscriptiODA teciif > tkia for xaaguiaes without wUhoatau withoutautherit xrithoatauthority
authority authorityPrivate au autherit autheritPrivate t9ritJ t9ritJPrhnte
Private Michael Donnelly Donnen of the the FirstInclDCt Firstiginct
irodoct stall MIIdH failed to patrol Ids beat l t far fartwentyfive fertWcnUfre feetweittre
twentyfive mfnates mfDH ea the morning DHlruln ef February Febre 7 7and TI 7and
I and has been ftaed ned 2S 5 2 by JIoj Iaj Sylvester seen ap approval apnvral ¬
proval hr Comml Cnssnheoner nle ion ontt r West WestAn WatAn WestAn
An unidentified Italian laborer fm fmvIoJOO emi4oyod m mptojcd
ptojcd as a section Odi n bud OH tee Bakimora akimma1Rd akimma1RdOlrlo and andOhio sadOhio
Ohio Railroad was ran orer and imtanUy imaeti killed tfltedtj killedlis killedls
tj an esstlxwnd psAeacer r tale near Ute Iry City CityroundhOBSo CU CUnJtlndhou5 Cityreundhcuse
roundhOBSo early yesterday tmbs morning nornuirThe I OfDin OfDinTbe morningThe
The funeral of James H Malone who whodfed Whodied whodied
died at the residence of his ulster Mrs Ita Margaret MargaretWalsh 3IararetWalsh MargaretWal
Wal Walsh 23 Fourandatelf street sontbvest Then Tharsday rscar Thenday
day afternoon will be held fnnn St SL Dwniates DwniatesCathoHc DemlnlcsCathoHe DisainicsCatholic
Catholic Church today at 10 oclock oclockAfter oclockAfter c1 c1After
After an Investigation lasting lastln several severaldays severaldays
days the police have decided that the t trigia Hi of ofthree ofthree1lres ofthree
three three1lres fires in the home of Smith Ames mea colored 316 316U 3liU 3l 3lU
U street northwest DOrt west were started br an inmate of ofthe 0the ofthe
the Ames home Mid to be feebleminded feeblemindedCharged feeblemindedCharged feebleaindedCharged
Charged with having assaulted Pat Patride Patrick Patnick
ride Tteraer a saloonkeeper at Twentysixth and andO andG
O 1 streets s Thursday night Percy Harris colored coloredwas QomltaS colorednsa
was taS sentenced to four months in the wwkhouu wse by byJudge bsJ byJudge
Judge J udte Kimball Kim ba 1 in the PoMcc Court yesterday yesterdayifaj 7csterdayraj yesterdayMaJ
ifaj raj Sylvester has recommended the theappointment thealpointment theappointment
appointment of Edward G Decker as aspecW special pouce pouceman fIO poiiceman e enun
man for datjr at the old Baltimore 1timora aad Potomac PotomacRailway PatoniseRailway < C CR1ilnr
Railway Station Sixth aBdB sad n streets st Borthwest BorthwestTbe B sostusucatThe rtbTfIt rtbTfItThe
The recommendation was approved apprewd1Jr by Commissioner CommissionerVest Com11ialoneWeM tommiasionreWest
West WeMCorbin WestCorbin Vest VestCorbin
Corbin Birch grocer at 1073 Twelfth Twelfthstreet TelCthreet Twelfthstreet
street reet northwcstjjresUnlay filed a petition in minis volnntary TOlnutar ministary
tary bankruptcy stating satin his dbt5 at fl9t3S8 197396 and andhis andIds andisle
his asset at PI 93St St He was adjttdlcatcd a bank bankrupt tankrupt nk nkrupt ¬
rupt and the petition referred to Referee Ref W V > sL sLilartsin L LHallsm LHallam
Hallsm for further proceediBss proceediBssCondemnation proeedisiCondemnation proaedingsCondemnation
Condemnation proceedings will be begun begunin
in a few days preparatory tetJ to clearing clearin a let on onwhich onwhich onwhich
which to build a sew backhouse In Southeast SoutheastWashington SwtheastWuhington SoutheastWashington
Washington Information has been sent t to the theSoutheast 1MSouth theSoutheast
Southeast South t Washington WWtln ton Association A 3tion U thAt > U tb the eec corporation c0rporation eecporaUon ¬
poration counsel will institute proceedings Pt8 for tb tbcondemnation tM tMamdennatiou thecondemnatIon
condemnation of the buildings on the lot Hi a afew 31few afew
few days daysThe daysThe daysThe
The will of Charles H Krey Kre dated Jan Janaary Jantuff Jannary
tuff 1 Ii 1S03 was fifed for probate yesterday The Theincome The111ceme Theincome
income from from the estate is devised to the widow widowMrs widow1rs widowMrs
Mrs 1rs Annie Krey daring dnrin her life and at her death deathfa deaIhto deathie
fa to es to the testators children when the theyoungest thefou theyoungest
youngest fou t reaches th the ag u age of twenty no years ear The Thewidow niewldo Thewidow
widow wldo and her son Louis P Krejr are named as asexecutors asexealtt asexecutors
executors r5 and trustees trusteesA tml tmlA tnnteeaA
A number of Washingtonians met re recently rentb reccntli ¬
cently ntb at tho home b of Mrs Charles J Bell ad asddiscussed addiSCt1 anddiscusacil
discussed diSCt1 plans for the reorganization and manage management mn1tmrnt mane manemeat ¬
meat of the National X l Arts ts and Crafts Craf JasUbdttemp Institute InstituteA
A temporary temp rarr ctamitteo C composed com of ilrs irs rs Ben BenMr I Iit XliiiMni
Mr it Henry B P Maefarhnd Mrs Jrs Henry T TRainey TRainer TItalney
Rainey Mrs Irs David D rid Pairchlld FaireWId and Mr Henry H HWood nWood UWood
Wood were appointed to take charge and sopcrrisc sopcrrisctia supctttethewrl C
tia U1e1fW wort
J 1 Open Until 9 oclock Tonight TonightTHE TonightTHE J JI 3 3 3Large
Seventh and K Streets StreetsPurchase StreetsPurchase StreetsPurchase
Purchase of Boys Pants PantsAt
At 3 to 2 Below Regular Prices Pricesx
x 3 We Ve bought from a prominent manufac manufacl manufacturer f ftnrer
l f turcr of boys clothing his entire stock of Boys BoysrfstL BoysJKnee BoysN1
rfstL N1 j l Knee Pants Pan including surplus lots and gar garments garments garcE ¬
cE < ments in process proc of o manufacture Early Iarhr season seasonorders seasonorders seasonorders
I orders did not come in as expected and he hewas hewas heA
i A was corapcBed eBed to sacrifice his stock in order orderto orderto orderto
to realize cash cashAt casht
t At the figure we paid lot this stock we wecan wecan J
4 can offer off the most reliable grades of Boys BoysKnee BoysKnee BoysKnee
Knee Pants at savings from onethird to to one onehalf ooehalf onehalf
half halfquality halfg
g Every Everystrongly pair of Pants to the lot is well made and andstronsly andstrongty
strongly sewed The TIIe1etUD8 seams are taped aad guaran guaranteed guaranirr ¬
irr i teed not to rip ripVarkNM rlpYarlou I Iior
ior Various good CHHI durable dumb Materials in light and me medium meciium medium ¬
dium weights efgtst8 for spring and summer wear wearBoys werBos wearBoys
Boys Boys Knee Pants of Fancy Fancv Wool TooI Cassimeres all allmad allmade
m ±
made mad straight t knee pants style sizes sr Ize s 4 U li 3 yean in Msfct tJXIStmedium ftl ftlmedium
medium and dark colorings Also dark striped worsteds rafted medchYlols mixedcheviots 39 b FlT FlTcheviots C
cheviots and tan color corduroy pants Regular lar Sic an4 a d Tic liegrac1e11 c cgrades P of ofgrades
grades Sale SaleBoys price priceBoys
Boys Straight Kn Knee Pants made of good OOd durable durablequality s squaliq
quality corduroy heavy gr grade < k > flue ribbed kind ba In aloes a 4 to 15 15years 1 1years flyears 59
C CBoys
years Regular price L it Li > pair Sale price priceBoys prieem priceBoys
Boys Boys Knee Pants 6f i Allwool Iwool Heavyweight Mate Mateterials Matetennis
tennis in Knickerbocker and bloomer styles slaee 7 to K years yearsMade yearstf yearsMade 75
tf Made in th the best manner and reenforced at every vital point pointRegular pointRegular c
Regular price JLsO UO pair Sale price priceEvery prleeLarge i J JI
I Large Bills W Wont oot Scare You Y Youj on onI
j > > I If i we do your plumbing work for forthe or orthe
3 fT mm mtm the simple reason that you you wont wontget wontget
5 IL get them We Ve understand mod modern modern ¬ j jk je
k e ern em scientific sanitary pJumbiag p1umbiIilgthoroughly plumbhagtt
j tt D thoroughly and we expect to be bepaid bete rje rjepaid
te paid for firstclass materials arid aridfirstdass a aridfirstclass d dfirstclass
firstclass workmanship It Itbe wi4 wi4be w j
be to tOy tOadvantage your y advantage to have us usestimate usz I 1 1estimate
z estimate on your next order orderCommit txdeiCoeIt f fCclt
Commit 05 about repairing Fur Furnaces FurnaCM
F l lmaking
naces Lntrobes Ranges Axx k and andmaking andmaking
making the necessary plumbing pI and andtinning andtinnlB1 andtinning
tinning repaJrs A permanent force forceof forceI
I I s of experts e always on call here hereLindsay htreLindsay hareO
O C Lindsay Lights 75c 75cS 75cS I
Phones Itfain ain 314 315 432 NINTH STREET
Pnoluccrs Attorney Attornc Will 111 Make Ap Apenl tppeal p penl
peal > enl for Clemency ClemencyThe ClemCne ClemencyThe
The 6 Supreme Court has dented the pet petl petltion I ItImi
tiOR for a writ of error made m he behalf of ofTnrrpli ofJeeIIIt ofJeseiph
Tnrrpli Pnohtcci the shoenmker k under undersentence un undermmtthnee tr trteaee
sentence teaee of death for the th murder JIIUl er of Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth Eiizabeth ¬
beth V r Dodge a atxteenyenroM eeay ohi girl in inSeptember inSeJKeMOer inSeptember
September 1HC Paotacei was Infatuated mfatuatedwith tartualedwith Infatuatedwith
with the girl and a shot her in a lit of ofjeoteusy o oJeolew ofjeolous
jeoteusy The execution e utloD is set for March larcbS larcbSMessrs 21 21Messrs 21 21Messrs
Messrs Lambert Yeatmaa and Taylor Taylorattorneys TaJ TaJ1ttterM7 Taylordttoriioys
attorneys for the condemned man man it is issaid issaid issaid
said will make an effort e Ort to secure a com commutation fOIDJDutatiOft roanmutation ¬
mutation of sentence to tee imprisonment imprisonmenton
on the ground that the Italian is suffer suffering sWrerInS sufferlug ¬
InS from an incurable disease and if na nature sintare ¬
ture is allowed to take its course his hisdeath hisdeath hisdeath
death will be a a matter tter of a couple of of1IInUts ofmonths
months monthsThe 1IInUtsTbe monthsThe
The Italian Ambassador AJabL 1EIador < It is also said saidwill saMwill W
will 111 make an appeal to t the President Pre on onbehalf onbehalC onbehalf
behalf of bts ItI kt ° countryman countrymanConvicted COtIfttyM8ILCOInfetel countrymanConvicted
Convicted of Manslaughter ManslaughterGilbert JInuslnurbterGIlbert 3lauslangliterGilbert
Gilbert Lewis a negro was yesterday yesterdayconvicted ye8terdaCOI1cted yesterdayconvicted
convicted of f manslaughter uWt by a jury In InCriminal inCriminal inCriminal
Criminal Court No 1 Justice J Stafford Staffordpresiding Sta1rordpresiding Staffordpresiding
presiding and remanded to Jail for sen sentence sentence santenon ¬
tence Lewis stabbed Eugene ugene De Rutherford Rutherforda nthrtordnegro
a negro to death deathIn in May Iay last lMt in 1 a light lightover tightover fightover
over the formers wife wifeW wlCej wifeWi
j k kI kI
I <
t YJwl rF rFfI
I fI lti
I Ii
i i
I Imakeand make and sell more mens
350 shoes than any other othermanufacturer othermanufacturer othermanufacturer
manufacturer in the world worldIf vorldIf
If I could take takeycu you into intomy my large facto factories factories factories ¬
ries at Brockton Mass Mass and show you youhow youhow youhow
how carefully carefullyW W L L Douglas shoes are aremade aremade aremade
made you yonwonld would then understand why wh whthey
they hold their shape fit better and andwear andwear andweai
wear longer longerthan than any other other3SOzhoes other3SOzhoesW 350shoes 350shoesW 350ahoeW =
WLDouyfm WLDolllley WLOovrIi Boy eyz Shorn Sho 1752 1752I 1752 17S2I 1752Unlll
I WTDoahsname nd prleeissWripec
1 Unlll vriuazuiaonbouon lull on bottom Tat rAke XoSubaUtULe XoSubaUtULeI oSnl tltm
Past Color Kytlctt e Irekt ldlllTff Taerl Exdtislctiy Ezdu rrly
I I Cat Cat10 laXaIog los Free W V L L L DOUGLAS Urockton MaL ilasiW MaLW Massw
W L Douglas Shoe Store
905 Pennsjlrania Arsnue N L W Washington
i NEW EW LAW LAWpn5sed
passed by b Congress forbidding railroad1 railroad1operators ra1Jroa1operators raProatoperators
operators working more than nine hours a a4ey aooy aday
day has created cr ted demand for about 30000 30000more 30000more 30000more
more telegraph operators o rators than can now be besecured besecured besecured
secured Railroad Ra11Ioodcompamesbave companies have cut rail railroad ra raroad mlroadwires ¬
road roadwires wires Into Telegraphy Departments Dep rtments of ofDRAUGHONS otDRAUGHONS ofDRAUIIONS
Practical Business Colleges CollegesFor
For booklet Why Learn Telegraphy Tofegmpbycall 1 1call
call or oraddress address Jno F Draughon Pres at atWASHIHBTOK atWASHIRGTOK atWASHIROTON
WASHIHBTOK AcaSeoy AC emJ of Music YDsi Car SIb 0 HW HWBtfSDJESS Ii LWBtiSINEss W Wn
TRAUGHOS copyrighted methods equals equalsSIX eqU3lsSIX equasSIX
PORTERS write the Shorthand Draughrn Draughrnteaches Draughr11teaches Draughrnteaches
teaches Write for torprlcesonlessonsinSXiort torprlcesonlessonsinSXiorthasd prices on lessons In Short Shorthand Shorthand
hand Bookkeeping Penmanship etc etc BY BYMAIL BYMAIL BYMAIL
MAIL or orT AT COLLEGE 30 Colleges In 1n17 17 States StatesPOSITIONS StatesI StatesPOSITIONS
POSITIONS secnredorMOXET BACK Entr Entrany En Entrtiny r rmy
ForYoungVomenVashingtonDCSubcrb3 ForYoungVomenVashingtonDCSubcrb3THE ForYoungWomen VashingtonDCSubur VashingtonDCSuburTHE
THE ULEN UL1 SCHOOL The story or < tail scixoca scixocaof sQocl sctcior
of ita pheoocaral jpwtb Ks recallable equipment eqnm
01 tf cl J4 lo wjudjcgs attixctirety cruuped in in ooQete fasi as ss
lea len forming fon a oiitutur nuKe its onfcjae ue subdi subdiTisira aabdire sibdATiSlimi
Tisira into etgbt sht groups of g gtaMU girls it 113 training in home hcaamakias homennbe
nnbe makias amA locial re graces Its deTctopment of special spectitalent
talent H iU pcoTttioe proY ou oei tar 50 il iitaSee sare ugtt tht seeisg seeing and anditady andatadr n5 n5study
study ef f our National tional Capitalcan onjy be trid tc tck faUr
la ocr o atatecve Address 11dIcS BOX A A uorest Glee AidSTfiAYERS ldSiRAYERS Aid sieSTRAYERS
11th and 1 Sts K i AV AVA V VA Y YuA
Now open day da and jusut J 11t Indiridual instroctiaa lS lSi ia iaSeni a
i hethabd TypeuTithg lC EookeerAng BaDkm CiT CiTmd IL1 IL1Serriec
Seni Serriec tad otter branches TmUon TuitioD1n Day siioc siiocJ12 echocii hQCI
I J12 per month night school Trial l nwih monUIsnJdeBts inom 1 1uodeats t A Asiudsats
uodeats now enrolling mroU Write or call for catalcca
All cnd gixduates clustes tes staiaotwd Qteed situation situationnta attuations24th t1Aticm t1Aticmtt
nta tt year ot EOOCCSS in Wu VasGinstKs VasGinstKsThe Jto JtoThe azaingtcnThe
The BerHtz erIitz School Schoolof Schoolof Schoolof
of Languages LanguagesRecent
Recent awards Si St Loois Eiposttioc mi l Gruel
Prize Liem Expositioul ExIos1Uou lC6 J6 Grand Price
Preach German Spanish eanMh Italian English a aat1Te a
Name at1Te teachers Trial Tnall lessons 5ODSrtc free
723 Fourteenth St N W WPurity WPurltCIem1JneaaExeelleure WPurltyCieunllncszExecllenee
Purity PurltCIem1JneaaExeelleure PurltCIem1JneaaExeelleurePROPERLY PurltyCieunllncszExeclleneePROPERLY Cleanliness Excellence ExcellencePROPERLY
And aged her b su suas 51as a aas >
as Heurlchs contain containand onta
Maerzen I rich took proprh3
J dt rtnd trom malt
and hop hops with hut a aalcohol sSfNATE ar
SfNATE r ATV I Sinai pett peteentage ntag of ofJ orJa
Ja a s J I Ite
alcohol The moder modert
t te use of Maerz MaerzLAGER MaerzT laen laenSenate
LAGER LrAV7K T Senate and Lager Lagerwill
will do you ft worlI worlIof worl worlor worIofgood
of ofgood good goodrloZe
2 dor Maenea or Senate 175 175Z 1 1Z L7
Z doz Laser 150 150 j bottle rebate rebntepDelh COc COc7D 0e A Ag7fleitvsied
pDelh g7fleitvsied 7D lffered ed in oafettered rcasoas h If dashed dashedCUR desiredCHIl dishedCHRHEURICII