1 I I =
5 5Earton
Earton Everdlngand EverdingandHeallY EverdingandHeallYAre Heaiiy HeaiiyAre lleau
Are Released ReleasedINVENTION ReleasedINVENTION
Friend I rlndk of Accused Talk of Con Conspiracy ConIIlJrnC ¬
spiracy IIlJrnC On Part I urt of Electric Con Concern C0I1Cern ¬
cern Who Wanted to Buy Eu Dcdccrntent Device DeviceTntcnt
Tntcnt May Jln Zny He Canceled Ciulccl C ccl d Through ThroughCourts ThrourrbCourts
Courts I It Charges Are Upheld UpheldNed UpJleldNed
Ned W Barton assistant ass1tan oxnmtner In Inthe InUe n
the Patent Office Honry E Everdluff Everdluffthe EOrdlugthe
the Philadelphia lawyer lll er and John A AHeany A AHeaDY
Heany of York Pa the Inventor In Indicted Indicted Indicted ¬
dicted by the grand jury en Thursday Thursdaycnargea Thursdaycharged Thnrdfty1charged
charged with asstroylng astro Uestr ylng lnS government rac racorda rooords r c
ords in tho Patent omce wars released releasedon relensedon
on bond yesterday afternoon afternoonTho afternoonTho afternoonThe
Tho Title Guarantee and Insurance Insurancefompany InsurancoCompany Insuranccrompany
Company of Scranton Pa went surety suretyin
in the amount of S100QO for eaoh man manThe manThe ninThe
The men are charged with destroying destroyingCertain destroyingrta1n destroylnRertaIn
Certain rta1n papers filed with an application applicationmade appllcaUonmode appllcatloximade
made by Hoany for a apatent patent on an appli appliance appliance app1Iance ¬
ance used in connection Cmn Ctton with Incandes Incandescent lnCfndescnt ¬
cent and arc lights lightsMillion UgI1UiJlIlllon lIghtsUIlIIon
Million in It ItA ItA ItA
A patent was wos issued to Heany He J1Y in No Novmber Novt Novtmber
vmber vt mber 1907 190 As a result of the action actionof aatlonI aetloref
of I Barton It to declared the patent In Involves In016S ¬
volves 016S the use of tungsten filaments filamentsfor ll1montsfor
for electric light bulbs which Jt Is saId suldwill utd utdwill I
will revolutionize that industry industryThe hdustr hdustrThe
The tungsten it is claimed will give giveforth ghofrth
frth the same illumination now furnished furnishedby furnishedb I
by b the carbon filament at an expanse of ofonly otonly 01 r
only onefifth the electric power now con consumed consumed ¬
sumed When Vhen it Is considered that 3900009 3900009Incandescent 3100000InlandeSCtot 3UOOO
Incandescent bulbs bul buIb are zo sold annually nuuaJ some someIda someId
Ida Id o of the value llue of the patent may be beformed befrmcd b bfvrrned
formed formedIt frmcdIt
It is said that this th s improved patent has hasIieon basllefn ha 3
been sought by twenty large electrical electricalloncerns Qleatrlcalt 1
loncerns t oncerns In the United State Stat which had hadftd hadfild ha I
ftd applications for various improve improvem Improvern1ts Improvenits
m nits nts
aiming 1011u8 Opcrnnai OpcrnnaiIt
It 1 is alleged that as tb the Spedflcatlons Spedflcatlonsfiled S I Ifi
filed fi ip ieI by these applicants would reach re cb Bar Barton ¬
ton lie ii would garner the ones on needed to toI toIf ti I
I If Iefect erfect > lff < t the Heany patent and would ould In Incorporate InCorporate ¬
corporate them in the Heany application applicationTo I
To 1 do this it is declared It became SIC aecc necary
c ssary l ary to destroy dettroYlJODle some original papers papersShortly papersShortly
Shortly after the patent was issued to toHan toIIlan t L
Han > It is said d electrical manufacturing manufacturingnocrns manuCacturtngnlCrns g
> nocrns among them the General Elec Eletrfc Electric < ¬
tric Company became suspicious su elous De Detf Dettdlws
tf ttdlws tt < lives tlvi employed emplo ed by them thom It is said fur furnislKd Curnb
nb nI nislKd d them with information incriminat incriminating IncrlmlnlltIng ¬
ing the th > three men indicted and this In Inf Information injrrnatiori
f formation rmatlon was as turned over OYtt to Secretary Seeretar I
Garfleld GarfleldBarton GafieJdBarton
Barton has been dismissed from his hisjnsitlon hisI hi S
jnsitlon I iton In the Patent OHtce by the Com Commissioner Comrni ¬
rni missioner sioner of Patents Paten He was appointed appointedfrom appointedfrom d dfrom
from New York City in IDfJ and his hissalary hissla1Y hi S
salary was lOO 148 per annum annumConspiracy annumCOnllllJlrnc
Conspiracy Is Defense DefenseA
A friend of Mr Heany last night nlghtd nlghtdClarCd de declared di dilared ¬
clared Heany and the two others indicted indictedwre Indictedw U
w were re tile victims of a a conspiracy upon uponthf uponthp upo a
thf th part of the electrical concerns who whodtsired whodCsired wh 0
dtsired to purchase the patent patentOne p tent tentOne
One concern concerns it was stated fcad iad an op option o ¬
tion upon th the patent which has expired expiredWhen I
When 11 hn n that concern made application to toren torenpw 0 0renw
ren renpw w the option Heany declined be because be beluse b ¬
cause It is stated he realized for the thefirst thefirst tli tlifirst
first time its immense value lu6 Tho patent patentin p pater paterIn tent tentin
in its present form Is said to be e worth worthseveral worthseeral wart
several million dollars dollarsIt dollarsIt dollarsIt
It is thought probable legal steps will wi ill
b taken to cancel the patent if the thecharges thebarges t1 t1barges
barges against the men 111en are substanti substantiated substanttatd ¬
Throws It In Vestibule and Runs RunsWhen RunsVbcn Ruii La
When She Refuse It ItHaving ItHnvInl ItHaving
Having five good 1 1 bills bIlI put into her herhand h r rhand
hand by a stranger and when sho re refused refused ri rifusod ¬
fused to take them having them thrown throwninto thrownIno throw throwinto
into into the vestibule of her home was what whathappened whatha whi It Itlrnpened
happened ha 1ened to Mrs P G i Adee of 1019 F Flt FlttNnth Fl f ftppnth ftenth
tenth street northwest northwestYesterday northwestYestErday
Yesterday afternoon Mrs lrs Adee answer answered answ r rtd ¬
ed a ring at her doorbell A strange man manstood man6tond rn LU n
stood in the vestibule When hen the door doorwas doorW3S do r
was opened the man offered the bills to toMr toMr o
Mr Adee AdeeSaying Adeflng
Saying lng he bad found them In front of ofh ofhr t
h hr r doorway he started away Mrs MrsAdpf 1frsAd Mr MrAd >
Adpf Ad Insisted that the money did not be belr beJrn b C
lr Jrn lrng > n < to her he and handed tho bills bock bockThe hacklhf bac Ic
The man threw them in the vestibule and andrun andr a d
run r n down own the street streetMrs streetIrs
Mrs Irs Adee gave e the bills into the keep Ices p ¬
ing nt Detertlve Fwtney of the Second Secondprcvinct SecondUtinlt Socoi d
pie prcvinct Utinlt inrt reciting th the 1rounu circumstances nces The Them Themn Ti Th
m mn n1ney < > n < > y is now now resting 18IIU in the safe at the thestationhouse thoItI1Uonhoua ti le leit1t1JflIIOU 8
stationhouse stationhouseThe ItI1UonhouaThe
The dollars are nearly nearl new are crisp crisparm crispa erli S
arm a nj clean and to all outward app appear appearS appesare erliri ar ariliis ri
iliis S ar up not no tainted They have been beenrrnnuunced beenTlIllUUnCOO be en n
rrnnuunced good currency equivalent to toTKW 10nw o
nw i gold piece pieceN pieceone
N Ni one has yet pat in a claim for this thistnn 1111stnw Ui us usin s
tnn tnw in < The police are e stumped as to toxvhit to1I1lt °
xvhit ht shall h1J be done with 1tb It ItThat Itfllat ft
That there is Isahoodo ahoodo connected in some somewiiy somoWI sot no
WI wiiy with the money seems seem the general generalopinion generalopJnon gener al tj
Arrange for a Barbecue BarbecueThr Dnrbccucl1Jf
Thr T1i William Murrell Republican Asso Association AssoIatlln Az 0 i ¬
ciation at1on organized and established perma permar perroaI1pnt perm a L
I1pnt r ° nt headquarters at 160 East Market Marketstreet Marketstrtet 3IarJi et etstreet it
street Georgetown last night Resolutions Resolutionswere Resolutionswer Resolutfo ns nswerc is
were wer passed Indorsing Gen A A S Burt Burtrind Burtand Bt irt irtand t
and J W Patterson as dolo delegates gates to the theChicago theChja t he ic
Chicago Chja o convention and pledging the sup suppot su Ip Ippot
pot of the organization A committee committeevaf commltt 15 ie e eWt
Wt vaf appointed to arrange an oldfashioned ed
barbecue for the last Saturday in March Marc 7 <
peTpgates were appointed to represent the thtiS3i thedS t tiscIation
dS iS3i iscIation ciution < in the central committee of ofthe Ifthe
the United Republican Clubs ClubsMachinists ClubsUucblnfst ClubsMachinists
Machinists Give Dance Danceolumbia DnnceColumbia DanceColumbia
Columbia Lodge No 174 International InternationalAssociation IntornatlonalAssociation Intornatior iat iatAssociation il
Association of Machinists gave a compli complimentary complimentary corni di dimentary 1 ¬
mentary entertainment and dance danc last lastnight 1astnight ist istnight 3t
night at Odd Fellows Feliow hall Seventh street streetnorthwest streetnorthwest stri iot iotnorthwest t
northwest Dancing wa enjoyed until a
late house hou The committee in charge of ofarrangements otarrangements ofarrangements
arrangements was J P Vernsteln W T
Lawrence Thomas Dyers B oTS A A Cox J P
Daughorty and R R E Lankford LankfordDenies LankordDenlcs LankfordDenies
Denies Giving GIIn the thc Order OrderFrank OrdcrFlank OrderFiank
Frank P Sargent Commissioner Gen General Genral Gc in intral 7 ¬
eral ral of Immigration said yesterday be hehad behad behad ie
had not given any an orders for the arrest of otEnlma ofEmma jf
Emma Goldman with a view to her de deportation deportation le leportatlon 5 ¬
portation as a dangerous anarchist Mr 1 lr r
Sargent said wnen when tho Bureau of Immi Immigration Imr nI nIgratlon I ¬
gration tIon last heard of Emma Goldman she shewas the thews
WAS in St Louis LouisRoot LouisRoot LouisRoot
Root Wont OJ1t Go to Frisco FriscoSecretary FrlirlcoSe FriscoSecretary
Secretary Se retary Root announced yesterday yostordo yostordot11at Lay l >
that he h had declined the invitation Of the thecitizens theclUzt I lie liecitizens ie
citizens clUzt > ns of San Fransico to visit that city cityon c ity ityon y
on thC occasion of the arrival of the bat b at t ¬
tleship fleet there thereBROMO thereDilly thereDaly
= =
Dilly One BROMO QUININE that thatCures thatativ Lk Lkne 1 w
L ativ Bromo B9 Quinine QuinineCmesa Quini QuiniCuresa ne Q
Cures Cmesa a Cold Coldin in One Day Grip Gripin2 in 1n2 2 Dayaj Dayajon DaY8 DaY8A D ya
A e7LJ
on onev every rv
9 rQ
x 2S 2 J c
Technical Te TeTec ecb1l clini al l High School Talent Py Pyscut Jri Jri1C Pr4sent
1C sent t Musical luHfc l l llzoirunirne llzoirunirnemusical ro rumniir rumniirA ru n1 n1A
A musical concert wJs w ws s given by b theTcchnl the theTechnical thehnical
Technical Tcchnl Tec hnical al High School Orchestra Orchestrnat at the theBusiness theBustn
Business Bustn Bu BuRh slnesa High Ulg Schojjl Schopl Scl Ninth Nl Ul street trcet and andRhode lndRhode audode
Rhode Rh ode Island avoniio northwest last lastnight le5tnight lastht
night nightMrs nightMrs nig nigpra ht
nigM 1 1rs
Mrs M rs Dayello Taylor Welch sang a so soprano 50prono sono ¬
prano pra prasol no solo Dana Q Co Holland sung a bass basssolo basssolo
solo sol o 44The The Arabs Arnb s Bride Mark Lans Lnnsburgh Lansgh
burgh bur burcal gh played flln faa a violin vloln solo from Mendels Mendelssohn Mendelsm Mendcls501m ¬
sohn cal calMr m with th orojujatijal or t tIaI nccompanlmont nccompanlmontMrs t tMrs
Mrs Mr s Dana C HaTland Hrln U1 sang a contralto Optraltosolo
solo sol o George W Sutherland uthrlQrid played playedtrombone a atrombone
trombone tro mbone solo Miss Florence Bean and andMark andMark
Mark Ma rk Lansburgh Lansburgbfurnlsbcd furnished it contralto contraltosolo contraltosolo
solo sol solpla o with violin obligate Antonio Celfo Celfoplayed Ce r rplaed
played pla yed a sonata Fantaslo Fant slo on th the flute f1utoand fluted
and an anof d the Philharmonic quartet composed composedof composedMrs
of Mrs Welch Mrs Irs William K Miller MillerMiss 111111Miss Millerss
Miss Mi ss Lillian Chonowlth and Mrs Dana DanaC DanaC
C Holland sang several selections selectionsGeorge selecUonsGeorge
George G Gch eorge W V Sutherland directed the or orchestra
chestra ch estra and Harry Wheaten hooten Howard as assisted
slsted mis ted him in the programme programmeDIES
James la mes E E Nichol Superintendent of ofSunday
Sunday School Passes Away AwayLong
Long Lo iir a Popular Leader of Class at atIV atSintJtStrc
SintJtStrc IV i intlt nth Street t CIiriMtlan CIiriMtlanChurch ChriHtlnnClturcJl
Church ChurchJames ClturcJlJames
James 3 aines J5 Eo Jlclidl ch thd1 l superintendent ot o the theNinth thoNinth 1
Ninth Ni nth StreM Christian Church Sundiy 5QndUYsehool
school sc hool for 01 more than ten years ers died at athis st
his hi s residence fiOS Eighth street northeast northCttstyesterday
yesterday ye sterday afternoon Mr Nichol was L I
forced fo rced by illness J1ln to leave his desk in the
Treasury Tr easury building about tlbo t ten tO days ago RgoArter
After Af ter going to bed he grow rapidly rapid I IWorsc r
worse w orsc until his death the direct cause causeof
of which was neuralgia neura1 la of the heart beartIr
Mr Ir Nichol was born In Jackson Coun County County
ty Mich in 152 and was v the son of ofelltodo a awentodo L
welltodo w farmer H He received his edu education education edution ¬
cation ca tion in the schools ot ids native State Stateand StateUd Stat Statti
and an ti was graduated from the state Nor Normal Normal or ¬
mal m al School SchoolAfter SchoolAfter
After teaching in i the public schools of 0 0lgonac 01 r
Algooac Al lgonac gonee Bronson and ld Wayne Mich for fora toi
a number of years retUS he was appointed appointedelerk appointedcerk appoIntn
elerk el ork in the record and pension office of ofthe orthe 01 r
the th thtil e War Department Dep rtmont He remained m Inthis Ii I
this til lS position for a number nDmb of years oarB and andW8 a I
wag w as then transferred traasCerre4 transterre to ti the Sixth Au Audltors
dltors df r Office in the Treasury TrOflSUr Depart Dettartment Departent
ment mentHe mentHe m ent
He became a member of the Ninth NinthStreet NinthStrt Nintireet
Street St reet Christian Church shortly after tak taking takJng takI ¬
ing Jfl g up his residence In Washington and andwas andwas an I
was w as made superintendent t of the Sunday SundayfChool Sunda k
school sc hool Under his able and efficient leadership leadship lead
ership er ship the school has taken Its place e in fntho h
tho th e front rank of the Sunday Sund schools hoo1 of ofthe ofthe o oe C
the th e District Dl trlct He was loved by every C ever ry rymember
member m ember of the church and his h class classMr 01 01Mr
Mr Nichol was tho youngest master of ofthe ofthe o C
the th thH e Masonic lodges lo g In his native SUUe Stat StatHe Statir oL L
He H e was a member of Myron 1 lyron M r Parker PukerLodse r
Lodge L odge No 27 F A A A M Potomac PotomacLodge Potom C
Lodge I odge No 06 6 Order of the Iroquois and andNational andNat1onal am I
National Tent Tent No No1 I Knights of ama the theMacebees th thaccabees a
Maccabees MaccabeesHe MacebeesHe M accabees accabeesHe
He leaves Je ves a a widow and four our children childrenJames chlldrenTaMos childrenraes
James Ja raes W Harvey R R Lulu M and Al Alfred Alfreel ¬
fred r ed H Nichol NicholFuneral
Funeral services wit be bald Monday Mondayafternoon Monda MondaUt8rnoon y
afternoon af ternoon at 2 oclock at the Ninth Street StreetChrlstlan it
Christian C hlti Church Rev Re G A Miller pas PUtor pair 1
tor to r officiating Interment will be In Con Congressional Conea I
gressional gr ea esetonal lonal Cemetery with Masonic cere ceremonies ceremonl i 1
monies monl m oniei The pallbearers will be selected selectedfrom se1ectedfrom
from It em among intimate friends frlendSn in the lodges lodgeswith lodgeswith lodgeh
with w ith Which he was affiliated the church churchof churchoC churc h
of which be was i member and In the theTreasur th C
Treasury Treasur T reasury Department DepartmentDR
Eminent E minent Homeopathic Physician of ofNational ofNational a f
National Capital CapitalIVatlve Capitalnthe
IVatlve N nthe of Germany Who 110 Served In InCfdl I U
Civil War Vnr and Worked orkcd In Govern Government Govcrnment Governmeat ¬
ment Service n Rill Young Man ManDr JInnDr
Dr Charles W Sonnenschmidt one of ofthe otUte c if
the th e oldest and until lie retired from gen genoral genoral cI I
oral o ral practice about ten years ago one oneoC on e
of o f the most prominent homeopathic phy ph phslclans ph3icians
skdans s of this city ci died at 40 4 oclock oclockyesterd oeloo ¼
yesterday yesterd y afternoon at his apartment in inthe inthe n 1
the t he Thomas Fourteenth and M I streets stnetsDeatb street
Death D eath was due to heart disease diseaseDr dl8easeDr
Dr Sonnenschmidt a native of Ger Gormany r
many m any came to this country alone as a ayoung aYOU a aoung
young YOU y oung g man After a stay In Now York YorkClt Yor k c
City Clt c ity where unadad he earned a a llvell llvellhood livelihood 1
hood h ood and mastered the English language languagehe 0
he h e proceeded to this city and was em omploy on onloyod i
ployed ploy p loyod d as expert draftsman dra timan in the War Th WarDepartmenL tr trepartment r
Department DepartmenLHe D epartment
He became a naturalized American clti cltizen citizen cit 1
zen z en October Sff 1SW During the civil war warbe wi tr tre r
he b e served = with the War tar Department reg re reImoot rel relment
iment I ment forming part of the force of gov government go
crnment e employes organized to protect protectthe protectthe prote protehe ct
the t he National Capital Caplta1Graduating
Graduating from the medical depart department department 1 1ment
ment of Georgetown University Dr Son Sonnenschmidt 80nnnscbmldt Sol a aenschrnldt ¬
nenschmidt n took up the study of homeop homeopath hoinoo a
athy ath a thy and soon took rank as one 0n or the theforemost theforemost ti he
foremost f oremost practitioners of that school He Healso Heal I Ic
also al a lso o enjoyed enjo ed an enviable reputation an a asurgeon aurgeon aurgeon
urgeon s in his younger days but subordi subordinated subor it
nated n atod that to the general practice of mod medIclne me d
ieinc IclneHe I
He was one of the founders of the theWashlngton t he
Washington Homeopathic Medical Society Societyand Sociel y
and for many man years ears served as Its secre secretar seex e
tary tar t ary He was also actively Interested In Inthe Inthe
the Homeopathic Hospital working hard hardtor ha rd
for f Or Its success after its establishment For Fora F or ora
a long period he was as a member of the theattendlnf t he
attending staff staffHe stattHe staffHe
He was frequently called In consulta consultatlon consultation consult a ation
tion in difficult cases cases by his fellow fellowpractitioners te1JowpracUtioners folio iv
practitioners and his advice was usually usuallyfollowed usualJytollowed usua ily ilyfollowed
followed To young oung physicians strug struggllnS stru ig
gang for a 0 foothold Dr Sonnenschmidt Sonnenschmidtwas Sonnenschml Edt Edtwas
was over friendly and never too busy to toronder torender
render assistance Of late years lIe had hadconfined Ii ad
confined himself mostly to office practice practiceAlthough pracUceAlthough practii ne neAlthough
Although calling himself an a amateur he hewas hewas
was regarded as an artist artist both in oil oiland oilandwator oila and andwater nd ndwater
water colors of no mean ability abilityHeart ab11ityHeart abilityHeart
Heart trouble manifested itself several severalyears scoralyears sevoi ral ral1y
years ago Ho did not fall porceptlbly porceptlblyuntil pl1rcepUbbuntil porceptil porceptiluntil 1y
until last fall when be realized his days da ys yswere s swere
were numbered and made the necessary necessanpreparations necessa necessapreparations
preparations repeatedly expressing hIm hImsol h m mself
self sol as ready reod and thoroughly satisfied satlsfledLast L LLast
Last Thursday afternoon he intimated Intimatedthat intimal ed edthat
that he would probably pass away the thefollowing I he hefollowing
following day dt At o 4 late lat hour Thursday Thursdaynight ThursdJYnight Thursd Thursdnight
night as mentally alert as ever he was wasengaged wasengoged i iengaged
engaged In conversation with relatives relativesand relativesand relatlv relatlvand
and escorted visitors to the doorway ol olhis of ofhis
his apartment bidding them goodnight goodfig
Later ho retired lapsed into unconscious unconscIousness unconscioi unconscioiness
ness gradually grew weaker and passed passedaway pas pasaway
away peacefully peacefullyt
Dr Sonnenschmidt was the son of a aLutheran
Lutheran minister and was born January Janur
2 1S32 Cantorem Heinrich Sonnen SonnenschmIdt Sonn Sonnschmidt
schmIdt of Sangerhausen Germany Gcrman Is Ishis
his brother His nearest relative In this thiscity t his hisCity
city Is his stepson Capt C Fred Cook CookArrangements Coi Dk
Arrangements for tho funeral have no not
been completed ServIces will probably probal bly
be held next Monday afternoon The The In Intorment n nterment
torment which will be private will will Thesr b sr srtorment < >
beside the therematns remalnsof remains of his hi wife who died d ze
Just four years ago In the family lot In
Glenwood Cemetery
I Second S < Elective Movement Movementto
to Take Definite Form FormTATT FOllnTAFT
su Sun Some tie c Sec In Senator Honrnew IJonrnc Pet PetScheme PetSchcme
Scheme S cheme n Chance for H Dlnnatrous DlnnatrousSchlrat Dl8mitrouSdlliu
S Schlrat In the Roosevelt Cabinet CabinetWent OnblnctVct
Went W Vct est Would onl1 Welcome elcomc Chance CI l1UC to toChoose toClaoo8C
i Choose C hoose Between the lie Two TwoJonathan 10Jonathan
Jonathan I unathn Tovrne oene of Oregon and a few fewkindrod rewklndrod
kil kindrod kin dred political D01t lcat spirits are causing cauln wor worry worry ¬
ry to friends of the President who had hadnot
no not expected this test of tholr loyalty loyaltyThe loyaltThe loyaltyhe
The T he boomers of tho second oleotlve oleotlvetaim eleot eleqtlvem vo votmm
taim ter m have ho practically completed ar arrangements a1ranSlnnUl urgenints ¬
rangements ranSlnnUl ran ranNu genints to open headquarters In InNatIonol inUonal tit titNational
National Nu Nuwh Uonal Metropolitan Bank Btt k BH BHwhich nllwhich BiL BiLich
which wh whhas ich the Republican K Khas I Ihas Lheadquarters
has headquarters headquarterswill J I IwIll
will wilpro l get undor und r way waybable vayprobable 1 1probaUlc =
i probable probableAmple probaUlc probaUlcAmple pro bable bablempic
Ample A mpic headquarters lioadquartsn3h cft t twith 1 1wIth
with wit witcee h the usual usual4Jltorcu usual4Jltorcucu 4itor 4itorsories Itorai Itoraieeseories
eeseories cu cee sories and a tam full ooi 001stenographor i i inographers
stenographers ste nographers and otl otlIntry at atry
erary eve ry matter and hUh tIJ dt fl be besent b bsent hi hit
sent sen senorg t out to the press and the week of oforganization oforganIzatton oi oisnlzatlon
organization org orgSta snlzatlon will be carried on In oaelt oaeltState oaeJtstate oselte
State StateThe stateThe Sta te tehe
The T he boomers say that President Roose Roosevelt RoeHveIt Rou Rout ¬
v velt vel t Ins not been consulted and tfeai t It ItIs 11 > t t
is not ne necessary to consult him Senator S natC natCaourn L
B Bourne Bo urne the principal promoter is a man manor I
ol of independent Inde ndent financial resources able to toindulge toImtulge t
If indulge Ind ulge in political tastes and he Is Isthoroughly Isthoro i ioroigliiy C
t thoroughly thoro th > oroigliiy ghb in earnest in the second eioc ttectlve dec
tt live tiv e term movement It is said soS that he h hin C
w will wi in ll not have to bear the flnanckl burden btlrd btlrdor
ol of the tit undertaking entirely bat will get getsubstantial setsubstantial ge t
substantial u betntial assistance from other rich rtchmen rich It
H nun
Movement Worrlei orrle Tnftltc TnftltcThere TnttltclIThore Taft tics ticsThere
There fa said to t be much concern among amon g
S Secretary Secretar ecretary Tats friends over the move 1ft8emont
n mont m ont to ba started by Senator Bourne BourneSIn1 x
g Some SIn1 So me of them brought the matter to the thePresfdents th 0
Presidents Pr esfdents attention yesterday yesterda bat wore worosoothed wor 0
s soothed so othed with the assurance from Mr Ir IrRoosevolt
E Roosevelt R oosevelt that Secretary Taffs nomina nemtnatlon nominan
ti tlon do n was already as good as accomplish accompHehed I
o ed eu and that the only concern the Taft Taftmen laftmen Tal t
men m en should feel was as a to the election electionHe elecUoftHe
He expressed eed his impatience with ilk Sena Senator L
tor to r Bourne Bourna and feelingly inquired of his hlYblitor lii liiahtr
v visitor Yblitor vI ahtr how the latter accounted for Mr MrBournes Mi r
B Bournes Bo urnes persistent quest for a second secondetectfe secon d
a elective el ective term sentiment senUmentBut
But the Presidents suggestion that the tINTaCt th thft 0
ij Taft Ta ft followers
should be concerned over overtbe eve r
the th e election Is i being echoed from CI Other ottaerquarters otiw Otherquarters ir irarters
q quarters qu arters Many Senators and Represent Representatives etat etataUe L Livee ¬
a atives at ivee have been saying 1ng in the last few fewdays reten fi i
d days en ys s or since Senator Bournes plan got gotunder got1Iooer ge t
under un der way that the nomination of the th thesident
I President Pr esident Is in the political cards cardssee carckSce cardsSee
see Chance for Clash CInhSome
Some of the Taft adherents declared deehuedJestertla ii J
3 yesterday Jestertla ye sterday that th the socalled second HeOnde1ecthe sscon I
elective ° el ective term movement wan really realJ a re re reactlonary r
a actlonary ite tionary movement in disguise and that thatIts Ui it t
II Us it s sole Ie purpose was to divide UM admin adminIstration 1
istratlon Is < tration forces and bring about a a clash clashween des li
between be tween ween tho President and Secretary Secretes 7 Y
Taft T aft resulting possibly in the resignation fQSIgnaUonor ni
of ° Mr Taft from the Cabinet These Thesecritics TheseI Thai i a
I c critics cr itics of Senator Bournes B uraes propaganda propagandadeclared proIandadeclared propsgani Ia i
d declared de clared that at the proper time the thePresident thePresident U 10
President P resident would be asked to attach a can canto canto ci cithe
to the seeondalectlve termers term ens and start startthe > eta etae tart
the th e movement for the tall grass
Meanwhile the movement to renomlnate renominsiresident
President P Roosevelt is getting much muchuragernent en encouragement encouragement ¬
couragement co not only from the West Westwhere Wee Weehere Vestwhero
where w here the Roosevelt sentiment appears to
bb be b e the real life of the Taft movement movementbut movemesut
but b ut from the East where suggestions sus Uona are a ra raing
being be beb belu ing made that Secretary Taft could not ot ote
b be e elected if nominated nomlnatedand and that the so s0 e 0 0tion ¬
lution lu tion of the problem is the President Presfdenfarenominatlon Pre tde tI tIronomination 5
r renominatlon renominatlonLa ronominationLn re nomination nominationL
La L Follettc Xot ot for Tnft TnftThat TnftThat TaftThat
That Senator La Follette will turn bis bisstrength 111 111strength Ii ii iirength
strength st stto rength to the President Pr Cident in preference preferenceto pro proforexeSecretary eranee eraneeto
to Secretary SlCretar Taft after he has had tile tbebenefit tilebenoflt ti Ia Iaenetit
benefit b enetit of a complimentary rate ote seems seemsassured HemSassured seen as asssured
assured a Utah Is another State that is isready Isreody
ready re ady to turn to the President but has hashesitated hashesitated hi Is
hesitated h to taU Into line for Taft TaftOne TaftOnl
One of the most active secondelective socondoJecUveterm re
term te rm boosters is Cecil Lyon of Texas TexasHe Toxs 5
He H e declines to line up for Taft but has hasnot basnot hi Is
not n ot forfeited the respect re pect of the President Preside
by b y his 11s reluctance for on his recent vb visit
here h J ere he was the Presidents companion companionon compani n
on long walks The President explained explain oil oilo
to t o certain impatient Taft workers that be bewas bewas
was w as not responsible for Mr Lyons views viewsand viewsand vIew s
and a nd could not control him and was not xi ot
disposed d to quarrel with the Texan over ov er
4 the matter matterIt matterIt flitterIt
It is the th i keen relish which certain dose do e
friends f of the President show over the thesecondelective thesecondelecUve ti tiecondelective
secondelective s term movement mov ment that wor wa
ries the Taft men menHOBSON menHOBSON menEOBSON
HOBSON IDEAS MAY WIN OUT OUTPresident OUTPrelldcnt I Iresident
P President to A ARk fe Battleship Appro Approprluiionit ApproprlntIoDII 0
prluiionit in Special Message MeHsaRePresident MessagePresident UclJagePresident
President Roosevelt intends to send a aspecial aspecla1 apecial
special s message to
> Congress urging ap appropriation appropriation s ip ipropriation ¬
propriation p for construction of four bat hi Lt ¬
tle t ie ships of the Delaware class classThis claS6This classThis
This action will be based
on that
por portion pc r ¬
1 tion t ion of the naval appropriation bill
soon so on ono
j to t o be reported The Committee
on Naval Nai ral
Affairs A ffairs will include in the bill
an anauthorl anauthorlzotlon authori authorization ri riation ¬
zation z for the construction of two battle battleships battleships bat tie
ships s hips but no clause
money mono monofor mon lay layor
j for f or building them leaving the
appropria appropriation appropr Ia ¬
tion t ion to be made at the second session of ofthe ofthe
t the t he present Congress CongressTho CongressThe CongressThe
The attitude of the committee Is
unsat unsi at atsfactory ¬
isfactory i < to the President This has been beenmade beenmade hi ian ianmade
made known to Speaker S1Qal er Cannon and other otherHouse otherHouse otI ier ierHouse
House leaders but
without any
apparent appar mt mtnfluence
Influence i upon their stand against
a aheavy ahea ahOV
heavy hea hOV appropriation for armored vessels vesselsat vcsselsat vo els elst
at a t this time timeRepresentative timeRepresentathc timeRepresentative
Representative Richmond Pearson Hob Hobson Hobson H Hof
son of Alabama Alabama who sunk the Morrimac Morrimacin Merrig Inc Incn
in i n the harbor of
Santiago when ho
was wasan wasan v as asofficer
an officer of the navy and his
arguments argumentsin argumei rits ritsfavor
in j favor of four battle
ships havo im impressed Impressed rn rnpressed ¬
pressed the President PresidentThe PresidentThe PresidentThe
The bill will carry c rry appropriations for fori fornaal fornaval
naval purposes aggregating o oCoxcy approximate approxime t
i Jr wSSST 130000000 130000000Coxe lGOOOOOOCoxey
Coxcy Coxe Get Gets in Bill BillAt BillAt BillAt
At the request of Gen Jacob S
Coxoy COX late of tlie thecommonweal Commonweal army sri fly
Representative Brumm of Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniayesterday Pennslvanlayesterday ila ilayesterday
yesterday introduced a a bill known as An Anact Anact Anact
act to provide for public improvement and andFIREPROOF andFIREPROOF
Separate locked rooms roc ens ensrein as i
from rein 52 month up Ex Exvert I Exierthandlers s ¬
pert ierthandlers handlers Estimates Estima te teMerthante es
furnished furnishedMerchants turnI5hedMerchants
Merchants Transfer 1 Storage Ston e Co
P20922 E STREET PHONE M 659 59 i
r I Iemployment
employment em emSta ployment of citizens citlins of the thetes United UnitedStates UnitedStatcs
States Sta Stapro tes and to encourage encoura c Industry and to toprocure toprocure
procure pro cure money to purchase and pay for forpublic forpublic forlic
r public pub puban lic utilities The measure authorizes authorizestan authorizesan authorizesappropriation
tan an animp n appropriation of 150000000 for public publicImprovements publicImprocments publicrovenxenta
In Improvements imp imppro rovenxenta in order that labor may be beprovided beprovided bevided
PI provided pro vided for the unemployed unemployedEEPEAT unemplo ed edREPEAT
Another An other Xl Night ht of Pleasure at Y 31 31C MC 1 1C
C A Gymnasium GyninaftlnmBarkers GDlnultlDlBarkors
Barkers B arkers barked peanuts cracked clowns c1onromped clownsped
romped rom romed ped and the small boys eyes eye upon opened uponed uponwide ¬
ed edsec wide with with 1tl1 wonder last night at tho thosecond thosocond theond
second sec ond performance of tho indoor winter winterolrcus
olrcus otr eus In the gymnasium of the Young YoungMens YoungMens
Mens Me ns Christian Association building In InG InG
G street northwest northwestThursday northWe t tThursds
Thursday Thursds T Tand nights success was repented repentedand rapento rapentoand
and in attendance the Initial performance performances
was wa wacir s surpassed A real modern modorn fourring fourringcircus fourringcIrcus fourringcus
circus cir cirma cus with the real l freaks and real ani animals animal anhle ¬
mals mal ma le could not have pleased Its audience audiencemor audIencemor
mor mo m than the amateurs of the Y M 3 C A AThose AThose
Those T Thoo hose who participated parttch > ntetl in tho show showtook
ir look hoo k forward with 1th ple pIant s nt antlcipailoa n nto
to a repetition of the th di e1pus ICU us p nex nexsi ext t tAlT
AlT V UJp f tlY > C
J Q 1 V IaJ iJ
tIN tINrA leAl
H rA si it L1itue lime 1 ref of ofc vJ > 4 4rt
rt tV T tl F Ff Fi
f i
i i r c eJII Willrie WIll1IieIlelcI nlr Held lelcl at atIPckllhI Z ZoGlqck I
i j oGlqck Gloc1lliIs IPckllhI lhl Af AftcrnouPvws Utfrnoo tcrnopttir rC1T rC1To
Oi tii1o cn to o the Public PublicThe Pub l lTb
The Tb funeral f1ln ora J of o Crosby Stuart Noyes Noyeslate Noesla16
1 late la te editor of the Evening Star will take takeplace tftltoplace takeace
p place pl ace this afternoon from St Thomas ThomasProtestant ThoflasProtestant
p Protestant Protestant Pr otestant Eplocopal Church Eighteenth Eighteenthtreet Eighteenthtreet
treet t reot near Dupont Circle CircleServices CircleSonlc66
Services will begin ns planned at 2 2oclock 2oclock 2
o oclock clock Rev C Ernest Smith presiding
j Rev Re R ev Dr
Edwtrd Everett Hale will par participate partlelpato ¬
t ticipate tic ipate in the obsequies by special ro request roquest ¬
quest qu est of Mr Noyes QYes From the church churchthe eburdathe
thC t the th e cortege wilt proceed to Rock Creak CreakCometery Cr k kCome
C Cometery Come C emetery t or for the interment intermantAH InterrnootAU
AH yesterday joStero Y the body of the distin distinguished dtlngulshed ¬
guished gu ished editor lay 18 at the home of Theo Theodore oo oodore ¬
dore do < 1 ra W Noyes No 1730 New Nu Hampshire Hampshireavenue Hamp btre btreaVRUt I
a avenue av enue white a continuous stream of vis visitors visltors ts ¬
1 itors it ors passed tY by to view for the last lasttime Jasttime las
t time U uilO the features of their friend Mem Members Members ¬
t bers he rs of tho Oldest Inhabitants Associa Association ASlMtCla1Ion ¬
t tion li on were among thee who ho called to see seethe seetho sci
t the th e body bodyThis bodyThb
This association will 111 attend tho sarv sarvfee surlees sorves
fee lees ic es and many members of 0 the w0tatn w0tatnbfa 01 01bts nIwm
t bfa hi s Historical Society Sodet and other organiza organizations o1gaBtzaUona ¬
t tions tI ons with 1tlt which itA the late editor was wa 8S af affiliated atJUlated ¬
I filiated J fated will also be present pr06 nt Pews Pew will willbe willbe wit I
t be b e reserved for the delegations from fromthese fromtbe 1
t these th ese civic and a patriotic societies and andfor aadfor am I
t for fo r the family tam and nearest friends All Allotner AI1oti1er Al 1
c otner ot her seats ts will 10 be open to the public publicConniiel p blie blieHARPER
Conniiel < C ounsel for Both Sides Sldc Argue Over OverEvidence OverEhlence Ovei OveiEvidence r
Evidence of Witness WitneMCounsel UncI UncICoal
Counsel for both sides offered argu arguinents arguments
i inents m eets as to the admissibility ad ty of evidence e1d8llCeby
1 by b y a a lay witness wltnen in the Robert N Har Harper Harper
i per p ci trial and after spending the morntn morng morn morning
1 ing tn g in argument the court allowed coun COUfta1
s sl s al for defense d to call Its chief witness witnessWilliam wttnssWill
1 William Will W Illiam G Carter He testified to having havingli havth havthed
i cs t ed Cttrforhodttke C rtorbo6ke Judge Khnball KlmbaUruled
i ruled r uled that the witness could testify telUf as asto asto a a
1 to t o whether or not the remedy had stop stoppee o
ped pee p ad his headache head da < but could give s no evi evidence evience
dence d < ence tending t Ut show th Ute physiological pbystologtealetreetal ii
effects e < of the drug cJ1rgKENTUCKY
J State S tate Opposes Coeducation of the theWhites theWhites th e eWhites
Whites and Blacks BlacksPaper BlacksPallcrJII
Paper P apers In Interentinc InterelUu Case Arc rc Re Received Rec ¬
ceived c hed by b Supreme Court CourtWhich CourtVblcb
Which Will Ill Decide It ItThe ItThe
The dark of the SUpromo Court of the theUnited tJIeUnited U United Is
United U nited States Sta tes yesterday received frem fremAttorney fremAuorn frei ri riUorney
Attorney Auorn A Uorney General G neral Breathitt of Kentucky Kentuckyand Kentuek Kentuekand
and a nd his counsel N B Hays Ho s Thomas Mc McGregor Mc McGregor M 5 ¬
Gregor G < regor and Charles H Morris their brief brioCIn bri rf f j
in i i n behalf of the State in the case of Berea BereaCollege Ber is l i iCollege
College C ollege vs The Commonweath of Ken Kentucky Kentucky Rd Rducky a i ¬
tucky t which whl h will be argued before the theSupreme theSupreme U ie a
Supreme S upreme Court within a few weeks The Thecase Thecase Ti e
case is brought to the Supreme Court C Ceurthe urt on onthe ontbe en n
the t he question of the constitutionality constttutJonaltty of ofthe orthe ofor f
the t he act of the Kentucky Kentuck legislature four fouryears fouryetlrs foi or r
years y ears ago prohibiting whites and negroes negroesfrom negroestrom negro negrorcm Cs s
from f rcm attending the same school schoolJudge schoolJUdge schoolJudge
Judge Breathltt declares in his brief briefthat brlel brlelthat bri brihat u
that t the State statute does not encroach encroachon oncroa h hthe
on the civil rights of either race nor does doesit docsIt do Os s
it I t discriminate against the civil rights of ofeither ofeither
either e ither This statute says the attorney attorneygeneral attorneygeneral attorn DIr 7
general of Kentucky was intended intendedprevent to toprevent toprevent o
prevent these two streams of life IJ from fromflowing fromfiGwlng fre freflowing
flowing into a common channel to pre preserve preserve pi ¬
serve s erve rate rn e identity and to maintain the thepurity thepurity t tpurity he
purity of blood It is the public policy poll C of ofKentucky ofKentucky
Kentucky to require the equal but sepa separate separate sep a ¬
rate education of the two races that thatwhile thatwhile tlu LI
while guaranteed equal civil rights It Is Istho Isthe 3
the policy of the State of Kentucky to tomaintain tomaIntain 0
maintain a separate social socialstatus socialstatusHow status statusHow
How is the State to maintain a sepa separate soparate sop a ¬
rate te social status If the young white whiteand whiteand whi whiand Ite e
and colored children are permitted to go govoluntarily govOluntarilY govoluntarily 0
voluntarily to school 5 < hool together to sit to together together I o ¬
or J
gether to eat together to recite together Jogetherto togetherto ogeth r m
to study together1 to sleep together to as associate associate Is ¬
sociate together and to become the theguests theguestsof guests guestsof guex its
of each other may we ask what more is isneeded isnoeded I S
needed to constitute social equality But Butlet ButJet B iut i
let social equality be once established establishedand cstabllshedand d I
and mutual attachment will follow as assurely assurely
surely as the day da does the night first firstamong 1rstamon lii rst t
among amon the weaker members of each race raceand race raceand rn m
and finally finall among all resulting in the thedestruction tbodestruction t tdestruction he
destruction or blotting blottin out of the fndlvid fndlviduality fndlvhuaJlt mdiv mdivuality
uality uaJlt and identity of each race raceAssembly raceA raceAssembly
A Assembly clllbl Given a Dance DanceMembers DunceMombers
Members of the District Assembly gave gavetheir gavetheir ge getheir Lye e
their initial dance at Pythian Temple last lastnight lastnight Ii ist isttar
night About 160 couples assembled for forthe torthe j
the grand march The committee on ar arrangemerts arrangemorts
rangemorts rrere ere W V H McComas MeComasC W WC T TC
C Wood W E Gallagher George T TBerkeley TBerftc1ey TBerce1ey
Berkeley Berftc1ey Charles Ch rJ08 Baker B Jer H A A Vander Vandervort Vandervort Vand Vandvort
vort vort George E Doollttle D ollttle Albert A Lend Lendcy Lendc Lex LexCY
cy c Harry Davis William OBrien James JamesM TamesL Jan JanMcDaniel
M L McDaniel Arthur L Hammill jr and andJ andJ a nd ndL
J L L Ward WardHamilton WardHamilton YardJJ
Hamilton JJ J11ilton Mahie Inbl to t Lecture LectureHamilton LccturHamilton LectureHamilton
Hamilton F Mable of New York Y rk editor editorof cdl ltor ltoror tar tarof
of the Outlook rpaguzinc y aguzlnc will give givelecture givelecture a alecture
lecture Sunday afternoon In the gymna gymnasium gmi gmislum mna mnasium ¬
sium hall of the Young Mens Christian ChristianAssociation ChristianAssociation Christ Ian
Association 17S6 l 17 C G street northwest Mr MrMabies MrMables 2 2Mabies r
Mabies subject will be Tho higher use useof useor i iof
of business President Cuno Rudolph Rudolphthe of ofthe ofthe
the board of trade has sent sent out notices noticescalling noticescalling noti des descalling
calling attention to the lecture lectureMr lectureIr lectureMr
Mr Ir Marshall lI rshall In Better BetterRobert DetterRobert BetterRobert
Robert Marshall district Inspector inspectorbridges of otbridges
bridges who has been seriously soriousl III for torsome forsome
some time Is reported to be out of dan d an anger ¬
PAZO P AZO OINTMENT is 1 guaranteed IUarant d to cure any fl7 cue CMSof cueDr I
of Itching Blind Bleedinc BI or Protruding Piles la
S to U dajs daa or 0 money refunded We
Daughters Da ughters of oftb ofthe the South Host Hostesses Hostcsses lostesses I
esses at the Willard WillardFOE WillardR j jF
jj Brilliant nrlll Bri llIant nllt AiuicmhlaKc inihe Interest Interesto IntlrtRtot IntereatWorthy
ot o Worthy Vortll Cause the Erection of n nShaft nShuftnt ahaft
Shaft Shuftnt S haft at Arlington Under the AUK Au AuJIacH AusieCN j jpircM
pircM l ieCN of the Ladies of Stonewall StuncwuUJucIiolol1 StonewallUCkSOIL j jJackson
J < Jackson Chapter ChnlJtcrGowns Govrns Described DescribedTho DCHcribedTho Describedhe
Tho T he Daughters oC tt tile Stonewall Jack Jackson Jaek30n JackChapter
so son Chapter Chapt r woro hostesses boste6ll 18 last 5t night at attho attJtoball atball
t tJtoball the ball given at the Wlllard in behalf of ofJie offund
tftewd Jie 1e fund they are raising for tho Con Conttderat Condera Conerat I
ttderat od odit dera erat monument they the expect to erect erectft erectArl1ngtonand teet teetit
ft it it ito it1lta Arl1ngtonand ArJlngton iid Ilk the true Southern Southernvomen Southernomen Southernmen
vomen omen o men they are are they were ere most hoe hoebIe
table 1lta 1ltaiiui bIe hostesses 1to extending to all a afyaftrty aYArt arty
fyaftrty YArt iiui rty rtyho welcome welcomeThe WOcomaho
The T ho ball was held In the c large banquet banquetUs banquotlis banquetroom
Us lis room n the main floor of the New NewTUlard NowIlard ew ew1Jmard
TUlard 1 Ilard Hotel and the ornate furnish furnishings fUlftlshfngs furnishs ¬
ings tog s of the room left l Ct nothing to be de desired degtred dod ¬
sired sire sireT d in the tb way of docoratlonThe decorations decorationsThe decorationshe
The T he clustered lights of the chandeliers chandelierswere ehandeUerswere chandeliersre
were we re shaded with delicate pink shade shadewhich shade shadewhleb shadesich
which wh whshe ich gave a pretty touch of color and andshed andshed andd
shed she d a rosy light over tho throng of ofdancers ofdancers ofcers
dancers dan danwa cers below The highly polished floor floorwas 11001was floors
was wa wadan s crowded with an eager company eornpan of ofdancer otdaneelS ofcers
dancer daneelS dan cers young and old who enjoyed the thefestivity theollvtty thetivity
festivity fes tivity to the utmost utircstThe umcatThc utmostThe
The Receiving pnrtThea Party PartyThe Partyhe
The T he ladles of the receiving party were wereably werey ere ereably
ably abl y assisted by Mr Ir LIpscomb who made madethe madethe modeIntroductions
the th introductions and an who was deter determined determined deterned ¬
mined mi ned that all should S have a a good time timeand timea I IUc1
and i a it was not hie h fault if any anyone one did didnot didt didhe
not no t
notTh notrhe
Th r rhe he tedtee In the resolving party were wereMrs wores I
Mrs Mr lrs s Llpscomb Mrs Irs Robert Smith wife wifeof wifeRepresentative I Iof
of Representative Smith of Texas Mrs MrsTowers Mrswers i
Towers To wers Mrs Irs McLaren Mrs Atkinson Atkinsonwife Atkinsonfe
wife wi fe of Dr Atkinson Mrs Butler wife wifeof wlCeor wifeSenator
of Senator Butler and Miss Frances FrancesFlorMe Francesorida
FlorMe Fl orida Llpscomb chairman assisted by byMUK byJf byss
MUK Jf Mi ss Halite 11111 English Miss Tinsley Miss MissHoward I Iward
Howard Ho ward Miss William VIUtma Miss US Bowie Bowl Miss MissDuffle 158 158Dume I Ins I
Duffle nu ns Miss U Saunders Mrs aden the theMhwes tbeMIIHS thesses
Mhwes Mi sses Towers Miss MeLaurin Miss MissCandter Mistndler I
Candter Ca ndler Miss Brown BroJ1 ana Miss i Head Headley Hea Heal HeaMr Heady HeadMr
ley l la y
Mr R P Barrues BIt Bnrri took the tickets at attbe atlite si sidoor
tbe tb door dloraD and Mr Ir Sidney Low was at att ii iihead J
11M Ui t head of tit tb floor committee committeeDescribing COIIIMttteDeKcrlblnJ conisoteeDescribing
Describing the Gown CoivnuMrs GownIrs GownsMrs
Mrs Irs Ltpscomb was gowned in a becom becoming lu becomg cem cemtng ¬
ing in g costume costu of layond lavender silk with cut cutwork cutwork cntork
work w ork embroidery over a a paler shade S ade of ofalik oi oik I
alik sil k and embellished embeUts ed with white w whit lte cfefffett cfefffettand ehfmmand I Id
and an d lace laceMte laceUe
Mte 31165 Ue Lfpscomb wore a gown of lavender lavendersatin JavcnderMUR lavexidextin
satin sa tin mad made princess and trimmed with wit I IMrs
lac I8ee
Mrs Robert SmIth wore mite lac lacveiling ace acevelUng lace laceRlag
veiling ve Rlag white silk with itb a bit of color r rtroduced
introduced in troduced In the wide surplice bands bandsover baoosover bander
over ov er the anouWers sheukIers which leh were of Dres Dresden Dresden Dresn ¬
den de n ribbon rlbboR in I pink nk and white whiteMrs whit whiteTowec
I Mrs Towers Towec woe we richly t1cJt1 gowned in Ii
I black b lack lace peJNetted hi jot built over overwhite ova
I white w hite satin satinMrs aatiRIr8 satinMrs
Mrs Ir8 McLaren was gowned ht pink veil veilmade ¬
Jag made with a panel effect down the Ui a aont
front fr ont of white lace lace also forming the tb C Crsage
corsage co rsage ornamentation ornamentationMrs GnNUnentatiolLMrs oraameiitadonMrs
Mrs Atkinson was dressed in pink silk silkand sill sillnd
and a nd lace laceMrs laceIrs isc iscMrs
Mrs Irs Samuel S muel Spirrgg Belt woro W robl r black ck and andwhite andwhite am
white w hite lace and chiffon chiffonMrs chUronIrs chiffonMrs
Mrs Irs Mttkare was gowned gew ia black bled bledMrs
lace laceMrs
Mrs Harry Harr Barker rker was as gowned in pink pinksatin pinksatin pin
satin sa sato tin with
embellishments of lace and an anuches
touches to uches of pale blue blueMrs blueI blueMrs
I Mrs rs John Poole was la white lace veil veilwhite
tog white chiffon and silk sflkMrs sttltIrs silkMrs
Mrs Mannings OI nnlngs gown was of white
lace la lao ce
laceMrs ceMrs
Mrs Butler woro Oro white htte remdEsancs rcaaf sAetJ lace laceover laceover lacever
over o ver white satin satinMrs satinMrs Un UnMn
Mrs Capers Ca rs who fto was accompanied by byapt
CapL C apt John G Capers wore re tttrftUOfee c
blue bl b lue silk trimmed with lace and sliver sliverpuseementeria stiverptuJmentene sliversesmentods
puseementeria puseementeriaMrs ptuJmentenelrs p sesmentods
Mrs lrs Fred was gowned in white lace laceMrs laeelIrs laceMrs
Mrs Thornton was gowned In black biacknice blackce
nice hLee la ce
The Patronesses PatronessesThe Patronesesrite PatronesseaThe
The ptrnne88 patronesses S were wereMra wer werI wereMrs
Mrs I Veiny Dew Mrs Baskkead Mrs Starabers S Struber Mrs
AYBftaja W iThem Bait Salts Mrs Z Charles aries Carte Csii Mrs a
O t W Gakspte Mrs rs E E S OBadtor Mrs Gozmt Oarnttrs
Mrs M rs Be BeejIt Bela > arta Mloe 1110 Mrs rs Lee M X L Lipiaeib acoaib Mrs n
T C Co Bog BBJ IIa A Mrs Irs J YeIML aa G Cafxrs Ca Mrs Magaw Mzgu
TaoatpsOM Th oaiixecs Mrs In F A Dezua Duller Mrs 1InI Robert Bowie
I MM Matthew C BaUer Mrs AtcaibaM Vows YOM11111I Yo Yors >
11111I MK M rs I IlosaBe H n Baeoek B eock Mrs C H 1L Fred Fred MIL J
M r Brit Mrs m MuJcare MIl catt Mte Itu Vbstaia Miner Mrs
I SUM S ilas Hare Hare flax Mrs Irs E E H n Teaaeat lid Mrs C C B BCivil
T9WCT5 lew ers
Civil Service Announcement AnnOUnCCJllentTh
The Th Civil Service Commission announces announcesthat announcesthat
that owing to the heavy b08 expense of nre nreparing nrePAring weparing
paring and mailing copies of o announce announcements announcemeats ¬
I ments of examinations to be held that tltfttlonly thatnly
lonly only o nly bona fide do applicants and those who whodisseminate whodisseminate
disseminate d information concerning es examlnat1oRf oxminatione
amlnatione a to prospective prosp eUyC applicants or to tothe tohe
the t he general public will receive same same3IARRIAGE sameJURRUGE seineMARRIAGE
Ham H McGrano 59 sa and Blanche W V L Len Latei TE
less ItS l i 36 Rir nlTY J B PRier PittarJohn PSUar1oha1 PRieriohe
John 1oha1 J T Ahem 95 6 of B naltimMe ltim re SL Id and u d L L1faft LO
ttaa l M 1 AtdiJsoa Atc lioeL SL ii Ret J F Eetaued EetauedOUo BekearedO BekesredeOtto
Otto O W Herrmawj Hemna n 9 of New l Yert rk City eat eatM
JoMpblne M M Bember Be 2 23 1 3 ReT Gaum P W9 wne Wile5itzm
Buctaes F Marshall llar uI1 a af o Ige Va and ad Jasie JaBieL JanlePerkins
L L Perkins P klns 13 13 ef Bidunead Va a Rex Alexander
BidaskL B idaiki
J lwr JT Rofefoson D 3 il aad Emma I L L Parker Pa er SL
Rer Re B J AskekL AakeldDEATH MlakLDEATH
Thomas Th mu Mead 216 2i PeoHpiraaia Pem are nw 3S y years yearsSamuel ars arsSamuel rs rsStmuol
Samuel Croplcr 125 11 23d d St nw 29 fears fearsEdward yearsEdward an anEdward
Edward E E Holbruaer M10 E si st nw n 17 4 years yearsJam yearsE
Jam Jamn s K Forrest 339 N at at nw 11 years yearsWillard
Wllfard Httferd Gort limp for Insane 31 yrs yrsMarianne
Marianne s S Sdiley 9B Rhode Iskadare 91 yrs TS
Camila Brine 1637 14th st at air D 33 years yearsThomas reaDnacuus yraThcuiis
Thomas P Randolph 1 1r itO 02 16th st at 14 years
Mary 11 Coleman 11U 6th st at sw cvJamea 09 years yearsJamaa rs rsJames
James Fletcher Conjrts1 Heights H ts 23 years yearsJane CJaoo yearsJane
Jane Seaton Georgetown Uair Uai Hesp 68 years yearsJohn yearsJohn ears earsJ
John J bn W Robertson IS lEi 34th st et nw S J years yearsLoHtee fftllJA yearsLoulic
LoHtee JA Ite UBham 3601 36Gli L at at nw 1 month monthCarolyn DthCaroijin monthCarsin
Carolyn I L Gallon 2413 U3 3d st It t ne 9 dayg daygCOLORED d dCOLORED
Sarah E E Turner T na S8 e Prospect st at Fort Reno Reno511UtS Bess51years
51ytars 51ytarsEdvrin 511UtSEdwiB
Edvrin Law SOS E st it sv 01 2 years yearsFrances yearsFrasou oars oarsFrDa5
Frances Hurbert 122 1 23d at BW Sf Si1cars Si1carsHI1za SI years pearsCh5f
Hhra Chase Home for the Aged ed and Infirm InfirmK
K 6 years yearsGeorce 7CU5Geore
Georce E E Weston 23J3 P st st nw 9 months monthsYOU momJuYOli monthsYou
work of prevention of crime crimeby crimeby crimeby
by keeping your valuable valuablepapers valuablepapers valuablepapers
papers jewelry c c in one oneof oneof onef
of f our Safe Deposit Boxes Boxeswhere Boxeswhere Boxeswhere
where the thief cannot get getto getto getto
to them themnor nor fire fires
s 5 per year and higher higherInterest higherInterest higherInterest
Interest Allowed on Checking
Accounts AccountsAMERICAN AccountsAMERICAN AccounttAMERICAN
Northwest Corner of ofFifteenth otFIteenth ofFifteenth
Fifteenth and Pennsylvania Avenue AvenueCHARLES AenuoCHARLES AvenucCHARLES
ii iiI
I l lTHE
I cGloves I Ge GeI c cAnother
I Another AnotherGreatSale Great Sale SaleRtfbber Saler SaleRubber J J JRtthber
Rubber Gloves GlovesTwelve Twelve hundred pairs of these gloves were weresold weresold weresold
sold here Friday February 21 Many ian more would have been sold
had they been here Another sale was then promised for the fol following folJowing 101lowing ¬
lowing Friday Owing to delay on the railroad this weeks distribu distribution distribution distribution ¬
tion will not commence until this morning morning19c morning19c morningInsteado75c
19c Instead Insteado75c of of75c 75c Pair PairBest PairBest PairBest
Best Satinfinish Rubber Gloves for household use also for iorphysicians forphsicians or orphysicians
physicians hospital nurses electricians c all all sizes sizes in n black and andmaroon andmaroou andmaroon
maroon Institutions supplied in quantity but not the trade tradeGoodyears tradeGoodyears tradeGoodyears
Goodyears 1 Specialties 57c 57cHOTWATER 57cHOTWATER
Goodyears name is associated with only best bestwarranted bestwarrantedrubber bestwarrantedrubber warranted warrantedrubber
rubber goods The Fountain Syringes and Hotwater Bottles need needno needno needno
no descriptions Learn that the Bath Sprays are a nickelplated fitted fittedwith fittedwith fittedwith
with outer rubber ring which prevents the scratching of the bath bathtub bathtub bathtub ¬
tub the five feet of tubing which is included has a solid rubber rubberbulb ruberbulb rubberbulb
bulb attachment fitting over any faucet faucet59c faucrt59c faucet59cfor3Syrines
59c 59cfor3Syrines 59cfor3SyrinesThere for 3 Syringes SyringesThere SyringesThere
There is one best Syringe for women womenifs its known as the ifeeLadies t theLadies e eLadies
Ladies Vaginal Syringe and retails in ail the leading 1ead drug drugstores drugstores drugstores
stores of the country at 3 being recommended by by the medical medicalfaculty medicalfaculty medicalfaculty
faculty as the only syringe Here today at 59c 59cSome 590To 59cq1
q1 To ToBe79c ToBe79cSomorth Be 79c 79cSome
Some Somorth worth 2 2Lingerie 2Lingerie
2 Lingerie Waists iV aists made to retail at atSi
7 Si 1 Ito2 to 2 are to tobe be only 79c 9c Tailor TaiforNote Tllilormade
4 made Waists are to he 89c and 198 198instead
f 1 instead of l tad 250 250Note 250Note
Note that theres competition be between be between bePL
L tween ourselves ourseh ourselvesbetween esbetween between the Tailor Taitory TaiJormade Tailorill41
ill41 y made Waists V 7Tj aists oa o the third floor and andy andthese aadthese
y these Lingerie Waists on i the first firstfloor firstfloor
7 floor We Ve hope you will purchase both bothfor bothfor
1 1 for both have their time and place placeClose placeClose placed11
d11 I
Close C1oseat53O C1oseat53OI at 530 p m mTHEPALAISROYALGStllthSt mTHE
± i Li
BEAXDEROa BENDE B Wcdnestky w Fetawrr F Feis 36 5 WB IO at
945 9 x a Mrs HARRIETTS BKAXDER of ofMrthvest ofDIi ofn
DIi n po tINt DGrtln noetweat et at tIN rife ell aa e eeBn itpeaa
peaa eBn SIM 1IH well b III IIIMrtb te teaeethrest
Mrthvest Mrtb cecthM sadie sad loved 10 br b aD aDF all allPismail JL JLFWMMl
FWMMl qa W Ink k place Iace fcs ke tlM t KtuntiiBtk N Street StreetBOBINCERO S SBstdst StreetBi
Bstdst Bi CIIM Sataty F73 Fcen7 9 K 1 JL JLI p pIMSimeit
I IMSimeit at PaJIMs Q oIC1 oIC1B
BOBINCERO B D 1 Jrn a ThMnfey February 1fe ST vex 1IeS at 5 5a 5a 5a
a a M at d QtOCgIt ecK W Waegtos W 4 B lMr Uahcer nMr Hoc Hocyit BotIiW 11o 11oiMal
yit IiW iMal I GEORGE BOPIXGER BOlI GER of OaSis Jobs JobsBrito JomzBriIItu JohnBeldin
Brito heisted bbs i rf Margaret Lottfa Bob Bobtes Bob8Il Bobmr
tes mr r sat 8Il d kratbv kth of W V H 11 Bobteffer aged s d forty fortjtwo fortytwo GrtJ GrtJtliWa
two yeu yeuFWMnl years JMISFWcaI yearsFmt1
FWMnl turn Lses mtetaktei parlors tkeoea to tow tosc toSc
sc Sc Patritt Pai ohi ardI oh where reanl W b ben JB35 JB35w
w w en be cetehMted for UK repose of Ida MIll s a at atS
S 839 a a JIL Sttvtxj Sa Pttracy 9 So FsiNHb zsds aDd aDdaI aMMatises > ad adKtlaMves
KtlaMves es are te mtffettoOy rrs taviML taviMLCBOPLBYO iDriIIIIACIlOPLKYGa to toItoPLlYO
CBOPLBYO C Tacater FMmKr aEVG6ai So 1005 it 1151 1151SAMUKL UfI1J U
1J 1 a SAMUKL CROPLEV b itoTtd oeed tarn ol olMIMI ofTkes f fJ
MIMI L l CziIey e tile tol Aller J Jef crap Cwpkr
kr 15 ta lbs tMrtMh y year r of MB JdhMna a sFeneral e eFmcnl
Fmcnl fran f St SI Johns P E E Cfewch E 0 ud udPotKBM aidPetezBae aMPe4smes
PotKBM stieete SMwi SIIttriQ r Ffebmny 9 at atp atI atp
p I B latonatat pen penDCTROWAt prifIML prifIMLDClROWt primisUTIIOWt
DCTROWAt D Ixwtoivflle Va en t HM rs4sy i4 r Fob Fobnnwy PeltW Febyeah
nnwy yeah W WS 1003 11 t 2 f M Jfc Mrs > MARY XRYDUTnoW MR A ADCTBOW ADUTUOW
DCTBOW DUTnoWI acid eiMr dtydebt efct yeirs yeirslatcacat yv yvIat
Iat I latcacat mat at LenriwriHe Va Oatmday Fttemnr Fttemnra Pftnarysa
a sa at 2 9 a TnttftA J W Md U Vt VtFORR JJs JJsFORRES1 yers iee ieeORRESTSM4ey >
FORR FORRES1 FORRES119l F ORRESTSM4ey STSoM rir m Total Taai4y Nkwoy NkwoyBOB Pwyo8
BOB 19l o8 at Ms h boa M 3S ee X Maim MKkwMt MKkwMtJAJISS MIda aqtkwe aqtkweLIMBS
LIMBS KEITH FORREST dwt M C is o eC eCh MM MMlate s slate
late h Btedw nat Mwy H 1L Peowt Fmutatn FstnEi PeowtR
R nEi Mitm Tease mutatn mutatnI1dr11Afth at Hair Ii Trtotty rriO OtkoHe CbnMk CbnMkTIrtrtyafiS ChuvebThirtySftk
TIrtrtyafiS eat 0 stncta a Derc uvrtai it t > rwt Satartef SatartefFetaiBiy SA SstssisyFeOtsary
FetaiBiy at So at 928 9 a a m FdMd F tt CfaJRlb tee teelutt thefa
lutt fa w are tented to toFULl att atasL atasLFULLERDeparted ad adFULLBRDepsrted
FULLBRDepsrted FULl RDel ritCI thia life after a few days m mMM ill ill1M illsea
MM 1M as B Fri4aj FritIa Fehmarj 38 s 96 J6 at 4J ill a a aat sat au auat
at Us TesUeoae 2 21 3t 1 BtfatK htk street IIUeet1tY Mrlkveat MrlkveatHBKRY satbaaitlrliRY
HBKRY 1tY the holisM hwtead n ol HOMh H F nI nIkr FulU l lkr
kr father of Hawy H J 1 H PaUse MId bmUter of ofSaMlr CSa ofSasir U
SaMlr Sa FWoc M Mrs Irs Kate Joae J Mrs A Me tasle rte WiQ WiQiaia muiamI WiUlazas
iaia iamI cad MK 1 lithe H JOBM JOBMFiawnl 1 1FInteDI 3amFiaaI
Fiawnl frem Tamest V AV Avse M IhtMtK ttt Own Ownday CllRn CllRnarme trthVomit
Vomit arme aTe Mar Jt unit uvesuvt s sdaJ Seaday
day March 1aC 1 1 at 1 odMk eds dHk B Rolathea feU ad fric ideate friaani ideateare ds dsilAUOXBOn
are ladled baTitedULO ladledMALOxEon
ilAUOXBOn ULO EOn Tb Tlltlnlkf rtar Fefcosaiy V yea attar O r a aBbort a as ashort
ort s Mum JAMES H MALQXE 3ILO E aid s 4 twenty twwtythrc t tart twentythret
thrc thret years jwrtFmcnd yearsPuvered art artPwlcraI
Fmcnd f fma a tie ntMtaee of f kb alMa M r MnMargaret > Mn MIsMargaret n noruet
Margaret oruet Walsh IS FearasdaBatf PMMB4Ia aJl street saMb saMbwest uwest met metwest
west e Sunday Fsbmary P r1Iar1 29 at 92 C a a aR m mat aRrei
R Rrei aa at St St DAm Idcs CbtInh at M Mta 1tolIMk ii iioefiik
olIMk n lIolatIsea aid fdI iden fUdr Stilted ladIte Stiltedto
ta attead latcneat I at Mewt 1 OHret OhietlOHOLO CemoUor CemoUorMOHOLO CoaoterJ10HOLOa
MOHOLO Friday Febnwry 23 5 IMS 1S at 4 430 p pin Pm pZn
in m at his ruldiaea 506 JHctrti t54g t54gafter street atttetafte aertheaatv aertheaatvafter
after a hort short flla RIMet Hiss M JAMKS E E NICHOL ICHOL fell fellasleep fena6leep far L Lasleep
asleep asleepFUMR asleepFiiaoral
FUMR Meadur March arc 2 i KOS 1e at 2 21 p au auNOYBSOa mOY a aOYESOn
NOYBSOa OY So Friday Ftebraaiy 21 21 INS at Psa pasadees 1 1j I IdeN
j deaa deN CaL CROSBY STUART NOTES OIES aged agedFuBeral aede ageileItrtkiee
e eItrtkiee tfthllO years I
FuBeral from St St Thomas P E s Chvrch Stuy Stuyday itcr itcrdajr
day February 12 at 2 231 p I m m interment latermeatReck IlItmnentReck intermentBeck
Reck Greek CeaMteir CeaMteirEARSOXOH caurPEARSONOK CeneterlPEARSOxOR turI
EARSOXOH Wednesday Fetaaaiy 25 K03 at atXerH ath at atirk
irk h Adams daiOs Mass IU5 Mrs Irr SINAH E PBAR PBARSON PAft1 InARSON
SON or 151 1517 Church street aerthweK dlnr Wash Washinsten Washn Wa WaingtenDC
insten ingtenDC ingtenDCFuseral n D C CFoaenl C CP
Foaenl Smdty March la1 U 1 at 1 loc1eck odetic from fromuDdertldll Vi rirs rirsundertaktog s siiod
iiod uDdertldll undertaktog rtakifi tBUibHsbmcat wwat cormcr Tw Twty Twtyanti ntyninth ntyninthand 1 IIU1and
and M strwt aerthttwt tfeeae tli M U M the Nine Ninteeoth Ninetsonth ilM ilMtfeDth
teeoth Street Baptbt Chwcs eeiaer ean eanand N4aet i e enUi enUike t tand
and I 5trtttS nerUwrst wlSt wham Ute fuual S tTire sen senice
ke will be bud at 2 p ra m ReUtires sat ad friend friendiavited da dabnited a atented
tented to attend FfaBadelpbia papers pleas jdcaascopjr peueON C Ccopt
ROBEBTSQX ROBSRTSmi OnI111mdar = = Dn Th Thursday rsd 7 February S 1908 at 8 8a 8L Sa
a L m m at the residence of hb hi sister 1SST Thfety Thfetyfwirtii TbirtJfourtkueet Th5rt Th5rtfourth
fourth fourtkueet street J W ROBERTSON ht the eJ eight eightecusd 1t1 tj tjKoosd
Koosd year of his age ageFuneral agePbnenal ge geThner
Funeral SaUirder February 3 at M a am m Ales U1esandria Wasandria Alesandria
andria papers please e C cepy cepyFUNERAL inpyFUNERAL PT PTFUNERAL
3O1 East Ea Capitol Street StreetFUNEBAL BtreetFUNERAL 3treetFUNERAL
i or Erery DesalpUon DeserlpUol2Modentel1 Moderately Priced PricedGTIBE 1dee4I PricedGUDE
Heres another proof that th t the thelatest theJatest theJatet
latest and best news is found in intha inthamorping inthcmorning the themorning
morning paper paperits its the item refer referring referring referring ¬
ring to rubber gloves These gloves glovesarrived glovesarrived glovesarrived
arrived too late yesterday to be ad advertised advertised advertised ¬
vertised in the evening papers papersand papersandThe papersanciThe and andThe
The Herald is alone al < c in giving the theHeWS
SWTELL S tWFELLBSudcSrid 011 TI1eeda Fe11rc1u7
1M5 me of c Mat IaN ibua at t t D A A00IIt L Rm
Wy5 00IIt ClLUtLJS G So a4wrztLa TSLLB JP JPel 2
el 1 tM BIPth tailed StMa ea eaaa tssy U UFuveal
Fuveal aa L St St PaId Pants Oaardi TRatythh1 TRatythh1Ibftt TtythIMdwet
Ibftt mar Wutlm WsMiIat circle at U L a x xIlk Mm Mm1y
Ilk 1y Mamt t IDtfftBftat IDtfftBftatSO at Arflatos ArflatosOXXENSRMlDTa
SO S OXXENSRMlDTa EXSH1DTu Friday FeIJnaaT Fdeuea So Soat st L Lat
at 450 SO p p In f f btrt disease Dr c W SOJi SOJiE sos sosgicnMliy
E gicnMliy gicnMliyNotice OCIDfIIlT OCIDfIIlTNotirco
Notice ol fUllral fltfPT fltfPTYourGlassesMight noaf noafY
Y ourGIasseslVlight ourGIasseslVlightas
as Well Fit Comfortably Com Cornfortably
fortably as Not NotIf NotIf
If you use En GuaI Guar s s on onyour i
7 your our glasses you wOltt wOlttl wostthave
have to WonT about there tberang therecoming
l coming ng oft Can be put OIl
YOlR gIu eL50c gIass gIass50c
50c 75c 5100 I IEDWIN lEDWIN
It H ETZ iibIOOSG iibIOOSGOn 1005 G St StOD
OD G Strut ees1teEeaIra 1 tlkHI lease H8iJure
2r f
fp p
s sfJ
STf415fl STf415flThers
Thers re is always a standrl tide or orCTmtl otererythlagawthtcg
CTmtl ererythlagawthtcg Im tl11I1r th that t baa won its ways mJIto waysto
to the hOOt because t it is as a little 1tWetUB betide betidethan
tUB assthing l iU JiBe me it coHI coHIto COaito
to paints ei1I elk Md Males Dd TUDhMs re remarked re reainked
marked 1n Prim Acme Q Qesllty aHU is tM tMatandud teestandard
standard by which others are tedged Ap Apptied Ap Apied
ptied ied with IL br1I bW bnuhw
Agonts 607609 C st St N W WGRAND WRAND
RAND Imperial ImperiaSee ImperialIi
GRAND Ii See and Brut Bruttlt BrutJejedty
Jejedty tlt the JKI8t putaW pa ztblo aDd aDddeikae anddetbcae
deikae detbcae of of all mtrlcu C i eaayaaes eaayaaesTtT paes paes1001S
TtT 1001S DC O the IC s5eti s5etiSilelqts
Silelqts 13 dlH qts 15 l5eaecpCi l5eaecpCiiSopt QIIC tC
l qt J iSopt iSoptChristian It ItChristi
Christi Christian n Xanders XandersQuality
Quality tiflfl 7Lt L ° ° Main 4 4liaise
liaise 909 7th st