OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 02, 1908, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-03-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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Declares Husband Hu blnd Threat Threatened ThreatenecL ¬
1 1ened
ened to Kill family familyGLACIA FamilyGLACIA
Beauty Bc uty Recounts Rccoun tg Kip Njght Nig i t of ofHcl ofHclBrotIH Her HerBrothers
Brothers BrotIH r s Deathny Death
Sa ny nyc JJ that A After cr Alleged larder of ofSonny ofSonnT o
Sonny 9flfly Frenchman Chaseti Her to toHer toHer I
Her aiotlicrs 1ot11CL Home Promised PromisedDentil Promised1Jeath rroniiMedDeuth L
Dentil to Her Her7 Her Mother and Her HerStepfather lIerStcpratJu herStepfatherExplain
Stepfather StepfatherExplain rExplains Explain Delay In Xo Xotlfyingf Notifying o otlflng
tlfyingf Police o of the Crime CrimePortsmouth CrimePortsmouth CrimePortsmouth
Portsmouth N H March lIarchlGlacla lIarchlGlaclaCalla 1 iG1acIi Glacla GlaclaCalla L
Calla now doclares that her horhusband horhusbandPaul husband husbandPaul
Paul E Poy R r intended to kill her her hermother hermother her herL hermother
L mother Mrs Grace E Kolley Kelle and her herstepfather herlitepfather ho ho5tepather
stepfather JolmD John D Kelloy fmmediatoly fmmediatolyafter immedlatolyafter frnmedtatolyafter
after lie shot His brotherinlaw George GeorgeA GeoreA
A A Catkins Carktns on January JanuaryThat 2 2That 2That
That Roy Ro told his wife wlieand and Mr and andMrs anqMrs andirs
Mrs irs Kelley after aft r the killing of a Carkln Carklnthat Carklntbat L
that ha he Intended to shoot them is do doclnred docIared dedared
dared by both Miss Calla and Mrs Kel Kelley 1011ey ¬
ley Both ot these women w men have confided confidedthis contl ed edthis L
this story sto to the county solicitor solicitorPaul solicItorPaul
Paul Roy Intended to tc > kill the whole wholeof W OIC OICof
of us u and ho told me so said saidMiss saidMJss I
Miss iIss Calla Calm After A toc he killed kllle Sonny SonnYfled I Ifled Ified
fled from the houso As I ran to my mymothers m mmothers
mothers to to spread the alarm < larm he pursued pursuedme IJursuedme pursuer I
me firmly flrml determined to kill me and nfy nfyfather myfather n1 r
father and mother when when ho found us all allat allat at atat I rI
at the KeUey home homeFrcnie hpmeFrcnzled me meFrcnzlecl
Frcnie l rritli Knee KneeWhen UnJeVken
When bo overtook me at tho door yard yardof yard ard ardof I IOf
of my mothers homo he was fronzfad fronzfadwith tronzfadwith I Iv1th
with rage He grappled with mo m and andonly andonly an I Ionly
only my screams and my m stepfathers ap appearance ap appearanCe aj ¬
pearance saved me Frightened I was wasforced wa wasforced S Sforced
forced to tell tho story st ry wnlch I did didI didI didII
II I left the room arid went to my mymother mymother in inmother
mother Paul followed us about con constantly constantly constant1y ¬
stantly and said ho would woul kill us u If we wetold wotold wi witold
told the story I begged SOd him to give me mehis mehis rn rnhis
his revolver rv lor but he ref refused od On Satur Saturday Soturda Saturday ¬
day da when they were dressing for the thefuneral tbefuneral th thfunerl
funeral of Sonny Sonn Paul was wn in the room roomand roomond roozi rooziand
and saw some omo one of o our friends open the theveil thevall th thveil
veil box and exposethe exPMtL t e rovWver to view viewns vlowns vio vioas
ns they took out my veil ell I was as not In Inthat Inthat Ii C Cthat
that room at the time timeJ1ulbunel tIiohltvibunil timeHnabuml
Hnabuml Taken Revolver RevolverPaul ReoherPaul RevolverPaul
Paul took the tk revolver saying sayk it was washis wasbls wa S Shis
his The friend in the room did not pro protest protest protest ¬
test test because she did not understand the thesituation tncsituation th thsituation
situation After the funeral we discov discovered discovered dlscovered ¬
ered that Paul had the revolver fully fullyloaded f full lly llyoaded y yloaded
loaded and was carrying CIlr17j it in his pocket pooketMy pocketIy pookel1y
My Iy mother mot rtook look If It l but ut of ofhIscont Bills iS coat c ntJlPcJ ntJlPcJwben jx jjpckq > ckQt ckQtwhen x xdi
di when He o was not atotuid andplacedit a dlaceflt ln lna Inn I Ia
a pasteboard glove IOVO box in her house and andleft andleft ani anileft
left it i thero until she gave it to Sheriff SheriffCollls SherlfICollis SherilCoills
Collls upon bIB hI requet requestPaul requetPAul requetPaul
Paul had frequently requenU threatened to toshoot tohoot t 0 0shoot
shoot hoot us if we betrayed our suspicions suspicionsPaul suspicionsPaul i iPaul
Paul went away awa to New York on Sunday SundayJanuary SundayJanuary Surnla r rJanuary
January ML le and his last words to me mewere meWere ni nivero
were to keep silent for exposure would wouldcertainly wouldcertalnl woul a acertainli
certainly certalnl ruin all of us They say I ay we wewere wewere 0 0LC
were negligent and slow in reporting the thefacts thefacts Ui Uifacts LC
facts to the authorities but what is a awoman awoman awoman
woman to do what can she do under undersuch unde unde5uch r rsuch
such distressing circumstances c1rcunstances when sho shoIs sboIs au e eis
Is In constant fear of o her life lifeBAEONESS lifeBARONESS lifeBAOffESS
Baltimore WOUlflfl oman necalls TVeuilInp TVeuilInpof WediUn edUnJ edUnJof s sof
of Ilrothcr rother to Society Lender LcnuerBaltimore LenderBnlUmore LenderBaltimore
Baltimore March 1 IMiss Miss Mario Oren Orendorf Orendort L Ldorf
dorf who lives at 11 118 East Madison street streettonight streettonlsht t
tonight admitted that tle the Baroness BaronessOrendorf Baronos9Orendorff BaronosOrendorf ta a
Orendorf mentioned In connection with withthe withthe wit ii iithe
the xrlacia dIaCI lacla Calia affair is her steterIn steterInlaw ststerInla I Ilaw
law la
Miss ih Orendorf belongs to a family that thatstands thatstnpda th Lt Ltstapd
stands high in the community and in was wasverr waave w a avor
verr vor reluctant r luctant to spook of o what she shedesignated ailedesbnated si 18 18designated
designated a horrible affair She de declared declnred d 5 5dared ¬
dared that the baroness was a Miss An Annie Annie ti i iiile ¬
nie Bohror the beautiful daughter of a afarmer nfarmer afarmer
farmer of Montgomery County Count In this thisState thisStatt th is isState
State > when she married Jackson Oren Orendorf Orendorf Orci 1 1don ¬
dorf don then a successful tobacconist in inthis Inthis a athis
this city That was twentyfive twen fie years
ago lltss Orendort s says s and an the baroness baronessmust baronessniust
must now be veralng rer ng on sixtyone years yearsAfter yearsAfter ears earsAfter
After the marriage the couple lived livedin IhedIn livedin
in Baltimore B lUmorefor for for about IWo years and andthen andthen nd ndthen
then moved away awaySince 8warSlnc8
Since that time added Miss Orendorf OrendorfI OrendorffI
I have entirely lost sight of my brother brotherand brothernnd brotherand
and his wife Several years ago my
brother died nnd I Have never taken takenthe takenthe takenthe
the trouble to trace my slstermlaw slstermlawThey slsterin1BwThC sisterInlawThey
They ThC had one ne child who I believe Is Isliving islIvl Isliving
living lIvl now In Virginia VirginiaCONVICT VIrginiaCONVICT VirginiaCONVICT
Defaulting Cnwliicr Una hIa Another AiiotlicrCriminal AnoUlcrCrIminal AnotherCriminal
Criminal an Hln Guest GuestRichmond GttetRichmond GncatRichmond
Richmond Va March L LAlexander Alexander B BButt BButt BButt
Butt the defaulting cashier of Ports Portsmouth Portsmoutb Portsmonth ¬
mouth sentenced to serve five years in inthe Intho Inthe
the State penitentiary for the confisca confiscation confisca confiscation conhiscation ¬
tion of 300000 300000 of the funds In his charge chargearrived chargearrlv chargearrIvel
arrived arrlv ht Richmond yesterday traveling travelingon
on a specially specl lI chartered train accom accompanied accompanled accompanted ¬
panted by twelve tvel of his hI Intimate personal personalfriends POnion porsonrIZriends l lrrlends
friends and guarded by the sheriff of ofNorfolk o oNorfolk ofNorfo4
Norfolk County CountyThe Count CountThe CountyThe
The convicted mttn mn conversed jovially joviallywith joviallywith joviallywith
with his friends on the way w from Ports Portsmouth PortsmouU1 Portsmouth ¬
mouth sad partook of a a hearty meal mealwith menlwith mealwith
with UK them The sheriff forbade Intoxi Intoxicating Irtoxlcatlnb lrtoxicating ¬
cating drinks to be served to the prisoner prisonerA
A penitentiary van met Ute train at the thedepot thl3depOt thedepot
depot The former cashier hler entered entered upon uponhis uponhis uponhis
his Imprisonment at midnight midnightA
A singular coincidence Js that another anotherconvict anothecom1et anothotconvict
convict on his way 8 to the penitentiary penltsntlarywas penitentiarywas
was Wong unOD the guests of Butt on the theprixato theprhat theprivate
private car This man convicted of theft theftof theftot theftof
of only JSOOO ooo was sentenced by the ij1 some sometribunal snmetribunAl sametribunal
tribunal which tried Butt Butt to serve five fiveyears 11eyears liveyears
years This man whose whos + name was as not notlearned notlearned notlearned
learned had little to say sa When spoken spokento Spokento spokento
to as ho leaped from the tram he pointed pointeda
a finger at Butt
and remarked I am amless amless
less 1 3 guilty than that man manPremier manPremIer manPremier
Premier Has ns Rclapnc RclapncLondon RclnpcLondon htelapeeLondon
London March iPremier L 1Premier Premier Sir Henry
CampbellBannerman had a relapse to today today today ¬
day after a bad night Dr Sir Thomas ThomasBarlow ThomasBarlow ThomasBarlow
Barlow visited him again ag in today toda A i bul bulletin bul1eUn bulletin ¬
S letin Issued this evening says s s that the thetrongth thetrcnsth
strength of oth1s his heart has been somewhat somewhattried somewhattried
tried by influenza Jnllu 1a but his general s nora1 condi condition condilion ¬
lion is fairly good goodp p
For the District of Columbia Columbiaand Columbiaand Columbiaand
and Maryland l1arylandVarmer Warmer today todaypossibly todaypossibly todaypossibly
possibly showers tomorrow fair fairand fairand fairand
and somewhat colder fresh va variable variab1c variable ¬
riable winds becoming southerly southerlyHERALD southerlyHERALD
I IOhIo Ohio Republicans Gathering GstbrlngIInafans GatheringIndians
1 IInafans Indians Hurled Hurl d Into the th Sea SealRlchmond SeaRichmond
1 lRlchmond Richmond Negro N gro Shoots NIne ICInc1GlacIa NIne4laeIa Inc IncIGlncln
1GlacIa 1 4laeIa Calla Makes More Charge ChargelrPolkre ChargeehPollce ChrgOPolke
lrPolkre 1 Polke Raid Holiness Church ChurchI C Clqreh ClqrehJudge reh rehIJudge
I IJudge Judge Andy H HamllUm mllt n Dead DecurIFlotilla DeadFlothla
1 IFlotilla Flotilla Is Ahead of TJme TJmeIAttack 1JzfleAttack
1 IAttack Attack on Jeff Davis Dayls Cheered Cheered3ThDusands CheerOd3Thpusands
3 Thpusands 3Thpusands Mourn Slain Sl n Priest PriestSBooker Priest3Booker PriestsBooker
SBooker Washington Favors Prohibition ProhlblttOn3Taft
3 3Taft Taft Gains Twentysix Tw slx Votes Votes3New Votea3New VoteeaNew
3New York Has Billiondollar Debt DebtLftCAL DebtLOC DebtLhCAL
LftCAL LOC LhCAL2Fttlier L LF1Uter
2 2Fttlier Fiitlier Russell Prcqches PrCtCheS First Sermon Sermon2Hoodoo Sermon2Hoodoo
2 2Hoodoo Hoodoo Starts Apartment Fire FiroMothers Fire2Mothers
2 2Mothers Mothers to Gather Here Her Her2Emmot Here2Emmot
2 2Emmot Emmot Celebration at the Columbia Columbia3Dr Columbia3Dr
3 3Dr Dr VVoodrow Preaches on Farmers Farmers4tnqulry Farmers4Inquiry
4 4tnqulry Inquiry Into Wage Reduction Reduction12Edltor ReductionEditor
12 12Edltor i Editor Mable Lectures at Y M C A A A12Blshop A2Bishop
12 12Blshop 1 Bishop Walker Eulogizes Sattorlee Sattorlee12Temperanco
12 12Temperanco 1 Temperance Forces Hold Rally RallyWESTERN RoUyWESTERN RallyMINERS
L 1
Both B oth Sides Are Ready Read for Clnsili in inBliuniiiioiiN 111Dl I IDitunilnuils I
BliuniiiioiiN Dl unlll1uu Coal Region RejrlonPittsburg RCJrfonPittsbur
Pittsburg Pittsbur March L IA A strike by b all allbituminous allbituminous al alituminous 1
bituminous b coal miners in Western Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania s Ohio Indiana and Illinois on onApril onAprll or I
April A pril 1 next Is accepted by coal c al operators operatorsand operatorsand operatornd 5
and a nd miners alike Ths failure of the theoperators theoporators tb tbperators
operators o of the districts dlsti ts named to como comoto QOmoto
to t o an understanding with th the miners at atIndianapolis atIndfannpolls a audianapolis t
Indianapolis j has brought a crisis crisisThe crl8IsTho crisisThu
The truth of the mattor te f6 th the oper operators operators ¬
ators a tors do not no want ant the mines operated operateduntil olMirateduntil S
until u ntil prices are steadied By B closing tho thomines thomines th 0
mines for several months it is balloveQ balloveQthat boUtreUaat II i
that better prices for coal will prevail prevailduring pnwaUlurinG II 1
during < the remaJ remainder d r of the year cu The Thecoal Tkeoal Tb 0
coal c oal miners are more wilHng lltng to have the themines themines Di Diminos a
mines Idle than accept a reduction in tho thomining thomining Di 0 0mining
mining rate rateThe rateThe
The strike may m also affect operations operationsin S
in i n West Virginia Kentucky Iowa and andMichigan andlItchlsan au auMichigan ti
Michigan lItchlsanMOURl Michigan1IIOU1ll1
Thousands View the Body l3odyo l3odyoFather of offather ofFather I L
father Heiurichs HeiurichsAITECTHKr HeinricbsAFFECTnrG
PnriM1aloncrlll Weep at SIght of For Former
mer Pnstor PnstorCnlketPlnceel PnstorCaMket Cnsket Placed in the theChurch theChurel1 lb lbChurch C
Church So thnt Features of Corpse CorpseAre CorplteAre CorpM C CArc
Are Visible jlble fromlh r front omt tJu s FCTFH I FcwnFn FcwnFniiernl wI wIlIcrnl Pq Pqiicrnl
iicrnl to Be lield IIeItl UehtIb1K rrhtK TIiU 1lornlng 1lornlngPat MorninirPaterson lorninj lorninjPaterson
Paterson Pat n N J Starch L lThomIaJadl lThomIaJadlof Thousands Thousandsof Is
of persona today tod visited the St Boo Booventure Bona Bonaventure Boneventure I
venture Church and lonastry at atPaterson West WestPaterson Wei Ut
Paterson to view ew the body of Rev Re Leo LeoHeinrichs LeoHeinrichs L LHeinricha o
Heinrichs the Franciscan priaet assas assassinated assassinated as 5 ¬
sinated last Sunday in tbe Church of St StElizabeth SL SLElizabeth S SElizabeth t
Elizabeth Denver Colo ColoConstant ColoCon
Constant Con tant streams of persons passed passedalong JJ ssed ssedalong pa paalong tt
along the two narrow streets that lead to toWest toWest I LaWest
West Pateraon from rom early earl morning when whenfirst wilenfirst wh en enfirst
first mass was said until late at t night nightWhen > tirt tirtWhen ri riWhen
When the last oftho outside parish padshcleUts so societies s 0 0cloths ¬
cloths ended honorary guard service they theygave theygave Un r rgave
gave way WI to the Franciscan Brothers and andpriests audIJrietlts as id idprIests
priests and men of St St 3onaventure par parish parIsb pa r ¬
ish who wh are to keep watch by the body bodyall bodyaU bo boall ly rly r
all night nightTwenty nightlcnt nightTwenty
Twenty lcnt Thousnnil Thou nnrl View Yh 1 Dead DeadNot DcnclNot DeadNot
Not less than t 2AOM 2fl viewed the body of ofthe ofthe Jrthe f
the dead priest before 7 oclock tonight tonightThere tonightThere it itThere
There were many affecting Atlee arectia A scenes when whenthose whenthose wtx m mthose
those the priest t had known kn wn and coun counseled counseled con Ii ¬
seled 4 during tho twentytwo years of his hispastorate hispnstorate h us uspitetorate s
pastorate herepes her herpasebd paMbd t > d the bier and saw sawhis MWhis w whIs f
his face for the last time timeThe timeThe
The most affecting scene of all 1l how howover bowever boi boiever n
ever was wa enacted when the casket kt which whichbad whichh with iht ihtI
bad h d I reclined in a passageway pa between betweenthe betwe betwetbe Sn Snthe a
the rectory reetor and the church since Satur Saturday 5t1lld Sstu IF IFl9 ¬
day d l9 afternoon was taken into the tb church churchproper cbarekproper chun chunproper
proper after aft or th the benediction that t followed followedthe fOllowedthe feHo feHothe
the M 1130 JO oclock mass
Casket llroufjhl Dlou bt Into Church ChnrcliThe ClaurclaThe ChurchThe
The casket was 88 brought into the church churchon eburclton ehuri elt elton
on the shoulders of Six lay brothers of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Franciscan Order preceded by all the thebrothers thebrothers be bebrothers
brothers and priests of the monastery in intheir Intheir Inheir B
their t heir darkbrown garb A1P Al chanted the t he Be e
De Profundls The casket was car carried carried or orned ¬
ried within the sanctuary sanct1Hl and placed placedupon placedupOn pine pineupon
upon a catafalque in such a posi position position po l ltion ¬
tion that tbe features of the dead priest priestcould pn prit = nt ntcouM it t tcould
could be plainly plalnl seen s n from the body bod of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the church The parishioners wero much muchaffected mu oh ohalected 1
affected and many man wept openly
The funeral will be held tomorrow tomorrowmorning tomorrowmorAing tamorn W Wmorning jy
morning at 1ft oclock oclockHELL oclockHELD oclockflELD
Two Men Ien Charged with Conspiring Conspiringto Con1bIr11 ig igto
to Burn Hotel HotelNew HotelXe HotelNew
New Xe York March L LTwo Two men m were wcrOsarrested werearrested we ra raarrested
arrested on Saturday and remanded to topolice topottce topolice o
police headquarters today They are ac necused accused r LC LCoozed ¬
cused of having ha vJng b
been n members of
a con conspiracy consplmc cc a aspiracy L ¬
spiracy splmc which contrived tho burning on onSeptember onSoptembtr onSeptember
September 21 l 18 11 T of tho Hotel Amper Ampersand Ampu r rsand ¬
sand a leading resort at Saranac c Lake LakeThe LakeThe LakeThe
The prisoners say 8a it is true true according accordi ng
to Inspector 3ltCaff rCarert rty that they Ute and andIn ar Id IdIn
In turn their three th e partners not yet t ar arrestod arreetod r rrested
rested engineered the burning on behalf behu shf f
I of a broker brolt r who is i a member of the t tie
I hotel corporation and who said the hotel hotelwould ho tel i
would have ha to o go because beu it was losing lost rig ar
money moneyThe mon moni moneyThe
i The men arrested are Herman Yander Yanderwall Yanderwall Vaisli sr srwail
wall flftythree years y ra old formerly of
the Hotel Plaza and Vanderwalls
son sc
inlaw Morris Newmark tw twntythr twntythrears ntythrec cc j
years ears old clerk of 16 L West 136th street atm Ct
The complainant is W J Greer Gr
r an In Insurance insumnce Insurance t ¬
surance agent at 46 46cedar Cedar street streetMcCURDY streetMcCURDY streetHoOVBDY
Mutual Lite LIfeii Former lnnnJcr Xon XonnPnrtner N W WaPurtner r
a nPnrtner Partner In Henderson Co CoNew CoKew CoNew
New York March L LRobert Robert H Mc s Ic c
Curdy Curd general general manager manngerot of the Mutual MutualLife tuti utual utualLife ial ialI I
Life Insurance Company until the resig resignation resignation sos I g gnation ¬
nation of his father rather Richard A A McCurdy McCurdyas McCurd McCurdas I Ias >
as president of the company has entered enteredinto enteredinto enter ed edInto <
into a partnership partner hip in the old stock stockbrokerage stockbrokerage stc mIs mIsbrokerage k
brokerage house of Henderson Co at atassau it
24 Nassau assau street The firm will now no be become 1 0corne become ¬
come McCurdy Henderson Hende on Co with w Ith Ithormnn h
Norman ormnn Henderson and ana Louis E Eo Hatz Ha tz i ifeld
feld f ld associated with Mr McCurdy McCurdyCarnation McCurdyCarastioa rceun1yCnntftUoa
Carnation Hones 81 1 per dozen dozenBlacklstone dozenB1 tlozcnBbtkIstone
Blacklstone B1 1dstone Hth and H sts nw J
JEiglit J ight of Eidimond Victims VictimsAre Victimsre
Are re White WhiteTW0 WhiteTW0j
Burglar r Captured Only After AfterBeing AfterB
j Being B ing Wounded Woundedilxs Y ounde oundeinb
inb i ilxs ainaile UnUl Slcprlo Sfe lc on Vny nr to ioCUurch toC11nreb
Church with with Escort Wounded Woundedly Woundedly VounleelIy
ly Murderous Colored Mnn UnnXot UnnXotExpccted IVot IVotExpected
Expected to Recover nccoerXIl1t XljjUt Watch lVatehnsnn Wntclinmn
man Another Victim Victiml1ovn Town Ter Terrorized Terrorbcl Terronized ¬
rorized After Xczpro Xero Steals St n1s0un n1s0unSpldal Gun GunRichmond
Spldal e on Webiiigten Mbt gten lIoraW lIoraWUchmohd
Richmond YL March 1 tlne Nine parsons parsonseight per ons onselg
eight elg e igbt t whites whItes and one negro xOGTo were shot shotdown shotI
I down down IB the street treet tv tiiIghst flight isht by Robert RobertFaulkner RobertFauJkner
Faulkner a anogro nogro ogro burglar burs11irwno who bad hadmolon hadmolonII stolen stolena I
a doublebwrafea doublobarr llii1 shotgun and ammuni ammunition ammunltlon ¬
Don from a gun shop Faulkner fired firedindiscriminatttly firedindlscrJmlnately lIre
indiscriminatttly I into a ii crowd raw1 of 8W por porsons
sons sonsW
W F Cauldrey a a night t watchman tskmon was wasmortUy wa
mortally wounded and MJss Maraie rnIe Slegle Sleglewho SlegJewho
who was shot while on her wajr Wa to church churchwith churchwith 1 1with
with an escort will probably die cUeOthors
Others less seriously injured are E EChancellor C
Chancellor Harris Popfns Ben Jelllson TJUsonJ
J Gorpntas and nd Miss Adr Ad Straus StnluFnulkner
Faulkner fired promiscuously proml cuCMISIy on all allaides aUaides al t
aides and was not taken until six police poilceDlen policeflIed
men surrounded him and broke his leg legwith lei leiwith
with a pistol VJ t I bullet bullGtA
A mob of UH persons gathered aad a4 de demanded demtmdod domended
mended the negro at the stattotibouae stattotibouaeThe atattonItouaoThe stadonhounoThe
The negro 1C he bad net already a1read bean beantaken be6Ptakoo beitakeir
taken to the city hospital wtuid ukl certainly certainlyhave oertaIaIyhave oerta1a1 p
have been lynched lynchedHe JyaebecIHe lynchedHe
i He was s taken take late tonight to the jail jailfor jaJtor Jul t tfor
for or safe fe keeping keepingBURNED keepingBURnED keepingBURNED
Dcnmcrnt Who bo Voted for Bradley BradleyDcnouuccil llruUe llruUeDenouncerl BradleDeriori
Dcnouuccil Deriori riced by 1 Ills JVelchlinrFrankfort JVelchlinr chtb1JorJlFrankfort
Frankfort Ky March L LF LFeeling Feeling littg out outraged oatraged ¬
raged by the bolt of Representative RelJre > ntative B E ELHard W WLttard i iLftard P
Lttard of Danville from the Democratic Democraticnominee CnItIe CnItIenen C Cnominee
nen nominee noe for or Senator J W Y C Backham Backhammad Boclthaaau I Isail
mad u < voting for and electing W O Brad Bradley BnuIley Br I Ilay ¬
ley a Republican the citizens met at atDanville atDlUlYlUe s t tDnnvlhIe
Danville last night and burned him m maSlgy tat tateOtlY t It ItofligIr
aSlgy A large banner twelre feet m mwidth III IIIwIdth I It Itwidth
width was hang across acr lJ the main street streetof str5 it
of Daavitye yesterday and on It were wereprinted werep won C Cpnintod
printed p nlOd the words Traitor How Rowdid iuuc much muchMd h
did < Md you KOtT KOtTDsftar got gotDollsc oU oUDeJIR
Dsftar nweri 1RIb WS were ariirtati ail 1I ever vOz the thebanMr Di a
banMr butMr The In0gnati tnqigeauon Ueft n of r the Dons DMOcrats DII 8 8crate I Iersta
crate in the cities clUts des to 1 wMck i 1ck there diet are d dd7 dd7pe dnfl Hr Hrpapers I
papers pe burst forCh te the most damaging damagingand S
and scathing editorials against the bolters boltersThe DottenTIle 5 5The
The Dentoeratsl > f Clark County one 0 on of ofthe oCthe c cthe
the most hostile cowmvntties munWe in the State Stateto s Sia a ato
to Gov Beekham Beekham met yesterday aad aadcommended audCC an 11
commended CC the bolters boIiiri bO1L adding that de defeat de defe d dfeat I ¬
feat fe t with honor was as better than victory victorywith victor V
with 1tb dishonor dishonor3KES diohoii OrMRS i
Wife Ire of Millionaire Found I ound In Fri Private Prlnte I ¬
vate nte Sanatorium SanatoriumNew SanntorlumN
New N w York York March 1 tThe The American Americanthte Amerlcaathis
this morality says 75 that the mystery yatery Amoricar sur surrounding m mrouftdi ur r ¬
rounding rouftdi g the whereabouts we outa of Mrs W WGoukl
Gould BroKftw was ae s solved today todayairs tocla7Mrs tolayMrs
Mrs Brokaw Is an Inmate of Dr Cra Cragn I
gins gn 8 private sanatorium at fiM Lexington Lexingtonavenue Le gtO gtOaveaue in Iin
avenue aveaue corDer corner of Sixtythird street tree SIll Stofihas SIllhas Si I
has been there since last Wednesday and andis andIs as asis SiIll Ill
is said to be sa Rfterlng Cerim from neurasthenia Deut1latha1daThe neurnp I
The discovery of Mrs Brokaw In that thatInsUtutlon thj thjInstitution tt
institution eame as a sequel to a reporr reporrof reOltof repoi repoiof
of a series of honeymoon disagreements disagreementswith dheigreeinegwith IHIDeDts IHIDeDts11th
with ber husband ADd According Attont to dis dispatches dls dlsp di difrom
patches p chos from Ilteh HI Point PoInt N C last lutweek Is Isweek
week Mr Brokaw left ft bin hunting pre preserve preson pr prserve
serve son Fairview FairvIewhurrlediy hurriedly ADd seat two twodoctors twodoctors t
doctors to attend his wife i who was suf suffering sufrering sri sriCoring ¬
Coring from rom a nervous breakdown breakdownHe breakdownHe breakdownHe
He then continued on to New York His Hiswife HIs11re El is iswife
wife soon afterward left the estate ami amicame si id idca 1 1came
came ca North NorthENFORCES NorthEITfORCES
1 1tnor I
Jlnyor tnor of Rescue Clamps Down the theliiil theLIl ti e eLM
liiil with a Vengeance VengeanceElizabeth VengeanceElizabeth VenJeauceEUmbeth
Elizabeth N J March L Litlanr LitlanrCh LM3c Mayor er ern
Charles Ch rle W McQiioW t Quok1 or 0 Resole Ros today todayhad tod todhad totitenforced n
had enforced the blue laws of 1ST4 1Si4 and aJM1tho a nll
tho town was wasbut shut tight t as 0 dam claunq + Not NotODe N lit
one store of any tt kind ao far as the police policeknow pOlicekno poll ce ceknow
know kno was open op n all day Scores Seor s of men menwent menYURt rn en enwent
went to their favorite orite barber shops only onlyto oAlytQ os uly ulyto
to Had them closed A cigar couldnt be bebought bebought
bought for love or money mOJ1 Sunday thirsts thirstswent thirstsw thirr ts tsof
went w nt unquenched not even a glass glasswater lass of ofsoda otI
I soda water 1 being obtainable obtainableRosehI
I Roselle folk f k who went driving wereI were werecautioned wc re recautioned
I cautioned to go just so fast lid no faster fasterSeer fast r rSererl
Several l wagons wago 6 carrying raerchanIIe raerchanIIewere moreba morcleaAhI morcleaAhIwore U8e
i were ere halted and tho drivers arrested arrestedThey arrestedThef arrasri arrasriThey
They wero later released on JH prerulsi promising promisingnot lRfsing lRfsingnot i g gnot
not to do It again againMayor asl1IAyor agateMayor
Mayor IAyor McQuotd who is a New York Yorkstock YCJrkstock Ye r rstock k
stock broker san he is determined determinedmake to tomake tomake
make of Roselle a wellbehaved and andmoral a n nmoral
moral town townNO townNO
En East t SIlcn at Xc New York Stirred bT bTl bylepont
lleport l cport of Divers Search SearchNow ScarebNow
Now York March Iuch L LT1te The East Side was iuS iuSstirred h C
stirred this afternoon by the report that thattwo thattwo U UtWO mt
two divers divers were going down from Pier 9 torUI IlNorth
North orUI River to search for a bag con contalnlng conalning c ctaming
taming money mone and jewels worth S5QOJ S5QOJwhich iootwhlcb 5 5which
which had gone down with a man who whowas whoas ho howas
was as drowned off the end of the Boston BostonMerchants BostonMerchants BosI on onMerchants
Merchants Line docks there Thompson Thompsonr Thomp iOR iORstreet
street s Ot actually saw sa the two divots Cosk Coskley Cos Ii IiIcy
Icy 10 and Walsh alsh by b name start down downthe to tothe tothe
the river with a wagon containing their theirsuits Dr ehur ehurand
suits and air pump pumpBefore pumpBeforo pumpBefore
Before the divers di rs had arrived the body bodyof bOdyof bd idy idyho
of Alphonso Firdlni a a coal passer passerlived who wholived whoUed ho
lived at 9 Thompson street and who fell felloff telloft i eIi eIithe
off the bow of the steamer Massachusetts Massachusettswhile tts ttswhile
while sTie s e was coaling in the slip at atPIr atPier
Pier 9 on Wednesday afternoon was wascovered re recovered re recoered
covered with grappling hooks There was wast1O v vlQ
t1O lQ 3 in bills on the body bod but no bag or orjseIs ofjewels
jswels jewels worth 5009 5009Tho lm lmThe
The two divers got U for or their trouble troubleSvreet troubleS trout I a aSeet
Svreet S eet Violets Iolets 25c 25Buncl1 25Buncl1Kramer Bunch BunchKramer
Kramer the Florist 916 F st st
Father Fntbcrnnd Fa ther and Three Three CkII Ckildeei ren Perlah PerlahWhen VerishWhen Crth Crthhen
When hen Home nOMe I Is Destroyed DestroyedDepew DcotroerlDepew Destroyedepew
Depew D epew N Y Yo March 1 LAnthony LAnthonySchultz 1AnthOnyultz Anthony AnthonySchultz
Schultz Sch Schhis ultz fiftyfive years cars old and three thre of ofhis ofchIldren r rhis
his hisele children Nellie l1Ie thirteen Joseph Josephcloven JosephII Josephven
cloven II ele eledea Venn1d ven and May Mat eight ight were burned to todeath tfdeath t tth
death dea th In a flrtr fin which destroyed their theirhome theIrhome
home ho me hero at 3 3 3oc1ock oclock this morning morningAVALANCHE morningAVALANCHE mornIngVALANCHE
Hostelry ho stelry on oti oiiRailrond Ilallrorul RuHruall1Jctwcen Bctiveen Berne Derncunci
nnd a nti Simplpn ShUlJIOn Tunnel I IH Wrecked Wreckedorne YreekedBorne
Borne B orne March March 1 IAn An avalanche has haswrecked hnsTocked hasecked
wrecked wr wrdat ecked the hostelry hOltelryb built l t topaccoramp topaccorampdato t Jaccornmp toaccoXrm9e Jaccornmpdato
dato dat e the tunnel builders buUdersfor for tjfc t e LpetEph LpetEphberg L t h hborg
berg ber g Railroad copnectlng cOI eoUng Borne BotTle with ith thaSlmplontunnc1 the tneSImplon themplon
Slmplontunnc1 Slmplontunnc1Eloen SImplon Si mplon tunnel tunnelEleven tunnelleven
Eleven E leven men were cr killed including inJl lng a adoctor actor
doctor do ctor and engineer and fifteen fifteen were w ro so sorlflualy so sorlCu
rlflualy rlCu nIO Usly ly Injured InjuredSCATTEES
AVoninn W oman Passenger on thc tbeLucanIa tbeLucanIaDIllOse > ncanla ncanlaDispose
Dispose of Cremated Jte Hemains HemainsLondon liains liainsLondon
London L Llas ondon March I IDurint During thft t 1e thaiLcanias thaiLcaniast Lucanlas Lucanlaslast 1canla3 1canla3last
last las lasan t eastward passage a vomawsbatterod vomawsbatterodn
an n urn urn full of ashea ashd overboard 1n Tnmld TnmldAtlantic mtd mtdAtJanUc
Atlantic At lantic She obtained a certifljtjate from fromthe fromtho
the th e captain showing what sho 51 had done donetogether donetOSQthcr
together to gether with tile time and ihei t1e e latitude latitudeand
and ari d longitude longitudeShe longitudeShe
She S he said Ute ashes ash s were those thot of tho thocromated thocrom I
cromated crom cr emated ted remains of n a pronfth pror i NewYork New NewYork
York Yo rk business man mo who had halldlreotod halldlreotodUmt hat directed directedthat
t that th at they be thus disposed of otand and who whospecified whospodfied whoecified I
specified sp ecified the Luoanl LU08 LuenniR II which VMS waS Ilk Iliafavorite blsfavorite I
f favorite fa vorito steamer st a Qr as the ship they theyworn theywornto won weroto wonbe I
to be thrown from fromThe fromThe fromThe
The time for the th scattering scatt rJngob1 ring ot the thethat I
8 aah as hes had been previously arrnI arra9od a foo foothat ac
t that th at the mans relatives could stfijtoi stfijtoitandously stul fi u utan
taN t tandously tan ta ncously ousb attend a memorial sorwiac s In InNew tnNow Ir I
1 New N ow York The woman sailed frJow frJowYork fgr 14rork 114W 114WYork r
York Y ork on the Lucanlas return Crip ifp Ko Konames Nonames
T names na mes are mentioned in the story storyPOLICE stOryPOLICE
Georgia G eorgia Curfew Law Gets GetsAfter GetsAfter Gct
After Holiness Sect SectLEASERS SectLEADERS
Action A ction Taken as Result of Appeal of ofRetiidentx 0 f
Retiidentx in Vicinity Jclnlt of Gaine Gainevillu
villu nl Church Where 11 ere Itcllgloa ItcllgloaFanatics ltelfglouFanatics C
Fanatics Hold Forth in Alghtly AlghtlyOrslcs Night lgl tty ttyOrgleaTrlnb
Orslcs OrgleaTrlnb Trlnls Held at City OU hail HnllGtdBdiMe lInl1of1Ie
GtdBdiMe cla1neynIe of1Ie Ga < 5a Mseh 1 IThe The cotton cottonlaw e cnsfo r w wJawOC c
j i law JawOC w of f this pIMa which has been in al I IaJIC8 abei abeiOC > ao aoJtce
aJIC8 Jtce OC for years ye rs WM on enforced forced last night JdgJltapfast nightagainst Ig ut utgniast
against a a congregation eonsr congregatlonot 1oRof of the H laollnoi Hn ss ssSaot a aIt
Saot nd ISt man and wmao 8IIn w wuisa ca p JMt JMtan p11 It t tThe
e adatorraet an
The Th curfew law w 1 rensjfres that all per persong pec10M pe
song n ess hers 0 shaH be at their horaae unlese unlesefor rinks a
for fo i cauee ca by 11 oclock oclockThe oclockThe oclockThe
The Holiness Sect is strong here lIere and andhas an 00 00Deen uI
has g been holding nightly meetings me6tlnscuthnd watch watchcontinued while it
continued c until far after midnight Tires Thasmeetings Thu ThuDleeUagS 1 t
meetings m eetings have been cbaractfirized by the thewildest Utewlklc thu 10 10ildest
wildest w ildest t display dls11 y of reeling holy hel dancing dancingholy dandnghob
holy rolling ing shouting healing cries in inunknown InualeROwn I a aakncwn
unknown u tongues and the like likeThe UkeTJIe
The portion or tho city where the meet meetings metIaas nteal 1 ¬
ings have ve been 1Mt ll held grew weary r of the thenightly tMfttdItb thu 10 10Iht1y
nightly n orgies and an complained to iD the city cityauthorkiae cityautltork1 cit citutboritiss
authorkiae autltork1 a s Last Last1dght night at II octeck o k the thePentecostal thePtAteeostal U U5itOOst1
Pentecostal P 5itOOst1 Church was raided by the thepolice thepoHce thu ie
police po lice aad urd the entire oatk congregation oongre lon ar arrested arrested a N Nested ¬
rested restedThe restedTfi r estedTI
The TI recorder was at the city hall and andtried andI Id 1
I tried t the pee ntepfe iI as s soon as Uiey were wereI were werebrought ei e ein t
brought b in He Imposed nominal flues on onthe ontile ii iie in
I the th e leaders Id W8 and warnod the consregitkm consregitkmthat CQngreJtUoathat iu iuhat 1
that t hat meethi meetings B must be closed promptly at atIt atli r tt
It 1 oclock every night nightATTACK
i Nm
Arkansas A Rival of the Senator Pro Produces Pr 0
duces More Evidence EvidenceAudience EvidenceAulIcnce
Audience A Clearly Olc1rl in Sympathy Smpnth vltli wltblcoecutlnJ vii vltliProsccntinK Lit Litlrosecutlng x
ProsccntinK Attorney Attornc Rhoton llhotonin Rhotonin
in Ills Denunciation DenunciationLittie DenunciationLlWe
Little Rock Ark March Jamhi arch 1 IProsecut IProsecutn Prosecut Prosecuting it itag ¬
ing l n ag Attorney Lows Rhotons scathing scathingdenunciation scathingdeDUDeil1tfon seathi eg egenunciation
denunciation d of Senator Jeff Davis 1n n a aspeech lspeeck t tas
speech s at the courthouse last night was wasthe wasthe v vthe as is
the chef topic of discussion throughout throughoutth6 througho ut utState i ithe
the State today toda todaThe todayThe i iThe
The prosecuting prosc uUng attorney read a num numher n nui m mher i
her of letters showing conclusively concluslvo that thatSenator thatSenator thu thuSenator aat at t
Senator Davis while governor violated violatedthe violatedthe 1olat ed edthe 3
the law in accepting and using frae fraetransportation fi rae raetransportation e eto z
transportation t from railroads Mr Rho Rhotons Rhotons Rh to ¬
tons frequent reference to the Sons Sonators SonatorsQuestionable Senate tors torsquestionable ns s
questionable methods were received with withgreat cvi Uh Uhgrat tb h
great applause and the audience was wasclearly W8Sclearly cc ccclearly as is
clearly in sympathy with Mr 1r Rhoton RhotonThe RhotonThe
The speaker sJ > read a statement from fromL T TL TL r
L L Cox the lobbyist lobb ist stating that he used usedmoney usedmone ui ed edof > d
money mone to prevent the impeachment of ofGov otGo jf
Gov Go Davis by the legislature in 1903 19 and andused andu a a lrt
used u d it with the knowledge and consent consentof consentor coast coastof lilt
of Senator A W Covington who was wasknown waskDown as asng 15
known to be Gov Go Davis chief chle aid during duringthe duringthe dun ng S
the legislative investigation of the gov governor governor g gernor V f ¬
ernor ernorMr ernorIr
I Mr Ir Rhoton also stated that Charles CharlesJacobson CharlesJacobson Char les js
Jacobson private secretary U to > Gov GovDavis G GDavis v
Davis admitted receiving money mone in con connection e ct ctwith In n nnecUon a ¬
nection with pardons Issued by the gov governor governor gi v vew y ¬
ernor and that Davis told him he knew knewJacobson knewJacobson kn ew w
Jacobson had received money mone for par pardons IJardons p an ¬
dons yet et Davis retained Jacobson In pat of office orfiee ¬
fice until the close of his sis years term termas tennasgoernor te teas run
as asgoernor asgoernorConcernln governor governorConcerning
Concerning Concernln money paid for pardons pardonsRhoton Mr MrRhoton 7rRhoton dr r
Rhoton said Thore Is still another rea reason r Sn Snwhy a aSOn ¬
son SOn why Gov Davis did not wish w h a full fulland fulland I u11 u11cr3 U
and fair Investigation of all the facts factsthat fa fathAt cr3 3
that might show who really were the theband theband I
band of freebooters tr and robbers that thatfosted In Infested InCested i ¬
fested the State capitoL capltolMr capitoMr capitoLMr
Mr Rhoton further said he had the theSenator theSenator theSenator e
Senator summoned before the grand Jury Juryrecently jUIJrecentl Jr ml mlrecently 5
recently recentl and a d refused to answer Ques Questions questIODS qu es esDons 5 ¬
Dons claiming that his answers would wouldincriminate wouldIncriminate wa uld uldIncriminate Jd
incriminate him himThrough himL himThroub himThrough
Through Parlor Car to Atlantic City CityVia eu euVIa 7 7Via
Via Pennsylvania 1elI1sYl anJa Railroad Rntlroad beginning begian ginnlng lag g
Monday Ionda Starch arch 2 2 Leaves Washingtonp Washing Washington ton n
1330 p nu in weekdays arrives Atlantic Atlar itlo
dry 525 p m m via la Delaware River Bridge Bridgeroute Br1djieroute Bnli Ige Igeroute el
Startling St arthiug Charges CI arges of Cruelty CrueltyAgainst ClaueltyAgainst
Against the Mexicans MexicansEID MexIcansIRID
WlioJe W hole Shiploads Disappear on onVoyage oii ll llVoynge
Voyage to Yucatan YucatanAmericans YucatanA1UerfcnnJII
Americans Am ericans Furnish AfflilnvltM hint tliat3Icn tlltJlcn
3Icn l ien Women ouaen and Children Are AreLoa
Longed Loa L oaced cd Into Foul Holds of Vowels VowelsXevcr YcelflXever Venselaever
Xevcr N ever to Be Heard 1 ot Asnln JUlnIt It Is IsChar I IChnrgetl IAharged
Char Chnrgetl C Red that hundreds Hnv have Been De en enPut
Put P ut io Death in This Manner MannerGalveston JlannerGalvcslon
Galveston G MaVch Mt eh 1 lA A report oport from fromMexico fromJexlco
Mexico e xIco says that Americans have ap appealed appeal ¬
pealed peal pe aled d to the Mexican government to toput toput
put pu t an end to the wholesale slaughter of ofYaqui ofYaqui
Yaqui Ya qut Indians Indlansby by Mexican officials While WhilePresident 1hllePresIdent I
President Pr esIdent Diaz had recol recommended mended as a acapital acapital a
capital ca pital scheme to rid the t country of f the theYaquis tbeYaquis thequls
Yaquis Ya quls by deporting them to Yucatan Yucatanit
it is made m de to serve for Ute slaying of ofthe ofthe
the th e Indians by b the hundreds hundredsAffidavits h ndre L LAifidavlu
Affidavits have vc been furnished furnished by byAmer byAmerican Amer American ¬
ican citizens showing that t shiploads of ofthe ortho ol ole
the th e Yaqute ftttfudtag met 1blg man m n woman and andchildren udchHdren andildren
children ch ildren leaded 1e ded at Guaymas for deporta deportation deportation ¬
tion Do n are dumped into the sea seaThe sea seaTile seaThe
The charges sfcor v that 4Uae th the fastest ship shipin sblpIn shtjthe
in tho service with 1th ideal weather cetn cetnnot cin cinnot
not no noTe t make m kc the voyage OiU O to the Isthmus of ofTehuantepec e eTehuantopec I
Tehuantepec Te Tese huantepee from Guaymasin GJ Gtsaynia ntasln in loss Dos thaaseven UtaaS
seven S se ven en or eight days d and the ships loaded loadedwith 10l londotth Od Odwith
with wi with th Yaquis arc never any AD more mo than thanthree uthree I Iree
three th thG ree days when they return empty to toGuaymas toGU8mas ti
Guaymas GuaymasAmericans GU8masA G unymas unymasAmericans
Americans A erlctns Make Investigation InvcutipratlonC
C B Gewan a weHknewn electric en engtaeer enmeoc I
gtaeer gi meoc neer and A A R R Neteon N of Washington Washingtonace
ace ar arp e among thos those who 110 Investigated the thepersecvtion theDerHe1tUon Di Diersecution
persecvtion p of the Indians IndiansThey IndianaThey
They The declare that the Yakuts are loaded loadedIn loadedin
In Inm filthy cattle cars at HermosIUo Hen slUo the themobilizing themo U Uobilizing
mobilizing m ocular oe for sWuraent to the thecoast theeout Di Diast
coast co ast to be loaded m like cattle into the theholds theJwWs tIc tIcolds
holds h olds of foul ships for deportation de ortatlon t te Yu Yuoatan Yucctan I
oatan sa tan but they the never ne reach Yucatan YucatanThe Yue YucatanThe tan tanTIle
The Americans ADd others interested interestedhave interesodkve interestsve
have h ve knowledge of the extreme cruelty crueltybat cntybut crut crutut
bat b ut fear to protest openly openlyHAD openlyHAD
AlICBCd i hicjcd Italian Executed Executcdin In Rnaftla RnaftlaXoted Rnlllllnotcl I
Xoted Note otcl Polish Revolutionist RcvolntlonlatRome ReoJutJonIJltRaIn RevolutionistMarch
Rome RaIn March L IThe The police have aacer aaceritfn I Ined
i itfn fl nod l that CalTtoi the th alleged ag eerre eerrendent CWrtndont COns 11 11indent
P indent ndent of Italian newspapers ae PAPUts whe whealong waalong whi 5 5long > v
along a with six others wAs vs oxecuted In St StPetaisourg St StPewa S t tetOSbIWg
Petaisourg Pewa P Wg today for complicity com In the thelately Utelatoty thu 10 10tuly
lately ha tuly discovered dt
revolutionary canspfracy canspfracywas eoxrs rac 7 7not
was c not an st Italian subject as was at first firstbelieved firstbelieveB fin it itelieved t
believed b elieved bat a a noted Polish revolutionist revolutionistwho t
who w ho appropriated CftivittTs passport and andassumed aDdASSUaIe4 as Id >
assumed a his name nameThe DameTho
The real Calvin t is here and the police policeIdentified peIIc peIIck18DWi 6
Identified k18DWi M eattiled d him
among those attending an anaaticleifcal anaaUclerJeal s 11
aaticleifcal atteleat meeting today tod tO1lK in Rome It Itis Itfa
is 1 beMeyed that Ca caMel vinl furnished um ed hte htepassiwt ktpuepnt Is Isaprt 10
passiwt p to his P PtI6t Hah nmpasake and andaided 300 300aided ar Id a
aided klad lit Is the plot front rem here hereBIG eBIG hersBIG
Blaze B laze Burns Over Fiftyfive Acres Acresiii Acni eres eresIn is isj J
iii j Southern Florida Town TarraTampa Townnmpa
Tampa Pia March L LTbe The entire ox oxtr o
treme tr t reme northeastern aorthestr rn section of the city cityptOJer cli
proper Oe ws s destroyed by fire which r rag so g god
od o dfrom9 from 9 a L m IlL to 1 p Po pm m mTM today todaylbo
The area burned 1HJIed covered fiftyave fiftyaveacres fittrfheaees fiftyIF ro
acres Three hundred and eight eI t Bulla bufldings Bullainss Bulb Bulbags
ings l ags were destroyed ycd with a loss lc > ss estl estlmated estitedat cal Li Liated
mated m ated tedat tedatThe at 59ea OeOI M MThe
The burned section s tJea included four large Ian arge argecigar ge geigar
cigar c factories and one small one ORe and andnumerous a anunwrOWi as asumerous
numerous n nh restaurants saloon JooDl boarding boardinghouses bMrdInghOWitS boardla
houses h ouses and more than 300 homes of cigar cigarmakers dgarmak eige 5
makers mak 18 The factories burned were those thoseof the thoof thef se g
of o f Stachelberg Co loss tt eoo CO Perez Pere PereI Per C z j
I Co loss J5 IIXIJ UW Gonzalez Fisher Fishero I
Co Co C o toss tOOO tfCOO Esberg Const Co Cobranch Cobrancb C
branch b ranch office of Stachdberg Sta helberg loss loss J40000 J40000Fernandez WOOOFQnHtDdez 4OO 4OOFernandez j I
Fernandez Bro lose S9IM S9IMAH t0IQ t0IQAM 3iOSOAR
AH the factories carried large stocks stocksx stoc ks ksf s
of o f dgars and tobacco tobaccoThe tobaccoThe
The area swept by fire embraced embra < ed all allthat aUtIIat allhat I
that t portion of the city between Twelfth Twelfthand Tweif sit sitnd d i iand
and a nd Michigan avenues and Sixteenth and andTwentieth a ad adiert1etht 3 I
Twentieth TwentletJi streets streetsA streetsA
A Cuban woman dropped dead from fromshock fromshock frc m mhock n
shock shock s hock her body being rescued from the theburning t he heburning e I
burning house with difficultyAt difficultyAt difficulty difileultyAt
At the home of Miguel Rodriguez RodrlJUez a acfgarmaker acIgttrmaker
cfgarroaker the corpse co e of a child is a ai aicoffin acoffin
coffin awaiting the funeral was cremated crematedHASGLN crematedMARGIN ci ciMARGIN i
Book Once Owned by Henry Till VIIiDIeoercel LIE LIEDicovercd II
Discovered in London LondonLondon LondonLondon
London March I 1A A book dealer of the thename thename I be bename ie
name of Thorp while examining a now newh ire cv cvly v
ly h acquired first edition n of Erasmus work workon w rk rkOjc k
On manias Christian ChrisU ual Matrimonii MatrimonJInsUo Matnimo nil nilInsthc If
Instio found evidence that it had been beencapftcially beeaC8 ea eacsp1ahly R
capftcially C8 edan for the library of King Henry HenryVIII Her Is IsVIU
ym VIII A more interesting discovery was wasnumerous v ies iesnumerous
numerous numerous contemporary marginal notes notesund no tee teeunder
under und r the lining which Mr Thorp Is con convInced ci civinced
vinced were made by the King lng himself himselfThe himselfThe r rThe
The book was published in 152C 1 the theyear theear Liee Lieeyear
year ear In n which King Henry applied to the thePotC I be bePope ie
Pope for a divorce from Katherine of otAragon ofran f
Aragon The handwritten iaterpolstions Interpolstionsdraw Interpolath Interpolathdraw ran is
draw attention to passages bolstering the theKings lheKings I LireKings ie
Kings contentions against asaln t Katherine KatherineThe I IThe
The writing however differs from the theauthenticated hc hcauthenticated hcauthenticated 110
authenticated examples of King Henry HenryIt Hen f
It may ma be that the writing Is of tJe royal ro gj l llibrarian
librarian or other employ emplo who bad been beendlreeted i idirected en
directed to examine the authorities aut ritIes to tofind tofind
find support for the Kings Kin s contention contentionEXPLOSION qontentionEXPLOSION ntention ntentionEXPLOSION
Smokeless Powder BIo Blow v tp at atFont Da DaPont a
Pont Plant at Carneys Point PointSalem PointSalem PointSalem
Salem N J March L 14 < n Saturday Sttturduabout Satur lay layden y
about 35008 QOfl pounds of smokeless powder powderat pow powat den er
at the Du Pont works at Carneys Caine Point Pointexploded Poi I it t texploded texploded
exploded hurling the roof roo of the buHd bulldIng be lid lidlug 3
Ing about 309 feet In the air Fire de destroyed de destroyed dostroyed ¬
stroyed tho building and threatened tbr 1on d sur surro a aroundlng r
rounding ro ndtnt structures but the flames were wereput wereput i iput
put out before other buildings were de de destroed tiestroyeti g
stroyed stroyetiNo
No 1 one was Injured as the men rn n had hai ad t a awarning awarning
warning from the sparks caused by the thefriction thefrl thefrIction tig
friction frl tion all escaping escapingTo escapingTo escapingTo
To Atlantic t11ntl City Without Change Clmn5eIhrough ChangeThrough
Through parlor car ear via Pennsylvania Pcnnzytva ala
Railroad Rallroad1wginning beginning Monday March Iach 2 2 2Leaes
Leaes Washington Washin ton 12 I2O p m in weokdays weokdaysanIes weekds weekdsarrives iys a
arrives Atlantic City 555 p m In Consult rult rultticket tit
ticket agents
Belgium Bel gium Arranges with It Its King to toTake 10Tnke toTake
Take Po Possession PosealonBru Possessionrussels He Ion IonBrussels
Brussels Bru B russels sels March 1 11t It Is stated with the theappearance theaIJpearance theearance
appearance app apptha earance of greater authenticity titan titanthlt tbantht thant
thlt tht tha thagov t borne by recent rumors that the thegovernment thegoycmment theernment
government gov govpol ernment had agreed with King Kin Leo Leopold Leopold Leol ¬
pold l upon the th terms for the annexation annuat1onb
by b bySta Belgium of the Congo Independent IndependentState IndependentStato Independentte
State Sta te and that the terms will be an announced announced annced ¬
nounced nou nouwil nced in a day or two twoAccording1 twoAccordIng twoccortifag
AccordIng A ccortifag to one statement stwm the nation nationWH1 naUonwOI nadont
WH1 wil t pay the King J1tIIO 1SM lUlO yearly year for rarfifteen
fifteen fift fiftpub een j years ars and will also carry out outpublic outPIl outlic
public pub pubrpn 1Jc works which King I eOPottl eopOM de demands dememds tiends ¬
mands rpn nds to the extent of o 2430 Z400G0 Z400G0Tlle 09
Thfr Th Thpro e arrangement is a compulsory eompt Sorcom Sorcompromll com compromise cornmlee
promise promiseThe promllThe pro mlee mleehe
The T Twa he King is not satisfied because he hewanted hewanted bented
wanted wa walie nted J260QMIOO OOAOO expended on pub pubHe public pubbuildings
He buildings while the people object to tothe tothe
the national exchequer being burdened to tosuch tosuch
s such suc h an extent exientMRS extentMRS l lMRS
Q Operated Op erated on for Appendicitis and andIs nndIs
Is RcHtlnjcComfortablr RcHtlnjcComfortablrNew Rctln ComfortnbIT ComfortnbITNew
New N ew York March L LMrs Mrs John B BDrexel R RDrexe1 Bexel
Drexel Dr exel was operated upon for appendi appendicitis appendlouts ¬
outs olU s this afternoon at her residence 1 1East 1East i
East ea st Sixtysecond Stxty nd street Dr William T TBull TBun
Bull Bu ll performed the operation operationIt P alfoft alfoftIt
It i was said at the Drexel home tonight tonightthat tonlg t tthat
that th at Mrs Drexel Dret was ranting comfortably comfortablyand comtflrtabJyand
and an d that t at her condition is not serious seriousMrs serIousMrs
Mrs Drexel was fortnerly Miss S5 Alice AHceG AliceG
G Troth of Philadelphia At the time of f fher Cher
her he r marriage she was living with her hermother hermotherp
mother motherp m other at 3 34i3 34 3 Walnut street street in that thatcity thUcity
city cit y
Gen Ge n aAmzi dnulcle < IeM Force Suffer Thirty Thlrtythree Tblrtythree
three Cannnltiex in Fight FIclitParts FIbtParis
Paris March JL LGell Gen dAmade the tlaePrend1 I
French Fr ench commander white ms marching > rehi relltg g to at attack attaek
tack taek tai SouRElDrin was himself bInis attacked attackedby attaekedy L
by y MdcBkfc tribesmen tribesmenA rl esmeL esmeLA
A stiff fight followed toll w The French test testtwo Jottwo
two officers and eight men killed iueii said saidtwentythree awdtwentyUlree I
twentythree tw entythree wounded woundedGen WOUIMIeGen
Gen dAnwuIe d Amade repulsed ed the Moors and andpursued aDdpursoed L
pursued pu rsued them for a distance He lost a arew s L
few fe w more in the pursuit pur lt ltThe
The losses Io of the Moors were heavy bee beeANDY
Lobbyist Lobb L Tist Was Vas in Charge of ofYellow ofYeIIowDog 0 f
Yellow YeIIowDog flog Fund FundAPOPLEXY F1llldUOELEXY
Xerr N ew York Attorney Who 110 Became BecameFamonH BeenmeFnmous e
Famous at Time o ot Insurance In InTcstiKation InTclit I Iyigution
TcstiKation Tclit Jatlon at Albany Found Dead DeadJu flea d
in Bed DedDe1ounecdcm BedDenouncad Denounced 3Iej3iJjers iezxthr 1s of of9t of9tLeJIsJaiure ottji tjte tjteJLcelsIntnre t
Legislature LeJIsJaiure for Creating Cr atln Scandal sciina
Albany AIl aM7 Maefc L lFnaer Fanner Judge Ju te An Andrew Andrew Au Aurew t ¬
drew d rew Baataian was waS frond dead d ht 1 bed bedat be id
at a t his borne at tilts city this tbb xnarnlag xnarnlagHe mernlasHe
He H e passed away Way without any one know kJKtwiIIg
ing to g that he had been flL lii He was about aboutt abet it t
th a city test night and returned r urRed ta his hishome his1tome I Is i
home h ome apparently in his usual health healthWhen ii
When he It TO was called this momteg JIIO b there therewas t thee cre crewas c
was w as no response and Investigation re revealed re rev ni ¬
vealed v r eeled Jed that be was dead Apoplexy was wasthe wasUte wt L5 L5the
the cause af death deathJudge dMtllJudge C
Judge Hamilton became quite ceaspfcu 1
eufi during the Mf life iaGurance iavcstiga iavcstigatlan I
tlan t ioti as Kt It was brought gld sot at the h hvestigation JR Ii a
vestigation v that he 1t represented the life lifeinsurance IL Q
insurance i h istiranc corporations in wat lag egi ste steJation a
aDen l affecting them ia the Afferent AfferentStates dmereatState differou at t
States S tKtO of the Union UnionCreates
Creates Sensation at Hearing HearingWhile
While the investigation m 1bd0ll was OH he e was wasin wasIn we In 8
in i n Europe ill but returned to Albany Albanywhile Alba ty f
while the legislature was considering the theHughes tMHughes ti e
Hughes bine and created a sensation sensationby soncaDi atlGk in iny R
by b y uaexpeciey appearing befare De eretIM 41 th
committees C Otciflb1tt0 mlUees giving a a hearing oa the bIDs tiC Ihus
and a nd in the presence eseM6 f the trustees tn and andpresidents aBdpresidents ai id >
presidents of the different life insurance Insuran Ce
companies comp c n1es branded them as being the themen themen t tmen he t
men who had bean responsible for what wbatwas cvii at atin
was brought t out at the investigation investigationSince Investlgatlone lnvestlgatkSinCO in
Since e the t e insurance investigation estlgatlon Jadge J1HheHamfltoa Ju ge geHmfltoii 8
HanHKon ha usd6Ae lene b bet t Mttle legal work workaJthougk wor Ic Icalthough t
although he continued co Uftued Ids compilation adoR of oftbe o otile if
tile t he laws 11 ws pertaining to insurance corpora corpor a atioss
tlons tiossHe
He was born in AJhany fl fiftyfotal tyf w years yes = g
ago aad was a seJNoI ehe t teacher before he i
was w admitted to the bar He graduated graduat ted cii ciitro I
from tro the Albany AJbaJl Law School sad took tookup tookup to oh ohup
up the practice of law He formed a apartnership apartnershlp aly
partnership with the late HashReUty HashReUtyand ak HughRd HughRdand ReDly ReDlyJUld ly
and enjoyed eJljO ed several potttteal appotet appolatl1Ints appoli nt ntmeats t
meats He was a a Democrat D j In poMtics poMticsand poIItband politi su suruni s
and opposed D Cady Herricks leador Jeadorship Isadi or orship r
ship He was a city court justice and aMaJso a nd ndalso
also assistant district attorney attotne tt8t of ofCOUfltY this tIIII6county Is
county countyRcprcsented COUfltYRepresented
Represented Many Companies CompnnfThrougll CompaniesThrough
Through his friendship with the iii late lateJohn ateToAn i it itJohn te
John A MeCaH he became beea the esecuUvg esecuUvgattorney etecuttYe3ttor execus lye lyeattorney r
attorney 3ttor e for the New Ne York wk Life Insur Insurance IasurIne lasi us usCompany r ¬
ance Company and biter repreeeastdj repreeeastdjother 1 rerecea t c1oUter tedother xl
other large insurance companies He was waspresident v ilg ilgsal ts
president of the Albany AJMa Club ffcr several severalyears seve severetirIng sal ai
years retiring from that Ui tt office a year tar i IT r rago
ago He was also a o a member membero of the Fort F eat eatOrange rt
Orange dub tIubJudge
Judge HacuHtons wift died Hboura Hbourayear a sheer A ayear
year ago HJ Ik is survived by three daagb dtWfbt dani b itas
t tens rs Miee Jessie Jesft HamHtoa Mrs James JtUDItSC Jan JanBrady as ts
r C Brady TIrAv li laG naa RNUTled married < rr < < Jl the ha Hn can oC A ABrad A A TN TNBrady > > T TI
I Brady Brad and Miss M Mary Hamilton HamBtoLLEWIS HanriltouILEWIS
Helpmate of Farmer Convicted of of3Inrler ofMurder °
Murder Jl rder Lament Hostility HostilityWest
West Chester March Iarch 1 1EtlA Edna Newita NewitaLewis NewtlaLewis Nesc liii liiiLewis to
Lewis wife of Irwin A A Lewis who ws wasconvicted v I5 I5convicted as
convicted four weoks w ago of the murder J1Wtderot mar tier tierto er
of his stepdaughter is beginning beginningrealize to
realize the gravity of her husbands pbei sItIon pu s st
Don and an laments greatly the hostile atti attitude a atude UI a
tude she assumed in the triaL On the t thewithess BO
witness s stand she announced her desire te tebe t the
be entirely neutral In the matter matterIt matttiIt matterIt
It is now believed this oosftton was c vanlargOl as
largely responsible for ro the t e verdict of ofguilty
guilty ltY la the t e event of a new trial be being be beIng ¬
ing refased re sed counsel coo nseJ for Lewis wilt cany canythe en SIT SITthe r
the case to the Supreme Court Courtlis CourtIts Court11a
Its Practically PrtctfcnU an investment Tetment nvestrnentof
of the safest kind when you deposit your y out outmoney r
money In banking dept of Union nIon Trust Ti
Co 15th and H He Interest paid on aH sc sccounts
counts subject to check Govt control cent centI no
j State St j ate Leaders in Line But ButDislike ButDislike ButDislike
Dislike Methods MethodsSENATORS MethodsSENATORS IlethodsNATO1S
ROOS Ro p Roosevelt osevelt relt Platform Programme Pro ProgrammeTot c cNot mme
Not Tot at All Popular PopularCOT
COT Co y Harris Said to t Be Among Those ThoseWho Thoseho
Who W 110 ho
Would Have Appreciated
Con Conimitation ConJlultntlon ConnltntIo
imitation nltntIo with Tnf Taft t Managers JlanagersRep JlanagersRepresentnllvcs 3ianagersflepesenjznjlvcs Rep Representatives ¬
resentatives r Have Qualms About AboutLeaving AboutLeAving Abouteaving
Leaving L eaving Out O Ou Names of Foralcer and andDick nndDfeklc antiIckIrn
Dick Dfeklc D Mrs Lonsnrortlis Lon rths Xame N e Used Used5tJedalS8 Usedciai
Special 5tJedalS8 fie ciai to 1 7e TPMHagtoa Herald IIeddColumbus Heraldolumbus
Columbus C Ohio March 1 1WJth 1WIth With the th ar arrival arrival asal ¬
rival riv al of candidates and delegates to the theRepublican theReIJubUean thepublican
Republican Re publican State convention conve ton to be held heldTuesday beklTuesday heldesday
Tuesday Tu esday the advance talk talk is Taf TattTat TattTatbut TaftTaftt t Taf t tbut
but bu t not all Taft TaftThat TaftTJHtt Tafthat
That T hat he will wfl be Indorsed by the Ohio OhioRepublican OkioRepubUcan Ohiopublican
Republican Re publican convention was long
ago con conceded conceded coned ¬
ceded ced ed but even the ablest loaders
espe especially especJaHy cspeliy ¬
cially cla liy those who expect to hp b on the theticket theticket thekot
ticket Uc kot to > be b nominated this week week ax axpress tpress exss
press pre prebo ss privately a a fear that the Taft exu exuberance exuOOreDCe canrance ¬
berance bo rance is being overdone All the t e Taft Taftmanagers TaftDl8iMlgers Taftnagers
managers ma nagers desire of course is that Ohio Ohioshall OhioshaJt Ohioalt
shall sh alt speak for her favorite fav rfte son in Inu no nouncertain nocertain
uncertain u un certain tone and that this votes ef f a aeeaveatfen aeeJWeden aaveatMa
e eeaveatfen ce aveatMa shall arouse Taft admirers admirersIn admirersother
In other States Those who have been In Incharge incII8ge inarge
charge cis arge of the Taft interests for many manymonths manymonta manynths
months mo nths and who have 11 beau Messed with withample wkhpt withple
ample am pt ple funds care netting for the men menwho menwlao menho
who w ho are candidates for places on the theState theSfate theate
State St ate ticket No advice was asked 2 of ofGov orGeY ofy
Gov Ga < y Harris He w was s practically toW to tokeep tokeeJl toep
j keep ke ep quiet and take what was coning coningto coningMman
t to him RImaa an indorsement Ia aDd a 2 Qeroiastteo QeroiastteoThe JI8IIttMtlonT eoulnndonThe
The governor is a crafty politician aDd aaddeep aDddeep aridep
deep de ep fat 1 his heart 6rt is a a fear that the Taft Taftmanagers Taftmanagers Taftare
managers are overdoing OIer ver lnglt olng It It The governor governorhas goverJlOras governors
has ha habu s seen S eA a few campaigns in his 5s time tteebat time1Jat theet
bat bu buar t never ower ODe like this in which pains painsare painse
are are ar e taken to impress upon the CGuDtrylOt Cawitryt country countrynot
not no t only the power power of the Taft omcitina omcitinain maeidDelit maditnethe
in the State but also the latent of the theTait theTalt theaft
Tait T aft hackers to obliterate Foraker and aadDick andDIck andick
Dick DIck D ick aad all other Mg and ontfnent ontfnentrepttbtlcaaa onriecntpublicans t tre
repttbtlcaaa re who do not come te the Taft TaftbajKier TatDauer Taftanner
bajKier b anner
Harris Past Relations RelationsIt RelatlonIt
It happens that Harris in times past pasthas laStha5 pasthad
has had harmonious relations reJ tIofts with both bothForaker 1tGthFork bothorakar
Fork F r and Dick To ro the Hater Harris Harrisowes 1Itn1sweS Harriswes
owes weS wes his present place cs s governor of the theState the6de thetate
State S tate for wit k was Dick kk who tesisteiLln tesisteiLlnthe asJstesLtR5Oa lasistaiLtahe
the t he coavsaUoa 5Oa UiDR of f 3W i on the tof aonrissthm aonrissthmof ao1tionf
of o to f Harris E errM lAc I VHB wtbnaIe caaC gosSssr got o n Harris Harrisha HanishaC Harrised
ha haC b ed haw the place twice duriag dUVIZI the theMcKlnley theYeI thecKinley
YeI McKlnley M ale tQ terms and was content to re remain re remain reain ¬
main m ain a private citizen dtlzaaThen citizenThen citizenThen
Then came the death ot PaUisoo Pa S a aDemocratic aD aemocratic
Democratic D governor and Harris became becamedde becamehief baoaaiechief
chief c hief executive of the State He is a agrateful 2ef1l1 a arateful
grateful g rateful ef1l1 man aad did net forget that thatDtek thatuds
IHek D uds and Feraker had always steed by byhim byOnce
him Once the Taft wave rolled over overOhio overOble overhio
Ohio O hio Harris as a a wis wise man sew that thatthe thatthe thathe
the t he popular demand iras really for Taft Taftand Tan Tanand Taftnd
and a nd so Harris Joined the procession even eveathough eventbough evenough
though th ough he did net approve the insistent insistentdemands JBs6sieutdemAnds insistentof
demands of the t e Taft mansgers that no noopportunity noopGrtuulty nopportunity
opportunity o should be lost to defame d ame and anddanotmee anddMt andenounce
danotmee d enounce Foraker aDd Dick So happens happenshis happensJaIs happensis
his h is regret that the decree has come from fromWashington romWasidDgtoR fromW5MDgtOI
Washington and 041 from Taft himself eit that t atno thatmention
no mention shall be made of either er Ohio OhioSaaator OkloStJator Ohioenator
Saaator S enator m In the resoiuttoos which wM be beadopted beb
adopted b 1Jj the convention this week weekThe weekTile weaLhe
The T he Taft mea make it very ey dear U Ut > s > t the theplatform tbcplttOI1ll thelatform
platform p latform sbaH not even mention the pub pubHe JMlbIe pube
He li e services of the two men who w o have haveeen V VDeeR
been b een so long eminent in Ohio affairs affairsf araJr3Now
Now r c oV w this does not look like good politics
ts t o Harris or 0 his true friends frleMsori friendsWorny
Worry ori ni a to Platform PlatformIt rtatrornIt
It is also puzzling to the Harris Harm per personal pert perSUOI ¬
sonal I t following that the Taft people have bavaarrogated RV RVarrosatH haveto
arrogated to themselves the right t t1t wake wakea makeplatform
a platform for x the party fcc er in advance advancet adPaDCeeC advancethe
of the convention COIIYO OB It was suggested sagg suggosea sR to tothe totile tothe
the governor that when he was a dele delegate delegate doleto ¬
gate to t State conventions the making of ofa orplatform ofplatform
a platform was delegated to a a committee committeec
of c twentyone members of the caaven caIIYentioRo canveufrom
Uon tioRo e one from each Congr CongrssinnaI sstonel 1Iti is istrJctaad dinrictand
trfct trJctaad t and that a a platform s0 constructed constmctedwas CODStr1etedwas constructedwas
was then raported r to totlte the convention for foradoption fora foradeptioc
adoption a ep tML The governor nodded aod ed his head headin headla bdn
in I n acojuiefioeziee when this was w mentIoned montioaedi
to t o him aim but made no comment commentI COIIImeatA
A A week In advance of t the convention conventionthe comenUonthe conventionthe
the ptetfecm which will be adopted ad pted was wastaken AS ASmJea
taken t te Washington W for the approval approvalo plnvafit
o fit both Taft and President Roosevelt Rooseveltton RooseveltMore
More ton than that ut pains w were e re taken to tell uuwhat tellwhat
what would be m In the platform and what wtaatWCM whatwould
would not aot and especial stress was laid laidthe laido
0 the fact acf that t neither Foraker nor Dick DIckwould DIckwould
would be mentioned tJeDed let lone commended commendedIt
It has always been the custom for a aRepvhUcaa aRJNbIIcaa aRepebilcan
RepvhUcaa State convention in Ohio to topass topass
pass a resolMtld reaoigleic that spoke kindly of ofUte ofSenators
the Senators aton and Members This year yeartile yearth
the th Reese Breathers will be warmly wumbpraJIM warmlyproIo4
praised hot not a word about the two twoI twoStOtS
Senators I ADd ad stece coming to Ohio 0tUt OhiotMt
that thte thisovert covert attack on the Senators Senatorsapproved nators natorsis
is not approved PJKovCll by the members embers of the tkeHouee theHO
Haoee HO Even these who are for Talc Talcde Tatede Taftdo
de net t corset that titer have to depend dependthe Jd Jdthe
9n the Senauws for conarmatien eon of post p3tMtlStUS pestmasters
masters and for r the passage of bills 1stbroagk billsthrough
through th the Snte SnteJlnT ScsmteMay Sena t P Pilnjr
May Mention Senators SenatorsThere SenntorsTItere SenatorsThere
There is a bare chance that an effort effortwftt ettortwilt effortwilt
wilt be made b b > members m of Congress Congressfrsm Congr CongrR Congressfrom
from R Ohio to amend the platform that thatwas thaIwas thatwas
was brought back from Washington and andto adto andlasert
to insert a few fa words that will at least leastlist leasthat
list hat the country know that Ohio has two twoSeimtars wo woSe
Seneters Se muwsd Foraker and Dick There ThereIs
is bound boUlMito to be resentment that the platena plat piatform ¬
farm has to be approved 8 > m 1ft Washington WuldDgtonThe WOolDiIgOUThe
The sentiment of the convention wfll be befOr befor
fOr Taft they say 7 so why v 117 fog a plat JJatferm pintfarm
form to Washington for approval and andUum andthen
then cs ca t it to the t delegates del t8S with the theInttl theIntimation
Intimation Inttl tionthat that President Roosevelt RoeseTeitSeeretar and andSecretary antiSeeratary
Secretary Taft T tt have u approved this so SOJOUSt you yetmust
must take it word fr word wordIt wordIt
It is also gfoea out by the Taft man managers nMma managers
agers a ea that the pennaaent cbainaan of oftbe ofthe
the convention Will be the Hon Wade WadIBIlls WadeEllis
BIlls Ellis now attorney general and a a very veryontfnned erY erYI
Continued on Page 3 Column 6 6A 6A 0A
A IB Cnrte Loach Served Dally Da11 Da11At
At Ecksteins from irto 3 3 Ofl2 X X 4 T

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