OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, May 26, 1908, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1908-05-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Chester Policeman Fires on onMob onMob onMob
Mob Attacking Cars Carsi CarsWOMEN
mot Follows Riot in Strike of Street StreetCar StreetCar StreetCar
Car Employes In Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaTOTTO PenmJITanlnT01TnSTD1vntblzer VennY1VAfltftTownSympathlxer
TOTTO T01TnSTD1vntblzer Sympathizers Pay Jfo Atten Attention Attention Attention ¬
tion to Drawn and nd Threatening ThreateningItcTolrcrB TbreatenlngRevolvers Threateningflcvo1ci
Revolvers of the theCbeter Blucconts BluccontsChester Dluecontf DluecontChester
Chester Pa May 25Rlot Rlot followed riot riotin rIotin riotin
in the street car strike hero tonight tonightMob tonightMob tonightMob
Mob violence was in force orce in all sections sectionsof eectionsof
of the city and no less 1a than a dozen dozenBtrikcbroakors dozenstrikabroakers dezenetrlkebroakor
Btrikcbroakors who were in charge ot the thecars thecars thecars
cars of the Chester Traction Company Companyfared Companytared Companyfared
fared badly at t the hands of strike sym sympathizers sympathlzors ym ymDathtzors ¬
pathizers pathizersAt DathtzorsAt
At 1030 oclock a mob of 3000 men mencharged mencharged mencharged
charged a car at Seventh avenue A force forceof torcQof forceof
of police were in charge of the car hay ¬
lag a number of persons aboard arreste arrestefor arrested arrestedfor arrestedfor
for creating a disturbance at the car carbarns carbarns carbums
barns There were a dozen bluecoats on ontho ontho ontho
tho car and each had a nrevolver revolver in his hishand hlahand
hand handFollowing handFo1Qwlng handFollowing
Following a shower of bricks Sergt SergtNodon SorgtNodon SergtNodon
Nodon fired into the crowd and his action actionwas actionWas actionwas
was followed by more shots from the thore thoreI re revolvor revolvor
I volvor of a colored policeman but the theshots the6hots
shots did not frighten the mob mobYell mobYell
Yell Kill the Police PoliceThere PoliceThore
There were yells olls of Kill the police policeshoot polleeshoot
shoot to kill wreck the car carThe carTho
The crowd paid no attention to the ofTl ofTlcers officors
cers until the city clt hall was reached reachedHero reachedHero
Hero the car stopped and the officers officersnllghUd officersnllgltted
alighted Sorg Nodon was tho first firstone firstono
one to make a move Ho cried Got Gotback Gotbnck
back Got back or I will shoot shootThe shootThe
The crowd turned Women omen and children childrenwere childrenwere
were trampled upon and a number in injured 1njurod ¬
jurod Tho people had apparently awaited awaitedthe awaItedthe awaitedthe
the withdrawn of the State police to tomake tomako tomaico
make an attack on tho cars carsOne carsOne
One cnr at Third and Jeffrey streets streetsis streotsIs treots
is in a wrecked condition and It is said saidthat saidthat saidthat
that there is not a car In the barn which whichis hlch hlchIs
is In anything liko good condition conditionMAY conditionMAY
TaleA of Impending Violence Arc ArcHeard ArelIear Archeard
Heard lIear In Cleveland ClevelandCleveland CIeelondCleveland
Cleveland Ohio May 26 2iPeace Peace In the thestrike thestrlko th
strike of conductors and motormen motonn n of the thoMunicipal theMunicipal
Municipal Traction Company sought soughtthrough 1oughtthrough soughtthrough
through arbitration was IlS balked by vote voteof voteor votaor
or the employes of the company com pan today todayThe todajThe
The conductors and motormen who ro refused rofus ¬
fused fus to strike and tho strike breakers breakersemployed brookorsemplood I
employed later refused by a a vote of 1076 1076to 100Gto 1O7
to 191 1 to waive their seniority senlorlt to the best bestruns bostrun
runs run guaranteed to them by b President PresidentDupont ProsldentDupont
Dupont of the company com pan Hints of serious seriousviolence seriousvlolenc I
violence were heart hoa l Tales that nitro nitroglycerin nltroglycerJn
glycerin is to be used uS d by strike sympa sympathizers smpathlzers ¬
thlzers are heard It Is said that groat groatquantities groatquantities
quantities of the destructive explosive explosivehave cxploshchavo
have been brought into tho city In cakes cakesof cakesot S
of Ice IceIn IceIn
In the city council tonight tho strikers strikerspresented strIkerspr I
presented pr L nte1 petitions demanding a referen referendum ro referendum eren erendum ¬
dum OH tho franchise under which the theMunicipal theMunlclpal th
Municipal company comPAn is operating tho car carlines carlIn
lines lIn tf f the city at a a 3cent fare far The pe petitions p ptlUon ¬
titions tlUon bear more than 14COO names 13000 13000being 13000bel
being bel necessary under the Schmidt law lawrushed lawrUlhecl la
rushed through the legislature by b Mayor MayorJohnson lIa or orJohollOn
Johnson to aid his fight to grasp gr U5p the thestreets thestreets th
streets of the city clt The petitions were werereferred werereCerred wonreferred i
referred to a committee dominated by byMayor b bl1 b3 b3Mayor
l1 Mayor or Johnsons friends and a report reportauthorizing reportauthorizing L Lauthorizing
authorizing a special election is not prob probable probable ¬
able Thelaw permits delay of balloting ballotingtill baIlotin
till tho next municipal election in 1903 1903though 19OJthough
though some authorities assert the fran franchise franchl ran ranchle ¬
chise chl o becomes inoperative with the filing filingof fiUngor
of the demand for a referendum referendumThe referendumThe
The courts will bo sought at once by tho thostrikers thostrikers th 1
strikers It was the threat thr nt of this refer referendum relerendum ¬
endum that drove the mayor to seek Jeek arbl arbitration arbltrntlon ¬
tration trationHOTBED trntlonINJURED trationINJURED
Honpitnl Authorities Say Sn St Louis LouisPrelate Loul LoulPrelnte I IPrelate
Prelate Will Recover RecoverSt
St Lout May 25 25Jo 25Joseph Joseph ph Schutte who whoattempted whoattemptEld wh whattempted
attempted to assassinate Rev Re Joseph JosephLubeley JosephLubeloy JosepiLubeloy
Lubeloy of St Josephs Catholic Church ChurchSalisbury ChurchSalisbury t tSalisbury
Salisbury Sunday stolidly maintains si silence silence silenco ¬
lence on the matter His wife too rc rcfures rcCures refuros
Cures to discuss tho matter further than thanto thanto thai thaito
to say that her husband Is sorry for his hisaction hisacUon hi S Saction
action Father Lubeloy is at St Marys MarysInfirmary MarysInfirmary Mary S SInfirmary
Infirmary Hospital fTr St Louis where wherephysicians wherephslcI wher wherphysiclani
physicians phslcI nl say ho will be able to leave leavewithin leavewlth1n bay baywIthin
within a week The trouble between betweenSchutte betweenSchutte betweeSchutte
Schutte and tho pastor originated last lastwinter lastwinter las laswinter
winter when John Legender sergeant sergeantatarms sergeantatarm
atarms of tho Missouri house of rep representatives representatives reprosentatives C ¬
resentatives who is Schuttes S huttes neighbor neighborclosed neighborclosed
closed a gap In the fence between the thefarms Lb Lbfarms he hefarms e
farms used as a driveway drivewayMRS drivewayMRS drivewayMRS
Court Gives Divorce and Maiden MaidenName JlnldenNnme lalde laldea1ne 11
Name a1ne to Alfred Wife WifeNew WireNew
New York May 26 26lIrs Mrs Ellen French FrenchVandorbllt FrenchVanderbilt ii
Vanderbilt this afternoon obtained her herdivorce herdivorce he r
divorce from Alfred G Vanderbilt who whois whoIs wh whIs 0
is now running a coach In England EnglandThe EnslandThe EnglandThe
The Interlocutory Interlocutor decree was signed by byJustice byJustice b I
Justice OGorman who refused to order orderthe orderthe orde ordethe r
the papers sealed Tho divorce is granted grantedto grant
to Mrs Vanderbilt on the ground of the thealleged then1legCd th thalleged C
alleged n1legCd action of hor husband The Thenames Thennme9 Tb 0 0names
names of the corespondents are not notmentioned notmenUOled nc t tmentl
menUOled mentl mentioned ied and the custody of o tho child childis childIs chil d dIs
is given to his mother motherThe motherThe motherThe
The Vanderbilt divorce suit when first firstfiled first111ed firs firsfiled
filed camo as a a great surprise It had hadbeen hadbeen ha d dbeen
been generally supposed that the young youngmillionaire youngmillionaire youn g gmillionaire
millionaire and his wife lived llv d happily to together togethor togethor ¬
gethor The first Intimation of trouble troublewas troublewas e
was hoard when Mr Vandcrbllte head headgroom headgroom head headgroom d ed
groom named Brenchley Brenchle eloped with withMrs withMrs wit
Mrs Dietrich tho wife of the son of tb tbStandard tbp tbpStandard tbStandard <
Standard Oil magnate magnateWhen magnatehen magnateVhen
When hen Brenchloy eloped he got ot the themoney themone th e emoney
money mone through an automobile which had hadboon hadbeen ha d dbeen
been ordered or < 1ored the agent thought by Mr Mi Ir
Vanderbilt for a beautiful widow widowAs widowAs widowAs
As soon as the th BrenchloyDIetrlch BrenchloyDIetrlchptory h hetory
ptory became known there were rumors rumorsregarding rumorsTogardlng 5 5regarding
regarding a separation of the Vander Vanderbllts VanderbillS VanderbIlLs
billS before Mr Vanderbilt left for Eng
land to start his coach On the very ver verday ery
day he salted the suit was filed filedIf medI
I If f Mrs Vanderbilt wishes she may re resume resume rcsume ¬
sume her maiden name and may marry marr marrin
in three thr months monthsLOOK monthsLOOK monthsLOOK
Special Sale of Maraschino Cherries CherriesFull CherriesFull CherriesFull
Full Quart 00 Cents CentsOvcrstocltctl CentsOvcli CentsOverstocked
Overstocked Ovcli ul and ma JU nsut lIt t mnke room roomfor roomfor roomfor
for nerv crop cropONE cropO cropONE
Order early earl before they tile are all sold soldTOKALONWINECO old oldt
614 14 14th j Street StreetI
Whoso case is now no in court and jury jUl may be bocompleted bec
completed c > > mpI ted this morning morningNEED morningI morningNEED
Continued from Page One Onereal Onerenl
real r eal estate dealer 118 Third street atr et south aoutheast
east e ast Bernard K L Akers art dealer 1119 1119Girard 1419GIrard
Girard G irard street northwest George W Wloflig V VHolllg
Hoillg I loflig printer 60S E street northwest northwestIsaac
Isaac i saac Nordllnger shoe dealer 3113 M l street streetnorthwest strt > t tnorthwest L
northwest n Frank L Ash grocer 323 32 Q Qstreet 1
street S treet Fred Lincoln furniture dealer tho thoKcncsaw th thonesaw
Kcnesaw l onesaw Robert Rob rt Lowe stonecutter 1J5 UGThird III IIIhird
Third T hird street northwest and August P PBberly PEberb Pbony
E Bberly bony 1S22 1S2 Blltmore street northwest E EWilliam EVUllam Billiam
William W illiam Limerick a poultry poult dealer of 62S 62SE 62SE 62
E street southwest t wns excused e < cilsod because becauliloattendance
attendance a at court would seriously at atfeet atCect atoct
feet oct his business businessTwo businessTwo businessrvo
Two talesmen were peremptorily chal challenged
lenged l by b the government because they the thosnld p
said s aid they knew Philip They were Fred FredW I
W Plugge merchant of 474 Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaaenue 1
avenue a venue and William A Buckley a bar bartender bartender
tender t at the Rlgga House Albert W WCowall WCowaIl
Cowall C tp owall a n contractor of 1311 U street was wa as asperemptorily
peremptorily p challenged by b the defense derenseElecn
Eleven Jurors Chosen CbosenEleven
Eleven men wore selected when the thepanel tb S
panel p anel was wftsexhausted exhausted but as the govorn govornment
ment has eight and the defense doCon nine ninochaIlenges nm S
challenges c remaining r mllnlng these may all be bec b bx S
execused c x cuscd or challenged challengedTho I IThe
The men now no In the box are areJohn arcJohn
John P Lovett barber of 3010 OlO Third Thirdstreot ThIr I
street s Robert Soltman pattern maker
712 71 7 12 Eighth street northwest Thomas W WStanton W Wtanton T TStanton
Stanton S tanton grocer 3003 0 street northwest northwestThomas northwestThomas
Thomas T homas J Ryan metal m tnl worker orker 102 P Pstreet Pstreet 1
street s northwest David Atkins produce producedealer producedealor
dealer d ealor S10 C street southeast southeast Benjamin BenjaminLeech BonJamlnLeech
Leech L eech foreman 2287 7 Champlain avenue avenueSamuel avenueSamuel
Samuel S amuel Berry Dorr colored laborer 72S Nlcho Nlcholas Nicholas
las l as avenue Anacostia Samuel J Hall Hallclerk
clerk c lerk 1108 fl Virginia avenue southwott
Henry H enry J 7 Woigel jeweler jeweler 39 Qulncy Qulncystreet Qulnc
street str s Ot George W W Mason Iason colored under undertaker
taker t C03 Nichols avenue avenue Anacostia and andJames nndJam05 an 1
James J ames D Ffnch painter 1443 UQSNorth 11 North Capl Capitol
tol t o street streotAttorne
Attorney Attorne Davis In his examination oxnmlnatlonof
of o f talesmen scorned mcomodto to be particular particularly rtlcular
ly 1 y concerned as to whether hether the tales talesman talesman
man m an was as acquainted with Macaboy Iacabo or orany oran o r
any an a ny member of his family famll while the ex examlnatlon e eamlnaUon
amlnatlon a of Assistant AsP1 tant District Attorney Altorno AltornoStuart
Stuart S tuart McNamara was as along alon the line of ofwhether ofwhother o owhether
whether the talesman Wall opposed to tocapital tocapital t 0 0apital
capital c punishment punishmentLeaves punishmentLeaTell punishmentLeaves
Leaves Court with lth Brother BrotherWhen DrotberWhen BrothersWhen
When court adjourned Philip left the thecourtroom thecourtroom th thourtroom
courtroom c accompanied by b his brothers brothersbut brothorsbut
but b ut not before he had stood and gazed gazedintently gazedIntently gaze gazentently
intently i at the clothes worn orn by Macaboy Macaboywhich llo Macabo Macabowhich abo abowhich
which his attorney Mr Davis was care carefully carerully careully ¬
fully f examining c amlnlng The sight of the bloody bloodyshirt bloodyshirt blood I Ihirt
shirt s hirt and the other garments did not notappear notnppeOr no noppear
appear a to disconcert him in the least leastThe lorustThe leastThe
The examination e amlnaUon of talesmen talei 1en will be becontinued becontinuccI b 0 0ontinued
continued c this morning and it is possible possiblethat possiblethat 0 0hat
that t hat the Jury will be completed and the theopening theopening th e epening
opening o statement made madeLONDON madeLO
Fallieres Armies to Greet British Britishi Britis BritishKing L U UKing
i King EdwardReception EdwardReception Edward
Reception Tendered Ten erceI in Buckingham BuckinghamPalace DucklnghnmPalace BuckingharPalace a
Palace to the Distinguished DistinguishedVisiting DlRtlngobhcdbiting
Visiting biting Official OfficialLondon OfficialLondon OfficialLondon
London May 25 2iA A state banquet was wasgiven wasgiven w Is Isgiven
given tonight at Buckingham Palace in inhonor Inhonor I a ahonor
honor of President Fallleros FalllerosIt
It was attended by the King and Queen Queenthe Queenthe
the Prince and Princess of Wales and andother andothcr andother
other members of the royal family faml the theministers theministers theministers
ministers of state and a a number number of cx exalted cxalted cxaIred ¬
alted personages In tho course of his hiswelcoming hiswelcoming hiswelcoming
welcoming toast King Kln Edward said ho
hoped with all his heart that the entente ententecordlale ent entntecordiale nte ntecordlole
cordiale between Great Britain and andFranco andFrance
Franco would be permanent because It Itwas Itwas itWaS
was necessary for the welfare and pros prosperity prosperity ¬
perity of the two countries and the main maintenance maintenance maintenance ¬
tenance of peace rcaceM
M 1 1 Fallieres In responding said he io c was wasconvinced wasconvinced wasconvinced
convinced that the future would make the therelations therelations therelations
relations between the two nations closer closerA closerA closerj
A great reception was accorded M Fal Fallieres FnlHeres Falbores ¬
bores upon his arrival here King Ed Edward Edward Edward ¬
ward the Prince of Wales Prima PrIm Minis Minister iI1nlster Iinis Iinister ¬
ter Asquith and Foreign Minister Grey Greymet Greymet Greymet
met him at the Victoria Station where a aguard aguard aguard
guard of honor was drawn up and a band bandplayed bandpl bandplayed
played pl yed The Marseillaise MarseillaiseThe MarseillaiseThe MarseillalseThe
The French cruiser crul er Leon Gambetta Gambcttabearing Gambettabearing Gambettabearing
bearing President Pre ident Fallieres of France on onhis
his way to pay pa his muchheralded visit to
London passed this afternoon between betweenong
long l ong lines of British war ships with sail sailors sailors sailors ¬
ors cheering and guns booming to the theJandlng theanding
landing l stage at Dover where he was met metand metand metand
and welcomed on behalf b haJC of King Kln Edward
by Prince Arthur of Connaught ConnaughtThen ConnaushtThen ConnaughtThen
Then he drove through the ranks of 5000 5000schoolchildren 6000Bchoolchlldren 5000schoolchildren
schoolchildren who sang The Marseil ¬
lame to tho railway station where pt p t
230 p m ho started start d for London The Thecrowds Thecrowds Thecrowds
crowds on the streets were enormous and andgave andgave andgave
gave the President the heartiest welcome welcomeLAST welcomeLAST welcomeLAST
Georgetown University Hospital HospitalBoard HospitalDonrc1 HospitalBonril
Board Reports Progress ProgressThe Progrell8ThE ProgressThe
The Georgetown University Hospital
bpard board held its last meeting of the th sea season seas season
son s n at the university hospital at 3 3oclock 3oclock 3oclock
oclock yesterday afternoon A number numberof numberof
of new members were admitted admittedThe admIttedTho admittedThe
The board b nrd of woman managers mon g rl re reported rcported reported ¬
ported the work on the new n addition od 1tJon of ofthe otthe ofthe
the nurses homo 1101110 which will cost ap approximately approXlrnntely approximately ¬
proximately 5000 would start In a few
days the contract having been let
Progress on the new wing to the hos hospital hospital hospital ¬
pital was reported This was donated by
A Llsner LlsnerThe LlsncrThe LisnerThe
The board also decided to assist asslstSls Sis ¬
ter Pauline at attholqwn the lawn feto to be given
June 16 for the benefit ben fit of the hospital
Witness Says Accomplice AccomplicePosed
Posed as Her Brother BrotherANOTHER
Gurholt Says Man Ion Who Vl1o Claimed Clnnu d Kin Kinto I ln lnto
to Indiana Murderess Lured JIll IliaBrother JIllDrother
Brother Drother from Farm r nrJtl lit North Da Dakota Dnkotn0JrcUn1tancc ¬
kota kotn0JrcUn1tancc Circumstances Point l ol1tt to His HisMurder IU IUJlurder lifeMurder
Murder on July 4 tVomnn Woman Is I Alive AliveLaportc Uh UhLaporte liy
Laporte Ind Ind May 25 25Mrs Mrs Belle Gun Gunness Gunness
ness archmurderess had an accomplice accomplicein
in her tragedies tragediesVictims tragediesVlctfms
Victims were lured to her homo by a aman amon
man who posod as the brother of Mrs MrsGunncss lUrsGunness
Gunness and who traveled about tho thocountry thocountry
country duping men into going to the theGunncss theGunnes
Gunncss farm ostensibly ostenslbl to woo tho thowoman thowomnn
woman who ho wanted a husband but to tomeet tomeet tomeet
meet certain deatn when once they ac accepted accopted ¬
cepted her hospitality The complicity of ofa ota ofa
a confederate was proved tonight by the thearrival thearrival therival
arrival ar rival of Martin Gurholt brother of ofHenry ofHenry ofenry
Henry H enry Gurholt a 0 victim of the chnrnol chnrnolhouse chornolhouse chnrnoluse
house ho use In 1905 1905Martin 1005Martin 1905Martin
Martin Gurholt said My Iy brother was wasduped wasduped wasuped
d duped uped into going to Laporto LOl > orto by a n man mnnwho manwho manho
who w ho posed as a brother of Mrs Gun Gunness Gunness Gunoss
ness fl oss He found my brother working In InNorth InNorth
North N Ns orth Dakota Ho had undoubtedly undoubtedl an answered answered anwered ¬
swered s one of tho womans letters and andwaa andwan andan
wan w wso an sought out by b the accomplice who whoso whoso whographically
so soc graphically pictured tho delights of a acountry acountry a
c country place that my brother fell a avictim avictim o L
victim vi ctim to his blandishments and come to toLaportc toLaporte toaporte
I Laportc L aporte Ho wrote me soon after arriv arriving arrhIng ¬
i ing in g at the Gunnesa home how pleased he hewas hewas I
was w as with the place and tho woman His Hislast Hislast I
1 last la lato st letter was written Tltten July 4 when he hetold hetold held I
t told to ld of a a ride in the country with Mrs MrsGunness MrSGunnes MrZSlain
C Gunness
Slain on July JulyThe Jul 1 1Tho
The night of July Jul 4 is the night when whenGurholt wherurholt hen henGurhoJt I
Gurholt G urholt went to his death The neigh neighbors nelshbors neighorn ¬
i bors b orn remember seeing him on that day dayThe dayThe dayhe
The T he next day he was gone goneI
1 wrote a lotter to Mrs Gunness In De Deccmbor Detmbor
j ccmbor cc mbor 1906 asking for Information of ofmy orm o r
r my m y brother broth r Mrs Gunness replied that ho hohad hehad lu luad 3
j had h ad left leC her employ In August of that thatyear thatoor tim timear
s year y ear and had gone to Chicago to trade tradehorses tradehorses tradiorses
horses h orses With tho passing of time wo be became became beame ¬
c came ame reconciled to the belief that he had hadmot hodmet bn bnat
r mot m at with foul play in Chicago and we wemourned wemourned wi wiourned
r mourned m ourned him as dead Now it le very veryclear veryclear ver verear
c clear cl ear to us ho was murdered His aged agedparents agedpArents age agearents
j parents p arents of Scandinavia Wls Yls are com completely complete cornlotely ¬
pp y pletely plete p prostrated by the Gunness tragedy tragedyin
i in which hlch their boy was a victim and it itIs ItIs I Ihurrying t
I Is I hurrying them to their graves gravesTho gravesThe raves ravesTho
Tho declaration by b Mayor Barrow that thatthey thatthc tim timhey
they thc t would submit evidence proving Mrs MrsGunness Mrsunness llrsGunness
Gunness G unness alive was S the most salient lIont tea feature teature teaure ¬
t ture ure of todays developments developmentsSays development5Sa developmentsSays
Says Sa Woninn ol11nn Is I Alive AliveHe Jhe JheHe
He said We Ve have an Arkansas man manwho J1Mlnwho ma maho 1
who w ho will submit a letter signed by Mrs MrsGunness MrsGunnoJs I
Gunness G unnoss on May 4 1 It is unmistakably unmlstakabl in inhor Inher Ii Iier ri Iri
her h er handwriting This man was in cor correspondence correspondenco corespondence ¬
respondence r with Mrs Gunness with a aview aIow aiew
view v Iow to matrimony and would have been beenher beenhor beei a aer 1
her h er next victim but for the tragic de denouement doeuoment ¬ i inouomcnt
nouement n of the morning of April 38 We Wewill W Vo C Cill
x will w ill prove that a young woman wom n was lured luredhere luredhere lure 1 1ere
here h ere from the East for the murder and andher andhor ani ci cier 1
j her h er body bod placed in tho cellar while Mrs MrsGunncss MrsGunncss I Iunness
Gunncss G unness sought safety oet in flight We e give giveno ghono giv 0 0o
r no n nt o credence to the finding of the supposed supposedteeth supposedtccth suppose ii iieeth
t teeth of Mrs GunnosB as establishing the theIdentity thefdcntlty th a aentity
Identity 1 Id entity of the body bod of the woman found foundin foundIn foun 1 1n 1
in I n the ruins of the charnel house houseThere houseThere houseThere
There was no digging today in the Gun Gunness Gunpnss L Lass
pnss p ness ass house the days feature being the thedisclosure thedisclosure th 0 0isclosure
disclosure d that Mrs Irs Gunncss had an ac accomplice accomplice acomplice ¬
complice c < in crimes who posed as her herbrother herbrother he r rrother
t brother brotherYALE brotherYALE b rother
YALE GETS 168000 46 000 BEQUEST BEODESTEnglish BEQUESTEnglish n L Lnglish I
English E nglish Court Upholds Will of Here Herefordshire Hereordshire Herefordshire ¬
fordshire Miser MiserFriends MiserFrlcnl1ft MiserFriends
Friends Cannot Understand Action Actionof Actionof a aof
of the Eccentric Amer American AmerIcan Amerlean ¬
ican Hater HaterLondon lIaterLondon haterLondon
London May 35 iYalo Yalo University Unlvtrslt will willget wi wiet Ill Illget
get g et the 465000 loft to It by the will of ofArchibald orArchIbald c cArchibald i iHerefordehire I
Archibald Henry Hont Blount the eccentric eccentricHerefordshire eccontrlcHereCordshlre
Herefordshire miser who died In Sep Septembr Septombpt Se Seemb3r
tembr t last lastTho latI lastThe
Tho probate court uphold the will 111 this thismorning thismorning thi S Smorning
morning Dr H IL R Fuller of Cam Cambridge Cambridge Cairridge ¬
bridge b ridge University UnIvursit who attended Blount Blounttill Blounttm Blourill
till t ill his death testified that the old man manknew manknow ma manew
knew k new perfectly what he was doing and andwas andwas an anwas
was mentally men tall capable capable of disposing of his hisestate hisestate hi histate
estate estateRelatives estateRelatives e stateRelatives
Relatives who had said that thatthe thatthey they would wouldcontest wouldcontest woul d dontest
contest c the will failed n1Jed to appear in court courttoday courttoday cous t today
today todayThe todayThe t odayThe
The announcement that Blount had loft lofthis 10Cthis lel ft fthis
his property pro pert to Yale University caused causedmuch causedmuch cause causemuch
much surprise among those who knew knewthe knewthe kne w
the t he eccentric old man
His friends say that he had on rare rareoccasions rarooccasIons rareoccasions
occasions been heard at the Athenaeum
Club of which he was as a member to toexpress toexpress toexpress
express an Intense dislike for America Americaand Americaand Americaand
and Americans So far as known among
his friends he had never taken the theslightest theslightest theslightest
slightest Interest InterC t In Yale and he never neverseems neverseems neverseems
seems to have mentioned the matter to totho tothe tohe
the t he few with whom ho was as intimate Intima to
BJount who ho was sixtyseven years old oldat oJdat oldat
at the time of his death owned a a large largeestato largeestato largeestate
estato in Herefordshire and it Is this thisproperty thisproperty thsproperty
property which will now go to Yale as asthe asthe asthe
the resuft of the courts decision decisionRev decisionRev decisionRev
Rev Amon Phelps Stokes secretary oocretar of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the university unlverslt saId some time ago that thatBlount thatBlount thatBlount
Blount began corresponding with the uni university university university ¬
versity as far ar back as 1S8S In the year yearfollowing yearfollowing ear earfollowIng
following he submitted a draft of his hiswill hiswill hiswill
will to the university treasurer for ap approval approaJ approval ¬
proval although the amount bequeathed bequeathedwas
was as not stated In 1907 Blount wrote wrotethat wrotethat wrotehat
that t hat he was considering tho making of ofhis Ofhis orhis
his contemplated gift In his lifetime lifetimeNothing IItetimeNothing lifetimeNothtng
Nothing in the Blount correspondence in inthe Inthe Inthe
the possession of the college office indl indlcates Indlcates indieates
cates tho origin of the Englishmans In Interest Intorest Interest ¬
terest in tho American university universityOcean universityOcenn universityOcCfln
Ocean Steamships SteamshipsMiy StenmhlpYork
ye York ork May 2SArrired out Georgic at t Llv Llverpaol Lt Lttrpl Lirrpiol
erpaol e Caronla At Liverpool LiverpoolHow LicrpooLt
t How About Aboutl ou
a Straw Hat HatThousands HatThousands HatThousands
Thousands of them here in three threegreat threegreat threegreat
great bargain lots at manufactur manufacturers ¬
ers prices pricesand and theyre going like likehot likehot likehot
hot cakes
500 and 400 Straws 290
350 and S3O0 300 Straws 185 18525O
250 and 200 Straws 139 139D 139D 139D
10057 Pa Ave
i New N e Drug Poslara Now Obtainable ObtainableIn
In Small Quantities QuantitiesSince QaatltlesSince qnantltleaSlnc
Since Slnc Its discovery one year ago the thenew thenew
i new n ew drug poslam has successfully cured curedthousands curedthousands curedousands
thousands th ousands of chronic cases of eczema and andother andother andther
ji other o ther distressing skin affllcttyn Here Heretofore Heretofore Herefora ¬
i tofore to tof tola fora poslam has been dispensed rolcly rolclyfor folelytor solctyor
for f or the benefit of eczema patients In Inlargo Inlargo inrge
largo la rge Jars sufficient for a amonths months treat treatment treatment ¬
ment m mf ent This was found to be an Incon Inconvenience Inconvenlonce inconentence ¬
venience v tp t ts many thousands who use it itfor Itlor itor
for f or minor skin troubles such as pimples pimplesblackheads pimplesblackheads pimpleslackheads
blackheads b herpes acne scaly scalp scalpcomplexion scalpcompJexlon
complexion c blemishes bJemlsh s Itching feet piles pilesc
c which require but a small quantity quantityto
to t o cure To overcome this and In re response response repouse ¬
sponse s to urgent appeals tho th dispensers dispensersof
of o f poslam have been b en obliged to adopt in inaddition InnddltIon IndditIon
addition a aa to the regular twodollar pack packngo packnge packgo
ngo a af go a special fiftycent tlft cent size which in infuture Inruturo inuture
future f may mn be found on sale at Ograms Ogramsand Ogrnmsnnd Ogramsnd
and a nd ODonnells nnd other leading drug drugstores drugstores drugtores
stores s in Washington ashlngton or may be or ordered ordered ¬
dl dered d ored direct from the Emergency La Laboratories Lahoratorles ¬
boratories l Oratories No 32 3 West est 25th th Street Now NowYork NowYork Nework
York Y ork Cty In all eczema cases poslam poslamstops poslamstops
stops S tops Itching with first application and andproceods andpoeeqds
proceods p roceeds to heal Immediately curonic curoniccaies curonlccares
cares c ares being cured In two weeks In less lessseiious 1 5 5sellous
seiious s skin troubles results are arc seen seenafter seenafter seenfter
after a fter an overnight application applicationSxmples appllcnUouS
Sxmples S mples for experimental purposes purposesmay purposesmor
may still be had free of charge by bywriting bywriting byriting
writing w riting to the laboratories for thpm thpmMETHODISTS t tMETHODISTS
Continued from Page One Onethe Onethe Onehe
the t he unholy scheme of certain politicians politicianswhose politicianswhose
whose work would shame a convention of otanj ofany
any political party part It is moro than a aquestion aquestion
question of my particular candIdacy now nowAn nowAn nowAn
An issue has been raised nd the con confcrence conference
ference will bo voting for a principle principlerather
rather r than a man from now on I am amhopeful amhopeful
hopeful there will be a a reaction In senti sentiment sentiment sonilmont ¬
ment and that the plot against me will willfall willrau willfail
fall fallThe
The attack on Rev Re Dr Joseph Hingoly Hlngelot
of Minneapolis the secretary sccrota of the con conference conference ¬
ference differs from the attack on the theother thoother theother
other clergymen In that the men attack attacking attftOkInS ¬
InS I ng him state that ho is of unquestioned unquestionedand
and unquestionable moral and religious religiousIntegrity religiousIntegrltJ
Integrity The attack is made by Col ColFrank ColFrank
Frank M r Joyce the son of the late lateBishop lateBishop lateBishop
Bishop Isaac W V Joyce who died In Min Minneapolis Mm l1n l1nnenpollg ¬
neapolis July 2S S IMS 1Ot and is based upon upona upona
a difference of opinion ns to policies policieswhich
which at one time took place between Dr DrHlngelY DrHingely
Hingely and Bishop Joyce JoyceMONITOR JoycoMONITOR
Florida leaves Norfolk Norfolk for the theEoads theRoads theRoads
Roads to Be Shot At AtRcNults AtReilnItll AtResults
Results of the Tests Will Jla Make MakeExcellent e eEx
Excellent Ex eUent Data for Navy XavyDepartment Xa7Devnrtmcnt NavyB
Department DepartmentNorfolk DevnrtmcntNortolk B cpartnientNrfoik
Norfolk Va May M Ma 25Ready Rced Rosdy to be bebombarded bebombarded hi hibombarded
bombarded and torpedoed for or the sake sakeof 88keot 1 1of
of naval science the United States Statesmonitor Statoamonitor I Imonitor
monitor Florida today toda proceeded from fromtho roir I Ithe
the Norfolk Navyyard for Hampton HamptonRoads HamptonROAds HamptonRoads
Roads RoadsWhile ROAdsWhile RoadsWhile
While naval officials aro not saying sayinganything Si1nIanthlng sayinganything
anything about the gunnery gunne1 and tor torpedo tsrpotlo
pedo teats to wtilch the monitor is to b bsubjected be besubJ bi t tsubjected
subjected subJ cted it is learned l rnad from official officialsources ometlLlsources I Isources
sources that the tests will begin Wed Wednesday Wednostitty YOO YOOn08t1 ¬
nesday n08t1 on the southern drill grounds groundsin
in the Lower Chesapeake ChefapeAkeThe ChotapakeThe
The Florida was preceded from the thenavy thena7 th I Inavy
navy yard by the monitor Arkansas < J and andthe andthe an I Ithe
the torpedo to do boat Morris orrl from rom which the theprojectiles theprojectiles thiprojectiles
projectiles and torpedoes will 111 bo i > o flrod flrodat flr Jredat I Iat
at the Florida FloridaThe FlorIdaThe floridaThe
The tugs Mohawk lol k and Rocket have havebeen hAvebeen 1 1been
been detailed from rom the navy MV yard rd for foruse loruse foi
use of those designated by tho Secretary SOClctat SOClctatoC Socretarof
of tho Navy Nav to observe the gunnery tests testsat tastsat S Sat
at close range rangeIn rangeIn rangeIn
In the tower built on the monitor for fortests fortosts to r rtests
tests have been placed dummy dulIJm men menwho menwho menwho
who will ut be targets for sharpshooting sharpshootinfrom
from the other vessels vesselsThe vesselsThe esses essesTho
The Florida presents a unique appear appearance appearance appearance ¬ I
ance The monitor will 111 be tired upon as asif asI a a aIf
if I she he were a real enemy of war wara Aa Aaa A An
a n result of this experiment tho Navy Nav NavDepartment IlV IlVDepartment
Department expects to learn tho effect effectof effector t tof
of a bombardmont upon the interior fit sittings fitUnss fittings ¬
tings and other portions of the ships shipsstructure shlpsstructure ship a astructure
structure structureWhatever structureWhatever structureWhatever
Whatever damage dRmo > c the Florida receives receiveswill recelEWIwIll recoiv recoivwill
will be repaired and will m In no way W8 Im Impair Impair impair ¬
pair her future usefulness userulneHCOL
Eccentric Millionaire Says Unkind UnkindThings UnkindThings I IThings
Things About Women WomenTestimony WomenTeRtlmOn WomenTestimony
Testimony TeRtlmOn In inCase Cnne of ofhhlinois Illlnoln Cap Capitalists Cnpltnllllt Capmusts ¬
musts tnllllt Will Is Somewhat SomewhatStartling SomcwhntStnrtUnJ SomewhatStartling
Startling StartlingYou StnrtUnJJ
You oo would be surprised at the number of bus busbands 1m 1mOOnds busbends
bands who arc willing tiiing to sell ell the honor of their theirwires theirTIn theiruivrs
wires TIn and at tho number of mothers who are will willin williD willIng
in Ing to cell ell tho honor of their daughters
Tho country Is run by a set of thieves and rob robber robben robhers ¬
ber ben Tboso highest in authority autb rity are no better than thanthose thanthose thanthose
those down further in the social scale CaIeFrom From the thephilosophy thehnosophr thephilosophy
philosophy of CoL Tom SnclL SnclLClinton 5DcllClinton SuciLClinton
Clinton Ill May May2New 25 SNew New shocks camo camoin camoIn camein
in the contest on the Snell will today todaywhen todayhen todaywhen
when hen some of the utterances of the dead deadmillionaire deadmllJlonalre deadmillionaire
millionaire concerning his opinions of hu humanity humanlt humanity ¬
manity manlt were retold by witnesses Prob Probably Probably Probably ¬
ably the most sensational was the state statement statement statemeat ¬
ment Snell made to Thomas EwIng a amerchant amerchant amerchant
merchant of Clinton when he declared declaredthat declaredthat declaredthat
that there were so many husbands hus nnds willing willingto
to sell their wives and mothers to dis dispose dispose dispose ¬
pose of their daughters This statement statementwas statcmentwas statementwa
was wa not brought out in the former trial trialand trialand trialand
and the crowd In the courtroom listened listenedIn
In amazement amazementMr amazementMr amazementMr
Mr Ewing was told of Col Snells abuse abuseof abuseof abuseof
of his son Dick and making the state statement statement statement ¬
ment that hfl h ought to be in the pen penEwlng penEwIng penEwing
EwIng believed Col Srjell to bo of un unsound unsound Unsound ¬
sound mind It was to George F Jordan Jordana
a lawyer of BloomIngton who also testi testified testified testifled ¬
fied this afternoon that Col Snell ox oxpressed expressed oxpressed
pressed his opinion of rottenness in high highplaces highpJaces highplaces
places and that thatevil evil was rampant In the thegovernment thegovernment thegovernment
government governmentCol governmentCol governmentCot
Col Snell told Jordan that his son Dick Dickhad Dickhad Dickhad
had stolen a bank from them Ho then thenqualified thenqualified thenqualified
qualified this statement by one that he hehad hehad hohad
had no son and that ho had robbed him himSnell himSnen himSack
Sack then abused the government and andsaid andsaid andsaid
said that President Roosevelt was no bet better better better ¬
ter than the rest Jordan thought him In Insane Insqne liisrne ¬
Special to The Washington Herald HeraldAnnapolis HcnldAnnapolis UcraldAnnapolis
Annapolis Md May 23 25Thc Tho largo largosteam largosteam largesteam
steam yacht acht Roxanna which flies the theburgee theburgee theburgee
burgee of the New York Yacht Club and andwhich nndwhIch andwhich
which is owned by Mr Lafz L La1 iz ± Anderson Andersonof And rson rsonof
of Washington well known in social and andyachting andachtlng andyachting
yachting circles has ha been cruising In Inthe Inthe Iathe
the vicinity of Annapolis for the last few fewdays Cewda fewdays
days daysOn da daysOn s sOn
On Sunday Mr Anderson entertained entertainedP
P H Magruder of Annapolis and an J P PStory PStOr PStory
Story StOr JrJL j of Washington on a cruise
in the bay aboard tfls yacht The party partyvisited part partvisited partyvIsited
visited Wye House the ancestral ancestralhome ancestralhome ancestralhome
home of the Lloyds In Eastern Bay
The Roxanna will sail aU for Boston to tomorrow tomorrow ¬
Not N ot Surprised at Baling De Dedaring Declaring Beclaring
claring Him Insane InsaneGUARDIAN InsaneGU InsaneUARDIAN
C Counsel for Whites blte Slayer Endear Endeavoring Elldeaorlnlt Endearoring ¬
oring to Have One Appointed AppolntedUoc AppolntedUocIa Move MoveIB
IB Opposed liy 11 Dliitrict DIatrIc Attorney AttorneyJerome Attornc AttorncJcromc AttorneyJerome
Jerome Prisoner Discusses DJ culJllell Case CaseFreely CaKcFreely CaseFreely
Freely and and Crltlclao Evidence EidcnccPoughkeepsie EldencePoughkeepsie EvidencePoughkeepste
Poughkeepsie NY May Ma 25 2iThat That there therewill therewlU
will w ill be no more sensational proceedings proceedingsbalore proceedingsbaIOre proceedingsefore
balore b efore Harry K Thaw gains his liberty libertybecame Ubertybecame libertyecame
became b ecame known after tho filing today of ofJudge oCJudgc ofudge
Judge J udge Morachausers decision declaring declaringThaw doclarln doclarlnrbaw declaringhaw
Thaw T haw still stll1inrn intane C and unfit to be at fiber liberty Uberty fibery fiberIt ¬
ty t y
It became known kn wn that his Counsel unsel have havemade havemade haveade
made m ade an attempt to tolnduce Induce Dr Amos T TBaker TBaker Taker
Baker B aker to apply to the court for a guar guardian guardian gisarlan ¬
dian d lan of Thaws estate Dr Baker Is act acting octIn actg ¬
ing In ina g superintendent sU rlntendent of Mattcawnn Asylum Asylumand Aslumand Asylumnd
and a nd he Is s the only one outside the prls prisorfers prlsoners prlsners
orfers o ot ners family faml1 who c can n make an applica application appl1catlon appllcaion ¬
tion t ion of that kind kindIt 1dudIt kindIt
It was learned that on Saturday last lastJames lastTamas lastames
J James ames G Graham counsel for Stanford StanfordWhites SlnnCordWhltes StanfordWhits
Whites slayer went to Mntteawan Matto wan ahd ahdasked ahdasked ahdsked
asked a sked Dr Baker to make this move mov The Thelatter TteI Thegiter
latter I giter ter called up District Attorney Attorne John E EMack EMack EMack
j Mack of Dutches Cointy Cln and notified notifiedhim notifiedhim notifiedim
him h im of the request Mr Mack ack In turn turncalled turncnJled turncalled
called Mr Jerome on the long distance distancetelephone distancetelephone distanceelephone
1 telephone t and the two had a long con conference conferonce conronco ¬
1 ference b ronco
Jerome Opposed to Move MoveMr 2UocMr MoveMr
Mr Jerome It was learned told District DistrictAttorney DistrictAttorney Districtttorney
t Attorney A ttorney Mack to advise advlseDr Dr Baker not to tocomply tocomply toomply
comply c with Grahams request Mr Je Jerome Jerome Jeome ¬
rome r told District Attorney Mack that in inhis Inhis Inis
his h is opinion the request was made simply simplyto simplyto
to t o save the Thaw family from going on onrecord onrecord
record r as declaring that in their belief beliefthe
the t he prisoner prl oner Is now 1ncoaneMr Insane InsaneMr
Mr Graham aCtor Judge Morachausers Morachausersdecision Morsehausorsecision lorsehau8ersdecision
decision d < ecision had boon filed went to sec Thaw Thawana Thawand Thawnd
i ana a nd the two went over the decision to together togelher togather ¬
j gather Then Mr Graham left for New NewYork NewYork
York Mrs William Thaw the th mother motherof mothrof motherf
of o f the prisoner came to Poughkeepsie on onan onan onn
an a n early train to spend tho day with her herson herson heron
son E on Mrs Thaw wa waw accompanied by a atrained atraJn arained
trained traJn t d nurse nursoThaw nurseThaw nurseThaw
Thaw was made aware of the Judges Judgesfinding jUdgosfinding judgesfinding
finding een van before it was formally filed filedbut filedbut filedbut
but he did not take the reverse seriously seriouslyas
as Mr Graham had prepared him for forbad forbad forbad
bad news and had practically practically told him himthat hImtbct him2it
that t ther there was as no hope of o of freedom Creed om at atthis ntthl6 athis
this t his time
Expected It Says Sn Thaw TlmYVImmediately TJlaWImmedlatel ThawImmediately
Immediately Immedlatel after the filing of the opin opinion opinIon opinon ¬
ion i on of JUdge Morschauser reporter called calledat calledt calledat
at t the Thaw apartment and sent in a anote anote anote
note through Edward Haven a 8 keeper keeperasking kMP6Iaklng keeperasking
asking Thaw T Tkaw aw for an interview Haven Havenhad Havenh Havenhad I
had h d scarcely scarcl disappeared when Thaw Thawhimself Thawhlmtlt Thawhimself
himself walked out He was smiling smlttng and andappeared andappeared andappeared
appeared not at all worried over the new newturn n nturn ne neturn i
turn in his ce He wore a neatly neatlypressed noot1ypr neatlypressed
pressed pr ed gray grA suit small golf cap all amia alla anda
a soft shirt and looked look d as well a he hehas hehas hehas
has in soa eame O time P8S8 Passing ns quickly about abouttho aboutUto aboutthe
the group he shook hands with all and andMid andsaid andsaid
said MidWell
Well what do you OU want ant of m met metYCN instYou t tYou
You ba har oav heard the judges decision decisionand t1 decisionau1 clslon clslonanil
and have road it hare 1m you not notT he was wasukml wasuk wasanked
ukml ukmlOh uk ankedOh ec1 ec1Oh
Oh yes he replied coolly cool I have haveglanced baveglanced haveglanced
glanced through it and Im not at all allsurprised allsurprjsod au ausurprjaed
surprised in fact I rather expected it itHow It ItHow itHow
How do you mean you rather expected expectedkr expectedit expectedye4i
kr it I t 1
krWell 1Well
Well I counted on It right along the theway theWR theway
way WR the tb newspapers n WBpapers handled the story storyThey storyThey > > Wf WfThlY
They paid absolutely amoluteJ no attention to the thetestimony OleteIJUmon thetestimony
testimony teIJUmon showing that I am sane Take Takethe Tnkethe Takethe
the case of Dr Jacoby Jacob He said that there therewas thorewas therewas
was not a single trace of Insanity in me mebut mebut mebest
but no one seems to have paid much at attention attontlon attontion ¬
tention to that Jerome did not heed it itat Itat itat
at all allScores allScoreA allScores
Scores District Attorney Jerome JeromeJerome JeromeJerome JeromeJerome
Jerome made a loud yell in the court courtroom courtroom courtroom ¬
room and got off a lot ot of hot air which whichwas whichwas whichwas
was very eo effective and aOO mad mful6 especially especiallygood os especiallygood l1b l1bSHd
good reading and I dont blame you boys boysfor boSror boysfor
for writing It up I dont blame Jerome Jeromeeither Jeromeeither Jeromeeither
either Hes a lawyer law er and has to do that thatkind thatIdnd thatkind
kind of thing Thats his business busln8 5 but I Iwish IIsh Iwish
wish Ish you fellows could have paid more moreattention moreattention moreatteition
attention to the other testimony t6Stlmon Youre Yourenot Yourenot Yourenot
not eperts however and I suppose thats thatstoo thatstoo thatstoo
too much to ask askThaw askThaw askThaw
Thaw did not want to talk about his hiswifes hiswUes hiswifes
wifes suit for the annulment of their theirmarriage theirmarrfage theirmarriage
marriage but he did say SflJ that it could couldhave couldh84 couldhave
have been thrown out of court any day
420426 Seventh St N W WAN
An extraordinary bargain bargalneven even for this department noted for its un unmatchable unmatthable unmatchable
matchable values Beautifully made Lightweight Black Perca Percaline Perealine Percaline
line Skirts with deep circular flounce ounce finished with rows of fine fineshirring fineshining
shirring cut full width full foundation lengths 3S V 40 and 42 These Theseskirts ThesoskIrts Theseskirts
skirts are finished just the same as our higherpriced numbers numbersnothing numbersI numbersnothing 69 C COn
nothing < cheap about them but the price priceOn prlc priceOn
I I On sale saleBargain Bargain Table First Floor
Up to t 10 lbs Granulated Grnnulnt d So Sugar cur r at 5c r with 1 Ib U of our Fine Blcatl
Coffees coa el or 3 lb of C onr Cbcce Blend nl Del Team Teamlnrue TenlllnrJe TeasLarge
Large cans c nDI Van nn Canipn Camp Milk lOc lOCI medium size Iz 3 for 25c Ie c
10 to 20 0 per cent discount on several brand Canned Goods GoodsECK GoodsEJJ GoodsEgg
Egg Duel Stove Coal 350 per ton with extra rebate to members membersDepartmental membersDepartmental membersDepartmental
Departmental Cooperative Guild Inc 9th and G Sts N W
for f or some time back The subject was evi evidently cviently ¬
dently d ently an unpleasant one for Thaw Thawscowled ThawscowJed Thawcowled
scowled s when It was brought up upEVELYN upEVELYN upEVELYN
Counsel Does Not Know If Annul Annulment Annulment Annulmeat ¬
ment Case Will VIU Go on Today Todarlew TodayNew x xNew
New York May Ma 25 25The The suit brought broughtby broushtb broughtby
by b Evelyn Thaw for or the annulment of ofher ofher ofher
her marriage to Harry Hart Thaw comes up upfor upfor upfor
for a hearing before Referee R E Beyo Beyotomorrow Deyotomorrow Deotomorrcw
tomorrow tomorrowThe tomorrcwThe tomorrowThe
The suit has been adjourned from time timeto timet timeto
to t time since It came up for hearing on onMay onIa onMay
May Ia 11 and last week Daniel OReilly OReillycounsel ORem ORemcoun OReillycounsel
counsel coun l for Evelyn Thaw said that the thesuit thewit thesuit
suit might be dropped Mr Ir OReilly was wasasked wasasked as asasked
asked today what decision had been beenreached beenreached beenreached
reached with regard to the hearing He Hesaid Hesaid Hesaid
said saidNo
No decision has yet ot been arrived at atA at atA atA
A conference will be held tomorrow tomorrowmorning tomorrowmornIng
morning before the hearing which is set setfor setfor sotfor
for the afternoon It will then be de decided dedded
elded whether or not we will drop the thesuit thesuit thesuit
suit Now that it has been decided that thatHarry thatHarr thatHarry
Harry Harr mutt remain in Mafteawan M n uteawan 81an Mrs MrsThaw MrsThaw MrsThaw
Thaw may ma try tl all the harder to secure socurean securean
an annulment but nothing will be de determlned detflmlncd dctermined
termlned today todayCol toda todaCot todeyCot
Cot Franklin Bartlett counsel for Mrs MrsWilliam MrsWilliam MrsWilliam
William Thaw said that he will not notagree notAgree notagree
agree to O any further delay deJa in the tb matter matterUnless matterUnless matterUnless
Unless the case goes 1 > 008 on Wednesday Wednesdayhe Ycdne5daybe
he h addod I will 111 move for its dismissal dismissalon
on the ground of failure t to proceed proceedTHINK proceedTHINK proceedTHINK
Prisoners Comment on Condition of ofWifeslayer offtcslayer ofWifeslayer
Wifeslayer ftcslayer In Fairmont Jail JailSped JaUSJIhl JailSped
SJIhl Sped to The WMbtogtoB Wubla Herald BcnUFalrmount HeraldFalrrnount BadFairmount
Falrmount W V Va May Ia 25 5Tho The State Stateis Stateis i iIs
is Inveetigating Iaveatlgatingthe the e report re rt that Mrs MrsLilly MrsLilly MrsLilly
Lilly Coffman who was murdered by her herhusband herbutband herhusband
husband Rev Rt S A Coffman at Rosa Rosatown Rosetown Rosatown
town near Falrmount a a few to days prior priorto priorto priorto
to the tragedy wrote rote relatives that roe roewas ne newas n nwas
was not happy with Coffman and would wouldhave wouldMe wouldhave
have to leave him himConsiderable Jtlm JtlmCopsldernble iimColisldemblo
Considerable doubt exists as to whether whetherCoffman whetherCoffmkn hether hetherCotmkn
Coffman is Insane and it is lllrely that he hewill hewill hewill
will be examined by b aMenists pror to toand toand toand
and during his trial Several prisoners prisonersconfined prisonersconftned prisonersconfind
confined in the jail with 1th Coffman say sa he hehas hehas hehas
has been acting in a perfectly perCoctl rational rationalmanner rationalmannor rationalmanner
manner the past few days daysY
Y 1 1 M 1 C A 4 Gets flOTOOO flOTOOOSpocM lGOOO lGOOOSpocW 1G7OOOSpecial
Special to The W WMbtogtM HnaW HnaWNorfolk HaaWNorColk Hiral HiralNorfolk
Norfolk Va May Iay 25 2At At the ending of ofa vla It Ita
a sixteenday sbteonda campaign tonight for th thraising thral thraising
raising ral lng of money mone for the construction of ofa ofa offt
a new Y M C A building it was an announced announced announced ¬
nounced that J1670W 17O had been secured
17000 more than the amount which it ithad Ithad ithad
had been determined to raise ra1s Thirtytwo Thirtytwothousand ThIrtytwothousand Thirtytwothousand
thousand was AS raised today t da1
Guild Corner Cornerl9th CornerPthandGSts Corn erj
PthandGSts 9th and G Sts NW NWPhone N W WPhone WPhone
Phone M 7231 7231SpecialBargains 7231Special 7231Special
SpecialBargains SpecialBargainsFOR Special Bargains BargainsFOR
Mild Uld Siwinr Cured HumnI3c Hum 13c 13 lb
Quaker Oats Oc pk pk3IIld pkg
Mild IUd Cured Breakfast Dacca
Dacca13Vfcc 13Vfcc
I I Lard ird lie
Cnliii 0 Dc <
Archduchess Elopes with German GermanAutomobile GermanAutomobile GermanAutomobile
Automobile Salesman SalesmanHornl SalesmanROTol SalesmanRoyai
Hornl Maiden Believed to Have De Departed Departed Beparted ¬
parted for the Isle of ofWight ofVlgbt ofWiglit
Wight WightLondon WiglitLondon VlgbtLondon
London May fay 25The 5 The mysterious m stcrlous Aus Austrian AustrIan Au Autrian ¬
trian archduchefee of whose elopement ciopemertall
all the European embassies wore notified notifiedyesterday noUflfdyestordaj notifiedyesterday
yesterday proves to be Princess Amelie AmelieLouise AmelleLouise AmelieLouise
Louise Dorothea Leontine of Fuersten FuerstenbergKoenlgshof FuersttnbergKoenlgshof FuerstenbergKoenigshof
bergKoenlgshof sister of Prince Emlle EmlleEgon EmUeEgon EmileEgon
Egon the head of that house She is istwentyfour Istwentyfour Istwentyfour
twentyfour years e rs old oldVienna oldVienna oldVienna
Vienna May Ma 55 5The The romance bcgsn bcgsnlast begs bcgalast a alast
last year In Carlsbad where Princess PrincessAmelie PrIncessAmelio PrincessAmelie
Amelie met Gustav Koczlan an agent agentof agentot agentof
of a German automobile nrm firm He H is isthirtyfour 15thlrtrour isthirtyfour
thirtyfour years ears old nail tall and handsome handsomeand handsomfand handsomand
and highly educated He was a a cavalry cavalrylieutenant cavalrylieutenant cavalrylieutenant
lieutenant in the Austrian army arm until untilabout untllabout untIabout
about a year ear ago when he retired re retaining retaining retaming ¬
taining his commission in the reserve r reoerv reoervThe t tThe
The couple often went autemobillng in inCarlrbad n nCArbed
Carlrbad and their Intimacy Intlmac finally finallyended ftnall ftnallended finallyended
ended in a a secret betrothal betr tAa1 Koczian Koczianlately KoczianatelJ Koezianlately
lately atelJ tried without success to reco recoa recovr recovra
a a title held by b his ancestors with tbs tbsview tt theview I IIew
view Iew to marrying Princess Amelic It Itis ItIs itis
is believed he came to Vienna last week weekand weekand weekand
and arranged arr nged for the departure of the theprincess tteprincess theprincess
princess she Joining him and his mother motherand motheand motherand
and traveling with them it is 1tUpposcl 1tUpposclto oppos < xl xlto
to England ngand They The are now bettered to tobe tobe tobe
be on the Isle of wight wightPrlncdK WIghtPrlnceec WightPrincess
Princess Amelie being of age hr mar marriage marrlage marliege ¬
liege could not be prevented She has hasan hasan hasan
an independent fortune fortuneHer rortuneHer fortuneHer
Her brother Prince Egon is a great greatfriend greatfriend greatfriend
friend of the German Emperor EmperorNews Em EmperorNews ror rorews
News ews of the elopement of the princess princesswas prince princesswas s swas
was announced in dispatches from rom Paris Parisand Parisand Parirand >
and Cologne yesterday although th thname thname thname
name was not given It was said that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the police of all the European capitals capitalshad capitalsbad capitalsbad
bad been requested to wafch incoming incomingtrains Incomlro Incomlrotrains 1ncorntrtrains
trains and if possible to prevent the themarriage themarrlage themarriage
marriage Before leaving home it was wassaid walsaid wassaid
said that the young oung woman OI11an had told toldfriends toldCrlends toMfriends
friends that she sh Intended to be married marriedat mArriedat marriedat
at a London registry office officeWhether officeWhether offlceWhether
Whether she has bc ben n found In Lon London London London ¬
don or not is not made clear clearOnly cr crOnl clearOnly
Only Onl 10 cents c nts a Week delivered at atyour atvour atyour
your your door doortho the dally issues of The Wash Washugton ¬
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