L T 1 1JR F JA J OF JR JRBUALI A BUALI QUALITY QTJ R APER + VnJJ APER APEROF A T ITY ° T THE HE W WASHINGTONF ASHINGt I TON HERALD A ASUN FREAK SUND SUNDAY WITH DAYfAPER 1Y FEATURES FEATURESlSTO ata KO KOPREAK PAPER PAPERWITH PAPEBL TUxES ° I i iI n nJ s s lSTO 0 861 At WASHINGTON D C SUNDAY EBILUABY 14 1909THI1iTYSI 1903 a THIRTYSIX T I1tTYSIX PAGES PAGES FIVE CENTS CENTSa REPUBLICANS EPU811C NS SET eETRE SETHSHT I RE READY nY fOR FURof fiGHTP fiGHT A P Gillespie GillespieBoBoomed of Tazewell Tazewelldoomed Tazewel1J300med doomed for Governor GoTernorHE GovernorHEFAVOBS GovernorPROHIBITION HE HEFAVOBS H lAYOBS F OR > r rWant PROHIBITION PEOHIBIT10NWant PROHIBITIONVaI Want VaI t Question Submitted toPeople to toPeople toPeople People for Decision DecisionAt At Conference of Republican Lend Leadera Lender LenderJJ ¬ era er Name of Tasewcll Business BusinessMan BUJllneall31nn BasinesaIan Man Ian and nd Lnwyw Ln Law er r IH Drought Out Outfor On Onfor Outfor for the Gubernatorial XomlnaHon XomlnaHonRhca NomlnaflonRhcn SominafIonRhea Rhea Faction Will Support Judge Judge3Iann JudgeJlann Judge3lann 3Iann In Southwest Virginia VirsriniaSei VirginiaS lrdnln5pIcia1 S 5pIcia1 Sei iu i is The W WRoanoke 1CaiiecMiellraY 1CaiiecMiellraYe 1CaiiecMiellraYRoanoke lI lIRoanoke e Roanoke Va Va V fob Pe SLF 11 < wa aathortta aathorttatie udIorttatho v v11a tie tho e sources Mga IB the RapobMow R Rcouncils RepObtIciicounciis RapobMowcouncil council councils it to teamed that A A P Gt yGilleerple Gttespie tespie the wealthy w 1 y TazeweB County qhmtj r kw lawyer kweI kwyea ¬ yea and iHiahufg s man wfj be urged to toenter tventer toenter enter th the race OI or the RepubHcaa RepuIIIkaatl Repu caa Tomtea Tomteation wadaatfan tion for governor enaer and if be Mis te wWng wWngenter te toenter teeMer enter the lists he will bar haq the svaaort svaaortof S1IJII sts xt xtof t tof of the big bi Republican R n leaden leadenIt Iea IeaIt eademIt It is is also stated that tbat that proMMUoa JJI JJIbe wt wtbe willbe be the paramount iasae htse ia the dI dIC8 BspyWi BspyWican Beptjbtt Beptjbttcaa can platform The prohibitioa Prl prebi aIdrn pteok will wfflpromise willpraai wiltp promise praai p o nice that the nooubUcsa n AepablIeapamrty party if it itcarries ItcarrieS itcarries carries the eteeUoa wffl submit 1 a the thepeople tilepeople thepeople people the aapdMoh ap edtioa of tuJOhftiRlen Ptethan and te tethem Ietbeln them decide whether they WUIt waa It ItConference It ItConferencc LConference Conference of Leaders LeadersIt It is stale statN that several 1S eraI leading g Bepuhiicans Re Republicans Republicans ¬ publicans of the Stttte beM aft tafennal tafennalconference IId8nnAICOBCerenre htbetmaicroference conference ia Wastaingt Washington a the other day daywen daywHn daywhen wen It was < aocMet i te askJfo askNto maple QUfeepteto to make tibe Te 18CefWsoftlDAr for governor promtetag promtetagbin premtslagbhB x ialshtg ialshtghim bin their Ut8IrMr ya Mpjort MpjortMr srt srtMr Mr Gflfteafrfe was a ai er ehhee muter er of f the therecent tltereceDt therecent recent coaotitatloaoi U M a coavqaUon eP Mtiam He Hef te tea Jsa a weJMcaewa wef keewe lawyer of the SMNhwtet SMNhwtetand scllweetrocl SChwaetand f and te a wealthy bnslaess s man la I fact factthe tact tactthe tactthe the RepubMeaa leader taBclag said Mr MrGfflasate XrGIUespleIs JodyGif GIUespleIs Gif Gfflasate ereee is a a Henry eBry C C Stuart type t7PemtIIdeII oft oftman o onssa man frrond = nriudod a splendid exeeadve exeeadveand ez e eand and a saecassCul budneig man manJndgrc manJudge Judge Rhea for Mann MannBffetei JlnnnBdEMI MannBhlstni Bffetei Ta Va Feb B IIt It It bee Snot be becoate 1te 1teCOMe becons COMe cons Jointly 11 If vtaMm raswu aow her bore that the Rhea Rhearaodea JUtearadlea Rheafacdea raodea will vigs vigorously yt eue1y aapoort t JOBS Judewuli JOBSWfflfaan e eW1JMgs wuli Wfflfaan Hdagos B Ma MaaR a for the diefor noartnatten neeaiaaierrfor noartnattenfor for governor of Vb iaJa over Harry St StGeorge SL SLGMIe StGeec George Geec e TudEeE TudEeEThfe rTIlle TttekThle Thfe IB ah aieo la YiK of the fact thatthe that thatthe dIIttthe the majority of tile Rhea faetfctt are arewet arewet wet Democrats D Jadge Rhea RitemM bi haaoelf haaoelfmade edf edfmade made a strong fight Jar fee saloons ta taBristol IaBristol toBristol Bristol two years ago agoThere agon agoThere There n re is now presented presentedthe etaeIe 8C 8Cthe ofthe the ardent agraeafeg aety cM T Torotisly eececnlp = orotisly ardentJ amghpatirng7 jimniaitlug r 3a3g 3a3gfriends ga 101 101frlyds friends Fay J he is the origtno origtnoreformer erI Is4t Is4treformer reformer of the State StateTine StateThe Tine support is largely hi return for forManns ferMuns forMaids Maids sertjfee gete ea to defending Judge ge Rhea RheaIn Rheain In thp senate last year when wta the dlK ebacrwere chars charswere were preferred against Mm ia coaoectton eeaeecdoawith coaoecttonwith with the coHftaHafloa CO com da of his ppoiatawnt ppoiatawntis t tlsa is lsa a a member of the corporailoa commls commlssion CORIAIIsion coa mk mkslon sion ion of Virgarid VirgaridThe VtrgiatThe VirgteiaThe The situaHoa is BOW most iatereatiag iMere iateryeetlegfromn iatereatiagfrom tIiIg tIiIgfrom from this t b part of the State doyd doydbe aoIbe Clolydhe be reeeat Deatocradc candidate for forgreox forgrew to towlllsapport grew wW wlllsapport support Tucker The soattmaat soattmaatContinued sedimerstContinued DtMlt DtMltCentlnucd Continued on Pn Page e 10 Column 4 4STAEVING 4 4STARVING 4STARVING STARVING CHILDREN RESCUED SESCTJEDSocletr RESCUEDSoclet RESCUEDSociety Society Soclet Women Agree e to Keep Them Themfrom ThemI I from Charity CharIt Homes HomesCumberland HomesCU HomesCu Cumberland CU abedad Md Fb F ttTHe society socie4ywosien sodet sodetwelDen societyweanen wosien of Cuasberiaafi backed up by the thebaehiess tlteb8 thebuefness baehiess b8 morn age ave prosateed IC ld to provide providefor prOridefer proa iale ialefor for five children who were found f aiaaost aiaaostmiae aImoet1IUI1e alznoetu miae 1IUI1e u a and starring ia a bark c shanty slRlat71R to the themountains Ute1IIOUntaIDs themountains mountains near here hereT hareTbe heroTile T Tile > H children h dr a had beea bee COMIIIII ooatiemiUei nia iilHted ei eiMIDIc to topublic apaabdfc public institutkms jn but the woccea secured secureda MeW MeWa a writ writreleased Of 8beu cok rnm aM JIM te tereIe heh hehreleaEed released They were weredresee dreseed and kept keptin kgptIn koptIn in style peadhoj tee reatandlag T of their theircoaimttmsnt theireosimitment coaimttmsnt by oae of the cars cttTsTbe society societyleaders sodetyyleadera leaders The father of the ueclllCk ueclllCkDavid ehl cMfiarea cMfiareaDavid drea David 1 vhd Kifer had been fit and unable wecue 1 1care to tocare care tw sr them The mother is dead deaoLZE3iAYA deadZELAYA EMIL EMILZELAYA ZELAYA BACKS DOWN DOWNRe1ea DOWN DOWJJRelease DOWNReleases Release Re1ea eJI Men Arrested rrc8ted for Celebrating Celebrat Celebrating Celebratfn ¬ ing fn Tufts Election ElectionNew ElectionNew ElectionNew New Orleans Feb tt JiPresIdeiIt Presideat Zeteya Zeteyaof ZekygOf Ze4eyaof of Nicaragua has finally released from frostprison fromprison fromprIeon prison the forty t ctr Merchants bankers and andother aDdOUtfLr aadother other prontoeat eitteeas of Granada a ar arrested 1Tested erreeted ¬ rested for taking part in a ain demonstration demonstrationhi in the celebration of the election of Taft Taftas Taftas Taftas as as President Pr d Dt of the United States As Asthe Astile Asthe the people > of Granada are politics politically Hy op opposed OJ OJpoeed oppoed ¬ posed to Zelaya be regarded resaried this demonetrration demon deaMmstretion eJB8Rt1e stretion t1e tlon as a dr direct et attack on him and as asindicating AIlMItcating asindicating indicating a revohiUea reveiutloaaThe revohiUeaThe reY8IutIeThe The m mea B who carried an American a flag flagin agin Augin in tile parade were We locked ecke t upjaad up have havebee have1RIIi6 havebeef bee beef hi 1RIIi6 prison since st The Am Aiaiean leaa mia miaister mlltister minister ister l protested otaeted ted agaiast thfe action and andresigned adre andreigned resigned when It was tetfaaated fBthn that he hewas Jtewas hewas was Interfering in local affairs affairsHAGKAY aJraIrsfAKAYRUSHES affairsMACKAY HAGKAY fAKAYRUSHES BUSHES HOMEMistake HOME HOME3Ii HOME4li11tnkc 3Ii Mistake < alce in Telegram Can Cannes sea Million Millionaire Jllllfonalre Millionaire ¬ aire Seedless eeJ1eR Alarm A llm I INew IN4 iNWw New N4 w York Ywk Feb 13 13Cla 13Cierence Clarence e Maekay MaekayIs Is on 1 hte S way 3 to New N York from Louis Louisville uIsiDe LoeishiHe ¬ ville today suaaraoned by b by + a telegram telegramfrom teJesra teJesraf telegramfrom from f his wife t teIIIItg Hag him of oftlte the serious seriouslfl serieusUlwss serioesltIswss lfl Ulwss H s8 wife 4ijhaieria of their daughter daughterHlpn 4Jaught daughterHelen l lHIf Helen HIf > n Hg left LoBjsvHle Loe svllle last night and andIs an4iIs andis Is expected ex to tearrtve arrive tonight tonightMr tealght11r tonightMr Mr Hackay was in attendance at the theLincoln theLIDcoln theLincoln Lincoln centenary celebration at Hodgen HodgenvWe HodgenvtHP HodgenviHe vWe Ky yesterday yeereed v when the telegram telegramreached telegramTfarbed telegramreached reached him He HeWSS was eRe of the pro projectors pro projeetors projectors ¬ jectors of the plan to erect a Lincoln Lincolnmemorial LJ Lincohtmemorial eoln eolnmemorIal memorial on the spot where the great greatemancipator greatemanipater greatemancipator emancipator was s born bornAt borRAt bornAt At the Maekay home a butler stated statedtodar satetCHIar statedtodar todar that Htj t Helen was not suffering from dtphthPria but from bronchitis and andIs andIs andis Is OIK cue I of aCOldxt f danger doagerOldest dangerOldest Oldest Odd Fellow Dead DeadBaltimore D DeadBaltimore Ad AdB81tJmre Baltimore B81tJmre Md Md Feb 12 16WIHIam Wffliam H HSn HSataH HSmall Sn Small all the tbeehe etde oldest t Odd Feliow in the theUnited theUAftro theUnited United States died at his hhi home jfe a this thiscity tltiscIQ thisdty city late 1at this thisafteraaooa alternon ternoon Mr SI SmaSi J k was wasnearlng mtSnearing wasnearing nearing his ninetieth nine < eth year yearE YeatEnD11h yearE E EnD11h occh Inaugural In ugura1 Lumber Lam ber for whole whoIeclbw city dtyS S WEATHER FORECAST FORECASTFor For the District of Columbia ColumbiaPartly ColumbiaPartly CaiumhiaPalt11 Partly Palt11 cloudy and somewhat somewhatcolder somc somewhatcolder wbat wbatcolder colder today ay rain or snow afr afrnight a anight atnight night and tomorrow moderate inoderatewinds itiOd moderatewinds t twimisbe wimisbe winds winds beeoaiing oming easterlyBAD easterly easterlyVessella easterlyJ < > J BAD JEADE1t ARRESTEDVeaaella ARRESTED ARRESTEDelUle Vessella elUle ln of Atlantic City CU Challenges Challengesto to Duel Over OerVifc OerVifcAuUc Wife WifeAtlantic WifcAtlantic Atlantic City Feb F 18Fired by 3 j dIbecauee jedioo dl dloossr oo oossr because of reports that t his kek kekwt heirwife heir hafcaswife wife wt e had preeeated pre George Mattbei Matt Matthews aws jras jr jra kaJi aJi as a athletic at skating Instnletw nstr ctor on the themOHoadoHar theI themi I mi mtIIIeRd mOHoadoHar ldeRdo34r ar pier with a vahieble die dteatoad dIBI dieataed atoad ring Qresto VesseJki V esseHe loader l der of the theSteel tJteSteel theSteel I Steel PIer Orchestra Orc estra wise o attained flsa flsawhen feme femewttea o owhoa when 119 9 cewrted a ad d married Miss Bgsw Bgswdavehter Bgaai Esaudai i davehter dai 1IteIr of a Tv wealthy 8dtIt aKhy Cfacinoati t family feHittjautde famIItrI familymade made a Boardwalk sensation by y tn iooistla iooistlaen istJag > lstiag lstiagoa I en 11 a d 4IueI el with Matthews MatthewsEta MatthewsHe MatthewsSe Eta was arrested and released oa baldOGIZES baM baMBRYAN DdBRYAN BRYAN EUL EULCentennial SOIOGIZES B OGIZES OG ZES LINCOLN HNGOLNCentennial LINCOLNCentenninl Centennial Week in Chicago ClosesSnceessfnlly Closes Closes5ncec C ose oseSneecIJsfnlJ 5ncec SneecIJsfnlJ SneecIJsfnlJFeJt SnceessfnllyChicago 3fnlly 3fnllyChicago Chicago Feb ULiarndn B Liacoln axe caateIIRIMvMk axeek week ek dosed toalght toai ht with many aseea aseeaMas ss seeM seeM1IIag ew ewliesee liesee Mas hi honor of tJ tile Ea Emanelp EmandpaOr ncipator tw WM WH11am 11 11I 11J Bam Janaiags J gs Bryan delivered deII eod an H HI address I I es ress before W < e the Boo FraakNn Chub C pay paylas payin las in high S glt trfcwte to the t e JMt atatt MUtyred Ted Preal Prealdaat Pre51eRt President 118 dent Other Ot erH6IB8ri memorial 1 exer exer4l exerrtKs < tas sWee were held heldat lleidat heldat at the Hebrew Institute Royal R T8l T8lI Areaaaw AreaaawGraad Ar + oas m I GraM Lodge aad ail at Jewish r synagogue synagoguesLincoln synagogueLlacola sYDgOfU9Ii i Lincoln servteee win be held Sunday hi himost InI hamost I most of the theI churches churchesGTTBA3JS churchesCUBANS I CUBANS SLIGHT SLI HTAMERIGANS HTAMERIGANSIOfficlab AMEEICA3TS AMEEICA3TSOfficlolii ABIERICANSOfficials IOfficlab Officials Sot Invited to Lincoln Ob Observaaces ObI Observances servaaces in HavanaHaraae Havana HavanaHttmaa IhnanalIttft1IIL I Httmaa Feb IfcThe IL The baaq b t heW hags hagsIn hgp hgpin in honor ho of the centenary of Abraham AbrahamLiaoohfs AbralhaatLtsoolas I Liaoohfs s bath k developed delelepe4ltCHiaY today has hasleft hasleft llett left an uapteeoaat pleaat aftermath afterraaOiFor att aftermathFor lJAtttk lJAtttkI I For ao eMe te oaten r for whfc which BO eaple eapledon expfena expfenattoa ex don has been offered so far Gen Tfepatas TfepatasJ i J Barry MMstcr Mors Morgan tI aDd oA Coasoi CoasoiGeaoral CORIMIIG ConseilGeneral General G IMrI Rodgers three eSeJate especially osporiaJtrronrefientatiye especiallyrocreaentatiYe ronrefientatiye of Ute recent Aaiorleaa Ataedcaaadministration AaiorleaaadmtatetratieB AJMIkaaIIdBdaIstnid8a administration oa the i Island aad were not aotioritod notIa1lted ioritod Ia1lted and did DOt attend The W6llWM hhdde hhddewan Jwddeat Jwddeatwas was the aahject for lively dtotatjoioa sI la lastats hstate state and social circles to4ajr to4ajrGHATJEEEUH todelCHAUFFEUR GHATJEEEUH OHAWUR CLEARS MYSTERY HYSTEBYMrs MYSTERY Mrs McCoolc Was Vas Run Down by HU HUMachine Hl HisMachine Machine MachineNow JfachlneNew MachineNew New York Ym Feb ITIM The mystery eat MII0uaJlilB eatreudls r rTomdlae Tomdlae 0uaJlilB Ie bo accWont ia I which Mrs X 3d Edwill 3dwm EIivia wm via S McCook 1 a Met et Injuries which caused cavsedher her death e yesterdsy Jest was solved todojr alairwho todojrwhoa UHIu1Ma whoa 1Ma Woman Schumann n a cha cbawr cbawrecI chauffeur chauffeursurrendered C wr wrsurreadored surrendered ecI himself at the Bast 8th 58tstreet 8thstreet street statkM sta oa and ad ttted ittod ued that he drew drewthe drovethe the ear that roan down and killed Mrs MrsMeOook XIS3tkOooIt MrsMcCoolc MeOook Sehttataaa is eatpteyed oj 4 y ed d by Aa Aathoay Aa AaUIe Anthony > thoay G Ibbekta who rito conducts a gar garage garage ¬ age at at2i 27 West 19th 13Ii Yth street streetBcieay street1JddIy streetHdefy Bcieay stated Setnaoaaas contoaoioa contoaoioais COQr1II COQr1IIIs is that he aocMoataHy 1tIl1Ally ma int fefo and hE hEjured h hJarod Ja Jajwed Jarod Mrs ll IcCook Cook Ho had with Mat JdaIa 1dmis Mathi hi the car as his iar far8 fare o Mr aunt Mrs MrsH MrtlH MrsH H H 5 Harris of 31 Woof l tth streetThe street streetThe eet eetTM The aceJdoat occurred at Seveatyftfth Seveatyftfthstreet SeweRtyftfUa5tre8t Seventyltthstreet street and Madison aveawe aveaweap aT areawoMa ap 3ftCOofc aCoek was coBseloaa ai did didi did didamea i > oj 1 ijKiLi r to be buddy hartr burr4to aurtS aooe0ii aooe0iito amea to Schoaoava S a 1k H pfeke plek luefli 1Iec 1Iecplaced 3aea isji isjiplaced m mpiaoed placed her ia the toaaesx w tk h M Jfiarad JfiaradI Y YMIlS od odMm I M MIlS 6 Harris She said id she lived wHk wHkher wtdtcousIu wiblaher her cousin flea A Auia so McCook at atW 3X 3XWost 32Went Went W Ftftytoarth street street and ad asked to tobe tobe be taken here there Schumann Se umaJIR drove Ms Msear tsear hisear ear to Gen McCeoks residence Mr and aadMm 88dIn andMrs Mm Harris supp svpperdng ppertin tiD Mrs MeCeok cCeok dar dariae dllrtile durl iae l ag the trip At the McCook boose when whenasfcee wheRa whenaehtko asfcee is same Schuraao II said he was wasHenry wa waH4IDrJ eayHam Henry Ham Fteher of S2 S3i Madtsoa I avenue aveaveaad a aIIwrletl avenuesad sad harried away When asked why wbygtft h hgave he hegave gave a mefltioas name aad addreac he hesaid liew headd said saidI 1 I wanted to save my boss from be betas I er belag ¬ lag need I dWat t think k the lady was wasbadly WaSbRdIJ washddy badly hart hartThe wtTIte hurtThe The chauffeur was held hi laia SffiM flii MIl baflCONSENT MIlGOt balkCOI1SENT CONSENT GOt SENT IS NOT OP YET GIVEN GIYENHetty GIVENHetty U UBetty n Hetty Green Surprised at Report of ofDaughters ofDaughters ofDaughters Daughters Engagement EngagementRichest EngagementRichest EngagementRichest Richest Woman in W tEorld orld Chares CharesOffices hare hareOffices haresOffices Offices with Stuyvesant St ve8ant Fish FishSpends Fl8hSpend FishSpends Spends I Little ittle on Dress DresNe DressNew DremiNew New Ne York Feb 18 jgM Mss Iss Hetty6reea Hetty6reeato Hetty Green Greenthe creeUte the richest wvaaan in the world annnnGe3 an announces anDMltC8S ¬ nounces that she has not yet et given her hereoaeeat r reoase barcornseet eoaeeat to the marriage m < uriage of her daugh da1lgter daughter daughter ¬ ter Ssivia 1 to Matthew Yett ew Astor makes WBk S the thewealthy Utewea1thy thewealthy wealthy Canadian whose relatives seat seatout sentout seatout out aa announcement of the engagement engagementfront eagagenteRtfroM engagementfrom froM Gait Ontario two days ago agola agoIa agoIn la an effort to learn swethh something > g frost frostMrs tromMrs fleaMrs Mrs Green of her daughters engagement engagementit eagag meat meatIt it was also learned 1e r ed that Mrs Green now aowsaares aewEBaIE nowsnares snares Ices o with Stuyvesant Fish hi hithe Sathe inthe the National Park Bank building ia laBroadway iaBroadway 1BnJ Broadway BroadwayMrs BnJ BroadwayMrs way wayIn Mrs Green as she s e grows older does doesaot acesIIOt doesPot Pot acquire vanity of personal adorn adecuMeat adornment adornment ¬ ment When she S e left her home home hi Btoeni Bleemf4e4d Btoenifteld B1oemhid hid street Hoboken she was dressed dressedoutte dreseedquite quite plainly She crossed the ferry to toNew teNeW toNew I New York and went directly to the t e Na National NatIoRaI National ¬ tional Park Bank She was escorted to tothe tothe tothe the door cIoorof of the safety deposit vaults vaultsInto YIluits YIluitsJato vaultsInto Into which she disappeared In a a few fewminutes fewmlmltes fewminutes minutes her secretary Mr Phelps an anemploye aaelDJMoye asemploye employe of the Chemical National Bank Bankjoined BankjoIaed BankJoined joined her Subsequently Mrs Green Greenwent Greeaweat Greenwest went to the offices of Stuyvesant Fish Fishand Ffehand Fi8still and still later visited the offices of the theTide tJaentJe theTilde Tide Guarantee GuraDtee Trust Company Before Beforeshe BeforeS Beforeshe she S e entered the building bulldin she declared declaredherself declaredherseiC declaredherself herself thus to a reporter concerning her herdaughters Jterhtes herdaughters daughters htes reported engagement engagementWith en engagementWlth emeRt emeRtWlth Wlth regard to the engagement of my mydaughter mydaug mydaughter daughter daug ter to Mr Wilkes tkes I h have ve not yet yetgiven yetgiven et etgiven given my consent to it I dont know knowwhat k1Io k1Iowhat knowwhat what those WUkes people mean by tell telling telllag telllag ¬ lag people that it is so Why they have haveeven Rayeeven haveeven even published it In the London Times TimesBut TimesBat TimesBast But I have not given my consent consentShe CORSntShe consentShe She would o 1d say nothing more moreOH moreOil moreOhi OH Company to Pay PaySt Pa PaSt PaySt St St Loals Ig ls Is Feb 18 1TIIat That the Waters WatorsPierce WatersPien WatersPierce Pierce Oil Company will pay the Utelime e1000 e1000dine tXXX tXXXfifee lime and agree agree to abide by the oenditfone oenditfoneimposed caJHllU eoaditioasImposed nc ncJiaposea imposed by the Supreme Court of Mis Missouri MIssourI Hissourl ¬ souri is is the definite announcement made madofollowing madefoJlewmg madefoHowtog following the arrival of H II Clay CIa Pierce Piercepresident PJ PJprecklent Phereepresident president of the company In St Louis Louistoday LouIst LouIsWhUe Louisteda today todayWhile t teda a aSVhlle While you think of It it telephone your po poWant nr Want Ad to The Washington Herald Heraldand Herald2Dd Heraidand and bill will be sent you yo at 1 cent a word wordViolets worcLfolet woreViolet Violets folet for Your Valentine Best Bes specimeasat spe meau at 31acldstones1Uh Blacklstones 14th < H HlEranJSIbDcy lL lLmbbu HTh lEranJSIbDcy Th fiber r Ca2TYaveandGth CoN Co N Yav ave and dGth 6 th st sf atc c 4 TODAY TQDAY 4 AY IN INTHE THE JUNGLE JUNG E DM ULLAD WILL lID Kl10XEquitable KNOXEquitable KNOX KNOXii i Equitable Vice President Presidentto PresidenttoI to toBe toBe I Be Under Ser Setretar SetretarS Secrctaiy SecrctaiyMAZES ctalY ctalYEAKES i i MAZES S SACRIFICE IN SAIAKYl SAIAKYlPresent SALARY I IPresent IPresent Present Position Pay Him 1WOufiO 3OU OoOO < H a aYear nYear aYear Year and In Xew Xc esr Place He Will WillReceive WillReceive ill illReeehc Receive 1y l < MKKXAbllity Quickly QuicklyRecognized Q QuicklyRecognized lckl lcklRecoJnbcd Recognized While Y lIc an Assistant in inthe futhe inthe the Department of Justice JusticeWuVaai JusticeWI1IIuI JusfceWiliam WuVaai A A Day who l gained fame as a afciwyer aJaWJI8l alawyer lawyer hi the gorerasaoat areotcutiou III 94 ofthe of oftike elthe the tracts ma and who is aow a vice presi president JIIINIdat > rac racdent ¬ dent of the BaaftaMe e LIfe Assurance 9esaaaee Se Sodoty SeItJ Seaty doty w WI be the fast lace hauaihmt hat lIIt 9t eeUte eeUteoi1Ice tint tintodieo theoddos odieo of Fader Leader Secretary ec of State Sta just jaetcreated tere justaerated created d by CoagiaBs CoagiaBsIn 1JMr 1JMr1a In giving giyl g a us his postehm wtth tha dtflSqu dtflSquwhIda JBquf JBqufhibie Mout3ahla hibie which pays him M ayear a 3081 he heK hewiK bew wiK w K metm 1II aeert ae aM liT cUtetU cUtetUrills az the the st stvroo i iIr Ir vroo afii Jsc rills C the lader fader Saeratarysfolp sWI1 is isBetter Is Issv is isw > w wBetter sv w t tTIdp Better Better PsiiS Pzrld lttmnn I3ian Knox Knn KnoxThin Thin bower UM wBI t W b tjK J ta excess excess of oftbe ot ottb8 ofthe the salary 8 the Secretary Seae laQ of otState otStatewidell State Statewhich Statewhich which is to be reduced to SIJN sM tempos tempexariiy tempGra tempGranIT temposcity nIT in order to permit Philander ase aseKaox e eKx eKasx Kaox to oumBfy aatfer the Coastittttten Coastitttttenof Cens Coosti tiA tiAd R Rf of the tb Uaited U kei keiMr Stedeclilr States StatesMr Mr Day who balls from IHiaels IJibuMsfonD warformed was wasformerly formerly formed Auditor A of the Treasury Tre M7 M71teeame He Hebecane Hebecame became later aa aeefetaat u lstaat in thel3epart thel3epartateat the 1 llepert llepertmeat eput eputJDeat meat of Justice where his legal Je k knowl knowledge owl owledge kaowtI edge 8 was so signally and suocenfwHy success eSetuH1 uHy die dioplayed diereel diepNyed played reel that Mr Knox then AttorneyGeoerai Auorn Attorney AtorneyGeneral i iGeltend General caused the office of Assistant AssistantAttorney AssistantAttorneyGene AttorneyGene Attorney General al to be created for for aim 111mTIlls himThis aimThte I TIlls he held ki ill KM46 ad a sI his work w < k in intbe mUte Inthe Ute trust proceedings commanded wide wideatteadoa wkIeat wideattention attention at Sought Sou ht His Service ServiceWhea SerdceWIIea ServicesWhen When Paai Morton surrendered the theportfolio theNKtfoIIo theportfolio portfolio of the Navy to t accept the be presi presidency prestfeBCY presidency ¬ dency feBCY of the Soottabie We under Its reorgan renrganIzattee reorganization reqJganbUoD ization he at t once sought the services of ofMr ofMr ofMr Mr Day and deduced bun to resign theassistant the theAssistant theA Assistant A slstaDt Attorney Generalship and join joinhfea join1da joinhim him to New York His duties have been beenthose beenth05e beenthose those of general counsel with the rank rankaad rankaa rankand and title of vice president pr Weat and his abut abilities abUfti9f abutties ¬ ties in this position have been just as asmarked asked asmarked marked ked as formerly formerlyWhen formerbWbea formerlyWhen When Mr Knox at the solicitation of ofPresfuontelect ofPre ofPreeNeotelect Presfuontelect Pre Taft coaeenfted d to relln relinaptish rellnquts ralEnCf1I1 quts Cf1I1 his seat se t in the United States Sen Senate Senate Senate ¬ ate and become Secretary of State State it is issaid ist Isadd said that he made his acceptance a ePtance condl condldoaal condltIoB condlltosal doaal l upon securing the service of Mr MrDay MrDap MrDy Day aDd the creation for him of the post postof post postof of Under Secretary Secretarya a a position of o rank rankaad rankaIMl rankand i and dftstterdou dftstterdouAspired dtsUIKt1oILAplred distoctioaAspired Aspired io < o the Place PlaceThe PlaceThe 1 The decision of Beckman Be kmaJI Winthrop not notto notte notto to accept the post stg of First Assistant AssistantSecretary Assstant AssistantSecretary I Iof Secretary of State is said to be due to to t the thefact thefact I fact that h be aspired a to the higher place placeof PlaceoC placeof of Under Secretary SecretaryAlthough SecretaryI i iI I Although the choice of Mr r Day DayDOt has hasnot hasnot not yet been authoritatively announced announcedft anncunced i itt ft is well understood UR erstood to be a fixed fact factPBOTEGTTVEJTASIFF factPROTECTIVETARIFF I IPROTECTIVETARIFF PROTECTIVETARIFF ASKEDPorto ASKED ASEEDPorto ASKEDPorto Porto Rico Would I Lose o c 3000000 3000000fnnual1 Zt000000Annually lOOOOOO lOOOOOOAnnually Annually fnnual1 by b Reduction ReductionSaa ReductionSa1 ReductionSan San Juan P R R Feb 13 13A A memorial memorialto to Congress praying Dg for a protective duty dutyon dutyon on foreign coffee sugar and tobacco Is Isbeing Isbeing Isbeing being prepared plepared by the house of delegates delegatesA A cable ca le message has been sent to Com Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ¬ missioner Larrinaga at Washington ask asking askbig asklg ¬ big him hll to advise Congress of the pro proposed pro proposed proposed ¬ posed petition petitionA pet1Uoaeommissiou A commission will IU be sent to tocooper tocooperate cooperate cooper cooperate ¬ ate with k Larriaaga to secure protection protectionA protectionreduction A reduction In the Cuban sugar tariff tariffworid tarlfrwottld tariffwotrid worid signify a loss of 3JDOO000 annually annuallyto I It to Porto Rico and seriously affect the theistaads theislands j islands financial condition conditionSweden conditionSweden I Sweden Grant SanlrnfieStockholm Saffwi Sn1bage Sn1bageStocltholm e eStockholm Stockholm Feb 13 13Botk Both chambers of ofthe Pfthe I the tlIcSwedbk Swedish diet today passed the bill billproviding billproviding binproviding providing for universal suffrage s trrage with withproportionate withproportionate 1 1proportionate proportionate representation In the Par Parliament ParI ParIUament ParIfament ¬ liament AU inhabitants In of the country countryover countryover j over twentyfour twen tour years of age are enti entitled enti entitled entitled ¬ tled to vote voteBaltimore voteBaltimore J JtWO tWO 1 1Baltimore Baltimore and Return 125 1 12 Baltimore fc Ohio OhloiR 01 ht R n Every Saturday and Sunday AH trains trainsI both ways both days except Royal RO 31 Lim ¬ ited City offices 1417 G st st and 613 Pa Paavs PaSpecial Paave ave Special prices for 1or1aUUral inaugural stands t = J CRISIS IN OTRKBY OTRKBYSplit TUItKBYSpUtfn TGRXBYSpilt Split SpUtfn in Reform P Party rty Causes Con ConIderali1e Conldern1Jlc Conslderahie Iderali1e AnxietyLondon Anxiety AnxietyLondon nxletyLoAdeItYeIL London LoAdeItYeIL Jeh 1aThe li The dooieata 1kJ 1 erista ITurkey in inTarkey s sTIike7 Turkey Tarkey ocase hsc irtcada of tf the o new rasfa 1G IIaccae regimeceaanieieemaYe o ocoasMeraato coasMeraato cae wonWeIt anxiety aaxfetarIt It ama so oorty hi tt the a ezpertaneat east of ofcoMsdtetloiaji atgJItb ofr r coMsdtetloiaji kut1ceed mvo1nmsel joiu mart and andlag afgatfy afgatfyi gJItb lag i g as it doer a spNt ia I the rojoraj cwitself party partyitself partyitself itself that the sstaatioo do eaaaot bat be re regardod re reBrded regardeel gardod as sortoas sortoas2AELIN scsJl srdouaaBALLTfiGER 2AELIN Jl BALLTfiGER LLINGER ± S POE CABINET CABINETRcftlmts OAEINETRCIIJlts CABINETResigns Resigns from Etxpositlon to Be Sec SecrclarjT SecretaQ 5ecretary rclarjT of the Interior InteriorSwUtTo InterIorStttfp Interiorgyp Stttfp SwUtTo Feb P tt 1tJ1ICIfe Judge Richard A A Bal BaJMager BeIiIIt Baler iIIt Mager er today formally teaderod tM4I tM hat resfg resfgatidaa rMtgas rete g gnatio atidaa as nee pwaid president 1 f lit and trastea of ofthe tICU ofthe the AhMkaaYafcoarVTifc Alulauty Aieth aYdooPt BxposNtoa BxposNtoaCorporattoa x osltlo osltlocorporation Alulauty1Mea corporation bee becmo o o of 8 La fact 8kl Us lienew UsMW IBSe MW new oattee as Secretary Se reta of the Interior ia iathe itadte inthe the Cahteot of PreaWoat Taft wm mss mssaattaate aocessM as astlkat6 sM tlkat6 t Ms re iunallaj + efattng permanently Ia m lratihton Wash WashLONDON W WLO ton t tLONDON LO LONDON p DON JS1I0W IS T 101 4NO CHEERFUL CHEERFULYiiJI CHEERFULp I s s YiiJI V t < f to toBetlin o Bedin Clears Off OffRelation Offt ORRelations t k j JP lSl tv tve11t1onl Relations Relation e11t1onl Between EnJbnd En Jand and Ger Gcrmany Germany Germany ¬ many many Have Been ImprovtdFenra ImprovtdFenraof Improved Peam i iof of Balkan Balkan Crisis AvertedLondnrr Averted AvertedLoadoa A e7tefl e7teflPee Loadoa Ft1Loniee Feb KLoadoa Is f feed eote mote motediserfet more morecheerful iaoCeeIteerM cheerful this week than for a tang thne thneIt UIIIeIt timeIt It is aX because the shier attitude attitudewhich attitudeRbhkh which mttOy h prevails fas the Beriht B rIIa po poBdcal p0 p pcal Bdcal cal world has given way to a ktod8 ktod8aess kindllI aess a which Is s fiifcly bena asblg ia Oeraiany Genauy 0 0has has wiped the Morocco mde isea l M ettJiie ec f e slate slateapparontiy stateapparently apparently RtIJ and evojryboft e1 JP k Tendering Tenderinganew UdlriuS UdlriuSa1W anew aew whet iMtt all the fp fuse fta 11 + lppFafeeut lppFafeeutiiwsnna IIdmDr Lut LutiRL about inasmuch iRL as the sttdatH ands trail s prep pret pretelsely pr prelseb elsely where It was wt two r a as far faras j jas as the powers axe cancer coaoerThen COIIeerThea cancerThom Then the King has t atertainod Mertaleodwith atertainodwith with genuine boepteattty and he e and Ids hisnephew i inephew nephew have boon telling each other how howsincere O bowsimore sincere s ere is not o only iy their personal friend friendship friendship ¬ ship but the kindly feelings feeli of the two twonations twonations nations natJ os toward to each other There Tberels is really reallygood IIygood reallygood good reason to believe that the visit will wittbe v1Ilge willbe be of genuine benefit to the future refe reiatians refeI rel8tl I ttons tl DS of England and Germany GermanyIt It is not beyond hope that the discus discussions d6sc d6scsimas discusskins ¬ skins between the King the Kaiser Sir SirArtfeir SIrtJtlr SirAth Artfeir Ath tJtlr ar Hardtog > and Prince von Buelow Baetowmay Buelowresvlt Buelowmay may result In the complete removal r of ofthe ortlte ofthe the acute features of the Balkan BJkanprobtem BJkanprobtemIt problem problemIt It may almost be assumed that t this re resalt re resu1t result salt Is now no aasure asenret but it will be at the theexpense Uteexpense theexpense expense unhappily of oefhe ofr the complete sam samfice men menlice sacrifice ¬ fice of the interests of the weakest party partsconcerned partyconcerned Plinyconcerned concerned namely the Serb race in Bos Bosnia BosDiA Desala ¬ ala DiA Herzegovina Servia and Montenegro MontenegroONE MODteAegroONE MontenegroONE ONE HUNDRED WILL TESTIFY TESTIFYStandard TESTIFYStadard TESTIFYStandard Standard Oil 29OOOOOO Case to Be BeRetried BeRetried BeRetried Retried RetriedChicago RetriedC i Chicago C c IB Feb 18Five iZ Five hundred hundrednames JaundrednaIMs hundrednames names have ha been handed to the Federal Federaljury Federaljury Federaljury jury cooaates4oors IMVI here by county Dty clerks clerksof ct clerksof ks ksof of this t district for the selection s ecUoI1 of fifteenveniremen fifteen fifteenveniremea litteeRveolremeR veniremea to qualify as jurors jtlr rs to retry thee the the1ooe 28 e tt 0QCK 1ooe i00i Standard OH case The work of ofchoosing ofc ofchoosing choosing c Jurors which begins February February2t 2 25 2t if i s expect expected 3d to occupy y about one week weekOna w weekOns k kOn Ona On hundred wtowseas Including g twelve twelvefrom twelvefrom twelvefrom from St Loute Louts who are officers of the theWatejsPiorca theWatezsPlweeOtI theWateasPlera WatejsPiorca WatezsPlweeOtI Oil Company an alleged allegedsubsidiary aJlegedsubsidiary allegedsubsidiary subsidiary corporation and employes of ofrailroads olrallroa15 railroads will be required to testify testifyTHEATEICAL testfTyTHEATRICAL THEATRICAL MANAGER Dps DpsBen DIES DIESDen DIESBen Ben Hurt Hurtig Iff Head ot Brooklyn rOOk1nFlrm rOOk1nFlrmSuecumbs Firm FirmSuccumbs FirmSnccumbs Succumbs to Tumor TumorNew New Ne York Feb U 13Ben Bea Hurtlg Hurti g senior seniormember seniormember or ormember member of the Brooklyn theatrksai firm firmof A Armof n npr pr of Hurtlg Seamen died today at his h h1tome fierce 1tome in Seventh avenue a eDue He had long longi longbeen t been b ill from a tumor and his death eatit had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen been expected exJJ for several weeks weeksMr weeks1Ir weeksair Mr BDartig was aa enterprising and andsuccessful andsuccc andsuccessful successful succc rlll maaaeer er of anraeemant enter enterprises enterprises ¬ prises for nearly a quarter of 0 a century centuryHe centuryHe centuryHe He was bern b m in Nashville Tena TeM forty fortythree fortythree fortythree three years ears ago His first appearance 3ppe 8 raace inpublic in inpublic public was made in connection with theBarnum the theBarnum theBarnum Barnum Bailey Circus in Cincinnati CincinnatiLater Later he became interacted in balloon baHoonascensiena beiloonascensions ascensions as ensigns and engaged the first aero aeronauts a aeronauts rO rOnnuts ¬ nauts that gave exhibitions with the Bar Barnum Barnum Barnum ¬ num Bailey Circus CircusSlardl CircusMardi s sJInrdl Mardi Gras GrasNew GrnN GrasNew New N w Orleans Mobile Pensacola Very low rates via Southern Rwy Feb Febii FebiiWe E22 3122 3122We i iWe We have ve Just the 1l1 lumber you want SHARE SIX six ARE AREDEAD DEAD IN I FIRE FIREuiiee FIREiThihaukee FIRELiiwaukee iThihaukee uiiee Building Falls Fallson FallsOil Oil Fire Jrjghters JrjghtersFOURTEEN Fighters FightersFOURTEEN rn rnFOURTEEN FOURTEEN HURT TWO DYING DYINGBxplonlon DYINGI DYINGExplosion I I I II IrJxplolon Explosion of Oil in Manufacturing ManufacturingPlant ManufacturingPlant InnufacturlngPiant Plant Can CaulI Causes Disaster DbalterEmpJoea DbalterEmpJoeaPlcc Employe EmployeFlee Flee in Pan PanttCreck > Greek I IaboreraFaUa IaboreraFaUato xborer Falls Fallsto to Street Strc t in I Flames I Iame1l and Dies of f IniaricsProperty In InJuricn Juricn JurfeProperl7 Propcrty I Lo Lose > n 20OOOO 20OOOOIttw OOO6O1itUlitee 00000it I it Ittw 1itUlitee wukee aKee Win Feb tt APlYe APlYea Fhre lumen aresmeaa lumenand a and ni a w8I maorer are dead Unrtght two tWe7tDs fre frePteti r riMe Pteti iMe are drag twelve tweheedters others a ae e muse museear e or ear less 105Wert seised sorloaeiy wlared and SSbM SSbMworth SJ131A1i SJ131A1iworth worth Wert fit ofaDoi patsgecb orty Is la r ntID ioe as the wIt reoakof wItet mushyed of a fire whicb this afternoon af destroyed dents HetraUte dentsthe yed the city pbut of the H H F Johns MaavWe MaavWeCosftoaay MIurYIIIeeepany Manvecompany company naaa manufacturers < actarers of Mcampee steampipe steampipeThe iMa e oveea oveeaThe The firemen a were aH caught usbt when R the thelibra tItetiiB theWho Who tIIt tIItasUey usaasthey libra as asUey they played streams on the Are lefta ftreta Aref fta f ta the t roef m of the S S WaJthaaa Piano PiaaoCompanys PWtoClJnPZ Pianopmpassys Companys ClJnPZ 1 s baOding which iUlJoIAed iUlJoIAedTM hdinedTllOwaK Joined JoinedTh TM TllOwaK Th waM carried the fie Anaeati rob now nowdead snr snrdead dead beneath b it it and a through the roof 1fifor roofof roofof of the theWaltham Waltham Waltkamb Tjttiiaiag ll Gg In addtfloR addtfloRthese a dtCIjR dtCIjRUtescittMs to tothesetensile these UtescittMs victims aa employe pIoJe of the tIIConIp MsavBe MsavBeCompany MaaaviileCompany Company ay was herded 1MIn ed to death FHo FeHerftag FeHerftagfe F FIs leg legte fe the Utelet list of deed and aD4it medThe med tejoredThe teIITbe The dead are areiUlBS aebUlBS areMMES bUlBS iUlBS GUXXIXG G GLN TIG SHMot l IIt fln cW dIW eef < tgwi tgwifartjscrafc aadhity Wi Wirit1eeTeir fartjscrafc rit1eeTeirLBO hity fartjscrafcLEOXABD eeter eeterLEcJ LBO LEOXABD ARD 1 F 3URU5S tkk thieae cM fifeaia lal5caIsJof fifeaiaJOHX JIfeMLlOlL lOlL Jof F CatAFT tfefasr4MKv tfefasr4MKvJOSEPH cksei MK MKJOSHPH c3ashe c3ashe70SfPH JOSEPH BBLDiSKI ELnSKI 5KI taws tawsXATHAXIBb n nT1L mie mie1itTlLt 1itTlLt XATHAXIBb T1L rn m J tvH VHACa3T V1LA t a aaiee Ma Mmiemt > toM t n nTHOMAS lend lendilaliLtasiae ilaliLtasiae ilaliLtasiaeTHOIa5S aiee aieeTH01LS THOMAS PSXCHKS 1 BS Ccwi debate lafeacerka 1M 1Mef flies fliesbr br a furs ka aesl B i ed ef f hsnec at atJack atTile hi id idThe Tile tb1Rb tb1RbJ dyigJack Jack 3kGee llcG e stool dealtott ibIMau Sricterad SricteradOtto Otto ott Mama diIaa rfca II1ck II1ckOf air k bolna bolnaOf tcskmOf Of the t e others the mast tjured swioaeiy in injured m mjured jured are arepa uePHI arerael pa PHI J T Lesplce > pip Lined taeo l about heir IMieJtaei Mickatf 1ieM Kesga KesgaCaused KecgIaa herpkt t + koera a BF B T CrpIcJDA CrpIcJDAlfttte cavkr 1 A Sall al4 d dTiike lfttte lfttteCnutled Caused by Oil Explosion ExplosionThe xplollonThe ExplosionThe The fire started shortly before bel belfrom noon aooafrom noonfrom from the expiosk i of a barrel of oil ia iathe IaUte Inthe the basement Immediately mme Jately after the re report re report report ¬ port of the expiostoa and before the thealarm Uteaitlnn thealarm alarm was as tamed in Inrhomas Thomas Fetches Pecla a alaborer akborer alaborer laborer laborer ran into the street t covered with withblazing withbl8ing withblazing blazing oil He fell oa the sidewalk and andwas sadwas andwas was taken toa t hospital h where be died diedFoHowing diedFeHe diedFHewing FoHowing FeHe iAg him the hundred or more em employes employes employes ¬ ployes of the Manvttle Company rushed rushedin ru ltedin rushedIn in a panic o out t of the building several severalreceiving severalreceiving vetaJ vetaJ1ecel receiving 1ecel slight injuries All had escaped escapedhowever escapedowevez escapedhowever however when w eR the t e are Lice e apparatus reached reachedthe reElCMdtIe reachedthe the scene Within tUteen minutes alter afterthe alterthe alterthe the Maze started names were shooting shooUagoat shootingout g gout out of every window wl ow in the th building buildingFirst buiMtagFirst buAdngFirst First Assistant Chief Gunning G8Dl Ag with witheighteen 1dtke1bbteen witheighteen eighteen anon m stationed himself W oa the theroof tberoof theroof roof of the Waltbam betiding to play pfaystreams playstrea playstreams strea streams on the blaze The Waitbam Waitbambuilding Walthambuildng aIn aInbulidlRg building iff Ia three stories high RIg and the tbeManvitte theIanvWe theManville Manville six A quarter Q rter of an hour later laterthe 1terUae laterthe the north waX of the t e Msavliie bididingtoppled btIIIdlRgtoppled toppled over with a aorasjl orasb crash Ssvetal S of ofthe orthe ofthe the imperiled men leapeji l 1ape p way Wa3bat but Gun Guanlns G1IDnlnb Gunning nlns and four othar Q ethers zero wece W C oalmght O as t before beforethey MCorethejo hs re rethey they could stir stirThe stirThe stirThe The blaze was controlled w wkhoBL far farther twther further ¬ ther fatalities The btrildiog and con contents QORtents ooartents ¬ tents were damaged to the extent of ofJ20iAX ot0Cl ofn J20iAX J20iAXWOMAN 0Cl 0ClWOMAN WOMAN n TOLD SHE MUST DIE DIE3Irx DIEJfr1l DIEMrs Mrs Farmer Receive News withMute with vrithMute withIJte Mute IJte Indifference IndifferenceAuburn IncUfferfnceAuburn IndifferenceAuburn Auburn N Y Feb 13Ta1dDg 13 Taking upon uponhimself lIpeRhimself uponhimself himself the ordeal Warden Beahan this thisevening tiltsevenlng tubsevening evening went to the cell c of Mrs Mary MaryFanner MaryFarmer Maryfarmer Farmer Fanner sentenced sentenced to b be electrocuted for forthe fwthe forthe the murder of her er neighbor Mrs Anna AnnaBrennan Asmare AnnaBrennan Brennan re nan and broke broke the news to her herher c cher oCer her er coming doom on March rralCkEx MarchExecutive 3 3Executive Executive Ex utive clemency alone can now saveher save saveher saveher her herMrs Mrs Farmer Farnt r received her 6r death sentence sen sentence seatence ¬ tence with blank indifference soon recov recovering recovering recovering ¬ ering from a asligbtstart slight start which whl h she S e gave gavewhen gavehen gavewhen when hen the warden an and officials entered hercell her hercell Itercell cell She uttered no word She sat t on onthe 00the onthe the edge edgeo of her bed and efforts of the theprison theprison theprison prison officials to learn her wishes wishes regarding re regarding re regardlng ¬ garding the the otters of o strangers for the theadoption Uleadoption headoption adoption of her Infant son were fruitless fruitlessJ J H Small d < t Son Sons Florists 14th and G sts Washington Waldorf W dor Astoria and 1355 Broadway Broadwa New York YorkFrank YorkFrank t tFrank Frank Ubbey Co CoN N Y Y T ave ave and 6th at at t BIG STEEL DEAL RETORTED BEPOBTEDMidland RETORTEDMidland I IUdland Midland Company Said to Have Been BeenBought Beeno BeenBought Bought o ght for l3OOO000 l3OOO000Plttsbur 4OOOOOO 4OOOOOOPJUsburg OOOOOOPJUsburg PJUsburg Plttsbur Pa Feb F b 13 l3It It Is reported reportedthat reportedUlat reportedthat that the Republic R pu llc Iron and Steel Company Com Company ComJNIR ¬ pany has purchased putC the Midland SteelCompany Steel SteelCompany St l lComPiiDYfor Company ComPiiDYfor for KX OOJO 0 The Midland MidlandSteel MidlandSteel MidlandSaud Steel Company plant is In Beaver Coun County Count Counts ¬ ty Paat Pa at Midland a Rew new w town on the theOhio the theOhio the0Ide Ohio River RiverH RiverH Rivera H H C C Fowaes Is IS president pr idait4 and he is isia isUte isha ia Ute South with his brother W V C CFowaes C CPOWDeSM CFames Fowaes POWDeSM A Aa official oOl of the Midland l dland com company comdenied comparay ¬ pany denied the reported sale but ad adoritted ad1DIU adedited edited that the negotiations might be on onwithout ondaMIt onwidhoet without lie knowledge knowledgeBEEF knowl knowledgeBEEF ge f fBEEF BEEF TRUST CASE DISCUSSED DISCUSSEDWaphlncton DISCUSSEDVJjlhlnJton DISCUSSEDWaphington Waphlncton Official Go to Chicago Chicagoto to Plan Prosecution ProsecutionChicago prosecutIonCbIicae ProsecntiowaChicago Chicago Feb 13 UlsssIstaat Assistant AttorneyGeneral Attorney AttorneyGeneral AUoaoyGeaeral General Wade ElMs who has charge of ofail oCaU ofan ail the government ent antitrust a Utrust preseea preseeafloas xesecttoDs pcasedtdernB floas aej 1Id d Special Counsel cwas l Marble rarble of the theInterstate UteIJltengte tieInterstate Interstate Commerce C6ABRar Commiasion Co Ceuumtieslon Dmllsloa ar arrived arrtveII arrived ¬ rived here today to conduct ta a number of ofimportant CtaIporUUlt ofleaporant important iavestigaUcns la atI that are aresdloo aresdlooulll sched scheduled sdiedaIM ¬ uled for next weekThey week weekThey weenIIIe7 They conferred IJ6d with Vnlted TnUe d < i States At Attoracr AttOl1MlJ Atteensy teensy Sims about t the 4teettnlst beef trust ease caseaad easeS easesad sad wadded attorneys S that oa Tuesdaythey TtteSd9ytM Tuesday Peesdbsthey they tM will CKUOC canoe evidence to be taken inthe In tothe In1M the homing of OK E B B Du Font deNesuer de deT deNeIIM8r NeIIM8r T j Q CG powder D8wdere8qOreUDft eorpocatiea They TheywiH Theywill will alto ate aM the local counsel In the UteenuMIIts gev govern gevennajMirs ennajMirs ern alaahts conduct of ot1Ie the the Standard OH OHTHE ORcese Oilease ease ceseTHE THE MONK BUI7S RtniS Rth S AMUCKFire AMUCK AHUCKFire AMUCKPire Fire Companys Simian Makes ThingsF Things ThingsLively ThlnsI I Lively LITel in Gotham GothamNow GothnJDNew GothamNew New York York Feb eb 13Jocko the Monk Monknot Monkran I8R n nraa not amuck today in the busiest sfeet part e eBroadway ecMdWBY of ofBroadway Broadway leading police J4 and citizens a ahvdy a1iYeI7 alively lively clad The simian stmla Is a native o oBrazfl or orBnt2II ofBrame Brazfl and was tIS presented lre to t a tire com coiapatsy company ¬ patsy two months ago He escaped and andoace td0IICe andonce once hi the street his following wlag increasedrapidly increased increasedrapMly taueasedmpNIy rapidly He saded the elevated structure structureand stractBreaad stt1ICtureUte and the crowd went up the stairs after afteraba afterbin ter aba Down Dov he cane and started a a freeforall free freeforall ree reeaD forall < aD boot with a ladys for boa boaHe boa boaHe boaHe He led the procession over er the site of ofthe cthe ofthe the DOW Pennsylvania depot and th throved tItis tItisbI6 tbproved proved roved his undoing More nlmM than thanthe uadie thandie die monkey Mickey Coogrove Co scaled thepredidees the thepreehifeos thee preehifeos of the depot excavation and andwas MMilNssias andwoo was soon hugghig Mr Monk eak In Ms arms armsThe sTIle armsThe The crowd cheered and business 1HIsID 6 resumed resumedSLATES HBCIdSLATER resumeSLATER SLATER GOES TO SCOTLAND SCOTLAIOExtradition SCOTLANDExtradition Extradition Warrant nrrnnt for Accused AccusedMurderer Accnsed3turclerer AccusedMurderer Murderer Reaches Xerr eW York YorkNew YorkNew YorkNew New York Feb H JaThe Tbe warrant for forthe fertJI8 forthe the extradition of Oscar Sister SI who is iswasted 1waatei iswanted wasted ia Glasgow Scotland on the thecharge ttiecharge GtedIIu1e charge of murdering Marion Gifehrist Gifehristreached GIIcItristreHlMMl Gllchrietreached reached here today ted and the accused accusedBtoa aCC8Saiuei accusedtaw taw sailed for gr Scotland at BOOB en thesteamship the thesteaatship UteU88lSlstp steamship Coipaibfa C of the Anchor Line Lineia Ll LineIn e eIa ia tbe castody of the Scotch detectives detectiveswho detect detectiveswho es eswbo who nave been 1te here for w screen several se weeks weeksJast weeksJ weeksJust Just J before leaving the Tombs 6 be asked askedMarshal askedI askedMarshal Marshal I Heakel H to get th tile Jewelry je which whichbe c cbe whichhe be said bo b had turned ever to David DavidJacobs DaTkihis DaXldJacobs Jacobs his principal witness wits r who wasarrested was wasarrested W85arrested arrested a few days ago on tfce a complaintof complaint complaintof e I of the British goverwaeat goy t charging aba himwith abawith I with stealing a 3 3W pearl scarf pin from fromLet frothLoad I Load Let Chesterneld Jacobs 6 is now In the theTombs theTeaebs I IT Tombs T Jacobs wife turned over to toStater toSister Slater CM at the marshals solkitatioaPIERCE soHcitadon soHcitadonPIBBGE oHdtadoaI tol I PIERCE WILL FACE CHARGEGoes CHARGE CEAEGEGoes Goes Goc to Dallas to Appear ppenr in Trial Trialfor Trialfor Trialfor for Perjury PerjuryDates Perju1DJIas PerjuryDallas Dates Feb B DTe ItTelegraws Telegrams s to lawyers lawyersaad awyersoCIter lawyersand and other friends fd in Dallas today ac anneetmead acananaod anI ananaod that H Clay Fittree who mast awstjqpsaf JDDstl mastapiear jqpsaf at at Aasda usUa Monday Monday M Rday morning fortrial for forixiai I Itd trial oa the charge of perjury will be In fethe Inthe i itile the Fordyce party of railroad raH d Investorsdoe investors investorsti i ifte ti doe e to reach Dallas Sunday afternoonCal afternoon afternoonCol i ieel eel W C C Fordyce B F Edwards Ed aDd aadothers aDduers andothers others w8 will compose this party of tiapbal tiapbaltote capttalieta apltalI I tote who have ve purchased ed a half interest interesthi hi the St StepbeAsville phensvilie Nort Northland N nnd South SoethBaOroad SHtkRBr8H SouthRailroad Railroad and who will inspect their par ptffchase parclaane i idI88e chase next week weekGreat WeekTARIFF weekTARIFF TARIFF COMMISSION READY READYi READYGreat READYr READYGreat i r I I Ience Great Interest Attaches to Confer Conference Conference ¬ ence at Indianapolis This WeekFalls Week WeekFully I I II Fully Full One on e Thousand Thou and Delegates DeJelat DelegatesMans DclcjratesMany Many from Pacific Coast Coa 4 WillParticipate WillParticipate Will WillParticipate I Participate in Discussion DiscussioniTafcaopssfe DisenaionIa j jI I I jI iTafcaopssfe Ia apeds Feb K UEve lEverything Everything is in inreafiaess IRr inren reafiaess r ren aess s ibr k l tr the meting of the Tariff TariffCosasoissfon TarltCssiGn TariffCommission Commission CssiGn Conference CoR erence here next week weekand wee weeaDd weekand and arrangements have been made forthe for forthe torUte the care of at least 1ea t 1000 000 delegatesThe delegates delegatesThe deiegatesThe The reservations already m made de have havepractical havepracUeaI havepnciieali practical exhausted the hotel facIlItIes facIlItIesIt facilitiesIt racWOesIt It seems s that the conference COl erettce is attract attracting attractlag attractkeg ¬ lag unusual attention on the Pacific Coast CoastA Co Coast CoastA st stA A letter ett r was received rC from the mayor ofSan of ofSan orS8a San Diego today tod adding another er delegate delegateto to the ones he appointed last week SanJose San SanJose SanTose Jose is sending four delegates and SanFransiseo San SanFra SanFrBSisco Fra FrBSisco steco Portland and other Western WesterndUes Weste WesteclUes Westerrcities dUes are to be well represented repre 1ted A let letter Jebter letter ¬ ter from the secretary of the Seattle SeattleChamber S attieCbaMMr SeattleChamber Chamber of Commerce which was re recetved re rece re received cetved ce ed this tD morning states that former formerGOT fornlerGoY formerGov GOT John H II McGraw of Washington WashingtonIs Wa6 iAgWn iAgWnte Is to be here as that t t organizations repre represeatattve represe representative seatattve seatattveI se tate 4 I dont know exactly e ctb bow many will willbe mUbe willbe be here said Henry Reisenberg today todaybet todaybut todaybut but bet there have been be n something over i200 i200delegates 200 200delegates I delegates appointed by industrial com comnercial comIlitefflal commerelaI Ilitefflal nercial mercantile mC Ule exporting financial financialagricultural ft aanclalagricultural ciaI ciaIj agricultural and labor organizations and andby andby andby j by governors of States and mayors of ofcities ofcities ofdoes cities but how many man will be here I do donot doIJHtt donet not know I really expect about L000 L000J 10XL 10XLJ 1000T IJHtt J W Van Cleave president of o the theNational theNatleDal theNational National Association of Manufacturers Manufacturerswitt will arrive in the city tomorrow morning mornisgfrom morningflOlB i from St Louis and a great many peopleare people peopleare peopleMe are expected e plcted to be here by tomorrowafternoon tomorrow tomorrowafternoon tomorrnwfternoon afternoon afternoonThe afternoonThe fternoonThe The programme slightly revised sincethe since sincethe smcetbe the original announcement aDno cement ill be issued issuedMonday JssoedMonday JssuedMOIMJay Monday noon noonSwearing DOOnSwearing Swearing by Phone a Crime CrimeAustin CrimeAustin CrimeAustin Austin Text Tex Feb IS 1 1The The bUI br ll by Rep Representative Repre Representative ¬ resentative re Vaughan Va making it a a crim crimiaai crimi crimieai iaai i offense to swear r dyer < er a tajephom tajephomwa tslephonwas Etlhon EtlhonWM wa WM reported favorably favorabJyto4 favorable today y by the thehouse theouse thehouse house committee on n nilr1nad rirninal afnrn jurispru jurisprudence j jurisprudeuce pspru psprude ¬ deuce ee 1 j jCarg sCargo Cargo Valued aluedst st st 2OOOOOO 2OOOOOOOttawa 000000 000000Ottawa 000000 000000Ottawa Ottawa Feb 1SL JBA A special I train traiR con consisting CQIltmg consisting ¬ sisting tmg of ofha1f half idozea dozen bonded cars whosecontents whose whosecontents wh whCGDtents contents are valued ued at dW 000000 OOOOOIJp < X passed passedhere Pass eel ec1lle eelhepa here lle e this morning on the way from Van Vancouver VanCQllver Vancouver ¬ couver to New York Yorkl 1 to toBnJtlmore Baltimore and Return Today via Baltimore 1tmore and Ohio Railroad RailroadSpecial RaIlroadSpecial RailroadSpecial Special prices mc ion to tIle mall buysS buys S m CHEERED CHEEREDON CHEEREUDRIB ON WAY TO OHIO Residentelect elect l ct Delivers Ad Addresses Addresses d ddresses ¬ dresses Along Boutev BoutevPHOLDS Route C CAtfAIi ANA WILK WILKsks WQ a sks s People Pea le to toGriye o GiveS Give Su Sajportto Sajportto3iiose Pno olt t to tohose toThose 3iiose Those hose in ill Charge ChargeMatesTen Speeches from fromRear Rear Plat Platform PJatform Platform ¬ form o of Train Trni TrainExpresses Expresses Appreci Appreciation ApprecIntion tppreeiation ¬ ation of the South at Every ETer Step StepIn StepIn StepIn In Meridian Mis Miss Wild Enthusi Enthusiasm Enfhut Enfhutam Eafhuaiasm ¬ asm Prevails Pr Prevailbeelares all > Declare eclnre that bat Canal CanalWill CnnnlVfll CanalWill Will eDtdJt Be Built and Finished on Time TimeBfrmlngnam T TlmeB4rmingham e eBIrmingham BIrmingham Ala Feb e 13 131r Prestdeat nt Taft made ten learplatforai learplatforaispeeches rearplaOnn rearplaOnnspeeches rearplatformspeeches speeches today on Ms way from New NewOrleans NewOrleans tiewOrleans Orleans to Cincinnati where wh re he is d due e to toarrive toarrie toarrive arrive at ItelO oclock tomorrow morn mornIng morn morning mornleg ¬ ing ingAt At Meridian and d HaUiesbvrg Miss he hepraised Repraised hepraised praised the Panama Canal work and the theeScers theemcers theofficers officers of G the United States arms At Atevery Atevery Atevery every stop he expressed his 1 hisappreciation hisappreciationof s appreciation appreciationof apl > reclatlon reclatlonr of r the South and his deien delerminatloB delerminatloBdO lnatioR to todo tm tmde do aH he can for it In his administration adsriaistratSeaHe He was received rec with the wildest eathu eDtIauby enthuohtesan eathustfesm stfesm by the crowd which had gathered gatheredto to t hear hlm 1tJ an enthusiasm enUa asm which w lch in inehided Inchided inducer chided caHs c Hs and oo hurrahs herrabsfor tor for Mrs YrsTaft YrsTaftSpeILdn Taft TaftSpeaking TaftSpeaking Speaking to the big crowd at Meridian MsddiaaMiss Merldiaali55 MeridianMiss Miss li55 which was reached lava in Inafternoon t tie tieafternoon e eafternoon afternoon Mr Ir Taft replied r pK d to a a query querywhich qU querywhich r rwIIkk which came from the crowd about the thePanama UtePaDaR thePanama Panama Canal Ca L He said ssMThe 5tdae saidShe The e Panama Gaaai is being 1J g built It Itis ItIs ItIs is going to be befit and what I want wajityon W2M70U wantyou yon to do and what I want every Amer American Amerkaa An er erlean ¬ lean citizen ci zaa to do do is to stand by thaaea thaaeawho t themenwho e men menWIle who are btjil bi iiitirg c rgJt Jt Doat r Nt a a atbe fire in inUte isthe Ute rear dont d nt distrust the man who t are aregiving aregki are8tvlng giving gki g up their strength and energy EItIfW aad aadenterprise aade andenterprise e terprLete enterprise to put the work thcaagh thcaaghAsk tMMgAsk theaughAsk Ask Peoples Support SupportWhen SuppodWliea SupportWhen When you have agents s who se debug doiagyour 4ieIagye debugyear your work wo k you stand beMad them If Ifyou ItJotI Ifyon you dont doJIt you cannot get yeast work workdone werkdGM workdent done The TIiemen men who do your work are areeatitied area1tItJed areeatftied eatitied to your y help and confidence co nAdence and andyou andyew you 7 ought gilt not to slew yourselves eiv S to be belad beled lad U astray y by Iwecombe speeches on thedoor the thefloor theAew floor of the Ionise of Represeatatlvas Re GS or orby OtDy orby by headlines in seasattoaei newspapers newspapersand newspapersD newspapersand and go back on the men that tare axe doing doingyeur d b1gyetlZO doingyour your workI work workI w rk rkI I I dont care whether wtlet er you are Demo Democrats Democmtsor Democrams ¬ crams cmtsor or Republicans Repub caJtS you want the work workdene werdoR workdone done awl when the army aut oagiaeac al gidearl who whoare wIIoar whoare are ar Going this work are givto giving aH their theirtime theirtkRe theirtime time to the carrying out of It it it you are arenot araDOt arenot not men to go back on them or to believeevery believe believeevery beUeeery every idle story that comes from the thexcontn theRouUt themouth mouth of some politician pc who is seeking seekingto see1dD see1dDto to make himself prominent or te give girohimself givehimself sYhimself himself the a ahtertls atiuertisenterat itertlseinent ent of a little 111 111fgund vufounded a aTeaneed founded d sensational al story storyThat stoqThat story storyThat That work is l being iag d0D01tonstb 1oae oae ionesth I Iknew Ikaow Iknow knew what 2 am talking talkiagahoet afeot The Thecanal ThecaaeI Thecanal canal will be built built aDd aH tJae the wind WiDdpostU opposition op opposition position n that comes merely JR leiy from a desiro desiroto d dea ro roto o oto to exalt and exp the man who makes makeshimself m kes keshimself makeshimself himself responsible CanRot cannot prevent it itI it itr ItI I know what w at the people of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates UnitedStates States want In that regard and ia so ofar far faras faras as I have power as the Executive Execatl of this thiscountry thiscountr thiscountry country I am going to push that work workand work workand and I am going to t stand behind the men menwho mthtwoo Caenwho who are doing itWhen It ItWhen It ItWhen When Mr Taft left eft the platform a voice from the crowd called out outWe ntWe outWe We want you ou to protect our lumber lum r He reappeared from the car and andThat said saidThat saidThat That is ODe trouble about you That Is the trouble dow down In New Orleans Orlean That is the trouble all cover here You waKe w se up every morning to embrace a doctrine and andare aDdare andare are very strongly In favor of It It and then thenyoa theny thenyou you y ll find to your our surprise that It Is a Re Republican Re Republican Republican ¬ publican doctrine However It does not notmake notmake notmake make any difference We dont require requireyou requireYOU requireyou you to be consistent consistenti i 41 1 I have no doubt that the EepoMfcan Fepubilcanparts f EepoMfcanparty pu Jkan party will wil adsiz ado d lost as good a tariff as asContinued asContInued asContinued Continued on Page Pa II 1 Column ColumnHOPKINS 2 2HOPKINS 2 2HOPKINS HOPKINS STILL HOPEFUL HOPEFULSenator HO HOSenltor HOPEFULSenator Senator Denies He Expect to Enlist EnlistEfforts EnlbtEfrOrl5 EnlistEfforts Efforts of President PresidentChicago PrcaldcntCbt PresidentChicago Chicago Cbt Feb F b BAH so prophecies of a anew aJlew anew new and more active Senatorsblp fight at atSpringfield atSpinefietd atSpringlield Springfield were yesterday set et at naught naoghtby nanghtby naughtby by Senator Albert J Hopkins and a aquietus a aquietus aquietus quietus likewise was put upon the rumor ramorthat rumorthat rumorthat that he will seek to replace certain Fed Federal Federal Federal ¬ eral appointees with wen who w will be bemore bemore betore more efficacious fn delivering c1 erlgg legislative legislativevotes 1cgislatiV8o legislativevotes votes votesOn votesOn o es esOn On the eve of his departure d6P rture for his hishome hIshome hishome home at Aurora this thiseveang evening the Senator Senatorannounced Senatoraarounced or oranrnmced announced that be was waS confident of his hisreelection 1113reelection hisreelection reelection and that he has AA no present presentintention presentintention presentintention intention of going to Washington W gtoR either eitherto eftherto eitherto to confer with President Roosevelt or to toseek toseek toseek seek the aid a d of Federal officials officialsI I am not going io Washington at aH aHsafd aU aUsaId allsaid saId Mr Hopkins At least I am not notgoing notgOing notgoing going at this time The story that I was wasto wasto wasto to consult with the President was an anerror anerror anerror error I am perfectly satisfied ed with it the theefforts theefforts theefforts efforts put forth In my behalf by my myMinds mYfr1 myfriaads Minds fr1 ds and supporters both In the Fed Federal Federal Federal ¬ eral employ and otherwise and It Is Isabsurd Isabsurd Isabsurd absurd to talk about me seeking the re removal removnl removal ¬ moval of any manHAINS man manffATTTS man manHAINS HAINS A NERVOUS WREaK WRECKAlienist WREaKAlienist WEECKAlienist Alienist for Defense Says Prisoner PrisonerMay Prisoner31n PrisonerMay May 31n Collapse EntfrebBaltimore EntirelyBaltimore Entirely EntirelyBaltimore Baltimore Feb 13 1 13Dr Dr CbarlesG CbarlesGIIl1I CbarlesGIIl1Ithe Hillthe Hill Hillthe the alienist and head of f Mount Hor Horwho Horwho Hopwho who will be the leading expert e witness witnessthe w1tn witnessthe 6S 6Sthe the defense in the trial of Capt Petr PetrHaiios Pet PetHal PetHairs Hairs Hal s stated today toda that bewas he was not notprised rs tJ tJprlsed r rprised < < prised to to hear of the illness Un sso of ib Lbtaro o fj fjtain p ptain > s tain In the Queens County jail Ne NeDr jfifr jfifrDr c cDr ° Dr Hill also stated that he w wr wrbe C > 1 f T Tbe t tbe be surprised to hear that Capt J Jtotally Jtotal1jt Itotally totally collapsed collapsedThe iCLF ft ftThe The condition nditfon of Capt Hal Halscribed J7 J7scr1bed 5C 5Cscribed scribed In the dispatches from fromis fromIs f is an evidence Idenceo of complete f r y yphysical physical 1 sical breakdown observe obse bsef eo eotor it f ftor r I Itor r tor torFrank Ci CiF 4k 4kFrank Frank F Lftbey L beY 8 Co N Y w s a a R 3 r