OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, February 14, 1909, Real Estate and Building Section, Image 20

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1909-02-14/ed-1/seq-20/

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2 I
Schwab Schwabto Announces n1Icauces Its r sDoom sDoomto Doom Doomto
to Tariff Committee Committeei Co ittee itteeELEOTRIGITY
Describes Principles ofVarious of ofVarion o onrIou
Iron ron Age
Various nrIou Pnroace Used In Manufac Manufacture Maniactare Manufacture ¬
ture of Steel Ste 1 Mostly Io t1y In ForelsTi lTorctguCountrlesD lrorelt ForelsTiCountries ri riConntrlesDevelopment
ConntrlesDevelopment Countries CountrlesD Development e1opment Has Hn Been BeenVery BeenVery
Very Slow in Thia Country CountryAt Couutr CouutrAt
At one of the recent recent hemrtags bead gs upon the thetariff thetariff
tariff Charles 34 I Schwab w was s the wtt wttneflc wttan witand
neflc and be gav gave the committee C a de detailed delaJItd detaikd ¬
laJItd tailed account ac ount of what had been accom accomplished aCCOlDl aecosrplhthed ¬
plished l by tl tlJe e electrical furnace hi the thebusiness thebusiness thebustnees
business of metahx Kb testimony te tMIdmOD < + tbnonr abbreviated abbrevtatteed abbre abbIetatred ¬
viated and aeoowpenfad DIIMl by Htaetrattons Htaetrattonsappears iHuetrMiSnappears alilstrad8DsapltNS
appears in th the cwrent Issue of the IronAge Iron IronAge 1nMIAge
Age AgeMr Mr Schwab declared 4iedartdthat that to Ids opteton opte opIal01I opluIon
ton the de vehement of the electrical electricalfurnace eIeet11el1Unce eloetrhxifurnace
furnace 1Unce would be such ia ten teatt years yearstime yatratimree
time as l to supersede u the epee pee hearth hearthprocess JwertlaprOCe8s hearthptoeess
process Upon this as a text the Iron IronAge 1roasays IroaAge
Age says saysThe saysTh saysThe
The Th development M lopment of the use of the elsel elec electrical eJeetricaI ¬
trical furnace Ia the metallurgy metaJ1 of oClroa oClroaaDd iron ironand Ionand
and steel st l has been very backward hr Ia Inthb Inthbcountry ibis ibiscountry t1Ibountrr
country > as compared with what bs bsbeen Misbeen hasbeen
been done in Europe The reasons foe foethis forthi foethin
this are various but among the chief chiefof cbIelof dtielof
of these th are a the lack la k of an n incentive incentivetlnd IDeeBtIftrtn4 u utend
tend uses use for Idlf Ml hydroelectric plants plantsand plantsand plumsand
and very t y favorable condition surround surrounding sarroatuding 4 4in ¬
ing < the iron and steel Industry te the theLnlted thelnlt
Lnlted 1 lnlt nlted States However wever these tbeHCCIIditi4Jns iBvorable iBvorableconditions farataMerendition
conditions are not what they were some snagsyears someyears saNyears
years aim a and at the same time the thernan de demand do doenamel ¬
enamel rnan for or quality in steel has become becomemor 1tecomemoP bodooemorn
moP mor rigorous so that now the Erectodaei Erectodaeimakers great peatmaKtrs steel steelmakers
makers are following with keen eea interest interestthe Iaantthe 1nt eat eatthe
the dew development elopment of numerous types of ofelectric oelectric ofelectric
electric furnaces in Bui Europe opt
Open Hearth FurnaceTle Furnace FurnaceThe FnrnaceTilt
The rapid replacement of the tMcriaarfurnace tMcriaar bNS1UlHtuma baeasrfurnace
furnace tuma e by the open hearth is doe In Inpart hiput Inpart
part to the growing n scarcity r f the 80 socalled so socalled 80JlM
called tessemer Mmer ores and the tncreaatag tncreaatagletrand 1IacrtaJeJr8 haastmgJenard
letrand JeJr8 nd for a quality of steel that can canbe canlJe canbe
be made only in the open hearth fur furnace furaace ¬
nace 1 < The treatment of metal in illtmfr the thebesstrner thebesa
besa besstrner tmfr rner converter co verter consists ron chiefly cbIe of ofburning ofburning
burning out certain ain Impurities but ell it itcannot Itnot Itsnnot
cannot not be used like the open hearth fw furnace fwoace
nace for the chemical treatment of ofwbch iron ironwhich hornwhich flll1
which is frequently a process JIIOCe8i1 involving involvinga
a rrsiderabte nsiderable period per peri of time thneTh timeThu
Th Thu heating heatl of oft tln t metal te the open opeahetrth openMf openhearth
hearth Mf rt h furnace is aocorapllHk JLCO d by cans ansina cansins causi
ins i a stream of incadcscent eftt < gas to pass passover puser passaver
over er the surface of the bath bat the heat heatpassing hfatpsmg heatpassing
passing by conduction and radiation front frontthe tlOlDtM fromthe
the flowing gas to the metal The rat ratat rate rateat rateat
at which the heat flows into the metal metalis
is proportional poport l to the difference hi tem temperature te8apera temperature ¬
perature pera t tIr between the gas and the metal metalconsequently mMaIol1s metalconsequently
consequently ol1s untI the higher the temperaura tempera temperature temperatur ¬
tur ture ura of the t latter the slower is the thetransfer metransff thetransfer
transfer > r of heat Moreover the atmos atmosphere anph4 atmosphere ¬
phere ph4 re above the surface of the bath te tepowerful a apowfSrtul apowdrful
powerful oxidUer and this thisa1rf naturallyafs naturally naturallyaffects
affects a1rf > cts the chemical reactions which whichtak wIddatal whichtake
tak take place placeThere placeThEre placeThere
There are three ways in which the else elsetrio electric eJectTiC ¬
trio current may be used in heating steal stealfurnaces 8tellfurnal steelfur
furnaces furnal fur naces 1 1 One or more ar arcs may be befanned befom1ed beforted
fanned between bet electrodes and the hath hathof Milaof bathof
of metal t 2 JJI to xa arc or several e veraI arcs may maybe JDa7be maybe
be formed between electrodes elec elecabove aitnated ataatindabove aitnatedabove
above the metal and the beat rndteted tothe to tothe totlM
the > bath m < 3 > an electric caent of sa safleient suf sufficient Indent ¬
ficient volume may be passed thrsngh throughthe thrsnghthe thrMlllatbe
the metal to beat it to the desired de degree tie tieTIle degree ¬
TIle HcroHlt Furnace FurnaceThe FurnaceTr FurnaceThe
Tr The diagram in Figure 1 iBostrates theprix the theprinciple dieprlnt
principle prlnt prix ipe TI of what is usually called the theHerouit tbeHer theHeronit
Herouit Her Jlt furnace The correct is 18plkd sup supplied saapplItd ¬
plied from D to the electrodes tn mUId El 1 and ll llwhich let letwhich E Ewbih
which pass through holes m ia the root of ofthe orthe ofthe
the furnace and are suspended Med above the theslag 1Ms1ag theslag
slag S which covers the molten metal metalM maulM ealM
M If the current is imagined as sawing flow flowing wing ¬
ing from D to El it then passes from El Elto E1to Elto
to M forming an arc a and then from 34 34to Xto Mto
to E K2 f farming frarmi another arc The in inters Inter Inter ¬
ters ter heat of the electric arcs paeees to tothf totbf tothe
the metal immediately below them and andthe a8dtbP sodthe
the molten metal is strongly agitated dthnt so sothat enthat
that the whole mass ma is heated heatedTh beatedTh heatedTh
Th re are various ways la which this thisfurrzice thisfurnace thisturrace
furnace may be used for the manufac manufacture maaufaeturp manufactur ¬
ture tur of < > f stee steed The furnace UIDCe may be becharged becbarged becharged
charged with a mixture of pig iron and andscrap andSttdP andscrap
scrap and the electrodes el lowered until untilcontact untilcoatact untilcontact
contact is formed between them and the themetal themetal themetal
metal Then electric arcs are formed formedand formedaac1 formedand
and with wt i terrific poke the metal melts meltsfinally IIH1ts IIH1tsiiDftJ1 meltsfiurtttr
finally iiDftJ1 forming a bath on which lime is isthrown istbrown Isthrown
thrown to form a sing Then the work working working ¬
ing 1 of the furnace becomes perfectly perfectlyquiet perfectlyqutf perfectlyqulpt
quiet > t and It would hardly be realized reaUzedthat realiaedthat realizedthat
that anything was happening hi It were wereit WMeit wereft
it n nt t for the dazzling tight from theelect the theehvtric theeleotri
elect ehvtric trig arcs ares by means of which tem temperatures temperatures temperatures ¬
peratures can be obtained which never nevercan ercaa nevercan
can he reached in a fuel furnace furnaceAnother f1llD8reAn furnaceAneher
Another An method of working is to take tnSsemolten CemolteR takemolten
molten metal from an open hearth fur furnace i inace furnace ¬
nace or a bessemer be converter aad pour it itinto kinto itInto
into the electric furnace where tt is fin finished AR18bed InIshed ¬
ished This is the method which will wffiprobably willprebUlT willprobably
probably be most extensively ettensiYei developed developedin d ftIope4In
in existing steel plants plaatsfor for while it Is Istrue IItrtI8 1gtrue
true that ia places where fuel is very verydear verydear verydear
dear and where the electric trIe current can canbe eaabe canbe
be cheaply obtained from water power powerit
it may be cheaper to use electricity C7 hi hithe 1fttile Inthe
the whole process of manufacture yet yetin JtIR yetIn
in moat eeslt pteeee Jt is far cheaper te t use ecombtMdoR a acombination aeanhtnttfon
combination of fuel and electric eIectrletlK heatingthr heating heatingth
th tlK latter being used where the highest highesttemperatures highesttemperatstes t ttemperatwes
temperatures are requiredThe required re4llkeTbe requiredThe
The Girod Furnace FurnaceTap FurnaceTh FurnaceThe
Tap Th Glued furnace differs from that thatused t atused thatused
used by Herouit In that the current t does noesndt aoesDdt doesadt
Ddt flow from one electrode e tnHIe te tethe the steel steelbath steelth steelbath
bath th and tnenee to the other ot electrode electrodebut eleetr electrodebut lie liebut
but passes from the electrodes tro to the thebath tilebath thebath
bath and thence to the bottom of the thefurnace tbefurnare thefurnace
furnace which forms the other terminalTfce terminal tenDInalnfl terminalThe
nfl diagram in s Figure 2 illustrates theway the thewjy theIn
way in which the furnace is wostaed wanedAs wostaedAs WOIIIedA
As A in the Herouit furnace the electrodes electrodesEl
El 2 and nd E2 pass through the roof and are aresuspended aresu aresuspended
suspended su nded above the slag S c covering verotg g the thebath thebath thebath
bath of < molten metal M but both the theelectrodes theewtrodes theeletrades
electrodes Are connected to the same sameside samesde sameside
side of the circuit coming from the thesource the8OUf4 thesource
source of electric current D The other otherside otherslGp otherside
side of the circuit is connected to the theterminals theterminals
terminals w situated te the bottom of ofthe ofthe
the th furnace These terminals are mMe matfoof mMeo madeof
of o steel st l aad are ar water cooled to prevent preventthem pr preveatthem eat eattbfm
them from melting Thus K the current currentis ewnoeAt ewnoeAtis
is imagined 1 as flowing to the electrodes electrodesfrart electrodesfrom eS eSfrom
from D it forms arcs between these and andthe IM1the andthe
the bath lust as in the Herouit furnace furnaceafid t12ntCeUid furnaceand
and then passes out through t the bath Mtk1U1d bathand bathand
and the steel eel terminate term1RaJ5Tht W WThe WThe
The method of using the Glued fur furnace rMCe faronce ¬
once is stellar to that employed with wkhthe withtbe withthe
the Herouit furnace furnaceThe furnaceThe furnaceThe
The Stnssnno Furnace FurnaceThe FurnaceThe FurnaceThe
The principle on which w lc the Rtasosno Staaeannofurnace Rtasosnofurnace 11110farnaG
furnace works Is different t from MIle thefeeJritherto MIleUtherto tinoetherte
Jritherto Utherto therte considered for the metal ea1 ea1fOrnl does sieeaform
Sft form pert of the electric circuit Fig Figure 1igtre Ftgwe ¬
ure 3 is a diagram of the furnace from fromwhich fromwhkh ironwhich
which it will be seen that the electrodes electrodesecter 61ectrCHkserter electrodeseter
ecter the sides of the r1 furnace Mce horizon horizontally OnZORttly horizontally ¬
tally so thai aa arc is formed f between betweentfecir betweeatJ
tfecir t tJ ir ends and the heat lae t is xftdfetad from fromthe fromtb fromhe
the tb arc a the slag S S pad thus the metal metalM m metalbf tal talM
M is s heated heatedTho bf heatedThe > atoo atooThp
The furnace may be charged with a arr ar ar
r s1r sure S 11 of pig iron and scrap and this thiswhat thisTht thistsht
what ie done cne in most cases cases where it itv ittS itI
v I used tS but Stassano has also done some
interesting lat resUDb work oa the production of ofsteel ofsteel
steel directly dft y from rema a mixture of ore andcarbon and andcarbon andeafOOft
carbon carbonThis carbonThis
This furnace depends depQ M upon a a ietaHydifferent tetallYdjUerent ietaHy totafydlirerM
different prindpte from front any at o Df the OthearsIts others othersIts ers
Its development defele 9IIf Is due t8 finlbP CfclhIii 1a this thiscountry tfetecouatry
country FerrHti F ia England and Kjal KjalHB tjeUp e elip
Up HB in Swedes The furnace is in reality realitya
a transformer m Ia which the bcth of mol molten moItea molten ¬
ten steel forms wms the secondary circuit circuitThe drcultlIae circUILThe
The diagram ia Figure 4 shows l the grin principle prlDdple grindpie ¬
ciple OR which the furnace works The
magnetic etIe circuit C fe b built t up of land temtaated aadDted landnated
aated sheet Iron like th the core of a trans traaSfOlJlMrTheJl1marY 4raosformec transformer ¬
former fOlJlMrTheJl1marY The primary drctitt P ptbe Psarresads Psarresadsthe s rro ms msthe
the magnetic circuit and is connected to tothe totIN tothe
the se same rce of the electric current D The Theringshaped Thertags Theriag
ringshaped riag ted crucible R R containing the themelUn tilemolteR thearelten
melUn metal M I also surromids the mag magnetic mnagaetic 1 1IMIde ¬
netic drcwt and thus farms the second secondary seeoodary secooary
ary circuit of the transformer Th TIre al altarnatrng a1 a1t 1 1tanating
tarnatrng current t of relatively high volt voltare roltage YGItee
age sowing through P Induces a low hrwvoitag owYOItas lowyoltags
voitag current of hta high i amperage am m Ia the themetal tileX themeted
metal 3tL M Thus ft te a small SIDIIt1lrllMle famaca of ofamperes CtJ ofthis
tJ type a current or lei volts Yoitsamperes aagl dl dlamperes
amperes supplied to P induces a current currentof carreatofi currentof
of ofi 7 volts and SMM 3 amperes aaper in the me metsJHc eta maeta1lic
tsJHc balk bstnThe 1NathT1II8 balkThe
The method of working wwkttunIIIee Jte e tnuucdOK Indudioafurnace tnuucdOKfurnace
furnace Is different from tie other types typesbecause typesbecause
because It Is not poseMe po k s Ill H the cru eruetbie cructbte
ctbte with broken pieces of pig hen or orscran orscrap
scrap and melt this down dewa de the voltage of
flue ladaseed e8neDt 1M tar tee low lowfor lowfor
for this Instead an iron vita ri must be bem beplaced bepheed
placed m III the crucible ad metted dowa dowawft dowato downto
to form a bath bathAiled or the CI1IdWe cruet be
Ailed wft with molten metal taken front an another D Doth another ¬
other < furnace f1lnl8eeRochlin furnaceRochlingRodenhnnscr furnaceItochHiipRotleiilmnner
ItochHiipRotleiilmnner ItochHiipRotleiilmnnerIn Rochlin JiROt1enhnuer JiROt1enhnuerTn
In the ordhwry induction furnace R is isaot IsaotftMlWe Isnet
net aotftMlWe feaBttto to treat the metal wWb IIa slags slagsas atog atogn
as n Ia the Mr tner types of electric fnmaenc fnmaencBodealtauser tsaM fncaeeesad
aM IIs 1M ta Ute evelt development eC die dieBoeIIIIagRt theRodenbarser
BoeIIIIagRt Bodealtauser RSJIISW fee in whick whickthe wIIIdatile whichthe
the mKtfon 11 N principle te used 1IMd but the theentente UteerueIbIe thecrodl
entente crodl it instead of being formed of olrlDg ai airfag a aingk
ingk ring has a a large central bath eon1 eon1J eoII eoIIaected eaaaected
aected J with narrow aane channels like those tboeef thoeeof thoseof
of f the the induction furnace These narrow narrowhnnnfif aanOWehaDDeIa narrowchannels
hnnnfif of molten metal complete th thr the thedrcnIt thesecondary
secondary r drcnit dren < t The passage of the thettenounn UNC1IIftIIt thedortrut
C1IIftIIt ttenounn the metal In these Chan ChanIs dIaDIs tdaaaels
aels Is DOt only 17 heats it bet puts it III m vio no ¬
lent motion so that the whole bath Is Isthoroughly Ismixed isthoroughly
thoroughly mixed la addition to tae taebeating Uteof theheating
beating of the metal by direct toaueiiew toaueiiewa IndacUoesecondary ctW ctWwi1MItDg
a = secondary winding of heavy copperIs copper copperis
is connected to pole pieces imbedded imbeddedthe kt isthe ktthe
the lining of the furnace and this snppUes nap applies nappiles
plies a certain portion of the heating heatingcurrent JteAdafcurreat beatingcurrent
current currentMost curreatMeet currentMost
Most of the work that has been done donewith doDewith donnewith
with this furnace consists in taking molten mol molten molt ¬
ten t metal f from root a bessemer be 6e1118r converter and andOnfehiJig aMSiAildDg andtialddng
OnfehiJig the steel in the electric furnace fnmaceThe tl1nlAe8The furnaceThe
The question is naturally DturaII784 asked Why Whyshould WIlYsIaCMIid Whyshouid
should the electric furnace be used 1J8IeClsteel m mmacte In Inwaking
macte waking steel so long as fuel can ea be obtained ob ob obtallied ohtamed ¬
tallied cheaply cil ply The answer to this is isthat IstIIat isthat
that m Ja some methods of making steal stealthe Itho steelthe
the electric furnace is actually cheaper
to work taaa the fuel f1lelemaee furnace fHrnaeeaad aa4 and that thatapart t thatapart at atapart
apart from the question of cost better bettersteel bettersteel bettersteel
steel can be made te the electric fur furnace furDBCe furaadie ¬
nace naceThe DBCeThe aadieThe
The best aDd most costly steel Is made madeby ma madeby e eby
by the cruefble process JK and as mlg might t beeXJeCted beexpected be beexpected
expected it was w was s ia producing prodaad g n steel of ofthis e ethiss ofthis
this kind that the electric furnace was wasfirst wasI wasfirst
first used The crucible process is by no nomeans nomeans nomeans
I means economical as regards reg ros fuel fuel and andthe andthe andthe
the cost of o crucible labor Is high Here
it was not at aft difficult d > cult to demonstrate demonstratethat demonstratethat demonstratethat
that the electric furnace nsce could ul produce produceas
as good steel at a lower price The cru crucible crudbI crudble ¬
cible steel st l however forms but a rela relatively relattYeIT relalively ¬
lively small part of o the steel business businessso
so far as tonnage toR e is concerned and theextensive the theextensive theextssIv
extensive use of the electric furnace will willcome w1lJcome willcome
come ia its application to the manufactae manufac manufacture mnnutactur ¬
tae tur of the cheaper grades gra es of steel used usedin usedIn j jin
in the manufacture of rails and structu structurai structural structurat
rat material The best known work In Inthis Intilts inthis
this direction 1 has been done in Ger Gerrmany GerlRay Germaay
many at the Rochllng works In Volk Volknagsa VolkJiBgfilR Volklioga
nagsa where the t K chnngRodehhauser Rechl1ngRodenhausert RoetingRodenhauserfurnace chnngRodehhauserfaraaee
furnace t was worked out Here molten moltenmetal moltenJIMtaI moltenmetal
metal is taken from the bessemer con converter converter converter ¬
verter and receives the ftninsbing treat treatmeat tr treatment t tIDe
meat IDe t in the electric furnace after which whichit whichit whichit
it is cast into ingots Jo Some thousands thousandsof
of tons of steel subsequently rolled Into Intorafts intorafts intorlIs
rafts have been manufactured In this thisway thIsway thiswale
way wayIt wayIt waleIt
i It is as an auxiliary aux > lisry of the open hearth hearthand heartha
iamid and the bessemer h furnaces fu that the elec electric electric Bloctrio ¬
tric furnace will be developed and net netas n netas t tas
as a substitute sab for these Even though thoughat
at present it seems probable that theelectrk the theelectric theelectric
electric furnaco steel of those cheaper cheapergrades cheapergr cheapergrades
grades gr eswfU will not be produced at less cost coatwith costwith costwith
with the help of the electric furnace yet yetIt yetIt yetIt
It is s certain that t a better quality of steel steelwin steelwin steelwill
win be obtained with wI a slight Increase In Incost incoat Incoat
cost coat and modern coD41W conditions ns make the de tiernand demand de deI ¬
I mand for this improved quality imper imperative JmperI ImperaUve ¬
I ative aUveBifi
I ativem
m BILL FOR SAVING SkYI AN TIME TIBTweatyeiglit TIMETweatyeight
Tweatyeiglit Miles of Bailrcadi
Costs 9500 9500000 9500000D 000 000D
D I L k t c TV Cutoff Establishes NewRecords New XevrRecord l ew ewReoords
Record In Construction Cont Ftlon of ofAmerican ofAmerican ofAmerican
American Railways Hallvrnysfrom RnlhTDyarr Railwaysi RailwaysFlo
from tht TnnnVil T 2r ai W T icId icIdAJM8g C CAmong ckL ckLAmong
Among railroad Stories the popular populaopet populaopetJXO pet petni petIs
ni probaMy that oftQuoted oftqi ptod legend which wblohrelates which whichrelates whichrelates
relates how the Czar Cm of Russia laying a aruler aruler aruler
ruler oa the map of his empire ere drew a astraight a3ttaJsht astraight
straight line from Petersburg to Most Mostoow Mos Moscow Moscow ¬
cow then bade his ministers Jld build 1M 1d a rail railroad ralacoordlD railroad ¬
road according to that plan planSince pIaaSlDee planSince
Since it is attributed to an autocrat autocratthis autocratthis autocratthis
this traditional 1 feat may have merited meritedthe meritedthe meritedthe
the favor fa It has so long enjoyed yet yet it
seems coouaoapisce commo plaee compared with the thecutoff thecutoU theeutoff
cutoff now betas butt by the Delaware DelawareLackawanaa Dela DelawareLaden ware wareLaekawaa
Laden Lackawanaa and Western Railroad Ra r d be between betweea between ¬
tween Delaware Water Gap oa the boun boundary boundary borndary ¬
dary between Wfl Pennsylvania Pe Petinsyl l aaia aDd New Jer Jersey JereY Jcrsey ¬
sey and Lake Hopateoag Dg fortyseven fortysevenmiles fortysevenmOe fortysevenmiles
miles from New York Although but 2W5 2W5miles ii iimUe8 S1i S1imiles
miles long Jo g this cutoff establishes several severaljew severalIe severalnew
jew Ie worlds records te railroad construe construction COftStruetlon construelion ¬
lion tlonTo
To be sure SIIre die the Lackawaana already alreadyhas a1read1has alreadyhas
has a oooute track late between thesepoints these thesepoints tlteepobJtE
points upon which by rid Mjtftry 1IIIif p 1 aDd fmgaiity fru frugality frn frngaUty ¬
gality K contrives to earn ear dividends of orpee ofper
20 per cent but Wring kevlag g been built before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the company became a prey to prosperity prosperityand prosJlert prosJlertand prosperityand
and through what passes for mountains mountainsin
in New Jersey the present plepe t road is so socrooked sottOGkecl socrooked
crooked that tIM curves compressed conepr od MM MMits III IIIits Intoits
its thirtyniiie Ualrq and a half miles iv would uW If Itplaced Ifplaced Ifplaced
placed end te end te a consecutive ttYe spiral spiralmake spiralmake spiralmake
make five complete un plBlte drdM drele and a halfIn half halfIa haltIn
In other words ward every train that passes passesover pa passesover es esewes
over the road winds w dg through a tortuous tortuouscourse t tortuonseourae tvoas tvoaseoane
course which is equivalent to traversing traversmgeomplete a acomplete acomplete
complete circle every sores miles Xo Xowonder SoWOIMIer Nowander
wonder the natives are firmly convinced convincedthat eonYlncecltMt convincedthat
that the engineers IS are able to and their theirway theirwa theirway
way wa over the road only by following the thetelegraph Uteteae thetelegraph
telegraph teae aOIi poles The chief engineer ulti ultimately alttorately ¬
mately found a route that is only three threemiles tlIreeIIIDes threemiles 111111
miles longer than the air line It shortens sborteDsthe shortensthe shortensthe
the distance from a JLi JR miles la 214S 214Swflee 2S451 Sriigfles
wflee the saving o of 2LJ2 miles milesper being beingper 3 3per
per cent of toe t octane e between n New NewYork NewTurk NewY
York Y < k and Buffalo BuffaloTne BtaItILTIM BftaioThe
TIM maximum grade is cut down from fromW fIOlllfeet fromt
t W feet per mile to 2t SM t feet par mile mileaad DIlleaDII riseLad
Lad the total curvature Is reduced fromUN from fromUH fromOM
UH degrees to 4 4 degrees which 1dek is isequifaiciit l lequivalent
equivalent t to einuteatteg four complete completecircles COIRpiotecircles completecircles
circles and a third thirdThe thirdThe I
The estimated tmated cost of the catoff < was wasJ950Qfls9 wasto i iSt
J950Qfls9 St When the engineers had ftn ftntehed fta Anisbed i
tehed their calculation it was found that thatdie thatthe i ithe
the saving riDe effected e eeted by the th reduction re ucUoa In Indtetance Indistance I
distance grades and curves on annual annualtramc aaauaItra annualtrade
trade equal to that te 1H6 lit would pay the theinterest theIDten theInterest
interest t on an inrestment III of SlMOOfll s ill or ora ori ori1DIUIeD ora
a a million dollars more e than the actual actualcoeC actualUNCLE actualcost
cost coeC1CLE
Big Towa Growing Up Near NearAraasas NearAraBsas NearAraBsas
AraBsas Pass PassGreat PassGreat PassGreat
Great Interest Develops in Uplmlld Upbtiildfng Upb UplmlldGnlf l1I l1IInl
Inl of That Part otTexnll otTexnllGulf of Texas TexasGulf
Gulf Coast CoaKtSta Coaatsw CoastSir
Sir sw CessaspsatmesTite C Ceaoisdx j Die TTrrMntau fiuYfs W HennAraneae HeraR HeraRAraaeas HmWPass
Araaeas Pass Tex Tec Feb lirDlrectly lirDlrectlyas
as the result of work In widening and aaddeeaeoia a aA anddeeiag
deeiag deeaeoia Araasas A Pass channel by ay the thegovernment Uteg8ve thegovernment
government g8ve Uade Sams own city of ofthat oft ofthat
that name aDd immediately adjacent Is Islapidiy israphIIy israpidly
rapidly growing gr wlag up It bids fair soon soonto soonto soonto
to rival her neighboring and sister cities citiesof citiesof lUes
of the Texas T ns Gulf coast
Either being be constructed there t BOW or orcontracted orcontracted I
contracted for and soon to be erected erectedare erectedare
i ian
are atom than IN new structures All Allwfll Allwill
will be bum and completed rapidly mpldl as asmaterial asmaterial
material tor them arrives Among the thestructures thestructures
structures will be fifty dwellings and asmany as usmaay asay
many business edifices edJ One firm alon alonBarton along alongBarton I IB8noa
Barton Danforth Danforth have contracted contractedtorj contractedtorjtbe ford ff > r rthe F Fthe
the building 1MatI of tea aew dwelling within withinthe wIthinI withinthe
the ext > thirty days J s The Brooke Lumher Lum Lumber Lumbs ¬
I her Company Cem DT has dosed a deal for 25001 25001f S25OMfor 2500 2500for
for t < the location here of a mammoth lum lumber lumber ¬
f ber yard 7U and auttdia banding material ma rlal estab estabbment stab stabHsaoeat stabJ1shme
Hsaoeat HsaoeatK
I N M Miller has made a contract for I
erecting + three twostory twoswr r cement stores storesexUeut storesexLieut
I exUeut Gov Wheeler Wheel Is building buildingcommodious buildingoomtraoadoas I ICCft
CCft commodious 5 commercial merclat building buildingfinishing buildinggd i ittIttIihlDb
d finishing alshiag touches are bein being put on a aUrge niarp alre
Urge hotel bot and aa a immense bathing bathingaad bathIngaDd bathingand
aDd dancing pavfitoa is soon to be built builtA builtA builtA
A broad boulevard or speedway 1 Is be being be beIng belag ¬
ing constructed CODStnId along the citys water waterfront wat waterfront > r I Ifroot
front New streets are being opened andothers and andothers andrs
others rs are being graded and will be paved pavedwith pavedwith
I Iwith
with shell shellAmong sbeiLAmoRg shelLAmong
Among the DeW enterprises soon to be beIn beIn bein
In operation here will be a newspaper newspapera newspapelMAlt
a bank and commercial club or a board boardof boardof boardof
of trade Hundreds of visitors prospec prospectors prospect prospeetors ¬
tors and investors are arriving daily dailyTransfers datlyTrans dailyTransfers
Transfers Trans ers of realty re exceed 100 dallyduring dally dallyduring daUyduring
during the past fortnight over 200ft OO > lots lotsaad lotsJMl lotsand
and other holdings having bavmsbeen been trans transferred transfenoo transferred ¬
The Better Part PartA PEinPlea PartFsm
Plea Y Yssths f1 Cegsaatw CegsaatwA f 11JG 11JGA
A delightful little story is told of of o Pros Prosper Proser Prosper ¬
per Merhnee the t e French author He was wasonce W2SOAGe wasonce
once guest at a royal hunt when hares harespheasants haresp harespheasants
pheasants p easents and other game were driven drivenbefore drltenbeCee drivenbefore
before the emperor and his followers and andthe andttae andthe
the servants picked up the victims of a the thesport thesport thesport
sport sportAmong sportAmong
sportAmO Among AmO S aft the members of the hunt huntlag hu hunting t tJn
Jn lag party Prosper Merimee alone had no notrophy notrophy notrophy
trophy to display dtepteyHow dtsPIR7How displayHow
How does B this happen asked some someoae sonicsae
oae oaeWhere Where game ga is se plenty the merit of ofa ota ofa
a marksman seems s te isle to td lie in hi hitting hittingnothing hl hittingnothing tlng tlngnothing
nothing replied rep Merimee uJth Jith grave gravecourtesy 1aecourtesy grave gravecourtesy
courtesy SQ I fired between the birds blrdsI
Why Chevy phaseValues Chase ChaseValues
Values Must 1 Iust Increase I
First 4 Washington w V ashen < on is is growing rapidly inthat in inthat inthat
that direction directionIt directionSecond
Second It is s no now w the most beautiful suburb suburbof suburbI suburbof
of oJ Washington Wasl tington and consequentlywill consequently
I will w continue to attract those peo people pool paopie ¬
l pIe who desire beauty as well asutility as asutility asutility
utility utilityReasonable utilityThird utilityThird
Third Reasonable e bnable restrictions r L ctions will prevent preventthe preventth Arevertthe
the th building of cheap hoasestaad hoasestaadevery houses aad aadevery alldevery
every good house hOU5 adds value va1U to toadjacent toadjacent toadjacent
adjacent lots lotsIt lotsFourth lotsFourth
Fourth Jtis It is the highest point in the District Thstrictr Thstrictof Districtof Di6trictof
of Columbia therefore healtMuL healtMuLThe beaithrfulFifth heaithEulFifth r
Fifth The Th car pif service s rvice is as nearly perfect perfectasfsuburban Pet ect ectas t tas
as asfsuburban suburban traffic can be b made madeand madeand madeand
and the Traction Co stands ready readyto readyto readyto
to meet all the needs of the teal territo teixifory tealtory
to tory as its growth oivth demands additional ad adtional addi additional
tional cars carsThere carsSixth carsThere
Sixth There is not a foot of poor roadway roadwayto roa w y yt
to be traversed in reaching itIt it kIt itSeventh
Seventh It Itis is is in 1n direct commanicatica corlllllllti tioa with wfthWashingtons withVasbingtons
Washingtons most exclusive residential res residential residential ¬
idential section sectionThe sectionEighth sectionEighth
Eighth The population is made up o of > f lh lhgrade high highgrade higRgrade = ¬
grade business and professional professkxialmen professionalmC11thc professionalmenthe
men menthe the men you know know and andwant andwant d dwant
want want to have as neighbors neighborsIts neighborsNinth Ors OrsNinth
Ninth Its streets are macadamized ma adamized and its Ussidewalks itssidGwalks itssidewalks
sidewalks granolithic granolithicThe granollthicTenth granolithicTenth
Tenth The lkcdemand demand for suburban hones es M Mpreference iireference Hiprfef
preference prfef rence to city residences re es istCtiista9tly is isGQfista isfl
fl Gstaatiy < GQfista tiy increasing iocr demand demandmakes demaaclmakespcite demandmakprice
makprice makpricez makes makespcite grice
z r rY
Plats Prices and Particulars Particularsfrom PMticularsfrom Particularsfrom
> from fromTHOS fromT > 1 1FHOS
738 Fifteenth St St N W
v J
Continued from rage One OneWashington OneWas OneWashington
Washington Was lagUIL The Southern SIMIdIenIceaamenfat SIMIdIenIceaamenfatciu camoeccfsli camoeccfslictaba ces u orcial orcialdubs
dubs ciu and man will horavftar maintain matauctewtth maintainwith UIk1 UIk1wkk
with the neutral ground of WsMwg WsMwgas W Was Washiagtoa Washiagtoaas
as Its hdardluartecs kesdnoarter II 1 r DMtera a jreoagaada of eau eaucation e1a e1acatleaNerth eocatisnNorth
cation catleaNerth North iSast c ast Went H 7cst and abroad aaeoadorder abroadIn 6 6In
In order tint the tumeudow tr1 tJU uadeval nadoreloped uadevaloped 1iMtw8lopecI
oped resources resoufC eN < B of the South may be U aindarstood un understood Iderstood ¬
derstood and appredattd ia their f fall fallImportance 1IK 1IKfDtportaace K KhnporUiace
Importance without having h te overcome overcomeunreasonable overcomeuureaavnabte e euureu
unreasonable able and unreasoning prejudice pr prWe prejaieewe prejudiceWe
We know positively that suck a wttt wtttsttscained weIIsustaDe4 wellsustained
sustained effort e ort win be like the removal removalof
of aa obstacle from a river When the theobstacle Useobstacle
obstacle te removed fe removed1 natural laws do the therest tMreKtbe timerestthe
rest reKtbe the river BOWS 80 sows on onA OL OLproper onA
A proper understanding g of the South Southmeans SolItAmea Southmeans
means mea that natural laws Jaw win exert them themselves tJlemITes themselves
selves ITes upon men and upon money mane lead leading Itadbag leadlag ¬
bag to a fitting development of the great greatest grMtrestoa greateat ¬
est region in the United alted States in Its UscomblaatSoa Itseom Itscombination
combination eom of yeaourees When this thtegreatly tlds1leaUy thisgreatly
greatly desired de end is approximated taeawe then tJaeRwe thenwe
we shall have a greater nation for fwtloA no noBatkm nostloa
Batkm tloA is great commercially that is weak weakia weakki e JtiR
ia its most important part partValue PMtaloe partValue
Value aloe of Historic Unity UnityI
I am safe in asswti atihe ae o s that at t such 9bMOvemeat a amovement amovement
movement as this could not be launched launchedin IatNleb IatNlebIII launchedIn
in relation to any other shnttar area in inthe itthu inthe
the United U fted States The reasons are 0 his htetarfc 111tarIc histalc
talc A solidlficatkHi ot the South in inI IRicleaLcl Inideals
I ideals aad in iDt interests was brought l to toThe toJI3S top
JI3S p early Ia tile history oC tile 00 00Tile uneaThe
The States have been accustomed to tothinking taa tothiahl
thiahl thinking g ane aa acting tog togt Mr Jw This very verybabk verybit veryhabit
habit bit vt tboogoast tbo ssn 1IIDt et ba rogardsd lj W fMl by the therest ere therest
rest of the ceuntry as 9 A i issurancfi that tfeatia UtatSa thatis
ia this day when the of f the South Southquietly SOtItkq Soatihquietly
quietly q letl7 detormiae thai shall be be it itwill ItwU1 Itwill
will be When they ua j what has hashindered hasbiA hashindered
hindered biA them and beat he fj htedraaces htedraacescan lMinmcesen tindrancescan
can be removed their historic nutty of oiacUoa ofactJoa ofaction
action will positively remove the hindrancee hind hindrances Jdodrances ¬
rances rancesWe rancesWe ranceeWe
We have ha e not come f11 here ner to t benefit the theSouth theSouth theSouth
South at the expense fx nse l of t the t e N Xrth rth and andWest andest andKest
West est We hate rite merviv mep Flt t nme me here to
Maaagin dirtrtta Southern Cbc2ierdal Congress Congressbe OJ OJbe rtss rtssabe
abe be recently orcaed offices in Washfa Washloiton Washloitonproe > 2too 2tooiprove ttm ttmprove
prove to the t e whole nation that its ulti ultimate ultimate ultimate ¬
mate greatness depends upon a greater greaterSooth greaterSOutlL greaterSouth
Sooth We have come here to work for forj forthereeognden forthe
j the thereeognden recognition to which we are justly justlyentitled justlyeatltled justlyentitled
entitled We v want to attract atL ct not specu speculators specu1ators speculators ¬
lators but men It L Lc true that our en enterprises ent8QlteS enterprtses ¬
terprises many DNUl of them tb m need money moneybut moneybut moneybut
but but more H f n money we welcome men menof mOIlof menof
of goed purpese to Jive in the South Southwithout SouthwJtAout Southwithout
without fear and to Bring out of the theSouth theSouth theSouth
South ia an IDCreestn increasing measure its itsUBmatchate itsunmatdJa itsuamatdtablo
UBmatchate unmatdJa opportunities opportunitiesAccording opp opportunitiesAccording rtunltles rtunltlesAc
According Ac ording to Dr Koah KoCh tile tuRO tawons tawonsGerman fanmousGBmian s sGman
German savant the crocodile win faveto have hdeveto haveto
to 119 l e exterminated extnnln tEd from Africa before beforethe beforethe beforethe
the sleeping sickness can lie conquered conqueredas conquf > Ted Tedis
as the disease is i spread by bya a species sp les of ofthe orthe ofthe
the teetse fly which Vt l ch Is a parasite of o the tbesaurian thesaurian thesaurian
ewport News and Old Point Use Usein Linein I Iin
in Serious Trouble TroubleApplication Troubleppllcatlon TroubleApplication
Application Filed in InorfolJ Norfolk br Bal Baltimore Balthnore Baltimore
timore Trust Company TXHB TXHBtee Tr1lStee Trsstee
tee Under 3Iortfrasre 3Iortfrasreat JlortgaeFeD 3lortgaeBaidmose
Baidmose FeD 1aTJle Maryland iIfAQ1aaIITrwt MarylandTrust
Trust opay oC Maryland trustees t1uteeoC trusteesof
oC the general mart e smd Dr tb tbN theNewport
N Newport 1port NewS A Old Pt Railway ltaDwa7Eleetrle Railwayand
and Electric Compeer to secure seeareot Ehoie Ehoieof
ot i JC t ttJon bonds line aged as altpilca altpilcatios
tJon at Norfolk W olk Ta Va for the appointment spfMtxtmeatf F MtIt MtIto
o of > f a receiver to take charge of the prop propf propThe JnParty propThe
arty f
The petkiaper aOees that the tbeeIec railway railwaynd railwaycad
cad nd etectrie eIec eledtrI light properties haw e been beenlisaaasged beeagtI beenaged
lisaaasged gtI and aa that as a result of coytain cer certain certala ¬
tain transaction entered into by the theKgement ttaeIDIUIgo themaaegeroent
IDIUIgo Kgement t without the knowledge or ore wCOItSelit orconsent
consent e t of the trustees tin security of ofh ofthe ofthe
the h bonds would be impaired If these theseransttctJoos tbeeewere thesetmausaet
tmausaet ransttctJoos ou were alk allowed > wed to stand standFoHowin NMLP4Ilowiag standFollowing
FoHowin Following th the application of a re reeiv n nceler receirer
celer eiv r Alexander Brown Seas SoDs of Bai Baiimore Ba Batianore BaIt1IAore
t1IAore imore and Brawn Bros COw Ce of New NewYork NwYork NewYork
York York PhUadeiphm PidJ aDd
Boston Issued uedcaB a acall acar
call for deposit with them of the bonds bondsand boodsand bondsand
and and preferred stock that they way may be behi beIB bein
hi better position to protect ties Interests in interests Interests ¬
terestsThe terests terestsThe terestsThe
The bonds and preferred stock stocklargely are
largely held ekl ia Baltimore and aanounce aanouncemeat aIIDOUIKeIMDt nnnounement
meat that legal actioa against the man management managmeot n nagEWeRt ¬
agement of the company QOm had beeR taken takencaused takenCUl takencaused
CUl caused ecl lively Interest Int est in ftaaadaJ fln rfal cir circles elmdes ¬
cles des In their call for a a deposit of the thebonds tbeOIMi8 thebond
bonds and preferred stock the banking
houses say sayThe MyThe sayThe
The The Newport News and Old Point PotatRailway PointRaUwa PointRailway
Railway RaUwa and Electric Company fc the theowner thenwner theowner
owner of SKM iIi par value of the common com common COIDmon ¬
mon stock of the CiUsens Railway
Light Ad Power Company total issue issueS2W3v EQead issuez200t
S2W3v z200t > a9 > ad andA9 K ff par value of the stock stockof sttof stockof
of the Danville RaIlway aDd Electric Electricfompany Electrlefompany ElectricCompany
fompany total issue 2Jtep < which areheld are areheld areheld
held by the Maryland Trust Companytrustees Company Companytrustees
trustees as part of the collateral security securityfor securityfor
for the general genera mortgage mort bond boDdp of the theNewport theewport
Newport ewport News and Old Point Railway Railwayand Railwayand
and Electric Company CompanyWe CompanyWe
We e have been en informed t omtd that the theboard thoboard theboard
board of directors d edors of the Cttfaeas Bail Bailway Railway
way ay Light ad Power Company withoutthe without withoutf mtiloatthe
the f he knowledge or approval of the Mary Maryland Maryland ¬
land Trust Company trustee has purrhased par parchased
chased SKftCGO par value of the common commonstock COIRRIODstCCk c j jstock
stock of the Newport ewport News ws and Old Ptent PtentRailway PIoatPallway Pi mt mtRailway
Railway and Electric Company lid has hasissued hasissued
issued its note for S13MW therefor At Atthe Atthe
th the same time the Danville Railway cadElectric and andElectric
EI Electric tric Company without the knowledger knowledge
1 r rv > r approval of the Maryland Trust Com Company Cospany
pany trustee has purchased S23MM szsa 3Z 11E1 parvalue par parvalue para1ue I
value a1ue of the common stock of the New Newport Newport Newport ¬
port News and Old Point Railway RaIIW3TEleetrJc and andElectric andElectric
Electric Company Com and has issued its note notefor JMJtetor notefor
for 1 fl0000t mcO C therefor thereforWe theretotWe thereforwe
We are advised that If these trans transactions transactions transactions ¬
actions are permitted to stand they wHito wilt wiltto willto
to the extent of the said Iel notes impair impairthe ImpairtIle impairthe
the security seenrit of the general mortgagebonds mortgage mortgagebonds mortgagebond
bonds We We have baTe therefore thoreC < e requested requestedthe requestedthe requestedthe
the Maryland Trust Company Compaayon trustee trusteeon trusteeen
on behalf of the general mortgage bond bondholders 1JoRclho1f1ers bondhollers ¬
holders hollers to take such action as it may maydeem mide mydeem
deem m advisable to protect the interestsfthe interest interestof Iot65tor
of sfthe the general mortgage bondholders bondholdersWhile bondboWocsWnne bondholdersWhile
While the company has not defaulted defaaltedIn
In interest payment on the bonds wei weibelieve we webellee webelieve
believe it Is advisable for the above rea reasons reasons i isons
sons that r all holders of the general generalmortgage geoentImortgage generalmortgage
mortgage mortgage bonde promptly deposit thesame the thesame tilesame
same with us particularly In view of ofthe orthe ofthe
the fact that the managetnentwbfch raRaagemeat which Isresponsible Is Isresponsible Isresponsible
responsible for the transactions claims ciafeasto claimsto claimsto
to personally represent a large block of ofthese orthese ofthese
these bonds bondsOwing bondsOwing bondsOwing
Owing to the fact ad that these bonds bondswere bondswere bondsvere
were originally placed by us 11 it Is our ourintention OWintention ourIntention
intention to pay all counsel CGln 1 aad other otherexpenses otherexpenses otherexpenses
expenses properly chargeable to bondholden bond boadholdets beDC1holde
holde holdets In this connection co nectlea and BO de depositor dor de depositor ¬
positor will assume any SUI financial obliga obligation eWigaUon obligation ¬
tion to us by reason r n of such depositan deposit depositAn depositAn
An extensive deposit of coal CM on the thealand tbflIsland theIsland
Island of Spitzbergen which wh ch lies within withinbe wltblnthe withinthe
the be Arctic Cieele Is being developed with withAjaerlcan withJ withamerlcan J
AmerIcan capital capitaLI
I f
Eleventh Prices are actually lower lower than in inany inany inany
any other similar suburb in the thecountry thecountry thecountry
country countryTwelfth countryTw countryTwelfth
Twelfth Tw lftlt The continuous sale of lots daring daringthe daringthe duringthe
the financial depression is a sure sureindication sureindication sureIndication
indication of the th staple valueThirteenth value valueThirteenth ue ueThirteenth
Thirteenth It Itisjthe 5the isthenSuburb Suburb Beautiful BeautifulFourteenth Bea Beaut1f tiful tifulF u1 u1FOurteenthChev
Fourteenth F FOurteenthChev urteenth Chevy C evyChas > Chase J D DC C C is supplied suPP p lied with wththe withthe vtththe
the citys ci s water and andsewera andsewerasystCn sewera sewerasystem sewerage seweragesystem
system systemFifteenth systCn systCnFifte systemFifteenth
Fifteenth Fifte nth The route to it lies liesl1roughtbe trough the he best bestr bestpart bestpart
r part of the theDistrictthere District Districtther there is no nosection nos nosection
section s on of inferior houses to passthrougl pass passthrough passthroug
through throughSixteenth througlix1eeAth througlSb
Sb Sixteenth lix1eeAth teenth Great care is taken by b the Chevy ChevyChase ChevyChase Cher CherChase
Chase Land Company to limit thepurchase the thepurchase thepurchase
purchase purchase of lots lo for speculative speculativepurposes speculativepurposesth speculativepurposesthey
purposes purposesth sestli they are for homesSeventeenth homes homesSeventeenth homesSeventeenth
Seventeenth Every house in 1n the suburb may be belighted belighted belighted
lighted with electricityEI electricity electricityEighteenth electricityEighteenth
Eighteenth EI hteentti Chevy Che Chase Ch se Maryland 1aI land is equipped equippedwith equippedwith ed edwith
with a modern water works is ks and andsewerage aoosewerage andsewerage
sewerage system systemNineteenth systemNineieentIt systemThe
I Nineteenth The continuous sale of lots during duringthe duringthe during g gthe
the winter even when snow was wason wason wason
on the ground shows the demanddemand demand demanddernand
1 dernand demand makes price priceTwentieth priceTwentieth priceTwentiethLand
TwentiethLand Twentieth Land values in any any section of the theational theN theNational
N National ational Capital mast increase increaseand iocrease iocreaseand increaseand
and this is the best section
Comfortable ComfortableUUQUpto
UUQUpto Uptodate UptodateIs date 1 L LIs
Is Ready for YouCome YoeCome You Youorne
Come orne Out Today and See It Itand Itand I Iand
and bring your our friends friendsto
to the theighesf theHighest theHighest
Highest ighesf Point in Washington WashingtonFOURTEEN WashingtollFOURTEEN WashingtonFOURTEEN
FOURTEEN ATTRACTIVE NEW HOMES con containing containing contaming ¬
taining 6 i and 8 rooms and large reception hall with withevery withevery withevery
every convenience for your comfort Pretty combinations combinationsin
in selected woodwork woodwork Modern rodem plumbing and fixtures fixturesBest fixturesBest fixturesBest I
Best steam heating plant Deep lot to wide paved alley alleygiving aileygiving alleygiving
giving giving abundance of light and air and admitting plenty of ofsun o osun ofsun
sun Sample house No o II Rhode Island ave ne just justeast jnsteast justeast
east of N Cap st stPrice stPrice st stPrice
Price 4750300 4750 300 Cheaper CheaperThan Than Anything AnythingElse AnythingElse AnythingElse
Else in This Beautiful LocalityOffered Locality LocalityOffered LocalityOffered
Offered Exclusively by byTHOS byTHOS
738 15th Street N W
Hands Handshut Handsbut Randsbut
in Formers
Supply SeppI Larger Lar er
but Quality Inferior InferiorNew InferiorNew InferiorNew
of ofBWso orEInlSOltg oflardso
New York Jan 3S A Binfeons
BWso EInlSOltg g Brothers has just st t retarned retarnedfrom retarnednMD returnedtrot
from a thorough nMI canvass csv ss of tre tt tr c peanut peanutterritory p AButterrttoy peanutterritory
territory ia Virginia v ad North CaroMaa CaroMaaGivia CaroIIDalag CaroNaaGiving
Givia Giving lag the results of his observathnis vatl RG he hesiid heS besaid
said yesterdayOur yesterday yesterdayOur yesterdaYOw
Ow Our fis SigWres res show s that t thou lc is SM In Inerease merease lscrease
erease of 1 1t t te 13 1S per cent C nllt in Uw tikioC nwMbw nwMbwof amnbrof
of bags of farmers farmers f s necauts nec ts ever last lastyears lastyears lastears
b wt t the farmers stock this thisseason t1115seuon
y years ears crop cr P
season yseason is of very Inferior quality and aD4weigh tidal jftilweigh tidalweigh
weigh less per l bag g than any previous iMreviowcrop prevtoufuop previoustrap
ftgwes ftgweshow sgaressibow fS fSIao
crop e EWer er grown So white our
sibow how Iao as aa Increase mcr In the number DtI r of bags bagsof bagsof
of farmers peanuts here Will be very verylittte veo11tUe verylittle
littte if aay increase In th tM number of ofpounds ofpouROO ofpounds
pounds over the previous cop cropThe copTIle copThe
The The farmers harvc harvested rv ted thpte tItoI es crop cropmuch cropMach cropmuds
much earUer lAst fall than usual usuai aid s > 4d the thenuts thenuts thenUts
nuts were W ooe not well matured when whenaad who dims dimsand flUb flUbaDd <
aDd after they had been d dug s aDd shocked shockedthe sheckedthe shockedthe
the fields AeI of both Virginia aril NorthCaroina North NorthCarolina onh onhCcoUD
Carolina were visited b by ay a lo long g season seasonof E Eor seasonof
of rainy aDd hot weatbw which damaged damageda aJGa eQ eQJargejercentage
a large Jargejercentage percentage of the crop cro and and It Is Isfor I Ifor Ifor
for this reason that the farmers fa goods goodsthis gOOftstJaJs goodsthis
this year jeer are so very light In weight Jat an1 an1of an1of andof
of such Inferior quality Wh When n tv we e soy soythat SOYthat soythat
that the nuts were daroacod dama ed we e mean meanthat meanthat meanthat
that the rain turned turn the shell sh ll of the nut nutblack 1Iutblack nutblack
black and when they tbe are in this condi condition condition condldon ¬
tion they eannot pe > e used for handpicked bandpickedpeanuts bnOOplckedpeanuts handpickedpeanuts
peanuts but only for shelling purposes purpospsBy purposesBy
ttBy By actual test wg we w find that the farm farmers farmers ¬
ers peanuts this season will only yield yieldabout yledabout
about 41 per cent of o handpicked hand lcked andjumbo and andJumbo
Jumbo grades which Is due to the inte inferior interior Inffrk ¬
rior Quality of the goods while the per percentage IHrcenta percentage ¬
centage centa e of bandpicked jumbos ia pre previous pI pIvtoGs prevents ¬
vents crops has been as hick as 1C jer jercent lercent tercent
cent and a crop that will yield 60 y per percent percent percent
cent of these grades may be considered consideredas
as of average quality qualityAbout quaUtyAbout qualityAbout
About 4 4t ser > er cent of the crop era In Virglula Vir Virginia 1r 1rglnla ¬
ginia now remains in the farmers hands handswhile Aandwbl1e handswhile
while in North Carolina which is the thetersest Ute UtepeaIlutproduQing thelargest
tersest peanutproducing State in the theUnited thernJtoo thetnlted
United States only about 10 I to li per percent percent percent
cent of their crop remains In the farmers farmerspossession Cannerspos farmerspossession
possession pos 1on The rest of the goods have havebeea hlV9been havebeen
been marketed
r t t H 1r Z H HA
A n nOpportunity 0
Opportunity t tTO t
5200 i iO lam lam52OO
t tt I
Fall 3story concrete cellar s slarge Slarge e eiarge
large rooms tiled bath hotwater hotwaterheat hotwaterheat i iheat +
heat plenty of large closets The Thehouse Thehouse ij
house was built b ttt to sell for for7ooa r + 5
57000 57000Act 7ooa 7ooaAct
Act at once onCe if you wish a bargain bargainThos gain
Thos J Fisher 5f Co CoIncorporated CoIncorporated f fIncorporated + f
Incorporated J
738 15th St NW NWJames N W
+ o or oJames
r 1 1amen
James amen L Parsons ParsonsContradtor
1 1Contra rontra
Contradtor Contra ontra tor or an anBuilder and andBuilder andBuilder
616 Union Trust Building BuildingWASHINGTON BuildingVSHINGTON BuildingWASHINGTON
Phone M1549 JL L 1649 1649Largest 1649est
f fLargest
Largest est Morning Circulation Girculatioi

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