OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, January 18, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-01-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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Ballinger Denies Charges ChargesMade ChargesMade ChargesMade
Made by Hitchcock Hitchcocki HitchcockFUNDS Hitchco HitchcockFUNDS k kFUNDS
Secretary Admits a Part of Alle Allegation Allegation Allegation ¬
gation Is True TrueLEGAL TrueLEGAL TrueLEGAL
Discussing Attack Made Upon His HisAdministration HisAdministration hisAdministration
Administration of the General GeneralLand GeneralLand GeneralLand
Land Office Offic by Nebraska Member Memberof
of Congress Urging c c New NewProbe NewProbe NewProbe
Probe the Cabinet Official Ex Explains Explains Lxplains
plains that Extravagance and Fa FaVoritism Favoritism Pavoritism
Voritism voritism Were Not Practiced PracticedBallinger PracticedEallinger
Ballinger Appointed by Garfield GaxfieldIt GarfieldIt
It is an unclean malicious and andstudied andstudied andstudied
studied lie said Secretary Ballin Ballinger Ballinger Baum Baumger ¬
ger last night in egard to the thecharge thecharge thecharge
charge of Representative Hitch Hitchcock lIitchcock Hitchcock ¬
cock madeT made niadebefore Defore > eforc a committee of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the House yesterday that thtthe t1 the posi position position position ¬
tion of special inspector of offices officeswas officeswas offieswas
was created in order that Jack Bal Ballinger Ballinger Ballinger ¬
linger might return home to Seattle Seattleat Seattleat
at the expense of the government governmentIn
In the first place Jack Ballinger
is is not my my nephew but a cousin cousin sev several several several ¬
eral times removed added the Sec Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
retary and in the second place I Ihad Ihad Ihad
had retired from the position of ofCommissioner ofCommissioner ofCommissioner
Commissioner i the General Land LandOffice LandOffice LandOffice
Office and been relieved of all du duties duties duties ¬
ties when he left Vashington WashingtonAlleged VashingtonAlJcJccl VashingtonAlleged
Alleged MLfiise of Fonda FondaRepresentative Fund FundRepre1entaUve iondllRepresentative
Representative Hitchcock made specific specificcharges apeclltcharges spcIflccharges
charges of extravagance and favoritism favoritismin 1Lvoritlamin
in in the Land Office during the Ballinger Ballingerregime BaJUl1ltrregime BallingerregimeS
regime and he used the ease oC young youngBallinger youngBalUnger yowgBallinger
Ballinger as a striking etrlk example of al alleged alleged a aleged ¬
leged misuse mtiua of appropriations appropriationsThere aJJpropd aIprowatkeThere
There Is I just enough t truth in what whatthe watthe w1tth
the th Representative v8 from Nebraska N8 sal salt 11 11bhAng MtR
t bhAng tR < > hang a JL story on explained Secretary SecretaryBallinger SeeretuyHai1inger SecretaryLaflinger
Ballinger When hen I was appointed to the theposition theIosition theposition
position of Commissioner llclloDer of the General GeneralLand GeneralLand GeneralLand
Land Office by President Roosevelt R withthe with withthe withthe
the understanding that the ofllce was to tobe tole toie
be reorganised I was not personally aUy ac acquainted ace acuainted ¬
e quainted uainted with any ay officers or clerks el rtr in the theLand theLand
Land Office and desired to tove toave iav as a aconfidential aonMenUaI anMenl
confidential clerk or secretary some one onewhom onewhom onewhom
whom I knew J H Balttnger BaI was wa ap appointed aprointed appointed ¬
pointed to an excepted position under an anExecutive anExeutlve
Executive EXtcuUe order ord r issued by President Presidentlioosevelt PresidentJOOS4W President1ooaeveIt
lioosevelt JOOS4W 1t so he might serve as my con confcdenUal co coft1pnUal conft1nUal
fcdenUal secretary secretaryThe PeCretaryThe secretaryThe
The alleged charge eh e that Law Clerk ClerkVright Clerkright ClerkWright
Wright right was demoted to make room for forMr forIr forMr
Mr Ir Ballinger its I false The reduction in intiucstion intlup InI
tlup tiucstion I uPtiOn tion was made in connection eo ne < tlon with withthe wlthth withthe
th the reorganisation lEorgantu ft of the law board and anddf andIf and1sgned
df If 1sgned gned to obtain a more active man for fortip fortP forte
tip arduous duties attached to that po position poE potiifl ¬
sition E ltin Judge Wright through th h advanced advancedi
i < he was nearly eighty eight years old and amifoiling andi1 andfi
foiling i1 fling health having become beo l physically physicallydisqualified physically1S1IlaUfl phyaleallydisIualltld
disqualified 1S1IlaUfl to perform perf nn his duties dutiesReceived dutiesU dutiesIt
Received U cclTCC Much Consideration ConsiderationJ
J II IL Ballinger was not appointed to totie totie totP
tie position held by Judge Wright nor norwas norwas norw1s
was he ever a member of thejboard of oflaw ofla ofuw
law la uw w review rele To the contrary the va vacancy vaanoy ft ftn ¬
cancy anoy < n caused by Judge Wrights Wrfcht demo demotion demotion demotiwi ¬
tion was filed Ued by the appointment of ofJudge ofJudge ofJudge
Judge Gray then chief of a division divisionJudge divisionJudge divisionJudge
Judge Wright and his family famU received J elved the theutmost thet1tmost theutmost
utmost consideration conalcl raUon at my hands handsMr handMr handsMr
Mr Ballinser Bl lInger never served as an in inspertor insppctor inspettor
spertor of the General Land Office On OnJuly OnJ Onp
p July J Jul Illy 3 1908 he was detailed to field duty dutyto dut dutto dutyto
to inspect local land offices and served servedunder iefVooUntlfr erveduniler
under that detail until September 14 IMS IMSiv 1tOS 1tOSwwn 1S 1Shen
iv wwn hen he h resigned r slgned Mr Ballingers detail detailind detailnd detailo1
o1 ind nd service in the fleW began four months monthsafter montMalter monthsafter
after I left l t the office of Commissioner CommissionerThe
The charge that the
that erection of a acrfain afrialn afrfa1n
crfain large brick chimney chlmn y for a land landoffice landoffice landoffire
office at considerable expense it is as asfumed ufllmfd asrumed
fumed relates to the
construction of ofIIfW a arew a aiew
rew stack for the heating hetln apparatus for forthe fortllf fortIr
the Interior Department buildings The Thetl The111fgatlOft TheiUegation
tl 111fgatlOft legation that this stack was U paid 1d for
without warrant ot of law ltw and out of the theIOOO
1000000 appropriation for protecting protec the thelubIlc the thejublic he hepublic
public lands is ridiculously false fal e for it itv Jtwas
4 v was as erected pursuant unUDt to a specific appro appropriation applo apploIriation appioyriation ¬
priation made for that purpose by Con Congress Congrcss Congreis ¬
gress In the act of August t S 5 1909 1909Canteen 19O1ConbrclCi 39O 39OCongreas
Canteen Wa Vn aN Cognizant CognizantThe CogonlzulltThe CognlzanThe
The allegation aJleg Uon that improper use ua or ofthe orth orthe
the th 1000000 appropriation occurred In b the theemployment thet theempinyment
employment t of eighty additional clerks clerksls clerksl
ls l equally ridiculous because the appro appropriation approrlatlon appropriatlon ¬
priation rlatlon for protecting public lands act actof actCJt actJr
of Jr March larch 4 1909 appropriated 51000000 to toContinued toJ toContJnuecl toContinued
Continued on Pn PnJre ro 4 1 Column COhll Ul 5 5HUGHES lJHUGHES f fHUGHES
Done with Politics After Expiration Expirationof
of Governorship He Says SaysGov SaysGov SaysGov
Gov Hughes of New York reached reachedWashington reftcbedWashington reachedWashington
Washington lost 1 t night to attend tho con conference oonterence conrerence ¬
terence of governors before which hlch body
he will make an address tomorrow tomorrowAsked tomorrowAsked tomorrowAsked
Asked if it Ms Is true that he intends to toretire tofftire toretire
retire to private life Uf at the expiration expirationof
Y of his present term Gov Hughes said saidThat laidThat saidThat
That statement is absolutely ab correct correctI correctr
I i shall resume re umB the practice of law when whenI whenleave
I leave the th executive ofllce ofllceWhat o ofliceWhat lce lceWhat
What about the Republican nomina nominations nominations nominaLions ¬
tions for the Presidency In 1 Ifl IflI 13 13I 12 12I
I can only say T in reply to that ques question qUHtion question ¬
tion that I Intend to resume the practice practiceof practlcoot practiceof
of law when I retire as governor governorConsult 8OvernorCnltult governorCnnult
Consult tlte < hc Floral Arbiter Arbiterebout Arbiternbout Arbltcrabout
about floral work Blackistone nth H
Hon Hannis Taylor in Elaborate Opinion Holds Holdsthe Holdsthe Holdsthe
the Retrocession Was Clearly Illegal Illegaland Illegaland Illegaland
and Unconstitutional UnconstitutionalVas v vWas
Was Vas the act of July 9 1846 under which the County of Alexandria Alexandriathen Alexandriathen Alexandriathen
then in the District of Columbia was receded to the State of Virginia Virginiaunconstitutional Virginiaunconstitutional Virginiaunconstitutional
unconstitutional unconstitutionalHon unconstitutionalHon s sHon
Hon Hannis Taylor former Minister to Spain and a constitutional constitutionallawyer constitutionallawyer constitutidnallawyer
lawyer of distinction has prepared an n elaborate opinion o inion on this subject subjectwhich subjectwhich subjectwhich
which was presented to the Senate yesterday in which he holds h l s that the theretrocession theretrocession theietro
retrocession ietro ession was clearly illegal and unconstitutional unconstitutionalIf
hf If the retrocession to Virginia is to stand he says then the lanD lantlunderlying lanDunderlying landunderlying
underlying the Capitol the White House and the Treasury belongs belongseither bclongeither belongeither
either to Maryland 11arland or the local proprietors to whom it was granted grantedThe grantedlhe grantedThe
The nation can only be protected against that result by a judgment of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Supreme Court of the United States declaring the tl e act of retrocession retrocessionof
of 1846 to o be null and void raid id
Complete Anwer Found FotinuWhat FouniIWhat FoundWhat
What Is the remedy remadyTho r remedyThe m6d 1 1Tho
Tho complete answer ho says 1 Is to tobe tobe toho
be found in t the opinion of the Supreme SupromsCourt supromeCourt SupremeCourt
Court in the cajre can cue of The United States vs vsTexas VBTexas vsTexas
Texas M3 U S i 621W9 6l In which It was washeld washeld washeld
held that the Supreme Court can undor undorthe undorthe underthe
the Constitution take cognizance or of an anoriginal anorlstl anoriginal
original suit brought hy the United States Statesagainst StateaS1lhwt Statesagainst
against A State Stat to determine the bound boundary boundary boundary ¬
ary between b8 ween one of the Torrltorles and andsuch andsuch andsuch
such State that the Supreme Court has hasJurisdiction hasjurlsdleUon hasjurisdiction
Jurisdiction to determine a disputed ques question qUeIUon question ¬
tion of boundary between the United UnitedStates UnltooState UnitedStates
States and a State that a suit in equity equitybegun 6qultyb equitybegun
begun b un In the Supreme Court Is appropri appropriate appropriate appropriate ¬
ate for determining a boundary bou r between betweenthe betweenthe betweenthe
the United States and ono of the States StatesHe Statene StatesHe
He quotes from the opinion rendered renderedin rendered renderedIn renderedIn
in this case and says that it solves solvesevery solvesevery solvesevery
every problem that can possibly po s1tly arise in inan InAJt Inan
an original suit between the United States Statesand Statesand Statesand
and Virginia YIlXln as to the boundaries of the theDistrict theDistrict thetistr1ct
District of Columbia ColumbiaAct ColumbiaAct Columb4aAct
Act of 1840
His opinion as to the uneonstltutlonallty uneonstltutlonalltyof
of the retrocession Is ba based ed upon up n the con contention cOntention contetIon ¬
tention that the act of ISM broke a quad quadrilateral quadrilateral quadrilaterni ¬
rilateral contract entered into on the theone thtORe theone
one hand by the United State and on the theother tbeother theother
other by b Virginia Ylr nla Maryland and the thenineteen tbenineteen thenineteen
nineteen local propertyowners In Wash Washington Wuhh WashIngton ¬
ington ingtonThe h IngtonThe ton tonThe
The United States through throu h the act of ofCongress ofCo ofCongress
Congress Co of July 10 1790 pasted under underthe underthe underthe
the constitutional mandate agreed reed that thatthe thattbe thatthe
the District Dt trl District t so defined limited and nd lo located located 10cated ¬
cated sh aha be deemed the District ac accepted aceepted accepted ¬
cepted by this act for the permanent permanentseat permanentseat permanentseat
seat of the governnfent of the United UnitedState UnitedStat UnitedStates
State StateEach Stat StatEach StatesEach
Each of the three grantor in consid consideration consld61att considOtMion ¬
eration 61att n of that stipulation made 8 for the thebenefit theben thebOneilt
benefit ben ftt of each each through tll rou which alone alDn e the theiticte thetio
iticte tit tio t to the who whole eouW be made m perfect perfectentered n perfestentered f8Dt f8DtMt
entered Mt red into the qeadrilaterarcontriet qdrilateral ontrkt in inqtMtfo Inq inquestion
question qtMtfoIt q questionIt n nIt
It is elementary in the law of con contracts co cotracts cootracts ¬
tracts tracts he says ay that when two or more moreinstruments moreinstruments moreInstruments
instruments are recorded at the same time timeor timeor timeor
or at different times tI which relate to the thesame tbeIAIM thesame
same subject matter and one refers to tothe totbe tothe
the other either tacitly or exprearty expreartythey expr expremlythey Rly Rlythey
I they will be taken together elher and construed construedas eon truedone
as one instrument instrumentMnrylnndH instrumentJlnryJnncl InstrumentMnry1nntls
MnrylnndH Right RightMaryland nl RightMaryland ll t tlalylMd
Maryland he says has ba a a perfect perfectright perfeetrigi1t perfectright
right to claim of the United States by byreason byrBLlOft byreason
reason of the reciaton of the original originalquadrilateral ori originalquadrilateral tnal tnalqlMCtrllateral
quadrilateral agreement al ment the return of ofevery ofIvery ofevery
every foot of land cefled cei oo by her and now nowembraced no noembraced nowembraced
embraced within the present prt limits of ofthe oftheDistrict the theDistrict theDwtnct
District DistrictThat DwtnctThat DistrictThat
That right Maryland can enforce in ar anoriginal aror I Ioriginal
original or nal suit against t the United States in inthe Inthe inthe
the Supreme Court under the authority authoritylaid authoritylaid authoritylaid
laid down in the case of The United States Statesvs Statesvs Statesvs
vs Texas TexasThat TexasThat TexasThat
That great ease ea e he h says sys IJ refuted refutedmost refutedlnotJt refutedmost
most emphatically the contention made madeby madeb madeby
by b Senator Hoar in the Senate on April
11 1802 100z 19G that the retrocession wa 10 a po political poJllical p0ilhical ¬
litical and not a judicial question and andwas andwas andwas
was settled by the political authorities authoritiesalone authoritiesalone authoritiesalone
alone competent to decide it itThe ItThe it itThe
The Supreme Court in the case in inquestion InqU Inquestion
question qU iUon decided that it cannot with withpropriety withpropriety withpropriety
propriety bo said that a question of ofboundary ofboundar ofboundary
boundary boundar between a Territory of the theUnited theUnited theUnited
United States and one of the States of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Union is of a political p0litiaI nature jfnd not notsusceptible oot8U8CepUble notsusceptible
susceptible of judicial determination by bya bya bya
a court having jurisdiction jurl dieUon of such a con controversy controversy n ntroversy ¬
Constitutional Con tltutlonnl DIamlntc DIamlntcThe UnnclntetiThe IandateThe
tiThe The constitutional constitution mandate that re requires requires requires ¬
quires the President to take care that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the laws be faithfully executed compels compelshim compelsnitn compelshim
him to ascertain ueertqi and determine the limits limitsof limitsor limitsof
of territory dver over which they are to be beenforced boenforced hoenforced
enforced enforcedAnd enforcedAnd enforcedAnd
And in conclusion he says saysIn sajSIcletenlt saysInddersinli
In Icletenlt Inddersinli kienaiaio nil d qtMttana II of boundary whether whetherfftrafcM betherfeis4 er erfllAllwM
fftrafcM feis4 or deneatk the ifrfOatlw tn Utto country countryto cuuJ intry intryh r rIi
to iwMd 4sd in the ExecHth EXeclltifoeaeUwg zsstie setteg loDe While AVhHche Whilete Whilehe
he jr aId firiM rile with 1th OoflgMM L greM a a4 to the tep3 be benmjr hema hiy
nmjr ma y take in ascertaining a ltg boundaries while execut executing executbig executhag ¬
big the ktwa Iaw within the same SlIme the ft President cannot cannotMrreader caMOteanender canmtisuTeuder
Mrreader hfc h esehuire power to McerUta what they
are area
As A a pnctiMl wactkai HhutttUon if la this matter Uw UwPrwJfont errMmt thePreiMcnt
PrwJfont betferea that Virginia kgtna I in lawful DOS DOSKMton loOIior oe oeeiioa
KMton of that portion of the District described in inUe InUte Snthe
Ue act a of 16 1m 15W it it hi hk cwmitutioual duty to totake tot totake
take t are ie that the laws be faithfully executed executedin
in that area ar regardksa r rdlf e of any ooutrary opinion opinionthe 0IJ J1onthe oinionthe
the ksiatetfw department of the gorenuaent t might mightentertain mifhte mightMltitain
entertain e tertain Oft the subject ubcL He oouItl wM hold no oUter oUterTtetr G4MrtJlfIlJt otherview
view without tJlfIlJt abdicating the independence j ind poence ef f the theexeeutivw t theexecutive e eexeeutlw
executive power f is the execution of the laws It Itis ItII ftii
is II howrrcr owrTtr in my bumble judgment a cam ae in inwhich 18wIdeh Inirhid
which there thr gfaotild ou1d l lie < e friendly consultation ut1tatSo between betweenthe hetweoetIJe betwee betweethe
the esecntlw and tegMatire departmenU firtrnmts firtrnmtshi rtmenu became becamein beeallMin
in the event of a recovery in u tb Supreme Court Courtl CourtConree
I Gowns l would no o doubt be called upon to pass passof at atai 55 55a
ai i a bill of md indeeusity t a WOtIId reI reileys e Vin Vin6f Virginia Virginiar
of r ay aceouaUbilltr for rerenues eI1IIN derived from f im the thearea tM111ft thearea
area hi qneaUon oft daring du sg her de facto occnpatioA occnpatioAGoes OCCI1ptialtGOCR ocxmpti ocxmptiGoes
Goes in the Record RecordSenator RecorlSonator RecordSenator
Senator Carter in presenting the elabo elaborate elaborate elaborate ¬
rate brief written at his request by Mr MrTaylor MrTnlor MrTaylor
Taylor asked ajid nd was granted unanimous unanimousconsent unanimouseoni6nt unanimousconsent
consent to have It printed in the Record Recordand Recordand Recordaid
and also as a Senate Satiate document He said saidThe saidThe
TIe The subject is I of absorbing interest to the theet people peopleBf peopleif
Bf the District DIetrI and as will surely M1 J1 challenge ciaal the atten attention aUeDtiDR atteeLion ¬
Lion ef the country e with ith constantly tOIIttAutl incmufog i g force forceas foItCall
as 8 the growth of the Federal dtjr and UK thehi expand expanding llIl nd ndIn
ing hi needs ef f the Ut government MffllMe rnent t demonstrate more fully fullythe fllll fillythe
the wisdom of President t Wwhinstoe W and Ms IdsJatJ1W5 ideIaSxsuis eo eoktxNws
ktxNws in arise xIwg the District lines as eriswolly eriswollymarlad erigiwaflymkd Jr JrmarMd
marMdTo mkdTo marlad marladTo
To the United States gweruaeat the subject k ef efCoittlnuctl efontlll11el ofContInued0n
Coittlnuctl ContInued0n on Page 3 Column 4 4Mri 4Mr4 1 1lrll
Mri lrll Elsie Sigel Dead DeadNew DCIHINew DeadNew
New York Y rk Jan 17 iLMrs Mrs Irs Elsie Sige Sigewidow SigelIdo Sigewidow
widow Ido of Gen Franz Sigel died to tonight tolIght tonight ¬
night at the home of her h r daughter daughterMrs daughterMrs daughterMrs
Mrs Lelia Lell Schehl 1030 Simpson street streetthe street streetthe streetthe
the Bronx Mrs Irs Sigel has bo bon n ill since sincethe sincetbe sincethe
the death of her husband six years ears ago agowhen agowhen agowhen
when she had a stroke of orparal ofparaysLs paralysis sls For Forthe Forthe Forthe
the last two weeks her condition had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been growing steadily worse
For the District Districtf f Columbia ColumbiaMaryland ColumbiaIaryland ColumbiaMaryland
Maryland and Virginia irginiaRain irginiaRainand Rain Rainand
and warmer today tomorrow tomorrowfair tomorrowfair tomorrowfair
fair and colder brisk possibly possiblyhigh po posib1yhigh bly blyhigh
high southerly winds shifting to tonorthwesterly tonorthwesterly tonorthwesterly
northwesterly by tonight tonightHERALD tonightHERALD tonightHERALD
Pnjreii PnlreaIBa1l1n Pagea1Ballinger
1 IBa1l1n 1Ballinger Balilnper er Gives the Lie LieCivic LieCivic LieCivic
Civic Federaum Cheers Pinehot PinehotHannis PlnchotHllnnls PinohotHannis
Hannis Taylor on Recession RecessionGov RocSfllonGov RecessionGo
Gov Go Swanson on Income Tax TaxJohn TaxJohn TaxJohn
John R Walsh Still Hopeful HopefulRepublicans HopefuLRepublicans HopefulRepublicans
Republicans War on Democrat Democrat3Many Dlmocratl3Many Democrats3Many
3Many Governors Reach City CityJROOelt City3Roosevelt
1 JROOelt Roosevelt Ends African Hunt Hut4Thoatls Hunt4Theaters
4 4Thoatls 4Thoatls5Soelety 4Theaters3Society Theaters
6 5Soelety Society and Personals PersonalsBoard PersonalsBoard PersonalsBoard
Board of Trade Meets MeetsEditorials Meots5Edltorials MeetsEdttorla1s
5Edltorials 5Edltorials7In Editorials Edttorla1s7In
7 7In In World of Women WomenSSportin WomenSSporting WomanSSporU
SSportin SSportinAmbassador SSporUAmbuAdor SSportingsAmbassador
Ambassador Nabuco Pas Passes os Away AwayLoan AwarrLOAn AwayLoan
Loan Sharks Are Flayed FlayedIfDaily FIII Flayed1DhIy oQ oQIDaIl
IfDaily IDaIl Court Record Record11Markets RecordlllIark RecordUMarkets
11Markets 11MarketsISMuniclpal lllIark UMarkets12Municipal e s sIlunlclpal
ISMuniclpal Architect Alarmed AlarmedLIBERALS AlarmedLIBERALS AlarmedLIBERALS
Bl UNIONIST GAINS GAINSMinisterial GAINSMil1isterialMajoriy QAISMinisterial
Ministerial Mil1isterialMajoriy Majority of 100 100Now 100N 100NOw
Now N w Predicted PredictedLondon lI PiedictedIndon edicted edictedL
London L Jan 17 liA A further net gfcJn in of offourteen olfourteen offourteen
fourteen Unionist lnl nist seats in the Howw of ofCommons ofCommons ofCommons
Commons is the result of todays poll polling pollleg ¬
leg In the general neral election electionIt electionIt
It tends to show that the th Liberals will willhave willhave 111 111have
have a aworJdng working majority with the aid aidof aidof aidof
of their Labor and Socialist allies al t while whiledisregarding whiledlsreardIng hUe hUedreprdln
disregarding dreprdln the Nationalist NaUoaaJwtThe NationalistsThe NationalistThe
The popular vote ote today again shows shewsthe sbowstbe showsthe
the unfortunate position of the Unionists UnionistsThe enlonlltlThe UnionistsThe
The latter polled a a total of 106000 009 votes votesagainst voteagainst vote voteagainst
against 51TOM 51 S1T for the Liberals Laborites LaboritesNationalists LahorlteaNationaUau LaboritesNationalists
Nationalists and Socialists combined combinedand combinedand combinedand
and yet th the Unionists won only forty fortyeight fortJeight fortyeight
eight seats lI while their opponents cap captured captured captured ¬
tured flftysix ftftyslxIncludl I IIncluding I IIncluding
Including Includl todays toda elections and ignor ignoring Ignoring nor ¬
I ing the contested case cases the strength of ofthe oft oftte
the t rival parties In the new ne newParliament newParliamenttliIis Parliament Parliamenttlius arltamentI
I tlius UlU far is as a follows followsLiberate foUoWILiberals followsLiberals
Liberals 78 Laborites 1 Ii and National Nationalists XaUooalIits Nationallets ¬
lets 13 This gives ive tho government so ernment coali coalition eottllHon coalltion ¬
tion a a total of MS Ii 1O as opposed toffS tot tJ for fortho forthe forthe
the Unionists As a onethird of the mem members members momhors ¬
bers are now no chosen a ministerial ma majority JDAjodt majority ¬
jority jodt of fully l 1tO 0 seems > assurd assurdCalled U8unlCnllc assurdCalled
Called Cnllc American 1t VnlKnr VnlKnrSteadraan YohnrSteadman nIgnr nIgnrSteadmaa
Steadraan Laborite was defeated by byMaJ bylIAj byMaj
MaJ ArcherShee whose wife is a daugh daughter dau daughter h hter ¬
ter of Alfred Pell of New York Stead Steadman Steadman Steedman
man said during durln the campaign camPftI that the theonly tbeonly theonly
only recommendation that MaJ Archer ArcherShee ArcherShea ArcherShee
Shee had was that he had married an anAmerican anAmerIcan anAmerican
American lady and you OU know the a amighty al almlrhty aimighty
mighty dollar is very good goodI
I have been en on the continent at athotels atbotel athotels
hotels he added with these Americans Americansand Amerleanslind Americansand
and I am told that they t1le are s A low and andvulgar andvulpr andvulgar
vulgar lot Because ecause they havo dollars dollarsthey dollarsthe dollarsthey
they the think they can rule the world with withtheir withtholr withtheir
their wealth wealthThis 1e wealthThis lth lthThis
This speech caused CIlu d much Indignation Indignationand IndlsnatlonBnd
and Steadman n was defeated by a
major majority majorIty majority ¬
ity of Of 031 i whereas he carried the same samedistrict sarnodistrict samedistrict
district In 1908 by b S71 S71All Ii IiAll 7 7All
All members of the late ministry who whowere whowore whowere
were voted oted for today retained their theirseats theirseats theirseats
seats but the t o majorities In every
case casefell casetell casefell
fell fellJohn
John Burns In Battersea dropped from froma
a majority of 1680 to 5S5 5 He polled 118 118votes IIiIvotes 11kvotes
votes more than he did In 1SC6 19t but his hisopponent hisopponent bigOpponent
opponent had 219S more supporters than thanhe thanhe thanhe
he had four years enrs ago agoBinoils agoBlrrolismajority ago3irroilsmajority
Binoils Blrrolismajority majority at North Bristol fell fellfrom fellfrom fellfrom
from 2W2 to 1 i34 while his total poll pollwas pollwas pollas
was as reduced reducedArthur reducedArthur reducedArthur
Arthur J Balfour the former premier premierholds premierholds premierholds
holds his seat His colleague Sir Fred Frederick Frederick Fredcrick ¬
erick Banbury was also elected electedJohn QlectodJohn oleetodJohn
John Malady JI IIHIT Dead DeadWinchester DcntIYlnchester DeadWinchester
Winchester Va Jan 17 17John John Malady Maladywellknown Maladya
8 wellknown wellkn wn resident of Winchester Winchesterdied WInchesterdied Winchesterdied
died today aged eighty years ears Mr MrMalady 1IrMalady MrMalady
Malady was a native of Westrade Ire Ireland Ireland Ireland ¬
land and came to this city shortly after afterthe afterthe afterthe
the war Besides his wife one daughter daughterMiss daughterMiss daughterMiss
Miss Lizzie Malady survives
t tOrganization 1
Organization Wants Republican Names on Com Committee Committee Cornmittee ¬
mittee for Ballinger Investigation I in Place Placeof Placeof I Iof
of Pinehot Pincz t Partisans
The House R organization u to making JIUlkfa das dasperate d dperate despetto
perate effort to secure enough insurgent insurgentRepublican InsurgentRepublican 6ftt 1 1RepuaUean
Republican votes otes to eliminate Represen Representative Representative ¬ I ItaU8
tative OHIo James J mes of Kentucky Ke tuek7 and Rep Representative Rep1 Rep1retlnlatfe Repreeontatlv ¬
resentative Rainey of Illinois I from the theBaljing tbeBalJlo8r theBaljinger
Baljing BalJlo8r r investigating committee sub substituting lIubsUtUtiA substitutlng ¬
stituting sUtUtiA for their tbel names those of two twoDemocrats twoDeIItocrau twoDemocrats
Democrats whose assignation is desired desiredby d Irby osirri osirriby
by the Speaker SpeakerIt Sp
It to the belief beIe ef the th orfri or orIt oiffii5r4tOsIiII oiffii5r4tOsIiIIif feqo J sl slif
if It is IeNCCNllful successful in this thtiaaoyol move ite J defeat defeatof d defeatof feat featoC
of ten t ft days eta ago in I the House wM be off offset offt oilpet ¬
set t and the way paved plLv for restoring < the theprestige thepr68tf thepreitige
prestige pr68tf e of the Speaker SpeakerFrom SpeakerFrom SpeakerFrom
From every quarter of the organisation organisationyesterday orpalsaUonYNterday orgnisatIOiYterday
yesterday came criticism of the Demo Democratic DemoeraUe Democratic ¬
cratic caucus action in electing eleott Meeefs MeeefsJames Mee Meess MeessJames ts tsJame
James and Rainey The Insurgents had hadtheir badtheir hadtheir
their earn 18 filled with it 14 and were sur surrounded aurroundec1 surrounded ¬
rounded by organization n men en begging beggingthem be bethem beggingtheta
them to stand by Mtne the party and not be bedominated bedominated bedominated
dominated by the th Democrats DemocratsNames DemocratsNames Dem0crtNames
Names of quite a number of insurgents insurgentswere Jaurlentlwere insurgentswere
were triumphantly carried to the Speak Speakers Speaker Speakers ¬
ers er room and from present Indications Indicationsenough lad indicationsenough eaUona eaUonaenough
enough insurgents ID eDta have been won back backto backto backto
to the Speakers Speaker side to insure the defeat defeatof deltatOf defeatof
of the Democrats and those insurgent insurgentwho bwur insurgentsWho ent entwho
who are of the belief that It is the right rightof rlgbtof rightof
of the minority to select its own men menThe menThe menThe
The organization figures that the defeat defeatof defMtof defeatof
of Messrs James and Rainey would also alsoAPARTMENT a110APARTMENT alsoAPARTh1ET
Three Die and am Many Are Jn Jnjured Injured Iiijured
jured in Philadelphia juPlijiaclelpinaPhiladelphia PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia IJIliladelphiaPnldeJplda
Philadelphia Jan 17 17ThI9 This afternoon afternoonfire aftQrnoonfire afternoonfire
fire destroyed destro l the Holllngsworth a soven sovenWalnut soventory sevenstory
tory a artni tm hen houne at 411S and lIS lISValnut 415Walnut
Walnut street There were in the build bulklIng building j
ing at the time perhaps thirty men menwomen menwomen menwomen
women and children Some few escaped escapedby osoopodby escapedby
by means of the elevator and front stairs stairssome stairs80me stairssome
some leaped from lOm windows some SO fled fleddown 1100down lieddown
down a walled fire escape e cape in the rear rearThree rearThree rearThree
Three died One woman was a help helplees helples helplees
lees paralytic whose nurse was 118 forced to toabandon toakndon toabandon
abandon her charge Another womnn be became becamo became ¬
came confused and was burned to death deathBoth deathBoth deathBoth
Both these bodies wero burled under the themortar themortar themortar
mortar bricks and timbers A third thirdwoman thirdwomn thirdwoman
woman rescued died of heart failure a afew afew afew
few steps away awa from the fire trap trapManjr trapMAn trapMany
Many MAn persons occupants rescuers and andflremon andfiremen andfiremen
firemen were Injured InjuredTho InjuredThe injuredThe
The loss is 150006 150006MoCAEEEN liOOOMoCARREN 150000MoCARREN
New York Jan 17 HStreet Street Cleaning CleaningCommissioner CleaningCommisslonr CleaningCommissioner
Commissioner Edwards removed from fromofllce fromoffice fromomce
office this afternoon Owen J Murphy the thedeputy thedeputy thedeputy
deputy in charge or Brooklyn The salary salaryIs s812r s812rIs
Is 5000 OQO a year yearMr yearMr ear earlIr
Mr Murphy Is the Democratic leader of ofthe ottho ofthe I
the Thirteenth Assembly Ae mbl district of ofBrooklyn ofBrookln ofBrooklyn
Brooklyn He owed his appointment to toSenator toSenator toSenator
Senator McCarren whose personal friend friendhe friendhe friendhe
he had been for years Mayor Gaynor Gaynorapproves G83norapproves Gaynorapproves
approves the move i
Some days ago It was announced semi semlauthoritatively scmtauthorl1tiUvely semiauthorItatively
authoritatively that Arthur E H Middle Middleton Middleton Middleton
ton would be appointed judge of the thoTollee thuPolfce thePolice
Police Court vice Judge KImball whose whoseterm who whoseterm e eterm
term has expired expiredAttorney expiredAttorney expiredAttorney
Attorney General Wickersham it is isunderstood isunderstood Isunderstood
understood recommended the appoint appointment appointment appointment ¬
ment but thoannouncemont lod to im immediate immediate Immediate ¬
mediate and vigorous protests and the thenomination thenomination thenomination
nomination was not sent to the Senate Senateyesterday Senateyesterday Senateyesterday
yesterday as expected
Members of the District bar are oppos opposing oppOs oppOsIng opp s sIng ¬
ing the Choice choice of Mr Ir Middloton and the thePresident thePresident thePresident
President doomed the charges worthy Worth of ofinvestigation ofinve ofInvestigation
investigation investigationf inve InvestigationSeveral UgRt1on UgRt1onSeveral
f Several United State Senators were yes yesterday 3eSterday es esterday ¬
terday apprised oPtho opposition oPPolijion to Mr MrMiddleton MrMiddloton
Middleton and its nature and expressed expresseddoubt expresseddoubt expresseddoubt
doubt whether lie could be confirmed confirmedTho cortfirm confirmedThe d dTho
Tho President was advised to withhold withholdthe withholdthe Withholdthe
the nomination nomination nominationI
afford an fl opportunity for a poMribto bIe divi division dlvialon Ivl IvlIoa ¬
sion Ioa among amon mOng the Home Democrats DemocratsIn
In J n case the organisation can assure assureItaeif insureitself re reItMlf
itself that it can control the situation attuatton it itl ItI ItI
I reported that Ute committee will con contain rontaln conlain ¬
lain the names of two tw Democrats who whowould whoOuid whowould
would Ouid be particularly objectionable to their theirparty theirparty theirparty
party by reason r of former votes in UM UMHtm 11M1iI theHonse
Htm 1iI nenpontathre neJMIIIMtathewe Moon of Tennas TennasMO Tena TenaGo TeunesNo
MO Go ant add JRejtresenUUxa QIII Jbi WnsMreV Of OfGeorgia t tGeorgia
GM Georgia are among those mentioned mea oDed as aspossible upoaIble aspossible
possible candidates of the organisation organisationIt alwttoa alwttoaJt
It i Is stated that in the event the organi organiatlon orpnlzation organ organzadon
atlon finds that it cannot control the thecommittee theecmuatttee thecommittee
committee by b a a vote of the House the thenames thenam thenanies
names nam of Messrs James Jam and Rainey wilt wiltbe wittbe wiltbe
be presented and the matter will end endthere endtber endthere
there thereSenator tber thereSenator
Senator Hughes H bes of Colorado an az > j Sen Senator Senator Sonatm ¬
ator Clarke of Arkansas who has been beenpractically beenpnetleany beenpractically
practically agreed upon for the two twominority twomIaortty twominority
minority members on the Senate side of ofthiTbdwmittee oltb ofthtbommlttee
thiTbdwmittee tb thtbommlttee have declined to serve serveIt serveIt rve rveIt
It is understood that Senator Hughes Hughesfeeia H Hfeela Hughesfeel
feeia feel that certain speeches made by him himIn himIn himin
In Colorado criticising the Forest Serv Service SenIce Smvic ¬
ice ic would make It Improper for him to toserve toserve
serve 8 while Senator Clarke is buoy with withother withother withother
other Congressional Con C88lonal duties Senator Pan Pmyater Pantor Punter
ter of Kentucky Kentuek and Senator Fletcher Fletcherof Fletdterof
of Florida will therefore the fore go on the com committee committee cornmittee ¬
mittee as the minority members membersSWANSON memMrsSWANSON membersSNMSOIT
OF AN INCOME TAX TAXGovernor TAXGoyernor TAXGovernor
Governor in 111 Special Message MessageCalls MessageCalls MessageCalls
Calls It Simple Justice JusticeRichmond JusticeIUehmoncl JusticeRichmond
Richmond Va V Jan 17 17Gov Gov Swanson Swansontoday SA80ntoda Swansontoday
today toda in a special aP maRge to the theIRwre legis legislature Isgishaters ¬
haters of Virginia Ylr ma declared in favor of ofthe 0tbe ofthe
the amendment of the income In me Tax pro proposed propo proposed ¬
po posed ed by b Congress to be ratified raU ed by byStates the tneStates theStates
States The governor declared the theamendment tMamfmdm8nt theamendment
amendment to be a a matter of simple simpleJustice simplejusliee simplejustice
Justice JusticeThis juslieeThis justiceThis
This is somewhat in contradistinction contradistinctionto
to the message of Gov GO Hughes of New NewYork Nt NtYork NewYork
York who disapproved of the measure measureIt measureIt ure ureIt
It is believed that the legislature ture win pa pathe pus pusthe pansthe
the measure measureThe measureThe measureThe
The report went to the committee on onFederal ORFederal onFederal
Federal relations from which it will 111 go goto gOto goto
to the committee on courts of Justice JusticeGov justfceGO justiceGor
Gov GO Swanson says H3 the burden should be beon beon beon
on abundance and not on necessity necessityA
A fair tax on incomes the governor governorbelieves governorbelievos governorbelieves
believes makes the government share in intho intho inthlti
tho prosperity of citizens Labor com commerce conmarcel cornmeree ¬
merce marcel business and other enterprises enterprisesare
are to this extent relieved from govern governmental governmental oern oernmontal ¬
mental burdens burdensSHOOT burdensSHOOT burdensSHO9T
Citizens of Memphis Told to Kill XiII XiIIPickpookets KillPiclpookets i
Pickpockets If Possible PossibleI
t tMemphis
I Memphis Jan 17 17Mayor Mayor laor E H Crum CrumIssued crumJ crumJIssued Czump Czump1sued
Issued publjo notice to the citizens of ofMemphis ofIemphis 01Memphis
Memphis today fod to be careful when whanboarding wh whenboarding n nbOllrdlng
boarding street cars and if pickpockets pickpocketsattempted pickpocketsattempted
attempted to rob them to kill them if ifpossible ifpossible Ifpossible
possible possibleHe possibleHe possibleHe
He says that for political reasons reasonsthieves reasonsthieves reasonsthieves
thieves have ave been permitted to operate operatein oneratein
in Memphis MemphiS with a free hand He ordered orderedthe orderedthe orderedthe
the police force increased by 100 men menand menand menand
and says sa s he will run every thief out of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the city If it takes 1000 1 patrolmen patrolmenDuring patrolmenDuring patrolmenDuring
During the past week there hava been beenan beenan L Lan
an average of twentyfive persons peCS M robbed robbedon robbedon L Lon
on street cars dally and held up in dark darkspots darkspots darbspots
spots In the city cityReplace dhRcplncclII cityReplace
Replace Senator McLnurin McLnurinSenator McLniirlnSenator lcInl1rlnSenntor
Senator Bankhead of Alabama is to tobe tobe tobe
be given the vacancy varonc on the Commerce CommerceCommittee cmmerce cmmerceCommltteo emmercc emmerccCommittee
Committee occasioned by b the death of ofSenator ofSenator ofSenator
Senator McLaurln of Mississippi The Theother Theother Theother
other committee assignments assfgnmentJ of Senator SenatorMcLaurln s SenatorIcLnurin natot natotMcLaurin
McLaurln will bo glvon the new Senator Senatorfrom Senatortram Senatorfrom
from Mississippi MississippiI
Maryland lnllnnll Caucus Rcnomlnnteii Sen Senator Scnator en enator ¬
ator and nnc State Trensnrer TrensnrerAnnapolis freallurcrAnnapol
Annapolis J Md Jan 17 nThe The Demo Democratic Democritic o ocratlc ¬
critic members of o the Maryland legisla legislature legislature leglalatore ¬
ture in caucus tonight t nominated d Hon HonIskior lIonIatdor
Iskior Rayner for United States Senator Senatorto
to succeed himself himselfMurray hlnlHlfUITT
Murray UITT Vandiver chairman of the State Statecentral Stnt Sint
central committee was renominated for forState forState forState
State treasurer tr uuror There wac v u no opposi opposition oppoeilIon oppesition ¬
tion to either of them Their election eletton eleit1on is isassured isassured Isassured
assured as tho party has the necessary necessarymajority necessarymajorIt necessarymajority
majority on Joint ballot ballotNEW ballotNEW
Request Made When WhenSulne1l18 WhenSulne1l18Court Supreme SupremeCourt SupierncCourt
Court Denies Writ WritChicago ri t tChlca
Chicago Chlca Jan 17 liA A motion for a ann new newtrial nontrial r
trial for John R R Walsh convicted nv1cted of ofwrecking ofwrecking o owrecking
wrecking the Chicago National Bank and anddenied anddeaMd an andenied
denied a writ of certiorari today by the theUnited theUnited th
United States Supreme Court will be beheard beheard hi i
heard by the United State Circuit Court Courtof Courtof t
of Appeals tomorrow The TIt new trial was wasasked walasked U Uuked
asked late this thIs afternoon and nd the ground groundon gcoun gcounon
on which it was asked te the alleged mis misconduct mltconduct misconduct ¬
conduct of members of the Jury JuryThe JuryTIM
The matter was arranged by Judges JudgesSeaman JudgMIt JudgsSeaman t
Seaman It and Grosscup District Attorney AttorneySims AttocnerSIms Attorne r rSims
Sims demanded that the mandate com committing eommlttln cornrnitung ¬
mitting mlttln Walsh to the Federal prison be betamed beIMued Is IsIssued
tamed at once onee but 1 the the court decided to tohear tobear U
hear the motion of Attorney Miller < for forWalsh fora tel telWalsh r
Walsh WalshAlmost WalshAlmost a hAlmost
Almost the moment the decision was re received rceetved ¬
ceived in Chicago the final lisa details of ofWalshs oralash o oWalshs f
Walshs alash financial settlement with the thecommittee thecommittee tliicommittee
committee of bankers and attorneys rep representing representing ¬
resenting tho interests involved in his hisnote hisnt bit bitnote i
note nt of f7fl9W9 were arranged arrangedWalsh arran arrangedWalsh l lWalsb
Walsh finally affixed his signature 8 nature to tothe tothe U Uthe
the release of the Jli 14000 000 securities securitiesthat leCurtUestJuLt securtt1
that represent control of his railway and andquarry anclquarry ani aniquarry 1
quarry properties propertiesThe propertiesThe
The Supreme Court yesterday denied a amotion JLmotion I
motion for a writ rlt of certiorari to review reviewthe re1ewthe revicithe r
the sentence of five years eall in Fort Leaven Leavenworth LenaOrth T Teorth
worth Orth prison imposed upon John R RWalsh R RValllh
Walsh for misapplying the funds of the theChicago theCkleago tb e
Chicago National 1lt1onal Bank and making makin false falsereturns falaereturD5 filereturns a
returns to the Comptroller of the Cur CurDIFFERS Currenc Currency
renc rency rencyDIFFERS
The national Incorporation act act ac as pro proposed ItroJ08ed ¬
posed by the President Pre ldt1t does not appeal appealto appes 1
to t me said Gov Harmon of Ohio last lastnight lastnight has t
night From Columbus it looks like a adevice ILdfVice i idevice L
device to help the trusts escape the pres present present prosant ¬
ent penalties of efithe the Federal laws and to togrant toIrAnt ii
grant the corporations immunity from fromregulation rrDntretullltion freniregulation a
regulation by the States which have havechartered havochartored hay 0 0chartered
chartered them themRecent themRecent them themRecent
Recent court decisions have threat threatened tnreAteC threatcued ¬
cued eC d the trusts with dissolution The Thewhole Thewhole Th S Strend
whole trend is toward the exercise of ofmoro ofmoro 0 f fmore
moro care by the States in their grant granting trantIng granting ¬
ing incorporate rights and a stricter stricterregulation stricterregu r
regulation regu LUon by them of such corporations corporationsas 3
as they have created cr ted Now No comes the theproposal thepropoNl tb tbproposal a
proposal that corporations shall escape escapeall C8Clpeall a
all this by taking out a Federal charter charterThis cbrterThis charterThis t
This looks like Jlk the confusion of license licenseand licenseand a aand
and liberty where corporations are oen oencerned oencerned concerned
cerned We re are not Influenced In ulnced ty the theappearance the theappeflrance th e eappearance
appearance of it out home homeThe homeTho homeThe
The governor also expressed eXfr himself himselfonce htmMlfonce f fonce
once more as being opposed to the views viewsof vl ws wsof S Sof
of Gov Hughes Hu hog a as regards the income incometax Ineometax a atax
tax Mr Harmon Harm n feels eel that the act as asproposed ASproposed a S Sproposed
proposed would benefit the government governmentbut governmenlbut
but not the State StateSOLONS Stnt StntSOLONS StatoS
Atlanta Ga Jan 17 17Dr Dr George GeorgeBrown GoorgeBron 0 0Brown
Brown a leading member of the Georgia Georgialegislature Georgialesislature a alegislature
legislature today in a public address addresslikened address addresslikened I Ilikened
likened his colleagues to a lot lqt I tt of Jack Jackasses jacka5Se jackasses ¬
asses Dr Brown was addressing addr ng the thotuberculosis thetuberculosis th 0 0tuberculosis
tuberculosis convention on the possibility possibilityof po8 IbUity IbUityof I Iof
of securing State Stat aid for the prevention preventionof n nof
of the white plague He said saidI saidI
I have the misfortune to be a mnmbor mnmborof mmboc mmbocof r rci
of the Georgia Geor legiBtattire legislftt re and I 11100 nave the theprofoandest UI8protoundest tim 0 0profoundest
profoundest contempt for that body They Theywont Tim Tltwont Y Ywont
wont help you youIf youuIt youIf
uIt If you ou had a a drove of Kentucky Jack Jackasses jackami05 jackasses ¬
asses in the capitol and oftered a prize prizefor prIzefor prlz e efor
for tho one that being prodded could kick kickthe kickthe kic k kthe
the longest you oU would have a fair Idea Ideaof Idooat Ide a aof
of the mental attitude attitude of the legislature legislatureof 0 0of
of Georgia They will do donotblng nothing nothingS
Drop Personalities P rsona1i ties and Re Redeem Redeem Redeem ¬
deem Nation He Says SaysTAFT SaysTAFT SaysPAFT
President t Sees Need of Divorce Divorceand Divorceand Divorceand
and Marriage Laws LawsUniform LawsI LawsUultornl LawsUnIform
Uniform Legislation Given 3Iany 3IanyZVuilRCfl UllnyXudJiOclI any anyNudges
Nudges lIT IVutlnnal Leaders at See Second Seeonll Seeonit ¬
ond Session Yesterday YeJSterdn the Pres Presence PrellCl1ce Presence ¬
ence of the Deposed Forester and nndthe andthe andthe
the President Giving It a Unique Uniqueand UniqueniI uniquemnd
and niI Thrilling Feature FeatureDeclaring FeaturcDeclaring FeatureDeclaring
Declaring in emphatic tarn ter that all allparsons allparso allpersonal
parsons parso personal l difference should vld be forgotten forgottenand forgottenand retten rettenand
and the present controversy entirely dle dlerogarded di5rosarded dliregarded
regarded Gifford Pinehot in a stirring stirringaddress IttrrtngaddrOllS atirringaddress
address which he delivered at the sacond sacondIon sdnds soctndsession
s session Ion of the conference on uniform legis legislation l llatktn legisatlen ¬
lation called by the National Civic Fed Federation Federation Federatlosm ¬
eration at the Arlington Hotel yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdayafternoon elterdaYafterftOOft
afternoon urged all friend of the con conservation conservatkm conservaton ¬
servation servaton movement to put forth their theirbest theiroot theirboat
best endeavors in the cause CaUM and espe especially espeelalty pe peeIaIJy ¬
cially to Urge Coograsg Coosr to act at onee on onth onthe onherecOmmendationa
the t th herecOmmendationa recommendations made by President PresidentTafL PrlllldootTaft PresidentTaft
Taft TafLThere TaftThere
There was an outburst of applause when whenMr whenXr whenMr
Mr Pinehot appeared on the platform platformand plaUormand platformnd
and a nd he was compelled to wait several severalmoments eecalmoments severalmoments
moments before he could begin be so hearty heartywas heartywa5 heartywag
was the demonstration He spoke calmly calmlybut calmlyhut calmlyut
but b ut there was 1 an earnestness about Il t him himthat hImthat himhat
that t hat led the delegates to interrupt several severaltimes Hferaltimes assentimes
times t with applause applausePlncliots applauPlnchots applausePimicliots
Plncliots Address AddressHe AiIdresHe 4tddresqHe
He said in part partThe partThe partsThe
The policies now grouped under the thename thename theame
name n ame of conservation are of various ages agesSome a agesSome es esSome
Some like forest preservation bare been beenadvocated b beenadvocated en enadvocated
advocated by Americans for more than t anIt
169 1 00 years Some like the control of water waterpower waterpower waterpower
power monopoly in the common interest interestare Interestue interestare
are younger yo er than the present century centuryAll eenturyA1I centuryAll
All of them today are in the valley valleyof YlIeyof valleyof
of decision We have come at test to tothe tothe tothe
the point of action and we must either eithergo erso sithergo
go forward or fall back backHere backOfHec backHere
Here is a mighty field for uniform ac action action sctIon ¬
tion and for to cooperation ce esopOfration IMC IMCStates 1tMweeB the theStato theStates
States tbenUKtven aakltecween betw betweea th tIIew tIIewtM nra ad adThai d dThejM
tM tMne Thai cowerratiojlf culms att4l ttpt qaeaUone U8I are to today todY today ¬
day the overshadowing ov problems beiora beuKethe beidrehe beiorathe
the t he States and before all the people How Howthey HoWthey Howthey
they are settled will affect every man mannow mannow n nnow
now alive and every clttsen of this nation nationaa MUonas nationas
as long M it shall endure endurePublic endurePublic endurePublic
Public sentiment is prepared and andawake andawake andawake
awake For the second time a a President Presidentof
of the United States Stat has indorsed these theseprinciples ueeprindpIM theseprinciples
principles in a a message to Congress CongressMost CongressMost e s sMt
Most of the recommendations which the therecent tMrecent therecent
recent message contains are well known knownto kJIownto knownto
to the friends of conservation con ervaUoa arid 1fcI well wellapproved wellapproved wellapproved
approved If it has omisetOM or pass passages pa88a passages ¬
ages a with which I disagree I have no noconcern noCOIICtiWft noconcern
concern with them today Specific bills billshav btu btubaYe billshave
hav have been prepared embodying the th rae reconunendations rftCftrufteIIdation raemumesdstlons
onunendations of the menage When Whenthey Whenthey WhenthO
they thO are made mad public they will be the thelegitimate theJeptimate thelegitimate
legitimate subjects for approval or criti criticism criticism cniticlam ¬
clam cism and for careful scrutiny at every everystage everystage ery erystace
stage of their theirKchocf progress progressKclioes progressISehoes
Kclioes Taftfl Tnft Desire DesireAH DCllreAU DesIreAli
AH that will 111 come in its proper time timeand timelid timeand
and place Today the first considers consideration coulderat108 considersties ¬
ties is this Udatbat that the friends of conserva conservation COntiienatlon conservatiOll ¬
tion must not be divided The latIN at atstake atstake atstake
stake far fa transcend every personal ques question quesUon questIes ¬
tIes The plain duty of all the friend friendof fi1enof friendSof
of conservation is to sink tnk their differ differences dt dtKercocos er erenees ¬
ences to unite on essentials and to de demand deDMutd domand ¬
mand with a unanimous voice that Con Congress Congress Conshall ¬
gress shall act on the Presidents Preal eat recotti recottimendationa rlCOlllmendationa recoinmendtIon
mendationa and act wisely 1M1y and without withoutdelay wltboutdeJay withoutdelay
delay delayThe deJayTbe delayThe
The President Pr ft1t urges that the measures meMUresM moseuresrecommends measureshe
he recommends shall be taken up and anddisposed anddispoRd anddisposed
disposed of promptly pr mpUy without awaiting awaitingthe swattingthe altlng altlngthe
the investigation inU tJon whicn whic has been deter determined determined determined ¬
mined upon I echo his desire desireOur dMlreOur desireOur
Our duty dut Is clear to look beyond and andabove andabove andabove
above all lesser strife in a common effort effortto e sortto ort ortto
to reach objects of such transcendent im imI ImJtOrtanee SmIortnoa
I JtOrtanee ort noe to all the people Now is the thetime th8time thetime
time for all good men to come to the thehelp thehelp thehelp
help of the th conservation movement mov nt with without without 1th 1thout ¬
out regard r to party or prejudice or any anypersonal anyperlODal anypersonal
personal consideration whatsoever r The Thepublic Thepublic Thepublic
public good comes first firstDr tlntDr firstDr
Dr McGce Talks TalksDr TalksDr TalkDr
Dr W J McGee cGee of the National Con Conservation Con8eNatlon Consepratlon ¬
servation Commission Comn ulon followed Mr ilr Pin Pinehot Plnchot Pinehot ¬
ehot his subject ubJ t being in Uniform Unlonaaws Unlonaawsre1aU laws lawsrelating lawsrelating
relating re1aU to the use Wi of water He tnevgtu tnevgtuwater thI5tttwater ht htwater
water should be regarded ded as the funda fundamental fundamental fuadamental ¬
mental natural resource resourceForest reeourceForeat resourceForest
Forest conservation CO ervatton and taxation was wasdiscussed wasdiscuaed wasdiscussed
discussed by Charles L 1 Pack of New NewJersey NewJcrHY Newwho
Jersey who said aug Id the entire question questionshould quonsbould questionshould
should be kept free from politics politicsJudge politiesJnclse politicsJudge
Judge Parker aftf Jttr aft r calling the section sectionto Ion Ionto
to order introduced as the th first speaker speakerWalter apeakerraUer speakerW7altor
Walter raUer George Smith president of the theNational theNatioMI theNational
National Conference of Commissioners Commissionerson
on Uniform State Laws who delivered a atons alonE aaddress
tons address on Uniformity of legisla legislation 15IaUon logisiatloit ¬
Life Insurance Law LawThe LawThe LawTile
The deslraWHty of uniform laws re regarding re resardfDC nogardhsg ¬
garding life insurance was then taken take up uptho uptho upthe
tho disciMMion d being opened by Thomas ThomasE
E Drake superintendent of tmnmmee lniursn of ofthe orthe ofthe
the District of Columbia He H said in inpart Inpart inpart
part partThe
The general g lMlll principles and rules which walchsbould whichshould whichshould
should underlie insurance InIJr are r the same sameand SNne SNneand sameand
and when enacted into law should be the thesame thesome theunless
same unless 1C where in some locality Joea ma materially materially matonally ¬
terially different condition call for dif different dlffQrent diffrent ¬
ferent methods methodsIf
If Congress Congreaswould would enact t a general 8A8I8I in insurance 1nsurance Insurance ¬
surance code or law for the District of ofColumbia o oColumbia ofColumbia
Columbia covering coverl generally and in de detail detail deti ¬
tail ti everything respecting re8pecU insurance and andinsurance andInsurance andinsurance
insurance companies mpaftles that need be the thesubject thesubJec thesubject
subject of legislation Jfl slatton thus making a amodel 8model amodel
model insurance Insurucecode code or r law it would woui be beeasy beeasy ieeasy
easy for the different States Stat with such suchchanges suchoh8nge suchchanges
changes as are necessary nece to its It applica application appttoaUOn application ¬
tion to Ute State to enact the same sameThe sameThe sameThe
The Question is I as to what is the best bestContinued bestContinued bestContinued
Continued on Page 2 Column 4

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