i >
The Mans 4MansOfficini Store Store1Official tt ttOftJctal
Official Weather Report Reportlrul ReportlrulHeres fleDortFaIrjH Fair FairHeres
jH jHiL
iL iLHeres
Heres to the Best BestClothes BestClothes BestClothes
Clothes That Ever EverCame EverCame EverCame
Came to Washington WashingtonM
M t1 S S1 M HandTailored HandTailoredSPRING HandTailoredSPRING HandTiloredSRJNG
2875 2875tv 275S 275Worth S
Worth tv orth 83500 83500The 3500 3500The 35OOThe
The best tailor in America can cannot cannot cannot ¬
not produce better suits at 50 50They 50They o oThey
They are absolutely the best made madereadytowear madereadytowear madereadytowear
readytowear clothes you have haveever haveever haveever
ever seen Shown in 25 exclusive exclusivestyles exclusivestyles exclusivestyles
styles of the finest fabrics woven woventhis woventhis ovcn ovcnthis
this season Heres character class classstyle classstyle classstyle
style quality fit fiteverythiIlg everything you youask youask youask
ask for in clothes clothesat fl tj Q
at just justMoneys justjPGrJc justjPGrJctIMoneys justMoneys
Moneys worth or money back backD backD
10057 Pa Ave AveIn AveIn AveI AveIn
In Mt Pleasant PleasantClose PleasantClose PleasantClose
Close to 16th St StThe StThE StThe
The owner of this thispretty thiapretty thIspretty
pretty home is leaving leavingthe levtn levtntbe Ieavtngthe
the eity and nd is pur purchasing purchmlng ar arehuing ¬
chasing property else elsewhere elMwllere e1ewbere ¬
where Consequently C he hewill hewilt t twill
will sacrifice crlflc for immd immddiats Imm Immdl IininedatG
diats dl t sale saleThe sI sIThe Ie Iene
The house contains containsreception contatnsreception eontnreception
reception hall parlor parlordiningroom parloreURlasroom ptrlord1nInroom
diningroom kjtcher kjtcherthree k4tchenthree kitchlitthreo
three bedrooms an anhath and andbath aidbth
hath hathThe bthThe 7 7The
The large rear roRaIs yawl yawlis yardis
is covered with a baau baauttfttl buUfut buaptiful
ttfttl grape arbor in full fullb illb fulLTHIS
b oaring oaringTHIS DS DSTB1S
Get full prttculars particulars at atonce atonce atonce
once onceThos onceThos onceThos
Thos J FisherCo Fisher FisherCo FisherCO
Co Inc
738 15th St N W WModern WI WModern
I I Satisfaction SatisfactionIn Mode Modern to the lllinntSatisfaction Minute MinuteSatisfaction MinuteSatisfaction I
In Your YourLaundry YourLaundry I
Laundry Bundle BundleFranklin BundleFranklin Buni1eFranklin
Franklin Laundry patrons are aresatisfied aresatisfied aresatisfied
satisfied Theyve gone from one onelaundry cnelaundry
laundry to another anothertheyve theyve tried triedthem trl triedthorn
them all aUfLDd and they know that
Franklins FrankIb wcrk is laundry work workpar
par pa r excellence excellenceYou excellenceYou
You might as well have the
best too tooPhone tooPhone toePhone
Phone Main lnln 1342 134 or Main 1343 1343and 1343an
and an our wagon will call callThe callThe
The Franklin Laundry LaundryF
504 to 508 13th St N W WBEST WTHE V Vu
u tttttttmu umnmr
n g ng THE BEST m AND A Ai
the is I reoommeDded to alL nil It 1J l the themogt e
1 most satWet r7 and the molt eco econcudal o ofuel
ncudal fuel you could tine tor cookiItg t tWell t twell
Well 5UWlT JOU JOUt yt ytt
t t 25 Boebois BUthe Large Coke ddmred ddmredr deti S50 L
oW Buhell La Lre Coke d liyerednil
CO 0 Boskets r Large Coke el denwred ddimedS 1 30
U 25 Burtela Onisbd Cob Co ite > ke ddimwl d ifemissOO Il IlH
4 4 J BUIbb ltuflhed rolle oke5 dea oneredL Lu LuI 5
e Bnhe1 Onihed detheredL detheredLWJSHIIGTOI t
5 413 Tenth Street N W WThe i g
1111 m I 11 mmuumu u 1 ifThe 1CtU
CtU I r U mrttMnmt m = 1 1The =
The Famous FamousTen FamousHOOMAKERti Fnuiousi
it i Ten Jean ear old fl25 Order by phonr phonrJ plonrIo
J Aliio Io TENNESSEE 9100 100 Bottle BottleH nott1 flottleif H
H if The Shoomaker Co Co1S31 ti
1S31 E Street N W Wtt WEtablisbed V E
tt Established 1S3 Phone M Main lain ln llSia llSiaFresh lI5n2uu i
t1mmt1mU 2uu = = = um umI
I Fresh Fres Crisp iiiIi iiiIiThe Baking BakingThe
The kind that tastes good tnsee colt coltclays cold colddays coldciny
clays claysPies daysPies cinyPies
Pies Cakes Rolls Bread BreadDelivered BreadDeUcred BreadfleIhered
Delivered to your door Our wagons wagonscnll wngoncall v4on
call < dally aI1y
Piionc M 4537
21 1 scent cent Ticket StOO StOOEstablished 100 100H 100ilu
ilu H Km C FUL FULTO FULTOEtnbllnhed TOr TOrEGtnbllllbed
Established iso
314 9th St N NWatches W1 W1Money f fMoney
Money to Loan LoanDtcbe
Watches Dtcbe Diamond nnd Jewelry JeirelrrBARGAINS Jew JewelryARGAISS lr7 lr7aARGAISS
REJECT JUTDPT lilallui MAQDIFT MORRILL lUMlll fillJ fillJBoard AID AIDBoard AIDBoard fiTTk
Board of Education Holds HoldsSchools HoldsSchools HoldsSchools
Schools Not Entitled EutitledEBM EntiUedFIRM EntitledFIRM
lietter from Representative Scott ScottAfllngr Seottobklng Scotttik1n
Afllngr tik1n What Thnt Action cttou Vonld Be BeTnk D DTnk BeTaken <
Tnk Taken n Puts Trustees on Record RecordXo Re RecordXo < ord ordXo
Xo Xo Objection to Application of o the theAct theAct theAct
Act to Other Schools jof of District DistrictThe DistrictThe DlwtrlctThe
The board of oteducatIon education yesterday yesterdayunanimously yesterdayunanimously estcrday estcrdayt
unanimously t voted oted against aga nst asking Con Congress Consres Congross
gross to allow the Washington public publicschools pub1cschools publicschools
schools schools to share in the benefits of the theMorrlll theMorrUl theMorrill
Morrlll act on the ground that they theyoouW tho thotould theycould
could not be termed colleges and are aretherefore aretherefore aretherefore
therefore not eligible eligibleThe eUglbleThe eligibleThe
The question came before the board boardwith boardwith I
with 1th the reading of a letter from Repre Repreaentatlvft Repretentatlv Bepreentatlva
aentatlvft Charles F Scott of Kansas Kansaschairman Kansaschairman Kansaschairman
chairman of the Committee on Agricul Agriculture Agrlculblre Agriculturo ¬
ture of the House asking what stand standthe standthe ztandthe
the school trustees would take in the thematter thematter thematter
matter The letter said a long peti petition peUdon petidon ¬
don signed by citizens was In his poises poesossion 11011806alon poisesZIon
ZIon asking that the high schools sohoolsbe sohoolsbemade be bemade bemade
made beneficiaries of the th act It said saidfurther sakifurther saidfurther
further that a hearing had been granted grantedthe grante grantethe grnntedthe
the petitioners by the Committee on Ag Agriculture Agriculture Agriculturo ¬
riculture on next Tuesday morning at at1oao
1030 oclock oclockChairman oclockChairman S SChairman
Chairman Oyster asko ask l the he sense of ofthe orthe ofthe
the board and William D Hoover spoke spokeagainst spokeaalnst pokea81011t
against including the public schools in inthe inthe n nthe
the benefits declaring it would be un tinwise unwiM Unwise
wise and illegal illegalResolutions illegalRCHoluUonll IllegalS IllegalResolutions
Resolutions Are Firm FirmHe FirmHe FirmHe
He offered tb ths following follo 1ng resolution resolutionwhich resolutionwhich resolutionwhich
which was adopted without discussion discussionItwtiTOd d dIcuuion1tc3id uaJon uaJonRlIOiftld
ItwtiTOd That the twid of edwation fa bttfttti bttftttiin 1Ub 1Ubin
in tow of the Dtatrlct D of OotanWa tfaftrteg the theteneflts dteOOocllt61 theb3oe
teneflts OOocllt61 b3oe t tf the tla act of Oocg Coo known as the Mar Marrill McriilL 1ar 1arrill
rill act a that UJa it to the settee of the boud boanlol of edu edue edqcstioo edutioe
cstioo e tMa that ndUMr Uw U ilcKinley 31cKiDJe iUml 3 ual Tniafos TniafosSchool lnniDS Trsiie TrsiieSoo1 I
School aor or the AtBUtrans rMItrGIr Maowl lIa MI TMiaio School Schoolnor Sdtool Sdtoolnor S oo ooncr I
nor any n W bor bilk huh tctoxA ia the public tchool tchooltcm II IItna se setein
tcm of the DMrict ia at t pweat utent tadt to io ieldtu ieldtutieD luMitut tita titatioB I
tieD t ee M vMdd entitle titIe it to nc ive flI MI appr IIpttropria 3PIrOa4tuaSu pri tiBn tiBnu DftUIId8r
u UIId8r ar the act for f the reaaon resao that BOM fc a coi coitat coi1t eelie
tat 1t that tte t beard of eduatkw baa ha no oWsettea oWsetteato eeelWnto
to ifyi jai at o the bill wu prondcd xoc4ot Ute lb awropria awropriadoa alilJlOllliadoll awotstIo
doa tIo i II tcBpowr to the end that future t tare A ao aoprat1it pto ptopriattom
priattom priatk I nay ay ba aiked ed in i bahulf b aU of the jwbtoc jwbtocKhogl PUIltictdIcoI Iic Iicaebci
Khogl ejvUm sbeuU it be b doamrt a adrt4b1 i We at Itu aajr aajrttMe snjUie
ttMe hemftor hemftorTha 1Ien tTho binsItThe <
The board adjourned immediately Immedlatel after aftertfee artert afterthe
the adoption of the resolution It was wason wasone wasone
on one of the shortest meetings of the year yearCATHOLIC yearCATHOLIC yearCATHOLIC
CATHOLIC CONVERTS MEET KEETRepreHcutativc MEETReprCHeutttle 1ItEETRepreNeulatIve
RepreHcutativc llmiflilell of LouisIanu Louisiaua Louis Louisiana ¬
iana Makes Chief Address AIlreysTbe AddressThe AclilronsThe
The monthly meeting of 0 the CathpHc CathpHcConverts CathplicConverts
Converts League L 8SUe ot o Washington was washeld WRSheld wastekl I
held in the Aula A a Maxima McMahon Hall HallCatholic HallCatholic HallCatholic
Catholic University of America Brook Brookfend Brookmild Brooklaud
fend mild at 4 oclock Easter Sunday SundayThe Sunda Sundabe SundayThe
The first vice president J C Colton Coiumoccupied Coltonoeeupied Coltonoccupied
occupied the chair and Introduced the thespeaker theapeeker thespeaker
speaker of the occasion Joseph E Rans Hansdell Ransdell Ransdeli
dell LL D member of the House of ofRepresentatives orRepresentaUves ofRepresentatives
Representatives from Louisiana LouisianaHa LouisianaHa LouisianaHa
Ha spoke In glowing terms of the mag magnificent magntAeent ma maufilcent ¬
nificent work that Is being one in St StPatricks St StPatricks StPatricks
Patricks Church by the Rev Father FatherRusell FatherRuS4teU FatherRussell
Russell In the organization of the League Leagueof
of the Good Shepherd ShepherdBoth SbepherdBoth ShepherdBoth
Both Mr Hansdell Ran ell and his wife were wereslacted werealaetad wereelested
slacted members Mrs Marie E Crowell Crowellspoke Crowellspoke Crowollspoke
spoke sweetly of her own experiences experiencesjost oxperlencesJ1I8t experiencesJest
Jest prior to coming into the the church churchand churchand churchand
and asked ked the members members to pray for her hertwo hertwo hertwo
two eons one of whom Is now a Catholic CatholicA
A touching account of the conversion conversionof
of Rev Hugh Benson to the Catholic CatholicChurch CatholfcChureh CatholicChurch
Church written by himself was road roadPIONEER roadPIONEER roadPIONEEi
Harvey V Colton Veteran of War IVnrDies WarDies ar arDlcs
Dies of Heart Disease DiseaseAfter DisenlieArter DiseaseAfter
After an illness fllne of about three years yearsHarvey yearsI yearsHarvey
Harvey V Colton a member of the Oldest OldestInhabitants OldestInhabltanU OldestInhabitants
I Inhabitants Association and for years a aresident arMident arsatdont
resident of the District died Sunday from fromheart romI frontheart
heart disease at his residence 2623 Uni University Uoli Un Unversity ¬
i versity versltyplace versltyplaceI place placeFuneral placeFuneral
I Funeral services servh EI will be held at the theresidence therukence theresidence
residence this afternoon at 290 3t oclock oclockinterment oclockinterment oclockInterment
interment being In Arlington Cemetery CemeteryThose CemateryThO CemeteryThose
ThO Those O selected < as pallbearers are areJudge areJudge areJudge
Judge Charles S S Bundy and Benjamin W WReica WReiea Yo YoReiN
ReiN representing the Association of ofOldest atOIdKt ofOldest
Oldest Inhabitants of the District of Co Columbia ColumbiCl Coumbla ¬
lumbia L F Randolph representing representingKit
Kit Carson Post G A R R Percy S SFoster S SFoster SFoster
Foster and E H Corson representing representingEmmanuel represcntlngEmmanuel representingEmmanuel i
Emmanuel Baptist Church and E E Mun Munsey Munsey Muiisey
sey representing re tln his former fellowassociates fellowasso fellowassociaUs fellowassoclatos
ciaUs in the Pension Bureau BureauTho BureauTho BureauThe
Tho services will be under the direction directionof
of Kit Carson Post Mr r Colton had been beena
a resident of Washington for fortysix fortysixyears fortyslxyenrs fortysixyears
years having been born at Antwerp Jef Jefferson JeleraoD 1stferson ¬
ferson eraoD County N N Y January 26 1286 1286He ISa6He i26He
He came to this city clt In 1S 1SHe 1Sit 1SitHe 1SiHe
He served during the greater part of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the civil war In the Union army and was waswounded wnswounded waswounded
wounded in 1812 19i 1 being brought to the theMount theMount thetount
Mount tount Plsasant P nt Hospital Washington WashingtonAfter WashingtonAfter WashlngtonAfter
After the war he joined the government governmentservice gocrnmentS9tvlce governmentservice
service was at one time connected with withGov withGov withGov
Gov Alexander Shepherds office and andlater andlotorwlth andlater
later lotorwlth with the Penslon Bureau BureauJ3BERS BurelluJlBERS BureauFIBERs
Wesleyan College Students Delight DelightSelect DelightSclectAmlhmcc Delightc1ect
Select SclectAmlhmcc c1ect Audience with Music MusicSongs iUnsIcSongs IulcSon
Songs Son of the campus and college life lifewere Ufewere lifewere
were features of the concert given by thC thCJibers th thJlbers thJibers
Jibers Club a section of the Wesleyan WesleyanUniversity WesleyanCnlverslty WesleyanUniversity
University Glee Club at Foundry M E EChurch EChurch EChurch
Church last night A large and fashion fashionable fashlonnble fashionable ¬
able audience heard the concert concert which whichwas whlohwas whichwas
was most enjoyable enjoyableIn
In the JIb rs club are three local localboys localboys < 1 1boys
boys who attend Wesleyan WesleyanHarlow Tesl anHarlo Uarlow R RBristol R RBristol RBristol
Bristol Rodney R R McCathran and nndFrank andFrank mdFrank
Frank M Smith The work of Mr Brie Bristol Brietol i itol
tol and Mr Smith in the several num numbers numbers numbern
bers by b the Jibers quartet was especially especiallygood espec1angood especiallygood
good Besides Bcs des tho three local boys the theother theother theother
other Jibers are Howard L Hill Will Willlam WIlII Willlam
lam K K Anderson nC rson and Andrew AndrewR R Suther Sutherland Sutherland j jland
I land landDuring landDuring landDuring
During the concert Henry Henr V Simmons Simmonsgave Simmons Simmonsgae Simmonsgave
gave several selected readings readl is in a pleas pleasing pleuIng pleasin ¬
ing in manner mannerThe mannerThe
The JIbars and andtholrtrleDds their thelrfrjends friends w were re enter entertained entertamed ¬
tamed after the concert at a darien dan e at atthe atthe atthe
the home of Mr and Mrs Irs Odell S S Smith SmithPowell SmilliePowclI SmithPowell
Powell School Accepted AcceptedCharles l AcceptedCharles ccpted ccptedCharles
Charles F Powell Sfthol Seho Sehoo l will be b in inreadiness Inreadinesil inreadiness
readiness for the next ne t school hool year ye r Tho Thobulletins ThobuUdl Thebuilding
bulletins buUdl has been accepted Tjy the Com 6oinmisstonars CommIssioners tommissloners
mIssioners It will take the overflow overflowfrom over11owfrom overflowfrom
from Johnson J School SchoolTTCO SchoolTTOO Schooll1l100
TTCO Taxicnb Service Contx COf Less Lesswhen LeJll8wben Lesuwhen
when you use coupon books Stylish ole elegant e egant olegant ¬
gant taxicabs ta ica s at your service Tel N NFunernl 1212 1212Fnnernl 1212Funeral
Funeral in Ohio OhioMasonic OhioI OhioMasonic
I Masonic lodges JodgcSor of Washington will willhave willhave willhave
have charge of the funeral of Charles W WOtis WOtIs
Otis a aI a I clerk of the Senate which will willplace willplace ill illp1ace
place at Marietta Ohio tomorrow tomorrowCabin tomoITo tomorrowCabIn
Cabin nbln John Bridjje Hotel Now Open OpenThese OpenI
I These delightful de lightCul spring rJng days suggest sug est a aoldtime aI aspin
spin out Ue Conduit road and enjoy an an11dt1me antldtlme
I oldtime Cabin John dinner cr supper supperPotomac supper supperPotomac supperPotomac
Potomac black bass and other delicacies de11 dellctclest cles clesf
r rUbra11 7 7Ubrar3
Library of Ocnsrc O OnrtsQpen Ojxm 9 a m m to 10 p Po ni on ontecular onecuIardan 00ecular
tecular ecuIardan days tam 2 p Po zn m to W O p Po m m en Sundays Sundaysand SuDd3rsaDd SUDd SUDdsad
and on certain holidays holidaysPublic hoHdmnPub1iQ holIdaysPublic
Public LibraryOpen 9 a a m to0 p m holidays
9 a a ro to 9 910 p m Sundays 6 S 2 i to 9 p Po m mWhite mWhite inThite
White Hcu0pen HCUl Open 10 10a a in to 21 SIp p p m mUnited mnUed inUnited
United nUed States CapitolOpen 3 a m to 430 p 1 m mCorcoran m mCf inCoeocqan
Corcoran n Caller Gallery of ArtOpen free Tu Ti1es4a Ti1es4aTluirday kUy kUyThursday bf bfTitluNIay
Thursday Saturday SablIda 930 to 4 p p m m Sunday 130 1 to tfJJ
fJJ 43 P p m Other days 25c c admission admissionState adm1siOtStat admlzioitSttte
State Stat War and Nary DeparfmentsrOpen entrOC11 9 a a m mto tn into
to 3 p II ra The original Declaration of ofl Indeixuxl Indeixuxleuce itdeptndsore dC11O dC11Oa1
sore it in the library at the State Department DepartmentUnited DJlJ DepartmentUnited rtment rtmentU
United U ited States Treasury Ttost1rfOren Open 9 a uv uito to t02 2 p m mUnited In InUnited inUnited
United SlaU States s Patent OffieoOpoa 9 a am m to 2 2p 2Po 2Usfied
p Po re reUnited
PoUt United Ut d Slates rensicn in Bureau n BureanOefl Open a a a m m to top 4 4p 4p
p ra raUnited n nUnited
United mnUt < States Postoffice Potom to01ceOpn Opm 9 a J m m to 2 p p m mWashington In InWah1ngton inWaihlugtun
Washington City Postoffi PostotncOpcn y0pcn all U hours b n 50 The ThaDead TheDead TheDead
Dead Letter Office Is in the city postoffice postofficeNational posto postoational ostoftce ostoftceNational
National Botanic GardensOpen 8 a m In to 5 5p 5p
p 1 at atFith mPlan inPith
Plan Commission Commis10n0ren Open 9 a 10m m to 420 p 1 m mArmy m mAn81 mtnn
Army tnn Medkal ledica11Iusromp MuseumOpen n 9 a m m to 430 p Po m mNational mXUaI 01Naticeal
National MuseumOpen 1I seumO t1 9 a m m to 430 IL p m m in indadtog in inc1udIDg incindleg
dadtog holidays holidaysAgricultural boI1darsAgricultural holidaystgiicu1tural <
Agricultural DepaitmentOpen n 9 a m m to 430 430pt 433pm 4 4p
pt pm p m mBureau inBtnntuof
pmUOtI Bureau Btnntuof UOtI of Eneravias Bngra BngravlngandPrintingOpen rln and PrintiflffOpcn P ntiDgpcn 9 a a m mto In Into into
to S30 p pWaahinatun Po III IIIWUbinztM mWsuhingtan
Waahinatun Monument JWtml nL xSK 5l fet f t in helchtOpen hellht hellhtaD bdcbtOflSLJ
820 a m m to 420 p p m In Elevator runs from froni9A 9 a m mto In Intn intn4prn
to tn4prn tn4prnSmlth01elan 4 p 1 m mSmithsaian 111SmlthlGl
Smithsaian an InstitutionOpen 9 98 a m tn to 433 433p 4JJp 4 4p
p p m m including holidays holidaysGatemmont ho1fdaJGOTmuncnt holidaysGOTiUflOIlt
Gatemmont Pristine 1 OSceOpcn 10 a I m m to toPm 2 2P 2ibm
P Pm PmXavy ibmNavyTardOpenea ra raNavy
Navy NavyTardOpenea Yard Yardol Open 9 a iato550prn iato550prnSfluUitrorth m in to to520pm to520pmsithuwth 500 Po m mBIuthwtlrth
SfluUitrorth sithuwth CWUS btta ttage 35th and Prospect are areKey areIey areIcey
Key MaaalosHwne of FrattdJ Scott I Ktar author authorof authorof
of 0 5Tho The Star Spanned SiU Banner m r 3318 M I street stnetriorlh stnetriorlhwest treetiiorthweaL north northwect
west pm daily daI1 except Sunday Sw1c y 9 a a m tn to 550 550p 530Po 5ZOp
p Po ra m Admission free freeIN freeIN freeIN
Zoological I Park Putopea Open all day dayRode da daRedt day1iec
Rode 1iec 0 Cttik k Bridge and Park Parkdiary ParkChery Iarkievy
diary ievy Clua and Kensiogtwi KensiogtwiKaral I IensiagteuNaval enliDiUmNatal
Natal Observatory ObsenatOrOpen Open 9 a ro Jo 0 3 p ptn ptnlomt tn tnMotwt 01Mount
Mount lomt Vernon the the home and toinb of Washlujr Washlujrton WashiniOpen WsshIngteoOen
ton teoOen Open 11 a a m m to 4 p p m mUnited tn tnUnittd inCatted
United States Soldiers H HomeQpen nepen 9 a a m tn tna1IDKt to toOnset toUnited
Onset a1IDKtU OnsetUnited
United U ltzd Stain St et JfaTal Academy AClld Annapolis An1a Md MdAriiBften MdArlington d drHlllton
AriiBften National Cemetery CemeteryFor CenteterrFor CemeteryFor
For ilyer Military Post PostFIGHT PostFIGHT PoetMIIT
East and Northeast Citizens Com Complain Complain Cornplain ¬
plain Also of ofGarbage Garbage Plant PlantCommissioners PlantI PlantCommiseloners
1 1I 1I
Commissioners Give Hearing to toCommittees toCommittees toCommittee
Committees Who VIIO Declare Section SectionHas s ScctionHas ctf n nI
Has HasBecome Become Dumping Ground GroundiSa Ground GroundI Groundhast
I iSa hast l Washington and Northeast Wash Washington Washlng Vasllnit ¬
ington lng nit citizens associations again a aln pro TTOtestad pro protMted protested
tested JisStnst hst the permanent retention of ofnavy oCnavy ofnavy
navy yard railroad crossings and the thepresent thepresent thepresOnt
present location of the garbage plant at ata atI ata
a a hearing hear1n before the Commissioners yes yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
terday terdayThomas terdayThomu terdayThomas
Thomas W V Smith speaking for the theEast theEat theEtst
East Washington Wuhl ton Citizens Association Associationsaid AssociationI Associationsaid
said that five years ago a bill was passed passedby passedby passedby
I by Congress to eliminate grade crossings crossingsbut croaslngsbut erontingsbut
but that neither the people poop nor the Com Commissioners Commlll Cornmiasloners ¬
missioners mlll noticed the three grade cross crossings crossIBS crosslags ¬
lags ra hi Southeast Washington which whichwere whichwere whichwere
were not mentioned consequently as asth 05the asth
th the Pennsylvania Railroad was not com compelled compelled cornpolled ¬
pelled to remove them they are there thereyet thereyet thereyet
yet yetBJvan
BJvan H Tucker appeared for the theNortheast theNortht theNortheast
Northeast Washington Citizens Associa Association AssoclaUOA Association ¬
tion UOA and requested the th Commissioners Commissionersto
to take action T Solbarg SoJbocg said the gar garbage garbase garbage ¬
bage is almost unbearable unbe rable at times and andhe andhe andhe
he could furnish statements from physi physicians phY8iclan physicians ¬
cians to show the plant Is a menace to tohealth tohealth tohealth
health He advocated the removal of ofthe otthe ofthe
the plant to some point outside of the theDistrict theDllt11ct theDistrict
District William Betz corroborated the thestatements thestatements thestatements
statements of T Solbarg and added that thathe thathe thathe
he was frequently compelled to close his hiswindows hisIndow hiswindows
windows windowsL Indow IndowL
L M lL Faus stated stat the conditions are arevery arevery arevery
very serious while W V B Dodge DodgesJd said he hehad he hehad hehad
had lived in Washington sixty years yearsand yearsam yearsand
and that during durin that time everything everythinghad everythInghatS erythlng erythlngha4
had been put on the northeast and south southeast southeast southeast ¬
east sections sect1onsthe the jail the workhouse workhousethe workhousetho workhouseth
the th garbage garb plant and anything of nn nnobjectionable nnObjectionable anobjectionable
objectionable nature n ltJre that could not ot be bepat beput beput
put anywhere else eJseVERMONT elseVERMONT e eVERMONT
John OConnell Prominent Mason MasonDies JloIooDlc MasonDice
Dies Dlc of Pneumonia PneumoniaAttended PneumonIaAttended PnenrnoniaAttended
Attended by members of the various variousmilitary variousmilitary arfousmilitary
military and fraternal organizations of ofwhich oCwblch ofwhich
which he was a member the body of ofJohn ofJohn ofJohn
John OConnell who Jro died from pneumonia pneumoniaSunday pneumoniaSundy pneumoniaSunday
Sunday will be escorted to Rock Creek CreekCemetery CreekCemetery CreekCemetery
Cemetery today todayMr todayIr todayMr
Mr OConnell served with the Eleventh EleventhVermont EleventhVermont EleventhVermont
Vermont Infantry during the civil war warand warand warand
and for years had been employed In the thePension thei thePension
Pension Office He was born bani at Alburgh AlburghVX AlburghYL AlburghVt
VX in 1S44 and was vice president of the theVermont theVermont tileVermont
Vermont State Association at the time timeof timeor timeof
of his death deathHe deathHe deathHe
He had been a member of Hiram Lodge Lodgeof Lodgeor Lodgeof
of Masons lIa ons also lso a a member of the Union UnionVeteran UnIonVeteran UnionVeteran
Veteran Legion and Lincoln Post G A AR AR AR
R For years he took an active interest interestIn
In the affaIrs Yalrs of the Hamline M l E EChurch EChurch EChurch
Church ChurchMr ChurchMr ChurchMr
Mr OConnell Is survived by three sons sonsFrederick sonsFrederick sonsFrederick
Frederick C C Harry E E and Edgar E EOConnell EOConnell EOconnell
OConnell OConnellSPEED OConnellSPEED OconnellSPEED
Miss Rose Fritz Gives Exhibition ExhibitionBefore E EJiibitionBefore 111bition 111bitionDetorc
Before Postoffice Clerks CIerI ClerksBlindfolded 4 4Blindfolded JBlIndtoldedMlss
Blindfolded BlIndtoldedMlss Miss Rose Ros Fritz of Chi Chicago ChlCAbo Chicago ¬
cago a noted typewriter expert gave an anastonishing anastonishing anastonishing
astonishing exhibition of speed before beforepostoffice beforepostoffice beforepostoffice
postoffice employes yesterday when she shetook ihetook he hetook
took 214 words of dictation In two min minutes minutes intoutes ¬
utes without an error She copied from froma
a newspaper ne spaper at the rate of 110 words per perminute nerminute perminute
minute and gave a number of other ex exhibitions exhibitions cxhibitions ¬
hibitions of remarkable ability abilityMiss ability11lss abilityMiss
Miss Fritz attended atte ded tho Commercial CommercialTeachers CommercIalTeachers CommercialTeachern
Teachers convention last week in the theinterests theinlitrob theInteroets
interests of a typewriter concern concern and andthere andtl1ete andther6
there tl1ete gave g8 several S v ral remarkable speed speedtests speedtests speedtests
tests She has appeared throughout this thiscountry thIscountr thiscountry
country countr and Europe In speed spee tcbntests tcbntestsBrcnk < cbntestsBreaks contests contestsBrcukH
Breaks Record at Midway MidwayJohn MidwayJelte Udnn UdnnJdta
John It Fitihugh J tzhUlh a iburteenyoarold fouteenyear old boy lir lirteg 1hIr hrIn
teg In at JM3 3l Monet Pleasant street has broken the theLioa tbeLi tZeLa
Lioa a awl the t MCRKC I Uf record at tile Midway He Hewent Heent Bewent
went ent through the maze yo fMterdar trday afternoon in ono onomiante onomm11 oneminute
minute mm11 mil one woond s eond The beet previous record recordsnu recnrdwu recordwas
was ace minute ami ten seconds HCOnd3 held by Virginia VirginiaLattfcer VirginiaLatttmer
Lattfcer of Alexandria Va VaLOCAI TaLOCAL a aI
Exctmszoxs TODAY TODAYa TODAYerek
a SIfeik S reiK and Washington Steairboat Company Companytt Comnnrictenieri
tt dUtnen m n from M foot of ofsTtntb S rtnth street for Old Puint PointComfort PuintC61nfertlJId PuintComfort
Comfort C61nfertlJId sad Norf Norflli orf i daily at C15 p p m mSicaratr tnSuamtr inStiamir
Sicaratr Charles Maca 13C4lyter ter for ilwint Vernon VernoaL VernonLeii10 VernonLnca
Leii10 L ne ScTcnth street wharf thar it 10 a am m and 113 113p 113Porn 113pin
p Porn ra raCats S SCnis
Cats from FUt Fifteoath ItSOeth h street and X Sew ew r York STJDU STJDUemy anDuen aveesever
n ever emy < r quarter her tor Zoo P Park rk Chevy Chase and icdKenilngtoa aIOdKenilDgt andKenaingtoa
KenilDgt KenilDgtYour KenaingtoaYour Kenilngtoa KenilngtoaYour
Your Grocer Can C I Get Yon Jno G GMeinbergs
Meinbergs bread Ask for It If you ou want
the beSt Bakery 716 11th at t se seIn se sein seIn
In the Dollar ClassThats Class CIt CinisThats C
Thats TbJltswbere where T DonnelJs > onnellys Private Stock I
Rye belongs TScqt 7k 6c qt qi Try it It 14th I IMount IlUonntcrnon I IMount
lUonntcrnon Mount Vernon Ts MoBt t111t D Beautiful utlrul In Inspringtime Inspringtime I
l springtime Str Mayaiester Is Is making
dany anrtrJJ5 trips at 10 and 145 1 45 4i Sundays except exceptad exceptCii
I ad Round trip Thc including udlng everything everythingSpring everythingI everythingSprfti
Spring Sprh Sprfti Stocx StocxOJ1 tQoe to toon
II OJ1 coolers coo1ersgas gas ranees ran ranges 9 water watezohcaters heaters heaterst16
I tIS 16 12th St atC C A Muddiman Mu iman Vfc n Co Co1OJ 13H G GCaverlrs GCatelya
Caverlrs Cen llr Plumbing Plumbln 1321 O aw vr
Women of Civic Chr c Federation Federationtfrge FederationUrge FedeiationUrge
Attorney Attor e General Ge rnl tfickerslmm Jcke lIbnm SI SIIe Snrl SnrlGTcbn Siar Siarge
GTcbn Ie n General Stoke and ud Commis Commissioner CpnmisKloner Cominisicioner ¬
sioner Judson J tula on Attend AttendUcetlng Meeting at atWelfare otVelfnre ofWelfare
Welfare Department at Home of atMrsMeyer ofJlr ofMrsMcycr
MrsMeyer Jlr Jeycr Wife Vlfe of Xavy Xn at1 Secretary SecretaryThe SecretarThc Seeretar SeeretarThe
The womans welfare department of the theNational theNational theNatioa1
National National Civic Federation held a a meeting meetingat
at the residence of Mrs Meyer wife of oftho attho ofthe
tho Secretary of the Navy In Scott Cir Circle Circle Circle ¬
cle yesterday afternoon aftor oon and Indorsed the thebill thebill thebill
bill Introduced In the Senate by Senator SenatorBurton SenatorBurton SenatorBurton
Burton of Ohio and In the House by byRepresentative b bReprosenmllve bRepresentative
Representative Olcott of New York Yorkasking York Yorkasking Yorkasking
asking for tho creation of a a sanitary In Inspection Inspection inspedtlon ¬
spection system s st6m and relief from over overcrowded oorcrowdrd overcrowded ¬
crowded and unhealthful conditions II IIgoernment in ingovernment Ingovernment
government offices officesMore officesMore officesMore
More than fifty representative women womenof womenot Womenof
of the Capital many of thorn prominent prominentsocially prolTlnentsoclallr proninentsootally
socially were present pr ent presided over by byMrs byMrs byMrs
Mrs Samuel Spencer president of the thewomens thewomens thevrnens
womens welfare dopor department ment Attorney AttorneyGeneral AttorneGeneral AttorneyGcneral
General Wickersham WickershamSUrg SUrg Gen Stokes Stokesof
of the navy VY and Commissioner Judson Judsonwere Judsonwere Judsonwere
were among there thoaawho who attacked the pres present present preseat ¬
ent plan of caring for government clerks clerksJnil clerksJail lerks lerksJail
Jail Conditions Scored ScoredThe ScoredThe
The Attorney General devoted himself himselfespecially hlmselCospechtJJy himselfespecially I
especially to conditions at the city eit jail jaildeclaring ja1ldcchlrinS jaildcclnring
declaring Washingtonians and Congress Congressshould Congressshould Congressshould
should be beawakonqd awakened to toa a realization that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the Capital of the nation has the poorest poorestaccommodations poorestaccommodatlona poorestaccommodations
accommodations for prisoners He said saidevery saidevery td tdevery
every cell in the jail is sometimes crowd crowded croweland crowdCd ¬
ed and that outside of the congested congestedquarters conseatedquarters congestedquarters
quarters sanitary sanltar arrangements are poor poorH poorHe poorHe
H He advocated approprtatl appropriations iis for tern temporary ternPDtafY ternporitry ¬
porary enlargement of the th Jail event eventually O8ntmil osntunity ¬
unity mil a larger and batterequipped build buildIng bulldItS buildlit
ItS lit He also suggested that the work workhouse workhouse ork orkhouse
house be used in 5tlmos time tlm II of unusual con congestion congestion congestlon ¬
gestion gestionOr gestionL1r gestlonLir
Or Stokes went after aterthe the department departmentbuildings departmentbuildings departmentbuildings
buildings with hammer and tongs ton He Heasserted Heastierted Heassorted
asserted the government oernment is daily losing losingmoney 1051nlmoney losingmoney
money through the Inefficiency iDe of its itsclerks itscJerka Itsclerki
clerks made III through stuffy stuff quarters quarterspoor quarterspoor quarterspoor
poor ventilation nUIaUon common drinking cups cupsand CUPItand cupsand
and overcrowding He said it is a dis disgrace dl dlgtace digrace ¬
grace to Congress aDd that there ebould ebouldbe Ebouldbe shouldbe
be no dissenting voice olce when the Burton BurtonOlcott BurtonOlcott BurtonOlcott
Olcott measure comes to a vote voteA yoteA voteA
A thorough system of sanitary in inspection Inspection inspection ¬
spection by b competent Inspectors he hesaid liesaid hesaid
said would undoubtedly remedy these theseconditions thfMiecondlUOnL thoseconditions
conditions There is at present no at attempt attempt attempt ¬
tempt at scientific sanitation in many of ofthe orthe ofthe
the department office otftc8 and the result is isa isa isa
a lowering of the efficiency of th t1 office officeforces offlceforCe officeforces
forces by b sometimes as much muon as 25 per percent percent P0 P0cent
cent through throa chronic illnesses and tempo temporary temporary tempovary ¬
rary aliments alimentsCommends allmen atimentsCommends ts tsCommemls
Commends Wgnicns Qmens Work WorkCongested WorkCongested VorkConGested
Congested quarters and an bad air not notto notto notto
to mention drinking drlnkln cute wed by nil nilalike aUAUke nflalike
alike are natural aids to the contraction contractionf
pt f headaches hoadach bad Hints and other 1U 1UJiesscs 11tn6SSCS I Ine3sos
Jiesscs ne3sos The work ork taken up by the Worn WomWs Wornns om omns
Ws ns Department of tile Civic Federation Federationis
is to be highly hl ly commended and it Is Ispractically IsracUcaJ lBpractically
practically racUcaJ y assured that the results will will6e wUlbe willbe
be of the best bestCommissioner beatIt bostCommissioner
Commissioner Judson offered sugges suggestions sugges11ons suggesfloss ¬ I
floss as to the way some of the offices officescould offlaescould officesiouki
could be arranged He concurred with withthe withthe
the opinions of otha the tIi military mllltar physicians physicianswho physicianswho physicianswho I
who have passed upon the conditions conditionsaad conditionsaad conditionsand
aad predicted the adoption of tho bills billsbefore billsbeforo billsbefore
before Congress CongressMiss COngTeaUss Congrelli3Uss
Miss Uss Brown of the Young Womons WomonsChrisUan WomonsChristian WomansChristian
Christian Association described the theovercrowding theovercrowe theovercrowding
overcrowding overcrowe ling in some of the department departmentoffices d departmentoffices putment putmentofflCeJI
offices and said tho entire e Ure force of gov government bOVcrnment govorament ¬
ernment clerks in Washington are seek seeking seakIn seekn ¬
ing In n improvement A letter was road from fromDr fromDr fromDr
Dr Wyroan W 11t8A of the Marine Hospital HospitalService HosvitalService HospitalService
Service indorsing the stand of the Civic CivicFederation Ch1cFederatlon CivicFederation
Federation FederationCHURCH FederatlonCHURCH FederationCJRCH
Cosmopolitan Temple Baptist Church ChurchCelebrates Chur ChurchCelebrates b bCebbrntcfII
Celebrates Event EventRov ETentRov EventRev
Rov Dr Charles Wood pastor of the theChurch theChurch theChurch
Church of the Covenant and Rev Dr DrS DrS
S S H Woodrow of the First Congre Congregational Congregational Congregatlonal ¬
gational Church were the principal principalspeakers prlAcl princiDalspeakers al alspeakers
speakers at the celebration at the Cos Cosmopolitan Cosmop Cosrnop ¬
mopolitan mop lltlln Temple Baptist Church last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night In honor honor of the burning of the thethird thethird thethird
third mortgage of the church churchRev churehRe churchRev
Rev Re Simon P W r Drew pestor In his hisIntroductory hisJnlroductory hisintroductory
Introductory remarks spoke of the work workof workOf workOf
of the church and Its struggle since Its Itsorganization ttsQrsanlzaUon ItsQrganization
organization to pay payoff off the mortgage mortgagedebts mortS8gedebts mortgagedebts
debts thanking all hl the friends of the thechurch thechurch thechurch
church for the help and sympathy sym atby that thathas thathas thathas
has been extended to the congregation congregationThe congregatloijThe congregationThe
The burning of the third mortgage was wasperformed waperformed wasperformed
performed by Mrs Eliza Campbell the theoldest theoldest theoldest
oldest member of the congregation congregationEaster congregationEast congregationEsstQr
Easter East r music was rendered by the chil childrens childrens chitdrens ¬
drens choir of the Sunday school schoolTomorrow schoolTomorrow schoolTomorrow
Tomorrow night Judge De Lacy LacyJames LacyJames LacyJames
James F Oyster president of the board boardof boardor boardof
of education Richard R R Homer a mem member member memher ¬
ber of the board and W V Calvin Chase Chaseeditor Chase Chaseeditor Chaseeditor
editor of Tho Bee will be the speakers speakersof
of the occasion occasionThe oecaslonThe occasionThe
The young church Is attempting to toraise tornlse toraise
raise 1000 1030 to pay payoff off the second s ond mort mortgage mortgage mortgage ¬
gage and with the present prospects it itis ItIs itIs
is hoped that the amount will soon be beraised beraised beraised
raised raisedSOI raisedSON I ISOli
Believes 111 Health Drove M 1 P Tal Tal1crt Palbert 1 1liert
bert to Han Hang Himself HimselfThe Him Hlme1fThe eJr eJrThe
The body of the the5 the5man man who hOo hanged him himself himself himself ¬
self from a bedpost In a rooming rooming house houseat houseat i iat
at 321 Missouri avenue northwest on onSunday onSunday J JSunday
Sunday was yesterday identified at the themorgue themor themorgueas
morgue mor morgueas Ue as that of M F Talbert sixty sixtyyears sbt sbtoars sixtyyears
years oars old oldThe oldThe oldThe
The identification was as made by Alonzo AlonzoTalbert AlonzoTalbert AlonzoTalbert
Talbert of Blue Plains D C a son sonTalbert sonTalbert sonTaThert
Talbert thinks his father committed sui suicide suicide aiddde ¬
cide because of despondency over ill illhealth mheaJth illhealth
health and financial difficulties difficultiesany difficultiesI difficultiesVk
I ot any y B BTha Mm Vkrho Trust TrustThQ
Tha Original and Genuine GenuineThe Genuln3HORLICKS GonuInLTE
MALTED LTE flllLK flllLK1he ULKThe
The Food Drink for All AllFodnf Ilges IlgesFor go goFor
For Fodnf Infants antsnval Invalidsand jdsandGrowing Growing children childrenPureNutritionupbuilding childrenPure childrenPureNutiitionupbuilding
PureNutritionupbuilding Pure Nutrition upbuilding the thewhole whole body bodyInvigoratwthenursingmotherandthe bodyInvigorates bodyInvigoratesthcnursingmotherandthe
Invigoratwthenursingmotherandthe Invigorates thenursingmotherand the aged agedRich agedRich agedj
Rich milk malted grain in j powder form formA formnch formA
A quick lunch nch prepared in 9 minute minuteTakenoscbjtitateAskforHORLICKfS mmnteTake minutelilienosubifitute
TakenoscbjtitateAskforHORLICKfS TakenoscbjtitateAskforHORLICKfSOthers Take lilienosubifitute no substitute Ask AkforHORL1CKS AkforHORL1CKSOthers for HORLICKS HORLICKSOthers
Others are imitations
Commissioner Petitioned Against Agalnitew
ew Hnmpahlre Avenue A eitue Plans PlansThe PlnnsThe PlaitsThe
The W Washington Board of Trade Ta Takoma Takoma Takoma
koma Park and woodburn Citizens CitizensAssociations CItizensAssociations CitizensAssociations
Associations have united in an appeal to tothe tothe tothe
the Commissioners to recommend the ex extension extension cxtCnsion ¬
tension of New Hampshire avenue In a astraight astraIght astraight
straight line Instead of a broken line as aslaid aslaid aslaid
laid down In the highway plans plansThe plansTl1e plansS
S The Tl1e engineer department holds that the thepermanent thepcrmanent thepermanent
permanent system contemQlates the ttiebroken thebroken thebroken
broken line lineso so as to Include a portion of ofxild ofold ofold
old Riggs road and Is more suitable to tothe tot110 tothetopography
the thetopography topography of the section Also that thattlie thattIie thattfle
tlie direct extension would cost about about10CCQ aboutlOtco about1occo
10CCQ more The Th property owners and aadresidents andresIdents andresidents
residents along the straight extension ap appear appear appear ¬
pear unanimous In their desire to de defeat liefeat 1e 1eteat ¬
feat the other plan planMASS planMASS planMASS
Brooklanil Citizens Will Will VlI Urge Ex Extension ExtcnJllon Lxlension ¬
tension of Hallway HallwayThere nolh RailwayPliers n nr
There r ere will be a mass meeting of the theBrooklyn theBrooklyn theBrooklyn
Brooklyn oltizens under the th auspices auseos of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Citizens Association ri tonight tonlgllt at S Sp SPo Sp
p Po m in the town t wn hall The object of oftfhe orhe ofhe
tfhe he meeting meetingis is to urge the passage pasagcof of the thebill t thehilt e ebill
bill providing for the extension of the theCity theCity theCity
City and Suburban Street Railway RaUwa across acrossthe acrossthe ll llthe
the new Monroe MOl1toe Street bridge into In o Brook Brookland Brookland Brookland
land landSeveral landSecral landSeveral
Several members of Congress have been beeninvited beenitivitod
invited Invtt d and there will be representatives representativesfrom 1
from the various Catholic Institutions of oflearning otlearning oflearning
learning in and near nOOr Brookland The Thecitizens ThecItIzens Thecitizens
citizens have been working earnestly for foryears t for foryears r ryoars
years to get the street railroad extended extendedacross etendedacross extendedacros5
across the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Railroadtracks na flaitroadtracke road roadtr
tracks tr ka to eliminate the th dangerous danger ua grade gradecrossing gradeorosslng gradecrossing
crossing and to provide better facilities facilitiesfor faclUtlestor facilitiesfor
for the town townGOES townGOES townGOES
Washington Man Refused to Pay PayFine PayFine PayPine
Fine in Hyattsville HyattsvilleChanges HyattsvilleChungell ltyattsvilleChanges
Changes Mind Alter Hour In Cell CellWhere Cellh CellWhere
Where h reSon Son and Daughter DaughterBegged DnusbtcrBeJgcd DaughterBegged
Begged to Join Him HimCharles HimChuJoo HimCharles
Charles E Dense proprietor of a aWashington aasklngton aWashington
Washington asklngton plumbing establishment was waslocked wu1oek8J waslocked
locked up in the pump pump beuoHi heus jail at atHyattsvfHe atHattsvtHe atHyattsvftle
HyattsvfHe yesterday because he refused refusedto
to pay a 10 10 Una on the qhargs l of auto automobile automobile automobile ¬
mobile speeding His son and daughter daughterbegged daughterbegged daughterbegged
begged the officers to lock them up too toobut toobut toobut
but were induced to go home by Mr Des Dessez Desz Dessez
sez z who paid his fine an hour later and andwas andwu andwas
was released releasedMayor releaaec11Y releasedMayor
Mayor 1Y r MeGnider Councilmen Burgess Burgessand Burgeasand Burgessand
and Brooks and H G Machen and Harry HarryLewis HarryLewts HarryLewis
Lewis were witnesses at the hearing be before be betore before ¬
fore Justice of oftba the Peace Sakers and andthey andthey andthey
they testified they had seen the auto autobout autoabout autoabout
about bout the time of the arrest and that it itwas ItU Itwas
was U moving slowly Mr Dascez De Des sez ez was ar arrested 1reeted arrooted ¬
rested In the morning on the boulevard boulevardIn
In the th eastern atern part of the be city by Deputy DeputySheriff DeputySheriff DeputySheriff
Sheriff Mebler who charged that the ma machine machine machine ¬
chine was running runnln faster than ten miles milesan milesan milesan
an hour the lawful limit Mr rr Bosses Deseezdeclared DetI8ezdeclared Bossesdeclared
declared his speedometer would show showtrlgit showclg showeIgzt
trlgit clg 1t miles an hour When sentence was wasimposed wa8Imposed wasImposed
imposed he heasked asked permission to appeal appealThe appealThe appealThe
The court informed him there was no ap appeal ap appeal ¬
peal and he would have to pay the fine fineor ftneor lineor
or go to jail 11 The courtroom was wascrowded wasQro wascrowded
crowded Qro tled and the scene was dramatic dramaticwhen dramaticwhen
when hen Mr Bosses Dassoz said he would not pay paywhat PYwh1t paywhat
what he considered an unjust fine but butwould butwouk butwouki
wouki would fight the case to the last court courtThe courtThe courtThe
The Hyattsvllle jail changed hi hl decisionseveral decisionS decision decisionSeveral
Several S voral others were fined on the charge chargeof chargeof
6 of speeding speedingEASTER speedingEASTER pe Ung UngEASTER
Largest Crowds in Capital from the theBast tbcEalli theEast
East This Year YearIl Yenrn Yearit
Il is estimated cs mated that there were 4CCO 4CCONew UIOONow 4tONew
New England visitors In Washington for forEaster forEaster forEaster
Easter the majority of them th n being dele delegations delegaitons dalegations ¬
gations of pupils and teachers teachersEvery teachersEvery teachersEvery
Every hour of their time was U taken up upwith upwith upwith
with sightseeing hundreds visiting the theNational th thNational theNatIonal
National Museum the Fish Commission Commissionthe
the Bureau Buranuof of Engraving and Printing Printingand PrlnUngand Printingand
and the Treasury In the afternoon a alarge 1large alarge
large number cf the party visited Mount MountVernon MountVernon MountVernon
Vernon while others others in sightseeing au automobiles automobiles antomobiles ¬
tomobiles saw sa other places of public in interest Interest Interest ¬
terest terestCol terestCol terestCoi
Col John B Billings of Cambridge CambridgeMass CambridgeMass CambridgeMass
Mass was in charge of one of the largest largestparties largestparties largestparties
parties Receptions RecePtl > ns were given yesterday yesterdayIn
In the rooms of the Senate District Com Committee Committee Cornmittee
mittee in the Capitol John H Walker Walkerthe Walkerthe alker alkerthe
the committee clerk Ierk acting as a host hostMr hostMr hostMr
Mr Walker alker explained some of the pro proposed ptoposed proposed ¬
posed plans for beautifying the Capital CapitalCity CapitalCity CapitalCity
Report on Crulwer Trouble May 31n Be BeAgninnt DeA DciAgainst
Against A inKt the Men MenRear JlenRear MenRear
Rear Admiral Admiral Albert C Dillinsham U US US 13S
S N who was sent to Hampton Roads Roadsto Roadsto Roadsto
to investigate condition on board the scout scoutcruiser scoutcruiser scoutcruiser
cruiser Salem S em returned to Washington Washingtonyesterday Washingtonyesterday VashlAglonterda
yesterday terda and had a conference with Act ActIng ActIn ActIn
Ing In Secretary of the Navy Beekman Wln Wlnthrop Winthrop Wlnthrop
throp Admiral DHlingham Dillln ham was Instruct Instructed ¬
ed to report on dissatisfaction among mnon the theenlisted theenlisted theenlisted
enlisted men of the Salem While his hisreport hisropqrt hisreprrt
report ropqrt has not been made public it Is un understood unllerstood Undorstood
derstood that he found that the men were wereat wereat wereat
at fault
Rabert F McGnhe M Ii of c iledfcrd Oreg o urt urtRuth UtIRuth aMBUIlt
Ruth 6 KtebaU KtllbaB3 23 of Boston 3la Mae Hw G a aF CF t tF
F Bmtcnahl BmtcnahlVflBam RJ1Itc lll lllVlUiam S SViu
VflBam Viu K Hadt IISte 31 and Made rloC C Brwra 2T 2THer 2iWUJ 2 2William
Her WUJ William 11ham un P Po Gaanon GaanonIrrina GUII1OSImng GannosIrring
Irrina G Gates 23 n and Aside AaafelI M Burroughs DultOUl8sntr Burroughsliar 22 22K
K liar r M P 1 J r rJuxes Efian EfianJaffics R RJane
Jane H Lotighbutttsit IntgIa k 0 40 4o of o3ItUe iltttos Mil iI aDd aadSsllio aDdS sadSalle
Ssllio S io McChBdkM St of New esv Yctk OKf Ret RcrG RetG
G G C F Breteachl BreteachlLather DnteKlIILuth iintecWLuther
Lather Luth r B Basfcett 33 3 sad Ada P Tyler 2S 2Sboth 2 200th 2both
both of Haaorer County Va V Her J B Me MeLsushlln XCLauhUn MeLaughlin
Lsushlln LsushllnJames LauhUnJtuncs LaughlinJames
James C Taller T1 lel 23 l and Mtwrie tbnd L Sw Suitt Suitt00th r J2 J2both 2both
both of RU ntcftmead roead Va a Il He liar r J E Eo OtoaJt OtoaJtGeorge oLGeorge CeotGeorge
George M 1L L Garth 30 and Hattie E E Yawnjr le7 St Stbc SIboth Itbch
bc both h of RicJonoisd Va 8 neT J 1 E E Cook CoasHenry CookHenrr CookHenry
Henry F ttempwy Dem W 4 3 asd Marie Mjcra IJciM ST STboth 3both 37both
both rf ISictoaond Itt U Va jUT R T T J E n Ctedk CtedkCharles OokCharles CeekCharlg
Charles A Madison S of lUaover CbtMitjr Va Vaand VLand Vsand
and limIter T3Mnnas Lnunr taqrr1 Hi of Rkhaoad Va VaRer Vanero Taflee
nero John E E Urfegs Urfegsxlgar lIriWodgar Lriggndgar
dgar A Suttoti M of Fort Worth T Tu x and andAnna andAllnil andArnie
Anna U L Httghstead Hlighst ad 12 12 Rev J 1 H H yams XelraaHrarcrt SelruHerTlTt yamsRenvrt
Hrarcrt H Xictells 1 5 21 and Julia E Eo Wtefree Wt rre8 IS ISboth uOOth iiboth
both of ntehraond Va 11 Rev JB J n JlcU 31cIjis 31cIjisShiney leL leLSt1nes jttn jttnSWn
SWn St1nes y M 3L l Goode 3 and EH Effie iie Cante 13 of ofRidimond on ofBidrnieed
n Ridimond clInand Va a liev George Gtxw M t Taylor TaylorHaroki Ta TaHarod TaylorHardd
Haroki B Sweatt 2 and JUry 11rr E 1 Sheridan 28 28Rer m mRer 5 511cr
Rer John J Keans KeansFrcdrrick IteMIFtedrrlck KesnrFtedick
Frcdrrick W V Tcrrence Jr S a sad < l Arileo JlIIII1 Martin MArtin MartinIs
10 both of Richmond lti luncud Va Ret Geere G 31 31Jarrcs Ti Taylor TaylorJames jlor jlorJanxs
James W V Sauwkre 2T 2 and Lena J T Baldwin lditlD 3S 3SIU 35tct 3Lher
IU her tct > v K E J ConneJly ConneJlyMaurice COI11lelbaurlee CocinetlyMaurice
Maurice aurlee L Wewlfp S 31 of Hudson y Y and andMary andMary bd bdtary
Mary tary W V Theme S7 of Lexington Va Va Rer no J T THuddle THuddle THuddle
Huddle HuddleRobert HuddleRobert HuddleRobert
Robert G BritUm S3 23 and Mabel PieStete 2U 2Uboth 21MIL 21 21both
both of Richmond RidnnecdVa VR Ret eT J T Raid Shames SbanuonRichard SltaI1JOl1IU Shameshihihard
Richard IU hll d H Sinclair 34 and Anna nna1I JL IL Dsbonbrock Dsbonbrock2t D Deb b 8Isrock ahrock2L
2t ROT Alfred Hardinc HardincCam41 HardingCam4l
Cam41 M I Barrick mifk 2fr and Ethd I M La Ban Barre
23 net lKTJtitt IJI Faaley FaaleyRay FalerUar Fasleyflit
Ray E E Xlsjwahder l 3i1dGr Z 23 and CdraUe maUe M MK 3toqlc5ntery 3toqlc5nteryl
K l Poet R S Owens OwensSamuel OrensSamuel
Samuel g Po Oeoke 30 and 11 d Mary arr J 1 11r Ward Vud SL SLHer SLI Si Si1k
Her I J B Pittat PittatHarrj Pittat1h PittarhIsri3
Harrj 1h Charman 22 2Z 2 and Hazel B Ale AleIS 13 1B ROT ltGtoR farB
R B F Wlll1n1S
Be Wise in Buying BuyingRefrigerators BuyingRefrigerators BuyingRefrigerators
Refrigerators RefrigeratorsSo
So much depends on the inside work workmanship workmanship vorknianship ¬
manship of a refrigerator refrigeratorthe the parts you youdont youdont youdont
dont see seeit it is wise to buy them of a re reliable reliable reliable ¬
liable house Our refrigerator refrig rator are the best beststyles beststyles beststyles
styles manufactured d We have sold the thesame thes 1 1same
same s me makes m k for many many many years y ars We have all allsizes allSIzes allsizes
sizes SIzes and we have marked them at a veryeconomical very veryeconomical veryeconomical
economical price range beginning as a1ow a1owas > low lowas
as 675 ltt tt a aWhen
When in Doubt Buy Buyof BuyofHouse of ofHouse 4 1 1House
House 6 i Herrmann Herrmann7th
7th and I Eye Sts N W WHOMES WHOME WifbPiLs
9315000 9315000In Jt OOO OOOIn
In Mt Pleasant Close to toSixteenth toSixteenth 0 0Sixteenth
Sixteenth Street StreetThe StreetThe itrettThe
The owner will sacrifice sacrificethis sacrificethIs sacrificethis
this unusually pretty home homeHe homeHe homeHe
He is leaving the clty and andhaving andhavIng andhiaving
having purchased else elsewhere elsewhere elsewhere
where is in need of money moneyat moneyijt moneyat
at once The house con contains contaIns contains ¬
tains reception hall prior pariordiningcoom par priordiningroom Qf Qfc1lnIngroomkitcbcn
diningcoom c1lnIngroomkitcbcn kitchen three threebedrooms threehedlooms threebedrooms
bedrooms and bath large largerear largerL largerear
rear rL ar > yard with beautiful beautifulgrape beautifulgrape beautifulS beautifulgrape
grape arbor in full bearing bearingA =
A Splendid SIII l1dld Honiey Home With WithIarge WithLarge ftb ftbIDrg
Large Stable la lot 2oatConvenient lotConTenlent loatConvenient
Convenient Do Dowtown DowtownSection DotgtownSection ytown ytownSection
Section SectionHouse SectionHouse SectionHouse
House contains ten rooms roomsand roomsand roomsand
and bath and is in first firstclass firstclass
class 1055 condition The stable stableis st stableis bJe bJeIf
is large larg with coachmans coachmansroom coachmansroom coachmansroom
room and bath The prop propinting propert property
ert erty 15 now renthl inting for forSii6S for7L65
MENTS MEITSNortb MENTSiorthi V VNnrtli
Nnrtli of Fla Avennd AvenndWest A e nm nmut and andWest
West ut of Fourteenth St StS
1150 4150A 1150A 110A
A threes threestorybrick threestory S ory brick con containing contalningnln contaming ¬
taming talningnln nine room room andbaCh andbaChin and bath batJhIn bathin
in select neighborhood Con Convenient COnvenlent h hentent ¬
venient to cars An unusu unusually unusual unusually ¬
ally al low price for a home hom In Inthis inthis Inthis
this section
84850 84850Within 24soWithin O Oltblu
Within ltblu n Square of Scott ScottCircle ScottClrOle ScottCircle
Circle CircleHouse ClrOleHouse CircleHouse
House contains six rooms roomsand roomsand roomsand
and bath furnace heat This ThisIs ThIsIs Thisis
Is within easy eas walking dis distance distance dintance ¬
tance of the business center centerof etnterof centerof
of the city The location locationis 1oatlonii
is ii the best
iC c W V Croyrell Draped DraJ c1 Along Alongplta1t As Asphalt s sphixtit ¬
phalt by b Auto AntoAnother AutoAnother AnteAnother
Another automobile aut mobl1e tragedy t ageCly was barely barelyaverted barelyaverted barelyaverted
averted yesterday afternoon in F street streetbetween streetbetween streetbetween
between between Thirteenth and an Fourteenth Fourteenthstreets Fourteenthstreets Fourteenthstreets
streets northwest when C W Crowell of orIaryJimd
123 Maryland avenue northeast employed employedas
as a policeman In the theHouse House Office build buildIng buUdIng buildlag
Ing was rim run down by an automobile automobileowned a automobileowned tomobile tomobileowned
owned and driven by C S Zepp of 13 135 j 5 F Fstreet Fstrett Fstrett
strett streetA strettA strettA
A heavy truck had h d become b ome stalled at the thecorner thecorner thecorner
corner of Eleventh street street resulting in the thecars theears theears
ears lining up for several blocks bIo ks west westMr westIr westMr
Mr Ir Crowell who was a apassenger on one oneof oneot oneof
of these cars was given pn m identification identificationslip IdentificatIonslip identIficationslip
slip with a suggestion that he would wouldprobably wouldprobablY wouldprobably
probably make time by b walking forward forwardand fOMV forwardand rd rdand
and taking one < of othe the cars ars < further ahead aheadAs ahe ahetdAs d dAs
As Mr MrCrowel Crowd stepped from the car carthe eMUse carthe
the automobile which despite the con congested congosted congested ¬
gested condition of the street was going goingat goingat I
at n normal rate of speed struck and andknocked andknocked andknocked
knocked him h m down dow dowq dragging Jilm Jim fully fullyfifty f fullyfifty llY llYfifty
fifty feet before it was as brought to a astandstill nstandstill astandstill
standstill standstillFortunately standstillFortunatoly standstillFortunately
Fortunately as he fell he grasped the theforward theforward theforward
forward guard of the vehicle hlcle and holding holdingon
on prevented preve tCd the machine frqm passing passingover passingover passingover
over him Beyond a number n mbar of bruises and andscratches nndr andscratches
scratches < r tches he escaped injury and after afterslight nftersUght afterslight
slight assistance was able to proceed on onhis onhis onhis
his way unassisted unassistedNature unassistedNatures
I Iuture
Nature uture Easter Olf Offering OfferingAs dng dngAs
As If ttsblvlng striving striving to contribute contrib contribhtets te4 1ts part in inthe inthe Inthe
the grant Easter c8rnh carnival l one on of the thehuge thehuge thehuge
huge magnolia trees tre in i Fourteenth F urteenth urtee th street streetopposite streetoPPGSitc streetOppGSit
opposite the J JFr Fred d Gatchell Companys Companystailoring Companystailoring Companystailoring
tailoring establishment taQUshrrient burst bUrSt Into full fullbloom fuUbloomSunta fullbloom
bloom bloomSunta Sunday r There are thousands of ofthe orthe ofthe
the Wosrvoms blo oms creating crea rig a great STent tower of ofmagnificent otmagnlftuelJt of1nagniflont
magnificent white and the air Is heavily heavilyladen heavlbladQn heavilyladen
laden with the he delicate perfume Its a asight asight
sight 81 ht worth seeing syeluJ and hundreds of peo people DeopIe peoplo ¬
pIe viewed It It1j Mr GatcheJJ Gatch IJs says say yS there are aretwo aretwo aretwo
two displays in thai lhqillnJJ1 UnmeatQt iinm tiitC ll t neighbor neighborhood helgpborhood hoigtborhood
hood worth coming comfnga a long way y to s see seethe e ethe e ethe
the magnolia ma magnoliatree olia tree in bloom bloonsapdtlie antJthe and tle more morevaried morearl morevarld
varied arl d display of spring woolens that his hisconcern hlsconcern hisconcern
concern Is making
S 6 600000 600000Very oooo ooooVery
Very Close to Sixteenth Sixteenthand Sixteenthand Sixteenthand
and 3In lalI Ave AvcA A AveA C CA
A house containing nine ninerooms nInerooms ninerooms
rooms and bath firstfloor firstfloorkitchen firstfioorkitchen firstfloorkitchen
kitchen exceptionally large
lot lot24 24 4 foot front by depth depthof depthat depthof
of 95 side and rear alleys
See this home h me at once onceA onceA onceA
A Beautiful Corner Lot Lot3fenr LotNenr LotNear
Near Connecticut Ave and andChevy andClle7 andChevy
Chevy Chase Circle
65 feet front on one street streetand streetand streetand
and 161 on the other The Thelot Thelot ThelOt
lot contains nearly 10000 10000square lQOOOsquare ioooosquare
square feet and is an ideal idealbuilding Idealbulldlng idealbuildIng
building site having every
improvement improvementPrlee improvementS
S price 53760 53760Terms U 37gO 37gOTerms iO iOTerms
Terms arranged arrangedTo Brra ed edTo
To Close an Estate at atOnce atOnce atOnce
Once OnceA OnceA OnceA
A large home containing containingsixteen containIngsixteen containingsixteen
sixteen rooms and three threebaths threebaths threebaths
baths located in the best bestpart bestpUt bestpart
part of Washington Heights Heightson
on on Columbia Cofumblaroad road Get full fullparticulars fullparticulars fullparticulars
particulars at once as this thisproperty thisproperty thisproperty
property will be sold sev several sevrlll sevOral ¬
Oral rlll thousand dollars below belowvalue belowvalue belowvaIue
8000 8000In s8000In 8000 8000In
In the Prettiest Part of ofChevy otChc7
Chevy Chase Close Closeto Closetobe tot to tothe
the t be e Circle CircleA Clr CircleA le leA
A most artistic home con containing CODtaining eontaming ¬
taining eight rooms recep reception r reception ep ¬ I IUon
tion hall and bath hot hotwater hotwater hotwater
water heat lot has front frontage frontagc frontage ¬
age of sixty feet with withsouthern withsouthern withsouthern
southern exposure See this thisproperty thisproperty thisproperty
property Salesman at Chevy ChevyChase ChevyChase ChevyChase
Chase Office all day
738 15th Street N W Wwill WS
300 300wfI
will rent renta rentaw a aLight aLight
w Light igt a Touch ToucKMonarch ouc ouci 5 I IMonarch
Monarch Monarchfor
for one month
1500 1500will
i will rent a sLight aLight ar9i
Light Touch TouchMonarch TouchC t tM
C Monarch Monarchfor M narch narchfor
for six months monthsMay monthsLight monthsLight
Light r Touch ouch Monarchs MonarchsMay
May be purchased on the MONTHLY Y PAYMENT PAYMENTplan PAYMENTplan PAYMENTplan
plan A post card will bring full information informationTpewriter informationThe informationThe
The Monarch MonarchTypewriter MonarchTypewriter
Typewriter Tpewriter Company
1421 F Street N NPhone W WI WPhone WPhone
Phone Main 693 WASHINGTON D C
Messengers Messeng rs WantedBoys Wanted WantedBoys Waoted5Boys
Boys over 16 and young youngmen youngmeI1 youngmcii
men with bicycles wanted wantedfor wantedfor wantedfor
for messenger messe ger service serviceApply serviceApply serviceApply
CIRCULArlON of if the BLOOD BLOOD Circu Circulars Circulars Circulars ¬
lars references and consultation Free FreeProf FreeProf FreeProf
1022 Ninth street nvr nvrAVashJnerton nTYtshJn nsvS
S AVashJnerton YtshJn tasldngtonDC tasldngtonDCMEDICL ton D C CMEDICAL C CMEDICAL
728 13th St StWashlneton StYB StVasliingions
Washlneton YB lIngton Oldest OIr1 d Specialist t
38 > ear enrs practice treating JVcrvoua and andChronic IIDdChroDlc sadChronic
Chronic Diseases also aJ > o stomach lungs lungsnbma lu lungsthma gs gsAnhma
nbma catanu ertay arpejulicitis liter In heart b rt krfoeji krfoejibladder J dDO dDObladder dnys dnysbladder
bladder stricture discharses di a petrol Dttal debility and andipccial aDdIlJcial andipethi
ipccial weakness wet knew blood tod 1Jd skin dteeases p necul neculand caJ caJand al allnd
and private rat8 aliments of both aexe cured qjiickij qjiickijConsultation qpickJC cplck1rCo5nnlltaion
Consultation C nsut1t1on free Hours HI Uf9 931 9 to 1230 and 3 lo o 530 530daily S301Iily 3O 3Odat
daily dat aondava U1Id1IIJJa flJth3e osu to JOrXL dandier Uaudias UaudiasWmtor Ul lIdIidUIZkientor ldiJla ldiJlaOtnto1Fn
Wmtor Otnto1Fn snd eiiiifphxe eiiiifphxeCcn plx ue ueGen > o oGen
Gen Roll Recuperating RecuperatingSince RecolcrntingSInce RecuperatingSince
Since the automobile accident that re resuited resulted resuited
suited last week w k in the death of oMrs Mrs Her Herbert Herbert Herbert ¬
bert J Slocuro Gen G n J Franklin Bell BellChief BellChief BollChief
Chief of Staff SttJft U S A A Is rspterted ns nsrecpvcring 18recpcrlng asrecpverlng
recpvcring steadily stca 1llr < It is is the belief of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the surgeons surg ons that three of Gen G n Bells Bellsribs Dellsribs Bellsribs
ribs are broken brokenlargest broken brokenLargest brokenLargest
largest Morning Circulation