Largest arg stW Women omens S Outergarrafnt utergarmtint Store South of New York YorkI
110 110GSt 1106 Next Nextto Nextto NextG
to Cor Corllth
GSt G St o llth nt ntAFTEREASTER
We vcourt Court Comparison ComparisonOver ComparisonAFTEREASTER
Over 1000 models in womens and misses missestailored missestailored
4 q tailored suits embracing every fabric and andcolor andc andcolor
color c lor shown this spring springS22 springS2Z
S22 22 and 525 25 Values Valuess Valuest4
> s f8 H f IP
t4 1695 and 1995 1995S35
i S35 35 and 40 Values ValuesS50 J I Ik
1 1l1iiIIiI
k t1 2500
l1iiIIiI S50 50 and 60 Values I j i
t1IiIiIItdJ 83950 83950Sizes 3950 3950Sizes 7i t HE
1j iI117 Sizes to fit women of every build including stout stoutwomen stoutwomen I I I jj
J1i women and sizes for misses
District DistrictAttorney Attorney Threatens Threatensto
to Put Them in i Jail JailFIND JanJ JanFm JailPnTh
Plan iIan or oti otWide Wide e Scope Unearthed and andGreat andG nndGxcat
Great G at Care Will V111 Be Exercised in inFuture inFuture iiiFuture
Future Thirtyone Indictments IndictmentsHanded InlllctmentsJlaudedDownFew 1I111Ctfl1efltIlnuded
Handed JlaudedDownFew Down DownFew Few Dank Officials OfficialsAppear Officialspp OfficlaiMAppearflr1ng
Appear Appearflr1ng pp arnrlng Bring Mutilated Jiutl1afed Books BooksPittsburs DookHPiltsbul BooksPittsburg
Pittsburs Piltsbul March Nate are1i 8S SoThis This was as bankers bankersday bankersday bankersday
day in the graft urobe It was not a asuccess asUCC asuecass
success sUCC S Many bankers expected to ap appear appear tippear ¬
pear before the grand jury didnt show showup showup showup
up They The will do < so S SQ < > tomorrow omorrow accord according nceordIng accordIng ¬
ing to the district attorney or the t1l jail jailwill jailwill JaBwill
will be filed filedEarly filedEarly filedEarly
Early today bankers bink from the six city citydepositories citydepositories citydepositories
depositories sent an an attorney to the dis district district dietrict ¬
trict attorney to call his attention to the thefact thefact thefact
fact that they the had net been be n formally no notified notified notified ¬
tified that they were wanted District DistrictAttorney DistllctAttorney DistrictAttorney
Attorney Blakeley at once Issued sub subpoenaee subpoenaes subpoenae
poenaee for the bankers and nota not a fw fwof fltWor fGwot
of thorn were In the th grand grarid Jury room roomduring roomdurIng roomduring
during the aftsraoon aftsraoonPresident aftoraoonPreslden artoraconPresident
President H I IL C Bnghman Dusknp of Ole Sec Second 3econd ec econd ¬
ond National Bank Banks with Cashier J L LYoung LY LYcung
Young Y ung and Directors William McConway McConwayEdward McConwayEdward MeConwayEdward
Edward B Taylor T D Cantler F C COsborne COsborne COsborne
Osborne Wutam W Kennedy enn8 Y Charles CharlesW CharJesW Charesw
W Friend W V L Curry Thomas Th mas W WWelsh WWelsh WWelsh
Welsh Jr and William WHlcck appeared appearedand appearedardwere appearedand
and ardwere were examined as a o what they the knew knewabout knewabout knewabout
about their thelrbftnk bank having bought favors favorsby favorsby favorsbr
by br paying crooked councilmeh councilmehFail counoilmehFall councilmerFall
Fall to Appear AppearT
T Hart Given president pro ident of the Farm Farmers Fanners Farmcrc ¬
ers Deposit Dep 6lt National did not appear appearand apP appearand llr llrand
and his failure caused some comment commentJudge commentJudgo commentJudge
Judge James Jam H Reed a director ap appeared appeared appeared ¬
peared and was wass wasexamined examined Cashier CashierJames CashierJames CashierIamea
James M Anderson Anderson of the Working Workingmens Workingmens Workingmens
mens Savings and Trust Company and andDirectors andDirectors andDirectors
Directors Thomas M Rees and Christian ChristianZies ChristianZes ChristianZIes
Zies were induced to appear app flr for their In Institution institution Institutlon ¬
stitution after some objection The Thebooks Thebooks Thebooks
books of this th tbI bank were produced and andsounds andsounds andsounds
sounds of discord emanated from the thegrand theIPand thegrand
grand Jury room while these witnesses witnesseswere witnesseswere 1tnesseswere
were being examined examinedIt
I It Is asserted tonight that evidence of ofpages otpages ofpages
pages being cut from the ledgers and re replaced replaced replaced ¬
placed with the same or by other loaVeswas loaves loaveswas bayeswas
was submitted to the grand nlDd jury juryWhat jUtYYhat juryWhat
What Is claimed to tobave have ba been the bIg bIgFree bigLaxative uigJust
Laxative LaxativeFor Laxativeorabies
For orabies orabiesJust Babies BabiesJust
Just as a mother is careful about aboutthe aboutthe aboutthe
the food she she gives a child she sheshould sheshould sheshould
should be careful care ul about the kind of ofa ofa ofa
a laxative Sh she sh gives it to move its itslittle itslittle itslittle
little bowel Not all remedies for forthis forthis forthis
this purpose no matter how good goodthey goodthey goodthey
they may be are suited to a child childYou childYou childYou
You slioulfl especially avoid pills and andtablets andtablets andtablets
tablets and powders VOWd fS for they are difficult difficultto
to digest and children find it hard to toswallow toswallow toswallow
swallow them And purgatives and salts saltsand saltsand saltsand
and the th various waters are too violent violentfor violentfor vlolentfor
for the young yo ng Better give it a a gentle gentlethough gentlethoush gentlethough
though effective offecUve laxative like Dr Cald Caldwells Caldwells CaldweBs
wells Syrup S ru Pepsin which Is pleasant to tothe tothe tothe
the taste and absolutely does not gripe gripeA gripefiftycelt gripeA
A fiftycent or one dollar bottle can be bebought bebought bebought
bought of any druggist and if you give givea
a small dqse as nsthe the directions call for forbefore torfQre forbefore
before fQre you put the child to bed or a asmall asmall asmall
small dose before breakfast you will willhave willhave wilthave
have a cheerful ch rful happy child In a few fewhours fewhours fewhours
hours hoursThis hoursThis hoursThis
This remedy has been sold for almost a aquarter a aquarter aquarter
quarter of a century and thousands of offamilies offamilies offamilies
families know about it but If you yo have havenever havenever havenever
never used it and you would like to tomake toma toma1e
make ma e a test of U t before buying It In the theregular theregular theregular
regular way send your name and address addressto
to the doctor for a free sample bottle bottleIn bottleIn bottleIn
In this way without expense many manymothers manymothers
mothers have learned of a way of cur curIng curing curlog
Ing children of the little Ills of life and andthereby andthereby andthereby
thereby avoiding the graver diseases diseasesIn
In the family of Martha Eminter minter of ofYorkville ofYorkviUe ofYorkville
Yorkville a S C and I S Bowyer of ofJamestown otJamestown ofJamestown
Jamestown Colo no other Jaxatlve but butthis butthts butthis
this is used It is u remedy rem y for all the
family strong enough i ithe tb tt 00 effective on onthe
the most robust and mild enough so that thatwomen thtwomen thatwomen
women women children and nd old people who es especially esIoclauy espoelally ¬
pecially need a gentle laxative lflCatl can use useIt uset useft
It t You will find nothing hotter for con constipation constipation contipatlon ¬
stipation indigestion siek headache be dache sour sourstomach sourstomach sourstomach
stomach flatulency and such stomach stomachIher stomachIi stomachlier
Iher Ii er and bowel troubles than this Dr DrCaldwells Drcaldwells DrCaIdweils
Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Let it be your yourfamily yourfamB yourfamily
family famB remedy remed from today on and we weassure weassure weassure
assure you you will have a healthy house household houshoJd household ¬
hold holdDr hoJdDr holdDr
Dr Caldwell personally will v ll be bepleased bepleasedto pleased pleasedto pleasedto
to give you any medical advice you ou may maydesire may maydesIre maydesire
desire for yourself or family pertaining pertainingto
to the stomach liver or bowels absolute absolutely ¬
ly free of charge Explain your case In Ina Ina Ina
a letter J < tter and he will reply to you in indetail indetaU inrietall
detail For the free sample simply send sendyour sendyour sendsour
your name and address on a postal card cardor cardor cardor
or otherwise For either request the tho thoe e doc doctors doetars ¬
tors address is I Dr W B Caldwell R RCaldweU Bz 1
1 z Caldwell Bldg Montlcello Ill
gest scheme in the history of Pennsyl Pennsyltvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvanla
tvania vania to fix juries was unearthed today todayby todayby
jby by District Attorney Blakeley Mr MriBlakeley MrBlakeley Ir IrBlakele
iBlakeley Blakele appeared in court and asked askedthat askedthat askedthat
that Robert Wilson the detective whose whosefindings whosefindings whosefindings
findings have helped unearth the graft graftscandal graftscandal graftscandal
scandal be appointed one of the Alle Allegheny Allegheny Ablegheny ¬
gheny County detective bureau to take takespecial takespecial takespecial
special charge of the graft prosecutions prosecutionsBlakeley prosecutionsBlakeley prosecutionsBlakeley
Blakeley wants Wilson and his sleuths sleuthsto
to break up jury fixing which threatens threatensto
to nullify the graft investigation It is issaid issaid issaid
said that wagers are already made that thatno thatno thatno
no grafting councilman will be again againconvicted againconvicted againconvicted
convicted by jury In Plttsburg PlttsburgThe PlttsburgThe PlttsburgThe
The grand jury this evening handed handeddown handeddown handeddown
down thirtyone Indictments They The were werethe werethe werethe
the ones that had been recommended by bythe bythe bythe
the courts a few days since no new newnames newnames newnames
names appearing appearingI appearingCharles appearingCharles
I Charles Stewart one of the alleged allegedi allegedgrafting allegedgrafting
i grafting councilmen Is the father of ofMary otMary ofMary
Mary Stewart who was mentioned In Inconnection Inconnection inconnection
connection with the row at Annapolis Annapolislast Annapolislast Annapolislast
last summer which resulted In the death deathof deathof deathof
of Lieut Sutton SuttonTAFT SuttonTAFT SuttonTAFT
President Attends Annual Affair at atUniversity atUniversity atUniversity
University Club New NewYor NewYorAtter York YorkAfter YorkAfter
After Conference with Ills 1Il Brother Brotherlie DrotherIe BrotherlIe
lie Ie Goes ocs to t Club OlubStnrt Starts for forWashington forasJ1lngtou forWashington
Washington asJ1lngtou at Midnight MidnightNew JJI1nlgbtI
I New York March 28 2SPresident President Taft Taftwas Taftwas TaftI
I was a guest i estt tonight nlght at att attii the i ntfnu annual l ban banquet banquet banquet ¬
quet of tfc the class of 78 Yale held at the theUniversity theUnlverst theUn1ver1ty
University Unlverst Club ClubThe Clubihe Clubrue
The President arrived from fromVa5bfngton fromVa5bfngtonat Washington Washingtonat
at 648 on the Pennsylvania his train be being beIng belug ¬
ing about thirty minutes late He was wasaccompanied WSiaeeomptinled wasaccompanied
accompanied by Capt Graham L John Johnson Johnson Johnson ¬
son one of his military aids and Judge JudgeH
H M Hollister recently recentl appointed to the theUnited theUnited theTJnitedStates
United TJnitedStates States Circuit Court In Cincinnati Cincinnatiwho CincInnatiwho Cincinnatiwho
who Is a member of the class classFrom classFrom classFrom
From the West yest Twentythird Twent thlrd street streetferry streetferry streetferry
ferry Mr Taft was driven to the Holland HollandHouse Boll0f1House HollandHouse
House where he met his brother Charles CharlesP
P Taft of Cincinnati Cln ln atf They The conversed conversedtogether eonversedtogether conversedtogether
together for fortyfive minutes The ThePresident ThePre31dant ThePresident
President then got into an automobile automobileand automobileand automobileand
and went to the University Club ClubThe ClubThe ClubThe
The dinner was private Stanley W WDexter WDexter WDexter
Dexter presided and sixtyfive members membersattended membersattendEK1 membersattended
attended Toasts were drunk to the Pres PreaIdent President PresIdent
Ident of the United States to Yale and andto andto andto
to absent members membersAfter membersAfter membersAfter
After the banquet the President Pr sldent went wentto wentto wentto
to Jersey City and boarded his car which whichwas whichwas whichwas
was attached to the 1230 123011 a m train for forWashington forashlngton forWashington
Washington WashingtonAUKEXES WashingtonANEXES ashlngton ashlngtonANNEXES
Gary Add Suburban Municipalities MunicipalitiesI JIunlcIpnIItieswltl1 Municipaiftieswith
I with 70000 0000 Inhabitants InhabitantsGary InbabUnnta InbabUnntaGar InbabltnulaGary
Gary Gar Ind March 28 18By By the simple simpleexpedient simpleexpedient simpleexpedient
expedient of voting to extend the cor corporate corporate corporate ¬
porate limits of this city eit to Include Ham Hammond Hammond Hamniond ¬
mond East Chicago and Indiana Har Harbor Harbor Harher ¬
bor the three thr e lastnamed lC1St named cities with an anI anaggregate anaggregate
I aggregate popuation of 7eX > D were an annexed annexed annexed ¬
nexed to Gary Gar by the city council coun < ll to today today today ¬
Todays action was taken at a a special specialmeeting specialmeeting specialmeeting
meeting which Is said to have been beenj beenprecipitated beenprecipitated
j precipitated by the alleged intention of ofEast ofEast ofEast
East Chicago to annex Gary Gar Should Shouldthe Shouldthe Shouldthe
the towns object to being berngannexed annexed a aprotest aprotest aprotest
protest must be made by twothirds twotqir s of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the voters and the protest protest upheld by the thecourts thecourts thecourts
courts courtsNICHOLAS courtsNICHOLAS
Was Chief Deputy Delut Under Many lal1 Slier Sheriffs Sltelur SlierIlts ¬
iffs ur in Anne Arundel ArundelAnnapolis ArundelAnnapoUs ArundelAnnapolis
Annapolis Md Id March 2S 2SNlcholas Nicholas H HBryan HBryan HBryan
Bryan for many years chief deputy sher sheriff sherur slier1ff ¬
iff of Anne Arundel County Count died at his hishome hishome hishome
home here early this morning after a lin lingering lingering liiigering ¬
gering Illness of catarrh of the stomach stomachHe stomachHe stomachHe
He was fiftyeight years ear8 old nnd leaves leavesa
a wife and two grown children childrenMr chlldronMr childrenMr
Mr Bryan was a Democrat but was so soefficient soefficient soefficient
efficient that ho was reappointed under undermany undermany undermany
many different sheriffs of both parties partiesThomas partiesThomas partiesThomas
Thomas R Clendiiien Burled BurledSpecial DurledSpecial BuriedSpedal
Special t to The Washington BeaM lleraldHyattavllle UtraJdHyattsvllIe BeaMHyattuville
Hyattavllle Md March 2S SFuneral 28Funeralmricos SFuneralservicos Funeral Funeralservices
services for Thomas R Clendmon the thewellknovrn thewellknown thewcllhnown
wellknovrn Baltimore lawyer whoso whosrdeath whoSErdeath whosodeath
death occurred at his homo in Pierce Piercestreet Pleroestre03t Piercestrect
street Riverdale Prince George County CountySaturday CountySaturdll CountySaturday
Saturday Saturdll morning took place this morn mornIng mornIng mornlng
Ing The remains were wer taken to Bolivar BolivarW BolivarW BolivarW
W Va
Will VUILe Levy Toll on Roads RoadsSped RondsSI1eeiAl floadSVCeIA1
Sped SI1eeiAl to The Washington Herald H EerldStaunton rjkL rjkLStaunton j
Staunton Va March 2S 281n In accordance accordancewith accordancewith j jwith
with the privilege granted by the Vir Virginia Virginia Vlrginia ¬
ginia legislature Augusta County super supervisors supervisorS supervisors ¬
visors today voted oCed to toll t lI all macadam macadamized macadamized macadamized ¬
ized roads in the county in order ord r to keep keepthem keepthem
them In repair repairIncrease repairIncrease palr palrIncreo =
Increase Increo e for Operators OperatorsCincinnati OperatorJlCincinnati OperatorsCincinnati
Cincinnati Ohio O llo March 28 28The The board boardof boardot boardof
of arbitration which had In hand the thecontroversy thecontroversy thecontroversy
controversy between the Big Four Rail Railway Railway Railway ¬
way and its telegraph operators reached reachedan
an agreement The
today operators
re receive recelv receve ¬
ceive celv ceve an increase In wages amounting In Inthe inthe inthe
the aggregate to t3400 3400 a month
One Ceremony for Richmond Uicl1mondNuptial RichmondNuptial RichmondNuptial
Nuptial Excursionists ExcursionistsMBS
MRS J B GILL GIL AS CUPID CUPIDSuperintendent CUPIDSupcrlnteu1ent CUPIDSuperintendent
Superintendent of Asylum Sylu111 Makes MakesFifteenth MakesFifteenth IakeeFifteenth
Fifteenth Roundup and Realise RealiseBig IlcalbcDig RealisesBig
Big Sum for Institution While She SheMakes SbeIakes Shellukes
Makes Sixteen Heart Happy As Assisted Asslated 01 01IIJsted ¬
slated by It Baltimore Minister MinisterSixteen JllnlsterSixtcon MinisterSixt
Sixteen Sixt en happy happ brides and bridegrooms bridegroomsemerged bridegroomsemergod bridegroomsemerged
emerged from the American House Penn Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Pennsylvania ¬
sylvania avenue and Seventh street yes yesterday yesterday ea eaterday ¬
terday afternoon after Rv James E ECooke ECookp ECooke
Cooke pastor of tho Fulton Avenue AvenuePresbyterian AvonutPresbyterian AvenuePresbyterian
Presbyterian Church Baltimore had tied tiedthe tiedthe tiedthe
the conjugal knots knotsThe knotsTho knotsThe
The eight 81 ht weddings resulted from Mrs MrsJames MrsJam MrsJames
James Jam fl R Gills Easter cupid excur excursion ecurlilon excurslon ¬
sion from Richmond A special train trainpulled trainpulled trainpulled
pulled into the Union Station at 1 oclock oclockyesterday oclockyesterday Oclockyesterday
yesterday afternoon afternoonAt afternoonAt afternoonAt
At least 1M friends of the brides and andbrldegroom andbrh1egroom andbridegroomMobe
brldegroom bridegroomMobe tobe were waiting on the thoplatform theplnttorm theplatform
platform and the big train shed the thescene
I scene of so many pathetic and merry Ht Httlo little bittie
tie dramas of life fairly radiated prospeettvematrlmonlal pros prospective prospective ¬
pective peettvematrlmonlal matrimonial happiness happinessTho happinessTho happinessThe
Tho party marched m rched to the hotel headed headedby headedb headedby
by b Rev Mr Cooke and Mrs Irs Gill In diEt tliaparlors diEtPArlors theparlors
parlors of the hotel the clergyman deliv delivered de1lvarcd dellvered ¬
ered a brief word of advice to the th thtracting con contracting contraetlng ¬
tracting parties and thy th y moved again againthis againthis againthis
this time heading fo the City Hall Hallwhere Hallwhere Halwhere
where marriage licenses were obtained obtainedAll obtainedUI
All 11 Ready at the Altar AltarThey AltnrTh AltarThey
They Th separated for luncheon hmeheori but each eachcouple eaehcouple eachcouple
couple was wa on hand promptly at 4 oclock oclockfor oclockfor oclockfor
for the ceremonies WIfti the hotel par parlors parJors parlors ¬
lors crowded the clergyman tied the eight eightknots eightknots eightknots
knots at the same time The brides and andbridegrooms andbridegrooms andbridegrooms
bridegrooms made the responses In chorus chorusand chorusand chorusand
and when the kissing part of the cere ceremony ceremony coremony ¬
mony occurred there was another kind kindof kindat kindof
of chorus that must have been entirely to tothe tothe tothe
the satisfaction of D Cupid The specta spectators spectators spectatore ¬
tors enjoyed It anyway anywayAs annvayAs anywayAs
As soon as the big wedding was over overrfcse overrko overre
rfcse re and old shoes sh < fes appeared mysteriously mysteriouslyIn
In a score of places and eight jght happy happycouples happycouples happycouples
couples departed from the hotel In the theorthodox theorthodox theorthodox
orthodox manner mannerHer mannerHer mannerHer <
Her Fifteenth Roundup RonndnpMrs RonmIupMrs RoundupMrs
Mrs Gill has been having marriage ex excursions excursions excursions ¬
cursions from Richmond for the last fir fifteen fi fit firteen ¬
teen t en years She Is head of an orphan orphanasylum orphanasylum orphanasylum
asylum in the Virginia capital and the theproceeds theproceeds theproceeds
proceeds of the excursion excursion fro are for the thebenefit 1hebenefit thebenefit
benefit of her juvenile charges chargesThose chargesThole chargesThose
Those married marrl d were Luther L Uler E Baskett Baskettthirty Baskettthirt Baskettthirty
thirty thirt and Ada P Tyler T Tyler ler twentytwo twentytwoJames twentytwoJames twentytwoJames
James C Talley T11e twentyfive and Minnie MinnieL
L Saxby twentytwo George M Ii Garth Garththirty Garththirty Garththirty
thirty and Hattie M Yancey twenty twentytwo twent twenttwo twentytwo
two James Jam L I Owens twentyone and andNora andNora andNora
Nora M Martin twenty Henry F Demp Dempsy DempS Dempsy
sy S forty ort and Mrs Marie Meyers thirty thirtyCharles thirtyCharles thirtyCharles
Charles F Madison twentyeight twcntycl ht and andReathy andneath andReathy
Reathy neath T Laurey twentyone twent one Herbert HerbertA
A Nichols twentyone and Julia Win Winfree Winfree Vin Vinfree
free eighteen and Sidney M Goode Goodetwentytwo Goodetwentto Goodetwentytwo
twentytwo twentto and Effie Curtis eighteen eighteenTWO eighteenTWO eighteenTWO
Car Victim Is William Adams arid aridTrain unl1Train andTrain
Train Victim R Stevens StevensRelatives StcTenRelatives StevensRelatives
Relatives yesterday indentlfied the body bodyof bodyor bodyof
of the man who was killed by an electric electriccar electrIccar electricear
car near Mount Rainier on Sunday night nightlast nightlast nightlast
last as that of William Adams a brick bricklayer bricklayer bricklayer
layer thirtyfive years enrs old Of o Twenty Twentyninth Twent Twentninth Twentyninth
ninth and Cedar streets Mount Rainier RainierThe RainierThe RainierThe
The body was removed from Casualty CasualtyHospital Casunlt CasunltHospital CasualtyHospital
Hospital to the home of relatives relativesThe relativesThe relativesThe
The body bod of an aged white man who whowas whowas whowas
was killed by a train near Stotts Station Stationon
on Saturday night lust was was yesterday yesterdayafternoon yesterdo yesterdoafternoon yesterdayafternoon
afternoon Identified as Robert Stevens tevens of ofB232 o
3222 Georgia avenue northwest Coroner CoronerNevltt CorOnerNevitt C3ronerNevltt
Nevltt has issued a certificate of acci accidental accidental accidental ¬
dental death deathGas deathGns deathGas
Gas Victim Will Vill Recover RecoverJames RecoerJames RecoverJames
James H Vermilya seventy years ears old oldwho oldwho oldwho
who was accidentally overcome by b mum illuminating mumInaUlIg ilIummating ¬
mating gas in his home at G24 H street streetnorthwest streetnorthwest Streetnorthwest
northwest yesterday morning will wUlrccov wUlrccover recov recover rccover ¬
er according to physicians at Emergency EmergencyHospital Em EmergencyHospital rgency rgencyHosplta1
Hospital The aged man was found un unconscious unconaclous unconscious ¬
conscious In bed by his wife Mrs rs Sarah SarahVermilya SarahVermn SarahlTermilya
Vermilya Vermn a who summoned an ambulance ambulanceThere ambulanceThere ambulanceThere
There are branch offices of The Wash Washington Wnshington Washlngton ¬
ington Herald scattered all over the city citybut citybut citybut
but if none Is conveniently located for foryou toryou foryou
you your ad will be accepted acC p1ed over the thephone thephone thephone
phone at the th regular rate rateFor rateFor rateFor
For Easter Dances ancosnd and u Receptions ReceptionsRegimental I
Regimental Punch Is the Ideal Idealdrink Idealdrink Idealdrink
drink for Easter East r Dances and andReceptions andReceptions andReceptions
Receptions A ready to t serve wine winepunch winepunchwhite winepunchwhite
punch punchwhite white or red redthat that re requires requires requires ¬
quires no mixing Merely dilute dilutewith dilutewith dilutewith
with carbonated water Per gal gallon galIon galIon ¬
Ion 250 50 Per quart 65 cents centsim centsTOKAtON centsTOKiLON
TOKAtON im mm co6J4 co CO61414ih
6J4 61414ih 14th SLHW St N W Phone M8SI M 981
Her Forgiveness May l1ayJJead l ay Lead to toConfession tp tpConfession toConfession
Confession of Murder MurderfiRTTJmrr MurderGRILLING MurderGBThLflff
Effort Made to Associate Prisoner Prisonerrrltlt Vrsonerwith Prisonerwith
with the White Slave Traffic TroffiRuth TroffiRuthheelers TrafficRuthWheelers Rath RathWheelers
Wheelers heelers Umbrella Found Foundfn In the theRoom tbeRoom theRoom
Room Rented liy Walter WelterMore Volte More Evi Evidence Eldence En Endence ¬
dence Unearthed by the Police PoliceNew PoliceNew PoliceNew
New York March 28 28Upon Upon JCatie atie Mul Muller 1ruller Muller
ler the socalled wife of Albert Wolter Wolterthe Wolterthe Wolterthe
the supposed murderer of Ruth Wheeler Wheelerrather Wheelerrather Wheelerrather
rather than upon Wolter himself de depends depends depends ¬
pends whether or not the prisoner will willtell wllltell willtell
tell what took place last Thursday Thursda when whenthe whenthe whenthe
the little stenographer wont to Walters Waltersrooms WrItersrooms Wltersrooms
rooms In Bast Seventyfifth street look lookIng lookIng looking
Ing for a a position positionLate positionLate positionLate
Late this afternoon while Wolter was wasbeing wasbeing wasbeing
being grilled by Inspector Titus Tltu a Q note notewas notewas notewas
was brought to the Tombs prison from fromthe tramthe fromthe
the Muller woman It was for Wolter Wolterand Volterand Folterand
and was writen writ en In German Inspector InspectorTitus InspectorTItus InspectorTitus
Titus handed the note to Welter Wol r who whokissed whokissed whokissed
kissed the missive passionately then thenread thenread thenread
read it through with hysterical 5ut 6utbursta dutbursts < 5utbursts
bursts burstsOh burstaOh burstsOh
Oh my God he sobbed as he fin finished finIshedroadlng finished ¬
ished Ishedroadlng reading the letter She loves me mestill mestill mestill
Then why not tell the truth and save saveher saveher saveher
her asked a ked the th inspector inspectorI
If I will write her was the sobbing sobbingreply sObbfng sObbfngreply sofbfngreply
reply When I get an answur from fromher fromher fromher
her saying she forgives me Ill tell el1 the thetruth thetruth thetruth
truth truthWith truthWith truthWith
With that the police had to be con contented contented contented ¬
tented Not another word would Wolter Woltersay Woltersay Voltersay
say except to add addCome addCome addCome
Come see me Wednesday I shall have haveher haveher haveher
her answer anSW r by that time Then I will willtell willtell willtell
tell the truth truthConfronted truthConfronted truthConfronted
Confronted by Young Woman WomanThe WomanTh6 WomanThe
The grilling of Walter oller which lasted for forhours forhours forhours
hours began early today With eleven elevenother clevenother elevenother
other young men he was as lined up on the thefifth thefirth thefifth
fifth tier of the boys division and con confronted confronted confronted ¬
fronted by Mary Weisman a young youngwoman youngwoman oung oungwoman
woman living at 718 East Fifth street streetThis streetThis streetThis
This girl was brought down to tho district districtattorneys districtattorneys districtattorneys
attorneys office by Miss Maud Miner Minerthe Minerthe Minerthe
the probation officer of the Night Court Courtwho Courtwho Courtwho
who thought that the girl could connect connectWolter connectVolter connectWolter
Wolter with the white slave traffic trafficThis trafflcThis trafficThis
This girl was llrst given a a Bight of ofthe atthe ofthe
the Muller woman oman She did not know knowher knowher knowher
her Then with Coroner Holtzhauser HoltzhauserCoroners HottzhauserCoroners HoltzhauserCoroners
Coroners Physician OHanlon Assistant AssistantDistrict M5sistantDistrict AssistantDistrict
District Attorney A ttorn e Turnbull Capt Carri Carriof Carriat Carrior
of the th homicide bureau and Miss Miner Minerthe Minerthe Minerthe
the girl went over to the t 6 Tombs Up nnd nnddown nnddown anddowntIie
down downtIie i the line of men she walked peering peeringInto peeringinto peeringinto
Into the faces of each but showing no nosign nosign nosign
sign of recognition recognitionFinally reeognltionFinally recognitionFinally
Finally she stopped in front of Wolter Wolterand Wolterand Wolterand
and swayed Miss nS6 Miner Uner caught her herAgain herAgain herAgain
Again she went through the samo per performance parCormance performance ¬
formance but refused to point out Wolr Wolrter Wol Wolter ol olter
ter Coroner Holt2haua r said saidDo saIdDo saidDo
Do you ou know this man pointing to toWottar t tWotter toWelter
Welter WotterYes WelterYes 1 1Yes
Yes she answered answeredWlil ansiierodWill J JWill
Will you put your OUI h hii jBd on Qq him anal analsay an ansay ansay
say that th t you knqw hfantPoints libpr libprPoints hfant lIuftPoints
Points Oat Waiter Woler WolerShe V tcr V VShe i iShe
She refused Then the coroner went wentdown wentdown wentdown
down Ui the line asking as lie 10 paused paus d before beforeeach beforeeach beforeeach
each man man If he was the man she had hadnamed hadJIlmoo hadnamed
named to Miss Miner When he stopped steppedbefore stoppedb6Iore stoppedbefore
before Welter and asked the thequestion question she shesaid she81l1d sheraid
said saidYes
Yes thats the man manLater manLater manLater
Later she said that she had often seen seenhim seenhim seenhim
him In a Q dance dancebail ball in Thirtyninth Thlr nlnth street streetnear streetnear streetnear
near Seventh avenue Welter showed no nosign nos nosign
sign s of recognition while she was identi identifying Identifying identlfying ¬
fying him himOther himOther himOther
Other developments of tho day strength strengthoned strengthontld strengthonedthe
oned onedthe the police in the belief that Wolter Wolterhad WolterhRd Wolterhad
had something to do with the white slave slavetrade slaetrade slavetrade
trade If he was not already engaged in inthat inthat Inthat
that traffic the poljre polJC think he was pre preparing preparJng proparing ¬
paring to enter It ItThe It ItThe itThe
The Muller girl told Capt Carrl today todaythat todaythat todaythat
that once when she and Wolter were out outof outot outof
of money mone he sent her out on the streets streetsand streetsand streetsand
and she ho brought a man to their rooms roomswith roomswith roomswith
with her Wolter was accused of this thisHe thisHe
He admitted that his wife had once oncegone oncegone oncegone
gone out and brought a man back with withher withl1er withher
her but denied that he told her to do it itStill itStill itStill
Still another link in the chain of cir circumstantial circumstantial circumstantlal ¬
cumstantial evidence against Wolter was wasadded wasadded wasadded
added today when the police found Ruth RuthWheelers RuthWheelers RuthWheelers
Wheelers umbrella in the room at 122 122East J22East 122East
East 101th street where Wolter alter moved movedafter movedaltor movedafter
after leaving the East pevent Seventyfirth fitth street streethouse streethouse streethoeae
house This umbrella was identified by bythe bythe bythe
the murdered girls mother and sister sisterwho sisterwho sisterwho
who said ald that Ruth had the umbrella umbrellawhen umbroJiawhen umbrellawhen
when she left home last Thursday ThursdayFound ThursdayFounll ThursdayFound
Found In a Closet CloietThe ClosetThe ClosetThe
The Muller woman admitted taking It Itfrom ittram itfrom
from the Seventyfifth street house to tothe tothe totli
the tli 105th street place She said that it itwas Itwas Itwas
was one of three that she Sh found in the thecloset thecloset thecloset
closet when In accordance with Wol Wolters Wolters al alters
ters order she moved their few belong belongings boloogIng1 belongIngs ¬
ings = One umbrella was was Wolters she shesaid shesaid shesaid
said one her own and the other was un unknown unImowtr unkflowfl ¬
known to her But finding It in athe athecloset the thecloset thecloset
closet she took it along Wolter Siys Siysthat Mlysthat ys ysthat
that two of the umbrellas were his own ownand ownand ownand
and his wifes but that he does not know knowwho knowwho knowwho
who owns the third one oneAnother oneAnother oneAnother
Another find made today t6ta that t at strength strengthens strengthens trengthens ¬
ens the police in their belief that the dead dendgirl deadgirl
girl was burned In the open fireplace was wasthe wasthe
the discovery dlscoer of a brick in the hearth to towhich towhich towhich
which were jWere adhering a piece of burned burnedflesh burnedflesh burnedflesh
flesh nnd a bit of ribbed underwear This Thisunderwear This Thisunderwear Thisunderwear
underwear was like that worn by the thedead thedead thedead
dead girl Two towels much soiled and andpartly andpartly andpartly
partly burned also came to light todayLikewise today todayLikewise
Likewise Welter VoIter admitted admttedthat that thg th shirt shirtfound shirtfound
found wrapped wrapped up on the fire escape was washis was washis washis
his This shirt was In h a a separate pack package pl1c1t pl1c1tage pacIage ¬
age tndet undei4 the body The police pofce believe believethat beHevethat believethat
that Wolter may have had this shirt on onwhen onwhen on onwhen
when tho Wheeler girl came to his rooms roomsand r oms omsand ms msand
and that he soiled it about the fireplace fireplaceand fireplace fireplaceand flrepiaceand
and tried to dispose of It It after ho bad hadput badput badput
put the charred body on the fire escape escapeFLAGS escapeFLAGS escapeIIAGIBIRTflDAY
The Stars and Stripes were given a abirthday abIrthday abirthday
birthday party last night night by b the Flag FlagCorps FlagCorps FlagCorps
Corps of the Womans Auxiliary G A AR AR AB
R In their hall in Pennsylvania avenue avenueMrs avenueMrs avenueMrs
Mrs C W V Dunlap gave ga a short sketch sketchof sketchof sketchof
of the flag and Mrs Edith Emmerson Emmersonread Emmersonrood Emmersonread
read some Interesting things about asso associations assoelations assoclations ¬
ciations that cluster around Old Glory1 Glory1The Glory GloryThe
The older people were charmed with a asong asong asong
song and dance da ce by little Miss Hays Ua s and anda
a solo by Mrs E Scott was well re received rece recelveji ¬
ceived ce Capt Annie Butler recited a apatriotic apatriotic apatriotic
patriotic selection which was followed followedby followedby followedby
by a a solo by Miss Clara Necker and the theaudience theaudIence i iaudience
audience sang The Star Spangled Ban Banner Bannor i iner
ner At the conclusion of the pro programme proaramme S Sgramme
gramme refreshments were served in inbirthday Inbirthday Inbirthday
birthday party style styleSee styleSEO styleSee
See the list of branch offices of o the thewant thowant thewant
want ad department of The Washington WashingtonHerald WashingtonHerald VashlngtonHerald
Herald top of first column cplumtt want page pageand pagc pagcnnd pageand
and get et your YOU branca brt1n llfirmll firmly fixed In Inyour 1nfour Inyour
your four memorjr 5
Students and DiplomatsHear DiplomatsHearViews DipIomatsHearVievs DiplomatsHeaiViews
Views on Citizenship CitizenshipASSAILS CitizenshipASSAILS CitizenshipASSAILS
Former President Denounces Assas Assassination AumsIIlnatfon Assassinatlon ¬
sination og Premier Boutros und undSmpatbers nndSympatlxern andSynipatizers
Sympatlxern with w th the Culprits CulpritsAddress CulpritsAddres CulpritsAddress
Address Cannes a a Sensation for Its ItsBoldness ItsDoldncuGreater ItsBoldnessGreater
DoldncuGreater Boldness Greater Hero Than Ever EverCairo EerCairo EverCairo
Cairo March 23 28Co1 Col Roosevelts prom promised promised promIsed ¬
ised address address to the students of the Uni University Unlver University ¬
versity ver ity of Egypt was delivered today todayand todayand todayand
and It may safely be said saldthat that many of ofthose atthoso ofthose
those who are responsible for f r the pres present prescnt present ¬
ent government of Egypt are wishing to tonight tonlgl tonight ¬
night nlgl t that it nad not been beenIt beenIt beenIt
It Is stated on excellent authority that thatPrince thatPrince thatPrince
Prince Fouad who In addition to being beingthe beIngthe beingthe
the president of the university Is th thKhedives thKhedives the theKiiedives
Khedives uncle was nervous nervousbetore before the theaddress theaddress theaddress
address was delivered and tried to induce induceSir induceSir induceSir
Sir Eldon Gorst G > rst the British agent to topersuade topersuade topersuade
persuade the distinguished visitor to toavoid toavoid toavoid
avoid political topics but Sir Eldon rr refused rrfused rrfused ¬
fused to Interfere Interr ro In any way Other ef efforts efforts efforte ¬
forts It Is reported were made to bring bringInfluence bringInfiuence bringInfluence
Influence to bear upon the lecturer to totone totone totone
tone down his utterances but apparently apparentlythey apparentlythey apparentlythey
they were without effect effectCol eflectCo1 effectCob
Cob Roosevelt not only denounced the theassassination theassassination theassassination
assassination of Boutros with character characteristic characteristic characterIsUc ¬
istic vehemence but denounced with withscarcely withscarcely withscarcely
scarcely less vigor the assassins them themselves themselves themselves ¬
selves and their sympathizers among amongwhom amongwhom amongwhom
whom are included virtually all of the themembers themembers themembers
members of the Young Egypt Egptparty party He Hetola Hetolci Hetold
told the Egyptians in effect that they theywere theywere theywere
were as yet et unfit for selfgovernment selfgovernmentA
A Powerful Speech SpeechApart SpecchApart SpeechApart
Apart from this aspect It was a power powerful poweriul powerub ¬
ful ub speech and except among the respon responsible re responsibbe pon ponsible ¬
sible men who fear for Its consequences consequencesis eon sequences sequencesIs
is regarded as a remarkable performance performanceby
by those who heard it It It was greatly greatlyappFoved greatlyapproved greatlyappFoved
appFoved by the mass m s of those who wholistened wholistened wholistened
listened listenedThe listenedThe S SThe
The audience Included included about all of those thosewho thosewho thosewho
who are prominent in the intellectual and andpolitical andpolitico andpolitical
political I life of Cairo Besides President PresidentFouad PresidentFouad PresidentFouad
Fouad who Introduced the speaker and andother andother andother
other Egyptian princes there ware pres present present present ¬
ent the ministers and many exministers exministersof
of the government In addition to the dip diplomatic diplomatic dipbornatle ¬
lomatic corps and Sir Eldon Gorst him himself himself himself ¬
self There were many ladies of high highstanding highstanding highstanding
standing In attendance Very few of the thestudents the5tudents thestudents
students were present however it being beingassumed beingassumed beingassumed
assumed that the nationalists had warned warnedthem warnedthem warnedthem
them to remain away awayCol awa awaCot awayCol
Col Roosevelt began his address with withsome withsoma withsome
some pleasant compliments to those re responsible responsible responsible ¬
sponsible for the university and followed followedby followedby oUowedb
by b pointing out the possibilities of such an aninstitution anInstitution anInstitution
institution to Influence the character of ofthe ottho ofthe
the nation and its people peopleSoon peopleSoon peopleSoon
Soon he launched into the heart of his hissubject hissubject hissubject
subject Substantial education he said saidwhether saidwhether raidwhether
whether whether of the Individual or of the whole wholepeople wholepeople wholepeople
people was obtainable only ani by a slow slowprocess slowprocess stowprocess
process not by b a single act No one he headded headded headded
added was educated by b a curriculum curriculumSimilarly curriculumSimilarlY curriculumSimilarly
Similarly the mere gift of a paper ex examination examination enanimation ¬
amination did not make a people fit for forselfgovernment forseUgovernment forselfgovernment
selfgovernment Selfgovernment SeItgovernment was wasnot wasnot wasnot
not a matter of a decade or two but of ofgenerations OtgonernUons ofggqnerations
generations Nobody Nobod could give self selfgovernment aeltgoernmant selfgovernment
government any more than they the could couldgive couldglV6 couldgive
give the individual selfhelp selfhelpQuote selthelpQuotelll selfhelpQuotes
Quote Arabian Proverb ProverbEverybody ProerbEverybody ProverbEverybody
Everybody he continued must help helphimself helphlmsclt helphimself
himself remembering the Arab proverb proverbGod pro proverbGod erb erbGod
God Is with the patient man i he knows knowshow knowshow knowshow
how to wait waitA waltA waitA
A great eat section sectlonot of the audience applaud applauded ¬
ed heartily at this sally but a a conafdar conafdaraWe cOnfddbrable convidorable
able section remained significantly silent silentCoL silentCot silentCoL
CoL Roosevelt seemed to notice this for forhe forhe forhe
he abandoned the reading of o his address addressfor addressfor addressfor
for a a time to inject the statement that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the most unpleasant truth was as safer in inthe Inthe inthe
the long run than the most palatable palatablefalsehood palatablefalsehood palatablefalsehood
falsehood falsehoodThen falsehoodThen falsehoodThen
Then resuming r umlng his manuscript the thelecturer thelecturer thelecturer
lecturer Illustrated the uselessness of ofmere oCmere ofmere
mere paper constitutions when the peo people peopIe peopie ¬
pIe are unfit for selfgovernment by byreferences byreferences byreferences
references to the history of the govern governments governments governments ¬
ments of North and South America America D1erlca The Theessential Theessential Theessential
essential quality of an independent na nation nation ¬ I Itlon
tion he pointed out was not the hasty hastygrasping hastygrasping I Igrasping
grasping after power but the steady de development de1 de1volopment dcvobopment ¬
velopment of the love of Justice fair fairplay fairplay I
play pJa selfreliance and moderation This Thistoo Thistoo Thistoo
too was received with silence sU nce by the sec section section seetion ¬
tion of Nationalists NationalistsThe NationalistsThe NationalistsThe
The lecturer then denounced the murder murderof murderoC murderof
of the late premier which he termed a agreater agrenter agreater
greater calamity to Egypt than it was wasto wasto wasto
to the victim Emphasizing his words wordswith wordswith wordswith
with a heavy hlavy blow of his fist on the table tableand tableand tableand
and speaking In deep solemn tones Col ColRoosevelt ColRoosevelt CobRoosevelt
Roosevelt said saidAny saidAny saidAny
Any of the accomplices of of the assas assassins assassins assassins ¬
sins who either directly or Indirectly Indirectlyincited ind indrecthyincited re < tly tlyIncited
incited the commission commi5 lon of the crime by b bact byact j jact
act word or deed ought to be arraigned arraignedon
on the same ame criminal charge chargeEffect chargeEfrcct chargeEffect
Effect Cannot Be Realized RealizedTo ItealheflTo RealizedTo
To those who have not closely followed followedthe followedthe followedthe
the Egyptian question the impression impressionthat impressionthat Impressionthat
that this utterance is likely to produce produceaniong producear producearAong
aniong ar onS the Nationalists can scarcely scarcel be berealized berealized berealized
realized But as the Nationalist news newspapers newspapers newapapers
papers have defended the crime since It Itwas Itwas Itwas
was committed it was not to be sup supposed supposed supposed ¬
posed that the members of their party partygreatly part partsreatIy partygreatiy
greatly enjoyed the words of Col Roose Roosevelt R ROosevelt ose osevelte ¬
velt veltAt velteA
At A t the same time It was noticeable noticeablethat noticeablethat noticeablethat
that Sir Eldon Gorst seemed to grow growmore growmore growmore
more uncomfortable as the denunciation denunciationcontinued denunciationcontinued denunciationcontinued
continued and he made his escape from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the hall almost as soon as tho lecture lecturewas Jecturewas lectureivas
was ended It was evident to all who whoknow whoknqw whoknow
know knqw Egypt that Roosevelt has got a asurprisingly asurprisingly I Isurprisingly
surprisingly broad grip of the situation situationhere situationhere j jhere
here and uttered freely freel the opinions that thatthe thatthe j jthe
the British officials hold but keep silent silentabout silentabout silentabout
about aboutPublicly aboutPUbUclY aboutPublicly
Publicly PUbUclY the address which was en enthusiastically enthusiastically enthusiastically ¬
thusiastically applauded by the bulk of ofthe orth oftli
the th audience has caused a sensation It Itpleases Itpleases Itpleases
pleases the average British resident Im 1mmensely Immensel imrnensely
mensely mensel and Roosevelt as a corsc corscquence cons consquence eonsquence
quence Is a greater hero In their eyes eyesthan eesthan eyesthan
than he ever was before today todayThe toda todaThe todayThe
The exPresident took luncheon today todaywith toda todawith todaywith
with Rev R < Dr Watson Wat on head he ad of tho Amer American GAmerlean AmerIcan ¬
ican Mission here and afterward opened openeda
a school for girls girlsHe girlsHe girlsHe
He was the guest of honor at a great greatbanquet greatbanquet greatbanquet
banquet given to tonight nlght by Prince Fouad FouadAmerican Fo FoadAmerican ad adAmerican
American Derby Derb Saturday SaturdayThe Saturlla SaturllaThe SaturdayThe
The running of the American Derby Darb at atJacksonville atJacksonviUe atJacksonville
Jacksonville on Saturday Is attracting attractingmore attraGtingmore attractingmore
more than ordinary attention for the thereason thereason thereason
reason that Fauntleroy is the favorite favoriteand taQrltand favoriteand
and will probably measure strides with withsuch withsuch withsuch
such threeyearolds as Sager Boca BocaGrande BocaG BocaGrande
Grande G a1de the t Chelsea stables Martinez Martinezand MartInez MartInezand Martinezand
and Lothario and Pulka PulkaMininj PulItaIinlnAEnJlne PuliraMining
Mining IinlnAEnJlne Engineer r Dead DeadDenver DeuDenver DeadDenver
Denver Colo March 2S 2S5k1 2SI4iiey Sidney 1eY W WTyler WTyler Y YTyler
Tyler geologist and mining engineer eniQcer Is Isdead Isdead isdead
dead here of paralysis He was born In InWindham inWlndhaII InWlndham
Windham Conn In 1S lSU
I d = O Ob OII Ct o 3200 3200Everything OCl rCl OCl OClEverYfhing
tfClO b I
II Everything EverYfhing About a Gatchejl GatchejlSuit GatchellSuit
11 Suit Will Be Right RightWe 11 11We
We dont specialize at one point and sacrifice sacrificeat
n at another Van Doren is one of f the most mostthorough mostthordugh II IIthor
thorough thor gh designers desi ners in this country His Trousers Trousersarc Trousersare Trousersae
arc are as perfect fitting as his Coats And you know knowthat knowthat knowthat
that it isnt every every cutter who gets perfection at at that thatpoint thatD thatU
D point He doesnt work by rule but by common commonsense commonsense tI tIsense
sense Your particular P artic 1lar requirement is his study studyand st dY dYand J Jand
and when he completes his work youve you ve got gotabsolutc absolute absolutesatisfaction absolu c 11 11satisfaction I Isatisfaction
satisfaction in every detail detailNo J JU JY
0 I INo
No 1N05 1N05deposIt Y deposit deposIt I requi required requireaana re4 I and gT Fit Fitor rzt or No NoPayu NoPayuthats L40 T Pay Paythats TI ray raythats I I1N05
thats the Gatchell way wayJ wayJ wayis
II Fit or No Pay Tailors 928 Fourteenth StreetClO Street StreetOr M
ocJ J
ClO = Or CJ = j rroc = 9 = J = z T
D A R WAS IS OPEN OPENInsurgents OPENInsurgents OPENInsurgents
Insurgents Issue lIlmc Pamphlet to Ex Expose ExpOlle Expose ¬
pose Facts FactsUnder FactsUnder FactsUnder
Under the leadership of Mrs Irs Martha MarthaR
R Wilcox Wi cox recording rec rdlng secretary s oretalj the so socalled socaUed socalled
called Insurgents of the D A R It have havecome havecome havecome
come out In the open In what whatpromises whatpromisesto promises promisesto I Ito
to be a bitter fight against the admin administration admlnIRtration adminIstration ¬
istration and Mrs Irs Matthew Matthew T Scott Scottpresident Scottpresident Scottpresident
president general generalMrs generalMrs generalMrs
Mrs Scotts dismissal dls ilssal ssnl of Miss Agnes AgnesGerald AgnesGerald AgnesGerald
Gerald who was charged with Insubordi Insubordination Insubordination insubordination ¬
nation is the Issue Circulars In pam pamphlet pamphlet pamphiet ¬
phlet form describing the action of the thepresident thepresident thepresident
president general as relentless persecu persecution persecution persecution ¬
tion waged against this girl ever since sincethe sincethe sincethe
the close of the congress of 1909 have havebeen havebeen havebeen
been mailed to every D A R In the thecountry thecountry thecountry
country countryEach countryEach countryEach
Each circular contains the full corre correspondence correspondence correspondence ¬
spondence between Mrs Scott and Miss MissGerald MissGerald MissGerald
Gerald together with 1th letters from Mrs MrsWilcox MrsUcox MrsWilcox
Wilcox Ucox to the president general de denouncing denouncing do donouncing ¬
nouncing her action It is In the form formof formot formof
of an open letter to the full membership membershipof
of the society societyWOULD societyWOULD
Chamber Committee Votes to Lodge LodgroPoiver LodgePoner LodgePower
Power with Commissioners CommissionersAt Comml lonerll lonerllAt
At a meeting of the subcommittee of ofthe otthe ofthe
the Chamber of Commerce having under underconsideration underconsideration underconsideration
consideration the amendment to the Dis District District District ¬
trict smoke law yesterday esterda afternoon it itwas Itwas Itwas
was decided to make a tentative report reporton rcporton reporton
on the subject to the committee on law lawand lawand lawand
and legislation at its next meeting meetingThis meeting7hls meetingThis
This report will sot forth the general generaldesirability generaldoslrabl11ty generaldesirability
desirability of making some exceptions exceptionsto
to the restrictions or the smoke law and andwill andwlU andwill
will Include a recommendation made by byDr byDr byDr
Dr William C Woodward the District Districthealth Districthealth Districthealth
health officer that the question of ex exemption exemption exemptlon ¬
emption should be lodged with the Com Commissioners Commissioners Cornmissioners ¬
missioners of the District and their theiraction theirnction theirticflon
action should be based upon the written writtenconsent vTUtenconsent writtenconsent
consent of a majority of propery holders holdersin
in the territory to be exempted ex mpted from the theprovisions theprovisions theprovisions
provisions of the law lawDavid lawDavid lawDavid
David S Porter Is chairman of the sub subcommittee subcommittee subcommittee ¬
committee committeeMBS committeeMRS committeeMRS
Aged Woman Was Va MothcrInlavr of ofllary ofMary j jMary
Mary Anderson AndersonNew AndersonNew nderllonNew
New York March 28 2SThe The funeral fun ral of ofMrs otMrs ofMrs
Mrs Ellen A 4 de Navarro Naar o aged widow of ofJose otJose ofJose
Jose F de Navarro and motherinlaw motherinlawof
of Mary Anderson the actress ctr ss was cele celebrated celebrated celebrated ¬
brated by solemn high mass In St Pat Patrilks Patricks Pat Patricks ¬
ricks Cathedral today toda Father Hughes Hugheswas Hugheswas Hugheswas
was the celebrant and was assisted by byDr byDr byDr
Dr Slnnett deacon and by b Father Mc McQuade McQuade McQuade
Quade subdeacon Archbishop Farley Farleygave Farleygave Fancygave
gave the absolution absolutionAll absolutionAll absolutionAll
All of the old de Navarro servants at attended attended attended ¬
tended the services and coaches were wereprovided wereprovided wereprovided
provided for them to follow the hearse hearseto hearseto hearseto
to Calvary Cemetery CemeteryCAR CemeteryCAR CemeteryCAR
CAR HITS AUTO AUTORepresentative AUTOReprcsentntlTe AUTORepresentative
Representative McKInney and and C IT ITTreat IITrent HTreat
Treat Escape Injury InjuryAn I InjuryAn Jurr JurrAn
An automobile occupied by Representa Representative Representative Representslive ¬
tive James McKInney lcKlnne and Charles H HTreat HTreat HTreat
Treat former United States St tes Treasurer Treasurerand Treasurerand Treasurerand
and driven by P U UFarley Farley collided with witha
a a car at Pennsylvania avenue and Four Fourteenth Fourt Fourteqnth ¬
teenth t th street northwest shortly before 1 1oclock 1oclock 1oclock
oclock yesterday esterday afternoon the ocqu ocqupants ocrupants ocqupants
pants of the machine escaping Injury InjuryRepresentative InjurRepresenttfve injuryRepresentative
Representative McKinney lIcKlnnc and Mr Ir Treat Treatwere Treatwere Treatwere
were going to the New Wlllard Hotel HotelThe HoteJThe HotelThe
The chauffeur attempted to pass before beforea
a westbound car and saw s w his danger dangertoo dangertoo dangertoo
too late to avoid an accident ac accident ident The fender fenderof fenderof fenderof
of the car struck the automobile and andknocked and andknoc andknocked
knocked knoc ed It from the tracks The automo automobile automobile automobile ¬
bile and the fender of the car car were wcroslightly weroslightly wereslightly
slightly damaged damagedGET damagedGET damagedGET
GET 30000 30000IN IN STAMPS STAMPSPostoffice STAMPSrostotfi STAMPSPostoffice
Postoffice rostotfi eRobbers Robbers at Richmond RichmondEscape RichmondEseape RichmondEscape
Escape with Booty BootyRichmond DootyRichmond BootyRichmond
Richmond Va March 28 28Under SUn Under er the theglare theglare theglare
glare of a street lamp yeggmen backed backeda
a a wagon up to the door of the Richmond Richmondpostofflce Richmondpostofce I Ipostotp
postofflce postotp < e either Saturady Saturad or Sunday Sundaynight Sundaynight Sundaynight
night pierced 11 rced the vault with steel drills drillsand drmsand drIllsand
and mao male e off ff with more than 30000 f > In Instamps instamps Instamps
stamps and and 160 In cash cashA casbA cashA
A watchman In the building was un undisturbed undisturbed Undisturbed ¬
disturbed Awhile the robbers entered enteredthrough enteredthrough enteredthrough
through a street window and did the Job JobThe jObThe jobThe
The detectives have a description of a aman aman aman
man who stopped at a local hotel and andwhose andwhose
whose acttbns ncth > nswere were suspicious Tljere Tljereseems Tilereseems Tiere Tiereseems I
seems to be little doubt of qt the fact that thatImportant thatImportantevidence thatImportantevidence
Important Importantevidence evidence has been secured and andthat andthat
that an arrest will likely follow tomor tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬ I
row This however depends on whether whetherthe wheth whetherthe r rthe
the game of fox and hounds Is success successfully successfully successfully ¬
fully played pIa red by b the detective department departmentNewspaper departmentew5paper departmentNewspaper
Newspaper ew5paper men have been busy here heretoday heretoday heretoday
today In securing details However Howeverthese Howcerthese Howevcrthese
these relate chiefly chfe11to to reports and to tothe tothe tothe
the fact that a man saw some one onecomo onocomo onecoma
como out of the postoffice at an early earlyhour carlyhour earlyhour
hour carrying carrylngsa sacks k which were yfre thrown thrownInto thrownInto thrownInto
Into a buggy Who was in charge of the thebuggy thebuggy thebuggy
buggy Is not given out If In fact It Is Isknown islmo isknown
known lmo n The name of the witness wltn s is iswithheld Iswithheld iswithheld
Hurricane lulrlc ne Kits the FIJI FIJILondon FJjILondon Pius PiusLondon
London March M rch 2S 22A A telegram to the thecolonial thecolonial thecolonial
colonial office from the governor of the theFiji theFiji theFiJI
Fiji Islands says says a disastrous disastrous hurricane hurricanestruck hurricanestruck hurricanestruck
struck Suva the capital c pJtaJ Thursday and andthe andLbewhol andtile
the Lbewhol whole group groupsutIered groupsutIeredf suffered
Episcopalians Hold Easter EasterMeetings EasterMeetings EasterMeetings
Meetings MeetingsFEW MeetingsFEW MeetingsPEW
Most Churches Reelect Old Wardens Wardensnad Wardenaand Wardensand
and Vestrymen for Coming Year YearMnslcale Yeartlualcale YearMusicale
Musicale Given at St Stephens StephensChurch StephenChurchPlan StephensChurchPlan
Church ChurchPlan Flans a Outlined for Exten Extensions Extensions Extensbus ¬
sions and Improvements ImprovementsEpiscopal ImprovementsEpiscopal ImprovementsEpIscopal
Episcopal churches of Washington held heldthe heldthe heldthe
the annual election of vestrymen and andwardens andwardens andwardens
wardens last evening In most of the thechurches thechurches thechurches
churches the old boards were reelected reelectedfor reelectedor reelectedfor
for or the coming year yearAt yearAt ear earAt
At St St Stephens Church a a musicale musicalewas musicalewas musicalewas
was given under the direction of Sydney SydneyLloyd SydneyL10yd SydneyLloyd
Lloyd Wrightson The officers elected electedfor electedfor electedfor
for the coming year are senior warden wardenB
B M Newbold junior warden MaJ Ia E EF EF EF
F RIggs vestrymen C B Chipraan ChipraanR
R I L Cole G A Lewis J M IL Baker W WR WR WB
R Hillyer G M Husted W H Saund Saunders Saunders Saunderr
ers and J C Williams WilliamsTrinity WilliamsTrinity VnUamsTrinity
Trinity Church elected the following of officers officers officers ¬
ficers Senior warden arden T Q Ebaugh Ebaughjunior EbaughjunIor Ebaughjunior
junior warden William M Stuart yes vestrymen yestrymen eg egt1 ¬
trymen t1 pen Dr George A Ocher Bert C CAmos CAmos CAmos
Amos Dr J N Bunkley Henry English EnglishMaJ EngUsbMa EnglishMaJ
MaJ Ma J C Bell William R Myers E E ECox ECox ECon
Cox G Whitmore registrar G S SWhitmore SWhitmore SWhltmors
Whitmore treasurer W V R BIddell BIddellFew BlddellFew BIddelLFew
Few Changes Made MadeThe MadeThe Iade IadeThe
The Easter election at All Saints SaintsChurch SaintsChurch SaintsChurch
Church resulted in the selection of the thefollowing thefollowing thefollowing
following vestrymen H S Jones C E EDawson EDawson EDawson
Dawson C C Tucker Guy W A Camp CampHenry CampHenlj CampHenry
Henry Blngham William Hamilton J JWllmer JWllme JWilmer
Wllmer Latlmer and Henry Matthews MatthewsThe MatthewsThe MatthewsThe
The wardens will be elected at a special specialmeeting specialmeeting specialmeeting
meeting next week weekJames weekJames weekJames
James H McIntosh and Charles A AMassle AlIassle AMassle
Massle were elected wardens of St StJames StJames StJames
James Church The vestrymen chosen chosenare chosenare chosenare
are Charles H Miller H L Bryan BryanS W WS WS
S Fischer Arthur Brangley H Wash Washington WashIngton Washington ¬
ington Smith R H Hudson Dr W AJack A AJack AJack
Jack and Dr Francis J Woodman WoodmanTreasurer WoodmanTreasurer WoodmanTreasurer
Treasurer and registrar H I L Bryan Bryandelegate Bryandelegate Bryandelegate
delegate to convention H I L Bryan BryanSt Br BryanSt an anSt
St Thomas Church elected tho follow following followIng followhag ¬
ing officers Senior warden Gen George GeorgeA
A Woodward Wo ° dward junior warden Melville MelvilleChurch Me1v1J1eChurcb MelvilleChurch
Church vestrymen Gen George GeorgeVoodward A AWoodward AWoodward
Woodward Melville Church Theodore TheodoreW TheodoreYo TheodoreW
W Yo Noyes John C Davidson DaId n Judge JudgeHenry JudgHenn JudgeHenry
Henry M Clabaugh Augustus P Cren Crenshaw Crenshaw Crenshaw
shaw Gen John M 1 Johnston and andCharles andCharles andCharles
Charles J Bell BellAt BellAt BellAt
At St Pauls Church the Easter elec election election dee deetlon ¬
tion resulted as follows J D Vandeveer Vondeveersenior Vandeveersenior Vandeveersenior
senior warden B F Joy 10 junior warden wardenArthur wardenArthur wardenArthur
Arthur S Brown W M Lewln W E EMalley EMaUe EMalley
Malley MaUe John Miller Stephen Miller Ames AmeaMiller AmegMiller AmesMiller
Miller John M Abbott John Burgess BurgessJ
J D Vandeveer and B F Joy vestry vestrymen vestrymen estry estrymen ¬
men menVestrymen menVestrjmen menVestrymen
Vestrymen elected at the Church of the theAscension theAscension theAscension
Ascension are Dr William C Rives Dr DrD DrD DrD
D P Hickling HIcklin C C Calhoun E S SMore SMorse SMorse
Morse S E Kramer Benjamin F FAdams FAdams FAdams
Adams Z D Blacldstonc and A F FCarman FCarman FCarman
Church of the Advent AdventAt tdrentAt ITeuf ITeufAt
At the Church of the Advent the follow following fol1owIng following ¬
ing were named Senior warden William WilliamBerry WI1UamBerlj WilliamBerry
Berry junior warden H B Major treas treasurer trcalurer treasurer ¬
urer A AD D Cobey registrar B F Taylor Taylorvestrymen Taylorvestrymen Taylorvestrymen
vestrymen George W Brown William vnUamD vnUamDHeleen D flHebeen DHeleen
Heleen John H Kettner and andR R A ASmall ASmall ASmall
Small SmallAt SmallAt SmallAt
At Immanuel Episcopal Church Ana Anacostla AnRcosUa Miscostla
costla the following vestrymen were wereelected wereeleoted wereelected
elected Senior warden W R Harnish HarnlshJunior Harnishjunior Harnishjunior
Junior warden S D Wood J B Redd ReddA ReddA ReddA
A G Sirsbie L Anderson W Yo E John Johnson Johnson Johnson ¬
son R A Estep and W J 3 Bryan BryanAt BrynnAt BryanAt
At Congress Heights Episcopal Epl piseopal eopal Church ChurchSenior ChurchSenior ChurchSenior
Senior warden arden A T Grimes junior war warden warden warden ¬
den Edward Elaine O W V DAlcorn M MJ MJ 1 1J
J Filliun S M Fllliun G D Daling DatingH DalingH
H M Sothoron and HowariTBrady HowariTBradyAt Howard13r y yAt
At St S1 Johns Church Church Senior S nlbrW warden wardenJustice wardenJustice rden rdenJustice
Justice A B R Hagnerf Hagner Jflfllifr < warden wardenChief war wardenChief nJ nJChiet
Chief Justice Fuller Gen Glljespie Ad Admlral Admiral Admimi
mimi Rixby Rixb William Corcoran Corcoran Hill liii Ad Admiral All Allmlral Adiniral ¬
miral Stockton and William tfiUara Corcoran CorcoranEuslls CorcomI1 CorcomI1Eu CorcoranEtitls
t 1 1An
Euslls Eu Etitls tt
An 1CI Iflst IflstFrni t t tFrcm1he
Frcmihe Frni the Ladit Ladies Boise llomeTciLjiiI llomeTciLjiiIA JcS JciaL JciaLA iil iilA
A hunter who whoifua whown as ivjjlj w vhhl IL known L for Sis Sishappy h hishappy s shsppywny
happy hsppywny way of l looking bkihg at t things lngs and gy gyfrig gt gtIng gfit gfitlug
frig a humoroUS tiffiirtb tUfnrtbkti jny ny serious sit situation stuatlon situatlon ¬
uatlon was one due < fd day aflbsfJn iblst vln In the woods woddswith wo woodsWith ds dswith
with a companion comp nl > As night tlfhtiqame qame qamo on onthey 6n 6nthey onthey
they made cainpjl cSmpl1 camp but tnl nlugniney 1bug Hiey were werehungry worehungry
hungry 1 ungr they therla had shot h < < t no game end and had hadnothing hldnQthing hadnothing
nothing to ea ehl Wltti With tV lllt aTpepfeotl a afi peE nfeCiI t3 Y serious seriousfa seriousr seriousfa
fa r this fellow f Qw looked lQC at t hl hif his companion companionand co1panlo co1panloand companionand
and said j vl 1 I > A lift j 1 1If 4 4If v vIf
If we only hadspme haIl Ja gome sonIc ham wed have haveham haveham haveham
ham and andggs eggsj g H ifCveonly Mt only had some someeggs someJ someJeggs someeggs
eggs eggsSallsbun
t 0 j
g hinrgcd III7c HTUI with 11Qrtth Dtnthi pf of Wife WifeSlrehl lte lteSptdjl
Sptdjl Slrehl lffJ1 ihs W 5aib1iIa bl WtrdslJ WtrdslJSaUsbufY irsld irsldSal1sbiir
Sallsbun 2f N Gf aPInrcl C March KtCharged KtChargedwith ShargedwUI SChargedwith
with InflICting Innl U g injuries jniurIJ1 upon JiO 1 his tYlfe wife on onthe onHie onthe
the first df day dai tit of this year nr that caused causedher causedher causedher
her death Saturday night A AC G Carter Carterw CarterWrtf CarterwitS
w Wrtf witS se arrested rt t d yesterday by y Sheriff Mc McKerizle MeiI McLenzie
Kerizle iI ze and a d is ISf1eld held for ttjcrkat the erluil 1m