OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 29, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-03-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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4 ii iiI iiI iiii
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Woodward Lothrop LothropNew
ii New York YorkWASHINGTONP WASHINGTON Paris ParisBusiness ris risBusin
1 > Business Busin ess Hours H urs are are8 8 a m to 6 6 6pm 6pmNew p m mHE m mANew
ANew New Tailormade Suits of ofFashion ofFashion
Fashion Comfort and Beaut beauty beautyTHE Yo YoTHE
HE work of the exclusive custom tailor could couldnot couldnot couldnot
THE not be better we are sure in any single point pointthan pointthan pointthan
than in our Fine and Stylish Tailormade Gar Garments Garments Carments ¬
ments now displayed in their entirety entiretyCleverness entiretyClevernes entiretyCleverness
Cleverness in design tailoring and cut the fine fineeven fineeven fineeven
even silk stitching do not half indicate the beauty and andgracefulness andgracefulness andb
b gracefulness of our Mediumpriced Severely Plain PlainTailormade PlainTailormade PlainTaIlQrmade
Tailormade Coat Suits which we are making maki g a spe specialty specialty specialty ¬
cialty of this season The simplicity of coat lines the thenew thenew J Jnew
new plaited skirts seem to possess beauty and refine refinement refinement refinement ¬
ment not possible for trimmings to produce produceSmart produceSmart r rSmart
Smart in every detail of of material and tailoring tailoringfinishedwith taBoringfinished tailoringiinishedwith
finishedwith finished with the best of linings liningsCoat liningsCoat liningsCoat
Coat Suits of navy blue blu and black serge These Thesehave Thesehave j
have the jiew ew length semifitting coats with black blackmoire blackmpire I Imoire
moire shawl or notch collar and andlinedwith lined 1inedwith with satin full fullplaited fullplaited f fplaited
plaited skirts Much better quality qu lity than is usually to tobe j
be 6 had at this price J I I1oo
1500 each eachSerge eachSerge I
Serge Coat Suits in plain and the very popular populare e eherringbone
herringbone e rilgbole w weaves ve 1e ifittinc t in 30 o a and 32
men lengths and plaited SKirts These inese also come in in the very attractive attractivehomespun attractive11Omespu attractive1iomespuimteriaIs
homespun 1iomespuimteriaIs materials mdteriaIs and novelty flakes in navy and Roman blue gray grayand grayand grayand
and black blackThird j jThird fThiid
Third Third fic flc iG ci G s 2250 each eachOur eachJ eachOur
> J
Our Dollar Waists WaistsCHECKED WaistsC WaistsCHECKED
CHECKED HECKED and Striped Lawn Waists in whiteandblack and white whitcandblue whiteandblue whiteandblue
C CHECKED andblue effects front and back oneinch tucked finished with withtucked witht withtucked
t tucked cuffs and laundered collar fasten in front under box plait
100 each eachLawn eachLawn eachLawn
Lawn Waists white ground with mediumsized black polka dots dotstucked dotstucked dotstucked
tucked front and back and finished with long sleeves and laundered launderedcollar launderedcoIlar launderedcollar
collar fasten in front
100 each eachIndia eachIndia eachIndia
India Linon Waists small tucks form yoke wide embroidery band banddown banddown banddown
down front collar and cuffs of wide embroidery and lace fasten in inback inback inback
back r
100 each eachLingerie eachLingerie eachLingerie
Lingerie Waists of batiste pin tucked back backand and front to form formyoke formyoke formyoke
yoke tucked long sleeves and dainty lacetrimmed l collar fasten in inback inback inback
100 each eachWaists eachvVaists eachWaists
Waists of India Linon daintily tucked in two sizes fasten in front frontthrough frontthrough frontthrougfr
through box plait and finished with graduated plaited ruffle long sleeves sleeveswith sleeveswith sleeveswith
with tucked cuffs
100 eachDainty eachDainty each eachDainty
Dainty India Linon Waists front ont tucked in i large and small tucks tucksand tucksand tucksand
and finished with box plait and ruffle ruffi back tucked tuckedtp to match m t h j long longsleeves longsleeves
sleeves with tucked cuffs
100 each eachLinene eachLinene eachLinene
Linene Waists with Gibson plaits long sleeves finished with laun laundered laundered laundered ¬
dered cuffs and collar fasten in front with large pearl buttons buttons1oo
100 each eachMadras eachladras
4 Madras Waists front finished with Gibson plait on either side and andone andone andone
one pocket long sleeves with laundered cuffs fasten in front frontThird frontThlrd frontThird
Third floorG tt 100 each eachDependable eachDependable j
Dependable Footwearfor Footwear Footwearfor
for Women
HE styles and leathers of shoes must be correct and better than thanthe th thanthe an anthe
THE I the usual kinds to be carried here h re To wear our shoes means meansincreased meansincreased meansincreased
increased satisfaction and foot comfort comfortThe comfortThe comfortThe
The most advanced phase pha e ofvmodern of modern shoemaking is clearly broughtoutin brought broughtout broughtout
out outin in our new models for spring a aGun
Gun Metal Calfskin Oxford Ties in one two three and four eye eyelet eyelet eyelet ¬
let effects all have Goodyear welt soles and Cuban heels plain toe and andstraight andstraight andstraight
straight or wing tip
350 and 400 the pair pairAnklestrap pairAnklestrap pairAnklestrap
Anklestrap Pumps of patent coltskin gun metal and tan calfskin calfskinmade calfskinmade calfskinmade
made on short vamp amp with Goodyear welt sole and Cuban heel neat neat1eather
leather bow
350 the pair pairGun pairGun pairGun
Gun Metal retal Kidskin Oxfords in foureyelet design with plain toe
Goodyear welt sole sol and Cuban heel Very desirable for walking and andgeneral andgeneral andgeneral
general uses usesThird usesThIrd usesThird
Third floorTenUi fio Tenth st 300 the pail pail20inch pair pairHousekeeping pairHousekeeping
Housekeeping Linens Linenszoinch
20inch size Fullbleached and Hemmed Damask Napkins Napkinst
t 200 per doz Valuej Value 250 25022inch 26022inch 25022inch
22inch size Silver Bleached and Hemmed Damask Napkins
300 per dozen dozen22inch dozen2Zin dozen22iflth
22inch 2Zin h size Fullbleached Hemmed Damask Napkins
350 per dozen dozen24inch dozen24inthsize dozen24iflCh
24inch 24inthsize size Fullbleached Hemmed Damask Napkins Napkinsj
j 400 per dozen
100 dozen Hemstitched Heavy Heavylnsh Irish Grassbleached Towels Tovelsi
i 6 for 175 175Extralarge 175EtraIarge
t Extralarge Hemstitched Irish Huckaback
Towels size 22x42 22x42mches 22X42ndles 22x42ncbes
mches mchesSecond ndles5eamd ncbesSed
Second flwr 1 f1CTU Eleventh st 35c CEChj each 400 dozen dozenFirst dozenFirst
First Quality Hardy Holland HollandRose HollandRose
Rose Bushes
Zhave have just received our annual direct importation of Hardy Hoi
WE W land Field Grown Twoyearold Rose Bushes These are from
the same growers from whom we have had bushes for the thepast thepast thepast
past four years and are of f the usual high hig quality offered by us Each Eachbush Eachbush Eachbush
bush is tagged separately in m Holland and is IS true to name nameFagna name14agna nameMagna
Magna Charta Climbing La France Gen Jacqueminot J Clio Paul PaulNTairrm
Neyrbn NTairrm TVfrc Mrs John Tnlin Laing Tninor Anna A o de A Diesbach TMnrV U Climbing OH t j i ijr
jr t > g Capt v ayi y Christy iuiUUy
Marthioness ar hione5s of Londonderry Margaret Dickinson Crimson Rambler
Carolina Tes T s Tout Reinc du Wurttemberg American Beauty Grusz Gr s
Au ITeplitz eplitz eplitzI
I lOc each eachi eachRhodod eachRhodod
i Rhododendrons Rhodod ndrons the best of hardy evergreen shrubs shrubs50c shrubsT
T 50c each eachPaeonies eachPaeoniesthese
I Paeonies Paeoniesthese these have been selected by an eminent specialist ecia1ist with withfyView
fyView iev to meeting the demands of critical florist trade trade15c tradeI
I 15c o each eachWOODWARD eao
1 1Easter
Easter Monday Gayety Ends Endswith Endsvith Eiidswith
with Dinner and Ball BallSCENE BallSOENE BallSCENE
College Boy and Society Soclet linda After Afterj Arter14uDcbeol1K tftcrIuncbeonr4
j IjnnclieoiiM Tens the YaleCornell YaleCornelluBuieuall YaleCorDenDttIelmll YuleCornellBneball
uBuieuall DttIelmll Came and Numerous Re Receptions Receptlonss te teCeltions ¬
ceptions Are GiicstM GlIell H of President Presidentuml Pre Presideistnuti ldcnt ldcntuntlFumllTOtl1er
uml untlFumllTOtl1er Family FamilyOther Other Entertainments EntertainmentsEaster EntertainmentsEaster EntertuinnientEaster
Easter Monday festivities were appro appropriately appropriately appropriately ¬
priately finished with a ball at the White WhiteHouse WhitHouse WhiteHouse
House preceded by a dinner party for foryoung foroun foryoung
young oun people The dinner company was wasa waua
a 0 small one and Included some of the thebuds thebUds thebuds
buds of the theseason season and the thcIsltlng visiting col college college college ¬
lege boys boysThe boysThe boysThe
The historic mansion was simply simplyand simplyand simpyand
and effectively decorated with spring springblossoms springblossoms 8prlngblossoms
blossoms and roses rO rolus Eis and the Marine MarineBand MarineBand MarineBand
Band played for the dancing in the theEast theEast theEast
East Room Mrs Taft t received the guests guestsassisted guestsassisted guestsassisted
assisted by her daughter Miss Helen Taft Taftand Taftand Taftand
and the house guests and the cousins of ofMiss ofMiss ofMiss
Miss Taft were scattered about through throughthe throughthe throughthe
the various apartments making every ono onofeer onofeer onefeef
feer at home The dancing began at 10 10oclock 10oclock 10oclock
oclock and a a buffet supper was sewed sewedJn serxcdIn
In the stato diningroom The young youngguests youngguosts younggiosts
guests had a a strenuous Easter Monday Mondayfor 1Londayfor MDndayfor
for luncheons teas the baseball game gamebetween gamebetween gamebetween
between Yale and Cornell and numerous numerousdinner numerouslnner numerousdinner
dinner parties kept them busy busyIt busyIt busyIt
It was an ideal day for out of door pleas pleasures pleasures pleasures ¬
ures The gowns were marvels of dainti daintiness daintiness daintiness ¬
ness and lovllness many being imported importedones Importedones Importedones
ones saved from the winters wardrobe on onpurpose onpurpose onpurpose
purpose for this Who House Easter Easterdance Easterdance Easterdance
dance Many others just as beautiful beautifulwere beautifulwere beautifulwore
were freshened for the occasion and the thewearers thewearers thewearers
wearers were just as pretty and just as ashappy ashapp ashappy
happy happ
Among the guests were Baroness Eliz Elizabeth Elizabeth Elizabeth ¬
abeth Rosen daughter of the Russian RussianAmbassador PusslanAmbassadorj PussIanAmbassador
Ambassador Countess LulseAloxandra LulseAloxandravon
von Bernstorff daughter of the German GermanAmbassador GermanAmbassador GermanAmbassador
Ambassador who wore a gown of white whitssatin whiteI whitesatIn
I satin lai n and pearls Miss Laura Merriam in ina Ina ina
a Paris gown of pale pal pink satin with withdraperies withelraperlos withdrperios
draperies of pale pink sik tulle tul1efcstooned tul1efcstoonedwith festooned festoonedwith festoonedwith
with dainty bunches jot of tiny pink rose rosebuds rosabuds rosebuds ¬
buds the costume J1nlshed finished with a a girdle girdleof girdleof girdleof
of silver sUv r and tiny rosebuds in her hair hairMiss hairMiss hairMiss
Miss Eudora Clover In white tulle over overwhite overwhIte overwhite
white satin with trimmings of white whitedaisies whitedalsles whitedaisies
daisies Miss Margaret Dulles a grand granddaughter granddaughter granddaughter ¬
daughter of Gen John W Foster and a aclassmate aclassmate aclassmate
classmate of Alias Taft at Bryn Mawr Mawrwho Mawrwho Mawrwho
who wore pule le blue satin Mile Gudo Gudodaughter Gudodaughter Gudodaughter
daughter of the Norwegian minister in inpale Inpale inpale
pale pink silk with an overdress of deli deliI deUcate delicute
I cate lace Miss Uss Jesslo Te sle Krogstad in white whitej whilesatin whitesatin
j satin with tunic drapery of white chit chlffon chl chlfon chitIon
fon Miss Margaret Michle in white whitecrepe whitecrepe whitecrepe
crepe de chine with silver trimmings trimmingsMiss trImmingsMiss trimmingsMiss
Miss Southerland in blue satin Miss MissUary MissIary MiesMary
Mary Iary Southerland in white satin Miss MissSophy MissSophy mssSoph
Sophy Soph Johnston in a n charming gown of ofwhit ofwhite ofwhite
whit white satin with trimming of pink roses rosesthe r0568the rosesthe
the Misses Meyer who according to their theircustom theiroustom theircustom
custom were w ro gowned alike In pale green greenchiffon greenchUTon greenchiffon
chiffon taffeta with 1th pink pin roses Miss Carol CarolNewberry CarolNowberr Caroliowberry
Newberry Nowberr daughter of the former Secre Secretary Secretary Secretary ¬
tary of the Navy Na Nav who wore blue satin satinveiled mtInveiled aUnveiled
veiled with gray net Miss Alice Whiting Whitingin
in white net over white satin Miss Ruth RuthPilling RuthPJ1llng RuthPilling
Pilling in white satin with tunic drapery draperyof
of white chiffon shot with gold the bod bodice bodIce bedIce ¬
ice having a trimming of gold lace Miss MissFrances MissFrances U5S U5SFrances
Frances Noyes In pale blue tulle over bluo bluesatin bluosaUn bluosatin
satin with silver trimmings Miss lss Irwin IrwinMiss Im1nMiss IrwinMiss
Miss Margaret Worthington Worthington Miss Gladys GladysHlnckley GladysHinckley GladysHinckley
Hinckley Miss 1Jse Howry Howr Miss Davidson DavidsonMiss DnvldsonMiss DavidsonMiss
Miss Bowers Miss Uss Hoyt who will be bemarried bemarrIed bemarried
married to Mr Frederic von on Stumm of ofthe oCtho ofthe
the German Embassy En1baaS staff on Wednes Wednesday Wodnesday Wodnasday ¬
day Fraulein Maria von Stumm sister sisterinlawelect sisterInlawelect sisterinlawelect
inlawelect of Miss Iss Hoyt Miss Katherine KatherineBrown KatherineBrown KatherineBrown
Brown Baron Hardenbroeck Mr von vonStumm vonStumm vonStumm
Stumm and Mr Horatmann IIor tmann nil of the theGerman theGerman I IGerman
German Embassy staff Mr M Paul Church ChurchHarper ChurchHarper ChurchHarper i
Harper of Tale Mr Harrison Irwin Mr MrJohn MrJohn Ir IrTohn j
John Foster FostcrDulles Dulles Miss Carlotta Welles WellesMiss WellesMiss WellesMiss
Miss Britton Miss Wilson Capt Butt ButtCapt ButtCapt ButtCapt
Capt Johnson Lieut Palmer Mr David DavidBarry DavidBarry DavidBarry
Barry jr Mr Sevellon Brown Capt CaptDavis CaptDavIs CaptDavis
Davis Lieut LieutCoyle Coyle Mr Thomas Wilson
Bowers Mr Jacob JacobMcGavock McGavock Dickinson Dickinsonjr
jr Mr Eames MacVcagh and Miss Deer Deering DeerIng DeerIng
ing of New York who arrived last even evenIng evenIng evenlag
Ing to be the guest of Mrs MacVeagh MacVeaghand MaoVeaghand MacVeaghand
and whose sister will arrive this morning morningto morningto morningto
to visit the same hostess hostessThe hostessTh hosteSsThe
The Th Attorney General and Mrs Wick Wickersham WIckersham Wickersham
ersham entertained at dinner last even evening eveJ1Ing evenlag ¬
ing in honor of the Vice President and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Sherman The other guests were wereSecretary wereSecretary wereSecretary
Secretary Nagel Senator and Mrs Mur Murray Murray Murray ¬
ray Crane Senator Wetmore Assistant AssistantSecretary AssistantSecretary AssistantSecretary
Secretary of the Treasury Trensur and Mrs Nor Norton Norton Norton ¬
ton Assistant Secretary of tho Navy and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Beekman Winthrop Mrs Hunt HuntSlater HuntSlater HuntSlater
Slater Mrs L Z Loiter L lter Mr and Mrs MrsHerbert MrsHerbert MrsHerbert
Herbert Wadsworth and Mr and Mrs MrsAlbert MrsAlbert MrsAlbert
Albert Akin of New York soninlaw soninlawand sonInlawand sonlnlawand
and daughter of Attorney General and andMrs and1lrs andMrs
Mrs Wickersham WickershamThe WickershamThe WickershainThe
The Secretary of the Interior and Mrs MrsBallingar MrsBall1ngar MrsBallingar
Ballingar were the tl1 theguests guests for whom Mr Mrand 1Irand Mrand
and Mrs Hugh Wallace soninlaw and anddaughter nnddaughter anddaughter
daughter of Chief Justice Fuller enter entertained entertained entertamed ¬
tained at dinner last evening eveningMrs eveningMrs eveningMrs
Mrs Mrs J a C Pilling entertained a e dinner dinnercompany dinnercompany dInnercompany
company of young oung people last evening eveningpreceding 6Veningpreceding eveningpreceding
preceding the dance at the White House HouseThe HouseThe HousaThe
The guests were asked to meet Mrs MrsPillliXgs MrsPillings MrsPillIgs
PillliXgs nephew Mr Paul Church Har Harper Harper Harper ¬
per a student at Yale University and andher andher andher
her house guest for the Easter holidays holidaysThe holidaysThe holIdaysThe
The guests were Miss Newberry Miss MissIrwin MissIrwin MissIrwin
Irwin Miss Margaret WorthIngton Miss MissHowry MissIlowry MIssROVrTY
Howry Miss Davidson Miss Iiss Pilling Capt CaptDavid CaptDavid CaptDavid
David Lieut Coyle Mr Sevellon Brown BrownMr BrownMr BrownMr
Mr Thomas Wilson Bowers and Mr MrDavid MrDavid MrDavid
David Barry Jr jrMiss JrMiss v vMiss
Miss Katharine Anderson of Cincinnati Cincinnatiwill ClnclnnatlIll CincInnatiwill
will Ill arrive here on Wednesday morning morningto
to be the guest of the Misses Souther Southerland Southerland Southerland
land for a a week Miss Anderson is a nleco nlecoof nlecoot nieceot
ot Mrs Taft and spent the early part partof partot partof
of the season at the theWbite White House with her hersister hersister hersister
sister who is there now Miss Katharine KatharineAnderson KatharineAnderson KatharineAnderson
Anderson has been quite ill for some someweeks someweeks someweeks
weeks at her home In Cincinnati and it itwas itwas
was feared for a time that she would be beObliged beobUsed beobliged
Obliged to cancel her Washington visit
but she Is much Improved and will leave leaveCincinnati leaveCincinnati leaveCincinnati
Cincinnati tonight for this city cityMrs cityMrs cityMrs
Mrs Taft and her sister Mrs Louis LouisMore LouisMore LouisMore
More spent spent the morning shopping In F pstreet Fstreet Fstreet
street and taking advantage of the thebeautiful thebeautUul thebeautiful
beautiful balmy air of Easter Monday Mondaymorning Mondaymorning Mondaymorning
morning morningMiss morning11IS5 morningMiss
Miss Gladys Hinckley the debutante debutantedaughter debutanteaaughter debutantedaughter
daughter ot of Mrs rrs Robert Hinckley enter entertained entertained entertamed ¬
tained at luncheon yesterday ye terday In honor of ofMiss ofMiss ofMiss
Miss Helen Taft and the party of young youngpeople youngpeople Youngpeople
people who are spending the Easter holi holidays holidays bolldays ¬
days at the White House Covers were werelaid Werelaid werelaid
laid for twentyfour The table decora decorations decoratlons decorations ¬
tions were were pretty and effective the colors colorsused cQlorsused odors odorsused
used being those of Yale and Cornell CornellAfter Corn CornellAfter en enAfter
After the luncheon the entire party went wentout wentout wentout
out to National Park to witness the thestruggle thestruggle thestruggle
struggle for baseball supremacy between betweenthe betweenth betweenthe
the th teams from Yale Yal and Cornell CornellMiss CornellMiss CornellMiss
Miss Miss Helen elen Hey HeyIdaughter daughter of CoL CoLCharlesX ColCharlesA CoLCharlesA <
CharlesX CharlesA Heyl washostess at 5 oclock
tea yesterday The house was prettily prettilydecorated prettIlydecorated rettUy rettUydecorated
decorated decorated with palms ferns and red redtulips redtulips re4tulips
tulips The tea table tablo had ha a centerpiece centerpieceof
of red tulips and red d shaded candles candlesMiss carid1eMss catidlesMss
Mss Natalie Drggs Dr sg8 and Miss Julia Heyl Heylpresided Heylpresided Heypresided
presided at the tea table Those who as assisted asslated asI8ted ¬
slated Miss Hey He l in receiving the guests guestswere guestswere guestswere
were her aunt a nt Miss Heyl He Miss Dorothy DorothyDennet DorothyDennet DorothyDennot
Dennet Miss Alma Godges and Mr Ed Edward Edward Edward ¬
ward Heyi Hey brother of the hostess who is ishome Ishome ishome
home for the Easter holidays from fromPrinceton fromPrinceton i iPrInceton
Princeton PrIncetonThe Ea6tor J JThe I IThe
The Misses Eleanor and Louise Le Lelong Lelong Lelong
long of Utica N Y returned to Wash Washington WashIn Washington ¬
ington In ton yesterday with the Vice President Presidentand Presidentand Presidentand
and Mrsv Mrs sherman erman to remain for one oneweek oneweek oneweek
week as their guests guestsMiss guestsJ guestsMiss
J 2 2Miss
Miss Flora Wilson daughter of the theSecretary theSecretary theSecretary
Secretary of Agriculture Is suspending the theEaster theEaster theEaster
Easter holidays with her father at the thePortland thePortland thePortland
Portland PortlandMiss PortlandMiss PortlandMiss
Miss Mildred Fearn Foam daughter of Mr Mrand Mrand Mrand
and Mrs Richard Lee Faarn entertained entertaineda
a small company informally at tea tea yes yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
terday afternoon at i oclock oclockMr ooloakMr OclockMr
Mr and Mrs Irs Parry Perri Porr Belmont went over overto overto overto
to New York yesterday for a hurried hurriedIalt hurriedvisit i ivisit
visit Ialt and will wntreturn return to Washington to tomorrow tomorrow
morrow morrowMrs morrowMrs morrowMrs
Mrs John F Drydon was hostess at a alarge nlarge alarge
large luncheon yesterday afternoon bet heiguests helguests betguests
guests including Mrs Harlan wife of ofJustice ofJustice ofJustice
Justice Harlan Mrs Burrows wife of ofSenator otSonntor ofSenator
Senator Burrows Mrs Elkins wife of ofSenator atSonator ofSenator
Senator Elkins Mrs Stanley Matthews MatthewsMrs MatthewsMrs MatthewsMrs
Mrs Henry B Brown wife of former formerJustice formerJusUco formerJustice
Justice Brown Mrs Loudenslager wife wifeof wifeof wifeof
of Representative Repre entaUvc Loudenslager Mrs MrsRichard MrsRichard j
Richard Wayne Parker wife of Repre ReprescntaUvo Repreaentative J Jsentatlve
sentatlve Parker Mrs John W V Foster FosterMrs FosterMrs FosterMrs
Mrs Richardson Clover wife of Rear RearAdmiral RearAdmiral RearAdmiral
Admiral Clover Mrs Charles L Mc MeCawley McCowle McCawle3
Cawley Cowle wife of Col Go McCawley Mrs MrsWallace MrsVall MrsWallace
Wallace Vall ace Radcllffe Mrs John P Jack Jackson Jackson Jackson ¬
son Mrs Traver Mrs Samuel Spencer SpencerMrs SpencerMrs SpencerMrs
Mrs I T Mann Mrs Todd Ford Mrs MrsHugh MrsHugh MrsHugh
Hugh Wallace Mrs William Corcoran CorcoranHill CorcoranHUl CorcoranHill
Hill Mrs Ross Thompson MIss lIss Sherrill SherrillMiss SherrillMiss SherrillMiss
Miss Benham and Mrs A R Kuser KuserTho KuserThe KuserThe
The Vice President Prostdet ProsIdetand and Mrs herman
returned yesterday to Washington from fromUtica tramUtica fromUtica
Utica N Y whore they spent the week weekend weekcnd weekend ¬
end at their old home homeMrs homeMrs homeMrs
Mrs Ezra B Keen and her daughter daughterMiss daughterMiss daughterMiss
Miss Koon entertained a dinner company companyof companOf
of twelve guests last evening oreningMiss oTonlngMl88 evening3lIss
Miss Laura Merriam will entertain at a abreakfast abrea1tast abreakfast
breakfast on Thursday in honor of Miss MissKatherlno MissKatherlno MissKatherine
Katherlno Anderson of Cincinnati who whowill whowill whonIll
will arrive in Washington on Wednes Wednesday Wednesday Vednesday ¬
day to be the houta guest of tho Misses MissesSutherland MIssesSutherland MissesSutherland
Sutherland for a spring visit visitMrs visitMrs visItMrs
Mrs Nicholas Longworth will sail n for forLondon torLaudon forLondon
London in time to meet her parents Col Coland Colund Colend
and Mr Mrs RooMteJt She will be with withthem lth lththtlft i ithwn
them during the remainder of their th lr stay stayabroad stayabroad stayabroad
abroad and will return rotur to this country countrywith coufltrywith ountrywith
with them themThe themThe themThe
The engagement to announced by Mrs MrsEdmund MrsEdmurd Irs IrsEdmund
Edmund Plowdon Htekay Hick of her daugh daughter daughtr daughtsr ¬
ter Carolina JwtkiM to DllworUt Potts PottsHibbard PottsHibbard Potts1Bbbard
Hibbard of PhlhuUlpltla Tho wedding weddingwill weddingwill weddingwIll
will take place pIa e some time in June Mr MrHibbard MrIlbbard MrHfhbord
Hibbard is a 8 graduate of Harvard class classof classof classof
of 1S81 1S81Mrs H 1llMrs l lMrs
Mrs Thomas M Gale has loaned her herhouse herhoule herhouse
house for the afternoon of March 30 for fora tora fora
a lecture by Rev U G B Pierce of the theUnitarian theUnitarian theUnitarIan
Unitarian Church the subject of If his lee lecturo le leturo leeturo
turo being bein The message nte aga of Tennyson TennysonThe TennsonThe TennysonThe
The committee in charge of arrange arrangements arrangmenta arrangements ¬
ments includes Includ Mrs Fletcher wife 1fe of ofSenator Q QSI18tor ofSenator
Senator Fletcher Mrs Henry 9annet 9annetond annett annettand anuettand
and Miss lK Newton NewtonMr NewtonMr J I IMr
Mr and Mrs Mr William B Mole MoleW Mole1 Mole1Westernport of
Westarnport W sternport Md have sent out invlta invltations Inlt Inlttlons inItations
tions to the wadding of their daughter daughterJane daUghtoJane daughteJane
Jane May and Mr Ir William Batchalor BatchalorRapley BatchelorRnpJc7 BatcholoRapley
Rapley of this tIll city Thursday evening eveningApril evenln evenlnApril evon1ngApril
April 7 at 9 oclock at St James P E EChurch mChurch EChurch
Church ChurchMiss ChurchMI ChurchMiss
Miss MI Issb Isabel l Currklen Is spondlng the thaEaster thtEaster theEaster
Easter holidays at West Paint where she sheIs sheis
is the guest of Mrs Halsey Dunwoody Dunwopdwife Dtmwopdviife
wife of Lieut Dunwoody DunwoodyMiss DunwoodJMiss DunwoodyMiss
Miss Helen T Doocy of Capitol Hill Hillhas Hmh81 Hillhas
has gone to Baltimore for the Easter Easterholidays Easterholldays Easterholidays
Ono of the first of ofthe the spring weddings weddingswas weddingswas weddingswas
was that yesterday at noon of Miss I1ss Anna AnnaMarls AnnaMarie AnnaMarie
Marie Deponbrook and Mr Richard Han Hancock Hancock Hancock ¬
cock Sinclair In the bishops ohapel the theBishop theBishop theBishop
Bishop of Washington Right Rev Re Alfred AlfredHarding AlfredHardIng Alfredharding
Harding D D officiating Mr and Mrs MrsSinclair MrsSinclair Irs IrsSinolair
Sinclair will 111 be at home after May 1 at attheir attheir attheir
their new home 166 Thirtieth street streetnorthwest streetnorthwMt streetnorthwest
northwest northwestDr northwMtDr northwestDr
Dr and Mrs Krogstad entertained at atdinner atdinner j
dinner last night covers being laid for foreighteen foreighteen foreighteen
eighteen young people all of whom later laterattended laterattended laterattended
attended the ball at the White House HouseMiss Housetlss HouseMiss
Miss tlss Krogstad returned a few days ago agofrom agofrom agofrom
from a 0 visit of ofseveral several weeks with friends friendsin friendsIn
in Northern New York YorkQuite YorkQuite YorkQuite
Quite a number of tho diplomatic corps corpswent corpswent corpswent
went over to New York yesterday to at attend attend attend ¬
tend the wedding today of Miss Daly and andCount andCount andCount
Count Anton Sigray among them being
Count Felix von on Brusselle first secretary secretaryof
of the Austrian Embassy Embass Baron De Demoter Demeter Domater
meter second secretary and Count Lad Ladislas LadIslas Ladislas
islas Cziraky attache attacheBrig attacheBrig attacheBrig
Brig Gen Martin D Hardin TJ U1S S A Aretired Aretired Aretired
retired and Mrs Hardin who have been
spending spendln the winter in Florida are now nowon nowon nowon
on their way home and will spend the themonth themonth themonth
month of April iir 1 t Washington ashlngton Mrs MrsWilliam MrsWItHam MrsWillIam
William McLaughlin Mrs Hardins Hardinsmother HardInsmother Hardinsmother
mother went direct to Chicago ChicagoMrs Chicagollrs ChicagoMrs
Mrs Williaba vuu tn S Washburn and her little llttladaughter lIttladaughter littledaughter
daughter Charlotte Ch rlotte have gone to Atlantic AtlanticCity AtlanticCity AtlanticCity
City for the Easter holiday season seasonMrs seasonMrs seasonMrs
Mrs E H G Slater of this city who whohas whohas whohas
has been spending the winter in Egypt Egyptis
is now in Rome RomeTho RomeThe RomeThe
The home of Mrs Mrsitfoyer Meyer wife of the theSecretary theSecretary theSecretary
Secretary of the Navy was filled yester yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
day afternoon with prominent women in interested Interested Interested ¬
terested in the work of the National Civic CivicFederation CivicFederation CivicFederation
Federation A short address by Attorney AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneral AttorneyGeneral
General Wickersham set forth the object objectof objectof I Iof
of this special nesting ne Ung which was for a adiscussion adiscusaton i idiscussIon
discussion of the bill recently Introduced Introducedin I IIn
in the House by Representative Qlcott Qlcottproviding OlcotllJ OlcotllJpro Olcottproviding
providing pro ldJng for the creation of a national
board of sanitary mnltar inspectors for the build buildings buildIngs buildings ¬
ings and offices of the government governme The Themeeting rhemeeting lhemeeting
meeting was also addressed by the Sur Surgeon Surgeon ¬
I Igeon
geon General of the navy Dr Stokes the theSurgeon theSurgeon i iSurgeon
Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital HospitalService HosIJltalService HospitalService
Service Dr Wyman and and the Surgeon SurgeonGeneral SurgeonGeneral SurgeonGeneral
General General of the army George H Torney TorneyFinal TorneyFinal TorneyFinal
Final arrangements rare ere concluded yes yesterday yesterday es esterday ¬
terday for the balentete5nd balentete nd fancy drill drillwhich drlIlwhich drillwhich
which will be given at the navy yard yardWednesday yardWednesday ard ardWednesday
Wednesday evening by the Navy Relief ReliefSociety ReHerSocl ReliefSocIety
Society Socl ty of which Admiral Dewey D we is j presi president preeldent ¬
dent At a meeting of the ball committee committeewhich committeewhich committeewhich
which is composed of Mrs Meyer wife wifeof wifeot wifeof
of the Secretary Secr taxy of the Navy Mrs Win Winthrop Winthrop Winthrop
throp wife of o the Assistant Secretary of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Navy Mrs Newberry wife of former f rmer
Secretary Newberry Mrs Leutze Leutz wife wifeof wifeot wifeof
of Rear Admiral Leutze until recently recentlycommandant r centIy centIycommandant centlycommandant
commandant of the Washington yard yardMrs yardMrs am amrs
Mrs rs Clover Clov wife Ite of Rear Admiral Admr9bcrov AdmIralCloveretired vClpvcri vClpvcriretired r rretired
retired and Mrs Mulligan wI wife l of f VCapt fCapLContinued Capt j jContinued
Continued on Page 7 7C 7 Column Col l I tit llii
Lansburgh LansburghBro Bro
420426 7th foeeL re reot1 I
417425 41 7425 Ith Street Street21inch Street21ins Street21iNs
21ins 100 100Messaline iOOMessaIie
Messaline de deSoie deSoe
Soie at atInch at65c
65c 65c21inch atC C
21inch Inch Messaline de Sole a astrong astrong astrong
strong rich and heavy not too
highly finished all pure silk fab fabric fabric tabnc ¬
ric nc In a great variety of new and anddesirable anddesirable anddesirable
desirable shades we will show showthem showthelTl showthem
them today in shades of brown browntan bro11tan browntan
tan leather mustard wistaria wistariamulberry wistariamulberry wietlamulberry
mulberry myrtle recede cardinal cardinalgarnet cardinalgarnet
garnet 3 rnet alive navy nI1V marine marine royal royalcadet roynlcadet royalcadet
cadet smoke gray canard pea peacock peacock peacock ¬
cock gold poach apricot old rose rosewhite rosewhite rosewhite
white cream Ivory ivoryanclblaek f v vand
and anclblaek black A 100 val value al ¬ U 5 C CTRANSFER
Upon receipt of this thu pattern ttEm ordered on conpoa conpoabelow onpo11beloW onnnbclon
below place pl the e rough h or glued side of the pattern patternd Jlttemmn iattemdawn
mn d wn on material to be then press pre hot
fistiron on the beck or smooth nocti i1di do oi the pattern pattcraBe pattmBe patternBe
Be careful not to let pattern slip sUpJ
Parl Paris Paris Transfer Pattern No 8005 8005Conventional 80 80Convcntional 8OtJ 8OtJConventional
Conventional daisy dlsign for cblrtvralst cblrtvralstcollar shirtwalstcolin abirtiiahstcollar
collar and nd cuffs to be worked on anysult anysultable aOlultble anyiuitable
able ble waist material in either French or eye eyelet eyelet ejelet ¬
let embroidery or a combination of f the th two twoWashington twoWashington twot
t 4 4Washington
Washington Herald Pattern PatternCoupon PatternCoupon PatternCoupon
Coupon CouponName CouponNamo CouponName
Address AddressSize Jl AddressSize dress dressSize
Size desired destredFm desiredFill f fFill
Fill out tho numbered numberodceupon numberodceuponand coupon couponand oouponand
and out out pattern and inclose inclosewith Jnolosewith Inolosewith
with 10 cents in stamps or coin coinaddressed coinaddressed coinaddressed
addressed to Pattern Depart Department Department Departmeat ¬
ment The Washington Herald HeraldWashington HeraldWashington1
llln Bride IK 3IlRn lIs Dorothea Daven DaTenJOrt BarcalOrt Davenport ¬
port JOrt of Boston BostonBoston DOJltonBoston BeatenBoston
Boston March 28 SIn In Tclnity Church Churchtoday Churchto Churchtoday
today to < 18Y at noon William T Aldrioh the thethird tliethird thethird
third son of Senator Aldrich of Rhode RhodeIsland RhodeIsland RhodeIsland
Island was married to Miss Dorothea
Davenport daughter of Mr and Mrs MrsGeorge MrsGeorge Irs IrsGoorge
George H Davenport of this city cityThe cItyThe cityThe
The bride was given In marriage by byher byher byher
her father Her gown was of white whitesatin wbltesatin whitesatin
satin made severely plain Her veil of oftulle ottulle oftulle
tulle was fastened with orange blossoms blossomsand blossomsand I IIJnd
and IJnd with her prayer pra er book she carried a afew afew afew
few sprays of lilies of the valley valleyShe valleyShe valleyShe
She was attended by Miss Uss Elsie Aldrich Aldrichsister AldrIohsister Aldrichsister
sister of the bridegroom as maid of ofhonor othonor ofhonor
honor and Miss llss Elizabeth Gray and Miss MissEleanor MissEloonor MissEleanor
Eleanor Cotton as bridemalds They Theywere Theywere Theywere
were all gowned In yellow ellow chiffon and andwore andwore andwore
wore yellow ellow slippers and their hats hatswere hatswere hatswere
were of black with touches of yellow yellowThey yUowThej ylIowThey
They carried large bunches of violets violetsThe violetsThe violetsThe
The grooms brother Richard Steeve SteeveAldrich SteeveAJdrlch SteeveAldrIch
Aldrich was best man manFollowing manFoUowlng manFollowIng
Following the church service there was wasa wasa wasa
a a reception rec tion with breakfast at the resi residence residence residenco ¬
dence of the brides parents on Beacon Beaconstreet Beaconstreet Beaconstreet
street streetNEW streetNEW streetNEW
Rev ne T G Smith Goc Goes to St Ann AnnChnrcli AnnChurch Anns AnnsChurch
Church Tomorrow TomorroivRev TomorroRev TomorrowRev
Rev T G Smyth who has been act
Ing pastor of St Stephens Church in inthis inthis inthis
this city over since the death of the pas pastor pastDr pantsr ¬
tor Father Caughy leaves tomorrow to totake totaka totake
take up his new duties at SL St Anns AnnsChurch AnnsChurch AnnsChurch
Church Tennallytown Father Smyth Smythpreached Smythpreached Sniythpreached
preached his farewell sermon Sunday Sundaymorning Sundaymorning Sundaymorning
morning at the late mass but the th mem members memberE mombern ¬
bern of the th Holy Name Society and of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Sodality of the Blessed Virgin of the theparish theparlsh theparish
parish paid a parting call on the popular popularyoung popularyoung popularyoung
young priest in the afternoon and pre presented presented presented ¬
sented him with a handsome Jeweled Jeweledmonstrance jeweledmonstrance jeweledmonstrance
monstrance and a a purse containing SOO SOORev 800Rev 500Rev
Rev Robert Froehlich assistant pastor pastorof pastorot pastorof
of the church made the presentation presentationspeech presentationspeech presentationspeech
speech voicing the affection and appre appreciation appreclation appreciatlon ¬
ciation of the members of these organl organlations orgnnlatfons organizations
ations for their director and Father FatherSmyth FatherSmth FatherSniyth
Smyth responded expressing his gratifi gratification gratification gratification ¬
cation not only for their generous gift giftbut girtbut giftbut
but for their support and appreciation or ofhis orhis orhis
his labors among them themThe themThe themThe
The little folks of the congregation had hadtheir hadtheir badtheir
their Innings too the children of the theSunday theSunday theSunday
Sunday school presenting presenting him with a asum asum a asum
sum in gold Michael Glffin Glum superin superintendent superintendent superintendent ¬
tendent of the Sunday school acted as asspokesman asspokesman anspokesman
spokesman for the children childrenFather childrenFather childrenFather
Father Smyth will be formally intro introduced Intraduced introduced ¬
duced to his new congregation c nextSun nextSunday nextSunday nextsunday
day at the solemn high mass which whIch will willbe wmbe willbe
be celebrated by his brother Rev C Car Carroll Carroll Carroil ¬
roll Smyth of St St Martins Church Bal Baltimore Baltimore Ba Batimore ¬
timore who will come ome over especially to toofficiate toofficiate toofficiate
officiate on this occasion occasionLeaders occasionLeaders occasionLeaders
Leaders at the National Style StyleShow StyleShow
1 Show ShowLADIES ShowGaIotta ShowGalotta
GaIotta Bros BrosLADIES BrosLADIES
1123 14th St N W WPhone WPhone WPhone
CoL Co1Randle Col Handle Ontdraws White WhiteBouse WhiteElouse VhiteR
Bouse R 011sa Grounds GroundsMBS GroundsI 3rounIsMRS
Prize Found by Little Jerry Rogers Rogersof Rogersof Rogersof
of 1354 13r Emerson EU1er ol1 Street StreetTile The Host Hostainlfes Ho HostMakes t t31nkes
Makes an AddresH AddressPresident President reJlden and andFamily antiFundI andFamily
Family FundI View Intere IiiteresfingScenc Interest Inff lngScel1c Scene on onthe onthe onthe
the Executive ExccntheGrODt1ll ExccntheGrODt1llRivaling ExecutlvcGrounthsRivaling Grounds GroundsRivaling
Rivaling the Easter Sunday Su day o ob cyance cyanceby y vance vanceby e eby
by their parents vx roB the celebration c of ofEaster ofEaster I IEaster
Easter Monday or eggrolling day yes yesterday jcsterday yesterday ¬
terday by 30000 30 little folk of WashingtonOn Washington VashlngtonOn
On every street and in every car could couldbe couldbe couldbe
be seen children with baskets of colored coloredeggs coloredeggs coloredeggs
eggs on their way to participate in the thegames thegames thegames
games that have made the day as big bl a achildrens a achtIdr achiIdris
childrens chtIdr ns holiday In the Capital as Christ Christmas Christmas Christmas ¬
mas Parks were crowded with thousands thousandsof
of lttle pleasureseekers industriously Industrlousl en engaged engaged engaged ¬ f
gaged in eggrolling and other sports sportsFully sportJFully sportsFully
Fully 15000 1 fIOO were attracted attra ted to the games gamesat gamesat gamesat
at Handle Highlands At the White House Housegrounds Housegrounds Housegrounds
grounds 10COO made merry during the themorning themorning themorning
morning and other places pJa s were visited visitedby visitedby visitedby
by hundreds hundredsAs hU huidredsAs dreds dredsAs
As a a a result of the egg egghunt hunt given at atRandle atRandle atRandle
Randle Highlands In the afternoon afternoon Jerry JerryRogers JerryRogers JerryRogers
Rogers eleven years old of 1254 Emerson Emersonstreet Emersonstreet EmersonStreet
street Is today the Idol of the small boys boysof boysof boysof
of his neighborhood n for Jerry owns the thehandsome thehandsome thehandsome
handsome pony awarded for finding a alucky aluckY alucky
lucky egg It was nearly three hours hoursafter hoursnfter hoursafter
after the hunt started that Jerrys eagle eagleeye eagleeye eagleeye
eye spotted the ogg In the stump of a
large inrgehorse horse chestnut tree where Itj it was washidden washidden washidden
hidden by Mrs Larz Anderson one of ofWashingtons otWashlngtons ofWashingtons
Washingtons richest women womenMany womenIall womenMany
Many Iall Prize Awarded AwardedChildren AwardedChUdren AwardedChildren
Children of all sizes and ages joined In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the hunt for which ths th United States StatesRealty Statestealty StatesRealty
Realty Company had offered a pony rab rabbits rabbits rabbits ¬
bits guinea pigs pigs and pigeons Every Everyconceivable Ever Everconceivable Everyconceivable
conceivable place was scoured scoured in a search searchfor searchtor searchfor
for the egg which called for the pony un until until UnUt ¬
til Jerry Rogers with a joyous shout an announced announced announcod ¬
nounced that he had foupd the much muehsougbtfor muchsoughttor muchsoughtfor
sougbtfor article near n ar Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaavenue Pennslvanlaavenue Pennsylvaniaavenue
avenue He was immediately Imm dlatelY surrounded surroundedby urroundedby
by hundreds of youngsters who looked lookedwith lookedwith lookedwith
with awe and envy on the egg eggCol eggCol eggCcl
Col Randle president of the United UnitedStates UnitedStates LnftedStates
States Realty Company opened the fes festivities 1est11t1es festivities ¬
tivities of the day with a brief address addressHa addressHe addressHa
Ha said saidThe saldThe saidThe
The object obj ct of this Easter utet oclebraUoa celebrat lebraUon Is to she girotfce shet gleethe
the t e children a kindergarten lessen in forestry and andboUajr andootur andbeta
boUajr beta and I hop hope at the next celebration lebnlUon wpcan wpcanMLT WC3llIN wecanMYC
IN MYC MLT the cooperation U n of ill the pubUe sbi1e schools in inWuhtagtoa inWuhlnctoo inWuhlngton
Wuhtagtoa as it glees pupils p pUa practical Ideas along alongthe alongthe Ioo Ioothe
the lines Jl I taught tau t tbtortticallr in the achoolL schoolsInstructions achoolLIDItmctions achoolLleMnictions
Instructions are euea i glean Ten to hide the U rabbit eggs near nearoak narak nearoak
oak ak trees lte guinea pigs near hickory hlcl < < lQ trees and andpiswras andItns andgvena
piswras Itns gvena near locust trees and so U an It has u been betnMCSMted beenlU beenuggeted
MCSMted lU ed that the pony P tIJ egg be hidden near the thehorse theMrse thehone
horse chestnut chestnutI
I lore children ck dren and I lore to see them romp over overUi OlCftMe orcethese
Ui tMe these e highlands tilling fiUln their yavns 3eun lungs lun full of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the pare fresh air We hare here and to give givethem givethem givetheTa
them a a grand view i of the National ati9nal Capital which whichis whichb whichLi
is an inspiration itllllJ At101l within itself itselfMany iboUMUI itaolfMany
Many MUI children in New X York London and other otherlarge otherlarge otherlarge
large cities ten and fifteen years old Id never saw sawthe sawthe laWthe
the sun rise or 0 set Man Many of them barn never neverhad Jererhad neverhad
had their foot on earth earthrtared reared opcm uxn briek pave pavements pavetents ue uements ¬
ments concrete streets and have never bad the theBflriasy theepria theewiagy
Bflriasy epria pleuant sensation Uou of walking en mother motherearth motherearUl motherearth
earth I one care asked a a YeT l 1 York boa if he knew knewwhere new1rbere knewwhere
where the sun row tOI and set and he answered answeredjce anaweerdyes I IJa
yes > It rose be said en the other side of ofBrooklyn ofBrooklyn ofBronkIyn
Brooklyn and set Just the other Bide ald of Jersey JerseyCity lenerCitr cney cneyCity
City Business But eN experience in New ew York has taught taughtate uughtlite taughtme
ate that many grownups think the same thing that thatthe OWthe tiesithe
the ran Un rises ris s and sets on New York YorkWashington YorkWasblDgton YorkWititon
Washington is fast becoming be oo R the social financial financialand financiaLaDd Snancialand
and diplomatic center of tlii tJh country aDd in the thehies thebua thelees
lees of tome OO1 of you 00 young boys b and girls iris AVash AVashiagton full fullDoton h hlegion
legion Doton will expand to cover every foot cf ground in inth intbe inthe
th the District cf Columbia ColumbiaCbQdrtn CoombiaChlldrtn Columbiachlldrwi
CbQdrtn of today will be the m nan n and women womentom of oftomonow oftoxnwrow
tomonow tom < < row A great blasting to the children of the theprestat thepresmt theptsiit
prestat generation is that the world mid now moves movesfaster mOf mOffalter movesfaster
faster in progress because C31t1e the w warM rid is thinking tkinkin to together together togather ¬
gether Any event of importance Is discussed d the theworld theworld thewetId
world over in twentyfour hours and the best oph ophion opJ opJion opIrtoo
ion of o the greatest mind is given hen te the present gen generation gaoesation n nenUon ¬
eration on the heels of the event so that the chil childraa chUdro1 cliiiehoa
draa of today tOOa can be te the foremost f t rank in the tholino tboliD theline
line liD of progress p by b keeping up with the current currenteteats currentassets currentefe
assets efe ts of the day but at the same time my 111 ad adrice adyke adykel
rice ykel Is
ykelEnjoy IsEnjoy
Enjoy the > hours of tov J6 > and yeuth wtll
To some good angel leave IN we the ret retFor rHtFor vastFor
For time will teach thee soon the truth truthThere trothThcIe taithThere
There are no bird in last years rNlrs nest nestVisit 1JeitVisIt nastVisit
Visit to Congress Heights HeightsAfter H HeightAfter h11t h11tAtter
After Jerry Rogers was announced the thewinner thewinner thewinner
winner of the pony and an the other prizes prizeswere prizeswore prizeswore
wore awarded Col Randle took Mrs MrsLarz MrsLan MrsLarz
Larz Anderson and a party part of friends to tovisit tovisit tovisit
visit Congress Heights a town of 3000 3000inhabitants 3 3Inhabitants 3000inhabitants
inhabitants which was Bounded by Col ColRandle ColRandle CoiHandle
Randle There the fire lepartment turned turnedout turnedout I Iout
out In honor of Mrs Andersons visit Islt and andgave andgave andgave
gave a regular BenHur chariot race that thatwas thatwas thatwas
was as thrilling as it was novel novelMrs no noMrg novelMoe
Mrs Anderson who hid the egg that thatJerry thatJerry thatJerry
Jerry Rogers found and who was the theguest theguest theguest
guest of Col Randle at the hunt Is a aprominent 9prominent aprominent
prominent social leader of Washington Washingtonand Washingtonand W hlngton hlngtonand
and Newport She is one of the wealthiest wealthiestwomen wealthiestwomen wealthiestwomen
women of the city cityTHOUSANDS elt eltTHOUSANDS cityTHOUSANDS
Ten thousand children and adults en enjoyed
the annual egg rolling sport at the
White Lot from 3 to 1 oclock yesterday yesterdayAfter yesterdayAfter esterdaYArter
After Bertha and Alfred Schwartz rolled rolledthe rolledthe rolledthe
the first egg at exactly 9 oclock the thegrounds thegrounds thegrounds
grounds were swarmed until 1 oclock oclockwith oclockwith oclockwith
with children of all ages armed with withbaskets withbaskets withbaskets
baskets of brightlycolored eggs eggsChildren eggsChildren eggsChildren
Children were everywherd On one onehand onehand onehand
hand hundreds of tots busily engaged engagedin
in rolling the eggs from a little knoll knollclose knollclose knollclose
close by b groups of two picking eggs eggsthat eggsthat eggsthat
that had become damaged in the sport sportand sportand sportand
and wandering about might be seen seenlittle seenlittle seenlittle
little ones with empty baskets but a ahappy ahnpp ahappy I
happy hnpp satisfied sallsfiedsn1ile smile smile bespeaking the theegg theegg theegg I
egg luncheons they had Just enjoyed enjoyedThe enjoyedThe enjoyedThe
The President and members of his fam family tamIlY family ¬
ily viewed the scene from the rear portico porticoof porticoof porticoof
of the Whfe Wb House The annual event eventattracted eventattrocted eventattmcted
attracted to the entrance of the White WhiteHouse WhIt6Houe WhiteHouse
House nearly all the peanut venders In Intho Intho Inthe
tho tity city ity of o Washington Also the man manwith manwith manwith
with the red and blue balloons was on onhand onhand onhand
hand followed closely by b the colored coloredaunties coloredauntles coloredaunties
aunties with their ginger cakes and lem lemonade lemonad lemonade ¬
onade Altogether the scene at the en entranceg entranc entratic
tranceg tranc looked loo ed a a good deal like that of ofthe oftha ofthe
the average nv rago circus lot on a big day dayThousands dayThousands dayThousands
Thousands of adults looked on and andenjoyed andenjoyed andenjoyed
enjoyed the games of the youngsters youngstersIn
In the afternoon a 0 concert concert was given glv n by bythe b btho bythe
the Engineer Band which was wa heard by bya bya bya
a a crowd that covered the thebfg big lot lotAt lotAt lotAt
At the Zoo 35612 persons were enter entertained entertained entertamed ¬
tained according to the count of the thesuperintendent thasuperIntendent thesuperintendent
superintendent Thousands of children childrenrolled chndr childrenrolled n nroned
rolled eggs and engaged In other sports sportswhile sportswhUe sportswhile
while their parents and grownup rela relatives relatives rehatives ¬
tives looked on In evident enjoyment It Itwas Itas Itwas
was as the biggest crowd that has visited visitedthe vIsitedthe visitedthe
the park in many months but there was wasno wasno wasno
no disorder throughout the day dayRock dayRock dayRock
Rock Creek Park also attracted pleas pleasureseekers pfeasureseekers preasureseekers ¬
ureseekers by the thousands thom ands There the theusual theusul theustil
usual games of Easter Easter Monday Mot day were wereplayed were werepJayed were wereplayed
played t by > y the children chUdren who reigned reignedsupreme reignedsupreme reignedsupreme
supreme during the day dayt t The Th other otherparks otherparK otherparks
parks and public places p aces of ofthe ithe J he city were werevisited J werevisited re revIsited
visited by hundreds h ndreds of ofUttle little Utt1 ones and andtheir andtheir andtheir
their parents
Dulin Martin Co CoRemember CoWhen CoWhen
When Spring SpringHousecle Springflousec1eanin
Housecle flousec1eanin flousec1eaninRemember ning ningRemember
Remember to obtain the the rbest rbestresults rbestresults bestresults
results it is necessary to t equip equipthe equipthe equipthe
the home with the best de devices devices devices ¬
vices thereby reducing the thelabors thelabors
labors to a minimum This Thismeans Thismeans Thismeans
means the best polishes polishesbrushes polishesbrushes polishesbrushes
brushes c cThe cThe cThe
The following have been beentested b beentested en entested
tested and you are assured assuredsatisfactory assuredsatisfactory assuredsatisfactory
satisfactory results without withoutthe withoutthe j jthe
the uncertainty andtnecessaryf andtnecessaryftesting and necessary tnecessarytesting necessarytesting
testing of unknown prepara preparations preparations preparations ¬
tions tionsSilver tionsSlh tionsSliser
Silver Slh r Cream Silver Polish PoUllbbottle Polljhbottle Polishbottle
bottle IOe lOcGorhnm IOeGorhnm ioeGorham
Gorhnm Silver Polish cake 25e 25eElectro 5e 5eElectro ic icEleetro
Electro SIHcorf Sliver Sll er Polish Polishbox Polishbox Polishbox
box lOc lOcMatchless lOelUatchleHS BkMatchless
Matchless Metal Polish PoI Jh box lOe lOeaiexollne lOcMexoline
aiexollne 1 xoIiDe Liquid 3Ictal Pol PolI Polh P01Isle
I Isle h can 15c 15cChios 15cChIng 15eChing
ChIng Foo Furniture Polish PoII8I1bottle Polishbottle Polishbottle
bottle 35c 35cChlng 3icChing JicChing
Ching Foe Floor Polish 1 > > 01l5h bot bottle bottle hottin ¬
tle hOO liOOOld hOOOld hooOld
Old English Floor Wax Vnx lb Ibcan lbcan lbcan
can 40a 40aButchers 400Duteller 40rButchers
Butchers Floor Wax Ynx H lb can ca 45c 45cPoreeln 4 4PorceJn 4ePOrcela
Poreeln enamel cleaner box IGc IGcSolnrine IGcSolnrlne lOcSolarlne
Solnrine Metal Polish can IHc IHcKoncli l 1cRoach c cUoach
Roach and Insect Powder Powdccan Powdercan y ycan
can 20e 20eImperial 20cImperial oc ocImperiol
Imperial Ammonia bottle lOc lOcOld 10cOM lOcOld
Old Dutch Cleanser cnn lOc lOcWynadotte lacVTDudotte toeVynudotte
Wynadotte Sanitary Clean Cleaner Cleaner CleanCr ¬
er ana Cleanser Clb bn bngll 25e 25eJ 2cIrThe e eTIze
J IrThe The best be s t assortment of ofbrushes ofbrushes ofbrushes
brushes brooms dusters and andother andDther andother
other housecleaning requisites at atlowest atlowet atlozvet
lowest prices pricesPottery pricesI pricesDulin
I Dulin MarfinCo MarfinCoPottery
Pottery p Porcelain I Chins sGIasi sGIasiSilver GinsaSIlver
Silver te c
1215 F St and 1214180 St StExtra StExtraFine
Extra ExtraFine ExtraFineCalifornia Finei FineiCalifornia
California CaliforniaFrulet CaliforniaT
NCLLDED are Lemon LemonCHng LemonCling
I Cling Peaches Apricots ApricotsPear ApricotsPears
Pear Pears and Vhite Cher Cherriesvery Cherriesvery
riesvery choice fruit in inheavy inheavy
heavy sirup sirupOnly sirupOnly
Only 260 dos cans as long as aspresent aspresent
present supply lasts Bettor or order order
WMall and phone orders ordersglen ordersgiven
glen prompt attention attentionG attentionG
G G Cornwell J SOD SODWholesale SonWholesale
Wholesale and Retail Grocers
14121418 Penna Ave AveVasblngton AveWashington I
Washington 14th and G 5t8 5t8New 51 51New
New York WnldorfAstorl Vnldtrt lJtorlt and 113 113Drondu iiasBroadway
Drondu Broadway Broadwayj
1 H Small SmallSons SmallSons
FLORIS TSo TSoSpring TSOSpring
Spring Flowers and Plants Plantsin Plantsin
in Great Variety VarietyPrompt VarietyPrompt
Prompt service und delivery by Q Qpres empress
pres press to all points
G and 13th 13thHEADACHES 13thiHEADACHES
have many sources sourcesbut sourcesbut
but there Is one sure sureremedy sureremedy
K E F themuReC themuReCKeep themKefKeep remedy for ALL c cthemuReC CL CLthemKef
Keep Kef always alwaysitt
itt t b hanek nd Absolutely Absolutelysafe I Isafe
safe Three
lOc 25c > co and 50e 50eHenry Oe OeHenry
II Henry ery Evans Ev ns Ina InaTSf In InHetail mcDruggist I
TSf Hetail n Druggist 1006 iooob ioooQ F FNEW
8 Q tains Varnishes VarnishesPaints
0 Paints Enamels Enamelsand
and everything else elsein elseNEW
NEW NEWERA in this line needed neededfor neededERA neededtD
ERA ERAPAINT tD A for or spring renovat renovating renov renovatLLft t ¬
LLft ing mg Best quali qualiand qUalIty I
PAINT PAINTII and right prices pricesWholesale pricesII
II tWho1esale Wholesale and re retail ¬
II I II tail agents age nts for ALA ALABASTINE ALA13ASTI
L L39 60709 09 CSt C St N VV v S000 S000WaHiRg Phone PhoneWd one oneco
co For ForTo
To Quality QualityWHiil
WaHiRg WHiil Wd sg Receptions Fine Catering
815 10THST N W WBanquet WBanquet WBanquet
Banquet Parlors ParlorsThomas ParlorsII ParlorsThomas
Thomas F Walsh Improving ImprovingThomas ImproInJThomas ImprovingThomas
Thomas F Walsh who recently re returned returned returned ¬
turned t to Washington from San AJntonlo AJntonloTex A1tonto A1tontoTex tonlo tonloTex
Tex has shown a 8 marked Improvement Improvementft Jmprovementnwlll
ft nwlll will be at least a a month or tndre be before before betore ¬
fore Mr r Walsh W lsh will wlI be able abl to get out outThe outThe
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