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ea fccnnd IftOnddaN ecnndcIa < IaM mail matter matterPublithed matterPUbtilrQ matterPublished
Published Every Morning in n the Year by byTHE byTIlE byTHE
Und UDdet r tH the te Dirvctivn Dlr tIQn vf vfSCOTT f fSCOTT ISCOTT
HENRY L L WEST YESI Bunncu Bu ne Mtntjer MtntjerTelephone ManacerT MenagerTckpioncMi1n33OO
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that 7iat purpose purposeAll purposcAll purposeAll
All communications Mended for Or this thisnewspaper thbftcUspapcr thisstewspaper
newspaper whether for or tho daily or tho thaSunday thoBUttday thoiuday
Sunday issue should be addressed to toTHE toriIE toHE
SPECIAL AGENCY Bninwrick Building BuildingOilaco BitfldlngThirg
SATURDAY APRIL M 3e 1910 1910Making 19100Making 1910aking
Making aking Washington Beautiful BeautifulHelp Beautifulj
j Help Washington become tho model modelcity modelIty mcdiitity
city Ity of the nation nationJoin nationJoin nationJoln
Join heartily In the great work ork for th thbetter tAt tAtttpr thebetter
better ttpr and more beautiful city cityGivp ellCltf citylJIvp
Givp thought bt < and time and energy to tothe tothe tothe
the end nd that its It many natural beauties beautiesshall beaUU beaUUshall beaUtIei1iaII
shall 1iaII be saved and development made in inthe Inthp
the right rl ht direction directionAll dlneUonAlI directionAll
All organisations Interested In th tbb fu future t tturf futurf ¬
turf of the Capital are urged by tb tbWashington the tbeWashlrgton theWashlrgton
Washlrgton Society of FIlM Arts Ar to do dothe dothfo dothe
the things above set t out oatThere outThpre outThere
There ought ou < bt to be cordial cordIa cooperation cooperationin
in the uplendid IIPI ndld etfort of o this society JOetet It Itmeans Itmans itThpans
means much for Washington Wubt ton Washing Washington 1Vsahtu uII uIIton ¬
ton will not become a MOdel city unless unlessdeveloped 11ft 11ftd unlesudeveloped I
developed d > flopro In the right direction Its natu natural natural natural ¬
ral beauties ftull are great but these tb te have haveIwei Uftbft barebei
Iwei bft marred marreda are being tna wriflced day by byday bTda bydayas
da dayas day as the result of hapoasard growth growtharui 1th 1thand I Ian1
and development In which harmony and andbeauty alMib an anbeauty
beauty b alt are lIy given hardly a passing passingthought paulncthught pasatn pasatnthught
thught thoughtTho thughtTtH thughtTiw
Tho socalled Bar Bwraasm Commission did didits cUdUs I Its
its ts work well ell Tbe Th lat tate Senator McMUlaA McMUlaAwho Me Meho I Iih
ih who ho was as largely ressonslMe for It It will willover wWtfr I IC
over C er be held h ld In grakefnl raefut I memory because becauseof becau8e becau8elr becau becauof
of the artistic plan the commission cre creat creahJ crortr1
at ahJ vi it may properly be subject to mod modIflcation modIftlatioh modIt1ation
Iflcation in minor detail but It general generalsnip aeaeralnpp genera I Iscepf
snip npp should be adhered to closely closelyThe ciOHI ciOHITh ctoselyTh
The Th Washington Society of Fine Art ArtIs rta rtais I IIs
Is loading the way toward making < the themost UMmlt thi t t2Dot
most of if the citys elty natural beauties and andIts AA4it azu I IIts
Its meeting mtft1n at Continental Hall next nextWednesday JleXtWdnpflday nex t tV4n4ay
Wednesday evening p 1 ° L when distmguished distmguishedppeakera cU8Cl < labed labedfpfaktrs I Iepakers
ppeakera will 111 discuss Washington Ihct i td its itsfuture Itauturf It Itrutur
future uturf will w U be an event of interest to tocitizens torlt1zt t tc1tizens
citizens rlt1zt > ns generally generlIyHippo nlI nlIHipJ
Hippo > o Steak 1
Somehow omehow we ars tmmMs t 18 18extpnslvly enDless ontlfssiextensively
extensively over OoagressttHUi 00IIC 1 1lIartls Brous Broussanls rous
saris suggesUon of o hippopotamus cul culture cul culture ¬
ture in this thl country with a VIeW to low lowering Iowrln lowering ¬
ering > rln the price pric of meat b7 greatly greatlyinToaslng srUin
inToaslng in pa h g the supply supplyAs evppbAs
As a mere physical proposal pi opoual this might mightlo mlPt100m
lo 100m < > m crandly zrafldl randl enough in the hortson of ofthe oCthp
the ultimate consumers COII8umer hopes There Tberemall Therema1I IK IKsmall
small mall doubt that a hippopotamus is bulky bulkyami bulkyanl bulkyanl
anl that a little of him hll would go a long longway 10Blway longway
way astronomically His H Inclination to tof tof tof
f > e cI < i all but exclusively on lily roots and andaquatic acla aadaqatIe
aquatic a latl herbs may be In his favor fay too toeBut tooRut
But we w apprehend appreh nd he never would be becom 1M 1Mcom
com < > popular as an article of diet let never nevertheless JleYerthfIftI ¬
theless and notwithstanding notwithstandingWe
We fear it is the general aspect of the thehippopotamus thehtpfQpotamua thehippopotamus
hippopotamus that would prove too much muchfor muchfor
for our palates and tr dttr Dr stomachs Wa Waif Werrltltre VI VIrlqlllrc
rlqlllrc if quire an adjustment of digestive cI UTe equip equipment equipmlnt equipmont ¬
mont and appetite AP that II somewhat hard hardto banto hardtr
to tr < ioflne but that must be effected for forall foralt
all of that We cannot eat things that thatgie thatgin thatgI
gin gI ii5 U the shudders no matter what whattheir whattheir whattheir
their undisputed food value may be beWe MWf beW
We W already have ha tbe lbe Lb alligator in this thiscountry theClIntl thiscctintt
country ClIntl We W might have millions of ofthem atth ofthc
them th thc Ill if we would no doubt Docking Dockingat LoGkln LoGklnat
at it from one angle moreover moreov alligator alHptorstfllk alligatorsteak alligatorsteak
steak mar b be nourishing nourtltb enough and andalligator andaJIIlatQr andalligator
alligator soup highly htchl sustaining uatatnla but who whowould whooutd whownuld
would outd eland for either flUb < a II a regular regulardl rqulardlt regulardIt
dl dlt t Not even the poorest white whitetrash 1blt0tr81h whltotrath
trash along the St Johns John Rlvor nor noryet norft noret
yet ft the most m benighted cullud pusson pussonIt puaeonIt puesonIt
It is not that alligators aU1 tors are not pretty prettydfrent pratttnt prettydipnt
dfrent tnt sort of feeders themselves t tjemcIven fll1HlYeI and andso aAdSf anda
so a on but Uuuagh qti You know knowOn kaMnOn known
On n the th whole hole Congressman COI1 J Broussards Broussardshippopotamus Brouudhlppopotamu Broussardshippopotamus
hippopotamus scheme h1IM will not appeal app 1 to toth tothl toth
th thl < masses m tremendously wa suspect suspectTheoretically suspectThortically uap t tThfortUca1IT
Theoretically he may bo on solid solidground MildgrQund solidground
ground i practically he h is l In bad badLet shape shapeLet a apeLet
Let the hippos stay In Africa where wherethe Wberethe wherethe
the natives may eat them if th thy y like likeThe JlkoThe likeThe
The relief rGlI f of the Ui meat situation is not notcomlnir notcoming notComing
coming through throu h them meritorious as assome assome assome
features of the
some Louistanians ¬
sug suggestion suggeflUon suggestlon
gestion may appear to be beNever beNever
Never Too Old to Elope ElopeIt
It l not only the young man of whom whomTennyson WhoMTennYIon whomrennyon
Tennyson wrote In Locksley Lockle Hall but butalso buta11 buta1
also a11 a1 the octogenarian who still fceta the thesprJghtly thesprightly
sprightly fires Or of love and nd tho debutante debutanteis
is but little UUI more susceptible to the plea pleasIng pleaSng pleaIng
Ing flatteries than Is the woman of ofthreescore o othr ofthreescore
threescore thr escore and ten If the two hearts heartsold hearts01c1 heartsold
old in years but young youn in romance romance are areattuned annttund areattuned
attuned Cupids Cpld arrows can And flndlodgnfont flndlodgnfontIn lodgment lodgmentIn Iodcmont Iodcmontin
In almost any a y human breast and the therecent there thereeent
recent re < pnt elopement of Thomas H Blllott Blllottseventyfive ElUottseventYfive iil1ottseventylive
seventyfive of Lafayette La1 otte Ky and Miss MissAdeline MliiAdeline n nAdlIne
Adeline Ledbetter sixtyeight of Mur MurIreesboro lIurtrfflboro Murireesboro
Ireesboro Tenn Is a striking Instance of ofthe 01the o othe
the wiles of the little sol gofiElliott solElliott godElliott
Elliott and Miss lIu Ledbetter were cre sweet sweethearts sweethparts sweethearts ¬
hearts many man years ago but an unkind unkindfate unkIndfate unkindfate
fate caused their th lr lives to lead Into far sep separate sepnratp sopnrat ¬
arate nrat paths and Elliott married another anotherand anotherand anotherand
and he now has children and grandchil grandchildren grandchl1drpn grandchildrn ¬
dren A few months ago be e chanced to tomeet tomeet tcmeet
meet the sweetheart of his youth outb and the thechasm thochasm thechasm
chasm of many years ears wa quickly bridg bridged bridged brldged ¬
ed the romance being renowOd at the thepoint thepoint thepoint
point where it terminated a generation generationor
or more ago agoThe alOThe agoThe
The hiatus of years did not ot lessen the thethrills thethrt1l thethrilie
thrills thrt1l of tho proposal and tho acceptance acceptanceand aCC8t1tanc6and acceptanceand
and Cupid who had left the work un unfinished unllnlshed un1nIsbed ¬
finished cemented the friendship and at affection atftlon atXeetion ¬
fection and now as they walk down the thevale thevale thevale
vale in tho sunset of life this happy pair
I can attest to the influonaa of spring springtime sprlngI ¬
I time t ime actually aotual1 > and n d theoretically for the thedream thedreom
dream so long unrealized has at at last lastcome lastcomo lastcome
come true tr e
f fCome
Come on the Grass GrassFrom GrassFrom
From out the minor news t S of tho day daywo daywo daywe
wo clip the following optimistic item itemThe ItemThe ItemThe
The Keep l eep off tho grass signs In thirty thirtyNew thlrt thlrtNew
New ew Yorlc parks will be replaced this thismonth thismonth
month with sign posts reading Como on onthe onth onthe
the th grass This Is in accordance with withan withan withan
an order issuod J uod by Mayor Gaynor allow allowing allowIn sHowIng ¬
ing In the th children chll ron to romp on certain lawns lawnsand lawnsand
and grassy hillsides hillsidesWo hillsidesWe
Wo 0 approve of that order and It raises raisesMayor raisesMayor raisesMayor
Mayor Gaynor just a little higher in inour Inour Inour
our estimation It in a sensible s rational rationaldecree rationalOocroe rationalcoerce
decree and It is in keeping with tho thogeneral thogoneral thegeneral
general progressiveness of the age ageWashington ageVMhlngton
Washington has long suffered its little littlechildren Utt1 Utt1chlldron
children to play on tho grass to their theirhearts theirh
hearts h arts content Wo 0 are quite prepared preparedto prop r d dto
to say 8ftythO they do not hurt It in tho least leastand 10lLstand leastand
and oven if they did It still would not notmatter notmattor notmatter
matter Tho children aro much moro Im Important 1mportan Important ¬
portant t than tho grass gra The public pu Jlc parks parksfurnish parksturn
furnish turn Ish tho only spots some children chU ron may mayfind ma mafind mayfind
find to romp and play outdoors outdoorsSomehow ouldoorlSomehow outdoorsSomehow
Somehow we like to think that thoentire thoenUro tho theentire
entire world is I beginning to rebel against againsttho againstthe galaattho
tho keep off the grass 11 citizen any anyway anywa ¬
way wa Ho IB J a selfish person rMn The Invi Invitation InltaUon Invitation ¬
tation to come on the grass Is cordial cordialfriendly oorc1laItrhmdlT cordialfriendly
friendly generous and cheerful It sug suggests sugKosta sungests ¬
gests a willingness actually to sacrifice sacrificesomething 8ACrlft 8ACrlftmethlng
something methlng if necessary for a fellow fellowcreatures lello lelloereature fellowcreatures
creatures comfort and happiness lutppl It Itsmacks Itmaca Itsniacks
smacks of the neighborly and am fraternal fraternalBlessings frAternalDleatnp fraternalBlessings
Blessings be upon the man who invites invitesus invitesUtJ Invitesus
us to come on the grass gra gra We feel feelas reelIt feela
as a If it would be worth white looking 1001dn up upsuch upJJaeh upsuck
such an Individual and shaking hakln his hand handInevitably handInevitably handInevitably
Inevitably we suspect he would be In Interesting Intorlng Intorasting ¬
teresting and perhaps ha h In I his turn turnmight turnmlKht turnmight
might dud us a interesting later t In these happy happycircumstance happyclrcuaaatanceti happycIrcumstances
circumstance wo should warm to one oneanother oneBnother oneanother
another And An if In bringing brlnld all of that thatto tbatto thatto
to pass pass1 a s little Old grass were trampled trampleddown trampMaOO1n trampinddown
down jaod aod put out of o existence o tence forever foreverwhat toreyerhat foreverwhat
what hat would be the lost 10117 Nothing NOthtn worth worthspeaking worthspeaking OIth OIthaveklnl
speaking ef oCt when all Is said d and done doneFrom don donsFrom
From keep oft the grass to toOR come comeon comiOn
on t the e grass sra is Hk like sailing from Bafims BafimsBay BaJItuBIU Baailnthe
Bay to the Land of Flowers FlowersOne FJo1 FJo1One FlowersOne
One may be pardoned the use of tile tbeslang tile11a theslang
slang 11a perhaps when one avers that thatreally tbatrelly thatrosily
really and truly there th Is seme class c to a aDemocratic aDemoeratJc aflIflOC5ftUC
Democratic Senatorial possibility bf the theKern uKerA theKern
Kern variety varietyFranklin varletYJIraAkIJn varietyFrsiUn
Franklin P Adams A aau says and truly trulyenough tn1I7enouP trulyenough
enough that no humorist of today may maysurely InTurel maysurely
surely urel lay the be flattering atterl unction to his hissoul baatIOUl hissoul
soul that he will be a a humorist tomor tomorrow tomarrow ¬
row Sufficient unto to the day is the ev evhumor OY OYIaumor orhumor
humor thereof thereofThere thereoeThere thereofThere
There is one thing the u suffragettes do donot cIonot donot
not do do however bown TINy do not make lift liftJIeUa viipiesnant n npteasant
pteasant t and blasphemous remarks to the tbeumpire UNUIft the051i
umpire UIft 051i from the bteqchers bteqchersIt
It hi rumored that the salaries of ofopera grand grandopera grandopera
opera stars are likely to fall 11 next season seasonThe MUOnThe seasonThe
The common people will assimilate 1te this thisInformation tbqIntOCmaUon thisinformation
Information without evincing marked emo emotion emotIon emoof ¬
tion of any kind JdA4It kindwould f fIt
It would be interesting Inter to know nowFrance bowlraace now howFrnce
France would relish tbe Idea of being beinglectured MIa MIalectured bdnleeturid
lectured after that fashion for the next nexteven nextn nextseven
seven even n years
SMagiss slegIss nr era t toe to aaHrsnesii 1 Asjrvly Asjrvlyon JIIIiIIIrtIIIOR pi3 pi3n
on o n account of t tn tJM new w tariff thereon eon Is Isthis IsthIII Iihis
this t his a subtle effort e ort to instill UII Republican Republicanataodpat RepubIIeaauu4pat I Itandpat
ataodpat s ideaa into the rising rIaIn generation generationIn gsnersdonlIn
In Indiana I the man to be given the theSenatorshlp tileSenalorablp thienatorship
Senatorshlp S If the Democrats capture tbe tbenext tbenext tb tbext
next n ext legislature ture la Tom Taggart Ta Ut said saidthe sdthe I Ihe
t the he New York Globe of Thursday Guess Guessagain G Gu I Igain
again a gain n contemporary contemporaryOn llUT llUTOn
On May fa 10 the big show bow will l take place placehowever plan planhowever
however That Is the date set fortne fortnemeeting for stbe ttu ttueethng
meeting eethng tac of o the colonel and the Kaiser KaiserIt
It Is to be hoped Hon t ze Xelaya will net netventure ai t tventure t tenture
venture v out of his h lair agate even ea if ifSenator IeSeutor t f fenator
Senator S enator Rayner did ld fail to mention n1en OJt him himIn hhaIn binn
I In n that last Senatorial oration
Lemon extract ta said to be the favor favorite ra favorts VOI VOIIt ¬
ite It I ts South Carolina tipple tippleMlCUon in prohiiossections prohibition prohibitionsections
sections This produces a a highly flavored flavoredJag fta ftaN navoredjag
Jag presumably presumablyNow prMumabl7Now presumablyNow
Now that Mr Bellinger has taken the tbestand Uaaland thestand
stand land extraordinary efforts will be made madeto madeto naiieto
to get et him up a a stump ump of course courseA counteA coatseA
A Pennsylvania speed maniac was fined finedan ftaeclamount tinselan
an amount of 0 money corresponding eorr g to tohis toJ1cen tohis
his license J1cen number recentIy recenUyczn 42223 That Thatsort ThatfOrt Thaisort
sort of thing < It indulged Indul ed in by b7trate magjft magjfttrates mag magtrates
trates generally will tend to give ve veto pause pauseto muss mussto
to the gentlemen who sport port four or tve tvetags 1fIttap tretags
tags on their ears earsWe earsWe carsWe
We are now threatened with a tooth toothpick toolbpick toothpick ¬
pick trust There There is not one thing thIa about abeuteating alHtutUn aboutsating
eating Un < that is not to be made mora ox oxpenslvo QXpenalvo expensive
pensive it seems seemsMilwaukees 1Htn8fUwaukoe acemaMIIwiukos
Milwaukees new socialist mayor has hasdeclined basdteHAed baadeclined
declined a a number of tendered ChauUui ChauUuiqua CbauauqUA Chautatiqua
qua dates That That within Itself II a fine fineplatform SIDeplattorm lineplatform
platform upon which to ask for raelec raelecUon reelection resloetion
tion UonThe tionThe
The general Itnproeston seems to bo bothat blthat bethat
that the climax of the colonels trip was wasreached wasreached a areaehed
reached WMon when he A stood silent before Na NaIoons Napoloons
poloons Ioons tomb tombDorothy tombDorothy tombDorothy
Dorothy Russell aged twontytwo Is Isabout Saabout Isabout
about to embank on betS second matri matrimonial matrimonIAl matrlmenial ¬
monial venture vonturo Evidently jvklenU the fair fairDorothy Wr WrDorothy ZakDorothy
Dorothy does not wish to t disappoint tho thaaudience thoaucUence thoaudience
audience audienceThe aucUenceThe audienceThe
The peanut has not advanced in price priceyet prk prkTet priceyet
yet observes the Atlanta Constitution ConstitutionThat CouatltuUonThat ConstitutionThat
That Is so Moreover Iorcov lbs he peanut poli politician politician pollticlan ¬
tician is getting choaifsr and cheaper cheaperevery choaporevery cheaperevery
every day dayChantecler da7CAant dayChantecIr
Chantecler CAant l r may ba b a a var go good d thing
In a theatrical line So far however the theChantocler theChantocier
Chantocler fads and fancies aro about abouttho aboutthe
the fiercest ever everlip
Up to this time the Senatorial investi investigation InvcaUgaLlon ¬
gallon into nto to the high cost of living has hasnot l1unot hennot
not produced anything worth mentioning mentioningexcept mentJonlagoxcept mentioningexcept
except a tow more bills for Uncle Sam Samto Samto
to pay payA pa paA payA
A Pttl Philadelphia c1elphl man faces a prison prisoncharger prJeonchlr prisoncharefOr
charger chlr charefOr r selling s l11ng stale eggs A piker of ofcdinjge otC ofcx
cdinjge C cx Ho should provide himself with witha
a bold storage plant and then he could couldeoU couldsalt
salt eggs cggs as stale as he cared to and andmake andall
make ieo all sorts of money at It Itff ItfffapPoars It ItaDpotrs
ff fffapPoars nppoars that Mr John Dalzott also
Is not ot to have a reelection to Congress Congresshanded Corigr6Nhanded Congresshanded
handed to him on h silver waiter this thisWhy thisoar this1oar
1oar oar
Why pick out positions for Col Roose Roosevelt Roosevelt Roosevolt ¬
velt 1 inquires tho Baltimore Sun Yos TosAlso YosAlso yosAlso
Also why not notA notA notA
A Now York sculptor says s President PresidentTaft Pre PresidentTaft ldent ldentTaCt
Taft is tho handsomest handsom t man in public publiclife publicliCe publicIlls
life today toda The President PresJd nt doubtless doubtlesswould dcuhtl douhtIwould s swould
would be pleased to know whether this
man a man lan proceeded to his conclusion along alongwith alonglth alongIth
w with lth tho Idea that handsome is as in hand handsome handsome handome ¬
some s some ome does doosCaleb doOBColob doesCaleb
Caleb Powers Is to be a candidate for forCongress torCongroas
Congress C ongress in Kentucky K mtucky We should think thinkCalob thinkColob
Calob aleb had had enough trouble with tho thomuokrakors thomuokrnkors
muokrakors muokrakorsTho muokrnkorsThe m uokrakorsTue
The colonel thinks Marie Antolnotto was wasshamefully wuohametully washamofully
shamefully a treated Therein spoke tho thocolonel3 theoionet3
Southern btcofl btcoflPaulhan blot blotPaulhan bicidIPanihan
Paulhan merely took a little SCOMO WI flyer flyerso tIyOlso flyero
so s o to speak speakCHAT speakCHAT speakCHAT
Which IM It ItFrom ItFrets f fFrom
From the Toteka CapitaL CapttaLAndrew CataLAndrw CapitaLAndrati
Andrew CanMsto Sa oooUd M i a jrt K c that thatyu Mi vACe vACemado deIMIIo
mado n JaB Des Mr Ir Oata aamst aamsttatemeat rnsgs 6w de ash tfc tint t k kitatcmeat his histateniest
itatcmeat i he cwtnud ce AS a a attBuUfet alat or ai an anA aDa anpcdnr
a pcdnr har
A Statement of Fact FactTho FnetFrom
From ue lI 4ie TraRlMdIt TraRlMdItnI TrMsceiVtfbe
Tho world te 1 very Tory T eM It IM IMmany aa uses iIIIML iIIIMLrat st stR7
rat many R7 thiaeja U Uds Rl ia Ma time ue tb Btnnse and andit a aIt sasUI aiM
it I t cr trlm we W > e eTfIq eTfIqo 7 Jf JfXJov
XJov o ov lnttcr lntcrllOnt oii Scrapbook ScrapboolcFrom ScrnpbooJcFrwm ScrapbookFren
From the Yeunmcown Wftw Tetearaaa TetearaaaWe TihrsWI
We w TonUnre the amerUon that GOT Patteraoa laU ot otTanneacee ofIeneMIe 1 1Tenses
Tanneacee Tenses to not keeping g a Nrapbook of the 1Mut thloa thloathat th1a
that t are being MId aid about him theaa thnaThe days daycThe daysThe
The Kncl of ofgtiflOr a Poor Joke JokeFrom JokeFam JokeFIma
From the Barton Traveler TravelerAliova Tra TraTbe TmithrThe
The Lou arr late iM C of IItIIIr IItIIIrtwa bus busbuuui
buuui twa lIP b cbasruus wilt fl ayuiiiwta ayuiiiwtaenre a afor
i enre for ezp on T 1M s MIIIIIIe MIIIIIIewID Ifl ae aeabIck
abIck wilt Map ne iM a ciaMl ciaMlto Js
5 to all eIId eIIdAIJOc mdAbove
Above the annie of Politics PoliticsFrom P1UtloslInIIa PalItIoaPma
From the X New w York World WorldOn WorldODe WorldOtis
On ODe ra rnsoa aoa for GOT llagfcea KIM east pwatth meetm massuscidre m aa aaMcntif
suscidre Mcntif th apuUat to Mayor I Ganaor M wall Kctta NetIIMr NetIIMra XstShernsa r raaa
nsa aaa oana me a rap ra for or tba tl > old pas ef mttlkk mttlkkwherein poUdcawbenba pelishawherein
wherein mm maawowr afac mooUw to dtdda dMIdeJ < wtwtiMr wtwtiMrJak wbMh wbMhisis
J isis Jak or Jack gaIl have a naooad oed davetj 6IpatJibID daas daasship loaaathiig loaaathiighip
ibID hip for which aeithar la At St U Both Hotbad the theand itaer itaersaid
and th Uw jumyar oV do > ear eare far peat public paWicIrelIleUon publicPreIietloiiCame pablkProillctloii
Proillctloii PreIietloiiCame Came True TrncFtwi TruePras
Ftwi 1 the WfcMta Widaitahua x ina Kacte Kactenlam
nlam hua S SMaata Sesat tMtar La Klritott lltt violated YIoIaWnile the fkawto fkawtowte ea earule
nile k7 malnac a atMach aooc after he U WIr ta ha haat Isit hsNet
Net at Staatun sit Smuts Loaa Faiths 1 Dei DI > w Aakear AakearBfWMer l khen khenSpeseer II
BfWMer Aldrich Hab n lialsi sad Ropkiaa nbaftad hha hhaby i iw I
by hmviac riDe their awta sad ala alkta to UM dot dotMM Mask Maskteen I ILA
MM S Sumter Mtar LA FbUette nM h 1 WM apcatte apcatteoa I
oa tat nUlroad bill i that sales the tooisruat tooisruatqmaaUoa buper buperqeiMice I IqdDa
qmaaUoa WM ecttled rtcbt rilla awaw us of the diepanrtJJ neate austamart1y Mav Mavporarilj
porarilj vacant ftcut nicte be i mawnentl7 < 11 musLiM tad Aadhe A8dbe tadus
he mPto ap the tenth Look iowr over UM Hat Hat1VIIBX 111nEX IsW11RN
WW bse awUMra away froem the eStUdrw aM ae aeNdmioas o oNenvtooa 0 0I
I Nenvtooa X pitiless we 5 flaatrh trhII for ear oarTIae n nTbe ten tenThe
The Oldeet OI4i UM Yuuimua Yasui and QwrMrPMaIton QwrMrPMaItonLot
I Lot riot obtain ais aa we Mldosi have haftI dam doavThe damwe
I w we Jtde xis a CI m bes way to Ra1IIJar7 Hae a aI 1has 1hasThe
I The furotatw meata torvfaMbto hi len loaaAnd l01IApt lenmrthfngs
And Apt everTthinaTe aoattered away ad atoaa atoaaAnd atoM atoMad a4amAnd
And conartfnoe end raodor email BM to ur aayOar
0 0 r ham is the th noiaieet oader md the tbeI aoa aoaWhen amWhen
When nwthera any anyWhen an anW1Ms alaWbea
When awthera away and CIIttIf war teatiaw at is iswe aisk aiskWe
We If lather iith at table tb ta fnlnann 4Il eUU tltaieon iMt iMtThu eUUThe
The me little throe t tttUe Aildrea and I IAnd Ibd ItiM
And nwer ware dtaera awn prim and andBat a as4i1 as4i1Ist I IBut
Bat one ttttle lieU xirne ahaae aM aMbel onaanHa usipeta and tea teaAnd iiiAnd
And one little atrlit rh1 ti1 aint htnury oo 00ADd Ma MaAad i iAnd
ADd oddly oMJ nwjch fIDOt tt is true at o all Il three threeAnd wDd thamAnd
And Dd even I I am wfflfaw to aay aayJnet SoJ1IIt y yj
Jnet j wenfly dams on the sin ran of filla mr suw ptate ptateMlMn
MlMn w avotheHa anther away awayWhen awayWbas
When nutter a away a and their boil 0041bI1 how hamThi dninn dninnThey
They Thi gfttber p around and they thu aak a nw far aH aHThe aDThe inTb
The Tb febtce f said etorira and nonery 87IIat rhynwi shyenaTbut rhynwiThmt
Thmt fondeet f of fiathcn ooold ever NatB NatBThe NaIIIIel asastilThe
The one as ef the prince guam and his h hDe nmtdeifel enatt enattThe amSWith
The seAtr who KM JOoIe on the bMk ol olIda a trbalt trbaltWith
With Ida only ndyomesrontheDeedsltbstals ndyomesrontheDeedsltbstalsTb one ear on the tb trend ef the taw tawThe ta1It ta1Itne
The Tb other brr oar open aDd listening liMsn that tWOut they theyCan IsvCan
Can bear her h dear atep oa the th atair afr ta tk the ball ballWkaa WI WIwar bullWhat
What nwtberA away awayJohn awayJoits war warJoba
Joba John D Wells WeDa to tbe Buflkto awaisSomctlaIng feIn HanraSomcthlnp feInSnmctblnJr
Somcthlnp VlKlhlc VlKlhlcFMa Yblbletile YlaiblePious
Pious the FUiapnii Bbvettcr BbvettcrShow JllMttaSho P1ieQeShow
Show Sho me some IMlme tiaras p please tease I want wantw waatvn wan t tonc
w vn onc c frn f my wife wifeYes wifey
Yes 1 y sir r About what price priceWell priceWen PdCSWdfl
Wen Well at such a a price that I can say sayDo A7Do sayDo
Do you 0 sse as that woman with the tiara tlamTShe tiaraShe 1 1She
She to I my wife wifePnt wtfePut wifePut
Put His Foot in It ItHub ItEtub itPlam
Plam lbs eiMas eiMasHubA
Hub Etub HubA A penny for year tbougnu thoaPta1Ue dear dearvril dseiWIIiyThey
1Ue WIIiyThey vril y They wilt cost eos you ftlt a lot lotUIaa more morethan S Sthait
than that that my lens le I wall thinktag thinktagthe thinkingthe er erthe
the handsome new suit and hat Tva r rortered Iv S Sordored
OwMettee Ow M tfyem It Ifymarek1aTkc Ifymarek1aTkcifrl ICe e kiaThn k Ja TIws Bt Btftfcl 1MfakJc ¼
ftfcl ifrl k fait necemifly Rec eceityA Mfily MfilyA t tA
A A pe ported eet atranner atrannerI asam tate ew ew1If nurd7
d7 1If 1If1Ir uttameoe 555 555i
I by the vUlaae yfIlaiiwws dock dnck nldM tIIaDawere we wewere
were wrtttoa this ttda1tDa atwjr Moe and actaeUy actaeUystamped slI slIiUipid
1tDa stamped us Wool ToaIcI you buSses better HI HIYon ILlYoa is isYoe
Yon would What bat be wanted to toflnd tohi toend
end out was UM ti whenabe ssuis to ol ol8Q ofYhkbsski C Cttafebaeks
ttafebaeks aqsare 8Q Do you JaGcD knew koswMlMr knewtiu
MlMr tiu K M Ia N > Wtfl cD eu then dont dontbMteii dontIsuthatna t tat
bMteii Isuthatna IsuthatnaIns at atJIIII n nHta
Hta tam a e WM wuths the pmonincatioa pmonincatioaaorietr of ofaadet7 01asdity <
aorietr ant perplexity lie II aid aidbad he hehad hehad
had just droplMd to iD aa 1 it itfroM woe woefrom wovetram
from roowrilM and prodneaal JJIOCIDtWepIMJe an anepbUe ase1e
epbUe from rove his Looms Iorlnl11m An aain aainimittag nV nVianitaw
ianitaw 11m him hm bet to eve the theallll sbjate sbjatedomicile bts btsaiM
allll heaph 1 l to Ua In Mr MrcbDlelle herdimidle
domicile tiU he left Hta aontle aa Ue tt ttappeared Sappnnd 05apavered
appeared In black and white wbtlPat abwlee abwleeat uboilofat
at 4t Fatrtaanlm square whleh wItt he hehad 1MIa hebad
had teen unable te t locate with the theaeaiatanee tbestaDee theaIutanei
aeaiatanee of the porters and ankles iibdseat anklesat ides idesat
at the Union Station StationIt ooIt SttionIt
It fairly ataaierfd m to be foreefl foreeflte roncto feueto
to adeait that we had no noto kaMMrteane kaMMrteaneu kaewi kaewiU
u to the situation of KMrbanta lIUrtIubare Psirbo Psirbonqnere KMrbantaSquare
Square are but DOW w t1IW think UdakpraotbI POBM POBMpraotical sus suspradiml
praotical joker pat patt MM ever on C a aJaat i ijast
Jaat to oampH the t e Mimtaaton that thatwe tbIttwe thuSwe
we dont t know overythin At Atrate Atrate aay aayrate
rate we w told the atnnarr that we wehad weW wehiM
had heard of Pairbanka Nrbt which whichaeemed wbktld whkbeeed
aeemed d to anrpriae him a as be bad badno badno hadno
no recoOecttoR of evrr han r rwlt met metwith metwhIt
with that name tx ooorve IIIIinIe oven this thwwaa t twu thiswas
was easily eeaiJ explained in the fact factthat r rt hattint
that t Falrbankn waa onee Vice tee lr lrdent lNII lNIIto Irssdeut
dent to of the United ftates ftatesBy Otatovg7 teL teLwar
By way of indioathit that then thenww Uaere11M themvu
ww vu MO bard fedinc f we weto votuntearea votunteareato
to obUtin the infonnaUon dedretf dedretffrom detIrtdr de4lam
r from the DiaUict UoildinK en the thefoDowinv utoDowlD thetol1owtn
toDowlD foDowinv day if that weald kt de deoil any anygood UIJgood
good oil aDd invited the atranger to tat attdewn tatanet sitdews
dews and make ke himself at atlie home homelie heamU
lie U aid that was a too km loa to watt watthowever watt wattbowurr welthowever
however and aa he refuted poll poaltively polltW1 posttheir
their to admtiae for his auntie we wederided wedfrided wederided
derided be oookl aimply mpIy ao 110 to the thediekem UtedWltItI thediekena
diekem which hieh cb he dtdthat ta iI be hebaa bebaa bebaa
baa not appearari on the th thf ptamtaaa ptamtaaafrom peemlemfins
from f that hoar to this We W dont dontcare doItteana flontmm
care a rap whether he evrr er finds findsher ftndaaot Sndebar
her or net netTHE aotTHE netTHE
straBlle Stia e thine UlkJp thIa happen at the city citypo cU cUo clioe1osece
po oe1osece to ce Foe o < hMUace a letter letterWM JetterWM lefterwas
WM received r ftd yesterday addressed to tothe totbe tothe
the HandMRteat n wan in Waabtox Waabtoxton w wtoIL Waabtaytoo
ton It fell into the hand or otCarrier orCanWr orCarrier
Carrier Jim Gordon He fttndted the theenp theaupereciipUost
enp UlMncripUon rfcripUon fer a mowent tD called calledFrack caJlMPnu1t CalledFrank
Frank Kebstock sad aalnd him to towhom towb towhom
whom he thought the letter be beM bee bee1oII beloscd
1oII M Rcd Rebstook ok aaswered and andwid I1DI1Mid sailsaid
Mid Why Jim thafa d dead dMdeM deadeasy ad adeay
easy that letter beioogs to the theactinc tkeactlltt theactIn
actinc actIn poatmaater llr Merrltt MerrlttGordon IwU1on1on MerrittOosiion
Gordon responded with a look ot otobagrin oro ofcgigrM
obagrin o liy n Jore Jor you are right rightMai 11cIat11aj rl kt ktMat
Mat J M I Carson buoyant opU optimistic opUmletJc opumietic ¬
mistic mletJc and MTcnty years ycuosr reuD ouo la laIn isIn toIn
In finer health than ever
UTho The head of a prominent seminary hasrsuadod has hasporsuadod haspersuaded
persuaded p rsuadod his students to graduate in ingowns Ingowns inowns
gowns g owns costing not moro than one dollar dollaroach doUaroac1LNo dollarschNowit
oach oac1LNo o schNowit Nowa Item ItemWe StemVe ItemWe
We Ve noed not pledge pled the farm today todayNor todayNor todayNor
Nor put in i IMlwn awn the family plate plateTo PIal PIalTo plateTo
To make a college holiday holidayAnd ho1 holldeyAnd qr qrAnd
And help a girl to graduate graduateWe graduateWe duoto duotoaro
We aro ungrateful 1C we scoff 1ICOrAt eoft eoftAt
At one who makes expanses oxpons lees leesWe I IQ
We Q ought ou bt to thank the learned l rntd Prof ProfWho Protho
Who ho recommends the dollar dress dreesSo dri8eSO
So 54 let all a1luen n men en hi h his praises sing singAnd singAnd singAnd
And daily claU add to his renown renownHo renownHo renownMo
Ho introduced that helpful thing thingThe thingTho thingThe
The dollar graduation raduaUon gown gownWelcome gownVcJcomc gownWclcozue
Welcome Now JfovrBetter NowBetter
Better dodge flat town Weary eary Tramp Trampaint Tram Tramalnt Trampsint
aint a int popular popu in towns townsWo townaWe
We aint trump now were popula population populatloft populaim ¬
tion t im Dont yens 0 know d da census II be being be beID 1 1a ¬
ing ID t a tookr tOOk
Tho Tli Latent Kick KickHow KickHow Ick IckHo1
How did I acquit myself hubby hubbyWell nubblWell hubbyWell
Well you dont make the speeches speechesthat speecheshat eebN eebNthat
that t mother used to make mak was the un ungracious unIfActou nflgracious ¬
gracious answer Wir of the gentleman suf suffrafotte auttrqctte utfragotte
The Mnniiinlntor MnniiinlntorThe ManipulatorThe Unn1lanlntorThe
The boa in politics poUtICIIlL8Pku poUtICIIlL8PkuTo aspires aspiresTo aspiresTo
To pull the strings stringsAwl atrtnAaci stringsAnt
Awl flap by means of hidden hkkl n wires wirosTho wlr wlrThe wiresTh
The Th partys party wings wingsAfter win winAftcr wingsAfter
After the Convention ConventionWhats OonentlonuWbIt ConventionWhats
uWbIt Whats toe tis latest D A H n nel news newsoh ws wsOk
Ok they the are talking of forming a aBenedict alct aBenedict
Benedict lct Arnold chapter for traitor traitorWntherly traitorlntJaerl traltorses traltorseslPntlierly
Wntherly lntJaerl Advice AdviceI AdviceI Ifce IfceI
I wouldnt elevate my nose too much muchson taeAeaatlolMd muchJon
son cautioned the modern Fetontas FetontasAM Po PoAM PolsshusAM
AM right dad dadDont dadDont 1 1Don
Don Dont t go through to ua w wend rkJ hobttn hobttnyour holding KOUr holdingyour
your no nose a am it lite ware w merely a bad badI clonllon hodimolL
lonllon tcn tcnI News NewsI
I fear the duchess ella to letting her auf suffragette auffiagette C Cqelte ¬
fragette activitieS Interfere with her herclal so social socml ¬
cial duties duties2ot dut dutiesNot to toot
Not ot at all I assure yon She ha baa baaaITaemen mad madarrangements S Srrangementi
arrangements aITaemen to be at home Tuesdays Tuesdaysand Tu danaact TUesOSYXand
and Fridays In Jail JallLONDON jaiLLONDON
After Dny DnJII Da Work orl They Thc IBnJoy JnJo the theRelaxation iheUchtxntlnu lii liiRelaxation
Relaxation of n VliIff hUf or Two TwoItem Tnothe PavePam
Item the Chfeaao Record JtaardJIenI4 JtaardJIenI4Tb RiamtH RiamtHThe Herald HeraldThe
The Tb girl typists and stenographers ate of ofLondon ofLoadon ofLondon
London dont think it at all wrong r for a abusiness abuame abusiness
business girl to take the relaxation of a acigarette acigarette I Ie
cigarette e or two after the days day work Is Isdone I Idone i
done In fact th th4 they y consider It restful IMttull IMttullan4 restfuland j jand
and soothing Such Such at least wa was the theradical tMra theradical
radical sentiment Umnt expressed at a a recent recentmeeting recentIns recentnesting
meeting Ins of o the English Association of ofShorthand oCShorthancl etShorthand
Shorthand Writers and Typists Tp held at atAlans GotAlan atAlans
Alans Alan tea t room room Oxford street London LondonAH lAJndonAb LondonAll
AH the members of the th association aaodatIoneed aaodatIoneedthat agreed agreedthat agreedthat
that relaxation wa warn Imperative for foratrl a agirl a agirl
girl typist t after the strain and drudgery drudgeryof
of the day dayDo dayDo dayDo
Do Do what yon feel t like doing said saidone aaI4ODe I Ion
one on girl towhetb whether < Its It going to the the theater tbe tbeater ¬
ater tr or reading Teadin an Interesting book and andsmoking andamolrtna endsmoking I
smoking a cigarette In your room And Andthe Andthe I Ithe
the other girl tria < clapped clappedMiss clappedXla
Miss Gordon Holmes Hoam said she was glad gladio gIalto Iad Iadto I
to perceive per IYe that office oce women were getting gettingto I Ito
to disregard the 1I old doctrine of seif seifjsftcrtisa MlfIIII lf
jsftcrtisa cs1Is tht b JMd lwy I been b prsfcshsii prsfcshsiito wsei wseito IIII rk1 rk1to I
to women womenWhen WOIDIILW1Km womenw
When w a girl 1 goes home from 1OlD th the of office 018b ¬
flee she 8b said eaJd theres there apt to be that thatfeminine thattemiabae thnfeminine I
feminine problem confronting her Mrball Mrballhelp shall shallsite I
site Pb help with the housework or rest and andenjoy andetaJo7 andbuy I
enjoy life Unless Unl its It a case of being beingheartless betqIMartl r rbasrtlem
heartless IMartl to a sick mother I say throw throwthe throwthe thee r rthe
the dishcloth out of the window and hare harea bayecI bav I Ia
a good time timeWhnre timeIHre timelaere
Whnre IHre the Pun Comes In InFrom tnBdaJD InYam
From th the BuOato BdaJDYou Bcprem BcpremYou peem peemrou
You You play pokier for fan tua dont t your yourOf JOU JOUOC yostHOC
OC Of course COtInIe but theres there no fan in the thegame theW tie C Cgame
game when you are ir not p1ayI playing for to r rmom
Would you you know the tread ol oltbtesa ortId ofthlns
tbtesa political r A Gm Karer KargerHes KarerJlell Karerlies
lies UM pen wield that knows knowslie bow1Ie knowslie
lie Momenta re Brother l Charley CharleyTafts tbarIeJTaUa CharleyTufts
Tufts paper AIG lisperGm > Gws dowand is on onthe Ofttaw mathe
the taw job all the On tiMe lie feels that thatTO thatTO thatTO
Wttltam Tindell and Edward II IIThome 11TitoIM IITboems
Thome TitoIM both wellknown dtiaens dtiaensof dUaeasUIk dtlaeoaof
of this eMBRntnity and mom or OCra MM MMf len lenfamous
f ra famous moo a us pedeatrtaM have been beenaafced beell beenasked
asked ell by Chairman Viber tber of the theathletic theathJeUo theathletic
athletic camea amee end of the harmless harmlessFourth humlesFWrth harmlessFourth
Fourth of July JaR celebration to con contribute cootrloot eontaibate ¬
tribute to the interest of the eon oeealion occalion eonaloe
lion by a a quarter mile ntsb r rnabwilklag rnabwilklagcontest JtJkIDl JtJkIDlmtoaL > vrIking vrIkingcontent
content < This to a a sporting proposi proposition JKOI08iilOII propoelties ¬
ties Make your bets oats gentaCARLINVINS oatsCARL1N ta taCARLIN
Congressman CoD Cantor landed the tfaepoataMutanhip thepoetaaatrsllip thepoetmaMerairip
poataMutanhip at LeMtarg all right rightIt rlibtIt rtghLIt
It was a hard plucky tight Con ConKratnlatioa emtu14tloo Cxsgratulatloas
Kratnlatioa tu14tloo CoorreMman < Young YoungHoges I IHOCCs
Hoges a a fine P M 1 j
The Louisiana Purchase April April30 30
Whan Wh the United Statos purchased Lou Louisiana LouIana ¬
isiana I it was pne of the greatest land landbargains landbargains
bargains b ever hoard h l of but it was no nodoubt nodoubt
doubt d oubt accomplished through Napoleons NapoleonsOesiro NApalnaNtra Napoleonslestru
Oesiro I to do 10 England an ill turn The Thesale
sale J 1 li was consummated coWl ummat6l on April 30 JS JSUK J J1m iSIS
UK i i years Ye1 ago > today The vast tar territory tor torrUol ¬
ritory t1tor of Louisiana Lout lana extended from the theGulf theGutt
Gulf of Mexico to Oanada OR adA and from the theMUMrtSftlppl thetll
MUMrtSftlppl tll River to the Rock Mountains MountainsIt
It I t gave ga < e to the e United States nearly dou double double douile ¬
ble t ile its national ArM The prlco paid to toFrance toFraMe
France by President Jefferson was 515 5159ML ISor Uior
9ML I or lade 1 than 12 I a a square mile mileThe mileThe mileThe
The question of 0 the constitutionality conaUtutlo llJlt of ofthe ortbe
the idle Ie was waaral raised ed at the time but Na Napoleon Napoleon Napoison ¬
poleon and Jefferson went straight ahead aheadand ab aheadftfll cI cIand
and the validity of their action has never neverbeen neveroverruled
been overruled overruledThe overruledThe x xThe
The necessity n tT fur the Louisiana pur purchase purchaR parchase ¬
chase grew out of the demand for a sea seaport HA HAport seaport ¬
port for the Northwestern territory the theMississippi UteMppl theMississippi
Mississippi territory 7 and the States al already alread already ¬
ready read formed iti that t at section of the coun country countl7 cairntry ¬
try Prance elaianed e all < of It by title tltI of ofdteeorery ofdI ofdiscovery
discovery dI and occupation When she wag wagobttgsd wasob wa waobliged
obliged ob ed to strip herself of her American Americanpossessions AmericanPOOM Americanpouseoni
possessions Ihe released to England En land ia iaaddition Inaddition
addition a4cUtJoD to Canada Can the country countryutor countryutort east of ofthe ofiii
the t iii Mississippi down to the Spanish pos postoseion ioscession
cession of Florida The vast domain west westof westtb westo
of o the Mississippi Mlnle tppl she gave to Spain to torepay torepay torepay
repay that power bt her bcIrloue losses in war warIn warin ar arIn
In 112 II it became known that France Francehad Francebad Francehad
had made a secret treaty with Spain un unter unr UnIcr
ter r which Louisiana Lou was to be restored restoredto re torNl torNlto
to France upon certain conditions Na Napoleon Napo1eoa Naisoleon ¬
poleon was then consul and and with his htecontemnoraHeti h hCOD
contemnoraHeti COD shared tut ambition for fordistant fOCI fOCIdtaDt fordistant
distant possessions pwlIlI for colonies whose whosetrade whoseUado hoee hoeetrade
trade he might monopolize Louisiana Louisianawith Lotd8IaaawlUa Luislanwith
with Its vast extent and natural re resources N NwoJdd resources ¬
sources would woJdd give ve him a a foothold in inAmerica InIIMII1eR inAmerica
America and aa a be believed the control controlof controlor controiof
of the Mississippi X River But before Na Napoleon Napoleo Napo ¬
poleon po could carry out hte hi plans pi the in indiscretion Ind IndiscretiOn ¬
discretion d of the Spanish officiate allowednews allowed allowedoewg 1IoWDeWw
news oC tile negotiations to reach the theBritish UteDrtdIfh theBritish
British government A mom of o obstacles obsUacioswere obMad obMadwere obstacleswere
were at once thrown into Napoleons Napoleonspath Napoleonpath Napoleonspath
path and hi hIS he found himself on the theeve tbeeve theeve
eve of a war with Great Britain BritainIn Drltaba1A BritainIu
In the event of a a war at that time timeDO timeDO timeDO
IVna UM flaw s naacteo Chranfcfe ChranfcfeA CIaroatdeA chiosideA
A curious trait of the Japanese to tothen IetMtr Istheir
then habit of taking tak1n on the hue of oftheir oCtheir oftheir
their surroundings Japanese Ja whom you yousee OU8ee yousee
see in San Francisco are different m mtheir Ietbelr intheir
their dress and manners than their coon countrymen coontr conetrymun ¬
trymen are anywhere in Europe or at athome athome athome
home Here H one needs to note their theirbrown theirbrown theirbrown
brown faces to distinguish them from fromourselves trO trOounel fromourselves
ourselves ounel In walk walk attire and street streethabits ueftbabha strorthabits
habits they are like Ilk us London Jap Japanese J Jare Japaness ¬
anese are British in all externals a d deven deven
even 11 in their point of view Paris Jap Japanese JapeaDeM Japanise ¬
anise are areParI8IaM Parisians A keen observer observerlooking otnverat observerlooking
looking at a a group of little brown army armyofficers arm armoafteen armyomeere
officers can always tell in what coun countries countrlea covetilas ¬
tries they the were educated The lieutenant lieutenantwhom lieutenantwhoM lieutenantwhoes
whom training was w French h shrugs his hisshoulders h18houlden hisshoulders
shoulders smokes mok his hi cigarette ctsa tte and even evenmanages evenmana evenmanages
manages a sort of mustache and Im Imperial Imperial Impenal ¬
perial He H does not like the Germans GermansjAastaar Germans70DDC GermansAjihea
jAastaar young fallow to Germ German alt alto aUOftr allover
o over rr He H I to sOUL senate studio and aufttakes andtakes j
takes to his beer and meerschaum m bawD The TheEnglishtrained TINEDcllllbtra1oe4 TheEnglishtrained
Englishtrained Jan recalls Piccadilly Aa Aafor A Ator Asfor
for any of these foreigners OCe nen in replica replicathey replleatb replicathey
they tb do not seem to be even second secondcousins ecoDdce secondconsists
cousins ce to the cockney Jap of Tokyo who whoto whoU1 whoM
to an M Oriental thinly lacquered by the themixed theBIl themixed
mixed BIl e4 cIvIlIzation he H sees ees about him himA Atml himit
A l Confirmed Con rmci PcnuImlKt PcnuImlKtJhoB Pedmldthe PesainttatYam
Yam tbeCMbobti the Chaotic Xe XeHow ww wwHow NewsHow
How is your wife John JohnJohn JohnJolua JohnJohn
John ithe tth waiteryWeU I dont know knowmtes caevWIaea knowmlii
mtes When the nit dont t taa shine shes shesmiserable shesaleerabSs
miserable and wiMM it does site says it itfades itu Itthe
fades u the tn carpet
a re Ifte Uoa already baa let in whisk wtnckwill wIIfokwill whiskwill
will riw Iri ie the adMtafetffttfcm admWnUon1ad0000000t a aswevptac asweeiibi
swevptac kutaiMXMiit ia 1 Novwaber NovwaberBy yoesusberBy r rBy
By UM way Gm Mpbnr the thebtwtttU tJaebateNU thebembsll
btwtttU star ia pnchtog In has ttocform 11Mform hastorso
form Oats MUMB MUMBA auseemA I IA
John 1 U Crftttr tao HMUMK manager T ot otUtt 01the I ItIae
the MfaeenuMMH team eC th the City CityPMtottM aulMWGIce lty ltyPeateIsa
PMtottM BweimU Uapte IM to topMaOhiK illPA isperadth
PA pMaOhiK stoned the office with a aMBite alat aissUe
issUe that wont eon come off o Ilk Ilkt Ilkt4taa ilktea
t t4taa tea ra beat UM lii Letter Curriers 7 to 10I
1 oa WedMadhr of this week weekCANT weekCANT weekCANT
weekI I
Jimmifl Kaibbe of the Bureau of ofEngraving oCEDcranng atEnitraytag
Engraving aDd Prtattoe says ajs there thereia MreSa thereis
ia ahmtatoijr ahiolutsl aoUrior the natter natterwKh JMUerwtUa metierwith
with his heart lwart but If he sees any aayMore aarMore anysame
More bftirraWnK Mauls Bt such UChthat aa aathat asthat
that polled off at Serenth ttnet ttnetand Mtand atreetand
and Florida avenue last Ttmnday Ttmndaysomething ThndarIIOIDethbll Thiredayiomeththg
something is liabi liable to happen happenRad happenRead
Read the th Bingrillo IDETiUc Bugle tomorrow
jkttimr At dbr Mow mocked at the e Oem Oemmacml Uema h hClab
macml Chw jmunlay jmunlayKxK yepteadayXz r rb
KxK b M C Charley Chasle Lwdfs Is Isprinffter IIlit 1 1rkitn
prinffter rkitn in oar laudat laudatSbmky aldaDasikiD
DasikiD Sbmky Steak will stamp la laloka lRJolJ Indism
dism JolJ IOJOba loka W Kcm KcmFiask X Xoviiyind
Fiask 1 JftMboM heaek rnv ast t make aukeBtM a aseas
seas sdt III ill Slat ftf G W U UCtafttM uIIIII UIPsathi
IIIII CtafttM Gar ta aWl aWla fll a ratf rshet rshetadiits < wt wtaSvcoato
aSvcoato of womans aAnar aaffraaja aaffraajarOrnr nafropeAnSi
AnSi rOrnr Dam ta week nekftldlDr ndtotT wish wtthJMst tl114IIIa wishJebs
JMst Asmvv A at Stricken Gap tap tapJaw ap apJames
Jaw 1 James aaate rpe Meawy lliis ta noang noangSf If IfIa
is Sf op p la Jtatoe iqeUood Good bock mckTurner 1IIetTtIrJw bockThe
Turner The AMdnraham IsIssa will anaaMr anaaMrat maimerat r rIt
at Cusu 1arh ientisahs plain Beach this year yearCharir Jftrar yearbaMsV
Charir ar RMOdolpb of the ArtaMM ArtaMMHamibtliya AnR1V dirluesaHs
Hamibtliya R1V Hs sM1s ta > m town Weteeme Weteemeabent W wisetPeni I II
Peni I IsE4ssesa II op aiM sheet abentanala attetX4t sheetapsis
anala X4t N o he didnt t tr tPreI have he spats aprmsFteafc spatsf spatsimah
Fteafc 0 fcwom LeP will be misMd misMdwlMB 1IIbH4MN aissedsum
wlMB sum he isseos Coaanai t He ta the themi UteeC theisat
mi ef JT C C VaahhJBtoa W WU annnrea annnreaH apprasee appraseeaery
H aery iy Hanley mt isteeda ad to ea M Mfetr a afita
fetr days ia Jnwe J with T Taawart Taawartatviienca Thgertl t tJ
atviienca J Lack l Toms a aoo who whooMid whole wholestiofbu
stiofbu stiofbuE oMid hnet hnetKlJobo
KlJobo E BObO oo Sharith eC f Gen G ee Agnes ARatwAmeriean AIDMA AgnesAneiteen
Ameriean A atair MaS ran ra ever from Bahtw liMit liMitmere Baltimore ¬
more TicasUr te lit his Wa VeMnfc VeMnfcton lit litIgftieede g gftiM >
Igftieede ton frteodc Cm diMe by b trettey we weA wemees e eA
f > ns if yipptofc pIppeii OH oR toward towaRlLom1 eai eaiLovely ra raLorety
Lovely wttman pin to toor KM KMTe Seelb
Te ome balmy bAss t br breeoar kees < ay rejtfnl rejtfnlPmst rent rettMIlls
Pmst Ills bejMt b de the tt miireanrtos Jea JeaXan ieaManmete
Xan 11 Manmete mere ataa aaIite the docile docileteIIo creators creatorseekt aenivreektu
teIIo eekt ektu inset 1 t her erery whim vraknKnowing 1KJIOIWiDr whimIcoostag
Knowing anyway that after afterAll afterAU afterAir
All ig squarely uarely up iii to him himBeHdef 1aIILBffcW hissBidei
BeHdef verobance rdMnee he kaowj 01 01fewS oms omsfeUowS ocmfellowS
feUowSho fellowS fellowSWho
Who ho 015 WwwiJs kewts at home m melt St t Jlay JlaySame ay ayQMe taycene
Same cene wvta oisg fcrabf bmb fat Deed of hear hearieg 1Meri 1MerAJAI beertag
tag iegAad i tagAd
Ad AJAI who oseUme at poker pokerplay JIOkerliar pokertiid
play playAnd liarA
And A 0 o while digging that MJ MJloved h1Jeoted h1 h1is
loved is en 8M 8MYar f pMay fMay
May rfae boftde that Jammer Jammerfea hmmorea srnmor srnmorsea
sea feaUe ea eaU seaHe
Ue U doe dosS net preen fctaeath W WOCTOW 111 111fOmM biAS
AS A Sadly a aS he mfebtaoi m DIIt be beSamraeir 1ie1 1ie1LQ heLesrot
LQ LQ1amcry Lesrot LesrotSummery
Summery SeaS od am a ad d JU7atB urat1Mtm tayathernerEither m rJ rJUtther t tlliaher
Either way wa the lienS tam lmm8llSe1 lmm8llSe1or ImineSetOf asl aslOf
Of courSe it eoH CI a a pretty poesy ponayHat ORD7Ihtt poesylist
Hat Ihtt then tM thnli ii wcM w hang g the thepenSe ex exIeDe cxpeale
Mai MaJ Stnfers aAmiren rvs iaaltt that Uwth thathe thathi
h he hi cau cad write rlt better bet poetry than his hisfriend histrtfnd hisfriend
friend our laureate J 1 Cecil Hoot IlooeHence H HHftlCe HootHence
Hence the above tryout
Lotrielana L was vulnerable to gay nothing nothingof notkIa notkIaf
of O f what the United State might be betempted betempted beempted
tempted t to undertake th the English would wouldsurely woukiurely ould ouldaurely
surely s strike there There WM a not a aFrench aFroJICh aFrench
French soldier on American soil and aadnone andnon andone
none non n one could be b spared from other quar quartors quarttJrs uar uarars
tors t ars A message from from George III to his hisParliament hIIParliament hisarliament
P Parliament showing preparations for war wardispelled warispelled ar ardlepellocl
dispelled d all Napoleons colonial dreams dreamsHe dreamH dreamsHe
He H then decided to dispose of Louisiana Louisianato
to t o the best advantage Selling Sellt g It to the theUnited theUnited j jUalted
United States would supply him with withneeded wltbneeded withneeded
needed money and do an III turn to Eng Enpland En Enland Engand
land l It would he reasoned make the theUnited 010Unit theUnited
United Unit State more friendly to France Franceand FI France Franceand = e eaOO
and make them a power which bleh sooner or orlater orIl1tr orater
later l would humble England pride prideMeanwhile prideeanwhUe prideMeanwhile
Meanwhile eanwhUe the Mississippi difficulty dl lcv1t7 was wua wana
a burning issue in this country Wash Washington WaabIgton Washngton ¬
ington I had only onl averted a possible ble HeM secession HeM810n soresdon ¬
sion don of the Western States or war with withSpain wtthSpain withSpain
Spain by the treaty of 17K Illi lI and John JohnAdams JohnAdama JohnAdams
Adams stopped at force only because becauseSpain becameSpain
Spain S yielded Spain standing a as watch watchman watchJDtI1n watchman
man at the th mouth of the Mississippi tpp1 un unfriendly unfriendly ¬
friendly In policy was distasteful to the theAmerican theAmerican
American people Trade down the river riveralmost riveralmost
almost ceased and the pressure upon the thenational thenational
national administration became almost almosttoo t
too strong to be withstood Party feel feeling tHI1a feellag ¬
lag 1a was high and unreasonable Annexa Annexation 1Inexattee Annexatim ¬
tim met with bitter opposition from the theFederalists thelederaltetll theFederallsis
Federalists but the mass oC the people peopleparticularly peoplepartJcularly peoplopsylicularly
particularly those of the South and West Westheartily W WbGArtlI Westheartily
heartily bGArtlI approved of It It The acquisition acquisitionof acqutstttOa acqutstttOaoC
of Louisiana was wa a great reat help in bring ¬
ing about the subordination of the lb State Stateto Stateto Stateto
to the nation Ths Thst > t step was es ratified by
Cwagress Coar Del studs vtydp as a precedent to today tofla7 today ¬
day fla7ToQa7
Today in I7tt 1 115 Washington was inaugu inaugurated lnausarated hnaugnrated ¬
rated the first President of the th United UnitedStates Uatted818t UnitedStaten
States 818t The rh flrst temperance society lIOdetyorpabecI was wasorganized wasorganised
organized In New York ta 19QC IO John Lo Logans 10 10pn Logees ¬
gees pn family was killed In 1774 n 4 which whichcaused wbJebcaueed whichcaused
caused the Logan war It to the date on onwhich onwhlcb onwhich
which Louisiana Lo was admitted Into the theUnion theVDIoII theLnloes
Union In 1WS lL It is the birthday birtJacJa ot of Queen QueenMary Queenry I IMary
Mary ry II of England In lie 1 lii and Charles CharlesS Cbad Cbads
S Fairchllda Secretary 4creti7 etar of the Treasury Treasuryunder TreuuryUD TTS5W TTS5Wnudes
under Cleveland in IMS and the day cia on onwhich onwbkh I IWhiCh
which James Montgomery the poet died I Iin
Uooka in Canada CanadaThe CnnJulftThe
The most potent promoter of American Americantrade AmerIcantrade
trade in Canada to American literature literaturesayg IItftatureya
says ya Consul Deedmeyer of o Charlotte Charlottetown Cbarleuetown
town The periodicals atv magaxtoes magaxtoesgoing JD JDSOiaI
going across the border into mAJtbat that country countrycontaining countryCOIItalntag
containing many mall pages descriptive of ofAmerican oCmerIean ofAmerican
American merIean goods and manufacture manufactureread are
read by b the middle and upper classes classesAmerican claMeaAmer1eaD
American action Is preferred by the read readIng readpubtte
hog public and the Canadian ln n press de devotes de devote ¬
votes much space apa to news from the theStates theStates theStates
States An examination e tIon of three news newspapers Dewepapera ¬
papers published m Ia Toronto on Feign February FebnaarT ¬
arT M M ins 1 showed that onethird of the tbereading thereadln
reading readln < matter not local In character characterrelated ebaradftrelated characterrelated
related to American subjects In the thefiscal thettscaJ theliscal
fiscal year illS toe Dominion Imported Importedbooks Importedboob
books periodicals odIcaIs naps pamphlets and andother andotltr andother
other printed matter te 1 the value of offerns otliIUIt of1iISL
ferns liIUIt eC which KOMMa nesouuut the Unat UnatStAte U UStat UadStates
Stat States StAte to eredltetl er with UBM 1J 1Jof wsrte wsrteof
of fiction and periodicals read m the tbeprovince lbeprovince
province of Prince Edward Island come comeahnost eomaa1moflt comealmost
almost exclusively from the United UnitedStates Lnlt LnltState tnltedStates
States and are u found on sale in nearly nearlyall nearlyall nearlyall
all of the bookstores N In the cities citiesLllicrlan clUesLlherlan
Lllicrlan Ivory hor Trade TradeThousands TrnllcTbouancb
Thousands ot elephants roam xmtbe xmtbeo the virgin virginforests viedinforesta
forests of o the th republic of Liberia but butthousands butuoaadIJ buttbounda
thousands of pounds of Liberian Ivory IvoI7DOt are arenot arenot
not credited to the export trade of tbe tbecountry tbeeoaatry thecountry
country because of the peculiar existing existingconditions extstIa extstIaeGDdtUoaa existingconditions
conditions During iSIS 1106 14514 pounds of ofivory oCtverr ofIvoty
ivory were w re passed through tbro b the t e Liberian XJoeriancustoms IIbertaDc1lllJotom8 Liberiancustoms
customs for export but this amount Is tasaid IsRid isseid
said to be only a a small fraction of what whatreally whatreally bat batrealty
really comes from the interior of that thatrepublic hatrepubUe thatrepublic
republic Ivory commands various 110 prices pricesranging p cesran pricesranging
ranging ran g from M cents to 5S40 tO per pound poundThe pouadTIM poundThe
The lack of good roads from tire in interior Inteetsr ¬
terior and in former times Intertribal Intertribalwars IDtertribal1IIn Inteetribalwars
wars which blch closed the native paths have haveprevented havepreTented haveprevented
prevented Liberian LI rtan Ivory from reaching reachingthe rMda rMdathe reachingthe
the coast and generally nerall7 disturbed business businessin
in the back k country Under UnMrtbfte these con conditions COIIdtUou conditious ¬
ditions great trade routes rout were w wee developed developedwhich developedwhlcb developedwhich
which diverted dlvert all Liberia trade to the theadjoining UtejoIn theadjoining
adjoining joIn British colony of Sierra Leone Leoneand Leoneand e ead
and the nearby French possessions Brit British BrltInter Beltlob ¬
ish lob Interests Inter I built a a railroad running nmnln to towithin to11tbln towithin
within a few miles of Liberian territory territorywhich territorywhleh territorywhich
which combined with other reasons baa baaprevented 1uuIprevented baaprevented
prevented the enjoyment by Liberia of ofI oftbe ofthe
I the full benefits of her great eat Interior trade tradeI tradeatnce tradesince
I since the foundation of that republic In Inrecent Inrecent Inrecent
recent years the pacification of interior tnterlortrliH8 InteriortrIbes interiortribes
tribes has been successfully carried on onand on onand onand
and when th tM work of policing the fron frontiers tIOftUers ftentlre ¬
tiers to perfected the Immense trade tradewhich tracJewhich tradewhich
which hag been divided among the theborIn neigh neighboring neighboring ¬
boring borIn cok colonl colonies > nia will be directed toward towardths towartlthe towardthe
the Liberian coast coastFnfnl coKFatnl cestFatal
Fatal Theatrical Fire FireAmong Flrcfm4Nt Fitcam0ltg
Among fm4Nt m0ltg the meet notable theatrical Ores Oreswhich Ar Arwhlcb tireswhich
which have occurred in the t a United UnitedSCates UnitedSat Unitedsat
SCates Sat are these tb Richmond Theater TheaterIttcftmond TheaterRleluftond TheaterItlelsinosid
Ittcftmond Va December X 1SU number numberof num numberof OC OCot
of lives lost W Con Conways ways Theater TheaterBrooklyn TheaterBrooklyn TheaterBrooklyn
Brooklyn N KY Y December i 1S7 iZg 296 296lives 216If 6 6Uve
lives If Uve lost Central Theater Philadelphia PhiladelphiaApril PhiladelphiaApril PhiladeiphisApril
April 25 1S92 la six lives lost Iroquois IroquoteTheater IroquoisTbtat IroquoisTheater
Theater Tbtat Chicago Chlca December D ember at MOB 1 616 616fatalities 675ULUUeei 575fatalities
fatalities Front Street Theater Balti Baltimore BaJUmore Baltimore ¬
more December S 1395 twentythree live livetost lIvM1oet Urea Urealost
lost Rhoades Opera House Hou e Boyertown BoyertownPa
Pa January 13 J9 JHS S m lives lost lostRaven IOetnn I st stRaven
Raven nn n I Locks ock Now 01T Blonde BlondeRecently BlondeRcpntl BlondeRecently
Recently Rcpntl a a popular young woman oman of ofCleveland orClevelaoo 01 01Cleveland
Cleveland was compelled to take the theshampoo theshampoo theshampoo
shampoo treatment by way of precau precaution precaution procaution ¬
tion after there had been a case of dip dlpthcria al1thcll diptheria
thcria in tho house hCMIs wher wh wher0 r she resided residedOf rdedor residedOf
Of course she protested against taking takingthe tl1kln tl1klnthe takinithe
the sort of shampoo that was recom recommended recommendec1 retemmended ¬
mended but the
sanitary patrolman was wasobdurate wasobdu I Iobdurte
obdurate obdu te and finally she was persuaded persuadedlo I Ito
to wash her head thoroughly thorough with a cer certain certaJn cottam ¬
tain tam disinfectant After the operation operationthe operaUonthe operationthe
the day being bright and sunshiny she shenaturallj sh shbaturall I Ihaturaliy
naturallj baturall went where her hair would would thesooner the thesooner th4 0 0sooner
sooner become presentable The follow following 1oIlowI followlag ¬
lag I day da it was discovered that her ebon ebontrcsaes ebontrrs08 I Itreseos
trcsaes possessed a a slight glint of gold goldDay goldDRY goldDay
Day after day the golden hue became becamemoro becamemoro a amore
moro pronounced and she now has hashead 8 8head s I Ihead
head of o hair as golden as an autumn autumnsunset autumnsunlet I Isuneot
sunset The lady intends doing the theproper theI tb 0 0liroper
proper I > thing immediately she Is out of ofquarantine orquaranUnethktls o f fquarantInethtIs
quarantine quaranUnethktls that is have a lively session sessionwith H8BIonwith a awIth
with the hea heam h office Truly it does doesseem doessoem doe 5 5seem
seem to be nearly up to the health de department department dopertinent ¬
partment of Cleveland C eland to use a different differentbrand dUCerentbrand t tbrand
brand of disinfectant in shampooing bud budding budding budding ¬
ding debutantes but who knows in this thtaaccidental thisaccidental hi it itaccidental
accidental bleaching operation there may mayhave mayhave ma I Ihave
have been b en discovered dl cnvere l something that will willfill wlUfill wt U Ufill
fill a long felt want wantAnm wantsomething something thlng that will willretire willrUre wi II IIretire
retire to private life ltr > those n arbleaohers nfarbleaherswhleh > arbleaohersivhich 5 5whIch
whIch have been fought against without withoutavail withoutavail it itavail
avail availS
President Taft is I not as a quick ia mak making makbig 1 1Ing ¬
ing an impression on the people peoplea as his hiapredecessor hisprOOeceAOr hispredecessor
predecessor Roosevelt said Col U T TRicks TRICkJ
Ricks of Philadelphia at the New Ne WU WUlard WIlard
lard last night but the impression imprweionwhich im imwhJcl1 impressionwhich
which Taft will make on the people peo peop tj by byand byand byand
and by b will b be far more ftgr a eOdab1 Ma dabtaand dabtaandlasting le1aftd le1aftdluting Paad Paadlasting
lasting than that which Roosevelt ROOHVettIt made madeIt madeit
It is true that Taft has not the awl faculty awlty ¬
ty of making himself as intimate with Ith tie tiemasses hoemenses 8 8IaMHI
masses bat one thing must t bo said Id in inhis Inbla Inhis
his favor and zd that is that he is makfcg makfcgevery JMktlgevery makiagevery
every effort to do his duty as he sew sewIt lie lieIt seesIt
It He H has the mind of a lawyer an anconsiders am amCO aMconsiders
considers before he acts Taft is not f fcreature f fcreature 5creature
creature of moods and tenses and im impulses 1m 1mpuJaeL Impulses ¬
pulses With him everything goes along aJongsmooth alongsmooth
I smooth channels with rules qnd regalia regulastlons regulaUOWl regaliations
tlons No haphazzard guesses no noand shorf shorfand orfaad
and ugly words OrdII no io nature fakers or ormatter orULttet Ormatter
matter of that kind President Pre ldeot Taft dora doranot dofBnot doesnot
not deem It necessary to enter a mans mansprivate maJlsprhate ivansprivate
private lift and tell him what he should shoulddo aboulddo shoulddo
do in the line of raising a family That Thatis ThatIII ThatIs
is purely a a moral question which must mustbe nwstbe mustbe
be left to the settlement of every Sell individual MdlYl SellviduaL ¬
vidual vidualRoosevelt Yl viduaLRoosevelt uaL
Roosevelt Is a clever and adroit monte moatebank montebank te tebulk
bank and a shrewd ewd politician added addedCoL addedCot addedC0L
Cot Ricks MIt It is quite qutt obvious that Col ColRoosevelt ColROONveit Cotltooevelt
Roosevelt to playing play politics to beat the theband theIManet theband
band even though te to denied cie led It should shouldnot 8bouldDOt shouldnot
not be thought t t that Roosevelt will retire retirefrom HUrerrom retirefrom
from the political arena at this stage of oflife orlItf ofUt
life Ut He to just beginning to warm up upand upIUld upand
and he has had the Sb benefit bene of the White WhiteHouse WhiteHOD8e WhiteHouse
House and its U great influence 1 every everywhere elWYwbere everywhere ¬
where whereOctavtaao
wbereOcta 1 1Octaviano
Octavtaao Octa vtaao Lu L Cabrera and Seneca Ca Cabrera Cabrer Cabeers ¬
beers brer of San Luis Potosi P Mexico are areat areat areat
at the Raleigh Senor Cabrera CaIw is a a civil civilengineer dYtlenctneer civilengineer
engineer and they are visiting thai coun country country cointry ¬
try for pleasure pleasureMexicans IeuarMJIIeJdcaa pleasureMexican
Mexicans want to be regarded r rrr as asfriends axfriends
friends rr of the Americans lDerIca said Mr Ca Cabrera Caaa4 Cabriea ¬
brera and the meethw mee between ProM Presidents PrMfdug ProMdense ¬
dents Taft and Dies has proved to the theworld thewortd theworld
world that such to the case Americans Americansare AJDerteansare Americansare
are popular and much liked m Mexico MexicoEspecially VextcoEapeeIa1IT MexicoEspecially
Especially are the American residents In InMexico InJlfaJco InMexico
Mexico generally ll highly respected re be because beCUM because ¬
cause they the are mostly of o the better class classI
I have never heard of an organised move movement JIIOYement movemeet ¬
ment which bleb could be construed a as being
hostile hostft to American Inter InterPrlJldent InterestsPresident Interests InterestsPresident
President Dtojc win be nominated and andreelected andreelected andreclotted
reelected without opposition It i iii most mostlikely JD Stlikely mostlikely
likely he will remain In office until untildies he hedies h f fIea
dies But he is a good honest and patrU patrUotic pate pateotic tr trotic
otic man of whom Mexico may well fef fefproud fe feproud feprowL
proud Be more than any other Mexi Mexican 3i4excan j jcaD ¬
can president In t or ruler has contributed contributedto eontrIbutet
to t the th welfare w ltare of the country
American capital to absolutely Iutly safe In InMexico inxlco Inexico
Mexico M exico xlco and fa also a very good Invest Investment baVHtmaL investeat ¬
maL m eat Our country to at peace JH PISC with the theworld thfworld theorld >
world w orld Is prosperous 0 and to making rapi rapiadvance rapladUDce rapid rapidadvance <
advance with the help of America Our Ourtrade OU OUtrade 0urade
trade t and commerce mrce i Is jumping jWDp ahead aheadtth aheadith ad adwlthlft
wlthlft W tth leaps and bounds and mining indus industries Jadustrs hndusries ¬
tries t are developing everywhere everywhereMuch everywhereMuch erywbereXueh
Much hs been said and an published in inthe IntM inhe
the t he United Cl tect States Stat tntee against Mexico added addedSenor addedSeDor addedenor
Senor S enor Cabrera Sand and it made 1Da aad us feel very verysad Tryad veryad
sad ad s ad because we have always beheved be eYfMI in inthe inthe Inhe
the t he love of truth and fakness oC the theAmerican theA theAmerican
American A rkD press The man who wrote wrotethose wrotetbose wrotehos
those t hos slanderous 8laa stories ortea aa a4ibaat inst Mexico Mexicodid JIIexcodid Mexicoid
did d id not know the real rex Mpdco bxIco thats tMt8about thatsbout thatsabout
about a bout the whole explanation or else he heu hewas
was u paid downright to write rite what he did didwithout didwItJIout didwithout
without knowing < whether hs spoke the thetrnth thetruth theruth
trnth truth t ruth ruthTue T TsUM T TWIlt
Tue WIlt 0 of 00L Bossewsit II JIIirip ptsr Will Will1Idas willSing
Sing tie French and dr IeeIIIe In InatDI intill
sUM s till closer boons c t tiinisssjls fri J > according accordingto
to t o M X N Oorhan of Bordeaux Prance Pmncewho Prancewbo Francewho
who was we seen at the Arlington ArttngtoaM
M Corhan orban to an exporter of wines and andto andIs arids
to I s visiting this country on onROORVet bustoeas bustoeasRoosevelt bustiessRoosevelt
Roosevelt has made the best possible possibleimpression possiblempression ble bleImpre
impression Impre I ston in Parts which means that an anFrance ane allFrane
France Frane e wiU give aim br sbuiv stap of ap approval ap apJIIOYaI apiwovaI ¬
proval KIll address before the Sorbea4 Sorbea4altbou311 Sorbstnealthough orb nn nnalthough
although not DOt altogether new in many psaly re respects r respects ¬
spects was first class c and apropos aproposIsnt apropoat aproposIeeat
Isnt t it peculiar that a persosr wW ac accept acept xccops ¬
cops ept a strangers a advice and opinfcm opi while whflethey whilethey h ethey
they positively refuse to heed h the splalons splalonsof otnlons otnlonsof ons onsof
of those whom they th y have knolvn kn vn I1 for foryears forytnl foryears
years Roosevelt spoke apok about satrllity satrllityand mt mtand mlI1ty mlI1tyand
and that to a most vulnerable point pt t for forFrance torFraDce forPaante
France today todayThe todayThe todayFbe
The national dream of the recapture recaptureof
of o Alsace and Lorraine L L rrln once so strong strongwith ron ronwith drong drongwith
with all classes c of people to gradually graduallydying gra4milydying b bdrtag
dying out The French people are drift drifting tf tt ttI t thag ¬
hag I nearer and nearer zwtrer to their G Gneighbors Gn Gnnelpbon Geepainneighbors
neighbors and it will not be many y ybefore yrs yrsbefore yasbefore
before the European coalition of powers powerswill powsrzwill f3 f3will
will be Germany England and France FranceIn FrantIa FranceIn
In fact there has developed veloped during fae faelast beJut telast
last few years a a decided proOermin proOerminsentiment proGenmnllentlment proOceaniasentiment
sentiment Germany to our neighbor l bor and andone aDdone andone
one of our best customers s and it wouli woulibe woulibe wouHbe
be suicidal to antagonize ta Germany GermD with without wtthout without ¬
out being be able a to sea the practical sat satisfaction sat satlliract10ll satInfection ¬
Infection therefrom therefromSpringfield tberetromSprlag6eid therefromSpriaglield
Springfield is one of the few e cities in inthis 1nthis tnthis
this country to boast a a goMbeattag lML es establishment ettthltahmeut estahPhment ¬
tablishment said George W Teller Tellertbat of ofthat c cthat
that city at the Shoreham met last night nightThe MghLnhtd h hrM
The United States Stat has only yaJ about abouttwenty out11ent7 abouttwenty
twenty such establishments to Philadel Philadelphia Pldtadelph1a PhiSdelplain ¬
plain Baltimore New York and else elsewhere elsewhere elsewhere ¬
where whereThe whereThe whereTb
The Tb The e Arm m In Springfield has been In Inbusiness inbu8ID Inbusiness
bu8ID business for forty tort years and It ha ba gone gonefrom IJOnetOm gonefrom
from tOm father to son for generations ei1eratlollS It Itto Itt Itlx
to a peculiar fact that there has been no noadvance noadYDce noadvance
advance in the gold beating best1n industry industrysince Industrystace Industryslzice
since the days of the ancient anJ nt Greeks and andEgyptian andptla andEgyptians
Egyptian ptla The gold Id leaf mado In that thatearly thatearly thatearly
early time was as fine and pure as that thatmade thtmade thatmade
made today The Greeks employed employedmethods emploedmethods employedmethods
methods in the beating of gold that have havenever haveMver bavonever
never been Improved on The process is isvery IsverT Isvery
very simple and anything more complex complexwould complexwould complexwould
would ruin the leaf The sheets of f gold goldleaf goldleaf goldlest
leaf are hammered down un un1t ll they are areonly areonl7 areonly
only lX8W9th of an Inch thick The thin thinness thtnor thinflees ¬
ness of the leaf lea to often remarked rellWfked on by bythe bytbe bythe
the group roup which always crowd erow around rOUndI a asign asign
sign I painter putting gold lettering on onglass onTheM onglass
glass These leave leaves Y68 are so thin that they theycannot theycannot theycannot
cannot be measured mea with a micrometer micrometerIf micrometerIfasheetlaheldtothelghtitisseefl
If Ifasheetlaheldtothelghtitisseefl Ifasheetlaheldtothelghtitisseeflto a sheet to held to the light it to seen seento Beento
to be transparent tran PArent and the objects seen seenthrough seenthrough n ntbrou
through tbrou h It are of a a yellowish yell0wi y flOwtMt ccifor But Butalthough Buta1tho Butalthough
although a1tho the sheet i Is thin enough to be betransparent betranaparent betransparent
transparent at no place in it is tttere there therehole a ahole ahole
hole Gold may be beaten dG down to tol365000th tolllOtk
l365000th 13 OOOth of an Inch but this Is teo t fine finefor Anetor finefor
for practical use The average thinness thinnessof
of commercial gold 1d leaf to not more than thanl36sCOtRh thanIBOOkh thanl25StOGth
l36sCOtRh of o an n inch and sometimes som8tIM s it itdoes itdoes Itdoes
does not exceed l2WWOth l2WWOthWarranted 1OO8OOlhnrrnnted lOIOOthWarranted
Warranted nrrnnted Assault AnsanltFRMB AlUlnultFro AssaultFrom
Fro the Cfewlaad Plata Dealer EfcMferThe DeaIcThe DealerThe
The complaining witness Ilae s says you youjumped youjumped youjumped
jumped on him with Illa great xre t fereeUy and andloosened aadlooeeRed andoosed
loosened four of h his teeth teethYes teothY toothYes
Yes Y your honor It was immediately immediatelyafter ImMMtatelafter tmioedtateliafter
after the first game and be had Juet Juetprophesied jUtttpropbe Justprophesied
prophesied lecl who would win the pennant pennantDischarged lllHaAtDlaebaTgecl pseaeflLDIscharged
Discharged DischargedNot DIschargedNot H HNot
Not What 11nt She Meant MenntFVara MeantThuai tennt tenntFrom
From UM This IfctHrShe Ta TaS ThisSheWeve
She S SheWeve 8Yev Weve been very er busy at the moth mothers mother mothera ¬
ers er mocha gettin ready for the sale of ofwork ofwork ofwork
work workHe workHeOh workHeOh
He HeOh Oh I Opelllt open it will III be a success successShe RlCCeeSheYea successSheYes
She SheYea Ye I think so yer er see the vicar vicarIs lcar 1carIs lcaris
is goin to take most of our clothes off of ofus ofu
us u