OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, June 10, 1910, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1910-06-10/ed-1/seq-5/

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Thumbnail for 5

W Woodward odwatd J Lothrop LothropNew
Fridayls Friday Is Remnant Day
Friday Special in inMens inMens inMens
Mens Silk Ties TiesWe TiesWe TiesWe
We offer 15 dozen Navy Blue BlueFoulard BlueFoplard BluePoi1ard
Foulard Foplard Silk and Plain Colored ColoredSilk ColoredSilk ColoredSilk
Silk Poplin Fourinhand Ties at ata ata ata
a very unusual price They are aremade aremade aremade
made from the cuttings of regular regularhalfdollar Tegularhalfdollar regularhalfdollar
halfdollar silks and their wearing wearingqualities wearingqualities wearingqualities
qualities are excellent excellentSpecial excelleIJtspecial cellent cellentSpecial
Special price 25c 25ceach 25ceachMln each eachSlain eachMain
Slain floorF st stFriday t tFriday tL
L Friday Specialsin SpecialsinWomens SpecialsinWomens SpecialsinWomens
Womens Underwear UnderwearA
A lot of Womens Nainsook NainsookCorset NainsookCorset NainsookCorset
Corset Covers made with lowround low lowround lowround
round neck and full front some sometrimmed sometrimmed sometrimmed
trimmed with torchon lace edging edgingothers edgingothers edgingothers
others with Valenciennes lace edg ¬
ing beading and ribbon ribbon25c ribbon25c ribbon25c
25c each Value Value50c Value50cA 50c 50cA 50cA
A lot of Womens Cambric Long LongPetticoats LongPetti LongPetticoats
Petticoats Petti oats made with deep tucked tuckedlawn tuckedlawn tuckedlawn
lawn ruffle ruffle50c rume50c ruffle50c
50c each Value 75c 75cA 75cA 75cA
A lot of Womens Cambric CambricDrawers CambricDrawers CambricT
T Drawers some made with lawn lawnruffles lawnruffles lawnruffles
ruffles finished with embroidery embroideryedge embroideryedl1e embroideryedge
edge others neatly finished with withplain withplam withplain
plain tucked lawn ruffles ruffles25c ruffles25c ruffles25c
25c a pair Value 50c 50cTiird 50cnIrd 50cTkIM
Tiird flaer eerElemth EtersBth st stFriday t tFriday tFriday
Friday Specials in inWash inWash inWash
Wash Dress Goods GoodsibOO Goops Goopsl GooIsooo
ibOO l OOO yards 32inch Chambray Chambrayin
in a variety of plain shades in including including including ¬
cluding navy blue pink lavender lavenderNile lavenderNile lavenderNile
Nile green and light blue also navy navyblue nav navblue navyblue
blue checks An ideal fabric for forshirt forshirt forshirt
shirt waist suits boys wash suits suitschildrens suitschifdrens suitschildrens
childrens dresses c c126C c1254c
12 126C > < c yard Value 15c 15ct
500 yards Samsons Sam ons Galatea in inbordered inbordered inbordered
bordered effects effectsblack black with white whitenavy whitenavy whitenavy
t navy blue with white stripe and andelectric ande1cctJJic andelectric
electric blue with white stride stri e and andborder andborder andborder
border An excellent fabric for sep separate separate separate ¬
arate skirts boys suits suits c c124c cI2 c12c
124c I2 c yard Value 15c 15cA 15cA 15cA
A small lot of Imported Madras Madrasin
F in fl several pretty shades and col colorings colorings colL ¬
L orings offered at the special price price25c price25c price25c
25c a yard rd Values 35c and 50c 50cSotOBd 50cStI 50c5ed
SotOBd StI d flow tl fioetG rG G U UFriday t tFriday Liii
iii Friday Special in inBook inBook inI
I Book Department DepartmentCentury DepartmentCentur
Century Centur Magazine for the year yearof yearof yearI
I 1 of 1908 bound in two substantial substantialand substantialand substantialand
and attractive volumes These are arecomplete arecQn1pete arecQrnplete
complete in every respect respe t andcion andciontain andcoutam lid 1 1 1tain
tain tam only the th choicest choi est and best read reading reading readlug ¬
ing with photographs and nd draw drawing drawing drawing ¬
ing of note 1lotesome some in colors If Ifbought Ifbought Ifbought
bought in magazine form these thesewould theseWQuid thesevuld
would cast < pst 400 Our special price pricefor pricefor pricefor
for the two volumes is
185 185T 185Thkd
T Thkd lI W floorTenth OTenUL st C
Friday Frid y Special in inBoys inBoys inBoys
Boys Clothing ClothingA
A lot of Very Fine Pure Wool WoolSuits WoolSuits WoolSuits
Suits in single and doublS doub breasted breastedand breastedand breastedand
and Norfolk models with knicker knickerbocker lnickerbacker knickerbocker
bocker trousers The materials are areblue areblue areblue
blue serges and good patterns in infancy infancy infancy
fancy mixtures sizes 6 to 17 17Special 17Special 17Special
Special price 750 each eachWere eachVere eachWere
Were 1000 1100 and 1200 1200Also 1200Also 1200Also
Also Norfolk and Doublebreast Doublebreasted ¬
ed Suits Suitsthe the ends of a number numb r of ofdiscontinued ofdiscontinued ofdiscontinued
discontinued lines good qualities qualitiesand qualitiesand qualitiesand
and a wide range of choice in pat patterns patterns patterns ¬
terns sizes 5 to 17 17Special 17Special 17Special
Special price 475 each eachWere eachVere eachWere
Were Vere 750 and 850 850Third 850ThId 850mia
Third floor floorTenth floorTenthFriday Tenth st stFriday t tFriday
Friday Special in inBatiste inBatiste inBatiste
Batiste Corsets CorsetsMade Corsetslvlade corsetsMade
Made in a desirable style with withmedium withmedium withmedium
medium bust and extremely long longhip longhip longhip
hip finished at top with colored coloredmoire coloredmoire coloredmoire
moire ribbon six hose supporters supportersattached supportersattached supportersattached
attached sizes 18 to 22
150 pair Were 300 300Main 300lAin 300iain
Main lAin floor oorEICTentb Eleventh st stFriday to toFriday t tFriday
Friday Special in inValenciennes inValenciennes inValenciennes
Valenciennes Laces LacesOf Lac LacksOf s sOf
Of French and German weave weaveincluding we weaveincluding ve veincluding
including edgings and insertions to tomatch tomatch tomatch
match ranging in width from l > to tothree tothree tothree
three inches The selection is large largeand largend largeand
and nd the laces are absolutely new newand newand newand
and fresh in the seasons latest and andmost andmost andmost
most effective designs They are of ofa ofa ofa
a character most in demand at the thepresent thepresent thepresent
present time for trimming womens womensand womensand womensand
and childrens apparel Sold only onlyby onlyb onlyby
by b the piece of one dozen yards yardsSpecial yardsSpecial yardsSpecial
Special price 60c the piece pieceMftfa pieceIa
Mftfa MI Ia floorG io G st stFriday stFrithiy to toFriday
Friday Special in inWomens inWomens inWomens
Womens Black Hose HoseTwentyfive HoseTwentyfive HoseTwentyfive
Twentyfive dozen pairs Worn Womens Wornens Vomens ¬
ens Fast Black Silk Lisle Hose Hosewith Hosewith Hosewith
with double soles heels and toes toesand toesand toesand
and gamer tops all sizes sizes35c sizes35c sizes35c
35c 3 pairs for 100 100Hate 100lalA 100MaIR
Hate lalA floorF ooc P it itFriday at atFriday itFriday
Friday Special in inImported inImported inImported
Imported Japanese Crepe CrepeWe CrepeVie CrepeWe
We have secured for this sale a avery avery avery
very special purchase of Genuine GenuineImported GenuineImported GenuineImported
Imported Figured Japanese Crepe Crepeand Crepeand Crepeand
and marked it at a price that should shouldprove shouldprove shouldprove
prove very interesting The pat patterns patterns patterns ¬
terns are very handsome and suit suitable suitable j jable
able for Womens Kimonos Hpuse HpuseDresses HpuseDresses HpuseDresses
Dresses Summer Draperies Cur Curtains Curtains Curtains ¬
tains c A desirable line of cpl cplorings cplorings cplorings
orings to choose from fromlight light and anddark anddark anddark
dark blues reds greens c cSpecial cSpecial cSpecial
Special price 22c yard yardRegular yardRegular yardRegular
Regular value 35c 35cFVwrth 35cFourth 35cFirth
Fourth floor fixrG oo G rt
Special Committee to Plan Outing Outingfor Outlngaf Outlugafgr
for f fgr r Colored Children ChildrenThe ChildrenThe ChildrenThe
The sunVner summer suxmer outings committee of the theAsfociatd theASfOclded theAspoeated
Asfociatd Charities through Its chair chairman chalrmaa chairmaa ¬
maa John Joy Edson announces the theappointment theappointment theappointment
appointment of an auxiliary finance cp cpm cpmmlttee cpminittee m mmittao
mittao to raise funds for the maintenance maintenanceof
of Camp Pleasant PleasantThis PleasantThis PleasantThis
This la i the th camp for colored mothers mothersand motllersand mothersand
and children which Is entering upon Its Itsfourth It5fourth itsfourth
fourth season The camp this year will willbe w111be willbe
be located at Notley Hall Oxon Hill Md MdThe MdThe MdN
N The committee follows Rev S L 1 Cor Corrothws Corrothers Corrothers
rothers chairman Rev M 3 or W Clair ClalrRev ClairRey ClairRev
Rev A C C Garner Rev R K Harris HarrisRev HarrisRev HarrisRev
Rev W J Howard Rev M W D Nor Norman Norman Norman ¬
man Rev L I N Ross Rev I C Van VanLoo VanLoa VanLeo
Loa Rev D E Wiseman Rev J Mllton MlltonWaldron MiltonWaldron MlltonWaidron
Waldron Rev Acquilla Sayles Miss Dora DoraSmith DoraSmith DoraSmith
Smith Miss ll8s Maria L L Jordan Miss H H HSeason HBeason
Beason MUs Sadie Hall Miss Mildred E EGibba EGIbbs EGibbs
GIbbs Miss Elizabeth Brown Mrs Eliza Elizabeth Elizabeth E1iz E1izbath ¬
beth Martin Mrs John Hurst Lewis LewisJefferson LewlBJotlct5on LewisJefferson
Jefferson Dr George W Cabanlss Mrs MrsMary MrsIary MrsMary
Mary Iary Shaw L L 1 Perry and Samuel SamuelMlddleton SamuelMiddleton SamuelMiddleton
Middleton MlddletonWHITE MiddletonWlilTE MiddletonWILETE
XCTT e1V Arrangement to Add Imraens Imraensnrnlily Immeanrnbly Immeasurably
nrnlily to Stage Settings SettingsFollowing SettIngFOllowing SettingiEli
Following an inspection of the grounds groundsyesterday groundsStord groundsesterday
yesterday Stord Y morning and a consultation be between betwaen betwoen ¬
tween Manager Goodsart Good ort of the Coburn CoburnPlayers CoburnPlayers CoburnPlayers
Players and F F Gliddon of the office officeof officeof 0111ccL
L of the superintendent of public parks parksSecretary parksSecretary parksSecretary
Secretary Weat of the Washington Play Playgrounds Playgrounds Playgrounds ¬
grounds Association As ociatlon announced last lastnight lastnl lastnIght
night nl ht that tho performances of As You YouLike YouLike
Like It and Twelfth Night will be begiven begiven begiven
given this year on tho southeast knoll of ofthe otthe ofthe
the White House lawn instead of on the thesouthwest thesouthwest thesouthwest
southwest knoll as last year when a asuccessful a a5uCCQisfui asuecsful
successful al fresco entertainment was waspresented waspresented wasI
I presented Tho change has been made madebecause madebQCause madebecause
because it will enable the audience at atthe atthe atthe
the Friday matinee to see the perform performance perfonnance performance ¬
ance without facing the sun As the thematinee thomatinee thematinee
matinee Is to be given at 430 the sun sunwould sunwould sunwould
would still be more than two hours high highwhich highwhich nighwhich
which would throw the glare Into the thefaces thefaces thefaces
faces of most of the spectators By ar arranging arranging arranging ¬
ranging the stage on the southeast knoll knollthis knollthis knollthis
this difficulty Is entirely overcome overcomeThe overcomeThe overcomeThe
The stage which Is to be 60x80 feet feetwill feetwill feetwill
will be constructed around four trees treeswhich treeswhich treeswhich
which are growing on the knoll This Thisarrangement Thisarrangement ThisIi
arrangement will add immeasurably to tothe tothe tothe
Ii the effectiveness of the setting as a the thetwo thetwo thetwo
two firs a a hemlock and a lowspreadlnfir lowspreadlnfirmagnolia lowspreadlngmagnolia lowspreadtngmagnolia
magnolia will seem eem to spring s1 > rIng up at the thovery thevery thevery
very feet of the actors and yet et the stage stagewill stagewill stagewill
will be so arranged that the shrubbery shrubberywill shrubberywill shrubberyL
L will not obscure o scure the view from any per persons persons perOflS ¬
sons OflS In the audience The object in hav having havIng hayIng ¬
ing an elevated el ated stage Is to enable every everyperson everyperson everypersOfl
person on on the grounds to command a afull 0 0tull afull
full view of the players With a stage stageas stageas stageas
as now planned all the beauties of the tbeoutdoor tb tboutdoor theoutdoor
outdoor performance are combined with withthe wIththe withthe
the conveniences of seats on an Incline InclineW InclineV
W V O T U Convened Today TodayThe Toda TodaThe TodayI
I The Womans Christian Temperance TemperanceUnion TemperanceUnion TemperanceUnion
Union of tho District will hold its quar quarterly quareterly quarterly ¬
terly convention at the Waugh M E EChurch EChurch EChurch
Church Third and A streets northeast northeastthis northenstthIs northeastthis
this morning The annual picnic of the theDistrict theD1 theF
F District D1 trfct W CX C T U will be held at atTuxedo atTu atTuxedo
Tuxedo Tu doMd Md Juno runo 17 17largest 17Largest 17Ia
largest Ia Morning Circulation OfrculationI
Father Ilimmel Presides at George Gcorgetovrn Georgetown Georgetoun
town Hospital Commencement CommencementCommencement CommencementCommencement CoinuiencementCommencement
Commencement exercises of the George Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown ¬
town University Unlverslt Hospital Training TrainingSchool TralnlngSchool TrainingSchool
School were held yesterday afternoon afternoonat
at Gaston Hall three nurses receiving receivingdiplomas receivingdiplomas receivingdiplomas
diplomas The graduates are the Misses MissesFrances MissesFrance8 MissesFrances
Frances S Mulvey of Rhode hode Island IslandMary l IslandMary landi landiIary
Mary Iary Cavanaugh and Lucy Mahoney of ofPennsylvania orPennslvanla ofPennsylvania
Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRev PennslvanlaRev
Rev Joseph J HImmel of Georgetown GeorgetownUniversity GeorgetownUniversity GeorgetownUniversity
University presented the diplomas and andthe andthe andthe
the commencement address was delivered deliveredby deUveredby deliveredby
by Dr D Arthur Magee of the hos hospital hospital hospital ¬
pital staff Dr Joseph Taber Johnson Johnsonmade Johnsonmade Johnsonmade
made the annual award of medals to tograduates tograduates tograduates
graduates for excellence In deportment deportmentand deportmentand deportmentand
and training traininGTRANSFER trainingTRANSFERPATTERNS j jTRANSFER
Upon receipt receli of this pattern nttern ordered ered on eoapos eoaposbelow eoaponbelow epoabelow
below place tbe be e roach or o glazed sid0 of th the thedown pattern patterngown patternon
gown on material to be stamped stun > ttL then press na hot hotflitIron botftst1ron betSatIrrin
flitIron on toe baCk or smooth ooth ska de of Ui the patters pattersBe attr attr11e ttonl
I Be careful cot to let patter pa sUpJ J
Paris Tnuuifer Patters We 809 809flowers 88 89eDealgn 8 8Dutgn
Dutgn for a laund bag the 1 ipray 7 of offlowcn offiowsri
flowers and the word Laundry each be being lieInl being ¬
ing 10 inches long This is is to be trans transferrtd transferr tressferred
ferrtd ferr d to ticking denim or linen and andheavily andhtavU andheavily
heavily htavU outlined with coarse mercerized mercerizedcotton mercerh mercerizedcotton d dcotton
cotton or rope illk The bag is I bound with withtape witht withtpe
tape t pe or a bias baa strip Itrl of the material materialWashington materi1LC materi1LWashington materiit
C 4 4Wasbington
Washington Herald Pattern PatternCoupon PatternCoupon PatternCoupon
Coupon CouponName CouponaInC
Name N aInC
Address AddressSire Addrc AddrcSize AddreiaSize >
Size desired desiredFill deairedFill
Fill out the numbered coupon couponand couponand couponand
and cut out pattern attern and inclose inclosewith Inclosewith inclosewith
with 10 cents in stamps or coin colaaddressed coinaddressed coinaddressed
addressed to Pattern Depart Department Department Departmeat
ment The Washington Herald
Washington D C
Prince and Princess Fusliimi FusliimiDine FusIlhniDine FusliirniDine
Dine at Embassy EmbassyROUND EmbassyI EmbassyROUND EmbassyROUNi
Secretary of State Host nt atLun Lnuyheo LuufheoDfor Lnuyheofor heon heonfor
for Ills Imperial Imltedi Highness JIgm l While WhileMrs WillIeIInntlngton WhileMrs
Mrs Huntington Wilson Enter Entertain Enter1nins EntertnIn ¬
tain 1nins Wife He of Emperors Cousin ConslnDoth CousinBoth CousinBoth
Both Will VIII Be Guests Gue t of the Meyers MeyersHis lUccr lUccrHis MeyersHis
His imperial highness Prince Hiroysu HiroysuFushimi HiroysuFushlml HiroysuFushimi
Fushimi cousin of the th Emperor of Ja Japan Japan Japan ¬
pan rounded out a busy dayjast day last night nightwhen nightwhen nightwhen
when he and the princess were vere enter entertained entertained entertamed ¬
tained at dinner by the Japanese Am Ambassador Amba5sador Ambassador ¬
bassador and Baroness Uchida UchidaTho UchidaTho tjchidaThe
Tho guests asked to meet thorn were wereMrs wereMrs wereMrs
Mrs Sherman1 wife of the Vice Presi President President President ¬
dent Secretary Knox Secretary SecretaryDIckln SecretaryDIcklnson Dickin Dickinson Dlckinson ¬
son Assistant Secretary of State and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Huntington Wilson Assistant Sec Secrotary Secr Secrotary
rotary r tary of the Navy and Mrs Beckman BeekmanWlnthrop B BeckmanWinthrop elman elmanWIntllrop
Wlnthrop Mr and Mrs C D Norton NortonAssistant NortonAssistant NortonAssistant
Assistant Secretary of State Mr Hale HaleMme HaleMme HaleMme
Mme Hashlguchi Capt and Mrs MrsTemplln MrsTemplin MrsTemplin
Templin M Potts Col and Mrs Spencer SpencerCosby SpencerCosbY SpencerCosby
Cosby the counselor of the Japanese JapaneseEmbassy JapaneseEmbassy JapaneseEmbassy
Embassy and Mme Matsui Lleut Com Commander Commander Cornmazider ¬
mander Leigh Palmer Capt C pL Archibald ArchibaldW
W Butt Commander Hiraga Lieut Col ColTanaka ColTanaka ColTanaka
Tanaka Lieut Commander Klyokawa Klyokawaand Klyokawaand IClyokawaand
and Mr Tanaka TanakaThe TanakaTho TanakaThe
The Secretary of State was host at a aluncheon aluncheon aluncheon
luncheon yesterday esterday in compliment to tothe tothe tothe
the prince The other guests were wereBaron wereBaron wereBaron
Baron Uchida the Ambassador from fromJapan fromJapnn fromJapan
Japan Kelshlro Matsul counselor of ofthe otthe ofthe
the embassy Commander Tokutarl Hir Hiraga Hlraga Hiraga
aga naval attache Lieut Ktyokawa Kryokawaafddecamp Ktyokawaatddecamp Ktyokawaatddecamp
atddecamp to the prince Jusubura JusuburaTanaka JusuburaTanaka JusuburaTanaka
Tanaka master of the household hou ehpJd Hunt Huntington HuntIngton Huntington ¬
ington Wilson Assistant Secretary of ofState otState ofState
State Chandler Hale Third Assistant AssistantSecretary AssistantSecretary AssistantSecretary
Secretary of State the Postmaster Gen Genoral Genera1 Genoral
oral Frank H Hitchcock the Secretary Secretaryof
of the tho Navy George von on L Meyer the theSecretary theSecretary theSecretary
Secretary of the Interior Richard A AUallinger AUllllln ABailinger
Uallinger Ullllln er Senator Burrows Senator SenatorMoney SenatorMoney I IMoney
Money Senator Kane Representative RepresentativeAmes RepreCntntlveAmeti RepresentativeAmos
Ames Representative Denby Denb Represent Representative Reprasentat1e Representative ¬
ative Bonnet Capt Templln M Potts U US US US
S N and Mr Miller of the State Da Dapartment Department Dopartment
partmentMrs partmentMrs partment partmentMrs
Mrs Huntington Huntln ton Wilson wife of the theAssistant theAliSlstant theAssistant
Assistant Secretary of State entertained entertainedat
at luncheon in honor of her Imperial Imperialhighness l imperIalhighness n1 > orial orialhlghne
hlghne highness s Princess Fushimt and had to tomeet tomMt tomeet
meet her Baroness Uchida wife of the theJapanese tIleJapanese theJapnee
Japanese Ambassador Mme Hashlguchl Hashlguchland H hlguchl hlguchland
and Mme Suziki who art with the theprincess theprtneessj theprlnces
princess prtneessj Mrs Irs Bekman ekman WInthrop wife wifeof wUeot wIfeof
of the Assistant Assistant Secretary of the Navy NavyMrs NayMrs NavyMrs
Mrs Francis G Newlands Mrs C D DNorton DNorton DNorton
Norton MI Miss 1I s Boardman and Mrs Bev Beverly Be Beorb Bevorb ¬
orb M Randolph RandolphThe RandolphThe RandolphThe
The Secretary of the Navy and Mrs MrsMeyer MralIoJer MrsMoyer
Meyer will entertain the prince and andprincess andprlnce8S andprincess
princess todny on board the Mayflower Mayflowertaking Mat1owertAking MayflowertaMng
taking them to Mount Vernon and having havingluncheon havingluncheon havingluncheon
luncheon on board Mrs Meyer and the theMisses theMlsses theMisses
Misses Meyer who will be In the party partywill partywill partywill
will leave on the Congressional limited limitedthis limitedthis limitedtitle
this afternoon for their country home at atHamilton ntHamilton atHamilton
Hamilton Mass to remain throughout throughoutthe throughouttho throughoutthe
the summer The Secretary will remain remainhere remaInhere remainhere
here for some weeks yet et before joining joiningthem jotnlngthem joiningthem
them there thereMrs thereMrs theretrs
Mrs trs B M L Randolph entertained at a acharming a acharming acharming
charming muslcal mulealetea tea yesterday after afternoon aftornoon afternoon ¬
noon In honor of 9f the former governor of ofPorto ofPorto ofPorte
Porto Rico and andMra Mrs Ward who ho are here hereon hereon hereon
on their way W8 to Buenos Ayros Mrs MrsRandolph MrsRandolph MrsRandolph
Randolph played a programme of beauti beautiful beautltul beautiful ¬
ful piano numbers for her guests among amongwhom amongwhom amongwhom
whom were the charge daffaires of ofAustriaHungary otAustTIaHungat ofAustriaHungary
AustriaHungary and Countess Loewen LoewenthulLlnau LoewenthalLlnau LoewenthlLinau
thulLlnau Senator Du Pent pcnt Mrs Hunt Huntington HuntIn Huntington ¬
ington In ton Wilson Mrs Livingston Hunt HuntMiss HuntMis HuntMis3
Miss Mis Letterman t tterman Mrs Thomas F Bay Bayard 3ayard a aard ¬
ard Mgr Thomas S Lee Mr de Thai Thaiof ThaIot ThaIof
of the Russian Embassy Miss Board Boardman BoardIntin Boardman
man Mr William Bowie Clark and andMr andII andMr
Mr II and Mrs afts Arthur Jeffrey Parsons ParsonsMrs ParSons ParSonsMrs ParsonsMrs
Mrs Joseph Josep Hobson has gone to toLenox toLena toLeno
Lenox Lena Mass where she Is established establishedfor cstabllshedtor establishedfor
for the summer summerMrs summerMrs summerMrs
Mrs Lowden wife of Representative RepresentativeFrank RepresentativeFrank RepresentativeFrank
Frank O Lowden of Illinois is I ex expected expected cxpectad ¬
pected to return here early next week if ifthe Itthe ifthe
the health of her mother permits D rmlts and andremain andremain andremain
remain with Mr Lowden until the close closeof closeof closeof
of Congress Mrs Pullman who has hasundergone hasundergone hasundergone
undergone an operation in Chicago ChicagoIs
Is improving but is not yet able to be beout beout beout
out Mrs Lowden went to Chicago some someweeks someweeks someweeks
weeks ago and opened their country countryhome countr countrhome countryhome
home Slnnlsstppi Farm whore her chil children children thudren ¬
dren are for the summer summerMrs summerMrs summerMrs
Mrs MacVeagh who is In Chicago Chicagospending Chicagospending Chicagospending
spending some time with her son sonEames sonEames sonEames
Eames MacVeagh is expected to return returnto returnto returnto
to her Washington home on Monday MondayMiss MondayMIss Monday3liss
Miss Nellie Hodges daughter of Dr Drand Drand Drand
and Mrs J W r Hodges was married marriedWednesday marriedVednesday marriedWednesday
Wednesday afternoon to Mr Elton P PMiller PU1ler PMiller
Miller U1ler The ceremony was performed at atthe atthe atthe
the home of the brides parents arents In Mon Monroe Monroe Monroe ¬
roe street by b Rev John Reid Shannon Shannonpastor Shannonpastor Shannonpastor
pastor of Metropolitan M lL E Church ChurchThe Churchrho ChurchThe
The bride who was unattended wore a agown agown agown
gown of soft whUo batiste trimmed trimmedwith trImmed trImmedwith trimmedwith
with lace and carried carreda a shower bouquet bouquetof bouq et etot
of bride roses and lilies of the Valley ValleyThe valleyThe valleyThe
The house was decorated with palms and andcut andcut andcut
cut flowers Miss Laura De Pue played playedthe pl playedthe ed edthe
the wedding music Following the cere ceremony ceremon cererrony ¬
mony mon Mr and Mrs Miller started on ona ona ona
a trip to New York and Boston by sea seaafter 5eaafter seaafter
after which they will make their home in inWashington inWashington InWashington
Washington Among the out of town townguests townguests townguests
guests were Mrs W V W Bruce Miss MissElsie MissElsie MissElsie
Elsie Bruce Mrs William Forsythe and andMiss andMiBs andMiss
Miss Osburn all of Baltimore BaltimoreMiss BaltimoreMiss BaltimoreMiss
Miss Katherine Leech has as her guest guestMiss guestMIss guestMiss
Miss Nauman of Lancaster Pa PaMrs Pa1Irs PaMrs
Mrs TIsdel and the Misses Tisdel will willsail wfllsaIl willsail
sail tomorrow for Europe for the sum summer summe summer ¬
mer me
Mrs Arthur W Dunn who has spent spentmuch spentmuch spentmuch
much time at Old Point Comfort re returned returned returned ¬
turned to Washington yesterday yesterda morn morning mornIng mornIng ¬
Miss Florence Cornelia Bransom was wasmarried wasmarried wasmarried
married Wednesday evening to Mr MrJames MrJames MrJames
James R Wlliams by Rev RC George A AMiller AtUller AMiller
Miller of the Ninth Street Christian ChristianChurch ChrIstianChurch ChristianChurch
Church The bride is a a daughter of Mr
= =
Popular Ladi Ladies Ladiesrfaif s rfailorSuits rfailor rfaifSuits
Suits of best material 25 up upLinen upLinen
Linen Suits fashionable attachments attachments15 15 up upFirstclass upFirstclass
Firstclass Workmanship WorkmanshipS
S 1407 L Street No N W I
= p
and Mrs William S Bransom and anf the thebridegroom thebrIdegroom thebridegroom
bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs MrsS MrsS MrsS
S C Williams The bride was attended attendedby attendedby attendedby
by her sister Miss Ml a Katharine C Bran Bransom Bransom Brancorn ¬
som and the best man was Mr Ashly AshlyWilliams Ashl AshlVlllIams AshlyWilliams
Williams brother of the bridegroom of ofRoanoke ofRoanoke ofRoanoke
Roanoke Va ra The brides gown was of ofwhite orwhite ofwhite
white saJn trimmed with pearls and andshe andshe andshe
she carried white roses and lilies of the thevalley thevalley thevalley
valley The maid of honor wore white whitenot whitenot whitenot
not over ovo pink silk tIk and carried pink pinksweet pinksweet pinksweet
sweet peas Miss lfsa Margarlto Allen played playedthe playedthe playedthe
the wedding music Following the cere ceremony ceremony coremeny ¬
mony a a reception was held by the thebrides thebrides thebrides
brides parents parentsMr arents arentsMr arentsMr
Mr and Mrs Hugh Hu HughLegare h Legate left Wash Washington WashIntton Washington ¬
ington yesterday morning for Philadel Philadelphia Philadelphia PhIladelphia ¬
phia to spond a a few days before going goingto goinGto goingto
to their summer home Kent Place PlaceConn PlaceConn PlaceConn
Conn ConnMiss ConnMiss ConnMiss
Miss Cecilia Burch urch of Baltimore Bal more and andMr andMr andMr
Mr Frank J Bowlin of St St Paul Ikjlnn Ikjlnnwere loJinnwere ilnn ilnnwere
were married Tuesday by Rov Dr Will William WUllam Willlam ¬
lam Turner ot the faculty of the Cath Catholic Catholic Catholic ¬
olic University of America AmericaMiss AmerIcaMiss AmericaMiss
Miss Caroline Jenkins Hlckey Hlcl ey daugh daughter daughter daughter ¬
ter of Mrs Edmond Plowden Hickey Hlckeywas Hickeywas Hickeywas
was married yesterday ye terday afternoon to MrDilworth MrDliworth Mr MrDllworth
Dllworth Potts Hibbard at the home of ofher other ofher
her mother The ceremony was per performed performed performed ¬
formed by Mgr Mackin of St Pauls PaulsChurch PaulsChurch PaulsChurch
Church The bride wore a a princess gown gownof gownot gownof
of white satin charmeuse with point lace laceon laceon laceon
on the bodice and pearls Her tulle veil veilwas veilwas eU eUwas
was hold with orange blossoms and her herbouquet llerbouq herbouquet
bouquet bouq et was of orchids and lilies of the thevalley thevaHey thevalley
valley Her sister Miss Ethel Hickey Hlckeyacted Hickeyacted Hickeyacted
acted as maid of honor and was her only onlyattendant onlyattendant onlyattendant
attendant She wore a 0 pink gown trim trimmed trImmed trimmed ¬
med with white lace white lace hat hattrimmed hattrimmed hattrimmed
trimmed with pink roaes and carried rod redAmerican rodAmerican rodAmerican
American beauty roses The best man manwas manwas manwas
was Mr Ir Jonathan Steere of Philadelphia PhiladelphiaThe Phltftdelph1The PhiladelphiaThe
The decorations at the hogs were or orpalms orpalms orpalms
palms and cut flowers yellow gladioli gladioliroses gtadloHroses gladioliroses
roses and daisies and pink rows rowsFollowing rOHSFoUow rosesFollowing
Following FoUow ng the ceremony there was an anInformal aninformal anInformal
Informal reception Among the outo outoftown outotown outotown
town guests were Mrs Joshua and an Miss MissMary MissMary MissMary
Mary Hibbard of Taoll Pa Mr and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Henry Henl Dsvte D vJ of Trodysfrln pa FaMr PaMr i
Mr and Mrs Irs William Warner Jr the theMisses the1tIlssOB theMisses
Misses Warner and William Warner Warnerthird Warnerthird Varnerthird
third of Duffryn Mawr 11 a wr Pa Mr and andMrs andMrs andMrs
Mrs Samuel L Lewis wis Samuel Tull and J JHenry JHen 3Henry
Henry Hen Colllngs of Philadelphia Mrs Irs Jo Joseph Joseph Josoph ¬
seph Lawrence of Avondale Pa and andMiss and1I55 andMiss
Miss 1I55 Mary Mat TIerney Tlerne of Newton Pa PaThe PaThe PaThe
The couple left early in the evening for fortheir fortheir fortheir
their honeymoon trip The Th brides going goingaway golngawa goingaway
away awa gown wag a pongee suit uIt with a alarge alarge alarge
large tan hat trimmed with orchids They Theywent Theywent Theywent
went tp Now York from where they the will willsail wIl1saIl willsail
sail tomorrow for Europe and upon upontheir upontheir upontheir
their return in the fall will 1ll make their theirfuture theirtuture theirfuture
future home in Philadelphia PhiladelphiaRoar PhiladelphiaRoar PhiladelphiaRoar
Roar Admiral and Mrs Richardson RichardsonClover RichardsonClover RichardsonClover
Clover will be accompanied by their theirdaughters theirdaughters theirdaughters
daughters Miss Eudora und Miss Be Beatrice Beatrice Beatrico ¬
atrice Clever when they Ute leave le e hero on onJune ortJune onJuno
June 19 for their summer summ home In Cali California California Gait10mm ¬
fornia forniaMr forniaMr 10mm 10mmMr
Mr Chalmers Patterson and his daugh daughter daught6l daughtei ¬
ter Miss 1IS8 Russell Patterson of Danville DanvilleVa DanYlIloYa Danville1a
Va 1a are the guest of Mr and Mrs Thea Theadore Thendore Theadore
dore H Tiller at the Iroquois IroquoisMrs Iroquoisrs IroquoisMrs
Mrs rs Harrington Mills accompanied by
her threo little daughters will sail to tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow ¬
morrow for Europe Euro where wh lc they will willspend willspend Ill Illspend
spend the summer summerMrs summer1lrs summerMrs
Mrs R S R Bitt has gone to New Newport Ne Neport Newport ¬
port for the summer She joined Mrs MrsJohn MsJohn M s sJohn
John Clinton Gray Gra and they are both bothat bofhat boThat
at the Munchlnger 1Iunchln r cottage cottageMiss cottageMiss cottageMiss
Miss Hazel Stuart Price daughter of ofMr of1o1r ofMr
Mr and Mrs Clinton O Price and Mr MrCharles MrCharles MrCharles
Charles Frederick Boss Jr were mar married married marned ¬
ried Wednesday evening In Douglas DouglasMemorial DouglnsMemorial DouglasMemorial
Memorial Church by b Rev W W Barnes Barnespastor Barnespastor Barnespastor
pastor The bride was given In mar marriage marriage marriage ¬
riage by her father and wore a gown gownof gownat gownof
of white satin with brussels not veil held heldwith heldwith heldwith
with lilies of the valley Her bouquet bouquetwas bouquetwa
was wa of f Bride roses and lilies of the val valley yalIe valIcy ¬
Icy Ie The only ornament she wore was a apearl apearl apearl
pearl brooch a gift of the bridegroom bridegroomMiss bridegroomUss bridegroomMiss
Miss Uss Norma Kolb acted as her maid of ofhonor othonor ofhonor
honor and wore white net over ov ovk r apricot apricotsilk apricotsilk apricotsilk
silk with trimmings of Valenciennes lace laceThe laceThe laceThe
The bridesmaids were Miss Georgia GeorgiaLewis GeorgiaLowls GeorgiaLewis
Lewis Miss Carrie Dunn Miss Mary Mil Miller MnJer Mu Muher ¬
her Miss Mary Boss Miss Julia Boyce and andMiss andMIss andMiss
Miss Anmo Boss and they all wore gowns gownsof gownsof gownsof
of pastel shade of silk mull carrying carryingbouquets carnlngbouquets carryingbouquets
bouquets of ferns to match that of the themaid thomaid themaid
maid of honor honorThe honorThe honorThe
The twin sisters slsthrs of the bride Miss MIsaMargaret 111g91Iargaret MissMargaret
Margaret and Miss Emily Price who whowere whowere whowere
were the flower girls wore white swiss swissand swissand swissand
and lace and carried baskets of roses rosesThe rosesThe rosesThe
The best man was Mr Leslie Vander Vandergrift Vandergrift Vandergi1
grift gi1 and the ushers were Mr Ilr Lyle Mil Miller Miller Mi Miher ¬
ler Mr lr Lewis Gauntt Mr Christian Mul Mulnely Muln Mulady
nely n Mr Herman Hansen Mr Richard RichardBoss RIchardBoss RichardBoss
Boss Boss and Mr George Carroll CarrollMrs CarrollMra CarrollMrs
Mrs Jesse B Wilson was hostess at
5 oclock Tuesday afternoon In honor of ofher other ofher
her granddaughter Miss Louise Joyce Joycewho Joycewho Joycewho
who was married Wednesday to Dr Mur Murray Murmy Murray ¬
ray A Russell Mr Wilson the grand grandfather grandfather grandfather ¬
father of the bride Is connected with withthe withtho withthe
the Weather Bureau and resides at 1S23 1S23Phelps 1 1Phel1 1823Phelps
Phelps Phel1 > s place placeThe placeThe placeThe
The marriage Is announced of Miss MissKathleen MissKathleen MissKathleen
Kathleen Leupp daughter of former formerCommissioner fonnerCommissIoner formerCommissioner
Commissioner of Indian Affairs and Mrs MrsFrancis MrsFrancis MrsFrancis
Francis E Leupp and Mr Reginald ReginaldDavis RegInaldDavIs ReginaldDavis
Davis Johnson of Pasadena Cal Ca The Theceremony Theceremony Theceremony
ceremony was performed at noon yes yesterday yesterday yesterday ¬
terday at the home of the brides par parents parents parents ¬
ents in Sixteenth street by the bride bridegrooms bridegrooms bridegrooms ¬
grooms father Bishop Joseph H John Johnson John50n Johnson ¬
son of Pasadena Only the immediate immediaterelatives immediaterelatives Immediaterelatives
relatives and a very few intimate friends friendswere friendswere friendswere
were present
ho bg R B dncs
Popvlar JNovel to Appear Serially Seriallyin SerJall SerJallIn
in The Washington Herald HeraldThe HeraldThe HeraldThe
The Washington Herald will shortly shortlybegin ehortlybegin horthybegin
begin the serial publication of Mary MaryRoberts MaryRoberts MaryRoberts
Roberts RInoharts popular novel novelWhen novelWhen novelWhen
When a Man Marries MarriesFor MarriesFor MarriesFor
For months this novel has been the thebest thebest thebest
best selling book In America AmericaIt
It has hastleased pleased thousands upon thou thousands thousands thousands ¬
sands of readers readersMrs readersMrs I
Mrs Irs Rinehart has gained tbe po position position pasition ¬
sition of premier writer of ptystery ptysterystorIes mystery mysterystories mysterystories
stories storiesBy storIesBy storiesBy
By adding humor to mystery In InWhen InWhen inWhen
When a Man Marries she has made madea
a unique place for herself in American Americanliterature AmericanlIteraturc Americanliterature
literature literatureIn
In this story tory the element of humor humorruns humorruns humorruns
runs over and becomes fairly side sidesplitting sldespllU1ng sidesplitting ¬
splitting splittingIt spllU1ngIt
It was from When a Man Marries Marriesthat Marriesthat Marriesthat
that the playt play Seven Days was wasmade wasmade wasmade
made and it proved the biggest farce farcehit farcehit farcehit
hit that has struck Broadway in intwenty Intwenty Intwenty
twenty years yearsReaders yearsReaders ears earsReaders
Readers of The Washington Herald Heraldwill Heraldwill Heraldwill
will find In Mrs RIneharts charming charmingtale charmingtale charmingtale
tale the most pleasing newspaper di diversion dlerslon diversion ¬
version they have eyer had It will be beprinted beprInted beprinted
printed from day to day beginning on onJuno onJuno onJuno
Juno 1 15 and no lover of good fiction fictioncan ftctloncan fictioncan
can aflord to miss a a chapter of It ItIndeed It ItIndltd itIndeed
Indeed once the first chapter Is Isread isrefld isread
read the e reader will find it Impossible Impossibleto
to do without the succeeding chapters chaptersIt
It holds the interest from start to tofinish tofinish tofinish
finish finishRemember finishRemember finishRemember
Remember the date of the first in installmontWQdnesday InstaUmont InstallmentVodnesday
stallmontWQdnesday staUmont Vodnesda June 15 15Leave 15Leave 15Leave
Leave your our order for the paper now nowif nowIf nowIf
if you aro not already lread a regular sub subscriber sabscriber ub ubscriber ¬
scriber or tell your news dealer d 6Jel to tosavo tosavo tosave
savo each issue for you youWOMENS youWOMENS youWOMENS
Mr Mrs Irll JcTer Jefferson on Mlddleton President Presidentof
of Christian Church Workers WorkersTho WorkersThe Vor1er8Tho
Tho board of officers of the Womens WomensSociety WomensS WomensSociety
Society S eety of th the Vermont Avenue Christian ChristianChurch Chrl ChristianChurch Uan UanChurch
Church was completed at an election held heldTuesday heldTues heldTuesday
Tuesday Tues RY The officers are arePresident arcPr arePresident
President Pr stdent Mrs Jefferson Mlddleton Mlddletonvice Mlddletonvice Uddl ton tonIce
vice Ice presidents Mrs Helen Johnson Mrs MrsRuth MrsRuth Irs IrsRuth
Ruth Thompson and Mrs Lottie Steel SteelGardner SteelGardner SteelGardner
Gardner missionary secretary Becrotal Mrs MrsJames MrsJames MmJames
James Cross missionary treasurer Mrs MrsJohn MrsJohn MrsJohn
John Anderson secretary Mrs Glenn GlennHusted GlennHusted GlennHusted
Husted treasurer Mrs William Lock Lockwood Lockwood Lockwood
wood auditors Mrs Norwood and Mrs MrsPerkins MrsPerkins MrsPerkins
Perkins soloist Mrs Eva Sealey chor chorister chorister thorlater ¬
ister Mrs Emma S Sholton and plan pianists planIsts planlath ¬
ists Miss Blanche Deid and Mrs Cross CrossThe CrossThe CrossThe
The reports submitted of the circle circlework circlework circlework
work showed Indiana Circle leading with
500 calls and a n fund of 125 12 The other othercircles othorcircles othercircles
circles reported about 509 additional calls callsand caUsand callsand
and a fund of 260 260The 210The 250The
The meeting adjourned to September Septemberli
16 when the new officers will be in installed 1nstalloo installed ¬
stalled stalledTATJST stallooFAUST stalledTAUST
Change of Dill by Aborn English EnglishGrand EnltllllhGrand EnglishGrand
Grand Opera Company CompanyABO COD1pnnTABOrX CompanyABor
Milton Ulton and Sargent Atnra Abz managing 1MD1Dg directors directorsTbnrsdar dtr8ctorsThursdsr directorsThcrsdsy
Tbnrsdar Friday aad Saturday ttlrday nights tad Saturday Saturdaymatinee Sltvd43maUIWe Satardsyrestless
matinee matineeFAUST maUIWeFAUST restlessFAUST
A lyric drama in fire acts and six x scenes sctneaThe scenesTIle iceissThe
The Bwoic lc composed hr Charles Gewed GewedNOTE GCNDOdNOlEThe GoenedNOT1Tbe
NOTE NOlEThe The words of the present t edition are tfca tfcaome UMtame terams
tame that were ttaadatcd by Mr Cberkgr Ch Gbod < < 1es for the theEnelisk theFArgli4I
Enelisk 1191 work with the jnwptoo of those fitted to lathe tothe tothe
the principal senfiB ssi thick w Were re translated frea fru the theoriginal theornfcal theoriginal
original French text by iliL Barbiar and Cane Oarwby Caneby zre zrehr
by J T Cw C Johnson J
CAST CASTMarguerite CASTerlte CASTMarguerite
Marguerite MargueriteFeast erlte Qtar Okns Lute LaaeFasst LuteFaust
Faust PaalBfcw PaalBfcwEvMio Paid B Bu BIke BIkeEv
EvMio Ev u Battata BattataMepafeUpkeles BdtamIeph BettainMephMoithelesAIUS
MepafeUpkeles MephMoithelesAIUS Ieph stolelts AchHto Ac lDe Altxxtl AltxxtlVakatiae AlbertiK lbMtl lbMtlK
Vakatiae J K Murray MurraySeibe llwrayVoe Marrar6cd
Seibe 6cd 1 FriW Frti Von y Bwfeg BwfegMarthi BeIia BeIiaIutl BesingMarthk
Marthi Iutl JilWre IlJdrei Rogers RogersWagner Ro ltoersapsen ers ersner
Wagner ner Fred Chapman ChapmanChorus apsen apsenO4Jnu JIJ2IUl JIJ2IUlCOOnu
Chorus of itedcBta Jtttd soldiers peaants pcIDtC c cCffladueJor
CffladueJor C < Carlo C < < do doStage Moasia MoasiaStage cNicosla NicoslaStage
Stage Director Jebn R Bartlett BartlettWith BartlettWith BartlettWith
With a change of bill and a slight slightchange sUghtchange slightchange
change of cast cast the Aborn English Grand GrandOpera GrandOpera GrandOpera
Opera Company began the last half of ofits ofIts ofits
its engagement at the New National The Theater Theater Thestem ¬
ater last night Signal success has at attended attended attended ¬
tended the performances of the three threegrand threegrand threegrand
grand operas previously given gben and andjudging andjudging andjudging
judging by the pleasure which last nights nightsbill nightsblU nightsbill
bill gave it Is safe to predict that there therewill therew1l1 therewill
will be no diminution of the popular ap approval approval approval ¬
proval throughout the balance of the theengagement theengagement theengagement
engagement engagementClara engagementClara engagementClara
Clara Lane sang Marguerite last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night Hers is a now face in the East Eastand Eastand
and considerable interest centered about abouther abouther abouther
her appearance U1 > pearance Miss Lane has sung in inWashington inWashington inWashington
Washington before she has essayed Car Carmen Carmen
men and other roles rol s therefore she 5h is isnot fsnot isnot
not in the least a a stranger so far as osWashIngton asWashington
Washington theatergoers are concerned concernedIt
It is interesting however to note the thematerial thematerIal thematerial
material improvement In both her sing singing BlngIng singlag ¬
ing and acting Whllo her voice is pleas pleasing pleasIng pleaslag ¬
ing and trqe it Is not an expressive one oneAt oneAt oneAt
At the same time there were passages passageswhich pusageswhich passageswhich
which she sang beautifully and In those thosenumbers tbOl tbOlnumbers thosenumbers
numbers which she shared with Mr MrBattain MrBattain MrBatthIn
Battain and Mr AlbertI Alb rtl great praise is isdue Isdu isdue
due du her It is a a difficult role to sing singand slngand singand
and Miss I1ss Lane shows a a marked familiar familiarity familiarIty familiarity ¬
ity with Its requirements Her acting actingwas actingwas actingwas
was a a pleasure to observe observeThe observeThe obseryeThe
The tenor Battain scored as he al always alWtS always ¬
ways does He has fairly swept Wash WashIngton WoshIngton Washington
Ington off Its feet by his singing and andeach andeach andeach
each appearance was greeted by b ap applause applause applause ¬
plause For purity of tone and excel excellence excellence excelhence
lence of method he surpasses nearly eariy all allthe allthe allthe
the tenors that we have heard in this thiscity thisclt thiscity
city clt The Aborn I Ifortunate
company Is exceedingly exceedinglyfortunate exceedinglyfortunate
fortunate to be able to command the ser services services ¬ I Ivices
vices of such an artist at this season of ofthe ofthe I Ithe
the year yearMr yearMr
Mr Murray sang Valentine with his hiscustomary hiscustomary hiscustomary
customary vigor Igor His voice olee is an even evenbarytone oenbnrytone evenbarytono
barytone of excellent timbre Mr Al AlbertI Alberti Alberti ¬
bertI was the Mephisto and proved him himself himself himself ¬
self ah artist Miss von Busing who whosang whosang whosang
sang seibel gave the Flower Song Songwith Sonswith Songwith
with good effect effectWhen effectWhen effectWhen
When the performance is epitomized epitomizedhowever epitomizedhowever epitomizedhowever
however ones remembrance fixes upon uponthe uponthe uponthe
the leadership of isicosia and the won wonderful wonderful wonderful ¬
derful way in which he handles the or orchestra orchlstra orchestra ¬
chestra There are no beauties or intri intricacies Intricacies Intricacles ¬
cacies of a 0 score which escape this mas master masI macter ¬ I
ter of the baton His work has attracted attractedmany attlactedmany
many persons to these operatic perform performances performances performances ¬ I
ances which are among the best that thatWashington thatWW3hlngton thatWashington
Washington baa had hadThere hadThere hadThere
There is apparent ap1 > arent to the listener an ansprt anesprtt anesprit
esprit sprt between the members of this com company company cornpany ¬
pany that makes inevitable a perform performance performance performance ¬
ance as nearly perfect as should be ex expected expected oxpected ¬
pected In fact fact last nights performance performanceof
of Faust measures up to the expecta expectations expectations expectations ¬
tions of the most discriminating
Paul Bleyden will appear as asFaust Faust this thisand thisand thiSand
and tomorrow evenings and Mr Battain Battainwill BattalnwlU Battainwill
will be heard at the matinee tomorrow tomorroww tomorrowWo
w Wo o J
< >
Progress of New Home 01 01Columbia orColumbia oiColumbia
Columbia Country Club ClubMEMBERS ClubMEM13ERS ClubMEMBEflS
At the Meeting Last NIght Encour Encouraging Enconraging Encouraging ¬
aging and Satisfactory Reports ReportsWere ReportsVerc ReportsWere
Were Wade lUndeFhe Five Hundred 3Iem 3Iemberu JIembers Members
bers Already Enrolled EnroIJedPrtlJcnta EnroIJedPrtlJcntatfon Presenta Presentation ¬
tion to Mr Francis Frnn la a Feature FeatureThe FenturcThe FeatureThe
The members Of the Columbia Country CountryClub CounlryClub CountryClub
Club gathered at the New Willard last lastnight lastnight lastnight
night In goodly numbers A smoker had hadbeen hadboen hadbeen
been planned by the board of governers governersin
in order to afford an opportunity to pre present pre16nt prosent ¬
sent to the members a report on the theprogress theprogreI theProgress
progress which has been made m8 e In the theconstruction theconstructIon theconstruction
construction of the clubhouse and In Inthe Inthe inthe
the development of the golf links on the theclub theclub theclub
club property situated In Connecticut Connecticutavenue Connecticut8renuc Connecticutavenue
avenue extended Just beyond Chevy ChevyChase Che1Chase ChevyChase
Chase The large attendance att ndance despite the theinclemency theInclemency theinclemency
inclemency of the th weather Indicated the theInterest theIntcre theInterest
Interest Intcre t In tho organization and the en enthusiasm enthusiasm enthusiasm ¬
thusiasm manifested as the reports were weresubmitted weresubmitted weresubmitted
submitted was most mo t gratifying
Mr Ir Henry L 1 West We t the president of ofthe orthe ofthe
the club In his opening openln remarks stated statedthat statedthat statedthat
that the meeting had been called for the thepurpose thepurpose thepurpose
purpose of bringing the th members to together together together ¬
gether and especially to demonstrate demonstratethat demonstratethat demonstratethat
that the promises which had been made madewhen madewhen madewhen
when the club held its last meeting had hadbeen hadbeen badbeen
been redeemed and that the clubhouse clubhousewas clubhousewas clubhousewas
was now a reality Photographs were wereshown wereshown wereshown
shown of the new building so far ad advanced advanced advanced ¬
vanced that the rafters of the roof were werein wereIn wereIn
in position while w Ue the panoramic view of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the course allowed s1 owed that the grounds were werefast werefast werefast
fast assuming the characteristics of a agolf a agOlf agolf
golf course These protographs aroused arousedthe arousedthe arousedthe
the highest degree of enthusiasm as asfew asfew asfew
few of tho members had any Idea of th thwork thwork the thework
work which had been accomplished accomplishedReports accom1 accomplishedReports > lIshed lIshedReports
Reports of Work Accomplished AccomplishedMr
Mr Joseph M Stoddard chairman of ofthe orthe ofthe
the building committee stated that even evengreater evengreater evengreater
greater progress would have been made madebut madebut xnadebut
but for f r the inclement weather while Mr MrE MrB r rB
E B Eynon Jr chairman of the groen groencommittee groencommittee greencommittee
committee reported that the grounds groundswere groum1swere groundswere
were in such an advanced condition that thatthey thatthey thatthey
they would be ready for play if need be bewithin be1thln bewithin
within 1thln a few weeks w ks Mr Benjamin BenjaminWoodruff Benjam1nWoodruff BenjaminWoodruff
Woodruff secretary 8 retary of the olub and andchairman andchalnnan andchairman
chairman of tho finance nance committee re reported reported reported ¬
ported that the club membership had hadreached hadreached hadreached
reached the 500 50 mark lacking la < dng only 100 of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the limit which had been determined determinedupon determlneupon determinedupon
upon He said that the interest in the themembership themembership themembership
membership was constantly growing and andthat andthat andthat
that It would not be long before there therewould therewouJd therewould
would be a a waiting list He also re reported revortOO reported ¬
ported that th the finances of the organiza organization organ1zatlon organhzation ¬
tion were in excellent condition and add added added added ¬
ed that when the additional hundred hundredmembers hundredmembers hundredmembers
members were secured every obligation obligationwould oblbationwould obligationwould
would be met without difficulty His re remarks remarks remarks ¬
marks were received with great applause applauseand applauseand applauseand
and many man members m mbers of the club an announced announced announced ¬
nounced that they were In receipt of ap applications applications npplicatlons ¬
plications for membership It was stated statedthat statedthat statedthat
that the new clubhouse would bo model modelin modelin modelin
in every respect and that its extent 80 SOby 80by 80by
by 185 1 feet would afford ample capacity capacityIt capacltIt
It will be furnished with every conven convenience convenience convenlence ¬
ience and will be a country club which whichwill whichwm whichwill
will be a credit to the National Capital CapitalPresentation Caplta1Presentation CapitalPresentation
Presentation to Mr fr Francis FrancisDuring FranclllDurIng FrancisDuring
During the evening Mr 11 Thomas Francis Franciswho Franciswho Franciswho
who has served during many tourna tournaments tournaments tournamonte ¬
ments as clerk of the th course and who is isvery Isverj isvery
very popular with the members was pre presented presonted pmsented ¬
sented with a a beautiful coffee set of ofFrench ofFronch ofFrench
French china cups In silver holders with witha withJilIn
a silver urn and a silver tray The Thepresentation Thoproeontatfon Theprosontation
presentation speech was most happily happUymade hap1 happilymade > Uy Uymade
made by Mr John E Wilkle VI kle the former formerpresident tormerproefdent formerpresident
president of the Columbia Golf Club Clubwho Clubwho Clubwho
who spoke in hfgh terms of the work of ofMr otMr ofMr
Mr Francis In connection with the many manytournaments manytournaments manytournaments
tournaments of the club Mr Francis Francisresponded FrancIsresponded Francisresponded
responded feelingly and the incident was wasgreatly wasgreetly wasgreatly
greatly enjoyed by b the large attendance attendanceThe attendanCThe attendanceThe
The evening was brought to a pleasant pleasantconclusion pleasantconclusion pleasantconclusion
conclusion by b songs by Messrs Nolan Nolanand Nolanand Nolanand
and Thompson and others with Mr John JohnPorter JohnPorter JohnPorter
Porter Lawrence at the piano and with witha
a happy and eloquent address by ex exSenator e eSenator exSenator
Senator John M r Thurston who wittily wittilyrelated wittl17reJated wittilyrelated
related his own golf experiences and elo eloquently eloquently eloquently ¬
quently portrayed the good comradeship comradeshipof
of the game Altogether the occasion occasionwas occasionas occasionwas
was as a delightful reunion and the mem members members mernhers ¬
bers of the club are anticipating a aThanksgiving a aThanksgh1ng aThanksgiving
Thanksgiving celebration in the club clubhouse clubhouse clubhouse ¬
house next fall fallSPEAKS tallMARTIN fallMARTIN
College League Len e Profits by Lennon LeJiRonfrom Lessonfrom Lennonfrom
from Colorado ColoradoRepresentative ColoratloRepresentatIvo ColoradoRepresentative
Representative John A Martin of ofColorado ofColorado ofColorado
Colorado delivered an address before the theCollege theCoUege theCollege
College Equal Suffrage League last night nightin nIghtIn nightin
in tbe main parlor of their quarters quarters1S23 quartersH
1S23 H street northwest n rthwest Mr rr Martin Martintook Martintook lIartintook
took for his subject Woman suffrage suffrageIn
In Colorado during which he said In SInmy Inmy Inmy
my opinion o1 > lnlon the work the women did in inbringing inbringing Inbringing
bringing about the recent victory for forgovernment forgovernm forgovernment
government governm l1t In Denver Justifies the thewhole thewhole thewhole
whole seventeen years of otwoman woman suf ¬
Image in Colorado ColoradoThe ColoradoThe ColoradThe
The officers of the society are Miss MissMabel MissMabel MissMabel
Mabel Foster president and Mrs J 3 D
Thompson secretary After the address addressarrangements oddresHarrangoments addressarranomonta
arrangements arranomonta were made for an enter ¬
tainment and euchre which will take takeplace takeplace takeplace
place Thursday June 16
Dulin Martin Co CoSummer CQSummer C CSummer
Summer SummerHousehold SummerHousehold SummerHousehold
Household HouseholdF HouseholdRequisites HouseholdRequisites
Requisites RequisitesIF
F there is one season when whenhome wh n nhome nhome
IF I home comforts are india indisEdily indi indipensable indiapensable
pensable it is during the thesummer thesummer
summer months monthsVisit monthsVisit
Visit our H usefurnishing HdusefurnishingDept usefurnishingDept
Dept and see the many sum summer summer
mer helps we are showing showingat
at reasonable prices pricesEddT pricesEddy
Eddy Refrigerators RefrigeratorsTettenborn RefrfgerntorsTettenborn RefrigeratorsTeitenbomn
Tettenborn Porcelain Lined He HefrJjierators nerlJerat0 Hefrigerators
frJjierators frigeratorsWater frJjieratorsWater rlJerat0 rs rsVoter
Water Cooler CoolerIce CooIerJeIce Coolerslee
Ice Crenm Freezers FreezersIce Freezerslee Freezerslee
lee Picks and Shaven ShavenWine ShaverVine ShaversWine
Wine Coolers CoolersIce Cooletllee Coolerslc
Ice Water Pitchers PitchersIced PJt1aerIced PitchersIced
Iced Tea Glasses GlassesLcmonnde GlassesLemonade GlassesLemonade
Lemonade Glasses GlassesLemon GllI8l1esLemon GlassesLemon
Lemon Squeezers SqueezersWire SqueezersVlre SqueczersWire
Wire Vlre Dish Covers CoversGloir CoeraG101T CoversGlow
Glow Night Lamps LamplltT1unnos LampsThermos LampsThermos
Thermos Bottles BottlesSteam DottIeSteam BottlesSteam
Steam Cookers CookersFlrclesa CookersPlreIe CookersPirelesa
Flrclesa PlreIe Cookers C ke e cDulin eDulin eDulin
Dulin Martin MartinPottery fo foFottery o oPottery
Pottery Porcelain China Cltlu Glass GlanaSilver Gin GinSliver GlassSliver
Sliver ttc c
1215 F St and Dd 121418 G St StTVHBhlnctoni StWBhllJ StWashington
WBhllJ Washington on 14th and G Sim St Stew StNew 2 2JTew
New ew York i Waldorf 1VnIdorfAatorfa 1VnIdorfAatorfaand Atorla
1 and 1153 Broadway Droadw1I7J Broadwayj S SFLOWERS
J H Small Smallce
Specialty of orders for teAm steamsri t teAmer earn earners ¬
ers er sailing nll1nl from New York YorlcCorrespondent YorkCorrespoudents YorkCorrespondents
Correspondent In all principal principalcities prIncipalI rincipaIeltles
cities I e of the world worldAND vrorldSTEINWAY T rld rldSTEINWAY
G Gandl3th Gandl3thladies and 13th 13thIn
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In gold and silver
250 to 2500 2500All 2500All 25O0All
All designs Including Importations Importationsfrom importationstrom Importationsfrom
from Vienna ViennaORAMS ViennaOBRAMS ViennaOGRAMS
13th and Pa Arc AT Ave0
Glasses GlassesOur I
00 0 0 Our own machinery machineryour
a our own work workAsk workAsk workAsk
= Ask your physician physicianabout phslclanabout physicianabout
WashiBGtans W1shitl t ns Best Opticians opUclsnU OpticiansI
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It Pays to Buy tie Best BestCHAS BestC1IAS BestGRAS
CHAS M I STIEtl < 100S1610 1nS1 10 F lo st nw nwDirect nwDired meDirect
Direct Branch Warerooms fof f Factory FactoryJe3tf Fad Factory5e3tX < < 1 1je3U
Je3tf J O COXLIFF CO LUF Manager ManagerTurkish MsnagerTurkish UIILIr UIILIrTnrkisb
Turkish Ambassador Received ReceivedYoussouf Reec1TedYoussouf ReceivedYoussouf
Youssouf Zia Pasha the new Turkish TurkishAmbassador TurkishAmbassador TurkishAmbassador
Ambassador made his first official call callon callon callon
on Secretary Knox yesterday His see secretary seeretary seeretary ¬
retary accompanied him The Ambassa Ambassador Ambassador Ambassador ¬
dor will probably 1 > robably be presented to tho thoPresident thoPresident thepresident
President early next week Youssouf YoussoufZia You55oufZia YoussoufZia
Zia represented Turkey T rkey at the Hudson HudsonFulton HudsonFulton HudsonFulton
Fulton celebration in New York and andwas andwas andwas
was the special representative of his hisgovernment hisgovenment hisgovernment
government when the President was wassome wassrme wassome
some months ago Informed of the acces accession accession acceasian ¬
sion to the throne of the now Sultan of ofTurkey ofTurkey ofTurkey
I Strictly Reliable Qualities QualitiesExclusive QualitiesExclusive
0 M MExclusive 1
Exclusive Ladies Cloak Suit Furnishing House
933 Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaAvenue PennsylvaniaAvenueThe Avenue Avenuer A enue enueThe
The Biggest Bargains of ofOur ofOurBusiness
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Our OurBusiness Business Year YearCome
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Annual PreInventory Sale SaleGreat SaleGreat SaleGreat
Great Reductions in Cloth Suits and Cloth ClothDresses ClothDresses ClothDresses
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Misses 2250 2500 3000 3000and 3000and 30O0and
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14 and 16 Pre Preinventory Preinventory
inventory bargain bargalnat tf tfat 1 0 0Ladles
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Cloth Dresses
Ladles 2000 2500 500 3000
3250 3500 and a Jtd 3850 High Highclass
class Tailored TailoredSuits TailoredSuitsPreinventory Suits SuitsPreinventory
Preinventory bar bargain bargain ¬ fl115
gain at atLadies atLadies atLadies oJfJ
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Dresses Yr 1000 e Fancy Lawn LawnDresses 16 50
j Ladies La 1500 6 Linen ln Suits SuItsMcKCO3 SS50 SS50Wm
II Wm H McKNEW McKCO3 CO 933 PaAve j

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