Harvey W WScott Scott Succumbs Succumbsin
in Baltimore BaltimoreWAS BaltimoreV BaltimoreIVAs
Thin Thirty Years a Leader on the theWestern theVcstern theWestern
Western Coast CoastAfter OonstAfter
After a n Strnggle for Education He HeWent HeVent HeWent
Went Vent to Portland Where hcrc lie Be Became Decome e ecnme ¬
came Employed on the Orejconlan Orejconlanand OreKonnnnnd n
and Stayed Until the Paper Became Becamea Decanta c
a Part of Ills Remarkable Individ Individnallty Indhldl1aUtyStntc IndividnalityState
nallty l1aUtyStntc State ollorrn 0110 Ilia HI Lead JLendPortland LeadP
Portland P rll U1d Grog Aug rA 7 A dispatch dispatchfrom 4spatahrrORt dspatofront h
from Baltimore says that Harvoy W WScott WScott v vScolt
Scott for thirty tblrt year yea editor of orthe the Port Portland Portland Portland ¬
land Orogonlan died this afternoon of ofheart orh9lrt o oheart f
heart failure following an operation yes yesterday yesterday peeterday ¬
terday a Johns Hopkins Hospital 1 for forenlargement forenlu fe feenlargement r
enlargement enlu ment of the t o prostate IH tat glands hrrScott Mr MrScott Mrolt
Scott olt was one of the most mo t lnfluentlanewspaper Influential InnuenUalnew Influentialnewspaper 1
newspaper new Ot man on the Pacific Coast He Hebuilt HebuUt H Hbuilt g
built up the Oregonian OrOft IAn from a small paper pa paper paper ¬
per and anddlcl did much to develop Oregon and andadvance andadY1iJICe a aadvance
advance Portland to its It position as It the thechief thechlet tit titchief
chief city alt of the StateHo State StateHo StateHows
Ho Hows was born la Tazewell County IlL I1Lon IlLon Illk
on February S 1 IMS lie was w roared on onfarm a afarm afarm
farm and then worked w rked at various occu occupations occupatto oecupatlonr ¬
pations patto Anally ftna moving to Oregon O n in ISffl ISfflWhen 1tJ 1tJWhen 1S 1SWhen
When he b nrst at tended In Oregon ho Joined Joineda joie joiea
a militia company and went t Indian hunting hunt hunting hUnting ¬
ing alt through thr the Pugwt Sound country countryWin countryIn oountry1V1ns
Win In a Hard Struggle StruKtrluHe StruJJhHe StruggleHe
He pat himself through t h a severe IC9 severe re school achooling schooling IChoollng
ing doing manual labor for Ida ex expenses Qtpe outpenaea ¬
penses pe when he went to the regular regularschools recul1lichoohf resoleschools r
schools and studying stud hard at everything evetTthtngparticularly everythingparticularly eet3tbtnparttculul
particularly the English classics c1a ldca when whenho whenho whoaho
ho was w not In school schoolNearly schoolNeatly oo1 oo1N
Nearly N earl fifty years 7ear ago he went to work workon workon wor woron k
on the Portland Oregontan Ori yonlan The paper paperthen paPilthen pp a athen a
then was small and or little hgportan hgportanWhen importance importanceWhen pOrtfl1l pOrtfl1lWhen
When Col Scott died be was the pain principal prtncipal paincipal ¬
cipal owner and editor and the directing directingforce dlreclingtore diretist diretistforco g
force forceCoL tore 0 0I >
4 I CoL Seott was a large Jug man with th broad broadshoulders broadshoulder brow browshoulders d
shoulders and was known kIIO over OY the West WestMS Wet WetMa V 8t 8ttta t
MS a ftrb fighting ft htlng editor of the old per personal personal personal ¬
sonal Journalism type At the same sametime Hmetime sam samtime °
time he kept his paper abreast of the thetimes tiletlmoa tit tittimes c
times In 15ft 1 when the Woat was Wa tivas more moreor moreor mor moror 8
or lea I Teri eajih of fsjlf fer r free fr sLor sliver or pal palof ol olScott a aScott
Scott ytlMdlt g 8 Wt 1I taplt tapltof plt pltof
of advice to the contrary contra The Oregonlan Oregonlanlost OregORkn108t Oregonlalost A
lost subscribers by b Its U attitude but Col ColScott COlScott ColScott
Scott wouldnt budge budgeState buClaeStntc budteState
State Follow His Lead LeadOregon LeadOr LeadOregon
Oregon Or n was the only onl Pacific c1 c Coast State Statethat Stalethat Sta Stathat
that went solidly for gold in that tbatapL tbatapLCot fight fightCoL
CoL Scott was wa always a Republican Republicanwith RepubUeanwlth Repcbli Repcbliwith
with with a leaning ll nlng toward a lower tart tartSome tariff tariffSome lanfCSOlne
Some of hte political fights particularly particularlythat JMUUeularlythat paztleularlthat Y
that with Senator Mitchell are historic historicin Idetor IdetorIn k
in the Western country countryCol countryCol countryCol
Col Scott with his wile awl ILI d son L L M MScott MScott NScott
Scott and ftd his personal physician D DH DH DH
H M Read of Seattle arrived In Balti Baltimore Baltimore Balamore f ¬
more a week ago Monday for tho opera operation oporatlon opertion a ¬
tion on CoL Scott It was wa not believed believedthat bQIIevedthat ballev ballevthat ttd ttdus
that the operation would be a serious seriousone sorlou sorlouone serfo serfoone us
one and the u family had made plans to toe tog t tg 0 0or
g r n flrom Baltimore to Atlantic City f fa for fora fora or
a stay of trbvcrrvl r 1 weeksomo weeks weeksOHIO weeuomo
l 1Unable
Unable to Explain Murder at Cleve Cleveland Cleveland e ¬
1 land of lawyer Rice RiceCleveland RiceClev RiceCleveland
Cleveland Clev Aug T iThe The murder on Fri Friday Frida Friday ¬
day da night tof of William L Rice Rle millionaire millionaireattorney mllllona1rQattorney mklllonsl mklllonslattorney ro
attorney and clubman is still a mystery mysteryTonight mYlteryTonl mysterTonight y
Tonight Tonl t after working Wortdn two days a arunning and andrunning andrunning rid I
running down many nearclews nearele neardews the po police pollee pclice o ¬
lice are baffled b UIed They have no results resultsThe r88ultsThe resultThe s
The theory that Rice was murdered murderedbualnas by bybusiness bybu r
business bu lnoa enemies eneml was Ii exploded early to tonlghL tonight t tnight p
night nlghLThe nightTho nightThe
The widow of the murdered man and andher andh a aher rid
her h < < r four daughters arrived from their theirsummer thek8ummor the thesummer it r
summer home in Massachusetts at noon noonTho JIOOnTho noonThe
Tho theory of murder by footpads footpadsthe is isthe 18the s
the only one left But But there was no job jobbery fObbr jotbery ¬
bery br An envelope filled with bills bill wasleft w wleft was wasleft
left untouched in Rices inner poekeF pocket pocketHis Cket Cketf t
f His trousers pockets wore filled with withsilver withsilver wit witsilver h
silver and nc1 he wore a watch and jewelry jewelryMUM jowelryMUM jewelryMUM
Inspector Dew Said to Be Planning PlanningQuiet PlanningQuiet Plannin PlanninQuiet g
Quiet ReturnBurrlo ReturnBuffalo Return BeturnBuffalo
Buffalo Aug 7 7Inapector Inspector Dew DesScotland of ofScotland oCSeoUaAd f
Scotland Yard had a 0 late supper here herelast heroJast he helast re
last night and motored back to Niagara NiagaraFalls NiagaraFall Niag NiagFalls ma 1
Falls Fall with 1th a couple of English friends friendsearly frlI1dsI Trion Is Isearly s
I early this morning from the Iroquois IroquoisHe IroquolsHe s
He refused rolu ed to talk about tho Crippen Crippencase Crlpponcase Cripp Crippcase en i
case other than to say 81 ho expected to toIn be bein beIn
in charge of Crippen and the Le NevI Nevegirl NevIgirl Ne Negirl ve 8
girl on the trip back to England EnglandOne EnglandOne BnglandOne
One of Inspector Dews English friends friendssaid CrlendssJd frien friensaid its s
said that Dew expected to put over overhot overhot a ahot a
hot one on the newspaper men In the theway theway t U Uway e
way of getting out of the country unob unobserved unobEerved uno unoserved b ¬
served He also declared that the in inspector InEpector Ii Iispector ¬
spector had told him that the Eng11 Eng11police English Englishpolice Englishpolice eh tt
police had Crippen as good as convicted convictedIt convict convictIt L
It is Dews opinion that the trial will willover be beover beover e
over and tho doctor waiting sUng sentence sentenceinsldo sontencoInside senten sentenInside ca c
Inside of two months months3IAY monthsMAY monthsMAY
Noted oted Kentuckian Una Un Chance to toCongressman Be BeCongressman DcCongrclHmnn e
Congressman CongrclHmnnLoulsme CongressmanLouisville CongressmanLouisville
Louisville Kyt K Ky Aug 7 1Unless Unless the theDemocrats theDomoorats ti tiDemocrats e
Democrats of tho Eleventh Congressional Congressionaldistrict CongressIonaldistrIct Congrecafondistrict el elan
district the stronghold of tho Republic Republicparty Republican Republicanparty RopubJlcanparty an
party In Kentucky Kentuck can elect their Rep Representative Reprcentatlve Re Rerc p ¬
resentative rc entathe this fall tho probability now nowIs nowIs no nois w v
Is that Caleb Powers who was tried triedthree triedthreo tri trithree ed d
three times for complicity In tho murder murderof murderot murd murdof er r
of Gov Goebol on the streets of Frank Frankfort Frnnk10rt Fran Frantort ¬
fort January 30 19CO 900 will be the n nRepresentative next nextRepresentative ncCtRepresentative apt t
Representative from tho Eleventh EleventhSince ElevonthSInce EleventhSince
Since the meeting of the State central centralRepublican contralRepublican contr contrRepublican al I
Republican committee in Louisville Pow Powers Powers Po Pocrs w ¬
ers and his cohorts seemed to have had hadthe hadthe hi hithe d
the best of tho campaign campal over D DEdwards C CEdwards CEdwArds
Edwards present Representative oi from fromthe tramthe fro frothe m n
the Eleventh and will probably receive receivethe recehetho recei receithe va e
the nomination
For the District of Columbia ColumbiaMaryland Columbia11aryland ColumbiaIlaryland
Maryland and Virginia unettied unset unsettled un Qt Qttied ¬
tied with occasional showers shcnVerstoday showerstoday shcr vcrs vcrstoday
today and tomorrow light va variable variable variable ¬
riable winds windsHERALD windsHERALD windsHERALD
Pages PngcsIEditor P ages ages1Editor
IEditor 1 Editor Harvey W V Soott Doad DoadPeaceful DoadPoacoful DeadPeaceful
Peaceful Sunday at San Sebastian SebastianFathor SebastianFathor SebastianFathor
Fathor Finds Son Drowned DrownedFashionable DrownedFashIonable DrownedFashionable
Fashionable Resort Is Raided Rald6d2SIlGDSGrs Raided2Saongers x
2 2SIlGDSGrs Saengora to Welcomo Viennese VlannaseCant VlooneseCant VienneseCant
Cant Come Back Bac Club Elects Elaets3arkor BleatsSParker
3 SParker Parker Sees Hope for f r Democracy DemocracyPacker DemocmcyPacker DemocracyPacker
Packer Cudahy Cudah Asks Divorce4Editorial Divorce Divorce4Edltorial Divorce4Edltorlal
4Editorial5In 4Edltorial 4EdltorlalIn
5 5In In the World of Society SocietyNationals Soclety6Natlonals Society6Nationals
6Natlonals Nationals Shut Out by b White Sox S037Resatta Sox7Regatta
7Resatta 7 Regatta Entries All InMuzzlt In InMuzzling InMuzzlt
Muzzling Muzzlt of Dogs Advised Advls6dommerclal Advised3Commercial
9 3Commercial Commercial and Financial Financial10Ohlckon Financial10Chlcken Financial0Chicken
10Ohlckon 1 Thief Captured CapturedArgue CaDturedArgue CapturedArgue
Argue Over Infantile Paralysis ParalysisINFANT ParabslsINFANT
Virginia Boy Passes Away at atGeorgetown atGeorgetown atGeorgetown
Georgetown Hospital HospitalInfant Hosp
Infant paralysis added another victim victimto viutlmto loUm loUmto
to the swiftly growing list Saturday Satur night nightwhan Righthen
when hen Joseph Jo plt Pagan Pa n four years old of ofMcLean oCreLean
McLean Va a died at Georgetown Goo lOwn Hos BOIplta1 Hosplat Hospital ¬
plat pitalThe plta1TM platThe
The child wait wa brought to the hospital hospitalat
at J oclock suffering KerkaC pitifully The lh doe doetors dootors doe doers
tors rs made ma o a desperate de porat ftght Ag t for his fifebut life lifebut uCebot
but he became unconscious before anhour an anhour aahour
hour had passed pu lecI and died at 135 96 oclock oclockLittle odockLltlle
Little Joseph is tho third of iaN family familyto Pasotlyto amIbow
to be stricken by the ghastly gh c17 malady In Inthe Inthe hithe
the last six we ks ksA k kA lass lassA
A younger stetor set r and a brother a aolder year yearfildor deareider
older anrt survived Ivtttl but are helplessly para1r11d parad para paralysed ¬
lysed In a the fewer WIrbabe limbs Joseph Jo ph grew grewww99 ge geom growworse
worse om alarmingly aInnl t after the first two orjbree or orhree orparee
paree hree days d7LIhuehccl y yRuncetl
Ituxlicil to Hospital HoKpltnlThe Jloflpltn1The HospitalThe
The family doctor ordered or eriMt that he be berushed honhed
rushed nhed to a hospital Saturday night as a alast a alast aJut
last resort resortHad relOrLHad resortHad
Had he reached the hospital a few fewhours fewhouri fewlours
hours earlier he would OVId probably havelaces have havebeen havobeen
been been saved ved Sttoutattta were used re repeatedly repeatedly re ¬
peatedly during the battle for the babys babyslife babysUte
life but one convulsion followed anotheruntil another anotheruntil tJer tJeruntil
until death eath stilted the little form formThe formThe
The body bod was 8 taken to Phladelphta the theformer tbefonner thefarmer
former home of the Pagan family for forfuneral torfunl
funeral funtti til and interment yesterday ThePagans The ThePagans ThePagan
Pagans aro prosperous farmers of Mc McLean MeLn ¬
Fire Destroys Old Home of Nlne Nlnetccntli lne lnetccn1i
tccntli teen h Prcsldenf PrcsldenfDelaware P C ld nt ntDwre
Delaware Ohio O lo Aug 7 7Tbe Tbe birthplace birthplaceof
of Rutherford B Hayes Hay nineteenth nlnet nth Pres President Pr PrIdent Pro Proident ¬
ident of the United States was destroyedby destroyed destroyedby dtroedare
by fire in But Williams nUams street this city citytoday eltytoday citytoday
today The building was twostory brick brickone br1ekone brickone
one hundred bundr years ye n old and the property propertyof rty rtyoC
of W C Dlven candy manufacturerThe manufacturer manufacturerThe manufacturer manufacturerThe
The blaze was caused by b a defective flue flueSHOT ftueSHOT
Mistaken for Burglar m mOwn in His HisOwn HisOWJl
Own Home HomeAlbany BorneAlbalQ HomeAlbany
Albany Ga Aug 7 7Junl 7Junius Junius Load th the thesixteenyearold tho8Ixte e
sixteenyearold 8Ixte YOrold son of a wellknown wellknownmerchant wolfknownand oUknownmerchant
merchant of this place was shot and andkilled aDdkilled a akilled
killed by Ida da eldor brother ivey Ivey Lundat Lundat Lund Lundat
at 3 a m mJunius mJunius
Junius In a SIt of a somnambulism somnambulism arose arosefrom aroseCram
from big bod od and was as walking elfin = on 0 th the theonutda e
veranda of his hS fathers home jHo Hs wu wuaeon n era
seen by b a woman who lives next door doorto doorto goo r
to the Lund She thought young oung Lund Lundwu Lu
was a burglar and began to scream screamHer i + cream creamHer
Her cries aroused Ivoy Lund He Hesprang Heprang H Hsprang e
sprang from bod seized his gun and andrushed andrusltOd an d
rushed to the veranda There ho saw w whla
his brother walking and thinking him himburglar a aburglar aburg1ar
burglar shot hot him dead As the gun gunaihed gar n
flashed Ivey Lund saw it was his brother brotherand brotherand toroth torothand m
and fell in n a faint faintTRAIN faIntTRAIN
Four Killed and rliny 3 any Injured Near NearBirmingham NearBirmingham Nea NeaBirmingham r
Birmingham BirminghamBirmingham BirminghamBirmingham BirminghamBirmingham
Birmingham Ala e1ug Vug Ug 7Whlle 7 While going goingover goingoer goln g
over the Southern Railway crossing oroe tng at atNinth atNinth a aNinth t
Ninth street and Sixth avenue in n Besse Beanornor Bessemer BeHomer ¬
mer a suburb of Birmingham this after atternoon
noon an excursion automobile which whichoperated whichoperated
operated between Bessemer and M West WestLake t
Lake a a summer resort was dashed Into Intoby 1st 1stby 0
by the Solma passenger train and four fourpersons fourpersons feu r
persons wore killed outright one fatally fatallyhurt fatal Y rY
hurt two seriously hurt and four others othersmore othorsmor otho
more mor or less injured
J N Roden was driving the machine machineand machineand machineand e
and he evidently eldenU did not hour the ap approachlnf
preaching proachlnf train Ho and Miss Keller KellerBgod r
aged seventeen were were both load oho ohoreached when whenrcached °
reached MIA Crenshaw Miss Fitzpnt Fitzpntrick Fltzpntrick
rick daughter dQught r of the president of the theboard theboard th thboard e
board of education of Bessemer and andRobert nn d
Robert Black wore yore picked up in n a dan dangerous denserous
gerous condition badjy maimed Miss MissCrenshaw iii
Crenshaw tho sister of the other young your oung oungwoman g
woman and Vernon Lee had broken brokenlimbs brokonUmb brokelimbs n
limbs while three children and another anotherman anotherman anoth anothman m nm
man were more or lest injured Tho Thoautomobile Thoautomobile Th Thautomobile °
automobile was dragged JOO yards tardS and andsmashed andsmashed an ansmashed d
smashed to pieces Iecos before the passenger puecI1 er ertraIn dr r
train could be stoppedBlack stopped stoppedBlack stoppedBlookl
Black Blookl and Miss FItzpatrick died at 10 10GORE lUp j
p m
Congressional Committee Arrive ArrhcIn s
nt n t McAlcstcr lcAlcster1cAlestbr Ic llestcr
McAlestor Okla Aug 7 iThe The Congres Congresslonal Congressional Conga Congaatonal es
atonal committee investigating Senator SenatorGoros Senat or r
Goros charges of an attempt to bribe bribeI bath bathh o 3
h arrlod here thIs afternoon accom accompanied aeeo m
panied by Jake Hamon Senator Gore Gorewill GoreWill Go C °
will 111 be here In the morning morningTho morningThe
The session lo lon will 111 begin In the morning morningand morningand mornin j
and will probably continue three days A Anumber L
number of the prominent Indians are in 1nthe j n i
the city and some of these will be called calledas callelas Gallo Galloas d 1
as witnesses
Soldiers Priests and Peas Peasants Peasants Peasants ¬
ants Mingle Mingle MingleWOULDBE in Parks ParksWOULDBE ParksWOULDBE
SJiput hput tjjt t Death Death to Spain SlID In from fromn
n Window Window 110 of o the Sopnrntixt Club ClubCnimcft Ol ClubCauses b bCnosea
Causes Civil Guards to Gather in inAlX InOccnllDntM inUlf
AlX Occupants of HOUHC HouseThreat HouseThreatcned Threat Threatened ¬
ened District Strongly PolicedSae Policed PolicedSan PolicedSaa
San Sebastian Atsf A 7 amide 7 Aside from the thepresence theprelfJ thepresence
presence prelfJ presence Ce of an unusual number of sol soldiers 1101dio aoldiers ¬
dio diers priests and n < < peasants on the streets streetsthe streetsthe uee ueethe
the town wore rare its U usual Sunday Saud appear appearance 8ppearanee appearance ¬
ancePeople ance ancePeople aneePeople
People went to ch chjfrch frch and then laughed laughedand laUCbedaDd laughedand
and chatted while they strolled in thepublic the thepublic tilepublic
public squares and ad parks In the after afternoon alternoon afternoon ¬
noon there was a tremendous tremen tremeniipns u throng at atthe atlho atthe
the bull light aDd the last t thing that thatscorned thatseomed thatseemed
scorned to be on the minds mla 8 of the specta spectators spectators spectators ¬
tors was iiI the church dispute They wereapparently were wereapparently
apparently 8 parenUY interested only onl In the ordinaryamusements ordinary ordinaryamusements on1naryamulementB
amusements of a Spanish holiday holidayOver holidaYOer holidayOver
Over night there was a ripple of oxcitoment ex excitomcnt excltom
citomcnt cltom < < nt but it came to nothing nothl In the theend theend theend
end It started when the members of the thetist theSe
Se > Jfti8t tist Club which hleb is known here heretho as astho asthe
tho BaSquE B sque Center threw up the windows windowsand windowsand windowsand
and shouted at the crowds in the street streetDeath 8tr 8trDORlh streetDeath
Death to Spain Immediately the chat chattering chatterIng chattering ¬
tering crowds in the neighboring neJgb cat cafes cafessprang caC3prnng cafessprang
sprang to their feet and for a time there therewas tberewa ther e
was wa an uproar uproarr uproarAre
r Are Quickly Arrested ArrestedThe Arre8tcclThe
The Civil Guards who are 10 not easily easilyexcited ealyexcited osit ositexalted Y
excited rushed to the club 1broke broke in the thedoors thedoors th thdoors e
doors and nd arrested arre tld about ICO A I of the oc occupants c ceupnnt ¬
cupants including a number num r of priests priestsThey prleetsThey
They all continued to shout and sing IIDldlUous singditious se seditlous
ditlous dlUous songs sons while a section of the pub public public publie ¬
lic looked on and cheered the b bustness bustnessliko U81ne88 U81ne88Uko
like work Of the guard Thousands spent spentthe Spent Spenttho t
the night discussing the incident in the thestreets ttestreets th thstreets e te
streets but at dawn they slipped away awayto awJYto awe aweto Y
to bed and the day from that time on onwas onwas o owas n
was quiet and uneventful uneventfulAbout uneventfulAbout uneventfulAbout
About 30CO regular troops occupied occupiedstrategic occupiedstrateslc oceupl oceuplstrategic ed
strategic points polnt in the more thickly pop populated populated populated ¬
ulated sections of the city while 4 4000 4000more 4000more 000
more were in reserve re irc In the outskirts outskirtsExcept outskirts outskirtsExcept outskirtsExcept
Except whoqJLhe whorL the main portion of the them theminarched themmarched m
marched to mass this morning they theywere theywere the Y
were not greatly roat1y in evidence although althoughsentries allbouShsentrlos altlouglsentries
sentries and patrols were scat scatContlnncd scatContlnnc1 scatContinued
Continued on Page PnJ tt t Column Co mmn mn 4 4FLYER 4FLYER
Passengers Passeng s on o n Pennsylvania Limited LimitedGet LimitedGet te teGet d
Get Shakeup ShakeupCanton ShakeupCanton
Canton Aug 7 7The The Pennsylvania PennsylvaniaRoad PennsyhtU1lRoad PennylvattRoad fa
Road elghteonhcur train on its way Way very to toChicago toChicago t tChicago o
Chicago was wrecked at East Tuscar Tnscarawas TuscartlWRS Tuscarawes
awes street str t in 1 this city about 2 oclock oclockthis oclockihis oclockmorning
this morning and every everyone one of its si six sixPullman sixPuJIman Y
Pullman cars left the track trackOf trackoc trackOf
Of the many passengers on the train trainnone trainnone trai trainone n
none was seriously hurt The causa causaof cauS8oC cans cansof ne e
of tho wreck Is believed to have boon boona bee n
a broken brake brake beam on the engine enginePATTERSON enginetender ne e
tender tenderPATTERSON tenderPATTERSON
Nashville Tenn Tennt Aug Aug7Go 7 7Gov Gov M R RPatterson
Patterson nominee of the socalled socalledstraight socanedstraight socalla socallastraight d
straight Democratic ticket at the Novembor Novem November Novembor ¬
bor election may ma decide to retire from fromthe tromtho fro frothe m
the raceI race raceI racon
n I have not said I will not run says saysGov SQsGov say sayGov a
Gov Patterson which hleh Is taken by som some someto someto e
to moan that he will shortly shortt announce announcehis announcehis announchis e
his retirement from politics His ticket ticketfor tickettOr tick et
for judiciary ju lolary nominations was beaten by bynearlY b y
nearly 50090 majority jn fin the primaries primarIeslast prfmart es
last Thursday ThursdaySct
v i Sets Sct Balloon RecordLondon Record RecordLondon RccorcLondon
London London Aug 7 7Willows Willows an English Englishballoonist h
balloonist flew Mst night from Cardiff CardltrJ Cardl ft
to London a n distance stance of IfO 1i 51 miles In a ndirigIble
dirigible He was as unaccompanied unnccom > llnled His Hisflight H1 s
tance flight breaks the English record for dis distance dIstance dintanco ¬
Council Bluffs lnall Iowa A Au Auccompnnllel Aug up 7 7Accompanied 7Accompanied
Accompanied by b n noise like liketltumler likethunder likethunder
thunder n Inrprr meteor fell In Inthe Inthe Inthe
the nclehliorhood of Council CouncilDhiffft CuncllDllla CouncilBluffs
Dhiffft Dllla this afternoon nt ntoou Kliakiu Kliakiuthe slinking IlluakluJtbe slinkingthe
the city cIt and cniiKln caUllluJ intense excitement ex excitement excitement ¬
citement It In supposed HUlI1oit 1 to have linvcfnilcn hnclnttB havegenes
genes fnilcn In the ulllx Immediately Immediatelyback InmlcrUntelybuck immediatelybrick
back of the city The meteor ix ixduMcrllied ladmlcrlllccl isdescribed
duMcrllied an very cr large nudtraveled nue1trnTclerl suit suittrnvcled
traveled from northwest t tnriuthcniit to toouthc tosnutltcnst <
nriuthcniit nriuthcniitAEBO snutltcnstAE outhc t
1 r rAEltO 4 4RO
Pfttsbnrg Pit Pa Aug 7 iOOl If airships a1r lpe are areas areatttv areas
as sensitive to wind gusts tII as the Curtispeople Curtis Curthwpeople Curu Curupeople
people JW Id 1 us to believe in the past three threedays thrMda threedays
days da 1 win recommend reeomme d that the tJI only 0It17feue de defense dotense ¬
tense needed Dee ed by war vessels veue against a their theirair tbeirair theiraka
air sleets win in be electric fans to Wow bJ6 the theattacking UteattackiD1 theattacking
attacking fleet away awayPresident aWA aWAPlNIdeat awayPresident
President W Llnford Smith of the thePlttsburg thePlttlllNrg thePittsburg
Plttsburg Aero Club made mad this remark remarkthis remarkthb remarkthis
this afternoon In criticism of the Ufree Ufreeday tItreeda7 tllreeday
day airship ir tp meet ending end Jut night t atBrunots at atBrunots atBrunow
Brunots IslandThe Island IslandThe IUDdTbe
The GaacUeHmes owned by United UnitedStates UuJt6dStat UnitedStates
States Stat Senator Oliver Oliver and ad the Sunday SundayPress SuDdayPreM SundayPress
Press owned oW oo by Col O P Hersbman Hersbmanthis Herabmanthis
this morning made somewhat bitter at attacks attaOQ attache ¬
tacks OR Aviators AYlat Curtis Baldwin Baldw Baid tvitt andMars and andMars antMan
Mars claiming they did not exert them themselves tJtemHlv themselves ¬
selves Hlv to do what was promised at the themeet tINmeet thereact
meet meetPresident meetPr reactPresident
President Pr Went Smith said today Tho whole wholeaffair wholtaUaJr wholeaffair
affair affair was a btttar disappointment I 1ceta can cannot ottunot
not oot but think that wore I making mak1 1 a living livingat JI JIat livingat
at flying Jln I would have ve tried a little littleharder little1IanIer littiiebirder
harder to do somoefbbJ aomo Hying here than was wasdone Wudone
done They told us that the wind was wasvery wuery wasvery
very ery high up abo e and we had to ac accept ACcept sccept ¬
cept their word Corliss CIII did not reach reachhere rchhere
here until the morning momln for flying flyingShortly lng lngSlwrtl
Shortly Slwrtl after they reached bore all allseemed allHemed allseemed
seemed to get cold feet I could not notblame notblame notblame
blame any AnyOne one who paid his moner monei mane to tosee toeeo tosee
see flying at Brunots Island I land for kicking kickingYes klc1agYes kickingYes
Yes Ivory ory member of the Aero Clubtried Club Clubtried ClubtrIed
tried to get them to go into the air more morebut morebut morebut
but they did id not notPARIS notP
Aviators A Must Toe the Mark Markto Markto Marlto
to Get 820000 20000 Prize PrizerfIS PrizeIs
rfIS Is Ifs Aug 7 iToda 7Today Today saw sa V the begin beginning beginning beginning ¬
ning hore of the first aerdplano race racewherdth racewho mac macnher6th e
wherdth who G1 l the schedule Is fixed a week weekahead woolebend nro
ahead and the competitors must take takethe takelh tak takthe e
the lh chance of wind and weffther wdlCth r Hith Hitherto HItherto ¬
erto air races have been flown at such suchtimes suchUrnes
times as contestants might cheeseThe choose chooseThe cl1o cl1oTho
The present events are for x 20000 ° 0040riats in inprizes Inprhca n
prizes riats offered by the Paris Matln and andinclude andIMlude an d dSri
include n t circular flight of about 4SO 4SOmiles 4S9miles 9 9miles Sri
miles which must be covered In six sixstages sixsblges sb sbstages r
stages The log of the flight covered to today today ¬
day w vSs hs s from rom Paris to Troyos TroyesThirtyAve TroyosThirtyfive TroycsThlrt
Thirtyfive Thlrt fie machines had been entere entered enteredfor enteredfor d
for the contests but when the start was wasmade wasmnde wa wamade a
made at Issy I sy today there lher ware only nln nlnentrants nine nineentrants nineentrants e
entrants on hand handNevertheless han hanNevcrtheless handNevertheless
Nevertheless it is estimated by b the po police poJlee palice ¬
lice that fully half a million mUllonpOIIons mUllonpOIIonssaw parsons parsonssaw s
saw the start Six of the machines machinesreached machinesreached B Breached
reached Troyos this afternoon two Blor Blorlot Blorlot
lot ot monoplanes making the best tin time timeThey timeThe e
They The were operated by Leblanc and Au Aubrun Aubrunt Aubrun
brun brunt who made ninetythree and ninety ninetynine nlnetynine
nine miles respectively No Wright ma machines machinos ¬
chines were entered After reaching reaohl reaohlrl the theopen theopin th C
open country today toda the aviators ran raninto ranInto ra n
into a a heavy mist and as a consequencethey Consequencetaey consequence e
they gay were compelled to steer steed by thecom thecompass thecompass
pass passTho passThe passThe
The next section of tho flight is fro froTroyes from fromTroyes CromTroes m
Troyes to Nancy a distance of 180 miles milesIt milesIt milesIt
It will be sailed tomorrow tomorrowWhile tomorrowWhJIe
While civilians ch iltans were reaping laurels to today loday ¬
day by b flying from Paris to Troyes six sixarmy sixarmy sl
army lieutenants on tnrce biplanes and andcarrying andoarr an I
carrying oarr lng each a regular equipment flew flewfrom fiewtrom fist fistfrom v
from Chalons to Nancy in compliance compliancewith compliancewith S Swith
with a fixed programme
I Search at Brentwood Lasts LastsNear LastsNear Las LasNear
Near l1vel Twelve e HoursBODY Hours HoursBODY HoursBODY
iveycarold eearol1 Son of Samuel SamuelAlexander H HAlexander IL ILAlcxuncler
Alexander JSmployc ml1loc of Poatofflcc PoatofflccDepartment IostolnceDCImrhncnt PostofflcDepartment c
Department Disappear from Ills IllsHome JIb1I0mcDbcoer Ili IlillomcDiscovery a
llomcDiscovery Home 1I0mcDbcoer Discovery of Lifeless LlfcJc Form FormSettle FormSctUCJII PornSctUcs m
Settle Mystery of Suburb SnbnrbHalf SuburbHal SuburbHalf
Half erased cra with grief over ov the mterlomt mys mysterious m mtwu ¬
terious disappearance of hte hi ftveyearoid ftveyearoidson thoe78UoIclSamuel reyar reyarson
son Samuel H L Alexander of Brentwood BrentwoodMd BrcntwoodMd BrentwoodMd
Md yesterday morning after aft twetyboors twelve twelvehoars twelvehoara e
boors search ch stood over OYO an open well in ina Ina 1 1s A
a lot less than half a mile from his hisand home homeand homean
an and l saw 1 the drowned lad hi nine feet o owater of ofwater ofwater t
water waterThe waterThe waterThe
The body bod was removed by b neighbors neighborswho ntlsborswho neighborwho s sheld
who had Ad joined In one of the maa mnasearching maaHI1rddn many manysearching
searching HI1rddn parties and an inquest Inquestby held heldby heldb helder
by b Justice of the Peace StlckeH A ver verdict verdict v vdiet er ¬
dict of accidental death tiortb was returned returnedThe returnedThe returnedThe
The boy named Wfl William Wmtm lam Kendall Alex Alexander AIexadr Alexnailer ¬
ander adr bed been playing 71 with several severalother severalother severs seversother t ttttrday
other children about his home tome Saturday SaturdayAbout St StAbout Sa SaAbout tttrday tttrdayetsttrte
About I oclock Ida mother became becameatarmod becalMr b bdarned etsttrte etsttrten
darned r od at his absence e and made toadstuldes in inulries 1Duh1es n
ulries of neighbors bbon When her husband husbandreturned husXadretunMd has hasreturned
returned from tro Washington WuhlA < < ton he Immedi Immediately Immodlately imm immately ° ¬
ately organized a searching party No Notrace N Ntrace
1 trace of the boy could be foundDescends found foundDescend foundDescenct
Descend on LadderAbout Ladder LadderAbout LndcrAbout
About About S oclock yesterday morning mom W Wter Wal Walter WaIter al
ter Williams and C T Lenahan two twoof twoor t tof
of tho party passed by the hid where wherea whennew wh wha ere
a new house ho is being bujlt A search soarebthe of ofthe oCthe
the cellar was made Williams saw the theopen theopen th thopen p
open well and upon looking in discover discovera discovered discovereda dl8coveredchild ed
a childs child garment floating ofItt on the water waterWilliams wAterIIUams wateWiillams r
Williams IIUams obtained a ladder descended descendedInto deacend deacendinto eeeeadeclInto e < 1
Into the well and brought the body bod bodyythe to tothe tothe
the surface A cut was found over the theright therigllt th thright
right eye and a gash eu on the back of the thehead tilehMc1 Us Ushead e
head headAt hMc1At headAt
At the inquest iDquo t Dr Harry Nalley stated statedthat stat4dU stet stetat
that U at t injuries were Inflicted by the boys boyshead boyshea bo boy boyhead y a
head hea striking the brick sides of the we weas well wellas weUas 11
as he fell The body was taken to the thehomo thehomo t thomo he
homo of the parents WIlmtL No funeralrangements funeral ar arrangements arrangemente ¬ =
rangements have 98 UJ yet t been made madeHoldN IIMdelIolllM madeHolds
HoldN Life Position PositionMr PositionMr
Mr Alexander is an employe in InPostoffice the thePostofllce thePOItoffice
Postofllce Department holding a life lifeposition Uteposition Ill Illposition fe
position by b virtue of an order from Pres President PreaIdcnt Fr Frident es ¬
ident Roosevelt in reward for fa bravery 1Kaver in indefending IndeCendln I Idefending
defending deCendln postal property propertyOn propertyOn propertyOn
On February Februar S 1SW 1 he was was stationed stationedat statlon statlonat
at Asheville N C Four masked men manentered m en
entered the office and covering AJexan AJ Aleaader 9n 9nder n
der with a revolver demanded the con1 con1blnaUon
bination to the safe In an unguarded unguardedmoment unguardedmoment unguardedmoment
moment Alexander seized his hi revolver revolverand revolverand retirely retirelyand er
and shot two of the men who died in inprison Inprison I Iprison
prison a few days later The other t two twowere twoere wo
were ere lynched n < hOO by a posse posseTAFT pusseTAFT
Several Members of Cabinet to Visit VisitHim Visit VisitHim Vie It
Him at Beverly BeverlyBeverly BeverlyBerb
Beverly Aug 7 iPre 7President President ident Taft w wsee will willsee willsee 111 1
see several S oral members of his Cabinet dur during lUI doIns lUIInS r ¬
InS the present pre ent week we k Poatmast PostmasterGen PostmasterGeneral rGen rGeneral Ge n ¬
eral Frank H Hitchcock will come comeoverly come c me to toBeverly toovorly D
Beverly overly on Tuesday Secretary of Stat StatKnox State Stesox is t
Knox rtnox sox is In the vicinity of Beverly and andSecretary n aid 1d 1dStcreta1J 9
Secretary of the Treasury Troasur MacVeagh hiacVeahexpected Is Isexpected 16expecled S
expected to come down from Now Hamp Hampshire lIkmp lIkmpshIre I at atshire A ¬
shire almost any day Secretary Mac MacVeagh MacVcash Ma MaVengh e
Veagh and Postmaster General Hitchcock Hitchcockare Hitchcockare Hitches Hitchesare C
are both identified l entlftcd with the th postal savn savings savingsbank Slngabank
bank bankPresident bankPrealdsnt
President Taft went to church in Bov Boverly Boverly Bo BoOrly y
erly this morning He entertained Judga JudgaJohn JulgeJohn Judi JudiJohn a
John W Y Warriagton of Cincinnati at atluncheon atluncheon 1
luncheon and this afternoon took a to tomotor long longmotor longmolor rig S
motor ride ridePopular ridePopulnr ridePopular
Popular Excursion Excu on Baltimore A t Ohio OhioI OhIou Oh OhLeave 1o 0
I R RM n AngiiHtll AUl1lKt J
Leave Union i Ion Station 815 a m UOO 100 to toI 0
I Harpers Ferry F n ry and ISfartinsburg lfA rUnsburg 1J5 to o
Berkeley BHkele Springs and J200 200 to Cumber Cum fir r r ¬
land and return by special train re f ¬
turning same day dB Splendid opportunity opportun riv i
1 for a delightful outing cheap
Employers Seek to Engage New NewCloakmakers NewO1oakmakers NewCloakmakers
Cloakmakers Cloakmakersew Cloakmakers1ew
1ew ew York Aug 7 Attempts AUemJKrtare Attem are to 1ftmade tomade be bemade
made tomorrow to tobleak break tbft strike ofthe of ofthe atthe
the closJcmakers New men have beensrad beensepurad been beensecured
secured to area tb u the factories factoriesThere factoriHTkere factorleaThere
There was excitement among I OAg the stalk striking uIk uIkInc
Inc ctoakmakers c akntakers and their leaders over overthe oerUte overthe
the news new ntRt that arrangements arraD were wento madeto made madetir
to picket all the factories the picketsbeing pickets picketsbefog picketsb
befog b lng 1JIitnIe laKractfa to have v due regard to tothe tothe tothe
the preliminary Injunction against vio violence TloJ vfolance ¬
lance J or Intimidation issued oed by n Justice JusticeLehman J JusticeLehman ee eeIAhman
Lehman on Saturday The manufac manufacturers meatnfaetamers alae alaeturwa ¬
tamers are engaging g their own ownbrk igrika igrikabreahars tt tliks tliksbreakers
breakers brk ana will hare them p jjrotected jjrotectedby fOtectedby eteeted eteetedby
by the Fidelity Secret Setvide 13 13nt8mb Bureau BureauA l3weaaA
A member nt8mb r of the Cloak Suit art SkIrt SJctetManufacturers SkIrtlramltaeturelS S1drtManufacturers
Manufacturers Association said the rsa rsalifaeturers man manufacturers JIM I I1ItIet1IreN ¬
ufacturers are getting men from deve Cleveland devehunl Cien1u4
land ChicttgCr CI cn rtd < l other citiesThe cities citiesThe cltleaTile
The striking cloakmakerg number 7J ItFEATHERS W WFEATHERS
Chief Executive of Chile ChileH Has Hasan hasan as asan
an Experience ExperienceK
1 1I
K I ti tr York Y rk Aug iThe The President P of oftit ofUt
tit th5 Republic Bop Wtc of Chile with his ala party putyratwned 1tV7roblrne partyreturned
returned from Beverly BeYerI jtonlght where wherethe WbeleMd wherethey
the they tad pals pat < < a visit to President Taft TaftThrough Tattlkroap TaftThrough
Through the Chilean charge daf8dres daf8dresat da aaar aaarIIJ alres alresat
IIJ at Washington WUld Alberto Yoacbam Presi President Prwtdt Pt ¬
dent Moult tonight t atcItt expressed hlmset h hwIdt as asdeashtttl asNllghted
deashtttl with the attention that had hadhew b bI badbeep
I hew 11 given vea him ant his party and saM saMthat saidthat Jd Jdi
i that his hi slay 7 la Boston and lid his vfcU to tothe tothe
1 the president had h d been delightful delightfulAfter dellcbttuLI delightfuLAfterr
After ter his ant sight I n an American Americanbocnt can canM
I besot bocnt M i so hte present pre eat trip President Moatt Moattsprite Koottthe Monttepoito
sprite to the management of the Plaza Plazashout P1uaIllMut Pleaabout
shout the pillows pinowxThe pillowsTIN pallowuThe
The pillows p Iowa at the Platte after the theAmerican theerlean theAmerlan
American erlean custom are ailed with feath feathers feathers feathers ¬
ers which wJ Icb it appears are much too soft softlor 110fttor
for the Chilean President and because becausethey becausetbey
I Ithey
they wore soft somewhat Interfered with withhis j I IIU
his sleep and ad the sleep aeep of some me of theothers the tbeothen i iothers
others of his natty nattyLast tattyLast I j ILaat
Last night t as soon as at the President Presidenthad I
had h ad dined be lay down for a 1eW ew min minutes miuutes ¬
utes ut and I found toaadthat that the objectionable objectionablepillows obJktloublepOIawa ob tbaable tbaableillows i
pillows p illows had been renoved and specially speciallymade eclally eclallymade
made pillows had been substituted Theeewere Thesewere These Thesewere
were filled with horse bora aorM haM baldPrudent haMPreal4eDt hahiPresident
President Montt seat word won is t tTIIomPlOft tThompeos Manager ManagerThompson
Thompson of the hotel tbaaking th U him himfor hhafor
for the courtesy eourt y and Mr Thompson Tboml said saidUiat MIclthe
that the pillows would be presented presentedPresident to toPresident toPretddeAt
President Montt and his party part to take takewith takewltb takewith
with them on the rest of their trip cine cineit titles sc scIt
it t 1s likely that they wm wmttMr willfeather encounter encounterfeather
feather ptttowe at more than thaaTWO one place placeTWO
Anxiety at Mnnlcli Over Safety of ofSix orSix o I ISix
Six Occnpnta OccnpntaMunich Oecnp nt ntKulllcb
Munich A Aug 7Kucla Much anxiety te felt felthers felttier felthere
hers tier coacerninff the theate ate of < 1t two military militarybaUooas mUJtarybaIIoOII mI11 mI11balloons
balloons which ascended from this thinOR place placeoa 1
oa August 5 and which have not since sincebeen elaeebeeD sine sinebeen
been heard from There were three per persons perHQ8 perfora ¬
sons hi each balloon balloonINSURGENTS baJloonINSURGENTS
CUMMINS FOR 1912 1912Serious 1912Serious I9
Serious Conference Is Held Heldin Heldin Belcin 1
in Senators Office OfficeDec OfficeDel
Dec Moines uota Iowa Aug A 7 7TtIat 7Tiantor That Sena Sea SeatQl
tor Albert B Cummins te the logical lo6ioaldttlate can candidate ¬
didate for Western W lasurgencr E to asp aupport np npport
port for the Presidential nomination nominationthe tIGa in inthe Iatft Ii
the tft campaign Ip of 1ll 992 t Is the settled coo coavfetfcM NQiOtfOR coolotloa
vfetfcM of hte hi factional constituenfes < OD8tItueD OD8tItueDto and andto
to the reaching of that thatall consummation consummationall COD8a tIoQ tIoQan
all the energies ea resources re ourea and an < < enthuai enthuaiasm eaUnl8lAI en tom
east his AI followers folio can summon win w t be bedevoted bedevoted
devoted devotedAt devotedAt
At a conference In Senator Cn Cummins Cumminsoffice CulDll1iD8o Drains
office o b in the Fleming building bu d1n partici participaled part1clPt pa raid
Pt paled lttd In by former Lieut Lieu GOT Warren WarrenGarst 1fIftDGarst n
Garst GGar Editor A B Funk State Senator SenatorJames SenateJ f
James 1 awes A Smith State Binder BinderChasaeil S D DChasseH DChauell
ChasseH exSenator Seaator Frank Maytag Maytttgrreg Rep Jtepreeentatlve ReprMeIat1ve
reeentatlve reg entat ive S H Hubbard former Rep Representatfve RepreHfttattve
resentatfve George M Curtis and Del sev several
oral era others ot en of similar standing and in inftuence Innuene
ftuence th Uti situction sit taioa was exhaustively exhaustivelyanalyzed exhaU eabausti 1TeIY 1TeIYnabozed
analyzed and discussed tU cUlllled todayware today to ay There Therewere TMrewore
were those present who reported reportedasseraees that thatassurances tbates iba t
assurances es had d been received that thatcousin Wis Wisconsin WI8conaln ¬
cousin would stand behind the Iowa can candidate caDjldate
didate as a far as Senator La FoUettes FoUettesinfluence FoIIetteaIn tte
influence In uence was visa concerned that the Wte Wteconsin W Weon
consin eon tn statesman had no hopes of being beingable belncable be beable b6
able to la k41 land d a Preal Presidential eaUal rtominat rtominathimself nomination nominationhimself aomlDaUonhimself ion ionWitt
himself and that If he could barely barel barelythe win winthe wiathe
the desperate fight for a renomination renominationwhich renomiaatloDwhich renomfart
which I fa s ahead of him ho would be beto glad gladto
j to then come to the aid of ofI1d its colleague colleagueand s
and I1d beeont bcMI9 ltoegilt friend friendASKS friendASKS
A ASKS TAFT FOR AID AIDWashington AIDWashington
Washington State Governor Alarm Alarmed Mamed Ala Alaed ¬
ed by Forest Fires KresTacoma FiresTacoma FiresTacoma
Tacoma Wash Aug 7 7Gov Qov Hay Haynight hut hutnight lastnlsht
night wired 1red President Taft as follows followsTimber foIIowaTimber
Timber interests In Montana OutgoIdaho Oregon OregonIdaho OreconIdbo D
Idaho and Washington request reque t that I urge qqeupon
upon you ou the the use of national troops m mthese In Inlbe80
these four States to cooperate with the theforest thetoreat
forest service in Inftchtl fighting forest flres ftrMwhere
where a a million Ullon dollars hi n property hi Jaburning
burning fits rhe h season H on is unusually dry dryand d ry
and fires are raging ragin hi many local places placesS placeI
I indorse this request requeatKILLS
Austrian Section Hand Arrested ArrestedAlter Arre1tccftcr lamest cd
Alter ftcr n Chaxe CbUeSouth
South Omaha Aug 7 iMike 7Mike Mike Arllik an anAustrJan
Austrian section hand this afters afternoon afternoonmurdtred eon
murdered his two companions Antone AntoneCarrner AntoDeCarrner Antos AntosCarmner e
Carrner and Joseph Niclicitch Theycame They The be became beCAme ¬
came Involved in a row over a woman womanArl11k n
Arllik suddenly suddt > nly pulled a big knife and andmade ax d
made one slash at Canner Carrn r cutting the thelaUers ii e
letters throat from ear to ear With one oneblow o rue
blow at Niclicitch he f sent nt his bind bindthrough blude bludethroush iota der
through the latters heart He was wa ar arrested 11 11rested r rrested
rested after a chase
Women W omen Faint as 0 Officers Officersv OfficersBatter OfficersBatter fflceis fflceisBatter
Chief of Police of Nagragknsett NagragknsettBlocks NaJragansettBlocks l1a I raganest t tBlocks
Blocks the Law LawFlacky Laws LnvPluc Lawucky
Flacky Pluc Pl ucky Constable Sends for Anslnt derititsues Anslntnnce hsldRnce
sues and nnclStaml rStandli Stand Lone Guard Over OverRonletic OcrRoulettc OverRoulette
Roulette Wheel leclH Which rblCI1 Arc Stolen Stolenfrom Stolenfrom
1 1from
from Him 11m by Waiter nlterJl Trying to toDestroy toDetroy toDestroy
Destroy Bvldence ldcnee and Ij 14 Finally FinallyTaken Bnal1yTake PlnallyTaken
Taken Take Prisoner b by the Police PoliceNarragansctt PollceNarra PoliceNarragansett
Narragansctt Narra Pier Ant 7A 7 raid onthe on onthe onUN
the Quarters uartft8 of the swell Narragansett Narragansettdttb NarrapnsettcIua NarragansettC1htb
dttb early nr this morning made nao by five fiverefonners 1heref fivereformers
reformers ref headed by Constable John G GCrass Ger GCross
Crass er was hampered by b Chief of Police PoliceJames PoliceJ Policeames
J James ames mea D Casweli CasweliDttrias CUw CoaweIIDaring n nthe
Daring the raid the chief cb blocked the theactions th thact theactiolar
actions act of o the invaders and later caused causedthe Cusedtile causedthe
the arrest of Constable Cros Cr Croee and George GeorgeL korg korgL
L Getting of Worcester Worcf
ter one of the re reformers rtfonnen rermers
formers fa rmers on charges cbar < < ea of assault IHult His yea yeasloe reason Tfaon ¬
son on for deiaYIa dela riders
delaying lag the at flrst was wasthat wasthat as asthat
that they the were ere acting without warrants warrantsThe warrantThe warrantsThe
The < action of the chief was hi n direct op opposition oppoaltlon opposition ¬
position to an order given hits h n by Assist Assistant AStl Assistnt t taDt ¬
ant a nt Attorney General P
Harry Crosswho Cross Crosswho CrossWho
who directed the chief ch t to go to the as assistance 18adataDee aaatstance ¬
sistance of Constable Cross and the mem members member meribas ¬
bas ber of the raiding party partyConstable part partConrltable ponyCountable
Constable Stays Sta at PostConstable Post PostConstable PostConstable
Constable Cross e remained majned on guard guardver gua guaOfti < 1
Ofti o ver the gambling implements In the t1IIeclub theclub
club rooms from 1215 I L1 oclock ocl k this mori mor morlac
lac until nearly noon while hUe everything ever thing
was done to oust him in order that they theymight tht theymight > y ymight
might be taken take away and hidden All of ofthese ottbeee ofese
these th ese efforts fatOn tailing Chief OUswell en ob obtabled obtaine4
tabled 11 warrant for Cross arrest on a acharge aCbarxe a acharge
charge of assault and placed pl the cm cmstable ccnI cc n ntable
I stable s under arrest lTfl8t with ith his hi own hands handsAs hau hau1M hrnrisAt
1M As those tbo e two left the building b l1 the gam gamblers gambiers ¬
biers commenced to remove the evidence evidenaaof evidenceof eiden eidenof
of gaming and within fifteen minutes minutesthe mtnutethe minutehe
the t he rooms were wer as bare v S a dance dane hall hallfloor halltIoor halloor
floor floorThe tIoorThe d oor
The raid was a complete surprise surpriseWhen aurpritWMa surpriseWhen
When the raiding party part p posited d by tae tlieguards tHaDd
guards and through the steel doors the theanasMurs then theikrs
anasMurs ikrs n seat sett posthaste for Chief Cas Casqatt CuAfter Case
qatt e After lids JIIIIIWaJ arrival things took tO k m mQeorae ma h ha
a fJiDt aspect upeetocwe aspect0eorge
Qeorae L L Cutting of Worcester s Stn Stnof Svnof < m mof
of Lads Cutting of Trow Trowbri4lce bridge road was wasone wasoar as asODe
one of the ral raiding k1g party He was as ar arrested arrate arrested ¬
rested rate about i oclock this thi morning on ontwo ontwo ontwo
two charges one of assaulting usaultlu < < an officerand oftkt officer oRiceranother > r raaother
and another for having a concealed weai weaipoo 1tOa 1tOapoD
poD Baa was furnished to the amountSummer amount amountof amountet
of =
Summer Resident Alii AliiWith AldWIth Aids AidsWith
With Constable Cross were ere James S SY SY SY
Y Ivins of New York a summer rest resident rsldeat restdent ¬
dent at the pier George ge L 1 Cutting a afriend a afIWDd afriend
friend of Mr Ivins Constable Samuel SamuelBrown Sam SamuelBrown Ilt IltBnwa >
i Brown and nd Constable Tenant These five fivemet themet fivemet
met at WakxAeld W 1d about 11 oclock Saturday Satur Saturday Satuda7 ¬
day night and went went in an automobile to toNarragansett o oNarragansett I INarall8ett
Narragansett Pier They The got out of the themachine thfmuhln themaebtao
machine in ra front t of the Casino which is isnearly ISDeruiy isnearly
nearly across the street from the club chibroora cbhroom clubraos4
room raos4 and a waited until 12e7 oclock lx lxfom U Uton bcmaking
ton making makingsaid the raid raidConstable raidCoII8tabIe raidConstable
Constable Tenant and Mr Ivins went wentthrough wenttJuoucIa wentthrough
through the outside door of the building buildingfirst building8rat buildingtkst
first and overpowered the guard rd maintained main maintained maintalaed ¬
tained at the entrance The other three threewent thrt thrtwent
i went past > > aat the guard and nd upstairs p ta1n Th Thwere Thy Thywen > r
I were obliged to break down a small sma door dooraad tio r rand r rand
and then found themselves in a foyer foyerIn foy foyerIn r rIn
In this this place were about twenty colored coloredwaiters colortdwalttZS coloredwaiters
waiters hustling about The raiders raiderspushed rald raiderspushed rs rspuahtd
pushed through one or two doors which whichopened whichopened whichopened
opened from the foyer and found them themselves th thf > ni niselves r rlve1
selves lve1 in a a sumptuously furnished furnishedgambling turnlsheodcamblin
camblin gambling den There were about thirty thirtypersons thirt thirtJer8Ona
persons m n the room halt of them being beingsociety lwiogIIOCiety beingsociety
society women In evening gowns gownsPlntl pwnsFln
Find Fln Gambling In Progress ProgressFor Prorl s sFor
For a 8 second the presence of the raid raiders TRlders ¬
ers was not noticed The three t roulette roulettewheels roulettewbeels
wheels were hi operation one faro lay layout la laout ¬
out was w being patronized and a hazard hazardboard huardboard hazardboard
board was a favorite among amoD the womenmembers women womenmembers womenbers
members bers of the party part F FOr > > r a minute mlnutothe mlnutthe minutethe
I the raiders watched tched the gambling going goingon goingor goingor
or and then Constable Cross announcedhimself announced announcedhimself announcedbi
bi himself lC in the name of the law lawThe lawThe lawThe
The scene ne which hleb greeted eetecl this thl this announce announcement announCfoI ¬
anent I eDt was wU nearly a panic Women fainted faintedand fainttc1ot
and ° others ot became almost hysterical hyacs rical at atContinued atContlnue1 + t
Continued on PnGe P KC 3 Coin Column ColnmnBITES inn 2 2BITES
Deserter Attacks Woman in Effort Effortto Eifortto Effortto
to Escape EscapeNew EsoapeNew
New York Aug Z 7 lPetier Peter Harvey arecruit a arecruit arecruit
recruit at Fort Slocum deserted rted yester yesterday YHterday yesterday ¬
day and was picked 1eked up tat New Rochelle RocheMeby Rochtleby Rochelleby
by Seat Vorcherau who took himaboard him himaboard himaboard
aboard th the ferryboat for the military militaryreservation mUllanIfI8enatton militaryreservation
reservation H Harvey Harv y vaulted the rail and andstruck an andstrode < l lItnIett
struck the water watert ftVt t When he came upthere up upthere upthere
there was w not much breath left in him himand himand himand
and h be went down again He flopped floppedIdly ftop ftopIdly flopped1d1Y
Idly in the water and It looked as though thoughhe thougnbe thoughbe
be would surely drown drownMiss drownMis
Miss Mis Anna Moran who o is staying at the thehouse thehouee
house of Brace McRae the actor at atNew atNew
New Rochelle was in a roarboat setting settingout settingout
out for Glen Island for a swim She was wasin as asIII
in her bathing bathl < < suit ready for the water waterShe waterShe
She dropped hi as soen II a > Dea 8I1 as she e saw 9 w Har Harvey Harvey ¬
vey golD going < < down for the third time timeShe dineShe timeShe
She grabbed abbed him and did her best to tokeep tokeep t tkeep °
keep his head out of water Harvey Harveysnapped Harnaysnapped Harveysnapped
snapped at he her His teeth caught ught in the thesleeve theIIlee thesleeve
sleeve IIlee of her bathing suit and ripped it itShe itShe itShe
She shook him free and then he bit her heragain h r ragain
again Nevertheless she AA stuck to himand him himand himand
and wouldnt let him go under underCapt underCaPt underCapt
Capt Michael Whalen of the launch launchNancy launchNancy
Nancy went ashore and got g t Policeman PolicemanScott PoUcEmanScott
Scott who made mad his night ni ht stick handy handyScott hn y yScott
Scott and d Whalen tried to haul the thetwo thetwo
two aboard th the Nancy but Karvey Karveyfought Iaveyto I 2rvey
fought to bt them off Then Scott cracked crackedhim crackedhim
him over the head with his stick two or orthree orth
three th times lian Hirvfy ry quieted down and andwas andWitS andwas
was dragged into the boat boatMiss toatMI88
Miss Moran climbed c1jm back Into her betrow betrowboat row rowboat rowboat
boat and went to Glen Island for her herswim herswim her6nim