Tii TiiTHE I THE WASHINGTON HERALD EDUCATIONAL SECTION 1910 1910THE 1910r 1910THE 1910I 1910r I r r ri < i it t c THE LAW GRADUATE AND CIVIL SERVICE SERVICEBy By CARLES CPIAULES C iARLES F CARUSI CARUSIDoun CARUSIDoan CARUSIDean Doan of Law Pnoully National UnlvorJilty Law Sohool ehool ehoolr r If Washington in famous throughout throughouttho throuxhouttho tho country for tho number nnd excel excellence ftXD81lonoe excelloser ¬ loser oC hor law oahools there thor IB I a roa roason roa80n roason son for ft That rOMan is the olvll sorv sorvio BOrvloa xorvtoe io loa of the United States govornrnontwhich government governmentwhich govornmontwhich which at once put puts a premium on u legaloduoatlon legal legaleducation luIt11oauolIon education and ut tho same uno limo glvos glvostho XIYOHi KIHOsthe i tho opportunity OPlwrtunllY to secure it After A nar leavlug leav leaving leavIIIJ ¬ lug IIIJ collage or the high school thousands thousandsof thoullUndoC of tho thoaountry thocountry thecountry of young men in different parts part country find the door to tho professional professionalschool prufosionaise11oola school In tholr homo States Stal barred l > tothan to tothem tothem them Tito time has como whon they theycan UtO UtOoan theycan can no longer be burdens upon the thebrattdwlnnors ther theJreadwlnnor thebrendwinners brattdwlnnors of tho family and thu thoday thu1RJ1 thudss < day law school is thus out of the quos quostlon quo quotlon UOll UOlltlon r tlon A placo in tho government service serviceat aurvioeat uMlooot at Washington smoothes all dimcultilos dimcultilosTho dltJlouIUlosTile dimcullJloHTho Tho evening ov ntng law school uro tho beet inthe in intho Intho tho country both In methodH and per personnel plitrHonnol personnol ¬ sonnel Th 1lIu govarmnant profits by ruleJug rule nuving Im ImIlIg Jug In In Its service the superior class of ofyoung oCyoung ofyoung young man who are tomptod to enter on tor it itservice IU5 IU5lIonloo ItksorVIco service on account of tho thoso a important col collateral collaternl collateral ¬ lateral advantages which mean for most moutof mostor mostof of thorn an ultimate cnroor above a goy goyernrnent gov govcrnrnent governrnent ernrnent clerkship Tho young oung men profit profitby profitby profitby by tho opportunity to secure tho most moatV mostusoful mostuutui V useful sort ort of proC professional lonal education and andfinally nndl1nally andfinally this thisnort this80rL thisnor finally tho average superiority of nort nor of student ovor tho average young youngman youngman youngman man whose whoa family continue to boar tho thoexpensa thoexpenUJ thenxpenau expensa of Ills hI further education IK tho thoono thoono theone ono mo mot t Important factor In the magnifi ntagnificent magnificent magnlfiaent ¬ cent rosmui obtalnod by the loonl pro professional 1 profoeelonal > 10 10Hlonal ¬ fessional Hlonal schools and which gives Jlv s them themtho themtho themth0 tho nig hill rank they enjoy throughout tho thoUnited thoUultod theUultad United States This however is not allFrom all allFrom nIl11rom From small beginnings tho oivil sorvlcehim service sOIV servicehas ce ce1m him 1m grown to enormous proportion Each Eachnew 15aehnow 1l1chnow now field h of Federal governmental activ activity act activity Iv IvIt ¬ ity It means a d demand mand for young oung mon Incaequipped monequipped mon8rlulppotl equipped to carry carryon on Its work From Fromton Fromton Fromtone ton tone of hundred it hex ho grown to ton tons of ofthousands ortlloU11d8 ofthousands thousands Su In course oC time the thedonmnd thodlmmnd thedummnd donmnd lm hnH grown for really proficient proficientmon protlcIntrnon vrot1clgntfIlQn mon Pull may mn secure tho Initial ap appointment apIlolntm8nt uppolntment ¬ pointment but It is i merit that carries tho thocivil thoDlvU thealvil civil service employe mplo > e up from tho ranks ranksto rankJoJto ranksf ranksto to positions of responsibility rBIIl > onltblllty and importaneo impor importan Importanco f tan tanco tancoShort taneoShort oo ooShort Short of the Cabinet position thero theronever theronoer therenever never WH was a time tlm In the history hl lory of our ourgovernment ourgOyernment ourgovernment government when 110 o many man and such uch Im hnportent Important Iml10rtant ¬ portent positions 1l1n were filled by b the pro promotion promollon ¬ pronotion motion of men already in the eeruloowho service servicewho Mntlcowho who had demonstrated a capacity eRpCL llY furthe Cor Corthe Corthe the trannactlou of government business buslneseAnti businessAnd busln buslnAn And An IndflCKl I n1j1 00 In the Cabinet ptlloe onto them themHolvc themHotvM themsolve solve a a number during rlmln < < the lat few fewyear fewrtI fewyeara year rtI have Ita V lit boon filled lied by promotion ol olbrilliant or1Irilllant ofhrlillrnt brilliant and capable young ounlC men whoso whosorice who whoserise A Atf rice tf from comparatively humble begin beginning boglnnlnp beginnings ¬ ning In the service of the governmentwas government was primarily duo to individual capacity capacitynnd cnpacltynntl capacityand and every everyone one of them a graduate of a aWashington t ti tWahlngton aWashington Washington Inw law school And to go one onestop vn vnj 6nel l i stop further rurl1u r our present Chief Execu Executive Exoeui 1xocuttva ¬ j i tive carrying his h firstrato legal ability abilityfrom abl1lt abilityt 1 from tho bench Into a broader Hold owes oweshiK owesI his lofty position today todll less 1 88 to tho haz hazard ha7I hazard ¬ I I ard of politic than to a fitness for the thedirection lheI thedirootion direction of f governmental affairs conspic conspicuously consllleuouRly conapioUOualy ¬ I uously displayed in the public service Again It must bo apparent apl nt to thethoughtful tho thothoughtful tho010ughtf1l1 thoughtful observer that there has ha arisen arisena urL > > on ona a ponMstent and growing demand from fromthe tromth1l rain rainthe the groat business bu hiell interests oC the coun country country cuuntry ¬ try for or those who have made good In the thedepartments th81opnrtmlmtll thedepartments departments < at Washington Time was waswhon WoMwhun waswhen when a government clerkship was WIL looked iookedupon lookedupon iook < ll llupon upon a as 11 at best a 1 haven of rest and andsafety uutIeety atudsafety safety eety for the unambitious and incapable incapableTill IncapableThill hrcapablsThis Till This has ohanged such uoh a 0 position por ltion Is Isnow 1 1now 15now now regarded as a stopping stont ston to sue sueCole suooos HUOcoal oos coal To Illustrate from ono of the de departments e1eIrtmont lehartmonts ¬ partments alone the Treasury Department Depart Department Dopartment ¬ ment tins furnished d more bank prowl presidents lro prowldents l ldont8 ¬ dents cnshlors and other officers to t to togrent legreat o ogreat great banks of New York City alone than thanhave thftnhl1V8 thanhave have beau secured from 10m any other OU1 single singlesource singlesource stnbhIfOUraCt source Tho Patent Ofllco has been thu thutraining thutraining ttratraining training school for hundreds of expert expertputent oxptrtIULtent oxpertpatent patent men of the country counb and tho other otherdepartmonts oUtltdUpt11tmont otherdepartments departments have distinguished graduates graduatesin in every evor walk of life Of course there therewill lhoNwfll taerowill will always bo somo lfomoporhftPs perhaps even evenmajority a amujolitwho amajoritywho majority mujolitwho who are oontonl to revolve revolveblindly rovolveblindly revolveblindly blindly little cogs In a groat machine marhinosatisfied machinesatisfied machlncsatisfied satisfied with tho prosont unambitious unambitiousfor for the future with a mental horizonlimited horizon horizonlimited horizonlimited limited to me duties of a 1 single desk k and andstretching nnel8trotohlng andatrotohing stretching no further than next pay day dayIt dayIt dayIt It is not with this Lhls typo however that we weare wearc weare are horo concerned It 1 Is idle to specu apeenlate speculate apenIato ¬ late as to the advantages they might mightsoouro mightsoouro mightsecure soouro through the instrumentality of a apraotloul apraoUool apraotio praotloul praotio tl legal education as 0 thuy are not notIlkoly notIIkoly notlikely likely to undergo the troMhlo tro + rlle to secure securoone secureono ocuroDna ono For those howovor who succeed succeedIn Jluc succeedin < > 8od 8odIn In working forward and upward In the thogovernment thegovormnon thegovernment govormnon government t service and through that thatservice thotslrvice thatservice service into lucrative and rtisponslble po positions posItion pasltions ¬ sitions In the business world a legal logal edu education education education ¬ cation has boon tho principal factor inthe In Intho Intho tho result It is sometimes well said that thatIt thatIt thatit It is easier to make statements than to toprove toproo toprove prove them and necessarily npc oua Ill It would bo bodlflloult bodUl10ult bedlfilault dlflloult to marshal the statistics Stat lUOM of those thosewho Ul0S Ul0Swho thosevluo who have pushed pu hod ahead in and out of the thecivil thocivil tunecivil civil service as the result of an education educationin in the law or to proportion nicely how howfar hQw hQwfar howfar far this factor has contributed to a ro rosttlt rosult ro8ult sttlt often due to a total of this and other othercausa otherauQ othercausoa causa In combination The same omo onergy onergyambition onergyumblUon onergyambition ambition and clearsightedness which whichled whlohlea whichtell led the young oungclvl1 civil service employe Into Intotho intothe lo lothe the law school has undoubtedly played a alargo aJargo alargo largo even on a predominant part but that timelegal thatlegRl thatlegal legal education Is not only onl valuable but butalmost butI butalmost almost I most Indispensable Indl pon ablo is evident upon a amoments am annemonta moments m monts reflection upon tune nature and andcharacter andobaractor andclfaractor character of the government serviceOur service serviceOur IIervlceOUr Our governments State and Federal Federalaro Feeralaro Federalaro aro not only on governments of law In the thesense thenlo thesenso sense nlo in which that phrase phra o might por porhape per porhapa perhaps haps be applied with equal propriety to toall tonil toall all civilized governments to distinguish distinguishgovernment clIsUnxul distinguishgovernment h hgovernment government by fixed rules rather than by byindividual byIndividual byIndividual individual caprice supported by force but butourg butour butours ours our is I a government of law in another anotherand lI1othorona anotherand and moro Important sonso In most IBu IBuropean Inurop80n European ropean countries there exist two separate sepa separate soparate ¬ rate kinds of law ono the law or bodyoflaws bodyof bodyoClaws bodyoflaws laws which concern tho citizen or subject sub subject ub ubjoet ¬ ject In his III legal relations with his fellow fellowcltlzon fellowcltlzon fellowcitizen cltlzon and subject and a much narrowerbody narrower narrowerbody narroworbody body of laws law which under the name of oflo oflo lo droit administrate admlnl tra tlf concerns Itself with tho Internal moohanlsffi of tho gov governmental gOv gOvormnontnl govornrnentai ¬ ernmental aganolo anol and regulate Intar Intarcoure In inturcourses lor lorcaUl courses caUl between the government IfOol lmont and tho thogoverned thogO thegoverned governed governedIf gO Intd IntdIt If messieurs lee 0tI roads do cutr as tho thogovernment thogovtrnm thegovernment government govtrnm nt functionaries aro derisively dprigivOlycalled derisivelycalled dcrlslvOlyoalled called are acquainted with the udnilnlg admlaigtratlso udnilnlgtrmtlvo nd111JilIStrat1vo trmtlvo Inw it suffices sul cOl Not so with us usIn 1 rY r r rIn In the first place we Wf have nodiatindt nodiatindtbody no distinct distinctbody f body of administrative law Tho law for forthe Or Orthe r rthe the United States government and nd jts jtsofllolal JlsontolII its I Iofllciale ofllolal high and low is the law of thehumblest the thohumblt thehumblest humblest citizen For Instance when theUnited tho thoTJnltod I IUnltod United States enters Into a contract the theSupremo theSUIrOme theSupreme Supreme Court of tho United States hassaid has hassaid hosuld < l said uld It contracts on the same nm footing footingand roollngand footingand and subject to the same 8fmogenbrol gonbral prinaf prinafploa prinofplow A Aploe plow of law J as would be the case With Withany iVithnay Ith Ithnny any citizen Tha duties < and rosponslbiU rosponslbiUtlos ± tics of any official are fixed by law nnd nndnot nndnot andnot not by tho oapricos of his superiors Nota Not Nota Nota a dollar can bo paid out of tho Treasury TreasuryunlosH Troasuryun08R Treasuryunlose unlosH un08R thoro is a law which authorizes authorizesIt It nor can a contract be made unloss unlossthere unlossthero unlessthere there Is a law which sanctions It not aplace a aplace aplace place created crcolocLf11l0d filled or abolished unless unlessthoro J Jthoro Jthere < thoro Is a law which justifies IU IUTo 1l 1lTo itTo To some extent all officials arid clerics clericshigh cJerkshigh clerkshigh high and low are the agents of tho gobcrnmont gob government gO gOornmont ¬ ernment capable of otblndlng binding it when they theyact theyact theyact act within the > law personally liablewhen liable liablewhen I1nblewhon when they thc act without it or beyond it itOur ItOur itOur > Our government Is a gigantic enterprise ontprprlsetheroforo enterprisetlreroforo ontrprl e etheroCoro theroforo each interdependent activity of ofwhich o owhloh ofwbloh which Is controlled and regulated 1 by tho thostatute thostatuto thestatute statute law and whore it touches the thoolilzon i ictthon j jal al ctthon olilzon on yielding to the application app catlon of oCth6 the thoordinary theordinary + i iordinary ordinary law of tho land How can its itswork Itsworlc itswork work bo done intelligently Intel igently or effectively effectivelyby erroothQJby by agents wholly wholl untrained in the law lawThe lawIhc lawThe The answer is exceedingly simple Itcannot It Itcannot Itcannot cannot and It is not Not only is tho thoPresident thoProaldent thePresident President and every Cabinet officer ax axtrained attrained t trained lawyer but so is nearly every everyImportant overyimportant everyimportant Important minor ofllclal Of courses then theroare < t l a aare 0 0arc are many mon clerks so called who are not notlawyers notawors notlawyers lawyers awors and they tho often become vory ex cxpericnced experieneod experlencod pericnced and valuable clerks by reason reasonof reason rensonof reasonof of remaining In the same grade and at attho atthe attho tho same dosk until they dlo or arc pried prlodIOOHO pllodJooo priedloose IOOHO to make way for somebodys friendThere friend friendTliora y yThora There have always bean a tow ow potty pottyofficers pottyoflcer pottyof11e9rs officers who have objected to their sub subordinates subortll11ales subordinates ¬ ordinates studying law on tho groundthat ground t tthat J Jtht that thee young oung mon In many Instances Instancesleave InstanooslelL Y Yleave leave lelL the service to go out to tho States Stateswhence Statawhonco Stateswhouco whence they oume and are lost to tho thogovernment thoovernmcnt theGovernment government overnmcnt service On the other hand handthe hantJthe handtlre the vast at majority of the superior dopartmental depart departmental dQparmental ¬ mental official favor and onoourago It Iton ItOil on the ground that mon BO trained rendor rendormuch rendormuch r t1lJor II IImuch much more efficient sorvioe to tho gov govornment f t tomment J Jornment ornment and raise ral e the level of Its ptrsonnol Per Plrsonnol Personnol sonnol The civil service owes much much to totho totho tothe tho law schools of Washington while whilethoy whilethey they in turn are largely supported by bytho bythe 41 I Itho tho civil employes omplo os of of the government governmentAlthough IournmcntAlthough ovurument ovurumentAlthough Although not supported by the govern government governmont oorn oornmont ¬ mont nor under government control cbntroJ they theyaro UleYarc theyare arc to the civil ci ii employes of thb UntiedStates Uri Untied UnitedStates Qa QaStates States what Annapolis and West Point Pointare Pointare j jarc are to to the military omploos One oan Qajllo ganbea bo boa a au a private in either service without tho thopreliminary thoproJlmlnar 1 jh i ipreliminary preliminary training deemed < essential for forthe forthe 1tt 1ttthe the officer < > i 1 I WASHINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY j 1