j 4 1 TRF THE WASHINGTON A SRlldfTf11i1 HERALD RFR A T11 THURSDAY TRTTRST1 lllJ AQ SEPTEMBER SFPTFMw 1 1 1 1910 1 c 1 t1 I Hecht fiechtfif Co Company pany 513515517 5135155177th 7th St Sfc Hecht Hec t Company 513515517 5135 15517 7th St I Companyu Hecht J s 513 Company li 513515517 515517 7th St Q II IIToday HechtiJI Hecht s Company Co CompanyHecht pany panyToday Today We Are re to Inaugurate the Seasons Great Merchandising Event EventDThe EventDTheSEPT EventTheo EventTheoSEPTW The TheHE SEPT FURNITURE SALE SALETHE ° HE Hecht Semiannual Discount Sale of Furniture Floor THE Coverings and Draperies needs introduction no to the people of Washington Thet The I thousands who wait for this famous twiceayeaf event and who come in 1n increasingly great throngs to take advantage t a of its unequaled offer ¬ ings are the best evidence of its popularity and shows the hold it has taken the on buying plans of Washington The homekeepers sale which R o begins this morning places before the people of Washington the handsomest and most complete stocks a ever collected here hereeverything everything to required 2 5 furnish the home from cellar to t roof roofand and from EVERY ARTICLE of furniture every yard of carpets and floor coverings and all curtains and draperies there is a sweeping discount of 25 cent Absolutely Absolute no exceptions i r ± T desired per Y save springs and bedding All purchases will be reserved for future delivery if REMEMBER NOW AND ALWAYS THAT YOU CAN HAVE EVERY PURCHASE CHA CHARGED RED G AND PAY LATER ON Off Entire EntireStocks EntireStocks EntireStorks Stocks of Ftirai Ftiraiture Furniture Furniufloor ture Floor FloorCoverings floorCoverings FloorCoverings Coverings and andDraperies andDraperies Draperies Princess Dressers DressersRtgular Rtgular price Sale price priceMahogany price1ahogany pe peMahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany 5450 450 4088 4088Mahogany 4088Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany 4250 3188 3188rlahog 3188Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany rlahog 1ny 3300 2475 2475lvlahognny 24r5Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany 3150 2363 2363lIahogan 3363Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany 2750 2063 2063Mahogan 2063hfahogany2400 Mahogany MahoganyGolden hfahogany2400 2400 1800 1800Golden 1800Golden Golden Oak OakGolden 5450 4088 4088Golden 4085Golden Golden Oak OakGolden 53900 3900 2925 2925Golden 2925Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak3850 3850 2888 2888Golden 888 888Golden Golden Oxk2650 Oak 2650 1988Womens 1958Womens 1988 1983Womens Womens Desks DesksRvgolar DesksnesaJarldee DesksB Rvgolar nesaJarldee price Sato price priceB 1JrlccB B E Maple Iaple 1800 1350 1350Mahogany 1350Iahogany 1350bIurogxny2200 bIurogxny2200 Mahogany 2200 1650 1650Mahogany 1650lahogany 1650yiahogany2000 Mahogany yiahogany2000 2000 2000Golden 1500 1500Golden 1500Golden 1500Golden Golden Oak Oak1500 1800 1800Golden 1350 1350Golden 1350Golden 1350Golden Golden Oak 1600 1600Golden 1200 1200Golden 1200Golden Golden Oak Oak1450 1450 1450Golden 1088 1088Golden 1088Golden 1088Golden 1 Golden Oak Oak1200 1200 1200Golden 900 900Golden 900Golden 900Golden Golden Oak 1050 1050Golden 788Mahogany 788Golden 788 768Golden Golden Oak 975 975Golden 732Golden 732 732Golden Golden Oak 900 900Golden 675 675Golden 675Golden Golden Oak 1760 7J > O 5iB3 5iB3Rockers 5 ilf8 ilf8Rockers 63 63Rockers Rockers RockersR Rockersprice R glar price Solo 1e price priceOak prkcOak Oak and Ma Mahogany 1vlahagany Mahogany ¬ hogany 1600 1200 1200Oak 1200Oak 1200Oak Oak and Ma Mahogany Mahogany ia iahogany ¬ hogany 1400 lO 1050 1050Oak 1050Oak 50 50Oak Oak and Ma Mahogany l1ahogan Mahogany ¬ hogany 1050 788Oak 788 788Oak Oak and Ma Mahogany 11ahogany Maliogany ¬ hogany 800 600 600Oak 600Oak 600Oak Oak and Ma Mahogany 1111hogany Mahogany ¬ hogany 650 488 488Oak 488Oak 488Oak Oak and Ma Mahogany Mahogany lla llahogany ¬ hogany 500 x450 x450All 450 450AH 450All All of the above are handnib handnibbed handntbbed handrubbed ¬ bed highly polished and saddle saddleseat saddleseat saddleseat seat WILL ILL ASK 25000 25000FOR 25000FOR 2OOOFOR FOR CONVENTIONS CONVENTIONSChamber CONVENTIONSChamber Chamber Wants the District Districtto Districtto K to Contribute ContributeWILL ContributeWILL ContributeWILL WILL GO TO COTYThISSIONERSBunlness COMMISSIONERS COMMISSIONERSunlneNM COMMISSIONERSDurdne Bunlness Durdne unlneNM Men en Declare Municipality Municipalityand lonlcll1nllt lonlcll1nlltnnll I Innd and Congress Oongre Should Share Cant of ofEntertaining otEntertnlnlng ofEntertaining Entertaining Strangers StrnnJtersVUl AV1II Go GoAfter GoAtter CoAfter After Coniiervatlon Congreus Consre CongressC sC 0 W WDarr WDnrr v vDnrr Dnrr Made Director A now idea Jd8 was broached at yester yesterdays y oster osterd81S osterChamber ¬ days meeting of the directors of the theChamber theChamber Chamber of Commerce but one perhaps perhapswhich perhapsvhlch perhapswhich which will appeal to the business bu lnoss men menand menand menand and progressive prore lvo cltlzerw of the District Districtoa Districtas as being peculiarly poouHarl appropriate and wise wiseThis wiseThis wiseThis This idea was contained In a report reportmade roportmado reportmade made to the directors by tho chairman chairmanof of tho convention committee and was wasthat wasthat that the CommiMloners of tho District Districtbe DistrIctbe Districtbe be requested by the Chamber to include includein IncludoIn include1n in its next schedule edule of appropriations appropriationsan an item of i11600D 35000 to be used under proper properrestrictions properrestrictions properrestrictions restrictions for the entertainment of ofvisitors orYl oftiIsitors visitors Yl ltors who come to the city to attend attendgreat attendGreAt attendgreat great national meetings meetingsGranvllle mootlngsGrnnville mootingGranville Granvllle Hunt chairman of the con conventions concntlons conVontlona ¬ ventions committee contented himself himselfwith hlmseltwIth himselfwith with the argument that municipalities municipalitiesquite municipalitiesQuitE municipalitiesquite quite generally nerally in the t g States make regu regular ¬ A lar an ropriations to be b used In this way wayand wa waand wayand and that the practice would be specially ONS ONStjjg tjjg P ti tif VI VIONS m VIm f jffttiftwfb > v sSaiCk f > s sTV > p We TV want any person who Buffers with biliousness biliousnessooosUpaUcn blUOU5tICSIJOJUIlIpUon brmnessanUpatfon ooosUpaUcn iBdigtsUen l or < < any liter or Wood aU aUwnt nilanent il ilnwnt anent to try our Paw PawPaw PAWPit Pxw Um Pills We guar piarnteo guaraoteo guarante aoteo ante nteo they will purify the blood aDd put ui iho lira llrcrand liT liTaDd liraand and Btecwick tGr8KJIIIio late a healtlitel hsaIUs j condition and will MillpMitirtlr willpoIIUrl willpositirety pMitirtlr poIIUrl l care Wlloi blUoosarss bi 1ousness a s UId ad constipation < or wa watrlti Irantn will stand ntn y yetr tIItt r tatmgr tatmgrMI mllHlJPrn rMngMTNYANS MTNYANS MI JPrn NYONS s HWIEOPATHIO HWIEOPATHIOHOME nO IfiMEOPATHIOSOME IEOPATHIO IEOPATHIOnOUE HOME REMEDY 00 FUla Pa Paa a Metal Beds BedsOld Old Delft Iron Bed Holland decorations decorationssteel decorationsi decorationssteel steel panels eI value 1 1500 15 sale saltprice aI CjfJ j JP JPprice price i iff S 1125 1125Special I l 25 25Special O OSpecial Special Allmetal Bed in continuous poststyle post poststyle poststyle style value 225 sale jj f > j T Q price priceEXTRA iI iIEXTRA 1 lUy lUyEXTRA 69 EXTRA SPECIAL SPECIALColonial Colonial Pattern All AllBrass AIIBrass AllBrass Brass Bed straight foot 12 filler fillerhighly fillerh filleri filler highly h polished lsl e and l best lacquer l lacquersale CJQ f sale price priceContinuouspost i e S800 S800Continuouspost lO V V VContinuouspost Continuouspost Pattern Allbrass Bed 2 2inch 2inch 2inch inch posts famdi fillers heavy heavyf brass mounts and husks s 2450 50 value f e Dressers and andChiffoniers andChiffonierg an ani Chiffoniers ChiffoniersQuartered ChiffoniergQuartered i oniem oniemQuartered Quartered Oak Serpentine Serpentinefront Serpentinefront front dresser value val value ue 45 45Chiffonier 45Chiffonier P PChiffonier 33 75 Chiffonier to match matchvalue 009 30 30value value 3650 8650tP 8650tP1assive jpZOO jpZOOMassive Cll27 38 Massive Quartered Oak Dress Dresser Dresser ¬ mirror er oval bevelplate bevelplatemirror 48 value valueChiff0nlerto J53UUU J53UUUChiffonier CFQC 11 11Chi 136 0 Af 0 Chi Chiffonier Chiff0nlertomatch f f i 0 n c r to 2O 2Omatch fl30 3O 3OPolished match value3650 gJ gJPolished < 3U 3UPolished Polished Quartered Oak Dress Dresser y yer 1 1er er value 25 sale saleprice 18 I 8 75 price priceChiffonier priceChiffonier 1P 1PChiffonier Chiffonier to match matchvalue matchvalue t 18 18Toona value 24 fIJ fIJToona r rToona Toona Mahogany Dresser Dr e sse r glass g glas9knobs I a s s rtftjr r rknobs knobs value 34 34Chiffonier WJ WJChiffoni fJ25 3 CU CUChiffonier 50 Chiffonier Chiffoni r to match matchvalue value 32 325drawer 325drawer gI gI5d 4124 24 5drawer 5d awer Solid Oak Chiffonier Chiffonierhigh Chiffonierhigh j high grade r e value S524 S524Hall 524 698 8 l lHall Hall Racks RacksRPgakr RacksRrpskr RPgakr prf pets SalaprJw SalaprJwOak Sale SaleOak price priceOak Oak Hall Rack 6000 6000Oak 4500 4500Oak 4500Oak Oak Hall Rack 4250 4250Oak 3188 3188Oak 3188Oak Oak Hall Rack3850 Rack 3850 3850Oak 2887 2887Oak 287Oak Oak Hall Rack 3500 3500Oak 2625 2625Oak 2625Oak Oak Hall Rack 3000 3000Oak 2250 2250Oak 2250Oak Oak Hall Rack Rack2400 2400 2400Oak 1800 1800Oak 1800 1800Oak Oak Hall Rack Rack2550 2550 1912 appropriate In Washington as being the theCapital theCapital theCapital Capital of the nation and often called calledupon calledupon calledupon upon to entertain large gatherings of ofmore otmore ofmore more or less a national character characterDirectors characterDIrectors characterDirectors Directors Favor Flan FlanSeveral PlnnSeveral PlanSeveral Several of the directors however took tooka too tooa k a wider view of the subject and said saidwith saIdVollh saidwith with a 0 good degree of emphasis that It Itwas itwas Itwas was not only desirable but the duty of ofthe otthe ofthe the local government aided by b Congress Congressto to take a portion of this load of enter entertainment entertainment entertainment ¬ tainment off the hands of the private privatecitizens privateolUen privateoitizens citizens of WashingtonPresident Washington WashingtonPresident WaslhngtonPre President Pre ldent Gude instanced In tanced the recent recentvisit recentvisit visit Islt of the Vienna singers to Washing ¬ ton Here he said was a 0 body of mencoming men mencoming mencoming coming to America from rom Austria They Theywere Theywere Theywere were visitors of prominence in their own owncountry ownCOU owncountry country COU ll1 and their entertainment had been loft to the German residents of thecity the thecity thecll city cll who raised ral ed a 0 fund from privatesources private privatesources prhatesourcOB sources of about 4000 to give the Austrlans Austrlans Aus Aystrians trlans suitable welcome In the Capital CapitalOf Of the United lntaA States Ctatno Mr Gude declared that It was much muchmore muchmOllo muchmore more the duty of the municipality or orof oror orof of the national government to provide the means of showing courtesy to the Viennese college men thaji It was for forcomparatively a acomparatively 0 0comparathely comparatively few men of German an ancestry ancestr ancestry ¬ cestry cestr Inspired with a 0 love of the fol folsongs folk folksongs folksongs k songs and the music of the fatherlandAuthorize fatherland fatherlandAuthorize fatherlandAuthorbc Authorize a Committee CommitteeThe OommlttceTho CommittcoThe The directors concurred unanimously In the proposition of laying the matter matterbefore matterbotore mattebefore r before the Commissioners and President PresidentGudo PresIdentGude PresidentGudo Gudo and Vice Presidents Oyster andBoll and andBell andBell Bell were appointed a special committee committeeto I to request tho Commissioners to appro appropriate approprlate appropriate ¬ priate 25000 as a 0 municipal fund to be beusod beusod beused usod in the entertainment of guests toconventions to toconventions toconvontlons conventions and other bodies which may maycome maycome maycome come to Washington WashingtonYesterdays WashingtonYeatordays WashingtonYesterdays Yesterdays meeting of the directors directorswas directorswas directorswas was an adjoitrned meeting from the reg rogular regular regular ¬ ular gathering In July and at the close closeyesterday closeyesterday closeyesterday yesterday the directors adjourned to tomeet tomeet tomeet meet the second Wednesday Vcdnos ay In Septernhnr Sep September tember The other principal topic discussed by bythe bythe the directors yesterday was wits the effort effortproposed effortproposed proposed by the conventions committee committeeto to bring the Conservation Congress herenext here herenext herenext next year It was pointed out that this thiswas thiswas thiswas was a specially desirable meeting to have haveIn hnveIn havein In Washington on account of the eminent emi eminent eminent ¬ nent men who make addresses the theprominence thepromlnonoe theprominence prominence of tho men who sit as dele delegates delosntoo delegates ¬ gates as well as the national character characterof of the topics discussed After discussing discussingtho dIscussingtho tho matter it was decided to appropri appropriate appropriate appropriate ¬ ate J200 200 to send a representative of theChamber the theChamber theChamber Chamber to St 51 Paul to work specially speciallyto to bring the congress here In 1911 191LIt 1911It 1911It It was also decided to accept the Invi lnvitatioti Invitation invitation ¬ tation of Ufo management of tho congrass con congress cen81CJJ ¬ grass to send > delegates to alt In inthe the I I convention and President Gude took thematter the thematter thematter matter of their appointment under ad advisement ad advisement ad1aement ¬ visement with a view to selecUng suchmen such suchmen suchmen men as could go and such as might be beintending beIntending beintending intending to attend the BL 61 Paul gathering gather gathering gatherIng ¬ ing ingThe The balance of th the session was taken upwith up upwith upwith with routine work A communication was wasread wasread wasread read from the chamber of commerce of ofAnnapolis otAnnapoUs ofAnnapolis Annapolis asking the cooperation of the theWashington theWashington theWashington Washington body to secure a rescinding rescindingof of the recent order of the Navy Depart Department Department Department ¬ ment looking to the establishment ofcommissary of ofcommissary orcommlssory commissary stores at Washington and at attho attho atthe tho Naval Academy which was referred referredto reterredto to the committee on Detail etall trado for foraction toraction foraction action actionAn actionAn actionAn An appropriation of 250 50 was as made topay to topay topay pay for membership In the Southern Com Commercial CommerclaI Commercial ¬ mercial Congress CongressC C W Darr on motion of D J 1 Calla Callahan Callahan Ca11shan han was elected a 0 member of the boardto board boardto boardto to fill the vacancy caused by tho deathof death deathof deathor of J W Herron HerronMECHANICS HerronMECHANICS HerronMECHANICS MECHANICS HAVE BIRTHDAY BniTHDAYROT ROT S K Coclrrell Is Speaker at atAnnivcrjary AtAnnlverlZlr Annivcrjary AnnlverlZlr Celebration CelebrationMore Celebrn CelebrationMore lon lonMore More than 800 persons attended tho thotwentythird thotwentythlrd thetwentythird twentythird anniversary celebration of ofthe oti i the Mount Vernon Council Junior Order Orderof Orderof I Iot i of American Mechanics last night at atThird atThird Third and Pennsylvania avenue south 80uthea I ea I Dining Chairs ChairsI I 1egslar cctar t price Sale price ycicaArm priceArm pic picArm Arm Chair leath leather leather leather ¬ er seat SSQO 8QO 600 600Side 600Side 600Side Side Chair leath leather leather leather ¬ er seat f400 100 300 300Arm 300Arm 300Arm Arm Chair leath leatherseat leather erseat er seat ilOOO 7 000 00 750Side 750Side 750 750Side Side Chair leath leather leather leather ¬ er seat 600 450 450Side 450Side 450Side Side Chair cane caneseat caneseat caneseat seat 350 260 260Side 260Side 260Side Side Chair cane caneseat caneseat caneseat seat 300 30 00 225 225Side 225Side 225Side Side Chair cane caneseat caneseat v vseat seat 24SSide 24S 186 186Side 186Side Side Chair cane caneseat caneseat caneseat seat 150 113 13 Parlor Suites Rp itegndr tar r price Sale price Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 12500 9350 Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 10000 7500 Solid Mahogany a 3piece Suite 8000 500 6000 Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 6500 650 4575 Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 5200 3900 8909 Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 4400 3300 Solid Mahogany 3piece Suite 3200 2400 24005piece 24005piece 24005piece 5piece Silk Verona Suite x3000 9000 6750 67505piecc 67505piece 67505piece 5piece Silk Verona Suite 7500 56255picce 5625 56255piece 56255piece 5piece Silk Plush Suite 6800 5100 51005piece 51005Piece 5piece Silk Mercerized IIercerized Verona Suite 400 3600 36005piece 36005piece 36005piece 5piece Silk Damask Suite 3850 2913 29135piece 29135piece 29135piece 5piece Silk Tapestry Suite 8000 2250 Sideboards SideboardsRegular Regular r prieo prieoQuartered Snb 10 palm 1JdceQuartered palmQuartered Quartered Oak 7000 7000Quartered 5250 5250Quartered 5250 5250Quartered Quartered Oak 6000 6000Carved 4500 4500Carved 4500Carved Carved Quartered QuarteredOak QuarteredOak QuarteredOak Oak 6600 6600Quartered 4950 4950Quartered 4950Quartered Quartered Oak 4SOO 4SOOAmerican 3600 3600American 3600American American Quar Quartered Quartered Quartered ¬ tered Flake 3600 3600Selected 2700 2700Selected 700 700Selected Selected Oak 2900 2900Golden 2175 2175Golden 2170Golden Golden Oak Oak2000 2000 2000Golden 1500 1500Golden 1500Golden Golden Oak Oak6950 6950 6950Golden 55213 55213Golden 5213 5213Golden Golden Oak Oak6500 6500 6500Golden 4850 4850Golden 4850Golden Golden Oak56350 Oak 6350 4763 China Closets ClosetsIVgater IVgater price Bate Ie price priceQuartered JrlceQuartered priceQuartered Quartered Oak r8S00 8800 s6600 s6600Solid 6600 6600Solid 6600Solid Solid Mahogany6500 4875 4875Quartered 4875Quartered 4573Quartered Quartered Oak 5000 3750Carved 3750Carved 3750 3150Carved Carved Quartered QuarteredOak QuarteredOak Oak 4600 3450Quartered 3450 3450Quartered 3450Quartered Quartered Oak 3800 2850 2850Quartered 2850Qu 2850Quutered Quartered Qu it red Oak300q Oak 300l 3004 2250 2250Morris 2250Morris 2250 2250Morris Morris Chairs ChairsRegular Chairsrrdc ChairsGolder Regular rrdc price Sale SaleGolden Betas BetasGolden Golden Oak51550 Oak 1550 1163Golden 1163 1163Golden 1163Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak1350 1350 1013 1013Golden 1013Golden Golden Oak Oak1250 1250 938 938Golden 938Golden 938Golden Golden Oak Oak1000 1000 750 WEATHER CONDITIONS CONDITIONSu u S Dept of Agriculture Weathe Bureau Washington Wednesday W y AUK M ttlOS p 1 m Tb The Western Gulf of lone Imoo dltturtuoos his ap apoJWire pareatly JWire Uy nwr nand d Into Mexico Inko Ko o unusual occoireans ooaurmceswere occoireanswere ocauTenctTere were repotted repod < from station of obscrratlon but press pressreports JnSSreports pressreperts reports state that rome damage wan ceased by high highwinds highwiads b bwlDda winds oa tho coast blow BrownsTille BtownaTt le Tex TexLocnl TttLoenl TexLocal Local TemjJerature TemjJeratureMldnlcht Temp Ature ratnreMtdnight AtureMldn1ht Mldnlcht 65 2 t as 61 4 a L a m mo 62 618a 6 a m mo n54 W 8 a m 68 G 10 a L m 73 12 noon 76 2 p p m 79 4 p 1 m 76 6 p m 7t 8 p Po m 73 10 p 110 m mo T2 Maxlauza 73 minimum 6L 6LReiatire 6LneiaUre 61 61Relatire Reiatire buniditf Jaw huatdtts8 ldlty8 8 a ex m 74 2 p 1 m 70 0 8 817 n m 6S B Rainfall 5 p 1 p n to 8 p p 1 m T Uc Ucura us of sun sonsUoe I Mae ll i e 4 Per cent of possible suoihine 30 30Tcaporatare i Tcaporatare NIna data last year Maximum 19 19Tempcrninreii 19mlldlna 79nlsissaa mlldlna mlldlnaTemperaturell 3 3temperatures temperatures in Other Cities CitiesTemperatures ClUe ClUeTcmpcntunll CitiesTemp Temperatures Temp natures In other dUes together gith Itb th UM UMamount UI UIamount theamount amount of 0 rainfall for the twentyfour hours endeda ended a i 8 p Po m yesterday are a AI follows j jRalo Rain RaloMax Rainfax RainMax Max fax Min 8 p m fall AtfeerlUe N 0 80 66 Co 72 t 0 06S 68 Atlanta Ga SI 72 72 Z 0 018 15 I Atlantic City N J 76 6 63 73 I Bianwrck N Dak 80 40 70 0 j Boston Bost o Mass IA5 72 l W 05 Buffalo N Y 74 63 63 0 00 002 02 OMcaeo nl 70 6 6G 05 r Cincinnati Ohio 82 2 70 74 Cheyenne Wyo ro 82 76 6 72 Davenport Iowa 74 6 61 63 Denser Cole 86 S6Des 46 80 Des Moiocs Iowa low 72 S6 63 Galroston GII oo Tex 88 S 2 H Heletla 4 H Ifelena Jena Mont 63 46 M j jJackwnrtll Indianapolis Ind 96 68 G 76 6 6JI Jackwnrtll JI < < kM rill F1 Fla l 63 63Kansas n EO Kansas City Cit Mo 70 70Little re G3 01 018 Little Rock Ark 92 92Los 2 i2 F f Los Angeles Cal 90 90Marauette 61 EO EOIarqurite Marauette Mich lich 62 62Memphis 8 55 Memphis Tenn 90 SONew 72 2 8 83 New Orleans La L 90 90New 18 S2 New York N Y 76 73North 61 I n north North orth Plaits I tlc Ncbr 72 72Omaha 46 61 Omaha Nebr 72 72nttobure 63 63rIttaburlt < 64 < nttobure Pa so soPortland 68 iO 001 Portland Mo ro 64 64Portland is 50 001 Portland Ores Ore 63 63Salt 00 0l 6 Salt Lake City Utah W WSt t M 54 St Louis Mo Io M MSt 68 16 St Paul Mien 74 74San 48 10 San 11 Francisco Cal 62 ro 51 Ill 80 61 t 72 Wa Wash h 64 < < 56 Ohio 76 M M 016 id5bu r Miss llas M 1 14 56 Tide Table TnuleTodayHijfc TnbleTodarHJgh TableTodayHigh TodayHijfc tide 557 a L m and 653 6a p p m Low tide 1246 1 46 a a m mTomorrow mT mTo Tomorrow T To monOltHflh Hlch tide tid 653 a a m and 121 P su Low tide 1254 a L m and 135 p Po mCondition m mCondition mCondition Condition of tho Water WaterSpecial WaterSpecial VnterSpecial Special to The Washington Herald HeraldHarpors HeraldHarpon HeraldHarper Harper Ferry W Va Ane An 5L 3LPbtamac Potomac clear clearand clearIUd clean cleanand and Shenandoah slightly cloudy this evening ermin eveningLieut i iLieut Lieut Scranton to Be Tried TriedLieut TrIedLleut TriedLieut I Lieut E E Scranton will be tried triedby triedby triedby by courtmartial on the battle ship In Indiana Indiana Indiana ¬ diana at the Naval Academy A war warrant warrant warrant ¬ rant officer and two enlisted men also alsowill alsowtll alsowill will face charges All of the men are arecharged arecharged arecharged charged with negligence In connection connectionwith comectlonwith connectionwith with the breaKdown of the th engines of ofthe orthe ofthe the Iowa on the cruise from Marseilles Marseillesto to Gibraltar I Chiffoniers ChiffoniersGolden Chiffoniersnewr ChiffoniersGolden Regular price SJe Safeprie IJriN IJriNGolden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak5000 8000 6000 6000Go1den 6000Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak6000 6000 4500 4500Golden 4500Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak4000 4000 3000 3000202o 3002 Golden Oak2700 Oak OakGolden Jak 2700 202o 202 202Golden 02a 02aGolden > Golden Oak OakGolden Oak1Z50 1750 1313 1313Golden 1313Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak13i5 1375 1032 1032Golden 1032Golden Golden Oak OakMahogany 850 638 6381IIahogany 633hlahogany5450 Mahogany hlahogany5450 5450 4088 40881flahogany 4058Mahogany4200 Mahogany MahoganyMahogany Mahogany4200 4200 3150 31501vlahogany 315014lahogany3300 Mahogany MahoganyMahogany 14lahogany3300 3 3300 OO 2475 2475vlahogany 2475ndahogany2i50 Mahogany MahoganyMahogany ndahogany2i50 2750 2063 2063l1ahogany 2063Mahogany3650 Mahogany Mahogany3650 2650 1988Buffets 19SSBuffets 1988 1983Buffets Buffets BuffetsGolden Buffetsnrlrite BuffetsR4piYr nrlrite R4piYr H gHl r price Safe price pr prGolden priceGolden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak5000 8000 8000Golden 6000 OO OOGolden Golden Oak OakGolden Oaki500 7500 yS625 yS625Golden 5625Golden 5625 Golden Oak6550 Oak OakGolden 6850 5138 5138Golden 538Colder Golden Oak OakGolden Oak5200 5200 3900Golden 3900 3900Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak5000 5000 3750 3750Golden 3750Golden Golden Oal4J00 Oak OakGolden 4900 3675 3675Golden 3695Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak4500 4500 3i75 3 3d75 3d75Golden 75 75Gold Golden Gold n Oak3Z50 Oak OakGolden 3750 2513 2 2813Golden 13 13Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak38OUb247a Oak38OUb247aGolden 3300 2475 Golden Oak OakGolden Oak200 2650 1988 1988Golden Golden Oak OakGolden Oak24a0 2450 1Su8Golden 1838 1838Golden Golden Oak Oak1785 1785 1339Music 1339Music 1339 1339Music Music Cabinets CabinetsRegular Cabinetsbfahogany3450 Regular price prx S Ie e price priceMahogany JrlceMahogany Mahogany bfahogany3450 3450 2588 2588Mahogany 2588Mahogany 2558bfalwgany2850 Mahogany bfalwgany2850 2850 213 213Mahogany 2131IahoganJ 2138 2138fahogany2400 Mahogany fahogany2400 2400 1800 1800Mahogany 1S00ilahogany 1500Mahogany2000 Mahogany Mahogany2000 2000 1500 1500Mahogany 1500Mahogany 15003ulahogany1598 Mahogany 3ulahogany1598 1898 1424 1424Mahogany 14241ahogany 14241215 Mahogany 1700 1275 1275Mahogany 1275ahogany 1215Aiahogany1400 Aiahogany1400 Mahogany ahogany 1400 1050 1050Mahogany 1050Mahogany 1050Malwgany1050 Mahogany Malwgany1050 1050 788Mahogany 788 788Mahogany SS SSIahogany Mahogany 598 59 449 449Parlor 449Parlor 449Parlor Parlor Tables TablesGolden Tablesala TablesRepYr Rpisniar jejpe Safe 6YS ala alaGolden price Golden Oak OakGolden 2JO 2 350 O18S O18SGolden 14Golden 183 Golden Oak OakGolden 350 263 263Golden 363Golden Golden Oak OakMahogany 550 413 4131abogany 413Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany S 850 50 638 638ahogany 638Mahogany Mahogany MahoganyMahogany ahogany 750 563 563Tfahogany12a0 563llahogany Mahogany MahoganyGolden Tfahogany12a0 1250 938 938Golden 938Golden Golden Jak1250 Oak 1250 938 ALWAYS HAV CHARGED UCAN IT lIT COlm 51 55 517 TST 13 1 Rev S K Cookrell pastor of Marvin MarvinM MarvinM M E Church South made an address in inwhich InwhIch Inwhich which he laudad the patriotic patrloUcsplrlt spirit of the thefraternity theraternlt thefraternity fraternity raternlt James F Bspey Espe a charter chartermember chartermembcr chartermember member of the council was present and andrecounted andrecounted andrecounted recounted many Incidents In the life of ofthe otth ofthe the th order ord r Speeches Spee es were also made by Councilor A E Johnson and Past Coun Councilor Councilor Councilor ¬ cilor Charles J 1 WilliamsTbo WilliamsThe Williams WilliamsTho The officers elected for the year were wereA wereA wereA A E Johnson councilor I Isey William B Po Posey Posey sey vice Ice councilor William C Carter Carterfinancial CarterfinancIal Carterfinancial financial secretary John E Smallwood recording secretary George A Cohill as assistant asslstant assistant ¬ sistant secretary Charles Sanderson con conductor condUJtar condu3tor ¬ ductor William H Stein warden M Wilson inside guard James M Shep Sheppard Sheppard Sheppard pard outside guard Charles A Williams WilliamsJunior WIlliamsjunior Williamsjunior Junior past councilor F F f Kress G M MYost MYost MYost Yost and H W Stein trustees trusteesWanted trustees trusteesWanted trusteesVnnted Wanted aa n Check Forger ForgerActing ForgerActIng ForgerActing Acting on Information from the Cin Cincinnati Cincinnati Cincinnati ¬ cinnati police Detective Cox of the Cen Central Centrnl Central tral office left last night for bfansflaldOhio Mansfield ltranstl td tdOhio Ohio where he will arrest Frederick E EPierce EPler EPierce Pierce Pler e wanted here on three bad check checkcharges checkcharges checkcharges charges Pierce operated In this city cityabout cJtyabout cityabout about a year ago placing orders with withflorists withflorists Ith florists and n giving checks forged wjltb wjltbthe Pth Pththo tb tbthe I the names of prominent residents r rl l Wardrobes 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