I iiii I J 1S 8 THE TE WASHINGTON HERALD ThURSDAY Y SEPTEMBER SEP EMBER 1 11910 1910 1910Connie 1910Connie l lr r Connie Macks Champion Athletics AthleticsOpen Open Series SeriesHere Here This ThisAfternoon Afternoon JOHNSON Jojsoi1 BLANKS BLANKSST BLANKSST ST LOUIS BROWNS BROWNSNationals BROWNSJtionaIs Nationals JtionaIs Score Easy Victory VictoryOver VictoryOyer VictoryOver Over Tailenders TailendersWINNING lailendersWINNING WINNING SERIES BY 3 OUT OF 4 4Dig 4Oi 4Iu Oi Dig Twirler Fnna Fourteen mid midBrovrni aldDronuK Brovrni Never Threaten Dancer DancerBill DnnerDIU DangerDill Bill Hal Dnller Icy in Poor Form and IB IBHit IsIUt I IlIlt Hit Hard and Often OftenGnme Game Played Playedin in Drizzle of Rain RainVESTEKDAVS Rnln1EST VESTEKDAVS 1EST RDA1S RESULTS RESULTSWahliiKton RnSULTSVIUlJalllgtoJ WahliiKton S SJ St Loulu O ODetroit ODctrolt Detroit 4 4i Philadelphia 1 1Chicago 1Cllleno 1Chicago Chicago S lloston O ONew Oe 0New New e York 2 Cleveland 1 1GA3I1SS I IGAJIES GA3I1SS TODAY TODAYPhiladelphia TODA1PJaURllelphln Philadelphia at Washington WashingtonBoston VushlllgtonDoston Boston at Xctv cw York YorkSTANDING YorkSlA1 STANDING SlA1 > ING OF THB OLUBS OLUDSrTCHllr rT rTCHllr rTCHllrW To4i7 To4i7w 4ay W L L r Pet W WI W1iL Loi LoipMidsfriiiiu LW LWtIII pMidsfriiiiu Phns4d k n x m m MDoIcoa Z ZIoio 1 1UoMoa I Ioio UoMoa Tt 7 40 JN J09 ItJO ItJOX ItC ItCew New X ew York ok 11II ft Kl 5 JW JWDttrufc III IIIDetrutt l lDMnt Dttrufc if K MA MAWash Me MeVu Wash WzL3ltIngion Vu ltlnJton In jcton 16 I If OS WO IH 111OieMaIMI OimUMl H 18 Am 4 480 03 03CblcMO 4Z 411 411Cbieatlo 4 4cbkaio CblcMO 4ft 71 JM I JM3 3 300 3008t 110St Z Zt 8t t Look LoaIaJQ L 36 88 M HI 31 31STANDING 318ToDING STANDING OF TUB TIINTtMS TKAMS SBPT 1 1 lOW 1009W lroJW W U i Pot W V L L Pet Dttratt roIt 17 43 gm Ml GMcMp 60 DO JK PhllMMpMa rbl n m New York rork K GS l 410 Bortoo 73 R ro > IM St Loote se 9 GS iH UcvtlMd tt n 1 JM 4 WaihtogtOB 38 83 m mBy 3 3By I By U WILLIAM PEET PEETIn peETeIn PfiEPin In n driving dd llng rain several hundred hundredDistrict hundredDistrict District D stzlct fans ann yesterday said goodby for forthte torthll foi foitha thte Mason to tho tailend t St St Louis LouisBrowne LouisBrowlW LouhBrowns Browne and watched Walter Johnson Johnsonsteer JohnlOnfltecr I steer tho good ship hlp Washington to an anS anS I II S to I victor victorThere SctOO SctOOThere There w WRI a very ery little to the victory but butJohnsons butJohuon bulJohnaon Johnsons Johuon twirling He whiffed 14 14BrownlM 11Brownl 1 I Brownies Brownl and was wa generally effective effectiveOn etrecUvoOn On the other hand Dill Bailey who on onformer onformor or I former occasions oceuto has been something of ofa ofa ol a terror to th the home cr ern crewS w was as badly badlymuaeed badlymue be 113 muaeed up HI His southside curie were weredamaged weredamapd wor damaged U 1 hits worth and his support supportwas supportWas suppor1was I was decidedly wabbly In direct contrast contrastwith contrastwlth t twith with th the brilliant work accorded Pelt Pelton Pelt on Tullday TulldayThe The Browne never really threatened dan danger danger ¬ ger although on one or two occasions occasionsmen occasionsmen occae1onmen men were near ner enough home so that a atimely atimely z i ittmy timely crack would havo done the busi business t tncM ¬ ness ncM but Johnson on never allows oppos opposing ¬ lug t teams am to hit him hard on Wednes Wednesdays WGdneadB Wodneadayg ¬ dB days J JIn JIn a aIn In spite of a wet ball not a single error erroris error111I r is charged against the Nationals Both BothMcBride BothlIcDrlde McBride and ElberfeW handled difficult difficultchanoM dl kult kultchance t chance chanc and handled haJt lecl thorn in a clean cleancut cloancut cut manner Beekendorf wag a the real realbusy roe l lbbay I busy kid a ac JohiMon mowed down four fourteen tourtfOn fourteon ¬ teen batter Vtry few ow called strlkee strlkeeeither strlkoscther either as the Missouri bunch are good goodclub goodctub gooi club ctub swingers s1n elS and broke their backs backstrying backstrJng C trying to contact safely safelyMcBrlilc safelyJleDrhle McBrlilc Lends with Stick StickGeorge StickGeorge StiekGeorge George McBride cBrlde led tho homo team at attho attho a t tthe tho bat with Jtb a double and two singles singlesEvery singlesEeT I Every member of th the Nationals with withthe withthe wlt Ii Iithe the exception of Conroy Conro and Beekendorf c broke into the hit column columnBill columnBill Bill Bailey can ca blame his support for forsome torsome ft r rsome some of the Washington hlngton runs but he hewas hewas h 0 was wild ild as a a March hare himself giving givingsix givIngsix givin g gsix six bases on balls nll and hitting three men menMilan menMilan mei L Milan started the Nationals on the hunt hur it for runs when hen he opened the third by b bdrawing drawing a base on balls b Jls Killifer alnglod alnglodpast slnglodpast ainglopast past Truesdale sending Milan l11an to third thirdConroy thirdConroy L LConroy Conroy smashed R e low liner at Bailey Baileywhich BaUoyWhIch Bailo Bailowhich which the pitcher was W lucky to knock knockdown knockdown knoc knocdown down Milan IJIlin crossed the plate on the t C blow and Bailey slammed the ball to toWallace toWallace I IWallace Wallace In an attempt aUe4mPt to nail Kllllfor Kllllforat KIllif KIllifat at second Wallace dropped the pHL pHLGessler pltLGesaler p11 p11Gesaler Gesaler was wa rewarded with a baso on c balls and the sacks wwo populated Mc M z ¬ Bride smashed tho ball through Hartzell Hartzellwho Hartzellwho LI LIwho who after art or fumbling tossed toSsod It to Wal Wallace Wallace 1 1lace ¬ lace hoping to nip Conroy Conro who was wi Is headed for or third under full steam The Ti 10 ball landed somewhere out in left field fieldwhile fieldwhile fbi d dwhile while Killifer scampered home followed folbow xl by the Widow WidowA WidowA A base on ballg ball proved fatal to the theBrowns theBrowns ti e Browns in the fifth lth Conroy first up was waspassed waspa8Hd wi is ispassed passed Gassier singled to right advanc advancing advanotng 0 0Ing ¬ ing Conroy to third McBride fanned fannedElberfeld tannedElbereld fanne fanneElberfeid Elberfeld was W wa 3 hit in the side filling 111hz w wthe the bases Unglaub skipped a low lowbounder lowbounder ho IW IWbounder bounder at Wallace who headed off El Elberfeld Elbcrteld 1 1berfeid ¬ berfeld but Conroy scored On tho next nextplay nextplay no t tplay play Unglaub stole tolo second and before beforethe beforethe befo ro rothe the ball could be returned to the plato platoGoselor platoGosslor pia to toGosebor Goselor was homo with a protty slide slideScore slideSoro slid Le LeScore Score Nationals S Browns 0 0Bnllcr ODnllcy 0Dailey Bnllcr Batted Hard HardBailey HnrdDalley harda1loy Bailey a1loy got his bumps good and proper properin properIn prop or orIn in the seventh when two more runs came camethe camethe car no nothe i the Nationals way McBride poled to toleft toleft toleft > left for a e twobagger Elborfelds knock knockto knockto kno C Cto to the same place scored him Unglaub Unglaubpoked Ungla db dbtoked b bokod J poked okod a twobase wallop Into Stonos ter territory terrftoT t r rritory ¬ ritory the ball shooting through Stonos Stonospropa Stonosprop Stoni a aprops 3 prop Elberfeld coming homo Unglaub UnglaubIn Ungla Ub UbIn fc In trying to stretch tho clout Into a three threebagger threebaggor thr e ebagger bagger was nailed at tho threequarter threequarterstretch threeQUlrtorstrotch threequar er erstretch stretch stretchAfter strotchArter stretchAfter After Balloy had retired two men in inthe Inthe Inthe I the Nationals eighth Gesslor walked walkedMcBride walkedMcBride walk d dMcBride t McBride was hit by b a a pitched ball and andElborfeld andElbortold a nd ndElborfold a Elborfeld singled to right Unglaub came cameacross cameacross ca 10 10across e across with another timely rap scoring sOon us 5 Gessler with tho Nationals final tally tallyTho tallyThe tallyThe The Washington club has been repre represented represented rop e esentod ¬ sented in the American League with a anumber anumber anumber a number of sadlooking ball clubs but this thisBt this8t ti xis xisSt 3 Bt Louis aggregation is tho poorest seen seenhere seenhore so en enhero II here in years y ars and will need a lot of new newblood nowblood n Ow Owblood V blood if the Browns hope to be any sort sortof sortof s rt rtof t of a factor in tho pennant race next year yearThe yearThe ye yeThe The Score ScoreWASHINGTON ScoreWASIDNGTON ScoreWASHINGTON WASHINGTON AB R R H 1L PO A E > Milan cf 4 1 1 1 0 0 A a Killifer 2b 2bO < 4 1 2 0 2 0 0 Conroy Conro If 2 2 2 0 0A A 0 Gessler rf 3 2 1 1 0 0 0A A McBride ss 4 1 I 2 3 0 A Elborfeld 3b 4 1 0 2 0 A tnglaub lb 6 0 2 6 0 0 n Beekendorf c 4 0 0 15 2 t 4 Johnson p 4 2 01 O 1 02 O 2 2812 0 0Totals 0TotalU A X Totals TotalsST TotalU S 812 12 2 g 11 11ST 0 0AB 1 ST LOUIS LOUISTrueedaJe AB R R H PO A A E U f TrueedaJe True 1aJe < 2b 2bStone < 40 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 Stone StoneIf If IfNowmun 4 0 1 2 0 1 1 Nowmun lb lbGrlggs 4 0 0 10 1 1 Grlggs rf 3 0 1 0 0 0 J 0 Hartzed 3b 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 Wallace se seHoffman 4 0 0 3 1 0 Hoffman ct cfW 4 0 1 0 00 0 W V Killifer KUllrer o oBailey 3 0 0 7 1 1Bailey tl 1 1Bailey g Bailey p 2 0 0 0 4 I ITotals 0 0Totals30 Totals Totals30 30 0 j 5 21 i 13 i 3 LWashington 3VashlnHton 3WashingtOn Washington 0 oe 01 3 31 01 21 2 0 0121 01 2 1 V x xSt x8 8 St LOUW O1 0 0 01 0 I 0 O ° 0 O1 0 Q 0 1 0 o oE 0 0Earned Earned E rned rurtft ruJ1AVasbJngtolt ruz4Washlngton Washington 1 FJIsgt F t base bo Leo by errorsWashington L 1 ° 140ft orgDases obaso 8 Washington W ashington 10 St St Louis 6 G First base baseon bMeon I on onSt balls baUsOlr Off Johnson 3 off Bailey 6 6Struck 6Struck 6ruck Struck St ruck out outBy By Johnson John on 14 by Bailey Batie 6 6Twobase 6Twobase 6obase Twobase Tw TwSa obase hits hl hitsUziglaub Uriglaub Urislaubt McBride Griggs QriggsSacrifice Griggscrifhee Sacrifice Sacri Sa Saitl crifhee ee hit hltConro hitConroy Conroy Stolen tolen bases base baesK1i baesK1ier Kil Killifer KlImer lifer itl itlp er 2 Unglaub Truesdale Double Doubleplays DoublepJaysHartzeU DoubleaysHartzell plays pJaysHartzeU p aysHartzell Hartzell to Newnam McBride to toUnglaub toUnglaub tonglaub Unglaub Tj nglaub Hit by b pitcher By BaIley Beckondorf B Elberfeld McBride Wild Wildpitch WlIdpitchJohnson WildtchJohnson pitch pitchJohnson pi pido Johnson Passed ball Bocken Beekendorf Bockendort Bockenrt ¬ dorf do doflo rt Umpires UmpiresMessrs Messrs Evans and Colli Colliflower Comflower flower flo flom wer Time of game game1 1 hour and anJl an l 43 43minutes 45minutes 4 4inutes minutes minutesNOTES minutesNOTES m inutes inutesNOTESOF NOTES NOTESOF OF THE GAME GAMEThreV GAMEThro 1 1Thr ThreV Thr e out of four from the Browns BrownsGoing BrownsGoing Brownsoing Going G oing upi uplJohnson up upJohnson upiJohnson Johnson struck out fourteen of the theBrownies thoBrownies therownies Brownies B rownies which is only onl two lose o than thanthe thanthe the th e American Amer1cnnLoo Leaguu 1i record this year yearNow ar arNow Now for the champs champsMcBrIde champsMcBride 1 1MoBride McBrIde got three safe cracks with the thewillow themow willow w mow out of four legal times at the thebat thobnt thet bat ba t Keep it up George GoorgelBailey GoorgolBafley Bailey Issued six bases bfls s on balls ballsBoth ballsBoth ballsBoth Both twlrlors were first up In the third thirdand thirdand and an d each took to k three mighty whiffs at atthe atthe ate the th e ball ballWith ballWUh With Truosdale on third and Grlggs on onfirst onfirst onst first fir firdo st in the opening opening round and two men mendown mondown menwn down do wn Bock made a bluff to throw to tosecond tosecond tocond second se sesh cond to catch the former but Instead Insteadshot Intoadshot shot sh ot the ball to Johnson who in turn turnthrow turnthrow throw th row to Elberfold and Truosdale was wasrun wasrun run ru rulI n down and put out on the third base baselino bas basane lino linoJohnson 11 no noJohnson ne neJohnson Johnson fanned the side in one two twothree twothree tworee three th ree order in the third thirdBob thIrdBob thirdBob Bob Unglaubs bat slipped out of his hispaws hlspaws I paws pi ws In the second and rolled to first firstbase firstba8e firstase I base b ase Lucky nobody was in its way wayTruosdale WAyTruosdale Truosdale waited out throe balls in the thethird thethird third th ird but Johnson was not going to let letthe letthe lete the th e second sacker have things so easy easyfor OUYtor easyr for fo foa r ho quickly qUlcklywhlpped whipped over three strike strikeand strlk08and strik striknd and a nd Truofldale Troo dale walked back to the thebench thebench th bench benchClyde benchClyde b ench enchClyde Clyde Mllar Milan Mi1aifanned > v fanned twice during the thegame thesame I Iame game gameWld sameWid g ame ameWid Wid Conroy Conro smashed sIJ1tUlb a drive at Bailay Bailayin BalliYIi BaiIa BaiIathe in Ii the third which blah the southpaw knocked knockeddown knOCkoddown rnoke rnokeown down d own but could not got the ap apeody ody K3IH K3IHfer Klmter fer f or at second s eond as Wallace dropped the thethrow thethrow thuhrow throw throwMilan throwmon t hrowMilan Milan mon and Killlfer worked the hitand hitandrun hltandrun hitandun run r un game on the unsuspecting un St StLeuIs StLeuIsteam Louis Louisteam Lesdeam team t eam in the third Red turning the ball ballover 1M l lover over o ver to right field when Tauodale Tuo Iale ran ranto ranto raro to t o second to take Bill Kllllfers peg at attempting attempting atempting ¬ tempting t to turn back the fast center centerfielder cont contdelder < fielder delderWid fi fielderTVld elder i Wid Conroy made madetwo two clever scoops scoopsout xoopsout scoop scooput I out o ut in left field taking one off Wallaces Wallaceswagon Wallaeswagon WaIIaceagon wagon w agon tongue shoestring shoo trlng high while on onthe onthe ox oxe the th e run runDoc runDoc runDec Doc GoMlors hit in the fl fifth fifthearly th was wasdearly 8 8dearly dearly d bought for it east < him hlmltl hi his pet petwar petwar pc pcar war w ar club clubElberfold clubElberfokl Elberfold didnt aflom to t relish taking takinghis taklagbls his h is base ba e in the flf fifth th after Bill Baltey Balteyhad Balle Ballebad had h ad cracked him one on the leg with the thepill thepill tb pill p ill The Kid and Ump Evans had a apowwow a1JCwow I I powwow l OGwwow over the affair before th the scrap scrappy IICMIppy scrapy py p y National consented to be on h hli hI 14 way wayBailey BY BYBalJey J Bailey seemed to have it in for our ourboys ourboys on r boys b oys for he followed this up by soak soakIng soakIng Ing l ag Beckie in the hip in the same a in inning Inning ining ¬ ning n ing which i1leh caused th the former Tiger to togrowl togro1I t 0 growl growlBob gro1IBob g rowl Bob Unglaub stole second in the fifth fifthsession ftlthsee ftft 11 ftftI session see s lon with the ball in Kllllfers hands handsGeseler handsGeNler handsGeseler I Geseler was on third and when the theBrowns theBrowns th C CBrowns Browns backstop threw to second to tocatch tocatch t 0 catch c Bob Doc dashed for home home and andscored andscored en ensccd d 0d scored easily ahead abead of Wallaces high highthrow highthrow hbg ii throw throwOne throwOne t hrowOne One of Baileys 1loys twisters got mixed up upwith upwith u p with McBrides anatomy anatom in the eighth eighthThe eighthThe The Kid got two twosefe safe swats In this thisgame thisgm thi thigame Is game gameJohnson gm gmJOh Johnson JOh lOn plugged the horsohkle horsehide to left leftIn lefttn let letin t In the seventh for a pretty single singleASBTTEY stngleASBURY singleASBURY ASBURY BROWNS BROW1SCrack DEFEATED DEFEATEDCrack DEFEATEDCrnck Crack Colored Aggregation Dcatcn Dcatcnby Deatcnby U Uby by Interior Xlnc XlncTho ilneho Inc IncTho Tho ho Government Printing Office players playerswore playerswore plays ra rawore wore compelled to work extra hours yes yesterday ye 08 08terday B Bterday ¬ terday and were unable to play the last lastgame lastgamo Ia st stgame game of the season with Interior there therefore therofore then thentore ¬ fore the Red Men took the opportunity opportunityto opportunilto to wallop the Asbury Albur Browns rownl in a game gamethat samethat gan ganthat that was fast and exciting throughout throughoutScore throu bout boutScore L LScore Score ScoreIiiUrior ScoreIllteriar ScoreInterior Interior ABHOAB AD 0 A B Asbwy A Wr AUHOAF A UOIIOA 0 E lyBwn tvDIU1I M Bo2b 3 1 1 4 1 JobMOB clsaioecfllI of 1 1 9 9 Mooroo oao d 2 0 ole 1 C 9 Itow lb 3 9 1 0 he7o Ofos vrf 1 0 0 0 0 Jacben lb s 3111 3111rfo 3 1 1 1 1 AtIt80D 3bM 3bss3 3 1 2 3 1 Scott si 3 0 I 3 0 S1VY rfo rt 00000 o 9 o o n fMf flewertI Pit t 11 1 3110 1 1 I OMrtat Cbt tDt c3b c3b3 3 1 4 2 9 T Tulor Th 3 2 2 2 Brooks u 11000 1 1 1 0 0 0 a Oa Gateweod 8 e I 1 4 1 I Parfu lb 19409 I 8 4 o 9 II IIThomas JlOJkIM p 2 0 S 1 0 n Brmm = pl 0 2 1 I 3 1 0 BaRr rf 0 0 C Thomas p 110201 1 020 Total TetalsInterior 13 61 9 1 1 1u u w G Hi ia 12 2 Interior 040951 04005301S0 t III e 51 Asbmrjr 301904 301904Kuns 3 301S0Ruxaonroe 1 I 4 4tuna tuna Ruxaonroe Monroe onroo Attinsoo 2 2 Fairfax Cbertant Oto it Brooks 2 3 B Brown Tboraas Tbom HOM JadooB Iad e Dospert Z Earned raasIntertor G Aatmrr 3 3 First baso by erroiI errwaIBtmior t rior 1 4 Attwir 2 Z Lea Leaon L on batesInterior bu IDterior 2 Atbwr A MIr 4 FIrst base oa ball ballaOft 0ff Thomas 1 off Ilopktoa 1 4 lonlsff In Inp1td5dB7 l pltcbedBy pltcbed y Kejoo K 1e 1 by ThoBM T 4 lIfts made Blade m a OS o Eases K 1 off Tboraas 5 5 Stmek mtBy < IBy Thoma Tbta 4 by y Hopkln H dDl 4 Thrwbase Three baie WtJadBoa Two T Iwuo b hitAtkinson Stolen baaes bue5TaIor Tajrtor Gatewood Gelewni d Hit by piteh pltcherDy rBy Uopklnt llo L 1 Passed ballB bell 5 Brown UmpireMr Cox Time of gutel hour bouraDd b ntr ntrsad and 10 minutes mInutesWINDSOR mlnutOlWINDSOR WINDSOR RESULTS EESULTSFIRST RESULTSFIRST RESULTSFIRST FIRST RACEScr n friooax ifapUtw Ja 1atQe W3 Whoa 1 to 4 won Amyl OJ 0 CGHIIt G64M 4 to 1 second Sir PblJo Pb o 101 Fain II U Ie t 1 1 tiWrd Ttow IInIe Tb 133 I Battle Fleet Judge creole asd Ttmtboe also al60nD a aSECOND ran nD nDSBCOXD SECOND KACBSix fttrioocs La lalli f Oroksot Orai at 108 l l0 Buns 2 to 1 won Thrift M9 iS DaTeaport T to 1 ascend Limpet 1M 1 Land > 5 to t t 5 tbW tbl Time 113 3 35 Anne Reren RneR Svwta Good Now Nowand rows Ye we weand and RcHorator also raa r11 r11THIRD nsaThIBD THIRD RACBSercn farkmss Beau n CMlton W Goose 00 11 to 5 won Taouoda d4 100 Davis O rto 9 9aecood to S Ssecond second The Golden Butterfly Mf m1hoDI Mtboo 5 to 2 third Time TlIM 15 I 45 Mootagato OIItagule1Io alto ran FOURTH RACKOno and ooe etlixteeDth ixteenth mites mi lea O1UI Edge 101 Lang 7 to 5 woo Tarn Hayward ilayni 116 Bores 5 to 1 second Tony Tonllk1Mro Botwro 116 I Gooce Gee 4 to f 1 1 third Time l 1345 14i4 4 Lcataeoce a alto ho ran taD r an Fort JeUnson J ezion DIOI1 floiihcd I hOO seooad but was dteiiMHicd 1 FIFTH FUr RACBSlx furlongs Gee Marebuec Manduwmt Ul ii Howard 6 to 1 won V SUome 112 Daw Day Dayto port 3 to 1 second C C W Burt Ill Beatoa Benac 8DIOII nR 9 to 2 2 third Time Time 11315 113 15 Royal Onrt Lord L oni Neteoii eIoD Don Doooa a H and Dotnimw Ant also ran ran SIXTH SI T1I RACBCne and onc onequuter aarter ailw mU Ucdev II lIe ROM fit Dunn 30 0 to L 1 won Merman erman M Stete Stei St xis hart hutJ 10 to t1 1 second RcapoMeful QAMfut W Cote CoIoI 6 to 6 third Time 234 2 20Z U First Peep Lcxkgtoa Loxieg ton Lady Lad Sarabaod Saraband and Cloyoe 1orne alto na naBBVEXTH nnBE ranSEVBNTII BBVEXTH BE rn RACBFlre and on onkjf baU ftark fudollt furhu ua Planltos M8 Bums 3 to 2 woo Mlat n Jonah J ona w Da Daris 11 to 5 scand NW W 101 1 < Goow 6 to ti 1 third Time 04725 OU J6 Mi Mtseho mMlro lTO Muff utr Clay and XorUjurabcrlajKl abp ab > ran railEIGUTH ranIflGIITfl EIGHTH RACB IlA ILACStx Slt furlonfs Pedro 103 CWe CoJeJ Cs W to 1 1 won Dan De Neytes Ies UO Darts 5 to it itaaj L a aeco owd Sight 109 Falal Fain 15 to 1 1 third Time TI 10334 1J3 K Anna BII4 L L Dalcj flnle Duke of Bridsofrater OUrs OU 0 Ely Dorothy Do1 thy Webb W 1 Hawks awk6 FH F11cbt ueit ht Ne Neoakaleeta 6kaleeta oeajei z and Llttte Osage Os ge a IUIIQiin IUIIQiinNEV sIi ¼ nn nnNEW n nNEW NEW YORK 1On t STATE LEAGUE LEAGUEAt LE GUE GUEAt At Etalra ElmlraE1mIra Elmlra 1 i T Troy 1 ten Innings called li redS redSdarkuus darkioH darkioHAt darbIAt darkuust At t Albany AlbanrAlhaDJ Albany 4 Bingbamtnn 9 9At 9At 9At At Wlkc WlkcsbamW11kcabtrre arre WUiesbarre 7 TUca i q At ScrantooBcwiton toDScmoto 1 S Syracuse U 11 11 I I I uuuuittt Ir In ll n BumuuuAuuNum1GuuuIll BANG Ii II IIThe n ni i g II The guns will soon be bang bangjj fi fith jj ing Ing away in In the th e marshes marshesg mars marshesReed 1 les lesReed 1 g Reed Bird Season opens today todayH todayre i H Are re you rdady r < to join the thesport thesport g sport 1 If not better come in inH inand u H g and select your gun now nowH H We have the largoat assort nasortment U ii U if mont of Shotguns over displayed displayedIn if In Washington Including 10 12 12H i H 16 20 O 28 and 44 gauge the t e fol following ii Ii lowing wellknown makes makesH ii H H H Fox 52 52H 25 25Pnrlcor 2L H if Parker 12 16 20 and andH n u H 28 gauge 587JO 587JOg n nIthRca g Ithaca Hamrnorloss HamrnorlossH H I I12gauge H 12gauge 11 11a 17 1720gauge fi fi20gauge a 20gauge 20 20RemIngton 20 20S S Homlngton Romingtonflammenless Romingtonflammenlessand Hammyrleaa Y Yand 55 55tJ tJ and Hammer Guns at atSpecial atSpacial Special Discounts DiscountsRemington E EE E Remington Automatic 30 30H E H Marlin Pump Gun I 17 17g 7 if g i Singlebarrel Guns 4 4Get 4if if Get Your Ammunition Here HereWALFORD HereI I WALFORD WALFORDS I U D 11 909 Pa Pa5 Ave AveVOTES Aven n u tm if mnmmmmmum + n nVOTES VOTES V OTES POUR IN INFOR INFOR I FOR BIG SERIES SERIESContest SERIESContest r I Contest C ontest Editor Has Fl as Busy Day Dayat Dayat Da at Washington Herald HeraldFANS IfclaIdFANS FANS P ANS FULL OF ENTHUSIASM ENTHUSIASMEvent C Event E vent WIll DC D the b lit IllKKCNt 0 One of ofIts oJ oJIts Its Kind Ever Attempted In the theDlxtrict tli tliDistrict District and Will VIII Clone October 2 2Vote 0 0VoteN 1 Vote Still Coining Comlu in at MldnlKht MldnlKhtList lIiin1ghtLint 1tdJlIht 1tdJlIht1It List of ConteNtnutH to Dute DuteNo DuteNo No sooner had the announcement an znnoacemsnt t and andooopons aaclGOUIIOM aa I ooopons 0 appeared In The Wttsbtagton WttsbtagtonHonUd Wsbnjtoierald 1btoa 1btoaHerakl a 0H HonUd H erald yesterday morning to the tb effect effectthat ofteetthat t that t this newspaper would send the ten tenmost teamHtpoptllar tei I most mHtpoptllar m ost popular fans to jJ1e the he first two games gamesof pmeeO I of O the worlds series ta Tn Philadelphia gamet next nextmonth nextmolth nix t month m onth than the votes vou began to pour in inThe laThe I The contest editor was kept busy all allday aUday aJ II day d ay counting votw His desk was wasstacked wuatacked we I weS stacked a two feet high b with coupons couponssent couPO couPOsent couponent S sent s ent in by friends of popular fans fU play players plqor ¬ ers or o re and others otb a who are determined to tosee toaee ti 0 see these two games amea m at the expense of ofThe orTbe 0 I The T he Washington WublD < toft Herald HeraldCoupons I ICouponl Coupons will 111 be received reetl vfJd from now nowuntil BOWuntll mo until u ntIl October 3 and the ten who show showthe 8howthe sho V the t he highest t number of votes wt will 111 go to tothe tothe t 0 tI the Quaker City for the opening games gamesThe pm8The I The trip will cost them nothing nothb1 Ar Arrangements Arrangements ¬ rangements r have been made for the th best bestseats bee if seats s 18 in the grand stand and quarters quartersobtained quarterobtained obtained at one of the best hotels in inPhiladelphia ti Philadelphia The Washington Herald Heraldfoots Hersioote foots f oote the bill billThink billThink billThink Think of it Itfree free transportation hotel hotelbills hotelbUS hotc bills bUS and the best soUs 1Otsto to see the Cubs Cubsand Cub Cuband S and the Athletics battle for the title titleCome Uti UtiCome titleCome Come you ou fans wade ade right in and get getto gi t to to t o work Dont think for an instant that thatyours thaours the yours ours is is a hopeless cause can Get out among amongyour amon amonyour g your our friends and make them come acrot acrotand ac1CMtt ac1CMttand and help you OU enjoy that little ride to tothe t tthe 0 the Quaker taker City and see the great ball ballgames be 11 11games games gamesDont Dont lot that big guy with the cellar cellarvoice cellarolce cIe cIevoice r voice olce cut you out of a a trip for you are arejust areJue ax 0 0as just Jue as good4is good 4 he and maybe better as asfar a far as hustling around and andletttaa getting votes votesIs vots Ot88 Ot88Is I Is i concerned concernedTho concernedTho Tho trip is for the the ten most popular popularfans populartana popula a fans and who knows but that you will willbe Willbe wi wiof 11 be of the lucky ten Get on your ur toes toeswade toeswade toe s wade right in and take a chance on ono onoof onoof on to toof of those tho e free tickets Now te the time to tostart tostart I 0 0start start before it is too late Never say sy die dietheres dietheres dh dhtheres theres plenty plcnt of time in 11 Ix which wh1 h to cinch cinchone cinchone chic chicone one of those tickets if you OU will only go at atit Lt Ltin t tIt it in the right way wayEvery wayEery wayEvery Every mothers son of you has ex exactly 0Cactl o tc tcaetly ¬ actly one month In which to get busy busyand bu buand ry ryand and pile up votfes ot So pick your favor favorite r rIto ¬ Ito and help him to win or get in the theflght thefight ti to toL1 fight yourself ourselt A number of candidates candidatesready al already 111ready L1 ¬ ready have sent in their names accom accompanied accompanIed accor It Itpinieti ¬ panied with several hundred votes wit to totheir totheir their credit and aro digging around around and andhunting andhunting a ahunting tod d hunting for more before it is too late lateTho lateTho let e ear Tho list of names received thus fan fanfollows f ffollows ar arollows follows followsAlbert followsAlbert ollowsAlbort Albert Humphrey 815 16 5 Eleventh street streetnortheast streetnortheut stre et etnortheast northeast northeastFrank northeutFrank northeastFrank Frank V Brown 2toi Fourteenth street streetGeorge streetGeorgo stre t tI George K K Loat Treasury Department DepartmentTp DoportmontTJp DopartinoxTJp I TJp Thompson 414 Ninth street north northwoet northW08t nort nortwest west woetW W08tV westv W V J Donovan the Baseball House HousejSovonth HouleSovonth How 10 10oveath jSovonth Sovonth streot streotRichard streoto streotRichard streetRichard o Richard Ralnoy RaIney 118 E street northeast northeastD northeai I I ID D Stoclo St elo Toney 421 K street northwest northwestSterne northwtSterne it itSterns Sterne Brickoy i12 Fourteenth street streotnortheast streetnorthoost stre ot otnortheast northeast northeastPhilip t tPhilip JPhilip Philip Baker Government Printing Of Offlco Otfico C t tflee flee 4 4W ficoYo W Yo v H Vanneman Mount Rainier Md MdArthur MdAr1hur MdArthur Arthur Lfcnglay nsloy 1318 R street north northwest northwut nort h hvast ¬ west westH wutH vast H H M Lawronson 304 Sixth street north northwest northWast nort nortAt r1 ¬ west westAt WastAt At a late hour last night word was re received recelycd z 0 0calved ¬ calved from W J Donovan who owns ownsthe OW 8 8the asthe the Baseball House in Seventh street streetthat streetthat stve stvethat that he had entered the contest with 1000 1000votes 1 1votes 1t 1tvotes votes to t his credit creditTEXAS creditTEXAS creditTEXAS TEXAS LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At DallasDallas s 5 Shreveport Shmeport3 Shmeport3At 3 3At 3VaWaco At WacoWaco Waa > Waco 2 Gahwtam Gahll4on 1 1At 1 1At 1Oklahoma At Oklahoma CltjrOktebena tma Citr 3 Fort FortW FortWerth F ort ortWorth W Worth rth2 rth2CHAMRIONSHIP 2 2CHAMPJONSHIP 2 4 4CHAMPiONSHIP CHAMPiONSHIP RECORDS RECORDSAB RECORDSAB RECORDSAB AB H AVE AVECobb AVECobb AVECobb Cobb 443 160 361 361Snodgrass 361Snodgrass 361Snodgrass Snodgrass 258 93 360 360Lajoie 360Lajoie 360Lajole Lajoie 472 167 167Speaker 854 354Speaker Speaker 418 145 145All 347 347All 347All All games to date < FISHER F IS SBFrST SBFrSTIN BBST BBSTIN IN ll PITCHERS DUEL DUELHighlanders DUELHighlanders Highlanders H Bunch Hits Hit in inNinth inNinth inNinth Ninth and an Win WinNew WinNew V in inNew New York Aug ug 31 31A A tight pitchers pitchersbattle pltohersbattle battle ba bala ttle today wound up with the High Highlander HlghJanders ¬ lander la nders bunching their three hits on Fan Fanwell FanweU well w ell In in the ninth inning and winning the thegame thogame game ga me Fisher pitched splendidly with men menon menon on base Twice with chances to bat In Inrune inruns rune ru ns Lajoio wont out on a long fly The Thescore lhoscoro Theore score scoreCteTvlaBd sc ore oreevelandABUOAE io ioCleftlaB > scQ CteTvlaBd Q evelandABUOAE AB n 0 A E I New YewYorlcABROAE YewYorlcABROAEznec3b40030 York AB H O A E Tamer Tu TuTh znec3b40030 3b 40030 0 3 0 Beside DeI cf cf30410 cf30410msonrf40ie 30410 3 0 1 0 Thcnuson Them Th msonrf40ie son sonNllrm rf 4 I 1 I Cree Crrt rf rf n j 4010 0 1 0 0It I IChute Nllrm il ilLt lea If 3 1 1 0 e Chute lb 3 OH 0 U C 0 0ItimlttM 0St Lt i1t 1 J 11 tW luIgktas41432 luIgktas41432oeaii = 1 A i St Sifla oeaii lb 4 034 0 5 Laporte 21 b 1 0 0 4 1 1ihsm ItimlttM fla ihsm cf dl0000 1 0 t e I Roach ltoalilf If 31010 3 31010tuott I 0 1 Draott De Deln tuott cf d 3 1 2 I t AMtia Jl lb 31241 3 1 2 4 1 1aupi Knoupp ln aupi H 4 2 0 7 0 Qrtnr atzr a 11 32210 3 2 2 1 1Ltrd 0 0Ni Lird Ni c 40620 4 0 6 FlaMr l isbazp31071 isbazp31071nwajl p 31071 31071FMwll 3 I 0 1 1 howell nwajl p p3 3 1040 I 0 4 0 TUJ8 TuJe27 Totals1627211 27 527 62in 21 I ToUfc lota1eM T 34 fi3S17 n51i0 0 0OM OM 0 oat when wiMlsg ias run nm scored scoredCloTdaad ecoredCkrteJalld CloTdaad Cl evelaad 1 0 OJ 0 It 0 0 0 0 01 01N 01New 04wYoek ClN N New w wYoek York 10 1 10000G001f 10000G001fflstwhIIei 0 0 0012 0012Run 0 0 1 1nll Run nll flstwhIIei XOe Uea DsnlflK ROM Itoadl Base on orrora orroraCtoelaad ertOI1Io ertOI1Ioaeel4Dd roca rocaeeeland Ctoelaad c eeeland i 4 Left M e WwaCkrttawl CkTellnt4l S New NewYork Ne ew ewYork York Yo rk 8 8 B Due M oa bateOff Fanwttt F3D 5 off s Fisher FWMrSuk 1 2 2be Struck outBy oan FaaweU 5 bjr Fisher 1 Tw TwUMI TillbMe UMI be e bKCrigtr hkCII II Sacrifice MUdMM Roach RoachStolen Roadaat Roadsolen at StFa Stolen olen tMiwfrDaaMa I it Hit br pttebed ball ballPamwll baJtl1aaweU Pamwll Fa ewell L 1 UmpireMr Umpke r OLoaghlte Time Tb e of etr s nae2 3 hours hoursCHICAGO bDurCHICAGO hoursCHICAGO CHICAGO TURNS TABLES TABLESAVnlNh TABLESVnlNll AVnlNh W alsh Strike Out Ten of the Red RedSor RedSox I Sor SorBoston SoxBalton Boston Aug at i1lrank Frank Smith lost to tohis tohi tc his hi s former team mate Ed Walsh to today today ¬ hida day da daou y in a onesided game Walsh struck struckout struokout struc struct out ou ouh ouP ouSg t ten of tb tbe K Red d Sox Score ScoreBoeton ScoreBoet ScorelioMcas Boeton Boet An fl U 0 A B 5cngo ABHOAB A ABR n04B 0 t I Hooper 1I h uller rf f 3160 S 1 0 0 0 MecenaIl 11 5b4 tb I 1 0 5 f e rartu P oatelllb41111 1 1 LoidL LoidLsker Jb 4216 4216Mtta = It I 8peakft Sg sker Lcl cl d4 4 S 2 I I Mtta I Leloaa n rL rf 3 1 J JLewte 0 e 8t StLe St ahl l w L 3 III K3 1L3O0i e Lewte Le LeV wIsit If 4 40300 S I I I cSSfiTif1 C It I 0S10 0S10Mn 8 1 LeE WacDtr V Mn M 3 1 S t 1 3Mte Zild M 3 1 11 1 1 2nd i iEoST 1 EoST E nd lb 4 S sa Ta Taaswii Tanneifll lb 1b lb410l lb410lPsrestirX 4 lift I Carrifjw C c 4 I 3 4 1 Punt PsrestirX c d 312 3 3120 1 e 1 F Smith 1th p 4 1 t 3 0 11 Somtia a 3 019 019j O OI 0 j Wtfek Wsbkp p 31929 S 1 Z I Too TotaJL JJ SVU S I UUIIMak SToufc Toufc ToufcBarton at 8 9 2 21ktItoII Barton H asten 90900 90900UttoMt e It G 0 I H HCIdcItD CIdcItD I S1001S20 S1001S20Itnai34iss 1 1 J a aeIaaa Itnai34iss UttoMt TiMthfll P Farss r t Waltb ZeMv ZoiIIerlMd Zd4 0 I Lard h 2 2 Twotat htoWuner bW Lori PtraaL PtraaLSMriOca P Psmec Pereeteziles SMriOca Ss eziles ferLonL BMttte htuaolHmn MOO McCooD 11eeMIl MIl na na1V D U Stales bMWPMcot lana ZeUir Lori Lord Makes MtioaaOCeewA 11 11OCoaII1 naO OCeewA O Coss1 DosUt DoIIIIIeJWIe playaBbgle to Stall Bose to toWa toWepti b Wa Wepti 1V 1Viw sr a < r Left oa bMwBoatoa 9 CMafo lcio 3 FIrs FlrttOBM FiIttbue FIrsna bC C bue iw OBM na on bmltoOff W Webb M > 3 off 0g SnHb 4 Bates lhMlena OB OBon e etaseee ena er taseee 1IoIt on L Ills by pttetwrBy Jl cberDr SoiWi L LStrark 18tradr I Itrnt erbs erS Strark S trnt ootXy Walsh V by akta rtth 4ih 1 3 1 Pease ltaMedbaIlcmn > MM4 MM4bmnCknUMi bmnCknUMi bs bse UmptretMaw UID > finale and lid Pef Peflist 1 1ne list e ke TiM TIna of gnat 2 boor boorATHLETICS boIIn boIInATHLETICS ATHLETICS BUMPED AGAIN AGAINDonovnn AGAINDonoun Donovnn D onovan Pitches Effective Bnll BnllAgrnlniit Dn1lA Dm1 I Agrnlniit A lllnt flacks Inek Men MenPhiladelphia 3lenPbllAdelph Philadelphia Aug SI nDetrolt Detroit won the theseries theH1iee Ui e series s from the Athletics toddy cWy by land landtag landIDe ¬ tag tu g the odd game 4 to 1 Donovan Donovanpitched Donovanpitcb S pitched pitcb p itchid an affective elaecttTe game me all the way waywhite waywbU wa wbU w white hile Bender De der was ineffective Score ScoreDem ScoreD Dem D AnnoASi A ABUO n fl A K puia lhIR ABHOAB AX A1IO II 0 A B R D JOM JoussX31I K 3 9 9 I I UMCL LesdLf M 1 1125 11252bS315OIIk4nrcf45lS e S 9 T Trk I 6 2bS315OIIk4nrcf45lS 2bS315OIIk4nrcf45lSgo 3 S QIdrtDc c I IJr i go CGIJIa Co1Ina4 4 lIS Jr wIoudr2134S = f J 4 1sksr b 411 411trisrt 1 1 1 M trisrt J S 2 S S Datia lb J II 1 S P nik s 35215 S 1 Mnapbyxf31l5 Mnapbyxf31l5Jeeash3lS5 rf 1 1 T Jeeash3lS5 rk 31S99 31S99CM S 1 5 awv e 033 s s seJ S CM eJ e4171S 4 1 7 Z I aM rP r 297 297r 2 257rss I D rss p p45525 4 9 9 t 9 as5rrp155 r pL p 199 199Total 1 I I In n 1 1505 ToWa Toads3ST Total J Iii K T I llaak 1 lienkpSS05 p1 p J I InItIWa J I Totaie ThlaiS43l2 ThlaiS43l2aetted JllsTtt 2 II IIBatted I IBatted Batted for Bodcr easkr ta th 1M rtxth rtxthD iriM IaI D tioiu 115212550 I 2 2t 1 tt ttlb 4 4 4PbUsdetshhi PbUsdetshhi lb P M I 155030110 I 9 I 1 Sl SlKowC 11dtr 1 KowC naobeb bb Cwwfiarf Crw itekdtj dtr B rii OottfaK OottfaKPint oIIiIMMnt 0111 0111int 5 Pint l teM be oa eranDtiboIt ronD tnk L 1 Loft on huo huoIhilMMphhi hesea heseaPefldk IhilMMphhi 1 6 D Decek Dlzdt Mk I Pint bees M 1 Mae MaeOil bdllh > < B BOtf bdllha Oil o g Douses 3 Bnd6r flesd 2 2 Struck etttBy Dr D 1 11aII Des w wnm a > 1aII nm S by Boktar der 4 by Ptw 3 1 TbrCDba hub hUtyCrawfofd W WCrariIrIL hubrswfswd Crawfofd C ObOim M3tflca hftT Jonas J Ilk IlkpitdMrBy UkpIdlIIrB a S Sutchr pitdMrBy p utchr Doooran 1 by Binder L I Wild pHch pHchBuoder pIteb pItebuau1I B Buoder lhMrtM UrefrMrat1 Mn OonaoUy and Epa Ttwc lei Tie Tiea ei 1 1 hour MIlt a U ataotec AttanluceaMOd AttanluceaMOdSTOCKTON AtteDIIaacIUXLSTOCKTON a STOCKTON S WANTS FOOTBALL FOOTBALLNew I U New G W w U President Seeks Aid Aidof Aidof Al Alof a of Alumni AlumniProspects AlumniProspects AlumniProspects Prospects for Fast Eleven Bright BrightHe DrllhtIIe t tlie He Says Sny 1C Gradnntes Do DoTheir DoTIlclr DoTheir Their Duty DutyRoar Dut DutDear Roar Admiral Stockton U S N re retired reUrod r rired 0 ¬ tired t who today assumes assU aM the presidency presidencyof pro proslden ldency ldencyor y yf of o f George Washington University IB en enthusiastic enthusiastic ci ¬ thusiastic t over the prospects pro pocts for a fast fastfootball rutootba11 fe St football f team at 1 the university this fall fallAdmiral faUAdmlral fe ii Admiral Stockton te anxious that the thealumni thea1umnl ti e alumni of George Washington will come cometo comoto con conto 0 to the aid of o the athletic council with withsubscriptions withsub svi1 U Uc subscriptions sub c cPermlMlon c cPermission Uhi Permission has ha boon obtained for the theuse tho1M U Uof hi use of the White Lot Ellipse for practice practiceAdmiral practiceAdmlrat precutAdmIral Admiral Stockton announced yesterday yesterdayPractice o teraa teraaPractico F Fhe Practice will commence soon after the theopening theopening tJ tJopening he opening of school next month Maggy MaggyMagoffln Iasgylagoffln r Magoffln as has been announced announced will willrect di direct direct 11 ¬ rect rect the team teamWe toamWe We hope to have a greet team this thisyear this thisear U us year ear and much of Its success will be de determined de determined ci citermined e ¬ termined by tho support given by the thealumni thealumni t he heiat alumni said Admiral Stockton lost lostnight lastnicht is iat night The faculty Is Just as anxious as astho astho tho student body in the line of athletics athleticsand athleticsand athlethend s and will do everything for the furtherance furtheranceof turth rance ranceortootball ran Ce Ceoffootbaht ortootball of football and other sports sportsCoach spOrtsCMch Coach Magoflln will have plenty of o ex experienced exporloncod e x ¬ perienced material when he assumes assumes his hisduties hisduUos 1 1duties 115 duties next n xt month Among those who whowill w ho hoLre will 111 be In the game again this year are areHart arcHart a Lre aen Hart Hart Fowler Elchoff Brandt Porter PorterJOhnsoni PorterJ Port PortJlhnson en JOhnsoni J Jlhnson hn80n Ellis Hamlin Crafts and Bul Bullough Bulouah Bi Lii Liilough lough These men furnisli the nucleus nucleusof nucleusor nude us usml of a a fast tepm tpm tm and wjth wth the new material materialthat materialthat mater ml that the reopening of school will bring bringshould bringlIholld brir brirshould ig should be developed into a fast eleven elevenVIRGINIA elovenVIRGINIA elevenVIRGINI VIRGINIA LEAGUE LEAGUENorfolk LEAGUEorfolk LEAGUE2orfolk Norfolk orfolk Takes Third Game GameSpecfel GnmeSI GameSpadal Specfel t w The WashJsgtoa Wul actoa Herald HwaldNorfolk DeraldNorfolk HeraldNorfolk Norfolk Va Aug 31 31Norolk Norfolk made It Itthree Itthreo Itng t three straights from Richmond Rlehm Richmnd nd winning winningtodays wInningtndays wlnnl wlnnltndays ng tndays game 4 to 2 2 Rain stopped the thegame thesame t he heilis 3 game in the seventh Inning Norfolk Norfolkscored Norfolkscored Nonfc ilis scored the winning runs In the sixth in inning Inning ¬ ning after two passes on Jacksons three threebaso threebaao thrl thrlbase e base drive to the center field fence tho thosecond tho5ocond t tsecond J second hit made oft Edmundson Jack Jacksons JackIIOns Jac Jacsons ¬ sons fielding also featured the game gameScore garnaSoore gnu 110 110Score Score RH RHE B BIttciMMod IttciMMod 00020092 0 0 0 0 0 Z 4 4S 3 3Norfolk 3Scdolk Norfolk 2 0000 C 0 0 0 204 2 I 2 2 2BaUwfetEdmuBttecm 2naUerhlDlmudo 2us BaUwfetEdmuBttecm and Cowan Ryan dud nd 3Iua 3IuaHnin M Mson UB UBOR OR rJBIvl rp4r3ir r Ponder PenderRnln PonderflainPrevents Hnin flainPrevents Prevents Game GameStxsfel GameSpeck 5 Speck to Tk TN Washington Herald HeraldLynchburg llera1dLnchburg HeraldLynchburg Lynchburg Va Aug 3L 31Tho The last game gameof sameof ga me meof 3 of the series with Petersburg today was wasprevented wasprennted n P113 P113prevented prevented by b rain rainSOUTHERN minSOUTHERN rainSOIJTIIERN SOUTHERN LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At Birmingham BfnnlBgliamDfnnlnglam BinnlBGhala 6 MemphIs emphtt 3 3At so soAt 3At At MftbUeilobile rbn bne 0 Nashville 1 1At 1At 1At At New Orlcn OnletneYew n6ew New Orleans OrJea S 0 Atlanta 3 3At 3 3At 3At At Moatgon Mo1to1err ijontKomeryt ont m 1 2 Chattuwoc t Ot9 i L Ii i NATIONAL NATIONALLEAGUE NATIONALLEAGUEYESTERDAYS LEAGUE LEAGUEYESTERDAYS LEAGUEYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS RESULTS RESULTSJVerr RESULTSNew JIESULTSNew New York at Pittiliunc Plttaburgnaln PlttaburgnalnGAIUES elttaburgndnGMES Haln HalnGAMES GAMES GAIUES TODAY TODAYBrooklyn TODAYDrookln roDAYooklyn Brooklyn Br ooklyn at Boston DointonPlttHburjy DOAtonPlttRburg BostonPlttsburg PlttHburjy at Cincinnati CincinnatiJYew Cincinnatiew CincinnatiNew JYew New ew Y York > orlc at Philadelphia PhiladelphiaSTANDING Phlladclpbla61A PhiladelphiaSTAYDINO STANDING 61A DI G OF THE CLUBS CLUBSw CLDB8rT CLUDSrToday rT rToday rTodayW < Hlay HlayW W L L Pet Win WlnCIdcao Lose LoseChicago LoseIctgo Chicago Q Ictgo 3 SO > 3T MI M 187 IS SSS SSSPltUbyrs 1iSPiUbYrg S Susbsrg PltUbyrs Pi usbsrg 66 46 600 COS 00 JK JKNewY It1iew 115w NewY Ye YeCi ew w ytk rk 67 43 48 K6 5T3 5T3ClodanU mCJDet 37411 CJDet ClodanU Ci l16i1 GO SB JM JS8 JOO JOOPhfladriphku 500PhtIaIltl 300IRadekziiM Phfladriphku Ili IRadekziiM ltkIII 58 M JOO JM 301 416 416st 4K 4K8t 455Lewisi 8t St Lo Loda Lewisi l9 > M 43 n 404 4tt 400 400Brooklyn 400nrooltlJD 400ooklpn Brooklyn Br BrBo ooklpn 41 75 7 359 385 JW JWBoston 31 31Boaton 376ston Boston Bo ston 43 78 J65 361 361AUTOMOBILE J63 J63AUTOMOBILE AUTOMOBILE NEWS NEWSNOTES NEWJ I NOTES AND GOSSIP GOSSIPThe I I The WarrenDetroit 30 0 entered in the therecent therecent thecent recent re cent hill climb contest in event No No3 No3was 3 3was 3as was w as driven by George W V V Wells and not notTheo notThoo nothee Theo T hee Barnes as given out yesterday yesterdayMiller yesterday1tIBor osterday1UlIor Miller Brothers are much elated over overthe overthe overe the th e creditable showing made by the Ford Fordcars FOrdcars Fordre cars ca re In the Munsoy lIUDIIO run they having havingcarried havingcarried havingrried carried ca rried off first honors in their class classPerfect cl48Per closeerfect Per P Perfect et road scores wore maintained maintainedthroughout maintainedthroughout maintainedroughout throughout th the run A carload of Ford Fordcars Fordars I cars c ars is expected in today todB or tomorrow tomorrowThe tomorrowThe The new Wile automobile a > a handsome handsomer cv Cl po selling for 1 IiOS 9M the agency for forwhich torwhich forhi which w hi h will be taken care of by Miller MillerBrothers MUlerBrothers Millerrothors Brothers B is due to arrive in this city citynot citynot cityot not n ot later than the latter part of this thisweek thiswoek week weekHas woekHas w eek eekHas Has any one seen that Buick racer racerTner racerThey racerl racerlhey They T hey say sa it went up Naylors Hill in the thorecent 010roeent theecent recent r hill climb contest As a spectator spectatorremarked sPBCtatGLromarkod spectatoremarked remarked r It was a case C e of Hare she shecomes satecomo sheomes comes como c and there she lb goes goesThe gooThe gooal The new Pullman touring oar uaulpped uaulppedwith Jqulpl1with uquipp uquippith with w ith toy to tonneau tO noau is in t town It is s fin finished 14ll flabed ¬ ished ll lo bed ecl in red and presents a handsome handsomeappearance handHmea handsomeppeprance appearance appearanceThe a Ppefl ppepranceThe nce nceTbe The MaxweMBrtocoe Company local localagents lOCAlagenta looMgents agents a for the Maxwell car ic befog befogcongratulated belftgcongratulated beingongratafleted congratulated c on the excellent showing showingmade sbo1ngmade made m ade by the Maxwell stock touring car carin carIn in i n the Munsey tour tourOne tourOne One of the latest and most luxurious luxuriousappointments luxurloU8appotnUlleDta luxuriousppontments appointments a of the uptodate automo automobile autoMObile ¬ bile b ile is a a liquid gas tire inflator that does doesaway douaB away aB a way with 1tb the drudgery at the hand or orfoot or r rfoot foot f oot pump Ail you have to do is to tohitch tohitch hitch h itch the coupling to the tire valve turn turna a lever Ie and the pressure of the liquefied liquefiedgac Uquoftedgu liquefiedas gac g as in the tank ftk does the rest As a fire fireextinguMied flreexUnsalelutd extinguMied the tb carbon gas acts as an aninfallible anIDtaJllDIe a infallible I and Instantaneous In tantD6fHMI extinguisher extinguisherpatting exUnsuleborpattin extinguisherUttIfl patting pattin JI UttIfl out the worst gaeoltne fire ahnoet ahnoetInstantly ahnoetIMtaJaUy Instantly i apd 33c1 saying MYID the Ui damage done to towoodwork tooocIwodc woodwork w and ad upholstery tMY by water waterchBmIcal8 or orchemicals chemicals chemicalsWhen chBmIcal8When c When one te starting out for an initial initialtrip lnltlattrip trip t rip with a newly purchased car the thechief tbechief chief c blsf point to receive attention to the thelubricating thelubrkaUa lubricating I ubrlcatia system stem Not only should it itbe Itbe be conclusively coneluel elT ascertained that the tank tankis tanktun tankof is fun of lubricant but also that the thefeeds thefeeds feeds f are properly adjusted adju ted to supply a asufnelent anmefent sufnelent amount of oiL Attention Att ndon ndona180 should shouldalso shouldlso also a lso be given to the condition of the thegear theIOU gear g ear case cue in this same connection These Thesewarnings Thesewarnl ThesewarnIng warnings warnl are presented for th tM benefit of ofthose oCtbo those who will 111 receive their new cars carsat ClUSat renat at a t the railway station or freight plat platform plattorm ¬ form f orm Of course if the car le handed handedover handedover over to one from the garage of o the theagent theagent agent a gent it Is pretty prolt certain to be fully at attended attended ¬ tended t to but it should be remembered rememberedthat rememberedthat rememberedthat that upon shipment of a car by b the themanufacturer themanufacturer manufacturer all lubricant Is removed removedand removedand and it will be necessary to renew the thesupply thesupply supply s before attempting its operation operationCOLORADO operationCOLORADO COLORADO E LOWERS MARK MARKSots MARKSets MARKSets Sets Worlds orld Record for Mile lile toy toy210G12 t 210G12 2013 06 1 at nendvillc nendvillcReadville ReaddlleRHchJtle Readville Mass Ius Aug 3L 31Worlds Worlds rec records records ¬ ords wore broken in the trotting division divisionof dh1sl0ilot of the American Horse Breeders Futurity Futurityfor Futuritytor for threeyearolds today when Colorado ColoradoB l B 13 flashed under the th wire in the first heat heatin heatIn in I n 23CK IIW W the fastest mile ever trotted by bya a threeyearold and then repeated his hiswin hiewin hiswin win in the second heat heat getting home in 207 2 2G7L3 li1 This made a worlds world record for forthe forthe forthe the fastest single heat and alee for two twoheats twoheats heats Summaries SummariesAmerican SummariesAIMt1akB SummariesAasanlcan American Horse Breeders Putudty for foals ef 1907 trotting pro pens JTOW two > In IIICo1onIdo three threeColorado threeCC3OfdO Colorado E E b h h h br The BoMtemuBou o Me MeOreflor McGreor c cG Oreflor G Maoey 1 1 1Lady 1IAdJ 1is Lady is goods b b f Graadr 2 2Efa 2 2En 2Eta En Bdltet b f DkfcKM 5 3 3Eatty 3E1IIUJ 3Emily Emily Bltoa 1lee b f McDonald eDoDa 3 3Hra 5 5BT 5BTe BT BTe TugiMjr br f Aadrenc i i iBOB IBoa 1Boa Boa Ytau ViTant b h h Walter Walk dIe dtoTtee dkThBe Ttee 1 2J06fc 2 2 2American 2110CM tl tlAmmen American Horse Breeders D r Ftetarity for foals of ofYXK ofpadag ofpacing YXK p pacing dog two IB three threeDirectom threeD1reetuaI threeDirecuant Directom Kcgent bWe k by DirecuUHKeHy Regents Last Lalt by Prince Resent Mllun 211 211Tell 2 1 1 1Tell 1TelL Tell Gentry b f McDonald 122 122Lotorieh 1 2 2 2lAftwtoh 2Lotticb Lotorieh b b f Hcaly 3 db dbToddkwUll IUsToM disToddleetlil ToddkwUll ToM l blfc b 11 McMaiaoaoa IaltO lCK1 dis disTi dhTIme disTime Ti TIme e 5 201 < 215 2d 2 2m 2d3 2d3trot 212 trot pone JUCCO LOO beet two in three threeBerraWo tlmeBenaldo threeBerTaldo BerraWo b it I f bf b The TrampTenctta by byBowbells byDorbeUs Bowbells wis JUrphy l 1 ICapt 1Capt 1Capt Capt Cute bit g Skatee Sk3blte1 Sk3blte1TeeroIal 2 2 2TearobiM 2Tesrokine TearobiM TeeroIal ch cb m raM 4 3 3Vchsra 3YeJ 3Volaqca Vchsra YeJ br m m Cox 3 6 6Myrtle 6STtIe 6Myrtle Myrtle STtIe Granette br m m Andrews 8 8OHmte 4 4OHvette 4Olirette OHvette ch cb s Gabagan Ga snn 5 5 5Orfean 5Orlean 5Onleisi Orfean b h 11 Beajroa 6 3 3Bronicn 1Bronzen 9Bronren Bronicn b g Titer 7 1Bordur 7 7Border 7Border Border Knight b b h CMIUer 9 gTime 8 8Ttee 8Time Time SaOii 246 2 243 24 pace puss JJOOD JJOODAsa 1000A5I 11000Am Asa Am Wilkes ch ell h h by RoanwHkesArtfal RoanrimsA w Maid Maidby MaIdby 1aSd 1aSdbr by Aibbad A bkuId Cox 1 1 1Bw 1BHq 1nt Bw BHq nt tf Wilkes UkG b b 1 m In Gahaganr O 2 2 2Dflkm 2DIllon 2DUbs DIllon Queen b b m In Kelly > 4 3 3CaSeono 3CaAeOltO 3CaSeono CaSeono br g g f MerrffleW errlfteid 3 4 4Time 4Time 4Tim Time Tim Sr t fli 2 2MINOR 20S 20SMINOR SU SUMINOR MINOR LEAGUE GAMES GAMESAMERICAN GAMESA31ERICAN GAMESAMERICAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATIONAt ASSOCIATIOLAt At LouhrUteLo LoobTUIcLoGImI1e l TMlero 0 St St Paul 3 3At 3 3At 3At At ColwabusCbJumbas 4 Kansas City 3 3At 3 3At 3tt At tt ladlaDapoHBIndkaapoHs IlIdIIlNlpoInd na 3 Mhraak Ilftwsekee 1UtikVESTERN e 7 7WESTERN WESTERN LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At St St JoMSt J St Joseph 1 Des Mofeag olat 2 See See0Jtd See03IdPThoSt owl 03IdPThoSt camoSt Jowph 1 2 De Des MobMt 7 7At rAt 7At At OnMbaOmaha Oma OmGhcI 6 Wlddta lohiu 0 0 Sccaad Sc game saaeOmaha e eOmIIha Omaha 8 WIchita WWlILaAt 4 4At 4At At Liacoln Lhi LhacoinLincobs olnLln Lincoln 1o 3 Denver 10 10At 10 10U 10At At TopekaTopeka 4 Siwii Sisuxdity City 7 1XE 72EW NEW XE EXGLAID LEAGUE LEAGUEAt LEAGUELawreeceLawrmce6 At Lavrreacc Law LawreeceLawrmce6 Lawreace 6 Lynn 5 5At 5At 5At At New D1T BedfordNew Bedf dew < Bedford 5 Worcttter W ter 0 0At OAt 0At At Low LowtilBrocttoll Jl Brocktoa 6 Lowell eil 2 Second game J L Leeli vell 7 Brockton 3 3At 3At I At Fall RiterHaTerhill mTerlla 8 FaU aU Biror 9 9COKKECTICUT GCOhNECltCUl 0COtYECrICUT COKKECTICUT LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At SprinKfleld SIJrlpgtleldXew New Haren 3 SprinsfleW 1 1At L LAt 7At At Northaapton NortMlBptonNortbampteft Northampton 6 Waterbury 3 3Second 3 3SecotJd 3Second Second asrae tame gameNorthampton NoTthampUra n 4 AVaterbury 7 VAt At IlrirftkeIiartford 2 Ueljoke L I Steoad Steoadcame dameIiartlard SeseedgamelIartford came ameIiartlard Hartford S Holyoke 4 4At 4At 4At At New BrfWinNcw Britain 1 Bridgeport B 0 0TRISTATE OTRISTATE 0mISTATE TRISTATE LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At York YorkYork York 8 Lancaittt t 4 I E Seoond ooad game garniYork iUIle iUIleY gameYerk York Y rk 2 Lancaster 1 1At L LAt 1At At Re RlftdingUoadlng dingUoadln 2 Trenton 5 5At 5 5At 5At At Altocma AltocmaA1tM Altoona 3 Williimspcrt L LAt 1At 1 1At At JohnatowaJduutavra hMW1I > 6 Earrisbms 1 4 Not Bargain Bargainfor SEE SE E WINDOW WINDOWaH WINDOWgoods Wi N D OW OWgoods goods bou bought ght i t for the purpose f IT Z ZCo 2 5 C I II 1 Y Yprices 7 S Co r but vutiiargatn vutiiargatnprices Bargain 6RY aH prices on onreliable onreliable 728 s sreliable ISf Ties TiesWere T les reliable goods goods i Were 50c and 75c 75cMENS 7Sc 7ScMENS 15cMENS MENS FUfiS FURNISHINGS FURNISHINGSAlways SHSNGS SHSNGSAlways Always reliable Values during these sales at cost and less lessMust less1f lessMust Must 1f ust sell out the balance of this stock at once onceNeglige onceNeglige onceNeglige Neglige ShirtS Shirts Shirts85c 85C from 150 and 200 200Neglige 200Neglige 200Neglige Neglige Shirts 51 135 35y 35 from 225 and 250 250Half 250Half 250Half Half Hose 25c from fro m SOc and75c and75cOther and 75c 75cOt1er 75cOther Other goods at equally low prices pricesNATIONALS pricesIII pricesBRYAP III BRYAN CO 72815th 12o 15th SI N W WATIONALS NATIONALS N HAVE THUS FAR FARMADE FARMADE FARMADE MADE ATHLETICS HUSTLE HUSTLEMc HUSTLEMeAleers HUSTLEcMeers Mc MeAleers M cMeers leers Team Feared by Connie Macks Champions Championsin in Series Seri s Which Starts Today TodayOther TodayOtherLive TodayOtherLive Other OtherLive Live Baseball Gossip We nave have idttt us s to4ay the champion championPhttadolphJa cbamploaPh championhIladelphia Ph P PhttadolphJa ad pIat Athletics for a a series of ofthree oCthree ofree three th ree games and these thee semes promise aD ansorts aDaorta aDrts so sorts rts of fireworks AreworkLStrance tlreworkiStrange fireworksStrange Strange as It may seem the Nationals Nationalshave NaUoaaIahave Nationalsave have h ave made a better ibowI showing against the theAthletics theAthletJca thethletics Athletics A this season than t any other otherclub otherclub otherub club cl ub in the American League Up to date datethirteen datethlrteOA dateirteen thirteen th irteen games gam have haY been played and andWashington andWash1ngten andashington W Washington ashington b b ha TR six x of them Phil Philadelphia PhIladoJpbta PhDdeiphis ¬ adelphia a has beaten Boston 4 out of Do Donil Bnd 11 11and and a nd New York 5 out of U URecalling U UReca1lh 11Recalling Reca1lh Recalling the past series between the theNationals tbeNa theationals Nationals Na N onJ and the Athletics Washing Washington Wut Washingn D Dton ¬ to ton n won 2 out of 2 In the theThen soa opener openerThen openeren Then Th en in Phftadstphte Ph ta the Athletics cap captured ca catwed copoted ¬ tured t 3 out of 4 On the secoad trip triphere triphere tripere here h ere the AthtoUeg AthIe won 2 east ct sf 1 a aUte and an4the andhe the t he following tol week Mk Ia Philadelphia PhiladelphiaWashto IIdeIpbIWulml Philadilpilisaslaingion Washto W aslaingion tOn ton spttt even wtontog wIsmi two twoJostng and andlosing andsing losing lo sing the same aomberDisll number numberDlxii uaaberDtXIJ Disll Walker who te hi great shape shapestarted shapend bape bapewho a nd who baa W rfIIrJ pate s1n he hestarted betarted s started to work after at his recent niasss niassswill WMMwill illnessill will W ill be in the box thte afternoon and andopposed aa4opposed andpposed Wo opposed o to him will be either Cy Mor Morgan XorIn Moran ¬ gan g an or Jack Coombs CoombsOn CeoInbIOn CuiombsOn On Friday Dolly Gray who has beaten beatenthe beatenhe tee teethe the t he Athletics each time he has fiaced fiacedthem saeedtMm 3ecedem them th em this year win work and Walter WalterJohnson Walterohnson WaIterJO Johnson JO J naon te slated to go in the box on onSaturday ODSatJIr onatnrday Saturday SaturdayWade SatJIr S atnrdayWade ay ayWade Wade KibitZer got back into the s P1Myesterday game gameesterday e eyesterday yesterday y and pat up p a stzone exhibi exhibition exhibition exhibion ¬ tion li on not only in I fielding but at the thebat tMbat theat bat b at It is hard to see where wherehm Cunning Coimteghant Cunningam hant h am the New England Leaguer cast re replace re repace noece ¬ place pi ece the auburn haired boy boyManager boyManager boyManager Manager MeAteer < will 111 know tonight tonlsjfatwhat tonighthat JdPrt JdPrthat what w hat luck he has had in drafting play players pIqers playns ¬ e ers ns from the minors The Washington Washingtonmanagement Washingtonanagement a amana management mana m emont has put in bide for tea bush bushleague buMleaguo busheague league l eague stars stars and as it te a ttto1 to1 shot shotthat abotthat shothat that t other major league ae teams are after atterthe afterthe the same men only luck will figure figurein ureIn gune gunen in i n the outcome When one or orclubs JDOr JDOrclubs more morelubs clubs c lubs draft the same player the national netjpnalommission nationalcommission ttpnaI ttpnaIcommln c commission gets busy with the oldfash oldfashioned oldtubtoned oWlashhoned ¬ toned lottery scheme puts the names of ofthe oCthe ofhe the t he clubs after th the same sun player in a a hat hatmnd batud and C tC ud then comas the draw If Washing Washington ¬ I ton t on Is lucky a few more youngsters will W be added to the lint of these 1MteWH who will willwork willwork i iwork work out next xt xtJIkAIeer spring springMcAleer sprangcA1eer McAleer cA1eer te not counting en a adrafte4 single stoglodrafted singledratind drafted player playerBeware JlanrBeware ytr ytrBewar Beware of W Wublast shtesto v says the thePMtaoelphia UIoPtdIa thePhiladniphia k kTb PMtaoelphia PtdIa Times TI sad aD4The adds addsThe The Tb Athletics th today are aeJia7lnr aeJia7lnrtIMtr playing piaytogtheir playingtheIr their final game at a Sblhe Park btfore btforestarting 1tttore8taI1bI boforestarting starting on a tour of the eastsrm end endof endof endof of the American League drcnU The Theschedule Theecbeda1e Theschedule schedule reads Washington flrst Ant rst then thenNew UaenNew thenNew New York and finally Boston tel followed 101a telowed ¬ lowed by a return home In I each of ofthe ottbe ofthe the eastern cities the Mackttes XackU are arebilled arebilled 0 0billed billed to play pia three threethe gaines Including IRcIutilBbthe Includingthe the Labor Day doubleheader te IRTwk New KewYork NewYork York Against the New Yewfc and andBoston aDdBoIItOD endBoston Boston teams the Athletics have play played played playid ¬ ed stellar at lJr ball ball probably the best m Ia the theleagues tOOaDd theleagues leagues and easily lead these two teams teamsla teemsIn tesuwIn In the series of the theAgainst theA season seasonAgainst Against A Washington the club cI has had hada aa b ba a bad torn and has found the meCIOW4 MeAleer MeAleercrowd MeAleetcrowd crowd a hard rei one 0 to beat Thus on onthe onttt onthe the trip a1p beginning tonight sue need neednot 1W1110t neednot not be surprised It tba tbeAUaIetles juhledes are arodefeated sredefeated aredetested > defeated in the home hum of President PresidentTaft PrMklentTatte PresidentTaft Taft Tatte but victories ought to foHew in inthe II IItb Inthe the tb home of BUt Knickerbocker and andthe aDdthe sadthe the home of the sacred creel cod Tide trip tripalso tripaIM tripalso also will settle the pennant for the ktl ktltedes 1Iedea 1 thIsdes tedes probably will win enough games to toplace toplace toplace place them so far ahead that no team can cantouch cantOQCh cantouch touch them And while the team Is op opthe u uthe nothe the Eastern trip fans taasat at home may may ox expect oxpCt oxpoet ¬ pCt another one of these sensational ttonal nil rallies nIa nilDes ¬ lies a repetition of the Jaunt through throughoat IOtICheMIt throughout oat the West a a few weeks age ageEE C0LE agoLB EE DROIT TIGERS CHALLENGE CHALLENGEThe OHALLENGEThe The Le Drott Tigers chaQsage any team teamin teemIn in the District for a series of games Ad Address Adrea Address ¬ dress an communlcattooe to Manager er B BF llo lloF I IP F Turner hill Thirteenth street north northwest alKtJW alKtJbe nnrftwest ¬ west westThe W westThe The Itoeup Is as follows followsMotber toUow8aIber fOllowsliasber Motber nd Mttiod catehen s JT Pwd W Ww Pied Firin Piedass ass n A AiiiBM pttcbm 1tche W wes Wat tkM b baa DM cafsihU cafsihUO < O G footer bessr aM H Lash thutrton I Bailey Bail BailJ Bailerend sae saeb end bra J Hairy Int Ot b base r Weaver wr rigfct rilhtl44 rilhtl44fWd i 114 114Iowsq < dd ddKOWMT KOWMT enter fWd Deer and Jobaaon to kCi MM M MBAST id4ILtSTR MMBASTSRX BASTSRX BAST RS LEAGUE LHAGUffiAt LBAGUK LBAGUKAt At RoekerterKodMter 3 Jcney Jean Chy CIbAt 9 9At 0At At HS3satZ1 lo I Newut 4awt L LAt I IAL At luraMoToiDBto TaDtto T ProtMMct Fwdd e ioI ioII + + I TEN FREE TRIPS i iTo 4 14 TL TLTo I t To the First Two Games Gamest Gamesofthe f fof f y of 0 ofthe oftheWorlds f the l h e et i iii > ii iiI > t I Worlds Baseball Championship Championshipi I II I AT PHILADELPHIA PEILADELPHIATHE PHLADELPHITHE i = 1 1i i THE WASHINGTON HERALD HERALDA A 4 4Has 1 t Has Completed Arrangements for a Personally i it f t 1 ConductedParty Conducted Party g 44 44CONTEST t t I J CONTEST OPEN TO ALL ALLExcept J 1 1Except e t Except Employee of The Herald and Members of Their Families FamiliesTHE Famllleai i I w THE CONTEST IS NOW ON ONI ONLast ONLast I i I Last Coupon Appears October 2 Winners Will ViII Be An AnJ Announced t tnounced J nounced Sunday October 9 9j t 4 I II t j A coupon or ballot will appear on the second page every day dayv j v t t from the start to the close of the contest Coupons cut from fro the thef i idaily f 4 daily edition will count TWO VOTES and coupon cot from fr the theSunday theSund theSund + Sunday Sund edition will w l1 count TEN VOTES VOTESt VOTESt VOTESThe t The TEN candidates ool1didates didates receiving the greatest number nU11iI flUir > r of o votes voteswill otes i iwill k will be declared de 1ared < winners In case of tie similar trips will itl be beawarded S 3 awarded tying contestants Coupons must be sent direct to the theContest theContest 4 t Contest Editor 1 1f i 4 4t f 3 t For further information or particulars part cuiars call on or address addressI addressCONTEST i I t CONTEST EDITOR EDlTO The Washington Herald i t t