r THE pg1 WASHINGTON wAq1TTNgPflTT HEBAI3 THURSDAY Y SEPTEMBER 1 1910 191 9 fI 4 fICREDITDUESNOWDEN GREDITDUESOTDEN GREDITDUESOTDENHis CREDITDIIE SODE SODEHis His H is Long Hits Win Flag for forTrust forTrust forTrust Trust Company CompanyCLAYTON Corn CompanyCLAYTON pan panOLAYTON CLAYTON PLAYING GOOD BAHBInkea BAH BALII ALL ALL3Inke I BInkea 3Inke Four Futouta anti One On As Auillt AuilltRt ttsilitat Ii t tnt nt Capital City Olt Park Yonterday YonterdayKcMlden YClltertJuyIre YeiitcrdnrITcIde KcMlden Ire ldell Getting One ol Hln Club ClubThree ClubThree Cluba ClubaThree Three Illtn IUtllGnllnJherl GallaKhcrw Hand Han ii Still StillIn StillIn StillIn In Bad Shape ShnpeDnllebnll Bnncbnll Xote XoteBT Xotei XoteiBy NoteaBy By X X T VOHLEY VOHLEYAmerican VORLEYI I American Security S ur1t and Trust Companys Companysvictory Companysvletory Companysvictory victory over 0 Twlirtng yeeterday was un unexpected unex Unexpected ¬ expected ex ted by the majority of the fans tan al although althouch a athough ¬ though it was well we known that the Bankers Bnkora Bank ¬ ers had a strong batting team Snowdens Snowdensterrific SnowdensterrIftc Snowdenaterrthc terrific home run with 1th two on bases basesand b8lesand lEosand and hie ts triple which onablod him to score scoreon scoreon scoreon on an out out gave the Bankers the contest contestand conttand contestand and Snowdan deserves crodlt or crodttfor dlttor for the via victory viatory viatory ¬ tory toryCornell toryCornell toryCornell Cornell Company hardly looks like the thasame thesarno thosame same team since the series erfes opened openedVaughn oponedVaughn openedVaughn Vaughn considered to be b the beSt b t third thirdsacker thlnlsacker thbilsacker sacker in the city is out of the game gam for fortho tortho forthe tho rest of the year with a a broken ankle anklesustained anklesustained ankesustained sustained in a game with 1th Ninth Phlppe Phlppehad PhiPPShad Phippohad had the nail on the first rst linger of his hisright hisright lIsright right hand torn off in th the fourth Inning Inningyesterday Innln Innlneeterday inn1nyesterday yesterday and Baggetto is playing with witha 1th 1tha a broken digit Despite these Injuries to tohis tohl tohs his hl players Manager Mana or Cornell Is optimistic optimisticand optimisticand optimisticand and cannot be conrtaoed ced that tho Commissioners Commlloners Com Cornmiesioners ¬ missioners will even give 11 him a run for forhis torhl forhis his money this afternoon when the two twonines 110nin twoI I nines nin meet to decide the championship of ofseotion orseatSon ofI I section A A Dick Robertson is slated ted to topitch topitch topitch pitch and those who have watched tched the theDepartmental theDepartDMllta1 theDepartmestal Departmental Leaguer perform predict predictthat prediCtthat predictthat that that he will give a good od account of him himself himlelt himself ¬ self today and make up for the defeat defeatsustained beNts defeat8U5t4nod sustained s 8U5t4nod ne l la I the last game against the thePaperhangers UtePape theI Paperhangers PaperhangersManager Pape PaperhangersManager ers ersManager I Manager Cornell is going gol g out this morning early oarl to practice for todays todaysgame todaysgame 0 game He feels that he may be called calledupon 06fttdupon calledupon upon to play right Held in case any more moreof mortot moreof of his hi players get st hurt Besides his hisfriends histrlend friends have pointed out to him that thatMaurice thatMaurkt Maurice OConnor once one played a whole wholecame hole holelame came In right field and that under the thecircumstances tb tbc1rculnlltanee circumstances he ought to make good goodHats goodHaLl Hats Hat off to the genial lDIal Jim JImu Sprigman SprigmanWhenever SprlcmalLWhenever Whenever Jim J takes tak hold of a team teamwe teamwe teamL L we W are r going to pick It to win in in the thefuture tbefuture future for hes h the man who delivers deliversthe dtllftrsthe the goods goodsThe goodaThe F The Twining < boy bo7S boysars are u repeating over overand overand and over to themselves them ty too much Raw Rawling RawJf ling Jf hugs g We W agree with them It was wasReggie WItSURe URe Reggie gleu Bawling who gava p the In Independence 111dependence ¬ dependence Leaguers their defeat when whenThe wUnThe The Herald team played Twining and andyesterday lidY08terd yesterday Y08terd Shag was on the job and andlanded JHlJandecl andlanded landed the deciding contest contMtThe contestThe The board of arbitration to walUng un until until ¬ til all the evidence is la I to t decide on the theeligibility theellgtblUtT eligibility of Phippa of the Cornell Com Company Compan ¬ pany pan Mr Tbacher a a member of the theboard theboard board stated < over the phone that noth nothing nothInr ¬ ing could be done until certain e taln parties partieshad p rU rUhad had submitted their view of the case caseLeftr caft pr Leftr ft Clayton played i7d good ball in inleft F left field ft Jd for the U Pvtworth nine grabbing grabbingfour grabwagfour gr lpbleg I four flies ftl and getting tUn an assist In a doa doable double donble ¬ ble play at the plate He also drew a apaw apafl8 paw and made one of his teams lMDt three threeblngles threeblngl blngles blnglesPetworth blngl blnglPetworth Petworth played the kind of ball which whichwon hk1I hk1Iwon won it the pennant In the Suburban SuburbanLeague SubttrbanLNpe SnbvrbanLeague whichI I League yesterday The boys took heart heartwhen beartwhen when they aw w how crippled the Tigers Tigerswere Tt rs rswere were and played twice as bawl saI ONeal ONealStewart ONMJStewart Stewart and Gallagher were werefrom IDIII IDg from the Baby Doll Doll lineup lineupBernle HIMunBernie Bernie GaJtaghcra hand is still in insuch msuch hisuch such shape that he is unable to pitch pitchand pitchand pitchand and it is barely possible that ha will willpUy willpia I play pia in the present series a rIes To say y that thathis thathll g his friends frle are disappointed would be beputting beputting b bputting putting it mildly mild I as they were counting countingon couutis on fl him to land several games for the theSuburban theSuburban th Suburban Leaguers through throu h his good slab slabwork slabwork slatwork work However Howev Bernle Berni did not hurt hurthis hurthie L Lhis his band on purpose pur and cannot be beblamed beblamed hiblamed blamed for his present misfortune misfortuneWe mgfortuneVo We Vo printed a heading Tigers Gnaw GnawBabes GnawDab GnawBabes Babes Dab when the Cornell team defeated defeatedthe defeatedthe I the Petworth club in the first battle hatti be between be bet8en between ¬ tween these the two organIzations and after afteryesterdays attoryesterday ftet ftetyesterdays yesterdays game we e were besieged by bytbe bytbe tbe Petworth tribe with itll suggestions as asto IlAto I 4 to an appropriate heading this thl morning Some of the headings mentioned were wereBabes wweBabes wereBabes Babes Halt Tigers Pull Tigers Tall TallBabes TallDabe TallDbea Babes Escape Tigers Hungry Beasts BeastsBalked BM BMBalked I IBalked Balked Babes Bb Defy Tigers and numer numerous numerous numarone ¬ ous others At any an rate rat it is certain the I Tigers failed to get their prey preyAustin preAuattn preyAustin Austin Howard struck out three thro Unv Unvwhen UmM UmMwhon I when he faced lao Single in the Bankerein Bankereindependenee BankareIndfIHmdMae BankersIndependence dependence clash cia The Tb fourth time up ij Howard was safe on the shortstops or erIt orror ora a ror rorIt It was learned yesterday tdAy that Dutch DutchMenefee DutchMenetoe i Menefee is ineligible to play with 1th the theCornell tbeCornell th 0 0Cornell Cornell Company nine nine ho having played playedin LI LIIn in but one or two games gam with 1th the Paper Paperhangers Paperhanllra Paperhangers hangers this year Dutoh would oome oomein oomaIn oom a ain in handy about now nowIf nown nowIf If the matter can be arranged The TheWashington TheWuhIDrtOR Th 0 0Washington Washington Herald team will play tho thoAdams thoIdams Ut 0 0t t Adams Express nine on the grounds at atruth atFifth s t tFifth Fifth street and Florida avenue 8RUO northeast northeastSaturday northoutSaturdq t Saturday instead of at t Thirteenth and andstreets D Dstreet DetroUl street northeast northeastThe uorthtaatThe UortheastThe The Columbia Printers would have havepulled havepullea hay 0 0pulled pulled off a triple tripl play In yesterdays yesterdaysclash ter l lcluh a aclash clash with Adams had not one em man been beenalready beenalrOtlc1 bee beealready already alrOtlc1 out With McMahon and Barren Barrenon Barronon n non on first and second Stewart hit a fly II y between center and right which Mc McCarty McCarty t tCarty Carty caught after a hard run Both Bothrunners Bothrunners Boti 11 11runners runners thought It was w a safe hit and andchoed andchMecl an 4 l chased around the bags making It oasy 06 ens y for McCarty to toss the ball to Boyd Boydat Boy a at t second who threw to Weaver at first flrstneither firstneither flrs I Ineither neither of the runners having any chance chanc o to return to the t4e cushions cushionsBIRD cushionsBIRD cushionsBIRD BIRD SEASON OPENS OPENSAnacostia OPENSAllacostia OPENSAnacostia Anacostia River Alive with Trappers Trappersand Trappersand Trapperand and Gunners Today TodayAnacostia TodayAnacosUa TodayAnacostla Anacostia River and other hunting huntinggrounds huntinggrounds huntir g ggrounds grounds within the District will bo alive alivewith allvowith a1 ro rowith with trappers and gunners today when whtntho whentho whi n ntho tho reed bird and blackbird season opens opensat OP6llSat opor Vs Vsat at daybreak daybreakIt d brk brkIt It Is said that the rood birds are nu numorous numorous n 1 1morous morous but in only fair condition on ac account account ai aicount ¬ count of the failtye tll e of o the wild oats O tIJ crop crc p > this year e r However HOWO r hot hotel l tables and andfamily andtamlly an anfamily d pd I family board will be well suppUftd suppUftdThe 8UPpllaThe uppiieiThe i The favorite spots for the gunners arc arcnoar arenoar ai e enear j h noar the Banning Bridge and the Ana Anacostia A1acostlo I Icostla ¬ costia Bridge ridge The Eleventh precinct precinctforce precinctforce U Uforco force will 11I see to it that tho restrictions restrictionsore rellrlcllonsI 19 19are I are ober obB obBI obBI fc I I I i I POSrSEASON POSTSEASON SERIES SERIESBEOnONA SERIESSE0010NA SERIESA SERIESjadht BEOnONA BEOnONAStanding SE0010NAStll A Standing Stll jadht ml W L L PO POOkradt 1c0ntIt PCirsdt Okradt Or Cap 1ap City LtagBe LISSbCL 3 1 W WCanMafcriimmi 1 OQIIB 6O 6OtaledoseTs > CanMafcriimmi QIIB IIIIDI CDrtl D j rtl UagnoJ 3 1 ISO ISONfetfc RiOrWa Td1ith Nfetfc 1ith Oiwday ScJw SQeet League 2 3 400 400Petwwtk 4X1Pdwwrt 13Petwirtit Petwwtk SiIW1NnLNgutJ Sehiban Van League 0 3 fI1JI fI1J5EOIION eco 000SECTION I 1 SECTION B BStudio n nStaadllll BStanding Studio Staadllll StaadllllW W L LPC LPCAa PO POAM PCOmatCllrlt1 AM matCllrlt1 Security Bankers League 6 0 OhOOO OhOOOTwWttg liOOO liOOOTvrlntag h000Pwisisg Tvrlntag tlndepwdence 1IIdepclld Loapw Le 4 2 2IltriM 697 697Herald rmJItnId Herald CeznmBXdal LOBSHC Le 3 2 500 500Adam SOOA icoAie Adam A Itettmd League 1 4 200 200CblwaMt 3Dteabis CblwaMt Ml MuqueUe IIlI1U Loagae 0 5 WO WOYESTERDAYS 900YESTERDAYS stnTBBTZRDAtS YESTERDAYS RESULTS RESULTSSECTION RESUIJrBSECTION RESWJ RESWJBEflON SECTION A Aretwortb A APetworth Arebrorth retwortb 2 Cornell QJme1lSBOTION 2 2SECTION t8rIONB SECTION 8rIONB 8rIONBLBTCe5iwin1nr B BA n nA A A LBTCe5iwin1nr LBTCe5iwin1nrAdrn B T Cfc Ce5 5 Twin TwlnInz 4 4Adams f fAdaDN Adams 6 CafembJa ch Ml 1f1 1 1GAMES L LOAM ICAMElS GAMES OAM S TODAY TODAYSBCT10N TODAYSBCTION TODAYSliCTION SBCT10N SBCTIONComon Acornell A ACornell Cornell Coapaay TL n Commls CommIa Cornmhtosem oneru at atCapital atCa atCftLtal Capital Ca tal City t7 Park 5 p p m mSECTION mSBCrION nisnorION SECTION B BTbo BTh BThe The Th Washington loaM TS T5 A A B 4 T TCo 1Co TCo Co at Thirteenth aid D greets northeast northeastBANKERS north t tBANKERS i + 4 4BARKERS S BANKERS LAND FLAG FLAGHeavy FLAGHeavy FL F FI Heavy flitting at Critical CriticalStages CriticalStages CriticaiStages I Stages Tells Story StoryENGLE StoryENGLE StoryENGLE ENGLE STRIKES OUT TEN MEN MENAlthonglt MENAlthongh r rAlthough Although Beaten n nten Twining Twin1n Slab Ar Artldt Artlllt Arlist tldt Twirls In Form FormSnowlen Snotvilcn Gets GetsHome Get GetlIomc I IlIOnie Home Run with Two on Dunes and anda flU I Ia a Triple TrllIeLOJeerll Loners Get Threernn ThreernnStart Tl1reerunStnrt 1 1Start Start in First Chapter Six hits in the last three Innings InnaR one onea onea on onhOifle e a 5 home run with two on bases baa and an another anouier ¬ ouier ot other her a triple overcame the oarly load loadwhich lOAdhlch los ii which w hlch the Twining team gained in the theopening weopeelftg th e thD opening o inning at a t Thirteenth and D Dstreets Dstr08tS D streets st stth reets northeast north ast yesterday and gave gavethe SRV8tbe av e the th e American Security and Trust Com Company Company L ¬ P pany aUl nine of the Bankers Bank League L the thecame theInu th 0 the came g ame with which is conceded needed also the thechampionship Uteehamplonahlp Ui Uiampionship e championship ch of section B BThe The losers shoved three men m across acrossUK acroathe a UK th e plate in tho flrst round on an error errorbase orrorbue p base b ase on balls single and a triple the thelast theJaat Ui 0 last la st hit cleaning up the bases The In Independence Independence I ¬ dependence d crowd failed to get another anotherman anotherman anoth r man m an across until tho seventh when whenClements wbnC1ementa whu 5 Clements C triple and an out gave thorn thorntheir themtheir thei theiheir U their t fourth run runAmerican runAmerican American Security seurlt made their initial initialtally Initialtali Inith Inithlly tally tali ta tali lly in the fourth when hen Snowden trip tripled tripand ¬ led li d and scored on Rawlings R wlfn single slngl In Inthe Inthe I the t he flfth the Bankers took the lead leadwhich leadwhl 3 which whl w hich h they maintained throughout After AfterHolland AltarHolland Aftc r Holland H olland had ballooned to short Howard Howardreached Howardreacbed Howar I reached r nrst ft t on an error by short Da Davis Davia i L ¬ via v ia then made his second hit of the after afternoon arternoon r ¬ noon n oon and Snowden SaoVden followed with itJI a ahome ahome home h ome run which sent m lIt two men ahead aheadof ahlMUlelt shea 1 ho of o f him The Th winners whm mad made their last lastrun lutrun isi It run r un in the sixth QR < n t to ro o hits and some somefast somefut cots 0 fast f ast base boo running runningEngle nllblgEa Engle Ea le slightly > lchOr outpitcbed Bawling Rawllngsfanning RawlingstaAI S fanning taAI f ten men and < walking none and andbeing andbetD an aneing d being b eing < hit for eight ht blngles blD 1eL Railings Railingsstruck nallng nallngstruck struck s out six six paused three three hit a man manand manIU1d mannd and a nd was hit six times ttm Two long hits hitswere hitswere hitsore were W ore made off each twlrter twlrterTwining tlrrTWilalng twlrlerTwinIng Twining was unfortunate in having havingtheir haYingtb8lr havingheir their t errors come at a time when some someone 150m 150mone one o ne would follow with 1th a hit There Thor was waslittle waslittle little l tUe difference In th the fielding fieldingDavis ftelcUngDIlYl ticklingDavis Davis handled his five dv assists at thIrd tWrdbase tlIlrdae thIrdoos ba base b oos ae in a sensational sen manner Downoy Downoyalso DowBeyalalo Downoylso also a lso did some good fielding fieldingThe ieldlngThe ldtng ldtngThe The Official Score ScoreTwtalnc ScoreTwtaIac Twtalnc Twbiis AB ABUOAE H 0 A E A AST S T AB A1MQAE H nOli 0 A B Dement C leeetiL4 If 4 1 t Howard M ae4IiS1 4 J I 1 ntrm fin r rG tTvlT cf O140501 4 f I I I Dark D DV1sb J 32515 1 5 I Otabel G kbelc 1 c 3 30521 I i t 1 Ony it S Onlwa kba Ib b 1 5 I S Swmden lb J Itt II 1 1 0 niAll I IO itMr M liUiEs 31111 1 1 1 1 tE1 Itavsilb rea ib 3111 I 1 1 gSWr 00 O Jb 1 e Write lii 4 1 Downer D UWOYm2 th t t 2 S 21 I nitwlsw RIi p 3 2 1 1Tout leKee cKezf31lIS If 3 1 1 DoJIrIa Uckisd Uckisd30e1e d 3 I Bade p 3 30e1e e I 1 UciIIu4 UJaMX3S0S5 JC J It ItTotak Tout Totals1553853 iK I 31 S TeUfc TcfakM Th4a Th4aThMithi JB gait S D It ItTwiDIDIt I ITwining Twining 3 30555014 e 8 8 1 11 11A J JA A A S LTOO LTOOitvjteSnoedss T Ce 9 t 1 3 1 1R IRUt R RUt itvjteSnoedss M SooMitR t 11 m 2 IIowKd Dull fowling Raw RawOWMI Bawlt Bawltmabel Gfebci CIcMente Orabam Om Illser L Lilt IAItrtaIIIc ft on o OM meei meeiw4ji4nr I ITwtatag Twtatag T w4ji4nr J A a S T Co G 5 Pint base M balls taaibOff ballsoff Ib Off KcwMtta ltaWII X 3 Stntck wtBr < Dr DrftawJ BogJt d N iqr iqrRawlftis Rawlftis ftawJ II he M nut nualowdeD Saowdcn TJB Thieebse eba > hits hitsteoordan hJtaCIeIMMaORdIb bitsanocdn teoordan ClmanU CIeIMMaORdIb 0lteiQjr StaleR b bellow bMftUowani bellown < m HOIP HOIPrf ani a rf n Davia RawUoci n Borkln GUM 2 2 OtabMi OtabMiHh Gn GnHit inbaisit Hh H it br pttdMrBr RAwunsa llewlh Downey Pa Passed aed ban banGkbrL baita baflGfrbel a GkbrL L UaapfewMMra U1IIJIbwM Hufhta 11ubrs and Wood WoodTiMM WoodTIIIN Woodi TiMM i of EMBI ainsl hew ir aol aolAdams 38 minute minuteA JabnatAclan A Aclan Adams < 1ainn Dos Defeat Printers PrintersAdams PrintersAdams PrintersAdams Adams won their flrst battle batu of the thepostseason thepQ8tn thepostseason postseason series yesterda yoaterdat when they theytrounced theytrounced theyrounced trounced t the Columbia Printers 6 to L LThe 1The 1 1The The Expressmen Expr xpreasmen en walked away with the thagame thepme thegame game from the start scoring three runs runsin runlIn runsn in i n the opening session on a base b on balls ballsan balaan bailsan an error a triple by Hanvoy and a dou double double dotihi ¬ ble hi by Jewett JewettJewett J JewettTewett eweltJewett Jewett twirled a good game for the thewinners thewinners thewinners winners and did not allow the Printers Printersa a a hit until the fourth when Weaver Weaversingled WeaverslnaIed Weaversingled singled to loft but was left on the bag bagas haCu bagte as the t e next three men went out in order orderColumbia orderColumbia orderColumbia Columbia made 1 ade their lone tally in the thesixth th9Ifxth thesixth sixth when Ellett led of of with a triple tripledown tripledown tripledown down left field eJd foul line and counted countedwhen countedwhon countedwhen when SUMS doubled to left leftPop leftPop IofLPop Pop Ellett played n a good game at atsecond atlteCond alsecond second for tho Printers handling six sixchances fxchances slcchances chances in good style tyIo He also scored scoredtheir Icoredtheir scoredtheir their only run and connected for a atriple ri ritriple triple Tho official score scoreOohM sooraCobIMWa scoreOblaAflhlOAU OohM CobIMWa OblaAflhlOAU bhu AB II O A B Adams ABHOAE AD n 0 A E Citneberrf10000 rf J 1 0 0 22 ONel1 115 31332 3 1 3 3 2 1 3kOrthd3111 rite uJ rt 31241 j 3140Ieekc 3 i 1 i 2 1 1 i 1 j Thompson Tbotspeonrt3O2OC Peek a rf 4100 3 0 2 i g 0 p Wwr wr cflb lb3 31408 3 1 4 0 0 Hanrajr flan Ib 31100 3 1 T 0 0 1 fwa 5 e 31510 3 1 5 1 G Jcwett p 31010 3 3101 1 0 1 0 Shields thki cb 3b 391011 3 1 0 1 Hm arroQ Berrooibf3201 arf d 32012 3 2 0 2 I Warfk w Welbibrt3SZll Ikrf Jb l 3 I X 1 1 iJcilaboa le1Ialloa3b lli3021t 3 0 1 Tboenbsrgf30100 Jf S 1 0 Stewart R 3 1 1 e o i 3 UU 1 i 1 S 4 1 Ad A Adssd2b32O1 Adssd2b32O1kadeisil00000 d2b J20 3 Z 1 1J I kadeisil00000 J 08080 A T Totals TotalsTOAk UIt 23 831 2i 5 4 4TMaki 4 4Totafc Totafc TMaki 3S SlfH i 4 4oe 41 41One One e Nt t wboa tOR ga game was called calledOohwibift caUedOJhH calledCgobIa Oohwibift OJhH bla 00000101 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 0 1 A Adams 3 319lO01 1 0 1 0 0 l lIlwwBllctt IIltuNBneU B BlttiitsBlle4t IlwwBllctt OVdi m Thcrajww Peck lien Hoatjr HUll l tjr S4 nrt rart First baaa by oronCSohMibit 4 Adams A X 3 Left OH baswCotawbia 6 Adam Ada S 5 5I I I Pint ta bose on balteOff WlUkM L 1 Struck ontBr i WUIIdcIe VUIUd 3 by Jmwtt 6 6 Tareeba j hH bitsElMtt EUtt I 11 llaarw Twobara bit hlu3fcCartilr JlcCartliy E MM M JemU Stote StoWell baa baoosWsr WT Vwr < r ONcil OX TheaapMau Double DoublepteyMcC C CjeMccrtky I pteyMcC pIaJs jeMccrtky IcCartk1 rthjr to Bofd Adams Ada to ONeil to Han II Ha Hao1 107 o1 Wild pitebWiUhid6 DfflrircJIr SttlHTan dHnn dHnn1e Time of caae JSIBe1 1 hour hourINDIANS hourINDIANS hourflThIA1TS INDIANS WILL PLAY PLAYCrow PLAYCroll PLAYCross Crow Bats rrlth n trithVaslilngton th AVashlnpton Giant GlnntnLabor GIJUltLn1or a aLaltor Labor Day DayWhat Dnyhat DayWhat What hat promises to ba one of the most mostexciting mostexciting thea t texciting exciting games seen here this season is isbacked Isbooked I I Ibooked booked for Labor Day when tho Wash Washington Washington VashInston ¬ ington Giants clash with the Greens GreensNebraska GreensNebraska Green S SNebraska Nebraska jlndlans at American League LeaguePark LeaguePark e ePark Park The Th Indians have ha e proven their theirsuperiority r rsuperiority superiority superiorityvovor vovor oor most of their rivals this thissen thE thE50000n sen season on but with Stonewall Jackson and andTom am I ITorn Tom Johnson on the firing line for forthe torthe fo r rthe the Giants a hard hardtought fought contest oont llt Is Isguaranteed Isguaranteed i S Sguaranteed guaranteed Sunday the Giants play the theAllstars theAUstars th 0 0Allstars Allstars white > at Union League Park ParliGame Game called ct 220 2 ocloclr BABES SCARE TIGERS TIGERSPetwor TIGERSPetwolth TIGERSPetworth Petwor Petwolth th Plays Cornell Tribe Tribeto TribeI I to Standstill StandstillJdACERON StandstillMAROERON StandstilltAROERON JdACERON MAKES THREE HITS HITSBenldcfi mTSDellldel BITSBesides Benldcfi Cracking Out a Double and andTvro andTwo andTwo Two Single In Three Trips to the thePlate thePlnte thePlate Plate Dllly nul Pilfered Three Bane BaneTvro BUKCTwo BasesTwo Two Double PIn Play Made lIndeUornn lIndeUornnlinK IadeIoranhas Mo run runHan Han a End Day DnThe The Score ScorePetworth ScorePetworth ScorePetwoith Petworth tied the Cornell Company at atCapital otCapItal atCapital Capital City Park yesterday 2 to 2 and andcame andQf andQftflte came Qf 1e within an aco of taking the game gamein gameIn gameIn in the thaJast th last inning when the Suburbanite Suburbanitecrow Suburbanitecrow Suburbanitecrow crow got a runner runner on third and two out outThe outThe outThe The Paperhangers presented pro ontOd a patched patchedup patchedup patchedup up appearance with Vaughn out of the thegame thegame thegame game Baggette playing with a broken brokenflngor brokenfingor brokenfinger finger and Phlppg who wa was injured in inthe Inthe Inthe the early part of the contest contest on the thebench thebonch thebench bench with a split digit digitTho digitTho digitThe Tho Capital City Leaguers scored in inthe Inthe Inthe the opening round when Moran and andMarcoron andMarcoron andMarceron Marcoron doubled They Tho made their theirsecond theirsecond theirsecond second tally in the fourth when Mar Marcaron Marcoton Iar Iarcaron caron singled over second moved up upa upa upa a peg when Phlppg walked stole third thirdand thirdand thIrdand and scored on a sacrlflco sacrl co fly 0 by Kenney KenneyAn KenneyIn KenneyAn An In orror by b Moran gave Petworth Pet worth a astart astart astart start In the fifth Oakley sent a slow one oneto oneto onethe to the th Cornell short gardener who towed towedit touetJIt tossedit it wild to King I lng the ball rolling through throughthe throughthe throughthe the wire screen which permitted Oakley Oakleyto to complete the circuit owing to the theground theground theground ground rules Barnes drew a pass and andscored andscored andscored scored on Maynes double doubleIn doubleIn doubleIn In the last of tho sixth the Jones Jonoeaggregation Jonosaggregation Jonesaggregation aggregation made a great attempt to toget toset toget get Clayton around after ho had been beengiven beengiven boongiven given a life on an error by Moran MoranL MoranuLen MoranLefty uLen L Lefty fty stole second and went to third thirdon thirdon thirdan on an out out but died at that station when whenSeitzs whenSeltzs whenSettzs Seitzs long fly wae swallowed by Keane KeaneBilly KeaneBilly KeaneBIlly Billy Marcoron cavorted ca ort6d about on onthe ontho onthe the sacks < in hie usual frisky style 8t71 steal stealing stealIng stealing ¬ ing three bases in spite of all tho Subur Suburbanites SuburbaDltos Suburauttos ¬ banites b auttos could do to cateh him and andwhanging andwhanSlng andhanglng whanging w the ball for three hits a a dou double double doeand ¬ ble and two singles and his playing was wasthe wuthe wase the th e feature of the day dayTwo dayTwo dayTwo Two good double plays p yS were made one oneby oneby oney by b y each team In the fourth Clayton Claytonnabbed Clatonnabbed Claytonabbed nabbed n Noyes N03 fly to left and doubled doubledPhipps doublePhlpPl doubledhippa < Phipps P hippa trying to score while hlle in th thflfth tM tMftltb theth flfth 111 th Mocberg oeberg bunted to Kerr who threw threwto thre1to threwtiret to flrst catching CAtc lAg Clayton off the bag bagThe 1 bagThePetworth K Krhe The ThePetworth Petworth boys 00 played an errorless errorlessgame errorl errorlpme errorleMbut game but were en unable to hit Kerr sue guceassftilly sueefMI8fUlI sueestwlly j eassftilly efMI8fUlI c Barnes kept his the seven sevenhits sevenhits sevenits hits h its of UM Paperhangers Pa well scattered scatteredthe eattecedthe scatterede the th e flrst round being the only session soscionwhen s sessionhen l lon lonwaen when w hen the Cornell tribe got two in one oneInning oneInnJntr onening Inning In ning The Official Score ScoreT ScoraCenctU ScoreAR CenctU A AR 11 0 t X Prtstth warth a A R n A F Ff Feairffltd3ltS0 hI eairffltd3ltS0 f rlbd 1119 1 t 0 T L IA Doc Jb 1 > i lilt II Man I dIf rfrfif j I 0 K f J I 1 0 XIII Ib 1 G 0 JI roe Do a S 1 oJIf M J bissti e 4 CleJtCllt Cleytsli214 If 1 1 serzlIIeS4osrThZS if 1 I Ii 2 R i i iJts sts tills tillsOSkISIrf 1 24 81ft Jts r 2 f 1 t i OSkISIrf IIIIJ d 1 1005 100541wlb ltl K < 41wlb Ib > I 1 f Pzerc Pzerc5TP c I t Kerr 1 5TP p pTotal 1 11130 1 1 S 8 JIanMt mo It 1 1Toca 10050 10050ToteMmut Total ToteMmut 2 7 7 M B 8 31 T4 NaIsi TIeIS53560 TIeIS53560oteU b 11 3 i 18 6 fi 0 C ConaeII oteU e41 1 ioeioot ioeioota 0 8 1 8 0 Pttwortfc 8888X82 8888X82IUneMns t a e 1 12 12Ra6I 023i4tfte IUneMns Ra6I aa < Mrw k kIts Sekc BM Oeraca O Banwd BanwdnawOnatn BuaMnlDlOIInen sraed sraeduscersu nawOnatn r 1 FlaK baa OM by acjorePotwwth emtn 2 1ift Uh L ift oa tmwaPttworth lwtwartb i ConwU 4 41t 41tbaIIeOa Firat Firaton beet on UlteOff Bane DuIteI 1 off Kerr X I SINS Stou miBy oatB outOyerr < Karr K err 4 Tuvbaaa Wt ld bataitotse Moc l0IM Maie Masters tM XtyM 111 SMartNM UtaKtoMr bJ K Dompatr XMtwc Stotai SteMas3taicwen b ba as3taicwen MaMMeR X t3 3 Pbtppi K Kerr rr Ctva se Ia B Chy 0Ia ciss toB t Lo s O Double nlajwKtrr t to K Kilt KiltPa e Ckytan ci i te tearier P Pa arier rii er r DirSr UJIIrelr Mr B Bolts tt Tina ot poi hour hwrand hournd and a Dd I ndimtw BOOKMAKER B IS TAKEN TAKENi TAKENAT TAKENAT i AT ROCKVILLE TRACK TRACKRockvllle TRAOK1 TRAOK1Rockvl1le Rockvllle Md Aug SI ilWh 3LWhilo While II the theraces thei theraco theaces i races r were in progress today toda Arthur ArthurJ ArthurMarks J Marks who claimed to be from New NewYork NewYork NewYork York was placed under arrest by Sheriff SheriffVtatt Sherltfvreu Sheriffviett Vtatt on a charge of bookmaklng He Hewa HeWtJ HeW wa WtJ W taken before Justice Reading in the thePolice UlePoIte thePokG Police PoIte Court who adjudged him guilty guiltyand guiltynd I and a nd imposed the maximum penalty penalblC penalblCfino 31001 31001fine > fine f and one year oar in tho house of cor correction correction ¬ rection rectionMarks rectionMarks r Marks noted an appeal and hie ball ballwas banwas was fixed at 2000 Later he b was be before before ¬ fore f ore Judge Henderson in the Circuit CircuitCourt CircuitCourt CircuitCourt Court on habeas corpus proceedings and andthe andthe the t he bail was reduced to 1000 31 1000 which whichwas whichwu whichwas was furnished The case will coe up fpr fprtrial tprtrlaJ fprrial trial t at tho November term of the court courtCAPITAL courtCAPITAL CAPITAL HORSES WIN UNMiss WINMiss WInMiss Miss Mina lilla and Saltham Saltba in inLead inLead inLead Lead at Rockville EoekvilleGOOD RockvilleGOOD RockvilleGOOD GOOD RAGING CARD GIVEN GIVENSpecial GIVENSOO GIVENSpocMl Special l to Tho WajMicton Herald HeraldRockville HeraldRockUle HeraldItockvtlle Rockville Md Aug 31 3lTwo Two harness harnessand harnelland harnessand and two running events composed the theracing theracing theacing racing r programme at the fair this after afternoon afternoon afternoon ¬ noon and furnished some excellent sport sportTho sportTho sportThe Tho 2U trot the first race of the day daywag da dawas daywas was captured by Miss Mina ltUna owned by byGeorge byGeorge byGeorge George C HIHeary of Washington She Shedropped Shedropped Shedropped dropped the first heat but took the next nextthree nextthree nextthree three handily Maj Forest and Miss MissKushan MissKushan MissKushan Kushan had a lively struggle for second secondmoney secondmone I Imoney money mone tho latter getting the decision decisionAfter decisionAtter decisionAfter After finishing second in the first heat heatof hoatof healof of the 230 trot Stampilot struck his hi gait gaitand galtand gailand and lead from start to finish in the next nextthree nextthree fontthree three heats heatsSaltham hoatsSaltham heathSaltham Saltham owned by M C Copperthlte Copperthlteof p pof of Washington captured the mile run runAftor runAttor runAfter After running second nearly all the theh way wayhe tayhe he h overtook Flat Creek in the stretch and andwon andwon anc I Iwon won by two lengths The The others were wereoutclassed wereoutclastod wercoutclassed outclassed outclassedThe outclastodThe outclassedThe The final race of the day the sixfur sixfurlong slxrurJong nixfurlong ¬ long run was a walkover for Firebrand Firebranda a Baltimore horse He assumed the lead leadat Jeadat leacat I at the jump and won eased up by t tAn tAnlengtbs n nlengths 1 1lengths lengths Helen B had to extend herself herselfto I Ito to the limit to take second place from fromBenlala tromBfnlala 1 1Beulala Benlala The Summaries SnxnmarlciFirat SumnlnrleFirat Summaries1rst Firat rac2M n 2M trot purw nse fWO fWOMiaa 401 Miaa 11 Miiw UUI liWoory ry 3111 I 1 1 1 1aJta 1 1alter Walter alter L L Leach Lea 1434 1 4 3 I Mis 11 Kttshan Corbto 2243 2 2 4 3 3 Mal Foreat tIo Lone 5322 Ii 3 2 2 I Bob Bobit K It Daniels DaDfeIsJ 4555 5 Ii 5 5 TIme 2 5 H 214 3t 2 15 15Seccisd 5V K 2 Z ZSecoud 5 5Second Second nw raceOO 2SO trot purse JtOO JtOOStaapilot 100StaptJot 100 600Stept1ot Staapilot CDo Dobfe 2111 2 1 1 1 Country Boy 1224 1 2 2 4 King ItedWOOd PfotU MOlt 3432 3 4 3 2 Black Streak Leach 4343 4 3 4 3 Time 23S 2 25M 22BH 22 2 225ti 225tiThird 229 229Third 29Third Third race nlRu raeeltnnslnr Running t t1I ono mile purse JIM 100 Salt ham Walker won Flat Creek Weibourne J ecod eOODdi Complete Hawkh Hawkins third Time T litf Arthur Arthu14rtn Bryan alto ran ranFourth fanFourt ranFourth Fourth raceRunning ilx furlongs furlon purse loa 100 I I Firebrand Ptr HanMu 4WJotas won Helen B Grimes arc tecowl arcead owl Baa Welboame W < boom third Time Iran 1 1GoMle I Goldie B also ran ranCOTTON ranCOTTON tanCOTTON COTTON STATES LEAGUE LEAGUEAt At GreenwoodGreenwood W 1 Vfcksbure 2 2At 2At At Yaaoo alOO OW QlJYuoo Yazoo City 5 Jackson 4 4At 4At 4At At HattiflatewgHattiesburs attieaWrHatU I 5 Maridlwj 4 4Host to 4jiost Host jiost of the largo imported haU het are low trim triat t TheMatheson Ii Wins Winstarries ins insCarries f Carries Off More Laurels LaurelsIn Laurelsin I IIn In the Munsev Munsey Historic Tour TourAND AND ANDIn ANDIn ANDIn In the HillClimbing Contest ContestOf Of the Automobile Club of Washington In the Munsey Historic Tour TourIt TourIt TourIt It Wins the Munsey Trophy Trophyfor for or Cars in the Sixth Division DivisionGiving DivisionGiving DivisionGiving Giving a Performance That Emphasized the theCars theCars Cars Superiority During Every very Mile Mileof Mileof Mileof of the Run The Mathesons That Made These Wonderful Records RecordsOr RecordsOr RecordsOr Or One Like Them For 3500 3500See 3500See 3500See See Them Demonstrated Demonstratedf DemonstratedPope DemonstratedPope Pope Automobile Co WasW f r Washington YT d oilin gton 81719 81 71 9 14th 1 4th Street N W RICH FUTURITY FUTURITYGOES FUTURITYGOES FUTURITYGOES GOES TO NOVELTY NOVELTYWinners NOVELTYVinnels OYELTYWinners Winners Share of the Big BigStakes BigStaIes BigStakes Stakes Is 23790 IBASHTI BASllTI B TAKES THE PLAOE PLAGELove I ILoe j i I Love L ove Not Makes an Excellent ShoW ShovrInjf ShoWIn Injf In Itti Jockey ShllllnRa Superb Snpcrbllorscmannhlp Superb1I0raemnnflhip horsemanship In n Die DII Factor In Inthe Inthe the Ren1tnnll RcsultBnslitl Result Bnshtl ltJ Makes Dcupernte DcupernteKffort DcsperateEffort Effort on Stretch but Fails FailsSaratoga Fall FallSaratoga Saratoga N Y Aug 31 3lmldreth 3lmldrethJack Hlldreth Hlldrethluck luck h ick and superb horsemanship by Jockey JockeyShilling TockeySblJl1ng Shilling S enabled Novelty the Keene Keen bred bredcolt bredralt colt c olt by KingstonCuriosity to win the therich therich rich r ich Futurity today todi in brilliant fashion fashionNesriy tashlonNtar Nearly Ntar 20000 persons wont wild with de delight deliChf ¬ light l when Novelty staggered home three threebreadths threebrMdths threebredths breadths of a length in front of H P PWhitneys PWbltn6S PWbttheys Whitneys 590000 000 filly Bashti with B R BBradleys RBradloya RBradJeys Bradloya Keene bred Love Not a length lengthand iengthand lengthnd and a nd a half haltNoeJt1 away awayNovslty awayNove1y Novslty was perfectly ridden Idden but he hewas hewas hewas was also favored by good fortune In Inasmuch Inasmuch Insmuch ¬ asmuch a as Bashtl was handled by Glass Glassin GlassIn Glassn in i n bungling fashion while Love Not Notafter Not Notalter Notafter after reaching the post ran away at top topspeed topspeed topspeed speed for half a mile before she could couldbo oouklbe couldbe be checked Love Nots runaway caused causeda a wait of more than twelve minutes at atthe attbe atthe the barrier which of course was a se serious serious sorices ¬ rious handicap for Novelty considering consideringthe the weight but Novelty ran with bull bulldog bulldog bulldog ¬ dog courage ami did not falter when the thecritical theertllcaJ critical moment arrived That was when whenShilling whenSbUUn whenShilling SbUUn Shilling drew dr w his whip at the head of ofthe otthe ofthe the stretch and laid tho punishment on onthick onthick thick It wan a desperate moment moment for forLove torLove forLove Love Not was ss setting a terrific pace and andlooked andlooked looked like a winner But at the last lastfurlong lastfurlong lastfurlong furlong pole 1 ole Novelty Noel staggering under underhis underhis underhis his burden and increasing his speed took tookcommand tookcommand command At t that moment Bashtl got gotthrough gotthrough through an opening next to the inner innerrail Innerralt rail and with a turn of speed that fairly fairlytransfixed fairlytran fairlytransfixed transfixed tran ftxed the big crowd she went after afterNovelty atterNOY Novelty NOY lty in a way that made m e Shilling ex exert exert ¬ ert himself to the limit limitBashtls UmltBa8hUs limitBaahtis Bashtls run came a trifle too late how however however howover ¬ ever and Novelty carried the day do his histime histime histime time being 11216 1 1215 and his share of tho thostakes thostakes thestakes stakes J2t90 21790The The Summaries SummariesFIRST SnDlmarleFIRST SummariesFIRST FIRST RACEScen RACBScven furlongs PrfsdlHna 110 110Doaxn ll llDutlao 1lDosn Doaxn 1 to 3 mm Van an Den KO Keogh X 10 to 1 second Black BlackMate Mate Iat lit Garner U to 2 2 thIrd thirjTim thlr1TilDe thIrdTioe Tim TilDe 1 t 24 DanfleW cod The Tb Peer aloe noSECOND tnSRCOND no rasSIICOND SECOND RACEStecplecba RACEStee ecbato i two milw Stoure St ure 145 Lynch walkover No o time timeTHIRD Um UmTHIRD timeThIRD THIRD RACEOne mile Uo hampton Court COJrl 108 108SbUUng 1 1ISbUUog I IISbiliteg SbUUng 7 to 10 won LnymiwUr LnJ1l nsttr S3 DaTie DaTieto DariaM DariaMto DariasI I to 1 second Wander m Koogfa 18 14 to 1 third thirdTime tlalrdTiMe thIrdTSae Time 13334 118 U 35 Manet uilOt Greonbrtdfic Frances Raj Lady Esther and Bad New N ewa TI abe II rat ratFOURTH rnURrH tuFOUWrH FOURTH URrH RACBStx ItACESIx1lrloois fnrloBfis NoT XOTtlt Norltr Jttf 12T 1 Bhll BhllHog SkUIIDC Hog 9 to 5 mm Bashti na U IIS Glass 2 to 1 sec second second a aLoyo ¬ ond Lore Not ot 114 m Reid kl 20 to 1 third Time TIme1lS 101 11235 V5 Rockrille Footprint Textile Iron Mask MaskZ MukZeu hak hakZoo Z Zeu Zoo M Nawbon auebon Blackfoot Touch Me Ie and Bouncer Bounceralte Bouncecite cite ran ranFIFTH faD faDFIFTH ranFIFTH FIFTH RACE RACEOne One mile Ocean Bound 113 113ThOBMs 119fTItcImaa Ii IiTheaea ThOBMs 3 to 1 tron Martinez US Musgravc u ro 9 9to 9to I Iseated to 2 second Nimbus WO Kocraer 10 to 1 third thirdTiste tblrd1J1 thiatT4 Tiste T4 iaia6 1J1 I T U Woodcraft Helmet H lmet Dreamer Prince Prn S Gal Bbanwm Cohort Sea Cliff Sand Hill Fire FireMOne re reHerkimer lre lreHandier MOne Handier and Dome Chief also ran ranSIXTH ran ranSIXTH ranSIXTH SIXTH RACEFife and onehalf fnrlonci lnrlon Bet Belfast B Br Betala fast r ala M Darin 5 to 1 1 iron mi HueUmo 101 Glaw Glaasro 10 to 1 L second Virginia 99 Thomas 15 1 to 1 1third L 1thIrd third Time 1 S1l25 72S T 2 Footfall GoWap Patrick trlck S Double The iTe Fred Keene Billy Barnes Darnes Old Boy Boyand BoyaDd Boyand and Beatrice also ran ranHARD rmHARD ran11ARD I 11ARD HARD WORKERS WORKERSni WORKERE WORKEREI I Both artisans and pro professlonal proDRIMK proflfllMW DRIMK flfllMW fesslonal men m n find Old OldGlory I UIIIIifl 1 Glory particularly en cnJoyablo enOLD I ni n Joyablo and helpful at after atter OLD I UUU UUUpi UI1J ter the days duties It Itrefreshes ItGLORY I pi GLORY ADV refreshes satisfies re reBtoros restoros I ULUni ULUniRETCTD LUI11 stores energy A good goodthing goodBEER I RETCTD BEER thing to have at hand handcase handCase I OCCn case 2 doz dozgBottle 917 917C7 M Mt7Bottle C7 t7Bottle Bottle rebate 50c 50cAbnerDrury SOcAbnerDrury 50cAneYBrewthg AbnerDrury AneYBrewthg Brewing Co Cow o4 5 RACING CARDS FOR TODAY TODAYAVlndNor TODAYJnclllor TODAYWin AVlndNor AVlndNorFIRST Win Jnclllor JnclllorFIRST ii sor sorFIRST FIRST KACBFlv n nariltlt nariltltK furMs furMsQstsea rkta rktaOkolam Okolam = V0 O I Good Neva C1II cwaI M 1 QG Qiakicj Mttf JJeDt iffi I BUfc B1SZCOXD Sw I ISECOND 112 Nw 116 116SBCO I SECOND SBCO RACBSXn UCBS LtCS4etuieobees > tw twe miles raBesfit taWesJ 1 Crouls 1X BugieG BugieGss HI = ss fit I Bxvaaetoafet BxvaaetoafetTHIRD 111 D JtII JtIITHIRD THIRD RACKON 1tACO a4 a44tam8ter < sedsteesth Dl miles milesStar es esStar 4tam8ter Star e EfN EfNtha I N NC NL 6 > Itt IttaUr 1tC C iii I m L XaidNMf rcbIBoat tha 1 111 I 1 1e t tA Z kfl kflPIWTH IM e A AIM aUr r Ill 114POUIlTII POUIlTII 1UCSb Ia IaQ Iertee IerteeOsmose Q Osmose 93 I J lI L I lit II 114 0 4 NewII ewo JOO Dk + 0 na HTB m mJMtoaatmt 11 11uttoe JMtoaatmt IeItoII 4 uttoe Staset mflnpriet I 11DPdDt J 119 119wnser SfaMHMwr 1 Xl XI1 wnser Bey 0 ml 1 1PlIITH nnH KACBFh and a ew sebili sebiliSeatwell alf It fcarlaq fcarlaq1M vaMxa MAD 1M l D WO SasweU Seatwellhiis 108 108aftrhrl r I1 aftrhrl hiis hiisne IIIIIJLO W I Ka KIItA VATOdale 108dale MS MSiowlet iowlet Ml BenDeHbte Dea l IB IBJAM JAM Ja ne SwKt ttfi I Oaoatoe 113 173iev TJ T iev k 106 106SIXTH 106SI 106sirru SI SIXTH TII RACBOne e and oeetWeeath OR abieeDth mites aHeJoto mHes mitess Joto 1 s Omkam Ua 92 Uttle tIle Mb MiMri 3UaleaL 1Mfp t < j Mi Miit MiT 111Iiii iii T Coaoo a Ml aL K iiir r J JnIna TCMniU rraII rraIIW = M MK 1h id it LouSes K C W WoLJM ftajt Bwi Bwirot m rot oLJM Jet XOIGratJ XOIGratJggvrrn ICO 4 I Gmt J JZVTR Mk IN INREVBVTH REVBVTH KACBFIT CP1 and nd sebelt < MK K fwkwKa fwkwKaatkUnc l1opIUcIbIe forisugaalldItse IUcIbIe l atkUnc 95 9 Ural Maid 165 165ooloHta 56ooSotita W ooloHta II IIaa Baaateo Ubra11wth Mfi Mfierta aa 8 erta 101 951 Tabal 11Il1DS US 105wth lirwdr lh wth Howdy M8 l Tempter TaWran W DtnaeVeykn D an de 5 NOIe5 101 Jodge Hesderxra Ul UlEIOliTH UlXGJITII IllEIGhTH EIGhTH RACROoe talk miieoL JDtwCal talkaL Cal C oL AtbenitA MB l I Lad of Lanrfcn LangdcnC Iii FP 1 C C Cedllan W I t Hteh Rsoge Mft Mftmtteman 151tflensaa mtteman P tflensaa 0 1 1M La LaH R It Hiadoo MM MMWondkne 51oudlane Wondkne W oudlane 1 156 Coooar C E U8 15PiUbQUM Sl Sptntnand S leSLotefna 1161 156 I Qtnian raa in inI 1 1J 11t I j cy W I t Hans 113 113HERALD 113HERALD 111HERALD HERALD NEWSBOYS BEWSBOYSCHEER NEWSBOYSCHEER IEYSBOYSCHEER CHEER BOIIESTONS BOIIESTONSLeave BOY ESTOS ESTOSLeave Leave This Morning on Walk Walkto Walkto Valkto to Los Angeles AngelesCheered AngelesCheered AngelesCheered Cheered by a crowd of newsboys Teddy Teddyand Teddjand Teddynd and a nd Charlie Fox of New York left The TheWashington Tbea5hlngton ThcWashington Washington a5hlngton Herald office this morning morningpromptly mornlngpromptly morningromptly promptly p at J oclock on their ninetyday nlnetYdaruhlko ninetydalhike uhlko hike to Los Angeles Cal a distance distanceof distancef of o f 2610 E miles for a 52000 CO0 purse purseLeaving purseLoavlng Leaving The Herald omce the boys boyswent ooswent hoytwont I went up Fifteenth street to Thomas Cir Circle Circle Cirle ¬ cle c le up New Hampshire aveiuo aV V1ue to Elev Eleventh Ele Eleenth Elevuth ¬ enth a uth street and thence to Takomo Park ParkStriking ParkStriking Parktriking Striking S the road the boys b will walk to toGaithorsburg toGaithersburg tc tcGaithorsburg Gaithorsburg following the pikes to Har Harpers Harpers Harorn ¬ pers p orn Ferry and Cumberland They ex expect expect cxect ¬ pect D ect to average forty for miles a day dayPassing dnyPassing Passing through Cincinnati they will willstrike wIUstrike wi I strike out for SL St Louis taking the theSante theSanto I Santo Fe route across the prairies through throughNew throughNew througlNew 1 New Mexico to Los Angeles AngelesThe AngelesThe The trip is being made at the expense expenseof expenscot S of a wellknown wQnkno n New York banker The Thoboys TheboS Th I boys will when possible stop at the theY theY th t Y M C A in various cities and towns townsalong townsnJong a along the route where the managers will willsee wlUsee wIl wIlsee 1 see to their welfare welfareUpon wcltareUpon welfareUpon Upon arrival at a town the boys re report report yeport ¬ port immediately Immodlatet to police headquarters headquarterswhere headquarterswhere headquarterswhere where they are recorded U Teddy car carries carries ¬ ries non a collection of newspaper clippings clippingsand clippingsand S clippingf and a book containing tho autographs of ofprominent otprominent o oprominent f prominent persons met en route It is with withpride withpride cvitl cvitlpride pride that Teddy can point to Presi President President ¬ dent Tafts autograph which Is among amongthe amongthe amonjthe g the first rst in the book bookThey bookThcj They have been granted a permit to towalk towalk t 0 walk on the roadbed of the Baltimore Baltimoreand Baltimoreand e and Ohio railroad by C E Phelps pas passenger passenger I ¬ senger agent and expect to use that thatway thntway the t ther way of traveling on a great part of their theirtrip theirtrip thel theltrip r trip to St St Louis LouisThey LouisThey They will return to New York in time timeto timeto tim timto e to resume re mme their studies after the Christ Christmas Christmas ¬ mas holidays Teddy Fox attends Ford Fordham Fordham I ham University and his brother New NewYork NewYork Na NaYork 5 York University UniversityGets UnlepsltyGets UnivessityGets Gets French Submarine SubmarineParis SubmarineParis SubmarineParis Paris Aug 31 3lCharJes Charles R R L Flint Flinttho FUnttho tho American banker has acquired the theUnited thoUnltect tli I0 United States agency for the Laubcuf Laubcufsubmarine LaubcutsubmarIno f submarine boats Ho intends to submit submitthis submitthis subm it this typo ot boat to the United States Statesgovernment Stat Statgovernment s sGovernment government in connection conne tlon with its de demand de demand d 1 1mand ¬ mand for specifications which will be beissued beIssued 1 1Issued issued September 15 15 M Laubeuf fs the themost themost U ULu most eminent submarine engineer in inFrance 1DFrance I IFrance Lu France In the HillClimbing Contest ContestIt Cont st stIt It Wins Two Cups Cupssnd Cupsand Cupsand and finished Second in the Free FreeforAII freeforAll FreeforAll forAll Event 6 seconds behind a aSpecial aSpecial aSpecial Special 1 00fl P Racing Car WHOS WHO IN BASEBALL BASEBALLPAST PAST AND PRESENT PRESENTtCwrfsfct tCwrfsfct I MMt 51 by The w Waattusion Herald COOLEY C RICHARD D OutfleMer OutfleMerpttchor OutSlel Outibelderpitches er erpitch pitches pitch and first baseman St St Louie LouieNationals LoaMNt1OnaIB LouisNationals Nationals ifiW96 flh1 Fitttbwg Nationals NationalsISS Nattoalai ISS I i Philadelphia Nationals NationaJaoaDtatn 17 17captain 1i5TOSDIniS captain Philadelphia Nationals NaUoMJlPlttsburg list listPitUburg Plttsburg Nationals 1900 Boeton Na Nationals NatlonaJe NatIonais ¬ tionals iaH05flfW Detroit American American1S05 1S05 1VO Topeka 180507 1 batted 1 ttOO 11I in inM IS ISDM LII LIIli DM li in 1ST 1 13 J 327 in Iff i Ii7 i and SIT in IMS IMSCOOLTT 1COOLTY 1155OOLTY COOLTT C J TCatcher Catcher Cincinnati Unions Unions1SS1 Unions1SS4 1SS1 1SS1COOMBS 1SS4COOMBS COOMBS JOHN W WPltcher Pitcher Philadel Philadelphia PhUadelphla Phlkdelphia ¬ phia Americans 19QST 1tO6OTtC1 esUt1i iCiOM > batted battedIn battedS 4 S in twentyfour games in 1S55 1S55COONEY 1 1COONEY 1St6COONEY COONEY FRANK COutfleWer CQut elder Wor Worcester Worce Worcester ¬ cester ce ter 1 1334 S4 Cincinnati MW MWCOONEY 18f4COONEY COONEY J J JShortstop Chicago Na Nationals Nationals Nationals ¬ tionals imK WMbljt WublqtG n N NCOONEY Na Nationals Nationals tionals UI Pronoenee PronoeneeCOONEY Prov4deCe 1 1COONEY COONEY WILLIAM TJLLIAMBoMon Boston Nationals Nationalslft NatloMlslti1 lft lftCOONEY lti1COONEY lti1 1900COONEY > COONEY M MIn MIntielder InfleWer elder Cleveland Na Nationals Nationals Nationals ¬ tionals me meCOONS 1 1COONS COONS W r RCatoher Athletics Na NatIonaJ Na National National ¬ tional League L ttR ttRCleveland msCOOPER iS7 iS7COOPER COOPER FLETCHBR rLETC1iERP1tck i mCleyeJ m InCleveland Cleveland CleyeJ oo Cincinnati A Aelation AJIMitcaa AMo AModaUon jiO0elation elation daUonCOOPER 1S86 1S86COOPER 1156COOPER COOPER TPltcher Dallas H7 Chi Chicago Chicago Chicago ¬ cago Americans 1908 1908CORBETT 100sCORBETT 1605CORBETT CORBETT JOSEPH brother of Jim JiaPitcher JiDIPitcher JimPitcher Pitcher i born San Francisco 1S3 1S3pitched 1mpltehed IZIZpitched pitched for local teams in San Fran Francisco Francisco Franchico ¬ cisco Washington MR U Baltimore 1SJS 1SI5 1l 96 Norfolk Va Va 1SK 1S5 Scranton UK UK1SH9697 1811Baltimore 1151Baltimore Baltimore Au Aug 11 1SI617 Washington WashCaltonNationals WashingtonNationals Nationals 1 1396 Baltimore NaUonals NaUonals1SII60097 NaUooaIiI69697 1SH9697 St St Louis Nationals 1t04 re released r rIeuM released ¬ leased at own request August MM MMplayed 191Mplayed 1904played played in world series of ISK and 1897 1897CORCORAN 1St7CORCORAN 1197CORCORAN CORCORAN LAWRENCE LA iWRENCETbe WRENCETbe The leading leadingplayed leadingpitcher leadingpitcher pitcher ot 1S71 born In Brooklyn 1851 1851plaYM 1161PlaYed played with 1th Mutuals utuals of Brooklyn 1T7 1T7Buffalo 1847Buttalo 18T 18TIluffalo Buffalo 1ST7 SprinjpfteW Spri Sprin liekh 1d 1 lSiS 1sS9 SW Chi Chicago Chicago Chicago ¬ cago Nationals lS 1S8i1SSI8ta l S84 New NewYork NewYork NewYork York Nationals 1116il M Washl Washington WnctonJ ton Na NaUonals Nationals ra rationale ¬ tionale two months 1S8S 1 pitched plt hed a anohit anohit anohit nohit game Chicago vs Boston Au Aurust Aucust August rust cust I 19 1 one September JO IMS IMSChicago 1182Chicago 11 11Chicago Chicago vs Worcester and July Ii 1S84 1S84Chlcaso 14Chicago Chicago vs Providence hf bat bS great P1speed greatspeed greatspeed speed and troublesome curve died 1SW 1SWCORCORAN U8lCORCORAN 1511CORCORAN i CORCORAN S J JCateber Catcher Atlantlcs Atlantlcs1SS2 Adanttes1m 1SS2 Brooklyn American Association Association1SS4 AesocIatIolt3s63 1SS4 New York Nationals Nationa18CORCORAN ISO ISOCORCORAN 1116CORCORAN CORCORAN PHILIPShortstoP Men Merlden lIerlden Menden den Connl Conn 1S8S Cincinnati Na Nationals NationaJs Nationals ¬ tionals lS l 1S0S591600O 1S0S591600OCORCORAN S SUOOOl 1200 < CI < K ipl iplCORCORAN < 605 605OWORAi CORCORAN OWORAi THOMAS I nuM nuMPittsburg WShortstop WShortstopPlttsburS WShOntstOPittsburg Pittsburg Players Playersletlcs LeAgue 1S1O Ath Athletics At Atletics letics American Assoctatlon Mg 1811 1811Brookln 31Brooklyn Brooklyn Nationals MI2SJW35W St StLouis StLouis StLouis Louis Nationals 1 1S16 6 Cincinnati Na Nationals NationRls Nationals ¬ tionals lSI79S1900Oitt olOtl6lti < B < M < New NewYork NewYork NewYork York National 1907 batted 3 30 in MM MMCOREY lSWCOREY 1860COREY COREY FRED H HSubUtute Substitute outfielder outfielderand out outfielderand elder elderand and pitcher Baltimore 1S72 Worcester WorcesterNationals WorcesterNationals WorcesterNationals Nationals 1S8MIS2S3 l lS1O1S l Sl Athletics Amer American AmerIcan Americon ¬ ican Association lSS3St lS5Ssta36 lS5Ssta36CORKHILL 1653841636CORKHILL S6 S6CORKHILL CORKHILL JOHN SFlrst SFlrst baseman basemanand 1 basemanand seman semanand and out outfielder elder born in Philadelphia Philadelphia18CS 18CS Philadelphia Phlladelphlas 18SS3 13 Cincinnati CincinnatiAmerican CincinnatiAmorlcan CincinnatiAmerican American Association 1SS3S3MHS lsaS3St lsaS3StSi 1652S3SI16S0s 87 Si s Brooklyn American Association A Association1S6 l8tlon l8tlonIbO 1S6 Cincinnati American Association Association18SSS8 Assoclatloll1SSS 1SSS Brooklyn American Association AseoeIaUOft18SSs9 18SSS8 Brooklyn Nationals 1IW Ath Athletlcs Athletics Athletlcs letlcs American Association A tl I8il I8ilPittsburg 1111Plttshurg 1101Pittsburg Pittsburg Nationals l 1S81 1151 l batted MUedIn 3M 3Min 3 in JSS7 played in the world worHl series aQCI of ofJSSOW otlSOOO 01 p JSSOW JSSOWCORRIDON lSOOOCORRIDON 386000CORRIDON CORRIDON FRANK J TPltcher Pitcher Chi Chicago Chicago ChiL ¬ cago Nationals 1MSOIW Philadelphia PhiladelphiaNationals PhiladelphIANationals PhfladelphbNationals L Nationals 190405 19U Wllliamsport 1SOS 1SOSwhere 1OOi 1OOiwhere 1606where where he won on twentytwo and lost losteleven Jottleen losteleven eleven Philadelphia Nationals 19e06 00 Cincinnati Nationals 1916 1916CORRIDON liteCORRIDON 1210CORBIDON CORRIDON PHILIPOutfielder Phila Philadelphia Pblladelphla ¬ delphia Nationals NaUonab1 ationab ISi Indianapolis IndianapolisAmerican Indl IndlanapolhAmerican napolls napollsAmerican PhilaS S American Association Associaiion ISM ISMCOTE ISMCOTE 1621COTE COTE H Houtftelder Outfielder Louisville Na Nationals NaUonaJs Nationals tionals 1S95 1S95COUGHLIN 1895COUGHLIN 15COUGHLIN COUGHLIN WILLIAMInfielder and andthird andthird aw awthird third baseman i Kansas City Clt 1900 1900Washington 1900Washington 1900Washington Washington Americans lfeifetfi lfeifetfiDetroit 1 1Detroit 1901155141Detroit Detroit Americans leWOKXJWtS oap tain tam in 107OS oold by Washington to toDetroit toDetroit u Detroit for 58000 8100 July 27 19W played in inthe Inthe Ii Iithe uI I the world series of 19t7 l lOuIS lOuISCOUGHTJIN f tS tSCOUGHLIN S SCOUGHLIN COUGHLIN W EOutflelder Chicago ChicagoNationals ChicagoNationals ChicagiNationals Nationals 1SW 1SWCOULSON 1500COULSON 1690COIJLSON COULSON E EUtility Utility Cincinnati Na Nationals National 1 tionals tional 190S 190SCOURTENY 1905COURTENY 1906COURTENY COURTENY ERNEST E STklrd Third base baseman 1 baseman sc scman ¬ man Boston Nationals 1E02 New York Yen YenAmericans Americans 1003 10 Detroit Americans 1903 Buffalo 1KM when hen he fielded eldod 215 Philadelphia Nationals 190506WoS Jer Jersey j jsey Jersey ¬ = sey City 1901 1 > Providence UOI10 UOI10COUTZ 110110COUTZ 150210COUTZ COUTZ BCatcher BCatcheriBalUmoro Baltimore Ameri American American L Lcan ¬ can Association lS lSCOVALESKTE 1 188COVALESKIE 1S 1SCOV COVALESKTE COV ALE S hJE1 HARRYPltchor Pblla PbllaNatlonals Phil dolphin Nnt onaJa lOO1GO CInc1I1Ratl CinclnnatCOX i Nationals Nationals191a 19ia 19iaCOX 1910COX COX ROBERT ROBERTInfiQldQl Infloldor and shortstop Detroit DerOitNtionaln 10 Nationals latlonal 1EW Plttaburg A A I i CRAFT C RA IOut JOtttfielder eldr and first rst baseman U Cincinnati Red Seeks 3S3i St St LoutS Nationals 3S77 1T In4la IJMIIaapoIts polfs Nationals NatioaateCRAafER 1M 3371RAMER 1MCRAlER CRAafER C ED EDcatcher Catcher Newark Newark 1SSS 1SSSjd 185CRANDALL 1616RANDALL CRANDALL C RANDALL OTISPltch Cedar Rap jd Ids Ida 1836 916fi 7 New York Nationals MOB MOBCRANE esis esisRANE It ItCRANE CRANE C RANE SAMUELInneWer SAXUELIn kler Buffalo Nationals atloftaJs U u Metropolitans CAm Amen rI can n Association A3 1WW 84 Cincinnati Union Asioclatlon Association tlon 1SS4 Detroit Na N ¬ tionals M8i 1S5 1662 Washington Nationals Nationalsi 1867 i New York Players League 1SOO batted 314 in ISM ISMCRANE ISHCRANE 1341RANE CRANE C EDWARDPitcher Boston BostonNew Union Assoetatlon WI Proid Provdc mce < Nationals 1 1155 Wa WahLngen blnfltGn Nationals 1 New York NatiOnalS 18fi58 Ctn Cm clnaaO American Aseoda1Sowd AssocIat1o 1811 New York Nationals atJo 1SKW 1 played in the world series of MSS 1 and 1SB 1SBCRAVATH 1SS9CRAVATH 3860BAVATH CRAVATH C HOMERCkitaeWor Los Angeles 1M4C16 Boston Am Americans rlcaw 3 320 fi Washington Americans IMC 1 May 1 i Chicago Americans merlcaDs 1600 traded for Burns BurnsCRA1BR Burne BurneCRAVER GRAVER W HInflelder HInfte1der Union Troy TroyNew Is Ba Baltimore Umon 18i273 AthletIcs 1445 New Ne York Mutuals 1S7 mi LouisvIlle 177CRAWFORD 177 177CRAWFORD Zn ZnCRAWFORD CRAWFORD FORESTShortstop born MM Houston 1 116 3 where he led short ¬ stops 8t and an batted 3H 1 St Louis Na H01 tJonals 11 11100 for fortYfive gimej games ba badfe bat Un ting 2I Providence Eastern mProvidncfl lW lWCRAWFORD lWiOS dfe died m 1 1CRA J10 J10CRAWFORD CRAWFORD CRA WFCJ SAMUEL WahooA WahooAAmeri hardhitting outfielder with Cincinnati NatlDs 181I8Oe1 3290 Detroit Ameri Amerib ¬ cans ltOi103H 19054li4441247455J3 H b batted tte < l lv II 15 In 19O5 i1 In mH Im Ia 1Ni Ii In 1100 1216 m In 1 1O7 m In ltS qQ JB in v 19W in IMS he made 171 base hits tf twobue S M threbs threebase and 6 home homeCREAaDER h runs runsCREA runsCREAMZR CREAaDER CREA IER GEORGESecood baseman Milwaukee 1S78 Syracuse Stars W U Worcester Vorcest r lSSBffl 18881111 Allegheny Allaehenyt U gbeoy Amerteq Atnori 1 A AssocIatIon ctlo > 18S3StS4 wa Bal I ¬ t umore American Association AMOCtIltJOftCREE r 1W 1WCREE 1S16CREE CREE W p CBIrdSQutAelder BlrdIeOtitaeldcrNew New York Amerlcaiu UKKsfM UKKsfMCRIGER 1 160615ILCREEDON 1t 1tCREEDON CREEDON DENNISOuUJelder Now York National 1S8t 1S8tCREGAN 1821CREGAN CREGAN CCatche and outfielder Washington Unions 1 1CRIGER 3821 3821CRIGER CRIGER LOtISCatcher r born Elkhart Elkbartr Ind 1S72 Kalamazoo team ISK For ForMr2 Fort Fort Mr2 0 t ane ne Sf UM17 Clvelluld Cleveland Nationals 1W7IS8I St Louis Nationals IWfl Bos ton Americana 1IOl 14020641415 Fort Wayne > > 190681 > 1 Cleveland Americans Americanslork 1OOi65 St St Loum Americans lOt 3 New York Americans me 39 exchanged excbflJs to toTT TT New Y York ofk Ik from St St Louis Ifk lilt 1i for Lako andDemmltt and Demmttt played in world se ae nes rica of 19H 19HCRISHAM 1 1CRISHAX 1CRISHAM CRISHAM P jFhgt baseman n Brook ¬ lyn Nationals Natknals 1388 1 Baltimore Na ¬ tlonAJs 1MI 1 Cleveland Clov American League 1900 Providence Eastern gOI 1001 Syracuse IWUBtf l batted J 300 in infcRISS InL L LClUss fcRISS L L rDodepltcher and first baseman ° Cleburne Tax MfiG won wonnineteen nineteen games gam loot nine BIn leading bat ¬ tens ten with 1th J8S St St Louis Amo Americans KW7isOlje batted an In IMS CRIST CHESTER A Acatcher Catcher Jersey City lfr UIOS Philadelphia Nationals IMS 11084 > back to Jersey City 1801 1801CRITCHLEY MCRITCHLEY 3300CRITCHLEY CRITCHLEY M f APltcher Albanys in li71 Allegheny American < merSean Association ISK 1 183 American Association umpire 1385 1385CROCKETT 1CROCKETT 1165CROCKETr CROCKETT First baseman bsemani Detroit American Lea LeaThreeEye League 1 101 LHLV8IIJOrt iSavunport ThreeEye iSMet06 iSMet06CROFT 1IMtiOGCROFT 16040506CROFT CROFT RFlrst baseman baselDAAi St Louis Nationals 1S77 IndiumpoJte Indlanapolte Nationals Nt 1J78 1J78CROFT 1Si8CROFT CROFT H TOntfleWor r Louisville Lout vlile Na Natjonals Na a tjonals Uon1s im imCBOLTJS JaICROLITJ5 1290CROLEJS CBOLTJS POutfieJdar Boston Na UotMOs 5801 Norwich MM New ew Lon London Lon4don ¬ don 1905 leading batters with wIth 317 317CROMPTON 36CnOMPTON 347CROMPTQN CROMPTON BDOutflftlder BDoutft lderi St St Louis Americans 1SW 1SWTO UiIiTO 1410 1410TO TO BE CONTINOKD CO TINUED TOMORROW TOMORROWAlways TOIORROWAlways TO3IORROWAlways Always the Same SameTharps SameTharps SameTharps Tharps TharpsBerkeley TharpsBerkeley TharpsBerkeley Berkeley Rye Rye6X2 6X2 61 = IT 33 Street tnct N W V Theme Main 1141Special 11 111ip 1141 i1412pein1 Special 1ip Ia1 Private OeUvee DeUY