7 THE WASHINGTON WASHINGTONtERALD HERALD FRIDAY DECEMBER 30 1910 9 t I ROBIN ROB1 ILL IN I BED BEDIS BEUIS BEDIs IS UNDER ARREST ARRESTIrregularities ARRESTlrlegu1nrities ARRESTIrregularities Irregularities Are Found in inBanks inllanksOlosed inBanksClosed Banks llanksOlosed Closed in GotJiam GotJiamCHABGE GotllamCHARGE GotliamCHARGE CHARGE OF FORGERY LIKELY LIKELYPolloivlnff LIKELYliollowlng LIKELY1a11ovjug Polloivlnff Discovery of Thela from fromSavlus fromSavlngs fromSav1ng Savlus Bunk flan1 lu New York the In InHtltntloii InI InHUtuUon InNtttntion I Htltntloii la Ij Ordered Closed QlosedTesfl QlosedTesflnlouy CIosedTe5ulflouT Tesft Tesftniaiiy flouT of Frederick K C Morris MorrisShows lUorr18Shows NorrIaShows Shows Alarming Condition ConditionNew ConditionSew ConditionNew New York Dec a 214 A few hours alter afUrMs alterhis after1s Ms 1s indictment by the grand Jury on a acharge aCharge atharge charge of grand larceny this afternoon afternoonJoseph afternoonJOlieph aiterfloQflJoseph Joseph G Robin WM wa arrested at tho thohome tholwme thatome home of his hr staler Dr Lwtoe Loul G Robin Roblnovitch Robtnov1tch Robinuvitch ovitch of o 28 2 We West t Isfth street tr t William WilliamTravers Wplam WplamTravere lam lamTravers Travers Jerome according aceorclln to his promlsa promlsatold nrom nromtuld proinaotold told District Attorney Attorne Whitman WhitnNLnwkre where to tofind tofind toflnd find Robin and two detective detectl armed armeduith armedWIth armedittt WIth ittt a bench warrant Jewed by Judge JudgeVain Jud Judrain Judwrain Vain rain took Robin In cestody oat The Thorrisoner TheIrj TheTr1uner rrisoner Irj oner who was wa 8S ill II was ftl watched all allrught aJlTlight allright right by the detective In hi his bedroom bedroomHe bedroomHe bedroomlie He will probably appear hyGenentl IIVGen tnGeneral ral Ses Sespions Sesjons Ses1IOflS pions 1IOflS jons tomorrow morning and nd maRe ap apjlieatioft apJlicatiott apifleatiod jlieatioft for release on bond bondNVxt bondNxt boniNtt NVxt to Robins Robin arrest the most sn snnational sentlmal sontnal national tlmal development in the story today todaywufc todayW todaybrought wufc W llf < brought out in the teatUaony of ofFroVrick ofPrbprick ofFrer1ck FroVrick K K Morris Robins RoDin confidential confidentialman man flan before the grand raU4 Jury Robin RoblnOt RoblnOta got gotway ot otay a way ay with J90000 90000 in checks delivered by byih byth byth th Washington Savings Savin Bank of New Newlrk Newrk NewI lrk I rk on a mortgage supposed to have haven i < n made by the Fidelity Development Developmenttnpany Developmentmpany Developmentinpany < tnpany owners owner of the Morris Park ParkI Parklpfrty I lpfrty i pf rrty rty No such mortgage Ce was wa exs exsut ex exit cxct ut t a 1 by uw that t company companyMay eompanyIn companyMn May Mn In 3Inkc Inlie 1nl Forgery IlorJcr Qharec Qharechrn cJtnrgehfn qhargev v hrn h he TV wan JU asked whether a af chars charsrf eBat1f rf f forgery r ery could not IIO have been made made in int IntLi Intk t tLi tk is instance flttflC District Attorney Whitman Whitmans Whitmansii1 s IU sii1 iii ji that probably it could have have but that thati F i us s purpose was wa to setae sera the clearest clearestarge clMrellarg arge arg > ami plate It before the lb grand jury Ii Ift J aid ld he expected to get a lot ot ad additional addtlO ad1ttqnal ¬ ditional dtlO al indictments against Robin Also Alsortier rtier > of r the banks involved and dl dltors dlrtul dlII rtul tors win ¼ ill II go before the grand Jury jurytirrner Former tirrner District Attorney Jerome as asKoMns anR KoMns R Nns counsel was aa cloteted with Mr MrViutman Mrilltmall 4r 4rv Viutman v iitrnan for some time m the morning Tit T two went wt > nt downstairs to General GeneralN Generaions GeneralIOnS N < ions arriving arr jn just as Judge Grain Grainvas CraJaa Cram Cram1IrnisIng vas a dismissing dlmi sing the th grand nd Jury Jur JurIr Mr Ir Jerome suggested suggest that a bench war warrit warr warr4flt rit r lt be 1 issued l sl1ed and that until tomorrow tomorrowi J i guard be placed over Robin He sus susj Bua Buagf > j gf > ted that both he and the district at att attrney attrney t trney > rney select s Ift a physician to examine the thepatient tbeIttient th thiaflent patient physically and mentally Robin was taken to his sisters house in inUt 1ftWt InV Ut V t l 118th fh street in the afternoon 03 03t Je Jeh Di Ditictves t h tictves < lives Flood and L rAe e went up there thereaTil therea thereail ail a d arrested him He went to bed because becauseH beea beeah becauseWas H was said to be sick st k Dr Austin Flint Flinttn Flintd d 1 tn tang for Or Mr Jerome and Dr William WilliamMai Williamla1on WilliamMon Mai Mon on for the district attorney examined examinedth th > prisoner tonight and in the morning I1I Inlnc1iy1I tun 1iy1I t V n I I give their opinion as to whether whetheror hether hethertH or tH not Robin out be taken to the Crim Crim1ral CrimlraI i iinai inai Court Courta building to plea pl to the in indutment Indtmont I dutment Most IWit On o to Court Oourtfro CourtMr j jMr Mr fro Whitman WM wqbttarated w toUrested mainly mata1 in inRubins Inntoios inRtns Rubins physical condition He said that thatif t atJ thatif if J Robin fl bin is able to be moved be be will have haveto haystc 11 11to to plead to tb the indictment indictmentFollowing IftdletmentFollowing indictment1ollowlng Following the discovery of ofthefts Rabbis Rabbisefts oIdsHIttbJ thefts efts frQnJ jrwa OML th Wa Wuthmgton Wuthmgton1nk mtan ton Sextos SUrM SUrMnk 1 1nk ink nk of which he Is 1 president the State 8tUeinking Statediking < 1 inking department which had allowed allowedthat allowedth allowedth4t that th t institution In dtubon to remain open and Il cl re reive re ree reye ive ye e the few deposits de I that were offered offeredun un Wednesday Wtdn when the bank ba gave ao aotire 110t notC tire t I that it would enforce the sixtyday sixtydayrule sixtydayIll rule Ill took charge today and an closed the theKinks thejltnks thelanks Kinks doors doorso dOOl1lo o IT II Cheney superintendent of banks bankspaid baa baaald bankssaid paid ald this step seemed tlM Id necessary by ItyII reason reasonof reanut of II that banks relations to the 01 Northern NorthernBank NortheraBank Northernhank Bank BankTh BankTh hankThi Th Thi < bank on July 31 last had deposit of of1HO ofI41OO6 1110206 1HO due 7000 depositors The bank is isat IIat isat at Columbus circle and Fiftyninth street streetand street streetand street1an and an many of o its depositors are negroes negroeswho n811o n811owho negronvhn who live in i that neighborhood nel AH AUt day daythen daythere then t hert was a group < of people waiting anx anxjously anxjouslY auxmuly jously about the door hoping < to get t tJdnt some somelint some1int lint of the conditions e ndlttona revealed by the ex examination examination oxamination ¬ amination going pt on inside They The rues tuatlOntd ruestltned < u s stmned tmned every one who 1M went in or oat out but butKerned butlcarned butlearned Kerned nothing nothingFailed nothln nothlnlaiJed nothingFailed Failed to Give Receipt ReceiptIt It came a me out in Mr Morris testimony testimonythat teatlmonylat testimonytat that lat RcWn got not only W3000 MX from the theWashington tbewashinaton theWashington Washington Savings SYiJt Bank on the ocr certificates oertit ocrtfieates ¬ tificates tit Cbtes of participation in a nonexistent nonexistentmortgage nonext nonexintentI tent tentI I mortgage but that on August 17 last he heget heglt hegt get 2iOOO Z7 27000 from the bank by the same samemeans samemtans namemeans means mtans but without 1101 Ut bothering to give a acertificate aHtificata artitIeat certificate rtitIeat of participation partlcl tIon and on Aug August AuKUs ¬ ust Us t 23 3 last t took out 1Oroo 3OflO 30 < X0 more also alsowithout aJaowithout alsouithout without troubling tt with certificates In Inother Iuother Inother other words the 527000 2T and JtOOW OtlOG were wererandt werelandld weretanchd landld randt d out to him Just because e h he asked askedf nakedfr f fr n it and without the bank receiving at atth atth atth th < > time oven a piece of o paper to show showth showtht showtht th tht t Robin owed it the money moneyIn moneyJI moneyboth In both of these cases the stubs tub in the theATLANTIC theATLANTIC theATLANTIC ATLANTIC CITY HCTEIS HCTEISHOTEL HCTEISHOTEL HTELSHOTEL HOTEL WESTMONT WESTMONTOmn Omn end Rhode Island avenue SptaodM UM UMand taMe taMeane tsblan4 and wrnot Wrm 8icial rat Jate for the winUr wiD dflhI dflhIII JBL50 OO Jli II 1 r rer week without beth ste U to JS rar wek we with bath Sea water and other baths Booklet W r 11 11MuORE 11 11luORE 11MOORE MOORE Mauser 11aDIIltrHOTELS HOTELS HOTELSWASHINGTON HOTELSSfa HOTELSSt Sfa St Jarnos9 Jarnos9European European EuropeanWASJIINGTON EuropsanVAS1iiXCTO WASHINGTON D C CEXCURSIONS 147 147EXCURSIONS 147EXCURSIONS EXCURSIONS EXCURSIONSSPECIAL EXCURSIONSSPECIAL EXCURSIONSSPECIAL SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATE RATEOld RATEOld RATEOld Old Point ComfortNorfolk ComfortNorfolkRound ComfortNorfolkRound Round S4OO 400 Trip TripOn Tri Tripin On in uto aI Doetnbrr H u 9 sd1 and d 31 LiMited to Jt JtAinu JIAItIo Jse JseMo Ainu special perial Tickets ndI including acoaaapiatlOM aCOll at atChambetlln atasambrrlbt atchamberlin Chambetlln Hole Holenty Hotell nty l jty l Ticket Qokc Hood Building N Y are areUti 3T 3Tst Uti 11 rt rt1HK tnn stTtIl 1HK NORFOLK A f WASH WAS STEAMBOAT CO COKENSINGTON COKENSINGTON COKENSINGTON KENSINGTON KENSINGTONC C Cars r from Wb and N Y a ate every Quarter boui bouiConnect houColWcct bo boConncct Connect at Cherj Cb Chase Lao with withKeaaiostoo withK withIftadcgon Keaaiostoo K Lit LitEDUCATIONAL LiD LiDEDUCATIONAL UnEDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONALThe EDUCATIONALThe EDUCATIONALThe The TheColonial TheColonial TheColonial Colonial ColonialSchool ColonialSchool ColonialSchool School SchoolFounded SchoolFounded SchoolFounded Founded in October 1908 1908By 1908By 1908I I By CHARLOTTE CHARL9TTE CRITTENDEN EVERETT EVERETTA A boarding and day du school for sprit di offering o9in grad graduating pclduatinc Imduating ¬ uating and elective etTe crone counea nnr preporattai Wid tar S Euro EuroP EwrII EUNlwn P lwn n tr tnYCl t el owl sidal 1f edal > atnntaew IIlh in 11 ramte art arteipnsMion arttXIJICIIioa attexrnsdoe eipnsMion tXIJICIIioa and languages iBdirMaal fautncticm fautncticmopwair IuztctlonOVmaIr opwair iportttrory if y of f the y Mrte arteeafe k b baikettU Js tb horseback ridtoe Prtawrr and later letermMiate Intarndiaa mMiate Ual ckpartDitll < kp rtia lo rta The Fletcher raotbed or ormu Ofml1 ormmn1 mu ml1 mmn1 > ic ietJ J Isatmrtion thmtzu to than liT hes In eomectk 6OIHlectioti wit with UH there fefartamte rtaea under tbe direction af f Mfci 11 Janet Ja Pierpoot Rogers Itoer QIfe French and Qnnaan tjsagt t hs > natiw tie teadwn Mte MiI tiM Joscphioe KmttnTood MunfoPd a crrtifted pefJI pn I of L t tJettat Ldtettiky djet y baa baacharge baal banarge charge l alle of advance pupils to node jsoafcSpecial aRIIicSpeclnl nodeSpecial Special AiIvnntnuoK Aehnntn H in Day Dn Deportment Charlotte Crittenden Everett Everett171Z 1715 111 1723 17 172 to 1727 11 7 Connecticut Avenue Tenuc oheok book ol th the I Ioottentor ooheatar Title ttueand ttueandGunrantco sand sandGuarantee and Guarantee Company wore altered by b Mor Morris Morria Mortin ¬ tin at Robins dlrootton to read Uiftt the thomoney themonuy themoney money was received from the Bankers BankersRealty BankorsRo BankersRetlty Realty Ro lty and Security Company Instead of oftho ottho ofthe tho Washington Bank n1 Th Thoc e alteration alterationon alterationson on the stubs were rondo mad after ftor December Decemberl DecemberThe 12 1 12The The banking department had no state statomont statemoot stateinGnt mont to make today concerning con ornlng the con condition oondltIon condfllon ¬ dition of tho Northern Bank but It was wassaid wassaJd wattsaid said that the cash deposits dOI 08tts > in eIght of ofthe atthe ofthe the branches had been removed to other otherbanks alhorbanks otherbanks banks where they would ou1d earn ear 3 per cent centfor centfor centfor for the depositors while the banks af afI artalrs atfairs I fairs wore being straightened out outBOILER outBOILER outBOILER BOILER EXPLOSIONFATAL EXPLOSIOITFATAL EXPLOSION EXPLOSIONFATAL FATAL TO SIXTEEN SIXTEENScore SIXTEENScore S1XTEEScore Score of Others Are Hurt in inPittsfield inPiUgfield inPittsflel1 Pittsfield Accident AccidentSAFETY Accidel1tSAFETY ACciIeIltSAPETY SAFETY VALVE FAILS TO WORK WORKMen WORKtIen WORKMon Men in Shed to Keep Warm arm Pre Preparatory Prel1 Prcparatory ¬ paratory l1 rntory to Cutting CnttIti Ice When WhenStructure VhenStructure Structure In Demolished liy Bx BxJloKlonSenatol ExploNlonSenator JloKlonSenatol plottion Senator Crane Goon oell to Re Helief Relief Rehief lief of Families of Victims VictimsPltwfleia VictimsPittsfield JritlnuPJttsftGld Pltwfleia Mam Ma Dec 30 39Fourt 29Fourteen P ourtson n man manwera monwere menwore were Instantly killed and two > huv IIIWC since Itnoedied sincedied inoedied died from Injuries InJurl received In the IXPIo IXPIoIdon spI spIdon spk spksion ° > sion don of a tubular boiler in the thCOnginO thCOnginOhouse v engine enginehouse on no nohoule house of the th Moorowood Lake Ice Com Company COmPflny Coatpany ¬ pany on the New York New Haven and andHartford andHartford andHartford Hartford Railroad d a mile and II half halfsoutheast balllIOuthat halfsoutheast southeast of PUtefleW thin morning morningMore mornln mornlnMore morningMore More than twentyfive men wore hurt bvrtfourteen 1I1Irttourteen hurtfourteen fourteen of whom wer weA taken to tie tieHouse tlIiHeu theHeuss House Heu of Mercy Heipltal HeipltalThe H HipitalThe lPltal lPltalrhe The Dead DemiWILLIAM DenelWJJLIU DeadVILLI4tM WILLIAM fiUJCN fiUJCNRDGAK tThNJeDtUIl tYNN tYNNIlnuAlt RDGAK D a ALLEN ALLENJOHN AM1iNJOhN LLR LLRJOliN JOHN RAYMOND RAYMONDLKO no lttY3IONDidito YOl1 YOl1LHO > LKO FKRJCAXDB2 FKRJCAXDB2JKOIM5B PKRU FXRNAfDW4IioIto D DGHOOOB JKOIM5B IioIto ALBERT LBEItT BENCB BENCBWYATT n BENCSwYtrr cE cEWTl WYATT MOOftR MOOftRBLMBR UOOftBKL1tKIt MOOttOltLMRtt BLMBR B E BLDRIDGB BLDRIDGBFBBD LDRIDGBD IILDRIDGErita FBBD rita D BODTIIIBR BODTIIIBRARTHUR IIOUTIIImtARTHUR IIOUTUTIIIt4tJtTutfll ARTHUR PKPOON1 PKPOON1JAXH6 IKrOON IKrOONJA lICPOONJAM1IB JAXH6 JA McUAXOS McUAXOSAHBUNI MeLtNUSA1IIUNt fcYANO fcYANOURUX AHBUNI GALLGO iLtLLillOonoadE o oG K KOBOROB OBOROB G ftGB HOUGHTAblNG HOUGHTAblNGJAMBS IIOOGUTALINGJ J JAM JAMBS uues GALLBOQ GALLBOQUBORGB GJLmQGlSOltGB GU4OOloRGla UBORGB WARD WARDMARTIN VA1tDMAItTIN UtD UtD11Im MARTIN P 8UITII 8UITIIOM SLTiHOs OM Os ntfandSMl esiesd1sThe bedy bedyTbe 1IodrThe The Injured InjuredJawpe InjuredJ J Jawpe Ptttan ptt wsalp wnanC wnanCIt It B E Moor f fees bwwtf bwwtftifMlp Iae IaeGmm fIotaot tifMlp W Xj Njs isi IiniN SOt rarII ailewnt J JRobert Robert Hall II IIT Mnlp MnlpMtennel OL OLMiebesi Mtennel T Ktaav It iojvriw st MCJSKC MCJSKCMJKK I1tJIIIa MdesgMyies MJKK lien tejviw sot t leriwit leriwitCaarles MriMLC1uIrlia MdesLCirl Caarles Cirl a 0 Ken Kenetfcd It ma aut the lam lacetusmU Aua tusmU JoIInIMl heid at and ssid ssidea tIIIII tIIIIIeated etfcd etfcdFnd ea eatedrrI Fnd Deem r mUte body tnmttd tnmttdrlma 1NrMddDuL e eflesai rlma rlmaerftMsl dDuLlIftr1 lIftr1 biNd v nQIUnIl nQIUnIlerit d d1tn erftMsl erftMslCbMta erit 1tn 1tnCksj4 eritC CbMta Cksj4 8 L Batter wrtoM es mOp w fWIIIL fWIIILAcIoI1 cmsdtddpk > usd usdAdoJptx AdoJptx Low r Bpodltinii eritiwl eritiwlThe ertttlThe ltll ltllThe The police theory tbeoc of the expieeioirls expieeioirlsthat ex exthat eXPtIe eXPtIethat that a new safety tety valve which had been beeninstalled HeAlutalled beesInstalled installed was choked in the pipe lead leading leadIne lendhtg ¬ ing from the boiler to the valve and amithat andthat that whereaa the gauge wa wan sot for only onlyforty onl onlyforty forty pounds the boiler may have been beencarrying beencarrying carrying 900 pounds a when It blew up upA upA UDA A special meeting of the city council councilwms couadtwu councilwas was held this afternoon which voted au authority aqt sutborlty ¬ thority t to the mayor to furnish tuna Iroroe Iroroedisio 1mIn6dl8te hnm hnmdIto disio relief o the th families of the Ua HIM HIMand kWedaDd killedand and Injured InjuredCrane IA IIIrOdCrane Crane GO G ne e < K to Relief ReHelIe ReliefSenatnr ReliefSenator Senator Ie W irurray 1fmyCraDe ru Crane man of IJeJton IJeJtonon 1JtonOn Ia1ton Ia1tonon on hearing the news of the accident accidentdrove a1dentdrove t tdrove drove to Pittsnehl Pltta ek1 and conferred with withMayor withMayor Mayor Maclnnis with regard to relief of ofthe oftJM ofthe the families of the dead and injured Th ThSenator TM TMSenator TheSenator Senator and the members of the Crane Cranefamily CranerlI Cranefamily family rlI In Dalton immediately subscribed subscribedW856 subscribeda W856 1 a and prominent ciUaens of PKtsfleld PKtsflelda a sum which tonight reached nearly 53 1 1be 3 3o 088 o The property loa a to the ks k com company company cornpany ¬ pany is isThe 8001 8001The 4 4The The Morewood Lake Ice Company Companyclaims Com Comelatru Companyclaims claims that but two tW of the men killed killedwere killedwere killedwere were on their pay pa roll The remainder reroaiaderhad renaaiJlderhad remainderhad had gathered ptbt = led at the ice house for em employment employment omployment ¬ ployment which wm WU to begin with the theoperation tbeoperation theoperation operation of o the engine for hoisting ice icefor ice icefor leefor for which the wrecked boiler was to fur furnish turnlab furnieti ¬ nish steam None of these men with withthe withthe withthe the exception of Engineer William l Dunn Dunnsixty Dunnlixty Dunnsixty sixty years old and Fireman George GeorgeWard GeorgeWard 8 8Ward Ward who were among the killed bad hadbeen badbeen badbeen been engaged for the harvesting harvestingThis harvUngThill harvestingThis This statement by the company is sig significant dgntfteant nignitleant ¬ nificant It means that In the event of ofdamage oCdamace ofdamage damage claims against it the company companywill eGmptByWill companywill will set up that they the are not respond rasponnble rSpocCtble respondhi ble hi for or the loss of life of the th other four fourteen fourteen fourteen ¬ teen victims and the score injured injuredNearly Injuredlienrly injuredicnrly Nearly Hundred Present PresentThe PreliCmtThe PresentThe The explosion took place about 941 941oclock S4IockHk 4I 4Ioclock oclock There were in the boiler and andengine aooenctne andengine engine house at that time about twenty twentymen twentymen twentyuten men Every uery one of these men were either eitherkilled 61th 61thk eitherkilled killed k lod or injured Injurfd Outside were gathered gatheredbetween ptheredbftw81n gatheredbetween between sixty and eighty ei ht < men They OJheywore Theywere Theywore wore either leaning against tle building buildingor or in group STOU waiting waltt for the boiler to tc get getup getup at atup up steam sufllclent jj1u lchmt to start the hoist hoistNo hololtNo hoIzNo No man lives Uv to tell what happened In Inside InBide inside ¬ side the building buUdln Survivors outside the theboiler theboiler thebutler boiler house e say sa that suddenly they were werelifted werelCtM werelifted lifted from their feet and hurled Into Intospace IntoN Intospace space N A detonation det natton was wa hoard in PiUs Pittsfield Pll Pllfteld PiUsfield field To T those on the spot pot it se seemed mod as asif uIt asif if the force of the explosion was mostly mostlyupward mMtlyupward meetlyupward upward upwardThe upwardThe upwardThe The building hulidIngt N 110 0 by 49 4 feet was com completely complotel cornpletely ¬ pletely plotel sevored Two of the side lde Id walls wallsthe wailsthe I Ithe the soot and the heavy 1 y boiler and engine enginewent enginewent enginewent went Into the air Big pieces of iron ironwere Ironwere ironwere were hurled 200 OO feet Pieces of the boiler boilercarrying boilerCrryln boilerrryIng carrying Crryln rryIng death with them shot out as asfrom ufrom asfront from a machine gun ripping the sidings sidingsinto sidingsinto into slivers and tearing oft legs arms armsand acmeand and mangling the bodies of tho workmen workmenThe workmenThe The tracks of the railway forty yards yardsaway yardia yardsaway away a y were littered with wreckage Un Uninjured UnInJured Uninjured ¬ injured men ran shrieking from rom the death daathscene doathseene deathscene scene sceneSHRHTEKS seeneSImmERS sceneSmUNERS SImmERS HOLD ELECTION ELECTIONIlluxtrlouH ELEOTIONIlIuxtrlouH ELECTIONIllustrious Illustrious Potentate Adnnis of Mil Milwaukee Mu Muwa 111WQulee ¬ waukee wa ukee Makes nn Address AddressAlmas AdclresAlmas AddressAlmaa Almas Temple of the Mystic MyatlcShrine MyatlcShrinemade Shrine Shrinemade Shrinemade made final arrangements IlJT qements for an indoor indoorcircus IndooretrcUI indoorcircus circus and held Its annual election of oil officers omcers oileels ¬ cers at National Rifles Armory last night nightThomas nightTb0rn8s nightThomas Thomas H Adams illustrious potentate potentateof of Tripoli Temple of Milwaukee Win Wlswas WI WIWIi Winwas was a visitor and madea made short address addressTho addr addrTho addressThe Tho Royal Adams tworing indoor indoorcircus IndOGr IndOGrcircus indoorcircus circus has ha been secured by Almas Temple Templefor TemplefOr Templefor for a weeks performance beginning Jan January January Jannary ¬ uary 16 in Convention Hall HallTho HallTho HallThe Tho polls for the election of officers officersvopaned offiursopened officerspponed opened at 210 ro oclock In tho afternoon afternoonand afternoonand afternoonand and closed at S oclock c1 ck The election re resulted re resulted resuIted ¬ sulted AS follows Adolphus Gude poten potentate potentato potentate ¬ tate W Hamilton Smith chief rablmn rablmnJames rabbnJames rabbanJames James T Gibbs assistant chief rabban rabbanGary rabbftnCary mabbanCary Cary S Fryo high priest and prophet prophetJohn prophetJohn prophetJohn John A Elllnger oriental guide F A ASebring A ASobrtng ASeining Seining treasurer Harrison Dingman Dingmanrecorder Dingmanl8Corder Dlngmanrecorder recorder Adolphus Gudo Alexander AlexanderGrant AlexanderGrant AlexanderGrant Grant Thomas P Morgan Mor n and Joseph G GStelle GStelle GStole Stelle representatives to the Imperial ImperialCouncil ImperialCouncll ImperialCouncil Council at Rochester in May 1911 1911The lj1The 911 911The The officers were installed by Past Im Imperial Imperial Impenal ¬ perial Potentate Harrison Dingman DingmanFnnernl Dingman DingmanFunernl DingmanFuneral Funeral of Col J IT Robinson ItoLintionFuneral llotJlnllonFun6Ill1 RobinsonFuneral Funeral services were held Wednesday Wednesdayfor Vodno day dayfor for Col J Hancock Robinson R blnlOn private privatesecretary prh8toseeretary privatesecretary secretary to Senator Percy of Mimic Mississippi Mimicsippi U Uarippl ¬ sippi who died in his office last as Monday MondayRev trondayRav MondayRev Rev Herbert Scott S tt Smith officiated offl Offikt tkt d The Thebody Thebody body bOd was wa placed Place in a vault VtluUIn in Glonwood GlenwoodCemetery GlonwoodCcmetfry GlonwoodCemetery Cemetery and later will 111 be buried at atLouisville atLoulsv1lle atLouisville Louisville Ky i MIDDIES WILL HAVE HAVEVERY HAVEVERY HAVEVERY VERY STRONG STRONGCREW STRONGCREWBig CREW CREWBig Big Event Ev nt of the Season Will Be Twomile Race Racewith Racewith Racewith with University of Pennsylvania Annapolis Dec 23 29The The rowing rowlnSfcason rowlnSfcasonat reason reasonat oason oasonat at the Naval Aeaenray Aoa unY Is awaited wIth wtthmuch wIthmuch vtthmuch much interest intor tand and there Is s every indi indication Indcation mdication ¬ cation of o one on of the strongest crows crowsthat crowsthflt crowstitt that has represented the navy for many manyseasons manyHalOn manyseasons seasons HalOn as a woll as good Junior crews crewsincluding crewsIncluding crewSIncluding including second and third eights the thefourth thetourth thefourth fourth class eight and one or or o two fours foursAn toursn foursAn An n effort is being beln made to secure some someraces someracOi someraces races for the fours a a contest Of the kind kindnot kindnot kindnot not having taken place here since the theearly theearly theearly early days of rowing at the Academy AcademyThe AcademyThe AcademyThe The distinct event of o the season will willbe willbe willbe be the race racOM8 scheduled < h6duJed with the Uni University University Un Unversity ¬ versity of o Pennsylvania after aquatic aquaticrelations aquaUctJatio aquaticratiOns relations tJatio had bean discontinued dto nUn ed for a ahalf ahair ahalf half dozen years Pennsylvania will willbring willbring willbring bring Its varsity and an freshman ro hman crews to toAnnapolh toAnnapollll toAnnapoiM Annapolh on May C Tho varsity and andthe andthe andthe the flrst navy na crow will contest over overthe overtbe overthe the twomile course C UrH while tho freshman freshmanand tl freshmanand llhmanand j and fourth claw crews will pull a half halfmile halfmile halfmile mile less The only other race definitely doflnltelyrtxed definitelyftxed doilnitelyfixed fixed is that with 1th Columbia on May Ma 13 13Howevor 13However 13However However It to likely that Syracuse Sraouseand SraouseandPrlnooton and andPrinceton andPrinceton Princeton will both send crews to An AnnapoHsj Annapolt Annapo1ls napoHsj napolt < the latter probably a four fouro fourNo No > o Race Rn e with Iliirrftrd IliirrftrdIt It is settled that there will bo no norace norace noroe race with Harvard this thl season but ne negotiations ncgoUatJOM nogotintions ¬ gotiations are r8 still pending with Yale Yalethough Yolothough Yalethough though the chances of ot a race are not notgreat notgreat notgreat great There i II also a correspondence correspondencein in progress wifii wItt 1 t Princeton and it is ishoped ilhopM iihoped hoped that the latter will 111 use Its nowly nowlygranted nowlySTAnted newlygranted granted permission per llulon to arrange one or two tworaces tworae tworaces races rae S by sending at least a four to An Annapolis AnupoU ¬ napolis Syracuse will row at Annapolis AnnapolisIf If it straightens out its afluatlo tangle tangleand tangleanel tangleand and supports a crew as usual usualTho usualThe The first and second crows have hap lost lostbut INtbllt lostbet but two members each by b graduation graduationresignation grnddnUonr graduationrmiguaUon resignation r tJon and Illness Of the first ffr I crow Brown bow has graduated and andKing andKing andICing King No No4 4 has typhoid and Will not notbe nolbe notbe be able abl to row There remain Wearas WearasNo WeemeNo V ms msNo2 No No2 2 Agrell No No3 3 MarrIng No 6 6Griffin 6Griffin 5Griffin Griffin No G Johnston No No7 7 and andLoftln andLoWn andLoftth Loftln stroke In the second crew crewAlnsworth crewAinsworth crewAlnsworth Alnsworth stroke has graduated and andSpencer andSpencer andSpencer Spencer No 6 6 has resigned The fol following tollowing to tolowing ¬ lowing are still available Booth bow bowPowell bowPowoll bowPowell Powell No No2 2 Whiting No No3 3 Meyer MeyerNo MeyorNo MeyerNo No 4 Ertz Ertz No No5 6 i and Melgs No No7 No7Coach 7 7Coach 7Coach Coach Glendon will also have the men menwho menwho menwho who aompdssd comp eed the excellent fourthclass fourthclasscrew fourtheJIWIcrew fourthelneccrow crew last season and a ft number of 0 good goodmen goodTnen goodTeen men In junior boats boatsAdditions boatsdtUtion boatsAdditions Additions dtUtion to Squad SqandThe SqundTho SquadThe The rowing ro lnb squad will get several nota notablo notablo notablo blo additions addition from other branches of ofsport otsport ofsport sport Douglas ouSlas the tall football tackle tacklebasketball ta tacklebasketball kle klebttsketbaU basketball and lacrosse player is going goingto solngto goingto to make nUlk a strong effort to make tho first firstcrew flrstcrow firstcrew crew title tld year He abandoned lacrosse laeroaeofor 1neONotor lacrossefor for rowing last spring but did not get getfurther setfurther getfurther further than the third boat This sra srason 8PQiOn sason son he Is likely to do better Brown the thebig thebig thebig big football guiard from the fourth class classhas cla5Shaa clanshas has decided that that he will row but butwhother butwhothor butwhether whether Glendon can find a a place for forhjf torhJl forhIs hIs 06 06 pounds is a question Que tJon and he also alsoneeds alsonoodll alsoneeds needs to learn the art of rowing rown from fromthe tromUte fromthe the beginning Dalton the husky half halfback hal halback halfback back who has been elected captain of ofthe orthe ofthe the football team and McRoavy the thefourthclass Utefourthc thefourthclans fourthclass fourthc man who did such fine finework finowork finework work in the hack field are both inclined inclinedto to take up th the rowing same Both are arewanted arawanted arewanted wanted in other fields howovor Dalton Daltona a hurdler on the field and track team teamand teamand teamand and MeReavy on the nine nineRichard nineRSc nineRichard Richard aIc1 Gtendon the coach is oxpect expected oxpected oxpectod ¬ ed in Annapolis about the middle mlddI of ofJanuary oCJanuary ofJanuary January Work on the machines and in inthe Inthe Inthe the tank will begin at once upon his ar arrival arrival arrival ¬ rival and the crew crews will get on the thewater thewater thewater water just at as aoon 800n1s as s weather permits 4 1 THE KIND BOY BOYThe BOYThe BOYTlae The other day while homeward waddlin I slipped and fell fellaround fellaround fellarDund around a block and I was rendered sick and maudlin by getting gettingsuch gettinguch gettingsuch such uch a beastly beasU shock And sundry little boys stood near rae and andfilled andfil1 andfje filled fil1 fje fjewith d with joyous shouts the glen they thought it fun to gibe and andjeer andjeer andjeer jeer me and say 110 0 please do that agafn aarn 1 I listened to tobe the he rude rudethings rudethings rudethings things spoken and teardrops t rdrops trickled down my face for all my rayribs myribs myribs ribs and back were broken my m vitekall jarred out of place The Themodern Theinodern Thethodern modern boy is but a viper viperu I muttered as tHey laughed again againwhen againwhen againwhen when he in wickedness is riper they thcyll surely take him to the pen penHad penIIad penHad Had I a son whod laugh and chortle and paw with glee the fertile fertilesojl fertilesojl fertilesoil sojl when viewing 1 wing some poor stricken mortal Id surely boil that thatyouth thatouth thatyouth youth outh in oil oil Then came a youth in quite a hurry to help me in inmy inmy inmy my awful plight He tqftly u t1 murmured murmuredDo Do not worry your yourbones yourbones yourbones bones will set again all right He got a pole and then he pried priedme priedme priedmc me me out of the pavement to my m feet and then he kindly walked be beside beside beside ¬ side me and helped me up the village street A boy like that thatall thataU thatall all men will love him while in this world his face they sec and andwhen andwhen andwhen when the green grass grows above him the world will prize his hismemory hismemory hisrilemory memory WAU V Alt MASOK MJSONCpsht 1ASON 1ASONt Cpsht t 1a1O 1Jr f t 61111 iMsos As Asi Asu tmSJ tmSJL i L u r 1 MORE CONFESSIONS MADE MADEVote MADEVote IZIADEVote Vote Sellers VloeU to Court to Tell TellTheir TenTheir TellTheir Their Fnult FnultWet FnultWMt FaultWent Wet Union UJdoD Ohio Dec 21Tbe The special specialgrand apeela1sruad specialgrand grand jury investigating wholesale buy buying DaYtnI buyifl ¬ ing ifl of votes in Adams A County returned returnedH retunaodInd1ctJMD13 H l Indictments which hleh brings the total totalup tOUlIu totalup up u to K Indications are that the num number number ninabet ¬ ber will be increased to toThe lf lfThe 11Tbe The bought and sold voters are quak quaking nak naklag k kbiK ¬ lag a rush to confess e nt and gain tia leniency leniencyI feBcyhundred I A hundred men n who bo had not yet been beenIndicted MeltJndlcted beenndIcted Indicted ndIcted yesterday flocked into the court courtrom cowtro courtroGm rom ro roGm m and confessed to having Mid 1cl their theirI theirfraACJUse theirfranchises I franchises In most instance Iaata Judge JudgeBlair J1I4IeBlaJr JudgeBlair Blair Jin nes the men and pronounce a asix asix asix six months workhouse workbouaeHPte sentence ce The TUeimprisonment T1eelmprl80nment Theimprisonment imprisonment sentence however is isusually IIuluallJ isusually usually suspended suspendedI 8U8pRdecLTbe suspendedThe I The widowed mother of a s first voter voterwho voterwho voterWho who wept as she lib told the court of barter bartering barter1fti barterlag lag away her eons lIOn ballot for JS is laJJot laJJotUte Iapotthe jjot jjotthe the only I woman who is expected to con confess conte conless ¬ less te Among the voters who confessed confessedthey confessedthey they tbe bad tainted their citizenship CltiZen hIP were weremen weremen weremen men who had voted for Lincoln and boy boywho bon bonwhG boyswho I who cast their first ballots for or Harding HardingI H8rd H8rdor or Harmon One farmer in the Jack Jacksonville Jackaonville Jacknonville I sonville precinct confessed that on a re recent re recent rocent ¬ cent election day he had thrice bartered barteredi b barteredhis rtered rteredhIa i his vote away each sale Ie to a different differentinterest differentlatert differentInterest interest interestIn latertIn InterestIn In Manchester a manufacturing town townthe tonntbe townthe the shops are dosed and home hoards of ofcash otcub ofcash cash are depleted after the season of gift atnxtv1nlt giftgiving giftgiving giving and holiday extravagances extnlR nc8S It Ita hr hra s sa a problem with many where to raise the tlieltf UI8JS4I ltf 13 fine and 1 7 costs co costswhich which they must mustpay mUlt mUltpay mustpay pay Their workhouse sentences Hnlene are re remitted re remitted ccunitted ¬ mitted mittedThe mittedTbe unittedThe The record of chattel mortgagee filed filedin nledin filedin in the courthouse shows that many man of ofthose oCtho ofthose those who have confessed to vote barter bartering barterInK bartering ¬ ing have mortgaged Jn rt their household goods goodsto goodsto goodsto to raise the money to pay their fines finesIn fineaIn finesIn In one place pl ee the family cow has been beenplaced boenplncod beenplaced placed in pawn to procure liberty libertyAS UbertyAS libertyAS AS BRYAN SEES IT ITMany TIlUnny ITMany Many Planks of the Democratic DemocraticPlatform DemocraticPJatform DemocratlPlatform Platform Vindicated VindicatedLincoln VindicatedLincoln lneHeatedI I Lincoln Nebr Dec 29 W J Bryan B6antoday Bryantoday Buyantoday today made public his declination to at attend attend attend ¬ tend the Baltimore Jackson Day banquet banqueton on January 17 He ie says In part It Itwill Itwill Itwill will be impossible to be present and I Ihesitated Iheattated Ihesitated hesitated to send a letter to be road at attho atthe atthe the celebration lest it might prove a adiscordant acU adiscordant discordant cU eoroant note if as I would infer from fromthe fromUte fromthe the preliminary arrangement alT omont those who whooriginated whooriginated whooriginated originated the meeting were dissatisfied dissatisfiedwith dlssatfstiewith dissatisfie4with < with the last Democratic national plat platform platform pintform ¬ form That platform was 88 satisfactory to tothe tothe tothe the party two years ago and am satisfac satisfactory satlsractory satletactory ¬ tory tb tho rank lft 1t and tile now The vic victory victory vietory ¬ tory of last month was in my judgment judgmentlargely judgmentmrcely judgmentlargely largely due to the fact that several planks planksof I Iof of that platform had already been vin vindicated vindicated viadicated ¬ dicated by events and events have since sincethe sinceUte sincethe the election vindicated other planks planksIIomlurnH pJankslIonelurn planksHonduran Honduran Rebellion at Hand HandCity Dnndcrty handCIty City of Mexico Dec 23 29Hondurans 29Honduranshero 29Hondumanshere Hondurans Honduranshere here confirm con rm the reports sent out from fromHonduras fromHondur8tJ fromHonduras Honduras of a 0 rebellion in that country countryplanned countryplannod countryplanned planned by Gen Bonllla and Lee Christ Christmas Christmas Christmas ¬ mas Most of o tho Hondurans here are areoidlea areXIlea areoxIle oidlea oxIle and they the naturally sympathize sympathizewith sympathizewith Sympathizewith with any rebellion rebellionWife rebeUlonVUe rebellionWife Wife Givea Blood lood In Vain VainLynn VainLnn VainLynn Lynn Mass Doc 29 29Vl11lam William H HTroon HTroon HTroon Troon president of the Lynn board of oftrade oftrade oftrade trade Is dead at his home here although althoughhis althoughhts althoughh15 his wife gave her blood In an effort tIort to tosave toave tosave save him He suffered from a series or ofnasal ornaMI ornasal nasal hemorrhages 5 which weakened his hissystem hissystem hissystem system to such an extant that the trans transhis transfusion tmansfusion fusion was advised Jt failed to prolong prolonghIs prolonghis his life however howeverYellow howeverYellow I IYellow Yellow Fever in Managua Managuai UnnnJ1InYanagull i Managua Nicaragua Dec 20 23Sevcral 23Sevcral8SCS 29Severaleases Several Severalcases cases of yellow fever have occurredhore occurredhoreAn An epidemic epIc emto is feared fearedA A foarteenitorr skyscraper HJ f3 planned for Milan Uan wll wllbe mlJthe ml mlbe be the highest business building in Soutbera Euro Dirce Europe wEITES WHITE W HITh IS NOBLE GRAND GRANDGoluniliin GRAND001um111a GRANDColumbia Columbia Lodge of Odd Fellows FellowsHold FcllowJloJcb Fellows1lold Hold JloJcb Annnal Hlectlon HlectlonColumbia B1ectlonColumbia IllectionColombia Columbia Lodge No JO Jo I O O F bald baldits beldfta heldIts its election of offoers o in 1 Odd Fellows VeitowHall FellowsHall 1UowIt 1UowItHall Hall last night which resulted as fol follows folIoWI tellows ¬ lows lowsL lowsL IoWIL L L A A White noble grand Bert V YWolf VWolt VWolf Wolf vice grand E E C C Growey record recording iBCOn reseedtug ¬ tug n secretary aecr tary R R R R Williams tame financial financialsecretary ftaaadniHeretar financialsecretary secretary Thomas Tho W Fowler treasurer treasurerQ trrerQecIraIe trensurerGeorge Q George orsje Z Colison trustee Th TM repre represenUtlves repeeHnlaUvN repsesentatives senUtlves to the Grand Ora Ledge are Past PastGrand PutOrand PastGrand Grand Masters George GeorprZeouon Z Coiison Thomas ThomasW ThomuW Thomasw W Fowler Jow and A A It it Vernullion aa uc ucPut andPsst S SPast Past Grands J H Brodertek Frank B BCowden n nC01tden BCowden Cowden George Gerbarich Edward C Ci CGnunler CGruntley i Crumley D W Keck E IL B Laughlin LaughlinN Lau hlln hllnN N M Pollock Pollock Charles P Sample Frank FrankD FrankD FrankD D SeifTert C D Shackelford Samuel 6 G GTayor aTayor GTayor Tayor B B Wines and John D Yoak Yoakley Y08kley YoakIcy ley EAST IS NOW OW AWAKENED AWAKENEDBrass A AWAKENDBrass W AKENID AKENIDBrasil Brass Band Should Be Retired Sktyx SktyxAVoodroir tys tysWoodrow > I IVooclrow Woodrow WilsonSt Wilson WilsonSL Ibon IbonSt SL St Louis Dee 21 aDr Dr Woodrow WIlIOn Wileon Wil Wilson ¬ son sovernoretect of New N Jersey In an anaddress anaddr anaddress address addr before the Princeton Club here herethis borethia herethis this afternoon referred to tho Presidency Presidencyof of Theodore Roosevelt it is belloved bellovedwhen bellovedhon believedwhen when hon he qtfotod a conversation between bGtweenWeetorn a aWostornor a aVectornor Wostornor Weetorn r and an Easterner to the effect effecttbat affectthat effectthat that 100100 Ymi Easterner sternerc wore wo so sound soundasleep aoundasleep soundasleep asleep that it took a brass band to wako wakoyou wakaou Wakeyou you ou up upBut upBut upBut But now that the awakening a kentng has taken takenplacn takenplaco takenpIac placn pIac it would seem to be nt t that the thebrass thebna thebrass brass band should be retired continued continuedDr Dr Wilson and reform considered do deliberately dolIberatel dolibemately ¬ liberately liberatelyWhen lIberatel lIberatelWhen libematelyWhen When I was offered tho nomination nominationfor for governor of Now No Jersey it was un understood und9lStood unc1octood ¬ derstood by the Democratic DentOd tte party that thatI I was to to become Its loader load If I could couldnot couldnot couldnot not have been Its leador I would have havewithdrawn havewttbrlrawn havewithdrawn withdrawn from the race I told thorn themthat thornlhat thornthat that in giving me this chance tho lead leadership IOftdship loadership ¬ ership ship would not be dull and there th ro would wouldbe wouldbo wouldbe be plenty of sport In it itCLOSE ItCLOSE It ItCLOSE CLOSE AT NOON TOMORROW TOMORROWGorcrnmcnt TOMORROWGovernment TOiORROWGovernment Government Departments Will 111 Be BeIdle DeIclle BeIdle Idle Until Tnesday TnesdayFollowing ToeadayFOllowing Puc5dayFollowing Following orders issueu just before beforeChristmas booreChrIstmas beforeChristmas Christmas the government departments departmentswill will close at noon tomorrow for torYonrs New NewYears NewYears Years Monday being a legal holiday holidaytho holldoytho holidaythe tho clerks will not return to work until untilTuesday untilTu68day untilTuesday Tuesday morning morningAll morningJ1 morningAll All J1 divisions of the Library of C9ngross C9ngrosswill CqngrosswJll Cqngroaswill will close tomorrow afternoon at 430 so to toreopen tDre toreopen reopen re Tuesday morning All employed employeswho employedwho I who can be spared will be excuBad o CUBed at atnoon atnoon j noon tomorrow The library building buildingwill j jwill will bo open on Now Years Y ous Day and andon andon i ion on Monday from 2 until un 1i 10 oclock oclockDetected oolockDetected cfelockDetected Detected DetectedFrom Detected1rom DetectedPran From the N iew ew w York Mail MailProperly jfdl jfdlProperly MaliProperly Properly censored conliradmoln moving pictures have havebeen havebeen havebeen been regarded as desirable They are arecheap tire tirecheap arecheap cheap and tfceyare t1l0 they are good It might well wellbo wellbo wellbe bo asked what more is wanted Dis Dispatches DJspatchoa Dispatches ¬ patches front Cleveland have set forth forththat forthlbat forththat that pitfalls lurk In the films No one onewould onewouJd onewould would have known anything anytbln about It had hadIt hadIt hadit It not been for the th deafmutes They The are aretaught aretaught aretaught taught lip reading and if you OU go gqthrough gqthroughthe through throughthe thrdUght the t e motion of saying something to one oneof oneof of these th se educated deafmutes ho knows knowswhat I Iwhat what you yousay say even If fyOU you do not utter a aslnglo asingle j single sound Now those who aid In the thepreparation thOprermrnUon theprophration preparation of moving movln picture films are arenot arenot arenot not always refined No one could hear hearthorn hoorthorn hearthorn thorn In the pictures they the assumed and andso andso andso so they spoke words irrelevant or pro profane protune protune ¬ tune But along came Mrs Bates who whoInstructs whoInstruct8 whoinstructs Instructs th Uq deafmutes in lip reading readingand readingand readingand and applying her ability to read lips to tomoving tomoving tomoving moving pictures she was highly shocked shockedat at the result r ult There must be more cen censoring cenlorlntt concoring ¬ coring of films nimsTb ftlmHThe filmsThe Tb The biggest appl a apple ever rcr grown wn la Bagland brought brouehtJ70 brou brought7o t J70 7o the other day It weighed two pounds and an three threeOUQ threeeseea i iwincey OUQ eseea wincey wan fife lacfaea = high and the iccbea thick i PHYSICIANS HOLD HOLDLEPROSY HOLDLEPROSY HOLDLEPROSY LEPROSY EXHIBIT EXHIBITiew EXHIBITNiew EXHIBITView View iew Nine Nill Patients at New NewYork Newt NewYork t York Symposium SymposiumDECRY SymposiumDEORY SymposiumDECRY DECRY POPULAR HYSTERIA HYSTERIADoctors HYSTERIADodorlC HYSTERIADocbams Doctors Aver AV r that Disease Dillcn e Is Neither NeitherInfectious NcltherInfecUoulI NeitherInfectious Infectious Nor Contagious in Any AnyConsistent AnyCowsl AnyConsistent Consistent Cowsl tent Way WayLepers Vny Lepers Attend AttendMeetlner rttendMeeting ttend ttendtleetlnG Meeting Under Care of Attendants Attendantsand Atfendantand Attendantsand and Bare Lesions L lon for Inspection InspectionNew IuslectionNew InspectionNow New York Dec 2 aNino Nino lepers In va various various varlous ¬ rious stages of the two types of the dis disease dlsoasd disoa ¬ ease oasd oa were exhibited at a symposium mpo tum upon uponleprosy uponlepro uponleprosy leprosy lepro held at the Academy of Medicine Medicinetonight Meillc1netonight Medicinetonight tonight The lepers were war brought from fromvarious tromvarlons fromvarious various local Institutions and after tter they theyhad theyhad theyhad had bared their lotions to the Inspection Inspectionof of tlio ho assembled d doctors they departed In Incharge incharge charge of physicians or attendants attendantsAmong attendanUiAmong attendantsAmong I Among them were a negro girl a male malenegro malenogro malenegro negro an Italian who illustrated the theadvanced theadvanced theadvanced advanced stage of tubercular leprosy leprosyand leproeyand leprosyand and who wears the terrible knobbled knobbledlion knobbffiunon knobbledlton unon lion face ac6 that Father Damlen Is said saidto saidto saidto to have died with a Russian and a aChinaman aChinaman aChinaman Chinaman One patient brought by Dr DrOutmann DrOutmann DrOutsnann Outmann was wa a a young oun girl in rosecool rosecoolored To rosecoolorod ecool ecoolorad ored finery nery wearing a large hat and a adress adrea adress dress with short sleeves eovea that left bare bareher bareher bareher her marred arms armsThe armsThe armsThe The degree of danger from leprosy and andtha andtho andthe the manner of its communication were weretopics weretoples weretopics topics upon which the authorities varied variedOne variedODe variedOne One doctor who appeared on the pro programme programme programnie ¬ gramme was overheard to say y that he hewould hewould hewould would rather sleep in a closed room with withten withten withtn ten lepers than with one tuberculosis tuberculosispatient tuberculoidpaUent tuberculosispatient patient and that leprosy was neither neithercontagious neithercon neitheroontslcus contagious con Ulou8 nor in any appreciable sense senseinfectious IOMeInteeUout sonicinfectious infectious but others differed with him himHyfctcria hbnJIterl himllyaterln Hyfctcria JIterl I Is Deprecated btJuoeenteclThe DeprecatedThe DeprecatedThe The general t 9ral tone of the meeting depre deprecated deprecktod depre4tted ¬ cated cktod the hysteria which arise ar through throughpopular throughpopular throughpopular popular ignorance whenever leprosy has hasoome haJjooe hascome come up P for discussion in the United UnitedStates UnitedStatea UnitedStates States particularly when the existence of ofa orcaH ofa a case at large was known as with the theSyrian tlMSrrlan theS7rian Syrian who died of exposure after a apariah artah alariah pariah rtah tour from fr m State to State in a a box boxear boxear boxear ear earDr Dr Busoy of Chicago pointed out that thatwhile thatwhile thatwhile while in a tropical climate leprosy is a avery aery avery very ery present source Urce of danger with us usin Uti UtiIn usIn in temperate America it is I comparable to toa toJIve toa a live liv coal dropped in a sandpit dan dangerous dlUsoroul dangerene ¬ gerous but remotely so soSeveral 0 0Several soSeveral Several doctors spoke of the number numberof numbtrof flumberof of eases that probably exist in this city citywhere citywhere Ity Itybore where bore the entrance of immigrants makes makesits mnk8liiIta makesits its Introduction in the earlier and less lessrecognizable Ie IerrroobDlzahlo lessrsoognhzable recognizable stages a constant possibility possibilityDr Dr Fox remarked that medical aid is isseldom Isseldom seldom HldomSOUlht sought until the characteristic characteristiclesions tbaraderi characteristiclesions Uc UcJMIODtI lesions of the latter stages ta M have ap appeared appeuccl apIeared ¬ peared The lepers le rs burden of centuries centuriesOf Of horror which Dr Dyer had described describedhas ducribedMC describedht has ht mad made Wm and his affrighted family familypeculiarly familYtteeullarly famIlypeculiarly peculiarly stixious xious to secrete the affliction afflictionThere afIltctionThere afflictionThere There was present a delegation of o phy physicians pkJddana physiclans ¬ sicians from the leper colony of Massa Massachusetts aaac Massachusetta ¬ chusetts c who are not often able to leave leavetheir leavetheir leavetheir their labor for diversion One of them themtold th thorntold m mtold told those sitting IttU near him of the birth birthof birtho birthof of o a child to leprous l parents in the eel colony eolny eeloey ¬ ony The child Is now a boy in school schooland IChoolaad schooland and has shown no symptom of the die disease dlae dieease ¬ ease e The Th speaker was of the opinion opinionthat opiniontlIat opinionthat that leprosy it not infectious or coats contagJooBjin contsIoa coatsglens gJooBjin glens in any consistent way and said saidthat saidthat saidthat that the the Book of Leviticus is responsible responsiblefor r nalble nalblefor for much overeaution oye uUon about the disease diseaseELKS dtHueELKS diseaseELKS ELKS LODGE GIVES DANCE DAtfCEIrocrnmnie DANCElrOlramme DANCEProgranime Irocrnmnie Bnjoyed by 1 150 Couples Couplesnt Coupeant nt Club Clubs Home HomeWashington nomeWubblston HomeWashington Washington Ledge L o No 15 1i B P O OKlka OBIb 0ZIks BIb held its last dance before the New NewYear NewYear NewYear Year in its club home at MS H street streetnorthwest streetncrlheat streetnorthwest northwest last night nightThe nlgbtThe nightTh The Th dance was w given under direction directionof direeUoDot directionof of the library committee and 130 couples couplesenjoyed couplesenjoyed I IJljoytd enjoyed a programme of o twenty dances dancesand dancesand I Iand and encores The committee commlUe is composed composedof ed I Iof of Samuel Richards chairman cbalr n Joseph Jo eph H HWood HWood Wood secretary HCr WY B F SaiiQr treasurer treasurerConrad treaaurerConrad treasurerCoarsd ILl Conrad Hoffman P F Coffey Cott and Al Albert Albert ¬ bert S S Smith SmithWomans SmithWomans > > 1 1Womnns Womans Anllnnt Sought SoughtPolice SoughtPollee Police of tb the Ninth precinct are search loerchtoe searchlag I j jing toe for a negro ft who attacked Mrs Delia DeliaSchlajr DeliaSebJ8F DeltaSehisy Schlajr in the rear yard of her home at j j1ST 1ST Massachusetts avenue rpenue northeast northeastTue northeastTuesday j Tuesday Tue day night Tho negro sprang at her herstriking hertrlklng herstriking striking her in the face and knocking knockingher knock1n knock1nher knockingher her to the ground The woman called calledfor AIledfor railedfor for help 8lp and tho culprit fled The woman womanwas womanWAf womanwas was was not seriously rlou iJr injured injuredCourt InjuredConrt injuredCourt Court Officials Remembered RememberedJudge RememberedJUdge RememberedJudgo Judge Pugb and Judge Mullowny of the thePolice thePollco thePollee Police Court and Assistant United States StatesAttorney StateAttorney StatesAttorney Attorney Ralph Given and Assistant Cor Corporation COIporatlon Corpomatlon ¬ poration Counsel Gus A Shuldt were each eachprcsonUd eachpreO eachpresented presented preO ted with 1tb a goldhandled umbrella umbrellayesterday umbrellayostcday umbrellayesterday yesterday by the Jurymen who have haveserved haeler haveserved served ler in the Police Court for the terra of ofOctober otOctober ofOctober October November and December DecemberAo DecemberXo DecemberNo Ao Fighting in Haiti HaitiNo HaHINo HaitiNo No fighting baa yet et occurred over the theboundary Uteboundary theboundary boundary dispute dl ute between Haiti and andSanto andSanlo andSanto Santo Domingo according to a dispatch dispatchreceived dipatchreceived dispatchreceived received at the War Department yes yesterday yeaterday yesterday ¬ terday The armies annl of the two govern governments govornm01Uf governmo9ts ¬ ments m01Uf are massed on eIther side Ide of the thePordanalos thePordanale thePerdanales Pordanalos > River which Weh forms the theboundary theboundary theboundary boundary line between be two en the two coun countries countries countries ¬ tries It is expected pOCled however that hos hostilities hostilities hentllltles ¬ tilities will bo avoided and the boundary boundarydispute boundar boundardispute boundaryd5put dispute settled amicably amicablyAlhnmlira amicablylhnmtJra amicablyAlharnbra Alhnmlira Caravan Gives Banquet BanquetAlhambra BnnquetAlhambra BanquetAlbambma Alhambra Caravan No 21 gave a ban banquet banquet banquet ¬ quet last night at Roots Seventh and G Gstreets Gstreets Gstreets streets northwest and mode mnd merry for forseveral forseveral or orseveral several hours Presents wore distributed distributedfrom dIstributedfrom distributedfrom from tho tree and short s ort talks made by byP byP byP P J Haltlgan L lAo o Harlowe Joseph JosephMitchell Jo JosephMitchell eph ephMitche1J Mitchell James A OShoa and Dr W WB V VB V VE B Palro Jnmea Dove Drops Dead DeadJames DetJames DeadJames James Dpve of 223 2 C street southeast southeastdroppad southeastdrOPP6d southeastdropped dropped dead last night at 645 oclock oclockat oclockat i iat at his home The body was found by byhis byhis I Ihi his hi wife Coroner Novltt was summoned summonedand summonedand summonedand and returned a verdict of death from fromnatural fromnalural fromnatural natural causes causesWhere causesVlere causesThere Where Bryan Money Was Sound SoundFrom SoundFrom SoundFrom From the Ctevdtnd Leader LeaderWilliam L aderWilliam LouderWilliam William J Bryan Br an has a broad grin as ashe ashe ashe he tells his friends of his first and only onlymeeting onlymeeting meeting with John D Rockefeller It Itwas Itwas Itwas I was in New York City Clt on a Sunday Sundaymorning Sundaymorning Sundaymorning morning Mr Bryan attended the church churchin in which John D and his son John Dt D DJr i ijr jr are pillars After the sermon John JohnD JohnD JohnD D jr passed the plate and Bryan Bryandropped Bryandropped dropped in a dollar bill billAfter billAite billAfter After Aite the service Bryan was pretty prettynearly prettynearly nearly out cf the church when John D Djr DJr Djr jr overtook him saying Mr Bryan Bryanmy Bryanmy Bryanray my father would like to meet you youSo youSo So Bryan turned back up the aisle alsl and andJohn andJohn andJohn John D jr presented pr entod the Nebraskan to toJohn toJohn John D sr They shook hands h nds pleasant pleasantly ¬ I ly a few t W words were said about the ser sermon sermon ¬ mon and evidently evidentl John D jr recalled recalledthat recalledthat recalledthat I that Bryan had dropped that dollar bill into the plate for Bryan turned to John JohnD JohnD i D sr and said I guess my dollar bill billwas billwas I was sound enough money for this occa occasion occasion oceasion ¬ sion And John D sr smilingly ad admitted admitted admitted ¬ mitted that It was wasThe wasTbl wasThe The finmite Gn nlte Gutters Cnt rt Onion Marble Cutters Cnt and Stone Cutter union hrvo bmr organized orgu ud a district COWl council ceuracli ¬ cil of italic tildes for Sin n Fructeoa Another Intellectual Feast FeastOur Our many reacts read fs who desire to profit by their experience of ofthe ofthe ofthe the last two tyo weeks when having omitted to order the Sunday Sundayedition S Sundayedition nday ndaydition I edition of THE THEWASHINGTON TIIEWASHINGTON I IWASHINGTON WASHINGTON WASHINGTONHERALD WASHINGTONHERALD I IHERALD HERALD HERALDfrom I Ifrom from their newsdealers in time they had to do wjthout its ex exceptionally exceptionally exceptipnally ¬ ceptionally interesting and and entertaining ent rtaining features will do well if they theyplace theyplace theyplace place their orders this week ii 11 good time to avoid a repetition of oftheir oftheir oftheir their disappointment disappointmentAs As usual freaks are tabx tabpoed > ed The Sunday edition of The TheWashington TheVashington TheWashington Washington Herald is and shall sljiall remain a paper for the family familyand familyand j jand and fireside fires de Essays of literary value need neither frills nor em embellishments embellishments ¬ i ibellishments bellishments j they are welcome and appreciated apprc ated by lovers of good goodliterature goodliterature goodliterature literature without fancy additions additionsIn additipns additipnsIn additipns additipnsIn In order to substantiate c f ur > ur claim as to the contents of next nextSundays nextSun nextSundays Sundays Sun dais edition of The Washington Wahington Herald we give herewith a asynopsis asynopsis asynopsis synopsis of them as follows followsTrying followsTrying 7 7Trying Trying to Oust a S37000OOQ S37 OOOtOOO Corporation CorporationThe The life story of off Hiram Johnson and his present deter determined determined determined ¬ mined effort to kickthe kick the Southern Pacific Pa ific Railroad Railr ad octopus octopusout octopusout octopusout out of California politics politicsik pol1ticsA ik ikA A Decades Leading Events EventsA A belletristic description d1escription scription of historical social and pout poltticar politI political poutical I icar ical occurrences during the first ten years of the present presentcentury presentcentur presentcentury century centur in all parts paris of the universe culled from the papers papersof papersJ papersof papersof of the day especially espe J ally for the readers of The Washington WashingtonHerald WashingtonHerald WashingtonHerald Herald HeraldThe I II IThe IThe I The New Rulers of India IndiaPerfect IndiaPerfect IndiaPerfect Perfect understanding between Lord Crewe Crewe British Britishsecretary Britishsecretary Britishsecretary secretary of stite stite and leader of the government forces in inthe inthe inthe the House of Commons and the new viceroy viceroy Lord LordHardinge LordHardinge LordHardinge Hardinge HardingeThe HardingeThe HardingeThe The Use of the Botanic Gardens GardensVivid GardensVivid GardensVivid Vivid description of o the career of the nonagenarian nonagenariancaretaker nonagenariancaretaker nonagenariancaretaker caretaker of the government gardens gar < ns who for over forty fortyyears fortyyears fortyyears years has divided his love between the flowers and his hisoracle hisoracle hisoracle oracle Bobbie Burns His friendship with leading men menand menand I and women of the country 1 Those Th se who go to toseek toseek toseek seek rest r st among amongthe the flora of Uncle Sam SamLords SamLords SamLords Lords Sound Their Own Death Knell KnellOne KneliOne KnellOne One thing of the utmost importance which has been beenbrought beenbrought beenbrought brought about by the recent Parliamentary election in Great GreatBritain GreatBrit GreatBrithiTi Britain Brit mj for which the House of Commons had fought ever eversince eversince eversince since the days of Bright Brightthe the House of Lords has no right rightto rightto rightto to exist solely on the basis of hereditary right rightMutiny rightMutiny rightMutiny Mutiny on the High eas easThe eQsThe easThe The recent events in the harbor of ofRio ofRi Rio among the Bra Brazilian Brazilian Braziliari ¬ zilian menowar mena war recall similar occurrences occurr nccsin in the navies of ofother ofother ofother other nations There never was an open mutiny among amongUncle amongUncle amongUncle Uncle Sams sailors sailorsThe sailorsJJ sailorsJJThe sailorsThe The Need of a Parcels Post PostThe PostTh PostThe The Th bill for the establishment of the service in this thiscountry thiscQuntI thiscountry country so often before Congress and its present chance chanceqif chancecjfsucccss chanceQf qif cjfsucccss success How the parcels post works in other lands and andespecially andpecially andmspecially especially pecially what it does for Germany GermanyStory GennanyStory GermanyStory Story of Christ the Artists Model ModelRemarkable ModelRemarkable ModelRemarkable Remarkable likeness of the face and head of an in insurance insurance insurance ¬ surance surance agent to those of the Redeemer and the sequel to tothe totle tothe the tle work which had the usual happy endng When they theywere theywere theywere were married marriedThere marriedThere marriedThere There are many more mor it items i fof interest too numerous in fact factto fact factto factto to mention in detail Here Her is i1tshort rashort > a ss hort description of them themv themVO themWOMENS v b v T TWOMENS WOMENS VO IENJS WORK AHD ND ACCOMPLISHMENTS ACCOMPLISHMENTSr ACCO IPLISHIV1ENTS IPLISHIV1ENTSc IPLISHIV1ENTSrTESTQRY r rTESTQRY ThJ iS STORY OF THE ORDERLY PPERLY SERGEANT SERGEANTCROOK sERaEMvr sERaEMvrQN SERdEANTHPNOTIZED c QN HPNOTIZED TFZEDBY BY A IrCROOKj CROOK CROOKSAD SAD ADSTQRr STORY OF ANI AN ANIMMIGRANT ANIMMIGRANT IMMIGRANT IMMIGRANTR00SEVELT I IMMIGRANTROQSEVELT IftHGRANTj IftHGRANTOSE1ELT < j R00SEVELT OSE1ELT ON THE ll MIN MINR fIN R AT HOME HOMEM HON1ETHE HOIvIILHE THE HE M MAN FROM THE SEA SEASTORY STORY OF OUR NAVY NAVYPOSTAL NAVYI NAVYPOSPAL 1 1POSTALSA I POSTAL POSTALSA SAVINGS VINGS BANKS IN OTHER LANDS LANDSPREPARING LANDSPREPARING 5 5T T PREPARING FOR THE TII CORONATION CORONATIONIS CORONATIONISBAPTIS1tfAL CORONATIONBAPTISMAL > IS ISBAPTIS1tfAL BAPTISMAL IMMERSION I f 1ERSION NECESSARY NECESSARYMYSTERY NECESSARY1fystpERY NECESRYMYSTERY MYSTERY OF THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM BETHLEHEMWe We feel that our readers after perusing all we have prepared preparedfor for their Sunday entertainment while taking their weekly rest in inthe inthe inthe the midst of their families will agree with us that it is islthe lthe the best bestyet bestyet bestyet yet But better intellectual intellect al treats are in store for them as we pro progress progress progress ¬ gress We Ve Te are perfecting arrangements with authors and writers writersof writersof writersof of note for exclusive essays on the social political and eco economic economic ceotiomic ¬ nomic questions also with short story writers writersJ for production in inthe inthe inthe the Sunday edition of The Washington Herald sparing neither neithertrouble neithertrouble neithertrouble trouble nor expense to have the thesatisf satisfaction c jon of hearing our read readers reader readS readSers ¬ ers er say that they the thcygct Cget get the best bestDo bestDo bestDo Do not fail to order your copy of the Sunday issue of The TheWashington TheTasIljngon Washington 7 ashington Herald in time timer 1 r