Newspaper Page Text
- r" ) (' THE WlSHIFGI HERALD 1 'WEATHER "FORECAST. Increasing cloudiness and armer to-day ; showers. ? LARGEST MORNING CIRCULATION. NO. 1632. WASHINGTON, D. C, SUNDAY, XAXCS'86, 1911. FOBTY-FOTJR PAGES. FIVE CENTS. 142 DIEWHEN SHIRTWAIST FACTORY BURNS ON E LEHBTHMT Ambassador to U. S. Called to Aid Government. VISITS WHITE HOUSE 1 Notifies President Tait and Sec retary Knox. Succeeds Enrique Creel, Whose Re tirement from Public Life Itovr Seems Assured Position Similar to fhst of Secretary of State In This Country Personal Krlend of !! man to or Popnlnr In "Washington. Francisco L. de la Barra, Mexi can Ambassador to the United States, has been appointed foreign minister in the"new Diaz cabinet. Senor de la Barra will succeed En rique C. Creel, whose retirement 'from public life in Mexico now seems assured. CAL.I.S 0 TAI'T. The Mexican Ambassador received word List evening of his appointment to this Important post in the new cabinet, and he immediately called upon Presi dent Taft and Secretary Knox and In formed them of his intention to leave Washington Both the President and Secretary Knor expressed their regret at his departure, but extended their best wishes for the important -work he is about to undertake Scnor de la Barn probably will leave Washington to-night for Mexico Cit His hurried departure is evidence of the determination or President Diaz to bring his new cabinet into power with the least possible delav. Senor" de la Barra has been identified -with the Diaz administration for many years, but has not been included among the oligarchy of wealthy men whose continuance in power has fanned the revolationary spirit of Mexico He has been particular!! active in the United States in combating the Mexican revo lutionary propaganda, and It Is doubtrul whether his appointment will be accepted b the revolutionists w lth nnj great sat isfaction Senor de la Barra has the reputation among Washington diplomats of being an ex'vedinglj able man. He was Minister to Belgium before he came to the United btutcs He has been in the Washington post onlv two or three ear, having suc ceeded Enrique C Creel as Ambassador tame a n nrpriHe. Senor do la Barra said last night he had hid no intimation of his appointment until he had received President Diaz's message offering him the portfolio Tin post which Senor de la Barra will fill is one of the most important in the cab inet, corresponding to the Secretary of SUtc in President Taffs Cabinet. Many believe this cabinet post would go to Senor "Limantour minister of finance In the old cabinet, but it seems llkel now that I.lmantour will retain his place as finance minister in the new cabinet. In the opinion of government officials here, Scnor de li Barra's appointment Continned on Page 10, Column 1. FOIL PLOT TO FREE 5,000 PRISONERS Mexico Citj. March 25 What might have caused a frightful scene of terror here was averted by the government's discovery late last night of a plot to libT-vte the 5.CO0 desperate prisoners con lined In Belem Prison The matter was discovered last evening and rlftv men concerned in the scheme were arrested and placed in Jail Th government assigns the plot to tne Ma deristas, who are said to have premised the prisoners to enroll them m the ln SL.rrecto forces EMPEROR OF JAPAN REPLIES TO TAFT President Taft yesterdaj received a replj from the Bmperor of Japan to his message of good will sent several dajs ago through Baron Yasuya Uchlda, the Japanese Ambassador here. Baron Uchlda called at the White House to present personally the Emperor's reply. The President's message assured the Emperor that he put no credence In the reports that sought to misrepresent Ja pan's relations with Mexico. Here Is the Emperor's reply: "To the President of the United States cf America: "I was greatly pleased to receive jour verj kind message conveyed to me through my Ambassador In Washington, and I thank you for It. I was already well convinced that jou had givn no credence to the false and wicked reports regarding Japan, but It was especially a source of profound satisfaction to me to receive from jou the assurance that the relations of amity afid good understand ing between our two countries were never better or more cordial than at this time. I am most happy to be able enUrely to reciprocate that assurance. - "HUTSUHJTO." RECALLED TO BQ"K$cPKMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa BF !BaaaaaaaaaaaaaV saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal aaa43saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal -r '' ftaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH SENOR PRANCISCO Ambassador from Mexico -who -will 5 US CANOE UPSETS Pnncan McRae, jr.. Loses Life iiTUpper- Potomac. ""'' COMPANIONS IN PERIL Three Fraternity Mates Strug gle to Rescue Victim. Caught in Dangerous Current Near Sycamore 'Island, Son of Wealth) Broker Disappear In Itlver "While Friends llnke Krantle KCTort to Save Him Searching Parties Re cover Body nt Early Hoar. Duncan McRae, jr., tw cut) -one j ears old, living in the Theta Delta Chi fraternity house at Eighteenth and K streets northwest, was drowned jesterday afternoon in the Upper Potomac Rier, near Sca more Island, when a canae which he was paddling overturned. He was a son of Duncan McRae, a prominent broker of Macon, Ga., and a nephew of Maj. James H. McRae, U. S. A., of the Northum berland apartment hoube, who is de tailed at the War College in this city. At 2 :45 o'clock this morning the body was recovered. MORY OK HEROISM. "With the drowning of McRae comes a stori of heroism which reflects credit on his three companions Robert L. Jones, Harold Keats, of 1S0G S street northwest, and Reamer Welker Argo, of Hattsvllle, Md , the latter two mem bers of the dead bo's fraternity, played a part in the tragedy liy attempting to rtscue their companion The four lads were- seated in the fra ternity house yesterday afternoon, when it was suggested that they take a trip up the river. A fraternity mate of Mc Rae was found who was a member of the Washington Canoe Club, in George town, and from him they procured a written order to the commodore of the .club to use his boat. The four bojs left the fraternity house about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and took a car to the club Upon their arrival there It was explained to them that no canoes were allowed to leave the boat house unless the owner of the craft was present to launch It and see the party oft. Undaunted by this. It was decided by the quartet to take an Old Dominion car and rldo to a station near Sycamore Island, where -Jones had a canoe stored for the winter. Upon alighting from the car the four boys walked to the shore line and followed a path up the rlver'to the summer camp. Known to Be Dan serosa. Keats suggested that one of the canoes be launched and that he be .allowed to paddle for a few minutes. The canoe was taken from its winter home and placed In the water. Keats climbed In Contlnaed on Pace 1J Column 5. ENTER CABINET. Pboto by Ednotulra. L. DE LA BARRA. beoxne minister of foreign affair. NEGRO IS LYNCHED. Slayer of Contractor Soon Captured by Posse. Blueficld, W Va, March S. Two hours after he shot and InstanUj killed Mor ovcr Lambert, contractor for the Walton Construction Company at Cedar Bluffs, Va., this afternoon, John H. Morgan, a negro, was swinging from the limb of an oak in the sunshine with his body rid dled with bullets, lynched by a potse which had run him down. CHIHBTS"CZAR'S FINSL ULTIMATUM Reply to Protest Demanded by March 28. St Petersburg, March IS. China re ceived Russia's final ultimatum to-day In a telegram sent bj X Neratoff, the acting minister of foreign affair to M Korostevttz. the Russian minister at Pekln, the Russian government demand! that a replj to Russia s note of rebruarj 16 be submitted not later than March 2 If this is not done, China will be held responsible for the consequences Tc-da s ultimatum contends that China his atempted to evade positive re plj to Rusii i's note protesting against the conditions imposed upon Russian traders In Mongolia and Western China in Violation of the commerce treaty and to the five lesser points of the note. Fol lowing is the concluding paragraph of tho telegram. "If an exhaustive and satisfactory replj to all six points of the note of February 16 is not received by March IS, Russia reserves the freedom of action and will make the Chinese government responsible for the obstinacy displaced b It. ' ARMENIAN LOSES $175 TO SWINDLERS Martin Nakashian Asks Po lice to Find Strangers. Martin Nakashian, an Armenian mer chant of: 1443. P street northwest, yester day asked for the arrest of'two men who, he claimed, swindled him out of $175 by a variation of the old switched envelope game. Nakashian described one of the men as being stout, light complexioncd, and well dressed. The other was of slender build, shabby In appearance, and claimed to be a Swiss. Both spoke French .flu enUy. - Nakashian told the police that about two weeks ago he was approached by the stout man, who said he bad beard Naka shian talking- French, his naUve lan guage. vA. friendship- sprung up between the two, and on Thursday night the stranger asked Nakashian if he Intended going to market Upon being told that he did. he signified his intention of ac companying him. Nakashian, together with the stout man, visited several wholesale merchants and finally, in front of dnter Market, were met the thin man, who was recog nized by the companion ot .Nakashian and invited to Join them. He spoke In French and claimed to be a Swiss, sav ing that he .was going to the Swiss Legation, where Iho Minister would direct him to some responsible men. through whom he intended to distribute money to the poor. Eventually the stout' man prevailed upon the newcomer to take Nakashian intbthe deal, and the three of them put all the money they had with them into a tin "box, which was given Naka shian to hold unUI called for on Friday night When tho two -men did not ap pear1 at the time appointed, 'Nakashian became suspicious, and upon opening tho box found that It contained nothing but paper. - - - , NOTABLE FIRE DISASTERS AND THEIR TOLL IN LIVES DATE. BUILDING. LIVES LOST. December 5, 1876. .Brooklyn Theater , 297 May 25, 1887 Opera Comique, Paris 200 February 6, 1892 . . . Hotel Royal, New York City 28 May 4, 1897 Charity Bazaar, Paris 150 March 17, 1899 Windsor Hotel, New York City 45 June 30, 1900 Hoboken piers and ships 145 February 2, 1902. . .Park Avenue Hotel, New York City. . 21 December 30, 1903 . .Iroquois Theater, Chicago 602 June 15, 1904 Steamboat General Slocum 1,021 November 26, 1910.. Factory in Newark, N. J 30 L PLAN FOR PEACE OF ALLJATiONS Suggests Alliance Between England and America. RECALLSPOWER OF EACH Britain's Supremacy on Sea; Ours on Land. Believes tbnt if Peace Advocates of Both Aatlons Will Work Together World Will Follow the Example. Says Taft Saw Remote Possibility of War In Mexico When Troops "Were Dispatched to Border. "If England and the United Ct. i j ::.. I 1- ,i ,.-.. oitiva wuuiu jum iujuus aim oiy iu die other nations "Peace be with jou,' I believe international peace Dy arDirrauon wouia oe a reamy in the near future." TALKED AT LEUTH. Sitting In the robes of his office before a bright fire in the library of his host Rev. Father Thomas G Smyth, rector of St. Ann's Catholic Church, last night his eminence James Cardinal Gibbons, the most exalted prelate In America, talked at length on the subject closest to his heart to see world-wide amity among all peoples, with armies and navies abolished and wars and carnage a thing of the past. "Bj right of her supremacy on the seab England has a deciding voice in international affairs," Cardinal Gibbons said "The United States Is equally pow erful on land, ruling well and wisely a great amount of territory, and recognlxed as the foremost power in the universe. If the peace advocates of these two English' speaking nations would work together I believe the world would follow their leadershlp " "What do jou think of the Mexican sltuaUon?" ho was asked. "If by the resignation of tho Diaz cabinet peace Is to be restored, I am more than glad," he"Tcplied. ConUnuing. CardraU Gibbons said he was sure President Taft knew what he was abou when he ordered American troops to the Texan fronUer, and that there was no idea of conflict between the two naUons in the Chief Executive's mind. War a Possibility. "I suppose President Taft did not see fit to make public his plans," the Car dinal continued, "but I feel sure ho knew all along that war was a remote possibility " As for the Japanese war scare. Car dinal Gibbons said It was mosUy, in his opinion. Jingoism, or something to that effect "I understand Japan was supposed to have laid a cable between her Islands PRINCE SEEKS TO WED MR BACONS DAUGHTER Family of d'Auvergnes Believes an Adequate Dot Should Be Part of Marital Agreement. Paris, March 25. Princo de la Tour d'Auvergne, Insistent suitor for the hand of Miss Martha Bacon, daughter of the American Ambassador to the French re public. Is being held backiby his family, Paris hears, from going too far too pre cipitately. According to what Paris hears, it is permitted to be understood by the d'Auvercnes that the young man has been Induced to draw the rein upon his im pulse and bring himself to a standstill at trie very brink of a proposal. What made him do so, it Is credibly reported, was his family's decision that Mr." Bacon, although an AmDassaaor, ought to consider it worth while, in order to acquire a-tltle even. In a republic to setUe upon his daughter more of his property than Jie seems inclined o, al though he harf threes sons' to be taJt into account... " JS " If the d'Auvergnes find hint formally prepared to" allot to CMIssi MartMrn adequate 'dot. tothelr thinking-, tfiey will let the young man,, loose the rein and jump into a proposal ot marriage. The jjtrlacely suitor to deeceaded trow ind the little island of Guam," he added. "Thin ould have, of course, given her a great base of operation In the Pacific, and would have been most objectionable to this government, but how she could have done so secretly fc moro than I can comprehend " The cardinal sees no possibility of con flict between the two powers, and to quote him literallj, "wishes to dismiss from his mind all things bearing on the subject." Cardinal, Gibbons' kindly blue eyes twinkled with merriment when told that persistent rumors In the National Capi tal seemed to Indicate that "Uncle" Joe Cannon has ft In for President Taft, un til recently his Intimate friend, and Is turning to former President Roosevelt for consolation. "I have heard nothing to that effect," and ho smiled opnly, as much as to say he would not express himself In a po litical way. "Do you think Mr. Roosevelt will be a candidate for the Presidency in 19137" "I do not think It Is Impossible at all," said the cardinal, becoming serious. "Mr. Roosevelt is a man in the full vigor of life, understanding politics thoroughly, and is a great leader of men " Further than this the cardinal would not sa. excusing himself on the plea of being wearied with a full day's work He arrived from Baltimore yesterday afternoon at I o'clock, and went Imme diately to inspect the half-finished build ing of the Church of the Blessed Sacra ment, at Chevy Chase. Father Smith ac companied him Honor for Dr. Rossell. This morning the cardinal will deliver a sermon at St Ann's Catholic Church, near Tennalljtown, returning to Balti more in the afternoon Cardinal Gibbons iid he would officially confer the title of monsignor upon Dr William T. Rus sell, pastor of St Patrick's Church, some time (n June, Just what date he did not state Dr. Russell will receive this slg- inal honor at the haras of his eminence. ho ,3 the ,,,, representative of the Pope In America Cardinal Gibbons aid not receive many of the Catholic dignitaries yesterday. It Is expected a number of the more prom inent will visit hint to-day, and bear him preach THREE YODNG MEN . IN HUMAN CHAIN When It Gave Way Four People Were Killed. New York, March 23 Miss Bessie Rosen, of SO East Broadway, an operator for the Triangle Waist Companj, recov ered consciousness In Bellevue Hospital at 11 o'clock to-night and told a story of the saving of about a dozen girls from the burning building by means of a human chain formed by three young men in the University Building, which is separated from tho wrecked building by an allejway about eight feet wide The joung men, who were apparently gjmnasts, managed, by clinging together in fome peculiar waj, to form a bridge across Uiis alleywaj-. Twelve of the terror-stricken girls crawled over the backs of the joung men and through the window of tho University Building to safetj. Then a man tried to cross, said Miss Rosen, and his weight was so great that the bridge gave way and all four men crashed to the bottom and were instantly killed Yale and Army Win Place. West Point, N. T. March 25. In the fencing contests held here to-night to eliminate ono team from compeUUon in the Intercollegiate tournament in New Tork, March 31 and April 1. Cornell and West Point won the right to compete with eighteen victories apiece and Yale and Harvard tied with nine bouts apiece. They will fence nine more bouts to de cide which shall compete. the soldier whom Napoleon I called "the first grenadier of Franco" because he would not accept the Utle of general. He was kllcd leading his grenadiers In Bavaria in 1S00. So great was the ad miration of him that his company for four years kept his name on the roll, and when his name wa3 called tho color sergeant would proudly respond, during those four years: "Dead on tho field of honor." New York, March 25 Ambassador Bajcon and family are in New York for the wedding of their elder son, Robert Bacon, Jr., a secretary in the State De partment, to the beautiful Cecilia Jacquelln May, of Washington, daughter of Col. Henry May, and niece of Mrs. ) Randolph, who died as the second "Mrs. William C. Whitney. Neither Ambassador nor Mrs. Bacon could he reached to-day for comment upon this dispatch. Mr. Bacon is of a New England family, antedaUng in effective patriotic service jthat 'of the d'Auvergnes. He himself was Assistant Secretary of State before being made Ambassador to France, and previously was second only to J. P. -Morgan In tho powerful banking firm of J. P. Morgia C GIRL EMPLOYES LEAP TO DEATH FROM WINDOWS New York Is Scene of Grewsome Tragedy, Due to Insufficient Protection. BODIES PILED IN HEAPS ON SIDEWALK Blaze Starts On Eighth Floor of Big Building and 800 Persons are Trapped Eyewitnesses Describe Efforts to Escape. New York, March 23. Long rows of coffined dead on the shedderl morgue pier last so used at the time of the Slocum disaster marked the work of a fire in the Asch Building, at Greene street and Washington place, late this afternoon. There were 133 of the coffins at 11 o'clock, and more were coming in. Chief Croker estimated the dead at that time at 150, but only 142 dead had been recovered. Eight died in the hospitals, where seventy five wounded had been taken. The dead were shirt-waist makers, mostly women and girls, employed by the Triangle Shirt Waist Company, of which Max Blanck and Isaac Harris were proprietors. The ten-story building, owned by Joseph Asch, machines on three of the floors, down into a rear courtyard. When the fire came, men and women leaped into the street by dozens and died there. There were fifty-three corpses on the Greene street side walk, w hen the reporters got there. There were more dead -at the bottom of the elevator shaft, and many more, some of them burned to mere skeletons, on the upper floors. The women and girl machine operators who were found dead on the street had jumped from the eighth, ninth, and tenth, or top, floors. They jumped in groups of twos and threeb into life nets, and their bodies spun downward from the high windows of the building so dose to gether that the few life nets stretched below soon were broken, and the firemen and passers-by who helped hold the nets were crushed to the pavement by the rain of falling bodies. GATIIUR UP THE BODIES.. Toward 6.15 p m the police, directed by Deputy Commissioner Driscoll, In spector Schmittberger. Inspector Daly, and Capt. Henryt began to gather up the bodies from the sidewalks close to the buildings, and to haul more bodies from the water In the basement through the hole In the vault light which the bodies had made when striking. In the meantime, firemen led by Chief Croker had got to the eighth and ninth floors the woodwork of the windows on the tenth floor was still burning briskly almost two hours after the fire started and the firemen came out a little later to report that they had come across not only half-bumed bodies, but had seen Charred limbs of bodies that had been incinerated 'The worst fire in a New York build ing," "said Chief Croker, as he came out among the ambulances and fire appara tus again, "since the burning of the Brookljn Theater, in the "iffs" Bring; Rongh Coffins. The police had carried to the east side of Greene street about fifty bodies of women They spread a great canvas of dark red on the sidewalk and laid the dead in rows. Working their way be tween the clutter of amblances, mounted policemen, patrol wagons, and throbbing fire engines, came men bearing rough brown coffins on their shoulders. The police had sent to the morgue for 73 or 100 coffins, but all the morgue could pile into the patrol wagons was about 65. When the bodies had been covered with tarpaulins the police crossed again to the sidewalks under the windows from which the girls had jumped, and picked up the cheap belongings that the girls had clutched when they ran to the window sills. There were many leather handbags, broken combs, and hair ribbons, some dimes, and pennies, parts of clothing that had been torn off In the wild panic in the floors above and In the gutter water a policeman picked up what appeared to be a necklace, but which under the elec tric light proved to be a set of rosary beads. Pat Bodies In Coffins. The police piled all these scraps with the bodies and then began the task of placing the remains in the pine coffins. They piled the coffins into patrol wagons and ambulances and they clanged away toward Broadway, where a gaping, silent crowd pressed against the fire ropes trj -ing to see 'the fire and with only one break in the wall of humanity, the lane where the coffins were being carried through. Even while the bodies were being car ried away It was almost dark at the time a haUess girl about twentj years old came shrieking out of nowhere up to the plies of bodies. There was no time to ask her name or whether she had been Inside the building. The white-clad am bulance surgeons all around closed upon her and dragged her to an ambulance. She bit and screamed every foot of the way, but they forced her onto the am bulance cot and took her to St. Vin cent's. ' Does "Not Kaovr Caase. Chief, Croker was asked after he had come fromhe building whether-he knew the cause of the fire. He said -lie did not. There was" one story ,to the effect that the lire,, which started in the cutUng de partment on the Greene street side of the eighth floor, was caused by the ex of South Norwalk, Conn., had 1,500 and only one fire escape, which ran plosion of a gasoline tank. The motive power of the sewing machines was elec tricity. There might have been fewer fatalities if so much time had not been lost in turning in the first alarm. Because of the half-holiday, the emplojes of a cloth ing firm, Mejers, Crown & Wallace, just below the waist factory, had gone homo at noon and all the other floors except the three floors that were burned had been closed for the daj. As a result, there was no one In the building who knew ot the fire for some time, except the emplojes who were trapped and tha runner of the elevator, who was cusy taking girls to the street. Edward Reardon. formerly a detecUve, stationed in the district attorne-'8 office and now superintendent of the Fidelity Secret Service, told a reporter that ha was on his way into tho building to keep an appointment with Mr. Blanck when some one shot past him from the vesUbuIe yelling "Fire1" Heard Girls Shrieks. Two clerks, Joseph Marron and Richard Garner, were passing at the time. They saw no sign of smoke, but heard shrieks and saw girls beginning to jump, and so they ran to the fire box across the. street and sent in an alarm. Three youths employed in the neighbor hood sought the ambulance surgeons after the worst of the escltment had died down and had their hands and arms patched up. The three Harry Kanzor, Sol Kanzor, a brother, and Joseph Su garroann were on hand when the fire men came from the nearest fire house, Great Jones street, came with their nets. The three young men helped man the nets on the Greene street side. As body after body came down, someUmes two and three striking at the same Ume, tho three clerks and the firemen were knocked to the sidewalk under the heap, and the Kanzor brothers and Sugarmann, as well as the firemen, crawled out bleed ing with cuts on the hands and face. The firemen under Chief Croker"s di rection fought tht blaze principally with. a water tower on the Washington place Sjfde of the building, and they were also able to direct a number of streams from Uie roof of the building occupied by the United Piece Dyeing Company on the op posite side of Greene street. They had little difficulty in getting a stream as far as the ninth floor, but experienced some difficulty in flooding tho top floors. BnlldlnK Ulce a Furnace. The blaze was of the kind that the fire men describe as a mushroom fire. In all so-called fireproof buildings Chief Croker explained, the flames of the woodwork trimmings and inflammable goods in. the lofts stay inside the building, but shoot upward to the top floor and then ''mush rooms" spreads out like a mushroom along the top celling and creeps back downward along the four inside walls. The result, of course. Is a furnace in side the building with little evidence of flame or smoke to be seen from the street unUI the fire has far advanced. Chief Croker estimated the-damage to the Asch Building to be J100.0CO, at mid night. Representatives of fire Insurance companies at the- Are placed their esti mate ot the damage at more than half a million dollars. SfiOO Employed la Balldlnr. The ten-story building, of which the threo top floors were occupied by the Triangle concern, was considered fireproof.- There were upward of 2,500 women Coatlaaed m Pace 4, Caluia C t ..A 5V J3- V J "- .-f 1L ifC"- trst' ""V Lc 1 ' v . vttt . 1'1a i I -, i