OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 26, 1911, Image 6

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Entered at the port-oSre at Washington. D. C.
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All communications intended for this
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New York Kepreseotante. J C. WILBERDLNU
ErECIAL AGEM.TC. Brunswick Boildint.
Chicapj RepresentaUre, BAK.NAHD & BBAIi
HAM. Bo?ce Bruding.
Cleverness of Jewel Thieves.
The recent adroit and successful rob
bery in Washington leads to the observa
tion that the thiet who in these dajs
makes a specialty of jewel robberies pos
sesses ingenuitv which, applied to more
legitimate pursuits, would earn tor him
a fortune Of course, there is the clumsj
thief who smashes a window with half
a brick. The un-to-date lewelcr check-
mates tne w inoow-smasncr oy nangmg need- Atmospheric conditions could be
an extra plate of glass trom the ceding b j foretold with greater ccrtaiiitv and with
chains iust inside the window pane The beneficial effect to agriculture and navi
force ol the brick might break the out- cation
side glass, but it would be checked bv
the inner plate, and even it it did break
the latter, the two jacged holes make
theft more difficult Then there is the
thici who enters the jewelers shop os
tensibiv to nurchase lewels and endeav
ors to bo.t with a number which he
snatches off the counter, forgetting that
there are such things as automatically
closing doors
The clever jewel thict adopts differ
ent tactics. Take, lor instance, the man
who became known as a regular cus
tomer at a New ork jewelers He
irequentlv made small purchases and ad
mired at the same time the more costlv
gems diplavcd One dav he asked to
look more closelv at a certain diamond
necklace which he had previous! ad
mired, and the obliging jeweler took it
out of th- case to how him Alter
praisrrrg it, the customer handed it back,
and the jeweler would have taken no
further note oi the incident had he not
happened to notice that the necklace had
attached to it a tag of buff color AH
goods in the shop bore white tags, and
he surmised that something was wrong
The man was searched and the original
necklace was found, while the one re
turned to the jeweler was an imitation.
An elaboration of this trick has been
tried successfulk For instance, a
smartlv drcsed woman, with a pretty
child, drives up to a fashionable jewel
er's and asks to inspect stones Natur
allv the child displays a certain curiosity,
which is checked by the woman with the
words "Keep vour hands awav " The
little one seems so innocent of wrong
doing that the jeweler engages the child
in conversation This give the woman an
opportunity to substitute some paste
stones for the real
Then there is the old dodge of affixing
a piece of cobbler's wax in the hollow
heel of a boot, accidentally knocking a
ring from the counter, treading on it, and
after submitting to a -earch by the sus
picious jeweler and threatening legal
proceedings for the indignity, walking
out with the spoils The half-eaten apple
scheme also is an old one The operator
enters a store munching an apple, and I
while examining uncut stones, presses one
into the apple, casually saunters to the
door and throws it out Then he re
turns and makes a small purchase His
confederate on the outside gets the ap
ple and the stone.
The clev erest trick bj far, though, was
one plaved on a London jeweler A man
was caught in the act of taking several
diamond rings, and a policeman was sent
for and promptly responded He took
the thief into custody, requesting tht
merchant to be at Bow street station
"within the next fifteen minutes " When
the victim kept the appointment, there
was neither policeman nor thief It was
a case of an accomplice dressed in a
policeman's uniform
As long as thieves possess such nerve
and ingenuity, who will nop their ef
forts' How can detectives profit by
these lessons, seeing that in every rob
bery a new and evermore ingenious trick
confronts them' All sorts of methods
have been invented to baffle the thieves,
but the cleverness of the latter seems in
exhaustible What ls the difference betw.n an im
munity bath and a coat of whitewash?
Mr. JIahool's Offense.
In the primary campaign now being
waged m the neighboring city of Balti
more for the Democratic mayoralty nom
ination, the fight against the incumbent,
Major Mahool, on behalf of the candi
date of the regular organization is based
upon the accusation that Mahool has
kept Republicans in office when their
good services seemed to him to warrant
their retention. The charge is that last
Monday Mayor Mahool declared himself
to be a thorough Democrat, while in, a
speech last October he had "brazenly"
stated that he was a Democrat in State
and national affairs, but that in muniei-
pal matters "he knew no politics." This
has been posted all over the Monumental
City as his offense, and it is followed
with this naive query- "Democrats, do
you want i mayor who does not know
a Democrat from a Republican when he
sees one?"
Let it not be forgotten that in New
York Mayor Gaynor's declared uncom
promising principle was exactly the same
in regard to municipal affairs as that now
expressed by Mr. Mahool, and yet the
unexpected happened Instead of being
shunned by partisan voters, Mr. Gaynor
was accorded his large plurality be
cause of his declaration. It may be that
Mr. Mahool will share the same experience.
When the New York Democrats hold
their next caucus the accent no doubt
will be on the last syllable.
Exact Weather Service.
Before the vcar is out the forecasting
of the weather by government experts
may be placed upon a much surer basis
A great deal has already been accom
plished, especially for the benefit of sea
faring men, but if a safer basis for the
prognostications can be obtained it will
be reccied grateftillv by the public
In cstigations by the Smithsonian In
stitution, begun in this countrv and to
be continued in Mexico, will, it is ex
pected, show that the radiation from the
sun anes and that this anation pro
duces a corresponding variation in the
temperature of the earth This fact, if
established, will have great interest from
the point of view of science, but it will
have a still greater alue as regards the
practical concerns of our dailj life and
i j'to.iivai uiik..i(
The ukase against Importation of rrcn
tea will go into efTiot in Ma
about the green apple"
. , , , . . , ,
New Phase of Immigration Problem.
I A Ilew Jna scnous Pnase ut Ule "n
mlgrat,on I,robIen" the fact that this
j LUUiur- ,s loms slcaa" nigra-
tion, a condition prev iousIj unconsidered
In the current vear at least 200,000
Americans, representing the very high-
est development of our enterprising est-
cm population, will go to Canada This
will be one-third as large as the num-1
ber who enter this country from abroad
It is manifest that when the entrance of
immigrants is accompanied by the de-1
parture ot American emigrants, the 1
whole question of immigration must be '
looked upon from a different standpoint
and considered no longer as merely add
ing to the population, but as replacing
American stock by one less educated and
unfamiliar with American institutions.
In addition to this, one-third of those
who come to this country as immigrants
return Of the present flood who enter,
not over half permanently remain in this
countrv On the Adriatic there are vil
lages m which practically all the men
come to this country to work in the labor
seasoii and return for the winter In
Syria, in Roumania, in Austria-Hungary
but most of all in Italy, the re
turned immigrant, who has purchased a
little land and is living on his savings ac
cumulated in this country, is an impor
tant factor in the population
From the dajs of the Irish immigra
tion, sixtj cars ago, until the present
time there has been a continuous flow
of remittances from th's country by im
migrants here to their kin at home. Many
of these remittances bring to this coun
trv the remainder of the familj Others
pav for the cost of the immigrants' ex
penses in coming to this country Some
are directly expended in the country to
which they are sent. As the reports "of
the Irish land commissions show, from
the time wheat began to fall in price, be
tween 1870 and 18S0, until land pur
chase bcSan " a Sreat scaIe te fif'
iccn jears ago, it would have been lm
possible to cultivate many of the small
holdings in Ireland and live upon them
but for the aid extended by those in
America related to the tenants
If the sum which it is announced has
been sent through the Hungarian post
office during 1910 by Austro-Hunganans
living in this country $37,000,000 is
large, it is but a small share, not more
than 20 per cent, of the total amount of
these remittances, which have been held
bv many to reach $200,000,000 a vcar A
more frequent estimate is $100,000,000.
but this is too 'mall Whatever may be
the amount, it indicates greatly increased
cniplojment of labor, higher and more
continuous wages, and a greater pros
penty in tins country
As an example of scientific farming,
a farmer out in Colorado harvested ICO
bushel' of grasshoppers last summer,
dried them, and kept a big lot of chickens
on them through the winter
The Value of long Service.
E-Speaker Cannon, who in the extra
session of Congress will take his seat
with the opposition, has thirty-six
years' service in the House to his credit
He has served eighteen terms in that
body, but not continuously, having failed
of election to the Fifty-second Congress.
He went down to defeat in the Demo
cratic landslide that followed the passage
of the McKinley tariff bilL He re
turned to the House in the Fifty-third
Congress and since then has been in
continuous service. On April 4 he will
begin his nineteenth term, and as he is
a wiry, indefatigable man, who can get
through much more work and worry in
a day than many of his juniors, he may,
despite his seventy-five years, still fur
ther emphasize his record. Bingham, of
Pennsylvania, with sixteen terms as his
record, .and, l!k,e Jtfr,, Cannon, re-ejected
to the next Congress, is a close second.
Mr. Bingham has jost turned into his
seventieth year.
In the Senate men like Senators Alli
son, Morrill, Morgan, and Sherman, in
former days, and Lodge, Gallinger, Frye,
and Aldrich, in the present generation,
earned their prominence and distinction
not alone through inherent ability, but
because of the continuous service which
they were and are able to render. This
is worth while remembering in the pres
ent state of the public mind, which
seems to demand constant change.
States which persist in retiring their
Senators and Representatives after one
or two terms cannot expect to occupy a
foremost position in legislative councils.
New men in Congress must necessarily
start at the foot of the ladder upon
important committees. Advancement
cftmes only through years of service, and
the States which practice rotation in
office confer temporary honor upon in
dividual citizens at the expense of the
whole community.
The man who was sent to jail for
throwing- milk at his wife ought to have'
Known better. Why did he not use
Are Physicians More Than Human?
Bernard Shaw attacks the physicians
as a class when he presents a doctor's
dilemma in his comedy and winds up
with the sweeping statement that they
are all reactionary and radical. It is the
old story of generalizing about a class
to the injury of the individuals who
comprise it Mr. Shaw says:
"i Doctors hae always been among
the last to recognize new discoveries in
the science of health; thev have been
kicked forward along the road of prog
ress by the boot of la opinion.
"2 Doctors lately have taken to killing
us with lymphs and inoculations and all
the new-fangled bacteriological machin
ery for which there is no justification in
nrtii.il exnenenre lhrv piwnmrnt in
human lives with as little conscience as I
the chemist experiments in dead matter "
I Mr Shaw suffers the penalty of all
' ho indul m generallzaUons He
makes a charge which is easy to deny,
There may be phvsicians who have
grown hardened to the meaning of suf-
fenng and death, but it is just as true
that there arc phvsicians for whom these
awesome facts have never lost their
st,ng There may be surgeons who will
( amputate a limb with small display of
svmpathv. but there are surgeons who
'leave at the operating table part of their
own nervous and mental energy. It
ls not unusual, however, to condemn a
profession as a class The priesthood
has been made responsible for wicked
priests, just as medicine has had to
bear the odium of unskilled or unscrupu
lous phjsicians.uhile philosophy has been
saddled with the follies of crack-brained
teachers, and the law has suffered at
the hands of the unjust judge.
The fact is that there is no guarantee
against human fallibility. In a sur
gical operation, or in the trial of a case,
it is to be hoped that the surgeon's hand
will be steady and skillful and that the
lawyer will be competent and resource
ful When relief is sought at the hands
of a human being, however, it is un
reasonable to expect superhuman re
sults. Courts and legislatures may com
pel the phjsician to master his profession
before he begins to practice, but no court
or legislature can force any one to rise
above human limitations
The Chicago cartoonist who asks a
dlvorc on the charjre of .ruetty finds
no sympathy with the many victims, of
his pencil
The actor who confesses he had the
worst attack of stage fright when ad
dressing a woman's club evidently has
never played matinees
The fountain of eternal youth
Ma in existence be.
But seems a fearful quest, forsooth.
To me
Ambitious is this quest. Indeed.
Enthuses me. but then
I'll leave it to a bolder breed
Of men.
To stay at home would suit me more
And make It my Kttalr
To find a compound to restore
My hair.
A Mean Man.
"Kindly return my lock of hair."
"The dark lock or the one you gave me
when jou were a blond?"
Changing- Doctors.
"What ou need, madam, is oxygen
In sjstematlc Inhalations They will cost
jou $0 each."
"I knew that other doctor didn't under
stand my case." declared the fashionable
patient. "He told me all I needed was
plain fresh alr.'V
Jfot In Love.
"I fear you are losing interest in the
cause. I see you constantly with a young'
man "
"So danger, said the militant suf
fragette. "Then he Is not your beau?"
"No; he is a professional bondsman.
A Modern Tendency.
The gentle reader's getting rough.
Has warlike views;
And pays more heed to scrappy stuff
Than peaceful news.
A Hardened Specimen. ,
"No Black Hand letter could frighten
me." .
"Oh. well, you're nsed to being
Soulless Contributors.
"The congregation numbered thirty-two
souls this morning," remarked the par
Thirty souls," corrected the deacon.
"We- got two plugged nickels in the col?
lection box."
More Baseball.
"Ufe ii not all beer and skittles."
"No; I don't see much skittle news in
lh sporting columns.
Seven jtlen Indicted for Trylnjr to
Defraud Government.
from the ltilUdelphU Press.
Seven men, Indicted by a Federal grand
Jury In Detroit, are .charged with con
spiracy to defraud the United States gov
ernment out of Alaskan coal lands. In
the Indictments the -value of these lands
Is placed at $50,000,000. This estimate Is
conservative. In view of the fact that an
attorney concerned In filing claims to- the
properties declares them to be worth at
least $300,000,000. Here is another eye
opener to the people of the United States,
who are hardly yet aware of the Imperial
greatness of that vast frozen territory
in the far North.
In 1S67, when Secretary Seward paid
the " Russian government $7,100,000 for
Alaska, he was ridiculed and criticised.
The most apologetic explanation of the
purchase was that In this manner the
United States desired to recognize the
helpful friendship of Russia during the
civil war. Whether Seward really knew
moro about Alaska than the rest of the
world, or whether the Czar had private
reasons for disposing of the territory to
this country to prevent Its possible seiz
ure and occupation by England, are ques
tions that remain undetermined.
It is a fact now well established that
excepting only the Louisiana purchase,
the Alaskan purchase was the best bar
gain for territory ever made by one na
tion with another in modern historical
times That there are coal lands amount
ing to 48,000 acres and valued at any
where from JM.000,000 to $300,000,000 await
ing development in a single tract is
merely cumulative evidence of the riches
in that wonderful territory
From U6
until to-day, the salmon and cod
fisheries of Alaska have vielded a prod
uct valued at $130,000,000 The furs, other
than fur-seal, reach a grand total of
CSO.OOP.OOO. Gold production since 1SS0
exceeds $150,000,000. Fur-seal skins ob
tained from all waters of Alaska, from
1S6S to 130S, were valued at $00,227,337.
Little coal has been mined, but the de
posits are well known, extending over an
.irea of 12.CO square miles. Other min
erals are likewise in an undeveloped
state All this mineral wealth will even
tually be tapped, while the coal is to be
regarded as among the greatest of the
nation's natural resources and to be con
served in accordance with the policy of
I'rcsident Roosevelt, who. In 1907, with
drew Alaskan coal lan'ls from location
and regulated entries in l'mlted quanti
Clilcncoan TeII of Tactic Lsjed by
Wife and Dnncrhtera.
From the Chicaco Erenirr Peat.
Here ls a short political story with a
certain real virtue and a monl
Mr Charles E. Merriam has been re
ceiving lately a very noticeable support
from the Republican organization of the
Nineteenth ward As this territory Is
credited to the Hon Chris Mamer. on the
county central committee. Mr Merriam
and his counselors conld not quite see
why its "regulars" should be working
thetr beads off for good government
They knew that the Hon Chris was a
good party man, and they expected him
to prove true to the ticket. But they
knew, too, that he was human and .they
hardly expected him to turn out an ag
gressive champion for Merriam. The
nominee was thoroughly puzzled Finally
he remarked that Miss Mamer, Chris'
daughter, was a student In one of his
classes out at the University of Chicago.
"And a good one she was, too " He
wondered if she could have anything to
do with the little mjsterj
Ycsterdav Chris appeared In person at
the Grand Pacific Hotel as, by the way,
most of the big Republicans in Chicago
are doing and proclaimed his allegiance
to Merriam with unmistakable hearti
ness His face, however, bore a rather
whimsical smile. "You see," he ex
plained, "they got my goat. First my
daughter came out for Merriam, and
then my wife. And when a man's wife
and daughter are out getting votes for a
candidate, he d better get Into line him
self If ho expects any peace at home at
The virtue of this little tale ls that It
Is perfectly true
A Story of Kipllncr.
From the Bookman.
Most of the stories told about John
Lockwood Kipling were thought worth
while simply because they brought in
some allusion to his son We recall one
which concerns a sea vcage made by
the elder Kipling and Rudjard when the
latter was an active and somewhat mis
chievous youngster. One calm day when
the vessel was In midocean one of the
ship's officers rushed into the men's
smoking room with an agitated counte
nance. "Mr. Kipling," he said, "your son
is hanging head downward from the end
of the bowsphlt "Indeed," was the
calm reply. "But," continued the offi
cer, "If he lets go he will be drowned
"Don't alarm ourself," said Mr. Klplln
"he won't let go "
Carrie Nation' Stase Salt.
From the hew York Tuccs.
Carrie Nation, the Kansas saloon
wrecker, has brought suit in the city
court against the Fox Theatrical Com
pany for its failure to carry out a con
tract to procure for her a number of
theatrical engagements. Mrs. Nation's
suit was revealed by the granting of an
order by Judge Finellte permitting Mrs.
Nation to be examined before a commis
sioner at her home in Eureka Springs,
Kans , where she ls 111 J. P. Prender
gast, a lawyer of that town, was named
as commissioner.
London's Traffic Problem.
From the Locdon World.
The real remedy for the congestion
of the traffic in London Is -to get rid
of the empty or half empty vehicles
that loiter round our streets and by
their obstruction reduce faster ve
hicles to their own level of .efficiency.
The remedy of the board of trade is
to give these useless carts and vans
more room to dawdle in.
Ills Idea of Economy.
From Lipplncotts.
A New England mother had come upon
her eight-year-old son enjoying a feast
whereof the component were Jam, "bul'ter
and bread. "Son," said the. mother,
"don't you think it a bit extravagant to
eat butter with that fine Jam?" "No,
ma'am,"" was the response. "It's econ
omical; the same piece of bread does tor
both." -
Hoolced Either Way.
From Judcp.
Baying of lively fish: 'There are. Just
as many",suckers up pn, the -hank wlthj
fish poles as ever were cautht In the
water." , . .
" ' Man We Admire. '
From the Tbpekx"' OsrSudV " ' ' '
Another man we admire is the one
who can ..button, a new collar and at the
same tbsa-fceep his temper.
' , ,
The short season In the Kaiser's capi
tal this year may be said to be of an
International character. The Emperor
was prevented by his Illness from car
rying out his programme of engagements
In its entirety. For Instance, a court
ball and a dinner had to be postponed.
But his majesty has given a warm wel
come to two English society ladles, who
have shared In ttie season's hospitalities,
the Countess of Londesborough and Mrs.
Vere-Hope. The dinner at the British
Embassy was a brilliant affair, the guests
Including Prince and Princess Henry of
Prussia. It was thought that the absence
of the crown prince and his princess
would somewhat interfere with the gayety
of the season, for Berllners readily ac
knowledge them as their leaders But
the void has been filled by the crown
prince's two married brothers and their
consorts. Up till now these two young
couples had been kept somewhat In the
background. Having been given a chance
to shine, they took advantage of It and
have considerably increased their popu
larity. The recent speech of Prince Henry of
Prussia, which Is still being discussed
in Germany, ls capable of only one In
terpretation. The "Internal foe" referred
to is the Social Democratic party, which
is increasing in membership dally. Tlie
prince, no less than the Kaiser himself,
ls afraid of the red menace, and con
siders that the time ls opportune to
sound a patriotic blast. But when the
genera! election takes place, the other
parties In the Reichstag should bo
swamped, and the very monarchy Itself
imDerllcd In the nast It has been usual
to divez-t the attention of the public from
the Social Democrats when the latter
have become troublesome. It was the
view of the late Emll Reich that the
Kaiser would declare war on England
rather than allow the Social Democrats
to set the upper hand This may be a
very extreme view. All the same, Ger
many ls waiting for the word which ls
to bcoteh Socialism at the polls
"Do you rpverhc'" was a question ot
the nineties. Waltze-rs at the palace state
balls are debarred from "reversing."
German court regulations go even fur
ther and forbid waltzing altogether. This
veto dates back to 1S59, when the late
Empress Frederick, then crown prin
cess, was tripped up by her partner in a
waltz and fell at the feet of her mother-in-law.
The late Empress Augusta, a
despot on the score of etiquette, forbade
the inclusion of waltzes thenceforth in all
balls at the New Palace So far, the
Kaiser has resisted the pressure brought
to bear on him to revive the waltz.
Dancing at the Berlin court alwajs opens
with a polonaise, and the rest of the pro
gramme is tilled with quadrilles and pol
kas, the 6chotUsche3 and the mazurkas.
Do ou know what a mazurka is? Have
you iver danced a mazurka' It Is one
of the most grotesque, most KracefuL
and most voluptuous of all dances, yet
it is withal a patriotic exhibition, which
none can appreciate fully who has not
seen it danced It was originated in
Mazuria, a Baltic province of the for
mer uingdom of Poland, and no other
country on the face of the globe can
boast of such graceful dances, but main
ly of such superlatively graceful dancers,
as Poland
Have you ever seen a Polish lady or
culture dance a polka, or .. polonaise,
or a oolka-mazurka? It Is almost worth
the trip to Poland to enjoy the pleasure
of witnessing this scene. Should any
of my readers be skeptical or incredulous
as to the grace and beauty of the Polish
ladles of the better classes, 1 refer them
to what the great German poet, Heinrlch
Heine, had to say after ridiculing with
his Inimitable satire. Polish men: "Edle
Polen, Polen aus der PolakeL" Becom
ing serious, quick as a flash, he adds:
"Aber die Pollnnen. Hut ah, lch spreche
van den schoensten, den grazioesesten,
den kultivitesten Frauen der Welt ."
The Emperor of Austria owns the most
beautiful state coach In existence. Its
proportions are perfect, and the finish
qulsitc. It was built In 1696, and ex
quisite It was built In 1636, and is
shaped with all the curves which dis
tinguish Louis Quatorze furniture,
straight lines being carefully avoided.
The panels are adorned with nymphs In
the style of Rubens Indeed, the cus
todian Informs those privileged to view
the coach that they are the work of Ru
bens. It Is a more comfortable convey
ance, too, than the British state coach,
being hung upon well-balanced springs.
Devonshire House. London, was opened
In the cause of charity the other day,
when its splendid reception rooms were
transformed Into a bazaar held In aid
of the Ma fair Union, an organization
which befriends the Dovertv-stricken who
live In close proximity to the rich of
the West End The opening ceremony
was performed by Lady Salisbury, who
spoke of the excellent work the union
is doing The Duchess of Devonshire
was unable to be present, being confined
to her room Her mother. Lady Lans
downe, was among the buyers. Business
was done in the gilded salon, which
has so often been the scene of rojal din
ner parties Lady Pl mouth had a bevy
of handsome young girls, including Lady
PhHIs Wlndsor-Cllv e and Lad Marjorie
Manners, assisting her to sell Welsh pot
tery, old glass, brocades, and embroid
eries. Oriental wares were sold by Lady Salis
bury and her sister. Lady Esther Smith;
and near by Lady Bingham and Lady
Kerry were disposing of Italian laces of
the filet variety. The Duchess of Som
erset could be seen purchasing quantities
of flowers. Lady Wcmyss and Lady El
chow were encountered on tho stairway,
their arms filled with packages, and Mrs.
Lewis Harcourt, who was dressed In
black broadtail and velvet, also carried
away numerous purchases. Lady Lccon
firld, who wore a long mantle and a
bonnet of silver gray, had charge of one
of the stalls, and proved a most success
ful saleswoman.
Among the visitors were many Ameri
can! omtn, all of whom bought exten
sively. Lady Cunard, wearing a wonder
ful blue and gold dress, with woven col
lar of pearls, was escorting her daughter.
Lady Dufterln, In a black velvet wrap,
came with her eldest daughter, and oth
ers to be noted were Mrs. J. J. Astor,
Cora Ladv Colgate and her niece, Mrs.
Sturgls, Mrs. Montagu, Mrs. Robert Gros
venor, Mrs. Spender Clay, and Lady
Ex-King Manuel of Portugal Is recon
ciling himself to his exile at Richmond.
That is to say, while he still believes he
will again be called upon to control the
destinies of Portugal, he is meeting his
misfortune with 'a cheerful face. Per
haps he d.Id well to. take up golf. I hear
that he has become thoroughly "bitten"
with the game. Certainly, If -he plays
regularly, his mind will be diverted from
mundane things.
King George and Queen Mary do not
forget the royal exiles In their midst,
Their, visit at Abercorn .House the other
day gladdened the hearts of ex-King
Manuel and his1 mothier. Queen Amelia.
It was the nleasantest two hours mother
arid ion "have spent since' they left Por
tugal, .naiurany, Portuguese arrairs are
being closely watched by King- Manuel's
unwavering "adherents ''domiciled in this
country. There is one thing to be said
fori the republican government in Por
tugal: In money matters it 6 dealing
fairly .with .the exiled King. -
(CopjrUlit, WtUtr HcC-fora Newspaper Bjndlatr-1
Rudolph Spreckles Tells Hovr He
Came to Stndy Public Affairs.
From the Caxusoocr.
Have you ever heard the story that
Rudolph Spreckles tells of his Initiation
Into the study of public affairs? It ought
to be heard by every citizen who desires
to live up to his civic responsibilities. It
Is especially Important that young men
shall hear It. Mr. Spreckles has been
speaking before clubs, colleges, and legis
latures. At Lincoln, Nebr., he first ad
dressed the Commercial Club, and the
members, crowding every foot of space in
the banquet hall, listened with breath
less interest to the plain and simple story
of the way In which his own heart was
reached and his manhood stirred by the
knowledge he acquired of crookedness in
business and municipal government, He
was then invited to speak before the
State senate of Nebraska, and in the
evening addressed a body of students at
the university. Every one who listened
to him went away stronger for what he
Spreckles began business as a young
nan as a boy, in fact under his father's
tutelage. His first recollections were of
the lawless conduct of rivals who were
attempting to prevent competition. Ma
chinery was damaged by persons obtain
ing admission to the works, and a trust
ed employe was bribed to furnish infor
mation. Later, as a director In a. local
gas company In San Francisco, he be
came aware of the indefensible methods
that were being employed by the com
pany. He appealed to the stockholders,
reorganized the company, and started out
to put the corporation upon an honest
business basis Then he came into con
tact with the grafters in municipal life,
chief among whom at that time was Abe
Rnef. He had been gradually becoming
conscious of a work that needed to be
done, but the final 'act necessary to
arouse his moral nature was an offer
made by Abe Ruef that involved conse
ouences, so fiendish that young Spreckles
burst forth into a reformer. It was the
birth of a iouI. to borrow a phrase that
has been used many times before. He
dates his political career from that date
Since then he has not only spent his
money, but what is even more note
worthy, he has risked the social ostra
cism which the predatory interests are
able to visit upon those who hold virtue
above might. He is largely responsible
for the shaking up in California politics
a shaking that will do the State more
good than the earthquake did harm.
One of the best tests of the political
wisdom and moral courage of Spreckles
is that he recognizes the premiership of
La Follette among the progressive Re
publicans; he appreciates the long and
unfaltering fight that the Wisconsin
Senator has made
The Commoner rejoices that a man
like Spreckles has thrown the weight of
his influence In favor of reforms In
stead of using his wealth to pamper the
flesh and to chloroform his intellectual
energy, he is- contributing to the ad
vancement of political measures which
he believes to be right. Instead of fear
ing the masses, he has wisely determined
to be their friend He Is willing to trust
his fortune to laws made by the people.
The Initiative and referendum and the
recall have no terrors for him. He has
confidence In the patriotism and the In
telligence of the average man, and that
confidence ls not misplaced Nebraska Is
better for the visit paid it by Rudolph
Spreckles. May his life be spared and J
his zeal be unabated until his dollars will
be forgotten In tho public's admiration
of those qualities of head and heart that
outshine money metals.
"What Worry Does.
From the New lork World.
Dr. Snow, of London, the distinguished
opponent of vivisection, now in New
York, says that worry is the most fre
quent cause of cancer. In time past this
affliction, which ls becoming increasingly
prevalent, has been attributed to the ex
cessive consumption of meat, to fish, and
even to eggs. If worry predisposes hu
manity to such a scourge as this, in ad
dition to all the other ills for which it is
held responsible, it ls plain that the earth
has few evils so great or so general
Where contagion and heredity slay their
thousands, worry kills its hundreds of
thousands. Worry leads straight to ln
sanlt. It prepares the way for con
sumption and kidney trouble. It shatters
the nervous system and thus is the fore
runner of a hundred complaints which
lower vitality, produce suffering, and re
sult In untimely death. If mankind
could have had the full benefit of the
wonderful discoveries of the past century
or more, with none of the drawbacks of
increasing worry, the average of life
would be much greater than It Is.
Misapplied Diminutive.
Frcm Youth's Companion.
The late Bishop William N. McVIckar,
of Rhode Island, harbored a large soul
in a body to match He was a bachelor
whose sister kept house for him.
On one occasion he telephoned to his
tailor that he wished to have a pair of
trousers pressed, and the tailor sent a
boy to his residence to get them.
The bishop sister admitted the mes
senger and called upstairs. "Willie, the
boy has come for your trousers!"
When the brother appeared the youth's
astonished gaze traversed the prelate's
impressive "corporoslty;" then he mur
mured: "Gee! Is that Willie"
Iot War, Says Carnegie.
From tho New York American.
Andrew Carnegie arrived from his win
ter palace. Dungeness Fernandlna. Fla.,
recently, his eyes shining with vitality,
cheerful and aleft as ever, but so feeble
in his walk that he had to be assisted.
"Mobilization of troops on the Mexican
border?" he declared brightly. "The
Americans ought to be glad about that,
for, of course. It's not war It's peace.
"We all know President Taft. You
and I and everybody know what his dis
position Is, and also that when he sajs
a thing is so, that is what that thing
That Skirt's Real Menace.
From the Paris Figaro.
The agitation for the trouser skirt
is nothing less than the assault of the
advanced guard on the stronghold of
masculine authority. Such an under
taking in our country is more menac
ing and perhaps more effective than
the agitation of the suffragettes in
the United Kingdom.
Assnres Peace with Rlfrhteonaneas.
Frcra lha New York Erenuis Tost.
That we shall have peace on the Texan
frontier ls assured by the. imminent pres
ence of 2.tW) .troops; that we shall have
peace, with righteousness ls assured by
the Imminent presence of Mr. Roosevelt.
A Woman's Judgment.
From Life.
Wanun see only the defects of tal
ented men and only the good qualities
of blockheads.
Seir York's Money Spirit.
Rev. Dr. Charles A. Eaton, of New
York, who was John D. Rockefeller's
pastor in Cleveland for eight years and
who was seen recently at the Grafton,
in speaking of New York, said: 'The
vast majority of churchgoers In New
York are drones, and most of the min
isters are effeminate weaklings whom
men with red blood In their veins cannot
conscientiously listen to for ten minutes.
That's why the churches In New York
have lost ground and are continuing to
lose It every day.
"New York." said Dr. Eaton, "Is the
incarnation of the money spirit The
supreme Interests of New Yorkers are to
get money and spend it for pleasure.
Why, there are something like mnetj
flve theaters In New York, and plans
are drawn for other. The eternal pur
suit of the dollar and of pleasure is In
the atmosphere. AH who can afford It.
and as many more who cannot, rush
madly from one place of amusement to
another when work ls done. They rarely
take time to stop and think of spiritual
"New York Is the graveyard of min
isters who go there from all over the
country. In smaller cities their church
problem has been one of dry rot. In
New York, where the odds are against
them. the have gone down in the fight.
They have complained that peopte
wouldn't come to their churches that
they couldn't get a hearing However,
a man with a message can get a hearing
in New York, and get it quickly and
easily. In New York a minister has to
deal with realities and not with shams."
Sonr Milk Treatment.
The Indiscriminate use of curdled milk
is by no means free from risk, accord
ing to Dr. Alexander Price, of London,
who is at the New Willard.
"The most notable and serious effect
of the use of curdled milk is rheuma
tism in some form or other. I have
seen during the last few years hundreds
of people who have been taking the prep
aration, but I have not noted one case
where any Improvement in the patient's
condition was duo to the Bulgarian
bacillus. At the same time I have not
myself come across any cases where
the use of this cure, taken without
medical advice, has had any very bad
effect, although certain serious cases
have been recorded. Some people, for
Instance, have been nearly poisoned.
"Where good has been done." said Dr.
Price, "it has been because soured milk
is an easily digested form of food, and
not because of the presence of the bacil
lus Soured milk ls nourishing. That
much may be freely admitted; but it ls
not as nourishing as ordinary milk, be
cause some of the sugar has been re
moved by being converted into lactic
"In one case a woman who had suf
fered for years from slight Indigestion
was persuaded by a friend who had got
rid of a headache by its means to try
sour milk. I was called in after she had
taken the preparation for two days. I
found her in a state of collapse faint.
deathly pale, and perspiring profusely.
It was with some difficulty that her life
was saved. Her sjmptoms were the re
sult of Indigestion of starch In the in
testines. The effect off, taking soured
milk was to increase the splitting up of
the starch with the formation of orsanic
acid. Hence the irritation."
Wealtk of Florida.
The Pinellas penmsula. or peninsula, of
pines, according to D. B. McKay, a
director of the Tampa Board of Trade,
who was seen at the New Ebbitt, 13 at
tracting a great many settlers from the
North at present.
"The place is thirty-five miles long
and contains a number of towns," said
Mr. McKay. "Pine forests cover much of
the ground. There Is some higher ground
which lies twenty or more feet above
the Gulf of Mexico, and citrus fruits do
especially well on this strip Conditions
are believed to be especially favorable
for grapefruit, and the fruits in the
orchards already established support the,
claim. Grapefruit has been grown la
this locality for many years, but not in
a commercial way. The trees were
largely curiosities, except in one. or two
places, where efforts were made to send
the fruit North to market.
'The &oil In this region is Bandy, as it
Is everywhere on the west coast. The
only exception is In the swampy spots,
or in places that were once swampy,
where black muck Is to be found. Such
places are appropriated by tho celery
growers and the truckers. It Is an al
most invariable rulo that fertilizer must
be used in large quantities, and tho
cost of this ls considerable. Tho returns,
however, are large in proportion to the
outlay fbr fertilizer. Opinions differ
among the growers now on the ground.
One of the most successful fruitmen, who
has had an orchard In bearing for many
j ears, sajs he never prunes a tree and
never sprays. He cultivates carefully,
however, and makes generous use of
Deer in Iowa.
"State officials in Iowa, spurred by- re
peated demands from farmers that relief
be afforded them from the constant dep
redations of deer, which are protected
by State game laws, will undertake to
remedy a situation that has never before
been known to exist In a- purely agricul
tural State," said William A. Groneweg;
of Council Bluffs, Iowa, who was recently
seen at the Riggs.
"These deer, which now constitute a
real menace to the farmers," said Mr.
Groneweg, "number between 350 and E00.
and cover a run of about fifteen miles.
They go in herds of from 10 to ISO, and
no deer in any park In the land thrives
as well. During this winter, the bucks,
while mating, have become very fero
cious, and in a number of cases have
attacked school children, and in many
localities younger children have had to
be escorted to and from school by older
members of the families. The deer have
become so numerous that a number have
been run over and killed by railroad
trains. The law states that no deer can
be killed except by the owners, and no
one would think of claiming sovereignty
over this herd or any part of It, for the
reason that a string of damage suits
would follow such an admission of own
ership. The deer should be driven, or
coaxed with salt, into a corral and the
larger ones killed and the smaller dis
tributed among the various parks of
the State."
monopoly In 'Phones.
From the Easlncer.
At the beginning of 1910 the United
States, where there ls no State tele
phone monopoly, had 7,000,000 tele
phones for a population of 80.000.000.
or 87 telephones for 1,000 Inhabitants,
while the whole of Europe, In which
state monopolies are the rule, only had
1,584,000 telephones for a population
of 400,000,000, or 6.4 telephone for
1.000 Inhabitant.
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