OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 27, 1911, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1911-03-27/ed-1/seq-2/

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Geologist Makes Suit Case
Grcwsonie Find Kcported to
Fairfax Conntv Coroner.
While Searching for Mineral Rock
Dr. Francis D. Laney and His
"Wife Are Attracted to Scene bjr
Bnzzards nnd Opening? of Grip R
veali Human Limb and Foot.
TTioroujrh In est lent ion To-day.
Attracted by encircling buzzards,
the remains of a human body were
discovered on the cliffs along the
Potomac River, just below Great
Falls, yesterday afternoon by Dr.
Francis B. Laney, of 2910 Thir
teenth street northwest, who, in
company with his wife, was search
ing for specimens of mineral rock
to use in his work at the Geological
Dr. Laney reported the grew
some find to the corner of Fairfax
County, and this morning a full in
vestigation will be made by that of
ficer, assisted by the county sheriff.
Dr. and Mrs. Laney were walking alons
the river above the mouth of Difficult
Run, and where the hijrh cliffs begin re
ceding from the water He was. busily
engaged in hi-, search for rare stones,
when In- attention w.is attracted to the
carrion birds Looking up he saw a
suit case lying in a sort of niche in the
wall of the cliff, and partly covered with
He approached the object and was al
most ovv rcoine vv ith a stench. He over
came his repugnance, thinking it strange
that a suit case should be lying in such
a place, and bound with cord, and opened
if A luman leg and foot fell out. There
was no flesh on th- hip bones, but enough
remained on the foot to lead Dr. Laney to
be.ic-vc it was originally a portion of the
bod of a full grow n w hite woman, judg
ing fu m the .size.
T ie suit cas , Dr Laney said, looked
to be omp.irtivel new, although he
was sure that months must have elapsed
i.nce ihe body was dismembered. He
said there was evidence of quicklime
being prisent, but he could not be sure
on th.it point.
Tff inside of the case was blotched
with brown patches, which were taken to
be blood stains, although there was no
eidenc of blood elsewhere, the recent
rains probablv having washed them out
ef existence if the woman was murdered
en that spot
I found an iron pot and a piece of
rusted sheet iron a short distance away,"
said Dr Lancj, "and I judged there must
hive been a camp there at one time."
Hound with Cord.
"T e suit case was of a cheap make,
and bound with cord Hocks were piled
on it, partly concealing It from above,
bu' from below it was plainly visible. It
was ljing in a niche about thirty feet
above the water. It would be impossible
for me to say how long it had been there,
judging from the appearance of the
Rev. Dr. John Reid Shannon Declares "Indiscriminate
Condemnation Is Bigoted Inconsistency"
in Sermon.
Scoring clergymen and reformers who
advocate an abolishment of the theater,
regardless of the good or evil arising
from such places of amusement, and say
ing that "to condemn the theater indis
criminately is bigoted inconsistency," the
Rev. Dr. John Reid Shannon, pastor of
the Metropolitan M. E. Church, last night
defended from the pulpit plays that teach
lessons of nghteous"ness or human ad
vancement. "There are plays that are clean, whole
some, and without a single offensive
scene," Dr Shannon said. At the same
time Dr. Shannon denounced the aver
age American theater, claiming that in
"their foul atmosphere gold would be
come dimmed and darkened: violets
would lose their perfume and lilies their
He said some of the most modern
dramas were sermons on industrial Jus
tice and on social regeneration, but that
most of the exciting scenes thrown on
the canvases in moving picture shows
were vile and suggestive of crime.
Tells of Ancient Greek Theaters.
He chose for his discourse "The ancient
Greek theater, as contrasted with the
theaters and moving picturo shows of
to-day " He said in part:
"The ancient Greek theaters were the
pulpits of Greece. They displayed scenes
and objects beautiful, instructive, uplift
ing. "The old Greek dramatists were among
the Greeks what the Hebrew prophets
were among the Hebrews. They dealt.
McCRAY Refrigerators
The Best Made
leather on the case, which did not seem
No other portions of the body were
found. It is probable the county officials
will go over the ground thoroughly this
morning in an effort to locate other parts
of the body in case they are buried in
the vicinity.
The theory advanced is that the woman
was murdered there some time ago and
her Jaody dismembered and buried in
aulciulme. The murderer, it is supposed,
carried each portion to the lonely spot
in the suit case and disposed of it in the
quicklime grave, but probably was
frightened away before he had a chance
to inter the part found yesterday.
There is no record of any one missing
from that section of the county, but to
day the Washington police will make
every effort to obtain a clew to the iden
tity of the person whose remains repose
on the high cliffs.
Chance of Identification.
It will be impossible to make an identi
fication unless more of the body is
It is not beyond reason to believe that
campers became involved in a fight and
one was murdered, probably a man and
wife. Cooking utensils which were found
near by bear out this thcofM that a
camp was established in the neighbor
hood. Every summer dozens of persons
live in the open air in the Great Falls
Dr. laney and his wife were horrified
when they saw what the harmless-looking
suit case contained, and both were
made almost ill by their discovery.
Sam Bernard Goes to Funeral
of His Father.
Owing to the death in New Tork City
of the father of the comedian and star,
Sam Bernard, the opening of the en
gagement of "He Came from Mil
waukee." at the Belasco Theater this
week has been postponed. There will be
no performance to-night or to-morrow
The engagement may begin with Wed
nesday's matinee, but nothing can be
announced definitely until further mes
sages have been received from Mr. Ber
nard, who is in New York making the
arrangements for his father's funeral,
which will probably be held to-morrow.
Mr. Bernard was called to New York
Saturday night at the closo of his com
pany's engagement in Baltimore, by a
telegram telling of his father's critical
condition. The comedian's father died
yesterday afternoon. Manager Taylor, of
the Belasco, received a telegram yester
day notifying him to announce the post
ponement of the engagement of the Ber
nard company.
Hostile Indians' Chief Seeks Land
Claims Settlement.
Chief Yu icoma, of the hostile faction
of the Hopl Indians, accompanied by
R. G. Valentine, commissioner of the
Indian Bureau, and A. L. Lawshe, su
perintendent of the Moqui reservation,
will visit the wMt House this morn
ing at 10 o'cl infer with Presi
dent Taft rel; .he settlement of
disputed land
Chief Yukec wear full Indian
dress. Immec .er his conference
with the Pre; will be taken to
the Bureau e ogy to be photo
graphed. The will be placed in
the collection bureau, that the
government n a likeness of one
ot the most 'Uo types of this
vanishing rac
Rev. John . ..)nnn Reviews
History of Air Navigation.
"Aerial navigation" was the subject
of a lecture delivered by Rev. John A.
Brosnan. S. J., of Woodstock College,
last night in Gonzaga Hall. He divided
his subject Into three classes first, the
earliest theoretically sound but prac
tically impossible tests of Lana with his
balloon in 1570; second, the later balloons,
both drifting and dirigible; third, all the
various tjpes ot the present day aero
planes. J. K Colton, chairman of the literary
committee of the Aloysius Club, under
whose auspices the lecture was given,
introduced Rev. Father Brosnan.
not with the frivolities of amatory in
trigue, but with great subjects. Their
contrasts of right and wrong are among
the highest efforts of thought in a re
ligious direction. Their dramas pro
duced upon the people in the ancient
Greek theaters a tremendous Impression,
i inspiring awe and wonder, chastening
passion and solemnizing lire.
"The theaters of our twentieth century
Christian civilization contrast strangely
with the ancient Greek theaters, as Is
shown by the recent report of the drama
committee of the Twentieth Century Club
of Boston. The report says that a
large proportion of the entertainments of
the first-class theaters of Boston is of
a strikingly vulgar character. "What Is
true of the Boston theaters is true of the
American stage. Its objectionable plays
are increasing; and they are becoming
more and more objectionable; they are
becoming a reproduction of French
drama, in which stage talent is used to
gild filth and to bedeck moral garbage.
Denounces Averncje Theater.
"Even theatrical managers pre now
calling for a vigorous censorship In this
country, such as obtains In England,
where the stage is freer from Indfxencics
than in any other country.
"We denounce the average American
theater; in Its foul atmosphere gold must
become dimmed, darkened; violets must
lose their perfume, and lillies their
"While the ancient Greeks displayed on
their stage things elevating, the ma
jority of movifl"g picture shows in Amer
ican cities adopt a contrary rule, and
exhibit things degrading.
"A recent examination of 300 films In
Cleveland revealed the fact that 65 per
cent of them represented robbery, mur
der. Indecent suggestions, domestic In
fidelity, kidnapping, suicide, and loose
ideals of marriage.
"They were object lessons in vice and
"The situation In Cleveland Is illus
trative of the moving- picture shows of
American cities; they are an awful re
flection on twentieth century ethics and
civilization. A supreme need of our cities
Is a censorship commltteo to, pass upon
all films before the mayor or other au
thority gives a license tor the film to
be exhibited;" ,
Th' ole cross-barred dryed apple
pic still has a little followin' in th'
sparsely settled districts o' th' Mid
dle West.
Th' best thing 'bout a plavcr pi-
anner is that it don't have t' be
Itoaslns Meeting Will He Held by
Ccnrcelnwn Cltiicns.
Glenn Brown and David Fairchild will
lecture before the Georgetown Citizens'
Association to-night in the interest of
the "city beautiful," a campaign being
carried to the doors of every civic asso
ciation in Washington.
It Is expected that Linthicum Hall, in
O street, between Thirty-fifth street and
Wisconsin avenue, will be packed to
night, as the Northwest Citizens' Asso
ciation will be the guests of the George
town organization.
Mr Brown will lecture on the design
and the possibilities of the McMillan park
commission plan, and Mr. Kaircnua win
speak on people's gardens, telling how In
dividuals can put in effective work toward
tho beautification of "Washington.
Albion K. Parris yesterday issued a
sweeping invitation for the residents of
Georgetown to attend the meeting.
So Declare Rev. Frank J. Goodvrln
in HI Lecture.
"Men of spirit are wanted in the
church, not sponges, but dynamos, who
will give, rather than take," said Rev.
Prank J. Goodwin, pastor of the Mount
Pleasant Congregational Church, in his
lecture on "The oung man and the or
ganized church of God. and what their
relation i and should be to one an
other" esterday afternoon at the Young
Men's Christian Association.
"What is needed in many places to
day." ne said, "is not so much a minister
that will draw as a church that will
pull. Lack of enthusiasm has caused
many ministers to adopt methods which
they really do not indorse. Wo must
make the church a man's church, too
many men have religion in their wife's
name Women will attend church be
cause their life is more sheltered and on
account of their children. It will take
efTort to keep the church a man's
"There is no strife like the strife be
tween good men or war like a religious
war, and it is easy to get good men
fighting The good in the church is su
preme, and personality should be sunk
for its good."
Harold Keats, Who Failed in Effort to Rescue Fra
ternity Brother, Almost Insane Victim
to Be Buried in Macon, Ga.
Another tragic chapter to the accident
In the Upper Potomac last Saturday, re
sulting in the drowning of Duncan M.
McRae, jr., which disclosed the mys
terious disappearance, after 1 o'clock yes
terday morning, of Harold Keats, whose
heroic efforts to save his companion
proved futile, after he had already suc
ceeded in rescuing Reamer W. Argo, was
ended late yesterday afternoon when
young Keats, exhausted and In a dazed
state, staggered through the doorway of
the Thcta Delta Chi fraternity house.
Grief-stricken over the death of his
friend and despondent because he had
failed in his heroic attempts to rescue
him, the young man returned to the fra
ternity house early In the morning to
change his drenched clothing. That was
tho last seen of him until late in the
afternoon, when he entered the house,
completely exhausted and terribly
wrought up.
For a while he seemed delirious, but
when he became more composed his
friends persuaded him to telephone to
his mother, who was almost stricken with
fear that some harm had befallen him.
Appeared its Dazed.
When the young man first entered the
fraternity house where the members
were clustered about in hushed groups
talking over the tragic accident, he ap
peared dazed. There was a pack of cards
lying on a table, a part of the prepara
tions for the anniversary party which
was broken up by the accident, and he
walked over and took it up listlessly.
He fumbled the cards awkardly. shuf
fling them. When some one approached
him, he muttered: "Let me alone; don't
Capital and Sarplas. jT.TO.0Ds,
To Increase Your
Earnings, Keep
your surplus funds deposited
in the banking dept.' of this
company. Interest paid on all
accounts; deposits subject to
check. 7. S. Treas. supervision.
CSrSafe Deposit Boxes for Tain
able papers, Jtc, rested, 95 yr. .
Union Trust Co..
lBth amat B Sts..X,W. .. .,
St. Elizabeth's Management
Will LikeJy Be Probed.
Member of Board of Visitors De
clares Jfo Such. Conditions Exist
as Charjred by Attorney Evans.
Latter Asserts White Does Not
Wont Consrresslonal Inquiry.
Secretary of the Interior Fisher re
turned to Washington last night, and it
Is expected that on Tuesday he will be
gin investigation Into the methods of
management at the Government Hospital
for the Insane, from which so many
rfaniacs has escaped In the past few
months, leading to charges of misman
agement against Dr. William White, su
perintendent of the asylum, by members
of the Congress Heights Citizens Asso
ciation and Attorney Richard Evans.
Mr. Fisher said last night that no
charges had yet been filed with him. He
refused to discuss the subject, saying he
had Just arrived In town and knew noth
ing ubout tho affairs of the hospital.
Robert Ladow, Inspector of prisons for
the Interior Department, will make Inves
tigations with Dr. William White this
week In an effort to clear up tho situa
tion. They will report to the board of
visitors their findings at its meeting in
Dr. White and Mr. Ladow will compose
a commltteo of two to recommend im
provements for Howard Hall, from which
the dangerous maniacs have escaped.
MnRrndcr Defends Dr. White.
Dr. Lloyd Magruder, a member of the
board of visitors, yesterday vigorously
defended Dr. White and his management
of the hospital.
"Tho asylum is inspected monthly."
Dr. Magruder said, "and no such condi
tions exist as charged by Mr. Evans."
Mr. Evans says Dr. White does not su
perintended the hospital, but merely lives
"The institution is better managed to
day than evere before," Dr. Magruder
continued, "and Dr. White has given
greater satisfaction than any of his
Touching on the question of food, which
I is charged by Mr. Evans and Inmates to
I be noor in nuality and small In r.uantlty.
Dr. Magruder said the food was Inspected
by competent men and mat stmt was
unknow n.
"Every attendant has to undergo a spc
cial course of Instruction before he is
placed in charge of a ward," Dr. Ma
gruder said.
"It Is impossible that everything con
nected with such a great institution.
where there are thousands of persons to
feed and clothe and care for. should be
perfect, but as near perfection is ob
tained by Dr. White as Is possible."
Attorney Evans said last night that Dr
White, notwithstanding his assertions to
the contrary, did not want a Congres
sional investigation.
"If Dr White knew Howard Hall was
Insecure and Inadequate for the keeping
of dangerous lunatics, why did he not
place a guard around the building"
you see I'm playing with McRae? Then
he muttered some Incoherent words
about being very tired.
He was taken to bis home and put to
bed. Although he was extremely nervous
and otherwise wrought up over the ac
cident, he did not show signs of illness.
Uncle Arrange Funeral.
Arrangements have been made by MaJ.
James H. McRae, U. S. A., uncle of the
young man who was drowned, to send
the body, which Is now at Lee's under
taking establishment, 322 Pennsylvania
avenue northwest, to-morrow morning to
Macon. Go., where his father is living.
Services will be conducted by tho fra
ternity at 5 o'clock this afternoon, when
all the members and many of the vic
tim's student friends, as well as his rela
tives, will attend. Dr. J. McBride Ster
rett, a member of tho fraternity, will
officiate at the services, while Rev. Dr.
Lewis. Mr. McRae's former tutor and
close friend, will offer prayer.
As a token of their friendship and
esteem, members of the Theta Delta Chi
will present a handsome floral reef to be
placed on the grave of their dead frater
nity brother.
Filled with gloom over the accident,
the fraternity house presented a sad
scene yesterday afternoon. Messages of
condolence poured In from other frater
nities of the city, and MaJ. and Mrs. Mc
Rae were also the. recipient of numer
ous messages.
Owing to tho fact that tho drowning
took place In Maryland, the searchers
were not allowed to take tho body away
until the proper authorities had arrived
upon the scene.
It was not until after 1 o'clock that
the party, which was to perform the In
quest, arrived at the boathouse. Sheriff
Vlett. of Rockville. asked why he had
not been notified before, but could ob
tain no satisfaction. Inspector .Board
man, chief of detectives, telephoned
to Sheriff Vlett between 12 and 1 o'clock,
which was the first Information ho had
received of the accident.
Officials Visit Scene.
Accompanied by Chief Deputy Chris
Racmey and Police Judge Joseph Read
ing, of Rockville, in his automobile.
Sheriff Vlett reached tho Sycamore Island
boathouse half an hour later, where
they were met by Dr. Lewis, of Be
thesda, Md., and Former Mayor John W.
Garrett, of Glen Echo, and Constable
Walter P. Shaw.
It was deemed that an inquest was not
necessary, as there was every indica
tion that tho drowning was accidental.
Mr. McRae, tho young man's father,
who Uvea at Macon, Ga., telegraphed to
MaJ. McRae yesterday to express tho
body of his son as soon as possible.
No one will accompany the body to
Macon. It will leave- to-morrow morning
Educator Preaches Sermon.
Rev. William Charles Jason, president
of the Delaware State College, preached
the sermon yesterday morning at tho
Asbury JkL E. Church, when a Urge con
gregation , attended. In Jth .afternoon,
he preached at tho vestal services at
Howard TJniveriUtjr.
420-426 7th Street
417-425 8th Street.
Another unusual opportuni
ty is offered to-day. These
Skirts are entirely new and
are made in the latest spring
style of an excellent quality
taffeta, in all colors and black ;
they are cut full width, and
come in all lengths; only 150
to be sold at this price, so
come early; actual value,
$5.00. For one & CQ
day only JpCD
St. Mnrsmret's Church Crodrd by
an Appreciative Audience.
"The Darkest Hour," a cantata com
posed by Harold Moore, was sung last
night In St. Margaret's Church by a
choir of twenty-six voices. This cantata
tell3 of the life of Christ, of his trials
before Calaphas and Pilate, and of the
cruclflxtion. Arthur H. Delbert imper
sonated Christ; Mrs. Helen Donahue De
Vo, tho narrator, Melville Hensey, Pilate,
and Charles Moore, Calaphas.
The auditorium was crowded with
friends of the participants, and regular
members, who enjoyed this demonstra
tion of the Lenten teai-on immensely.
The performance will be repeated on
Palm Sunday.
U. S. DrrC Ajmculrure. Weather Borean,
Washinctmi, Sunday, Mini 2D. 19118 p. ra.
Rain has fallen in nearly all districts from the
Plain States rastwani, exorvt the northern jr-r-
tions of the Middle Statm and New lU-sUrd. the
rain tumii s Vi snow in tho northern portion of the
I prwr Laki-i and the northern purtinna of the Ilaira
states, attending a well-marked distnrtnr.ee that
as central oier Lake Michican Sunday nichi.
Sume mi9 turn fallen in tuctmns of the extreme
Northwest, elsewhere the weather has been Generally
I.ocnl Temperature.
Midnfeht. 36. 2 a. ra.. 35; 4 a. m.. Jt, 6 a. ra., 15;
8 a. m., 37. 10 a. rr... S; C nnon. 53. - p. ra.. M.
4 p. m.. 5fi 6 p m . M, 8 p. m.. 50. 10 p. m., 5a
Maximum. 53, minimum, 34.
hclatire humidity. 8 a. m.. fO; 8 p. ra.. 32.
Itainfall (1 n, m. to 8 p. ffi-1. 0.10; hours of sun
shine. 7. per cent of possible fatinshinc. 57.
TempTatnre lame date la?t year Maximum, T5;
minimum. 51.
Temperatures In Other Cities.
Tcmreritnre in other cities, together ith the
amount of rainfall for the twenty-four hours 3&d
at 8 p. m. yesterday, are aa folkm:
Max. Mm. 8 p. ra. fall.
43 43 4 0.46
54 . 11 1.06
Anhenllo, N. C...
Atlanta. Ga M .i tJ
Atlantic City. X. J... 43 36 44 .
Human. X. Dal 38 30 0.10
ltostou. Mass. . 03 DO 3 . .
UuCalo. N. Y 60 42 6 0.01
ChjeaKo. rn .. .52 E 50 O.fci
Clndnnazi. Ohio . 53 50 53 0 34
Cheyenne. Wyo 32 30 33 0.07
IHtecrort. Iowa. 52 48 53 0.4S
Denier. Colo -.. 40 30 33
IVs Momcs. Iowa. O 53 55 0.21
e.iLHtM Tr 7R (2 fiR O.CG
Helena, Mont 45 20 44 0 01
Indianapolis, lea M w .
Jadoonnlle. Ha 72 53 63 OJl
Kansas City, Mo . M 50 50 0 30
Little Roc. Ark G3 52 06 0.62
Los .Vnsrics. Qd... . M 56 CO
Marquette. Mich 56 40 46
MemphU Tenn 72 50 63 0.90
New Orleans. La- 82 66 76 0.13
New York. N. Y 54 33 46
North Platte, Nebr. 34 3 32 0 19
Omaha. Nebr 62 51 32 0.13
llttsbnrs. I'- - 56 40 43 0.1O
Portland. Me - 50 32 33
Portland. Ores 53 36 5
Salt Late City. DUh 43 35 41
St. Louia Mo 2 43 00 0.82
St. Paul. Minn. 50 32 0.43
San Francisco. Cal 72 43 70
SprtniScld. Ill 54 46 51 0 54
Tamra. Ha. 62 72
Toledo. Ohio S4 46 4S 0 01
VicksourE. Mis. 76 - ""
Tide Table.
To-day-Hish tide. 5:10 a. m. and 6300 p. m.; low
tide. 12.10 am.
To-morrow Hch tide, 627 a. m. and 63) p. m.;
low tide, 12:38 a. ra. and 1257 p. m.
Mission of Canada to Reunite This Country and Eng
land Should Be Carefully Studied, Declares
Dr. Robert Stein.
"It is the mission of Canada to reunite
this country and England, and the pos
sibility of such a contingency should be
studied with great care, with a view to
removing the obstacles that stand in the
way of reunion. Everybody knows the
main obstacle tho opposition of the Irish
Americans and of the German-Americans.'"
This declaration was made last night
by Dr. Robert Stein, in the course of a
lecture on the subject of "An interna
tional policy to guarantee world's peace."
Dr. Stein spoke at the Columbia Turn
vereln Hall before a mixed audience. In
which Germans and Irish predominated,
and It is needless to say his sentiments
were received with but little enthusiasm.
" 'No Anglo-American reunion till Ire
land has home rule,' say the Irish-Americans,"
continued Dr. Stein. "But as soon
as home rule has become a fact they will
want the closest possible connection with
their home lAnd. and this they could
only get through Anglo-American re
union. "The German-Americans are opposed
to closer relations between the United
States and Britain unless the relations
between the United, States and Germany
shall be equally close. That Is n, wise
attitude, because it is a constant admoni
tion to those two kindred nations. Ger
many and Britain, to return to their 'his
toric alliance' and .grasp the immense
benefits It would offer to both. If they
did this, the German-Americans would
become the foremost advocates of Anglo-American
reunion, because It -would
at the same time mean reunion with the
fatherland.",, ..
The executive committee ot the united
Germiii Societies irict yesterday attar-
Memorial Exercises Held for
Departed Brothers.
Kaloplej on Decensed and Spirit of
Krnternalism Made by Robert Lee
Montnzrne nnd Cree,d M. Fnlton.
Readlncr of Roll Call as Chimes Re
verberate Impressive Feature.
Marked by the presence of representa
tives from every active and prominent
fraternity, memorial services In honor
of the forty-eight members who have
died since the organization eight years
ago were held by "Washington Aerie, No
12S, Fraternal Order of Eagles, last night
at National Theater.
Eulogies on the dead and the spirit of
fraternallsm were made by Robert Lee
Montague and Creed M. Fulton, while
the services were conducted by WorthT
Presldf-nt William H. Clark and Worthy
Past President Ward Savage.
Although simple, the services were
marked by the rituals of the order, and
huge candelabra were placed In front
of the stage, while the Marine Band, ac
companied by Mrs. Kate Ferguson and
George Bahr,. furnished the music.
Reference to Departed.
The services were opened by Worthy
President Clark, who emphasized the
solemnity of the occasion, and was fol
Icwed in prayer by Worthy Chaplain
David Wolf. Worthy Past President
Savage, following a duet by Fritz Muel
ler and Jacques L. Van Poucke. ad
dressed the audience, and referred rev
erently to the departed members. The roll
call was read by Worthy Secretary J.
Donald Britt.
An impressive feature of the services
consisted of the reading of this roll.
When the name of a de id member was
reached nnd there was no response, the
mellow tones of chimes announced to the
members that their brother was one of
those on the death roll.
After the reading of the roll. Mrs.
Clara Naccker and Miss Christine M.
Church sang solos, and the Marine Band
played the famous sextet from "Lucia."
Mr. Fulton was introduced as one of the
orators of the occasion and took as his
subject "Fraternallsm." describing the
loyalty and ties that bind the members
to the last.
"The Holy City" was sung by Mrs.
Naccker, and Worthy Past President
Montague delivered an address on "Our
order," a eulogy on the departed mem
bers. Following Mr. Montague's address
the funeral march w-as played by the
Marine Band, and at the close of the
rites the audience rose and sang "Nearer
My God to Thee." The services closed
with a benediction by Patrick Murphy,
Laramie Aerie, No. E2S, Wyoming.
Senor Antonio 31. Rlvero Succeeds
Dr. Frnncla Jnatlz Here.
Senor Antonio Martin Rlvero, the newly
appointed Cuban Minister to the United
States, arrived in Washington late yes
terday afternoon to take up his duties
as successor to Dr. FrancU Carrena Jus
tiz, who recently resigned.
Senor Rlvero expressed himself greatly
pleased with his new position, but owing
to his long trip, retired shortly after he
His family, who had preceded him. have
taken a house at 1S41 Sixteenth street,
which will be the legation henceforth.
Since the resignation of Dr. Justiz. the
legation has been under the direction of
Senor Padro, the secretary, and Is lo
cated In apartments In the Parkwood.
Ocean Steamnhips.
New York. March 35. Airbed: Caledonia, from
Glaseow. March IS.
Arrived out: Adriatic at Southampton.
Sailed from foreicn ports: Mauritania, from
Qucrostown; Baltic, from Quecntown; Pnnx Pned
nch Wilhelm. fmro Cherbourg.
Hizabeth It. S. Gordon, 64 years, 1753 Q st. nw.
Nellie 3. Hrmwalt. 23. Providence Hratpital.
GcorjD V. Billines. 61, Highlands apartments.
Mary Slencnot. 43. Prondenee Hospital.
John 3L Ireland. 79, 924 Mih ave ne.
LeneUm M. Itidlips. 33. 63) E at. so.
Oorsc C. Ilarker, 26. Lonsdon, D. C
John Wolf. 77. 1139 7th st nw.
Henry X. Sclby, 1 month, 1534 Kramer st. ne.
Eu?ni Itittxcann, 8 months. 330 S sL nw.
James Coleman, 104 jears, 14 Liberty St. nw.
Lanra Howland, 31. Freedmcn'a HowpitaL
Mary Alien, 80, Home for Accd and In Ann.
Miles Reddick. 13. J Howard St.. Fbrt Reno.
Robert II. Smith. 32. 1154 19th st nw.
Dorothy Green. 4 months, 433 S st. nw.
Katherm Y. Williams, 36 hours, Xathional Homeo
pathic HoxnitaL
Infant of Samnel and Anna Strretson, 6 days,
1607 5th st nw.
noon at the Columbia Turnvereln Hall
.to discuss plans for the sixth annual
convention of the German-American
National Alliance, which is to bo held
In this city next October, and at which
It Is expected that about LOOO delegates
and visitors will participate.
With tho death of Werner Koch, the
veteran owner and printer, the Washing
ton Journal, Washington's only German
newspaper, this publication has ceased
to make Its appearance. The last num
ber of the Journal, which was founded
fifty-two years ago by Mr. Kocb, and
had been In his possession ever since, ap
peared on Saturday, and contained the
announcement that If acceptable "offers
are made to the children of "Mr. Koch,
they would sell the property.
linn ron's Rheumatism Bemedy relieves
pains Jn the less, arms, back, stiff or
swollen .joints. Contain" no morphine,
opium, cocaine or drags to deaden the
pain. It uetatraUzes the Add. and drlreat
out all rheumatic poisons., from .the syx
tern. Write Prof. JSnnyon. 634 and Jeff
enoa StiuThua Pa for cdlca! ad
jfe kmtatelr fre.
' i wVuIpIPBB
From Start to Finish
You Trill aliray And onr clothe
what vre claim for them Ctood
Let ua nuke yonr
Spring; Salt.
Tailoring; for Men..
Eighteenth Street and Ontario Road.
A modern Apartment House of
Standard Fireproof Construction.
Apartments of 2, 3. -4, and 6
rooms, furnished or unfurnished,
by the year or by the month.
Newly Organized Dining-room
Service operated by the com
Banking Corporation,
10th and G Street X. W.
Let Me Estimate.
John H. Hinrichs
Painting Contractor
1210 New York Ave.
Phone. M-4S.
Formerly Superintendent H- Newton
Marshall Company.
has been so bad recently that
many roofs have suffered, spouts
have rotted, and gutters damaged.
&oof &eak1
mo. i a- at. orr
1304-6 K. T. AI8. H. W. '?tm H. 129.
Christian Xander's
A table Wine of soft,
pleasant taste, $3.00 a
dozen. Only at
909 7th St.
'Pboce M. Si
No branch buuaes.
No Other Buckwheat
"MTT.T.TyrV Cj Tidds each drflaoas cuddle calces
.. . . as MILLER'S Self-raisins Bacfc-
oell-raiSing wheat. Try a rackaco arid prora
Buckwheat " Iroperir lcareual: strictly jnre.
CyAt your sroc&'s. No cansamen supplied.
WHOLESALE GROCERS. 11th and St ata. ae.
uraL nonsurgical: 400-p. book free. Apply
by mall. SIS Colorado Bldg. Free lectur
for -women Wednesdays at 2:30 n. n.
My Personal Typewriter Letters
go DIRECT to your customer and
produce DIRECT results.
Hartshorn's Shade Co.
Exdcsire MarraiaetSTtra cf Window Shade.
T24 UTH ST. NW. 'Pboo Main SOL
HOPKINS-On Saturday. March 5. 1911.
at 8:30 p. m., STEPHEN L HOP
KINS, beloved father of Mrs. George
I Cartncr.
Funeral from his late residence. 1U1
IrvinB street northwest, Tuesday,
March 28 at 9 o'clock: thence to
Church of the Sacred Heart, -hero
requiem mass will be said. Relatives
and friends respectfully invited to
LEDEUER On Sunday, March 26. 1911.
at 2 a. m., JOSEPHINE C. beloved
wife of Charle3 W. Lederer.
Funeral from her late residence. HOT
Sixth street northwest, Tuesday,
March 28. at 2 p. m.
McRAE, DUNCAN Services by local
members of Theta Delta Chi fra
ternity will be held In tho chapel of
J. William Lee. undertaker. 332 Penn
sylvania avenue northwest Monday.
March 27. at 5 p. m. Family and in
timate friends invited.
Established U3L
173&-33 Pemujlrania amine uu Bluest,
ejapel. Telephone Main HI
Ii3 Foarteesth St. nv.
ChipeL 'Phone North 3HL
j. TVILMAM LEE. Funeral Dlrcetyr
and Emnalmer. Litery in connection. GxnmofBoa
Chapel and Modern Crematorium. Modest pdeea.
SJ Pennajlnnla ae. cw. Telephone Mala Oft
SOI Eaat Capitol Street.
Of Irery Description Moderately PrJcaL
Itmcnl Dettcns, rtmenl DeatgBa.
Beautiful floral deatfs eery naamiUe Id poca,
'Phone aut Mala. l& Eye ata. n.
Brprrlmcn'-a now brine made at Johns Hopkinaa
tJnrrrnlty oa the analyst of the fnnriiriyntal tcace
ind patiali that make up erery musical sound are
expected O lead to-.a method for detarmtnlns. that
Tiloe of riollsi and iimflay luahjannria by feat;
.f -'

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