Newspaper Page Text
'IIPPt ?ffi3f8fP :.; iX"iS' i"J'Ti WJ'. ruAfV Cf v - THE WASHINGTON HERALD WEATHEE FORECAST. Local rains to-day and to-mor- row; cooler; light winds. LARGEST MORNING CIRCULATION. NO. 1688. ASHIKQTOlSr, D. C, STTHDAY,' KAY, 21, 1911. FOBT Y-EIGHT PAGES. FIVE CENTS. TO AVOID . U, SCLERKSHIPS Speaker Clark Says Eminent. Careers Are Spoiled. HIS HEART IS SICKENED Suggests that They Engage in Other Activities. Would Have the District of Co lumbia a Territory with the Right of Tote, a. Common Council, and. a Delegate In Congrus-Speaker Is Doomed for President by Rep resentative Mann. "Young man, keep out of Uncle Sam's civil service," is Champ Clark's advice to his brothers in the Delta Tau Delta college fra ternity. The Speaker is a member of the famous Greek letter society, and was the guest of honor at the an nual dinner of the George Wash ington University chapter of the order at Rauscber's last night. "Every young man should get out of Washington as soon as pos sible and engage in business or po litical activity somewhere and somehow. It makes me sick at heart to go through the great gov ernment offices in the National Capital and see the men there, plod ding along, old and without re nown, who, if they had not entered the civil service might be great and influential men in business or in the professions. The trouble is with the atmosphere and the environ ment of Washington. For .ten years I have been advocating a plan to mace the federal District of Colum bia a Territory, with a vote, com mon council and a Territorial dele--gate representing it in the halls of Congress." TALKS OF ADJOIR.NMENT. Sir. Clark olunteered a hint as to what the House will do when the Senate balks on the various tariff bills and counts on adjournment "I tried the other day to find out from the highest authority in Washington on that subject Just when the Senate ex pects to get down to work," said the Speaker. "I failed to get any satisfactory answer. All I can say is that those of us in the House are as joung as most of the Senators a little bit jounger. We can stay here as long as they can." It Is a dull day in Washington of late that does not see Speaker Clark men tioned for the Presidency at least three "times between dawn and dark Repre sentatUe James R Mann, of Illinois, the House minority leader. In his address said: "You Rather here to-night." said Mr. Mann, "to do honor to the man who holds the second office in the United States. In two ears he may be presented to jou as the man holding the first office within the gift of the American people." Judging from the cheers that greeted Mr. Mann's remarks, there seemed to be a great many Democrats on hand. Doomed for I'renldent. Representative Irvln S Pepper, of Iowa, master of ceremonies, introduced Speaker Clark In a felicitlous speech He was greeted by deafening applause. Eerye present arose to give lent to his enthusiasm The Speaker said that the man who branded Congress as a corrupt organization was "an enemy to the re public" He said the percentage of ras cals In that high body was far lower than the percentage among the disciples of Christ, for one out of twelve of them was corrupt. Representative Mann, also a Delta Tau Delta, was the other honor guest. Prest-nt nt Dnnqaet. Among those present were: brxcr,fTirt, Itrprrwutlres J. K. Mtm. D. R. Anthonr. Orus CHne. W. land, II. M. Jaiowai. B Oillop. V. P. Bor- Hnmr-Iireji, L. P. PadjcU, I. 6- Penper. C. EL Picxrtt. 8. P. r-m..t and C. II. Sloan; Jiidse G. W. Atkinson. HaJ. A. W. Bntt. Kradn-k C Babcock, Percy C. Adams, fe. S. Arhhaugh. C. Louis Allen. H. P. Alden, It. Bnin? Atkinson. A. Bmcc BWki. Anthonr Ar nmu. Carl H. Btitmsn. J. M. Bnrkett. ITiillp Bnettser. Theodore Block. . W. Bnrrell, B. S. Barrett. Richmond Bryant. T. K. Bomnrs. J. 8. Carpenter. W, it. Carpenter. A. B. Older.' J. H. Clearer. K. V. ConncII. rVcd A. Crafln. B. D, Daniels. Bobert Dougin. Dr. B, II. Dnenner. D. C Dyer. Gilmer G. Easier. Dan R. Forbes, Charles F. Fuller, n. W. Field. W. D. Groesbeck. F. W. Hsnns. Morris J. Hole. Errol O. Homer. Frank 8. Hcmmlck. Ralph H. Howell. W. A. Heine, Arthur C Johnson. R. -F. Jones. Charles Jenkins. Charles O. Jame. Sam T. Klatrans. Marcus W. Lyon T. a McCnnr. Colin MsckalL Gnr E. Mitchell. R.' D. Marsden. E. Montgomery, Abner Xeff, Baymond 1. PRESBYTERS DENOUNCE WASHINGTON SOCIETY Atlantic City, May 20. Eloquence-of ,Dr. "William H. Black, of Marshall, Mo., led to the adoption ofthe" report and recom mendations ofjlhexecutlve committee to federate the boardflh)y the General Pres byterian As6eJabl"f-late,thls' afternoon. The Grant heresyappear'was heard by the Judicial commission;- which decided to entertain the papers and give a trial on Monday morning. , "Social Sunday desecration,' practiced by the' smart set," In whlth the National 1 t Norton, Thomaa O'BHllr. Clanda W. Oven, Edward C. Pmcctt, Charles 8. Patridge. C. 8, Been, Jonathan IUnrUnd, W. H. Bofanoo. Dr. a E Bteitzu, Dr. Gar & Stffdd, O. 8ailcr Mnifnn. Junes G. Bhlbler. J- C Stocton. Jesses IVSMtcr, Arthur Thompson, B. P. Tecle. Fred 8. Trier, Gotso U Whltfort. Herbert W. White. Ve F. Warner. A. B. Wells, Fred H. Walker, B. 8. Wal ter, W. W. Vauran. T. Warland Vaughn, Bobert PMllipe, Edward L. Bjrne. Dan U Borden, H. L. Button. B. K. Craig. 8. M. Corbett, J. A. Diener. Bar Fellers, D. P. Heaiott, Ctutis L. Ball, J. B. Hooter, B, I. HnlsUer, Louis A. La Garde, W. L. Larson. Herrer 8. Moore. Bey L. Matthews, Man rloo M. Moore. It. M. Xorris. E. P. Parker, St. Clair Smith. G. Walter Smith. William 8troc(, Howard 8. Paine, W. C, Pollock. Don 8. Bathbun, asd Tom Ecanlon. CONYICTS KILLED RESISTING POSSE Two Meet Death After Es cape of Six from Prison. Joliet, 111., May SO. In the blinding storm this afternoon, while the wind was blowing a hurricane, and while It was im possible for a person to see more than fifty feet, six convicts In the State peni tentiary escaped by leaping the fence of the prison quarry. Two of the men, who made no resist ance, were captured within an hour. Later in the day one of the escaped convicts was killed while resisting arrest at Rockland. Still another met a similar fate at the hands of officers at Lock port. Two are still at large. AGED FIRE CHIEF COMMITS SUICIDE Example of Friend May Be Cause for Sadden Dpath. New Orleans, May 20. Thomas O'Con nor, chief of the New Orleans Are de partment, committed suicide by shooting himself In the head late this afternoon. Chief O'Connor was seventy-two years of age and forty-two years head of the fire department, and was the oldest fire chief In any American city of considerable size. He was a friend of Col. Henry O. Selzas, who committed suicide in New York yes terday. Like the colonel, he had been in ill health and friends believe the ex ample of the former New Orleans mil lionaire influenced him. WESTERNER SENDS $33 TO PRESIDENT Duty He Failed to Pay Swells 'Conscience .Fund. Going over the President's mall yester day, Secretnry Hilles shook from an en- elope postmarked In an Oklahoma town $33 In bills pinned to the following let ter of explanation: "My Dear Mr. President: Inclosed find a JJO bill, a 10 bill, a J2 bill, and a $1 bill I came over from Mexico a few months ago with some goods and evaded the customs officers. Now I have sold the goods Under the new tariff act the duty on them Is 40 per cent. This makes the duty amount to $33. I hope, Mr. President, that the delay has not Inconvenienced you." The $33 will be added to the conscience fund. President Taf t told Representative Nj e, of Minnesota, j esterday that he was very much impressed with the Idea of the summer home situated on a northwestern lake. Plans for this summer have been made by the President, so that he will go to Beverly, Mass., If Congress allows him the time, buthe will seriously consider spending next summer In the Middle West. The President has accepted the Invita tion to participate in the celebration in honor of Cardinal Gibbons, who on June 6 will have been a cardinal for twenty five years and a priest for fifty years. Mr. Taft also has accepted an Invitation to address the New York State bankers at Manhattan Beach on June 22. FOUR ARE RESCUED. Crew of Ship Saved from Drowning in Bough Sea. Baltimore, Md. May 20. After lumri- ing Into the Chesapeake Bay to escape tne names mat were consuming the gas oline packet Nettle A. Ruark. and fleht- lng for nearly two hours against death oy arownmg, tnree men and one boy were rescued by the crew of the steamer Florida, of the Old Bay Line, off Poplar isiana, to-day. Exhausted from battllne acalnst the waves, the rescued men vm tnn fuhi to aid their rescuers, and had to be araggea into the lifeboat of the Florida by the life savers. The packet is a total loss. After burn ing to the water's edge it sang in the bay. The rescued men nri Cant Rinrir r Hennemen, W. T. Dashleld, and . Irvln nan, seventeen years old, all of Cam bridge. Md. 1.00 Southern Railway $1.00 Suaday Excursion Fare. ashlngton. Alexandria to Bluemont and intermediate points and return, ef fective May 2$. Trains leave Washing ton 8:55 a. m. (Ltd.) and 9:15 a. m. (local). Capital ultra-fashionables were particu larly mentionea, came in xor a roasting in the report of the special committee on Sunday observance. "Smart dinners are regular Sunday oc currences at the Chevy Chase Club, and an equal number of big dinners and golf matches are given under vthex supervision of the club," read the report. , Wily real estate brokers who make free excursions to suburban districts on Sun dar to boom UmIc? botdlngs -were also rebuke!. ROYALTIES SQUABBLE WHEN KAISER DEPARTS King George anH "Geri'nmperor End"Fleasant Visit with Public Altercation in Railroad Station. Bpecial Cable to The Waahioston Ilcrald. London, May 20. An extraordinary scene, capable only of one interpreta tion, occurred at the Victoria Station thte aftenjoon on the occasion of the departure of the Kaiser. The King passed through the royal re ception room to the platform, talking heatedly with the Kaiser, emphasizing his argument by repeatedly smiting his palms severely, and so engrossed was the King in his argument that he was apparently unaware that he was within the public view. Suddenly, with an expressive gesture, the Kaiser turned away from the King and begnn talking to Lord Lonsdale. King George thereupon deliberately turned his back upon the Kaiser and commenced talking to the Duke of Con naught, without taking notice while the PEARSONS TO END LONG LIFE WORK Millionaire Has Given Away Entire Fortune. Chicago, May 2a By Wednesday of this week at the latest Dr.D. K. Pearsons, the Chicago philanthropist, will have achieved his purpose of giving, away his fortune of $6,COO,000, and will retire to the Hins dale sanitarium with an income of $6,000 a year. He was ninety-one years of age April It Not later than Wednesday he will sell, at auction his beautiful estate at Hins dale, near Chicago, all that remains of his millions, with the exception of a mea ger competency. Dr. Pearsons will occupy the brief time before the close of his career In conversa tion with a few close friends, a little reading, and much walking and watching the Institutions which he has founded or endowed. , STRANGE FATE FOLLOWS ' THREE WOMEN IN DEATH Special to' Tho WaahisEtoo Herald. Chattanooga, May 20. A pecu liar chain' of fatalities appear to be pursuing a prominent family here. Mrs. William Dorsey died" week" ago from an attack of heart failure. Yesterday Mrs. J. M. Sevls, a daughter of Mrs. Dorsey, fell dead of heart failure at exactly the , same hour as Kerjnother, and to day another daughter, Mrs. N. F. Walker, died of the same malady. The third s-death occurred at the identical hour of the other two. C A O. Xaaatata At XOOO to IM KloTXts. Reached in three'ad"a half ta-aw and a half hours.frosH WaatfMtoaCall at C. ; o. Ry. Officer nsMFlt, or B Penn. aye, for dcrlytly,teMr aa FIRST REAL SIGN OF SUMMER .:' Kaiser bid farewell to the other mem' bers of the roaI party. Without further word with King George, the Kaiser and Kaiserln entered the parlor car, while the King disdain fully continued his conversation with the Duke of Connaught. King George seemed suddenly to think better of hi position and went on board the car, bowed grae ly only once to the Kaiser and Kaiserln, without shaking hands. He then turned his back upon the Em peror and resumed his conversation with tho Duke of Connaught, and did not once look around before the train steamed out. The waiting royalties on the platform were obviously aware of the tense signifi cance, and stood around in gloomy si lence. The effect of this sinister incident was not lost on the privileged spectators within the royal Inclosure, as the King, with a gloomy face, returned to Buck ingham Palace. AYIATOR IS LOST IN CLOUD BANE Beacliey Ascends to a Great Height in Trial Trip. New Haven, May 20. Eight flights In the air, during the course of one of which Lincoln Beachey got lost In the clouds and disappeared from view for three minutes, were the events of the closing day of the first meet of the Yale Aero Club. According to Beachey, the Instrument that be took with him to register his height in the flight for height registered 3,200 'feet He was up in the air nine minutes during this flight. J. A. D. McCurdy went .up. to about 1,500 feet and covered a flre-mlle course In four minutes. In the bomb dropping contest Mc Curdy was up first and dropped his first, bomb out of range of the battle ship. The second, landed square In 'the funnel, while his 'third was ' well within the ship. Beachey,. wHo followed him, got three bombs well within the ship, his last ohe going wild. Both dropped them from about 700 feet MRS. BARNEY-HEMMICK ' EXHIBITS HER PASTELS Paris, May 20. Mrs. Barney Hetnmlck, of WasHlngton, D. C, ' Is exhibiting eighty of her! own pastels at the Devambex Gallery. Five of them are portraits ol her self, six are portraits of.her two daughters, and three of her young. husband.1 The critics speak, of. the work in the highest terms. Every person who has seen ."The Man from Home", will want to read .William Hedge's jfinarkable story; ."The -GtieM of -Honor.v- bow appearing" serially, la the National- Magazine.. Second editioa of May number now ready to snnfly ersers-wKiuw. i sen anauiaaK er ami. Queen Places Her Ban On Women's Cigarettes Landonr Mtty30,--riv-st latest decree Is that no woman cdnnected "with the court or who hopes to be invited to court shall be seen smoking clgaBettes in public. In King Edward's time women smoked over bridge tables In his presence, although Queen Alex andra never liked it but no wom an dares produce a cigarette in Queen Mary's presence. HYDROPHOBIA GERM FOUND BY DOCTOR Long-songht Bacteria Shown fo Hospital Clinic. Pittsburg, May 20. Dr. Frederick Proescher, pathologist at Allegheny Gen eral Hospital, it became known to-day. has discovered the hydrophobia microbe, for which Pasteur sought for years. He gave a brief talk on his discovery and exhibited magnified lantern slides of the germs at a clinic at "the hospital this arternoon. The clinic was attended by many-noted Eastern medical men. Dr. Proescher says he made bis dis covery from microscopic examinations of tissues from the nervous systems of dogs, cats, and horses naturally Infected with hydrophobia. LAPARRA TO EARN MONEY IN CONCERT Composer Needs Funds to Prepare New Opera. ' Paris, May 20. Raoul Laparra, the com poser of "Habonera will tour America In concert in the fell to earn- the wherewithal-for a year -residence in Japan, where he will lay the scene of his next opera, for which he has already "con tracted with the Boston Opera' House. Boston has also acquired the-new fairy tale opera, ;Blue Forest," drawn from the -stories of "Red Riding Hood." "Hop o' My Thumb," and "Sleeping Beauty." Jacques Cheneviere Is the author and Louis Aubert the composer, who emerges from a ten years struggle for recogni tion. . , LONGFLIGHTTO START , - ,' Machines Beady for Paris to', Mad rid Contest. Paris, May 20. Nine machines, includ ing -Wayman's. are officially examined and sealed to-day for the Paris to Madrid race. l The aeroplanes are' scheduled to start a S o'clock Sunday morning; -Machines can be marked up to the minute of start ing. ' , The -wind is hfgh to-night and threatens to , interfere with , the. start . tomorrow morning. 9TF?wfiy-'! -''-rr..'? l-h- .3-- . . . r - - - - 1 1, "-, . in. p- i -- - r" - - . .w-rrr ' - r- ENGINEER KILLED IN B. & 0. WRECK Train Going to Baltimore Derailed at Fourth Street and Florida Avenue Fireman Escapes Unhurt Passengers Are Badly Shaken Up. Engineer C. H. Burch, thirty-eight years old, was killed and half a hundred passengers badly shaken up when Baltimore and Ohio train. No. 14, which Jeft Union Station for Baltimore at 10:53 o'clock last night, ran into an open switch at Fourth street and Florida avenue northeast about 11 o'clock. . The engine, tender, mail car, and baggage car were derailed. IV is-supposed that Burch jumped, his body being found horribly crushed' beneath the mail car. The fireman jumped and was not hurt. The railroad officials are making an effort to have Burch's bodyi sent to an undertaking establishment, but the police are holding it for Coroner Nevitt, who has been summoned to the scene. All the passengers were transferred to another train, which was quickly made up and sent on its way to Baltimore. MRS. HORACE WYLIE SAES FOR EUROPE To Join Husband Who Eloped with Mrs. Hichborn. Mrs. Horace Wylie, wife of the "Wash lngton and New York clubman, who eloped last December with Mrs. Philip Hichborn, sailed from New York yester day for Europe. Mrs. Wylle was ac companied by her four children, Andrew, Craig, Katherine, and Margaret. According to information obtained yes terday, Wylle Is in Europe. It is under stood that Mrs. Wylle and her husband have become reconciled and will live abroad. Wylle was In Washington about t month ago. At that time he had a con' ference with his rife, and it was re ported efforts b" friends to reconcile the couple had ber unavailing. At the time jf Wylle's elopement with Mrs. Hichborn his wife was too pros trated to give out any expression of her own views In the matter. Capt. William Hopkins. U. S. M. C, brother of Mrs Wylle, met the newspaper men and made the unvarying statement that Mrs. Wylle had nothing to say regarding the report of her husband's departure. Since the occurrence -Mrs. -Wyle 'has pant. br.tline -with her .children. She has refused to participate in any social events. The report that the 'couple .will renew their marital relations Is generally accepted by their Washington friends. RELIEF COLUMN WORE IS PROBLEM Paris, May 20 Now that the relief column Is near enough to Fez that its presence is expected to effect a.uh- 3!or of the besieging tribes, the greater dif ficulty of what Is to follow th occupa tion of Fez Is being discussed. Gen. Monler, according to Le Journal, has received the strictest orders defining his mission and limiting it to delivering tho foreign colonies from danger, re- supplying food and ammunition, and con solldatlng the Maghzen's tottering power by crushing the rebellion, and further not to remain in Fez a moment longer than necessary. The programme Is to be carried out without making Muley Hefid appear In the eyes of the natives as a puppet of foreigners. No conflrmlnatlon has been received of the report sent by the Marquis Sagonzao that the elder city was already in the hands of the rebels. Sagonzac is accom panying Consul Bolsset's column from Alcazar with supplies, and Is now with in two stages from Fez. POEM LEAVES CLEW. Elopers Trace by Husband Through love Verse. Reading. Pa.. May 20. Mrs. William F-. Martin, the pretty twenty-slx-year-old wife of a Reading road official, who be came Infatuated with Howard Hahn, single, aged twenty-two years, abandon ing her husband for his love more than a week ago, was located with her com panion In Detroit, Mich. The couple became acquainted some months ago through the friendship of young Hahn for the woman's husband. Friendship soon developed Into a warmer attachment and Mrs. Martin fled, taking with her two small children. Hahn. who is poet, woed his lady love In verse, it is claimed, and it was the discovery of a stray poem left behind that put the husband on tho rlghf track after Mrs. Martin' left home. HUSBAND GIVES NOTICE OF COMING ABANDONMENT New York, May 20. Charles M. Peck, an advertising agent, has had experience in each department of matrimonial litigation! His first wife divorced him, the second had her marriage annulled, and the third one began action to-day for a separation. The third Mrs.. Peck "Is only twenty-one years of age. She says that he took her to live In Chi cago and Boston, and finally abandoned her. She submitted this letter from Peck. as evidence of her 'husband's intention: "Florence What 1 told you over the 'phone ., to-day goes. Don't Imagine that because I made a mistake"' In marrying you that I am going to support-you, for the rest of'.-yeuf life. 1 'hall not pay tw heavjr penalty, of having you r".my haute forever. DIRECT ELECTION BILL IS PASSEDs Senators Will Be Chosen by People -Through Pledges. Madison, Wis.. May 20. Wisconsin's- United States Senators hereafter win bo. elected directly by the people by, tho passage of the Hustlng bill, which waa sent to the governor for signature to day. The measure provides that candidate for tl legislature must declare whether they will support their party's choice for Senator, and It Is believed the elec tion will be accomplished. Under the measure a legislator mav re pudiate his pledge, but this event is con sidered unlikely. JUNE WEEK PLANS MADE AT ACADEMY Graduation Exercises Will Brfng Middies' Friends. Special to Tho Wiihlcgtoi HenM. Annapolis, Md., May 20. Capt John Gibbons, the new superintendent of the Naval Academy, to-day mapped out the programme of official exercises and cial festivities Incident to the graduaj tion of the first class of midshipmen. June week," as it is commonly terme In local circles, will be marked by the usual attendance of hundreds of visitors from all sections of the country, includ ing fathers and mothers, brothers, and sisters, who are ccming either to see their son or brother graduate or to visit those who belong to the lower classes. The week's festivities will begin on the morning of May 29, with the official reception to the board of visitors, and there will be a continuous round of drills and other practical exercises, with social etcnts sandwiched In between, cul minating with the "farewell ball," to the graduates, to be given on the even ing of June 2. On June 3. the midshipmen of the three lower classes will embark on tho three battle ships comprising the sum mer cruising squadron. The ships will steam out of Annapolis Roads early on me morning oi June o, on the first ete of their foreign cruise, which will cover more than 10,000 miles. STRIKE THREATENED. British Ships May Be Tied Up by Walk-out. Special to Tho Wmhlngton Herald. New York, May 2a A report from the office of the general president of the Sailors' and -Firemen's Union in London to all the principal seaports of the world calling 133.C00 men out on strike is ex pected to-morrow by the Tfew York offi cials. The strike has been talked of for eighteen months. The crew of S00 of the liner Mauretanla is expected to strike, as well as the sailors aboard some sixty other British steamers now in this port. The walk out will extend wherever there Is a British ship. KIDNAPPERS GUILTY. Abductors of "Roger's Baby Face Prison Terms. Special to The Washington Herald. Ids Vegas, N. Mex., "May 2a A Jurr in the District Court, after five minutes' deliberation, returned a verdict of guilty to-night against Joe Wiggins, the ex convict and accomplice of Will Roegrs-ln abducting Rogers' baby nephew bn March 29. Owing to the fact that there was no New Mexico statute covering kidnapping. Wiggins was tried on the charge of forcibly entering Mrs. Rogers' hcuse- The penalty Is from three to twelve years in the penitentiary. Judge Rob erts stated to-night ha would probably sentence the two kidnappers next week. SIXTH TRIAL G1AOTED. Prolonged Murder Case Renewed y- KeverMla. Dallas, My 2a For the sixth time Bur- rell Oates, charged with the, murder of Sol ATonoff in Dallas, September X, 1C has been granted a -new trial. "Though seventy-two men have passed.' Upon the case as Jurors, and seventy-one. have voted the death sentence, the ne gro escaped, by the remarkable record of I few reversals of the court .eTerWteal appeals; on .mistrials: lyrj Vmu ajM.nt fuAjMM TflMTfa MMJ ... UMWUBf, : f w "T.