-. - fS1 --""W '""V. "'"-yv 'fhs-A"" i V & - V v , 10 WANT AD BRANCHES. of THE WASHINGTON HERALD. Want Ads for The Washington Herald mar be left nt thp m.iin office. 1822 New York avenue northwest, or at any of the following branches, or may be telepnonea direct to the main offlce, and bill will be cent for the amount due. RATES: One Cent a Word f 01 Each Insertion. Minimum charre. 10c rjer dav. There Is no extra charge for ads tele pnonea. xnose left at branches ore naso at the same rate, but must be paid In advance. HERALD BRANCH OFFICES: NORTHWEST. WOODWARD & LOTHROP. Information Bureau. GOLDENBERG'S, Information Bureau. HECHT & CO.. Cashier's Offlce. PALAIS ROYAL. Information Bureau. S. KAXN, SONS & CO., Information Bureau. MODERN PHARMACY. 7th and E sts. CARPENTER & DUNIXJP. Htli anil GIrard sts. NICHOIS PHARMACY 19th St. and Pa, ave. BUTLER & FIELD. 3d and Indiana r.ve. CONCORD PHARMACY. J. E. Wood- ford. Prop., 1S1B New Hampshire ave. CHARLES C. HORNUNG. Christian! Pharmacy, sw. cor. 7th and M Bts. g M WAGNER. 1st nnd H sta. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, cor. 7th Bt and R. I. ave. and R st. F. P WELLER'S PHARMACY. SS34 M. ATKINSON'S PHARMACY, 1107 G st. ASTORIA PHARMACY. Sd nnd Osf KENESAW PRARMACY. Mount PloaT and and Irvine sts. McNULTY'S CIGAR STORE. 1295 14th 3.. TATLOE'3 PHARMACY, 9th and P BtB. DAVIS' PHARMACY Pth and S, sts. ASQUITH'S PHARMACY. ISIS l4th St. T L LEATHERWOOD. 1314 14th st STOTT & SNYDER. 13th and-O sts NEW YORK AVENUE PHARMACY. cor N. Y. ave and N. Cap. st. DAY & Co 'S PHARMACY. 5th and O. YAP.NOIJTS PHARMACY. 3401 14th St. KING'S DRUG STORE. Vermont ave. and I st. . NORTHEAST. EDWARD T. PERKINS. 401 Stanton pL C. L KRATJSE. 6th and K sts. McCHESNEY & JOACHIM. 2d and E Eta. McCHESNEY & JOACHIM. Sth and F sts. G. J GEIGER'S PHARMACY, corner 6th and B sts. CHARLES J. KUHRMANN'S PHAR MACY. Sth and East CapltoJ sts. . . BLUMER'S PHARMACY North Capitol and R eta. SOUTHWEST. V. HUGO EISENREISS. 7th and B sts. ., SOUTHEAST. BURROW'S PHARMACY 1501 Pa. ave. ROACH DRUG CO.. Sth and G sta. F P. WELLEB. Sth and I sts. GUY M. NEEEEY. 11th and C sts. BROOKLAND. CHARLES G. LENNON, 12th and New ton sts. ANACOSTIA. O B. BITOT'S PHARMACY, cor. Monroe end Jefferson sts. ALEXA NDRTA. WILLIAM P TAYLOR BIS Klnc st I0ST AND FOUND. WASHINGTON TERMINAL CO. package. 1 card case. l nag. 4 coats, B books. 1 Jacket, 3 keys, 1 pair gloves, I casting, 1 pair glasses. 1 square, 1 Pin. 2 umbrellas, 1 hat. 1 shawl, 1 screwdriver, 1 roll music. LOST LARGE AMETHYST SETTING out of watch fob. Reward If returned to 1719 19th Ft nw. 143 LOST PENDANT IN ENAMELED leaf design, set with pearls. Reward If returned to 4S. Ventosa apartments. PERSONALS. "iVORKINGMEN YOU KNOW BETTER than any one else where the shoe pinches, so If money saved is an object, bpose you select slightly used pants, 75c, $1. and up. to the best made. One price. JUSTITS OLD STAND. 619 D. MRS. ORA L. FIELD. CANARIES. Slo II ST. NW. (SECOND FLOOR). 144 WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER, Painting, Decorating. Slip Covers. CHAS. A. CARLISLE. Phona M. 4547. 809 11th st nw. 91-m,tu.th,f,s-6m LETTS OVERHAUL YOUR ELECTRIC fans for the season; all work guaranteed. M F. HARTY. 613 13th liw. 'Phone M 1593. 164 FIVE SUITS sponged and pressed. II. Ticket good until used. Metropolitan Pressing Club, 1407 N. Y. ave. M. E93L 116-6m MISS FLORENCE MORRIS, MANICUR ing. U13 14th st nw. 'Phone 3545 North. l.ti HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR worn clothing, either ladles' or gent's: Fend postal; will call. L. TARSHES. 1303 7th st nw. 'Phone North 499. ISO-tf MISS WELLS, PROFESSIONAL MANI- curlst Ouray Barber Shop, Sth and G eta, nw. Hours, 10 a, m. to 6 p. m. 56-tf MANICURING AND SHAMPOOING Mrs. Brown Van Ness. The Mllford, 623 M nw. 'Phone N. 7C59. 71-tf SPIRITUALISM. MRS. NOBBE WILL BE AT HER home 1323 11th st nw.. for readings dally from 10 to 4 o'clock. 144 Meetings Sunday, Monday. Thursday, I p. m.; message to each: dally readings. Mrs. Maltby, 933 M st nw. 'Phone N. 3942. 262 FI00RS. OLD FLOORS MADE NEW. Old floors planed and scraped to smooth surface and made new. C. H. ADAMS, 1254 GIrard st.ne. 'Phone North 172L 116-6m WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING YOU'LL WEAR BILLIKEN'8 SMILE U you have the "Acme" do your win flow, office, and house cleaning. ACME WINDOW CLEANING CO.. 921 O st nw. . Ptone Main 7159. US-tf C0TJRTLANDB. COURTLAXD5. Most desirable place for residences ta Alex. Co., Vs.; Beautiful lots, with shade, gas. new macadam road, 2 car lines, on fere: choice lots. 200. Apply to H W. FINNEY, Courtlands. Va.. or H. 43. MACKALL. Metropolitan Bank Bulidlnjtt Washington, X. C at DOINGS OF ITHB crkinisll aRRAW'fJ otaB Rc"!"l i I TW BACK INJHIP u'ual S ,1 r r tui Tiust tub ahb1 linens CANT HAVE-A. I Bn AStYI-rit-- I I I HE FIUSPISH KIWfcfc I -t-jjoxsi "PICTURES. I Vfe T?J !IVIM& 3ME I . THIS TAK6S THt CAKcM I LJTn c AVnvnr w Vrv .TIOTIV. I iMErJTi OP PICTURES, ,c thIt lS?t 1 v-558! pVA5fS ACtWN . . 5tO"0. IU. FIV THEM ONCE. ' I iJIiS C11!?0 Ov RCT J I THAT IS THE UMIT I IF TfAT I5NT I M - i VrtuLW?T BEAU, j L Vll iw wn -n I I WrCT IN THH "Q I a -"t,I H I I THE W0R5T EVBRl I I to LKBP IM"Tit?J n." nOrUS, AND W04V TOTHftl 1 HOW4B. INSTEAD 6 "V Vj " WANTED SALESMEN. SALESMEN I AM GIVING A COM plete historv of major league base ball and a co'py of the American Stage as a premium: call ad see me about It C. WT SPENCER. 117 McGlll Bldg., 8 to 10 a. m.. 4 to 5 p. m. 143 HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED DELIVERYMEN. EXPERI- enced. with automobile license. Apply immediately to .SUPERINTENDENT Woodward & Lothrop. Ho WANTED-YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE and messenger work: must not smoke cigarettes. BOX 4S, Herald office. 14j WANTED-COLORED MAN TO WORK In ctnhlo Annlv to P31 D st nw. 14a PATENTS SPECIFICATION WRITER: out-of-town corporation: state age, qualifications, experience, salary ex pected, permanent position for right man. u,iro H H. S.. Herald office. 144 WANTED TAILORS, FIRST-CLASS coat makers by tne ween, gouu uBc. Apply F. A. COCHRAN. 606 13th st. nw. 144 WANTED BOY WITH ONE OR TWO years' experience in painting. Call at 414 .Mass. ave. nw., ueiwu t uu o. . ' vPi7nrvDFRTPVf,En AT'TOMO bile salesman: state age and salary; splendid opportunity for a hustler. BOX 46. Herald onice WANTED-A FEW YOUNG MEN TO play baseball In return for tuition in business college: only good players will qualifications. Address BOX 47, Herald oiuce. . aw WANTED EVERY BOY IN WASHING ton and vicinity to Join The Washing ton Herald subscription League. Ex ceptional opportunity to earn vacation money and win valuable prizes in addi tion. 123-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers; no canvnssing. Send for particulars. 'Ma iirJJIUAXJ. locKport. IM. 1. STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. THE MILTON SCHOOL. 1403 H ST. NW. 93-Cm bXEMIURAFHEKS-StudT "oOrr prctlc! report in of lone tiperimce. SUCCESS SHORTHAND BCHOOL, HIS O st. 'Phone Main 6378. lll-Cmo HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADIES AND GIRLS, RE liable home work: steady or evening; stamping patterns $1.50 doz.; work guar anteed, lady in attendance. Call Room 215, Kenois Bldg., 11th and G. 145 MIRROR BEAUTY PARLORS. 910 F st nw. Scientific school for manl curlng; thorough course, J5 9S-d-6m WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 107 5th St. ne. WANTED TAILORST FIRST-CLASS help on coats; good wages. Apply F. A. COCHRAN. 606 13th St. nw. 144 WANTED F.VERY GIRL IN WASH ington and vicinity to Join The Wash ington Herald Subscription League. Ex ceptional opportunity to earn -vacation money and win valuable prizes in addi tion. 123-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers: no canvassing. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. N. Y. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WASTED-STAMP COLLECTIONS. U. S. and foreign. THE OLD RELIABLE STAMP STORE. 1005 7th St. nw. 145 WANTED-SELL YOUR FURNITURE to MARCUS NOTES. 416 9th st nw., and you will obtain the best results. Phone M. 5171. Established 25 years. S7-tf WANT TO BUY FURNITURE TO FUR- nish a ten-room house, all or In part? Call after 6 p. m.. 1208 H st nw. 96-6m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE PURE STOCK OF TVHITE leghorn chicks. $1.80 dozen. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE. 712 12th st nw. 149 FOR SALE HEWING MACHINE. standard automatic lift; makes both lock and chain stitch; used only 3 months cueuy. .ui xi au ue. aid PROTECT YOUR BIRDS WE HAVE bird houses for sale from 25c up. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE, 712 12th st nw. 143 STICKIEST STICKER EVER STUCK Glues furniture, glass, china, books, everything. ROYAL GLUE. 10c, c. 60c. Pints. $L Druggists'. &c myl6-tf PAPERHANGLNG. NEW YOIIK DECOICATINO CO. PAPEKHANQ- ine and paintlns; work ru&ranteed; lowest price. 512 G t nw. 'Phone IT. 2H7. 235 ROOMS PAPERED, $2 UP. SEND POS- tal for sample and estimate. CHAS. R. HYSAN, 204 E. Cap.vst 'Phono Line. 2239. WE ARE PREPARED TO DO YOUR work at once. All work guaranteed. IDEAL WALL PAPER CO., B281-Z SECOND ST. NE. 62-tf 'Phone Lincoln 3S5-y ROOMS PAPERED, $3 UP. Woodwork Painted 1 coat Free. 'Phona or write J. H. BECKWITH. 618 7th ne. oa-em UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING, CABINETMAKINa and repairs. Antique far. reproducing 1243 20th st nw. 'Phone N. K2. 2CT-d COLUMBIA, TTPHOESTERIjro CO Snerlal for 10 dava C-Qiee rrlm- nlt reupholstered and re-covered in velour or tapestry, J10.98. ZU 11th st nw. 'Phone M. 6670. W THE VAN LOONSFather ought to know who runs the house ty this time. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE SACRIFICE PRICE GOL- den & Co. stock. Apply to EUGENE E. GADDIS. 1413 G St. nw. 145 PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE. The profits from, a small commercial apple orchard will tako care of you. A few cents saved each day makes you the actual owner of an orchard any size you wish. My experts v 111 operate it for part of the crop. Send postal for booklet. C. LOUIS ALLEN, METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDING. 133,140.141,143.144 IF YOU WANT THE "MOSTEST" AND "bestest" for the "leastest." in the Printing Art give your next order to the Carpenter Printing Co.. 1315 N. Y. ave. nw. 'Phone. Main 24S3. 78-tf AUTOMOBILES. TEN HORSEPOWER STANLEY STEAMER. Good condition; combination two or four seats. Rear 1S3J G st ne. 145 SECOND-HAND CARS. RUNABOUTS, $100 TO $300. TOURING CARS. $300 TO $70L BUY NOW SAVE MONEY. SEND FOR LIST D. MILLER BROS. 'Phone N. 4170. 1105-1107 14th st nw. 37-dtf WASHINGTON AUTO SUITLY CO., AGENTd FOR FISK TIRES, 10S-d.6m 920 N. Y. ave. SACRIFICE SALE. LESS THAN 1-4 cost Thomas six-cylinder light touring car, late model; fully equipped, nickel trimmings, fine running order. Just painted, cost $3,200; sacrifice price. $730. Ask for demonstration. CARTER MOTOR CAR CORP., Hyattsville, Md. 133-tf HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR DISCARD- ed rubber tires and Inner tubes of all kinds. Write, call, or 'phone I. GLASSER & CO.. 2025 7th st. nw. 'Phone N. 3939. 111-tf AUTO REPAIRS. UKEWOOD AUTO REPAIR SHOP, Rear of 1441 Rhode Island -ave. nw. Chalmers a Specialty, cars For Hire. Haveleen OH, 40c sal. 118-Sm MOTORCYCLES. THOR MOTORCYCLES. GEORGE W. IIEAL1., AKent, 2C2 1005 Sth st. nw. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE SEVERAL GOOD WORK horses. Apply MARLOW'S COAL YARD, 216 A st ne. 149 FOR SALE 10 SECOND-HAND CAR- rlages and buggies of all kinds. A. J. STABLER. 931 D St. nw. 145 FOR SALE SIX PONIES, TRAPS, AND harness, also two good saddle horses and one good family horse. A. J. STAB- LER. 931 D st nw. 145 FAST PACING YOUNG HORSE; SOR rel; handsome, fearless, and sound, also good Concord business buggy: very rea sonable. E. F. HALL. 3d and C sts. ne. 143 28 HORSES JUST FROM VIRGINIA, among them are. heavy draft, delivery wagon norses, one pair carriage horses, one match team of blacks. RECKEWEG'S STABLES, Rear 625 D st nw. 'Phone M. 2168. 146 rOR SALE GOOD CARRIAGE CHEAP. 611 H st. nw. 143 FOR HIRE RIDING AND DRIVING horses. 'Phone M. 1860. WEST END STABLES. 809 19th st 146 SELLING OUT EXPRESS AND GRO cery wagons, buggies, runabouts, sur reys. Full teams furnished at wholesale prices to retail buyers. GANTZ. 1206 D st nw. 21-tf MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN LET US MAKE your new loans or replace old ones at lowest rates of Interest All transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st nw. . 68tf MONEY TO LOAN ON D. C. REAL estate Lowest rates of Interest Pay ments on principal in amounts of fioo or more received at any interest period. THE F. H. SMITH CO.. Bond Building. 1408 N. Y. ave. 21-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED city real estate at lowest current rates of interest: special privileges with respect to prior payment.. TYLER & RUTHER FORD. Inc.. 730 15th st nw. 63-tf UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED. M. II. PIIILP1TT. RELIABLE UMBRELLA AND Paraaol Maker. Btpairlng and re-cmring. CraTenette, gloria, and aUk. JL 901 E at nw. UC-trn INFORMATION BUREAU. POTOMAC RENTAL BUREAU. Rooms 902-904 District National Bank Bldg., 1406 G st nw., Washington, D. C 166 VACUUM" CLEANING MACHINES. Brglna, Diamond. Richmond, Mule. DnaUer, Hoorer, all other makea; aold and repaired; frea drmocitratlon; price, $5 to ViSS, cash or time. Mala 4158. NATIONAL. Cth and D nw.- JU TRUNK REPAIRING. TRUNK and HARNESS repairing. Call M. 5941 or drop postal. W. FRED GEYER, 30T 10th st nw. Quick work. Moderate prices. - ' 144 COLLECTIONS. LAW COLLECTIONS..AJN-YTHINGANT where. Personal call on all accounts. E. W. BRIGGS CO., Bead Bids;. .Si-Cm BEAUTIFUL. THIS AD, WITH -Kc. ENTITLESYOU TO 6 -BEAUTIFUL POSTALS. . ' BROOKS'. STUDIO. n PA. .AVK. "NW. e S THE WASHINGTON HEKAID, TUESDAY, FURNISHED ROOMS. 210 fi'ST. NW. Exceptionally well kept bom( large rool r'eoma; southern exposure; L. K. II. IteOneil ndulta only; gentlemen pre ferred! near Unloa Station; goxrnmint depnrtiiienta. 154 IF YOU WANT YOUR ROOMS RENT ed, list with tho POTOMAC RENTAL BUREAU, Rctoms 902-904. District Na tional Bank Bldg.. 1406 G St. nw. 166 SUBURBAN-GEORGIA POINT. TEJs nallytown; large cool rooms: home cqpforts; adults only. 'Phone Clev. C15. my23,eod,30t MOST HELPFUL. Cream butternfllk. MARYLAND QUICK LUNLH. KvS Pa. ave. 21S 2D ST SE.-TWO COMMUNICATING furnished rooms; suitable for light housekeeping; near Capitol and Library; reasonable 145 LEFT SIDE" DOWN. NOSE AT RIGHT shoulder. 226 4TH NE. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, with private family; corner Maryland ave., facing Stanton Park; near two car lines. 143 226 NEW JERSEY AVE. NW-LARGE, newly furnished front rooms; near Congressional Library; porcelain bath; summer rates. 143 12PS PA. AVE. NW. HOTEL WEST New; European; reasonable: near P. O.; rates to permanents. 146 615 E. CAP. ST NICELY FURNISHED front hall room. $5 per month. 145 330 2D ST. NW. NICELY FURNISHED communicating rooms, nar Pension and Census offices and Union Station. 144 WE HAVE JUST THE ROOM OR place you want. Our services cost you nothing; the one who has the room to rent nays lis. ROOM AND BOAJtD BUREAU. 1301 G st n-v., room 32. 'Phone Mala 2752. 184 ATLANTIC CITY. TO REFINED ADULTS ATTRACTIVE ly furnlhed 3 ooms, bath, other rooms; select neighborhood, near Board walk. S South Vermont ave. 141.143.143 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 125 E ST. NE. ENTIRE FLOOR OF three rooms anJ bath, adults; excel lent locality: reasonable. 145 814 irPU ST. NW. FOR RSNT UNFUR- nlshed, one second rtory back room and one third floor hall room. 115 520 3D ST. NW. SEVERAL NICE large communicating rooms; fine lo cality; near1 Pension, and Census offices. ROOM AND BOARD. CUTLER HOUSE, 1003-07 13TH ST. NW. Single rooms, with board, $23 and $30; double rooms, $30 and $60. 143 "OAKMONT," 3800 14TH ST. Ex tended Large rooms, board; porches, extensive grounds, forest trees, garden, stable; tennis. 'Phone Columbia 2327. 143 MODEL LODGING HOUSE FOR GIRLS at 2506, K st nw.. Is now. open; rates, single room from $2.25 to $6 per .week: double room, $4 and $4 30 per week per person. These rates Include board. 146 BOARDERS WANTED. WASTE D SUMMER BOARDERS. MRS. JAMES RODGERS, Rlchards vllle, Va. 143 WANTED ROOMS. IP YOU WANT YOUR ROOMS RENT- ed, list with us. POTOMAC RENTAL BUREAU. Rooms 902-901, District Na- tlonal Bank Bldg.. 1406 G st nw. 166 FOR RENT APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS OF 1 TO 5 ROOMS; cool and airy, with all exposures; In new flrenpoof building; near cars. These cpartnvnw aro well finished. Rents free to Sept L JAMES FRASER, 1320 New YobIi Ave. Tel. Main 593. my23-tf WE HAVE SOME DESIRABLE FUR nished and unfurnished apartments and houses for rent at summer prices. See us for particulars and terms. GARDINER & DENT. INC. 141-eod-3t 812 14th st. THE NEW LOGAN, 13TH AND IOWA CIRCLE. BEST RATES FOR BOTH ROOMS AND CAFE. 72d26t FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT AND bath; modern conveniences; ia per month. 609 Newton place nw. 143 ATTRACTIVE SMALL APARTMENTS. 2145 N st nw. Parlor floor, two Jarge rooms; bay window; elegantly decorated; with kitchenette or wjth basement kitchen if desired. $2! Second fioortwo similar rooms, with alcove. $22.60 Third floor, three rooms, private bath, $22-0. H. M. TAYLOR. 617 14th st FOR RENTSTORES 1105 N st nw $40.00 1503 N. Capitol st. ne JO.oO 1120 9th st nw 25.00 215 4 st nw 18-M 1121 Florida ave. neA -a0 Be. cor. 4th and W sts. nw 7.00 Rent list on application. A. S. CAYWOOD, 915 N. Y. ave. nw. 143 - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT-BLACKSMITH SHOP. AP- piy room S3 uxioru xnue-, " "" n: Y. Ave. , N "3 FOR RENT DESK ROOM. DESK ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. AP ply 904, District National Bank Bldg;. 143-tf WASHINGTON HOTELS. BOTKI. THTSOS. H SEVENTH AND P STREETS NW. 'Phone ;N. JOB. THOS ajmnun.i arrwp. 1CAY 23, 1911. FOR RENT HOUSES. 217 H st nw., 8 r., b a. m. 1., side lawn $30.50 2417 Mt. Pleasant st. 6 r., b.. furnace heat 32.60 1321 Q st. nw., 11 r., b., hot water heat 43.80 2021 Q st nw., partly furnished, by year (summer reduction) 70.00 E. B. TOWNSEND & CO., 1413 H st. nw. 'Phone M. 1432. myl3,14.1.lS.20,21,23. 25,27,28,29,30.31 KOIt ltENT- WZ Kraemer ne. 5r..$10B! 212 rar.t.. 1. Citr. 7rl0 TO Col. rd. mr. 6r... 12.50 IS Protldnsce. Iry Citr. 7r. $10.50 ICt Corcoran, Iry Citr. Br 18 50 13 John. Anc. 7r..... 10.00 K niagden aL nw. tr 9.50 17 Col. ter. nw.. 4r... 8.50 ji.' LTanaau row nw, 4r.... Xa rt w. 4r 73! 19th ne. 5r 153 Sheridan ate. 715 Pleas, al. aw. 4r.. 7.50 Ancoti.i. 6r &50J103 ISth nt. n. 3r. 12C Knwlton ct iw. IO Sheridan are. An aemia. 5r .' 1234 lt w. ir 1233 Knowlton ct sw. 3r w.. 7.WI 234 Drapers alley w. r... 1003 Fla. aTe ne. 6r 23.50 lSll Kraemer ne. St.. 9 SOI Kent list on application. A. S. CAYWOOD. IU OIS X. Y. are. nw. FOR RENT-6 AND 8 ROOM HOUSES In nioomlngdale, near North Capitol St.; cheap to good tenants. W. J. FRIZ- ZELL. 42 V nw. - 131-tf UNFURNISHED. FOR RENT NEAR 6TH AND M STS. nw., 11 rooms and 3 baths, hot-water heat $52.50. 38 V st. nw., 8 a & b.; furnace $32.5) 130 Fla. ave. nw.. 6 r. & b 23.50 182T 6th st nw.. 6 r. & b 22.50 726 13th st. ne., 7 r. & b 20.50 716 R. I. ave. nw.. 6 r. & w 17.50 15-17 C st. Be- 6 r. & b 16.00 1643 Gales st. ne.. 6 r. & w 14.50 FLATS. 214 7th st ne.. Tnetjulse, 5 r. & b.: all outside rooms; hot water $26.50 414 R st. nw.. 5 r. & b.; all outside rooms; summer rent....' 20.00 1647!6 Gales st. ne., 4 r. & b 13.50 CLIFFORD A. BORDEN CO., 601 Fifth street N. W. 140.1-.2.143 FOR SALE HOUSES. 1011 B ST. NE. LARGE SEVEN-ROOM house; furnace heat, modern bath, big back yard, with grape arbor and shade tree; no reasonable offer refused. 145 BIG CHANCE FOR COLORED BUYER. $4,500 Home For $3,225. S-room frame house. In select nw. section: all modern Improvements; one block from car line. This Property Must Be Sold. IF YOU WANT A HOME IF YOU WANT AX INVESTMENT SEE ME AT ONCE. Terms, $500 Cash, Balance, $25 Per Month. HARRY E. GLADMAN, 306 Pa. ave. Be. 141-tf FOR SALE ON 15TH ST.. SOUTH OF S, A very desirable 3-story and cellar brick, 10 rooms and modern bath. FURNACE HEAT. First floor kitchen. HOUSE JUST PUT IN GOOD ORDER. Has rented steadily for $45 mo. Owner wishing to make a quick sale, has made a substantial cut In price. B. L. RUST, 1400 H at. aw. 120-tf FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS! FARMS'. FARMS! VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. Country Property of Every Description. My New Catalogue Is Free. J. W. LATHAM. Evans Building. 1420 N. T. ave. 131d-tf ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. ARTHUR F. CARROLL "THE LIVE WIRE MAN 1226 H ST. NW. MAXN'GSL 289 MOVING, PACKING, & STORING. GET OUR ESTIMATE8 ON ABSOLUTE ly fireproof storage. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-420 10th st nw. 'Phona Main 4229. lTMt FURNITURE. BAGGAGE. PIANOS. a moved with care; packing and ahiiplng a specialty. KRIEG'SEXPRESS. 1224 TT nt nw. 'Phone Main 2010. O-tf MEDICAL. DR. SHADE, SPECIALIST. FORTT YEARS' PRACTICE TREATTJCQ STOMACH AND NERVOUS DISEA8ES. Special aad private ailments of both sexes cured promptly. Consultation free. Hours, 10 to 1 and 3 to 6:30, Sundays. 10 to 1L 723 18th at nw. , 77-lf DR. FISK ELGIN. EXPERT IN TREAT ment of special diseases, chronic and acute. Males only. Consultations confi dential. Medicine furnished. Prices mod erate. Corner 14th and Pa. ave. nw. 'Phone M. 7647. Offlce hours, to L S toa, SKmo DR. r Specialist. 804 17th rt Twenty-seven years successful practice In diseases or the Brain and Nervous System. Skin. Blood. Heart. Stomach. Liver. ) Kidneys. Bladder Nose. Throat, and. Lungs. Stricture, varicocele, and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No loss of time. Blood Diseases and Disorders ct the Urinary organs promptly relieved and ptrmaaenuy cured by safe methods. Phaxges low. Free consultation in person or by lettet Hours. 10 to 1 and S to. Sundays. 10 to 1. l-tf HERB SPECIALIST. WE MANUFACTURE A SPECIAL UNB O bexVrenediea, tea ran teed to coram-itUwe aaV U. A, LOUIS 4k SOKif, BS U ttvaar. FOR SALE SUBURBAN. THREE TEN -ACRE LOTS, ONE square from station; splendid neighbor hood; If sold at once, $250 PER ACRE. 107 acres, station on property; large bungalow, with bath, ONLY $7,500. Lots. Acreage, and Farms. H. C. MACKALL, ROOM 209, Metropolitan Bank Bldg. 145 WE HAVE 5 ATTRACTIVE DE tached homes now being erected In "Fourteenth Street Terrace"; for sale, containing from 7 to 9 rooms, bath, attic, and cellar; hot water heat, wide lots: only 23 minutes to Treasury Department on the 14th st cars. Full particulars upon application. ROBERT E. HEAT ER, 411-413 Colorado Bldg. 'Phone Main 1064-1065. 145 COME TO MY BRANCH OFFICE. CON gress Heights, any afternoon, Sunday Included, for bargains, acreage, lots, houses, rent or sale: easy terms: VA acres with 6 r. h.. $1,850; 1 car fare; see these snaps and be convinced. J. JEROME LIGHTFOOT. 1404-H st nw. Branch Offlce (opposite school). Congress Heights, 144 FOR SALE TO RELIABLE COLORED family, nice six-room house with two acres of ground, outbuildings. &c; near United States government aviation grounds; $50 cash; balance In monthly payments same as rent; don't delay. JOHN J. KLEINER & CO.. 602 F st nw. 143 3lY ACREAGE AND IMPROVED properties will interest you. JOHN HARRIS. Cherrydale, Va. 141.143.145 FOR SALE SUBURBAN SUBURB ANt DID YOU SAY BUNGALOW? COT tage 1H story or 2 story 3, 4. 5. or 6 rooms. I have any you want from $600 up. Including lots: cash payment to suit; also terms to suit 6c CAR FARE (6 Tickets, 25c). 0. B. ZANTZLNGER, 134-tf 908 G ST. NW. STOVE HOSPITAL. REPAIRS STOVES. REFRIGERATORS. ICE 'Boxes, Antnraobile Lamp; roof painting and re pairing. Don't forget those tte:l and Iron ranges. Perfection oil and gas stores. Cash or credit W. L. COGSWELL, 015 4 12 at. aw. 'Phona M. 29T1. 160 REFRIGERATORS & ICEBOXES. McCRAY REFRIGERATORS And Cooling Rooms are the best made. McCRAY REFRIGERATOR CO 611 F st nw. LAMPS REPAIRED. The only place in town to have your auto lamps and radiator repaired. MOORE & CO., 90S John Marshall Place. 223 ANTIQUE FURNITURE. M. LEGAL. ANTIQUE FURNITURE REPRODUCED. REPAIRING. 611 L ST. NW. 'PHONE N. 859-y. mhlS-Jm PROPOSALS. UNITED STATES SENATE. WASHINGTON. D. C. Sealed proposal for tha following fuel for the United States Senate for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. will be recelred at the offlce of the Sergeant-at-arms of the United States Senate until 12 o'clock noon, on uie STH DAY OF JUNE, ml. aad at that hour opened in tha presence of thoee bidden who elect to be present. tIi: 303 tons, more or less, best extra bard white ash anthracite coal, large fornace size; 25 tons, more or less, same coal, store sixe; 23 tons, more or less, same coal, ehestnnt slae; 1.000 tmsbels, more or les. best bard wood cbarcoal; 40 cords, more or less, best hick ory wood 16-lnch length; X cords, more or less, best split pine wood. 4-foot lengths. Arptr at the offlce of the Seagesnt-at-arma for fnrtber informa tion. D. M. RAN8DELL. Serfeant-at-arms. U. S. Senate. mjl6.23,30.Je8 OFFICE OF TUB COMMISSIONERS OF THE District of Columbia. Washington. D. C, May 2. 1S1L Sealed proposals will be receired at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., JUNE I. WU. for farnishtn twelre horse for o in the street cleaning depart ment this citr. Form of proposal, specifications, and all necessary Information may be obtained open ap rUcaUoo to the Property Clerk. D. C Rra.3? District Huilding. CUNO H. RUDOLPH. JOHN A. JOHNSTON. WILLIAM V. JUDSON. ttxnmisslon- rrs. D. a myg-3t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS. D. a. Mar 3). MIL Scaled proposal will be recdTed at tils offlce untR 1p.m. JUNE 5, 1911, for th. con struction of sewer in the District of Columbia. Specifications, fcrrn cf proposal, and necessary in formation may be obtained from the Chief Clerk, EBatneer Deportment. Room 427. District Building. Washington. D. a OUNO H. RUDOLPH, JOHN A JOHNSTON. WILLIAM V. JUDSON. Commjj .ioner. D. a TiMst UNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICK. KD Serenteenth street northwest Washington. D. C April S. 1911. Sealed proposal for furnishing and delUering 3,030 tons, more or less, of bituminous coal wtU be recelred here until 12 m.. MAY S. MIL and then publicly opened. Informiuoo' oo aprJicaUoc W. C LANOFTTT. Lt Col. lagrs. n3BJS3T8jay234 PROPOSALS FOR 8UPPLIEB.-HEADQUAR-ter. U. 8. Soldiers: Home-, Washington. D. a. May IT, ML Sealed proposal? win be receired at tsli offlce until two (2) p..-nU THURSDAY. June I. ltll, and then publicly opened, for furnishing fresh and salt meats, flour tod itandard groceries, during tha fiscal year ending June. 3. 1312. Toe right l raserred to reject any-d all bM. For stlmliilr sptesSatlccsw tod tether-Information ap--ely to Capt Hi C. CLARK. U. 8. Amy. Treaeuter. DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE. ONLY UP-TO-DATE FULL DRESS and tuxedo suits for hire. M. T. PIMES, Merchant Tailor, 1006 7th st nw. 282 MESSENGERS. 5-CENT MESSENGER SERVICE 14TH and N. Y. ave. nw. 'Phone M. 2072. Room 214. Oxford Building. 113-6m LEGAL NOTICES. E. H. THOMAS AND A. B. DUVALL. Attomej. IN THE SUPREME COURT OTHE DISTRICT of Columbia, holdiv District Court. In re Opening of an Alley in Square No. 2S2T. In tha District of Columbia. District Court, No. 961 Notice is hereby giien that the Commissioners cf the District of Columbia, pursuant to tho pro-, Tlsions of Sections 1606 et sea. of the Code of Laws of the District of Columbia hare filed a petition In this court praying the condemnation of the land necessary for the opening of an alley in Square No, "Hjg (bounded by Twenty-third street, Kalorama. road. Connecticut arenue. and Wyoming areune) In the District of Columbia, as shorn oo a plat ct map filed with the said petition as pux thereof, and praying also that a Jury of fire judicious, disinterested men. not related to any person interested in these proceedings and not In tha serrlce or employment cf the District of Cote fcgua or of the United states, bo tum- monad l y the United States Marshal for tha District of Columbia to asses the damages each owner cf land to be taken may'sustaln by reasoj of the opening of an aUcy la Square No. 2327. and the condemnation of the lard necessary for the purposes thereof, and to assess tha benefit resulting therefrom, lncludjcc the expenses cf these prcceedtngs. as prorlded for In and by the afqsp- sud coda of laws. It is, by tne court this 3d day of May, A. D. 1911. osdered, that all r sons baring any interest in these proceediegs be. and they are hereby, warned and commanded to arvar in thjj court or before .the STH DAY OF JUKE, A. D. 1911. at 10 o'clock a. m,. and , continue In attendaxpa until tha court shiU hare mad; its final order ratifying and confirming the award of . damages and the assessment of bens' fits of the jury to be impaneled and sworn herein: and lt is further, ordered, that a, copy 'of this notice and order be published onne in. tha Washington Law Reporter and once la the? Vash ington Erening Star, The Washington, HeraH. the Washington Times, and tie Washington Post. newspapers. published In tho said District, bitfore the said 9th day of June. A. D. 1311. Iti further ordered, that a copy of this nqtJca and crder be serred by tha United States Marshal. or bis deoities. upon such, ct the owners of the fea of the land to be condemned herein as may be found by the said marshal, or bis deputies, wlthia the District of Columbia, before the said 9ux day of June. A. D. 1911. By the court: HARRY M. CLABAUGH. Chief Justice. A true copy. Test! ' (Seal.) J. R. YOUXG. Clerk. By F. E. CUNNING HAM. Assistant Clerk. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF Co lumbia, holding Probate Court Estate of Bridget Hunt, deceased. No. 1E045. Administration Docket. Application baring been rce herein fcr probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for letters testamentary on said estar, by Max Craft, lt Is ordered this Kd day of May. A. D. 191L that the unknown heirs-at-law and next of kin. and aU others concerned, a-jpear in said court en MONDAY, the 3d day of July, A. D. 1911. at 10 o'clock a. m., to show causa why such application should not bo granted. Let notice hereof be published in tha Washington Law Reporter and Tha Washington Herald once in each of three successiTe weeks before the return day herein" mentioned, the first publica tion to be not lcs than thirty days before said r turn day. ASHLEY 31. GOULD. Justice. Attest: (Seal.) JAMES TANNER. Register of Wills for tha District of Columbia. Cleric of tho Probate Court. WILLIAM B. REILLY. Attorney. my3J0-Je6 RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. N. B. Following schedule figures published only f as Information anoVare not guaranteed. For Atlanta. Birmingham. Mobile. New Orleans, Ashe-ille. i a. m. nd 10:13 p. m. For Chattanooga and Memphis. 9fO a. m. dally. Dining cars. For Roanoke, Knoxrille, Chattanooga. Birming ham, New Orleans. 10 30 p. m. Dining cars. For Roanoke. KnaxTills. Chattanooga, Nashrille. Memphis. 4:10 a. m. Jails; (Sleeping car open after For Charlotte. Spartanburg. Atlanta, Anniston. 1 Birmingham. 4:15 p, m. dally. Dinlng'cars. For Greensboro. Durham. Raleigh, Charlotte. Co lumbia, (.nariestca, Alien. Augusta, tjaransah. JacksocTille, and Florida points, tS p. m. daily. Dining cars. L. S. BROWN. General Agrnt NORFOLK & WESTERN RWY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 11. 191L Leara Washington, New Union Station. tiO a. m. Dally AU point on Norfolk and West 10 at) pr"m.Dany Roanoke, Bristol. Winston-Salem. Knoxrille. Chattanooga. Nashrille, New Or leans. Through Sleerer. Dining Car. 1:10 t. m. For Bristol. Knox-rllle, Chattanooga. Nashrille. and Memphis. Waabington-Mrmpoli sleeper open 10 p m. For Norfolk Leare Washington. 433 a. m. dally, arrlTC Norfolk. 1120 a. m.; 12:01 noon dally, antra Norfolk. 520 p. m. weekdays. Leare Richmond, dally, 4:10 p. m., antra Norfolk, 7:39 p. m. Leare Richmond saO a. m. and 70 p. m. Sundays only. 3:15 p. m-Dally Berryrille. Luray, Shenandoah. Train from the Southwest arrire till a. m., 10 JO p. m., and 12:15 a. m. AU Information Fourteenth street and New York). arenas (Bond Bunding). BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. tEAVE UNION STATION. ROTAL BLUE LINE "EVERY OTHER HOUR ON THE ODD HOCR." TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. NEW YORK TERMINALS. LIBERTY STREET and W TWENTY-THIRD STREET. Trl WHO (Royal Special. 5 hours). S9x fRoral Special). llfl) a. m., 1. SsXJ IJioyal Limited. I hours). SSP. 3fl iv m. ajrf 12a5"nlght 232 a. m. Diner and Parlor Cr on day trara. Sleeper co 12dJ night open at 111:00 p. m- Phlladelphla and Atlantic City. ff:0O. J0), r1M . to.. 1H0. JflO. tl P- m. TO BALTIMORE. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR." (Week days. 7:00 a. m. to 10:00 p. a.) 232. t5J. t30. ItOO. 73). :. -sflO. 9S0. tsao, 10:00. lla - m.. 12fl noon. 112:03. ISO, lluS. T2.0. 3m. 1320. 320. tlaXJ. 14:45. -5 SO. 4 tiitj. 520. ta. "920. pao. ao. pao, ioso.- S0. 1130, 12a5 night WESTWARD. CHICAGO. 9a0 . m.. 125. S20 p. m. , CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. AND LOUISYILLaV 9:10 a. m.. MJ0 p. m.. Ua3 night PlTTSBURa. "9a0 a. m.. 125. 900 p. to., 1I.-40 night (Sleeper ready 10 p. m.) CLEVELAND. 9M p. m. COLUMBUS, 131 P ax. WHEELINO. -)a0 B. m., y30 p. m. Schedules of local trains at ticket offlces. DUy. tExcert Sunday. JSuny only. TELEPHONES at following Ticket Offices: ICT G St. nw.. Main 1531; i3 rsscfylranla arsv. jtata aJ; Union Station offlo. Mala nt. CHESAPEAKE & OHIO LINES.. Published enly a Information, not guaranteed. 4930 p. m. dally C O. SPECIAL. Solid trata to CindncaU, with PuUman sleepers to LouiirUI. ancinnati; lndUnapolis. St Louis, and Chicago. OtsrO, dining ear, terries a la carter . 1104 P. m. dally-F. F. V. LIMITED to the West. Southwest, and Northwest Pultmaa sleeper, to Virginia Hot Spring. ClncJpnaU. and LoulsrUla. ' CtedBsaU sleeper open for occupancy 1 p. as. C k O. djpinc cat. serrie a U carts. u tu are., umw ac. m usasai . Isala Ml, sbjs. aaa im. t xu-am, . vv c f J'i,f' ft&.. -. ,;. "-S --- - J-- . - oS-? '-r ii.. -v nwr "- ' 1-" .