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vntaJMwM4&P 'VWffglg" fa?i53?5S!?RS 'V?irV?VSl IP" 7 -"l i. "Tr I TEE ,WASHI5GT0N' HEBALD, TUESDAY, HAY 23, 1911. n WALL STREET NEWS American Tobacco Stocks Eise on Court Rumor. CAKNEaiE TO TELL SECEETS CongrMiIonnl Investlsatlozi of tho Steel Trait Starts Selling Trust Shares Reach Higli Marie on Cnrb. Iiusldc Inforniatlon May Come to Officer Stanley Hearing: to Start. Dy THOMAS C. SIIOTWELL. New York, May 22. Although stocks were strong throughout the session to day In Wall street, they showed small net advances at the close of the day. The fact that the Congressional Investi gation of tho steel trust will start to-day started some selling. Besides, there was rather liberal profit-taking, and whllo public buying was generous, stocks could bo had In liberal volume. The market acts as though tho really big people had sold enough on tho ad vance of the past week to put them in "funds to prevent any reaction of Import ance. That there will be no reactions is the expressed belief of tho people who are making the market. Should any fur ther reaction take place to-day as a re sult of the Congressional Investigation, It will be taken advantage of to pick up bargains. American Tobacco was active on the curb, and sold up to 510. This is within three points of tho highest price eve touched. The advance was due to confi dence on tho part of tho insiders, that even should the Supreme Court decide against the company next Monday the decree will be modified so as to be com mercially harmless. The decree against the American To bacco Company in the lower court is be ginning to attract considerable attention in the business world, because it contains the very theory of reasonableness on which the decision in the oil case hinged. The lower court in deciding against the company said, in referring to the con stituent concerns that are charged with conspiracy, that "if any of said last named defendants can hereafter conflrm atlvely show the restoration of reason ably competitie conditions, such defend ant may apply to this court for a modifi cation, suspension, or dissolution of thu Injunction herein granted against it." This shows that the doctrine of reason ableness was not invented by Chief Jus tice White, and it is generally believed that the tobacco company will be able to show that it has restored a condition 01 reasonable restraint of trade. Carnegie to Testify. The Stanley hearing will, of course, be the important thing tomorrow and for several days, especlallv a Andrew Car negie has kindly volunteered to tell all he knows regarding the steel trust. Mr. Carnegie's conduct the past year has been such as to lead a careful observer to conclude that he would like some thing done to the steel trust that would let him teize the property in exchange for his bends. Persons close to J. P. Morgan private ly express the hope that this investiga tion will show Mr Carnegie in his true light, as well as prove to the public tho inntrinslc value of steel. It is also like ly to prove that the government, in spite of its many investigations, has been un able to find anything to Justify prosecu tion of the trust Conclusion of the in e"tigation is expected to leave the steel trust with its innocence widely adver tised and Its value offlclallj determined by Congressional decree. This will en courage lmestment buying of the stock. Heaons for the strength of Rock Island specialties were the expressed intention of increasing the dividend on preferred 6 per cents In October and the build ing of some Mexican extensions to the Rock Island system by the Phelpa-Dodgo interests. Announcement of peace In Mexico was the Immediate cause ot the strength of Rock Island preferred, as" peace Is essential to the development of the company s plans. Chesapeake and Ohio has been accu mulated In considerable volume recent ly without any specific reason being given. The stock Is cheap and should do better. Even the copper situation looks brighter. It could not be worse, but the bright future is that there is a dis position among the great copper mag nates to get together and work for the upbuilding of the industry. Instead of continuing the wild policy of destroying It by limiting the production. The United Metal Selling Company has been rescued from the golf-playing management. In whose hands It lan guished for so many years. All that Is needed is a responsible man on whom all interests can unite as the head of a big combination. NEW YOBS STOCK MAEKET. Quotations furnished by W. B.Hibba & Co.. mem bers ot the New York Stock Exchange, Hibbs Build- ta- Call money: Open, VA; high, IS; low, ; dose, 2S. BALE OF SHAKES BY. HOOES: Shirrs to 11 a. m 35,300 Shares to 1 p. m. 433,30 Shares to 3 p, m. &. Shares to 3 p. xa 576,300 RAILROADS. Open, High. Loir. Close. Atch., T. i S, F. com.... UT 113H Atch.. T. &3. Fe pfd.... lOtti Atlantic Coast Line. 12SM Baltimore & Ohio com 106s. Brooklyn Rapid Transit.... 80V Pan ad Ian Pacific... 3i Chesapeake & Ohio.. ..... fiH Chic. Great West. com.... ZT Chic., M. & Er. P. com... IS Chic. & X. W. com. HSH DeL 4 Hudson . IWi Den. & Hk G. com. XV, Den. & Rio G. pfd . 67 Ena com 33 Erie 1st pfd. S0H Erie 3d pfd 40H Great Northern pfd.. ...... V3H Illinois Central 140 Inter. Metro, com. 157 Inter. Metro, pfd SPi Kan. City South, com...- 314 LouisTille & KashrlUe. Ii3 Mexican Central ctfs.". 31lt Mo., Kan. 4. Tex. ccm.... ZSM M.. S. P. & S. S. M. com. 1384 Missouri Piciflo. Sltt N. Y. C. & H. R 108S N. Y Ont. & West 434 Norfolk i. Western 10SS Northern Pacific 1S4 Pennsylvania 123 Reading com lKfii, Rock Island com 33H Rock Island pfd 63 SU U i S. F. 3d pfd iZH Southern Pacific com 1194 Southern Ry. com SJj Southern Ry. pfd 63 Texas & Pacific 33 Third Arenue 11H T.. St. L. i W. com. 21 T.. St. L. & W. pfd 50 Union Pacific com 1M4 Union Pacific pfd Wabash com 16" Wabash pfd 33 Lehigh Valley 1794 INDUSTRIALS. 1M 12) lVi 614 2344 83 324 125H 1484 174 31 67 33 CI 414 1304 140 354 1U 31 35H 133S 51 109 434 106 13 1ZJ-S 1(1 334 634 13 11S 6SH 33 12 : 51 1834 95 174 3S ISHi 104 123 106 804 3334 SJ4 a 1244 148 174 304 67 33 504 404 133 143 18 524 33 143 31 33 133 50 103 434 106 12S 12T4 160 VTA im, 1134 104 1354 106 80S 333 82 32 125 1S4 174 304 67 S3 51 41 129 143 IS 63 334 1484 31 33 13S M4 108 434 108 123 122 1604 334 C5 33 2? 35 12 32 51 134 95 11 31 50 184 96 16 1794 179 FINANCEAMD REALTY Yesterday's was a dull session of the exchange. Interest was as limp. In most lines, as the collars of the brokers. The trading was confined mostly to public utility and Gas stocks with one Insur ance stock figuring. Quotations remained at practically the same levels as on Saturday. Washington Cava Advances. Washington Gas made a slight return from the regression of last week, its boosters fighting quietly to make good their predictions of a return to the former high figures. A fractional gain was all that could be attended yesterday. however. A total of 175 shares was sold at 89ft. Georgetown Gas . Figures. Georgetown Gas, whlclv.bas been close ly watched for weeks with, but little trad ing, figured In tha sales recorded. One block of twenty-five shares sold at Soli. Bonds in Demand. In comparison to the stock list, the bond market was brisk. Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Ca returned to the sales record at the bid price of Saturday. $1,100 worth selling at 104. Other bond sales were Capital Traction 6s at 112; Railway 4s at 84 and S4H, Poto- mao Con. 5s at par, and fotomao Elec tric 6s at 10 To Bulla Apartment. Miller & Kopp have been granted a permit for the erection of a four-story brick and steel apartment bouse at 62 Qulncy street. The plans are by N. R. Grimm and the Melton Construction Company will build. Tho new apartment house will cost about $00,000. Sale In Ttrelfth Street. Daniel Loughran has purchased tho four-story store and apartment building at SOS Twelfth street northwest. The sale was made through tho offlco of Lle berman & Hawn. The price is not an nounced but Is believed to have been In the neighborhood of oO.OOO. Tho build ing is on a lot 23 by 100 feet, and the first story is used as a store. Wnrdman Home Sold. The two-story brick, six room dwelling 605 Lamont street northwest, has been sold through tho real estate office of Shannon & Luchs to Gordon Payne, who will occupy tho property. This Is one of a row recently built by Harry Ward- man. Tho consideration was J,iou. WASHINGTON" STOCK MAEKET. Amalgamated Copper 67: Am. Ilect Sugar com 49 Am. Can com 11 Am. Can pfd 86 Am. Car A, Fdy. com 55 Am. Car & Fdy. pfd. 113 Am. Cutton Oil oca. 514 Am. lea Securities. 32 Am. Locomotlro com 42 Am. Locomotive, rfd 103 Am. SmelUne S. Kef. com. 80 Am. Smelting & Hcf. pfd.. 106 Am. Sugar Ref. com 119 Am. Sugar Ref. pfd 119 67 49 12 ES4 57 119 514 65 67 49 55 119 42 PAWNBROKERS. MONEY TO LOAN ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. LOUIS ABRAHAMS, MOVED TO Mi Q ST. NV7. 2GG-6mo AUCTION SALES. C. G. SLOAN CO. H57 G ST NW.. WILL sell. JUNE 3. 1911 gnoda stoml with the Peo ple's Storage and Express utnpany m the names of Susie Adams, Edmondjr Taylor. David Gray. Mrs. V. Porter, Mr J. M. Sabrook. and Mr. L tin d ley. to par storage charges. C II. CLIFFORD & CO.. 15W 7th t. nw. myK 23 WALTER II. WILLIAMS A CO., Auctioneers. Adams' Cxprraa Compnn' Sale of L'nclaluieil Freight. ON WEDNESDAY JUNE 7. A D. 1911. COM MENCING AT 10 X O'C LOCK A. M . the Adams Express Company will sell without reserve In the an nexed salesroom of Walter II. Williams & Co., cor rer of 10th and D rts. nw . facing rennylrania ate to pnrcharges, about 5u0 packages, comprising an ascrtment of trurk. valise. Ixntes, packages. Ac. All parties concerned will please take notice. Terms cash when tlie articles are struck o3. and no lot Till on any account be delivered during the sale. lnyS.dXSJOt LOAN COMPANIES. MONE" LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keeping house and others, vlth out security. Offices In all principal cites. D. H Tolman, a. COS. 533 13th nw. 46-tf I AJIIIC From $5.00 LUHROto S500.00 On furniture, pianos, Indorsed notes, &c Lowest Rates Easiest Terms Loans on Real Estate At 6 per cent per annum. National Loan & Investment Co. Thompson Building, 703 15th St. NW. Opp. Treasury. Next to Drug Store. Between G street and New York avenue. Am. Tel. A Teh 149 Am. Tobacco pfd 101 Am. Woolen com. 31 Am. Nooln pfd 93 Central Leather com. 294 Colorado F A- 1 34 Consolidated Gas, N. Y.... 1454 Com IVoducts Ref. com... 15 Distillers Securities. 37 General Electric 160 Goldfleld Consolidated Great Northern Ore 634 International Paper 10 Steam Pump 40 National Lead com 564 Pacific Mall Steamship ... 27 People's Gas of Can-ago.... KW, Pressed Stel Car com 33 Pullman Compam 1624 Ry. Steel Springs com 334 Remblic I. i. S. com 31 Republic I. A S. rfd 964 Tennessee Copier. 33 L S. Realty A Imp. com. 7s L" S. Rubber com 42 C S. Rubber pfd 113 IT. h Steel ccm JO V. S. Steel pfd 123 I'tah Corper 47 Va -tar. Chemical crm 53 Western Union Tel 74 Westicgbouse Elec 5Ifg .. 71 BONDS Am. Tclacro is 63 Am. Tobacco 6 109 Atchison cvt. 4s 101 a. A O. gen. 4s 98 49 12 (34 56 119 49 224 43 42 43 103 103 106 804 106 120 119 lbT 101 81 106 120T 119 1494 101 B A Q. Joint 4s... C-. R. I. & P. is , Irter. Metro. 44s. Southern Railway 5s.. Union Pacific cvt, is... V. S. Steel 2d 3s . W . 76 . 794 , 1C64 34 S3 30 34 146 15 37 161 6 634 11 40 56 27 1064 36 162 354 32 Mi 33 764 42 lit tl 120 47 53 79 744 634 109 101 9 96 76 79 104 1 119 119 its 101 34 S3 294 34 143 15 36 160 5 63 10 40 56 27 1034 35 1624 354 31 95 374 73 41 113 SO 120 47 57 73 71 K 109 101 9- 9o 76 794 lft-4 107 31 93 30 34 146 134 36 1604 i 56 27 1054 36 162 354 32 t4 37 7i?4 42 11! 1204 110H Silee-Rrgnlar call. IS o'clock coons Capital Traction 5a. COOT at 112. Washington Railway A Electric 4s, $3,000 at 64. J1.CC0 at 84. Potomac cms. Ik, Jl 000 at 100. Potomao Electric. 6s. $3,000 at 1CS4. Norfolk & Washington Steamboat 5s, 8.000 it 101, $100 at 104. Washington Railw-jy A Electrlo pfd.. 10 at S3. Washington Gas. 25 at 94. 25 at 94, 2 at 894. 25 at e9H, 23 at f94. 25 at S94. 25 at 894. Georgetown Gaa, 25 at 96. After call: National Union Iri.racce. 100 at f. Following are the bid and asked prices postad try yesterday's local stock exchange: QA3 BONDS. Bid. Asked. Georgetown Gas U Washington Gas 5s RAILROAD BONDS. Capital Traction 5s Anacostia A Potomao 6s....... Anacotia A Putomac trust. City & Suburban 6s Columbia 5a. 101 Columbia 0a 103 Metropolitan 6. 104 Washington Railway A Elertrio 4a 844 MISCELLANEOUS BUNDS. Potomac Electric cues. 5s 9T4 Potomac Electrio Light 5 103 Chesapeake A Potomac Telephone 5a.... 1034 American Telephone A Telegraph 4a.... 109 Emerson SUam Pump 6s 75 Washington JUrlcet 5s. 1327 101 Washington Market 5. 1947 103 Washington Market Cold Storage 5n 9h Norfolk A Washington Steamboat 5s.... 1034 PUBLIC UT1LITX STOCKS. Capital Traction 127 Washington Railway A Electric crm 3 Washington Railvny A Electric pfd. Washington Gas Georgetown Gas American Telephone A Telegraph.... ahing!on-Mrginia Railway com. NEW YOKE LIVE STOCK. New Tort, Mar 2Z CATTLE Steera vers steady tc-day to shade, higher; bulla quiet; bat steady; medium and thin ccwe firm to 10a higher on light nceipta; other grade steady. Steers, 5.40a.39; bulla. 3J0aA4O; cows. ZOOaATS; dressed beef .moderately ao tiro at 8al0 for native (Idea, Calves active, quoted: steady to a fraction lower: all sold at K.G0aT.m far common to choice teal; 1.505.50 for coll and throw outs; 4.00125 for tnttermnka, Dressed calves ateady u Krone uty arnaea tous, wo; a few, 134; oiujjiry umocu, lama SHEEP Finn; lamba, SaS) higher: sarin? larstm. SOaLOO higher. Sheep, 3.734.59 for common to fair; colls. 3.03159; lamba, 6.007.50; culls, &00B5.25; &pnj!g lainm, v.w. arrcsaca muuaa niynfr i galops, dressed lambs, 1214. ' HOGS Dressed, 11415. Hogi weak at 6.006.69. ' COTTON MARKET. Quotations furnished by W. B. Hlhba It Co., mem bers of tha New York Stock Exchange, Hibba Bnlld. lng: New York. May 22. Scarcity of actual cotton with which to maio deliveries in New York against short commitment encouraged tha big bull groups recently to buy August contract. July was car ried om 16 cent, and as far as can bo Judged at this time there is Utile likelihood of a decline In that month unless it bo permitted by the bulla. Tho New York stock Is under 100,000 bales, and more is to be shipped out to Europe and else where. Southern spot markets will not permit ship ment at a profit, and cotton is not obtainable in the) market in sufficient Quantity to supply expert and American mills. Open. High. Low. Close. Jury . 15.95 18J0 15.93 15 M August. 13.24 15.47 15.3 15.45 October..... 13.10 U.21 13.10 13.3) December. 13.01 13.11 13.03 13.11 BAITIM0BE GHAUT TrTrVrlKET. Baltimore, May 21 WHEAT Stock in deraiors. 331,751 bushels; shipment from elevators, 9 JOS bushels. The Southern wheat market was steady to-day, thou being a good and constant demand tee choice arrtrala. Solas cf cargoes on grade at 934 for No. 2 red. Ebrdgn market were steady and unchanged. Sales of 00a car steamer No. 1 red spot at 89 per bushel. Contract to-day opened Quiet, with May. (34 ; spot No. 2 red wheat early was 834. and No. 2 red Western the same pnee, while June sold at 92 and July, 90. August brought 93. The market at tha 12.-45 call was weak, with May. 924 Spot No. f red wheat was BZHc and No. 2 red Western tha stuns price, while June sold t 91. nd July at 904. August brought 89, and No. 2 red. 904, while steamer No. 2 red was 834. and steamer No. 3 red Western tha same price. Settling price officially posted wen: No. 2 red, 924, No. 2 red Western, 924; No. 3 red, BO; steamer No. 2 red, 88; steamer No. 2 red West ern. S3. CORN Stock in flevaton. 107.619 bushel. Ship ment from elevators. 4.798 bushel, Tha dally light arrivals of Southern corn are meeting with prompt sale, and the market rule steady on prime lot. Quota track lellow corn, for domestic de livery, at 61614 per bushel for cur lot on spot. 6lcs cf two small lot of white corn on fh wharf at 63 per bushel and two lot at 62 per bushel de livered. Trading in cob corn to-day was mostly of small job lot character, there being Try few ordrj In the way of car lot on the market. Prima nearby yellow stoci wa quotable at 3.353.40 per barrel. Contract to-day opened quiet, with May R4. Spot mixed corn early was 584 and June 34. while July sold at the stm price. The market at tha 12 45 call was easier, with May 53. Spot mixed corn was 53 and June 53. while July sold at 53 and steamer mixed at 554. No established grsda brought 544. Settling prices officially potted : For contract. 53: steamer mixed. SU- no established grade. M4. .1124 . 101 . 1014 89 110 84 100 1044 106 101 34 90 , K34 36 Washington-Virginia Railway pfd 66 TTPE MACHINE STACKS. 36 1064 1064 106 CUEB MARKET. Quotations furnished by W. B. Hibbs sembcrs of tht New York Stock Exchange, Building. Bid. Bay State Gas British Columbia Copper. 5 Butte Coalition 13 tliicaga ftubway 4 Cobalt Contra! 3 Gir-ux Copi-cr eV( Uoldneld Horencc 17-16 Greene Catranea 7 Intercontinental Rubber. 274 Kerr Lake 64 La Itoe 47.I6 Manhattan Transit. IV Mason Valley ii Minea Co. of America, 5 Nevada Hills 34 eraaa Utah M. A S. Corp. a; Nipssing Mines Co 104 WU10 rouier IS Rawhide Coalition. 6 Ray Central i, Sioux 33 United Copper 3 United Copper pfd 9 SAVE MONEY BY DEALING WITH 3IE. EVERT TRANSACTION STTtlCTIT C-ONFIDENTIAI LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS, INDORSED NOTES, SALARIES. Room 300. Metropolitan Dank Bids. 313 lftth at.. Opp. Treaaurx. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, women keeping- bouse, and others: cheap est rates; easy paj-rv.ents. H. ELWOOD, Room 416. tOO "th st 45-tf SALARY LOANS EASY' PAYMENTS. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY. Private and Confidential. CITIZENS LOAN GO. 406 Commercial Bank Bnlfdlnsr, N. W. Cor. 14th and G Sta. BOSTON C0PPEE STOCKS. Quotations furnished by W. B. Hibbs ft Co.. men Urs of the New York Block Exchange, Hibbs Build toe. fi!d. Asked. .lU(CQlUn) ..................... .. ........ Bohemia 3 Butte Coalition 19 Clumet and Arizona 32 Calumet and Ilecla 475 Copper Range 53 East Butte 1314 Franklin ijij Indiana iii- La SaUe 4 Mvcn Valley jv; Jlergenthaler '. 23 Michigan 2 Mohawk 41 North Butte jj North Lake. g Old Dominion 43 Onrco 2 Osceola ... 103 Parrott 124 Qulncy 704 hhannon n tkuth Lake TV Superior and Pittsburg 1414 own 101 Lake 37 Tamarack . X Trinity 4 Luh Consolidated. 15V Victoria . 154 Wolverine no United Fruit. 13774 71 85'i ' Mergrnthaler Linotype iJt.... 2214 109 J Lanston Monotype S64 Wl MINING BTOCK. '- Greene Cananea 6 NATIONAL BANK BTo"bK. "64 I Amerlnn 17S 9 Caralil 200 J1 Cnliimtiii 2S Commercial 190 District 133 Fanners &. Mechanics. 263 Lincoln 141 Metropolitan 2224 Riggs 665 Second 160 Nati-nal Bank of Washington. 2674 TRUST COMPANY STOCKS. American Security 4 Trust- 233 National Savings Sc Trust. 224 Cnloti Trust. 142 Washington Loan & Trait.... 220 United States Trust 113 SAVINGS BANS STOCKS. Home 300 Merchants & Mechanic. 100 Union Savings 210 Bank of Commerca II East Washington v 134 Provident ' FIRE INSURANCE BTOCK3. Arlington 23 Corcoran Firemen's 204 Franklin 30 German-American 267 National Union 84 potomao 314 TITLE INSURANCE STOCKS. Columbia 44 14 Real Estate 84 C M1HCKLI.ANEOUB STOCKS. Emerson Steam Pump 15 Graphophone com 4 Merchanta Transfer & Storage.......... 120 Security Storage. 200 Washington Market. Wi NEW Y0EK GRAIN. DAILY COURT RECORD (Mondajf, Star 22, 1011.) Court of Customs Appeals. MijRUU. Present: Presiding Judge Montgomery and Asso data Judges) Smith. Barber, Da Trie, and Mtrttn. The following decisions wen handed down to-day: No. . Albert Warmer, jr.. ts. th United States. Opinion by Ds Vrics, associate Jndg. Tho board of general appraisers scatsined tha col lector, and th decision of the board is afflrmed. . No. 4a a D. Jackscn Co. t. th United States. Opinion by D Vrics, ssodta Judge, The board of general appraisers sustained the col lector, and the decision of th board Is sfflrmed No. 514. United SUM T. White. Son s Co. Opinion by Do Vrlea. ssocitB Judge. The baud cf general apprsisen allowed th clafan of tha importer, and tho decision of tha board Is No. 560, United States vs. American Express Company. Opinion by Da Vrics. usodaxa judge. Tha board if general appraisers allowed the dalm of the importer and tha dechioa ot the board 1 rcrersed. No. 267. Spielmann & Co. rs. United States. Opinion by Smith, amocUta Judge. The board of general appraisers sustained the collector and th declaim of th board is affirmed. No. 423. John Dunn. Jr., Company n. United States. Opinion by Barber, associate Judge. The board of general appraisers sustained tha collector and the decision of the board i affirmed. No. 533. SchhT & Co. vs. United State. Opinion by Martin, associate Judge. The board of general appraisers sustained the collector and tha de cision of the board Is affirmed. No. 406. United States ts. Thompson Sc Co. tt sJ. Opinion by Montgomery, presiding Judge. The board of general appraisers sustained tha claim of tha Importer and the decision of the board Is affirmed. No. 532. L. A. SaUrnon 4 Bra. vs. United States. Opinion by Montgomery, presiding Judge. Tha decision of hs board is reversed, and the cl4lm of the Importer that tho merchandlao is an euremuated manufactured article, dutiabl at 20 per cent, is auowed. No. 245. United State va, Lean & Fink. Opinion by Montgomery, presiding Judge. Th board of general appraisers allowed tha dalm of the im porter and the decision of th board 1 aflrmrd. No. 585. James H. Rhodes A Co. vs. United States. Opinion by Montgomery, oresidlna' hide. Th board sustained the collector on the ground mat direct shipment wa not proved W the im porter. The decision of the board 1 revvrsed. No. 408. H. C. Davison & Co. ve. United State. Opinion by Martin, associate Judge. The board of general appraiser sustained the collector, and the aeclslon or th board is affirmed. No. 562. Frank & Do Kevser n. United States. Opinion by Martin, isveiste Judge. The board of general appraisers sustained the collector and tha decision of tha board is affirmed. FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. New York. My 22.-WHEAT-DU11 nd Irregular. Nortnern spring, to arrive, f. o. b., 1074: No. 2 roa. 1. o. b, w: o. 2 hard, f. o. b.. 104; No. 1 macaroni, f. o. b.. 97; No. 1 Manitoh. f. a b.. 1034. Erportcrs took six loads Manitoba. CORN Dull and unchanged. Steamer, 504. ex port bls; No. 2. f. o. b., 60; No. 2 elevator, domtetic, 63. Exinrters took nothing MILLFEED-Flrm. fair drtnand. Spring bran. 26.10; standard middlings, 26 10; Westttn red-dc. 28 10; winter wheat bran, in 100-pound sicks, to srrive. 27.20, city bran, la bulk, 25 40. OATS-Qniet and easier. No. 2 white. 40; No 3 white. 39; standards. 394; elevator basis; white on track, 39a43. FLOUR Steady cd unchincrd. Kansas straights, 4.Xa4 60. in sacks; soft straights. 4.1031 25. in bar rels: spring patents, 5 0058, In barrels; spring clears, ClOaltO GOVERNMENT BONDS. Bid. Asked. 2a. registered. 1333 1004 101 2, oouron. 1900 1004 J, registered. IWK 101 Js, coupon. 1903-1S 101 4s. registered. 1923.. . M 1H4 4s, coupon. 1323 1144 Psnama Canal 1000-year S, rrg.. 1936.. 1004 I Manama Canal 10-30-year 2s, reg., Vi.. 1004 102 iis 1154 101 101 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Asked. 54 134 44 5 6 14 74 6 tfH6 1 9 54 3 3-16 ho 1 T 113-16 36 1434 225 New Ycrt. 3fay 22. Closing Quotation cf mis cellaneous bonds: Allis-Chalmcrs 5 T7 Am Tel & Tel. cvt. 4s HO Am. Tcbaccr 6 ... 1C94 .Vch.. Tup. i Santa Fe cvt. 5a. 1U Chicago. Rock Inland A Psdfla col. 4s 764 Distillers Securities Corporation 5s 7? MLourl radflc cvt. 5s S3 Norfolk & Western cvt. 4 107 Southern Psdflc cvt. 4s 95 Southern Railway 4s 80 Cnicn Paciflo cvt. 4s 107 United Stated Rubber 6 104 United States Steel sinking fund 5s. IK Wabarh rfd. 4 694 Western Electric 5 102 Western Maryland 1st 4s 83 Total sales. 54.102,600. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 153 CHICAGO GRAIN. LOANS 3 HORNING, Ninth and D On Diamond, 'WatchM, Jewelrr. Quotations furnished by W. It. tirhh. members cf th New Tort Btock Exchange. Hibbs May. S54; July. 87; September. 8SK: !, Mar, 88. Corn was allahtlr lmrannrrrl ran- c. .- 51; July. 51a52; September. 52: December, 60! ... -no iu Buofr pressure. May. 334:JnIr 3M4a334: SepteBber. 39; December. 34. r' WEAT. .Open. High. Low. do. Jnly 87 B n nt ?Tber 87U gju ju agu, CORN July - OATS, July' Kpttsxbcr an 9K .334 514S ani ant 33K x dividend. NEW YORK MONEY. New York. May 22. There is little change in the status of the time money market In some maturities thrro is a deadlock, while in others, particularly the long dates, trading is quite ac tive. Banks are disposed to hold on to their funds, believing that the market will become even broader. Money on call to-day opened at 2 per cent, highest 24: lowest 2, dosing at 24 per cent. Most cf the day'a loan were made at 2 per cent. Rates Z4s3 per cent for sixty days, 2a3 per cent for ninety day. 3 per cent for four and fire months. 334 per cent for six months, and 3a4 per cent for over the rear. 1 Commercial paper Is unchanged at 3a3 per cent for tho best names. London discount. 2 5-16 per cent, up, 1-16; Paris discounts, 2 per cent, unchanged. Paris exchange on London, 25f. 34c, up 1c. BALTIMORE fROSUCE MARKET. Baltimore, May 2Z BUTTER Creamery, fancy. per lb., 22224; do., choice, per lb.. 20a21; da, blocks, good, per lb., 192): do., imitation, lb., 17al9; da. print, per lb.. 3a24; da, blocks. 2223; ladle, lb.. 15al7; Maryland and Pennsylvania rolls, per lb.. 14al5; Ohio roll. pT lb.. 14al5; West Virginia roll, per lb.. 14; store-racked, per lb.. 14 tJ "--. I ilarjlino, tirginu. ana a-rnnirinun aairy print. per lb.. It; procn ouiier, per in. iiais. T.ivr. POIILTRT Surinc chicken. 1M lh. i over, 'per lb., a; 1 lb. to IJbs.. 23a2; da. 1 lb. ana unaer, ; oiu. , uvmvy. per ia, 114; aa, old. small to medium, per lb.. 144; old rooster, per lb.. 910: ducks, young, white Peklns, fat, per lb.. 13: do., young rnuscory nd. moMrri. vr ih.. 12: da. puddle, large, per .pound. 12: rjiaeon. old. per Plr. 30; da. young, per pair, 30; guinea, fowl, young unall. each B; do., old. each.!. EGOS-Msryuna, i-ennyivanla. and near-by firsts. doc, 154: da. Eastern. 13; Western first, per doc. 154: do. Southern first. 11415; da. West Virginia firsts, per dox.. 154; guinea eggs. tr -748. , , Iugestieniisf Circalitioa. Third nd D istreds northeast Squire 535, lot A ; James Kano to Joseph Cassidy, 510. 1114, 1116. and 1113 Maryland avenue northeast Square 1049. lots 17. IS. and 19; Joseph A. Ca- tidy to Jamil O'Donnell. $10. Fifth street, between K and L street northeast Square 830, lot 65; August Schwarz et ux. to Johanna Colignon. 510. 439 K street northwest Square 493. east half of origi nal lot S; William PX Ambrose, trustee under decree in equity 23663, to Frank A. Jones, C240. Petworth Let 30. Hock 19; J. S. Grurer et ux. to John G.TaTrcblld. SO. 120 Penning road Fbrtune Enlarged, part of lot 1; Hugh A. Thrift et ux. to Robert F. Jones. J10. Mittingly Tract-Square 2S36. lot 88; William 3. rhilllps to Hettle Wotter. Jia 650 G street north-ast Square 639. lot 162; William Mackenzie et ux. tt Louis G. Ostermayer. 510. (Si Q street northeast Square 859. lot 152; Louis G. Ostermayer to William Mackenzie et ux.. 110. 319 Thirteenth street southwest Square 253. north half cf lot 18; Margaret Kramer to Mary Rittley. $100. Metropolis View Lot 2. block 9; John Robert Hall et ux. to Georgia uenlson Duncan, jao. Mattlngly tract Square 2536, let 98; John M. Wooster et ux. to William S. rhillps. J10. Fifth street southeast, between East Capitol and A street Square 817. part of lot 11; Harry K Dodge et ux. to John N. Sterzer and Amalla E. Sterzer. 510. T street northwest, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth street Square 151, lota 25 and 26; Fannio E. Wilholto to Courtecaya N. CIarkon. 510. 620 Fifteenth street northeast Square 1031, lot 117; William E. Ambrose and Joseph K. Kooert. trustees, to Chsrle W. H. Slock. tYmnt Pleaaant-Sauara 2895. lot 104 Charle J. Wlker nd Mary F. Walker to John C. Mo- Fsrlsnd. U0. K street northeast, between Sixteenth and Seven teenth street Squire 65.. lot SB; tagsr K. tltrhardson to Thomss H. Reid et ux.. J10. Mount rieant-Lot 641; Hugh GoTern et ux. to Samuel G. Tarter. J10. Lanier Heights Lot 317; Ellanora Suffrln to Jame E. Poole. Jia Thirty-second street, between Q and R treet north- west-Square 2S0. lot 43 and 50; James U Poole et ux. to John M. Suffrins, J10. iATranlta. Na 53616. Mary A. Bum ts. Anacostia and Po tomac River Railway Company; damage. 115,000. Attoroeys. KsrpW & Merillit. No. 5361T. Helen M. Ctte ts. Ia. W. Mark; appeal. Attorney. M. JL Doyle. No. 53018. Carrie Saro tb. The Brotherhood of Carpenter nd Joiners: appeal. Attorneys, H, B. Moulton snd I J. Mather. Va 53619. Christian Heurlch t. William W. Ker nochn; account rent, SLSSa Attorney, Leon Tobrl- No. 53620. W. T. Lavrton 4 Son t. Pope Auto mobile Oompany; ocount, 573J7. Attorneja, H. W. Whetley na u. 1. oir. Na 53621. . uirHm "t sv, u. xtarreu ana Robert Dnrar: appeal. Attorney, "JL E. O'Brien. No 53C22, Jlalcclra Bufty T. Miller Bro.; o connt. a.675. Attorney. Edmund Burke and Charles Becdhrlm. - .-Tyler Forfelte Collateral. Oliver H. Tyler, arrested Saturday night, on a charge of. turnlahlne; liquor to Mrs. Dorothy Beck, sixteen years old. yesterday forfeited S25 collateral in the Police Court. Mrs. Beck was the star witness for the defense in tne trial of her father, Albert H. TrVUIard, who was acquitted ot the' murder of XrYts; W. Beck, his daughter's kuMV 1 United States Commerce Court Monday. May 22. 1911. Present: Presiding Judge Knaro and Associate Judges Achbld. Hunt, Carland. and Mack. o. sx ualtlmore and Ohio IUUroad et al. v. United States, known a tho "Fuel Coal Case' a suit to set aside dcr of Interstate Cranmeroo Cbm- mlsjlon. dated February 24, 1911. affecting the rate of con Intended for use as fuel by other railroad earner Iran tha point of origin to the Junction point of deUvrry to the line of the consuming car rier. Order: This causo cumins to be heard on mo tion by the Interstate Commerce Ccrnmlssloir to strike cut certain portions of the petition a im material and irrelevant, and having been argued by counsel, on due consideration thereof, it is ordered and adjudged that tha motion bo sustained and that the portions of tho petition si reined in the motion bo stricken out. By tho court: Martin A. Knapn. presiding Judge. No. 33. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Oomranr et al. vv The United State. John Arbuckle. and Will iam A. Jamison, and th Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal, interveners on behalf of th petitioners, and Federal Sugar Refining Company, lnterrenlca; respondent; Involving n order of Interstate Com merce Commission affecting lighterage charge on sugsr in nd near New York Harbor. Upon motions mado by the United States, the Interstate Com merca Commission, and the Federal Sugar Refining Company to dismiss, the court ordered and adjudged that said motions be. and the same are hereby, de dal, with leave to the defendant making said mo tions to answer the petition of the petitioners within twenty days from the date hereof, if they shall bo so advised. On motion for a temporary injunction enjoining tho enforcement of an order of the United State Interstate Commerce Commission, made December 5, 1910, and effective on or before the 15th day of April. 1911. said last mentioned date having been extended by the commission to June 1, 191L Upon the petition of the petitioners and th intervening petitioners of the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal and itur Jay Street Terminal, and affidavits submitted by petitioners in suppott ot their petition, the court ordered and adjudged that the motion, for a temporary Injunction for the purposes herein mentioned, be, and tha (ama la hereby, granted. Na 40. Norfolk and Western Railway Company et aL vs. United States; local class rate from Roanoke, Va.. to Winston-Salem, N. CL, and from Lynchburg. Va.. to Durham. N. C; through das rate from Cincinnati to Winaton-Salem and Dur ham, N. O. Petition filed by the attorney gen eral of North Carotin, representing tha corpora tion commission of North OaroUn. for leave to intervene on behalf cf the town of Winston Salem and Durham and tho State of North Car olina. No. 5 and 6. Jame J. Hooker et aL vs. Martin A. Knapp et ah and th Eagle White Lead Company et al. r. Interstate Commerca Commis sion et aL; rates on merchandise between Cin cinnati and Chattanocga. The case wa argued and submitted. Na 15. The United States, upon application of the Attorney General, at request of Interstate Commerce Commission vv Union Stock Yard and Transit Company, of Chicago, the Chicago Junction Rallwar Company, the Chicago Junction Railwaya and Union Stock Yard Company, and David Pfaelzer. Abe Pfielzer. and Jonaa L Pfaelzer. doing buslnes nnder firm name of Louis Pfaelzer A- Sons. Mr. William E. Lamb commenced argu ment fcr the Interstate Commerce Commission. At 4 JO p. m. court adjourned until 13:30 a. m, Tuesday, May 23, 1911. Capital; $1,000,000. 'Deposits Over $2,000,000. Total Assets, Over $3,00ty000. Increase YOUR INCOME by depositing your money with tills conservative million dollar banking house. We transact a general banking business, and invite accounts of every size and character. 3 Interest Paid on " Checking Accounts. Travelers Checks and Letters of Credit Issued., United States Trust Co., 1405 G Street N. W. ELDRIDGE E. JORDAN, President 61 UNDER GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. st Issue of Stock Now Open for Subscription. EQUITABLE Co-operative Building Association. AVE systematically, and in a short time you will have a substan tial sum to your credit The ideal method of saving is to sub scribe to the Equitable Building Association's Shares at $2.50 per month. 4 Interest per annum paid on shares before maturity on the monthly pay ments made. 6 Interest per annum paid on shares matured com puted from date of first payment. Office : Equitable Building, 1003 F St. N. W. CALL OR WRITS FOR PAMPHLET. John Joy Edson, President. EUls Spear, Vice President. Frank P. Reeside, Secretary. P. B. Turpln. 2d vice President- DIRECTORS: Job Barnard, Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Jno. B". Larner, Fredk. V. Covllle, Jno. A. Hamilton, A-M. Loth r op, J. J. Edson. Jr, Geo. H. Harries. Fredk. E. Pyle. The Bestj' Funds: "A.B.A. Cheques Essi other-put thtvmoat i form for your cepted" tt' facoiTsIuo Whea yo trarel In Amu lea.-Europe, or any of the worldV these cheques iTailablo and convenient funds: they will ba sol by the railroads, steam-l whom you haro win ship lines, hotels and other dL Safe, Mlf-identifjrin. American Security & Trust Co., i5th&pa.ave. DISTRICT C0UETS. Equity Court TXo. 1. JUSTICE HTAITORD. No. 3KT. Welch t Parson ; andltors report ratl- flrd. Attorney), P. II. Marall-Ii A. Chase. No. 3"TO. Redmond ts. Zoll; decree pro confea Attorneys, P. JI. ltrown. V. B Guy, nd Ct W. Clasett. No. 301O. Rhodes ts. Rhodes: alimony and coun sel fro ordered rid. Attorney. VV. H. White C. F. Difnrs nd D. Rottutchlld. Aulrnrnents for to-day: No. 1ZS. Ilnucmer ts. Drlier. Attorneys, Rich ardson & Jlerlllat Lyon & DarK No. 164. Lipscoxb ts. Fletcher. Attorneys. Plum ley Burke A llufty. No. 1931 Pollock ts. Pollock. Attorneys, Ambrose Downing & Berry. No. 191. Pollock ts. Pollock. Attorney, Downing & Berry Ambnei No. 333, Hilton ts. Hilton. Attorney, Jiealo Hollowiy. No. a& Oalrert ts. Brooks. Attorneya, Erans JUtthnrs, Birney & Woodard. Ho. 3)7. Dee t. Deo. Attorney. uolumDu. Equity Court Ko, 2. JTJ8TICB GOULD. No. 3010. Robinson t. Hlllman; restraining order discharged. Attorneys, I A. Bailey and O. A. Pre Tost E. A. Jones. Na 30050. O'Conror ts. Ough et L; D. W. O'Donogtmr. Edward F. Colladay, and R. It. Perry, jr., appointed trustees; bond, UO.0O0. Attorney. D. VV. O'Donoghue, It. R, Perry & Son, and E F. Colladay. No. 297M. Weeks ts. Heurlch et ah: order extend ing time. No. 2MJ3. Barr et aL ts. Wlllisms et !.: audi- tors report conflrmed. Attorneys. W. O. Gardiner Macruder. Stenhen 4 Msgmder. No. 17606. O'Connor ts. Walker; leaTo granted to take exhibit from files. Attorney. Alfred D, Smith. Araifnments fcr tCMlr: No. 21 L Drake ts. Lompton. Attorneys, Colbert & Glttines rce. No. 22. Parker ts. Parker. Attorney. Coombs- Peters & Upacomb.' No. 3tt. Robertson ts. Robertson. Attorneys. Martin Gaskins. No. 222. Beren T. Berens. Attorceys, Brosm Worthington. Baker, jucdonald. Circuit Court No. 1. JUSTICE ANDERSON. Na 5201). Poole ts. Capital Traction Company; on triaL Attorney.. E. F. Colladay E. R, Perry ic Son and G. T. Dunlop. Na 522G. Johnson t Barton; suit dismlsned. Attcrnrys, W. J. Lambert and R. H. Vcatman H. H. Glaasle. Na S3617. Cotti ts. Mirtj; judgment of munici pal eotrrt siBrmed. Attorney, M. M. Doyle. Na SC300. Wright ts. Wsahington Railway and Electrio Company: time to submit bill of excep tions and file transcript extended. Attorneys. F. a Bradley J. J. yarlingtcn. Na 51130. Ncilson ts. same; same. Attorneys, Kppler & Merillat-J. J. Darlington. Na 52JOL Murphy ts. Capital Traction Com pany; continued. Attorneys, u, . awyte u. li. Perry & Son and u. a. Lnaucn, Asslgnmrnts for May S: Na. 273. Poole ts. Capital Traction Company. Attorneys. Collsday Perry Son and Dunloo. Na ML Beers ts. united bnrtty uomnany. At torneys. Brandenburg Donaldson. No. SH). Iirown Ta. xmremua juacnino jomparry et aL Attorceys. Thurston & whetlej-Worlh-lngton. Na 2U. Rhodes ts. Barrett, Attorneys. Balaton, Slddons et Richardson Wilson ic Barkidale. Na zTL Carter ts. en-tester. Attorney. Jose. Cllnlacales & Clarkson Wdt Na 293. Lyon ts. Bursrr. Attorneys,. Bidout- Whlt ft Simmons. Na 3B9L Hall" et aL ts. Kobblns, executor. A tomeyr. Po Ralston, Siddon is Richarasorj. Ha, 3WA. corral T. bbjis n ai. anutisji, Leighton & Williams Hamilton. Colbert. Terkes 4 Hamilton. Na 3C3. Edwards ts. CockrclL Attcmey. Rldout -Beall & Macdonald. Circuit Court So. 2. JUSTICE BARNARD. Na 533)0. United SUtcs ex reL William P. Morten, ts. the Secretary of the Interior: demurrer orerrultd. Attorneys, W. P. Morton Lewler, Clements & Wright. Na 5041L Bsaer ts. Warner; Judgment on man date. Attorney, II. E. Darts and T. J. Hogao J. J. Darlington. Na 51H3. First National Bank of Dexter ts. Fox; and Na S3K7. Edrards ts. tme; on triaL Attor neys, H. F. Woodward, A. S. Worthington, Millan & Smith-J. J. Darlington. Assignments for May 23: Na iX). Dorland ts. Washington Post Company. Attorneys. Tucker, Kesyon Sc Macfarland W. J. Lambert. Na 251. People's National Bank TS. WInihip et al. Attorneya. McNeill & McNeill Wilson tc Barks- dale. Na 332. Smith ts Capital Traction Company. Attorneys, Gardiner Perry & Son and Dunlop. Na 382. Brown ts. Golden & Ca Attorneys. Berry. Downing & Jeffords Darlington & Johnson. No. 3T0. Dixon ts. Great Falls and Old Dominion Railway Company. Attorneys. Maher St McMahon Lambert. Na 530. Same T,'Same. Attorneys, same. No. 373. Hocltman ts. Southern Railway Com pany. Attorneys. Ambrose dc Smith Hamilton, Col bert. Yetkts & Hamilton. . Place .Your Real Estate Loan With PERPETUAL BUILDING ASSOCIATION No Commissions. Moderate Expenses. Office 506 11th St N. W. Criminal Court No. 2. CHIEF JUSTICE CLABACGH. Na 27371. United Sutra ts. Lewis Reynolds; pe tition of inquiry as to sanity. No. 26S50 and Na ZTDi. umwa ataies ts. unms Halstcad; embezzlement, larceny, false pretenses; demurrer argued and suraniiteo. Assignment for May 23: . United States ts. Carrel L. Skinner. United States ts. Charles II. Butler. Probate Court. JUSTICE GOULD. Estate cf Lecnidas Jenkins: petition for letters of administration d. b. n. and order granting earn to James G. Tracy; bond 00. Attorneys, Lyon & Lyoc Estate of Gecrgs Dulton; letter cf admlnlstr. tion granted to William II. Dulton; bond. COCO. Attcrnrys, Fencing & Parker. EMata of Patrick A. McManus; letter test, mentary granted to Mary McManus; bond, $500. Attorneys, Darr. Peyser & Cuitin. Estate of John G. Carlisle; order to sell stock. Attorneys. McLanahan & Burton. Estate of Louis G. Joyne; crdrr accenting offer. Estate cf Charles W. Pettlt: will admitted to probate and record. Attorrey. F. U. Coldren. In re Clarenci W. McKrnzle; Alexander Mc Kenzie arpolntcd guardian; bond, SCO. Attorney, F. II. Stephens. In, re Charle Fox; petition fcr appointment of guardian. Attcnvj;, Dor cine & Berry. In re Ellis Jones; same. Attorney. Happier ft Sterlllt. Estate cf Lizzie McLain; petition for letter et adminittraU'si. Estate of Osbnrn Dorsey; letter of admlnaltratlon granted to WUlUm L. Smith; hood, 500. Attor ney,. Them Walker. Estate of George M. Brayton; will dated April 2S. 1902. filed. .Estate cf Annette M. Wright; will dated Feb ruary 2. 19U. filed, i Estate of Miry MeXL Boyce;- certlfled copy ct wiu tiled. Estte cf Thoma McEten; stxne. Estate of Cornelia P. Clark: petition for letter cf sdminiiUition. Attcrrey, J. W Glennan. Xstite of Julia A. Rheem; will dated December IT. 19BS. Ertater ct Jlrr v. Harrtu: peutien icr letter o( adJBtnMraUon. Attorney,- I C. WITHiHawi, The Safest Investments Are those that do not fluctuate during cS. turbad conditions of toe mosey or stock mas. ket. First deed cf trust note (first mort gage), well secured on real esUt la th Dis trict of Columbia, constitute "gtltdgu" tn Ttstment. They da not depend upon tha flTtsTtcial lesponslbllity cf lndlTiduala or cor poration tor their sUblllty. and an exeapl bom tiTitinc u peraonal property. W caa apply such lnrstment In amount iron IM0 upward. Bend foe boaUat, "CracanjBal Loan and InTessmenU." - Swartzell, Rheem Q Hense'y Co.. R7 XOtto I tr)t iroTtkwwst, SEAL ESTATE LOANS ! at sVoieeat Rates ( Intereat, W. H. WAIKEB. 729 15th St. N.W. Estate .of Giovanni Chiasentonl; petition fcr letters testamentary. Attotntys. Downing & Berry. District Court. CHIEF JUSTICE CLABACGH. No. 912. In re Meridian Hill Park; commission authorized to bold eeniona in Municipal Building. Na 9C1. In re tpenlng alley In square 2527; order of publication. Bqultr Suit. Na 3019a Nathan PUtkln. trading as Platkin Economical Stores.' ts. Isaac C. Gibba ct al; enforce mechanic' lien. Attorney, VV. J. Neale. District Petition. No, 90. In re cpenicg alley in square 2SC7; con demn landi Attorneys. E. 1L Thomas and A. B. DuraU. Deeds of Trust . ra-fa Twclv. ' - .c. A -,'-JvJ1. ISiMistA "f , mM kvV"2C "9 T if