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P' vT-;a V THE WASHINGTON HESAID, TUESDAY, KAY 23, 1911. Woodland Club Will Enter Olympia League SI igo to Be Dropped .' FRANCHISE OF SLIGO TEAM TO BE REVOKED AT ONCE Forfeiture of Third Game in Olympia League Caused the Drastic Step Micky Keliher Gets Homer with Two on the Sacks. By C. W. SWAN. Sllgo will soon be among the missing In the Olympia League. By forfeiting their third game yesterday, the Sllgo team put Itself liable to forfiture of their franchise. At a late hour last night a prominent official of the league stated that the "Woodland Athletic Club would most like ly receive the franchrise of the Sllgo team, and that they would be admitted at once. While the official regrets the loss of the Sllgo team, he stated that It wao neceessary to take this drastic step In order to keep the league on its feet. The class of ball played by the Olympia circuit has not been of the best and taken with tho forfeits that have been accurlng lately, something had to be done. The nine that will be admlted in the placo of the Sllgo team has mude a good record playing Independent ball and will be able to give tho confident leaders a rub for every game. Bureau forfeited to the Columbia 101 team yesterday In tho District League when Manager Johnson had the strongest team that he has ever been able to get together on the field. This is hard on the Printers as they have been losing regular, and when they got a fast team on the field. Bureau had to rob them of a victory gained by good ball playing. The District League has been having its share of forfeits lately, and until something is done with the teams re sponsible for this state of affairs, the league is bound to suffer in comparison with the Capital City League. "Mike" Keliher Is now tho Idol of tho Petersburg fans. Yesterday, with two on the sacks, "Mlkey" out a homer, and Petersburg won, t to 1 Johnny Mace was behind the bat and put up his usual good game. Clyde Richmond is having tho best year of Tils career as a twlrler. according to many amateur fans. Richmond Is doing great work for Commerce and Labor in the Departmental League and is also the .mainstay of tho Ninth team In the Sun- du7 School League. Manager Love, of the Ninth Street v Christians, has added another crack to his twirling corps. Herrell, the holder of tho fetrike-out record for the present year, will work against the fast Ingram tvorn Friday. Af a meeting held at tho home Of William Fisher, tho strong Oxon Hllll independent team. of Prince .Ceorge County. Md., was reorganized for the season oC 1911. The following ofll- cers were elected: Manatrer. Edward V. Helskell: captain. Bert Major; treasurer, Samuel Rowe; coach. AVIlliam Fisher. The Oxon Hill club expects a most j successful season, owing to the fact that the crack Une-up of last year will remain practically Intact There is a possibility that Harvey Bush, last year's htar catcher, and leading batter on the team, will not be able to play. The following men will compose tho team: Catchers, H. Rush and Helskell. pitchers. C. Rush. L. Mattingly. and E. Fisher; innelders. Capt. Major, M. Fisher, Perlgo, E. Fisher, and Sweeney, outfielders. Rowe. G. Fisher, V. Mattingly, and Hager. Manager Helskell desires to arrange games with strong uniformed teams of the District and vicinity for Sundays in May and June and both Saturdays and Sundays during July, August, and Sep tember, also for May 30 and July 4. Oxon Hill is particularly anxious to meet Laurel, as they are out for the champion ship of Prince George County. Address Manager Edward V. Hesikell, Congress Heights, D. C. R. F. D. 5. AMATEUR LEAGUES. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. Banker League No czme." Capital City lxatfuc Eastern. 6; Nary Yard, 2, Commercial Lcajrie Andiws. 13; C. & P., 7. Departmental League PtKl-offiA, 9; Interstate, S. District League Columbia (IC1), 9; Bureau, 0 (forfeit). Indepundenco League St. Martin's 11: National Lnion. 10. Marquetto League Medicos, 4; Corcoran, 4. (Called in eigntn. inning.) Olympia League Southland. 9; Bligo, 0 (forfeit. IS. It. 1. M. C. A. League Southern, S; Baltimore and Ohio. 6. Southern It. R. League Treasurers. 6; Traffic. C Suburban League Parkview. 8: Bruhtwond. 1. Sunday School League Sherwood, 11; North Caro lina, a. CATHEDRAL BLANKED. Tech Takes Fast Game from Coacb Greeo'i Boyi, 3 to O. Tho Technical High nine yesterday defeated the Cathedral School team, upon the tatter's grounds, 3 to 0. Garland and Austin pitched sterling ball for the Blacksmiths, together al lowing but one hit. a single to left by Todd In the second. After that -not a safety could bo made off the deliveries of the Tech boxmen, and so excellent was their support that riot a Cathedral man reached third in the entire six in nings of play. Score Tech. AB H O A B DeOhunt. rf.. 3 0 0 0 0 hchwegler. if. 2 0 0 0 0 Lynch. 63...... 3 Z 0 0 0 Morris, c 3 0 5 2 0 Hardle. lb.... 2 0 6 10 Hurdle, lb.... 2 0 6 10 ttcnncn. ci. GAMES TO-DAY. Bankers' League American Security, vs. First Na tional, at HjattsviUf; District vs. Commercial. Capital City League Sewago Pumping Station vs. Eastern Athletic Club. Commercla League Moses ts. 'Walford. Departmental League Interior vs. Nary. District Leagus Conerwional vs. Aloyalua. Independence League St. Paul's vs. Kendall. Marquette League Teonallj town va. Indian Office. Olympia. League Immanuel vs. Silver Spring. R. It. Y. M. C. A. League Car Department va. Union Station. Southern Leaguo No game scheduled. Suburban League Petwcxth vs. Takoma. Sunday Schiol League Haraline vsl Ninth. STANDING OF THE LEAGUES. Com. Nat..... A S. A. T... District Nat. BANKERS LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I . 2 0 1.000 Bee. Wash... .3 1 .750 1 Fust Nat.-. .2 2 .500 1 Amateur Editor Tho Washington Herald: West Falls Church, Va.. May 22. In Tho Herald this morning you print a box score of the game between the District National, of tho Bankers' League, nnd the Falls Church team, played at Falls Church yesterday. This score was 5 to 4 In the District Nationals' favor. Tho real results were 10 to 3 against Dis trict National. I scored the game on your regular sheet, wrote a few words about tthe results, placed them in an envelopo sent out by your department for such matters, sealed the envelope, and handed it to the man who pitched the last few Innings for the District Na tionals by the name of Hampton, who said ho would see that you received It. Now, I would not object If Mr. Hampton had thrown the results In tho Potomac, but to Juggle tho scoro so they win and also give himself and friend three hits each, when neither of them had been nblo to knock tho ball out of the infield during the nine innings, is more thau enough for us. Consequently I look to you, and will feel greatly obliged If you either print this letter In Tuesday's paper, or. bettci 6tIU, write an artlclo yourself, explaining the little trick of the boy, or boys repre senting the District National Bank, did In their anxiety to get credit for winning a game. van a. zahn. CAPITAL CITY LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. Sew. Pump.... 7 T .875 Navy Yard. Cornell Co..... 5 2 .714 E. A. O. COMMrnCIAL LEAGUE. Si'""- "' V '.ro j c. & p. Tel.... T 3" ttaltord 4 2 .667 Mows 3 3 JM Andrews 4 3 .571 1 llavenner. 0 6 .000 DEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE. W. T. IVt I Com. & Lab... 4 0 1.000 I Interstate.. Pot-o8ce 5 0 1 am I vrv Agriculture.... 2 3 .43) I Interior..... DISTRICT LEAGUE. .. , W. L. Prt. l w. L. Prt. Commlvionerd 3 1 HV 1 f tt. t a Vi Adams Ex 3 2 .000 1 Columnia'ioi!!! 1 S IlGT INDEPENDENCE LEAGUE. L. Pet. 1 w. L. Pet. 1 .500 I St. Martin 3 3 .500 2 .711 I Nat Union 2 6 .250 2 .GOG I bhamrock. 1 4 .200 W. L. Pet 2 4 .333 1 7 .13 W. L. Prt. . I 3 .230 .1 J J) Kendall.... St. Paul.... Manhattan. MARQUETTE LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I St Stephen s.. C 0 LOT) I Corcoran... 1 KT1 1 Tnrt (xlM Tennailytown. 3 3 .5J3 Company K. OLYMPIA LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I Southland C 0 1.000 Braddnrk Whito Haven. 3 2 .6A) i h. 8. Nat Immanuel . 3 2 .Go) Sligo. ..3 3 .50) W. L. Pet. . 2 4 .33 . 1 4 .3W . I 5 .107 Burlev. ef 2 0 n o n Vlley 2b 3 15 0 0 Hall. Jb 2 112 0 Garland, p.... 10 0 2 0 Austin, p 0 0 0 2 0 EASTERN TRIMS BUSINESS TO 4 Capitol flill Boys Capture Seesaw Game. CathedraL ATtnOAE Robinson, rf... 2 0 0 0 0 Crane ks 3 0 t 0 II Small. 3b 1 0 0 0 0 j Central. Rut c 2 0 8 Cleyh'n. 2b.ef 2 0 0 0 3 Cromwell. If.., 0 0 0 0 0 INTERSCHOLASTIO STANDING. W. L. Pet I W. L. Pet. Wntrrn 3 0 1.000 Eastern... ...... 1 2 .333 Technical 3 1 .067 Business 0 4 .000 2 1 .6W 1 2 Beers. p,2.... 2 0 0 2 Lnekart. cf.... 10 0 0 nut. cf. o o o o u tw 17 1 ia a a iuuiis. zi a ia a o i Technical 10 0 10 13 Cathedral 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Runs Schweglcr. Morris, Oolley. rirrt base on balls Off Garland, 1; off Austin. 2; off Beggs. 4. Innings pitched By Garland. 3; by Austin. 3: by Beggs. 4; by Todd, 2. Hits made-Off Garland. I; off Begjs. 3; off Tcdd. 1. Struck out By Car land. 1; by Austin. 2: by Beggs. 4: by Todd. 2. Three-baso hit Lynch. TWbaso hit-Hall. Sacri fice hit Hardle Stolen bases Schwesler, Lynch, BennoU, Colley. 2; Hall. Garland, Small. 2; Clejberne. Umpire Mr. Smith. Ttnu of game 1 hour and 30 minutes. SHERWOOD AT LAST. Talces Slow Gains from North Caro lina In Snnday School Leairne. The Sherwood outfit scored ten runs in tho fifth Inning of yesterday's gamu and drove Heinz from the box after the Tar Heels had the game on ice. 11 to 5. Hieth twirled for Sherwood and pitch ed a good game, losing the lead In the second Inning on three bases on balls, and Miller closed up with a homer. Capt. Rhodes, of Sherwood, was the hero of the day, connecting for a homer and two singles out of four times at bat. Score: Sher. AB 11 O A E Robinson, lb. 3 0 5 0 0 ISrauncr. rf... 3 2 0 0 0 Hrck. If 1110 0 I'auoa. 3b .3 10 2 0 Porter, cf.... 3 10 0 0 Kins, s 4 12 10 Rhodes. 2b.. 4 3 111 G. Darii, c. 4 2 8 2 0 Hieth, p 3 112 0 Totals 231213 S 1 Fhcrwood :. a. aii h o a e Miller, rf 3 2 0 0 0 Mattingly. It. 3 0 0 0 0 Largfonl, cf.. 3 2 3 0 0 .Sullivan, ea.. 3 0 1 0 1 Ilctnz. p 2 0 0 10 Keefe. lb 10 10 0 Ditls. lb p.... 2 0 10 0 Crown, 3b 2 0 112 Lugo. 2b 0 0 0 0 0 Kcrpor. c 2 0 8 11 Totals . : 415 3 4 0 10 l-ll North CaroUca I 4 0 0 0 0 5 Runs Miller. Langford. Crown, Lugo, Kcrtr. Robinson. Brauner (2), Heck (2), Patton (2). Por ter (2), King. Rhodes (2). G. Dana, Hieth. First Uuo en ballwOa' Hieth. 4: off Heinz. 7: Davta. 1, Innings pitched By Heinz, 41-3; by Da- vi 2-1. lilts made OS Heinz. 9; off Davis. Stmcfc out By Hieth. 7: by Heinz. 7. Home rors Miller. Rhodes. Tuo-base hit Porter. Stolen basesHock. Porter. King. Rhodes (2). Hieth. Mattingly. Langford (3). Wild pitch-Hieth. Passed ball Davis, Kerper (2). Umrire Mr. Hughes. Tune of game 1 hour and 30 minutes. Xll AJs needed, iy I Ite best of men I Kcenis) 1 B. & 0, SIDETRACKED. By losing to Eastern yesterday, 5 to 4, on the Railroad -Y. M. C. A. League's diamond, the Business High team Is now the undisputed holder of the last rung on the championship ladder. Johnny Llgon was on the rubber for the Capitol Hill tribe, and whilo he was touched for the same number of hits as Derrick, he kept them scattered. Capt. Dodge sent Derrick on tho mound for Business, and the youngster surprised them all. Had Hunteman held htm up, three runs would have been Eastern's total. Errors nearly cost Llgon his game. Pete Dally, on third, being the chief offender In this line, messing up three easy chances and giving Business a chance to win out in tho final chapter. Cohlll fumbled an easy chance, while "Oz' Varela let a hot liner go by. Both teams drew blanks In the first, and In tho second Eastern sent a pair of runners across the pan on a hit, a base on balls, and three passed balls by Hunteman. The Light Blue and White boys failed to cross the plate again until the eighth, when three passes, three stolen bases, a hit and an error let three tallies count. Business chalked up its first tally In the fourth, when Wood poled a homer to center. Two more runs crossed the pan In the next chapter, when Jack Dodge singled to center after Llgon had passed Horr and Zupnlck. The Stenog raphers came near landing the game- in the first half of the ninth. Derrick, the first man up. was safe on Cohlll's fum ble, went to second when Harr sent an easy roller to Evans, and scored when Daily could not pick up Burleys ground- Little Flax then Went to bat for I (21. VuurA faoJlv-E. MorL I'mnirr Mr. Colll- Zupnlck, and sent a hot liner to Varclla flower. Timo ef game 1 hour and 10 minutea. that the Eastern captain could not han Error Give Game to Southern In R. n. Y. M. C. A. Lenjjne, 8 to O. Southern dofcated Baltimore and Ohio in a game marred by the loose playing of both teams in the R. R. Y. M. C A. League yesterday, 8 to C. Barnes, of tho Baltimore and Ohio, allowed tho Southerners but four hits. and would havo won his game but for tho errqrs of his team mates. Graham showed class in getting two hits out of two times at bat. Score: Southern. Alt II O A E Holbruoer. 3b 4 1 0 1 1 Stroeble, ss... 4 2 10 0 It. & O. AB H O A E Brown, ki. 3 0 0 0 2 A. Mori. lb.... 3 0 9 0 1 Wall. 3b 3 2 0 11 Barnes, p 3 114 0 hmith. cf 3 12 0 0 Cutt. 2b 3 112 1 E. Mori. e..... 2 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 1 IVake. rf 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 110 3 2 0 9 2 0 3 0 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 N'ghtoo. cf.. picT?:-.-: Kerney, p.... H-ter. rf.... German, lb. Williams. If.. Totals. 25 415 6 Totals. 24 715 7 Southern 1 it! l- B. & 0 0 0 4 0 2-6 Runs Holbruner (2), Naughton. Gregory. Peck. WUllanw (3). Ewncd runs Southern, 3; B. & O., 3. First base by errors Southern. 5: B. O. 4. Left oa banes Southern, 7: B. & O.. 2. First base on ballsOff Barnes. 5. Struck out-lly Barnes, I; by Kerney. 8. Sacrlflco hit Holbruner. Stolen bases Smith, Williams (2). Kerney. Gregory. Naughton. Suoble. Wild pitches Kerney, Barnes BASEBALL TOSSERS HOST 6ET BUSY The Herald Uniform Contest .Race Closes May 31. TREASURERS COUNT. Treasurers. Tramc .... Auditors. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I v L. Pet TO 2 0 KM R4 0 0 2 .frt) ;pt- I 0 LOOO I Union fetation. 0 1 .000 SOUTHERN RAILWAY LEAGUE. L- Pet. I W. L. Pet Parkview... IVtvorth... BrookUnd . 1.0X1 1 Law i . j - .um i liooiiecpers.... 0 3 .000 . 1 1 .OuO I SUBURBAN LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. v. L. Pet, .5 I .S33 Silver Spring.. 3 1 .600 J ' f5 Bnshtoi 1 6 .167 .32 .GoO Takoma 0 S .oai SUNDAY SCHOOL LEAGUE. .. . W. L- Pf- I W. L. Pet. Hamlme 4 0 LOJO Shei-nmd 1 3 So insram 4 1 .SO Anaeostia 1 5 Il67 "th 4 1 .SCO I Carolina 1 5 Toc7 COLORED DEPARTMENTAL LEAGUE. W. L. Pet. I w L rr War & Navy.. 4 2 .fC7 I Bureau 3 2 .600 PoHJ-nfflcr .... 4 2 .S67 Interior. 2 3 ItW Agriculture.... 4 2 X67 ;. 1. o 0 6 .000 ST. MARTIN'S WINS OUT. Cantnrc Swat lent from NntlonnI I'nlon in Independence LeuiraeA By batting Smith for four runs In thw sixth round of the swatfest in the Inde pendence Leaguo St. Martin nosed out National Union. 11 to 10. The contest was marked with the heavy hitting of both of the teams, twenty-seven hits be ing made in the teven Innings. National Union batted like fiends in the first couple of Innings, driving Nut well from the box in the second, after maKing eight hits off of him In one and two-tnirds innings. Score: St. M. AH H o A E Downey. 3.. 3 112 0 i-uroy. ..... 4 0 1 1 1 Walker. Ibrt.. 4 2 0 0 0 Mtuexert. 4 3 7 1! Wilk'n. p,2ix.. 4 3 14 0 Wjnknop, If... 4 110 0 Baldwin, cf.... 4 110 0 Dlgnan, c 4 0 9 3 0 Nutnell, p.2b.. 4 10 11 Totals. 3C122l5"4 Come from Behind nnd Defeat Traf fic in Southern Hallway League. Coming from behind a lead of four runs gained by Traffic in the first In ning. Treasurers, of the Southern Rail way League, won out, 8 to 6. Score: Treaa'rs. AB II O A E Omke. p 4 0 0 10 Youns. ss 3 114 1 Uerrtng. cf.... 4 2 0 10 K Jones. 3t.. 4 0 2 10 Parker. Sb.... 4 12 0 0 Chew. If jt 3 2 0 0 1 Tate, lb 3 0 5 0 1 Burr, c 3 010 2 0 Early, rf 2 0 0 0 0 Majnard. rf.. 1 0 1 0 0 Totals.... Treaun.r3. Tramc... . 31 621 Traaic AB n O A E Carter, rf 4 10 0 0 Crablll. 2b .... 4 2 3 3 0 I Jones. M.. 4 0 8 0 0 It-Mro. P 4 2 0 2 1 H'mann. 4 10 0 1 Dver. as,3b.... 4 2 0 2 1 Hill. 3u.. ....... 1 I 0 0 1 Brown rf 3 2 0 0 0 BUeho3. c 3 010 0 0 Carver. If. 3 0 0 0 0 Totals... 311121 7 4 10 2 13 0 1-4 4 1 0 0 0 0 1-fl Runs Young (2), Herring (2), R. Jones Parker, Che (2, Crabill (2), 1". Jon. Rlsdon, Baumann. Dytr. Left on bases Treasurer. 3: Traffic. S. First base en tails Oil Risdon. 1 Struck on By CwAe. 9; by Risdon. 9. Home runs Ilrrncs. Clw. Three-base hits-Chew, Crabill (2). Bau mann. Dyer Two-base hit Dyer. Stolen bases Jont. Itisdon. Gill. Young. Herring. Hit by Pltcber-By Cooke. L Umpire-Mr. Credille. Timo cf game 1 hour and 33 mlnuU die. Burley tried to score on this, but a good throw to the plate nailed him standing. Dodge then poked out this second hit, and Warthen was safe on Daily's third muff, but with the bases loaded, the best "Oosey" Bill Hunteman could do was a long fly to Defendorf. Score: Eartern. AB II O A E Daily. 3b 4 0 113 Parker, e 4 18 10 MeCafarey. If. 3 2 1 1 0 Kuher. rf .... 3 110 0 VareUv ss ... 2 1 1 1 1 Harris. 2h 3 0 0 2 0 Cobill. 2l ...10001 Evan lb .... 3 012 1 0 Defendorf. cf . 3 0 2 0 1 Ligon. 2 0 16 0 Totals.. 23 5 2713 G Busicew. AB II O A E Dodge. Jb 5 2 2 3 0 Wart lien. as... 5 1 1 0 1 Hunteman. c.. 5 0 12 2 0 Wend, 3 12 0 0 Blaek rf 4 0 0 10 Derrick, 4 10 0 0 Harr If .... 2 0 10 0 Bnrler lb p.. 4 0 3 2 0 Zupnlck. 2b.... 2 0 3 11 flax 10 0 0 0 Totals.. X 524 9 2 Batted for Zupnick in ninth. Eastern 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 x-5 Business 0 0012000 11 Runs McCafarey. Fisher (2). Varella, Llgon. Waxi. Derrick. Harr. Zupnlck. First baso by frrrrs Business. 5. Left on hes Eastern. 4; Bnincs, 5. Flrvt base on ballj Off Llgon. 4: off Derrick. 5 Innings pilched-Ry Derrick. 7 2-3; Burley. 1 1-3. Hits made OS Derrick. 5. Struck out By Llgon. 7: by Derrick. Iff. Heme run Wood. Stolen basesParker (2), McCafarey (2), Yarella (3). Llgon R). Dtige. Harr. Zupnlck. Passed bills Hunteman (31. Umpire Mr. Hughes. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Baltimore Baltimore. 1; Toronto. 2. At Jerey Cltj Jersey City. 3; Buffalo, 4. At Newark Newark. 2: Rochester, 3. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. At NashvilleNashville. 1: Mobile. 0. At Mcmphis-MemphU, 2; Montgomery. X INTERSTATE TAKES COUNT. Post-office GetH Lead nnd ! Never lleniied, Winning O to 5. Post-office secured a good lead off Dwl nal in the Department League yester day, and were never headed, trimming Interstate, 9 to 5. Duganno batted for Dwinal In the sev enth with the bases full, and his doubo sent three runs over the plate. Score: Inter. AB II O A E I P, O. AB II O A E Handiboe. ss. 3 0 1 3 1 Mlddlek'f. cf 5 0 4 1 0 ,i ...... ... 1 n A A I 1.' 4 A A A. M'D'd. lb 3 0 8 0 0 , IlamViardt. as. 5 3 3 2 0 Carr. cf ..21201 Bradley. If.... 42000 Edm'nstou. rf 4 1 10 0 McMornas, 3b. 4 3 2 2 0 Salb. c 4 2 9 2 0 Hlnkle. lb.... 3 0 6 0 0 D. M"DM. If 4 0 0 0 1 Fnton. ib.... 4 15 10 Friede, 2b.... 3232 1 Kraft, c 3 0 5 3 1 Dwinal. p..... 2 0 0 1 1 1 Ferguson, p... 3 10 2 0 Duranne' .... 110 0 0 Ryan, p 10 0 0 1 Burke, p 0 0 0 0 0 j Totals Jei327ll 2 Totals ....JO 8 24 8 5 1 Batted for Dwinal In the seventh. Interstate 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1-5 Post-offleo i 00312201 1-9 Runs Edmonston. Salb (2), Friede, Duganno, Mlif dlekauf. Kerr (2), Bradley. Bamhanlt (2). Fenton. Kraft, Ferguson. First boso on errors Interstate. 2; Poht-offlce. 4. Left en besra Interstate. 5; Post office. 8, First base on balls Off Ferguson. 3; off R)au, 2; off Burke. 2. Inning pitched By Fergu son. 7; by Ryan. 2; by Dwinal. 6: by Burke, 2. Hits made Off Ferson. 8, off Dwinal. 10; off Burke, 3. Struck out By Ferguon. 4 : by Dwinal, 8. Home runs Fenton. Kerr. Two-base hit Duganne. Sacrifice, fly Handiboe. Sacrifice hit-Hltkle. Brad ley. Stolen bases Orrison. Kraft. Salb. Double play Kraft to McMorrits; Handibce to Friede; Barnhardt to Fent-n. Hit by pitcher By Ryan. L Wild ritchen Dwinal. Ferguson. Ryan. Umpire- Mr. Erwin. Time rf game 1 hour and 55 minutes. WILL FIGURE IN YANKEE-BRITISH POLO MATCHES. N 1'nion.AB H O A E Pnee. 3t 4 2 10 0 Him., cf.... 4 110 1 an Biis'k. rf 4 1 1 0 0 Falroner. lb.. 4 3 6 0 2 .rave. as 4 2 15 0 Ik-aver. 2b ... 4 2 2 0 0 Uamann. If... 4 10 0 0 Goeble. c 3 2 9 2 1 Small, p 3 1 0 1 0 Vickery 10 0 0 0 Totals. 35is58"4 national t,nion 3 4 0 10 2 010 St. Martin's 0 3 4 0 0 4 0-11 Runs Wilkinson. Wynkoop (2), Baldwin. NutwulL ralconcr. Smith. Downey. Walker (2). Stuckert (3) Ince (2). Barnes 12). Van Buskirk (2). Graves (2)' Left on boses-St. Martin's. 4; National Union. 7 First baao on bolls-Off Smjth, 3; off Wilkinson. Innings pitched-By Nutwell, 12-3; by Wilkinson. 5 1-3. Hita made Off Nutwell, 8; off Wilkinson 7. Struck out By Nutwell, 1; by Smith, 8; by Wilkin son. 7. Three-bow hits Falconer. Stuckert, Wilkin son. Two-base hitsFalconer. Price. Barn n,. Graves. Stolen bases Stuckert. Wilson. Wynkoop ixaiawm, raw, van uumui, liceble. Uowney. Double play GoeMe to Dearer. Paaaed ball Goe ble. Umpire Mr. Newman. Time of game 1 hour and 50 minutes. onffh."2b c. cf Doric, cf 5 0 10 0 FiU-. s.3b 4 12 3 0 nwemry. sa,p.. 4 0 13 1 Lotelexa, o .... 4 15 2 1 Oxon Hill Win Fimt. Oxen Hill had Its first victory of the season yesterday, when it defeated the htrong Wnverly Athletic Club in a swat fest. la to i. Score: Oxon Hill. ABIIOAE PerrTgo. M,... 4 112 1 Hr-ikell, cf... 3 0 0 0 1 FUhtr, lf.3b.. 6 12 10 Ruck. c. 4 2 9 3 0 W.Mafly. rf 2 0 0 0 0 N. Fisher. 2b. 5 0 1 3 1 Major, lb 5 214 0 0 Rowe. If 3 2 0 0 0 L.Mafly, p... 5 3 0 4 0 Pee. rf 2 0 0 0 0 Sweeney, 3b... 1 0 0 0 1 Totals. 40 II 27 51 Oxon Hill S 0 7 2 Waverly A. C. J 0 2 0 Runsrcrrygo (4). UelskelL G. Fuher. Malor (2). Rowo (2). Mattingly O), Baker (3), McDonoagh, FltzgibboDS, Sweeney, Stack. First baao on error Oxon Hill. S; W. A. CL, 2. First ba on balls Off Mattingly. 1; off Stanton, 4; off Sweeney, i. Innings pitched by SUnton, 7; by Sweeney, 2. Hits made Off Stanton. 7: off Sweeney. 4. Three bass bit Rows. Mattingly. Two-txuo hits Baker, Mattingly, G. Fisher. Sacrifice hits Doyle (2). Stolen bases PBrrygo ft). Uelskdl (2). H. Rusk (2), N. Fiaher P). Major (2). U Mauingly 12). Baker (2). McDonough, Sweeney, Fltzgibbona (2), Stack. Hit by pitcher By 6tantcn. J. Umpire Mr. Hungerford. Time ef guns 1 hour and SO mlncte. 4 2 0 10 1 0 x-lS 0-7 ItonKh Rldera Bnmped. t. The Laffetle Athletic Club defeated the Bough Riders, 7 to 2. Tho features of i the game were the fielding of Toscano for the losers and the pitching of Colton for tho winners. Tho 'latter allowed only one nit. xne .uancttes would llKe to arrange games with teams averaging, thirteen years. .Address challenges to. H. Cohen, ui xi irei Dorumn. PARK VIEW IEADS. Jliiei Into Flrnt Place by Trlmm'lnc UrlKbtvvoo.l, 8 to 1. Park View moved up In first placo yesterday in tho Suburban League by defeating the Brlghtwood youngsters, S to 1. "Cllfr" Howell played a star game at short for the winners. Score: Parkr'w. ABUOAB J unbans. 3b... 4 0 4 2 0 Belt, as 2 12 3 1 Maddox. If.... 4 3 0 0 1 Hlcr. rf 4 10 0 0 Miller, c 4 310 2 0 Kevnolds. 2b.. 3 0 2 0 0 S. Hilary, lb 4 2 2 I 0 F. Hillary, cf 3 1 2 0 0 MeFarland. p3 0 2 0 0 Totals. alisiH Hcweli, n.. Bnlden. rf.... Work, lb Grant. 2b Thompson. AB II O A E ..41000 4 0 1 0 0 3 2 9 11 3 0 11V 7 0 0 Waldron. 3i... 10 0 0 0 Poole. If.. iirrnvn, p ... llrffner. 3b.. Donovan, rf. .21000 .10 0 3 0 .21220 .2001 Totals. 25 72112 3 Paik Vlsw 2 0 0 2 2 11 x-8 Brlghtwood..-. 10 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 Runs-Perley. Belt, 2; Madder, 2; Miller, 2; Reynolds, MeFarland. Left on bases Brlghtwood, 8; Park View, 6. First base on balls-Off Mc TarUnd, i Struck out-By McFatland, 8; by Brown, 5. Two-base hl's-Maddox. S. Hlllearr. Belt. Sacrlflqe hlt-Boldea. Stolen bases Mil ler. 2; Donovan. Do-iblo plays-Brown to Uoffncr to Workv Hit by pltcU-r-By MeFarland 2 (Orant, Work). Passed UUs-Thompson, 3. UmpireMr Jenkins. Tims of game 1 hour and 5 minutes. SIIGQ FORFEITS AGAIN. Endsi Cnreer In Olrtupia Leaarne By raiiinac to now V. Sllgo forfeited for the third tim- .. terday, when tfut six .men aDDearcl mm the Held, Southland getting the atne. As mi tuimuiuiiuu m me league .provlaes that any nine forfeiting three nmn hJi lose Its franchise. It. Is -expected that, a aaisssi-ti'sisaaaB-MBd'! slslBBf'iBVIiESB 'isisisisM'T 'zjf-- fji cm'i.'K .rKaiaKKMKKmcIMKBaM sibsibibVI WsbibWKi B . iiisisisis.-K vii'i i t I ?MM?MM$S2ttFKtM!KBS3B3Bl I Wgg'llssgilffM.TlMssl I If Til IT T ,TiiiyMiBiMMiMP i&ii.SSS5aWaiUiiniisWis4s4s4s4s4w ;& isrBI'ISBll I ;.; X-JmB lMm !- mmfmmLsmmiAMm mmmmBmimEte& , $wmmffitiMmmmmagmm MmM.mSmmLM BssK9raSS1HktH-?4H!SillBlsBlBllHj LslllsBBrLlllllllaLiBSssllllHLIiaBiSlktlsBllllllllll Only nine more days, boys, and The Washington Herald Baseball Uniform Contest will bo closed. So it's up to the backward teams to get busy before May 31, and see If they can't beat out some of the leaders. The last coupon will appear next Sun day and all the coupons and subscrip tions must be In the hands of the con test editor the following Wednesday. Some of the teams who have been piling up the' votes lately are taking it easy now, thinking they have a cinch. They are going to wake up and find some other team has crept one point ahead of them. That's always the case. The race Is going to the one who gets the most votes, of course, but there are going to be some bitter disappointments and some happy surprises. There Is Just as much danger In over confidence as in ffcck of confidence. Over confidence Is liable to bring about the downfall of more than one team that is now forging ahead. Just a word: Don't you get overconfident. Bemember there Is another team that may be just a few hundred votes behind you, and the in stant they catch you napping, it's good night! With the closing of the contest May 31, the contest editor wants to impress upon the boys that each team has got to do its level best to keep Its present place. The man behind is the one that Is going to cause the trouble unless some of the leaders are on to the Job. All the teams have done exceptlonably well and deserve all the praise that can be given them. This is the week that is going to tell and the live wires are going to put over some things that will make the others sit up and take notice. Bemem ber that for each dally subscription you get 200 votes, while for the dally and Sunday subscription, there are 300 votes coming to you. Get busy, boys; it's up to you. AUTOMOBILE DIRECTORY. tjKaa BUICK MOTOR Ctk. 1038 CoBaectlent Ave. Paoa as. 3333. Thomas Flyer DAVID BL BKXDBICa. 1H7 H st. bw. Phoos 1C fJE. NEW PARRY $1,35110 $1,750 FRANK D. MITCHELL, ASent IRVING GARAGE, 1417 Irrin. 'Phone Col. 479. COLE WILSON CO.. UH llth at. Phoe Norm 3144. "CADILLAC 30" PIERCE ARROW IAKER ELECTRI3 The Cook & Stoddard Co. 1313 II St. IV. W. rPhoaa Main 742S. D0CT0BS TIE CADETS. Xnval Medico and Corcoran Battle to a 4 to 4 Decision. Naval Medico and Corcoran battled eight Innings to a tie, 4 to i yesterday in the Marquette League. Porter, on the mound for tho Doctors, fanned eleven men. walked only one, and allowed but seven scattered blngles. Beasley carried off the batting honors, getting three dou bles out of three times at bat. Score: N. M. AB H O A E I Corcoran. ABIIOAE Watson. SS... 4 1 1 2 1 S. RnsM. Zb. 4 0 1 S 0 Yobe. lb S 1 4 1 0 T. Husso. If.. 3 1 0 0 0 Bmaer. 50... 4 I 0 1 1 i Mollineanx. lb 4 0 12 3 1 Lawrence. 2b 3 0 1 3 1 I Wanle. ss 3 114 0 litasley. IT... 3 3 2 0 oi Sbastln, rf.. 3 1 0 0 0 Saraze. rf 2 10 0 Kerr. cf. 10 2 0 0 Kobertson. c 3 0 13 0 0 Ulter. p. 4 110 1 Tiller. 3b.. Kirns, cf.. 11 tor, c... Collifiower. Langler ... ...42120 ...40000 ...41801 p. 2 0 1 2 0 ...11000 Total 3 8 24 Totals JZ 7 24 IS 'Batted for Sebastln in eishth. Naval Medicos 000003104 Corcoran 2 0 10 0 0 0 14 Ituns Snider. Lawrence, Beasley, Kerr, T. Russo (2). Langler. MolUneatac. First bass on errors Na val Medicos. I; Corcoran, 3. Left on bases Naval Medicos. 10: Corcoran. T. First base oo balls-Off Biter. 1: off Collifiower, 4. Struck out Bj Riter. 11: by CbUiflower, 7 Two-base bits Beasley, 3; Snider. Sacrifice, lillfc Savage.'Kerr. War'e. Stolen bases Watson. Toho. Lawrence, Kerr (3), Langley (3. T. Rusw (2). Tilley. Double play Wanle to Molllneaux to rilley to Maus. Hit by pitcher By Riter. 1; by CoHinower, 3. Wild pitch-Riter. Paxwd balls Maus, 2; Robertson. 1. Umpire Mr. Collifiower. Time of same 2 hours and 5 minutes. TELEPHONE BOYS TBUOLED. Andrews;, with Flynn on Mound, Take Commercial League Game. Andrews easily defeated Chesapeake and Potomac yesterday. In the Commer cial League, 13 to 7. Flynn, who was on the mound for Andrews, pitched a good game, most of the hits off of him wero of the scratchy order. Score: HUDSON I20" (The Most Widely Corded Car is iiOOl! (Howard CoOn's Masterpiece.) H. B. LEARY. JR. 1317 FoarfjiDtH St N. W. Pullman SHfc,4Co- Phons M. 247. HUPP-YEATS ELECTRIC $1,750 rj to 50 miles on ona cnarge. EARLE St ALLEJf, Distributers, Thone .. 2063. ICO Fourteenth MW. MARION EMPIRE "20" J. H. EBEBS0LE, AGENT, 1511 14th Street N. W. BARNARD MOTOR OAtt CO. VD2 11th st. nw. Telepbon North DBS. FAULTY IGNITION FLASH Decarbonizer FLASH National Electrical Supply Co., 131S-1330 New York Av. TaL.00. and other siark-ptug "troubles" ar speedily ended by "FLASH." it clears cylinders of soot and carbon KEEPS them dean. AUBURN INTERSTATE DAVID 8. BKNDBICS, UU H st. am. 'Phons u. am. Elmore CHARLES & MTKRS. lO It st. nw. TeleshoM If arts E. M. F."30" STIDEBMER MB FLANDERS COMMERCIAL AUTO & SUPPLY CO, 1313 n. x. avg. 'rasat jb. 3174. Warren-Detroit "30." ALSO Warren-Detroit Trucks. Warren Motor Car Co., 1908 14TH ST. NW. N. 8. BOWLES. 'Phono N. SOT. APPERSON REGAL DETROIT ELECTRIC MIIISON 4k OBalK. PHONE MAIN IBS. lttT B BT. NT?. C. & P. AB H O A E Howell, rf.... 4 2 2 0 0 AJtawl's. 11.. 4 1 0 0 0 Dyer. ss,p..... 4 3 12 0 lUtaw's, lb.p4 14 2 0 Langan, 3b.... 3 12 10 Bauer. 2b 4 10 4 1 Colston, ci.... 4 110 2 Dorm, c 4 Oil 12 E.Th'n. 4 0 0 0 2 Totals. 331024 WT C. & P. Andrews Runs Colston. Flynn. (3). Tipton. Howell. A. lings, Langan, Bauer, Oliveri, J. Mulrey, Mur ray (2). Krausa (2). Left on bases Andrews, 6; C & P.. 6. First bass on balls OS Thompson. 4; off Rawllngs, L Innings pitched By Thomp son. 7; by Rawllngs 2-3: Dyer. 1-3. Hits made OS Thompson. 10; Rawllngs. 2; Dyer. 2. Struck out By Thompson. 9; Flynn. 6; Dyer, L Three bate hits Krause. Tipton. Two-baso bits Howell, Krause. Stolen bases Oliveri, J. Mulvey, R. Raw lings. Murray. G. Thompson (2), Milan (3). Flynn. DouUo play R. Rawllngs to Dcnn. Hit by pitcher By Rawllngs (G. Thompson). Passed balls Dona (2). Umpire 3Ir. Cleveland. Tims of same 1 hour and SS minutes. Andrews. AB H O A B Oliveri. cf 5 12 0 0 J.MuTr. sJb. 4 0 6 3 Murray. 3 2 113 Krauie. lb 5 3 5 0 0 li.Tcom n. c. 5 3 6 I 0 Milan. 2b 2 2 10 0 Llpton. rf 5 10 0 0 n JInlvey. If... 4 0 3 0 0 Flynn. p 4 1 1 2 0 Totals. 371121 7 5 1 00012307 1 10 2 0 2 2 5-13 G. Thompson (2). Milan Rawlicgs. Dyer. B, Raw- BUBEATT OUTCLASSED. Interior 'Walks Airnr rrlth Game In Colored Departmental League. Interior outclassed Bureau in the Colored Departmental Leaguo, and won In a walk, 7 to 4. The game was fea tured by the excellent pitching' of A. Bavoy, for the Rcdmen, who struck out twelve men and let the Engravers down with four singles. Score: arean. AB H O A E nnMi TV fi 1 4 ft 0 Ganss. lb 5 2 6 2 0 K. Dans, a., s u u u Kins, ef 4 0 10 0 Jones. 2b 4 12 11 Addison. 3b.. .3 0 2 2 1 Hamilton, ss.. i v u u Pollard, rf.... 4 0 0 0 0 Dans, c... v u i At the top are six of the British-invaders, who4ire in daily practiceat Lakewood, N. J., for the coming international nolo matches on Mav 31 and Tune 3 to 7. From left to rikhftfiev. are Capt. Leslie Cheape, First King's I)ragoonsf-plaing; No., 2; Lieut E. W. E. Palmes, Tenth. Hussars, No. 3; Lieut. Noel Ed wards, a; substitute: CaoL, Hardress Lloyd: Fourth Draeoon Guards, back'r Capt H. Wilson, a substitute, and CaptFj WBaWett,lFifteeiitfi;Hussars, No. 20. At the tottom'are:iwopfthe'most prominent players of the x .. ?- iixv:(Tr' .ijj. n,VY i-v Tin.Tir.:. . Cuatuaskiv ntAnteiii -i rvn rrui Interior. AHBOAE Monroe, cf..... 4 3 0 0 1 Menard. 2b..... 4 2 3 12 McKlnney. 3b. 3 2 0 4 1 Wilkinson, lb. 2 1 6 0 0 Turner. It..... 4 0 110 Thestnut. rf... 4 0 0 0 1 E. bavoy. ss. 4 0 3 2 0 Srmma. c 3 214 3 0 A. Savoy. p.. 4 0 0 10 Totals. 35 42412 3 Totals. M 10 2711 S Bureau 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 01 Interior 4 1 0 1 1 0 o 0 x-7 Runs Reynolds, Ganns, Addison. Hamilton, Mon roe. Menara ui, .aicrunnty. wiuinson. EL Savor. Bimma. Earned runs Interlcr, 5. First base by errors Bureau, a: inienor. & ictt on bases nn. rem, 6. Interlcr, 4. First rase on Dills OS Rey- noias. z: on a. aavoy, j. etrucc out Br Her- nolds. 8: by A. Savoy, 12. Two-base hits Mon roe, Wilkinson, sacrifice hits McKlnney, Slmms. Stolen bases Jictiinney, wuilnson. Blmrca (2). Passed balls-J. Davis (2). ' Umpire Mr. Harley. Time of game 1 hour and 30 minntes. "40" MILLER BROS., Auto and Supply House. 1105 11th. 'Phots S. 4170, Rauch & Lang Electrics WHITE US CARS THE IMPERIAL MOTOR CO, 1112 Connecticut Awe. Special Autocrii Limited Licensed under Belden Patent. M. T. POLLOCK 1018 Conn. Awe. 'Phone M. 7191. 0&BnwS8e THE TIRE MAN. All retain guaranteed at ths rata of lc per Bile for cost of repairs. MEELEY, UI repairs cuunteed at tn rat r oovt Ckf repairs Firestone Agents 1736 14tb St. X. "W. Thome IT. 3737. MclNTYRE licensed Cnder Selden Patent THE STILES CO. (13 SEVENTEENTH BTEEET. Thocs M. 43B for m OaoocstxaUoa. WASHINGTON CARTER MOTOR CAB COMPANY. Bnttnrss offlos llyattsvtlle. lid. Phons HrattSTtO 43. EASTERN WINS AT LAST. Alpha Beta Phi Wlna Champlonahlp By defeating Kappa Sigma, 15 to 0. yes terday the Alpha Beta Thl fraternity baseball team won the championship in the George Washington University Inter- fraternity league. This makes the third straight year the A. B. P. boys have landed' the top honors. The feature of the game was the heavy hitting of the winners, as tho losers were forced to use three pitchers, none of whom were very effective. Batteries A. B. P.. Paduce and Stav. entoa; Kappa Sigma, Hoj-n. Hamlin, Eb erly, and Bates. SOOTH ATUUfTIO I.EAGT7B. At Albany Albany, 2: AufnsU, 0. Takes) First Game of Season by Trounclnr Tfa-vy Yard, O to 2. Eastern Athletic Club won its first game of the season in the Capital City League at tho expense of the Navy Yard team, 6 to 2. The feature of the game was three double plays, two of which Navy Yard made. Score: Navy Yd. ARHOAB Jaeschke, cf.. 4 0 3 0 0 Miles, rf. 4 0 0 0 1 Hurley. 3b.... 1 1 3 4 0 Beard, lb 4 1 13 0 1 Carr. Zb 2 0 3 11 npauldlne, ss. 1 0 1 J 2 jlcDon'tn. If. 2 1 0 1 0 tliovannetti. c 2 0 5 3 1 M. Becker, p. 2 0 1 3 0 U. Becker, p.. 0 0 0 0 0 Eastern. AB H O A E 3IeCartliy, cf.. 4 2 1 0 9 More. 2b 3 2 3 10 Trowbpge. lb.. 3 1 12 0 0 ZanntlA. ss... 3 2 3 S 3 U'Neill. 3b... 4 0 13 0 Itlcker. If 3 12 0 9 J u z u u .40201 .40030 Ryder, rf... .Myers, c. ElUns. p... Totals. 32 tXUl 0 3(0 Totals. 3 32715 61 Jaesclii out on fool bunt. Eastern A. C 0 0 0 1 Navy Yard 01010000 0-2 Runs Beard. Carr. McCarthy, Mojo (3), Trow bridje, Zannelli. Earned runs Kary Yard. 1; Eastern, 3. First base on errors Navy Yard, ,2; Eastern. 4. Left on bases Navy Yard. 3; Eastern. X First bate en balls-OS M. Becker. 2; oft Elklns, 1. Hits made Oft M. Becker. S. Struck out By El Una. 2: try M. Becker, I; by C Becker. 1. Two-bass hits Mcje, Zannelli. Bea.Tl. 8acrifios hits Carr, Spauldlnc (1). MeDonoufh. Giovarnetti. M. Backer, Trowbridge, Zannelli. 8txlen bases Beard, Gio. vannetti-f Doubts playsHurley to Beard; Moye to Zannelli. Becker to Beard. Wild pitches Bklns. M. Becker. Fused Ulls-Mytrs (2, Glo TanncttL Cmptre Mr. Betts. Time of gamsI hoar sod S minntes. liose its franchise, it -ex-Meted tht ! v -? ; :,vl-, -. .': . iv. .. .!. - ' ' ''. rnssn:i J . v.l .. n.i.Ti... - ..;.i... iTivk.u. a I , newteamw!Ubetseain-i.Wil CIJ' -?l ?&&!' Wr; " "V --l irKoSsaSwSScnvlHe. : Ckanatfoa. X lforethe4e li-otat.' j ft w i Hijh t mrry WatCT . . t M Mistm Miwa. l HtvMart.1. I ' AMERICA ASSOCIATIOV. At Cetessbas-CohtmbBi. t; Mflwmksa, .1, At Toledo-Toledo, 4; HtilrMjoiH,'. kMril.kii;.i . && S&g&kh&t tfag&