Newspaper Page Text
rs""S"S"Ssss"SSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssasSBSsasBMBassssssssBSSBSl vri" " -"ei y v 10 PA VWV DO VOU N. AUACAYS WEAK THOSEf WANT YO0 TO PUTOrJ ONE OF THESE Urt-fiOvrtl COULAR5 TO-HitfHT. TMEY loon so 37yuiH .' WANT AD BRANCHES. of THE WASHINGTON HEEAID. Want Ads for The Washington Herald may be left at the main office. 1322 New York avenue northwest, or at any of the following; branches, or may be telephoned direct to the main office, and bill will be tent for the amount duo. BATES: One Cent a Word for Each Insertion. Minimum charge. 10c per day. There Is no extra charge for adi tele phoned. Those left at branches are also at the same rate, but must be paid In advance. HERALD BRANCH OFFICES: NORTHWEST. WOODWARD & LOTHROP, Information Bureau. GOLDENRETUJ'S, Information Bureau. HECHT & CO.. Cashier's Office. PALAIS ROYAL. Information Bureau. S KANN, SONS & CO.. Information Bureau. MODERN PHARMACY. 7th and E sts. CARPENTER & DUNLOP. 14th Glrard sts NICHOLAS PHARMACY 19th st. and Pa. avp BL'TLER & FIELD. 3d and Indiana CONCORD PHARMACY. J E. Wood ford. Prim 1CIH TCotjt Ilimnshlre ave. CHARLES C. HORNUNG, Christian! Pharmacy, sw. cor. 7th and M sts. J- 31 WAGNER. lt and H sts. SIMPSON'S PHARMACY, cor. th st. ana r i ave and R st. F P. WELLER'S PHARMACY. S334 M. ATKINSON'S PHARMACY. 1107 O St. ASTORIA PHARMACY. 3d and O 9t. KENESAW PRARMACY Mount Pleas- and and Irvine cts. Mc-NULTY'S PIGAR STORE. 1236 14th 3 TAYLOE'fl PHARMACY. 9th and P sta. DAVIS' PHARMACY 9th and S sts. ASQUITH'S PHARMACY. ISIS Hth St. T LLEATHERWOOD. 1514 14th st. KTOTT & SNYDER. 13th and G sts. NEW YORK AVENUE PHARMACY. cor N. T. ave and N. Cap St. DAY & CO 'S PHARMACY. 5th and O. YARNOLD'S PHARMACY, 3401 14th st. KING'S DRUG STORE. Vermont ave. and I st . NORTHEAST. EDWARD T PERKINS. 401 Stanton pL C. L KRAT'SE. 6th and K sts McCHESNEY & JOACHIM. 2d and E sts. McCHESNEY & JOACHIM. th and F sts. G J GEIGER'S PHARMACY, corner 61h and B sts. C?.A5IlES J- KTHRMANN'S PHAR--IArT- S:f and Kat Capitol sts. , , BLUMER'S PHARMACY North Capitol and R sts SOUTHWEST. V. HUGO EISENBFISS. 7th and B sts. SOUTHEAST. RLRROWS PHARMACY 1501 Pa. ave. ROACH DRUG CO . 8th and G sta. WELLER. Rth and I sts. GUY'M. NEELEY 11th and C sta. BROOKLAND CHARLES G. LENNON, 12th and New top sts. ANAPOSTIA. G B nrrRY'S PHARMACY, cor. Monroe snd Jefferson sts , . ALEXANDRIA. WILLIAM P TAYLOR BIB Klrnr st. I0ST AND FOUND. WASHINGTON TERMINAL CO. 1 patkage, 1 card case, 1 llac. l square, 4 coat". pm. 5 books. j umbrellas. jarket. hat 3 1CPVS, 1 pair gloves. I casting. 1 pair glasses. I shawl. 1 screwdriver, 1 roll music. LOST WHITE AND GREEN ENAMEL buckle. Reward H23 Sth st. nw. BELT BUCKLE SOLID GOLD. HAND chas-ed. Initials E D . heirloom; lost Sunday in or near St Patrick's Church: liberal reward St Patrick's Rectory, or Room 417. Atlantic Building 14G LOST LARGE AMETHYST SETTING out of watch fob Reward If returned to 1718 19th st. nw. 143 PERSONALS. MISS WELLS. PROFESSIONAL MANI ctirlst. 315 H st. nw., apt. 5. Hours, 9 n. m to 5 p. m 56-tf WORKINGMEN, MAKE A STUDY' OF yourself and your capacity for making and saving monej for a rainy day: here's how. &ec us now for a slightly-used tail ored suit. $3 to $10: one price. JUSTH'S OLD STAND, C19 D I WINDOW SHADES, WALL PAPER. PAINTING. DECORATING, SLIP COVERS. CHAS. A. CARLISLE, l09 11TH ST. NW. 'Phone 31. 4547 MRS. ORA L. FIELD. CANARIES. S15 H ST. NW. (SECOND FLOOR). LET US OVERHAUL YOUR ELECTRIC fans for the season: all work guaranteed. M F. IIARTY". as 13th nw. 'Phono 31 1593. 1C4 FIVE SUITS sponged and pressed. $L Ticket good until used. Metropolitan Pressing Club, l7 N. Y. ave. M. 593L HC-6m MISS FLORENCE MORRIS. 3IANICUR lns, 1113 14th st. nw. 'Phone 3343 North. 109-tf HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR worn clothing, either ladies' or gent'a; send postal; will call. L. TARSHES. 1308 7th st, nw. 'Phone- North 499. ISO-tf MANICURING AND SHAMPOOING dMrs. Brown Van Ness. The Mllford. 623 M nw. 'Phone N. 7659. 71-tf SPIRITUALISM. MRS. NOBBE WILL BE AT HER home. 1323 11th st. nw.. for readings dully from 10 to 4 o'clock. 141 Meetings Sunday, Monday, Tnursday. 8 p. m.; message to each; dally readings. Mrs. Maltby, 833 M st. nw. 'Phone- N. 8942. 2S2 WINDOW AND HOUSE CLEANING YOU'LL WEAR BILLIKEN'S 8MILB If youhave the "Acme" do your win dow, office, and house cleaning. ACME WINDOW CLEANING CO.. 921 O at. nw. 'Ptione Main 7159. US-tf COURTLANDS. couhtlajtds. Most desirable place for resJdtOM la Alex. Co.. Va.; beautiful lots, with softd. eas, new macadam road. 2 car Uses, on fare; choice lots. $200. Apply to H. W. FINNBY, Courtlands. Va or H. 42, 4 MACKALL. Metropolis Bask BlilMtac DOINGS OF THE VAN LOONS - peuwaps are ij i AAW f Mnu, bT - ss. ' , i . i wiu. look - t . f . zr . " v?v i i ' ' " i - - iiMtv iv .,... . .-i hi' I u vi I . ivwt rjwc -x.- nuvn I ;S5feA -""' ""i o Z. .0 I oiiwjihi i .... - siiloWC5fc.TtD HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED DELIVERYMEN, EXPERI- enced, with automobile license. Apply immediately to .SUPERINTENDENT Woodward & Lothrop. 113 WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR OFFICE and messenger work: must not smoke cigarettes. BOX 4S, Herald office. 143 WANTED COLORED MAN TO WORK In stable. Apply to 931 D st. nw. 145 WANTED A WHITE BOY TO LEARN the wholesale woolen business; age 15 to 17 j ears old; must be energetic and have references. Call at room 31S. Bond Bldg., between 9 and 10 30 o'clock. WANTED A DRIVER FOR GROCERY wagon, references. 12th and Jackson sts.. Ilrookland. UPSIDE DOWN IN DRESS. WANTED BOYS. OVER 1G YEARS old, with bicycles; can earn $40 to J50 per month. Apply WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OFFICE. HOI F st. 302-eod-Pot PATENTS SPECIFICATION WRITER: out-of-town corporation; state age, qualifications, experience, salary ex pected; permanent position for right man. Address H. II. S.. Herald office. 144 WANTED TAILORS, FIRST-CLASS coat makers by the week- good wages. Apply F. A. COCHRAN. 6C6 13th st. nw. 144 WANTED BOY WITH ONE OR TWO years' experience in painting. Call at 414 Mass. ave. nw., between 4 and 5. 141 WANTED EVERY BOY IN WASHING ton and vicinity to Join The Washing ton Herald subscription League. Ex ceptional opportunity to earn vacation money and win valuablo prizes in addi tion. 123-tf AN INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn J100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers; no canvassing. Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport. N. Y. STENOGRAPHY AND TYPEWRITING. THE MILTON SCHOOL. 1403 H ST. NW. 95-Cra bTE.NOGHAPHKKv-Stilly urdcT prmcuca! report ers ot long experience SUCCESa 3UOUT11AND N;H00L, 1115 Q H. 'Vhcne lllin B71 111-too HELP WANTED FEMALE. MANY MORE COOKS AT ONCE FOR families: city, suburbs, mountains, sea shore. J1S, J20, J25, $30, $40, alo chamber maids, waitresses, nursen. general house workers. LADIES' EXCHANGE, S07 Vermont ave. 146 WANTED LADIES AND GIRLS. RE liable home work, steady or evening: stamping patterns $150 loz ; work guar anteed, lady In attendance. Call Room 215, Kenois Bldg.. 11th and G. 143 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 107 jth st. ne MIRROR BEAUTY' PARLORS. 910 F st. nw. Scientific school for manl curlng; thorough course. $5. 9S-d-6m WANTED TAILORS. FIRST-CLASS help on coats; good wages. Apply F. A. COCHRAN, fm 13th St. nw. HI WANTED F.VERY GIRL IN WASH lngton and vicinity to Join The Wash ington Herald Subscription League. Ex ceptional opportunity to earn vacation money and win valuable prizes In addi tion. 123-tf AN INTELLIGENT PKRSON may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspa pers; no canvassing Send for particulars. PRESS SYNDICATE. Lockport N. Y. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED STA3IP COLLECTIONS. U. S. and foreign. THE OLD RELIABLE STAMP STORE. 1005 7th St. nw. 145 WANTED SELL YOUR FURNITURE to .iiahuls rJUTJib. 416 Sth st. nw., and you will obtain the best results. 'Phono M. E17L Established 23 years. Si-tf WANT TO BUY FURNITURE TO FUR- nlsh a ten-room house, all or In part? Call after 6 p. m.. 120S H st. nw. 96-6m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE Stfeff, Chlckerlng, Decker Bros., Mar shall & Wendell, Knabe, all upright pianos been used, but fully guaranteed. One excellent upright, $100. Square pianos, $25 to 5100. Easy terms If desired. CHAS. 31. STIEFF, I'lnno Manufacturer, 521 11TH ST. NW.. J. C. COXLIFF, Manager. 144-tf FOR SALE PURE STOCK OF WHITE leghorn chicks, $1.80 dozen. SCHMID'S BIRD STORE. 712 12th St. nw. 149 FOR SALE SEWING JIACHINE, standard automatic lift; makes both lock and chain stitch; used only 3 months; cheap. 907 H st. ne. 143 STICKIEST STICKER EVER STUCK Glues furniture, glass, china, books, everything. ROYAL GLUE. 10c, c. 60c. Pints. $1. Druggists'. &c. . mylS-tf UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED. M. H. PHILFTTT. BELIABLE UMBEE1XAAND Panto! Maker. Beptlrinc and re-corsrlng. Cnrenette, sloria. and ailk. U. Ml E at, ur. 11C -em MOVING, PACKING, ft STORING. GET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSOLUTB ly fireproof storage. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-420 10th St. nw. 'Phone Main 422B. ", 177-tf FURNITURE.1 BAGGAGE. PIANOS, ftc moved with care; packing and shlijlar a specialty. KRIEG'8 EXPRESS. 1M H st. nw. 'Phone Main 2tHt -tf TRUNK REPAIRING. - TRUNK and -HARNESS repairing. Call j. BU..,inargp postal... WraKD ' 'THE WASHINGTON HERALD, WEDNESDAY, i -. FT" k. v . t rr- i NOW TO AWW1T1 j , X. THE T6 ! J R5. "" -V v V ' ' , v ; BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE SACRIFICE PRICE GOL- den & Co. stock. Apply to EUGENE E. GADDIS. 1113 G St. nw. 145 PROVIDE FOR THE FUTURE. The profits from a small commercial apple orchard will take caro of you. A few cents saved each day makes you the actual owner of an orchard any. size you wish. My experts will operate it for part of the crop. Send postal for booklet. C. LOUIS ALLEN, METROPOLITAN BANK BUILDES'G. 13S.140.141.143.I44 IF YOU WANT THE "MOSTEST" AND "bestest" for the "leastest." In the Printing Art, give your next order to the Carpenter Printing Co.. 1315 N. Y. ave. nw 'Phone. Main 24SS. 78-tf AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE. At a sacrifice, two second-hand auto mobiles, in good running order: must be seen to be appreciated GEORGE II THOMAS, Harvey's Restaurant. 11th and Pa, ave. 149 TEN HORSEPOWER STANLEY' STEAMER. Good condition: combination two or four seats. Rear 1333 G st. ne. 145 FOR SALE STANLEY TOURING CAR; has been used very little; bought about fifteen months ago; will demonstrate. W. A. IIARTRANFT, 107 7th st. ne 14 SECO.D-HA!SD CAR3. RUNABOUTS, $100 TO $300. TOURING CARS, $200 TO $700. BUY NOW SAVE MONEY. SEND FOR LIST D. MILLER BROS. Phone N. 4170. 1105-1107 14th st- nw. 37-dtf WASHINGTON AUTO SUPPLY CO., AGENTd FOR FISK TIRES, 10S-d.6m 920 N. Y'. ave. SACRIFICE SALE. LESS THAN 1-4 cost Thomas six-cylinder light touring car: late model; fully equipped, nickel trimmings, fine running order. Just painted, cost $3.2n0. sacrifice price, $750. Ask for demonstration. CARTER MOTOR CAR CORP., Hyattsville, Md. 135-tf HIGHEST CASH PAID FOR DISCARD- ed rubber tires and Inner tubes of all Kinds. Write, call, or 'phone I. GLASSER & CO . 2025 7th st, nw. 'Phone N. 3959. 111-tf AUTO REPAIRS. LAKEWOOD AUTO REPAIR SHOP, Rear of 1441 Rhode Island ave. nw. Chalmers a Specialty, cars For Hire. llavcleen Oil, 40c sal. 118-3m MOTORCYCLES. THOR MOTORCYCLES. GEORGE W. BEALL, Agent, 1005 Sth st. nw. HORSES AND VEHICLES. FOR SALE SEVERAL GOOD WORK horses. Apply MARLOW'S COAL YARD, 216 A St. ne. 1 JUST ARRIVED FROM VIRGINIA 23 well broke horses, pair of steel gray horses, pair mules, and one saddle horse. N. CORBIN. 1210-12 Ohio ave. nw. 130 FOR SALE 100 SECOND-HAND CAR- rlages and buggies of all kinds. A. J. STABLER. 931 D st, nw. 147 FOR SALE SIX PONIES, TRAPS. AND harness, also two good saddle horses and one good family horse. A J. STAB- LER. B31 D st. nw. 145 FAST PACING YOUNG HORSE; SOR rel: handsome, fearless, and sound, also good Concord business buggy: very rea sonable. E. F. HALL, 3d and C sts. ne. 145 2S HOR3ES JUST FROM VIRGINIA, among them are heavy draft, delivery wagon horses, one pair carriage horses, one match team of blacks. RECKEWEG'S STABLES. Rear 623 D st. nw. 'Phone M. 2163. 146 FOR HIRE RIDING AND DRIVING horses. 'Phone 31. 15G0. WEST END STABLES. 909 19th St. 146 SELLING OUT EXPRESS AND QRO cery wagons, buggies, runabouts, sur reys. Full teams furnished at wholesale prices to retail buyers. GANTZ, 1203 D st. nw. 21-tf MONEY WANTED AND TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN LET US MAKE your new loans or replace old ones at lowest rates of interest. All transactions conducted with economical consideration for borrowers. TO. H. SAUNDERS & CO.. 1407 F st. nw. 68tf MONEY TO LOAN ON D. a REAL estate Lowest rates of Interest. Pav- ments on principal in amounts of fioo or more received at any Interest period. THE F. H. SMITH CO.. Bond Building. 1408 N. Y. ave. a-tf MONEY TO LOAN ON APPROVED city real estate at lowest current rates of interest: special privileges with respect to prior payments. TYLER & RUTHER FORD. Inc.. 730 15th st. nw. S-tf PAPERHANGLNG. NEW YORK DECORATING CO. PAPEItHANa- ing and palatine; work snarasteed; lowest prices. 512 O et. nw. 'Phone M. 317. 239 ROOMS PAPERED, $2. UP. SEND POS tal for sample and estimate. CHAS. R. HYSAN, 204 -E. Cap. st. 'Phone Line. 2239. 156 WE ABE 'PREPARED TO DO YOUR work at once. All work guaranteed. , IDEAL WALL PAPER CO, i S3B1-2 SECOND ST. KB. 62-tf 'Phone Lincoln 355-y ROOMS PAPERED$3 UP. ZTt Woodwork jpwlnted 1 coat Free. 'Fhon r writ X .a. BECKWTTH. QS-Tth it, FLOORS. oL6 Ptrxtfcs MADfc JHKW: 'Old floors Biased anil apranad to aanoAth surface and-awd Bfw.' , "' t " - C..H.ATiltliir atiiW.J'Wioha It's a wing collar every time for father, and don't you forget it. FURNISHED ROOMS. 210 E ST. NW. Exceptionally nell kept homf large eooi room; noiithrru exposure) I,, n. II Refined oiIuIIh onlri eentlemru pre f erred ( nenr Union Station; government ucpnrtmentM. iai 721 3D ST. NW. NICELY FURNISHED front and back rooms, with or without Doard; bath. 150 1212 12TH ST. NW. TWO LARGE rooms, furnished In mission wood; large brass bed; use of parlor and piano. 145 DINGBAT'S CONTENT! CREAM BUT termllk. MARYLAND QUICK LUNCH, 100S Pa. ave. nw. 21S 2D ST SE. TWO COMMUNICATING furnished rooms; sultablo for light Housekeeping; near Capitol and Library: reasonable. 143 2K 4TH NE. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, with private family: corner Maryland ave.. facing Stanton Park; near two car lines 113 120S PA AVE. NW. HOTEL WEST New. European: reasonable; near P. O.- rates to permanents 145 C13" E CA P. ST NICKLYFURNiSHED front hall room. $5 per month. 145 230 2bST NW NICELY' FURNISHED communicating rooms, near Pension and Census offices and Union Station. 141 WE HAVE JUST THE ROOM OR place you want. Our services cost you nothing: tho one who has tho room to rent pavs us. ROOM AND BOARD BUREAU, 1301 O st. n-v., room 32. 'Phono Main 2732. 1S4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 125 E ST. NE. ENTIRE FLOOR OF throe rooms and bath; adults; excel lent locality; reasonable. 143 14 11TH ST NW. FOR RENT UNFUR- nlihed. one second story back room and ono third floor hall room. 113 320 3D ST. NW. SEVERAL NICE large communicating rooms; fine lo cality; near Pension and Census offices. 145 ROOM AND BOARD. MODEL LODGING HOUSE FOR GIRLS at I5fjf5 K st. nw.. Is now open; rates, single room from $2.25 to $5 per week; double room, $4 and $4 30 per week per person These rates Include board. 146 WHERE TO DINE. TRY OUR FINE Small Sirloin Steak, Plain - r Frled Potatoes, Coffee, Bread, V and Butter t-iJ- HAVEN'S LUNCH, 1205 NEW YORK AVENUE. WANTED ROOMS. IF Y'OU WANT YOUR ROOMS RENT ed. list with us. POTOMAC RENTAL BUREAU. Rooms 902-S", District Na tional Bank Bldg.. 1405 G st. nw. 165 COUNTRY BOARD. GLORIA POINT. TENNALLYTOWN; large cool rooms; home comforts; adults onlv. 'Phone CIcv. 515. m-21.eod,30t FOR RENT DESK ROOM. DESK ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. AP- ply 504. District National Bank Bldg. 143-tf WASHINGTON HOTELS. 2027 Flagler St.. 6 r. & b $27.00 1419 6th St.. 10 r. & b. (repapered).... 42.50 2112 II St. nw., 13 r. & b., reduced to.. 45.60 1711 1st. st. nw., 9 r. & b 30.50 CI R st. nw., 9 r. & b 30.50 200S 1st st., 9 r. & b., reduced to.... 39.50 D. II. JOHNSON CO., 1303 II SI. J. w, 139,142,144.147,149 HOTEL TIIYSO, SEVENTH AND P STREETS NW. Phone N. S225. THOS GANNON, Prop. 112-6m FOR RENT HOUSES. No. 21 U ST. Fine, large, airy dwelling eight rooms, large attic, cellar; big yard; in first-class condition: rent, $23 50. Apply to OWNER. 1414 W st; apartment No. 43. 14S FOR RENT-6 AND 8 ROOM HOUSES In Bloomlngdale, near North Capitol Rt - rhAiin tn rood tenants. W. J. FRIZ- ZELL, 42 V nw. 131-tt WANTED HOUSES. RESPONSIBLE PARTY TO TAKE furnished house, on car line In tho sub urbs and board widower and two chil dren'. Address BOX 49. Herald office. ELECTRICAL REPAIRS. ARTHUR F. CARROLL THE LIVE WIRE MAN." 122fi H ST. NW. MAIN B6X 289 ' BEAUTIFUL. THIS AD. WITH 25c. ENTITLES YOU TO 6 BEAUTIFUL fUBlALa. BROOKS' STUDIO, 907 PA. AVE. NW. 164 - STOVE HOSPITAL. REPAIRS STOVES, REFRIGERATORS, IOX Boxes, Autmnobile Lamps; roof patatin and t pairing. Dont forget those ateI and Iron ranges. Perfection cdl and gaa stores. Cash or credit W. L. COGSWELL. BIB 41-! t. w. , 'Pfcoaa M. Sim. 180 LAMPS BF.Pr.TREI). -!-. m1 1ma t awj rlRVsl VflHP trto lamps and radiator repaired. MOORB CO.. ax John Marshall Flat. ANTIQUE FURfliTukE. -ANTI' N1TURE MAT -24, 1911. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. APARTMENTS Of ono to five rooms; cool nnd airy, with all exposures- In new fireproof building: near cars. These apartments are well finished. Rents free to September 1. JAMES FRASER, 1320 New York Ave. Tel. Main 593. 144-tf THE NEW LOGAN, 13TH AND IOWA CIRCLE. BEST RATES FOR BOTH ROOMS AND CAFE. 72d26t ATTRACTIVE SMALL APARTMENTS, 2145 N st, nw. Parlor floor, two largo rooms; bay window; elegantly decorated; with kitchenette or with basement kitchen if desired. $2J. Second floor, two Blmllar rooms, with alcove. $22 60 Third floor, three rooms, private bath. $22.50. H M. TAYLOR. 617 14th st. 82-tf FOR SALE HOUSES. 1011 B ST. NE. LARGE SEVEN-ROOM house, furnace heat, modern bath, big back yard, with grape arbor and shade tree; no reasonable offer refused. 143 BIG CHANCE FOR COLORED BUYER. $4,500 Home For $3,225. 8-room frame house. In select nw. section, all modem Improvements; one block from car line. This Property Must Be Sold. IF Y'OU WAM A HOME IF YOU WANT AS INVESTMENT SEE ME AT ONCE. Terms, $500 Cash, Balance, S25 Per Month. HARRY E. GLADMAN, 306 Pa. ave. se. 141-tf FOR SALE ON 15TH ST., SOUTH OF 8, A very desirable 3-story and cellar brick. 10 rooms and modern bath. FURNACE HEAT, First floor kitchen. HOUSE JUST PUT IN GOOD ORDER. Has rented steadily for $45 mo. Owner wishing to make a quick sale, has made a substantial cut in price. H. 120-tf L. RUST, 1400 H at. aw. FOR SALE FARMS. FARMS! FARMS! FARMS! VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND. Country Property of Every Description. My New Catalogue Is Free. J. W. LATHAM, Evans Building. 1420 N. Y. ave. 31d-tf FOR SALE SUBURBAN. THREE TEN -ACRE LOTS, ONE square from station; splendid neighbor hood; If sold at once, $250 PER ACRE. 107 acres, station on property; large bungalow, with bath, ONLY 7,500. Lots, Acreage, and Farms. H. C. MACKALL, ROOM 209, Metropolitan Bank Bldg. 145 CLARENDON LOTS. Ten Different Snhrilvlelnna TM... range from $150 to $350. Small Monthly payments. "COLLINS, CLARENDON, VA. su,mon,wed,fri-15t FOR SALE ONE-HALF ACRE, FIVE squares trolley. Silver Springr, Md., 6 room bungalow, poultry run, chicken house. 20 bearing fruit trees. $1,800. 114 acres on City and Suburban trnllBV. 8-room furnished house, cellar, attic toilet: barn: 40 fruit trees: all ennlnmont- 1 square car; $3,000. Many others; -also larms. J. JEROME LIGHTFOOT. 1404 H NW. Branch. Congress Hta opposite School. FOR SALE TO RELIABLE COLORED families, several nice cottages with large grounds, overlooking United States government nvlntlnn nM- tzn tn rim cash, balance monthly same as rent. Call ai once ana we win snow you the proper ties. JOHN J. KLETNFTt A- f-n Otsm' 602 P St. nw. 150 WE HAVE 5 ATTRACTIVE , JDE tached , homes now being erected is "Fourteenth Street Terrace" for ale. containing from 7 to 9 rooms, bath, attic, and cellar: hot water heat, wide lots; only 23 minutes to Treasury Department on the 14th st, cars. Full particulars upon application. ROBERT E. HEAT ER. 411-413 Colorado Bldg. 'Phone Main 1064-1065; Its COME TO MT BRANCH OFFICE. QON gress Heights, 'any afternoon. Sunday Included, for bargains, acreage,' lots, bouses, rent or sale: easy terms; lhi acres wlth-6 r. h. SL8E0: 1 car fare: see these snans and be convinced. J. JEROME LIGHTFOOT: 1494 H St. nw. PROPOSALS. OFFICE OI' THE COMMISSIONERS, DISTINCT of Colmnfcla. Washington. D. a. Max 23. 191L Sealed prcpoIs will L rccrlied at this ofHcc until 2 o'clock p. m. MAY 21, 1911. for grading site of new school building at tho northeast comer cf Thirtieth and It Mrtcli sciitbeast. Handle High lands Specifications and form cf proposal maj be obtained from tho Chief Clerk. Engineer Depart ment. Rnrai 417. District ltnilding. Washington, D. a CUJ0 H. BUDOLPH. JOHN A. JOHN STON', WILLIAM V. JUDSON. Commissioners. D. C. mjH-d.t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF THE District cf Columbia. Washington. May 22. 1911. Sealed proposals will be replied at this office until 2 o'clock p. m., MONDAY, Juno 5, 1911. for fur nishing and Installing complete. In the McKlnlejr Manual Training School, this citr. one double beam hand-power geared trareling crane, with a capacity of 4.O0O pounds. Form of proposal, speci fications, and necesstry information may be ob tained upon application to the Property Clerk, D. C Rorm 33). District nuildirg Ct'NO H. RU DOLPH. JOHN A. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM V. JUDSON. Commissioners. D. C. myd-djt OFFICE OF TUB COMMISSIONERS OF THE District of Columbia. Washington. D. C. May 12, 191L Sealed proposals will be receired at this cXJcir unUI Z o'clock p. m., JUNE 1. 1911. for furnishing twelve hores for me in the street cleaning derart- ment, this city. Form of proposal, specifications, and all necessary information may be obtained upon ap plication to tho l'roperty Clerk. D. C. Roonf S3). District Building. CUNO IL RUDOLPH. JOHN A. JOHNSTON. WILLIAM V. JUDSON, Cfcmminion ers, D. C. my22 3t OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONERS. D. C. May 20. 1911. Sealed proposals will be received at this oSco until 2 p. m. JUNE 3. 1911. for the con struction of sewers la the District of Columbia. Specifications, forms cf proposal, and ntccry in formation may be obtained from the Chief Clerk, Engineer Deportment. Room 427. District Building. Washington. D. C. CUNO II. RUDOLPH. JOHN A. JOUNbTON. WILLIAM V. JUDSON. Commis sioners, D. 0. mySMSt UNITED hTATES ENGINEER OFFICE. 920 Seienteenth street northwet, Washington. I). G. April 25. 1911. Sealed proposals for furnishing and delivering 3.600 tons, more or less, of bituminous coal will be received here until 12 m., MAY 23, 1911, and then publicly opened. Information on apjJication. W. G LANGF1TT. Lt. Col, Engrs. apCS 26.2;,23.mr23.2( PROPOSALS FOR ICE. CLERK'S OFFICE. House of Representatives United States. Washing ton. D. G, May 1. 191L-Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock noon. TUES DAY. June 6. 1911, for furnishing ice to the Has of Representatives during the fiscal year ending June 39, 1912; said bids to be on the best Kennebec River Ice and on the best manufactured plate Ice. The ice to be m-livereil at the Hou of Representa tives, at the Hoitxe Office Building, or as may be otherwise directed, at such times and in such ouan- tltlen as may be ordered by the Clerk of the House of Representatives. A bond in the sum of five hundred dollars (COO) will be required to Insure the faithful performance of contract. The Clerk reserves the right to reject cny and all bids. Bids must be indorsed "Proposals for Ice," and addressed to SOUTH TRIMBLE. Clerk of the House of Bepre- sentativm of the United States. SOUTII TRIM BLE. Clerk. House of Representatives U. S. myJ.10.17.2t PROPOSALS FOR PACKING BOXES.-HOUSE of Representatives. Clerk's Office. Washington. D, C, Ma 1. 191L-Sealed proposals will be received by the Clerk of the House of Representatives until TUESDAY, June 6. 1911. at It o'clock noon, for the following packing boxes: 1,20) Congressional paefcin; boxes, being 400 of three several kinds. Plans and siecification tnay be obtained by application to the Clerk of the Ilouvr. The above-described braes to be Completed by the 1st cf September. 1312. delivered and stored In the box house, at the comer of Third and B streets southwest, and inspected by a com petent person to be appointed by the Clerk. The Clerk to have the right to increase the number of boxes of each size and kind 10 per cent or less tfnr- Ing the fiscal year at contract price. .The right to reject any and all bids s hereby reserveu. Juacn bid must be accompanied by a certified check In the sum of five hundred dollars (S300). drawn to the order of South Trimble. Clerk of the Hcuso of Representatives, as a guarantee of good faith. The bids to be Indorsed "Froposals for Packing Boxes." Samples cf the boxes may be seen or any further information had by calling at the office cf the Chief Clerk cf the Rouse cf Representatives. A surety company bond in the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000) will bo requirM for the faithful performance cf nhe contract. SOUTH TRIMBLE, Clerk House of Representatives United States. my3,10.1T,21 PROPOSALS FOR LAUNDERING TOWETS. &c Clerk's Office. House of Reprevntatives United States, Washington, D. G, May 1. MIL Sealed proposals will be received by the Clerk of the Bouse of Representatives until TUESDAY. June 6. 1911 at 12 o'clock noon, for laundering towels. sheets, and bath rugs for the House of Itepre tentatlves during the fiscal year anding June 30. 1912. During the serslon or sessions of Congre- towels are to be taken from the Capitol twice each day and to be returned laundered twice each day; at all other times towels are to be taken from the Capitol each morning and returned on the following morn ing. The work must be first clan in every par ticular apd performed to the satisfaction of the Clerk of the House. Samples of toweU. shejpts, and bath rugs to be laundered may be seen or any further information bad by calling at the office of the Chief Clerk. A surety company bond in the sum of fire hundred dollars ($3)0) will be required to Insure the faithful performance of contract. The Clerk reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Bids to be indorsed "Proposals for Laundering Toweto, At." and addressed to SOUTH TRIMULE. Clerk of the Bouse of Representatives United States. SOUTH TRIMBLE. Clerk Houso of Representa tiTes United States. myS.10.17.2i. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U. 8. PRO- posals for Stationery. Clerk's Office, Bouse of Reprtsentatlrca U. S., Washington. D. C. May 1, 19U.-SeaIed nrorjosals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m., TUESDAY, June 6. 1911. for furnishing stationery for the House ot itepresenia tives during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. Blank forma of rropceals, blank bonds, and neces sary information will be furnished on application to the Stationery Clerk. The Clerk revrrres the right to waive defects and reject any or all bids or parts of bids. Proposals should be addressed to the Clerk of the Bouse of Representatives, and indorsed 'Pro posals for Stationery." Proposals and specimens must be delivered at the office of the Clerk of the House free of charge. SOUTH TRIMBLE. Clerk. House of Bepresentatlres U. S. LEGAL NOTICES. SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OP Columbia, holding Probate Court. No. 1S01I. Ad ministration. Tils b to give notice that the sub scriber, of the District cf Columbia, has obtained front thj Probate Court of the District of Columbia letters of administration on the. estate cf Ellen P. Thompson, late cf the District of Columbia, de ceased. All persons having claims against the de ceased are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, legally authenticated, to the subrcrtber on cr before the ISTH DAT OF MAT. A. D. 1912; otherwise they may by law be excluded from all benefit tt said estate. Given under my hand this Bd day of May, 191L CHAatLES & DAVIS, HIT Endid strl northwest.Attest: (Seal,) JAMES TANNER, Register of VUIs for the Dis trict if Columbia. Clerk of the Probate Court. BEACH ADKIN3. Attorneys. myllJLieT UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING. CABINETMAKING. and repairs. Antique fur. reproducing. JEAN AHRANO. 13 20th sU aw. 'Phone N. SOB. S7-d ' COLUMBIA TJPHOLSTKRINO CO, Reae-tal for 10 dars 6-Diece oarlor suite. rtuVhotetered an re-covered In velour or VACUUM CLEANING MACHINES. Rtglna, Diamond. Richmond, Magic. DusUey. Hoover, all ether makes; sold and repaired; free demonstration: prices. $5 to JKM. cash or time. Main 4128. NATIONAL. 6th and D nw. 141 MESSENGERS. 5-CENT MESSENGER SKRVICE-14TH and N. Y. ave. nw. 'Phone M. 2072. Room 214. Oxford Building. U3-m DRESS SUITS FOR HIRE. ONLY UP-TO-DATE FULL DRESS and tuxedo suits for hire. M. T. PIMES. Merchant Tailor. 1006 7th st. nw. 2S2 COLLECTIONS. LAV COLLECTIONS. ANYTHING. ANY where. Personal call on all accounts. E. XV. DRIGGS &. CO., Bond Bids'. 91 -Cm GASOLINE ENGINES. 2-HP. FOR PUMPING. &.C: GUARAN- teed for life: a high-class engine for little money; $42.50. J. J. MOHLER. 2127 Pa. eve. 92-S.w.f-30t NONMEDICAL HEALING. CHIROPRACTIC. (DRUGLESS HEALING.) DORA I. BR0SENNE, C. D., IDA M. OLIVER, C. D. OfSce: Apt. 1. the Madrid. 2300 ISth st. nw. PHONE NORTH 604L 83-S.w.f-150t MEDICAL. DR. SHADE, SPECIALIST. rORTY YEARS' PRACTICE TREATIXO STOMACH AND NERVOUS DISEASES'. Special and private ailments of both Fxes cured promptly. Consultation free. Hours, 10 to 1 and 3 to 5:30. Sundays, 19 to IL 723 13th st. nw. 77-tf DR. FISK ELGIN. EXPERT IN TREAT ment of special diseases, chronic and acute. Male:, only. Consultations confl dentiaL Medicine furnished. Prices mod erate. Corner 14th and Pa. ave. nw. Phone M. 7C47. Office hours, 9 to L 3 to S. !3S-Gmo DR. nEED, Specialist. 01 17th st. Twenty-seven years successful practice in diseases of the Brain and Nervous System, Skin, Blood, Heart. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, Bladder Nose, Throat, and Lungs. Stricture, Varicocele, and Hydrocele cured. No pain. No loss of time. Blood Diseases and Disorders of the Urinary organs promptly relieved and permanently cured by safe methods. Charges low. Free consultation to person or by letter. Hour. 10 to 1 and 3 to 6. J4S-tf Sundavs. 10 to 1. HERB SPECIALIST. WE MANUFACTURE A SPECIAL LINE OF herb remedies, guaranteed to cure or relieve all ail ments. M. A. LOUIS &. SONS. S3 O st. nw. 99-ea RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. If. B. Following schedule figures published only as information and are not guaranteed. For Atlanta. Birmingham, Mobile. New Orleans. Asbevllle. i s. m. and 10:15 p. m. For Chattanooga and Memphis. 9:00 a. m. daily. Dining cars. For Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Birming ham. New Orleans. 10:10 p. m. Dining cars. For Roanoke. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Nashville. Memphis. 4J0 a. m. dailx. (Sleeping car open after 10 p. m.) Dining cars. For Charlotte. Spartanburg. Atlanta, Anniston. Birmingham. 4:15 p. m. dally. Dining cars. For Oreecsboro. Durham, Raleigh, Charlotte, Co lumbia. Charleston. Aiken. Augusta. Savannah. Jacksonville, and Florida points. 0 p. m. dally. Dining cars. L. 8. BROWN General Agrnt. BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD. LEAVE UNION STATION. ROYAL BLUE LINE EVERY OTnER HOUR ON THE ODD nOUR." TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. NEW YORK TERMINALS. LIBERTY STREETS and W TWEVTT-THIKD STREET. liD. Vin (Royal Special. 5 hours). BH0 (Roval Special). llsOO a. m.. IsOO. 3.-00 Ijoyal Limited. S hours). 30, 3ffl0 r. m. and 1ZH5 night, 232 a. m. Diners and Parlor Cars on day tranu. Sleepers en U:1J night open at 10:00 p. m. Philadelphia ana Atlantis. Ulty. ttso, "SSO. U.-0- a. m., "law. "jot. to p. m. TO UlLTIHURK. "EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR." (Week days. 7110 a. m. to 10:00 p. ra.) "IS f5:00. t3), ISO, ia. ISot, :, 3a0. 1930. 10S0. mm a. m., ViM noon. tl2S6. 'ISO. lias, i2o, nno, tsao, a. t4so. t4:t5, jso. 15500. a, 16:00. 63). HSO. Sw. 1930. WSB.' 10.10. 1130, 12aS night. WESTWARD. CHICAGO. 9'J0 a. m.. Its. 5X p. m. CINCINNATI. ST. LOUIS. AND LOUISVILLE. 9:10 a. m.. M JO p. m.. '1200 night. PITTSBURG. "9:10 a. m., 125, "930 p. m.. 1ZM. night. (Sleeper ready 10 p. m.) CLEVELAND. J0 p. m. COLUMBUS. S3t' p. m. WHEELING. 9:10 a. m.. "ISO p. m. Schedules of local trains at ticket offices. Daily. (Except Sunday. Sunday only. TELEPHONES st following Ticket Offices: lCf O St. nw.. Main 1551; u3 Pennsylvania are.. Mala Wi; Union Station office. Main 1380. NORFOLK & WESTERN RWY. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MAY 11, 191L Leave Washington, New Union Station. tin a. m. Dally All points'on Norfolk and West ern. 10 JO p. m. Daily Roanoke. Bristol. Winston-Sa-' lem, Knoxvllle, Chattanooga. Nashville. New Or leans, Through Sleeper. Dining Cars, 4:10 a. m."For Bristol. Knoxvllle. Chattanooga. Nashville, and Memphis. Wuhlrtcton-Meniprili sleeper open 10 p. m. For Norfolk Leave Washington. 43) a. nu daily, arrive Norfolk. 1130 a. m.; 12:01 coon daily, antra Norfolk, 529 p. m. week days. Leave Richmond daily. 4 J9 p. m.. arrive Norfolk, 739 p. m. Leave Richmond 800 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Sundays only. 4 JO p. m. Daily Berryville. Luray, Shenandoah. Xlktcn. Trains from the Southwest arrive (3 a. a.. 203 p. a and 12:1 J a. m. All Information Fourteenth street snd New Tort (Bond BuDding). CHESAPEAKE & OHIO LUTES. Published enly as Information, not ruaranteed. ISO p. m. daUy-CL & O. SPECIAL. Solid train, to Cincinnati, with Pullman sleepers to Louisville., Ctsdnnati. Indianapolis. St. Louis, and Cnicafo.1 aaO. dinlcg car, service a la carte. l H-J0 P. m. ually-F. F. V. UMITED to Vest. Southwest, and Northwest. Puttman sleepers' to Virginia, Hot Springs. Cincinnati, snd LoutsvCla.. CsKinnaU 'ajerper open ter occupaocy S) p. . C 0.,dtinn ear. serrtc s la csrta. .! m