Newspaper Page Text
v IHE WASHIHGTok HEBALD, SATTJBBAY, JULY 15, 1911. Woodward & Lothrop New Ybrk WASHINfeTON-Paris. We Will Close at 1 o'Clock To-day. ,) Boys' High-grade ClotKing Featured Because of The Very Low Prices. Clothing pi such excellence as this does not need reduced prices ra order to disperse of it, but we are anxious that our stock be clear of every suit while they can be worn, and reductions appear to be the one logical way. The season for their wear is now at its heieht. anrl-manv hnvs will need suits of this character, especially those who are already outj of town or are pnincr 1 High-grade, perfectly fashioned Ready-to-wear Clothes, of Splen did all-wool fabrics and unquestioned style, at prices that in no way estimate tneir worth and attractiveness grays, tans, and browns $5.00 and $6.00 each. Were $6.00, $6.50, $7.50, and $8.50. - ' Chilean Minister and His FamilySail for Paris. Miss Clark io Accompany Her Mother ip Colorado Springs. Third floor Tenth it. t) Misses' and Girls' Summer Dresses Low Priced. There is practically no limit to the number of Dainty Summer Dresses needed during the warm weather; hence it should take but a snort time to ettect a complete clearance of these, which we have manced greatly Delow tneir actual value. Misses and Women's Gingham and Lawn Dresses; low neck and -sleeve style, in the most desirable colors; some ery appropriately trimmed with lace or embroidery. $4.95. Values up to $8.75. Girls' Long-waist Dresses, made of KSit, ad ucheed Singham. In dainty SfeWil neck: 10ne and Special value, $2.95. Third fioor-G it. Girls Rep Dresses, In blue-and-white and plnk-and-whlte- striped patterns; also wcuu wmie inramea wun Diue or red 3&SXr6S1" and fuU p,a4ted $3.50. Were $5.00. Women's and Misses' Lawn Dresses, in an assortment of the best colors; square neck and sleeves; finished with embroidery edging. $5.00. Value, $6.75. Infants' Slips and Dresses. Very attractive and pretty styles are shown in wide variety, made oi sneer materials, and much daintier and better than they could be produced at home for equal out lay. .?nLm?de Nnsook Slips. In bishop stjle, neck and sleeves finished with lace. $1.75 each. t,i?I!?.made Nalnsook Dresses, finely tucked to form yoke; lace-trimmed neck ana sleeves $2.00 each. flfi!2ook Jesses, fine tucked yoke; 2?'shed. wh feather-stitching and WUh lace"" : neck and sleeves ned $2.25 each. ,T.?TA .l8! JH?k?l yoke, neck nig, and ilceV "" msertlon "eaa- $3.50 each. hiSlf hfaJ?S00ic Dresses. with dainty fin?Sh"PTK e5ed roke' neck and sleevS finished with fine lace and beading. $4.75 each. Third floor r at. Cool Uhdermuslins. We are ready with the neces sary undermuslins, no matter what your preference may be. Dainty, fresh, and effective styles that are especially good values. Cross-barred Lawn and Soft Nainsook """" wun iow necK ana short sleeves; Pre"ylaces, beadlns. and ribbon or fine embroideries are applied in various forms. $1.00 each. ' CrOSS-barrpfl Tjwm ami Vnl.,Ml. f blnatlon Suits, variously trimmed iitn lace or embroidery. $1.00 each. Nainsook and Cross-barred Muslin Cor set Covers, trimmed with lace and In sertion, beading, and ribbon. 50c each. Long Petticoats, trimmed with tuck: and embroidery ruffles. $1.00 each. Combination Suits, finished with" nar row nemstitcned. ruffles, beading, and iiuuua. - 50c each. Third floor nerenUi it The new Chilean Minister and Mme. Suarez, with their children, whd have beert guests at, the Shoreham since their arrival in Washington tho latter cart of June, will sail for Paris to-day, where they will spend the remainder of the summer. The Spanish Minister has Joined Mme. Riano at York Harbor, Ma, where the latter has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Chandler Anderson, fdr- the past few weeks. Miss Genevieve Clark, daughter of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who has spent the past few weeks at Deal "Beach, N. X, has arrived In Wash ington to accompany her mother to Colo rado Springs, for which place they are leaving shortly. Mrs. S. F. Emmons and her daughter will sail to-day for a visit of several months in. Europe. She will Join Mrs. Hunt Slater for a time, who has been abroad for six months or more. Mr. Thomas Hinckley has Joined his mother and sister, Mrs. Robert Hinckley and Miss Gladys Hinckley, in Paris. They will return to this country next month and go to Bar Harbor. Col. and Mrs. C. J. Bailey have closed their residence here, and with their family have gone to Lenox, Mass., where they will spend several weeks, guests at the Aspinwall. Gen Marshall, U. S. A., and Mrs. Will iam L. Marshall, and their daughter. Miss Maitland Marshall, left Washing ton yesterday for Monterey, Pa., ivhere Mrs. Marshall and her daughter will spend some, time. They will be iolned there for the week-end by Gen. Mar shall. Mrs. Marshall and her daughter will spend the late summer at Whr Sulphur Springs, as usual. Mr. do Naint, vice consul and attache at the French Embassy, will go to New York the latter part of the month. whence he will sail August 3 for a two months' sojourn In France. Mr. de Saint Phalle, of the embassy, who Is now in Canada, will return to Washington about the same time. York. Is at ilatls. Canada, the guest of the Trenholms, with whom aha spends some time every year. Capt. and Mrs. John G. Knapp, with the latter's mother, Mrs. Randolph Har rison, will close their residence in Twenty-second street to-day and go to Jamestown, R. L, for the remainder of tho summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. L Weller are at their country place at Arundel-on-the-Bay. Anne Arundel County, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beale. of 11S0 Co lumbia road, have as their guests Miss Mary Ware, of West Point, Miss., sister cf the latter, and Miss Mamie Eachlin, of Los Angeles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Byron 4 S. Adams and their daughter, Miss Adams, are at the Royal Muskoka Hotl, Muskdka, Canada. Mrs. Lula S. Hammond and Mrs. Rhoda M. Ireland are spending the week at Atlantic City, where they are attending a convention of the Ladles of the Mac cabees. Mrs. Hammond is a delegato from the Eastern election district. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Blrdsong, of Nor folk, Va., are visiting relatives in Wash ington. They will leave shortly for Lees burg, Va., where they will bo the guests of friends. Tho marriage is announced of Miss Carolyn Elizabeth Boyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Boyce. and Mr. Harry Warren Dash, of Philadel phia. The ceremony was performed on Sunday, July 9, by Rev. J. W. Frlzzell. of the Ingram Memorial Church. The young people will mako their future home at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia. Mrs. D. M. Addison, wife of Paymas ter Addison, U. 8. N.. has gone to her home ln.the Blue Ridge Mountains for tho summer months. MUZZLE PAINTED ON DOG FOOLS POUNDMASTER'S MEN 4 . English Biill Enters Into Owner's Conspiracy, but Ex poses Cunning Ruse by Snapping at Duck Trousers and Hobble Skirt If an English bulldog, aided and abetted by a skillful artist, fooled the poundmaster for many a long day with a muzzleless muzzle. Is the- Joke on the law or the dog-catcher? In other words, if your dog wore a muzzle that didn't muzzle, owing to ar tisUc deception on your part, ought you to go to Jail or be given a raise in salary for cleverness? That Is the iproblem confronting the poundmaster. A well-known Washlng tonlan has a pet bulldog, and both have congenial prejudices against muzzles. Yet, law is law, and a mere prejudice cannot overcome It. nor the danger that said bulldog will bo yanked oft to the pound some day and be subjected to all sortB of indignities. In this dilemma, the owner used paint and brush to good effect, and gave dog gie an Imitation muzzle that looked like I the real thing and fooled everybody. The dog entered into the conspiracy. Disliking leather more than j paint, he chose the lesser of two evils, and al low himself to be decorated with a beau tiful muzzle which did not keep his Im. pedal Jaws In leash and yet seemed to satisfy all the requirements of the- law. The Scheme worked brilliantly until a day of two ago. Then the bulldog forgot himself. He playfully strolled up to a pair of duck trousers and a hobble skirt and gave each a cute little tug with his teeth. The result was complete ex posure, and much walling and gnashing oi xeein at tne home of the canine As a result of the indiscretion, the bull is now doomed to wear a real muzzle and not an artistic sham. This Is the end of the story. The poundmaster does not know whether ne ought to prosecute or have a laugh" on himself. NEXPENSIVE articles that render excellent serv ice at this season. DIVINE SARAH TO BEITON". See Woodward & Lothrop. - SARA BERNHARDT. Three hard-earned bones I paid to see great Sara, who was once "divine;" she sent a pea-green pain through me whene'er she spoke a throbbing line. I thought of Jeffries in the ring at Reno, on that fateful day, when Johnson didn't do a thing, and white men's hopes were cheap as hay. There was a time when Sara paced triumphant on the inside track; the stage for three decades she graced, but, like poor Jeff, she can't come back. The plaudits that she used to win were justly earned, long, long ago; but, like Bat Nelson, she's all in, and some one ought to tell her so. There's nothing sadder than to watch a relic of a former age come limping forth and make a botch of noble dramas on the stage. There's nothing sadder than to hear her piping, shrill, discordant tones, which grate upon the shrinking ear and know that you are shy three bones. I've looked on ruins oft before; I've viewed old tower and crumbling wall; I've seen Joe Cannon at the door; I've watched the Colonels playing ball; but nothing ever wrenched my heart, or from my bosom drew the groans, like poor old Sara slaying Art and I was out three hard-earned bones. (Copyright, 1911, by George Matthew Adama.) WALT MASON Mrs. A. R. Penning has gone to As bury Park to spend the summer. Mrs. John F. Connor left Washington yesterday with her children for Fort Dover, Canada, where they will be Joined later in the season by Mr. Connor. Mrs. John Melton Hudgins, with her young son, left Washington yesterday for Jamestown, R. I., where they will spend several weeks before sailing for .Europe. Mrs. J. Van Vechten Olcott, wife of the former RepresentaUvo from New Miss Mary C. Flanagan attended n meeting of the board of directors of the Catholic Woman's Benevolent Legion, which was held at Rockaway Beach, Long Island, during the past week. William F. Lemon, assistant clerk of the District Supreme Court, accompanied by Mrs. Lemon, left Washington yester day for an extended European tour, from which they will return about Septem ber L CpL George A. Armes. U. B. A., and Mrs. Armes have returned to Fairfield Home, In Connecticut avenue, after a two weeks' outing at Cape May and Wlldwood, N. J., where they were the guests of airs. Armes' cousin, Mrs. Ed ward Francis, of New Jersey. CoL and Mrs. Armes will go to Saratoga Springs later. Bernhardt Exprusei Wish to Nature's Wonder Here. New York. July sli Mme. Sarah Bern hardt has written a letter of appreciation to W. F Connor, her American mana ger', thanking him for his conduct of her tour here last season and expressing degree of her appreciation of America. A translation reads in part: "Never before during my tours of the United States has my success or that of my company been so great, so constant. This time, the public being more fa miliar with our language, showed a Just appreciation for tho young artists who surrounded me. "Perhaps I shall never return as an artist, but I shall come back to Amer ica in any case to see again those im mense rivers, those great inland oceans, those gigantic forests, those boundless plains, those dizzy canyons, those mar velous parks, and even those buildings, less picturesque than the canyons, but nearly as tall as they are deep. With a full heart, 8AHAH BERNHARDT." Largest Morning Circulation. BLOOM IS TBYDftr AGAIN. Maklnpr Another Effort to Obtain Army Commbilon. Frank Bloom, private In the Fifteenth Cavalry, who was defended by President Taft when refused a commission be cause of being a Jew. has again been examined for a commission at Fort Leavenworth, Kans. The result will not be known for weeks, as the papers have to be examined by the reviewing board at the War Department. In his first examination. Bloom passed In the tactical part, but was rejected because of alleged lack of apUtude In re gard to general appearance and soldierly aspect. Store closed at 5 p. m. Saturdays at 1 o'clock. - r To Promote Summer Comforts I Water Pitcher Special dozen, varieties of S,a'er P,ltcher?; including Stone- Each'-.f."..1.... 25C The "Hawkeye" Refrigerator Basket ...Tnls basket Is practically a traveling ice chest." Requires but a small piece of ice to keeD contents cool and fresh for twele or fourteen C4 rn hours. Price .94.311 Water Coolers Nickel-plated. Oak-ftnJs'hed Steel and Oak Cased Water Cool ers, in all sizes from one to ten gallons. Also Water Cooler Stands r'ACM5" . nn "CALCUTTA" Water Coolers, for keeping ice water oer night in bedroom; in dispensable during summer. Price, 51.2.-; nnd $1.35 each. Dulin & Martin Co. Pottery, Porcelain, China, Glass, SUter. &c. 1215 F St. and 1214-18 G St. Rtte for 'William E. CoTert. Funeral services for William E. Covert. for years a clerk in the War Depart ment, who died Thursday at the Laurel sanatorium, will be held at Lee's under taking establishment at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Burial will be in Congres sional Cemetery. Mr. Covert is survived by a sister, Mrs. C Gregory, of Chicago, and a brother, George Covert, of John son City, Tenn. EXCURSIONS. EXCURSIONS. TWO ITALIAN DIPLOMATS INVOLVED IN BIG FRAUD Names Connected with Arrest of Daniel Valora Parcel Post Scandal Cleaned Up Large Sums, It Is Charged. D. 0. 3". G. STAETS JOURNEY. Besrlns Trip to Hampton Roads for Naval Maneuvers. Bound for Hampton Roads, where they will board the U. B. 8. Virginia, 173 officers and men of the Naval Battalion of the District National Guard, under command of Capt. Samuel Stratton. Ball ed down the Potomao last night, aboard tho Norfolk and Washington steamer Southland. The boat left the ' Seventh street wharves at 6:30 o'clock, and will reach Hampton Roads this morning. When the Virginia has picked up the "Washington men It will weigh anchor and start Xor Gardiner Bay, R. L, where It will participate In the naval ma neuvers to be held there. The maneuvers will ocoupy ten days, and are calculated to Instruct the men In seamanship afloat. Devises $10O for Mosses. The will of Mary O'Connell. dated My 8. 1S1L was recorded yesterday. Rev.J Father E. D. L. McDonnell is to receive w for masses to be read for the repose of. her soul and those of her mother and xamer. Her sister, Hanna O'Connell. is iu receive tw; Mrs. Mary Miller, $a; Mary Glancy. 150; Catherine Miller, COO SZ hmUer' and to the superiw oi tho Franciscan Monastery, 12. HAVAL OEDEBS. dfloCo4rtoWu ra3rTeM rv CcBXTmnA T T. t .. .... MidjMjtnea C..E..COSB a o. v. vnrmr,r. i todjSStsX1 Aadeaj- .: I S00B- TO QUIT F0BCE. Policeman Frank Burroir. Will Be 'wun,a long Service. j reuring board of the District yes :;;::! n-ia to the commis- Z reurement, with the maxi mum allowance of so a month, of Po nceman Frank Burrows. Burrows h been on the force since 1K9 as a police man and precinpt detective. Ho an. wared before tk. retiring board? wh!c ooutot of inspector GessXoraT Capl Pecic. ana capt. Byrnes, yesterday after a long illness. y M er twTE" Z3 a menlber fo Na tional Guard which miif - months at the outbreak of the chrllw todefend the CapitaL Vi-. ", ?,.!p; in- i.- . . " " oerv-. ... . ueeen perrormed In Geonratnwr, where ao Is well known. vrtors8towa. abmy obdebsT ltrt Lieut. BOBEET McQ BECK. Jr .Tmmi, Tbe rranotlon at Tln r.l, mv,n. Etch of tha ioltowfax-uuned offlcea of ti. Cbt Artllfetr Con?. i nUercd from jiLto th compmy Indicated fter hlj mSTSS t. DUocd on tha unKid.rn-1 v.. aa "d " CKriSSELI. P. BEEDEB. ft . ath Tho Ieie of lbsenre rrmtitA r nv,.. 2SSSBsa " . raSaS 31b following promotions of oSors of tha emlrr FBJUJCIS S. BEACH: eox eipUln. Btmis an. Two important members of the Italian diplomatic corps stationed in Washington, various representatives of tho Italian consular service in New York and other cities, and numerous other persons, Fed eral agents declared, are to be involved following the arrest yesterday by United States Marshal Henkel of Daniel Valora, representative in New York City of the Italian jrcel post. Valora was arrested on a warrant Is sued by United States Commissioner Shields, charging him with using the. mails to defraud, and was held in 13,000 bail for a further hearing next Tues day. .Meanwhile the scandal Is to bo brought before the Federal grand Jury sitting in i New York, and according to statements of various Federal agents indictments In all probability will be returned against various Italian representatives. Including the two members of the diplomatic corps. Jfninen Kept Secret Every effort Is being made by the Fed eral authorities to keep secret the names of tho Italian officials who are connected with the arrest of Valora. Federal rep resentatives are declared to have a mass of evidence to present against these offi cials. Immediately following the arrest of Valora yesterday the representatives of Italy In "Washington were notified. Soma time ago the firm of Genezl & Canova,( of Genoa, Italy, obtained from the Italian government the contract for handling the parcels sent to this country through tho Italian post-office. Valora cern in New York City. It was his duty upon me arrival of all steamers to take possession of the parcels and enter them at the custom-house. Would Raise Amount. After the contents had been examined by customs offlcldls and the duty placed. Valora would pay the amount and collect later when ho delivered tho packages to the persons to whom they were addressd. The Federal Indictment returned against Valora alleges that after paying the duty on certain packages he would increase the amount when the package was de livered, j In some cases, it was declared, where no duty was assessed on the contents of certain packages, Valora would fix one and collect, pocketing the proceeds, in this way, it is charged, Valora Is de clared to have cleaned up a large sum or money. Enjoy the Week- AT Chesapeake Beach Cool Sea Breezes Fine Salt Water Bathing Mammoth Board Walk Excellent Meals At Hotels and Cafes Reasonable Prices Music Dancing Round Trip Fare: Saturday - - - 25c t3T300 1-lb. Ioutcs to the barrel. ANY ONE CAN MAKE GOOD BREAD rolls, and biscuits by ex ercising ordinary care and using CREAM BLEND FLOUR. Beginners find "CREAM BLEND" the ideal flour, because it reduces the pos sibility of failure to a min imum. C7 Absolutely pare perfectly blended highest In nourishing talue. CREAM BLEND FLOUR AT YOUB, GBOCER'S. B.B.Earoshaw&BroM TU t i U05. 1107. 1109 Uth tc as. Wholesalers, unday Train Schedule in R. R. Column 50c For Additional Information 'Phone Lincoln 1629 Playgrounds JVeed Money. Because or the obJecUon of parents to children taking part In entertainments, luncheons, and school plays to raise money for the support of the play grounds. Congress -will prohahly be asked next year for a larger appropriation for carrying out the work. Ulddlnir on District Property. Dealers in all materials who have an eye on the value of second-hand articles. especially If the first hand has been that of the government, have submitted bids for the purohase and removal of old and used commodities during tha last flfQi was chosen as tho agent of that con-1 year. Tho bids were opened yesterday. THE ELECTRIC LINE CHRSATEAKEl BAY, WEST IUVEIt, ANNAI'OUS, RETURN $1.00 SUNDAY, JULY 10, And every Monday, "Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. DOXT WOIUIY bout hair jou re eoteg to spent SraiUy. Te th SPECIAL ANNAPOLIS AM CHEbAPEAKE BAY TlUIN-leaTo the dry be- mna maron wui innrai lomii ma cot ire&uur in the COOC BLEOTKIO PALACE OARS End od boud th "EIJIA GILES" r-"l"j down the Cbeu- Sondajs it 10:05,. m., running direct to Unma iinuiEisf ircuu imn u nua PEN MAR, In the Beautiful Bine Ridge Mountains, ' ROUND TRIP, $2.00 Special excursion Every Day. EnloT a Bimdftr in tha mountain xan ran ia royal good time, iltulo uid dindsff, booties nd tj UUnd at Lake Rojer; Libbj"! Gnat Cbney! FRENCH CELEBRATING NAMING OF AMERICA bathinj attract BPECIATj TRAIVR Inn Id V, 613 a. m.. making clnes connect. ilanliEd IlaUroad at Dalomora. WASH., BALL & ANHAPCLIS ELECTRIC R. R. CO. 1424 Raw Tort Are. 'Pfecoa Wiln 1265. Week-end Tours TO Old Point and Ocean View Including Transportation, Stateroom, and Hotel Accommodations. Chamberiin. Ocean View Saturday to Mondiy 57.5 7.25 tXX&VJXtf") 11.50 1.50 gr',tdU:yd,iur.n.v"d'y)1S.50 13.50 Niagara Falls Toronto Thousand Islands PERSOXAIi.Y CONDUCTED TOURS July 19, August 3 and 18. ' $59.65 from wa8hinsrton- Proportionate rates from other points. Ask Agents for booklet, or address D. X. Bell. A. G. P. A., Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Railroad! United States Ambassador and Minister of France tb Join in Fete Commemorating the Friendship of Nations. , Canhr, Juco 13, BOFS3Li NOLAN, few tat lieutenant. Hnt OaTaiy. to eaptiia. Fust dwhrTjSrr, T wSra BSED, froa tat licVtoaaC-rhn. Ba Asiasjo, 2Mb, Htf-rm tura that t .St. J3Ie, Franco, July It The celebra tion, here In honor of the naming of America In 1SQ7 Is on In earnest, though the biggesjt part- of the programme 'will not come until tD-morrdw, The city is gayly decorated with .Ameri can and Trench flags, and there are many Americans here to join In tbe cele bration, 'which la to be presided over by umiea siaies jvmousimaoc itoDert Ba con' and M. da Selves, the French min ister of foreign affairs. The resldeaUr were awakened at 6 o'clock, this msralng by the booming of the canaoa salut and the xhurlnr of the church bJl. aad t g:M o'clock titers was a jevitw rf 4k troops of tn xarrl- A ' son. At noon again the cannon boomed and tho bells rang, and In tho afternoon there was a balloon, meet. Later in the afternoon the band of the' artillery regi ment of Vincennes gave & grand concert at the Faubourg. This evening the city -was illuminated; there was a fireworks aispiay, a concert va. tna pan? ana aances in the public haUa. The programme for to-morrow Is most elaborate, and all of St. Die, no mat ter 3iow let It will dance, will bo up early. - The fetes are not only in commemoration Of the naming of America, but also in affirmation of the coafraernltys of tne tw great-wortd repasUss. IF YOU WANT A COOL, CLEAN RIDE TAKE TheELECTRICLINE TO BALTIMORE SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS $1.25 ROUND TRIP Good returning' until Monday midnight, uciiuuaK in cur xaxrs in i Washinston. Washington, Baltimore & Annapo lis Electric Railroad Co. 1424 N. Y. Ave. (Opp. Trauarj BIdcf) NEW RIVER VIEW OPEJT fcVETW TIAV Is More Attractive Than Ever. Excellent Dining-room Service BrilliinUx illuminated Dindzig ind other unuao menla. AthleUo field. Steamer leares Seraah street 7r JLW -. "d 7 p. m. Itoand trip: AdulU. S cent; children, 15 cents. Both Comfort and Economy Electric Ranges, Toasters, Chafing Dishes, Irons. National Electrical Supply Co.. SS? Counsel the nu of elec tricity for cookms. laundering. Ac, With electric irons and cook ing dsrloca ALL tha heat STATS where re quired Ho radiation. Call and aeo oar com. pleto stock of cookies derlce. "'' 't' 'I' i' 'i '! -I- !' ii 'I 'i I ! ! 4 4 The Famous 3J I choomakerS I PENN. RYE $ Dottls. 4 I The Shoomaker Co. fl331 B Street 3f. IV. Established 1863. 'Phono M. 1158m. T Ten years old. $1.85. uraer ny pnone. Also TEXXKSSnE. 91.00 AMUSEMENTS. 40 MILK "MOONLIGHT" TRIPS EVEIIY EVEJJINO Bteamer leates Berenth rtreet barf t T r m.. re tamlnj at 11 jv m. Splendid Braila. dacdn. eat. errica unscrrjaAMd. llrtmA trin? Arfnit. r mm... children, IS centa. GRAND CONCERT AT Ohase lake BY IROB SSCTIOX U. S. MARINE BAND ETery KT-calmr, Inclndlnsr BubOst. DsbcIbs; Weekday 'BveBlaffs. ADSnSSlOX FREE. COLONIAL BEACH Steamer leare Berenth ifreet wharf erery day at - m., excepc Aianaaj; ctanmuy at 30 p. m. STEAMER ST. JOHNS ' Leaves To-day at 2:31 P. M. Splendid beach. boardtraU, aaltVirater bathing, fishing, crabbing', dancing, and all amuwmentm. Fare season- trip, good cntll Septemher 4. L00; one-day trip, BOe. Colonial Beach Hotel Now open; emjthing new; (pedal tatea, TO-NIGHT, 8:151 HaLTtars. &Sit., iji iTrnTnn .M'iTiuiir;i THE COLUMBIA PLAYERS "THE BARRIER" wextk"LittleLordFautIeroy, 25a 50a, 75c KENSINGTON GRAND RIVER EXCURSION OF TUB WASHINGTON DISTRICT EPVWORTH LEAGUE TO RIVER VIEW AND INDIAN HEAD MONDAY, JULY 17, 1911 Meet Your Friends Hero.! Free Moving Pictures. Open-air Banciig. SPECIAL SUNDAY BAND CONCERTS. IF IT'S POTT ITS AT GLEX ECHO. - .. t. I h ioBfo. iv mm iu. &u 4 p. m. zor xuTCr view Can trtm IStk and K. Y. stl em onartw ka. Lit.. tii tt- JIJJJ...,., teCWO. Cswita'KiMaliiSiS CONTIRIOIS VAVIEVILLE AND PICTURES 1 TO 11 P. aJ largest Morniag Ciroalatiwu .-