Newspaper Page Text
'fS3 -xr-- prj-rspj-sj- s5 fZ THE WASHINGTON HERALD. THURSDAY, APRH 4. 1912. 5 Woodward & Lothrop. New York WASHINGTON Paris. . The Beauty" of Lingerie Waists Was Never Greater A NEVER so beautiful collection of Sheer Lingerie Waists, in such a number of 'styles that it is merely a mattei of choosing the one that appeals most to jou. Just a glance at the latest models will afford you a splendid idea of( their ex ceptional beauty. " Our line is replete with interesting new styles, suitable for all occasions, including oile and batiste materials; some Dutch reck, vfith Irish crochet or cluny yoke, richly hand-embroidered ; othera trimmed with Irish or cluny and insertion, tucks and hand-embroidery, finished with sailor collar and three-quarter slcces, with turnback cuffs. 56.75, $7.50. $10.00 to $17.50. Third Boor C it The Best New Styles'qnd Shades in Women's Silk Petticoats. SILK PETTICOATS will neer go out of sfl, and our pres ent showing is the acme of good taste and splendid quality. They are styled precisely as fashion demands them, and shades for'evening, street, and general wear are represented. Petticoats of soft taffeta, messallne. china silk, crepe de chine, and silk jersej tops, -lth messallne. flounce, in black, white, pink, light blue, and street shades, a .ariet of the latest styles and designs. $7.50, $10.50 and $13.50 each. Petticoats of mescaline, soft taffeta, china silk and silk jerse tops, with messallne flounces, pastel and street shades, nith plain or accordion plaited flounces $5.00 each. Taffeta and Messallne Silk Petticoats, in black and white, new plain, and changeable shades, plain tucked or accordlon-pIaltcd flounces. Special value, Third floor LU-irntn st. Infants' and Little Children's Apparel for Easter Wear. THE most complete and varied assortments of apparel, in cluding imported and American stvles, in Frocks, Dresses, Coats, and all other lines of fine -wearables, in many mate rials and effects. Especially attractive are the New Hats and Coats to match, which arc shown in various shades. RUSSIAN FROCKS, trimmed with white and colored banding. tzes 2 to 6 cars. 50c, $1.00 and $1.50 each. BISHOP AND HAND-EMBROIDERED YOKE DRESSES, In dalnt) new stiles, sizes 6 months to Z years. $1.50, $1.75 and $2.50 each. IST, RUSSIAN AND LOW-NECK LAWN DRESSES, sizes : to ( years. $1.00, $2.50 and $3.50 each. PIQUE COATS, with hind-embroidered capes, tlzes 6 months to Z jear m $5.00, $6.75 and $7.50 each. PIQUE AFGHANS, hand-scalloped and hand-embroidered in sprajs. $2.25, $3.75 and $5.50 each. CHILDREN'S LINGERIE DRESSES, okc, long waist, RusMan and empire stjles. of sheer lawn and nainsook: high and low neck, trimmed with line lace, embroidery, beading, and ribbon Marked at greatly Thud fiocr i st. WOODWARD EASTER LILIES AND ALL OTHER FLOWERS OUR collection is exciting much interest and, is well worth your inspection Stur dy blooming plants and fresh-cut Flow ers of EVERY DESIRED VARIETY. OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS a specialty. Flowers sent anywhere in the United States by express and telegraph. Con sult us about this service. 4gfes&42fe5, nSST 14th and H HONOR MES. LA FETEA. W oman's Missionary Association to Name Mission for Her. The Baltimore branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Association, which Includes the Washington district, proposes to honor Mrs. Sarah Doane La Fetra, of Washington. ice president of -the as sociation, by erecting at BIdar. India, a lnIsloi to be known as the barau Doane La Fetra Home. The building will cost $2.75 each.- reduced prices. & LOTHROP. 'Phone M, 3707. 3.009. The annual Easter services of the asso ciation wUl be held at the Metropolitan Memorial Church. Addresses will be made by Rev. Dr. J. S. Montgomery and Mrs. W. P. Thlrkleld to-morrow at 1.30 o'clock. The officers of the Washington district are .Miss E. F. Pierce, president: Mrs. Sarah Doahe La Fetra, vice presi dent! Mrs. Ererett L. Harey. general jcordinc secretary; Mrs. W. S Den hint, uruuxr, uu juua . .u.rora The President and Mrs. Taft have, ae- cordlne to dispatches from Cincinnati, accepted the Invitation p attend the opening of the May festival. May 7, In that city. It la the twentieth anni versary of the founding of this annual musical meeting, which originated with Mrs. Bellamy Storer. and IIUo otner en. terprlses that she started and fostered. are Known woria-wrae. Mr. JusUce Mahlnn Pitney, recently appointed to the Supreme Courf. to suc ceed the late Jus' Ice Harlan. Is at ine New WHIard. where he will be Joined shortly by Mrs. Pitney. Many dinners' and other social affairs are betrs planned and announced for Judge PUney for the spring season. In which Mrs. Pitney will ittnu uu pari, as m la ii urcji uuum- Ing for her father, Mr. vimam Shelton, of New York, mho died Just before Jus tice Pitney was sworn in, a few weeks ago. Mrs. Pitney will sptnit pontons of the spring season with -h,hn here, house hunting and making their plans tor tneir future residence in, this city They hae an interesting family of .four children, the eldest, Joseph' Pitney, who, Is. at Princeton: two soni who are In prepar atory school, and Beatrice, a girl of clecn jears. The Japanese Ambassador and Vis countess Chlnda -nlll receive the diplo matic carps at a reception on Saturday, April 13. for the flrst time, at the em bassy. It will be the regular reception which each new ambassador gives for the members of the corps, and outside guests are never invited. Mrs. Meyer has returned to Washing ton and joined the Secretary of the Navy and the Misses Meyer at their residence In Scott circle. She has spent the last several neeks at their Hamilton home and in Boston with their son. George von L. Mever, Jr., who has recovered from a broken leg and Is able toresume his studies. t The Italian Ambassador, Marches Cusanl, left Washington yesterday to spend a, short time In New York. Slgnor Catalan!, the new counselor of the em bassy, will arrive here the last of the iveelf Augusto Rosso, attache of the embassv. lll leave Washington soon for a (no months' tour In Canada and the United Mates The commercial attache of the mbas), G B Ccccato. Is in Nashville. Tenn. where he Is attending, the Southern Industrial Congress Miss Gertrude Elizabeth Musser. daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. William Musser. and Mr. James Emmet Taj lor were married at noon yesterday in the New York Ave nue Presbyterian Churclu The bride was escorted and given In marriage by her father, and MIs Ernestine Sener, of Bal timore, was her maid of honor Mr. Norman L. Taylo- was the best man for his brother, and the usher wero Mr Percy E Taj lor. brother of the bride groom. Mr Chase E. Tavlor. brother of the bridegroom: Mr. Chase C. Gove. Mr. Raymond E. Horn, and Mr Taylor Tlm- berlake Immediately after the wedding ceremon, Mr and Mrs. Tavlor, left Wasnlngton Tor a wedding trip. Tney will reside In this city upon their return about April 1. The wedding party of MIs Marie Ray and Mr. Maurice Vllsack, who will be married on April 17 In Holy Trinity Catholic Church In Georgetown at o'clock, will Include Miss Antoinette Ray. sister of the bride, maid or honor: Miss Helen Louise Colbert, another rela tive of the bride, flower girl. Miss Gene vieve Butler, of New York, Miss Dor othy Frauenhelm. of Pittsburg, Miss Christine Fox. and Mirs Elizabeth Ma cartney bridesmaids. Mr. Carl J VII- sack. brother of the bridegroom, best man. and the following ushers Mr Fred erick Kafka. t New York. Mr Harry Carlln. of New York. Mr. Frank Good win, of Pittsburg, Mr Edward Frauen helm, of Pittsburg, and Mr Frederick Glbb and Mr William D Sullivan.-! relative of the bride, both of this clt The ceremony will be followed bj a re ception la .the home of the bride s par ents from i to 6 JO o clock. The ruture home of Mr. Vilsack and hi' bride will be In Pittsburg, where lie is a well known voung business man The military attache of the Russian Embassv, Baron de Bode, with his sister. Baroness Elizabeth de Bode, lett Wash ington yesterday for New York. Mrs Robert fahaw Oilier, wife of the Assistant Secretary or war. Is spending some time in New York wltn her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cboate. Miss Helen Hughes, daughter of Mr. Justice and Mrs Hughes, has arrived In Washington from Vassar, to spend the taster holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Martin S. Decker and their daughter. Miss Martha Decker, of Albanv. Ni Y.. arc spending a tew days In Washington, guests at the New WI1 lard Mr Decker Is a member of the public utility commission of New York. Mrs. Marshall Field, of Chicago, pvho has spent the season In Washington at her apartment in Sixteenth street, for merly occupied by former benator and Mrs. Bcv eiidgc. has taken the Henderson house In blxteenth street, known as the pink palace. This Is one or the hand somest houses In Washington and was formerly occupied by the former Secre tary of Commerce and Labor and Mrs. Strau, and later by the Ssecretary ot the Treasury and Mrs. MacVeagh, who gave It up to occupy their new residence across the street. Viscountess d'Azy and Miss Cameron received the guests as usual at the meet ing of the Wednesday Afternoon Skating' Club yesterday at the Arcade rink. This was the last meeting of the club, which; was organized by Viscountess d'Azy and Miss Cameron for VAcdnesdavs in Lent, and It Is with no little regret that the club will discontinue. A inoonlignt din ner party Is being planned by the mem bers, to be held next month In Hock Creek park. The children's parties planned for the Kincmacolor, durbar pictures on Easter Monday and Tuesday afternoons will find much amusement from some of the scenes. King George mounting an ele phant will delight the little ones, as well as the gorgeous gilded elephants of the procession. The large number of box hold ers Include Mrs, George X. McLanahan. Col. Robert Thompson, Mrs. Spalding, and Mrs. Norman Williams, and the As sociation for Works of Mercy will. It Is believed, reap a golden harvest. Tick ets may be obtained by calling up main 40M. y Mn. VranV P- T.tAi will Tm nt hnm. Tbursdaje, April 11 and IS. Nature lovers of Washington are show ing much Interest In the bee and mush room lectures to' be given at tbe Wash ington Club on the morning and after noon of Monday, April IS, by MIssNNlna Marshall, of New York. Tbe proceeds of the lectures will go to Vacation Lodge of the Young "Women's Christian Asso ciation. The ladles In charge are Mrs. Charles E. Hughes, Mrs. John Blake Kendall. Mrs. Wallace RadcUffe, Mrs, Charles W. Richardson, and Mrs. Frank: G. Wllklns. Tickets at Wcents each are In charge of Mrs, 'Radclllte at 1M0 JC street. ' r Miss VeraMone Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Murray, of 2011 Nichols avenue, and Mif. George II. Covert were married 'yesterday morning at 11J0 o'clock In the Church of the Cove nant, Connecticut avenue and N street. Rev. Charier Wood, pastor of the church, performing the ceremony. In the presence of only the relatives? There were no at tendants. The bride Is well-known In local musical circles, being a pianist of great ability and an honorary member of the Rubinstein Club. Mr. and Mrs. Covert left Immediately after the cere mony fuit a honeymoon trip to Atlantic City. .miss rcances u. uaric arrived in Wash ington yesterday from Jew York to spend "the Easter vacation with her parents. Mr.' and Mrs. Edward H. Clark, of .the "Hamilton. Miss l'assie May Uttley accompanied Miss Clark trom rew York,, and "will be ber guest until she leaves for' her "home in Atlanta. Oa. The tea and sale which Is to be held at Rauscher's on Wednesday, April 10, for the benefit of "work fpr poor churches" promises to be one of the Express Sympathy for Mrs. Philip Hichborn, Sr. District D. A. K. Adopts' Besolations on, Suicide of Young: Lawyer. Daughters Protest Against Charge for Use of Memorial Hall. Harmony markd the State conference of the District Daughters ol the, Amer lean Revolution which was held In the cak room of the New Raleigh jesterdav The conference was presided over by Mrs. Mary 3. Lockwood, State regent of the Districts Resolutions of sympathy were passed for Mr Philip S Hlchborn, mother of Philip S. Hlchborn. who committed sui cide recentl). Mrs. Hlchborn Is a prom' Inent District daughter and at one time served on the national board. The con' ference also expresed condolence with Mrs. Donald McLean, honorarv president general, whose daughter, Mrs Bessie Dallam, died during the winter Miss Janet Richards, of the District In an address, called attention to the fact that the District Daughters were un able to use Memorial Continental Hall for their state meetings without the pay ment of at least t50 Several delegates said that musical and other societies frequently used tbe hall by contributing Ies than this .amount to It" fund A resolution was pawed Instructing Miss Rlcliards to prepare a motion to put be fore the coming congress giving the Dis trict Daughters the right to use the hill for" their state meetings fr-s of charge. The conference also indorsed the move ment for a new House of Detention and Juvenile Court, and the proposed Na tional Training School for White Girls It was reported that there Is a member ship of 1.500 members In the District and fort) -two chapters, all In a flourishing condition. The first report of the day was made b Miss Amarjllis Gillette, chairman of the conservation committee Miss Gillette called upon the Daughters to further the use of "Oseful Inventions which drive out degrading housework and the necessltj of encouraging -young peo ple to return to farm life." Mrs. Lock wood gave a comprehensive report as State regent. In which she called attention, to the fact that the ac tive officers of the national board of man agement were alwavs chosen from among District Daughters. Mrs George M Sternberg, wife of Gen Sternberg, regent of the Army and Navy Chapter, reported that the chapter was In Its eighteenth vear and had 117 mem bers. Mrs. Sternberg also stated that as a class army and nav) women who are Daughters take a deep Interest Ip dis armament and peace. The Columbia Chapter reported it had 1100 on -hand for the District chapter house which has been proposed. The Constitution Chapter announced a chap ter meitlng on April 9. at the Arling ton, at which Miss Mabel Boardman. Mr. Darnellle, and Mrs Joseph Wood. State Hrnrlntrs on Pipe Lines. On May 10 the Interstate Commerce Commission w'H begin a series of hear ings, on the subject of pipe lines. The amended act to regulate commerce gives the commission Jurisdiction over pipe lines, and the commission for several months -has been taking testimony on tho subject. The object of the hearings Is to straighten out conditions brought about by the dissolution of the Standard Oil Compans. Largest Morning Circulation. GUDE'S EASTER DISPLAY THE most magnificent showing of Flowers and Bloomimr Plants ye have ever prepared for an Easter season. Every speci men FRESH FROM OUR 'OWN CONSERVA TORIES. Be sure v,ou visit our stores this week. Thp quality of Gude's flowers is the highest the prices- are al way s;reason able the service the best. :: :: :: Order vour Easter Flowers as early as possible. Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street 'Phones Main 4278, 4279. most Interesting and attractive enter tainment of Easter week. Tbe different tables will represent tho four eajons. It will be under the patronage of the lady managers, who are Mme. Jusserand, Mrs. Thomas F Ryan. Mrs. George Bliss. Mrs. G. C Reld. Mrs. Harold P. Norton, Mrs. Hobert Hinckley, Mrs. William K. Carr, Mrs Henry May, Mrs. William M. Irwin. Mrs. G. G. 11111. ilrs. Thomas H. Cartir. Mrs. Cropper. Miss Sarah Lee, Mrs. Knox Taylor. Miss Alice' Rlggs, Mrs. Henley Smith, Mrs. Preston Sands. Mrs. Wlllert. Mrs. R. Y, Hayne, and Mrs. Daniel McCarthy. Assisting the lady managers at the different tables will be the debutantes of this year and last In costumes representing spring, summer, autump, and winter; There will be Spe cial attractions for children. The lAlllance Francaise closed Its sea son vesterdav with a mosL Interesting lecture given at the Washington Club byV M. Anatole Le Braz, professor of lltera ture at the University of Kaennes, France. The subject was "Ul Bretagne, Among the, people present were: 'ine French Ambassador and Mme. Jusserand, Marchesa Cusunl Confalonltrl. M. and Mme. de Perettl de la Rocca, 'Lieut. Commander Benolst d'Azy and Vlscoun tess Benolst d'Azy, Capt de Chambrun ana countess ae Chambrun, SI. Mangras, M. Denalnt, Mrs. S. s .Wood, the Misses Ives, Mrs. J. II Gowen, Mrs. E. Blck nell. Mrs. B. Mlcou. Miss A. D Boiling, .Miss liarnman. Miss L. A. Koon, iliss JC Holbroof. Miss J C. Butler, Mrs. J. W. Spencer, Mrs J. H. Hopkins, Airs, IL Morgan Hill, and L. L. M. Limoges. Mr. Edmund Domer Rheemls spending the week with his parents. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence B. Rheem. on a short vacation from his studies at Princeton. He will go to Atlantic City on Sunday for Easter and return to Princeton Tuesdav. PRESIDES AT CONFERENCE. 31 IIS. 3I1RY S. LOCKWOOD, Suit rrstot (4 D. A. R. regent of New York, would be present. Mr Amos O. Draper, regent of Mary Bartlett Chapter, told ot a tablet to be unveiled by the chapter at the congress In memoo of Joslah Bartlett. a signer or me declaration of Independence, from New Hampshire, who Is a Revolutionary ancestor of Mrs. Draper. Five descend ants ot this patriot belong to the, Mary iruen uiapier 'inis cnapter also taxes care of a scholarship for Virginia- Shel ton, a descendant of Paul Revere, who attends a school In North Carolina. New Store, Cor. 15th and H EASTER FLOWERS For Friends OutofToivn f)UR Floral ExpressServ U ice offers patrons a highly satisfactory means of conveying appropriate Easter Greetings to distant friends. Shipments to all points. 'Phone Main 158 or 3997. CrDeroratlou for Weddings aVd all other aortal oecaalon. Katl matrs and suggestions submitted. J. H. Small & Sons WASHINGTON 13th and II 14th and G. NEW YORK 'Waldorf-Astoria 1IS3 Broadway Fine Assortment of TWO-YEM-OL! ' ROSE BUSHES AT THE-NEWER-STORE Corner 11tb and BSts.N.W. ' AMUSEMENTS. IMPERIAL THEATE1, BBS1', TO-DW, MvTIJTEE AND MGIIT. FLORODORA """ COMPANY OF FORTY. First Thter'llcr to Intrcduco the rot-alar CABARET FEATURES Big Mnsleat Comedy Concert Snnday S. Sergeant Kitty Openiax Xuarr Monday Matin CASINO TO-NIGHT WEEK'S lulCGHlNq IUOT EVA WILLIAMS ah0 JAC TUCKER IV "SKINWS FINISH." WE LIKE AriUL FOOL WEEKS Drop Around and See for 1 ourselves THE COUNT 'EM. A MATEDR3 TO-MOltROW WIGHT. RIG SIHRAY CONCEIT REXT WEEK-MAY' WARD TEA AND SALE or THE FOUR SEASONS BcMtt ' Work for Poor tburckei." AT RACSCHtR'S. WEDNESDAY. APIUL . Frpra 3 jto T o'clock p bl TirkfU. Se. Children. Oc Ssedal eattrulnmtct for rtitHTTiu .ssssssPJiHBSsssW .sssHf ""sssssssa 4sssssf . , - WjL, JPP- s-- Wm EV 'nssssfLssssssssssssssssssH Kk 2fe VssssssssssssH HKVT'S SUssssssssssH EASTER GIFTS- Vases, Flower Holders, Fern Dishes, Jlower Baskets, Etc. o TJR stock contains hundreds of suggestions for choi?e Easter gifts Dainty China, Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Brass Flower Baskets, Fern Dishes, &c, at prices from the least expensive to as elegant as may be desired. . Easter Gifts in Rich Cut Glass. Bonbon Dishes, from 1100 to J.100. Flower Vases, from JLOO to 155 00. Fern Dishes, from J3.M to S16.S9. Flower Holders, with wires for ar ranging (lowers, from 8.00 to JliCO. Austrian Glass Fiowcr Baskets and - Vases. Iridescent Sweet Pea Vases, from Sc. . Glass Baskets, from 2c. Low Shape Flower Vases, with wire flower holders, from J1.00. 12-inch -Crystal Vases, 3)c Dulin & Martin Co., Potter', Porcelain, China, Glass, SiUer, &c 1215 F St and 1214-18 -G St THE HAIR SHOP Violet Ray Facial Treatment, Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, Manicuring, Chiropody, Hair Dressing, MarceUe Waving. CHILDREN'S HAIR. CUTTING Mr. Simmons, of Paris and New York, is now in charge of our Hair Department. Mr. Simmons is an expert in hair bleach ing, hair dicing, uigmaKing; in fact, in every branch of the, art of handling the hair. Vc use exclushely the Empress Instantaneous Hair Color Restorer and the Empress Shampoo Soap. For Bleaching, Dyeing, &.C., private apartments are provide'd for the comforts and privacy of our patrons. Combings renovated and added to for the construction of transformations, switches and braids beautiful effect, matching the hair perfectly. Special attention. given to the polite Hotcl-and Residence patronage for Hairdressing, &c . - njfi for the 'Phone M. AMUSEMENTS. Moflre's Vaude ville at the Grace Trebor Edwards' DOGS, POMES, ZEBRA. Complexion PRINCESS ISTAR PRINCE ISHMAEL ' Superb terpslefcoream portrayals, featuring; national danees of the Orient, including the eTer-to-be-rrmembered Korceons "Cnrae of the Kallr." PErTActii.An. KIETH KOMEDY FOUR ABDUL, The Wizard 1 . VANxMINSTRELS T 5c Matinees all Seats Evenings 10c gilS SabmUr Mat.. Se to OJ0. Mjiit. Hte to X. Wit A. BBADr (Ltd.) ctten OVER NIGHT EXT WEEK SEATS NOW. FRITZI SGHEFF In Strum' Fimous Comic Ovm. "MKHT 6IR1S" (DM fdenn,u.) EXT SU.DVY NIGHT, Victor Herbert Ml HIS 01CNESTM SdcltU" AUc ErtRmin. Somoo ot th CNmzvOtcts Co.. II. Eniii MI1Uim. tantoos W1U tenor. Ethel Toiler, rianbr. :EXT MOV AD TUES. MVTS, KINEMAC0L0R PICTURES of the 1IRBAR Knrrrrd Eal. RJ). tor salt H Artaur Emltha. USf t. mm,m TONiaHTaT AU MATINCCSAT 2.IB TwaasanasmrBiBari m casa-The souaw man ' " A REAL ISCKLliQCK SHOW. THE GAY WIDOWS t ... rrv. EA I t A I KM Wltatlinc ThimdaT errnlnaV Alxtt I JOHN KILO IS vs. L0R1S MOHTANI Fl'obh JItlch-No HcM Bamd. NEXT TVEEK, . .v. .... .TKiU: UUttH largest Horning Circulation. JP JqW Conrohln fEU ' . VtlW' ecmtdr ftcan Dal JjM ''Kill T fl DDLIN A. MARTIN CO. Brass Baskets, Vases and Fern Dishes. Brass Bijketa for cut flowers, from SOC. - Brass Fern Dishes, from 73c Brass Vases, from Jl 00. - Brass Jardinieres, from flS- Sterling Silver Novelties from $1.00 each. Bonbon Spoons. Picture Frames. Perfume Bottles, Cream Ladles, Ollre Spoons. Sugar Tones, 4c. Full Line of the Ideal Sanitary Hair Brushes 1112 G St. 6947. AMUSEMENTS. t MAJEST I Cr SfftL? I the Season. Novel Circus Tu!eMd IfaMBbril OXEV, KICKING 31 CLE. rMvLiisiffiSinfffl Daflj MatDcn. Se. Emfaa, 3c. 50c. and 15c, iZZb1 "IN 1999" Edmoad Stanley and Company C11H Gordon. "The German Senator" Drlro. lUwb & no Kaufman. TYork Ay Oarr. ITtnt Jk Bennett. rhotoJane Next W eek -Cloalaa- Celebration I Joanfc Hart lTeaetru ora. V. Hsbart "Mein Liebchen"1"" The Aastrallan Wood Choppers, Ae. THE FMJ PLATERS WILL 9PEX RE1E APRIL 15 th. Jamuaomoat Pslttt roartfenth Strert ind I'art Koad. Every Maht This 1eelc at DiSO. JOE TURNER . Champion nilddle-nrUtht -rrreatler of the -nrorld. will meet all comers, acree Ins; to throw In IS mtnatea or for felt fSS. TIIUnSDlt MGIIT Turner mill attempt to Ihrow Inw15 minutes both II An a V KlDDIKOr. Potomae . C. and "INCK1T COSIMANO, "jonng; Greek,' at nthlncton. ALICE TEDDY Tut Bear that baatcs en Itoller Siatra. Eteij Mtit) oflock. . Toea.. Thors.. rri. sad 8al Aftrroooet at 4. ROLLER SRATlKB-WRESUIWMiT-ALKE TEIIT AM. FOR OVE ADSIISSIOV SSe . GAYETY HJL8. CLARK'S MIDNIGHT MAIDENS -Wlta- MARGIE HILTON, Usnl ol lUjnvwd. litnpy etanaou. ifI TtAOUg 'UlUfl UIU1 IU& and HUiou. intorr Trttv ntrt. MeIlMrc Untan mnitin. HOWARI THEATER Umftfd Kncuwntnt Two Tctta Only. COMUE.M.I.M, MONDAY. AHtlL I. Hr.flBn rhlUTL alrhrl hit. Ia etr Stutt&t Hh H. H UuOyy in His Utnl Dr. Beans From Boston 1Mb-: Mtht. Se. SSr. ft:, matlseaa. Zo sad afc. Bex trSn cana acteat. - X '4 l rfrfvujheaS 'j& -Jn& JL 4Bs4?imiWkiA,- . K at.t-a.'a- . ,Jfcus V'