Newspaper Page Text
2 THE WASHINGTON HERAUX SUNDAY.. APRIL 28. 1912. i Continued from Face One. and all Interested in the good work of scattering cheer are cordially Invited to attend. Ufa, Byron S. Adams entertained "Wed nesday afternoon at a bridge tea at her home. Eighteenth -and Park Roan, a no decorations were In nlnk. Twelve tables were used for the came. At 6 o'clock refreshments were served, Mrs. "William E. AmDrose. jurs. b. m. .....-- mw ,i- -- n T3ant1v nrfKiainC at tha tea table. Punch was served by Miss Kate illieorown. On Friday, May J. at the Belaseo Thea ter, the Junior commUteetof the "Work ins Boys Home -will give a theatrical performance, consisting of two plays. The first will be a short sketch of life In. the Philippines. "Maria Dolores," by Capt Granville Fortescue. a touching story of the love of a Philippine girl for an American officer. The second will be Gilberts clever comedy, "iiecause one Lcved Him Eo." the regular weekly offer ing of the Butterfleld Players. The Junior committee of the "Working Boys Home consists of Mrs. "Walter Tuckerman, president: Mrs. Theodore Xfoyes, first vice president; Mrs. Gilbert Grosvenor. second vice president; Miss Mary McCauley. third vice president: Mrs. George Howland Chase, treasurer; Miss Hlldegarde NageL-secretary; Miss Sophie Johnston, assistant secretary; Mrs. Victor Cushman. Mrs. Granville Fortescue. Mrs. Richard Harlow, Mrs. Cary Langhorne, Mrs. Arthur Lee, and Mrs. "Waiter "Wilcox. Miss Blanche Fish entertained the Sans Soucl Card Club on Thursday evening, April S. at her home, 1 Eleventh Street Southeast. Five new members were re ceived Into the club, and the meeting proved to be one of the most enthusiastic and enjoyable for some time, which was only a fitting tribute to the charming young hostess. After a hotly contested hcur and a half at five hundred. It was found that Miss Steadman and Mr. Car roll had again made the highest scores, and they were awarded appropriate prizes In token of their superior playing. Re freshments were served, followed by music, and the meeting broke up to gather again on next Thursday evening with Miss Catherine Doberty, at 13 Fourth Street Southeast. PERSONALS. Mrs. MacVcagb. wife of the Secretary of the Treasury, went to New York yes terday, to sail on Tuesday for Europe. Viscountess Chlnda, wife of the Japa nese Ambassador, returned to "Washing ton yesterday from a short visit In Pittsburg. Col. and Mrs. Symons sailed yesterday on the Kroonland. to spend the summer abroad. They will visit their son at Oxford, after being Joined in Paris by their daughter. Miss Margaretta, and another brother, who have been abroad some time. The British Ambassador and Mrs. Bryce left Washington on Friday even' inc. en route to San Francisco, from where they sail on May 1. for Australia, They will spend some time there gather ing material for the book, which the Ambassador is writing, and afterward will go to their home In England for the remaider of the summer. Miss Helen Taft left "Washington yes terday afternoon for Fairfax, Va., where she will Join Mr. and Mrs. Herbert "Wads worth's horseback party to-morrow, which started yesterday for the first lap of the Journey to Mrs. "Wadsworth's country place, the Geneseo Valley, N. Y This Is an annual party which Mrs. Wadsworth entertained about this time each ear, when seeral of the younger members of Washington society always rumbcr in the party. This year the per sonnel of her company will change at different stages of the trip, which will continue throughout the month of May. The President's daughter, who Is an en thusiastic equestrienne, will accompany Mra Wadsworth for the first week, leav ing the party after Its arrival at Vir ginia Hot Springs, about May 8. Miss Allen, daughter of MaJ. and Mrs. Hen ry T Allen. U. S. A., of Washington, end Miss Josephine Mather, of Phila delphia, are among those who will later take Miss Taft's place fur a time. Some cf the men who will be -Included In the party at the various stages are Capt. Frank McCoy. U. S. A, who left the Capital with Mr. ana Mrs. Wadsworth to-day; Lieut. Byron A. Long, U. S. N., and Lieut. Edward St. John Greblc, Jr.. L S. A., aids at the White House, and Lieut. Rowcllff. U. S. Jr., of the May bower. Miss Miriam Franc, who spent a few das with her parents In Fifth Street. nas returned to her college In Baltimore. Mits Gladys llajer, of the Airy View Apartment. Is visiting her grandparents. Air. ana airs. Aieyer, or Baltimore. Mrs. A. D. Frank, of Baltimore, Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. Rich, of this city. Mrs. M. Gusdorf, or Eighteenth Street, left Washington during -the week to spend a week In Atlantic City. Mra. B. Herman and daughter. Miss norence, returned to the city after a visit in Atlantic City. The Spanish Minister and Mme. Riano will soon remove to 153 New Hampshire Avenue, the former home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry White, and prior to that the home of the Swedish Minister and Mme. Lagercrantz. They have taken the house for five years. Mrs. Charles Isham. of New- York, Is spending some time In Washington, and Js occupying the home of her parents. me loiroer occrexary oi war ana airs. Robert T. Lincoln. As Miss Mary Lin coln, she was a great belle In Washing- ion aurinj: ner xatnera regime. Mrs William L. Marshall, wife of Brig. Gen. Marshall. U. S. A., win re turn to Washington shortly from At lantic City, where she has spent the past several weeks. Mrs. Marshall, who accompanied her mother, has already re turned. Mrs. M. Gunst who has been visiting her son. Sydney Gunst. of Belmont Street, has returned to her- home in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Neumeyer have re turned to their home In the Stafford. after spending the past week In Atlantic City. Brig. Gen. Henry G. Sharpe, U. S. A.. went to NewYork on Thursday, to Join Mrs. Sharpe.'who has been the guest of her neiee. Miss Dahlgrro. Mlss Martha Bowers will leave Wash ington on Wednesday to Join her mother. Mrs. Lloyd .Wbeaton Bowers, la Nqw, York,, from where they will sail on Thursday on the Adriatic for England to spend the summer months.. Mrs. Samuel Shellabarger, of 112 Sev enteenth Street, has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. John N. Young, of Ohio, ! Miss Hilda Jacob!, of the Cllffbourne, has aa her guest Miss .Bessie Keynor. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Held, who have been spending the past few weeks 'In Atlantic City, have returned to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith, of 13 Seventh Street Northwest, will be at home to-day from 7 to 10. "Mrs. John P. Wisser, wife of Cot. Wlsser. of San Francisco, CaL, who has been visiting In Washington. left "for her home yesterday. . Mrs. Howard 8. Nyman, who spent the winter at St. Augustine, Fla., with her youngest child, has returned to this city and Joined her husband at their new home, 1633 Sixteenth Street. Rear Admiral Andrew Dnnlap. IT. 8. N.. retired, and Mrs. Dunlap. who spent the winter in the South, have returned to Washington. Mrs. N. Woibersj announces the en gagement of her daughter. Rebecca, to Air. jrrea .Hermann, orsoutn .Boston, va. Miss Hermlne Bennet, of Norfolk. Va, Is the guest of Miss Lorraine Herman, of the Beacon. Mrs. Montgomery SIcard and Miss Elinor SIcard, wife and daughter of the late Rear Admiral SIcard, TJ. S. N.. who usually spend their winters In New York, have been In Washington for the past few weeks, and are guests at 7XX R Street. Gen. W W. Wotberspoon left Wash ington yesterday for his new post at Atlanta. Ga. The general will be Joined later by Mrs. Wotberspoon and their son, Mr. Alexander "Wotberspoon. Miss Irene Galeskl, who has been spending the past few weeks with Miss Annette Goldsmith, of Calvert Street, has returned to her home In Richmond. Miss Edith Baer, of Baltimore, has re turned to her home after a few days In the city the guest of Miss Hortense ByrlawskL Mrs. Whltmtll Pugh Tunstall, who has been the guest of her parents. Com modore and Mrs George H. Peters, left Washington recently to Join her husband In Norfolk. Va., to where Mr. Tunstall has transferred his business from Chi cago. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tun ttall will be glad to know that the for mer has recovered from the effects of the motor accident. In which he was se riously Injured last fall. Miss Margaret Payson, of Portland, Me., and Miss Emily Schanck, of New York, who have been the guests of Miss Catherine Denlson. of Hlllyer Place, for a few, days, have returned to thelr homes. Miss Ruth Parker went over to Bal timore yesterday to spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenblutt who spent last week In this city have re turned to their home In Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Samuels, who were msrried recently In New York, were in Washington during the past week. Mr. and Mrs A. Steinem returned to Washington from Atlantic City, where they stopped at the Hoel Rudolf for three weeks. MaJ. B. Frank Cheatham, Quartermas ter's Department, and his family left here on Friday for San Francisco. They will sail on the transport for Honolulu IMPORTANT "Wife .of the Ssrral Attache of the - IHH tiBHBgHiBBrL -V -; illsBSHisssssssssssssssssl (DTll VSHHsBMsssssssssssssssssl ssssslisssssssssssssHsBssBijBVssssssslsHssllsU? V"- . ...T'nHLsLaBkaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaLaH JHwi ssHHssBHsrf-tV f BhssssLbLbLbsH LLLLLLsHslLscBA 'KfSvBoKO IcwBHILLLLLLLLLH saLsasasaHslsalBH 3sW r W&&t& Ct"3f iIeHLLLLLLLLLH .. ISSTKM 4t-hXB0jQpr ' i .u.ajSSBJlKSBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSl IslBBBBBBBsaBsBLV Sr'ElFSsRlHB P& fife kfSilslBBBBBsasasasH IssiBBBsasaVasasasaVw ' WArlSEHHL - i-- jf K&I3HbbbbbbbbbbbI iaBBBBBsasakasasaBBBsf NSavSBBeBE S" ":'" IwslSsSsisasasasasasasasasaa BBMfJJMMr atw?'-iSjft 9skBht 'W T '-' nBBLBBBBBBsasaH Ba iWffW "SHMBi BftrnWI " ' JEl!9LBBBBBBBBfl LbbbbbbbBssik4 'HBKlEtiBBSpSBBSSSlBBBKSmBKll '-BBLhKLLBESBBLbW 'iBSBH -aflLlBGBldKiBBWlESl&HtSaBBBwH LYLHBH9BLLVaLBLBiSviLHKHP wr IbbbbsbbbbbH SBHBBBfBBBBHiBBBBBHBHtlBBBVZSBaBKflk " BK " BBHiBBnBBBBBBBB t on May E. "Mrs. Cheatham will remain In Sin Francisco nntir the tall, when she will Join MaJ. Cheatham at his new post, where be Is in charge of army construction. Miss Eleanor Parker andMlis Elizabeth Parker, daughters of former Representa tive and Mrs. Richard Wayne Parker, of New Jersey, are guests at the Grafton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strausser, of Chi cago, and Mrs. M. W. Ltcter, of Phila delphia, spent a week In Washington at the New WUlard.1 and returned to their home on Wednesday. The Naval Attache of the Russian Em bassy and Mme. Vasailleff will go over to Philadelphia on Tuesday for the launch ing of the torpedo boat Deale. Rear Admiral and Mrs. Van Reypen have gone to New Yor)$ to meet thelr son-In-law and daughter. Baron and. Baroness Korff and their family, who are expected to arrive on the Caronla to spend the summer In "Washington. Rear Admiral Thomas H. Stevens. U. 8. N.. and Mrs. Stevens have arrived in New York 'after a trip to Panama. They will come to Washington shortly. Mrs. Henry S. Patterson, of New York. and her brother, Amos Lawrence Hop kins, of Houston. Tex., are spending some time with their parents, sir. and juts. Archibald Hopkins. Mrs. Oscar Stelnfeld was a recent .visitor In Washington. Miss Rena Schwartz and Miss Carrie Bass, of Baltimore, were the week-end guests of friends In town. GEORGETOWN. Miss Edith Miller, of Frederick, who has been one of the wedding party of Miss Helen Frey, returned Thursday evening to ner home. Miss Frances Blake has returned from a visit to AKron, onio, and Pittsburg. Miss Helen Morek. who hss been visit Ing her grandmother. Mrs. Kerersteln. at Hammond Court, hss returned to her home In Erie. Pa. Mr. William Taylor, who has been visit Ing his brother. Mr. John Taylor, ol Dumbarton Avenue, has returned to his home In Chicago. Mr. Taylor Is well known here, where he was formerly en gaged In business, but for several years hss made his home In the West. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams have returned from Atlantic City. Miss Maddox has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Wood. Judge Bradford, of Wilmington, has been visiting his sisters, the Misses Trapler. of Q 8treet Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood and two lit tle sons, who have been on a visit to Mra Wood's brother, Mr. Charles Crop ley, have returned to their home in Wilmington. During her stsy Mrs. Wood was extensively entertained by her many friends. Mrs. Alexander K. Anderson, of Dent Place, has given up her home, and taken a country place at Alts, vista, Md. Mrs. Waldo C HIbbs left yesterday for Frederick, Md , to spend several dsys at the Convent of the Visitation, her Alma Mater. Mlis Anna Abbott entertained at bridge on Friday and Saturday. Miss Craig. Miss Harmon, and Miss Laughborough, are spending the week end with Mrs. Walter Moberts, or Alex andria. Mrs John C Kondrup. of Cambridge Place. Is visiting Mrs. K. H. Men-lam in St Paul. Mrs. Henry L. Underwood, from Knox- vllle. Tenn., Is visiting her mother. Mrs. Preston Graves, at Hammond court. Mrs. Waldo C Hlbbs and Mr Louis Wilson left yesterday morning for Bluemont. from there welkins to Win Chester, then on to Romney, covering a HOSTESS IN SMART VECOUHTESS D'AZT, French Embassy- la the Costume She ". Xa Amu distance of seventy-five milts. Mr, Hlbss and Mr. Wilson expect to, return home Monday evening. ' Miss Juliet Parris returned on Thurs day from-visits to Mrs. Lv Boyle, of Over brook, Pa., and Mrs. 'Ned Howuon. of Philadelphia. Mr. Parker Godwin, who baa been visiting his mother at the Stoddard, leaves to-night for San Francisco. Mr. David Xlttenhouse, is spending the week-end; with friends In Baltimore, Mrs. George Ramsey Bready. of Hern don. Va., formerly Miss .Edna Mlddlttoa, Is visiting her home In Thirtieth Street Miss Nancy Supper, of Johnstown. Pa., Is the guest for a few days of Miss Juliet Parris, en route South. Miss Blanch Walker, of Mount Wash ington, Md.. is the house guest or Mr, and Mrs, Allen Walker, of Thirty-first stmt Mrs. Frank Hlght entertained at a tea yesterday In honor of her mother, Mrs. O. W. Cann. of Andover, Mass , who la her bouse guest Mrs. R. L. Mlddleton. of Thirtieth Street who was called to Westfleld. Mass., owing to the Illness and death of ner motner, nas returned to ner- noma. Mrs. Charles Newman left a week ago 'for a month's visit to an old schoolmate, Mrs. W. W. Johnson, in Union, S. C Mrs. Eugene A. Byrnes was hostess at a musical Thursday afternoon, entertain ing the ladles board of the George Wash lngton University, of which she Is presi dent The young ladles of Madison School are busily engaged in rehearsing, under the able directions of Miss Nourse. for two short plays to ba given at the Playhouse on the evening of May 8. Mrs. E. P. Mertx, who has spent the winter In the South, returned to her Cleveland Park home last Wednesday, and leaves to-morrow to visit her son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nlxson, in Tulsa, Okla. Mrs. Davis, Roy Davis, and Mr. De Vrles Davis, of Atlanta, Ga., were the guests of Mrs. J. T. Petty last week. Miss Dorothy Barron entertained twelve of her friends at a box party at the theater, last week, chaperoned by Mesdames Lang and Dlx. Mr. Philip McElhone. who spent a week with his family recently, returned to Old Mexico last Tuesday. Mrs. McGregor Dorsett after spending a few days with Miss Murdock, has re turned to her home. Mrs. M. J. Barron entertained "The Sixteen" at supper Wednesday evening. Miss Kemp, of Trappe, Md.. Is the guest of Mrs. Orndorff. Mr. and Mra II. B. Weaver and two sons, of Front Royal, and Miss Weaver, of Boston, were the guests of Mrs. Petty last week. CHEVY CHASE. Lieut Anthony James. U. S. N.. and Mrs. James, who have been house guests of MaJ. Albert S. McLemore, U. 8. M. C, and Mrs. McLemore. have left for the home of Mr. James In Champaign. III. Mr. James has Just been detached from the U S. S. Georgia, and Is on waiting rdera. Mrs. E. Nesblt Wright who spent sev eral days In Baltimore last week, has returned to her home. Mra James Armltage Emery was host- ens at a prettily appointed dinner Wed nesday evening Her guests were Mr. and Mra James Barry Adams. Mr and Mrs. Carl Joerissen. Dr. and Mrs. Rud derdy Stewart and Miss Stewart Dr. George Ruffln. and Miss Helen Emery. Mrs. Clarence B. Rheem has Invitation, out for a luncheon May Z, at the Colum bia .Country Club, her guests being mem ber of the Rubinstein Club. Mra Arthur Copeland Is entertaining Mrs. Saage and Mrs. Dor, from Phila delphia, who are here as delegates to the Woman s Baptist Foreign Missionary Society Convention. Miss Blanche Polklnhorn. soloist of All Saints' Church, has been confined to her home with a seere cold. Miss Isa bella Taylor, substituted for her last Sunday. The Columbia Country Club was the scene of a marry party Tuesday evening, when the Washington Ad Club gave a dinner to the retiring president Mr Gram Ills M Hunt The party w as taken from the Chamber of Commerce to the club In sightseeing automobiles Fol lowing the dinner Informal speeches were made by Mr. Walter McDonnell, the newly-elected president Mr. Thomas Grant secretary of the Chamber of SOCIETY. Were at Hex Fancy Dress Ball at I 1t4iWW4W4Mt'fQM4M99999M94Q4W4Q444&M J 08 . At For $16.75 $19.75 We announce new arrivals in Tailored Suits-trf silk, white and navy serge, mohair, linen, terry cloth and ratine. En tirely new models, including Norfolk and belted Styles. Very good values at $15.00 "" ,.-e4Afr"C-x-XMAHX"X'4 Commerce; Mr. John Shoemaker, Mr. Edwin U Martin. Mr. Fred Smith. Mr. R. E. Joyce. Mr. E. P Hopkins. CoL Robert Montague, and Mr Hunt. Mr. Hunt resigned In order to gle more time to his work as chairman of the con entlons club of the Chamber of Com merce. There will be an Interesting lecture to-morrow etenlng in the Library by Rev J. W. Austin, for the benefit of the Rectors' Aid Society His subject will be "The Earthquake In Jamaica." The Home and School Association of Chey Chane enjoyed an Illustrated lec ture In the Library Friday evening, giv en by Miss Sypes, taking for her sub ject "Flowers and Plants and the Beau tifying of the Garden Last eeninrthe Chevy Chase Library was bright with orange and purple dec orations, the colors of the ThI Slgna Tau Club, which gave a very pretty dance to Its friends among the younger set The chaperones were Mrs. W. L. Mactler and Mrs. Farrar The hostesses of the evening wire Miss Mildred Shoe maker. Miss Eleanor Garner. Miss Dor ris Sannemann. Miss Anna Mactler. Miss Johan Farrar. and M! Marjorle Van Dyne Light refreshments were served. Dr H B Riley entertained Friday evening at the home of his sister. Mrs. R. E. Shoemaker, at five hundred. His guasts numbered sixteen. The Thirteen Club gave a small dance Friday eenlnc In the Library The chaperones were Mra W. G. Carler, Mrs. Frederick Van Dyne. Mrs Jamot L. Par tons, Mrs. W II. Herron, and Mrs. Ran dolph D. Hopkins. 9 HYATTSVILLE. The Afternoon Five Hundred Club was entertained Tuesday by Mrs O. B. Zant ringer at her residence in Wine Avenue, extended Mrs. Edwin Gibson won the first prize, and Mrs. 8. M. Peach the second. The guests' prize was won by Miss Minnie Shew Preceding the games refreshments were sened. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin G. Tlngley and son, Egbert Fuller Tlngley, left Satur day evening for a visit to Mr. Tlngleys relatites In Marion, Ind. They will re main for six weexs. Miss Josephine Roberts, of near Bright seat Prince George County, has been visiting Miss Marguerite Clagett Mrs. Robert Bowie, of Annapolis, has been visiting Mrs. William B. Clagett at "Navajo." near upper Marlboro. Mrs. Frederick Sasscer gave a lunch eon Thursday In honor of Mrs. Bryan Ambler and Miss Ambler, of Ohio. Miss Susie E. Clagett entertained a number of friends at bridge whist Thurs day afternoon at her home, Keokuk, near Upper Marlboro. Mr. and Mrs. O B. Zantzlnger. Wine Avenue, extended, have been visiting friends In wasnington during the past week. Miss Carrie Ketton. or Wilmington. Del., has returned after a visit with friends In Mount Rainier. Miss Minnie Chew, of Upper Marlboro, has returned arter visiting her sister, Mrs. O. B. Zantzlnger, Wine Avenue, extended. The Misses Johnstone, of Baltimore, have returned after a visit of several days. to friends here. The MIssei Delia and Frances HudAn. of Indianapolis, lnd., have been visiting relatives In the lower section of Prince .George County. At Palm Beach. Fran iadse. "Seems to me It's awfully stupid here,' remarked the transplanted Broadwaylte. "Can't you rake up a little excitement?' "Well, 1 "might let you have your bill," fusgested the hotat manager. toe outer A easammtx TO 114 BtEVENTH 4TR2BT3 Dry air cold storage for furs with insurance .against loss or damage by moth, fire or theft. Moderate charges. We Announce A Special Sale of Dresses "" Taken From Our Regular Stock Onethird Less Than Value. Dresses Heretofore up to-545.( 300 Dresses For All Occasions in This Sale. ;..r Suit Department. $25.00 Closing Out -, ,' 200 Tailored Suits, - Broken Range of Sizes, at Heretofore up to 545.00. Very Smart Models. ROCKVILLE. Miss Myrtle Naomi Holt of Woodslde. this county, snd Mr. Raymond Nafey, of Takoma Park, were married In Rock ille Wednesday afternoon by Rev. S. R. White, of the Baptist Church, the ceremony taking place at the residence of the minister They were unaccom panied. Other couples married In Rock llle during the week were Miss May Williams and Mr Sylvester G. Ladd, both of Washington. Rev. S. R. White being the officiating minister. Mrs. Hugh Msgruder, of Baltimore, has been a visitor at the home of her moth er, Mrs. E. B. Prettyman, here. . CoL Spencer C Jones after spending the winter in New Orleans at the home of his daughter Mrs. T Richard Kalvey. as has been his custom, each year for a long while, has returned to his home here. Mrs. Harry U. Poss and little daush ter have returned to their home here after Msltlng relatives in Cumberland. They were accompanied back by Mrs, PosV niece. Miss Trimble Mrs Howard Larcombe has been visit ing relatives in Philadelphia. Miss Annie Maddox Is visiting rriends In Norfolk. a. She will later go to Atlanta, Ga., to spend several weeks. A number of the ounp people Galthersburg will present 'Too Many Husbands" in Masonic Hall. Ualthers burg, next Tuesday evening tor the ben efit or Forest Oak Lodg. Knights Pjthlas. of Galthersburg The arran ments are in charge of Mr Roland Walk er, and those who will participate In clude Misses Maude V. Broome, Lucille Welsh, Hannah Jones. Mrs. Carleton N. Etchlson, Dr. Bates Etchlson. Roy Frazler. Edwin Vt Broome. Roland Walker, Jack Ety, and Charles Phoebus. Mr and Mrs. David Humblrd. or St Paul, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Brewer here the greater part of the week. An Interesting programme has been arranged for the annual meeting of the Social Service League, of Montgomery County, which win be held In the Pres byterian Church here next Tuesday. Among those who will deliver addresses are Judge William H. De Lacy, or the Juvenile Court, Washington; H. Wirt Steele, secretary or the State Board of FREE TO YOU MY SISTER $114.75 $19.75 $27.50 WSBBBBLBVtKI bP'1bBf1P:: 'PJsK I BPf3srlB! 'sBr3 I vbS ta mnna. It wffletTtnonrvateestf cents week or less than two cents a day. It rW not tafcrtere wtta twit work or ccouiatlca. Jt us s rw etw rt suffer If yort wish, and I will send you the treatment for your u ;2SrS5era1RSS.wiJST per. by return mau. Iwinelsosendyoutmsfettlbewk TraunCWKtia explanatory illustrations showing why warn ea suffer, sad how ther can eBallyeuretnemearfes at home. Every womanahonld have ft. sad learn to Matter Nrwtt, Thea i when the totar says--'You must hare an operation," yon can decide for yourself. Thousands of women haeerea tteBaelveswlthrayhozaeremedy. It cures ill Htr mat Ti tottsn tf Bssiiitrtjlwtll explatos, stop! e home treatment which speedily and effectually cures Iueoirhoefc Green BeDessaaa Painful or Irregular Mexstrcauaa In young Ladles, piuapness and healto always results irosa Wherever yoa live, I can refer you to ladles of your own locality whoka owand wfUfljiilT ten any sufferer that this less Trtitetst really cam all women'sdlseMeandrmtkMwaBvrea. strong, plumpand robust. Sat tttt a rm sMrsn. and the free ten day's treatment Is yours,als the book, wateto-day, as you mar not see this offer again. Address MRS. m UMMER7ox H, Notre Dams, lnd., U. t A. - '-,'' Vi , $24.75 " r - F Tuberculosis: Mrs. George H. McGrew, of Woodslde. and Eugene E. Stevens, of Chevy Chase. Mrs. Robert C Warfleld. Mrs. David H. Warfleld and Mrs. William W Welsn attended the meeting of the State Fed eration of Women's Clubs in Baltimore during the week. Mrs. Lee Oflutt hsd as her guest for a few dajs during the week Mrs. Edward, Wllllngham, of Memphis. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Waring Evans, or Wash ington, are in Rockvllle for the summer. Alter spending the winter In Washing ton. Samuel H Phillips has returned to his home near RockMlIe. Rev. John T. Coolahan. of Baltimore, has assumed charge or the pastorate of St Mary's Catholic Church here, suc ceeding Rev. Philip B. MeUulre. who has been transferred to St Vincent's Church, Baltimore. Mr and Mrs. Philip D Laird have re turned to their home in Rockvllle after spending the winter In Baltimore The last meeting or the Newtomb Club, of the Bethseda neighborhood, wsa held at the home of Miss Flournoy, with a large attendince of members and others. Miss Edna Vickers Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Thomas, of Ednor. and Mr Orvtlle Mierwin Feters, of Washington, were married last evening at "Clifton." the home of the brides parents. It was an event that had been looked forward to with much interest. and was witnessed b a large number of guests from Washington. Baltimore. Philadelphia, and various parts of this countrj The ceremony of the Society of Friends was ufd. Mr. John C. Bent- ley, of Sands Spring, reading the cer tificate. The bride's attendants were her sister. Miss Mary Moor Thomas, and Mrs. Robert Nathan Wade, of Washington, and Mrs. -airolm Farquhar, of Rock vllle. William John Thomas, brother of the bride, was tx-st man. and the ushers were Messrs Malcolm Farquhar and W. J. Thomas Mr and Mrs. Samuel P. Thomas rlaj-ed the marcnes. A reception, whicn was largely attend- ed, followed the ceremony, after which Mr. and Mrs. Peters left for a long tour. They will make their home In Washington. largest Horning Circulation. &S&E&&2Xr I am a-woman. I know woman's sufferlsxs. I have found tha care. . I will malt free of any cnijf, art-i but east with full Instructions to any snaenr from woman's ailments. I want to tell as women about this core res, my reader, lor yourself, your daughter,yourmoUier,oryocrsster. I wast to tell you bow to cure yourselves at home wlth oultheholpofedoctor. Men easstt understand, women's sufferings. What we Hum ea kaowfna tztkses, we know better than any doctor. I know that zayhoma treatment Is safe and tare sure f or tssr -rtots sr wVi elKterfn. Hesnflss. Us sKctsMt trftStfaf 01. mfttt, tostjtffilifil hrlita, stato trrrttst ttta Mktki cms, tUtti tnti.HtrktssnhtllBts.iinttsBtM. crwtkf f Mitag s tU l,ln, attaacsttr, Inn ts ur, tat naiiti. tttnstts. User. al klatitr trttMn tton tross H tussntM awsusi to our sex. Ivanttoaesdyoai tsaablsba tt trutnst ettWj (res to prove to yon that yon can core yourself at noma, easily, quickly and surely. Remember, tha,U. rM cttl Its esMaf to rtTatha tremt lentacomnletetrlal: acdlf TOO M Ms-' x4 sr ( A A M ( v , -a&-r "Swr .-. i3attLes$w ;?i 3kO&&$&u T-iBM-Mfc -