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fjgs$F- K" . THE WASHINGTON HERALD.- SUNDAY. APBH, 28. 1912. $2,500 IN FREE PRIZES Will Be Given to the Winners of The Washington Herald's BOOKLOVERS CONTEST Join the Contest To-day, It Costs Nothing to Compete The Following Prizes Will Be Awarded the Winners: BdDDaDP'SoggaDDaBDPgDgagggni: Ki;r'"Srinrini ifs ,nnnr7.r7.(,inn II JuL ySfiyUWnnnnnnL seesEE W& First Prize, Value $1,000 Building Lot at Randle Highlands The Unsurpassed Elevation of Randle Highlands Is Shown by the Following Diagram naosscCDaaaai-Jui. i-r 7znsna&sKaanDnDH52?isgnn IDaDaassrriRSannuySHiPSrnnnFuS S.B1 IDDD in i in oCVAtsji IBiI-3FinCs.lNCl r"-t nnniiv n nnu in inonmnnn nnnnflhJ'JR-inCDDO LJLJUlLiy ULILIU I iuoui Jfc' DDQU Danntennnr-innn cfcnnmSfQEqf P HDD m t- inaRSF $m LMBSk SrSstZZ HIGHLANDS f RANDLEHlGHLANDS ICAPIT0L0F U.S. IWrllTt HOUSE EZa233ZB2iI2S5Z39Er The Herald offers for first prize a lot in Thirtieth Street, in Randle Highlands. This lot has a front age of thirty-five feet and is surrounded by the best environment in a suburban home. Randle Highlands, as shown by the comparison pyramid herewith, is higher than either the Capitol or the White House. It is about twelve to fifteen minutes from the heart of Washington, and accessible by Pennsylvania avenue cars. If the winner of the first prize shall be the possessor of a home, he or she shall own a bit of property that has a great investment prospect. For further particulars, call on U. S. REALTY CO., 7th St. and Pa. Ave. H. W. SECOND PRIZE. VALUE $750 Kingsbury Inner-Player Piano Made by The Cable Co. Chicago, III. MjjBjajfaMWBMBry Or Exhibition by the PERCY S. FOSTER PIANO GO. 1330 6 Street Northwest A combination of the favorite Kingsbury Piano and the marvelous Inner-Player action. A creation of concentrated thought and study, of skilled mechanics, men who have given their lives to the science and art of piano and plaver-piano building. The INNER-PLAYER has many exclusive patented features, among them the Solo Aid Device, which enables the plajer to play the melody louder than the accompaniment, producing the same solo effects that would be obtained with the hand playing of a great artist. The Kingsbury INNER:PLAYER, which is manufactured by the Cable Company, one of ihe largest manufacturers in the world, is being indorsed by prominent artists and musicians for its simplicity, dura bility, and easy pedal action. ' THIRD PRIZE, VALUE $500 BRENTANO LIBRARY Those "booklovers" who love books ahead of all other affection consider the third prize in this contest as the first. Of course the winner of this prize will have fujl opportunity to consult with the Brentano management in the interest of final amendment to suit his or her taste. As the selection stands now, not a volume that would injure the thinking of a twelve-year-old girl has been per mitted. The library has an actual cash value of $500, and will be exhibited at x the BRENTANO SHOP 12th aniF Sis. N.W. $250 IN CASH PRIZES 4th o 13th Prises fJO books. 14th to 33d Prise S books. 34th to 83d Prise 1 books. The Citizens' Savings Bank, located in the Bond Building, at 1406 New York Avenue, holds on deposit the sum of $250, subject to the order of The Wash ington Herald Company, who will pre sent it to those contestants who are des ignated by the examining committee which is to sit in final judgment on the answers submitted. Tm s-o1a ti11 JcciiA Tis tnntiw in llir shape of "savings deposits," on which its j rCgUidl 1111C1C31 Will UC pcllU. J.11U3C tVUU incline to thrift will find that bank an ideal one for all that comes to the needs of individual or family. Booklovers' contestants are invited to visit The Citizens' Savings Bank BOND BUILDING, 140G New York Avo. N. W. Citizens Savings Bank," BanalMUbv , .i . Book No. v z:i:fflzz:::zzzq::qi::z4:: Ez::zzz:::zzz::iS::z3t zzzSz3:zziEz4!q!'i il 1 For the Convenience of the Contestants We Have Ready for Distribution The Washington Herald's Booklovers' Contest Catalogue This Catalogue was used by the editor in preparing the contest, and contains a list of over 5,000 titles of books and their authors. Each one of the sixty-five titles comprising The Washington Herald's Booklovers' Contest is included in this catalogue. It is the only official catalogue of books for use in the contest. The catalogue may be had at the office of The Washington Herald for 25 cents, or will be mailed to any ad dress on receipt of 30 cents. ..f.atWWrf, . ?C&gj j :Jjm&4S2r aS- &-3ft -' , A jri as$i. L3l4lsJ3j