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THE WASHINGTON HERALU. MONDAY, PKIL 29. 1912. ,,- LECTURE "" - ' OAT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE THE NEW NA TIONAL THE A TER V W. B. MeCrackan Asserts Creator of Evil, and Right Under standing of Him Destroys Evil. That interest in the subject of Christian Science is on the increase In Washington was evident yester day afternoon. The lecture which had been announced for that time at the New National Theater drew! an audience of representative citi zens from nearly all walks of life. The size of the audience was lim ited to the size of the theater. The lecture was given under the auspices of the local Christian Sci ence Church, First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Washington. The lecturer was introduced by William S. Campbell. Christian Science Committee on publication for Washington, who said: "In every activity of daily living that we chronicle in years we bear testimony to an event so momen tous in the world's history that it has become the basis of a new cal endar. "That event was the beginning of the Christian era. It was ush ered in with the glad announce ment, 'On earth peace, good will toward men.' Nineteen hundred 3 ears have traced their way across the scroll of time, but the record has not been altogether a pleasing one. There is still much to be de sjred. "In this age there has come a new translation of this message of peace and good will, a translation in the new tongue predicted by the gospel writer. "Thirty-three years ago a small and seemingly weak church was organized in the city of Boston to! maintain and perpetuate this new translation of the divine message. To-day the branches of that organ ization form a chain of churches that encircle the earth. The mis sionary vangel tliat has estab lished these churches is the mis sionary evangel of healing. "Last year a representative of The Mother Church was commis sioned to carry greeting and good cheer to these churches in the far away places of the earth. He has accomplished - his world tour, and is with us again. I take pleasure in introducing to you William D. MeCrackan, M. A., C. S. B.f mem ber of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church of Christ, Sci entist, in Boston, Mass., who will speak to us of Christian Science." Mr. MeCrackan spoke as fol lows: We are living in an age of change. To-day more than cer before the words of the Apocalypse come to mind "the former things are passed away Behold, I make all things new." (Rev. 21; 4, 5.) Probably at no time in the history of the world has the new displaced the old with such startling rapidity. A survey of world conditions to-day re veals the fact that explorations, proj ects and hopes which have long stimu lated the imagination of mankind have become accomplished facts in our own day. Within a 'few years has come to pass the fulfillment of centuries of de sire. A final conquest of the earth, the tea, -and the air, is in progress. Por tions of the earth's surface which a short time ago were left blank on the map now are marked by accurate sur veys. The bottom of the sea is being explored and the ocean currents are traced across the deep from continent to continent The air, which has so long baffled man's attempt to con quest, is now being navigated. To-day man can not only transport himself, with ever increasing rapidity, across the .earth "and the sea, but also through the air. Such -achievements are not accidental. What is it, that has made possible these multifarious developments which we are witnessing to-day? When all aspects of the case are considered it will be understood that what we see. in operation to-day Is real ly, a mental change. Mankind is ex periencing a mental transformation. Mind has made possible the conquest of the earth, the sea, and the air. Back of the material contrivances which startle the world to-day Mind is at work, di recting willing arms and hands, and ' Mind will continue 'to lay bare a multi tude of useful inventions as mankind ripens and matures mentally. Now, that which concerns us in this lecture is not, primarily, the conquest o'f the earth, the sea, and the air. Mar velous as that conquest appears to the human senses, it sinks into insignifi cance when compared with the con quest of sin, sickness, "and death, which is being accomplished by Christian Sci ence through the recognition of God as the divine Mind, the creator and controller of the universe, including man; the Mind which not only forgiveth our iniquities, but also healeth all our diseases. This is the real wonder of the age, this discovery of the Science which causes the' passing away of former things and the nuking of all things new, which explores mental phenomena and lays bare the powerlessness of evil, which teaches the omnipotence, omni presence, and omniscience of infinite good, which brings the recognition of Immanuel, or "God with us," and so makes possible the fulfillment of the prophesy of Isaiah: 'Then the eyes o'f the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the, deaf shall be unstopped. "Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of 'the dumb sing." (Isaiah 35: 5, fc) In such an age, characterized by im provements all along the line of hu man endeavor, Christian Science comes before you for your courteous and kindly consideration. It claims your attention because it is the science or understanding of that which is eternal and indestructible, itself unmoved in the presence of changing beliefs, be cause founded upon the Rock of Ages. After more than forty years of trial and test, during which time itihas com passed the destruction o'f much evil and built up the substance of much good in human consciousness. Christian Science stands before the world to-day ap proved by reason of its good works. In the midst of an ebbing and flowing tide of opinions concerning theology, medi cine, and science. Christian Science stands firm, proving itself to be a stable support for the faint and weary, guide for the distracted and lost, solace for the sorrowing, a cure, for me aisaoiea ana sunenng. it is an established fact in modern history, and in no sense a debatable question, need ing no defense and no apology, but bringing with it its own justification in good deeds. FULFILLS THE LAW. Let me assure all those who are with in reach of my voice that Christian Science comes not as a destroyer, but as a builder; not to disturb the founda tion laid by Jesus, the Christ, and His disciples and apostles, but to build upon this same foundation a superstructure worthy of His teachings and of His works. Jesus said that He came not to destroy, but to fulfill the law. This is the mission of Christian Science, to fulfill, to so explain the nature of God that he who runs may read and under stand and in the end attain eternal life. Thus the teachings of Christian Science do not imply that God, who constitutes the basis, foundation, and principle of all true religion, ever changes or progresses; not that the teachings of Jesus.theChristtheFounder of Christianity, .need to be revised or the Bible rewritten. We read in the Scriptures that with God there is neither variableness nor shadow of turning; we also believe that the pre cepts and warnings of Jesus can never become antiquated, and that the Bible of our fathers, the great treasure-house of Christendom, when spiritually inter preted by Christian Science, suffices for our daily needs. The thread of gold which gleams throughout the fabric of the Bible will shine forth forever to be apprehended by the receptive thought everywhere. So it is not a new Bible which Christian Science contemplates, but one and the same Bible, explained in a spiritually progressive manner. It is not a new God which it proclaims, but the only true God, our Father which is in heaven. It makes no at tempt at an improved Christ, for there is but one Christ, who h in the bosom of the Father, perfect, eternal, and in destructible. But there are certain particulars in which Christian Science differs from the generally accepted doctrines of re ligion. '.First o"f all Christian Science calls for a very decided change in the human point of view, in man's compre hension of eternal verities. It means the application of Science to subjects which popular thought has in rimes past been taught to regard as shadowy and visionary. It throws the strong light of Science upon the nature and attributes of Deity, upon the teachings and works of the Christ, and it makes tiari Science differ more from the gen dear and emphasizes the essential, im- crally accepted doctrines -of religion God Is Not perishable import of the Bible's spi itua message. The general opinion of mankind does not credit religion with any great degree of certainty and defv niteness. And yet, if the matter be given a moment's quiet consideration it must be evident that if there is any cer tamty" or definiteness, any exact knowl edge or science about anything any. where in the immensity of infinity, sure ly that exact knowledge ought to be applicable to the Maker of all that is, to Him who has said through His prophet Isaiah: "Mine hand also hath laid fhe foundation of the earth, and My right hand hath spanned the heavens; when I call unto them, they stand up together." Spiritual facts are not shadowy belie'fs, not random guesses, nor do they vanish at the touch of careful investigation and painstak ing research; rather do they loom up larger, more substantial, the clearer the investigator's logic, the stronger his powers of observation, the .freer he is in heart and mind from the fetters of antiquated opinions, the farther he ad vances in his study of the real and eternal. Christian Science calls upon mankind for a frank and fearless revision of its own beliefs about the unchanging God, His man and His universe. This age, which is not afraid to fly in the 'face of the sun on filmy wings, is asked to display the necessary courage to pass in review the things which pertain to its own salvation from false gods. Why should not right and just views con' ccrning God and Hisr universe be capa ble of more precise statement? Why should it be thought a thing unreason. able with any one that God can become more definitely understood by the aver. age man than has been the case in the past? Why should not the understand ing of how to grow in grace, how to deepen and broaden one's spiritual con' cepts, progress according to law? And why .should not this knowledge con cerning the fountainhead of all knowl edge, the Giver of' all good" gifts, the absolute eternal Principle of all life, in whom we live, and move, and have our being why should not this knowl edge constitute demonstrable Science? Christian Scientists believe that i does; that Jesus pointed out the only true, final, and real knowledge when He said. "And this is life eternal, that they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent" WHAT IS GODT Every thinking man finds himself, sooner or later, face to face with the all-important and all-absorbing ques tion. What is God? In summarizing the teaching of Christian Science "for the student, Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, gives the answer to that question in her work, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: God is incorporeal, divine, supreme, infinite Mind, Spirit, Soul, Principle, Life, Truth, Love" (p. 465) Upon a correct comprehension of God depends the happiness, the peace, the true prosperity, and the true use fulness of mankind. Nay, more and this is a point which may seem novel to many Christian Science shows that the true health of mankind 'is deter mined by their understanding of God and His Christ Not only is this cor rect and scientific knowledge proved to be beneficial to man in his daily avo cations, in his home, in his business, in his individual affairs, and in his par ticipation in the affairs of the nation, but it exerts a beneficial effect upon the physical condition of men, women, and children, and heals sickness, as well as sin and sorrow. Let us then consider some of these definitions of God as given in the Scrip tures and quoted in the Christian Sci ence text-book, and then let us carry them to their logical conclusions. Take, for example, the definition of. uod given by Jesus to the Samaritan woman when He said "God is Spirit" What must be one of the inevitable conclusions in regard" to the essential nature of man which is to be drawn from this definition? If God is Spirit, then the real man of His creation, who is made in His image and likeness, as the Bible as sures us, and therefore partakes of His nature, must te spiritual, 1. e, must ex press and manifest Spirit The real manY'Life must' be Spirit, his faculties must be- spiritual Furthermore, as the image and likeness of God, man, as he really is, must be complete, happy, wholesome, and healthy. He cannot deny his parentage or bring discredit Upon his ancestry. He must be eternal and. indestructible now, this ideal man, the son of God. WHAT IS JfAXr j Perhaps in no particular does Chris than in the-' view which it takes con cerning the essential nature of man. prevailing theories and doctrines hale mati before a supposed bar of injustice, and condemn him. before he has been heard. Contrary to the practice of the law throughout the centuries, he is con sidered guilty until he can prove him self innocent Commonly accepted the ology has assumed that without any choice upon his part man has been born a sinner, has inherited evil 'pro pensities, tendencies, and idiosyncrasies, which invife disaster, and that his chance of being saved from this in herent evil is comparatively slight. The commonly accepted theories o'f physiology and anatomy treat man as a material body so delicately fashioned that the slightest jar in the wrong place may destroy his usefulness and rob him of life. If by any chance he should escape the consequences of ' his .evil propensities and be saved from sin, he is almost sure to fall into the toils of disease and become physically disabled. These theories place man's mind in the brain and his soul somewhere else in the body, generally in the heart But, .wherever placed, the mind .and soul of this miserable sinner are never safe from the assaults of the accuser. He is believed to be the sport of circum stances and the victim of discord. Christian Science comes to declare f-man aright It invites him before the bar of justice, where his real nature may be set 'forth and his tormentors condemned. It furnishes the evidence that man, made in the image and like ness of God, is innocent, inherently good, naturally happy, and of noble pur pose. It shows that man is by nature healthy as well as good, that God is his Mind and his Soul, that his future is assured, for he is immortal and in destructible like his Creator, safe in the bosom of the Father, abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. GOO IS LOVE. Let us now consider the definition of God given by John when he said, "God is Loc" Do we carry that definition to its logical conclusion? One such con clusion must be the following: If God is Love, then we cannot conceive of Him as creating evil. Therefore, Chris tian Science teaches that God is not the author of evil in any of its forms. He did not create it, since it could never lodge in'His-thought'for an instant else He were not wholly good and the Prin ciple governing the universe were not wholly reliable. Eil has no origin in Spirit, no entity nor reality of God's making and no eternity, but is alwavs a false concept assailing the mind of mortal man until such time as its ling nature is laid bare and its futile, trans itory pretenses cease to frighten. Evil has no standing before God. Those who dwell "in the secret place of the most High" need not fear its empty threats, but asserting their divine rights, may rise, in the words of the apostle Paul, "in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the "fullness of Christ" There is much comfort lo struggling humanity in the conviction that God does not authorize the miseries of our earthly experience. This conviction is the first step toward the realization that these very miseries, lacking divine sanc tion, cannot have any real entity or ex istence, and must perforce have a fic titious origin and an unreal nature. At this point the question naturally presents itself, if evil is not of God's creation, then what is it, and what is its origin? The essential nature of evil has proved a puzzle to mankind at large, and yet many centuries ago it was laid bare by the Founder of the Christian religion when he said of personified evil that he was "a liar and the father of it" Mrs. Eddy, follow ing the teachings of Jesus, has de scribed evil in so many words as in herently a 'falsity, a mistake, art illu sion, and a delusion about something true. She has given the general name of error to evil in all its forms and thereby, uncovered its essential nature to human apprehension. Evil, no mat ter what may be its pretense to power, no matter how threatening jt may seem to -mortal sense, is" never real in the presence of Truth, has no entity, no ac tuality, ifi never the. cause of Anything true, has no real origin. When con fronted with Truth it vanishes like neg ative darkness before, the positive light In the' presence of God the suppositi tious belief calling itself evil becomes a nonentity and so is reduced to its na tive nothingness. LAW OF GOD. Now, God governs the universe, in cluding man, by law, and since God is wholly good. His law is good also, and can never ultimate in sin, disease, death, calamity, or catastrophe. Jf, therefore. we seem to be confronted by Jaws pro ducing, evil, we are justified in assum ing that these laws 'are not of divine origin, have no reality or entity, are only pretenses of laws, and do not de serve our respect or our obedience. We can justly conclude that -such laws are to be set aside as illegal and illegiti mate, and that man is under obliga tion to speak to them as one having authority: Mrs. Eddy, in her work .entitled "Rudimental Divine .Science,'. defines Christian Science "as the law of God, the law of good, "interpreting and dem-j onstratihg the divine Principle and rule of universal harmony" (p. J), As the student learns more about God through spiritual sense and more about man in God's image and likeness, the benefi cent law o'f God grows in clearness and he is able to reject the testimony of material seme. Thert comes the dem onstration or -proof of harmony as nor mal and natural. He who follows the leading of Christian Science not only learns the letter of its teachings, but also rroyes- their correctness by sav ing the pinner, comforting the sorrow ing, and healing the sick. Christian Science thus' becomes a daily help for daily needs, the Comforter which lead, cth into all truth, available at all .times and under all circumstances. But there is a curious tendency in the human mind to expect evil rather than good; to look upon evil as natural and normal and to be surprised at good. There is a common saying to the effect that such and .such an occurrence is "too good to be true." Nothing is too good to. be true in God's universe, for the good is the natural and the normal. The good is, in reality, the only true, and, conversely, the true is invariably good. The attempt to. overcome evil by magnifying it has not succeeded and it has not deserved to succeed. Christian Science shows the way of overcoming cil by magnifying good, by establish ine the law of God in human conscious ness. To hold up evil as a terrible reality, with power to defy God, to set in operation laws of its own designed to nullify the eternal law of God, is to admit at once all the claims of evil and to invest it with the only power it can pretend to possess in human affairs. But to understand God as the only real power enables mankind to annul the claims of evil and so to reduce it, first to insignificance in human thought, and then to final nothingness. What would be thought of a general who, on the eve of battle, turned over all the points of strategic importance lo the enemy, and then expected to win. by an assault against such over. whelming odds? Yet this is precisely what is being done by those who are .surrendering to all the pretensions o't evil before engaging in a hand-to-hand conflict with it Christian Science summons mankind to battle against false foes, discredited from the very start, and assures ictory over sin, sickness, and death, to those who wield the sword of Spirit the spiritual understanding of God, Spirit, Life eternal, and Love infinite and in exhaustible. In all portions of the globe the needy are turning with rejoicing to Christian Science, because it proves that God is available in all times -of- trouble; be cause it is the 'fulfilling of the law handed down from of old; because it teaches us how to pray aright, as Jesus taught his disciples to do, so as to bring about good results. If Christian Science only stemmed the ravages of fear and only to that extent diminished sin and sickness, it would cam the gratitude of mankind. But when this Science is found destroying every form of sin and sickness known to man, then it is justly considered as an inestimable boon to rriankind, literally without price. am sure if any here present are in need of help, they will be glad to know of such a science and will wish to acquire it for themselves, since it is free to all. There is hardly a town or village where the good news of this healing by Christian Science has not been heard. A multitude of people have been healed o'f all manner of diseases, organic or inorganic functional, acute, and chronic. Cases which hae been pronounced in curable by any known method of ma terial medicine have yielded to Chris tian Science treatment Consumption, cancer, and other dread diseases have been destroyed. The lame, the blind, and the halt have been restored whole. It is not too much to say that during the past forty years and more Christian Science has run its hand along the gamut of human woe and proved its ability to still every kind of note in human suffering. DISCOVERER. AXD FOUNDER. Those who have experienced In per son the benefits conferred by Christian Science are well aware of the gratitude which wells up in their hearts when they contemplate the heroic life strug gle and victory of the good woman through whom it has) been given to mankind. For the sake of those who do not know of Christian Science from personal experience let me say that neither Mrs. Eddy nor Christian Sci entists claim anything more for her than what is her due as the Discoverer and -Pounder of Christian Science. Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy -was born in New 'England, in the State of New Hampshire. Her ancestors came 'from Scotland and England to America be fore the Revolutionary period to seek freedom to worship God as their con science dictated. Her childhood was spent' under the watchful care of a deeply loved mother, in a household in which religious influences predomi nated. She received an education which for .the times was distinctly com prehensive,, both religious and secular. This education was supplemented by lessons from her brother,, a graduate qf Dartmouth College and a promis ing young lawyer, who studied in the office of Franklin fierce, afterward President of the United States. It was in 1866 that her discovery of Christian Science took place as the re suit of her sudden 'recovery from an accident For twenty years before that jhe had. been studying the question of mental causation for all physical effects. but it was this sudden recovery which acted as a sign, showing her the way to the "true healing as spiritual as both Christian and scientific. She searched the Scriptures, taking the Bible as her only text-book, and finally, in 1875; published the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." She 'founded, one by one, all the various means by which Christian Science has been brought be fore the public, displaying in this be neficent work a wisdom and loving kindness which stamp her not only as a great discoverer, but also as a large- hearted and broad-minded' woman. Under her wise care, periodicals were established which illustrate the teaching of Christian Science in human affairs: The Christian Science Journal, appearing monthly; also, Der Herold der Christian Science, published month ly in German; the Christian Science Sentinel, appearing-weekly, and The Christian Science Monitor, a daily newspaper, which lays special emphasis upon the good in human endeavor and achievement, upon that which is whole some and helpful. These periodicals go to all portions of the globe, em phasizing the teachings of Christian Science and carrjing with, them the glad tidings of spiritual healing and regeneration. SPIRITI'AL HEALING. A further question now presents it self for our consideration. What are the means adopted in Christian Sci' ence for the conquest of sin, sickness, and death? What is the Christian Sci ence treatment? Let it be understood at once that it is not possible to reform the sinner or heal the sick in Christian, Science by what is termed mental suggestion. The practitioner who tries to influence, ca jole, or force his subject to believe any thing which he himself does not be lieve, is deceiving both himself and his subject and is using some kind of will power, whether it be styled mental sug' gestion. mesmerism, animal magnetism, or hypnotism. The practitioner who suggests to his subject some state of mind which the practitioner imagines to be desirable, but does not believe to be true, is not practicing Christian Science. The practice of Christian Sci ence admits of no questionable equivocal situations. It means the re flection of Truth to the sufferer, the recognition and realization of the only true God, and of man's true nature as made in the image and likeness of God. Nothing short of the truth, the whole (ruth, and nothing but the truth, will satisfy the demands of Christian Sci' ence. Not a truth to which the physical senses need subscribe, but the truth which must be spiritually discerned, which is established now, as it alwajs has been and always will be. Against this truth nothing can prevail. The answer to the question. What is the Christian Science treatment? is very simple one; so simple that those who are looking for some strange new imention, for some sort of mysterious nns-tic, or occult influence of one hu man mind oer another, for some ex hibition of human will power, will be disappointed. The modus operandi of Christian Science in reforming the sin ner and healing the sick may be de scribed in one word, and that word an old-fashioned one which is familiar to mankind the world over. Christian Science conquers sin, sickness, and death by prayer. By prayer scientifi cally understood and applied, mankind can possess itself of all God's blessings of health, happiness, and an increas ing measure of sinlessness, but only when mankind complies with God's laws. This prayer must not be addressed to a false god or a man-made god, must not -be colored by the assumption that God is like a human being; that He is a dispenser of evil as well as good, given to sudden reversals and to re pentance, meting out rewards and pun ishments like a human sovereign. Prayer which attempts to change God from His purpose, to give Him infor mation about His own creation, to in duce Him to do what He has not al ready done such prayer must remain unanswered, because addressed to a false god ; indeed, to an impossible god. Nor is such prayer sanctioned by Jesus. The grtat Master gave us The Lord's Prayer. He also gave the following profoundly metaphysical advice con cerning prayer: "What things soever ye desire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11 524.) Mrs. Eddy thus defines prayer in the opening words of "Science and Health." "The prayer that reforms the sinner and heals the sick is an absolute faith that all things are possible to God a spiritual understanding of Him, an un set fed love." This absolute 'faith, or spiritual un derstanding, although producing physi cal as well as mental and moral re sults, cannot be based on the testimony of physical sense, but must find its sat isfaction in the things which are not seen. It entails a. cultivation of right thinking and of spiritual perception; no haphazard, blind belief will bring the answer to our prayer, but a knowing, or science of God, is the indispensable foundation for successful prayer. To pray with 'this understanding is to oray aright This is the effectual prayer, the "prayer of faith" which James as sures us "shall save the sick," as well as reform the sinner. MATERIAL METHODS. Now, in contradistinction to this method of healing the sick by spiritual means what can we say of the prevail ing method? How does it compare with the example set by Jesus, His disciples, and apostles and by the earlv Christians for some three or four hun dred years after the crucifixion? The prevailing method o'f healing the sick treats man as a material mechan ism, and not as a thinking being, gov erned by God. The attempt to heal man by treating him as matter has re sulted in a succession of experiments, but has never established an enduring, final, or truly scientific method df de stroying disease. The history of these experiments, from the earliest times to the present day, should make thoughtful men and women pause. Christian Scientists yield to no one in giving due credit to the good men in all ages who have de voted their lives in an endeavor to heal the sick by material means. They hon or their mothe while disagreeing with their methods. But every thinker should recognize that the practice of material medicine has failed to dis close the true cause of disease. The effects of disease on the physique are apparent, but the attempt to find the cause in matter has failed for the sim ple reason that the cause is not material but mental. Every material substance on the earth or under the earth has, at one time or another, been ground up in mortars and administered as medicine, in pellets or in powders. There has been a multiplicity of schools. There have been diametrically opposite wavs of treating the same disease. No pro fession has experienced such violent changes as that which attempts to heal by material means; no text-books be 'come so quickly antiquated as those which deal with these same remedies; and all this because the attempt has been persistently made to treat man as a material organism instead of a thinking being. It is not too much to say that in spite of the arduous labors of millions of devoted men spread over thousands of jears and applied to lit erally billions of cases, the attempt to find the true cause of disease in mat ter is still as far from success as eer. But Christian Science, recognizing man as a mental being, governed by God. is able to heal cases of disease which have defied every known ma terial remedy. , NO INCURABLE EVIL. Christian Science proves that no evil is real, eternal, or incurable, but all evil has its source in the carnal mind, the mind of mortals, and can be made to vield to the divine Mind, God, the Almighty, when mankind fulfills the terms of cure and forgiveness. No matter what form evil may take, whether it manifests itself as moral, mental, or physical, as an inherited tendency or idiosyncrasy, as loss of fac ulties, as an apparently inveterate habit or uncontrollable appetite, as progres sive disease, organic or inorganic, func tional, acute, or chronic, the infinite, omnipotent Mind is equal to every emergency and willingly masters every phase of error -as mankind complies with God's ways. Should the evil to be eradicated have been, pronounced in curable by expert medical opinion, by the wisest, most humane of physicians, even then that opinion would stand for naught before God, and the divine Mind which made everything that was made and saw that it was good, would still be a sufficient saviour from and healer of that particular evil in re sponse to the prayer of righteousness br right understanding. Or, should so- called natural laws decree decrepitude or breakdown as the result of over work trying climate, or any other sup posed cause, the spiritual understand ing of God would still be available to interpose a successful veto and God's immutable law could still frustrate the attempted destruction of man and re store him to health and happiness. . The Ume has arrived in the history of mankind when it is no longer suf ficient to say merely: I believe." It is now necessary to" say: "I know." "I know that my Redeemer liveth." In other words, the time for mere creeds which say only, "I believe" fs passing away, and the dawn of Sci ence is here, Divine, Christian, hence eternal and indejtructiblt, .ifi :Wr.afei" i -&&rf- A. A -Jt JfrfjaJ .,