Newspaper Page Text
?m?mw THE WASHINGTON HERALD. FRIDAY 31AY 3, 1912. TO ' UP BODYSEftBGH Storm Bsaring Down on Fu neral Ship Necessitates Shortening of Task; DDE MONDAY HOMING GAXKOT lEAB'SUITKAGE'PJmtfi; Halifax. Nova Scotia, May I. The cable steamship Mlnla, which succeeded the Mackay-Bennett In the search for the Titanlc's dead, will- dock here Monday morning with the remains of "President Charles M. Tays and fourteen other bodies on board. Capt. De Carteret re ported by wireless, through the Cape Race station, before dawn to-day that he was compelled to make a landing-, owing; to a heavy eastern storm, which Is bear ing; down upon him. He says further search Is futile because tne remaining; bodies have undoubtedly been widely cattered by this time. The widely dl- erged locations of bodies at present Is Illustrated by a wireless received last evening; from the Mlnla showing; that the only body picked up yesterday, that of Assistant Purser T. W. King;, was found forty-five miles east of one picked up the day previous. The bodies are proba bly drifting; eastward at the rate of eight miles a day or faster when the Gulf Stream catches them. Capt. De Carteret reports that Ice bergs are extremely numerous Just now and extend as far south on the ocean highway as 40.30 and &S0. The aerogram announcing the Mlnla's return on Monday follows "For Ismay Bodies widely scattered by gales and moving east eight miles dally and faster when the Gulf Stream Is en tered. Excepting- an odd one occasion ally. It Is Impossible to keep In touch. Lack observations. Three days' fog and two days east gale coming- compels me to abandon search. Return to Halifax. Due Monday early. Fifteen bodies on board. DE CARTERET" Cannot Keep ISodles. An undertaker, who does not wish his name mentioned, said to-day: "These bodies at the morgue. Identified or unidentified, cannot r.oss"bly be held longer than the end of the week without endangering public health. The condi tion of practically all. and there are still fully 170 there, has undergone a marked change in a day. "The trouble Is that conditions com pelled hasty and Inadequate embalming For Instance, they were embalmed when frozen, when it Is Impossible to Inject the fluid with success. Unfortunately, the majority of the embalmers are students. Furthermore, the bodies were dead a week or longer before being treated. That will compel far earlier burials that the authorities planned, and I fear that many a relative will apply too late een to Identify the remains." Between forty and sixty unidentified will be burled with public services to morrow. Memorial services are to be held In churches of various denomina tions in the morning, and a special me morial service In honor of the Tltanlc's dead will be held under the auspices of the Halifax Evangelical Alliance in the Brunswick Street Church. The Royal Ca nadian Regiment Band will furnish the music Boston, May 1 The bodies of three of the victims of the Titanic disaster, in cluding that of Isidor Straus, of New York, reached the North station from Halifax this forenoon. Several hundred people were at the station, many1.of whom wept as the horror of the great sea .tragedy was again brought back to them. The other two bodies- were those of Frank V MlUet. the noted artist, and Richard White, a senior of Bowdoln Col lege, who lived at Wlnchendon. GEEMAfl" SQUADRON'S VISIT. To Sail for Hampton Iloads Slay 11. Then Coming; Here. Berlin. May 2. It has now been de cided that the German battle ship squadron will sail for America on May 11. proceeding first to Hampton Roads, where it will be Joined by the German armored cruiser Bremen, which has been cruising in American waters for some time. Later the war ships will visit New York, and the return home has been set for the end of June. The mission of the squadron 1 make a return visit to the second divi sion of the United States Atlantic fleet, which paid a call of courtesy at Kiel last June. It will be commanded by Rear Admiral von Rebeur-Paschnitz. one of the Emperor's personal aids. sssassB jbbWBibbbW sBBBaSBBBBBBBBBSsCilsBCSBSBBBBBaBL IIPilSBBBBBBBBBCaSBSBV V WlUk SSW XsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSW I IsBssssssssssssssssssssssssssP 11 jHKBIIsr IISS HME MORGAN SAILS FOR SPAIN COU" A Mi TIMtEIt, The New Tork society girl who organized and trained the mounted brigade that Is expected to be a big feature of the suf frage parade In New York May 4. when 15.000 women will take part In the great demonstration. Miss Tinker was taken HI suddenly a week before the parade was to take place, and an Immediate operation was necessarj The fact that she will be unable to taBe her place at the head of the fifty young women who will ride astride horses In the parade Is a source of keen disappointment to her self and her many friends. ASK WAGE INCREASE. Engineer and Flrfmen Request Better Pay of Railroads. New York, May i Vice President J. C Stuart, of the -Erie Railroad, who Is chairman of the conference committee of railway managers, to-day received -from S. Carter. President of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and En gineers, a request for Increased wages and extra help for that class of employes on the railroads east of Chicago. Chair man Stuart Immediately replied that he would place the request before the con ference committee at the earliest opportunity Railroad officials stated that while they had not compiled the exact figures, com pliance wjth the request would impose an additional expense of more than C5.0OO.O0O yearly on the railroads. STEAMER RAMS WAR SHIP. Poor Showing; in Navy Test. Annapolis, May i Only C per cent of the candidates for admission to the Naval Academy as midshipmen were sue cessful In the recent mental examlna' tlons throughout the country. This Is a little better than last year when 37 per cent qualified. It was stated that 773 took the tests and that 133 meas ured up. Will Examine Mosquitos. Atlantic City. N. J, May 2. The mos qultos of Atlantic County are going to be scientifically examined by a commit tee of six men which has been appointed by Justice Callsh. of the Supreme Court. They aim to end tie pest. Wants Aame Chanced. New York. May 2. Because bis friends call him "peat. William Katx has asked the City Court to give him the name of William Firestone. Largest Morning Circulation. THE BEST HOISE AT TNE PRICE IN THIS CITY. Three stories, Bias tpsetail rooms: two UtS rooms; doubls floors; hsrdwood trim; bcaoural minteli; flxtnres moil to those nssd in tvestr thousand dollsr homes, ererj roota vita direct llrht: hot Titer best; clectrie llcbt; potch tract two-uorr porch la star. Ths totlrs bona brsag foil? decanted sad flolibed throosboot. Jnst completed. Tx S feet front Beautiful sores berr Imported from BoHsnd. This home is eqnsl to say S7.00O boms ia the cftr. Price J5.txt Terms easy. Desosbls Iocs Cm la ths rlcrthvtst. H. L SAMSBORY CO., Ezelusivs Agent, 719-21 13th SL R. W. (Irrmsn 1 eaael Dsnsvei EnRllsta Battle Ship Empress of India. Portsmouth, England. May 2. The British battle ship Empress of India was rammed by a German sailing; ship off Spithead to-day, receiving a. cash In her side aboe th water line. The mer chant ship lost part of hen upper works. At the time of the accident the Empress of India was in tow of the cruiser war rior, which was proceeding- through the Fairway. Sailors on the mam deck of the battle ship had narrow escapes from the frying deoris. sent In every direction worn toe snarp prow oi tne uerman ship cut Into the war craft. The Em press of India Is now classed as obsolete as a fighting machine, having been launched twenty-one years ago. SERVICES AT HEW CHAPEL. Oa Xccura in Autumn, She Will Wage Rght for Higher Wages for Girls. New York. May 2. Miss Anne Morgan, the energetla daughter of X Plerpont Morgan, sailed to-day with her friends. Miss Elizabeth Marbury and Miss Elsie De Wolfe, to have a good time In Spain a country that so far has not been vis ited by the trio In their annual travels abroad. "That's the only reason we're going; there," said Miss Morgan. "We haven't teen Spain, so Instead of. going to places we have visited before, we Intend to roam around and set. everything- until the fall, when I am coming back to do some bard work. "What workT When I get back I am going; to see passed by the Legislature a minimum wage scale for -female work ers. At the present time the- wages re ceived by girls in New York are so low that living- Is out of the question. Many of them receive but 33 and tl a week, and a girl can't doanythlng with that. She should at least have K a week. "Ddn't think that I am going to fight the employers, because I'm not. I'm Just going to show the employers the Injustice of the present wage scale, and when they are persuaded what la right, the Increase In wages will come natural ly. I cannot say whether I shall form an organization with this object In view, but if such an organization s formed I shall certainly identity myself with it. I hope to get some Information on this subject while I am In Europe." FAT FOLKS SLIM Marjorie Hamilton Says "Fat- Vanishes One Pound a Day by My New Drugless Treatment. Get My Free Book and Begin Reducing at Once" No drugs to take: no body-racking exercises, no starvation diet: no sweat ing-earments: no pills, oils, cathartics, salts, no medicines of anv kind. I lost my enormous weight In a short time and have sever been stout since, and through me 100.000 MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOW TAKING MY DRUGLESS TREATMENT. WHY NOT YOU? JS.O0O IN CASH IF I FAIL to prove my drug less treatment anything but safe, aulck and harmless In fat reduction. Don't wait until to-morrow; write to-day for my FREE BOOK containing- all partic ulars and let me send you all I offer free. MARJORIE HAMILTON, Sulle 1840 A, Central Bank Bids DEXTER. COLO. IssassfP sasssssssasklf H BfcCfsssssssssssssss-I 'TAKEASTXMP, IJEAJTCABir Bwbide s First Post Office the Simplest Ever YOU HAD TO BE HONEST Twasdo tobacco Is wI fees to li.ja greesTtte. with that jrosderfal fastidious smoker because he oaalTmsdn amoks inside, 'coats tea casta. sacks It around tne house wKSoutlifs uu zun oe utt tooacco uat mixii leaTlr.- behind the odor or state te-iiMtta ioox so sjooa miwwstu. baceo. Ths man whose Wife aMMtt tfcL-JsssssaaassK Tr"arched for to ths stale tobacco amosy sag Hangings oaa able odor and' time smoker ai sum the last lag. It lnr. In osen set Asa n Bat Mem Who Had Picked edo" Could Be Trusted 'Anybody could have gathered it and run off with It under his post offlce, Sag; pole and alL Simpler well It was that and some. They put It tip in Rawhide, Net Conducted the for Daughters Kins; by Bishop Leonard. Special services for the Daughters of the King were conducted at the New Bethlehem Chapel of the Nativity at Mount St Albans last evening by Rt. Rev. William A. Leonard. Bishop of Ohio Rer. George Fiske Dudley, rector of SL Stephen's Church, delivered an address In which he spoke of the growth of the Episcopal fait., in the district. Sacred music was sung by a vested choir The morning services marking; the second day's religious celebration of the opening of the chapel were conducted at 7.30 o'clock by Rt. Rev. Alfred Hard ing, Bishop of Washington. Rev. Caleb Rochfort Stetson, of the St. Mark's Episcopal Church, conducted a quiet hour at 10 o'clock, and an hour later the Rev. Courtlandt Whitehead, Bishop of Pittsburgh, celebrated the holy communion of the Daughters of the King. The cathedral choir, under direction of Edgar Priest, furnished sacred music At o'clock yesterday afternoon even ing prayer was said. Hundreds of per sons attended the services at various times throughout the day. , Sloroeeo Agreement Near. Madrid. May 2. Premier Canalejas. at an audience with the King to-day, told the latter that the government expected to reach soon an- agreement with France concerning Morocco, through which all difficulties between Spain and France would be overcome. i USE THIS COUPON IN VOTnCO FOR THE 4 I THREE MOST POPiLAR SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FOR THE 150 CASH PRIZES, Payable Jame 10, 1012. and bring; It, on or before Hay o, 1B1Z, to ST&OO 1st most popnlar Teacher. SSOUW 3d most popular Teacher. ISUKP 3d most -popular Teacher. ONE VOTE JOR Teacher In ........School. Cast by Date -... Address.......... Ths Thomas A. Cannon Cof wiy Incorporated. Fancy Vegetal!, Frails, and Poultry, 7G, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81 Center Market, 7th St, Wins. The six leading; contestants are as followst T First Bliss Margaret E. Garrett. Fourth Hiss Forrest Perrle. J Second lust F. A. Nourse. Fifth Miss S. E. White. T Third Miss R. MctiraU. Sixth Silas Elisabeth Caton. J WRINKLES GO QUICK! PRINCESS TOKIO New Home Treatment DELIGHTS AMERICANS LOOK YOUNG AGAIN Beauty Doctors and the Medical Profes. slon Stand Aghast In Amazement, Marveling; at This Mondrons New Metbcd of RrsnoTlna- Wrinkles, ho Creams, no Plasters, no Massage, ne Hollers, no aieaieine. nomine to In ject Under Skin Abaolntely New Treatment Never Before Of fered by Others In America. ssssssssssssssssssssssa .BssssssssssssssKssssssssssssssH PRINCESS TOKIO NEW WRINKLE TREATMENT MAKES OLD FACES YOUNG. DM too etrr set a Ssrsaese woman with vrlaklM. trreipscUrt- cf ssef Then Warn hov they schiers snd w.iwt.ln a smooth fsce. fr from wrinkles. For U flat ttos la America. ti Fiincea Toklo tmtSMst is bemx mads known, sad It is s Testis tion. hr-rr before ban Christian women been sbls to solre tbs secrets of these Oriental beauties, whose races and forms esse been in mtrres ta-oush aces. But st last the txessare-troTe baa been unlocked. sod there Is st before every American lsdr. who writes immeiistelr. the foil knowledsn stout, this The Frinceas Tokio BooUrt or Besatr Is a mestan fall eX -dsteriy feeling and srmpsthr for lbs Amest can ladles. It tells, without hesitation, all aboot the Princess TokM new treatment for remoring wrinkles without hsrmfol cresmr, pastes, lotions, or (festers, or mechanical spplisM-a. It ron sit rtnstnn, woold jou hk ta look Tike a girl tutor It yon sra ftllr jesrt of ire. would yon with to look lilt a splendid Tonng woman of twentyGTeT If yon are lorry, would yon like to look Ilka a girl Jnst oat of her teens: Then to 70a this book will be of great tslne. io money will be acorptea lor us rancess Toklo Booklet aboot wrinkles. It win be gtttn to 70a FBEE. SEALED PBIVATELY. fcr ooe who bf lieres thst there has dawned the most splendid dsr for American women of all tars cs to serentr It Is a toesstge of ths most hearty good cheer, and so nniua aaruung JUnerican. rt is a treat in its nrnaoa eontenta. All too need do is ask for a FnrE copy, addreutnt Princess Toklo. Suite list, Centrsl Bank BoUding, Denren Colo, B. 8. A. It ttBs haw Jto re-Bora -wrinkles by tatirtl new treatment at ssjly-ejgat cars. In the early days of the mining- bo-rav tnese. And lt'n still in existence, a hlxhly treasured souvenir. In a certain J, l W'l' lJ JmSSannrZlsi !llBSSSSSSSn Jsr fe llOrsssBsLsaPI- eldsal ItL j-.s; ' ' '- ;J JatrTBBSBBBSBW-r". - " V721 -S'NTaSSBK f-..fSaSaW' Jhr ''TsffsnanT t0 ja- gassst-wstfittnBtnnfs---- HwnSkC '"f fm. i PATTERSON'S M. EST X41JLIU1.A - W I WsW W 1 -JTssV s-jwaR m -sa'a-s'jr-.'ar-s.-aaw jsy . W7 K0Pmmmm R. l The Rue Smoke 7i5r Gentlemen I K " -. ii - .mtL swm ai x wemaaem xm , 1 .-way i oft A4AnWUUUsrUtV AI alCtUUMU" ssmers Nw 3!isi boxX r" i?ov S? aKorlte "old I easw?n tiina-, nat pipe you I haw mAAmA ti .n will ta.f .MAl I TUXEDO TOBACCO Tkm Pip Smelt fog Cnnflamm, lie Pipe Smoke m? WE BWW THAT TOG WOW "as warns ran year oryxes' tfesr Tork oQce where you can do el most anytnina- ny pressina- a button. This post offlce. set up by the road side in 1187, and serrlna- among; other purposes to point the way into Raw hide, consisted of an upright stick sur mounted by a swivel Das; pole bearing; a white Has;. When the flag; was up. the water wag-on man knew that he was to make a delivery of water. Near the too of the stick was a "Tuxedo" -tobacco tin containing; a book of post set stamps, ana a nouce wnicn ran a hit be necessary to Inform unenlightened eastern reaaers, oeinr a quarter. the' tin word passed celebrity throu. Tm Wsvtf TWI Kmw That WE Km Wives Ym SmAtTvuia smokers hare bees preJt-JleseT. t. pipe-smoking; because they say their tongues sore. It to not pe. but the kind of tobacco that blame. We guarantee that Tnx- 'obaceo in any pips will not only the tongue tree from Irritation, 6t actually will be beneficial to both throat and tongue. and Is objectionable to the lady of the house. And the criticism newer applies in which Tuxedo Is smoked. re are thousands of good -hoasa- who Invito and encourage plpe- g In their homes only when the original "no bite" tobacco. oecauso tne delicious aroma BOTH IN THE SAME stamp having been aiaxed. the letter wu oroppcD mio a sixteen ounce seal box of the R. A. Patterson Tobacco Company, which was fastened under neath, and from which tba mall driv,. made collection. The authenticity nf tM inw.lbe' .11,;;""..' 07 u u uunning. who had the mall contract at the tlm a "-mnning Knows. He found the blU "" wmmA tu uin stage. was everybody honestT "Well, the J'sSS.M. "ts113 SST" mlKht hTe trotlblsa. Bnt nnnnrlv eTviasui -. as IKJfiSSSS-11 7X A?"0? w Ifkif?!," t,b,F ,,?rt- Thrsu?15 Jlked the smoke In that green tlnl The accompanying sketch was made SPJP Photograph taken while the post oOce was still ta operation: Otr Fifty Tears' Experaace aetl Yea- Hesra of Perfect Experience talks, and Tuxedo tobacco it pleasant things. ths wonderful quality fins flavor, ths exqul mild perfection of the to last. Nothing like oeen proaucea tor It Is the standard baccos of Its class erooa as xuxeao. can be made for tob la nevar actual! Tuxedo is Tuxei terson process tin stands alone. ' To tne rounder son company is is covered :o to extra. der it positively throat. Ills dfs eao tne cleanest, rant, most he smoked to-dayi tne ladder of amazing rapid never oe. our v astir tne sslen wr? intrr. sweet and satisfying; with Tuxedo. the familiar green un It can be bough anywhere and once tried is never for uley Ben Hassan, or any ntieman, wants to en- nis trusty 01a inxing- dck iam&BsBiBssssssssssHmBsssssssssW?jCS SBff r I SBSM SBSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSfcsi " W M S IBSJBSBBSBSteZSkiSSBBBBBBBlSBBSBBBBBBnnmuie ClOUOS 'kifnblmWmlfFMKmSSSSSff9! m 11 ' 'MM l 1 1 1 .1 jkiil''L in i snWBt7sTs,VsssBnnsssssssssSwClJ fSsssasrasiBf1' 1 ssW aLnnVasr sssnB&sTsnrSssBsssssslsfSBT sassssssssnHdo UM MEM sssHssssUl9lssssssssBa?9EBssWPwzl hV ss"sf aw skv sssPsssssMsVssuw'ssssssssnSw' hSTST ssss9CssssasssssssssnstnV? nsSsstsnl BSsPssssssssssrf ' n o Im sssssssssssssssfsRwsssssssssSxsssaV. v W ssVnsssssW hack Dff sssssssassssssssssssnssansUWassVSssssssssn KM snsnL ssBSBSSSSSSnesssUBRnBSSSSSSSSsWsnBSsf7 iide am ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnsBssMSssssssn has OB gPS9ssnBsssssn?ssssssssssssssVa'lrorlta fl (V"'LrS9sjSBSBSsssssssssslssrao-ana WSff SBBBBBBBBBBBSBnVw lV7SBW ASSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSBBBBCSBI lUXUry f iBssssssnSSstnTV (.Ass? 19 snsssssssssssssssssssnwKlf fifty sTsTssssssssssssssT m hit- BssssssssssssssssssWA-grade VSssssssssssaTT JM ' 1yBmjsnsssssssssssssssVaV3Sj?( the WsTssssssKV FsKTSsPMsssssssssssssssssKv2s?ture 'sfsTssssssas MT AmWl' tssasn .tssl nssssssssssssssssW 'CsfKor sTsTssssssssss i ryssWIS. fsstssl'aSB sssssssssssssssWsT "VcTSw ssssssrKsVnssBssssssssssssmXsssvEssnnBW stf Bn . XssV n&EkmakmxxMkE3&Jimww wjcmu eonBTV Sstnsssslssssnl larssslii Mil iitUss sslBssssssssssssssssslsl " rr?9r IBu'"' sssssssVsTSsSsnnUsTsfBsssssastsssssssssssssssn ;-Sr 1 awmuWNM9mWaWkWtt9WSmi m ttM ;-' BBBT sssswsssssssssssssssssssssMssswysss?isssBsssssscssB1ssssn nrsEBrTII JmmWMVma3mVEmMi?KMMmi Tin si fi2EBmin&&mV4aWBMmWMmWI rfoT ?V ssssseBssssssssntsassnBsssn Wit I fV BSSSBKaJSBBBHBSBBBnnbrwBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBaK.w--w t. km TinrrTi -. 55Sssn3lVsJP a delicious a: It. AlX.s . s.-nSnnWW1t-jnSY 1M y& us LAiB onK-iniu Tnnarrri 11 1111 1 LET YOUR PIPE SING IE - r In times of pleasure Times of pain. Times of sunshine . Times of rain. Times of gladncsH Times of woe. Fill your pipe With Tuxs-dov "SMOKERS CATCH ON orlsrinsi tnharfv BniV,JfJIvJ2IrJB?eSfuny taitated.1 house" will enjoy the exquisite fra 5 iintZ rTWBCr0 ta ra ta"rance-wlll quickly recognise 1U dlf- tereace xrom orcinary tooacccs. A SsccestM Broker's Experieacs b Flantiig aag SeHag Tolccs "I tell yon, growing; really fine to bacco is a big game and a mighty dldcult game," said an old tobacco planter twenty-three years at the business of coaxing the best tobacco out of the soil since embarked ia the other business of tobacco brokerage. "People are very particular about their tobacco now-a-days. One thing' X bund out early. It paid me to turn the finest Barley that could be because I could sell it to the P-Json Company for more any one else would pay. k all I could grow that was to the top notch, for thalc I knew they sold their to to smokers for the same price were charaina. but they were tCtm willing; to nay more theta- -?'? K and dlf pay more, for the leaf t .Jrco. No wonder that Tnxedrs nds so hls-h. "Well, one of the results of rnv plant ing experience and selling experience is that when I got to be a broker t eelt I just naturally specialized In la that when I got to be a broker my self I just naturally specialized In the Patterson tobacco. I know how kdoJL It in. I know how ptMftin ft , srarti. ered and made, and I've had my biggest success as a dealer with Tuxedo. .. Anerlcan smokers catch on to cul ity IS yon give them a caaaco." "9TI No Matter What Low Prices Other Drug Stores Charge, the Undisputed Fact Still Exists That c ID NNELL 904 F Street Northwest ALWAYS SELLS IT FOR LESS PatentRemediesGut In Price CASTOnlA. Not the cheap imitations, but the genu Ine Fletcher's Sle SOc Llsterlne 32c . SOc Dloxogen 35c SOc Gl co-Thymollne 35c :5c Mentholatum 1 25c Llsterlne 13c :?c Gl co-Thymollne 1 2Sc Palmer's Skin Success l'c The original Phillips Milk Magne sia. The regular SOc bottle 33c 3100 Dloxogen 49c 3100 Llsterlne Sic 3100 Gl co-Thymollne 69c 31 00 Sanatogen 85c 3100 Rexall Kidney Cure 79c Reliable Hair Grower stops the hair from falling; cures dandruff, and restores the hair to Its natural color. It Is not a dye. Special, large bottles ... -sOc 50c Danderlne 35c 25e Danderlne ...........15c SOc Herplclde 39c SOc Parisian Sage t 33c SOc Seven Sisters 35c 31 00 Seven Sisters Hair Grower-oSc 3100 Danderlne .....63c 31 00 Herplclde ,....79c 31.00 Pinaud's Eau De Quinine. ,69c tl 00 Ayer's Hair Vigor 69c 31.00 Mrs. Potter's Walnut Stain79c Empress Hair Dye .....65c Valnutta Hair Stain lo sssssssBSssstOHssassssssss Mentholated Throat Lozenges A safe and reliable remedy for sore throat coughs, and hoarseness. Jteguiar 15c box 10c Menthol Inhalers, 6c 10c Swift's Pride Cleanser You'll Be Dead a Long Time Sq jou had better keep alle and well as long as jou can That means jou want to Ret rid of that cough or cold that u been hanging on for weeks, and get rid of It right away. Hall's Cherry Expectorant will cure the most stubborn cough, hoarseness, or sore throat. It it doesnt cure jour cough, bring back the empty bottle and we II refund your money. Price 23c Toilet Articles SOo Hinds' Honey and Almond Cream 33c 25c Woodbury's Facial Cream. ..16c 25c Pond's Ext. Vanishing Cream ISc 50oEI Prlmo Massage Cream.... 29c 25c Peroxide Cream ....15c SOc Pompelan Massage Cream29c 75c Pompelan Massage Cream49c 31 Pompelan Massage Cream59c 25c Satin Skin Cream 18c 10c D. & R. Cold Cream 7c 25c D. & R. Cold Cream ISc 35c D. & R. Cold Cream, 27c SOc D. S. R. Cold Cream.... ..38c FRECKLES REJIOIB -VOL' It FRECKLES. If you want to remove freckles, use a remedy that Is made specially for this trouble. Freckles are really a special disease of the akin, and can be removed only by a treatment that is especially designed to remove 'hem. We guarantee Spelser s Successful Freckle Cream to remove them or well refund your money. The reg ular 50c Jars Special 39c 15c Oakley's Corylopsls Talcum, can y -- Ho 1-lb can Violet Borated Talcum19c 25c Imported Rice Powder ....... 19c 15c Sozoderm Talcum... lie Rexall Violet Talcum, the kind that reminds you of the florist. Can . ' .....15o Dental Supplies The largest stock of Tooth Brushes in Washington. 25c Tooth Brushes cuaranteed not shed the bristle 19c SOc Tooth Brushes . ... 29c 35c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes 35c Rubberset Tooth Brushes.... 25c 25c Mead & Baker's Mouth t ash13c 25c Graves" Tooth Powder 13c 25c Euthymol Tooth Paste 13c 25c Sozodont Liquid or Powder.. 16c 25c Sanltol Tooth Paste 13c 25c Arnica Tooth Soap ..15c 25c Pyrodenta Tooth Paste 18c 25c Pyrodenta Liquid ISc SOc Pyrodenta Liquid ...35c 3100 Pyrodenta Liquid 69c Extra Special 1 can Pearl Tooth Powder.... ISc 1 Tooth Brush north ........25c With This Coupon and 25a Iron, Quinine, and Strychnine Just the medicine jour physician would prescribe for your disorgan ized nervous system and for ma laria. It aids jour digestion while It Is curing your other ailments. Pint SOe Gout, Rheumatism, Gravel And all other renll troubles cured with Piperazine Water Case of one dozen CC OC bottles y3' Spring Cleaning Needs Moth Ball3 lbs 10c Moth Flakes, 3 lbs 10c Red Cedar Flakes; box 10c Pure Gum Camphor; usual price, lb, 75c; cut to, lb.. 55c There's No Excuse for Bed ,Bugs Our BED BtG KILLER contains corrosive sublimate, carbolic and wood alcohol. We give jou a full pint bottle and a brush to apply it with for 26c. BaEsssssssacsasssssssssssssS Are You Troubled with loaches, Water Bugs, or Ants? If so. use Roach Knocker It neer falls Large box. Spe cial 18e Korn Paint Corns bunions, and callous skin removed without pain by the use of Korn Paint, causes no inconvenience whatever, shoes maj be worn as usual Easy to apply. Just paint it on. Bottle .....10e . Han jour clothes in a Mona han Tanne Bag; absolutelj mothproof. Overcoat size 49c Ulster size 69c Auto Coat size 79c Peroxide Hydrogen The most powerful antiseptic, dis infectant and deodorant known Ab solutely harmless for Internal or ex ternal use for cuts, bruises and sores, an excellent mouth wash The kind containing acetanlllde. plnt-IOc The kind that does not containing acetanlllde (the best), pint 3e Constipation, Sick Stomach, ani Torpid Liver Cured with E. Z. TABLETS A bottle will keep your entire family well for months 100 tab lets .t.... 23e Now Is the Time for a Good Spring Medicine Xothlng better than Sulphur and Cream of Tartar Lozenges. They clear the complexion by purifying the blood. 10c box. if Yob Can't Get Yir Stmack Regilated Try ROGERS' iSGESTOR Then eat anything you want A dose gives relief In five minutes; a few bottles usually effect, a cure. Put up In large bottles. SOc We guarantee It. afc&fe Sfr gi -, s -, & L