Newspaper Page Text
f .f THE WASHINGTON HERALD, SA3FCBI M&5T 01, am. DP SIMON PHPIIT CLOSEIITHRECiriL attractive Vocal Programme Jean- tifnllySende'red in T Street Studio! posing the season. Trim a pfonounfced success, the pupils ot Otto Tomer Simon participated n a delightful vocsi re cital at Trot. Simon's studio. ISO -P Street Northwest, yesterday afternoon. .The recital closes the -studio lor this season. Mr, and Mrs. Simon will sail 'for Europe abouj June .1 The follow xJng programme was rendered at yester day's recital: Aria. "Then Shall the Righteous Shine," from "Elijah" (Mendelssohn). Lcrav Glider: sonic "On the Banks of the Mantanares" (Jensen), Mrs. W. G. Hill, song; Mondnacht" (Schumann). Miss Gertrude Condron; sons. "Bon Jour Luzon" (Pessard), Miss Dorothy Campbell: two sons. "Lullaby" Mo zart), and "eVnetian Song" (Bem- berg). Miss Margaret Follln: sons', "The Dew It Shines" (Rubinstein), Mrs. J. A. Houghton: "Nightingale's Sons" (Nevln), Miss A. KIbbey; "Mlnnelled" (Abram". Mrs. Q. Hebbard; two 'sons of Grits, la the Woods" and 'The First Meet ing Mrs. Archer Haycock: sons. "An gel Fair" (Liszt), Mrs. James Kerr; sons. "Santlssima Vlrglne" (GeordigianD. Miss Lulu McNally; two songs of Bchrie Eln Vogel" (Slndlng), and Traumdurch die Dammerlrtg" Strauss), Miss Rachel Millard; two songs of Schubert, "Ave Maria" and "Der Tod and das Madchen." Miss Harriet Shawr aria, "Thou Brilliant Bird." from -"Pearl Of Brazil'' (Darid), Miss M. Swing: aria, "Una Voco Poco Fa,' from Barber of Seville" Bossinl). Miss H. Todd: ".Hava nese Song" (Gregh). Miss Ladle Claire Smith: Romania, "Sphto Gentll.". from "La Favorita -(Donnlzetti. Mr. Louis .Thompson;, aria. "O Thou Sublime. -Sweet Evening Star." from "Tann hauser" (Wagner), John Waters. RANDLE HIGHLANDS. The final service for the present weeVc tinder auspices of the local committee of the Men and Rellslon Forward Move ment was held last evening in the parish hall of Emmanuel Episcopal Church In V Street with a large audience present. Rev. Hubert Bunyea, pastor of Randld Highlands Baptist Church, delivered tbe principal address. The success of the 'bus line, which has recently been placed In operation between Randle Highlands and Bradbury Heights, is greater than, was anticipated by any one interested In the movement, and It is likely that additional 'equipment will be placed on the line in the near future. The 'bus is capable of carrying twenty people on each trip, and is kept In opera tion throughout the day. It traverses a section which has heretofore been with' out transportation facilities. Robert F. Bradbury is managing the line, ITFTY YEAESlN OBDEE, Slather Superior of "Visitation Con Tent t Observe Anniversary. Mother Mary Agnes Mathany, Superior of the Convent of the Visitation, to-day Will celebrate tbe golden Jubilee of her recaption into that order Mn. Thomas Lee will celebrate solemn high mass at V.JO o clock this morning In the convent chapel in her honor. Be will be as sisted by Rev. James Smyth, of St. Fatricks. and Rev. Augustus Duarte, S. J.. Vice President of Georgetown University.. Music -a 111 be furnished by tne male choir of St Matthew's, con ducted by Malton Boyce. A splendid musical service will be held at the convent this afternoon In which Rev. John F. Quirk, S. J., of George town University: JJIss Mamie Mullaly. Mrs, Nellie Wilson Shlrcllff, Miss Mar saret Aylmer. Miss Blanche Young, and John Nolan will participate. Monday there win be an entertainment by the pupils of the convent in honor ot the mother superior. BITES TOE CLAEENCE MOORE. Iter. Ttolnnd Cotton Smith Reads Service In Absence' of Bier. The funeral service of the Episcopal Church was said for Clarence Moore, of Washington, who was among the lost when the Titanic sank, yesterday after noon at old St. John's Church. In the presence of only the immediate family of Mr. Moore and a few of his most inti mate friends. Rev. Roland Cotton Smith read the entire service, the same .as he would have done over the bier. Music was furnished by the full choir of the church. At the same time the rites were said for Mr: Moore, services were held for Henry C. Harrington, his body servant, wbo stajed with him when the ship tank. . SOUTHERN COLONEL "ELOPES." Godfrey 31. Harman, of Lexington, S. C, TTedi Baltimore Woman. Washington wes yesterday made the Gretna Green for Lexington, S. C'When CoL .Godfrey M. Harman. of that city. "eloped" with Mrs. Clementine Day, of uuusrare, ana came nere to De married. Col. Harman . Is sixty-four years old and is the editor and publisher of the Lexington Dispatch, while Mrs. Day Is forty-five .years old. Col. Harman's children knew nothing of his intention when he left Lexington on Thursdsy. He has -been a widower for seven years and the Veddlns yesterday was the cul mination ot a romance which has been In progress for two years. Rev. W. A. Melvln performed the cere mony. The couple will live In Lexing ton. Episcopal Home rians Exercises. Children of tbe Episcopal Home for Children will participate In flag-raising txercises on Flag Day. June 14. at the home Mrs. W. G. Davenport, president of the board. In -charge of the school. Is making the arrangements. President Taf t will be asked to deliver an address, and Bishop Harding, chairman of the board of Incorporators, will be present. In ISM for every dollar earned, the Pennsylvania psid to its, employes U cents, in 1911. 5L7 cents. In lfflo the aver age annual earnings were SSSOS; in Mil SS0O3. "Just Say" HORLICK'S It Means Orlglaal mi CmmIm HALTED MILK The Food-drtak f &r AM Am. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. -Agrees with the weakest chgesiioe. De&csous, nvigorafeg-and nutritious. Rich milk, malted gain, powder form. A QHick IuhcB prepared ia a Timet?. Take no suDib'tAskfer MO-WICK'S. Others are Imitation. ii iii ii " i ' ' . . ai ii mil IkMsaatt ". Y . rwT TrS TTIa "VT .T'lTT-TO V F.Z""VtT" sft- "V, cmt 1M 1 flit KJLLIVjIUUO WUlUSrl " ' , - r -a-a-M -ar -s-ssssss. srsss. M I i -I -sMiMs..s-.Mrssi "----tw-sUT mmmmm m , j ,wmm- THE.TREND OF THINGS. C0XXUXI0ATI0K CoBceratnsr Proposal tjo Ckange'tfce Xame of e Protestau-t Epis copal Church. VMtr tr..fcfi,.4ra Trertldt It ! -stated in the Episcopal Church notes In your lssus of Saturday, May 4. that "were t not for tho. difficulty of selecting a name which" would be "satis factory to all. it seerrfs safe to say that the old name would have been, dropped lonr aco.' r brr leave to say that the writer of tht tn.tement la srlevously misinformed- The change Jias indeed Deen agnaiea iar many years, but upon we one ana onjy occasion when tha Question was sub mitted to the 'dioceses, -viz: In ISM, It was overwhelmingly dereatea. to utter was tne aeieai 01 xne raewure lul w most determined advocates united In re- nortlnr that "any change m the name of this church at this time Is Inexpedient." At Cincinnati In wo tne proposal was Just to drop the word "Protestant. so that the church should be called "The Eniscorjal Church." This seemed so Inno cent, that, for the sake of ending the controversy, many were wining xo vote for bringing; It before the church for consideration for three years. But even that proposal was defeated, and has now been abandoned. As .president of the House of Deputies of the church. I haye some knowledge of the mind of the church, and I ven ture 'the prediction that If any one ex pects out deputies wilt vote in 1311 to call this church "The American Catholic Church," as Is now proposed, he will find himself vastly mistaken. iundowb H, MtilM. Wubtezton, Mix (. National Catholic Women. Archbishop Messmer. of Milwaukee, has issued a statement favoring the forming of a National League of Cath olic Women, to be on nearly the lines of the National Federation ot Catholic Men, and has asked the information of name, officers, and objects of local or ganizations ot Catholic women anywhere In the country be. sent t him. He states that the honor bf jnaalng a start toward such a league belong to the Catholic women of Louisiana, 'which adopted In August last a resolution ad vising its delegates to Columbus in Oc tober last, at the men's convention, to favor such a step. German Catholic societies of Chicago last September acted on the same sug gestion, but without knowledge ot the earlier act by . the Louisiana women. Archbishop Messmer points out that such a league ought to become, not like the men's federation, yet the auxiliary of tbe Church of Christ; and accomplish great good for the Catholic Church In America and for women. He repudiates any notion that It win make women less womanly. He Indicates the. certain ac tion of the Pope In approving the step. since Pius X. Ust.year sent his blessing to sucn a league in uermany. uatnonc women of 'France. Spain. Switzerland, and Austria and halt a dozen other European countries are federated on lines of the proposed American league. There are. It is known, -many Catholic societies' of women who will welcome union In the proposed league. They include the lady Foresters. Hibernians, Daughters or Isabella, Daughters of .Columbia, the lady auxiliaries -ot the Knights of St. John, the Catholic Church 'Extension Society and Its woman's auxiliaries, and the Catholic Women's Benevolent League, be sides scores of local -societies. In all the archbishop estimates tbat fully 100, 000 Catholic women In all -stand ready to Join the league. He feels sure the arch' bishops of America will approve such league. Gospel Mission Celebrates. The Gospel "Ulsslpn win celebrate Sunday. Morning services will be 'held In Wesley Methodist. Episcopal Church. and afternoon services in the mission hall in John Marshall Place. The even ing services will be held at 7:45 o'clock In Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church. George W, Wheeler will preside at the morning service and the musical pro gramme will be In charge ot W Evans. The principal address will be" by Congressman William D. B. Alney ot Pennsylvania. In the afternoon addresses will be de livered by Dr. Donald C. MacLeod. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. and Dr.. W. W. Barnes, pastor of Douglas Memorial -Methodist Episcopal Church. Two members of Congress will speak I the evening service. Congressman ;. D. McCreary of Pennsylvania, and Congressman John M. Nelson of Wis consin. William Knowles Cooper, gen eral secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association, will also speak. During the anniversary business ses sions reports will be read as to "the condition of the mission, what It has accomplished, and glimpses into the future will be given by H. W. Kline, superintendent, and others closely asso ciated with the work of the mission. Y. M. C. A. Eevises 'Methocls." Elghty-fle T. 11. C A. secretaries, heads ot religious work departments in many cities of the tountry, have Just met and determined to make many changes in their next Text 'book of methods. The last book was gotten out In 1907. The 1912 issue will be twice as thick, and in It lessons gotten from the Men and Religion campaign will be In corporated. Improvement Is to be made in Sunday afternoon meetings, shop meetings are to be extended, and much more emphasis Is to be put upon getting young men attracted to associations Into actual membership In the churches. There has been discussion, both In T. M. C. "A. and In councils of tbe various religious bodies, over the small numbers going from associations into the churches as members. Improvement Is to be the order If It can he brought about, so as sociation leaders announce- Figures lust Issued rlaffnc- in rl(pfniiB work by associations during the. lastfBe'tw'!h'n8t0n hereby jot on record ten years show Immense advances "In otner nnes. II sot in church member ship. In tbe decade the number of sec retaries employed for distinctively re- ugious wora nas grown irom -5 to S3, the money expended in this line from (73,000 to KX0.O00 a. year, and the attend ance on. association Bible classes has grown from 13,000 torSS7.OO0u Attendance at -shop meetings conducted by associa tion volunteers nas increased from 75.- 000 to 1,131,000. attendance at all religious meetings arranged by associations has Jumped from 2.000,000 to E.500.000 a year, ana we cuumea numoer or men ana boys, influenced by the associations, to adopt tbe Christian life has grown from 7.7M to 20,C0a -a year. Pianos Organs Sheet Music Victor Talking Machines Columbia Phonographs Tuning Repairing Moving, &c, ', Percy S. Foster Piano Co. v 1330 G St "-A-f v The National Lutheran Home for the Agi wO)'' observe Founders' Day by giving a picsic on the grounds next Wednesday. Tha proceeds will be de voted, to- the support ot the home. Coacordla Church, Twentieth and Q Streets. Northwest, will celebrate the tweBty-aftb anniversary of" the comple tion of the hew church on Sunday, May 12. In commemoration of this event spe cial aecnees- win e held. All friends are invited to attend these and also the China shower given by the) Ladles' Aid Society in the church chapel Wednesday evening. May is, at 8 p. m. The next conference ot the Atlantic District of the German Evangelical Synod will be held In Concordia Church on June 6-U. A special programme is be tas prepared for this event, especially the mens movement .meetings, notice oi wmen wui oe announces isicr. At St. Mark's Luthera Church, Eighth and B Streets Southwest, tbe pastor. Rev. J. Luther Frantz announces a series of Sunday evening sermons on the subject: "Live Questions About the Future Life." The subject for Mar 15 la "Why-Is It Very Important to Have True TIewi of Death and the HereaiterT" piHrnpaltatt The seventeenth annual convention ot the Diocese of Washington assembled in the Bethlehem Chapel ot tbe Cathedra, May S. at 10 a. m. There was a celebration ot the Holy Communion, at which Bishop Harding was celebrant; Rev. R. P. Williams, arch deacon, read the Episiie, and Rev. Dr. R. H. McKlm, the GospeL The preacher "was the Right Reverend the Bishop of Albany. Others assisting or taking special part In the services were the Bishop of Kentucky. Rev. W. L. De Vrles, and C. E. Buck, The of fering, as usual, was for diocesan mis sions. After the service the convention came to order in St Alban's Church, at 12 o'clock. The Bishop appointed the fol lowing committees: On rights of clergy to seats. Revs.. F. W. Smith. William T. Snyder, and H. W. Stovall; on lay representation. Messrs. W, H. Singleton, tl. M. Hasted, and T. O. Emack. The delivery of the Bishop's address then took place. After the address several reports were presented, the roll called, and tbe con vention declared duly organized? Rev. A. a Johns was elected permanent secretary, and Revs. H. A. Griffith and Mr. John Lane Johns were appointed by the Bishop permanent assistant secre taries. These committees as follow were next appointed by tbe Bishop; On canons. Revs. R. H. McKlm, D. D., Charles E. Buck. R. Cotton Smith, D. D.. ana Messrs. A. S. Browne and Charles IL Stanley; : on new parishes; the Revs: H. S. Smith. D. D.. E. M. Mott. Henry Thomas, and Messrs. W. McK. Bur roughs and H. L. Rust: on state of the church. Revs. J. H. w; Blake, I E, McManns,' Robert Talbot, and Messrs. J. M. Kenyon and Thomas Dawson: on ways and means, Messrs. J. L. "Weaver. W. H: Singleton, 'and HI P. Blair: on donations, Messrs. J. S. Poole. Frederick: sasscer. aL TV Endlcott. Thomas Hyde, and J. E. MaySeld: on diocesan library. Revs. G. W. "Vatr Fossen,-T. E. Enough, and James Berry. Nominations were then made tor the standing committee, who were Revs: C. Ernest Smith. -D. D.. C. E. Buck. George M. JJudley. H. 6. Smith. D. D.. R, H. McKlm," D. D . F. B. Howden. and R. P. Williams; Messrs. W. C. Rivet, J. H. Gordon, Melville Church, and Charles H. Stanley. Nominations to the missionary council ot the third missionary department were next made: Clerical. Revs. W. 8. D. Thomas. Robert Talbot, X Hennlng Nelms. W. G. Davenport, E. 8- Dunlap, and H. S. Smith, D D.: la)-, Messrs. W. H. Singleton. S. E. Kramer, C H. Stockton, W. M. Lewin, and G. A. Lewis, Nominations for board of managers of missions: Clerical. Revs. Q. C F. Bra tenant, W. G. Davenport. C. E. Buck. W. S. D. Thomas. E. S. JDunlap. W. L. De Vrles. W R. Bushby; toy, Messrs. S. B. Kramer, W. M. Lewin. James H. Tay lor, George Truesdeli. J. M. Wilson, and W. C. "Rives. A resolution was then offered by Rev. Enoch M. Thompson to the effect that it was the sense of the convention that the word "Protestant" la not essential in designating our bsanch of the Holy Catholic Church, and might well be dropped from the Prayer Book and from the formalities of our communion. The weighty character of this resolu tlon was such, that it was decided to postpone consideration ot the same un til the next convention when the Bishop said that It was his Intention to make statement on the subject as from the Bishop of the Diocese. The Bishop, calling the Rev. Frederick B. Howdon to the chair, was absent for the remainder of the session, while the parishes pledged themselves for mission ary work under the self-apportionment pun a total of ,178 was pledged. Later on this amount was Increased almost to the full amount asked J10.0C0. The Rev. Dr. R. H. McKlm Introduced the following resolution, which was en thuslasticauy passed by an overwhelm Ins majority: Whereas it has recently transpired that government schools for Indian children have been placed under the teaching ot priests and nuns wearing their distinc tive religious garb.Jand that, besides the Insignia of the Roman Catholic Church In the school houses, pictures have been placed on the walls, depicting tbe damna tion of all save tbe adherents. Be It resolved. That we. the represent atives' of the Protestant Episcopal Dlo- our protest both against the Use of Wr emment funds to support schools whidj, are in reality "ho longer secular but de nominational schools; and Whereas a demand Is now being made by the Church of Rome to enforce in the United States the ne temere decree of the Pope, whereby mixed marriages, solemnized. by protestant ministers, are declared null and void a decree which the Emperor of Germany has refused to allow to be published In his dominions. Therefore, be it 'resolved. That we enter our Indignant protest against this attack of a foreign potentate upon the validity of the laws ot the United States. The Rev. O. W. Van Fcsten offered this resolution, which Was carried i That tbe children of the Sunday schools of the diocese be requested to give, their offer ings on the fourth Sundays -In Advent to diocesan missions and that the arch deacon be empowered to give each rec tor notice thereof and to take such other steps as may be needed to arouse In terest In this plan and to collect ihe offerings. At S p. m.. the convention met In the Bethlehem 'Chapel as the board of mis sion.. After services. Rev. C E. Buck resd 'the- report or the board tot man agers of diocesan, missions. It asked for iu,wu tor tne worx oi tne board for the ensuing year. The Bishop of Ken tucky delivered a stirring address on missions, and the Iter. Dr. Wilklns ad dressed the. rctetlnsvon ths claims of, the uilft run $3,66,000 pension' .fund. Next day: Thursday. Hav I. Hie em vention wis calle la units: hr th f Bishop at 10:10 a, m. After tWsettsMest of sundry matters tbe rst -k-aHet for standing .committees, took ptaee-and rr suiieq as ioiiows: CUal nbL.'Lar. ToW. iter. (X Xtnt Snilui......... J Br. a E. Bodt............... A Iter. O. y. DadlT........... M 1 BT. SmiUi 'St EeCY.tS- Bo1l..........vS C ' RtV. R. B. McKlm.............. m T lUr.' K. P. -VUliiot-.i. ..:,... , X U. mrw........., ......., ' st I. Go-sco a er Mtlrlus aw-ch..,......,.. X X C H. Stuls',MM,,H s -0 brr this ballot., Rev. Dr." McKlm. aai Messrs J. H. Gordon, Wejyilte Churchy ana l .tl. HianieviCTere oeoia-rea eieeteo. Subsequently Messrs. C E. Buck, H-U a. smith, and B, P. Williams wes elected. Election -tar clerical and lay member of delegates to the missionary council, resulted thus: aerial Tolas. ti. Total. Brr. 3. Bonnlnx Xtlms..-. ? t Bar. TV. J. D. Tfanu .... X ,.' 41 U IUt. W. 0. Dimipcrt.......... Mat ttr. E. a lijup...-.'.... jr u m Ber, H. 8. Bmlta..........:.... "4 a M Her. Botxrt Tlbot. ....... a S M C H. Buctta................. K Itt C Trw. , , , , i W 4So H. 81ntlrton............ ft O U. Lrrln O . X K Q. A. trrt,............. 57 B The first four in each order were de clared duly elected. . For- the board of managers, for mis sions these were declared duly elected; Revs. O. F. BratenahLW. G. Daven port, C. E. Buck, W. J. D. Thomas, and W. L. De Vrles: also Messrs. Kramer. Lewin, Taylor, Trutsdell. Wilson and Rives. - ' .5 Dr. C 'Ernest Smith moved, that a com mittee of, five, three clenarmen and two laymen fee appointed to- take Into con sideration the question -of an annual subscription , to the church by all1 her members and report on the same at the next convention. The Bishop, on this -resolution being passed, appointed -the following::. Revs. Ci Ernest Smith. J. Hennlng Neteis,. J.. J. Dlmon: Mr. J. H. Gordon, and CoL Truesdeli. r On motion of Jitvj Dr. R. H. McKlm, by a rising vote, the convention ex pressed its thankfulness that the Beth lehem Chapel had been formally open ed for worship and regular catnearai services begun. Shortly afterward, at 520, the conven tion adiourned sine die. Nextyear the convention will meet in St, Bhephen's Churcru antiat The Land and the Book'- ia tha a!- nlflcant topic upon which Pastor Joba E. Brlgga will address to-morrow morning at the Fifth Baptist Church the large eon rrt nation which will assemble welcome his home-cominr after a three months tour of Europe and the Holy Land. Three Months and Thirty Min ues," the theme of the evening, will be an Illustrated lecture by 'Pastor Brlgga on his recent experiences. Pastor Brlsas was due to arrive New Tork last night on the White Star tllner Cedrlc A slight delay, however. would probably not prevent his arrival In Washington In time to be at his church to-morrow. But Rev, George W. McCullough. of -the Mount Tabor Bap tist Church, w(frie present, and. if for any reason Pastor Briggs does not ar rive. Rer. Mr. McCullough win supply his' place in 'the pulpit. , "" On next Wednesday eveaing there will be a concert by the church choir. "Our Mothers'- will be the special sub ject ot Rer. B. D; Gaw at the celebra tion of "Mothers Day" at the West Washington Baptist Church to-morrow morning at"H o'clock. "Refuse Not Hlra that Speaketh" ia JIs tbeme for the even lns. In the' afternoon Pastor Gaw wilt preside ata special meeting of the Mount Zlon (Md.). Baptist Church. "A Southern "Plantation Jubilee" will be given by the choir andTts friends next Friday evening at S o'clock at Llnthl cum Hall, O Street, between Thlrty-tlrst Street 'and Wisconsin Aenue Northwest the proceeds of which will be devoted to the choir fund. The first numoer on tne programme will be a sons. "Swing Low. Sweet Chariot." by Mrs. E. H. Bogley. after which a chorus will sing "Old Ken tucky Home." Mr. W. W. Dunbar Will sing "Uncle Ned." following which "Rockin In De Win" and "Kentucky Babe" will be sung by 'Ten Cullld Gals." Among the other numbers will be "Tous Ges a Little Nigger." by Miss McLean; "Old Folks at Home" and camp meeting songs by the chorus, and coon songs by Artnur uuuer nerce. The programme will close with "Dixia" by the chorus. "Are Washington Folks Eer Angry T' Is the question which will be the topic of. Rev. E. Hex Swem's address to his congregation at the Centennial Baptist Church to-morrow evening at S o'clock. There will 'also be preaching by Pastor Swem In i the mdrning. All services ot the church are being held in the church building on the northeast corner of Eighth and I -Streets Northeast. Mothers' Day -will be observed by special service In the Temple Baptist Church to-morrow morning. The pastor. Dr. J, J. Mulr, will preach on the sub ject, "Enthroning Mother." In the even ing his theme wiU be "The Heavenly Vision." At a recent meeting the church unanimously granted the pastor a longer vacation than usual, which he proposes to spend abroad.' Pastor F. W. Johnson, of, the Grace Baptist Church. Ninth and D Streets Southeast, will preach to-morrow morn ing on ."Nonresistance,'' and in the even ing on "After Death Whatr The Baraca class Is buying new chairs for lis classroom. The, Fhliatbea class recently held Its annual business meet-las- and social with sixty-Are In attend ance. In the Sunday School contest with Immanuel. the- latter was again In the lead last Sunday by 460 to tU. Bethany Baptist Church gave Its pas tor; Hugh T. Stevenson, a surprise party last' Thursday evening to commemorate his forty-second birthday, and the sev enth year of his pastorate at the church. During these seven years 400 new mem bers have .been welcomed to Bethany by Pastor 'Stevenson. 1 "Remembering Mother" will be his theme for to-morrow morning, and . for to-morrow- evening. "The Preacher's Message." Next Tuesday evening the Bethany brotherhood will hold a reunion to which their' lady friends will be Invited- An. address wilt l?e made by Hon. William B. Wilson, Chairman of the House Com mittee on Labor. Next Wednesday there will bfr a meeting of the Boys Club at which Manager Clark jGrimth, of.the American Baseball League, will make an address. The First Baptist Church, corner Six teenth and O Street, recently .held Its 110th anniversary. The pastor. TtevW. W. McMasterr, In bis address, ''stated that an the churches ofc the District were offshoots of this one. Tet In a state ment of Its financial condition It wasi found that I, was practically tree irom debt and Its membership ualtel and. ta-. over the good week Ttmltsg sjsjuliitsaiLnt of the-u-dytls4snl. sawder ft- X. Harrtsoa, wrih M aMsr cere ef teachers. Is a great st t tha- ormrch. The -ChrtJKMatt Unseavor os'sty has just finished sv frteaaly cea ses as to -which would secure 41m meet sassabers la a dven time the blues or. tm reus wmcn was -woa Dy tM reas, m4 en -next Wednesday ,evenlasr. at. f o'clock, the bluet will entertain the res' to the church parlors. 3r. "Ft X RoberU M tne (-resident of tbe society. Special services morning and evealnc win mark thn worship to-morrow- at ne ifetro6"lftsn Baptist Church. Sixth aa4 A Streets Northeast. At 11 a. ra. Pastor j, iwOnjpton nail win preaca rus annuw sermon' to the Baraca class on the theme. The -Mven-fpld-Seeretof a Blessed Life." sujM-estfed by tbe seven windows ot the Baraca room, Tha class, which numbers seventy-live members, will form In the class-room-and march through the Sun day school house Into the auditorium ot me cn-urcn, seats oeinc reservea lor inem Hon. Courtney Hamlin. Congressman from gso-rL and teacher of the class, trill lea., the procession. The- ladles ot Use church -will act- ushers at this service. . j At I o'clock la ihe eveninr there wilt be a "Mothers Pay" service with a spe cial programme of music and a sermon adapted to the occasion. At Ihe.- Second. Church on Sunday "Par ents' Day" will be observed. The pastor, Revi Hlnson, Vernon tfiwlett. will preach an appropriate sermon, and. In connec tion with the service the teachers and omcers-or mo xuDie scnoot lor we com' Ins year will be Installed. At the meeting of the Young People's Union at 7 o'clock. Mr. Howlett will .con tinue his flve-mlnute talks on "Christian History and Principles," speaking of Ger many from US to 1533. "Lifting the Ban" will be the theme of the- sermon at the evening service. when the pastor will discuss the proposed action ot the General Conference bf the Methodist Episcopal Church, which would Result In striking from the discipline rules regulating- the participation In amusements on the, part of members of mat. churcn. . At ithe Midweek service on Thursday, ar good iiumber-era received Into mem- Dersnrp, The ordinance of baptism will be administered In connection with tbe Sunday evening service. (QiWfp!".- "Mother's "day" -will be appropriately observed at the Vermont Avenue Chrts tlon Church 8unday morning. The pas tor, Rer. Earle WlUley, will deliver a sermon On the subject: "Tbe Crown ot Womanhood." "Mothers Dsy will be observed with appropriate' services on Sunday morning atthe. Ninth Street Christian Church. Ninth and "D Streets Northeast, The pastbr. "George A. Miller, will have for the subject of his sermon "Motherhood." A largo audience Is expected, and as many aa possible will wear a white, car nation In honor ot the mothers of our land. At the night service the travel sermons will be continued, the subject being "Tyre, 'Sldon and Earnest Entreaty." At the . Gunton-Temple Presbyterian Church. Fourteenth and R Streets North west. Sunday, will be observed with two special services. At the "morning service, U o'clock. 'Mother's Day" win be ob served. The pastbr will, preach an ap propriate sermon. All attendinr are re quested to wear white carnations. At the evening' service, t o'clock, the pastor win deliver a special address on the Red Cross movement. Rev. -Sylvanus Haupert. Ph. D, Pittsburg minister, has been secured by the Eastern .rresbyterian Church. Mary- amu Aiuiu, anu auui oi.Cfc nuiiiicaii, to occupy the pulpit May 12 and 19. Mr. Haupert is pastor of the Westmin ster Presbyterian Church of his home city. The morning service of the First Presby- terian Church will be devoted to the ob servance of Mothers Dsy. Automobiles will be furnished to bring the members ot the Presbyterian Home for the Aged, and other aged people to the service. The gunasy school win also conduct a spe cial service In honor of Mothers' Day. Hon, F. F. Norrls. of the Court of Claims, will speak at the evening ser vice, his subject being 'The Immortal Man." JXif-oMaf The official board of Hamllne Methodist Episcopal Church -will In the near future refurnish the lecture room with chairs of tbe best design for use In Sunday School work. The school Is steadily growing In numbers and the Increased Interest along- all lins of church and Sunday School work is manifest. Rev. Joseph M. M. Gray, pastor, is announced to preach at tha II o'clock, service Sun day morning on the subject "Going In Strength." and at the S o'clock evening service be will speak, on the theme. "Tbe Shields of God." On Monday even ing at S o'clock In the lecture room ot the church,' under the auspices of the Hamllne Social Science Club, will-be held the second of X series of lecture-conferences to be addressed by speakers who are -experts In the subjects they present. At this meeting Prof. Thomas Jesse Jones. Ph D- will speak on "Social Conditions In Washington," The lecture will be Illustrated by tbe use of stere optlcan pictures. At the close ot tbe address opportunity win be given to those present to participate In the ex change of views. The public lsurged to attend, and take part in the study of this matter wljich so vitally affects the city's Tlfe. Rev. William A. Haggerty. Ph. D., pas tor ot Petworth M. E. Church, and Rev. L. M. Chambers, pastor ot McKendree M. E. Church, have been elected to the board of trustees of the Anti-Saloon League of the District ot Columbia, by the Methodist Preachers Meeting. Rev. L. Morgan Chamhus at. McKen dree Church, preaches Sunday mornins 6n Tbe Evolution of Character." and In the evening on "The Coming of Sin." Following in the wake of the favor able action ot such bodies aa the New Tork dlate. Chamber of Commerce, the American Federation of Labor, and the National' Civic Federation. Presjdent Taft's .recommendation for a. Federal Commission on Industrial Relations, which Is embodied in the Hughes-Borah bill pending (n congress, has received the support of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ In America, and ot many Influential tabbis. The proposed examination ot "our laws bearing- upon the relation of employer end emnloye" and of "the general conditions ot labor In our principal Industries" .to use Pres ident Taft's words, also appeals strong ly to Cardinal Gibbons. -X am greatly interested la the pro- CHURCH SERVICES TOMORROW Ik WASHINGTON AHDJTS VICINITY. - ys- tor tktM lam rt TktHtrti otfles bv 9o n. Frliv "EPiscerAt. ST. TMMM'ilNtlM-X. Uth it.. MM Dsseet Crdat Bets-sea P and 4 Bta, U sod -rUr. Dr. J. J. -ffmdos (of CentT rouloa ronj), Ua anftus, at -Iscemloq Cr stnlon: S. u, and o'clock OotiUX vtlecB to an. WANIMTMI MTNEMAL - RoaATrnv srsDAY. Hofr OosmBS&ioa.MnnM.,MM......M..... 720 s. n. Ucrnisc Pnrer sad Lluaj. ,., J0 s. m. Holy CceuBauan; music. Preseher, Cinoo , WUUsm .........n.....u....-...U s. ra. Cacnl crcfiMcg. pRsehir. Ber. Herbert Beett Smith. S. D.. Rectcr t B. Iar- ssnt's rsrua, wnbteston. u. u... is-p-n. DAILY EXCEPT THUMDATS. Hot Ceermanlon....... .......... ...... . 731 s. ra. Morning frarer.........u...- ....-... t1 s. ra. latrronsions foe Tnlnkirn . . Uffl ia. Ereamt n-jer --- SflP-ra. THCRSDATS. Monica mjtr-.....!.....-... ...... ....... t SI a. m. Hair Communion.... ..................... ...11:00 s. m. IntrrnMOBS tor inwors ...... m. Kreslng prtxer.....-..... ...... IOp- "a. MAT M-ASCES8IO.S' DAT. Hair Cceumnuan.............,............ 139 a. u. Morals mirr..... .................... ....... j-u.m. Holy communion.......... ....... ......uiu a. m. People's eptn-slr enssoeg at the Ftsca Cross. Pmchtr. Canon BoUad Cotton Smith. D. D......... Ica (In case of run UiIiVrTies ul to la tke Bethiehem ChanL) ETfBlBC U1HT . . ........ so rx m. Ths poblla are srAed to act cbsnxe of boar of at!!' moralng and rrtnlas pnrer. ST. ANDHEWS CBCBCB, Cor. Uth ssd Corcoran 8ts. X. W. Brr. J. J. Dlmon. Bector. Bet. W. U, Prttia, D. D.. Cant. Brrrlon: 130 . m. Holr CoramaBlon. I SO s. bl mdiT sdieot. 11 09S.BV Manias srrrio sol sensoo, 4xn p.SL-hlldnn's serrlce. SB p, as Eiroins seTTloa and imnon. Tns rector trUl prrscsi at both errieri. BT. JAMES' CHCBCB. Ith 8U near C 8t- ne. V B,,,L,. fimuliv T-V W atf It m.- Sf sad TA5 n. ra. Itocstlon Tneadir. lun: Boirmn litsar for the I'nltr of CHrlMmdora u I p. sa. rnsclirr. the Brr. Gtorse T. Dodlrr. Ail t eoras shrais. ST. WklV CRAPEL. Comer Ith BU asd "". T. Are. nv. C. yr. Woltmore. Viesr. Smicear TO). t31asdUa.iBu.asdlp.m- larlag of coroer ston of nrr dupd on Q St., brt-n X. Cap. aod lit So. sv, it I p. a Tha BUhop U1 officiate. AMEKICA5 CATH0UC CHUECH, The hoU faith for as all in Aarrica. Tho NltttUr. llth and A M. J 30. t:U, 11. I The Bmarnctioa, lJth aod O oe. 33). I p. m. CMItCM IF TNE ASCENSION, Man. Are. and tth Bt. N. W. Brr. J. Bmnlac 5ebna. Bector. Brr. E. S. Bale. Omit, Vrncn at i sod 11 a. m 130 and I p. m. ETIPRAXT CHAPEL. Ot u- O tu, n. Brr. Csarm r. EdaajCs, rlctr. ErtTica, U.S. to. too 4 p.ra. x St fl&atk's Cburcb 3d tad A BtL 8. E. Et. C SL Stetaoo. Bector. Mcnlng swrrirt and srnnoo. ..-- JJ0 -- Thm nrtcr vill nnch mornls Mid CTtmtatc. OttaTcti epea ererr dy from I to 12 sad &tsa 3 to S. rrcxr co u wticxcac ST. PAIL'S CHINCH, 3d St. and vraaldcxton drdo. Brr. Botrrt Talbot. Bector. Brr. Geort W. Attlnaon. Cunta. TdO a. CO. Holj Cbnanimlon. S39 a. oju-Sandar caool. 1039 a. m. CtlttnUoo, asd hutroctlon. US9 a. m. Matins and aeraon jby ths reetor. 19 p. m, Choral ncoor and arnnon. Tte teats are frer posal to create a Federal Commission on Industrial aelatlocs. said Ilia Em inence Cardinal Gibbons recently, in reply to a question. "I earnestly hope that the Congress may find it possible to act favorably on the suggestion of President Taft that such a commission be created. Industrial peace must be made relatively secure; Justice to both capital and labor ought to be asiured at leaat substantially and confidence ought to be restored between our social classes. Thorough-going knowledge of the facts in our Industrial situation is absolutely necessary to these ends. Only a Federal Commission could undertake a gigantic task of this kind with any promise of first rate efficiency. It Is to be hoped that the American public will Indorse the action of Prsdnt Taft In asking Congress to create the Commission. I know of no other pro posal in recent "ears, which would promise better results for Industrial peace and social Justice." At 7 o'clock on Sunday, the Sodillty of the Blessed Virgin will recehe Holy Communion In a body at St. Patrick's Church. Father Smyth, the director, will preach on this occasion. A special musical programme has been arranged for the high mass, and will be rendered by the sanctuary and mixed choirs, under the direction of Mr. R. Mills Siiby and Miss Jennie Glennan, respectively. Rev. John -H. McXamara will be celebrant and -Rev. James Smyth will deliver the sermon, who will take for his subject. "Devotion to Mary, tbe Mother ot God " President Horace II. Glllman, an nouncedthis week the nominating com mittee which will present at the June meeting a list ot officers of the Dis trict Union to be voted on for the term of one year from July 1. This com mittee consist of the following: Miss Rose M. Bright. Luther Piece Memorial Lutheran Church: Rev. A. B. Campbell. First United Presbyterisn Church; Mr. Roy Carty, Mount Pleasant Congrega tional Church; Mr. E. B. Clark. Friends Church: Mr. William A. Elwood. Ninth Street Christian Churcb: Rev. C E. Fultz, Memorial United Brethren Church: Miss Celestlne.B. Hodges. Ecklngton Presbyterian Church: Mr. O. p. Kellar. Calvary Baptist Church: Mr. C B. Ling- amtelter. First Presbyterian Church; Mr. M. Lupton. Friends Church: Rev. w. A. Melvln. First Methodist Protestant Church: Mr. J. R. Moss. Sbilob Baptist Church: Mr. J. B, "NIchoI.-FIrst Congre gational Church: Mr. G. W. Numbers, Memorial United Brethren Church: Mr. M. Pickens. Vermont Avenue Chris- tlon Church: Mr. Amos M. Piper. First United Presbyterian Church: Miss Myrtle Schofleld, North Carolina. Avenue Metho dist Protestant Church-. Miss Agnes E. Suman, 8C Paul's .English Lutheran Church. The District Alms House at Glesboro Point was visited last Sunday by ten members of the Christian Endeavor So ciety of FJrst Presbyterian Church. Mr. C, B. Ltngamlelter conducted devotional exercises and all Joined in a sen Ice ot song with Miss Mabel E. McDermott at the plsno. Chairman ot the Evangelistic Committee Allen E. Mechem conducted a service the same afternoon at Florence Crlttenton Home, on the subject TJnsel flshness." Sunday evening Pasto? Mac Leod Installed as oncers for six months. Miss Ruth B. de la Montanye. president: Otis B. Johnson, vice president; Miss Mabel J. Carter, recording:- secretary: Miss Marian Matlem. corresponding ec- rctary; ueorge r. Klsh. treasurer; Miss Marlon R. Carter, assistant treasurers Mla Mabel E. McDcrmctt pianist; Allen E. Mechim. delegate, Bert E Corwin, re porter; Fredrlc T. Godfrey, tisber. PRE3BTTEKIAf. KEW TOOK ATE. pi-n-T---ltA-f CHtTTtCS. Sew Tors Are., B sad Uth Sta. Dr. trsllac BairTt. Pastor, U a. m.-PubUe. wonJapTsennoo br lh paster. '! p-m.-"SIU rictnrs ot ths 8s." Music led br ooarttt choir, Aa nBIhl school. t.U a. m. Adult rlii i. f & P. m.-ChrlsUan Endaaror sodetr. CHTJBCH OP THE CO-TWAST. Conn. An.. N aad Uth -fits. Chtriea Wood. xUsbcrr. Bernard O. Bnuaamp, Mltaatrr's Astistast. Harry Barrmore Aaroj, Mlaister ef peek CUpsL. "-".a- m.-$crmon br th7ra!abtrr. usalcsl errrlcf led fcy double rjaarltt from J 39 to t e'doca. imp-m. Strmca br tho nhustrr: soMtet, "Atlav ... lesh, the Molatiooa Qntm." p. m.-8imon br th, mtofcUr; tahject, "Tnl- . . twitr in Uanans sad Morals." Mmlcal serrieo frees 130 to edoefc. Mr. Charles U TUtsaaa. basso; Mr. Bmnta Bast maan. vloUa: Mr. Blcaaal Lorirbtrf. rioloDcrno; Miss Stella VaSeua, harp. Bsadtr school at S.-O a. m. Christian TxAttne bmiIbp .f. lAn n. Thoradar rmisc st . midk trrrle. F1BST. -th Strtcrrrs Sabbath -Borae. Jofcn Mir- than Plae tew. Donald a MscLtod. rnlrdtter. a. m., SoadiT school tad adult Kioto dasaot. U a. m.. ifethtr's Dar strrke sad ssnaoa. ' f .- P. ra.. Hon. W. F. Norrta; rahject. "Tha Imaior taf Man." An ut vtlcanw. METHODIST EPISCOPATE ITJUXDBT. Hth sad Chsreh SU. Err. VT. D'WeoVJerspoon. D. D.. Pastor. a. m-tittaday ictenl- 11-aa.m. -The First Beatitude." " m. Epworth Lesne. T.-tS p. m.-81ith annlrersarr ef th Gorcel Mlsdoe. Qoarttt choir. Vinton veloosae. BAMUXE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CH0BCH. Ainu and e Bta. . BET. JOSEPH M. M. GBAT. Miaistsr. 30 a. m. SundiT acbouL 11 a. m.-'T,OINO IN" tiTBESOTH." Z3B p. a--tarta Learn pratM terriee. IJ p. at--THE SHIELDS Or COD." All sittlais trw. TkUters alwsjs vticoma METBOPpUTAX MEUOBIAiy CHOBCH. corner or jonn jianaau l-ae ana O Ht, &w. Jnnn Shtrm Montsomrrr. ralnlaUr. Moraine serrlce at 11 o'clock, vita sermon br th pastor: object. "Tbe Ceruinur of a Mlthty Mas. Ia th orta ios st S o'clock Kit Carton Pott vfn hokt Its sa anal neenrfal serrlce. At this tan Dr. Mont somrrr 1I1 auk an addmt on Th Menurlra sad Horn of Oar BepabUc Special amtle aad fir tests to. th poabc. BAPTIST. TE3IPLE BAPTIST cnCBCH. lea aad N 8b. Dr. J. J. Moir. pastor. 11 a. ra.. 3foUirra Day trrriot; 7: p. bl. Th Hrarenir Vknon. Bibl trbool. is a. m.; C E., I p. ra. E. HEZ SWEM'S sobject: "Art Wsshinfton Folks Ever Antrrr" snadar aishw s re. Fteachlns. 11 a. m., Cestrrmial Baptist Ctnrrca, ith aad I sta. COXGREGATIO'fAL. FIUST CONGBEOATIOXAL CHDBCH, cor. loth sad O Sta. nw. Rrr- 8amnrl H. Woodror. D. D paatorr Brr. lvia E. Perdsai, alitint pastor. 11 a. au. pnbUo worship, with sermon br the pas tor; tahject. "SAV1SO OOB COUSTBT-" Mone br tha QnaneC aad raoros choir. S3) a. nu. Snn daj sohooL .'t5 p. el. T. P. 8. CL E. I ti ra.. lectsn br ta psstor, snbjert. THE BLX3SLNQ OF BUTS.- MT. Pt,EA8A-T OOXGREGA-nOSAL CHCRLTH. UNnmou Bead, arar llta St. rrank I Coodwta, Minister. Mornins re like. 11 o'clock; aaraon br th minister: aBbJect, "A Prtneelr Spirit. Erm ing smicr, S p. m., tenaon br to misditer; ob ject. The Traced ot Saccrss. Soaday toboc. 3 a. m.; adolt olaaM. 10 a. ra. Christisa Eo draror meeting. tf p. m. ICTirERA-f. ST. MASS'S LUTHERAN CHCBCH. tth and B ota sv, Ber. J. Lather Frsats. outer Sondar school at 30 a m Serrlen at II a. m. aad p- m. Erentcz anbjrct. -Thr la It Very Impor taat to Hare Tree Views of Death aad th Urn alter' Xlrrt of a terie on TJr Questions About lie Fntor life?" Stnncera weJooma, tr-riTAniA-v. ALL SOULS CHtTBCH. Car. llth snd I, Bta, Clrsaes G. B. Pierce. D. D.. mtnlstrr. TrO a. re. Soaday achool: Post-cradoat CUas. dan for tiw CetapanUr Study of ttcutioo, and Unity Stsdy Oast, II a. &L. moroiac serrios; termon by th minister. Ther Is alas sladersarten during th aocr of moraine worship. 720 p. ra.. Toons Peo ple's BcHrJoss Union. Th pabne tniitrd to sS terrices. TJNIVERSAL1ST. CHCBCR OF OCB. FATHER. Uth and L Sts. n v. rr. jonn tsn Bcnaict. r V. IX. nr tor. 11 a. a. iiiitiitng serrlce. sermon by Ber Thomu E. Potterton. D. D- of Brooklm. J U a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a. bu. strtderrarteri. f p. m . T P. C C. I p. ra.. ilhrstrattd lector by Dr rottrrtoo. subject, "Hawaii, sa Eden of th radac" sew ciicncn. NETT CHCBCR, llth sad Corccrsa Sts. ns- Th Brr Frank Bewail. D. D. pastor COJiVEXTIOX BUSDXT Tto Brr. L. G Hoeek. of CtncinnatL will rresch at H a m. Tbe IWe of Inratltwra ia the -neraI Pastorate will be eonfrned. Th Holy Onmaanion. win be administered by th President cf the General Coorentloa. Erenlos terrir and kctwrr. Inn Th Ber. trittiam Wonach. cf Bath. Me. awbtrf by th Brr. E. M. L. Gmld. a Kewtonrillr. Mass. Tbe Bite of Ordination will occur, administered by tha president ot th contention, th Brr. JuBsa K. Smyth, of Sew Tork City. SEVENTH-DAY ADVISfTIST. MDICtelAL 8 D A CHCBCH '"M Eth St ow, Soaday erenuir. May H. J-ss, Praf. TV W rrescott ia aprak on " Protestantism tad Bo- manum In the United Bute." All ar wtleora. iOSPEL MISSION, 31-34 14 St nw (John Marshall riser) Sixth anriTcrsary Sunday. May 12. Mornirg meetisz at Wesley M E. Chnrch. corner ith snd F Sta. bws 11 o'clock Afternoon meeting at Mbsion HsB. Si SS (Vi SL. st 3 o'clock. Eresios meeting st Foundry M. E. Churcb, corner Uth and Church Su. nw at T.U. Dr and Mrs. Miller, th Ocea Gror soloists, aad tho Baltimor Gos pel Trio win sins, and a number of rromlnent speakers will make addrestea. l-TTERXATIOSAL BIBLE STXTJESTS. THE tXTKIU-A'nOS'AL BIBLE STCDESTS Aa- BOCIATIOX announces a lector st th New National Theater. Sunday. May 12; 3 p. m.. by raator BnaelL of tb Brooklyn (N T.) and Lon don (Ens.) -Tabernacles. Subject. -Which la th Tm Gornr""" Eets free. CHRISTIAX SCIENCE. F1BST CBUBCB OF CHBIST. SCIENTIST. Blh sad B sta aw. Seniors Soadsy. 11 s. m. and I p. ra. 8ubect: "ADAM AND FALLES MAK. Soaday tcbool. U a. m. Wednetdsy orairtg meetins. I o'clock. Public cordially tattled. Bead ing TOOBL.S-. Colorado Bids. EVAXGELTCAL. CHRISTIAN SCIEXCE. THE EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH ia held at Eanscher't Ban. oona. Ar. sad L St. nw.. st 11 o'clock Sunday rooming, at which time Bhhort SeMn will deUrer th lectixre. Th subject of this "octnre wUl b Th Ameri can Medical Trust and the Conspiracy to Enslave th People Under the Domination of th Doctors. At this meetins a few esses of public aeanns win b siren of persona who may be in th sadieno and doirs snch healing but these esse must com within the rule, which Is th Ilerlation. or rain where the rain is situated In snch part or the totT st ean N tretted befor a public audi ence. Church dears Ito ytsriy raeetines th last Sunday of tab month snd will not open again un til October. This will be tb last public hestlnz that win be aim during the year. All are ln Titrf. Healins is free. TIIEOSOPKT WAmi-OTON' LODGE TIIEOSOPHICAL SO- CIETT. 313 E. Can. SL buassy, s p. ra.. qucs TIOX MEETING, in charo ot Mrs. Janet B. .McUorrra. All inTittd. STMBOUSM (continued, innstrtted). lecrara by Dr. Axro J. Cory. Hnnday. UUi. at Thratophic rtooms, 13 Corcoran Bids. INiblic inritei Fre stutly daiiam Wrdnnday and Friday, t p. ra. SPIRITUALIST. BST BPirUTCAUaT CHUncil. Prthjaa Tern. lie. MB Sta Bt . w . aecona Sonr. I JJ p. nv, lcrturo and menascs by Mts. Z. B. Kstes; sub ject, Tbe WUcains.Honr." ATI tattled- SATiOJIAI- NEW THOIUHT CErrER NATIONAL NEW THOL'OHT CEXTEB. Slits Emms tlray arid Dr Bleker. testhers and hrslei cC iwn esperleon. pally noon mcetica. Hympoiina W'edacadayt. I p. m. Lata A Treat Bid;., F and Ha. Pubhs larltas r " I ' i iii;.