Newspaper Page Text
.'THE, WASHINGTON BERAUX KEUBAY, MAY 17, 1912. T Woodward & Lothrop. . New York WASHINGTON Pis. FRIDAY SPECIALS. Friday Special in Men's Athletic Underwear. Men's Athletic Summer Un derwear much below the regu lar price, for no other reason than that the manufacturer wanted to relieve his somewhat overcrowded stock. The gar ments are absolutely perfect in every way. The material of which they are made is checked nainsook or cross-barred muslin. Very thin, pleasant to the skin, and durable and satisfactory. Athletic coat style shirts and knee-length drawers. All sizes. Special price, 35c the garment; 3 for $1.00. Also a special lot of Men's "Por osknlt" Underwear. short-sleeve shirts, and knee drawers. This Is an Ideal summer underwear, cool, durable, sanitary; subject to slight -detects which are not harmful to Its service. 35c garment; 3 for $1.00. Regularly 50c garment. IS dozen pairs Men's Light-weight eiacK -ouon sockb. maae wiuimpie woven heels and toes and double soles, entirely free from thread- breaks or holes, but having slight weaving Imperfections. Sizes 10, 11. and 11H. 6 pairs for 75c Regularly J5c pair. 2ain fioer 7 U. Friday Special in Boys Suits at $5.00 and $6.00. This collection of Suits is one that offers unusual selection in the matter of materials and col orings. Every fabric is all wool and the best of its character; at tractive and serviceable shades of tan, brown, blue, and gray, in sizes 7 tp 18. The variety is good. $5.00 and $6.00 each. Were $6 50 to $10.00. Friday Special in Valenciennes Laces. Another large collection of the wide and variedly used Va lenciennes Laces, including French and German makes, in widths suitable for every trim mingi requirement. Both edges and insertions are included in maicnea or separate patterns. Special price, 60c dozen yards! Real worth lsrnuch, in excess oi inis price. Main oarQ it. Picture Department. aeerai special lots, assem bled for clearance, offered at greatly reduced prices. 1 lot Facsimile Water Colors, with mat and gilt frames; size 15x20 inches. 95c each. Were $1.95. 1 lot Sepia Pictures, mostly reli gious subjects, in broad gilt frames: size 13x16 Inches. 95c each. Were $1.95. 1 lot Colonial Trays, with brass handles. $1 00 each. Were $1.95. , $135 each. Were $2 50. 1 lot Colonial trays. $2 00 each. Were $3.50. FoartS Scot Troth U. WOODWARD CH0EUS TO GIVE CONCERT. Washington Grand Opera Singers Will Present Programme. The concert of the Wsshlngton Grand Opera Chorus, under the direction of De Cortez Wolffungen, will take place at National RIfls Armory this evening at S.ll o'clock and wjll be followed by a dan'e. The programme Is as follows: Tenor Solo and Chorus of Peasants from Gounod's "Faust." Mr Wolffungen singing the role part, the kermess scene, with Wagner's Solo, by Eugene I. Wal ter, violin solo, selected, duet from "II . m Trmmmuwm. Mw' plumes wmmmm MmWli m 7 rT v a ArAro ,mr : TMMyOTM all huuak hair eooos MS4w ifv I CLEANING, CURLING, SBKb&MI- WffAr' DYElNGSand REMAKING SmaMMX no stems coB8 . Ml Willow Plume Work - MP UCEMCTflW"E wWSsf' llt;4tti a SriPftnlfir ZRiAtin3l!BQorfZts&yyZ Constructed from the Burst yfrmm. liYmllll specialty. v&!M3E&MMa3wyyyfy imported cut haik. or from H WW FOOTER'S Dye Works SH J&iJ illa I ' Positively America Greatest, Best, and Most Complete Cleaning aad 2Zm2mmmZ3t MW& yl I Dyeing Works. ALWAYS SAFEST AND BEST: W , ?" , M 4MZ0& I i , , . ,,. 704 Etsventh St. Siv v Washington Office, Cor. G and 12th Sts. N.W. V0 .ttSSMS.F,. Friday Special in Women's Silk Dresses. Fashionably Styled Silk Dresses of crepe meteor, taffeta, and foulards, in plain colors, changeable effects, .and pretty figures. These dresses are made with the newest ideas in pan niers, jackets, and skirt draperies. Some have lace col lars, others high collar and yoke of lace. $25.00 each. Regularly $35.00 and $37.50.' Also Dainty White Lingerie Dresses, made of white em broidery flouncing and trimmed with Irish crochet lace insertion; square neck and short sleeves. $15.00 each. Were $20. Friday Special in Women's and Misses' Rain Coats. $9.75 each. Values to $22.50. A timely special .purchase brings us 25 Shower-proof Rain coats at an unusually low price for such high-grade garments, jfull length, in the nish cut and design; serviceable garment's, in tan, navy blue, light and Oxford grays, green, and brown, in plain and striped effects. All sizes for women and ses. Secured at such a deep price concession tljat they are of fered less than half regularly. Special price, $9.75 each. Values up to $22 50. Friday Special in Women's Silk Petticoats and House Garments. Excellent Quality Taffeta Silk Petticoats, in black, white, and a range of colors that consists of the best plain and changeable ef fects of the season. Designed in tJie latest models and finished with plain ruffles i also black in extra 'sizes. Special price, $2.75 each. tang Kimonos, of lawn. In pink, light blue, lavender, and yellow fig ured effects, finished with border of plain white. Special price, 50c each. Lawn Dressing Sacques. "Camllle" style, trimmed with embroidered scalloped edge Special price, 25c each. Tbiid floor-Elrrtoth . Friday Special in Fine Cambric. We offer at a notably low price, quality considered, the "Jacque Rose" Fine Cambric, in soft nainsook finish. An ideal fabric for women's and chil dren' undergarments, night gowns, &.c; 36 inches wide. Special price, 12c yard. Etcond socr-EJnesth rt. & LOTHROP, Trovatore" (Verdi), Miss Carroll and Mr Wolffungen; sextet from "Lucia dl Lam mennoor" CDonlzetU). Miss McPall. Miss Carroll, and Messrs. Wolffungen, Schafer, Walter, and Davis. "Entrance of Valen tine" ("Faust"), cavatlna and chorus. Mr Wolffungen:. "Calf of Gold." solo and chorus (Mephlsto, Mr. Schaefer); chorale, with solo of Valentine, contralto songs, Mrs. Dalglelsh, waltz and chorus (finale of Act ID. Solo of Slebel. Miss Tedrow; soldier chorus. "Valentine's Death" (Act IV), Miss MeFaU, Miss Tedrow. and Mr. Wolffungen: "Chorus of Angels." Accom panists. Miss Mildred Kolb and Miss Mildred Harrison. Mrs. Taft will omit the garden par. ties previously arranged for this after noon and next Friday, far wilch Invita tions had not yet been Issued. She combined the guests for the 10th and 17th In tts company- of last Friday, and because of the President's absence will .not have another garden party until Friday, May 31. Mrs. Charlotte IX. Conger announces the engagement of hr daughter, Gwyn th Hungerford, to Lieut. Aubrey Wray Fitch. TJ. S. N. Miss Conger Is a grand, daughter of the late Senator Omar D, Conger and of the late Hon. S. P. Brown, of this city. She has two broth- era In the service Paymaster Omar D. Conger and Midshipman Conger, now at Annapolis. The wedding win take place in June in. Annapolis, when Mrs. Con' ger and her daughters have spent the last few years. Ths Italian Ambassador and Marchess, Cusanl, with their daughter. Donna Beatrice Cusanl, will leave Washington the first week In July for New York, whence they will sail for Italy to spend the summer season. Beradlnando Cu sanl, the young son of the Ambassador and Marchesa cusanl. witn au tutor. Prof. Rlbaldl, win sail for Italy or May K. Mme. Hauge. widow of the lata mln liter from Norway, entertained a com pany at dinner last evening Mr. Peter Goelet Gerry returned to New Tork yesterday, after spending few days here with Mrs.-berry, who Is making a spring visit to her mother, Mrs. Richard Townsend. Owing to a change of date, the stu dents of Gunston Hall 1906 Florida Ave nue, will give Shakespearo's play, Twelfth Night," this evening, at -I o'clock at the school. Mrs. Mary Gross Canfield, who has spent the past few weeks with her sis ter, Mrs. John S. Miller, of Chicago. will return here to-day to the home of her daughter, Mrs Harvey Jester. Mrs. Canfield Is In bad health, and will go to one of the hospitals here for a course of treatment, and It Is hoped will re cover sufficiently In a few weeks to Join her family in a cottage at the seashore early In the summer Mr. William Van Zandt Cox, President of the 8. A. R. of the District, has gone to Boston to attend the annual conven tion of the National Society. Miss Tvonne Townsend. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Townsend. Is the guest of her uncle, Mr E. Price Town- send, at his home 4100 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa. The marriage la announced of Miss Mary Virginia Blundon. daughter of Mr. Henry Blundon, of Falrflelds. Northum berland County, Va and Mr. Albert Davis. The ceremony took place Wednes day, at noon. In the home of Mr. Freder ick Downing, uncle of the bride, and ow ing to the recent death of the bride groom's mother, only relatives and a few intimate friends of the families were present. Rev. Samuel H. Greene pro formed the ceremony The, house was decorated with spring blossoms and ferns. The bride wore a traveling suit of tan and carried -a. bouquet of lilies of the valley and roses. She was attended by her younger slater. Miss Charlotte Blun don. Mr Rice Hooe acted as best man. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blundon. of Virginia; Mr. and Mrs Frederick Downing, of Virginia; Dr and Mrs. A. B. Hooe. of Washington: Mrs Paul Esselborn. of Portsmouth, Ohio; Mrs. Eva Burgess. Mrs. R. H Hud nell, the Misses Blundon, Lieut. F. B. Downing, and Dr. A. R. Hooe. Immediately after the reception, which followed the ceremony, the young couple left for a trip to Philadelphia. Atlantic City, New York, and Niagara, and upon their return will be at home at Fleeton. Va. Gen. and Mrs. John W. Foster have gone to Louisville, Ky.. to attend the Presbyterian General Assembly and will be away ten days. Rev. and Mrs WlUard G Davenport, of Emmanuel Church, Anaeostia, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Irene G Daenport. to Mr. Arthur W North, of Salt Lake City, Utah. No date for the wedding has been set. but it Is xpected It will take place during the summer. Representative Martin W. Littleton of New Tork and Mrs. Littleton will enter tain a company at luncheon next Sun day at their residence, Calumet Place, In compliment to the German Ambas sador, Count von Bernstorff. Col. and Mrs. George Harvey, of New Tork, will come don to Washington to attend the luncheon Mrs Littleton will go to New Tork about May IS, when she will be the guest of Mrs. Stuyvesant Fish at ber place on the Hudson. Miss Alice Shepherd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitch Shepherd, has gone to BalUmore, where she will be the guest oi miss Agnes wnuisg at her home In Earl Court. Mrs. J. W. MazMurray and Miss Ethel MacMurray were entertained at a, dance at the Chevy Chase Club last evening In honor of Capt. James Parsons Robin son, U. S. A., and Mrs. Robinson. Capt. Robinson has recasUr "bees transferred to duty on the General Staff, of the Army at Washington, an. sioouwon was lor merjy Miss Edna, MaeMurray, As Informal nop win be given this evening at Fort Myer, and next Satur day evening the regular hop 'Win be held. Mrs. Johnson, wife of Col. F. O. John son. U. 8. A., baa left Fort Myer to snend several weeks at Fort Riley, Kans., where hV. husband has been or- aerea ior soon uui Mr, Andrew Xalpaschnlkoff, of the Russian Embassy staff, -hs taken an -part men t at law seventeenth street. Dr. John C Boyd. IT. S. N MrsBeyd. and Miss Alios Bcyd 'will close their resi dence In Twenty-second Street about the middle of June, when they will go to New York to safl on June 30 for Europe. They win sperd the summer months touring Norway and Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Melville E. Inralls. Miss Gladys Inralls, and Miss Abble Inralls Barnard sailed yesterday on me Amen' ka for Europe for the summer. Mrs. E. L. Entrlkln and Miss Elsa En' trials, of Findlay, Ohio, are ihe house guests of Mrs. E. J. Tottcn at 1121 X mont Street Northwest. Mrs. Laura IV Olney has left Washing' ton for an extended visit to the Paelflo Coast, JAPANESE BARON LAUDS AMERICANS Continued from Page One. Arrentlns Republic: Gustav Ador. of Sweden, and Viscountess d'Azy. wife of the naval attache of the on- bassy, also responded to toasts. The scene at the banquet was unnvaiea by any social event this season In point of splendor. The hall was draped with flars of all nations, and heaped high about the ways were dozens and dozens or costly nowers. uirccuy doti inn toastmaster a huge emblazoned cross in red electric lights cast Its glow over the tables. JURY AWAEDS PBIZES IN BED CB0SS CONTEST. The prize winners In the Red Cross competition were announced by the Jury having the awards In charge jesteraay. the Invention of Dr. Louis Lesage. of Paris, being adjudged the most remark able and capable exhibit. The first prize, which, like the others. Is awarded by the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna of Russia, Is iJXO rubles, or 33,000 Th invention of Dr. Lesage has ex cited comment ever since the opening of the exhibit. It Is a portable X-ray appratus. and In connection with an au tomobile ambulance. The award was made by the Jury after very .little de liberation. Dr. Lessee Is the chief of the baboratory of electroUieraphy and radiotherapy. Necker -Hospltaj. .Fans. The distribution of the other prizes re quired much careful consideration of all the points Involved In the exhibits. The competition was closed 10 portable in ters, only litters of new design being con sidered. The second prizes, of which there were two of 11.500 eich. were awarded to Q Stelndorf. of Golzow, Germany, who ex hibited a blcjcle stretcher, and Mat Ruggenbach. of Switzerland, who exhib ited a folding stretcher calculated by ex perts to replace all Utters now in use. Americana Get Prises. Six third prizes of SS00 each wen awarded to the following entrants: Capt. Henry L. Brown, of New Tork. stationed at Fort Slocum. who exhibited a portable washstand, adapted for pack mule transportation, the Austrian Red Cross, which displayed a new sanitary eaulpment for mountain columns: Mai P S Halloran. stationed at the Walter Reed General Hospital. Takoma Park, for a portable stretcher; Capt. Roselu. Lieut. Col. Taschetti. and Col. Abbam ondi. Italian Army Medical Corps, sta tioned at Rome, for the transportation of wounded between war vessels and shore: J Llnxweller, of Klsingen. Ger many, Inventor of an elastic device for suspending twelve stretchers in one rail' way car. and Dr. Glinsky, of St. Peters burg, who showed a combination folding stretcher and surgical haversack. Before the exhibits were entered In the competition, the Red Cross Societies of the respective nations approved their construction. The Jury In making Its awards complimented the entrants on their Interest In the work of relief for the sick and wounded The Jury was composed of Dr Ferrlere, of the Inter national Committee, Mr Mosle, of Ger many. Dr. M V Sllbermark. of Aus- trla-Hungan: Dr Dedet. of France: Lieut. CoL Gulseppe Brezzl. of Italy; Dr. TenJI Inoue, of Japan, and Prof. D de Vreden, of Russia, aiaj. Lynch offi ciated as secretary of the Jury. Immediately after the awards were an nounces a cablegram was sent to the Dowger Empress of Russia, Informing her of the decisions, and sympathizing with her bereavement by the death of her brother, Xing Frederick of Den mark. Business Conferences End. Yesterday marked the last business session of the Ninth International Con ference. The reports were read In very few minutes, and an early adjourn- ment resulted. To-day's session will be In the nature of a farewell reception. The Tenth International Conference will be held In a country to be decided upon by a referendum vote. The Inter- ITsIr Dressing Wavlar llanlcurfas; fpXSfft Face Massaging Cnliaren'a vsur uieaeaing nalr-Cnttlng s aadDrelag KNOW THE MANY ADVAN TAGES OF THE BORDEN Talented A Personal Appeal WJII Alil ARNOLD VIBRATOR that we are selling at reduced prices. Ask your physician about vibration. Free Demonstration nt ear store by our Specialist Write for ear Free Booklet on Health and Beantr. Home demonstrations free. Write or telephone. If you do not wish to pay all cash for a vibrator, we will gladly arrange easy terms to suit HENRY EVANS, lnc.,1006FSt.N.W. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COMPANY NORTHWEST CORNER OF FIFTEENTH AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE TOURISTS and TRAVELERS ABROAD find that money in its most convenient form is furnished by obtaining Brown Bros.' Lettirs of Credit am the Bankers' Travelers' CHcimcs Call and consult our Foreign Exchange Dept CONTRIBUTION FROM EVERY WOMAN The Woman's "Titanic" Memorial WOMAN'S TRIBUTE TO THOSE WHO SO BRAVELY GAVE UP THEIR LIVES ON THE TITANIC THAT WOMEN AND CHILDREN MIGHT BE SAVED. Cut Out This Coupon and Send It with Your Contribution to WOMAN'S "TITANIC" MEMORIAL Union Trust Building, Washington, D. C. The inclosed $ is a contribution to (he Woman's "Titanic" Memorial. ' Name - Address . City State From The Washington Herald. national Committee. In session Geneva will announce the location of the next conference, which will be held Jn ! 1S17. The three countries most uxeir to be faTOred are Portofeal. Brazil, and Jap an, with Portugal a favorite The Russian Red Cross yesterday pre sented a paper on "New statutes for the InternaUonal Fund Imperatrlee Marl Feodorvna.' " This report was In the na ture of a by-law for the International Mruitltiitinn. settlne- forth the provisions under which the sum was contributed, and qualifications necessary for n ex hibitor. Prof. Wreden. of Russia, made a snort address on the need of proper Identifi cation of the Red Cross, when the wounded are being; moved. Miss Mabel Roardman, of the American Red Cross, read a paper prepared by Assistant Sec retary of State Huntington Wilson, on "International Assistance Rendered by the American Red Cross la Time of Dis aster." The committee having In charge the Nightingale foundation, a xund oe Inr raised by the InternaUonal Red Cross for the ereoUon cf a memorial to Florence Nightingale, declared that tne memorial would be erected In England, and should there be a surplus. It will be devoted to s. scholarship tor pupils In the nurses training school. Persian Minister Reports. Mlrxa, AU KuU Khan. Persian Minister to tno United States, read a paper on "Help and Assistance Rendered Persia by the Red Cross In Ancient and Modern Times.' The Increasing of the capital of the Augusta fund was discussed at length during the session, the United States and Germany favoring the distribution of the interest every five years, rather than every three years. In order that the income might be Increased. The Greek Red Cross reported, through Dr. Theodore P. Ion. MaJ. F. F Russell followed with an Interesting discourse on typhoid vaccination. STO3H1HE SOCIETY MEETS. Ijirge Attendance Marks Openlnc Session at Rochester. Rochester, N. T May . The Inter national Sunshine Society opened a four day session here today with a business meeting In Powers Hotel. There were more than KO delegates In the city for the opening session, and It was expected that the number will be Increased to WOO. Reports of various officers and com mittees were read at the morning ses sion, and this afternoon the delegates were addressed by Mayor Edgerton. Dynamite Planter Fined. Salem, Mass., May IS. John T. Breen, who was convicted yesterday of consplr- lnf to Injure the cause of the strikers nv tl4nt!n .fvwaml. In T-..i w.a (this afternoon sentenced to pay a fine of, To Sufferers From RHEUMATISM Don't Give Up! Here Is Help. If you, like, the great mul titude of men and worsen, Suffer from Rbeumatism don't ve up! There are thousinds whose condition, no doubt, was .worse than yours, but who have teen relieved and cured by the use of our famous BOOK CONTEST IS FULL OF THRILLS Outsiders Unable to Conceive Inter est of Competitors in Book lovers' Competition. It is Impossible for the "mere outsider" to gain any adequate conception of the vital interest in the Booklovers' Contest Even those who make casual attempts now and then to solve one or two puzzles know nothing of the thrills and excite ment of those who are lighting day by day for supremacy. The lines are drawn more closely than ever. The contest la at a high pitch of interest, because aU those who are en tered in it realize it is necessary to keep everlastingly at It and not to relax one jot in the fight, since the slightest over sight may decide whether they shall come home within the prize list or not. But the contestants alone know aU the fun and the thrill of the fight. Those who merely watch them have but sugni conception oi wnat the race reauy is. The following Is the list of prizes: The first prize will be a 11,000 build ing lot In that charming suburb. Handle Highlands. It Is a good Investment value from any point of view, and will be eagerly sought after my many hun dreds In the contest. A Kingsbury Inner-player piano, manufactured by the Cable Piano Com pany and valued at J750. Is the second New Store, Cor. 15th and H. Flowers for Spring Weddings, Dinners, and Teas. The effective ar ran gemen t of flowers for social occasions Is an art In which we have long excelled. Wedding decora 1 1 o n s constitute our particular specialty. rs-Phone M. IBS or M. 5837, J. H. Small &Sons WASHINGTON 13th and H 14th aad O. NEW YORK Waldorf-Astoria 1133 Broadway Dulin & Martin Co. Prizes and Trophies For Outdoor Sports WE show an unusually complete assort t ment of pieces suit able for trophies and prizes for golf, tennis, baseball, row ing; and other outdoor sports. The display includes most desirable productions in Loving Cups Prize Cups of Sterling Sil ver, Copper, and Pewter. Brass, inlaid in mahogany, Prize Cups. Bronze Sporting Subjects, of tennis, golf, target shooting, li'a r a t h o n racing, &c.' Automobile Prize Cups, Steins, &c Dulin fcMaitin Co. Pottery. Porcelain, China, Glass, Silver, Ac 1215 P St and. 1214-18 Q St AMUSEMENTS. !', M ftW TO-MORROW' K33Z3Tha SEVEN SISTERS" MrtTWET rvray aiy except crwy flU. SEATS ess EVERY WIGHT 25-30 &75e assma The DrusiUe Boalln et Urn Cmtfnmts, MADAME X Th rur tit iu nrised wtHrn GAYETY TWO EXBTDB3L&CES DaHX. SOCIAL MAIDS, WITH GEORGE STONE AND JENNIE AUSTIN. Wrothsc Fridiy VlfSWo. Turner tv TVilt Enai. NEXT VrEEK...... ."THE TAXI GIKLS, HssrE GET THIS CLASST 10c SHOW. Any Better la Town Aayrrheret 3 BID Acta. 3 Great Pletares. Sc-5 ACTS Direct from Broadway Theaters. latest Paotoplaya, Illustrated Songs. NATIONAL RIFLES ARMORY FKIDAT, MAY IT. al P. It. Ccccrrt br th. Washington Grand Opora Chorus De rtortex V0lC3n2ra. Dixtrtor. FoOowni by a Daacs. Admimoc t&du&Jix Dlaoe. Sfa HUNT RACES BENNINGS May 16th and 18th Tlcketa for sale by T. Art bar Smith, irrr st. 3:30 BASEBALL 3:30 P. M. TO-DAT WASHINGTON vs. ST. LOUIS P. M. BUDD'S Confectioner & Caterer CAFE 510 9th St. N. W. One of our Specialties: Beautiful Flenr de LU Wed dins; Cake Boxes," Initialed, tied In white satin ribbon, and filled with finest Iced cake. Ice Creams Ices. Sherbets. Pudding's, and Special Fancy Cakes. Personal supenrislon. ef. flclent and prompt delivery s.rr lce. Ko branch stores. PHONE MAIN 1032 prize. Percy B. Foster, of the Percy S. Foster Company. 130 O Street North west, selected It for The Washlnstoa Herald. The third prjze Is a 3500 collection of books, selected by W. W. Norman, man ager of Brentano's, at Twelfth and I Streets Northwest The library repre sents a wide variety and Is certain to meet all tastes. Eighty cash prizes. In the form of credits at the Citizens' Sayings Bank, will be given as "consolation prizes," the value aggregating 1250. Stir Blshope to Be Chosen. Minneapolis, Minn., May it Following the retirement yesterday of three bish ops from active service In the church, the Episcopacy committee of the Meth odist Episcopal Conference to-day rec- commended that eight new bishops be chosen. Balloting on the hlshopa prob ably will begin Friday, with at least 100 names presented to the Conference. It is proposed to create new Episcopal residences at Helens, Mont., and Detroit. Mich. The report of the commutze was accepted. Three Snleldes In Armsv San Francisco, May It Three "privates committed suicide on the army transport Thomas on Its cruise from Portland. Orec. to San Francisco. The Thomas arrived to-day with a number of com panies of troops that have been sta tioned In the Philippines. Another prU rate was stabbed to death in a right that occurred on the trip down the coast. The dead men are Privates Lopez, Wil son. Smith, and Curtis. largest Morning Circulates. . HI! lljjljil MATINlZSATaja V .vfti tl nun inm &fr "rrm ,Uhm .A .ujnSsUi-''ICza iSait Ji&fn&j w. U J fciifc. 1. a 'fc