Newspaper Page Text
THE WASHINGTON HERAID. FRIDAY.. MAY 17. 1912. Topics of Interest to Every Woman EDITED BY JULIA CHANDLER MANZ. IRIHKIBSTHATARE CAUSED BY WORM Only Correction of Habit Will Pre- ' , vent Them. Did yon ever notice how few people there are with smooth foreheads? About nine out of tea have very distinct hori zontal lines across the forehead and. not only .middle-aged and elderly people, by any means. I have seen girls of twelve with these disfiguring lines plainly mark' d. Now, these lines are caused by the al most universal habit of raising- the eye brows and wrinkling up the forehead when one is surprised, puzzledi or wor ried, and these isn't a bit of use fit trying to get rid of them 'by rubbing cold cream or skin food Into them, so .long as you cling to the habit that 'causes them. Then there Is the deep wrinkle between the eyes, knows as tne -irownmg une. You know how you got that line all right, don't youT Well, if anything It's more disfiguring than the horizontal line because it gives, the face a sour, un pleasant expression that Is absolutely fatal to beauty. Another bad facial habit is allowing the corners of the mouth to droop. The result Is a look of fretfulness. self-pity, weakness, and Irritability, that would spolt the appearance of a Venus. If persisted In long enough this habit will cause deep unsightly telltale wrinkles at the' comers of the mouth. Some one has said that It absolutely Impossible to feel depressed or low-spirited so long as you keep the corners of the mojith curved upward. And, do you know, there's a great deal of truth in it? Try It next time you get the blues. "But." yott protest. "I have these habits, and at this day It Is too late to get rid of them. Well, that's just where you and .1 dlfferj-ou can get rid of them. In the first place, of course, you must banish -the bad mental habits that He back of .them. A wrlnklled forhead shows .wrinkled mentality, and a drooping mouth Is the evidence of drooplng-splrlts. Cultivate a sane, healthy calm, courage oue way of looking at, life. Don't stew and fret and worry over small perplex ities and problems and troubles. Don't ever, ever, ever, allow yourself to pity yourself. Then when you find yourself mechani cally dropping back into the old bad mannerisms. Just simply stop It Keep It in mind, pay attention to it. If .you find your forehead twisted into knots. your brows drawn together In a for bidding scowl, or your mouth drooping to touch the point of your chin, drop everything else, and straighten your face out Brin your eyebrows back where they belong raise the corners of your mouth there now smile. look pleasant, please' The Outing Coat The Introduction of so many varieties of striped and plaid coats and those of bright red does not at all mean that the white coats, which have been So, well thought of for several years for outing purposes, are to be abandoned. ,, .There are many white coats among the very newest importations, and. those In the very heavy materials are always most attractive. Support of Trimming. More than ever before is wire needed in millinery. Any creations of voile and flowers and feathers stand high in the felr. and are upraised apparently by their ewn force However, the flower egrets nnd the long and ostrich plumes that rear their altitude above a hat are all supported by almost Invisible wire. Cure for Biting Kails. Chewing gum may be used as a means bf effecting a cure for unfortunate vic tims of the nail-biting habit Those In the habit of biting their nails should provide themselves with a supply chewing gum. and whenever they are taken with the irresistible desire td bite the sails they should chew a piece of gum. Same as last Year. Little or no change Is seen In the man nish shirts of unshrinkable flannel. wwcn are the correct thing for sport' ing wear 11 a THE KIMONO GOWN. I 4 r--- -U i9 s' jytr . !. '".'A. A A -ffv-' '' "A lilt- mfff''. .'!' ' IS1! "I' ill V'l: .'!.' l r. N1 .I i Hi frill i: Hi1 Ml ' 1 1 'W'fI iH;flN "Visr MBr! VEGETABLE GARDEN. IS YERI PROFITABLE Whether this type of gown Is due to the Japanese Influence or not, it has unmistakably the lines of the kimono. The material Is white serge with an indistinct black stripe. The waist and skirt are seamed together under a belt of bright Oriental embroidery, done in beavy wool upon coarse gray linen. The closing is under the black satin tend. This band Is shaped on the skirt following the outline of the figure at the side. dONVENIEHT AETICLE - TOR QUESTS BOOH One of the greatest conveniences which hostess can devise for her guests Is clearly written card set on the bed' mom writing table detailing the hours of meals, the times of incoming and out gblng posts, the principal trains and other useful Information. It was some one's clever Idea to pro vide a .small china slate In each room, en which- might be written Instructions fir the housemaid. It la often difficult b find her during the day In order to csk for the hot bottle, the glass of warm rnilk, the necessary help when dressing ftr dinner, or other needs that may be required, and to ring for her often Is cot desirable. How to Be Beautiful. ("Paritlenne" in Woman's Realm.) "To have a clear, soft and velvety complexion, massage the face, neck, and arms dally with a solution made by dis solving an original package of mayatone in eigne ounces or witcn nazel. it pre sents facial blemishes and makes the skin lovely, smooth, and fair. A dry shamrjoa Is better than vnth. Ing the head, and there Is no danger of L-aiumus coio. aiix lour ounces of pow dered orris root with an original pack age of therox. sprinkle a little on the head and brush it out well. It refreshes the scalp and makes the hair clean." light, wavy, and lustrous. "Hairs on the face mar a. woman's beauty. They will vanish quickly if del atone paste is arplled Mix enough pow dered delatone and water to cover the hairs, apply and permit to remain two or three minutes; then rub off, wjish the skin, and the hairs will be gone. "For sores, tkin eruptions, pimples, eczema and similar beauty destroyers, itrjr Mother's Salve. It heals cuts. Burns, scalds, without leaving a scar, and is recommended for obstinate sores." LADIES, Try one of our "Violet Kay' Facials. To introduce my famous greaseless massage cream. I will give free one Jar with each treatment. Combings made Into switches, transformations. Psyches, &c at summer rates. "We are selling our J4 00 and 4S.oA braids at 12.26. our $10.00 and 115.00 braids for J7.50. Will pay yoa to call and Inspect them before buying else- Tfie Sanitary Beauty Parlors, , 1006 F St. N. VV. Airy Millinery. Very dainty -and appropriate for the summer are the new hats of fine leg born, large and flat In shape, and trim med only with a huge bow of tulle or lace. These are finely plaited and wired with the finest hat wire Sometimes they are butterfly bows. and again they are compressed into the shape of ah egret In either event they must stand erect and are poised to the right front Tonic Bath. A tonic bath that can easily be achiev ed Is obtained by procuring a bowl of moistened salt With the salt the body saoum De ruooea all over, after which a shower bath should be taken, or If such a form of ablution Is not forthcom Ing a tub of tepid or cold water, if It be preferred, should be enjoyed A brisk rub down wim a hard towel completes the tonic process. - POEMS THAT HAYE HELPED MME. LEON GOWNS 513 12th St. N. W. BOIIE COMFORT HCHfmRtNn MACHINE, on d th. ouaf. wnmterfnl torcnuoos ef Use ate. SeU-sodiiss. Kit- upv; Esift - bo enacts. Be Utsmdit. TflD lut t x run. Tevrear eM e6M on tpeiau M. fawniif soar; Bold tmdeT rurmstM. f)2. OO. HOME COHFOET S izta Bt. X. E. oa tar tit tieseBttaJeB THE BIL'E AD THE GRAY. (Published at the nqnot of Mix C E. CarresUr ) ay the now of the inland river. Whence the fleets of iron had ft. Where the blades of the brave grass I quiver Asleep are the ranks of the dead Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the judgment day; Under the one the Blue Under the other the Gray. These In the roblngs of glory Those in. the gloom of defeat All with the battle blood gory. xn me aujjc or eternity meet; Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment day; Under the laurel the Blue Under the willow the Gray. From the silence of sorrowful hours, The desolate, mourners go. Lovingly laden "wifh flowers. Aiute ror the friend. and th foe Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the judgment day Under the roses the Blue Under the lilies the Gray. So. with an equal splendor. The morning sun-ravs fall. With a, torch Impartially tender. un me Dioisoms dooming for all; Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment day; Broldered with gold the' Blue Mellowed with gold the Gray. So. when the summer callelh On forest and field of grain, " With an equar murmur falleth The cooling drip of the rain; J Under the sod and the dew, "Waiting the Judgment day; Wet with rain, the Blue,. " Wet with rain, the Gray. Sadly, but, not with upbraiding. The generous deed" was done; In the storm of the years now fading. " No braver battle was wont. Under the sod and the dew. Waiting the Judgment day; Under the blossoms, the Blue, tinder "the garlands, the Gray. 1 rfo more shall the war-cry sever, -Or the wlndlmr rivers b.r.rf. They banish our anger forever When they laurel the graves of our .dead. Under the sod and. the dew. Waiting the judgment day; Xpre and tears' for the Blue, Tears and love or the Gray. By r. M. rtoeh, Saudi 'Plot of Ground Is All That Is Heeded, These are garden days times when every ne of us feels the lure of mother earth and the desire to dig and weed and plant and water, and become farm ers on a tiny scale, and in consequence all through the suburbs ahd even In town housewives are planning wee vegetable beds, as well as flowers. And one can really have quite & num ber of vegetables "In. even a small space, and now Is the time to plant them. Let tuce, the more hardy variety, should be sown now, as well as radishes, while parsley wilt make a good border for the edge of your garden and form a useful adjunct to the cooking all summer. At the back of the garden, being care ful to plant them so that they will not cut off the sun from the rest of tbe bed. one may plant, a few bean vines, and neat to them your little tomato plants (bought already started) may be set out But have plenty of space, for the to mato vines grow very big, and two or three hardy plants will pretty wall suo- ply a family with tomatoes for months. Two eggplant roots will also as you will find, provide you with a number of these vegetables, while bush lima beans are" Lnother good vegetable for the home garden. Cucumbers may also be planted, but they require a warm, moist, rich, and loamy sou, and tne ground must be pre pared for them If the garden Is the ordi nary suburban one. Peas also require a good, strong, and fertile land, and need quite a little room, so are best avoided by the housewife with only a small amount of space. One may. however, have some delicious MtumsmMs sW W I Wr iM trs'sa Iw ICY V 1 at .tvsu aw 'THE.BUSYiCORNER $9.90 MiYir If firt Hid ShIi fcirdisiit Piw.r in Suits, Goats, and Dresses PrritMy Mivtr Will Aim Tiwifire Take Mvmtigt f titt CkauM WhiTe YtM Can And select from garments-made by leading New Tork makers for exclu sive Fifth Avenue trade, secured by us, because of the backwardness of the season, at one-fourth to one-half regular prices. Suits, Coats, and- Dresses that express tbe latest word In fashion beautiful materials, faultless finish, highest class workmanship. This la unquestionably the chance of a lifetime you are losing money by not taking- advantage fit it. Suits Wirt. PQ nn np to $30. w-JU worthto$45 $9,90 Goats worth f n nn to $35 . . uuiuu Suit Store Second Floor. squash and some spinach, and also. If you are blessed with a recipe book with some (French recipes in it: plant 'some torrel. for it Is a most delectable plant lor and salads, used as only the French know how to use it If you have an extra corner of the gar den when your Vegetables are. in. give It over to herbs, to be grown and dried for tbe winter. The seeds are Inexpen sive, the herbs grow well, and you can have all kinds of savory flavoring for meats and .soups throughout the winter If you plant a bit of ybur garden with the spicy, good-smeIllngltttle plants. The wide shawl-like lace collars which fall far over tbe shoulder and the fichus of line linen or net are much in vogue. A novelty in millinery this season is the crown of one color and tne orun ot another. 'ine quauty of tne straw may also vary. r Women's Crepe Kimonos, $1.50 Values for $1.19 Women's Long Crepe Kimonos, in light blue, navy, and lav ender, with borders ot pink roses. flT-PAYSTO DEAL AT GOLDENBERG3" 3EVENTrf AND K "THEDEPENDABLETORE!, 5-4 Table Oilcloth, Wac Yard. Remnant lot of best quality S-quarter Table Oil cloth, In plain white, fancy effects, and tiling patterns. Regularise grade at half price. 50c Stair Linoleum at 29cYd. Lot of Heavy-weight Linoleums, 22 H and 27 Inches wide, for stair and hall run ners. Plain brown center, with fancy border. Sold regu larly at 50c yard. Re duced to 2Sc yard. Phenomenal Values in Unfrimmed Hats 98c Values Worth $3 and $4. $1.98 Values Worth ' $5 and $6. The season's most important sale of Untrimmed Hats, representinfj the surplus stock of a prominent wholesalt milliner we secured at astonishingly small cost. Choice of an unlimited as sortment of the choicest and most beautiful shapes produced for summer wear fine quality braids, in small, medium, and large hats. No woman can possess so many hats that she can afford to miss this chance 'to own another smart and chic shape for summer wear. Untrimmed Mats worth JS and H Choice of a large variety of the choicest styles in Small. Medium, and Large Hats of genuine Imported hemp, some with vel vet edges, also Fine Quality Chip Hats in black and white combinations. Black Chip Hats In walking shapes, with white chip facings. Black Imitation Hemp Hats with velvet flange; Finest Grade Domestic Black Hemp Hats with roll edges of white or black; also Genuine Milan Braid Hats In rtO black and white. Regular J 3.00 and 14.00 kinds MQQ Untrimmed Hats worth J5 and tC Highest grade quality. Including Imported Hemp .Hats in solid black, black with white underbrim. also burnt and plain white, medium and large shapes in the smartest and dressiest models designed for summer wear Included are the latest style Double-edge Hsts and Tam Crown Hats. Hemp Hats are the most favored because ot their durability and style. The opportunity ti gr is now offered to buy the finest kinds at Jk I MK the lowest price ever named. Choice at... V '''-' Remnants of White and Wash Goods Two Big Lots of the Season's Choicest Fabrics at Sensationally Low Prices for Remnant Day 25c and 39c IMP. WASH GOODS. 121jc, 15c and 19c WHITE GOODS. Remnants of White Goods, Including 40-Inch White India Linon, 36-Inch White French Percale, 35-lnch White Llnenrflnish Cannon Cloth. 36-Inch White Pa jama Checks, 36-Inch White Longcloth. 36-Inch White Nainsook In plain and checks, 47-Inch White French Lawn. White Check Dlmlt) White Embroidered and Dotted Swiss. White Mereerlzed Madras. f q Ac.: in good, useful lengths. Remnant price, HjC Remnants and Dress Lengths of Fine Quality Im- Eorted Wash Fabrics, including Mercerized Check iress Ginghams, Habotlne Silks, Jacquard Silks, Dot ted and Figured Foulards, Sllk-strlped English Voile, Silk Scarrings. Tarn Mercerized Poplins and Pongee, Satin-stripe Poplin. 36-lnch Marquisette. Imported Woven Tissues, S6-lnch English Reps. 40- r Inch Bordered Foulards, &c. Sale price, lUC From Our Great Silk Sale Remnants of 59c & 75c Silks, Friday, at 25c a Yd. Incredible as it may seem, you'll find the values in to-day's silksale just as startling as the above headline leads you to ex pect All the remnants and short leneths of silks left from this , week's sale of silks which were exposed to a recent heavy rain- aiumi nunc i ucuiaii aie inuuucu at a price mat win Dnng a record Crowd here this morning. At 25c a yard choice offered of High-grade Silks. sUch a's Imported Messallnes in plain and changeable colorings; 24-Inch SaUn Foulard. 24-Inch Shantung Pongee. Colored Taffetas, SaUn Liberty. Stripe and Check Taffetas, Striped Washable Tub Silks. Ac All the most desirable colors In the assortment " H?fu 'en,?11 for summer waists and dresses. Regular Etc and 75 4UO.all.tCS IWaT 0U & JTts.rU. Boys Shoes and Oxfords, $2.00, $2.50, and $3.00 fe1 Ofi Qualities' . . ..... M-LlK7 All am splendid up-to-date styles and In fine quality, serviceable leathers. Including Ruisla calf. rfl.tnt mt nH vnn mt.ii .-,.... ..., bltichar models of hlffh shoes and blucher oxfords. Hand-sewed and welt but the blemishes are hardly noticeable and do not hurt the wear or good wwna. -a,a uit- aa hue IUI 11UIII IV IU 173 BHQ A IO O. Regular 12.00, I2.S0, and tl.00 qualities for J1.63 pair. 4th Flopr Remnant Lots. Lot of Oood Quality -Yard-wide SUkollnes, Madras, and Curtain Swiss, desirable lengths, from 1 to 10 yards, suitable for making- cur tains, scarfs, and draperies, ao Begular ,1234c values.'Rem- hfP nant price, yard V4.V. Lot of odd rolls and remnants ot Best Grade China and ISO-warp Ja panese Mattings, In checks, stripes, plaids, and carpet designs; colorings of green, red, blue, and tan; odd rolls contain full 40 yards and rem nants In lengths from S to 30 yards. Begular 20c and SSc Tildes. Rem nant price, yard...!.,... ,17ic IS Large Room Slxe (8 ft. -3 by 10 ft. ) Brussels Rugs. 9-wlre grade; many made in one piece: others per fectly matched; made with four-inch hemmed ends, whlchi prevent curl Ipg; Id handsome floral, medallion ana conventional designs; choice coionngs. values worm ana is.uu. tit aucea to........ , SOExtra Fine Grade Sample. Rugs, Including Rozbury, Sanford, Smith all 9zl2 ft. largest room slxe: most of them made In one niece: choice of floral. Oriental, medallion, and con ventional designs; colorings to suit any room decoration; grades tnat -.$8.98 sold regularly at Jl '. it JO, $1975 SUMMER UNDERWEAR Women's Gauze Llale Vests; low neck and sleeveless, taped neck and arms. Some plain, others trimmed 1 rr with lace yokes. Regular 25c I O value. Remnant price - v Women's Gauze Vests, low neck and sleeveless, some plain, others trimmed with lace yokes. 1 f Regular 15c value. Reduced JQ Women's Pure Lisle Vests; low neck and sleeveless: silk taped neck and arms: subject to lmper- -"" fectlons. Regularly 50c Re- VOf duced to CJK Women's extra sire Gauze Pants; umbrella style, finished witn nn French muslin bands. Rem- Mf nant price, pair -. -y Muslin Underwear Lot of Mussed aud Soiled Muslin Underwear, left from the May Sale, consisting of Gowns. Princess Slips, and Combination Garments, made of fine quality materials, trimmed with embroideries, laces, and rib- rr bons of excellent grade. rlSff Regular 98c values for vc Odd lot of Women's Muslin Draw ers, Short Skirts and Corset Covers, neatly trimmed and well i-t made: slightly soiled. Reg- tin. ular 25c values at w Batiste Brassieres, trimmed with edgings Of embroidery and lace, DDoea wun naion; oro ken sizes of regular 50c line 38c Big Ribbon Values All-silk Rihbons. lneludlnc tnfr.t. satin, and gros. grain. All col- r ors. Values worth 10c and 15e hp yard, reduced to... - Silk Bahv nllifwtn nit MlnM lengths from 2 to 4 yards. Sold regularly at 2c yard. Re- I n duced to. ,.tl, ...-.. kAV 5c and f! flllk. Satin. nit Taffeta Ribbons; all colors; reduced to......... 2ic -l&C and 10ft nihhnna InMnrli'fiO" taffeta, satin. Tnnlr. anA x fancy effects. Remnant price. -yC ft Ml II HIM II 11 If Mltltl UtMt4l MM MM l'M-M4f V The Watkiatto HersJd'i Greit Booklovers' Contest. I PICTURE No. 46. Friday, Msy 17. 1912. J X i ' The Book R'etwasented bv Above Picture Is 2 - -? TlUe Author Your Name' Street and Number. City and Town , T Write In title and author of book and SAVE coupon and pictures. Send T no coupon until end of the contest. Each picture represents re book title T not a scene or character. Catalogues containing 6,000 names, on which T all puzzle pictures are based the catalogue used by the contest editor T are for sale at the business office of The Herald for 25 cents; by mall. X 30 cents. ..f $250 in Cash Prizes 4th to 13th Prizes $10 books. 14th to 33d Prizes $5 books. 34th to 83d Prizes $1 books. The Citizens' Savings Bank, located in the Bond Building, at 1406 New York Avenue, holds on deposit the sum of $250, sub ject to the order of The Washington Herald Company, who will present it to those contestants who are-designated by the examin ing committee which is to sit in final judgment on the. answers submitted. The bank will issue the money in the shapeof "savings de posits," on which its regular interest will be paid. Those who in- cline to thrift will find that bank an ideal one for'all that comes to the needs of individual or family. X Booklovers contestants are invited to visit ' The CHUem Savings Bank. Bond Banding. 1406 N. Y. Avenue N. W. X Third Prize Value $500 1 Library from Brentano's ' Those "booklovers" who love books ahead of all other af- fection consider the third prize in this contest as the first X A library, selected by the highest authority in the leading book shop in the world, is a gift that those who worship at the literary shrines call "adorable," and one that whets the cravine of those who are in the earlier stages of the thirst for higher $ KllUWICUgC. 4, Of course, the winner of this prize will have full opportunity ? to consult with the Brentano management in the interest of final amendment to suit his or her taste. As the selection stands now, t not a volume that would injure the thinking of a twelve-year-old f girl haS been permitted. The library has an actual cash value of t $500, and will be exhibited at Brcntano's, 12th and F Streets Northwest. I . .$ Second Prize Value $750 Kingsbury Inner-Player Piano Oa Exhibition by the Percy S. Foster Piano Co. 1330 G Street N. W. I isHi3ssSWt z a. i FIRST PRIZE. Building Lot Value. $1,000. t han die: Highlands LCAmfOLOftlhS, UMTErMMK The Herald offers- for first prize a lot in Thirtieth Street in Randle Highlands. The lot has a frontage of thirty-five feet and is surrounded by the best environment in a suburban hdme of that X character. J Randle Highlands, as shown by the comparison pyramid here- with, is higher than either the Capitol or the White House. It is aoout twelve to fifteen minutes from the heart of Wash ington and accessible by Pennsylvana Avenue cars. It has been riehtlv areued that if there is reallv a "Paris of America," Washington is thatdty. What Paris is to Prance, i Washington is to the United States. J If the winner of the first prize shall be the possessor of a $ nome, he or sne snail own a bit ott property that has a great ih' vestment prospect. 9 f ? ftT'iritlMmi-titlll