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i !EHE WASHpfeTpy HERAIJX SATURDAY, MA35 08, 1912. - XX 18 Men Allowed Amateur Clubs AMATEUR CLUBS ALLOWED 18 MEN BY HEW RULE Amendment to the Constitution Passed at Meeting last Night GBUT AHD MOELLEB ATTEHD Ai predicted, In these columns several cays ago tne amendment to tne const tutlon of the Amateur Commission., as Introduced by President Oral, of the Northern Association, and amended by President Beach, of the Capital City League, was passed at the tneetlns of that body last night In Spalding's store In Fourteenth street. The amendment-call for eighteen men to a team instead of fifteen, as was made in the new constitution. This motion -was carried last night, by a vote of 4 to 2 after President Young; of the commis sion, had 'heard the question argued on both sides, Messrs, Beach. Graf. 'Wins low and Lore voting for the amendment and Messrs. Roakes. .Edwards and Cor nelius -voting against,.!. Now any team under the commission can -sign tighten men, three more than -nas allowed under the old constitution. This will prove a big help to many of the' managers, as they had found It Impos sible to get more than nine men out on many occasions, and with three addi tional .men. to) draw from It la expected that better baU will be played In the majority of the circuits. Release Time Questioned. The next business of the commission, "which probably rook up as much time as the entire other business together, was the question as to the time a release should be dated. Al Hoffman, released by the Pumpers of the Capital City League and wanted by the Navy lard club of the same league, was on hand to state his case, as he did not want to Tlay with the Navy Yard aggregation. Man ager La Clair, it was stated, had neer tendered Hoffman a contract, and If he does not ask him to sign to-day the plajer will become a free, agent. Secretary Shurtleft brought up the question of the status of local bojs belonging to clubs under the commission and trying out with the Senators of the United States League. The commission ruled that said plajers would not be de clared professionals should thty return to the fold before June 1. The secretary was asked to Invite the Government, Treasury and Navy Inter Bureau Leagues to become members of the commission upon request of Man nger Love, of the Sherwood team of the Sunday School League. Secretary Shurtleft brought the fund for Injured plajers before the commis sion, hut it was referred to the different leagues for advisement. Boss Griff on Hand. Manager Clark Griffith, of the Katlon--oix, was an Interested spectator at the meeting, as was Danny Moeller, the speedy left "ileider .of ourj hustling ball club Moeller "was deeply Interested In the workings of the local body, and time and again asked regarding the several Sections of the constitution. Two cups will be tendered the amateur -champions of the District this fall. Man ager King, of the A. J Spalding Co . offering one, and Capt, Edwards, of the Edwards & Zanner Co, donating the other trophy. There will be a meeting of the North ern Association next Monday night m -the Washington Herald Building, when all managers are requested to be pres ent The meeting will be called to order prompt' at S o'clock. "Country" Mortis, the star ball tosser of Technical High, who has had a trial with the Worcester club of the New England League, returned to town yes terday, being dissatisfied with the treat ment afforded him at the Massachusetts city Morris will play with the Pepco team of the Independence League "Big Six" Brewer, the local boy who was with the Nationals a short while -during the early part of last jear. also returned to the city yesterday, suffering from a sore arm and split finger. Brewer was with the Bridgeport club of the Con5 necticut League. C. W. SWAN. TTRTtAT.T) TEAM WINS. U. r Andrews Beaten, In "Well Played Game, 4 -to 3. The Herald, team won Its first game of, the "Northern, League season yester day, defeating Andrews, 4 to J, In a fast, well, played game. The Herald team showed considerable improvement Eddie Thompson, with good support, earned a league strike-out record of IS. Walters, for Andrews, also pitched good ball, but was handicapped by poor support The Herald team ran. wild on the bases, totaling IS. In alt The feature of the game was a running- catch by Whltmarsh. Score; Herald, ab h o ae Kbit rf... 4 0 0 0 o BHra. cf Mill Uoleman, 3" KusidtU. lb. ! I 4 I 0 Ren. an.i i e t o wu. in-.. a q Delahunt. If . 4 1 0 t 0 Thompson, p. 4 3 1 2 t Andrews. AB H O A X Tiotort, rf .. ill; ig Beach. Mulrer. It Hit Hntchlnam A I I I Immetthen. lb 3 111 0. 0 Bauer, as... S0sr Mcintosh. S.HIII twsltenv p.-." 0 4J Totals ioiaii ToUU...... a nil J Herald 1,11 I 1 1 I H Andresn ..!.. J J 0l I 0 0-J Eon-Whltma-ah O. O'Brien. Tbomiaoo. Tip ton CJ, Immnthen, .Earned nstj-Ana-Tn, z; Ber- aia, . rat Due or errors Anarrws. i: urraia. 2. Left on base Andrews,; Bull It Pint name on uausuiz. waiters. : oa tnompson. 2. Struck out Br Watt-n, 3: by TlMtarAoo, It, Sac rifice hit Be!. Stake. baes llrrav, Beach. Whit, marsh, Ollriea. Solcmaa (IT, JtamsdeU (2). Ball. Thompson (I). Double pit Saner to -Mcintosh. Umpire Mr. -Jenkins, lima of ram- boon. AGGIES LOSE. .. . SWEEHETS UT DOES H. Boston., lijlimo. 4 l 1 Camnseil. et. 1 4 erner. "a.- 4 1 a Ml 4 Bit 4141 KUcs. c.. it'll IHeuoo, P. 3 o I, o Totals...... rMxiil & Homer, lb... Resile, 3b.... 3 100 Bowler. IX .3 111) Mexmxj. cf.3 i 3 0 Straight. e. 3 110 3 0 WciaVrer. p. 3 t i I Totals..... SIsHl -.. rf. 4 1I0O w-ran. If... I 0 111 Cullinan, if": 110 9 Bailer. llv,. 4 1 It 2 0 Watt. aa!Z!ls 0 2 S'O Jones, a.owS 0 2 10 Downey, m. a l a o MeQrsth. Sxl ::s 1 Field. p... 4 llll aier- ... ... i o 9 o McNaiudut .. 1 S 0 0 Totals...:. Jl l5tlTS Batted for Wait la ninth. Batted for. Jones In .ninth. Atzies.................. 1-1 1 I I I I I M War.... -.........., !,l I I I I I I i-l Rime CuUInan. EUis Krjmes. First base oo errocsAtTies. 1; War, 1. Left on base Aeries. I; War. 5. First baas on balla-OT IVeiaeDberxer. 4. Strock oat-Br Field. S: D Wriaenberrtr, I. Two- ClnYaU. .ABROAE Marttnarif...S 110 0 Bates, ct I X I I HoblirU, U)3 311 I 0 MUebeO. rf.. I 1 I1 1 Efan. i.., 3 llll t-bclalt 3b... 4 0 4 3 0 Tamond, saw. 3 0 4 3 X McLean. s.lll!l Grant 0 0 0 0 0 Caarsr. p.. .3 1 0 t 0 & lidWdt I I I I Totals.-. 31 T3"l Han for UcLesa la tenti. i.Battl forGsspsr in tests. ri.rf..M .. . 000010103 1-4 Boston................ 0030001003-s Snss-Uarsssa. Bates. HobUtxrO. Grant. K. Mc- Dooald, Bweenrj, Dnua, KUnj C9. Dictaoo. Two- psse an ti aieuonaia. TnTescsMss xax evcener. Kirrtflcm- alls Hoblltxrll. Ecu. Dickson. BtcJra buea Mamns, Orant. Left oa Twin rrnHrnitti, 3; Boston, 5. Doable plar Ecan to Euncpd to Bob- liuelL Strock ont-Br Caspar, I; by Dlckaoa, L First bass on balla-OI Gssptr, 3: eS Dickson. I. Umptrea Messrs. Johnston and Eason. Tims of (ante 3 boon and 3 minutes. DOOIFS DAISIES WIN. Miller, cf. ,30400 Phlfflea. ABEOAE Knaca. 3s... 14 10 Tttos. rt... 3 10 10 Uaree. lf.-. 4 0 3 0 1 lAaema, lb.. 4 ZI0 I 0 Crsrttn. rf..5 14 0 0 Downer. 3b... 3 10 0 1 nmlan. aa.- 1 0 1 1 Doc4n. c.i. 4 3 I 0 0 Alexander, p.. 1 1 0 0 0 ocsum. sa... a s a Totals.... jiSriil hchnlte. rf-4 3 3 I I Zbs-maa. Sb. s 0 2 1 0 Hofman. lb.. 4 t 0 0 Tinker. s. 12 3 3 1 Errrs. 9x.. fllJl Archer, c.J 13 10 Brown. p.T 10 0 0 0 Lennox .. 10 0 0 0 Mdntrre. P..0 llll lioodei ....... 0 0 0 0 0 Saler' ... 10 0 0 0 CSa. p. 0 0 110 Totals... "TSTn"i Batled for Brown tn second. tBatted for Melntrra in fourth. 'Batted for IUchta la serenth. Diuadelpbia........ Vll 030110-7 Cblcsso. .,. HDIIilM Bn.fa.rh.rBwrw. Hofman. Tinker, Eers. ooda. Loderaa. Crarath. Downer (I). Dooin. Btta Off Brown. 3 In 3 Inninn; off Udntrr. 4 tn 1 lnnlnn: off Alexander. 3 m 32-3 Innings; off Blcble. 4 in 3 Irmlnfii Two-baas hits Dooin. Doolu. Batman. Sacrifice bits Archer. Doolan Double nlars Doolan to Knsbe: Tmkrr to Zrers to Hofman (. Bases on balls Off Alexan der. 4: off Hclntrre. 2. Strock oat Br Alexander. T;-cy seaton. 3: cy Cole, I. Hit br pltciud ban Ltidcraa, Cmrtm Measn. Brennaa and Oweni." nma Cz same 3 hoars and 30 sunate. CENTRAL HIGH IS AN EASY WINNER OYER BUSINESS Stenographers No Hatch for Coach Gargan's -Soys, losingr, 13 to 1. WJDMAYEB PLAYS STAR GAME SCHOLASTIC SEEIES, Tcsierdayw Result. Central, 13; Business, 1. hundreds; solb EVERY WEARER-DELIGHTED Splendid 4II-W00I Blue Serges Ne& Brojr Blues, Grays, Stripes THAT LUTE XT $12.50 IS A WJ.4fKK. Hext Game Tnesdar. Technical vs. Western. Standins of the Clubs. W. "U Pet. Technical 3 0 Western 3 0 Central 3 2 Business 0 3 Eastern 0' 3 1.000 1.000 .500 .000 .000 VST; LOUIS WALL0PPED. SHEEW00D ON TOP. Xntivlty -Beaten In Snnday School Ijearcne Game. Sherwood defeated Nativity In what proved- to be the- best '.game yet played In the Sunday School League yesterday. score. S toL Smithson, twirllne for the losers. pitched an excellent game, striking; out fourteen. Fatten and Porter played well for the winners. Score: Sbtrwond. ABHOAB1 Katirltr. ABHOAE ratten, as.... 4 116 0 'johnwa. 3b.. 4 110 1 (.TSOa, io.... A . V U lXUil. C... t 1 It 11 HaauL nil 1 R. Bason, lb 4 110 0 Itauchertj. cf 4 0 0 0 0 -llntctJnaOQ If 4 0 0 0 0 luck, if J o o s o Hmsll. ax... 2 1 I 0 0 Durtty. sa 3 10 2 1 L S 1 11 ..,-3 0 0 3 0 Dore. p. Totala. . . SJ S 21 Total- .. .. 33 321 T Sherwood 04100011 z-S NatlTitr.. I I I 1 I I I I H Bona rattcc. Porter. Koone, Hanley (S.JohnsoD, Two-bass bits ration. Porter, Johnson, Duritr, Three-base bit Noon. Stolen baaes rattan, dem ents. Noone, Hsnler. Docbl plsrs Doro Xo Patton to Erans; CbhSl to Small. Left on bases Sher- ood. 4. Katfrttr. 4 nrat- Haw on nana Dare. First base on crrorsCsilrltT. 2. Strock out Bj Dore. 10, br Smithson. H. Wild pitches-Dora (3. Umpire lit. Herbert. Tims of xamer-1 hour and 3J minutes. PAST PERFORMANCES From i- SUM to dirk Griffith Well, who was surprised that our brave boys put it all o er the St Losers yesterday? And there will be carryings on out at the Concrete Coliseum to-day copper tbe dope. MAT IE IXS-Xatiooals.. 0 2 4 Detroit......... t rx&-riauonais S 1 Ctiloro.. ........ 10 13 4 1 Cleveland S 11 lttS-Satlonala.. i 10 2 Chicago........ 1 3 ra iipen. HOT Nationals Totals 4t H Totals......... 33 K 5 Charler Jones, then with tTsabincton. scored from second oa a sacrifice ftr to crnter, i.Muig a record, for which be is seldom credited. Won. 2. lost. 4. Aeerare runs per fame for Na tionals, 314, for opponents, Ki. Areraxe hhs per game for Nstionala. 7 33. for orponenta, tl. Arersre errors per same for ?aHooas. 2 5-C, for orpanenls, S4. 3toran. uanoart Hmlth. .Gormen, ex.. z I o o Wheat. If . ( 2 5 0 Hummel, lb.. 3 113 0 Tooler. sa... 4 3 4 3 1 lwin. c S 13 10 tndlna-, p.. I 2 0 3 0 Totals... Ulirii 1 St, -Lasix. ABHOAE HueSd-V n... 3 12 3 0 EUnTlt ...01302 itowrer. Sb... 4 0 1 t 0 Knnetcbr. lb. 3 3 13 1 0 Sillier. rf... 4 10 0 0 Haoser. ss... 4 2 13 0 Osaes. ((..Illll ttlnro. a... 2 0 0 10 Inrntir. a... 10 0 0 1 Oerer, n.. 0 0 0 1 0 Dale, p.. 10 0 0 0 Woodbom. p. 0 0 0 2 0 iiarmon. p... v a i Maret" SmTlh' ... l l e o o , 1 9 0 0 ,10 0 0 0 uiisul Totals Batted for Dale in the fourth. Balled for Woodbom in tha sixth. Batted for Harnvn in the ninth. BrooUrn .... .21140001 2-U EL loots . ... 110110100-J Runs Moras C3K Danbert (21, Bcnlth (2), Nona en. Wheat (21, Erwin. YmrilatT (2). HuttJna fa, Konetehr, Haoser. Osasa Twc-baaa hit Wheat. Three-bsM hits Oaba, Wheat, Teeter lloma rons Erwin, Konetehr Ssaince hits Smith (21. Stolen bi Rmlth. Doablt plar Tooler to Dan bert. Hits made OS Gerer. 1 in I Inalnx; off Dale. Ibl lnnlnn: on Woodbom. 1 In 2 ln nlnra. IWt on bases BrooUrn, 3; St Loal. S. Btrack oat Br Dale, 3; br Harmon. 1. br Wood bom. 1. Bases en baCa-OU TiCfUnc 3, off Gerer. 3; off Woodbom, 1; off Hitw, ia off Dale. 2, Umpriea Messrs. Elem and Bosh. ELMEE SMITH IN FORM. First Presbyterians tried to check the onward march of the Christians, but by bunching their drives off Doris In the fourth, Ninth scored five times on two triples and three singles, and was never In danger after that. Elmer Smith pitched gilt-edge ball all the way. Score: vtntiiRt Anirni Caaaidr. 3b... 4 2 0 2 1 jTpodie. cf. 4 0 0 0 0 a Brme. lb. 3 3 S 0 1 M. Br-mo, Zb. 1 0 1 1 0 Crabbie. If 3 0 O 0 0 ranahaw. rf . 3 1 0 0 0 Harris, as... 2 0 0 2 0 Sc... z i y i i th. pL-3 1 0 3 0 Totals ... 23 III f 3 lac. rrrt. HinOlE Man. lf 3 110 0 Thornett, XII 111 Jumping on Eddie ilcAleer, who was burling them over for the Business ag gregation yesterday at Union league Park, the Central outfit managed to cor ral thirteen-runs, while the Stenograph ers were forced to be content with a lone tally. UcAIeer went along great until the fourth round, when a couple of hits and a couple of. errors gave the O Streeters two runs. The real fireworks came in the fifth stanza, when Gargan'a lads sounded said McAleer for sir hits. which, with a base on balls and a couple. of errors, gave the Blue anjl White club Ave runs and the game. "Lefty" Taggart was on the mound for Central, and while be did not seem to have a great deal, the Stenographers wen unable to hit him at the proper time, and as a result he allowed them but fle blngles and one run. Wldmayer, In center for the Pen Push ers, put up a corking good game, snag ging a line drive off McDonoughB bat In She third Inning that was a peach. "Wld' came In on the ball and Just managed to hang on after taking tumble. This was easily the feature play of a poor game. Brennan and Kimball were the leading bitters of the fray. Score: CrnlraL ABITOAE JIcTooocr cf 3 0 0 C 0 HeSUn. Jo..... 0 2 110 VraBliE7. ml xmmMmwLmmMw sH f VLsaHHHsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW " I :::LJ WmwM 1 1 TO l i I taac?; SBBsl i (Mors-importers C. E. Foster, Manager .. Electrio Park Selections. - t A Cassimert and Cheviot Frith Front th MBit COITATO TROUSERS XABE TO MEASURK. GTJARaJiTEED TO PIT. $12-50 We oeatht theta saifisn for cuH direct frssi -titer mlUtv lar Iarje lots, lot tie goods for fsr less tfcta ordiaaxy tailors py. We eU for cash, losiaj BotMaj by bad debts. The credit tailor hn-ta clutixe you $5 more. We ure yoa tlut 95. New Summer Styles $17 Tha aewaat ikxiaa sad werres jnit recedre 4533 sad $35 Wonteds, Serge. ritntmcTesr Costs sad Trousers mads to Hearsr... ...... . Taese teods Bsra msda a Uz hit vith fbo Ixtt dressess ia Xew York. HAOTSOME, strictr Txp-to-dste, st a Ttry jaoderste price, yon tvaat to look tbess over. All Oooda Msnrafd I Plalrn Flarurwa Oae Pries. To AH. Four hundred -varieties, from $15 up to J40. Ton can (et EXACTLY what yoa want here, sad at from ,5 to lio less than you pay most tailors for the. same hijh quality. Morton C.St6ut& Co. 910 F STREET N. W. Eleven Bis; Establishments Ia Elevea Blar Cities. lmemst'n. 3)IS1I nidmarrr. cf3 0 4 0 1 ItmL lb. 4 110 O 1 Denica. rf p. 3 113 0 w aruieci. u . z a a a Zarolclr. ss.. 1 0 0 1 0 nritmnller. a O S 1 1 ItcAleer. p... 1 0 0 2 0 R. C.... Z 9 V V ford. sa3 0 0 11 Rchaefrr lOl 0 0 O 0 Barrett, rf... I 0 0 0 0 Totals-.. Mcaa. S 2 t 3 0 Klnr, lb.... 0 2 13 0 ObrrUn as... (2222 Y air ztu. . 9 A 9 Kimball. If... 4 3 0 0 0 VacDonald. rf 4 I 0 1 1 xaccarc. pw... v Totala... n:u 3 S 1713 l . .. 000001000-1 Osntral.................. 0 0 0 3 1110 4-13 Rana-.Boenutsia. UcDononrh f2). nefths Ilea. Kaa( (31, 4MrUa T). -ralr.-Ktlnbal-. 3I( Donald. Tarrart. First base br errora Business; 3. Central, a. Left en bases Business, 10: Central. 11. First base cat bans-OS uoAleer. 1: off Derrick. 4: oS Tasrart. f. Innincs pitched Br McAleer, 5. br Drrnec 4, luu made 03 ucAleer, 10: o3 Derrick. 3. Strock out-Br McAleer. 2, br Derrick. br Taizart. J. Two-baao hits Kimball. Mrea. Sacrifice hits-Kimball. Wldmarrr Stolen baaes Hdtmullrr. McDononsh (21. Hrfttn (9. Oberlin 12). Mesa. Wood. King. Hit br pUeher-Br Tacart. Bormstein. Faaaed balls Uelunoller (1) Time of fame 2 hours and 10 minutes. larla. n. 1 S 1 O 1 Todd. p. 10 0 0 0 Totals... Sl"5 34 Ninth Street. 1 I I I I I-l First Presbrternui. ............ 0 2 0 0 0 1-3 Rons Caaaidr. C Brooms (2), it Broome, Fan- anaw, ilazna, uoeoea, c tunltn, Tnampaoo. rmanoakL W Bmlth. Left on bases Mnth. t. 1rst FRsbrterian. . First baa an baUa-03 DaiU . off Todd. 1: off B. Smith. 3. Innints pttcbed-Br Darts, 4, br Todd. 2. Hits made-OS Darts. 4; off Todd. L Struck out-Br Datia, . Todd. I: or E. Smith. 9. Three-ban hlla- Ooebel. Ckaaidr. Two-bawi hits-Cassldr. a Broome. Stolen bases C, Broome. V Broome, Fanahaw (2, Thompson, Srmanoaki. Boms. Hit br Dttcher-Br DstU (Fanahaw). Balks-Dana. B. Smith. Passed baH-Gotbel. CmrtrrIIr. Wood ward. Time of tame 1 boor and 10 minutes. Umbrellas Canes Leather Goods Belts IMPORTERS SfflEHUBW Hatters Haberdashery Furriishers Rubbers DESIGNERS Everything New in Straw Hats JAPS PANAMAS SENNETTS BANGKOKS MILANS NOVELTY STRAWS "The season for "Straws" has found" us prepared for every emergency. Never have we shown as comprehensive a line, both as to variety of straws and styles, as this season. Your every whim, no matter how conservative or extreme as tb style, can be gratified to your entire satisfaction and the price, too, will be right. ,. ' SUMMER SHIRTS:Cool and Comfortable Every, conceivable style, embodying everything of the very newest design, is here for your choosing. Shirts -have always been a leader with us, and nowhere can you find -the sam&satisfac-. ' tion as here for fitting our; for the good old summer time. Plain and pleated bosoms-stripes, checks, and fancy figures soft and stiff cuffs. Clarence H. Reizenstein, New York Avenue at 14fk Street CENTRAI-BIISINESS NOTES. Derrick succeeded McAleer on the mound and pitched good ball, the sev eral passed balls charged to Keltmlller being the cause of three of the O Street era tallies. '"Happr" Mess caught another rood trame. and also managed to land on a high one for two bases. This lad Is easily the best catcher seen In the scho lastic Tanks for many moons, and he will be beard from before long. Brennan broke In the game for Busi ness by slamming out a couple of hits and putting up a neat game in the field. This joungster looks mighty good, and trill be a big hedp to the Stenographers. Faculty Advisor Maurer, of Central, stated after the game esterday that the Tech-Western game would be play ed either at Georgetown next Tuesday or at Union league larsT. next wednes day. a W. SWAN, BACING CARDS FOR TO-DAY. Electric Park. FIRST RACE-Three-rrar-olds and tmward. aell- ies: anoni are ronocas. Tallahaaaee . . . Ill I Sam Weiler . Good Acre 1U I Odd Chert Ill etusn - .. . ill l Tennessee hot..... 113 District Attcmer . IK I Loral Mald........ 111 8ECOD RACE-Tnree-rear-oloa and nmrard selbnc: about lire furlocas. Heinous 110 I Rum in alerrr Chilton . 100 llense .. r. 11 nnneiv 1U I Ace ft OnS In Blur Barnes. . . . l l beorga u. Ball 11 THIRD RACE-Three-jraiwxoa and onward: el ine. six ana crsMiair innonaa. Manalenr X IK I Ranadooa. 1M ioum rkearoer...... in i aisa auTer....H....... iv aieancaon.. il i FOOnTII KACE Tbree-rearclds and tmward selling: sboat firs farloncs. Interns Queen... . 104 l Bnrlr. 5 Excellence. I'M Utile. Eujand ' 110 Lfrw9 n atoies .. .. iu t.a oa rfa........HMM in F1FTU HACB-Fbur yearolds and upward; purse 105 By GEORGE B. MORRIS. First Race Tallahassee, Loyal. Maid, Susan. Second, Race Merlse, Ace of Clubs, George G Hall. Third Race Deduction, Mad River. Mollis Kearney. Fourth Race Love Watches, Inferno Queen. Excellence, Fifth Race Annie Sellers, Gol den Castle. Camel. Sixth Race Gallnda. Argonaut, Toniata. . THREE FAVORITES LAND THE MONEY Willoughby Is Beaten By Chevy Chase Crack Johnny Sherman Vanquishes Opponenis in Open ing Rounds of Annual Golf Tourney. Camel - 10 I Edwin H Golden Caatle... . 108 Grecian Bend. Otllo. - 106 1 SIXTH RACE Three-jear-olda and cpward; seU- RaHnda. Ill Dnat... Masks and Faces. .. Ill I Armsrn Hodas outer......... Ill I Arrccaat.... 'Apprentice allowance claimed. IfODlavIlIe. FIRST IXACE Selling; fl' and onbalf furloojs. 9 t leddah...... 95 I Monro H. ., s JOS 105 Miss Thome ..... lOOUack Rlht. in OmeL... Macs: li""Eubtrie. ' SECOXD BACI Seulns, twrearolds; four and onebalf ftnionss. Whisper Belle.., ,,. WfCcrdio F. ns ..-. Ml .. Jul ,.. 101 Cape Heck.. Klsola.."'; Terrible Bill.. .., W Lnrla. Lamode .. Btxizhtlr Miss .. THIRD KAUt-etr rurionsa. nraatl'nl i. ..... I IWmet.... no Lady Lirhtnltur...... I T. II. Oreen 1H Be)l belsan......... M I Uttl Father Ill Sooida.... . KSorth. ... m FOUITTH JIACE-Clark Handicap; one and oot- suteenta miles. Anr Port iranite.. . 13 Meridian.., .... 116 IS Marr Darls . WmiB W0N...V..1... ioj WierlwrilJit......... VD Bncknom. .. 103 Cnerncla ... I0S Tha Manasrr......... 106 Star Bottle and HrrMlari. Carmen entry. FIFTH KACE Two-rearolda: four and one-half farlona-s. Oo Weil . SS I (Mirer Moon . 107 foots Lomond.,..... 9S I Christmas Star.....M. 107 Flrl.......... ........ CS I Hawthorn............ 1 Forward ... Ml I Briar rath.. , 115 6IXTH BACE Ona mile and serentr rsrds: seli- Inc Oot Brown.,..... 31 1 Rand Hill ... IK Mia au7san..,..l... jv, 191 Brown.,...... It I Sand HI n... - .......... rf HI Bit Ashmeade...... 107 1 Tiasman. ltnrrts.......... HI Cotstoo., EUS.u.i,m,mm 111 1 Track at Electrio Park Is in Fairly Good Shape and Horses Run True to Form. Baltimore, lid.. May 17. The track at Electrio Park to-day was In much better condition than on the opening day of the spring meeting of the Electric Park, Ex hlbltlon Company., but ia some places mud puddles still remained. The going was especially sloppy on the turns and the thoroughbreds had a precarious time negotiating them. The favorites ran much better over the lmproed course, and the speculators managed to select a trio of winners dur ing the running of the afternoon's card, which Included seven events. Fred Levy and Queen Bee -were the two especially warm favorites that outfooted their fields, while the other choice to grab a purse was Miss Moments. Tho betting element went after Queen Bee In the third race with a Vengeance, and the bookies soon Installed tbe bay Illy, by Bannockburn. a 1 to Z choice. Queen Bee, ridden by .Jlarry Sklrvln, who had the honor of riding two winners during the afternoon, had too much class for her field, winning easily. Summaries. FIRST RACE Maiden, two-rearolds: about four and one-talf farloncs Fred Lerr, US (Fcrxaaon). 4 to 5, won, Dod Hood. 101 (Fslrbrother). 1 to 1. second, RoKbuis IV. 11 (Rairrm). IU L third. Time. 1M. Good Mfht, VTinbert, and OolonetU as ran SECOND RACE-miea and marea: three-rear. olds and upward, sellina;. are fariacss. DrexelHUI. M (Salrrin). S to i. won, Ynca. Ki (Nolan). S to second. Bonnie Bee, m taloodj). I to L third. Time. 1:05 IS. Badlallon, Traiel Llxht, sMoilia Kesrarr. Moleaa. and rrodititr also ran. THIRD RACE Ttxee-TTsr-oldi and upward: sen- tat; serea furioncs. Queen Bee, 101 (Sktrrin), 2 to 5. won; Earl of Bichmond, 113 (Pickett). 13U1, second. FatheroU. 98 (Ferrsxai). I u 1 third. Time, HI 1-5. Emperor Wlllam and Short Order as ran. FOUETH RACE Three-J-rar-olds and upward : sellina;; mOs and one-atiteenth. Harrer F.. 107' iSteinhardt). 11 to 5. won; Gamran. 101 (Frrzuscci. to 1, second, Irene Ganunel. 94 Hoffman), 2 to 1 third. Time, SX7 Tom Mellon and O U Boater also ran. FIFTH RACE-Three-resroIds and cpward; sell tnjt, about six and one-hslf furioncs. Lelaioha, 111 luanorer). la 1, won. Bam neuer 111 lurjano. 15 to 1. second; Red Jacket, H (Bauer), 10 to 1. third. Time, 137U. Catnla. Catroke, Gilbert. Caatlewond. and lllnernlca also rsn. SIXTH BACB Four-rrar-olds and opward; sell in-; shout (Its farloos. Bnar. 10S (Flckens), 1 . . ck. mui laa ,p l c & S'r'Edward, 106 (Firsuson). 3 to 1. third. Time 1X4. Hannah Loulie. Lucille B, Geom G. Hall. Koral unrx, ana uaroourt also ran. SEVENTH RACE Three-jrar-oldl and upward sellina, lira furkmrs. Miss Momenta, 99 (iloodj) I to i, won; Chilton Queen, 109 (Ural), I to 1, second; twiaweea. so iBrocej. 10 to I, intra. Time. 1:06. RabU Granada, Anna ! Daler. Cortntb, and Ethel Lebromo also ran. I0NGSH0T IS FIEST. Wolfa Baths, 72 to 1, Wins at Churchill Doirns. LoulSTiUe, Ky May 17.-Wolfa Baths, winner of tbe first race at Churchill Downs to-day Is the longest priced horse to annex a purse at the meeting. His victory came as a surprise to his owner, TV. L. Reeves, who had the unique experience of seeing his own horse beat J. B. Robinson, the one on which he had a bet. .The winner paid 72 to 1. Summaries: FIRST KACE Thrte-rear-olds and upward, tell. tne; three-quarters of a mile. Vfclfi Baths. M (Uarenport). man, won; J. u uoouuon. io (Callahan). SIX. second; Rorkr O'Brien. 109 (Shu- linc), S3J0. third. Time. IdtJ-S. Salali. Sjlreatrla, renews, uoioen, a-enosni. ucrunos iiiu. ana jacx Bierstf alas ran. SECOND BACE Four and one-half forlona-s: two-rear-olds. Sleuth. 110 (Shllllm). 14.90. won: Molll Richard". 107 (Goose), RM. second. Auto Run. 110 (Cans), , third. Time. Oil 3-5. no -Well, Turkrr tn the Straw, Dncla Obie, Cnion. Kins otaiwart, ur. jacason. laeiinia, and uaauni Bettis also ran. THIRD RACE-SeUina'. mile sad serentr rsrds: four-j-earold and unward. Fulka, lit (Loftas), 1&, won; Hanlr, 1C7 (DaTenpcrt). tt.90, second; Tha Rojal Frince, 10f (Fain). 1L3. third. Time. 1 -OH. II. Cambon. Workbox, Charier 8trana, Callcj Blare, Explicit, Belfast, and Ilannia also ran. FOURTH RACsT-Handicap; mua snd serentr yards; tbree-jearctds and upward Grorer Huahes, 114 (Goose), UC9. won; Brit-. 85 (Dsnieb). t-0. second! Tha Manasrr. 103 (Uftns), -. third. Tims. I-WfrJ. rrincess Callawsj and Floral Daj also ran. FIFTIt RACE Four and one-half furleon: two- jear-oWa. Frrides, 118 (real), C.U. Von; Arcrar. lia (rami. h. secona: uaipa ucg-a. lea (oanai, KM, third. Time. 031. Matsbon. . Flel, Merlin. Fasson. and Tha Grader also tan. SIXTH RACE Mila -ant nnetateenth. frait. crrr. ICO (Gaul, tftUO. won; Eirendi, HI (Gone). SS. second; Feather Duster, HI (Fatn) ILT0, third. Time, 147 If, Aspirin. Sir Cateabr, Suppie.'SVfnz Fret. Fierrs Dumas, John Lous, and Affable also ran. , Tbe second day's play of the annual spring golf tournament was finished yes terday at the Chevy Chase golf links under far more favorable conditions than (he initial contest on Thursday. Tbe sunny morning brought the field around in fairly good condition, and In con sequence, the plays were much lm proved. The first round In the match play started off promptly at 9 o'clock by the four sixteen, and was followed by tho other slxteens at forty-flve-mlnute inter- -als, until the round was completed. This round was filled with many close plays that remained -undecided until the eighteenth hole was reached. It was here that "W. L. Willoughby. of Phila delphia, who won the- distinction turning the lowest, qualification score anursaay lost out to ir. x- xreeiuaui. ui the Chevy Chase Club, and In the third sixteen. W H. Brooks, of Mayfleld. forced E. F Ladd. of Chevy Chase, to play the nineteenth hole before he con ceded him the game. The local men were well represented In this round. Summaries First round, first sixteen G F. Freeman, Cherr Chase, defeated IV U Wmourhbr. FaUadelpcla, 1 up. F V. Kimball. Philadelphia, defeated H L Clement. Merlon. 3 up and 2 to plar; F O. Horstmann. Cherr Chase, defeated W. R. Tucker- man, Cherr Chase 1 up. Howard 1'enn, Merlon, defeated J D CaatelA, Cherr Chase, 9 up and 4 V plar. T 31. Sherman. UOca. 'defeated a. 11. Caamer Columbia C C S up and 1 to plar. R. Weis. WQminrton. defeated CL B. M. Mc Donald, National G L., 3 up and 2 to plar, C li. Buxton. Huntinrton. defeated W. By lUUrer, CohnnWa C. C. up and S to pTar. ' First round, second alxteen I. 0. Daridam. Co lumbia C. C defeated J W Brawwr;--Bannork-bum, B up and 2 to plar: G A. Crump, rhila. dlphla, defeated F. F. Vfarxitnqttf Bauncckburn. i up and 3 to Mar. F. H EHls. Onerr Chase, defeated T M. S. Rolls, rhnadetpbia. 3 up and 2 to plar, M. Thompson. Cherr Chase, detested D K. Jsduoo, Columbia C C 2 up and 1 to plar. H. WendalL St. Darid's, defeated A IT. Wood. Bannockubrn. 4 up and 3 to plar: IV 1 narbaa. Columbia O. O. defeated H. M. Halt, Bacnockburn. 3 up aad 1 to plar. ' F Rrera. Alles-benr, defeated G. I' James, Columbia C. C. 1 up, C H. Gardner defeated A. Winter, Colum bia a t. 3 up and 2 to plar. First round, third sixteen W. G Campbell. Washington, defeated G. L. Barard. Cherr Chase. 1 up. A. A. Cries. Usahincton. defeated U. V Cbber, Washiraton. 2 up and 1 to plar. 3. Dalreu. Cherr Onsse. defeated E. A. Jadrson. Baltimore, f up and 5 to play; S. M. Hardinav Binchamtoo, defeated R. IX Daliell. 5 up and 3 to plar; E. P. Brooke. Bannockburn. defeated B. B. IVoaker. Wssh- ington. 3 up and 1 to pb A. fj. borris. Garden Citr. defeated O. T Warthlnrton. Wsshlngtno. 3 up and 1 t plar; E. F. Ladd. Chery Chase, de feated W. H. Brooks. Marnelds. 1 up (11 boleal. E. M. Wearer, Cherr Chase, defeased Reese Lewis, 2 up. First round, fourth sixteen T. J W Brawn. Bannodrburn. defeated Y 8. Rerbum. Cberj Chase, cr default, li IX Talcott, Cherr Chase, defeatad G Ober, Baltimore, 4 up and 3 to plar. I K. oa Farsas, BanaoektMm. defeated n Orer, Charr Chase. 3 m and 2 to Tdar: . H. da Slhouri Cherr Chase, defeated Issues Wales Baltimore, br default; H. C Clark, ruiadclphla, defrated T. M. Phalra. Columela C. C 4 rro and 3 to mar: A. .McTlbenET. Cberr Chase, defeated 1 B. La- moot, Seattle. 3 up and 2 to plar; W.. Nwle. -It- lanUC Cltr. defeated w. W Kicker, Wrrtnl. I up sad T to mar C A. Watson. CoinmMa C. C. defeated R. Etaad. Cherr Chase, 3 19 aad 1 to Plar. Sherman Is Star. The second round of the tournament started at 10.19. and It was here that the classiest playing of the day was seen. T. M. Sherman, son of the vice President or the United States, who halls from TJtica. N. ,T.. has been playing good, consistent game since he paddled over the links on the qualification day In ninety-three strokes. The finish of the second round still found him on the firing line. Sherman defeated Caamer. of Co lumbia. 5 up and 4 to play. And Howard Perln, 5 up and 3 to play. Many of the Chevy Chase players were eliminated In this round, but the local club succeeded In having one or; more representatives in eacn crass. T. J. W. Brown, of Bannockburn. and E. M. Talcott. of Chevy Chase, had a close contest at the finish, and It took the nineteenth hole to pick Brown the winner- Summaries: ' Second round' first sixteen F. W. Kimball de feated G. F. Freeman. 4 up and 3 to plar: A. Tockerman defeated F. O. Horstmann. 1 up; -rl M. Sbermaa "defeated Howard Perln. S up and 3 to plar; C B. Buxton defeated R. Weir. 3 up and 2 to plar. Second round: econd sixteen 3. OC Crump de train! J. C. Daridsoo. rip and 4 to mar: F. H. Enia defeated M. Thompson, 2 up and 1 to plar! U' I turban aeleated H. endeu, 3 up.and 1 to plar; C 11. Gardner defeated J, F. Brers. 3 up and io pur. . , , Second round: third sixteen A. A. Fries de featad. V. G. "Campbell. 4 up and 2 la plar: S. XL Ilardl&f defeated V. tniatu. i up and to pur; E. F. Brooke defeated A. U N orris, 3 m and 3 to plar. H, If. Wearer defeated E F. Ladd. up and 4 tn plar. Second round; fourth alxteen T. J. w. Brown Always the Same Tharp's Berkeley Rye TSpeeial Private Delivery. sKS r'Strett X. W. 'Fhoae Mala 1141. Sibour defeated J. R. de Farcea, S up and plar; 8. C Clark defeated J. A. McHhensr. up and S to plar; W. oc defrated C A. Wataon. C up and 5 to plar. Seml-tlnals To-day. This morning the semi-finals and finals will be wound up, and If the day Is clear there will probably be a large crowdof -visitors to see the finish. The following are the ' pairs as they will appear in the semi-finals r THE FAIRINGS. First sixteen F. W. Kemhle. Fblladelpliia, ts. W. Tuckrrman. Cherr Ohaae. T M. Sherman. Ctica. n G B. Buxton, Kuutnuvai. Second alxteen G. A. Crump, Philadelphia, T". F. H. EUis. Cherr Chaas; L. T Harban. CousnbU C. &. as. C. H. Gardner. Third sixtiwn a. Aj Fries. prisMrrtnn. ra. S. M. Hard.nt-, Blnrhaiatoa: S. P.'iScoota. ilu fields, TS. E. 31. Wearer. Cherr Chase Fourth stxteen-. I. W Brown, Baauutalauiv tc J. H. de 81bsur. Cherr--Caa;.. C. Clark. Philadelphia. TV W. Naflev Atlantle Cttr. . Another feature of yesterday's play was In the first round In the contests of the defeated eights of the four six teens, when the first round was played. Following are the summaries. Defeated eirhta first sixteen H. M. Clements de feated H. M. Clements. 2 up and 1 to rjaj; I. It. Hiss defeated W R. Tockerman br default: J. D. Caaaels defeated G. U Cashmsr, Z up and I to Plar: W. L. Hillrer defected C. B, McDonald -br default. Second sixteen X. B. Brawner defeated F P. Wacsiman. 4 up and 2 to plar T. M. S. RoQa defeated IK K. Jackson. 6 up and 3 to plar O H. Vtood defrated H. M. HaD. 1 up. A. Winter de feated G P. James, 2 up and 1 to plar. Third sixteen if. r. Cboer defeated O 1. Bar ard, br default, E. A. Johnston detested R. D. fHlarlL 0 up and 4 to plar; G T Worthinxtoa defeated R. B. Looker, 3 up and 2 to plar W. H, Brooks defeated Reese Lewis, br default. Fourth sixteen W S. Reraum sad a Oner lost br double default. E. Orer defeated Jamea Walsh, 1 up, F. M. Phelps defeated C. B. Lamont. up and 4 to plar. U. Stead defeated W. n. Ricker. 1 up. The semi-finals and finals In the above defeated eights are scheduled to be played this afternoon and will bgln at 1 o'clock. The handicap match play against par Is one more feature In to-day's generous golf programme, and Is open to all plaj ers who failed to place themselves In tbe first four slxteens of the qualifying round on Friday. Thirty-eight contest ants have already entered and as the majority believe they did not have an opportunity to put In their best strokes on the rainy day a good race Is looked for .All contestants In this play are re quested to start before 10 a. hl, or after LS0 a. m. SENATORSiODOWN BEFORF READING YESfnRD VY'S RESULTS, rittsbartr, 10 1 Chicago, 0. , Cincinnati-Cleveland Rain. ' Reading, 3 -Vashinsrton, Z. 'Tierr York, 4 Richmond, 3. GAMES TO-DAY. Reading; at Waahlncton. Plttabnra; at Cbicngo. - t Cincinnati at ClerelamcL, New York at Richmond. 8TAtDI0 Or THE ' MTl K" 1 Waihlcsr nustaux . a .557 I Klecuxf Ciadnnaa. . II IS New vl t,7ilrsjx M 3 4 .3S I CIiTsia. DBS. fieadisx.- W.L.Pct. e a .aao S T .111 2 I 23 t .38 Reading. Pa May lwln an excitlnr ninth Inning finish Reading- defeated the Washington' United Stares League, aggre gation hero this afternoon by the score of 3 to i. Frank, Owens, the former Chicago "White Sosi fllnger. wua the moundsmarl for the Senators anil - pitched a' good game. MUIlman bad tha visitors at his mercy "when men. were, oa tne sacjcs. score: SdTef: T. If. 4 llll Ubel In. 4 17 3 0 Brodkk. as.. 4 2 3 1 Forbes. b,3B3 loll rettlt. rfA.. 4 3 2 0 Dottars, 3b, 3(22 1-brte. cT.3 t S - MLUhnan, R.1I1I tletcner. Totals... .1 0 1 35 iixis i Wasb'ton. ABHOAE FaUon. n ..-, 4 l J 0 0 Dtradcn. aa,. 4 113 0 Adler. Jo. J mi Browne. f (111 Dowllna-, xf. 4 0 3 0 1 Gearr. ss..,4 1 2 B Fisher. lb,.' J OB 0 Oowan, c-.. llll l Owens. p. Ultl Tobtn .. lllll PfeSer. lb.-..l 0 3 0 1. S 520 S Totala. . Batted for Fisher In the ninth. Waahlnrtoe......,..... 0 t 1 o 1 1 t I 4-1 ReadlEt............ 9II.1MII--I Bnss-Pettit (f), Deiters. Durtioo. Cowan. Sacri- fict hlt-Adler. Two-basi ait-Ftttit. Trtrea-bas hit Gearr. Sacrifice flj Shedurd. gtoltn. jmie Duncon, Dcutie rtaj shecaard to Munman Io HrcikrUk Baaei on baHs-03 MUlnnan, Z oft Owens. 3. Hit br pitchr-TbtUDJ:. Btrack cet k-4 JB -. . S j . j!trtisajtr