Newspaper Page Text
Cr THE WASHINGTON HERAtD. -TV3S&DXT, WAX 21, 1912, Larisbirg!i&!rt. 428 U 42 7Hi $i. 417 tc 425 lit SL 31,58 H-Hteli CresH Stint Uw, Sounds sensational, but the goods are here and we court comparison with any samples .you may bring. You'll find this immaculate first quality cream serge just fifty-two cents under market value. But such ruthless price-cutting cannot last indefinitely j for you must buy to-day to get jour share of this bargain; splendid for chil dren's coats, reefers, blazers, separate skirts, one-pieces dresses and .coat suits, and this 56-inch Cream All-wool Serge fs washable; actual $L50 quality. For (JQ one day onlyj yard. "Ow The Home Shoe Repairing C. vrt tike row eld snoes and pn tnera is ca tin new sole n4 heel or u Alssuuixei-x NEW METHOD. Onr msenlaes LOCK. TUB) CUXIE HKKE ASH WK CLM 111UI VUt ItErAUt tYUlLti IOU WAII. PRICES: WUUU3 bOUS AD HEJXO. Hewed tm. , Men. Wmn. t9Llbtre.s -4L30 JL3 no to P-wtt Hen. Wanes. Umcns. tie toe 30a teSJe- 719 9th STREET N. W. Fbone Utla let. CLAFLIN OPTICAL CO., 907 F STREET OLD MASONIC TEMPLE. Leading Opticians (or a quarter of a tjentnry. Manufacturers. Oculists' Prescriptions Filled. . Rye EKamtneA. THE BEST HOUSE AT THE PRICE IN THIS CITY. Thxw ftorlea. slut apadouf worna; two fcatb roema, Coabla Soon; harfwoexj trim; beautiful taaotla, fixtnrca equal to tbooa naed ta twratj tboiuazxl dollar boot, erery rocm with direct lift, hot water beat. electric UjMj porch front-two-ttcry porch ia rear. Tat cntira booa fctaniV fnQj accented and finished tbroatboot. " .ha coBFlfrM. Lot 2 feet treat. Beautiful .ahrub berT imported from BcHattd. Tfcla bom la equal to any 17,000 boot ta Vbm ctxr- raca ctw. Tern eaar. imrnu wca- tloa ia th Northwest. N. L. SANSBURY CO., Exclusive Agent, 719-21 13th SL Jl. W You are invited to inspect Oar enlarged stock of VICTOR VICTROLAS, COLUMBIA CRAFONOLAS RECORD CABWETS, &c. A recent shipment gives You every facility in The Talking Machine line, Percy S. Foster Piano Co. 1330 G St. The Alhambra Theater 5c The One Show in Town 5c 6 All Sisr Feaisre: 6 2-Othtr Bit PUT-! The Bvnum ox them -ill. "See Etz and See Better" EDWIN H. ETZ OPTICIAN 1C03-G" STREET D. CO. Special Blend COFFEE, 25c LB. W. D. BREAKFAST COFFEE, 26c LB. The discriminating coffee user will find an unusual flavor and aroma seldom .found except In the high-priced brands. WASHINGTON DAIRY CO. 940 Louisiana Avo. ' Telephone Main ES06. H. Z. Heist Leading Xortheaat Market. Groceries. Heats, - and Provisions. Oar mrili are strictly home dressed. Partridge bams, shoul ders, and Baeoa our specialty. 300ESLH.L 'Phone Lin. 1S24. Matting splinters easily when swept with a bare broom. To prevent It either, clean It with a soft brush or cover the Voom with s, gray canton flannel bag. 98c IISSIK& I0IAN- RETURNS HOKE Kiss Mamie X. Bayne, Who Bi appeared from Saaitofium, Ap pears at Brother's House. Missing sine' Saturday ,rnornlng",fTpm the Washington sanitarium -at tTakoras. Park. Miss Mamie 1L- Bayne, twenty-six years, old, yesterday afternoon pppeared at tha home ef her brother, Thomas Bayne, W Twenty-sixth Street North west, anfl rang the. doorbell lor admlt- Mlss "Bayne, who waa sent to the host pltal for -a.nervour trouble. still Vore the black sklrt and white shirtwaist In which ahe was attired when, she van ished. She hid -no, hat or wrap of any kind. n.i,i!v. hv been unable to learn where Miss Bayne. aa been ainee her disappearance. Search of the) country contiguous to the sanitarium was mads Saturday and Sunday by sanitarium at tendant, aided by. the missing- woman's relatives, and the police also searched the city "without avail - Miss Bayne showed no eviaence 01 distress when she, returned home and seemed to think that the UtUe tr;p from the sanatorium, whi required three, .days and two nights was a jnat irr at little moment. Her clothes were not dnsky and her- shoes seemed newly polished. Her wnertaoouts aunnc ner absence Is- a mystery When questioned whera she, had been. Miis Bayne said: "I left the sana torium to coma home and lost my way. that Is all." Miss Bayne will not re turn to the sanatorium, but will re main, under the care-ot a physician at home here. ' Flora Barrier. Tlrza. Shespard. and Isabella 8parks, who escaped from the House of Mercy, Kllncle Road and Rosemont Aienue Northwest, shortly after supper Sunday evening-, wandered around the city for a few hours and then sought refuge at the Jesus. Win Help Tou -Mission In tfohn MarshaU Place Northwest, "where they -were found by the police yesterday. HMIrMIMMS GO UNDER HAMMER Pint Day's Auction of Arlington Furnishings Brings Many Bidders. The first act In the passing of the old Arlington Hotel was staged yesterday morning, when the auction sale of the furnishings of the historic hostelry was started In the parlors of the hotel. There was'a large group of bidders and sJl of the- articles ottered for sale brought. good prices. The largest sale was that or Alexan der's Feast." the Dalntinr which adorned the west wsU of the first floor parlor.1 which brought J150. "Night." an oU painting of a. woman draped In naught but nebulous clouds, was sold for Jli. Several mahogany desks and library tables brought fairly good prices. Canton, China, umbrella Jar sold for J. The sale Is being conducted by c G, Sloan & Co. The sales will be continued cacu morning at 10.30 o'clock untU the entire stock is Disposed 01. it is pected'-that everything will be sold off within a ween. r-x? The work of raxing the building will be started June 1 by the Thompson' Starrett Company. The new hotel will cost approximately 33,000.000. The. cost or the hostelry including the site will be about ,CO0.O00. It will be one of the finest hotels In the country. The build ings on I Street, until recently occupied by the George Washington university. will be raxed this week to make way for tne construction or, tne new nosteiry. VOTE TRIP BEST EVEB. Chamber of Commerce Excursionists ltetnrn from Old Virginia. Their complexions several shades darker as the result of a thorough sunburnlng received whUe sailing down the historic James Rner the day before, the Cham' ber of Commerce excursionists reached this city at 7 o'clock yesterday morning aboard the steamer Southland. The members of the party, who for the past three days had been touring the Old Dominion, were unanimous In their opln ion that the trip was oen of the best and most enjoyable ever taken by the Chamber Never before waa an excur sion held under better weather condi lions. No Incident occurred during the entire trip to mar the pleasure of the party, . Saved from Death by'Gas. Russell Howard, nineteen years old, employed by the Georgetown Gaslight Company, narrowly escaped death yes terday morning when be was overcome by gas while connecting a main at TWen- ty-sixth Street and East Place North west. His speedy removal to George town Hospital and prompt action by doc tors effected his recovery. Makes Altitude Record. Paris, May 2S.X telegram from Cam- pelgne states that the dirigible Clement Bayard, piloted by La Motte Breull, to day ascended. 3.4S0 feet, breaking the world's altitude record for balloons of that class. MARRIAGE LICENSES. -' WHITE. Pucsil CcntlnL Z tad Comklli Puii Ser. June, F. Mukln. briar Paul Tutor asd JoeeoMnt DHL Ber. uanet wooa. USAui U, O'Connor. , and EUabeth F. Him. . of Rcxbm7. Uik. tier John B. Ftttoa. ftilhun J. SduOtld. 31. and Uudr A Bicketta 30. Bt. John B. nuar. Lewis B. ctcnon. D. ef Brunswick. Mi. ud etti Cnnnlnrtuffl. IT. Ber. Cureaca EL Whetltr. uonot K. rulton. 7Z, ted Etcel u Tlttxtu, S. Brr. U. G. B. Fierce. COLORED. A A JtckMO. a. tsd Julia A. Dlxna. 11. Ber. CSauc L. Johnson. 35. and Looise Curiarlon. 9 Ber. J M. Wtldron J. T. -Minor, a. and MoHm DerrertL 21 Ber. A Suits. B- E. Bice. 23. tad Irene WtiWTirton, . Brr. J. Btdsud. - W. TL, Johnson. O. tad llirr L StvMr. U. 'R,. C P. Jrpy. wt a. ucpuas, ubdt - sunt, u. Jodit C.8. Bandr. - JL D jLitsa. JZ. tod Emms (Jiaer, . Ber. T. 'W. Shasson. S. and EsteUs FehdlrtoeriL rti. B. A Hsrt. 8. Wilson. 3. tndTKtncr Baordes. C Err. T. ILBrooU. DEATH BF.roBD. VVUITE. Annie L. Otwlrr, 7 jrm, VM Ps. Are. aw, Htrritt Clifton. CI rears. Gort. 'Bosptut lastaa. Laort A Carpenter. S3 resit. Til Itb, St. it. iirs. I Bicketts, aytat, -Oeat Unb- Hospitsl Tlrisn Toodwsrd. 35 resrs. FroHienoe BosptttL Csrouns A Toljinv T irsrt. Dl lid. Are. ae. Xdwird 3 Duff. Jr. 31 resrs. I U 6t M, Msrjorie Bissles. 1 ausths. ChQdren't Borplul. Isftnt of ilirr tad J. B. Swum. dirt. 131 O SLBe. Eaunnrf JStaxi, SO jesra. ITU Fnspeet Are. aw. Leon Btrrlt. I resr. rfMt. rr. 8oua Speller. Tj jnn. EJS Sth St. n. liar A Monroe, O retrs. 313 19th St aw. Phnipjroctor, -28 retrs, Prorldenct RosptttL JcSm-Trsnilin. 11 jesn, SSS 17tt 8L it. Join 8. Bwsrts, 51 retrs, inH 2d St. rt, John Redmsa. 43 resrs. S3 Gnat J5L aw. JUeaEtru', s. ittra. SOU Jti St.,ir. ,j -I. WIS IADE-1ARTYR nrercBDF-iERO Prof. ITwmmdoLfltiM Tmt ."log Tui. '-' BostOB.' Xay Sa After being icientlfl- cally starved-for-thirty-four daysn.the Carnegie NutrlUon itAboratory4 Boxnum Prof.' Agostfas'Xevandn left there i& day and appealed to a Boston nowspar per for help. l Terjibiy emaciated. Prof. Levaniln told of thr the. laboratory-experts while 'all food was withheld from htm,- . . 'I came; to this country -thinking I they made it martyr of me. I hav passed two days of-terror and horor In a nubile hosDltal' wherf they 'promised that I would be. cared for in a home, for wealthy convalescents. For two days and nights, when so weak ! could not ralso my headV I have been aubjected to the torture of listening to the groans of the sick. X refused to take a bath. "I have sacrmced almost my life, mr wife, and my daughters all forvthls ex periment. I have been ill treaiea. iney have ODened my man. xney nave re fused to allon me to break tha fast as T sew fit. It is wonder that I am ajtve." HABB0& POLICE SEARCH 3IVZ& IK VAIN POE WOMAN'S $2$ HEABGEAB Miss Angella Gordon, who lives at 1ST O Street Northwest, somewhat flabber gasted police of the Harbor precinct Sunday evening when ,she entered the station and calmly assea tne eesx ser geant If he would mind having the men drag the Potomac, River for her new willow plume bat. it lust blew overboard, you see, ex plained Miss Gordon, "and I think you can get It tor roe If you go out In a boat quick. The hat will float some time, I think." Miss Gordon valued the headgear at Km The desk sergeant waa perplexed. He was on the point of de clining the request (there "being no rule In the manual which Instructs policemen' to search waterways for stray hats) when he 'saw something that looked like a tear In the fair applicant's eye. J The Harbor police are far too gallant to turn a mute ear to a woman s tear, and so boats were put out with search ing crews. Miss Gordon had been stand ing on the hurricane deck of the excur sion steamer Macalester as the boat was docking when a breeze caught the wil low plumes and wafted the hat away. Falling to the water, the hat was caught In the swirl caused by the steamer's sldewheels and sucked under. Although the police vera out In boats by daylight yesterday morning, tha hat was not found. . H0T0B-BTJS HUE POPUIAB, Crorfda ,EnJoy Trips Tbrttngn Iloclc Creek Park. The popularity of the new motor- 1 bus line through Rock Creek Park was attested by the enthusiastic comments of those who took this delightful ride on Sunday and Monday. Crowds wslted at the starting point, Dobyn's Phar macy, Eighteenth Street and Columbia Road. wbUe the bus was filled !o com fortable seating capacity every trip from early morning until late at night. Picnic parties are being formed to take the bus at 8 In the morning, spending the day at one of the marty pip turesque spots along the. edge of Rock Creek, deep In the wilds where nature In her unspoiled beauty ''pro vides delightful pleasure for city bound .folks. Lunch and tea may be taken and the return made!n the twi light. The managers of the line announce that shortly the finest motor passen ger buses that are possible to secure will be placed In commission. The bodies being the utmost In coach building,, having a seating capacity for thirty-two, persons comfortably. The chasslses are being built, by the White Company of Cleveland, and will i of heavy channel steels low, hung, and provided with powerful silent motors. Motz. cushion tires .will ,he used on ao count of their great resiliency. Work Car fn Accident. Pittsfleld. Mas. May JX-An extra work car for tha General Electric Works employes, split a switch at the corner of Seymour and Waeonah Streets to-day and slde-swlped poles, partially demol lthed the car, and severely Injuring six passengers and slightly Injuring twenty two others. Swinging between Instead over trucks, a new car for underground railroads re quires but seven faet six Inches of clear ance above tha tops of the Valla. Soda crackers are ex tremely sensitive to moisture. Before the advent of Uneeda Biscuit the only persons who ever tasted fresh, crisp soda crackers were the people in the bakeries. Now that we have Uneeda Biscuit we have perfectly baked soda crackers perfectlykept No moisture can reach them no contenimating influences can affect their flavor their good ness is imprisoned only to be liberated by you for you'when you open the package. Five cents. NATIONAL BISCUIX COMPANY -. . GOO0-EORFIVE VOTES, HH C : v; a y wi - " 'The Wasewna.HtriW's-Boys' and Girls' Pony Contest For, .MM:,: .V...-rr:,.i . , .& 5 Dfstrict No...,MVdre. .......'C 4 .??' i. , jv This Coupon, will count for Five Votes when properly, filled ont and sent toxhe Boys' -and Slrlt'- Contest Manager of The Washington Herald on or before the expiration data shown above. Coupons should be neatly trimraed-and-put up In Cat packages with total num ber of otts on the. top of each package tvMNisnnMMWnMiivAnMWivMNvANWirvwiAAtMt Herald Tourist Weds Young British Officer Miss Hellen Mosher, of This City, on Trip Around World, Becomes Bride of B. C. Balthazar, Attache of British Colonial Of fic, in Rangoon. A romantlo touch has been lent to The "Washington Herald's around-the-world trip aboard the steamship Cleveland by the unexpected marriage In Rangoon, Burmah, India, of Miss Hellen Kendlg Mosber, on of the local tourists, to C. Balthaxar, a young and wealthy at tache of the British Colonial Office, whom she met while visiting the Indian city. Engraed announcements of the ro mantic marriage were received yesterday by the bride's parents. Although the parents received a cablegram directly following the marriage, which occurred on April 30, news of the event was kept secret until the arrival yesterday of tha engraved announcements. While seeing the sights of Rangoon, Miss Mother met the young English man, who so soon wss to become her husband. It was a case of love at first sight, and beore the Cleveland steamed away tor the next point of Interest in the Old World, the pretty tourist and tha polished attache were betrothed. The good ship went to Calcutta. Miss Mosher suddenly notified those In the party with her of the engagement, and made known her Intention of returning to Rangoon for the nuptials. So she bade farewell to her companions and atarted for the Indian city, where her love awaited her. The wedding ceremony was per formed at 4:30 o'clock on- the after noon of April 20, In St, John's Roman Catholic Church, Cantonments, Ran goon. Following the marriage, the couple went to 3 Tank Road, where they will reside. Mr. Balthazar Is a graduate of Oxford, England, and Is an attacho of the British Colonial Of fice. Upon the same day as the marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mosber, the parents of tha bride, received a brief MBS. FAQEB HONOR QUEST. Mrs. Jesse TC Fager. of Canton. Ohio, deputy supreme commander from the head office of the Ladles of the Mac cabees of the World, at Fort Huron, Mich., was entertained by the t!een hives of the order In the District last night at Pythian Temple. Mrs. Fager spoke highly of the condi tion of the various hives In this Juris diction, stating that they are nowhere surpassed for interest manifested and number of members In a district of the same size in territorial dimensions. Victory Hive. No. II, will entertain Mrs. Fager to-night. This hive now holds the state banner and is working bard to retain It. rixr&&k& WEDS IN BANQ00N. BsssssssssssssssssssKJBsssssIsI aSsswisssaSssssssssssssssssssssssssI Haseiwi lH iHlsBBBBBt ' ISawSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI IIbbbbbbwK'' iJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI aaaaaaaaaaaaF ' & HISS 1IELLEX KEJfDIG MOSHER, Oat of The sshlnrton HertM toarlstj, now trkls or B. C. Bslthaxtr, ttttcat of British Coloclsl OfSee. cablegram, announcing the event. The message read. "Married to-day to Mr Balthazar, at tache of the British Colonial Office at Rangoon. Will write." Teaterday the formal announcements were received, together with details of the marriage. Mr. Moaber. the father. Is the chief of a division In the Patent Office. Mrs; Mary L. Mother, the moth er, conducts a millinery establishment at 817 Seventeenth 8 tree t Northwest. A postal card was received recently by The Washington Herald from Mr. May, one of the local tourists, stating that Miss Mosher had left the Cleveland at Calcutta for the purpose of returnlg to Rangoon to marry the Englishman, whom she had met there, but tha Infor mation was held up until it could be verified by the parents. WEATHER CONDITIONS. D. B. Drrc. ef Artlnlrari. Westhc- Bants. 'WtshicrlOB. D. O., Ms? 2- p. m. Fsir and mcdenUlr tra wtstherwia rxabsalr contiant la the South dsrlaff tht aext two or three dirt, but onr tha Korth tsd West the prertlliaz low pressure win rxclonc the unsettled weather, tnd Showers miy t expected quits rearrsCr Tespenlnra causes win bs InrtuUr orrr tha Korth tad tvest, but not cf crest CDSssonence, rieect where sHectrd br thnrderrtanns. Th, winds slmr ta New Ecgliod cosst will b modersU esst sad soutaesst: on tas sllOUa At' Untie cctst zoadtrtta tad mostly southerly, on the Booth AtUatM actst modcltu esst tad soutaetst. Local Teraperttnre. MUclt-M. M: 1 a. nv- U. 1 s. m.. B, s. m., 5J; I v m.CJ: W a. to-, SO. 12 noon, (2; X p, m., ST; rk m.. ra. p. ia, K. I p. m.. 7J. II p. n.. TL Hicbest. t: lowest, K Betsttre hnmidltr a. m., Tt; t p. ta.. 38; t rv m. O. Bslafsll 0) n. m. ta I n. m.1. a. Boors of suashiae. lit. Fcr cent cf possibls sunshine, 130, Terapersisrt ssmo dsls list jesr Highest. S3; lowest, ss. Temperatures In Otner Cities. Teaperiisres la cener dues, tcgrthrr srlta the tmooat of rtlalsB for the twectr-foar boars ended it I jx a resterdsj, art ts follows: Bsln- Usz, Mia. 1p.m. (ill, AsherQle. If. C. ....... 32 10 ..., Atlinta, Gs... -...-.. O C rj .... AUiatla Cltr, K. J.... ra M e .... Bismsrek, N. Dsk....-.. B H Borton. Miss. ..... U X a Buffslo, N. T .......... M 41 31 Chksta. in ....... IS 41 4S 0 St Claelasstl. Ohk.... 32 l rt .... Cherrnae. Wjo... ......... R 44 T2 .... Dtrenport. Iowa..M..H... 73 SC SB 0.02 Denrer. Colo ........ S3 43 73 .... Del Moire. lows T2 S3 TO 0.M Duhjth. Mlaa ............ B M Gslreston Trx.,.......... T3 TO T Beleas, Mcsit.. ...... M 10 M 044 ladisaipolis. Iod....... 33 12 11 Jteksomine. Fls,..-...... H Tl . Ksnsst CItr, Mo........... 34 M 89 little Bock. Art....... B it n Los Anrtles. CsL...... U M 82 ilsnneua. inch........... 30 38 4S Memphis, Term ............ 82 S3 13 hew Orletas. Lt............ 32 M TS .10 New Tors. N. T.......... M (4 (2 North FUtte. Xbr....... SS C2 SS .10 Omsas. Necr. GS 32 C .01 Fhusddphit. Fa. .. 34 a rs PluiDorc t-s-............. ar ss n ForUtad. Me ................ 44 44 SS Portiind. Ore. 60 34 64 J4 (Ult Llls CItr. UUi.... 70 H M .... Bt. Loots. Ms.... M SS 30 Bt. PtaL Minn. H C C Bsn Frsridsax Csl. ....... SO 13 M JO Bprintfltld. ro.......... SS c rt Tscoaa, Wssh............. U 34 .M Tkaps, Tit ...... -. 30 JO 70 Jl :sdo. Ohio 32 43 M Tkksburt;. Miss........ . 33 C 33 Tide Table. To-osr-nirh tidt. 1133 t, m.: low tide. &27 a. tn. tad S3 p. ta. Tomorrow Huh Uda. c:n a. a. sad 1231 s bl: low tide, tM s. ra. tad TJO p. m. BIRTH RECORD. wnrrc Gtorre W. tnd Annie L. Tslaot, 007. Ftsl H. tnd Emms D. Bsler. girl. Andrew L. tnd AucnsU H. Psrker, rirl. MfcbMl tad hellie C. OlUaloo, bor Frederlck a tnd AUrsneritt M. UcCleUtad, boy. Joseph D tsd EUssseth M. MorlartT. rW. John K. tod Catherlae Hooper, snt. VTUford a tad Bsbecea T. Hut. tor. Thorass J. tad Xsiy A Home, bor. Frank tnd Mirstret HofCaun, cirL Joseph A. tad Otra V. Grtaer. boy. Geocss'B. tnd Mir Gsashora. girl. Usrry 8. tad Msrr E. Gnhsm, boj. Stmael tod Arma Obttretl. bor. Taacdcr G. tad Kstaeria CnadsU, girt, Chsrlet JL tnd EQa T, Crmntiirhim. rW. Arthur W. and Mthel O. Brown. fW- COLOBEO, Jsaet E, lad Mtrr B, Owtns, "bor. Mstiew M, tad Bertha E. Morton, bar. t- Jtsets tad SUod Jnhnwn, rtd, SOCIAL PROGRESS - . BEST IFTIO WAYS3 !xsvi7 lTiHj: Club "WosJi Ihi, , s &r,l prove jks tuia aim' Aaeir XaviroHZBtat An Interesting feature of the annus! meeting of the Monday Evening Club, held last nlght'ln the assembly hall of the V. M. C A., was An earnest debate as to whether social progress can best be mads by changing men or by changing their environment, Th.-commlttea on bousing asserted pes Itlveiy that decent men cannot be mads without decent surroundings, The committee- on Infant mortality asserted Jott as' positively- that decent ccmdltons or surroundings cannot be made without de. cent men first, giving as an example of Its- argument that one could tako some of the inhabitants of the slum alley, turn them Into a parlor, and they would make a Dltrstv out of it In short order. Rev. John Van Scbslck, Jr.. president of tha club, closed the debate by de claring that the Monday Evening Club stands for both lines of work. Ha said that the workers should try t change character by changing environ' menu- and at the same time try to change environment by Improving character. The committee on moral and social nrochxlaxsls wax authorized to affiliate with th. national society fn their work-' euio, o prepare a, programme sur hwi year's work to ba financed by the club. The housing committee, in Its report, stated that the only -way to improve conditions in alleys Is to abolish the alleys by turning them into minor streets, opening them clear through the blocks. Officers for tha year and chairmen of committees were ejected as follows: Rev. John Van Schalck, Jr., president: F.L. Slddons, vice president; Dr. William C. Gwynne, secretary; Mrs. Ella Hender son West, corresponding secretary: Mrs E. K. Busbee, treasurer; Charles F. Net bit, chairman, and Rev. William J. Ker by, of the Catholic University; George S. WIlsonP and Dr. Walter 8. Effort, members cf the executive committee; Dr. William C Woodward, chairman of committee on moral and social pro phylaxsls; Dr. M. E. Gates, chairman of committee on physical welfare of school children; Myron M. Jones, chairman of committee on industrial betterment; Dr. Thomas Jess. Jcnet. chairman of com mittee on improved housing; O. E. Dsr- nall, chairman of committee on proba tion and parole, William IL Baldwin, chairman of committee on loan sharks, and Dr. George M. Kober, chair man of committee on Infant mortality. The executive committee of the club will hold a meeting June 17, when the programme of the club for next year will be formulated. The next meeting of the entire club will be held Octo ber 2L Eight Bottles In the Lead. Armed with 33 in cast) and eight bot tles of whisky, the thief who entered and robbed the saloon of B J. Roddy at Tenth and C Streets Northwest, ap parently has got too much of a lead on the police to be apprehensive of capture. Cast, A Madlsata. George, g. Fruer. We Supply Tou ANYTHING EVERYTHING ,m Gas "-Oil -" Electric Will repair your old gas range and make it like new. Inspections and estimates free. Gas Water Heaters Full stock. Several varieties. Hygiene Safe installation. MUDDIMAN & CO. 618 12tti St. 1264 fi SI. THE THOMAS A. CANNON COMPANY CENTER MARKET , 7th St. Wing Choice Fruits and Vegetables Prices Moderate Free Delivery Quality Guaranteed THIS COUTOX good for OXE VOTE for Name Teacher in School. J150 CASH PRIZES, payable by us June 10, 1912, as per prior ads In Herald. This coupon not good unless deposited at our office on or before May 27. 19 13. The Are leading contestants to date arer 1. Miss M. E. Garrett, 2. Miss S. A. Nourse. 2. Miss Elizabeth Caton. Miss R. B. AlcGrath, Miss Forrest Perrle. Specials for To-day Gordon Dry Gin. ......... ,80c bottle Booth Drr or Tom Gin 89e battle Miliblre Drr Gin... .. ...BOe bottle M. &. R. Italian Vermouth,. SOc bottle French Vermouth... ...... 80e bottle TOKALONWINECO. XEff 11SC C ST tl Ul TllOXE STORE, HJ r l. fl, SI, jf. 008. MONUMENTS. WASIL GRAJCITE MOXITME.XT CO. 9S 11th st. nwLujs stock -or Jleooi-; a select tasg. Jfctetad btfaa Piwcitlun Qaz, asiA.-r.JLi, Capital ? 1.OOO.0JO Undivided profits over., r.000,000 Deposits over.. ,...... e.SOO.000 ITBNTTHE AMOUNT OF MONEY Deposited . at any one. time so mucji' as? the determina tion to SAVE STEAD ILY which counts in the long run. Become a REGULAR DE POSITOR In this strong old Jsnk. which pays. the aME RATE of Interest on both large and small accounts. National Savings and Trust Company. " Ccr. 15th and N.r.Ara. cyrOBTTtXTH TXAB,' ALFORD'S TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS Bring back replies, because each order receives the asm. personal attention. Irrespective of size. Tou will And our letter fret from dark edges, broken type. typographtcal errors, &c Tou can safely Intrust impor tant f orrq letters to us, being as sured that they will be carefully edited and delivered on time. 2,000 LETTERS, J4.00 ALFORD LETTER COMPANY District Jfatlonsl Bank Bolldlag, 1406 G Street Tbone Main 7504. Martini and Raul's Italian VermoHth 50 0 a Bottle Christian Xander 909 Seventh Street SPECIAL NOTICES. MR. NELSON H. DUVALIj fFORMER ly with Wm M. Gait & Co.) wishes to announce that he Is now associated with the G W. Clssel Company, -as Gen eral Manager OFFICE OF THE GZOBGETOWX OAS LIGHT OOUPANT. 1113 Twentr-ninth Street octiwwt. Mtr 20. D13-A meeting of the stockholders of this compear, far the election of serea directors, wm be held tt tils aeca iIO.".UAI. Jons i. HJ. PoQs open from 12 au to 1 p. ss. Books far trsssler ef stock win. bs closed boo Mir 29 tn Jane A 1312. hrcfasisw. ILOBEBT L MIDDLETO, Secntur VIAVI SCTESCB OF HEALTH. XATUEAL, namrgicsl. CO-P. book tree. Apptr br BsH. til Colorado Bldr. Free, kctcre for vtsnen Vcdacs esrs st 230 p. m. Ssatf VACUUM CLEANERS AU'M&kes. i&uOto Si&06' Oa penoa baatVovat at4 CUaa-tn. EUctiia VlXntci'Itaia, Tcuun. Dcaanitritioca al 70a fccmt cr it eof aaJa roocjL Wt aXao faralai Tacmaa ritMaiej ani?. y Urn fcoa cr oxtru& NATIONAL Corner Sixth and D Strests N. W. PHOSE U. 4133. SUMMER TRAVEL DAYS Are coming Let Topham'e repair your other luggage goods All war RU4U.CCW, .n,. y.b Work called for and delivered free. TOPHAM'S, 1219 F Street. It Pays Confectioners Qnshtr slwsrs Fliroringi.&e. FBICES BIGHT. Csn isi np. E7NO CO.NSUMEES 8CPPIJED. B. B. Earnshaw & Bro. Wholeaalera. 11th and 31 Ste, g. E. DIED. FORD-On Monday, MaV 20. 1JU. at 4.4S p. ro. GENEVIEVE a. beloved daughter of Edward M. and E1U0 Ford, In the seventeenth year of her age Funeral from her late realdenee. 1019 Twentieth Street Northwest. 10 a m , Tnursday, May 23. thence to. St. Mat thew's Church. Interment in Mount Olivet Cemetery Relatives and friends respectfully invited to attend. GAWLER On Sunday, May IS. 1S12. at 5 a. m.. ANNIE L.. widow of Jo seph Gawler. In the ebrhtleth year of her age. Funeral services at her late residence. 1734 Pennsylvania. Avenue Northwest. Tuesday, May 21. 1912, at 3 p. m. In terment private. HANLET-On Sunday. May 13. 1912, at 2J0 p m.. .MART HANLET. relict of Michael Hanley. M Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. -James P. Greeley. 8 Qnlncy Street Northwest. Vted nesday. May 22. at 8J0 a. m . thence to Sacred Heart Church, where mass will be celebrated at 9 a. m. Inter ment In Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends respectfully In vited. SLATER On Monday. May 20. lltt at his residence, hi '"?" Northwest. SAMl'EL E. SLATER. Funeral from his late residence Wed nesday. May 22, at 2 p. m. Interment private. (New York papers please copy) FUNEEAL DLBECT0RS. GEORGE P. ZURH0RST, 301 EAST CAPITOL ST. gstshllsned 1ST. CHAA A ZPBHOEST. Up. W. R. PUMTHREY & SON, rUKEBAL D1BECTOBS AND E3fBAL3IXa3L 133 tQBitsesth susei aw. CnswL Viae Serth 20JS. J, WlLLIAJl s.iw j,rs uirsnsr end thasslaier Lirery n eoonectioa. Comaodlowl 33 FransrlrsnU sre. aw. Ttlephcn. list 131 W. R. SPEARE, fTSXKAL UIUECTOK AND UlBOR3W 940 F Street N.W. WASHINGTON D. d. ... 7 Phones Main en. x Frank A. Speare, Mer FUHERAL DESlGHS. GEO. C. SHAPPER teutmd Florsl Dcslgas, mi retsooshlt la prkt. Fhora mt usia. . lsu.A fin tts, v PUNERAL P10WERS ut Eery Descnrflon Uoderuelj Trletd, G TJ L E, sDcsnl Bn's-M. v-ikSufe ju ,-ms, Jm