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I; 'XakrAumifi t)J:Li jnrti'il IIk';jmv&. off 'thi,-vlH ,iMBm,,S;;mwaiiaH,.6t 1 ' V 'amek. akv ft e-JS. mz.& 5i 'exdmivt, w3i &&' t'...j- -. j-$m lidUf Ji. ' u r- ' r-t. J-:SVAi.f , ?-j Siiv :SM . bf T33S:ci 3? ate NO, 2198 -i-L-SXciiS: l " !"- -' i. - REDSWN,i4; rf-1- LEAD IN PMHHB' 4MKtoi S" 'taM ' ''-.gggVjV .rVHV"..VV"T--,Hr !.'- w Lif-WHOT. WHMriVmBV HHai.HiV:W- -VJ i. jT " "- .. '? " " T ll-v r - - .. 3- ,-r - a. --. - - ' ..-.' , MM I ak v J.-J1 S 1.4 - ,. - li - - ". " . ' -IT" r..;?;.-r " tar'" vx mRummm CLASH PREDITi i : ' '$ SERIES "Smoky Joe" Wood Holds Giantsgio Single Tally, While Teammates Ttke Adraottge of 4iOzark"Jeff Tesreiu's Willless. - 'Ft - rFT WMdirfiil FiUdiif by Wtf Mr MissMfiM'sipiMHitfMifaHs ami Yirkis Siyis'6im 1i Mgfcn 6im ii Tim Aftir Tim. Eisttfi WiHs. HUB INFIELD LIKE ROCK Ozark Mountain Brimnth Is fU- liivii ly Ams in the Eighth Inning. Br DASIOX RDSYOX. Xew Tork. Oct. 11. A chain of pnarlcd and knotted flngen, flunr wide behind thesnapplng speed of "Smoky Joe" Wood, the hope of Boston In the battle for' the world's championship, checked every assault of the big town forces at the Polo Grounds this after noon, and turned victory In the fourth game of the worlds series to the won derful youne pitcher by a score' of 3 to 1. Bald-headed "Heine" 'Washer, a ten year veteran of the' ball field, and once a Giant, back In the earliest days of Mc Qraw's regime, was the rock of the Red Sox to-day. wlththe younger- hands of Steve Terkes lending him able assistance from 'the right flank of the diamond. Time was. when the Islanders were slashing wickedly at the delivery of "Smoky Joe." theold shortflelder of the Sox would come careening through with plays the like of which have been per formed in recent years on New Tork diamonds by but one other man. And that other man's name, is, also Wagner. If you search the box score you will find that the bald Bostonlan Is credited with three assists, two putouts, and one error. Nearly every one of these figures represents a play destructive to .Giant chance s,- While the single slip gained them nothing. DT Good tar Spee. Threat is "Smoky Joe" Wood, but with out that impenetrable barrier. Wagner and'Steve Terkes, on the other side, the Red Sox might not have that one game lead over tbe'GIants-in the great, fight.- Under ,a darkr sky that' boded ram. the MOONTAIN SHOOTS FAIL Wsri.HlhiOtlwHiM.HMEmy thins tilaffh tit Huiy Hittirsif6ithai. with speed that brought It up before the eyes of the Giant batsmen no larger than a pea. early in the game, but grad ually theyT gauged the flashing drift of the Boston boy's delivery and gradually -Srelr blows sounded more menacing un til Jake' Stahl bad his other pitchers warmlnz un in the far outfield. Ever the line behind "Smoky Joe" held taut, however, and the Giant assault died irar to feeble strokes at the finish. Charley Tesreau. the gigantic lad from the Ozark Hills, again was pitted against the sensational Wood by Manager Mc- Graw. but through the early innings tne backwoodsman could not bring his freaky delivery to hand, and the Red Sox soon picked up two runs a tre mendous lead for "Smoky Joe." A three base blow by Larry Gardner in the sec ond inning and a wild pitch by the Gotham heaving bobemeth gave the Bos tonians one tally, and a sequence of events beginning with a base on balls and ending with a scratch hit, gave them another in the fourth. L.aat Ran Off Ann. The third run was secured in the ninth oft Leon Ames, one of the veteran pitch ers of the Giants" staff, who took up the pitching after the mountain boy had passed out of the game In the seventh inning to make room for Harry McCor- mlck, the great pinch hitler of the Goth am club, and It was coincident with the passing of "JBlg Jeff" that opportunity hit the Giants' door with a most re sounding thump. Going Into the seventh the Giants were two runs behind and Fred Merkle was quickly retired on strikes by Wood. Charley Herzog, the slugger of the se ries, smashed a drive past Wagner for a single, which brought "Chief Meyers up. The Indian hit a long fly to the out field that rose high between Trla Speak er and Duffy elg. As the latter swung across from left field. Speaker turned from center, took a look' at the soaring ball, and waved Levis back, .making the catch himself. Arthur Fletcher, the long-shanked shortstop of the big town club, who threatened to become the "goat" of the series, only to come back and play sen sational ball, smashed the first ball for a double to right, scoring Herzog. The Continued on Face Eight. By WaiHH PBBT. . New Tork. Oct IL "Big" Jeff Tearean may be the world-famous '"bear hunter of the Ozarks." but bis ammunition failed to put Joe Wood and. the Boston Red, Sox out of commission in the fourth battle of the world's series at the Polo Grounds, the boys from the city of learning being returned winners, 3 to l. For the second time in the, baseball classic. Jake Stahl's 'marvelous mound artist hung it on McGraw's hired, men, both defeats being administered before a monster crowd of' loyal Giant rooters. True the Gotham club managed to cor ral one more safety off "Smoky Joe" than the red legs were able to gorner off the "big mountain" arid . "Red" Ames, but Wood was blessed -with wonderful support. Heine Wagner' and Steve Terkes figured In no less than six sen sational plays, each preventing a sure hit and possibly a tally. The Giant cast-off. Wagner, executed one play to-day which wfl live long tn the memory of the fans, same being when lie crabbed a vicious blow- off Mer kle' s bat In the fifth' Inning. Heinle took the drive Just as It was. passing over the second sack, and by. a lightning recovery and quick peg, nlped the "Giant first Wiseman oy a step. Geuae Cnelal Teat, j""' Vlctiory for them to-day 'yotti bare made Boston's' chances slim. In ether woras. inis game waajia very crucial one, and the champions of fce American League ar efeellng la giest fOeal more bssssssssssssssbssssssssssssssssssSh ' HPBilHnnnnnF .- wmmKmjm?,,mKmzwm&r::,:'ym iKKKJK3!&WKKWBmllr4BMK-Zm!ttB KEiK&SIKB2U?$B&&i'ZA' aSaVP'SVsBBSSSaAj JjFjBHHHHKr3siCf3 t-BBsKKi t ? sssssssB I il"Hi. 1 1 miWi'i ritj ' 1 i, lBtGmiTiTgf-jKGaBIrA, 'i till 1 m (-4aT J.. 4t4PVVrf'vBHS?Breb BMjtfhf .J VTKisUilvw ss- bssssmsS'jbsl TssssssssstsbssbmK-Jsssssjssssm 3cwjiBfcJFSBSsssssjssafc .": ..Zs ifBKKKjKtBBKmBBKBKBm WlsainBnsrasWMiiiBg I mm right arm of , the marrylous Jood loneenul to-night thsajmrnffflatelr alter thrasheuth1alt through tte-'nfaggy 'flrplube MarmiW,'1viaor. Although Wood Tras twice as (good as he was In the first game, he salll failed to work up to his best form. He was a whale for the first four innings. In the fifth and sixth the Giants took a few liberties with' him and he might have been in deep trouble but for mar velous support by Wagner -and Terkes. In the seventh the New Yorkers scored their run and would have had another but for a beautiful play by Steve Terkes, the Boston weak spelt, who has been: as consistently strong as any other lnfielder on either side. Two Giants got on In the eighth when two were out and then Joe gave an exhibition of Iris awry best brand, striking out.Fred Merkle on pitching that nobody could have hit. The ninth was one of his easiest rounds, so his weak ness in the. Innings just preceding was a temporary lapse rather than something caused by overwork. Good ob Defensive. Boston's defensive play was the best ft shown In the big series. The out fllders had no hard' chaneps. but there were plenty of them for the two people who cavort around second base. Wag ner was charged with the lone Red Sox boot, but he more than made up for it- Terkes refused to err, and his scoop of Mccormick's base hit. which came in the exciting seventh, and his peg to the plate that caught Fletcher dashing homeward with what would' have been the tying count, were bits of fireworks that will Continued on Pare Eight. w tewfapn'la. s Iran of aoltlera of Balgarla, whtrm'ls expected soon to join forces with the aoldere f KJn Nicholas ef'Menteaerre. la the lattra ght to overthrow theTnrkUh draaatr In the Balkans. Below la a arena "" eToef Montenegro, of the type that are leadlog the nsht along the Torko-Wontenegrtn frontier HEARD THREATS HADE BY BECKER Morns Luban Swiars He HMrd Officw Say Hi Would "Criak HmiR Rosenthal. rere iKi JINAKCIAL SIDE OF FOUBTH GAME Sfew Tork, Oct. 11 The no tional commission's statement of attendance at the fourth 'game of the worldn series i Paid admissions, M.SOS. Total receipts, gTCMt. Nattonnl commission's share, ST.ec4.40. Playrra- share, S4l,38T.7. Each cloh's share. 1S,TB63. THE COMPLETE SCORE. BOSTON Hooper, rf ...... Terkes, Sb..... Speaker, ef . . . . t Lewis, If ........ Gardner, 3b Stahl, lb Wagner, as Csdy, e. ........ Vood,p........ Totals.. . AB.R.I1. O. A.E. . 4. O 1 1 0 0 . 3. 0 1 as .40130 .4 0 0,1 0 . a a ra e 3 . 3 1 o s; o . s o o a -a 4 I I II O . 4 0.3 o a :a a 8 aria' 1 NEW TORK. Devore, If.- Doyle, 3b....... Snodgmsa,ef.-.. Murray, rf Merkle, lb...... HersoB, 3b. . . . ., Meyera, e. ...... Fletcher, ss OiTesreanvn Ames,p.t.' MeConalek.... Batted for Tearean la seventh. H Totals.. AB. R. H. O. A. K.' .401000 .401410 .400300 . O 1. 3 O O .401000 - 1 3 3 1 0 .'400311 4 O 1 3 .301030 .00010 .10 10 0 0 .as1 l i?u"i BOSTON' NEW TORK'. 1 ,0 0-1 0 0 0 ooooi, Two-base hits Fletcher, Speaker. See hits Terkes aad Stahl. Stolen hai Three-bane kit Gardner. Saert. ss Merkle, StakL Denhl. .i.. Fletcher to Merkle.' Hits' made Off Tearean. 8 la 7'Unlnga; off Asses, a In 3 Innings. Ftrst bnse on errors New Tork, . " Left on bases Boston. ?l New Tork, Tf, Bases on hallo Off Tearean, 3 (Hooper, Gardner)! off Ames ( Wngner). Strnek Ml By Tearean, S Cndy (3), Lewis, Stahl, WaaV nrri by Wood, 8 Devore, Mnrray (3), Tearean, Snodaraaa, Mtrttm. Mnw kle (3)'.. Wild pite Tearean. Time 3 hears aad mlaaxea. Umptren ' Messrs. RJglrr, hehtnd the boti p-Longhlrn, oa haoesiKIem, in right doldt Ernna,' in left del. i Lnnrel, Md, It sees.. iowt.. n. Mimxw & Kl Baltimore at Ohio R. R. SBefiaT trains I Winrhatr iMtnn.T .i.?" laBidiid lima. BK nwrirrdarettaTrtsnj .Ohio. SuaJay. otolhr1it?ms! jwwnsoiofcrnsos. wuon jrn wcaw. i traui loareaUMOa. New Tork, Oct. 1L Police Lieut. Charles Becker' listened, with blanched countenance to-dsyvwnllo Morris Lubanv a dark vlaaged, weak voiced y.oung'jmiii swore he. heard. Becker y'to Jack'.Roso two weeks before."the,'!murder: ,"ItTyou; don't croak Rosenthal, , I'll croak hint myself' ' . . This, was the first ' bit, of -testimony connecting, the four gunmen with, the police officer on trial for, his life before Justice Goff In the criminal branch of the Supreme Court. It supplied theTteost. dramatic, incident to date, with the -exception of the- one' that was to follow a few moments, later when "Lefty" Louie with an ugly snarl and defiant gesture shouted to-Justloo Goff his 'objections to,. the manner In which he and the other .gunmen were being brought before -the witnesses for' purposes, of Identification. Luban swore he witnessed the killing of Rosenthal tn .front 'of the Metrocele' noiei on tne morntng'Ol July 16, and he said he saw. guns in the hands of "Gyp the Blood." "Lefty Louie," "Wh'itey" Lewis, and a fourth whose name he did not know. He had known the, first three by name before' the murder, he said. Becker was plainly alarmed and his coun sel disconcerted by the jeopardy with which the case of the defense had become so suddenly and unexpectedly surround ed. The startling admission was wrung from the witness by Assistant District Attorney Moss. . Saw Becker -at; Bath House... - ' Did -you vis!t,the' Lafayette. .Batha about twoweeks" "before "the. murder of Herman Rosenthal! asked MrjMcss.- i aia auswerea ins -witness. "And -whom dldyyou see therej" s '1 saw.-Jack Rose'.and Lieut Becker." "Dld-you- see.' them -together.) ca hear any part of their conversation?".- per sisted Mr. .Moss. .; "- ".Ves.", replied the. wltness-wl thaut'hes- ltatlon. "I, saw them there' together-in the steam joom and -heard, part .of 'their. conversation." r a"s "What-waa that. conversation?" - "I heard Iileut. -Becker i say. toi Rose: Tf yqu- fellows ,don;t;'croak that-? In the, 'next-few-days.-m-croik him. myself." . . V'i :. " i,t, . . tf . 'How did .you know.. It was. Ros-to whom Lieut. Becker was. talking" I had ,Known . Rose. Jot .several -years and be recognized me. and spoke to me while Iwaa In the. room where" the con-. versatlon took place. "How did you .know- iwas .Lieut.' Becker wno spoxe to Rose?'.. . "I 'had ,seen. Lieut. Becker .before,, at which' time I was told his nam ana connection wun .me police department." Gnnn. BeoooVe li' --- Switching front this line' of ''oii'Vinn. to an effort ;to get information concern- iiin u ivh iwojiu cuargea witn tne actual killing, Mr. Mess, asked 'the wit ness. If rhe could Identify either. or all of the assassins. ' " . had known, roc: some time by.alght, three' of the ,men 'Whom r saw In front of theMetropole on the night of' the "Let. the- prisoners .be brought mto court." jdemanded-.'JusUce" OolC' mskirur tha third 't'm.'h.hi'rf .X-iiStC . tl "Jack" Sullivan, came In "and were op by, the rail near Becker. "Which of 'these-men .did you' see fire shota?" aalr Ur TUTtmm ,h& nllulW KaJ ing repeated by Justice Goff. LAiMn. knowing tnt character of the men he' faced, stoo. shaking In'hiaahTes. "P.VsbsolMls.feaiy,niatmade Ihe-wltiitsT heImle to proceed 'with the Identification was apparent to every spectator In the trial room. "Go ahead; pick out the man you saw fire at Rosenthal." fairly shouted Justice Goff, who" has never failed to show impa tience at any delay. Identlnea "Whiter" Lewis. Luban stepped forward, and touched Whltey' Lewis ion the shoulder. "I saw this man shoot." no said. "And who else 'did you see there?" ked Moss. Luban" again stepped -forward and touched, the -coat worn -by "Lefty Louie."' For the .benefit of-the: record, the.pris- uucrs-wcre .aireciea ,ko .personalty an nounce their! names aj.ther were nomted out. Thls.'custom has .prevailed since the oeginning oiJine,tnaL ""But '"Lefty Louie'" balkedtwhen It be came his .torn. 'He stood silent-for a moment ana nis. lace was IlvJd with rage. Then raising his clenched. fist.,. he shout- ni i tne ifcncn; "I am willing, your honor, to be identl- fledandXwant to,geMt;done with, but I want It done -in" the regular way." A moment ot intense-excitement fol lowed this .most unusual scene. The twelve men. In the -Jury .box looked from one to me outer In confused-amaxement. .Some spectators stood up, .while othters crouched' low In their seata aa If . ex pecting .violence-of some sort -Added to mis. contusion, some one at the, report ers' table kicked, over a, chaid and a suppressed scream .was plainly audible -from the- corner assigned to the"'eob Plrlu' Oat "Gyp the Blood" Justice Goff and the ..court attendants cauea louuiy tor order, but .It. was sev eral seconda"- before the" troiet a'nd gen eral dlgnlty'fof the courtroom- had been restored. Next ,in order Luban identified "Gyp the Bloody, - after which he; pointed out William-Shapiro as the roan 'whom-he had .seen driving the automobile on vth night lof -the murder.- l After-.the gun men' had been 1M fmm theroom and Luban had' resumed the witness stand- he'answered' questions on olrect'examinatlon-concernlng; witnessed' on -the' night 'of 'July is, the sum: of, which jWa .aa- follows:-. k"J went to ,theJMtefrppple.. Hotel, on that. night some, time', after 1 -o'clock. for the purpose-of .making Inquiries, as to where 'It could,' find'. Sam 'Paul. I saw Herman',Rosenthal"the're.. and. ' t h,H known1 .him before,-, I," asked ..Rosenthal where' ,1wOuId be' most likely to find sam Faul. ;H'.:nswerwas. that' most proDaoty.raui could be found ".at- the Hotel Lmcoln' tj ',' ' - ' ."'.'the'-tlme of ' the snootingr asked-Mr., Moss.' r"I..was,, standing-. just; Inside Jhe, door ina(,,ieaas'intoMne,reataurant' of -the Hotel, Metro pole .from 'West . Forty-third ouwt. a mw iuur men.nun rrnn-arrnaa the, street, and 'gather about Rosenthal as COLONEL H -WJITWIISON Boll Moose Leader Criticises At titude of Kew Jerseyite on the Tariff. EEPEOACKES LA FOLLETTE he approached' the sidewalk' from the" en trance to' the rata'ti'ran '' ' - ' the thlrd.'time hehadgtven'such an order- durtegj theday. " , , " " Anil ma. plilna .anllAMl.. . t-a k ..' handt anira,ssn.aaJ 'Ih. TaTnalla. v7 . ..T -. .ww , oaai.napiro' and, and again. by the; aatutilawv.r but.. KT nmsmraci not Bn n"lraathmvea .' .- - AM Men Armed. "Did'they all have arms'r!. asked the Assistant District Attorney, t , "Tes;-, they aH had, gnns," replied .Luban., l ' 'Mow many did you "see "skootr "I can nly be certain that I saw the nasn tram .two ot tneguna. "At whom were. the. guns pointed r' "At Herman.' Rosenthal."" . -. 'Now, 'describe to tbe-Juo' what you observed Immediately after the shooting. "I saw the four men. rush across 'the street and geC'tato an- automohn..' I had known, three of. .the four' men who urn me anw-ung oy aignt,,and LrecognlS- cu un wn .aiiung, tn .tne cBauKenr.'a seat 'as WUllam. Shapiro." t I 'Luban. .was then-'tnrneri nrin tn- W defense to be cross examined: by AttoN ner'John.F.tMcIntDra. -Th.w-i.. n. carried over bjslrect, tesUmony We By JOHN' B. PRATT. Oshkosh. Wis., Oct. 11. In this hotbed of Insurgency to-night, winding up a day's spectacular trail across Wisconsin. CoL, Roosevelt flred-grapeshot at Gov. Wilson, this time 'attacking the Demo cratic candidate's attitude on the tariff. The colonel defended hfe own' adminis tration record on the tariff, saying no demand for tariff revision existed at that time. In vitriolic phrase the third-party candidate declared that Gov. Wilson and also President Taft 'have- taken a "vicious"-stand on the tariff. He char acterized Wilson as "not a progressive, but a reactionary, a tory." Roosevelt, more In detail than In his brjef stop in Wisconsin, yesterday, re proached Senator La Follette for his opposition to the Progressive party. He accused the Wisconsin Senator of boost ing the Wilson candidacy, of being In spired by a vengeful -motive, challenging him' as a "professed". Progressive' to try consistently to reconcile his espousal jof niison. Tne lormer president spoke be- iore two immense audiences. As 'no hall was commodious enough to hold the-crowds that wanted to hear the colonel, 'he Progressives took him to an Immense warehouse, where 10,000 listened to the- first .'speech. Later Mr. Roosevelt spoke tot a big crowd at an armory. Crowds Walt In Rain. Although ta. hard. rain, wqs, falling when Roosevelt; reached the. city; he, was wel comed.' by enthuslastti throngs that lined the.'thoroughfarea. -Half the- araent Pro- grelves who tried to jam into the thea ter? and armory'' we re'turned -away. The-former 'President-did not speak at St Paul .having devbted-a dav to that. city and. its 'twin. Minneapolis,, a month ago .'on ,his -swing' to, the ,'far" TYest- The colonel's special. train,", "ran clear, across the State.- from the. .northwestern bound ary .to -this r extreme eastern end, in the rucn.trox valley; -'- Harry- -Cochems. 'erstwhile La Follette "supporter.- who' la' doing' trojan work for rhe colonel's-candidacy, told him that a tidehas:set In throughout the State for lire duii (. jioose- iicaei.-.- i ne- outpourings of crowds -and .the cordial; greeting 'they gtve tne colonel seemed to, bear out Cochem's view. ' Under "umbrellas, .admiring throngs waited tor. Roosevelt. t Chippewa' Falla Stevens Point. Thorpe,:and other flourish ing cltlts'throughout the dumber region. Balkan War Said to Be Forcruniwr of Strife Involving: Russia Montenegrins Win Decisive Victories Other Rumors. St Petersbar-f, Oct 11. Orders were kntl to-ddy for the , sati6 of the Xastiaji Black Sea feet feUowiar tke MaMentism ef Tnfkey'i represeatationi to Russia in regard to tie restrictiem of tnMc ia graia, IsmAnn (r 11 U'J.l. tl. -1..: .-At -.. r .- , . . ' . -; -"-' - " " re "giiung on tne xurnsn nuimeis steaa-i ily increasing and Montenegro winning decisive' victories which willl have the effect of, greatly encouraging the other Balkan states, the war situation is more serious tcnight than at any time since the begiaain-, of-hostilities . ' v J Unconfirmed, dispatches were received here late to-day, saying that! Servia andBuIgaria had finally formally declared war. Why theW countries are withholding their proclamation is a mystery in diplomatic arcles,-but this failure to act is not construed as indicating any desired for peace. -Official circles were stirred late to-day bv the direct prediction of a European conflict, made at St. Petersburg," by the Russian Minister of War, M.rSuchoUin6ff, who said: "The Balkan outbreak is the beginning of a great European clash, into which Russia inevitably will be drawn.?' CAPTURE TURKISH FORTS. ' i The Montenegrins to-dav added the capture of Turkish forts at into to their victories at Podgo ritea and Detchitch Mountain. The capture of the forts gives the Mon tenegrins control of the road to the town of Scutari. Itwas renorted that the Montenegrins had taken bcutan itself, but this was regarded as an error. The fighting, according to dis patches, has developed into the worst kind of guerilla warfare. Prisoners are beine massacred bv both sides and non-combatants are being lain without discrimination. SKIRMISHES RKPORTKO. Several skirmishes are reported from points along the Turko-Bul- ganan and 1 urko-bervian fron. tiers. Turkey is brinrnnjr 140,000 Asi atic troops to Constantinople, which will .augment her .European force to aSput. 400,000, .men. The Montenegrm-' Consul - Gen eral here to-day received the fol lowing official message from Cet- tinje: "Military operations continue successful. Several important Turkish positions taken already. Army advancing." SICKLES' BEATEN 'IN HERO RACE GREEKS BUY CBUISEB. . New Castle. England. Oct. 1ft. The Greek government to-day purchased the cruiser Chao-Ho, Just built for China. The vessel will sail immediately. ITALY MAY FIGHT. Rome. Oct. 10. Owing to Turkey's ac tion In submitting fresh claim;. Italy may suspend the pourparlers now in progress and continue the Tripolltan war. MEXICAN KEBEIS SACK ' TOWN; FEDERALS RELIEVE AMERICANS IN MINING CAMP Mexican rebels have sacked the town of Cholul. near the, city of Puebla. in the slate of that name, according to advices to the State Department yesterday.. It is reported that the Americans at El Oro. In the mining section, have been relieved by federal troops, but this re port Is not confirmed. The Northwestern Railroad and tele graph lines are still out of commission, and It Is reported that the rebels are in full control of the railroad from Pear son to Summit, a distance of thirty-five miles. Summit Is l.'O miles south of Juarez. Engineer Killed. Fort Wayne. Ind.. Oct. .11. Engineer C. E. .Schllliter. of Bellevue. Ohio; was killed to-day when New York, Chicago, and St. Louis train. No. 5. crashed into the rear of a freight at Leipsic during a thick fog. Son of Aged General Reveals Letter to Woman Askiag if Better t Soldier Stole Affections. ' New York. Oct. IL "Who, oh! who. m your hero now?" writes Gen, Daniel E. Sickles In a fervHd love letter to Miss , a popular New York society girl. wno naa -worshiped'' him for eighteen years before her friendship was broken off by Stanton Sickles, the war vet eran's son. Stanton Sickles ga-e out the letter to-day. stating that It was written from Washington In the snrlna- of 18ST. "The girl had gone, to Eurone and then touring the Continent- explained the son. "I had broken off her Hason with father, not, however; before he had given her aA4.kerSfamilj-alraost.hls (and loeVtentalrymr) entire fortune," Ine letter, which is' addressed to the aonan st the Windsor HoTeL Paris!- ftads in part as follows: My Darling: Once you van. a ... worshiper. Who is your hero now- Is he a better soldier, a better statesman: ha he more money, more-s, position, or ""ore ? I am in nno- hi.i. almost dead. "You will km me; Have ou no pity, despite what I have done for your brothers and others of your family? In spite of ail this, you turn against me. Farewell. DAN" e.VThl" Iet!'r was -ten when 'jttr father was in his seventy-seventh yea? tJPwhom !Umn SlcklM- "Th woSa Sh. i.m Wte w" then thirty York ss marrled and Ilv,n lork. She wa seventeen when he Brat came under her sway. i her reply , ? L Hn.r; W:h ,he -ntlyMend - i."'' she tatts ,ht she can "ac- n" ?,ot nriL,furJhr-' Th-t-,l -" r n-e. Is prima facie evidence that ho squandered money on her" thlhei.n ",ys he to make use ot .in..".r' '" h" mPlated suit -aln,t "" woman to force restitution. Submarine Goes Aground; Two Sailors Drown atsonviUe. CaL. Oct. 11.-A. a result of a huge wave sweeping over the little submarine F-I at the entrance to Port Watsonville Harbor to-day. two sailors were drowned and the vessel went aground. The drowned are: G E. Schroeder. of Milwaukee, and N. J.Tur bett. of Newark. X. J., both flrst-clasa seamen. The two seamen wrere on watch duty when a rising sea sudrimi i -w .i.. little crafU and before they could con trol the steering gear both were swept overboard. The remainder of the crew worked over twelve hours to save the craft from going on th r-v ), - finally compelled to abandon her. A tui Is trying to make Its way' to her. Woman Cn tier. -Throat. Richmond, Va.. Oct. IL Depressed' be cause of IU .health, .Mrs. Dudley ..' Ed wards, aged thirty-eight, wife'of a prom inent citlien. this, morning cut .her throat from ear to ear in. the', home of her father.- Her body was found -in bed several, hours after she had. committed sufclde. '.She 'leaves' a 'husband a'nd one cniia. - ,, , C(MERCE VISITORS TO BE WELCOMED HERE Delegates to International Congress of Chambers of Commerce Arrive in Washington To-night Joseph Straxburger is chairman of the committee, of eight which wUl'look after the visitors at-the Continental HoteUand M. A. Leese is chairman of the ennAnit. " WoiMnn anal Bnhe- Found Dead. 'NewS CastM!, Pa.. Oct. 'li: Mrs. Mary a. rerscnice. a widow,, aged twenty, and her. five-year-old child were found dead under.the .falls' atvCascade Park to-dav ,x nej-. naa y oeen missing' since Monday, andjlt .is, believed the. .young j- woman lumped Into the falls with, the child la ner arms-.- (. -'-'- ' ' - -... i I TUUm to Bajtlnnre'snal Katnaaw J a. - ' --' '?""-' 't' l I Saturdays and Sundays. vla Paiavi. When the two-section train; bringing the dleaates of the Fifth International Congress of Chambers of Commerce to Washington. enteTS Union Station this evening. Just after S o'clock, the visitors will find a waltlntl them, members ot the local Chamber of Commerce to -welcome them! D. J. Callahan Is chairman of the depot. committee, and. he has thirty two others to assist him. .each with an automobile, and the distinguished for eigners, after shaking bands around, will enter the automobiles" and be con ducted to their hotel. r D. J. Kaufm'on and .Thomas Grant; chairman of the committee of 300 and secretary of the Chamber, of Commerce, respectively, will be aboard the train, having Jolntd the excursionists en route. They -w ill t have made the. acquaintance cf most of the delegates and will a, ttend to the Introductions.' To-morrow other committees, known a a the hotel committees, each with an'auto mobtle. wfll take the delegates on an all-around-town ride, ppintlng'out objects of Interest and showing off the show city of u.ese united states. Rosa p. tl tee of eight who will be on rintv .t r-. gress HalL The River Committee which will be lr. charge of the trip to Mt. Vernon on Monday, has George T; Worthlngton aa' chairman and is composed of M member of the, chamber. The trip to Mt. Vernon will take place In the afternoon and luncneno will be served abroad tn. w In sending out Invitations for the ran ceptlon en Monday evening,' at the Pan American, to the'members of hercosa. ralttee which (will serve, on thataccaalott It was omitted to mention, that Ue meav, bes of the; committee wede. expected to. bring their. Wives-- or m-nnm- rr4m4. assist .in entertaining the delegatea Aa--"i k?v wuikcuicdi vii mase at tna vBaraher xv of Commerce- VMtmiir th.t .kr,; . ' ence of the.Udtes of -the 'member, -wa!"" iV aneclalre hbIvmI. .. ..vuIZ ' --.'. Should ha atvan tn ah. ... -w. f Vl - --.- .. '-.. a. .. : . . f- T Slalil aaa au. i f - Every 8alnrdar-and, Sunday. Good .to; "tunt -until :o r au train 'Monday. a 5 li'SX .J5M