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eSCi Kirf .- lS" BaWkaT , Kli.VV.W-iWi-.-.,- IT iVwSJ it-: ? -iiig isss If ...lOL '?s r -:-r y m& K? W1 1' '.- '- -i vj w'vy-i'Lr si.-- . -w --.- ?-J V. I II I M I I l ll ,..---k t- . &ki M'7TnKK i r ;i sn-zi- ONB CENT. ' ry-A' .w.,i"t"J " "-.'L..i 'JL " iz " ' -j '. . ".. .. 'I VT-.. . 1 . W . .- - . 1 si - 2A.'5V ' 'v.sVivv: SHfflJLD CEASE ITS COMMERCIAL CAPITAL WEEKS RAISE RELIEF mmttfoiw m IC9HMTTEEEHQS -. a jr 'V. ..?' ' His Support of Governor Wilson i- - rss WTES READ AT t p ' 4 .Jl - - .---, ':, v -j -, Other MarMe$ . -j j DIVOfiCE TRIAL L' ' " ,,-- s. if J VartMfcyyifoiiMr7 .,CaWh3BM7aW":.r-.s. v w,'7;-i Miy v J . y u. " -BBSST fr Ti T-T SBBBSm r ti J BB-B"SSBBBn '.BBB-r a 1- mBBB- J. :- 7 I B.r- -BBBBBB. J.' XanSBBS . 'Mi " r, . r .BBBBLr BsaaBB.';. BBS "W HBBlvwu 1 r" B-.' JVVJBBBBBV..- BVr.t BBBBBC' . -BB BBBBB-. 'K-KB'-. aBBBBBV .-BBBBB1 .-Bm I 'fl, BBI.: i -Oa'B' .-'. WSTW-OW m I , -ms-- TWIVJ BBS asa ma asa asm n I I m ii i ' ' I 1 1 tei.flriMw J !'.- .5- '. '.r: ji . -- -..-...- -jj . BanmaB-B-BmajaanaanjBjBeMajBBn-Ba WassBBBBBBBBBBBT -oxoxoxojbb- BJBmBBBjBBBJBm- xsmBmBmBmB-r- .ii -..- - i m i -, .- -i 'V.irJ.W. '., . ri 1 -. V V ,"- -I C AMnfJxvi '-- iii'i i ..'. iiw I,, ) i a mmmmmmm; WrmLOVE -1 ,!- if ' ,'J3 MIOKTHISWEEK J &, .':vT .. - FLIRTATIONS . FIR9D OF $2,5M ;vya: .: wu ft iT . . i ',' - -i " -' - r-: . , i.if - -t v '- - wpp, wMUl DMj II Mir T 1 ,:"- -S.7I f . t -i-"t- itlt-f -sU -? Alt .. u DM Mis Mt UK Alli ftfll Xlttf ftpiMlcs if It Is ti En WIRETT SO PROPIESIES ttstrief Kiittts if Ctkatas Cm- MriH Aniwfsiry if DU vm if Mim, ; "The United States must in the near 'tutor, cease Its commercial 'flirtations with the nations of Europe, and enter into a wnoiesome alliance w'tn.tneiwen, tone republics of Latin America lf,lt v to enoure. This was the statement made list night in Poll's Theater by John Barrett. director general of the Pan-American Union, In an address delivered at the celebration of the District Knights of Columbus of the 430th anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus. "Latin America." said Mr. Barrett, "is the United 8tates greatest opportunity. and its greatest responsibility. The time will soon pass when this country can afford no longer to make wall flowers out of the republics of Latin America; they are destined to take their place among the nations of the world. We must change this attitude: we are grad ually becoming saturated with the germs of International tuberculosis which any sanatorium of nations cannot cure. We must cease neglecting our sister na tions, and rid ourselves of the illusion that our country is the only one on the Western hemisphere." Moaasaeat to Colaaabas. "Pan-America is a living monument to Columbus, the man whom I consider the second greatest character of history after Christ. It is a far greater monu ment to his Immortality than the grand est mon-iment of stone that .culd be erected -to his memory. These republics, almost totally ignored by this country, were more prompt la recognizing the greatness of Columbus. In every one of the capitals of the twenty-one repub lics forming compromising Latin Amer ica appropriate testimonials have been erected to the memory of Columbua. This-, country was the Jsst on the hemi sphere to dedicate a monument to his V memory. "I-think-it qnlte'-fltting that aa officer of 'the Pan-American Union should ad- I J. dress .you, on- your celebration of -Cohan Dus'Usv- I nope the day wui soon come when Washington will not only be the capital of the United States, but also of .the twenty-one Lstln American repub lics. I long for .the day when they will become one great family, the foremost In the 'world In the promotion of the principles of liberty, protection of the home, end spreading everywhere the Ideal of ourChrlstlan religion." Radolpk Also Spemluu Cuno H. Budolph. president of the Board of Commissioners, praised the work of the Knights of Columbus, and said that no more fitting expression of approval could have been uttered than Is found In the words of Cardinal Gibbons: "I know of no organisation In the world, religious or civil, which has done more to extend the Ideals of Christianity throughout the world, lighten the bur dens of the poor, or afforded more pro tection to the home, than the Knights of Columbus." Rev. Charles Warren Currier, a noted traveler and a prominent member of the Knights of Columbus, told of his travels over the world and of the honors that had been paid to the memory of Colum bus by other nations. He spoke particu larly of the occasion of the unveiling of the monument to the memory of Colum bus at Palos, Spain, In the presence of tne queen Regent and the King of Spain. Edward P. Harrlnston. state denutv. Knights of Columbus, for the District. Immediately following the conclusion of the addresses Introduced the following resolution wnicn was unanimously adop- ica. "it-solved: That we residents and cltl zens of the District of Columbia. In public meeting assembled, firmly be lieving that in justice to the name and the fame of Columbus, the anniversary of the discovery of America. October IS, should be declared legal holiday In this uisinci. urge upon me congress of the 'United States the enactment of legisla tion to that effect, and to this end we asic tne nearly ana earnest cooperation of all Justice-loving people." Not since the Columbus monument was unveiled at the Union Station. plaza. last June, nave so many members of the order been assembled In one place .as was asseroDiea in tne theater' last night The theater was beautifully decorated in American flags and colors -of the Knights of Columbus. Several musical numbers were given by members of the order between the addresses. KILLS HUSBAND, THEN HERSELF Six-year-old Bey Kmdi ' Paremti Dead in Bedroom with Bui lets in Braiss. AdeL Gsi, Oct IX Going to his par ents roo to teU them, that their break' fast waa ready, the six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Crosby this morn ing found his mother lying on the floor with a JS-callbre" revolver clasped In her right band and a bullet through her brain, and his father lying In bed with .the covers still drawn over him. 'dead tram srbullet .through thr right ays. At the Inanest It was decided that Mrs. Crosby had killed, her- husband aa Its slept and then slain, herself. .'No motive for the doable' .tragedy ts known. .Crosby was cashier of .the .local bank and one of, the, wealthiest men In this seetloa. 'His wife was a-sodal lead er. Tha oovtta-nvsd happily as tar-as known. .Itlta,gestsraBy.-beHeved. :how- ever, that Mrs., crosar.'Who naa naen '. somewhat asssaridaatrfor-asTaral weak Vhecause of n-heaKh... committed "the snan in a tsa;perary:nt:ot issswuy. . Tte tosjy's .wfil. Jha waa fowsd' fa PHHWrMrC IklM Sttocfilrftft In iMsTiraS. M JstWsfsWsi Orfcfi. Urn, WAR DECLARED CERTAIN . '' If UMl SlHrWS, t ,K- On the. eve tOf. declaration of wai-iby their country against Turkey, a largo gathering of Greeks was held yesterday under auspices of the Pan-Hellenic Union. In their lodge rooms at Pennsyl vania Avenue and Four-and-a-half 8treet. to -consider means of providing for the families of such of their number as must respond to the King's call to arms. More than 100 Greeks are affected by the King's' order in Washington alone. All are anxious to go. They all .believe that war is certain. Enthusiasm at the meeting ran high. As members phrased lb "the time has come to put a stop once ana tor ,au to the 'dark age'" of European Turkey, and to the .outrages practiced upon, the Christians there." Greek statesaaasi Speaks. Alexander Alexandropolls, statesman and one of the foremost Journalists, of Greece, delegate of his country to the International Congress of Chambers ft Commerce. 'was the principal speaker, His address was . spirited, and called upon those who are drafted to leave their families and business and fight the cause of their country. Conditions In the Balkans under Turkish despotism, be said, are unbearable. The feeling has reached such a pitch In Greece," he said after the meeting. that war is Inevitable. "We thouathL as the -Teat powers thourht. that the constitution won by the- Toung Turks was a guarantee that conditions would Improve. The outcome has been lust the contrary. "The lives of thousands of Greeks who live In Turkish dominions are In dally danger. Their daughters are robbed from them for harems. Their businesses are carried on at the pleasure of greedy Turkish officials, heir suffering has been great, and the outrages committed against them, mostly go unpunished. Take ffasaJTHassltles. - a . "Greeks of the Porte's domains, who musk serve in the army, are taken away from their .families, and must serve their enlistments In Asia Minor or other parts of the Ottoman Empire, far from their homes. This Is to keep dissatisfaction caused by barbarous treatment of the people from growth .In the army. "Under the Toung Turk regime things are worse than ever. There has been no Improvement, The people of Greece see the only hope of -obtaining Justice for their kindred and Christians In the Bal kans In war. War Is Inevitable." Dr. Jobn Constas, of the medical fac ulty of Georgetown University, told the meeting that there were, three things to consider. First, the self-sacrifice of those who leave their families In obedi ence to their country's call; second, the collection of funds for the care of the families left behind: and third, the crea tion of sympathy among the nations in the cause of Greece. "It Is the dutv of all who have been drafted to go home and serve," he concluded. Rev. Father Alezonaulos enoke ltmn the needs of the mothers, sisters and! children of those who must respond to the royal mandate, and that they should be generously provided. Raise Pass of 2,SOO. Funds were collected for the families of about 100 Greeks who have been drafted, and who are awaiting orders from the Greek consul In New Tork to sail. About SMOO.was taken at the meet ing. A committee of ten was appointed to canvass for subscriptions. Soterios Nicholson, a local attorney, stated that the funds collected were to be used only for the families of those who are ordered to Greece. He said that those who were not able to obey the summons byreason of lack of funds would be sent home at the expense of Individuals. Senator Oliver's Daughter to Wed Naval Commander Miss Jean Oliver, daughter of Senator and Mrs. George T. Oliver, and heir with her two brothers to millions (U to. marry Lieut. Commander Edward McCauley, Jr., U. S. N., who saw active service with Admiral Schley on the battleship Brooklyn at the battle of Santiago. The announcement -of the engagement was made 'by Miss 'Oliver's parents hero Vast night Miss Oliver Is prominent in society tn the Capital and In Pittsburg. She made her debut several years sgo. 'Her' father acquired his vast fortune In steel and In the newspaper business, being, the owner of the' Pittsburg- Gazette-Times, and Chronicle-Telegraph. The Olivers while In Washington live at'2) Massachusetts Avenue Northwest Lieut Commander McCauley. Is now at the bead of the department of cbnv passes and other nautical and surveying Instruments In the Naval Observatory here., lie was born la Washington Ac gust U, IRS. and was appointed to tha Naval Academy from New Tone In UK. He saw active service during the Spanish-American war. 'Ha' has had marly two years of shore duty an wis be as signed to sea duty next year: Mr.Mc- cauley u a meaner-ox thj Metropolitan. and Array, and Navy -Clubs, of Wash ington. No. date for the wedd'ng has 'ha npon. . . Tickets good going on' all Its II haws and Ohio trains Oct II to IS: vaHlar return tmtU aNIt. tXM: and foravsohil trains 'only, .tawrlaw rJstlsa 'sNattoarS sod going on' all TlslUiaui California Progressive . Republican ' tjr es t Friends So Vote ior Democratic Candidate, 'WitpjHLe Calls a "Stn cere Progressive." In an extends statement given out ysstsrday. Senator John D. Works, of California, ,a 'Progressive Bepubllcan. cosnea- out ..openly for Woodrow Wilson and advises all Progressives to rote for the Democratic candidate for President. In his statement Senator Work bitter iLlg"." rwirtsntva party of California and assrms that the third party obtained patassslon of that State through frstud and deception. In announcing his Intention to .vote for Governor Wilson. Senator Works says that in effect ha throws all nerao-ial amoiuon to i tne winds: that the Pro gressives "of California, his former inenas. nave already denounced him aa a traitor and are urging him to resign ms asat in tne. senate. "Wilson Is. a .real and sincere Pro gressive," said Senator Works. "He; has proved it by his course and conduct aa a public ofllcer and as a candidate. He is running on a- sane progressive plat form. Nothings of benefit to progressive principles or honest politics can be gained by votinsr for either Taft or Roosevelt. "Matter of Caasele-aee. The best' service Progressive Repub licans can render to their party, and to their? "country., under these unfortunate circumstances, Is to vote for Wilson. It will help to .teach dishonest manipulators of politics a wholesome lesson. If you do. you will be. denounced as a Demo crat by' the regular Republicans, and as a traitor to the Progressive cause by the Progressfes, aa I have been already. Tou may loss all chance of future po litical preierment. you may make so many political enemies by being honest ana standing Dy your conscientious con victions thai you cannot be elected to any office, Tou may be made the vie- tlm of personal abuse because you have stooa tor tne truth ana for common hon ety. But all these things count for nothing aa against the abiding convio tion.that you have done what you sin cerely believe to be right. What ws need In politics Just now more, than anything else Is moral courage cour age to stand firmly for right, honesty and Justice. Nothing . else will do so much .as this to purify pontics,, drive out of It all selfish privilege seekers, dishonest politicians and corrupt bosses, and .protect the rights and Interests of tbe"-people.""- "The regular- Republicans, so called. THE BBOrCE OF WAIVES IS DUBBED "PIAGGEK WAQOEB" BY BlUMBTB London. Oct IX "Pragger Wagger," is the name bestowed upon the Prince of Wales by his fellow-students at Magdalen College, Oxford, where he entered yes terday as a freshman. Pragger Is classic Oxford slang for prince. The word "Walea" presented a difficulty, but In sol emn conclave, the students decided that "Wagger" waa not only nossible. but -lit and so It. was chosen. .There Is now not the aUghtest'dougt under the sun but the name will stick to the royal prince, who will some day be King of England. The name given his royal highness august grandmother. Queen Victoria, by the col legians was "Quagger. ' BALTIMORE GREEKS wHLDTG TO FIGHT Baltimore, Md.. Oct It An outburst of remarkable enthusiasm took place In the Greek church here this morning when the Greeks, of Baltimore, who worship there celared tbeld willingness to leave there families and take up arms for their codntry against Turkey. Tears "streamed down the faces of the stalwart men and' their voices broke with sobav as they took the solemn pledge. One man. overcome by emotion fainted and had to be assisted from the church. The meeting was held In response to a general call' to the Greeks from head quarters of the Pan Helenle Society in New York. Wire Troahle Delays Reply. Rome. Oct IX The Italian fiduciaries will have to wait until next .Tuesday night for a reply from Turkey to its' last note, on account of a serious Interruption .to the telegraph circuits. All wires are down between Constantinople and'Ouchy, and messages are oeing sent around by irai Easllsk to Help Tarks. London, Oct IX The Dally 'Express has received a dispatch from Constanti nople In which it Is stated that the Turk ish minister at London has natHfaul h. Turkish government that a number' of English, surgeons and-aviators are ready iu kttc in tne uitoman.arfny. Kla Still at Capital. Sofia,. Oct. IX The report that' King vnujaiH nmu. icit tne casual ror th front la without foundation. The city Is quiet and without 'news from too scene or ngnung. , Revolt of Wlao aeoac, Advicss received In Washlnaton inxi. cate that the Just ended Mens, in .eTWiiB waa uucmis Dy IDS BBSS be hind the revolt as a signal' for an mil. American uprising, and. for attempts to ovsnnrow tne governments oc Honduras, Salvador, and Guatemala; The success so connoenuy expected in Nicaragua was to., be- -followed. Immediately by similar movements in nonauraa and in Salva dor, and. If drcmnstances should wa. rant It In Guatemalan Thus practically an of Central America waa to'-have been thrown Into'a turmoil which its planners Intended to make surpass any previous movement ox tne dm. t Dies of Stak Wi , jKahoec il thenoft. am;:aasVx-Kk. m a nght at Jala Imsm em. the.asaat.of Sep- -i?Mfc,,15;,-v thirty years aU. of M stotssntk'-trost North- aat.- osso aia,ac t is snail iwm wn-Tsiosa.aviraaasssst' at iv nessiiiuo-Ad- SML' of ital - asos.' twoasy-otx 'f' iffsasrsnsaaXS- Nsrlajast, t'.wko --way rs- SEVAT01 JOBS California Senator, la Jaaaalaa; to third parly wltk'fratid aad, will take the same course If they are wise., Taft cannot - carry California. Everybody knows '. that. , Therefore, a vote for ' htm is ' worst than a vote thrown away. It, Is-a vote. for Roosevelt snd the destruction- of the . Republican party in the Bute. With the new party, scheme defeated.' the Republican party can be reunited as ,-a-proarnslre party as it was before, some of-Its members were led- away: from: Itjlnto.a-sham Pro gressive party, by men who assumed to be ltsr, leaders,' and, who care more .for pouucai success than i for the honor of' , - ,,!- -, . ,. . "AH good people In California should unite In the effort' to. rebuke' the men who have resorted to thto scheme, of dls- TQ BACK UP ROSE Will Take-Stand To-day in Trial of Lieut.. Becker for Murder of KoKnthaL THINK. TSSTHCOlfT DEFOBTAIT New York. Oct- lX-Desplte the, fact that to-day was -Sunday and the' trial of Charles Becker for the' murder of Herman Rosenthal had' gone' over for twenty-four, hours there were-these .vital developments in -tbe case: " Bridgey Webber Is -expected to take the stand to-morrow -and not only cor roborate the testimony of -Jack, .Rose. charging Becker with"; the 'idstlgation of Mje'crime.. but also reveal newi lnfofma tion"wh.ich will' enmesh Becker1 sHll deep er In the conspiracy. Webber It Is; said will testify that-Jack. Sullivan.: Becker's most trusted lieutenant-summoned' 3ip the Blood." "Lefty Louie." and. "Whltey XrtWls"' to Webber's poker, rooms, where tney .were to get tneir oroers to- Kill Rosenthal. Mrs. Becker said her-husband -had -already been tried and. 'convicted' In the public mind, .and that hls';slde 'of the story bad' never beenuold. -She said he hid "told that story, td.'.her arid 'she 'be lieved him innocent She' felt" satisfied that the- twelve Jurors. wili'evenfually be convinced that a sans-'of ramblers kill ed' Rosenthal and .that they-. Implicated Becker .In a net. of .falaebooda.-to' save themselves. 3fclatyr Thtteed Joh'nF.. Mclntyresalde; hadbeen th"reaten'edv:with deathT when "the. court adjourned ' last"1 rilgh't' .'Ber salda " man told'hlm hewouM Mow-JilS''(McIntyre's' WW w.., a uv ...u. waMiii v -tugj JKI Rose Into the case.7-.. f ' Wrs.' have been approached' by friehds of Becker, -who Insisted oh' paying -her Idebts! snd eatab llsblng an.-annuity.- for her. for the .rest ofher: life. Th.ey.also sought to obtain heri" promise, not to--Implicate, Becker when she, takes the stand.' ' . Pnless Vri Rosenthal v becomes - too nervous "from, the strain of watting to testify. ;sbe4will not be-, called until; the oistnct attorney naj-Tsniinea-'Yeooer. Van'n,''.Schepps,'Harry Pollock and sev eral' other-wltnesses. . ' - Because" of fhls fear, that enemies, are sliaaTswmg; him., Giovanni Stamach, of he most important ' lluissss against Becker, 'asked wstnet -Attomey Whit mahfor' protection. A'ddMctlve-.waa ac- cordlagly, assigned to. act.-aa h!a .body-! guard. ... .-- . The Becker, Jury tookra'.rloo: to .Kings-! bridge' ma iatgntsviains;. car to-day. AU appeared, ed in exceuent.sealth. . - ' amyJasaa-'aWiwrisosj..: . New Tersl'aOet'll Tluf "executive osmmlttosof the. Nstlonal.:LsgBe. of Boaatoss Man -.for wlkoa'. and -.Marshall has5 approved .the' plan. for, aUaawallli of , ,Nsw Tork -bastMssvmenitoVmake a 'totuv ran-, far -aoDaworwRh'. a - special train..-proVlsnng .thora appears. toTbe'any mdlllf'al nifimiltr far II i nasslsad TT Dodga., president. of ,'t'saaa," said to- iasMeve saeh-a ;tr;-wsad Che of l WEBBER EXPECTED V. WOKKS, support of Gov. 'Wilson, rkaraes Ike drreplloa la California. honest politics and to defeat every can didate who has received his nomination by such means, be the office for which he Is a candidate high or' low. This is a time to test the sincerity of people who profess to believe In honesty In politics." Frandaleat Methods faed. The Senator adds that' no kind of so phistry or evasion can conceal the fact that the methods by which1 the Progres sive party secured control of California was fraudulent ''It- is pitiful," said he. "that a great movement for reform In i politics in-. California that has achieved o,much"-u projuiadrTW?Bruch CoaHaaed.oa rage Ktgkt. THR0WV FK0K iFEEDnrG 'XOTOBCYClXtO LAP of woMAir- or auto Tonkers. N. T.. Oct "lX-Phlllp Hoyt of Garrison, was hiiried .from a speeding motorcycle into the lap 'of a woman rid ing in an automobile -as a result of a collision In Mount Hope, to-night Hoyt was running toward tArdsley behind an auto and decided to pass' this machine. He turned out to run around the left side of the auto, and as he did his motor cycle collided head-oa with another au- tonooiie containing Mr. and Mrs. George Leverett speeding towsjtd him. Hoyt was hurled ovefche handle bars and thrown Into Mrs. Eeverett's lap. He suffered a broken C wrist and lnju- fflVS IU Hill KMICK. HELEN GOULD C01TMBUTES. Give. 913,000, Thereby Iasarlas .V.TM. C. ..' for Ports aoath, Va. Norfolk. "Va.. Oct IX As an eleventh hour contribution to assure the erection of a .aoo.MO T. M. -C. A. building In Portsmouth. Miss Helen Gould yesterday sent tU,tOO fo the fund. It was. Miss Gould's wecond contribution, she having given. w,w some time sgo. The solicit' Ing committee was tll.OOO short of the re quired 1100.000 last, night-snd unless the whole1 amount was -subscribed to hefor- mldnlgbt the whole thing would iave fallen short Miss Gould sent a tele gram saying, she 'would give 13.000 as a rs'monai 'to ner' cousin, tne late William Northrop, president of the -Virginia Pas senger and -Power Company. LAMBERT BERGMAN CALLED BY DEATH Aged Pott-office Employe Sneeumbs After Suffering Stroke of Paralysis. Lambert F- Bergman, or life-loner resi dent of this city, died -at las o'clock yesterday .morning. Mr. Bergman, who was In his fifty-ninth; year, had been an invalid .since1 he was' stricken with pa ralysis, March S. UM. Mr. Bergman was a son of the late' auiui. a.,asa .uunim Dergman, and was educated at the .Columbian College and 'the 'Emerson Institute, from which he 'was graduated. December 17, an. he T .. W-A . .- .. . - entered the city postofflce , as . book, keeper. By efficient service, he rose to the, position of assistant superintendent of, city deMvery. March 1, law. which' he creaiiaoiy niiea tor. nineteen years; until Illness comoelled him in relli-.'' ; ''In; this once Mr. Bergman came Into daily -contact, with, .many;-people. He waa.sooaea.imon;as one or the most con genial, affable, and, competent employes of- the 'Washington postofflce.. Mr. Bergman'marrled Miss 'Emma K. BuahSy.' of;. Alexandria, n August it, 1CT. Their only son, Charles D died In In fancy.' Mr. Bergman la survived by his Ko- and ay'two sisters. Mrs. J Charles NRlcharasahd'Mrs.-Wllliam H. Sholes. oiWassawton.' ' .jt v , " iTho faneral- services :.wtll be conducted Jtfao Bsrgxnan. rasUsaes.. lost M -Street Marttwast.-' at Ij, o'clock. Wednesday spiral ajvOaohsre;,py.RsT.--U ,Cham swra:amliltv.' David ij-Reed. Tha pan- ,'WBt. ao taiaaasMil, of McKssMrps sstv. assssesoai tnuTcn. or Mct M TJisSjIII IISS afimiiii.nrfllllll.Tl MiMfftf. fir OMMoratfc Cuiiito TMi Wi.t VIRWIillff IRIf nffM The Senate committee that Is Investi gating campaign funds will enter to-morrow upon what promises to be Its last en gagement to run one week, before the election. Democratic campaign managers will be the headliners to-day. .The committee will try to learn an It can about the expenditures of the man agers, of Democratic pre-convention cam paigns waged this year. The only can didate before the Baltimore convention who has Invited attention to his expendi tures up to this time is Speaker Cfsrk. His manager, former Senator Dubois of Idaho, who was. before the committee last week, testified to expenditures slight ly in excess of H0.0M in the Interest of the Speaker. The Wilson., Underwood,4 Harmon and other booms are yet to be heard from. W. F. McCombs. for Wilson: Senator Bankhesd. for Underwood, and Hugh L. Nichols, Lieutenant Governor of Ohio, for Harmon, will testify to-morrow. Among other witnesses called for the coming week are Elmer Dover, former secretary of the Republican National Committee: George W. Perkins, and Frank A. Munsey. who have come to be known around the Investigating commit tee room aa the Roosevelt "gold dust twins." .When these witnesses have been heard there will be little left to hold the Interest of .the committee; unless It is de cided to call Thomaf W. Lawson. of Bos ton, wno oy ms own advertisements naa expended a hundred thousand dollars in aid of COL Roosevelt The committee does not expect to have any dlculty tn Inducing Mr. Lawson to testify as to his own political expend! tures. With the election near at band and members of the committee anxious to get awsy Into their campaigns and with most of the Important witnesses already examined. It la predicted that the Inves tigation' will come to a close at the end of this week until after election which win mean the end of the affair practically for all time. Members of the committee sre agreed that any proceedings after the election .will be In the nature of a polit ical post-mortem. FATHER TO ATTEND DEVINE HEARING Mary Xieh aad Harrey liadolph, Newroei, to Be Arraigned To-dy. Mary Rich and Harvey Randolph the two-negroes accused of kidnapping pret ty eighteen-year-old Lola Devlne from her home In Germantown. Md.. aad con fining her as a white slave In' a" house In Pine 8treet. Philadelphia,- in. revenge on her father. Joseph Devtne, because he shot and aettpualv -.-ounded a- brother of Randolph -r-i 'years ago. wnen j negrojfA-- -vng tne Eierino home, -v .1 be jT'Jn-. nearinc- In Phila delphia day.-' Josepn Devlne left Washington Satur day for Philadelphia to uke chsrgo of his daughter and aid In" prosecoeBsg the negroes.-. ".Devlne. .lodged the taarges agalast, Mary. Rich and Harvey Ran dolph' with' the Department of Justice and sworato warrants for their arrest which, was effected by-agents of the De partment alter. a search-of nearly one month' for the' Germantown girl. With-Devlne: when he departed for PhltadflphU-was "sa-'ofncUl of the De partment of Justice,' who has had charge of the Inves1 n of the case and who will Instsf-tu-i the negroes be held for extradition to Maryland. The Identify of this official Is being kept secret aa Is customary at the Department, which never willingly reveals the name of one of Its operatives. Lola Devlne is being held In Philadel phia as a witness against the negroes. As she refused to talk when arrested. and has since declined to discuss the case, her testimony sgalnst her alleged abductors la awaited with more than usual Interest The girl is In the custody of the ma tt on of the Central Police Station. That the charges against Mary "Rich and Har vey Randolph win be dropped in order to save Lola Devlne from any publicity Is denied by her father. He says he will never be satisfied until the negroes are punished. Wilson Sleeps Thirteen Hours On 13th of Month Princeton, N. J., Oct IX-Gov. Wood- rcw Wilson enjoyed the quiet of the academic town and the comfort of his family circle In Princeton for the first time in a fortnight He eschewed pon tics and read no newspapers, but slept thirteen hours, which was exactly the length of time he usually aleeps on the thirteenth day of the month. The lucky number thirteen 'is still a part of the Presidential candidate's personality. The Governor took a walk In the after noon with Mrs. Wilson and hla daush ters through the autumn colored streets of the town. To-morrow he will dig Into neglected correspondence. Tuesday he will spend at the State House In Tren ten- and Wednesday he will start cam paigning again, making. speeches in Del aware and West Virginia, and Pittsburg. Pa., before going to New-York for the two' big meetings there on Saturday, October Mk " DEBS 10 SPEAK HEBE. j - Socialist Freatdeatial Caadldate to Deliver Address. i - - Eugene V. Debs, Socialist candidate for President will speak at a mass meeting at Convention HaU next Friday .night under the susplces of the Socialist party of tha District 'i The meeting WW bo presided over by WUUam H. Johnston. '.president of the International Aaodatloa of Machinists. Plstorio's. Band will ' famish music. Tha commute) t onsraa of the mass meeting la this - composed of Louis Kopssln.-. rhafraiaa; Roseos Jea- a.iA, eKratton. -E. H, TT. T Wsa.JBf - ' Mtesiiws WilltM ly Mr. 6Mh HtStflBMM If EvitfMCt. "MONEY BUR" TERM USE! lilritDHX frM AMnrti Wife AIM Ftrai Part tf Vc-M- TKtiwq. New Tork, Oct 1X-A series of lore tat ters. from wife to husband.- and noney mm" notes from a friend to wife, .and one batch vising wrthi tne other in the matter of 'endearing! terms, have been presented to" the spaaJ-l late division of the Supremo Court brv J. Morgan Clements, mining engineer ami economic geologist and his wife. Joseph ine Elements, m an appeal from a judg ment granting the latter a decree of separation with aHmony. airs. Clements wsa granted a separa tion on the ground 'of abandonment Mr. Clements, who Is a member of the En gineers' Club, denies thechs;go of cruel ty, and asserts that the abandonment was justinea. They met In Butte. Mont, and were married at New Haven, Conn, in 1908. Mrs. Clements had been onea widowed and one divorced. They canio to the Belleclalre apartment hotel. In New Tork. to live. In IMP Clements went to Arizona on business. In that year he returned to New Tork and went to the Engineers' Club to live. Walla thus separated Mrs. Clements wrote the series of love letters to her husbaasV A few months later she made a trip to Phoenix, Aria., while her husband -was; in another pert of the same State. Ftaa EadearlatT Notes. At a Phoenix hotel Mrs. Clements had a room adjoining that of Judge Julius. McLaln Jamison, whom she had em-' ployed to "get a line" on her husband's property In Arizona. A chambermaid picked up the following correspondenca that passed by notes between tha Judge; and Mrs. Clements: From James: "Dearie can't I come in later? Trying; to determine bow much grips to carry. Think must hove an extra suit sloog.-It I come In later can stay longer. Dylas; to take, you in. my arms. J." On the other older of the note Mrs,' -Clements had- written. "Coma la latssV"' - From Jamleson:' " 4 t Dear Joie Can t I lows mr babyf It so. when sll Is settled give the wall naL I love you so. truly and I Just can't keep away my pet- baby." On the other side of the note Mrs. Clements had written: "Noney Bun I'm In dlshabgle. To-, morrow night" . John 8. Wise, Jr.. In appealing from the- judgment of sepaartlon. said of those notes: i, T-adentood Wall Slgfaal. 'Jamleson says the wall signal meant two raps. He says she didn't use it Iti seems to have a well understood mean-! ing. nevertheless. These notes look pret-j ty mucn use tne genuine spontaneous! productions emanating from the motive that tuma the world." Mrs. Clements love letters to her hua band were no less ardent than Jamieson'S notes. Writing from Stiver City. N. Mex In July. 7909. Clements wrote to bis wife, that It was "a relief to be away from. New Tork; that he was now happy: that; his year of married life had disillusioned him. snd that he was convinced that tbey; were not meant for each other were, in' the main, antipathetic" Mrs. Clements' replied in part: Dearie, why did you not have tha courage to come back and deliberately kill me with arevolver? So you could bo free and I out of misery. Your place ls here by my side. You or I have never' had any trouble whatever to cause either of us to love the other less. I sm mor-; tally 111 I can sit up and walk about' but the very hand of death shows from my eyes and your own reasoning In your sober senses told you to deal this blow? I love you and no power can change me." Mrs. Clements "Miserable." After Clements hsd, returned to Nsw York and lodged at the Engineers Club, his wife wrote him from the Belleclalre: "My dear sweetheart It la now mid night and I have been thinking about you all night In yonr bed at the club. Surely you are not happy when you know I am so miserable without you. t love you. though you treat me so cruelly. Come to me. darling. If only for a few moments, snd let me love you back to me. If you will come borne I will never -say one word of reproach, for you are all I have. I love you. Fondly, Jose phine." Soon after the date of the foregoing letter Mrs. Clemnts began a campaign " of letter writing to her husband's rela tives, friends, business snd club asso ciates, telling them of her husband's cruelty, her own illness and her heart aches since Clements had developed "an Insane mania, for separation." Attorney Wise contended that the Judgment and order for alimony of K a week should be set aside upon the ground that Mrs. Clements' conduct jus tified her husband's action. Mrs. Clem ents attorneys opposed the appeal A decision is expected soon. Ohioans Plan to ' Put Screws On ' The Egg Trust Cleveland. Ohio. Oct IX Starting Mon- ' day. 40,000 people living In Cleveland and. Northern' Ohio will abstain from eating eggs for three weeks. President Frank. 8. -Krause. of the JD-cent Bgg Club. Issues the boycott on eggs Satur day to become effective Monday. For tha past, two years the D-cent-EagClab las fought .the storage men aad each time has forcing the prleadowa to cents, according, to. Kiaaaal . - ; .... .. i KeHey sstsastssita. Meet-l The Demoesatlc central which J.-FrM KeHey is ehalrssasv'-wsB mok to-B-sjBt; a Lewhvr HaB ts ,----j--. --,-j-t-.g,.i -?Tft nwrrrrEiWslBisJdai 59 'SSI 31 -f ii rl 1 ,1 l i i -x i "- 'I ll si V? I l I naBssavBaiBaaiaBaaaa4asaBaL..-'- . I - - '-' -"i"".. e"r . - awasav mmmmmmmm amy i.'-"..-a&i