OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, November 06, 1912, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1912-11-06/ed-1/seq-11/

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If r 'Sw-v" V- v st.- '5 ; t. --o- " i - y l?!sj v$jreMcaCTraafliataEa.aMs. A CTac'l.t . r' itmifti'ttTn -i s i?" v "S V S &f vf a?" rt.V '.-- JsaegW w2jJJt(, VJEB
.'i V ' ' . .. '" i 5T, r (.r. 'i .lti i . LT- "TJ" T-TJ- "T""" -T ' fJi. "" . . U !A 3 T."f JW ,W' -J SW Fwsa. ', "ty. assss,,' au aea. pmu-inwiiw vsw - -- aw
.- ws-PWC
Br c. w.
i W v we
kHawley Smith, PjuiI, CohiD, "Country Fisher, aadsevend other
; -wearrajr the Ljeht-Bhie and
Lii 4.u. r : i t r
cu uic, vjraUKc ana owe uj.
arkwesterday in the scholasticsenes, winning a"hafd-foug
a'9to0talh . v. : . - '
mith became famous when
itird oeriod on his own 20-vard
El. .a. 4 ' .a
nv loucnaown oi ine eame.
Fably durine the entire came.
tapt. UDnill in tms respect, carrying roe wunme ana again ior
111 Cohlll played his ant mma of
1H2 aerlex. auid h non than made
tor bla ataaeaea la the Central sama,
lie be only aeored three polnta for
I Capttol HU1 umnUn. a goal
-the Held In the fourth quarter.
It was erenrwfeere on the idefenee.
did the majority of the nlnlns with
' CklU a Star. ' r
IjIU played one of the beat camel
seea In aMilsh school battle, and
! Eastern been forced to play, with-
this atar. a different -story mliht
l been told.
reason why Business djd not win
' because Country" Flaher played
the t,lrr 'He. This speedy little
broke up many a play aimed at his
, and when Smith made that run or
yards for a touchdown, It was
'who saved his life several . times.
tag- off no leas than four would-be
rera, -
Fatern outplayed Business at every
Irt of th combat. There Is no deny-
I that, although a fumble In the first
riod cost the EtenoKraphers a sure
jchdown, as they had marched from
elr own 20-yard line to Eastern's lo
rd mark when Harris lost the oau.
mt one redeeming feature ox tne game
i be handed to the Orange ana jue
Ten. that of fighting bard until the
U whistle had blown. Harris, Der
t. untT Hunt nut ud a rood defensive
ne. while Harris made several good
jim through the Eastern line.
Ray "Wise la the I.lwllgnt.
Wise divided the honors wlffi
hher on the end. This little fellow.
hough much lighter than Hughes or
Illy, who played him, was In every
Irlmmage, and several times got the
Ian with the ban on tne otner siae
the line. He also did some credit-
ale punting.
I Where all Is said and done. Eastern
Fm the battle lair and sauare. ana
fiusiness has no kick coming. The Capl-
Fiol Hill outfit played great foothan.
brealdnr 1111 Business star Plays with
ease and stopping their end. runs time
and again, several times throwing the
man wun tne oau dsck r a toss.
Line-up and summary:
Buln. Eutarn.
Wco. L. E. HltM U E.
VBkio, Ij. T. WUIUhu, 1 T.
WoUe i C. Clrt, U T.
.rer. a
I". It. n. Biker, B. a.
r. It. T Pope, B. T.
B. Wjje. B. B. VUhet, B. E.
Hunt. g. B WdU. Q. B.
Butk. L. H. B. Cohill. U H B
Umidr, B. H. B. Smith, R. H. R.
KfUnuo. P. B Armttroex. F. B.
Toucfadcnrn-Smith. Omit from flrid-OabiJl. Goals
nuscd-OobilL Beferw-Mr. Gin. Dmtdn-Mt.
Sttbta. Bod linaman-Mr. Wood. I.'ilim
Messn. Barr and Bathbooe, Ttmefceetcr-Mr. VM
on. Cestnl Eish School. Bnbrtttationa-WiUlni
for CUrfc. Bienr for Bmlm. Padlo for Wood: Kisr
lor bduiian. Eaton zor wuaoo. Benmaa zor auos.
" ed f or Fedloe. Hrland for Dcnlck. Bealey for
, ct. Bamtt for Hjlaaa. Tuna or qoarura-it
Lbfsihess-easteen botes.
ach T'armer. of the Stenographers,
d one over on Eastern when
5' man back In the game In the
ran, the Stenographers plunging
back, was kicked in the head by an
Item man in the first period, and
ld to leave the game. Had Seltman
lined in the battle. Business might
icipal Wilson, of Central High, was
Imclal timekeeper of the afternoon.
It kick was registered.
I tees lost tne game twice. Tne
Inie was last Friday, when Eastern
ded in having the game postponed.
Ijcond time was yesterday Tea-
Eastern's center, played a rat
game, going through Kellvl
Pjid again, and getting the man
lie bau. He stopped "Casey" King
fefore the Business full back bad
land Williams, Eastern tackles,
It pretty game. 'Wilson 'and Shafer
o teas, up the line to any great
la little slugging took place In
e yesterday, but it1 got by the
on all but two occasions.
res are turned to the Tech-Central
'Friday. Dr. Kaufmann says Cen-
k1I1 win with.
l-y wise.' the Business end, was oil
, a dozen times, but he was too foxy
I the umpire. Kelly also , manaaed
Vtove the ball .up a little. On one oc-
Scoop what bo sao
Ot&HM6-Ut SOrBl.
eoot mvcrioH
, - 7)Ut(J tsTTsMrr vBIfl i t" IMV X ''BIH -rmxa' H..B.MBgs.Mgs.Mgs.MM. 9.KSLS " tsttW' Ca- BaK
iaB VawskflT MM BBWasaBK t. .LmWWWWmmWtS fi 5 tWWWWWWW Zt saV.a. TV saBBBBsaBsawSsaaBsaBsaBr rHPsaMTVV JBsaaBgsaa Taa9aaaiaass i sssssTaaasaBaf
Real Star.
W " I
' '-L - . ' i
While ot 'Eastern iiign..:acnocn
n..'..';.4. i..Mrf . ttim
iuuk tuiwusc; uwt yur
he intercepted a) forward 'pass in
line and traveled 80 yards for
TI. l I il 11 .!:!..
xic, u w m uic iuucukui. tun-
Hawley divided the offensive work
caston.1 when Jack Oass .back was
turned. Kelly moved .the .ball up fully
J yards. . - ,
' " -i-A r
Hawley Smith sure did travel down the
field when he made that touchdown,
Wolfe was the nearest Business man to
him and he was U yards in the rear.
Central and Tech pulled for Eastern.
There was method In their msrtnesa,
Had "Wood, fhe, Business -end, played
sny kind of a same on the receiving end
of a forward pass. Business would have
scored? Cohlll broke Ulm up a couple of
times, while', be dropped the ball on his
third attempt.
Southera Boxer Said to Be Vest ia
Line for thevLight-weight
New Orleans, Nov. 8. Fight fans who
witnessed the ten-round bout between
the light-weight champion. Ad. Wblgast
and Joe Mandot. of this city, last night de
clared to-day that Mandot has the making
of a champion In him. and predicted that
he would be the next man to wear the
light-weight crown.
As Referee Smith gae no decision, a
wrangle has followed the fight. Wol
gast's friends claim that he won on points,
while Mandot'a friends are Just as confi
dent that the New Orleans boy would
have got the decision It one had been ren
dered. Many others thought the battle a
draw. ' f-
Mandot showed both skill and strength,
but Wolcast was best at the infighting.
The champion received &0.000 for his end,
while Mandot received X per cent of the
gross receipts, which were about. MOM.
Between 7,000 and 8,000 persons saw .the
battle. o
Jake Stan! has re-engaged the training
park at Hot Springs. Ark., where the
Red Sox got into condition last year, and
plans to take some of the veterans down
about the middle of January to "boll
out" and get ready for the next cam
paign. The Boston Athletic Association gave a
reception to John J. McGraw at the club
fiouse Monday night before his evening
vaudeville performance' at Boston.
I Jimmy Archer, the star catcher of theJ
Cubs, declares that-unlesa tie receives a
substantial Increase'ln his salary he will
not sign another contract with the Chi
cago club.
The National Baseball Commission is
sued a notice yesterday regarding ap
peals from the decisions of the national
board of minor league clubs. It fol
lows: "When a ruling of the national board
directs a club or a player to do or omit to
do a particular act within a prescribed
time, the right of appeal to the commis
sion will not be recognized until every
requirement has been complied with. It
the decision -complained of be reversed
bv the commission on appeal, the rights
and interests ot an parties anectea win
be fully protected.
It Is pretty near time some one pot a
stop to this mud-slinging contest taking
place-in the National league at present.
The" most delightful thing the magnates
know as a pastime Is trading some other
club s players without their knowledge.
AH these rumors of new managers,
trades, and disturbances do not do the
game any good, and certainly hurt the
teams mentioned. It would be well to
notice that the clubs that look best In
this organisation. New York and Pitts
burg, are not allowing themselves to be
drawn into this wholesale press-agent
scheme. MsOraw and Clarke have too
much sense.
Drcaafal Mistake. ,,
From tba SatonUr Twins Rat
There Is a very sweet girl ma Kansas
town who stutters dreadfully. One night
not long ago, when her beau was leav
ing- rhe accompanied him to the porch
and said: "George,. are you coming again
next S-s-s-s "
The dogr was ons the porch. After
George was half a mile down the road,
with the dog gaining on him at every
leap. It ocurred to him that possibly the
young lady had Intended to say "Sun
day" Instead of "SelseTbtm:" but It didn't
occur to the dog. for as much as a mile!
or so beyond that. ' f v
i. ',
"" . .. . ituis MAaaiBwF ' " ,iwJ3sl ' .aaaTaaTH uirc wmuVbTH
T3W31 rfX x awsam. TS-'---TBBaaf twl: . u J as or ' m 1 . . I .v x X X.
m. . j - ffgS NT -'l-W fpyQi. 7 Sjy'ct ia )T,T-il vv Nrc a
j wr? v rrx - v. . -'jKZi.r s dzz r -
?A T-'P1 - mtrr - XaCX- XX . KSOTlKaj?. r7' ( Vxx , ?.
- ' a J-I - aaTa?aTa - ... Mir X.. j X T I f 1 -aajk i. . -VaBaaV X fTT-J safe-. . f a J TsaVI IT I II I f X X"V - ' . X i-T
.Yla'lgfs'S'asarlaal -Ma laaama in
r s . . w ,J m t . . ..
"TicroTZ vsi-ii wraa ! T
i f.-iaii Ufcw't. ' .w.awY.j 2
aUoe,'lts"wa attH ntm"the
'tejv.wlUr Jl'wlna agalaatU, 'W
feattv-tytar' ' Jo vwear .mark.'v.; .;
la ,lll' Boato mntahed.flrstJJ
and New" Tork .last( And; whila;
Wood lad kta laasma In wins with
Jit vietort'a;.brd.lea.ifldeieat
y,witn If upfeta.
- . -
Tixfiaift lVotetta Ikezuduld ami
BagWaeUe If Barred White
S Flays ia the Idae.
The. faculty director of Georgetown
University baa disqualified George Rbeln-
schlld, -the Blue and Gray star tackle,
for accepting aid from a student at the
Htntop institution. ,
r Rhelnschlld was Injured In the gam
against the Carlisle Indians, and would
npt have played against Virginia any
way. y
It was learned that Virginia protested
RhelrjsohUd,.and after probing the case
tb offldals at the Hilltop InstltuUon' de
cided exhat Hheinschlld was Ineligible.
DavV White, the giant fullback, baa
bees nips to tackle, and in pracUoe
ytsterdsty-put up a wonderful game? ,
X eiBBBBS-iBBaasHiHaisaiBs
The American and VatioaalXeagoes
Open April 10.
New Tork, Nov. E. The playing sea
son of the major leagues for 113 will
open April 10. An agreement to this
effect was reached to-day by President
Johnson of the American League and
President Lynch of the National.
BIG Y. K. 0. A. C0BTEST.
Iaterestiatr Pi lasnsae Arrange
far Yeass Athlete.
The as-yard dash bop, step, and
Jump, and running high Jump will form
the events in which the T. M. C A.
athletes will compete' at the association
gymnasium this evening,, as part of the
fan series of weekly competition to find
out who la the best all-round athlete la
the association.
The? standing of the firs): ten Jtrus
now Is: R. C Lassley, (32: J. R. White,
Stt: W. E. Linden, 134; W. R. Toiihy,
4U; H. B. Ashley, SSZ; H. V. Rouse, 2K:
H. .Hamilton. SO; A. A. Farrell. RS: J.
R. 'Elder, SB. and B. Becker, 188.
The. events wUYbe scored as follows:
In the 230-yard dash, two points for
each 1-5 ot a second after 23 seconds;
in the hop, step, and Jump, one point
for each Inch over a feet 8 Inches; In
the running high Jump, one point for
each 1-4 inch over S feet C inches. The
meet Is open to the public without
Auto Drivers lajarcd.
New Tork. Nov. S. Neal Whalen,
driver of a National car. went through
the fence at the Brighton Beach Motor
drome In the 100-mlle race there this
afternoon, and he and his mechanician
were badly hurt. Both were taken to
the Coney Island Hospital. The acci
dent happened Just after the thirty-
fourth mile, whalen was badly cut
on the head, and the car was smashed.
Ranliaa-s Boys Will Play with
Mercury .
Shags and Reggie JtawUngs, two of the
best football players In the District, will
be seen with the Mercury Athletic Club
eleven in the future. Assistant Manager
Piatt having signed them last night.
Shags Is the youngster who put up such
a corking good game while at George
town,, and Reggie is one of .the best
punters In this section. This pair will
greatly Improve the Mercurys. Sunday
the Mercurys will tackle the strong An
napolis collegians at Independence Park
and a hot battle is expected. The game
Sunday'wlU start promptly at 330 o'clock.
The Spartans will hook up with slme
fast 130-pound team at Independence
Park, this game starting at 1 o'clock.
Barney Dreyfuss' Pipe Bream.
Pittsburg, Nov. S. Roger Bres
nahan behind the bat and Frank
Chance on first base-thls is
what Barney Dreyfuss, owner of
the PIrates.-haa In mind tor next
season. Dreyfuss won't talk
about It, but the report came to
day from an official source that
the Pirate owner Is setting up
the pins for a sensational base
ball deal that will "bring the de- -poeed
.managers of tba Cubs and
the Cardinals to Pittsburg. -
Scoop ' Not a Game Loser.
Tc Foot! Godi Bbktt Sifly
TlgrtttT-Otber Gowif
1 would net surprise mt Jstti" said
sfaBaMr.OrJsatb, K the KeUsals. Just
before he left" for s 'trip U, Hon tana.
no see young Joe Bagel, the Washington
boy, develop Into a winning attehar tor nal
aext year , -.
T have watchad-Kagel carefully an
through tba past season, and can say
that be is quallfled physically .to stand
tba gat Inexperience 'alone caused his
poor showing during ttwtimsi he was
with us, but Joe a wffltog youngster,
quick to learn, and tba experience be baa
gained whHe warming the. hen eh with us
win stand him In good stead next year.
-I don't often tnaka pretMctlesa about
a young pitcher," declared Griff, "and If
I do say so myself, I usually have the
right dope. Barring accidents or sick
nees; I confidently expect to aee Joe
Engel holding down the role of a regular
next season, and be will win a lot of
games for us, too. Just mark my words.
, .
Tech ts Central. I
'Claim has been made by the Technical
High School coach that unless he can
put a well-oonditloned team on the Bald
next Friday he. will not play Central, but
forfeit toe game.
The coach declares (that becsnps flunks
have robbed him ot five players, he fears
he will not be able to present an eleven
physically fit to do battle against Cen
tral, thereby providing for himself
beautiful alibi, one calculated to appeal
to public sympathy and anti-football
With a school the sixe of Tech, the
largest In the District, able to furnish a
big squad of husky candidates, what
sort of a coach has charge ot the foot
ball team who cannot produce more than
eleven men phyaically fit to stand the
gaff of a high school game?
The excuse thul coach offers ia absurd.
and If Tech forfeits this game to Central
the Manual Trainers win be the laughing
stock of all the high schools.
A Billiard Story.
Talking about bUIards, there was
champion of the green cushion who went
on the road selling different sorts of
things for the pool room. He landed In
a western town and entered the blllard
room with an old umbrella. There was
the usual shark who was cleaning up
things. He challenged the former champ,
who was dressed like a rube.' The rube
ahot with the rain stopper and bet the
shark he could win. But, of course, he
lost, the shark cleaning up. The rube
was losing money, to the Joy of the
friends of the shark. He finally re
marked: 'Til give you ten polnta In
fifty-ball game and bet the last cent I
own." The shark came In strong, and
the pot amounted dose to a hundred
checks.' The shark won the toss and
broke. He ran off three, then missed on
an easy ahot. The rnbe'took his old
umbershoot and chalked the end, and
to the surprise of tbe crowd ran the re
maining twelve Ivories off without a
break. Needless to say he won the game
easily and the money. An explanation
waa needed. Tbe end of the rain-catcher
was examined. It'ahowed a new 'rubber
end of a regular cue. He sold the rub
ber ends like hot cakes In a feedhouse.
He Is on his way East now. He may
come, to town. Watch out.
He's Bone It Before.
Hughey Fullerton picked the, Red Sox
to beat the Giants on general class, much
to the dismay of the Boston rooters.
Then, when Boston was tottering to a
fall and it seemed a 30-to-l chance.
Hughey switched. On the final morn,
he announced that it .now seemed cer
tain that New Tork would win and then
the Glanta lost. The real Joke on good
old Hughey, though, was In his com
parison between Gardner and Herzog.
He declared that Gardner so far out
classed Hertxle that the latter looked
like a minor leaguer. And the figures:
Player Battlag. Feldlaar.
Heraoc 400 l.OOO
Gardner ........ .170 .833
Even for Chicago.
So Evers is to be the manager of the
Chicago National League Club? The se
lection la likely to cause but little sur
prise. The tendency toward the appoint
ment of Evers baa been rather marked
since the announcement came that
Chance would not personally conduct the
Cubs after this year.
It waa fairly evident that the owner of
the club would not go out of bis team
for a manager. He had his choice of two
men, possibly three. Tinker and Evers
have not always worked together without
friction. Tinker haa had argumenta with
other players on tbe team. Evers, there
fore, u the more logical choice ot the
two men.
That Tinker has been given permission
to engage himself with Cincinnati
manager of the team In 1913 is con-
it. ai. 3d.
art. M M.
Hertwrt. 1ST IN 11T
Benson ....
ss st
alduror..... H n a
Jonea. T$ let jaj
Baaheara.. t g
Murphy.-.- sf KB SJ
Totals..... MtTM
ttemahlcn. SJ si -IM
Damand..... M 95 Tt
Martin...... 102 K -t
Allen. K 101 M
J, Noon -..
J. Clementa..
A. Clements.
KeaT-.. i-
st lot
at sr
... n
ta m
Totals..... Ct B 0
Tm sam; Grana waa
A Wsalvjr I
fi -
- "iC 2 I
6rmUr; H mUa. that Brwrfc
Dlavar nasi waaaMuhy win
to handle tae.PlayssaT end. of the Cab.
As a raaaatrsr Krert has an nig fats)
before htmr,Tba ae to capable, a tar
ss knowledge" of. b seas" ia conmrail.
win be gaaaraHy granted. Whether' be
proves to be a.soeoass aa a handler of
Players will bo answered better mm
September. "
Tinker, too, to a food baseball bbm
He la lnmatnotu. an earnest worker, an
win ba a'atJekar for tba beat efforts of
the patyers ot whom bo has charg His
task la one t respect la' easier than that
of Even. Tie latter supplants a popular
and snuuissfin manager, while Tower
takes tba peace ot a msn who wasatn
cera enough, but not close enough to bis
players to keep them steadily at .then-
work., ,
Dr. """"" aars wa are not to bmbuos las
nazoa spy zsor ia tola rotrnnn, Au rtsnt, "Doe."
OaS Ortffllh. aamdtof to Jho lattat raport, re
canttr klllad a ban raooaa mar hia Montana, raaotu
OrtS wis abU to fat doaa aoousB to the saisul to
admtslstsr the nana! doaa of salt on his tin, sad tte
test vasaaar.
Principal Wllaon. ot Central. aa as intent al
spwtatrr at ttM BtutneavEuUra (am jentarday.
Oanaaoat and the llarjland Asstos daah Bast
Batardar. Thla (sbm vul not onb- brine tosatner
tare riial dorona, but rtnj eoachaa to Ourlj Bjrd.
of tba yuraara, sad rtiu Crafts, of tan KssdaJl
Onanara both) of wtmra at one tiros plarsd toasthar
on Um Oeonja WaaWmton teaaa. "All's fair la lore
ud war."
Ttrstsia takaa Gsorretewn's bmr atorlos with a
grata of salt. Claim la mad that Case Htfaitr
will not bs abl to had hta tsam on the Said Hator
da? waak, hot aabodr Is batting say real raaoar act
this atatafaaBt,
Tba Dlstrkt Pamortits war way asooh la it
deno laat rdtht. On prominent zncmbw of this
bodr was asm atandrna np asilnst a tolarraph pola
at 3 a. ra. It was hard to ten whether tha Dezaortat
was looa or the taiephono pot Ufht.
Just as soon aa "Botch" Barron. GonjBtowBa
trail? faud, heard tha iactioa returns from Booth
Boatoo h want borne.
-The acUrs MrJant football taara ntad for WU
aas. That's an.
Many Bm Rrarta laat nltht were salasp at tha
awttch-ao bawara B E-W-A E-E 1 1
Tb ilTr toBsued orator nunipulatlns Tb Bcr
ald'a masaphane in the annonnoomnt of the ateouon
returns laat rdtht tnfonnsl tha crowd durine a loll
in nrw liar that "CUrk Grifith had been aiaetad
manafar of the warid'a rhamplnns la BIX"
-Tb girl at Badness ban started -.."-
Bah! Only on rah for baakaMau.
-Tha" Treb hiah school band win mil hanaolt
out of bad zarzt rziday mortdng, rub hla eyes, look
in tb tJaaa, and with a yawn ay, "Gee; w play
Central thla afternoon, hera'a who I blow mysalf."
in those ia famr of Teddy asaln. plau stand
Plailtew. I
FIRST BACB-Trearlils sad apward; sis far-
BorcBOia MB Ttaitl ...
.. 1U
.... lul
.... 1U
. 113
.... ia
CBrucractar........ 100 Oucs.
Crrcrnonxa. lit Kaaiuet...
.OOOa...M.M........ S ft)
'aluWfnA m Hi
Tb tjonlv 112
SECOND KACX-aelllnr: thnnaiolda and no.
ward; on sad on alitarath mUea.
him Han ... 0 Adotanta.. M
Lucky Crorso. 106 I KrenX ParoeU. IB
tawton Mlns. n; I Sprtrttmasa. 112
TarNna. va j liUllkrn. in,
My Gal in I dood Cblcf. M
TH1KD BAOE-Two-raar-oIda: inw fuitaum.
rltifiiijuna..... . llu t RntAnt va
Tela Carrter lor I Uraarenor. ...... Its
uurera Lois. lis Astute rot
ruUKXU KAUE-Bermert BtoediBhuar artHn-
four-yest-olda and upward; two and one-half aUlaa.
Prln, Hanirtmi .
Oartxmun.. . ....
Toons Morpheus..
J mil .....
Gun Cotton . ...
Aronor .............
Randlesp; thraa-yesz-
clda; on and onavatzteentb toUaa,
roftrture Boy ...... an Worth...
Airey . . Nonpar!)
Inapaetor Ltstrade ... M ( Jawoooa
Hamilton. 10)1
SIXTH UACE-Aa owned in Vlrcinia. West tlr-
smia, jiaryuna. renasyirsats, or inatrlct of Ct
lumbta; ais furlonsa,
Sprtmboard 13
Huunatlcn. 1
(roarenor .H
DoubJ Fire.
Toraaoir Boy..
Vppraaucs allowance claimed.
two-rearolda; Jt and
one-half furloncs.
gm VTbstay
Firi... ...... ...
Daaberry -.....
Ernaat H.
. ice
Banae., ...
senator Jarnea...-...,
two-ycaroldi; six far-
Lute .
. 10!
. va
. 103
. lot
Old I'n
natoucs. ....... .
Toy .......
Ganaa.Poat. -,
Lonl Marshall
Albfoch. . inr
f.nuton Kms iw
. 107
rum i ran jot
Yorkrille JL!
THIRD RACE-Allowancea
three-yaarolda and
upwara: six Isrlonaa,
Jo Stem.
Irish Gentlersaa...
Baannartos. ........
gpn .Queen....,
. Ill
FOCKTH BACE-Handlcap: all axes; on talk.
Bolar Star ,.. In
J. y. Crowley no
Oauna. lot
Ha Brysori. IX
Bell Hon.
. Ill
-vantasaa tary.
FIRII RACE Thm-year-oloa sad npward: an
and sat Hhth sail.
Croda Rto.. ,. KS I Carlton Ctoa. .. KB
Minoo.. . lot Console. ...,7 its
Faathar Patter ml
SIXTH RACE-SeUuv; three-yearelds sad ap
ward; eo tail sad ssrenty yards.
BUok Mat. lot
huppl lot
Cromcm. no
Saatr. . ....... K
Idlewelaa .- 10B
Prtnena Thorpe. 10)
Babies sad sriertnns srow lartrr with nanJnf.
-Matas! dscrptloo Is
asm during court-
By "HOP"
zwrrsrarsaia........... KS
Tea BK-jee. ...... Mt
Mara Knar..... m
Bara.Daaoa. MS
Wlabins Bias MS
Fair iriaanaii w
-Eh-: J? I. the niakinr bubcca in competent hands all tferoartT
Ki'v-TrueI can'x:sbrW-arlBJBdred
.any oi a styif. rMKnsj-snow
prescmiiif tne Besr. iuhics) ana ocstnaitwc mk
best tbe pnee stand lor. . .
' 4518.00 to I2&00..
Baited or plain back; Kaglan.or mlain shoulder; coavertthla or
regular collar. Bono cravonetted;'
Louis flireh-rNitie-twclvc F Street
Qnlj One 'Pint ttoiee ln-iie tie
Mntj GroTtr XifaWi
Latonia, Ky.. Nov. S.-The talent nad
a hard time In picking winners at La
tonla this afternoon, not a solitary first
choice getting down In front during the
day. Tha most pronounced longshot to
catch the ludges eye first, was Budotfo.
winner of the fourth race, at odda'of
better than six to one. He dashed into
the lead as tbe Meld swung Info' tbe
home stretch for the last time and was
only galloping In front of Col Holloway
and High Private when the wire waa
Royal Tea's form in the feature race
was another blow to the players. He
waa not accorded much of a chance to
beatGrover Hughes but despite the fact
that he finished outside the money the
last time out with much cheaper com
pany be came from behind on this oc
casion and easily disposed of Graver
Hughes in a mild drive. Summaries:
TOST iBAOr Fir and ooe-half furlonrs: two-
yaarolda Katiaka. 109 tSteal). V.m, won: Cut!
B.. Hi (Turner). SL10. second: MmaaU. MB (Box-
too), law. third. Tim. -1ST. Etta Bay. Barbara
Worth. Bomptnona, Starboard. Esther Btass, Kitty
W Pretty Molly, and Swift abn ran.
ECO.ND RAOE-Od tnOa and asranzy yards;
aa: Xhree-irar-old- Cazitaiz Brsso. 119 (Peal).
Kiro. won; Dynamite, 110 (Buxton), tlHO, aeoond:
Bonanza, us (Lottos). HJo, thtrd. Tim. i-asi.
Mobamt. Elwah. Una Day, Pnek. George Oman.
and Fortylner also ran.
THIRD RACE-SIX furlon: haadlrap: txaws-
yearKilds and npward. Boial Tea. IBS (Buxton),
tlsJO. won: Gronr Hurhea. 107 (Peas). US. aseood.
Enndd. mt (Groaa). S5J0. third. Tim. 1J1H.
Thrr Links, Jo Dienold. and Campran alao ran.
FOCBTH RACE-On and ourhalf mile: purs:
thne-yearMeida and upward. Rudolfo. SI (Nathszi),
Sa.10. won: CoL HoUoway. KS (Gooar). B.10. ase
and; Hish rrirate, Kl (Peak). Us. third. Time.
3L Msnasrr Mack. Helane. and Cram O MentB
ale ran
FIFTH RACE-Six fortaigi: two.yaar-oias; handi
cap. Klrfarme. ns (Turnrr). B.SD, won; uoweu. la
(Loftna). tUO, aeoond: Naah Cash. MS (Dteela). SLO.
third. Tba. 1'JtM, Docrafl, ItjundsUfia). and
Lewie aha) zaa.
SIXTH RACE-On and eoetxtsaoth BsOea
Merry Lad. Hi (Peak), C.JO, woo: Wander. XI
(Turner). S5J3. aeoond: Imtr, nzj (Duxuau, au.
third. Time. 1-SL Oiftcnkn. Plant, Brno Bis,
benoal Mardunont. Sir Oeies, and Copponown shn
FIRST RACE-Selllnc: two-rearoldt: fir and on
balf rurlonci. Striker, 107 (Shuttinrer), 3 to X won;
Lawsmt, 107 (Darin). 30 to 1. aeoond: Geors StoU.
as IRtttkI m In 1 thliri. Trzat. lflU But Du
pre. MTBttVOId Gibraltar, Whiaper Bell, Brynary,
Boaetalrr. Votes, hand Hoc. ChoeUea, Uttl Hasn.
and Cordi F. ala ran. .
SECOND RACE-Thrre-yearia and trpwan: on
and aec-nshth milaa. Froclv. 13 (McTaaxart), T
to . won; Bwana Tumbo, K (Martin). 39 to i.
araond; Maralon. MS (Fergmra). to 1, third. Tim.
1SU Dr Dueoner alao ran.
THIRD RACE-For toaidena; an sent; alx far
lonrs, Klncly, H (MoCsney). 5 to 1. won: Amnme.
Si (Ambrose). 13 to 5. sreaaa: Bum rncceta, m
(ralrbrother), B to I. third. Tune. 1U. Montottaa.
Swort Time. Jim CaSrey. Mohawkoy. Bally Bey,
Perorr Cutton. Gilbert. Tatpcr. and Jndcs.Walser
also ran.
FOURTH EACE-Green Sprinl Valley BteepW-
chaae; bandicBp, thin jtar-oldt and npward: two
mUea. Geors Ebo,UI (Booth). S to 3. woo;0 Bear.
Dt (Gilbert). 3. to I, aetnsd; Doettnorn. l loojiei.
3 to 1. third. Trme. 3ii Bill Andrea. Mrstia
Liaht, Cblirny, The Prophet, sod Tb Erader alto
FIFTH RACE-Th Waldan Stakes; fcr two-rrar-olds:
on mile. Ten Point. US (McTacxart). S to 1.
woo; Lecchires. la (Tcahan). 2 to I. second: Tanke
Notioca. IB (Glass). 5 to I. third. Time. l.to. Star
Gaze. Flrlnz Faizy, Rocknewv His Majesty, and
Bararrat alao ran.
SIXTH RArE-SUwf : for three-year-olda and up
ward; one and thrre-aixteentha miles. John Rear
dou 103 (Trahan), 3 to I, won: Cot. Aahmesde. IS
(Fcrd), S to J, lecond: Cheater Krum, Its (Bctwrtl).
8 to i third. Time, txO Ml Heootic, fimitt Bar.
Accord, Mmaeh. Henry Hntrninaon, ana otsirs
also ran.
"An appeal from a finding of tha na
tional board will not be considered by
ths commission unless notice thereof
Is served within thirty days after the
promulgation ot the decision to which
the appellant excepts.
&aka c (Emnpang
Pa. AtcC Seventh St
Genuine Elk Bowling Ox
fords, with thin leather soles;
all sizes. Special tf 7a
value. tPaMa w
Bowline Bals.. witli .Elk
9 'soles. Special a Cfl
value. . .- iPaMaVsV V
Score Books ;.. $1.00
November 1 to 12, inclusive
Via SV B. A A. stleetrla Rallreeat Cw,
Round Trip. skIsssm Ifcliiln ts Trsti, Sg.00
IJMITKD CARS both ways, oa hour snd halt
hoar r"fctrr dlreet eooneetlon with rimUoo cars
at LJDeny ana iszneion rireezs. Enunmore.
KA1LBOVD COMPANY. lt New lort At.
Fry. teeat, btwlt, k41. eeok griddle
rake, etc. A ssn ta light hohjte
keepera. Table siae aaly
CTCard attactmnt to aitp Into tb ncareet
lamp anetet. A turn of tha switch, and your
-flr" la'sll ready;,
Mini. EiictrkaKSiHlf Ci.,
iss-aa rr. . Awe. it k, asaa.
We Olr Votes la The Bctalds CAM CaetasU
Jtrl ixr-fcor' j
you a oocsx tmcoaca-m
Have yon told daddy about
those " ; .y
That we're giving- with
For the next few days? '
Do it now. 'Be qoick.
Boys' Suits with Knicker
bocker Pants, $2.50, (3, $4,
5, $3.50, $7,50, $10.
9019 8th St. S. E.
Are assured when we make one
of our Famous Suits to your
measure. Vast selection of pure
wool fabrics.
Schwartz & Fricdau
W Olr Tata fas The Bassata I
The Best and Safest Gun for
the' Sportsman is the
Hamerless Parker
We axe selllng.manr this fall. It is a
dandy double-barreled, high-class gun.
Come in and see our stock. We hare for
sale the best 12-guage shotgun and en
20-guage high-grade Parker gun. auto
matic injector. Special price.
107-1071-2 P. Ave, . m.'
We artwe Herald I
Best loaded shells from three lead
ing makers. U. 8. Black Shells. U. M.
C Winchester.
Choice ot black powder and smoke
less In each kind.
We air Herald gSSJtaa eeateat Testes.
Always the Same
Berkeley Rye
gpeesal Ptttsste DaJaVefjw
m W Stiwet a?- W.
804 Seventeenth Street
WVCIM aaecesatsd praetlee tat the
Kitasei cusi mt chrarale. Xerveaa,
and Special dlaeaaesof Hans and Waaaea,
Means Health to Yon if Ton Suffer
From Catarrh.
POm. Throat. 1
Obesity. Rbeussstiaaa, CcnatinetJne.
Heart. )
Platans. Memos
drr Trooblea, npacise Blood
a RfnMl PriMBiiier Wmmttitmm.
ruaaer inaaaaaa. ma1
Uleczs. snd all PziraU Dttttsst crsrad tor Ut a
afa meflKMla.
coxsOltation IBKB.
a-Tfrare w aitraa- Koesa r
ornui hours:
to li S to a gnndai. St to II.
On the nerrous system, blood, and
stomach. Doctor's service and medicine.
tz. Hours. 10 to g. Phone M. ISIS.
Closed SundAT.
W Ott Votaats Tb Barald "s gsMM 1
Cues ia 1 to B dart
Coaotihoea sad Gleet.
CeaasiasB poison and
rosy be aaed full strength
TiSMiliitala mehMnt 4mmr.
Ciisi eistm J netta aMctara, PrereaU coatagiaa,
At Uwastata. er wo snip i mi 111 prepaid '
receipt of JL. Fall paytirtilsrs mailed en req
I reoaat.
Ewry Woma
sisteieneanasttolJlrow k
, v abosttasweaderful
MAIIVCL wsVrsaa Sarif
rae new ysgiesi sjiinas,
nostcouteuiesz. za
. classseslniaBtly.
tt h caa
mtgMttor lC"eraaki
Brassaal iwfcaaSsesaVBr .
" .l
' ,r?fl
-? 9
bosk taalaS. ttslfBatlCB.l
BBBasV bbV

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